Boulder, Colorado |
Kryon:2011 and Beyond
2 和 11 在一起,代表了二元性的启迪。这会是有趣的一年,2011。它代表着,二元性的谜题会往正面的方向前进。如果你们能对今年潜在发生的事情赋予任何意义的话,那就是,你们会遇到更多的挣扎,更多的挑战,最终带来正面的结果。
现在,2+1+1 = 4, 而 4 是盖娅的数字。除了其他事,这一年也会是盖娅的年份。这一年全都与地球、地球的转变、地球的移动有关,还有,当然,就是气候变迁。
我在 22 年前说过,地球上有些向来盛产粮食的地方会变得干旱。我说地球上其他向来干枯的地方会拥有很多水——也许太多了!那意味着什么?它与水有关,永远都是。
这种调整会让人类得到充足的食物。有没有人想到这一点呢?如果说盖娅是与你们相连的呢?如果说,意识的提升,让你们 DNA 的振动提高,也让盖娅警觉到要改变气候周期,作好准备来提供充足的食物给人类呢?你们认为你们正在残害大自然吗?恰恰相反,它诞生了一个经过改变的生态系统。
我们说过,终有一天,地球上会只有五种货币,因为各大洲会决定把许多国家统一起来,而不是分开它们。你们知道谁是它的模范吗?是美国。想象一下:不同的州属,各自不同的治理方式,却没有任何显见的边界,而且拥有单一的货币,可行吗?可行。它已经如此运作了超过 100 年。
五十年前,随着最后一次世界大战的结束,欧洲人看见了美国的做法,并开始仿效。他们设想,“如果我们把欧洲许多国家,那些从有记录的历史以来就互相战争的国家,我们把它们联合起来如何?我们会移除边界控制,给它们使用单一货币。” 他们的想法被人取笑!然而如今,你们看见它的实现。
This live channelling was Given in Boulder, Colorado
现场通灵于 波尔德, 科罗拉多
Sunday, January 16, 2011
As channelled by Lee Carroll for Kryon
This is a very specific channelling about what Kryon sees as the potentials of the future, both for 2011, and beyond. As you read some of the comments, take a look at the date of the channelling, for none of the things in February had occurred yet. Also given here is the "Parable of the Rainbow Room." There are controversial predictions here, and also things that will make science laugh... for awhile.
这是非常详尽的信息,讲述克里昂所看见的未来的潜在性,包括 2011 年,及以后。当你阅读一些评论时,留意通灵的日期,因为在那时,二月份的事情还未发生 。这里还给出 “彩虹房间的寓言”。有些预测会引起争议,有些事会让科学家大笑……片刻。
Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. This is the first recorded Kryon channelling of 2011. In these moments, I wish to give you an overview of the numerological aspects of the year just passed [2010], then of the one you're sitting in now [2011]. Then I'll go further than that to explain some of the anomalies you are seeing, and then review what I told you 22 years ago about all of it. Then I would like to give you the potentials that we see for the planet, both near and the far futures.
你们好,亲爱的,我是磁力服务的克里昂。这是克里昂在 2011 年的第一场录音通灵。这时候,我想与你们一起看看去年 [2010] 在数字命理方面的能量,然后看看今年 [2011] 的能量。然后我会进一步解释你们所看见的一些异常现象,再回顾我在过去 22 年所说的关于这一切。接着我会给出我们所看见的地球的潜在性,包括近期和遥远的未来。
You have just come out of the year 2010. Sequentially, the numbers move forward in a linear fashion, but they also have energy around them. And so we ask you to look at that energy, which is numerologically germane to your situation. The numerology gives you an overview of the energy that is portrayed by the numbers in the year. It does not give you an absolute empirical energy that demands any action. Numerology was created to help Human Beings understand the energy that is directly with them at the moment. It is one of the oldest sciences on the planet, and I ask my partner to understand and teach it. It can be simple and it can be complex. It can even go so far as to be quantum numerology the numbers above the numbers.
你们刚刚走出 2010 年。连续地,年份以线性的方式前进,但这些年份也是有能量的。所以我们要你看看那些能量,它在数字命理方面与你的情况有密切关系。数字命理提供了一个概观,让你知道某一年的数字代表了怎样的能量。它不是给你一种绝对的、经过验证的能量,要你采取什么行动。数字命理是被创立来帮助人类了解,你们在某一时刻直接面对的是怎样的能量。它是地球上最古老的科学之一,所以我要求我的伙伴去了解它,然后教导它。它可以是简单的,也可以是复杂的。它甚至能成为复杂的量子数字命理,数字之上的数字。
Let us look at the year 2010 - two zero one zero. In the simplest of numerology, we do not look at the zeros as anything but placeholders and separators. In another kind of a numerological system, the zeros have energy themselves and they speak for themselves depending on where they are in the number. However, we will speak now only of the simplest numerology that is available - one through nine.
让我们来看看 2010 年 —— 2、0、1、0。在最简单的数字命理当中,我们不会赋予数字 0 任何能量,只把它视为占位符号与分隔符号。在另一种数字命理系统当中,数字 0 本身含有能量,它们在数字中的位置是有特别含义的。无论如何,现在我们只会谈论最简单的数字命理—— 1 到 9。
Originally developed by those in Tibet [the kind we are using], this particular, profound system has been with you for a long time. Twenty-ten [2010] is a three as you add up the numbers. The only time that you will not use the sum of those numbers is in the case where you end up with a master number as the total [11, 22, 33, 44, etc.]. Three is not a master number. Instead, it is a number that means "catalyst." The three is the energy around that which is the development of the DNA book that I asked my partner to write and finish in 2010. It is the 12th book of the Kryon Series. That is a three. It centers around that which is the 12 energies of DNA, which is a three. It was finished in 2010, which is also a three. When you take the three threes and put them together, you have a nine, which means completion.
最初由西藏人所创立的数字命理 [我们使用的这种],这个特殊、深奥的系统,你们已经接触它很长时间了。2010 ,加起来就是 3。唯一无需把数字加起来的情况,就是当你们得到的总数是大师数字的时候 [如 11, 22, 33, 44, 等]。 3 不是大师数字。它的意思是 “催化剂”。数字 3 的能量,是《DNA 书》的能量,我要求我的伙伴写下这本书并在 2010 年完成。它是克里昂系列的第 12 本书。那是 3。书本的主题是 DNA 的 12 股能量,那是 3。它在 2010 年完成,也是 3。 当你把三个 3 放在一起时,你会得到 9,意思是完成。
So let us first look at the three, for three alone in the simplest form is a catalytic number - that which changes something else because of its presence. Therefore, we can say that that which was started in 2010 could be a catalyst for what is to follow in your life. Think about what took place in 2010, the ideas that you had, the actions that were created, and some of the things that may have happened to you. Think of them in this light: Perhaps these things gave an energy for you that was catalytic, for this was the year where things like that would have the most energy and mean the most to you. Now, perhaps you understand a little more about why things were only "started" in 2010. If you had known that at the beginning of the year, perhaps you would have relaxed a little more? It might have changed your reactions? This is what numerology is for - a helper that lets you have a more quantum perspective on seemingly linear things.
那么,让我们先来看看数字 3,因为在最简单的数字命理当中,单独的 3 是催化数字——它的存在会改变其他东西。因此,我们可以说,在 2010 年开始的事情,会是一种催化剂,改变你在接下来的人生中所遇到的事。想一想在 2010 年里发生了什么事,你有什么想法,你有什么行动,还有那些发生在你身上的事。以这种观点来想:也许这些事给了你一种催化的能量,因为这一年里所发生的事,会有最强的能量,对你会有最大的意义。现在,也许你会比较了解,为何事情在 2010 年里只是 “开始”。如果你早在年初时就知道了,也许你会感到比较轻松?也许你会有不同的反应?这就是数字命理的功能——帮助你以量子的观点,来看待线性的事情。
Numbers stand alone, and they stand as a group. You have to look at both in numerology. You cannot ignore how they are placed. So we will look at 2011 singularly and together. SINGLE: Let us look at the number two, for it means duality. Duality is the description of the Human puzzle, the energy you deal with every day between the Human-Self and the sacred self, the emerging shift of the planet, and that which is 3D compared to that which is multidimensional. That is the duality represented by the number two. Compare that now with that which is the 11, a master number. Remember, we do not separate the ones yet, for they stand as twins, representing the first master number, 11. Eleven means illumination. Many of you continue to see 11:11 on the clock. It is meaningful, for it is, therefore, illumination-illumination - two master numbers that sit next to each other, separated only by the colon of the clock. This is always a wink from Spirit that says, "You are dearly loved." It's another wink from Spirit that says, "We're with you. We hold your hand. Keep on going." It's a wink of love every time you see it.
数字是个体,也是组合。在研究数字命理时,必须两者都看。你不能忽视它们的位置。所以 2011,我们会看个别的数字,也会看组合。从个别来看:让我们来看看数字 2,它代表二元性。“二元性” 形容人类的谜题,是你们每天应对的能量,如人类自我相对于神圣自我,如地球上逐渐显现的转变,如三维事物相对于多重维度事物。那就是数字 2 所代表的二元性。现在看看数字 11,一个大师数字。记住,我们没有把这些数字分开,因为它们是成双的,代表第一个大师数字,11。它的意思是启迪。你们许多人一直看见时钟上显示 11:11。它有特别的意思,因为它是,启迪:启迪——两个大师数字并排在一起,只是由时钟的冒号分开。这是圣灵在对你眨眼示意,“你被深爱着。” 这也是圣灵在对你眨眼说,“我们与你在一起。我们握着你的手。继续下去。” 每一次你看见它,你都看见爱的一眨眼。
TOGETHER, BUT NOT ADDED: The two and the 11 together represent the illumination of duality. It's going to be an interesting year, 2011. So the actual numerological meaning of 2011 would be the illumination of duality. This is a message to you that says, "Your ship's journey continues into the light." That which represents the puzzle of duality is moving in a direction that is positive. If you could assign any information to what is potentially going to happen in this year, it would be more struggle and more challenging times before you, resulting eventually in a positive outcome.
从组合来看,但没有加起来: 2 和 11 在一起,代表了二元性的启迪。这会是有趣的一年,2011。因此,2011 年在数字命理方面的真正意思是二元性的启迪。这个信息说明,“你的航程会一直往光明的方向前进。” 它代表着,二元性的谜题会往正面的方向前进。如果你们能对今年潜在发生的事情赋予任何意义的话,那就是,你们会遇到更多的挣扎,更多的挑战,最终带来正面的结果。
Why would change be so difficult when things are moving to illumination? The answer is because Human nature resists that which is new. It will resist even those things that are better! Humanity tends to want to stay in the energy that it lays in and has always laid in, no matter how dark it might be or how old it is.
为什么当事情往启迪的方向前进时,转变反而会如此困难? 答案是,因为人类天性本来就抗拒新事物。它甚至抗拒那些更好的事情!人类倾向于停留在他现在所处的、过去一直所处的能量当中,不管那股能量有多黑暗或多陈旧。
SUM OF THE YEAR: Now, the two and the one and the one added together are four, and four is the number of Gaia. Among other things, it's going to be a Gaia year. It's all about the earth and the shift of the earth, the movement of the earth and, of course, the weather.
年份的总和:现在,2+1+1 = 4, 而 4 是盖娅的数字。除了其他事,这一年也会是盖娅的年份。这一年全都与地球、地球的转变、地球的移动有关,还有,当然,就是气候变迁。
So now we will review yet again, in a more succinct fashion than ever before, the changes that we began to speak of in 1989. The potential was always there that this current shift would bring tremendous weather anomalies to you. Yet, even if it looks odd, it's not. Instead, it's a returning cycle. However, what is anomalous is the fact that you have brought this cycle to the planet earlier than it was ever expected. There's a reason for that. The shift before you is a shift of Human consciousness. It coordinates with the Galactic Alignment, the precession of the wobble of the earth, bringing into alignment that which you see as your sun aligning with the center of the galaxy. This represents the profound prophecy from the ancients. Something is happening regarding the evolution of Human consciousness. If you were to assign an attribute to it, it would be that which is a speed-up of vibration. Your DNA is vibrating faster.
那么,现在让我们再来回顾一下,前所未有地,以更简要的方式,来解释我们从 1989 年起就谈到的转变。这场转变一直都有一种潜在性,它会带来巨大的气候异常。虽然气候现象看起来很奇怪,但它其实不是。相反的,它是一个回归的周期。无论如何,异常之处在于,你们让这个周期提早来到地球,比预期中更早。这是有原因的。你们眼前的转变,是人类意识的转变。它配合银河对齐——地球的岁差摆动,让你们观测到对齐的现象,你们看见太阳对准银河系中心。这代表了古人的深奥预言。人类意识的进化过程,开始有些不同。如果你要给它一种说法,那就是加速的振动。人类的 DNA 振动得更快了。
银河对齐 在 1980 年至 2016 年之间,每年的冬至点,太阳与银河系,从地球表面观测,看上去像是对齐的, 而每年,地球的岁差摆动,会导致太阳在银河系中的位置有轻微的移动。 |
Let me ask you, Lightworker, can't you feel that which is time speeding up? Consistent time is a paradigm you have been used to since you were born, and the perceived change makes you nervous, doesn't it? In some cases, it wakes you up at three in the morning when the cells are saying, "What is it that's different?" The next time you're awakened and the cells are asking you what's wrong, I want you to talk to them, as the boss of your own DNA. Remind them of the time you planned for, for it has arrived. The shift is here.
让我问你,光之工作者,你感觉不到时间正在加速吗?一致的时间,是你们从出生就习以为常的模式,而你所察觉到的转变,让你感到很紧张,对吗?在某些情况下,它会让你在凌晨三点钟醒过来,细胞会说,“是什么东西改变了?” 下一次当你醒过来,细胞问你哪里不妥的时候,我要你,作为你身体细胞的老板,对它们说话。提醒它们关于你所计划的时间,因为它已经来到了。转变来到了。
Meanwhile, it just looks like bad weather to most of you. What did I tell you 22 years ago? Look at the words carefully, for what I described was about water. I described that some potential places on the earth that always grew your crops would become arid. I told you that other places on the planet that never had any water would have plenty of it - perhaps too much! What does it mean? It's about water and always has been.
与此同时,对你们大部分人来说,它只是恶劣的气候。我在 22 年前说过什么?仔细看清楚那些话,因为我说的是水。我说地球上有些向来盛产粮食的地方会变得干旱。我说地球上其他向来干枯的地方会拥有很多水——也许太多了!那意味着什么?它与水有关,永远都是。
温盐环流,是一个依靠海水的温度和含盐密度驱动的全球洋流循环系统。蓝线代表海底的寒流,红线代表海面的暖流。 赤道海面的低密度暖流由风力驱往高处,暖流在高纬度处被冷却后下沈到海底,这些高密度的水接着流入洋盆南下前往其他的暖洋位加热循环,一次循环耗时大约 1600 年。 |
So now we've refreshed that which we have said before, a review. You are in the middle of a cycle that will bring cooling to the planet. It is not a heat cycle, but rather a cooling cycle. But it always starts with a short heat cycle. It has been here before. It will come again. It is a long cycle - one generation plus five years. That's how long it's going to last. It starts with the melting of the ice caps, which is far more than any of you have seen in your lifetime or those of your ancestors. It is a cycle whose repetition is thousands of years long, but one that has not yet been recorded to the books of Human record. But it's definitely been recorded in the cores of the ice and in the rings of the trees.
那么现在,我们已经重温了我们之前所给出的信息,一个回顾。你们正处在一个会带来全球冷化的循环周期。它不是暖化的周期,而是冷化的周期。但它总是从短暂的暖化周期开始。它曾经发生过。它还会再发生。它是漫长的过渡周期——长达一代人的时间再加上五年 [约三十年]。它会持续的时间就是那么长。它从冰盖的融化开始,融化的程度比你一辈子所见过的还要多,或比你的祖先曾经见过的还要多。它是几千年才重复一次的循环周期,但从来没有被人类记录下来。但它肯定有被记录在冰核与树轮之中。
Thousands of years old, it is, and it happens in a cyclical way. It's about water. It starts with that which is the melting of the ice caps to a particular degree, which has a profound effect on the planet in all ways. You can't have that happen without seeing life change as well as Gaia change and you've seeing it already. What happens when you take that which is heavy on the poles [ice] and you melt it? It then becomes cold water added to that which is a very, very gentle and finite balance of temperature in the seas of the planet (1). The first thing that happens is a redistribution of the weight of water on the thin crust of the earth from ice at the poles to new water in the seas. The results become earthquakes and volcanoes, and you're seeing them, aren't you? You are having earthquakes in places that are not supposed to have earthquakes. Volcanoes are coming to life in a way that you've not seen before on a regular basis. There will be more. Expect them.
Is it too much to ask of a Human Being that if you live by a volcano that you know might erupt, maybe you ought to move? Yet there will be those who say, "It hasn't erupted in my lifetime or my parents' lifetime or my grandparents' lifetime; therefore, it won't." You may have a surprise, for all things are changing. That is what is happening to Gaia.
如果一个人住在火山附近,你知道它有可能会爆发,而你要求他必须搬离,这算是过分的要求吗?然而有些人会说,“我一辈子,我的父亲一辈子、我的祖父一辈子,都没见过它爆发;所以,它不会的。” 你也许会感到惊讶,因为所有事情都在变化中。那就是发生在盖娅之上的事。
Now we say it again. This is not punishment to humanity. The things that are happening on the planet today are not meant as the final step of Gaia in order to kill the civilization of humanity. I say this, for right now this message is on the lips of those who want to startle and scare you and give you fear, that is not what's happening. What is happening on this planet is a shift that will create a planet that's going to last a long time, allowing you what you need - more food in the ocean than you've ever seen before!
(2) The second thing the melting ice caps give you is about ecology. I'll give you this prediction in a moment. There is a Human 3D paradigm that says everything gets "used" and then goes away. But nature doesn't work that way, and our prediction is going to go against everything you have been told. I'm going to give you a parable and the prediction in a moment, but before that, I'm going to give you the explanation of the birds and the fish.
In the last few weeks, fish have been washing up dead in certain lakes by the hundreds of thousands, if not millions. Birds have been falling from the sky. I'm going to make a statement way in advance of what science is going to tell you. All of it can be traced to the water cycle - all of it. It's always about the weather, a cycle of weather you've not seen before. Do you remember a few years ago when whales were beaching themselves? Did you notice that this attribute stopped? But while they were beaching themselves every year, many Human Beings were in fear, saying, "It's the end of the world. They're committing suicide."
2011年1月6日,全球多个国家和地区发生大量动物神秘死亡的事件,一时间成为各国媒体关注的焦点。 |
The whales beached themselves because the magnetics of the earth shifted so greatly that their navigational system [the magnetite in their biology, which is their migration compass] steered them right into the land. The land didn't move; the magnetics did. Therefore, you might say their internal inherited migration map was flawed. The reason it's not happening now is because the calves, the generation beyond the one that beached themselves, figured it out and rewrote the maps. Nature [Gaia] does this. So the next generation didn't repeat it. Instead, it realigned itself to the migratory lay lines and now whales don't beach themselves nearly as often.
鲸鱼搁浅是因为地球磁场移动了非常多,使它们的导航系统 [它们体内的天然磁铁,即它们的迁徙指南针] 带它们直接游向陆地。陆地没有移动;磁场却移动了。因此,你可以说,它们体内遗传的迁徙地图含有缺陷。现在它没有再发生,因为那些小鲸鱼,那些搁浅鲸鱼的后代,搞清楚了地球的新磁场,并修改了它们的迁徙地图。这是大自然[盖娅]的做法。于是下一代不会再重复错误。相反的,它会自行重新调整迁徙的磁场线,现在,鲸鱼不再像之前那样时常搁浅了。
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图表显示磁极直到 2010 年的移动。磁南极在过去数十年间的移动速度没有磁北极的移动速度这么快。 |
The magnetics of the planet continue to shift and the birds are unaware. Like the whales, many of the birds have migrated themselves right into a high place in the atmosphere, which pummeled them to death by freezing rain and hail. Then they fall from the sky. It's the weather cycle. Will they continue to do this? Some will, for awhile, and then they will figure it out and recalibrate. That's what nature does.
You might say, "Well, nature's way is severe." It is not severe. It is a positive learning system that allows generations of birds to be around next time. The few deaths allow for the many to continue their life cycle and their lineage on the earth.
你也许会说,“嗯,大自然的做法很苛刻。” 这不是苛刻。这是正面的学习系统,让下一代鸟类能够继续存活。少数鸟类的死亡,让多数鸟类有机会继续它们的生命循环及在地球上的传承。
I want you to analyze the fish that have washed up. Let science reveal this as well. I want you to analyze the fish. They have something in common. They're all juveniles. And why is that? What do you know about the water cycle? What do you know about cold water and the life cycle of certain fish and their habits of reproduction? I will tell you the layers of water are changing in temperature and that is going to change the life cycle of the oceans and lakes. The juvenile fish are the most susceptible to death by becoming too cold, especially the ones of the kind that washed up dead. By the tens of thousands, the cold killed them. It is the water cycle. Will it continue? For awhile, until they acclimate, until they recalibrate for the cold - and they will. Nature does that.
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死去的斑鱼多数是幼鱼 |
The Parable of the Rainbow Room
I want to give you a parable, a metaphor of life, and it goes like this. There is a room we will call the Rainbow Room. In this room, all the colors of the rainbow present themselves linearly, one at a time, and they change every few thousand years. The room needs this to exist, and that's why it's called the Rainbow Room. For thousands of years, the room is yellow, then it turns into the blue and the red, the purples, the greens and slowly, the room goes through all the colors of the rainbow. The colors take their turn in the spectrum, one at a time.
我要给你们一个寓言,一个生活上的隐喻,它是这样的。有一个房间,我们称为 “彩虹房间”。在这间房里,彩虹的所有颜色会以线性的方式出现,一次一种,每隔几千年就会换另一种颜色。这个房间需要以这种方式来存在,因此它被称为彩虹房间。几千年来,房间都是黄色的,然后变成蓝色、红色、紫色、绿色,慢慢地,房间经历了彩虹的所有颜色。这些颜色根据光谱的顺序轮流出现,一次一种。
In this room, I would like to introduce you to some creatures - smart, intelligent and sacred, all born during a time when the color in the room was red. Their parents were also born during the red cycle, and even their grandparents. In fact, as far back as they had recorded history, the room was always red. It's all they've ever known. Therefore, you might say they have a red consciousness and they expect red. Everywhere they go, they work with red. They are the red people.
Over time, the Rainbow Room starts to do what it always has done and slowly begins to move into its next color, purple. The room starts to become purple. What happens to those who have always known red? The first thing is fear. The red people say, "Here comes something odd and unusual, and it has never happened before! It's dark and somehow scary. We must have done it. We must be responsible. There is no other explanation! Therefore, we must find ways to stop the purple. It's supposed to be red. Purple is bad."
But even among the red people, there are a few who say, "We welcome the purple. We don't know why it's here, but we recognize that it's appropriate. Although we've always been red and we don't understand the purple, we're not afraid of it. Ancient esoteric prophesy told us that someday a shift in the red would come. God bless the purple." And that's the energy you sit in now, dear ones, for that which has been normal on this planet for all of these thousands of years is about to shift. When it does, it's going to present more anomalies than birds falling out of the sky or fish washing up on the shore or melting ice caps. I'll tell you what to look for.
但在红色人当中,有少数人说,“我们欢迎紫色。我们不知道它为何会出现,但我们认可它是恰当的。虽然我们一直都是红色的,我们也不了解紫色,但我们不怕。古老的神秘学预言显示,有一天红色的转变会到来。愿神保佑紫色。” 那就是你们目前所处的能量,亲爱的,因为地球上几千年来被视为正常的情况,现在开始转变了。当转变发生时,它会有更多异常现象,不只是鸟类从天空坠落,或鱼类被冲刷上岸,或融化的冰盖。我会告诉你需要留意什么。
The Prediction: The Renewal of the Life Cycle
温盐环流:赤道海面的低密度暖流由风力驱往高处,暖流在高纬度处被冷却后下沈到海底,这些高密度的水接着流入洋盆南下前往其他的暖洋位加热循环,一次循环耗时大约 1600 年。 |
When you change the temperature strata of the oceans of the earth, things start to change, for the life cycle of the food in the ocean depends upon that which is the smallest. The plankton of the planet survive in certain temperatures, and that's changing. Throw away what you think you know about how it's all supposed to work, and instead think "renewal" or "how did it begin." This will serve you to understand what is happening now. This cycle is built to replenish the ocean with life and not always by sustaining the kind that was there.
当海洋不同水层的温度转变时,一切都开始改变,因为海洋食物的生命周期取决于那些最微小的生物。地球的浮游生物在特定的温度范围内生存,而温度正在转变。抛开你所认为的应该如何保育的想法,相反的,想一想 “更新” 或 “生命如何开始”。这会帮助你了解目前正在发生的事。气候周期是为了补给海洋新生命,不总是为了维持原有的物种。
Let us just talk about the ocean for a moment. We won't even get to what's happening in the air and what mammals might experience. Let's just speak of the ocean. Have you heard about the salmon? What has your science warned you against? You're overfishing! The sea is dying. The coral is dying. The reefs are going away. You're not seeing the food chain that used to be there. You've overfished everything. Fishing quotas have been set up to help this. Oh, all those little people in the red room - they don't know about the purple. Red people only know about the red paradigm.
Did you hear about the salmon recently? There's too many of them! In the very place where quotas are in place so you won't overfish, they're jumping in the boats! Against all odds and any projections from environmentalists or biologists, they're overrunning the oceans in Alaska - way too many fish.
What does that tell you? Is it possible that Gaia takes care of itself? That's what it tells you! Perhaps this alignment is going to keep humanity fed. Did anybody think of this? What if Gaia is in alliance with you? What if the increase in consciousness that raised your DNA vibration has alerted Gaia to change the weather cycle and get ready to feed humanity? Are you looking at the ocean where the oil spill occurred? It's recovering in a way that was not predicted. What's happening?
那说明什么呢?有没有可能,盖娅会照顾自己呢?那就是它的信息!也许这种调整会让人类得到充足的食物。有没有人想到这一点呢?如果说盖娅是与你们相连的呢?如果说,意识的提升,让你们 DNA 的振动提高,也让盖娅警觉到要改变气候周期,作好准备来提供充足的食物给人类呢?你们有没有留意那个发生漏油事件的海洋?它的修复程度超越人们的预期。这是怎么回事?
The life cycle itself is being altered by the temperature change of the ocean and much of what you have believed is the paradigm of life in the sea is slowly changing. A new system of life is appearing, as it has before, and is upon you in your lifetime. It will compliment what you know and expose you to a new concept: Gaia regularly refreshes the life cycle on Earth.
Within this process, there will be the extinction of certain plants and animals, birds and fish. My advice to you, especially to those environmentalists, is to understand the cycle of life so that you may relax with what nature has always done. It puts life on the planet to serve the planet for a time. When certain life no longer serves the planet in the ways it used to, it takes it away. The extinction of life, especially through weather change, is normal for Gaia. It is honored, appropriate and normal, even if you don't think so. Don't try to save all the disappearing animals, fish and birds! Some are supposed to go away. And, dear ones, don't assign all this activity to something you did to cause it!
The red people are stressing. The purple is here, and they are trying to figure out what they did wrong. They don't know they are in the Rainbow Room. They think they are in the RED ROOM. This is what the Rainbow Room does; it changes colors. So as the room does what it has always done, the red people are sitting there in fear trying to figure out what it is that they did that possibly could have caused the purple to appear.
The Rainbow Room is beautiful. The color purple is significant. Going from red to purple has metaphysical significance within this parable, but I'll let you figure it out. For those who are into colors, there's a reason why I gave those two. The earth is becoming more sacred than it's ever been before. Gaia is with you in this. It's cooperating in ways you never thought it could, in the way biologists said it would not. You think you're killing it? Instead, it's giving birth to an altered ecological system.
Human Consciousness
Let me talk about Human consciousness and what is happening. If you've studied what I have said in these last months, I gave a channelling recently called, "The End of History." It's a metaphor that means the end of the way things used to be. Instead, it's a rebirth of the way things can be. So, what is changing? It's Human nature. What is it a Human will do intuitively that they never have done before?
让我来谈谈人类意识和正在发生的事。如果你重温我在过去几个月说过的话,我给出了一个通灵信息叫作 “历史的终结”。它是隐喻,指过去一贯的方式即将终结。相反的,它是重生,事情的方式能有所不同。那么,哪些事正在改变呢?是人类的天性。人类凭直觉会做出哪些他们从来没有做过的事呢?
History tells you that Humans separate. Have you ever looked at Europe and wondered how so many countries could be so close together and yet they have different languages and different cultures and in such a small area? Let me tell you how it happened. It's called Human nature. When some Humans don't like the others, they wall themselves off, and through hundreds of years, they develop unique languages and never unify with the others. In fact, they war with them. They conquer them. We've talked about this before. That's what Humans do. They separate and conquer. They pull things apart. They don't put much together.
Even that which is the most sacred to humanity became separated and organized spirituality. You put God into boxes, and when one person had another idea, you created another box. You separated yourselves from God. Pretty soon, you had hundreds of boxes representing the beliefs and teachings of one Creator. In the process, you pointed fingers at the other boxes and made them "evil." Then you even started conquering them. That's what Humans have done in the RED ROOM for eons. Well, I will tell you that that is changing.
就连那些对人类来说是最神圣的事,精神上的信仰,也被分隔与组织起来。你们把神放进盒子里,然后当有人对神拥有不同的概念时,你们就创造出另一个盒子。你们分开神与你们自己。很快地,你们拥有好几百个盒子,来代表同一个创造主的信仰与教导。在这个过程中,你们指着其他盒子,并说他们是 “邪恶” 的。过后你们甚至开始征服他们。那就是人类长久以来在红色房间里所做的事。啊,我会告诉你,那种情况正在改变。
I gave you some information before and I would like to mention it again. The last thing you'd ever expect to happen is for big money to change on the planet, yet it just did. You created your own recession by demanding a new way of banking. You're not done yet with banks or insurance, but you are beginning to create a system of integrity where the world can work together financially.
We told you there'd come a time on the planet when there'd be only five currencies because the continents would decide to put countries together, not separate them. Do you know who was the model? It's the United States. What an experiment you had! Imagine: Could you take many different states that were governed separately, yet didn't have any visible borders, and give them one currency? It worked. It has worked for well over 100 years. Against all odds, it worked.
我们说过,终有一天,地球上会只有五种货币,因为各大洲会决定把许多国家统一起来,而不是分开它们。你们知道谁是它的模范吗?是美国。你们的实验多么伟大!想象一下:不同的州属,各自不同的治理方式,却没有任何显见的边界,而且拥有单一的货币,可行吗?可行。它已经如此运作了超过 100 年。出乎预料地,它可行。
Fifty years ago, with the end of the last world war, the Europeans saw what the USA did and emulated it. It has become the European Union. After the war, they postulated, "What if we took many of the countries of Europe, ones who have warred with each other since the beginning of recorded civilization, and we unified them? We will take away the borders and give them one currency." They were laughed at! Yet today, you're seeing it.
五十年前,随着最后一次世界大战的结束,欧洲人看见了美国的做法,并开始仿效。最后他们成立了欧盟。战争结束后,他们设想,“如果我们把欧洲许多国家,那些从有记录的历史以来就互相战争的国家,我们把它们联合起来如何?我们会移除边界控制,给它们使用单一货币。” 他们的想法被人取笑!然而如今,你们看见它的实现。
[注:欧盟现有 27 个成员国,是世界上最有力的国际组织,在贸易、农业、金融等方面趋近于一个统一的联邦国家,而在内政、国防、外交等其他方面则类似一个由独立国家所组成的同盟。政治上所有成员国均为民主制的国家,军事上绝大多数欧盟成员国为北大西洋公约成员。
Within this process, there will be the extinction of certain plants and animals, birds and fish. My advice to you, especially to those environmentalists, is to understand the cycle of life so that you may relax with what nature has always done. It puts life on the planet to serve the planet for a time. When certain life no longer serves the planet in the ways it used to, it takes it away. The extinction of life, especially through weather change, is normal for Gaia. It is honored, appropriate and normal, even if you don't think so. Don't try to save all the disappearing animals, fish and birds! Some are supposed to go away. And, dear ones, don't assign all this activity to something you did to cause it!
The red people are stressing. The purple is here, and they are trying to figure out what they did wrong. They don't know they are in the Rainbow Room. They think they are in the RED ROOM. This is what the Rainbow Room does; it changes colors. So as the room does what it has always done, the red people are sitting there in fear trying to figure out what it is that they did that possibly could have caused the purple to appear.
The Rainbow Room is beautiful. The color purple is significant. Going from red to purple has metaphysical significance within this parable, but I'll let you figure it out. For those who are into colors, there's a reason why I gave those two. The earth is becoming more sacred than it's ever been before. Gaia is with you in this. It's cooperating in ways you never thought it could, in the way biologists said it would not. You think you're killing it? Instead, it's giving birth to an altered ecological system.
Human Consciousness
Let me talk about Human consciousness and what is happening. If you've studied what I have said in these last months, I gave a channelling recently called, "The End of History." It's a metaphor that means the end of the way things used to be. Instead, it's a rebirth of the way things can be. So, what is changing? It's Human nature. What is it a Human will do intuitively that they never have done before?
让我来谈谈人类意识和正在发生的事。如果你重温我在过去几个月说过的话,我给出了一个通灵信息叫作 “历史的终结”。它是隐喻,指过去一贯的方式即将终结。相反的,它是重生,事情的方式能有所不同。那么,哪些事正在改变呢?是人类的天性。人类凭直觉会做出哪些他们从来没有做过的事呢?
History tells you that Humans separate. Have you ever looked at Europe and wondered how so many countries could be so close together and yet they have different languages and different cultures and in such a small area? Let me tell you how it happened. It's called Human nature. When some Humans don't like the others, they wall themselves off, and through hundreds of years, they develop unique languages and never unify with the others. In fact, they war with them. They conquer them. We've talked about this before. That's what Humans do. They separate and conquer. They pull things apart. They don't put much together.
Europe Culture Areas |
Even that which is the most sacred to humanity became separated and organized spirituality. You put God into boxes, and when one person had another idea, you created another box. You separated yourselves from God. Pretty soon, you had hundreds of boxes representing the beliefs and teachings of one Creator. In the process, you pointed fingers at the other boxes and made them "evil." Then you even started conquering them. That's what Humans have done in the RED ROOM for eons. Well, I will tell you that that is changing.
就连那些对人类来说是最神圣的事,精神上的信仰,也被分隔与组织起来。你们把神放进盒子里,然后当有人对神拥有不同的概念时,你们就创造出另一个盒子。你们分开神与你们自己。很快地,你们拥有好几百个盒子,来代表同一个创造主的信仰与教导。在这个过程中,你们指着其他盒子,并说他们是 “邪恶” 的。过后你们甚至开始征服他们。那就是人类长久以来在红色房间里所做的事。啊,我会告诉你,那种情况正在改变。
I gave you some information before and I would like to mention it again. The last thing you'd ever expect to happen is for big money to change on the planet, yet it just did. You created your own recession by demanding a new way of banking. You're not done yet with banks or insurance, but you are beginning to create a system of integrity where the world can work together financially.
We told you there'd come a time on the planet when there'd be only five currencies because the continents would decide to put countries together, not separate them. Do you know who was the model? It's the United States. What an experiment you had! Imagine: Could you take many different states that were governed separately, yet didn't have any visible borders, and give them one currency? It worked. It has worked for well over 100 years. Against all odds, it worked.
我们说过,终有一天,地球上会只有五种货币,因为各大洲会决定把许多国家统一起来,而不是分开它们。你们知道谁是它的模范吗?是美国。你们的实验多么伟大!想象一下:不同的州属,各自不同的治理方式,却没有任何显见的边界,而且拥有单一的货币,可行吗?可行。它已经如此运作了超过 100 年。出乎预料地,它可行。 |
Fifty years ago, with the end of the last world war, the Europeans saw what the USA did and emulated it. It has become the European Union. After the war, they postulated, "What if we took many of the countries of Europe, ones who have warred with each other since the beginning of recorded civilization, and we unified them? We will take away the borders and give them one currency." They were laughed at! Yet today, you're seeing it.
五十年前,随着最后一次世界大战的结束,欧洲人看见了美国的做法,并开始仿效。最后他们成立了欧盟。战争结束后,他们设想,“如果我们把欧洲许多国家,那些从有记录的历史以来就互相战争的国家,我们把它们联合起来如何?我们会移除边界控制,给它们使用单一货币。” 他们的想法被人取笑!然而如今,你们看见它的实现。
[注:欧盟现有 27 个成员国,是世界上最有力的国际组织,在贸易、农业、金融等方面趋近于一个统一的联邦国家,而在内政、国防、外交等其他方面则类似一个由独立国家所组成的同盟。政治上所有成员国均为民主制的国家,军事上绝大多数欧盟成员国为北大西洋公约成员。
欧盟的宗旨是 “通过建立无内部边界的空间,加强经济、社会的协调发展和建立最终实行统一货币的经济货币联盟,促进成员国经济和社会的均衡发展”,“通过实行共同外交和安全政策,在国际舞台上弘扬联盟的个性”。]
Today, their monetary system is more valuable than yours! Where am I going with this? Listen - here is an attribute, a postulate, an axiom of this new earth energy: Separatism kills. Unity is the survival of humanity. You will start putting things together and not taking them apart. And the more you put them together, the more you will unify. Then slowly you'll realize that the goal is to put things together, not tear them apart. What has the European Union created? I'll tell you. It isn't the Euro. It has created a group of countries that will never go to war with each other again! They can't. They trade with each other. Think about it. That's what we're talking about.
Don't be surprised if those many boxes of organized spirituality start to unify, because there's more strength if they do. They'll reach more people if they do. You're going to start seeing this eventually, or the individual boxes will fade away.
The New Politics
Now let me give you something for the far future, and something you won't believe or understand. It will be the end of the system of politics that you have now. When you start to understand the new attributes of energy on the planet, it no longer suits you to have opposition parties. Instead, what suits you is to have those who run for office to each have their own message apart from a party. And when you go to the polls, you will vote for their message, not their affiliation.
Instead of separating through affiliation, they will have unity through purpose. They will have ideas that are unique and beautiful, instead of those that are either in one box or the other. Someday, the two-party system will look as old to you as today's dictators on the earth strutting their stuff. They're going away, you know? Or did you notice that?
[ 2011年 2月11日,埃及总统穆巴拉克宣布辞职,并将权力移交给军方。埃及从1月25日开始发生全国性大规模抗议活动,要求穆巴拉克离职。穆巴拉克曾三次发表电视讲话,坚持自己不会在本届总统任期届满前下台。]
Some are saying, "Yes, but obviously, you don't know how Earth politics works, Kryon. The funding must be accomplished through party affiliations." Really? What if millions could all be informed at once, and only give $1 each? Does that need a party? Watch and see.
有些人说,“是的,但显然地,你不知道地球上的政治如何运作,克里昂。筹募资金必须通过政党的力量才能达成。” 真的吗?如果说,你能同时对数百万计的群众发布消息,而每个人都捐出 1 元呢?[译注:克里昂是指通过互联网的影响力来达成这些事] 那还需要政党吗?留意看看。
Let me tell you about an outrageous idea starting to happen in Brazil. Right now there is a committee saying, "What if we take all of the countries of South America and eliminate the borders, and eventually plan on one currency?" Sound familiar? That's eventually going to be one of the five currencies of the world.
让我告诉你在巴西开始出现的一种了不起的想法。现在有一个委员会说,“如果我们让南美洲的所有国家都消除边界控制,并且最终推出单一货币,如何?” 听起来很熟悉吗?那最终会成为世界五大货币之一。
Some are saying, "Yes, but obviously, you don't know how Earth politics works, Kryon. The funding must be accomplished through party affiliations." Really? What if millions could all be informed at once, and only give $1 each? Does that need a party? Watch and see.
有些人说,“是的,但显然地,你不知道地球上的政治如何运作,克里昂。筹募资金必须通过政党的力量才能达成。” 真的吗?如果说,你能同时对数百万计的群众发布消息,而每个人都捐出 1 元呢?[译注:克里昂是指通过互联网的影响力来达成这些事] 那还需要政党吗?留意看看。
Let me tell you about an outrageous idea starting to happen in Brazil. Right now there is a committee saying, "What if we take all of the countries of South America and eliminate the borders, and eventually plan on one currency?" Sound familiar? That's eventually going to be one of the five currencies of the world.
让我告诉你在巴西开始出现的一种了不起的想法。现在有一个委员会说,“如果我们让南美洲的所有国家都消除边界控制,并且最终推出单一货币,如何?” 听起来很熟悉吗?那最终会成为世界五大货币之一。
Unification is going to create strength and peace on this planet, and in the process that elephant in the room that keeps it from happening, which you call terrorism, which you believe is the big problem in the Middle East, will take a twist that nobody, nobody can foretell. I've talked about it. Were you shocked when the Soviet Union fell over? Wasn't that the crux of why massive amounts of armaments were put together? Isn't that why the Pentagon is so big? It all fell over almost overnight. Did anybody expect that? It will be just as shocking. A problem that today is before you without a solution will become history, and unity can begin.
五角大楼是美国国防部办公地,美国最高军事指挥机关所在地。 五角大楼是世界上建筑面积最大的单体办公楼。大约有 23,000 名军方人士及文职人员在五角大楼办公。 |
The Potentials Continue
Eventually this shift of unity will spread to Africa, which will represent a healed continent that won't have AIDS anymore. And a healed continent that has no major disease will not have dictators who take advantage of a sick population. This healed continent will be one of the most powerful economies on the planet, and it's going to beat China in the economy game. Why? Because Africa has no unified economic or doctrinal history. They'll start fresh in a new energy. While China still struggles with the old guard representing over 1,000 years of protocol, they won't be able to compete with a society with nothing to unlearn.
These are the potentials that are before me, which continue to be before me for the future of your planet. I sit before Lemurians and Sumerians. I sit before those who have lived before. I sit before Shamanic energy. You expected it, dear ones, and you knew it was coming. Now, here you are to change it.
Dear Human Being, 2011 may be a challenging year because of the changes before you, because of Gaia that is responding to you. You have the energy of the ancients here and that of the ancestors, and they all sit in this room. Can't you feel it? They're all looking at you and saying, "Well done. You're going to get through it."
亲爱的人类,2011 会是充满挑战的一年,因为你们眼前的转变,因为盖娅正在回应你们。这里有古人与祖先的能量,他们全都坐在这里。你感觉不到吗?他们全都在看着你并说,“干得好。你们会通过这些考验。”
[Kryon pauses.]
Just let me sit with you for another minute.
[Long pause]
And so it is.
北美洲国家与欧洲国家不同之处是,北美没有如同欧洲一般悠久的阶级对立与工人运动传统,因此两党制中的 “左翼” 往往不是工人政党,而是同情少数族裔,支持国家提供较多社会福利,鼓励宽松解释个人自由(例如倾向允许同性恋,堕胎,医疗上的基因复制技术等等)的 “自由派” 政党。
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埃及人民聚集在塔利尔广场示威 |
从 2011 年 1 月 25 日开始,埃及民众爆发一系列街头示威、游行、集会、罢工等抗议活动向政府表达不满。超过一百万人参与了此次抗议,他们要求埃及总统胡斯尼·穆巴拉克下台。示威者围绕埃及警察粗暴执法,不满国家紧急安全法,公民缺乏自由选举权和言论自由权,政治严重腐败等政治问题以及失业率严重,低工资和高物价等经济问题展开抗议。
Hosni Mubarak |
根据一群出色的商人于 1996 年出版的一本商业调查报告:《埃及的腐败:黑云依然没有消散》中提到的,穆巴拉克的两个儿子,Gamal 和 Alaa 掌握着向外国公司出售在埃及经营特许状的利益网,并以此获得巨大利润。他们赚钱的方式并不是通过窃取,而是要保证任何一个在埃及运营的公司都必须付百分之五至百分之二十的提成给 Gamal Mubarak 的公司。
家族财富的另一个来源是与外国公司合伙:根据埃及法律,外国公司必须给当地合伙人 51% 的股份。“根据这项法律,任何跨国公司都必须有一个当地伙伴,而这个当地合作伙伴往往都是穆巴拉克家族的人或者是执政党里的头头脑脑。”
穆巴拉克家族和其他社会精英阶层的财富与这个国家上百万的低收入群体形成了鲜明的对比,而高通货膨胀率则让他们无法晋身中产阶级,同时失业也一直困扰着他们:根据最近一份国会分析报告的内容,一半的埃及男子没有工作,而 90% 的埃及女人大学毕业两年后依然没有工作。
Alaa 是长子,他的公司控制着埃及的主要航线。他在私有化过程中获益良多。有人说,2001 年政府通过了一项法律,要求所有的汽车都必须安装座椅带,因为 Alaa 有进口座椅带的特许证。
前埃及内政部法律研究主席 Mohammad Ghanam 说:“穆巴拉克的时代在埃及的历史上将以窃贼的时代遗臭万年。” 还有人在伦敦的人权会议上公开谴责穆巴拉克及其儿子:“他们的生意就是抢夺公共财产,我们认为这是极度腐败的,是对国家公职的极度亵渎。这种极度的腐败造成了我们国家的现状!”
Huffington Post:《How the Mubarak Family Made Its Billions》