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Santiago, Chile |
Valley of the Moon and Licancabur Volcano in Atacama Desert, Chile |
Kryon : The Human Design
这些年来,我们一直提到圣灵的特质,因为我们想让你意识到人神(personal God)的概念。所以我问你,人类,如果你是神,你会怎么造人呢?你会赋予此刻的人类什么特质呢?
让我带你们去 “创造之穴”,你们可以看看你的生命设计。地球上的每一个灵魂在洞里都有一块多重次元的水晶结构。我不是说每一生。我是说每一个灵魂。当灵魂经历过许多次人生时,他的水晶会与那些生命一同振动,他每一生曾经学过的事情都会在能量上及量子上驻留于水晶结构之中。水晶结构会与地球的水晶栅格进行交流。因此,人类所学到的一切,都会被存放于地球并且保留下来。
我们要怎么向你形容一些超越你们理解范围的事情呢?你认为自己是单一的,但你不是。当你照镜子时,你看见多少呢?“你在讲什么,克里昂,什么‘多少’?” 我问的是你在镜子中看见多少个人啊,老灵魂。让我告诉你,如果你拥有神的思维,那么你就会看见所有的你。你的整个阿卡什纪录都在那里。你的灵魂的数以百计的表现形式在那里,你在地球上诞生过的许多次人生都在那里。
This live channelling was Given in Santiago, Chile
现场通灵于 圣地亚哥,智利
Monday October 18, 2010
As channelled by Lee Carroll for Kryon
出处: http://www.kryon.com/k_channel10_santiago.html
To help the reader, this channelling has been revisited [by Lee and Kryon] to provide even clearer understanding. Often what happens live has implied energy within it, which carries a kind of communication that the printed page does not. So enjoy this enhanced message given in Santiago in October, 2010.
为了帮助读者,这信息经过 [李及克里昂] 的现场重访,以提供更清晰的理解。因为在现场所给出的信息,含有一种能量沟通模式,是印刷页面所无法传达的。那么请享有这篇信息吧,这是在 2010年10月于圣地亚哥传导的。
This channeling is for South Americans, but you can "tune in" also if you wish. If you were God, how would you have designed the Human Being? Would it be as many have said... brought here to suffer? Or would it be something else? Is there any evidence that we are part of a grander system, one that is honored by Gaia herself? What is the real role of your parents? Did they know about the new coming shift? Kryon seems to skip around to many subjects, but returns to the main one: There is a shift going on, and the new energy is creating something special for those in South America. Kryon again talks about the prophesy of the ages concerning the movement of the Kundalini of the planet to the bottom of South America.
这是给南美洲人的信息,但如果你想的话也可以一起 “收听”。如果你是神,你会怎么设计人类呢?人类会是如许多人所说的…..来这里受苦的吗?或者会是不同的呢?有没有证据证明,我们属于一个更宏伟的系统,一个为盖娅所敬重的系统呢?你们父母的真正角色是什么呢?他们知道正在到来的新转变吗?克里昂似乎绕着许多话题跳着讲,但最后回到重点,那就是:转变正在进行中,新能量正在为南美洲人创造出特别的事情。克里昂再次提到地球的昆达利尼移动到南美洲底下的古老预言。
Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service.
What is it you think about God? Some call the energy of God "Spirit." What is your attitude? If a child asked you, "Tell me about God," what would you say?
你们认为神是怎样的呢?有人称神的能量为 “圣灵”。而你们的态度又是怎样的呢?如果一个孩子问你:“告诉我关于神的事,” 你会说什么呢?
All of these years, we have told you the attributes of Spirit, because we wanted you to be aware of a personal God. So now we want to do it again, but we're going to do it a little differently. We're going to put you in the place of the mind of God, with the logic of love. Is it possible that God knows your name? Is it possible that there is a personal part of God? If so, what is the evidence of it? Is there, indeed, evidence of it at all, or is it all esoteric and invisible? It's difficult to prove God, isn't it? So, let us take a little journey.
这些年来,我们一直提到圣灵的特质,因为我们想让你意识到人神(personal God)的概念。所以,现在我们再做一次,但这次有点不同。我们打算把你放到神的思维里,带着爱的逻辑。神有没有可能知道你的名字呢?神有没有可能具有人格化的部分呢?如果是的话,证据何在?证据是否真的存在,抑或只是神秘无形的呢?很难证明神,对吗?那么,让我们来个简短的旅程吧。
God in The Details
Let's look at some of the science that is current today and look for the personal God. Is that even possible? The more you discover about the physics of the Universe, the more it will reveal the love of God. Now, physicists and astronomers have a quandary; most of them agree, based upon the research, that the Universe as they see it today could never have happened randomly. Yet astronomy and physics is based upon randomness and the synchronicities of bodies in motion. So, what are they saying? "There had to be a designing force." There is an energy in the Universe that must be intelligent and they have named this force "intelligent design." That comes from astronomy and those who look at the cosmos. The better your instruments get, the more they reveal a personal God, one who designs for life.
让我们来看一下目前的科学并寻找那位人神。真的能从科学中寻找神吗?当人类对宇宙物理发现得越多,神的爱就会被揭示得越多。现在,物理学家和天文学家们感到犹豫不定;根据研究结果,他们大多数同意,他们如今所看到的宇宙不可能是随机产生的。然而,天文学和物理学的理论基础在于运转中的天体的随机性和同步性。那么,他们对此有什么话说呢?“必定有一股设计的力量。” 宇宙中必定存在着智能,他们把这股设计的力量称为 “智能设计”。那是天文学家和观察宇宙的人所说的。你的仪器越好,就越能揭示一位人神,一位设计生命的神。
DNA... More Than You Think
There's more. Now there's science around DNA that indicates there's a multidimensional field around it and it's also designed. Experiments now show that DNA actually has instructions within its field! Even one molecule of DNA can change matter and give it instructions to form into a mathematical system. This attribute comes right out of quantum biology - science, not new age.
还有更多。现在,科学证明了 DNA 周围有一个多重次元的能量场,它也是经过设计的。现在,实验证明,DNA 在其能量场内是有指令的!就连一个 DNA 分子也可以改变物质,并指示它编成一个数学体系。这种特质正是量子生物学——科学,不是新时代。
GAIA... More Than You Think
There's more. Now they're able to measure the magnetics of Earth on an hourly basis and have found something surprising. It shocked those who studied it when they found that the earth's magnetic field becomes stronger and weaker with the profound events of humanity. During the tsunami, the magnetics peaked. During that event that you call 9/11, the magnetics of the earth changed dramatically. The very hour the airplanes hit the towers, the magnetics of the planet changed. What could this mean? Is it possible that Human consciousness is so allied with Gaia that this could take place? Indeed, it is, and that's what the evidence says. What does that have to do with God? Everything, for it puts Humans together with all of creation in a "designed way."
还有更多。现在,他们可以按小时来测量地球的磁力,并发现了一些令人吃惊的事。这项发现震惊了那些研究人员,他们发现地球的磁场会随着人类的重大事件而变强或变弱。当海啸发生时,磁力达到了巅峰。当 911 事件发生时,地球磁力发生了巨变。在飞机撞上大楼的那个小时,地球的磁力改变了。这意味着什么呢?有没有可能,人类的意识与盖娅的连结是如此地紧密,以致发生了这种情况呢?有,是有可能的,证据就是这么显示的。这与神有什么关系呢?完全有关系,因为神把人类和所有造物以 “设计好的方式” 结合在一起。
Pretend for a moment you have the mind of God. How would you create Human Beings? Through billions of years, God has created a Universe that is built for life. Against all the odds of averages, you are here. Now if you are God, how are you going to build a Human Being? Would it be as an "accidental mammal" on the planet?
假装你拥有神的思维。你会怎么造人呢?经过了数十亿年,神已经造成了一个孕育生命的宇宙。在超越所有正常机率之下,你们就在地球这里了。现在,如果你是神,你会怎么造人呢?人类会是地球上 “偶然出现的哺乳动物” 吗?
As a wise Human, you now understand that the Human body has intelligent DNA. All of the genes in the body, all of the stem cell information, even that which is Akashic in the past-life record, is stored as information in the body. Does that sound accidental or random? With the mind of God, how would you have done it? God included the essence of creation inside you. Now there is evidence, of course, that the very energy of Gaia is related to Human consciousness. So, what part are you (as God) going to give for the Human Being on Earth? Does the Human get anything else? The answer is yes.
作为聪明的人类,现在你们知道人体拥有智能 DNA。人体内的所有基因,所有的干细胞信息,甚至是阿卡什里的过去生记录,都作为信息储存在人体内。这听起来是偶然或随机的吗?如果以神的观点思考,你会怎么造人呢?神把创造的本质植入你们体内。现在有证据证明,当然,盖娅的能量与人类的意识有关。那么,(作为神)你打算分派给人类什么职分呢?人类有没有得到其他东西呢?答案是 “有”。
Carefully, you (as God) have prepared this beautiful, beautiful earth, the garden in which the Human Being will sit and play. You've made the DNA intelligent, and you have even allied the Human with the rocks and the trees and the magnetic grid. You have created the Human powerful and with a profound spiritual "image." So I ask you, Human Being, if you played the part of God, what attribute are you going to give the Human at this point?
小心翼翼地,(作为神)你已经造好了这个美丽的、漂亮的地球,这个人类即将居住与玩耍的花园。你把DNA造成具有智能,你甚至把人类与岩石、树木及磁场连结在一起。你把人类造成强大、拥有深刻灵性 “形象” 的生物。所以我问你,人类,如果你是神,你会赋予此刻的人类什么特质呢?
What Humans Say About Why They are Here
Many Humans have told you that God created humanity like this [God speaking]: "I'm going to put the Human Beings on Earth and make them suffer pain. I'll make it really difficult so I'm going to give them the feeling that they are born dirty. Then I'm going to plant guilt on them immediately, so that they will suffer and be a victim all their lives to something that happened eons ago. I'm going to make them crawl and grovel in order to find me. I'm going to make them feel very small."
很多人跟你说神是这样造人的 [神说]:“我打算把人类放到地球上,让他们受苦。我会让人生变得非常艰苦,所以我会给他们一种天生污秽的感觉。接着,我会立刻把罪恶感植入他们心中,这样他们就会为了久远以前所发生的事而终生受苦受罪。我会让他们又爬又跪才能找到我。我会让他们感觉非常渺小。”
Do you think this was the mind of God? In this beautiful garden? Does that make sense to any of you? I asked you earlier to open your heart to the compassion in this room. Is that how you would do it, dear one? And you say, "No, no! I would not." Then how would you do it? Within the compassion of God, how would you make the Human?
你认为这是神的思维吗?在这美丽的花园里?这是否合逻辑呢?早前我就在这间房里要求你们对慈悲敞开心扉。难道那就是你们会做的吗,亲爱的?而你说:“不,不!我不会。” 那你会怎么做呢?在神的慈悲心怀里,你会怎么造人呢?
Let me give you an alternate view of how you might think if you were God: "I'll create a beautiful garden, give Humans sacred DNA, which will become the plan for a beautiful system of ancient remembrance and health. Then I'll put them on Earth as magnificent. Each one will have a piece of me in them. I'm going to take the sacred image of the creator and implant it in their DNA. So then I can even say, ‘made in the image of God.' Then I'll send many masters with sacred activated DNA to show them what they can do, so they will not forget. Great teachers and facilitators will follow through the ages, so they always have examples.
让我给你另一个,如果你是神的话你会怎么想的观点:“我会打造一座美丽的花园,赋予人类神圣的 DNA,它会是一项计划,我会打造一个保留古代记忆和健康状态的美丽系统。然后我会把他们放到地球上,让他们成为不凡。每个人体内都会有我的片段。我会把造物主的神圣形象植入他们的 DNA 之中。这样我就可以说:人类是 “以神的形象而造” 的了。然后,我会派遣许多拥有神圣激活 DNA 的大师,向他们展示他们能够做的事,让他们不会忘记。伟大的教师和辅导员会历代相随,让人类总是有榜样可循。”
"I'll give them powers over nature itself. If they find this magnificence through free choice, they can change their own bodies. They can change their culture. They can change the earth. I'll make them so powerful that if enough of them gather together, they can even keep earthquakes from happening. They will be allied with Gaia."
How does that sound? What you just read is truth, and do you know who knew it first? It was the ancients who walked this area. If you take a look at what they showed you and taught you, the indigenous here celebrated Gaia, the mother energy of the planet. Sacred it was. Allied to their life, it was, and still is. What is the first thing your indigenous do when they have a ceremony? They celebrate their ancestors! There is even an intuitive knowledge they have that perhaps they even lived before, and that the wisdom of the ancients was theirs. Is it possible that the wisdom of the ages is passed down spiritually? Indeed, it is, and quantum ancestry in DNA is far different than linear chemical lineage.
这一切听起来怎样?你刚才读到的是真相,你知道谁是最先知道这一点的吗?是那些行走于此地的古人。如果你去看他们所展现和传授的事,你会看见这里的土著歌颂盖娅——地球母亲的能量。它是神圣的。盖娅与他们的生活相连,过去是,现在仍是。当土著举行仪式时,他们首先做什么?他们歌颂祖先!他们在直觉上就知道,自己过去曾经在这里生活过,而古人的智慧其实就是他们的智慧。有没有可能,岁月的智慧在灵性上流传了下来?有,确是如此,而且 DNA 里的量子世系远远不同于线性化学的世系。
How would YOU make the Human?
There's an energy visiting this planet at the moment that is rebuilding this wisdom. So, how would you build a Human Being? Oh, dear ones, I want this to ring true to you. No matter what you think channelling is, it's time for you to use some compassionate and spiritual logic.
Let me take you to an esoteric place. It's a place we have discussed so many times. Look at the design of your lives while I take you to the Cave of Creation. In that multidimensional place is the Gaia accounting of humanity. Deep within the earth, it is a multidimensional cave that will never be found. It has quantum attributes, since there is a multidimensional crystalline structure for every soul on the planet. I didn't say every lifetime. I said every soul. When that soul has had many lives, the crystal vibrates with those lives, and everything that has ever been learned by that Human during those lifetimes resides energetically and quantumly in that crystalline structure. The purpose of that crystalline structure is to talk to the Crystalline Grid of the planet. All knowledge the Human Being has learned, therefore, is deposited on Earth and stays there. Everything that has ever happened to that Human is still here on the planet.
让我带你们去一个神秘的地方。这是我们已讲过很多次的地方。当我带你们去 “创造之穴” 时,你们可以看看你的生命设计。在那个多重次元的地方里保留着盖娅对人类的核算。在地球深处,它是多重次元的,永不会被发现的洞穴。创造之穴拥有量子特质,因为地球上的每一个灵魂在洞里都有一块多重次元的水晶结构。我不是说每一生。我是说每一个灵魂。当灵魂经历过许多次人生时,他的水晶会与那些生命一同振动,他每一生曾经学过的事情都会在能量上及量子上驻留于水晶结构之中。水晶结构会与地球的水晶栅格进行交流。因此,人类所学到的一切,都会被存放于地球并且保留下来。所有曾经发生在那个人身上的事,会仍然留在地球上。
Now, I ask you a question. Does this all sound to you like the Human Being might be a little more important than you thought? I've just given you a secret - that the earth's vibration itself, even the speed of time, is determined by what humans have learned spiritually and esoterically. If you have an epiphany that God is inside of you, if you start to live differently because of it, drama starts to vanish in your life, and you're able to part the darkness and never return to it. You learn to claim the power that is divine within yourself and have joy.
You affect the earth, and every footstep is known by Gaia. You spread light wherever you go. It's an old metaphor we give, but the best one we have. Known by God, you are. Known by Gaia, you are. Your magnificence and your mastery begin to provide the very earth with a higher vibration. As you solve your problems, the very vibration of the planet increases. What a system! It is beautiful. And it's not for random Human Beings who were placed here by accident in order to suffer! Do you see that? Do you understand the spiritual logic of that? We want you to see the face of God, which is always joyful, for there is a piece of the Creator inside you.
We've told you about the Wind of Birth. How could we describe something which is outside the possibility of your understanding? You see yourself as singular, but you're not. However, in a linear, 3D perspective, that's all you have. When you look at yourself in the mirror, how many do you see? "What do you mean, Kryon, how ‘many'?" The question is about how many Humans you see in the mirror, old soul. Let me tell you that if you have the mind of God, you will see all of you. Your entire Akash is there. Hundreds of expressions of your soul are there, the many lives of birth on earth are there.
我们已经讲过 “诞生之风”。我们要怎么向你形容一些超越你们理解范围的事情呢?你认为自己是单一的,但你不是。无论如何,在线性三维的角度来看,那就是你的全部。当你照镜子时,你看见多少呢?“你在讲什么,克里昂,什么‘多少’?” 我问的是你在镜子中看见多少个人啊,老灵魂。让我告诉你,如果你拥有神的思维,那么你就会看见所有的你。你的整个阿卡什纪录都在那里。你的灵魂的数以百计的表现形式在那里,你在地球上诞生过的许多次人生都在那里。
In God's mirror, you're all of them and also a piece of the Creator as well. How can we explain to you how you can be many places at the same time? How can we explain to you that the very wisdom that you carry is being placed upon the planet as you walk? There is no time in a quantum state. In a quantum way, you are still living those lives, helping the planet as you live them. The old soul burns very brightly in the quantum spectrum of spirituality on planet Earth.
"What? Kryon, I don't know what you're talking about." I know. I know. I want to give you my eyes for a moment. I see a room filled with those who have made a change on the planet for up to 30,000 years. The indigenous and the ancients are here. Some of you are your own ancestors! Some of you are even Lemurians. It's beautiful what you've done, and you keep coming back and doing it again. What have I told you for at least 26,000 years? Many of you have been waiting for this moment, and you're not about to miss it. Even if some of you pass over the veil in these next years, you're going to come right back. Because you're not going to miss the finale! It's not going to be the end of the planet, but the end of an old energy and the beginning of new energy.
“什么?克里昂,我不知道你在说什么。” 我知道。我知道。我要让你们暂时以我的双眼来看事情。我看到一整间房里都是那些在 3 万年来一直在改变地球的人。土著和古人都在这里。你们有些人就是你自己的祖先!有些还是利穆里亚人。你们所做的事都是美好的,而你们也一直到回来并重复做这些事。过去至少 2 万 6 千年以来,我告诉过你们什么呢?你们许多人一直都在等着这一刻,你绝对不会错过它。就算你们有些人会在今后几年间离世退到帷幕之后,你也会立刻到回来。因为你不会错过大结局!它不会是地球的结束,而是旧能量的终结及新能量的开始。
How do we describe the Wind of Birth? In your time, it would represent that attribute right before you're born. Oh, in a quantum way, it's timeless. Therefore, right before you come in, you meet the potential of the children that you're going to have. I can't explain it because you're stuck in a linear time frame and God is not and the plan is not. So my hypothetical questions continue. What would you say to these souls who potentially will be your children? What would be your message?
我们是怎么形容 “诞生之风” 的呢?在你们的时间框架里,它代表的是你诞生前的那一刻 。哦,在量子方式中是没有时间限制的。因此,就在你进来地球之前,你遇到了你未来的潜在儿女。我无法解释,因为你们卡在线性的时间框架里,但神没有被卡住,计划也没有。所以,我的假设性问题继续。你会对你的潜在儿女的灵魂说些什么呢?你的信息会是什么呢?
If, indeed, what I've just said rings true to you, there's even a grander plan than you know, isn't there? What if it was all put together in a grand fashion in a quantum system and wasn't random at all? What if there's purpose for everything? However, since you are stuck in a linear, straight-line system, you can't see anything but things that occur in two directions - past and future. So everything looks random and almost chaotic. But in actuality, everything depends on Human free choice. Your reality depends upon the energy that's being developed on the planet through this choice, and the higher the energy, the better the plan is seen and understood.
The Unsuspecting Role of Your Parents
Let me give you a perspective that perhaps you hadn't thought of, and it's something I presented on the mountain yesterday [Kryon was in Valle Nevado in the Andes]. Many of you have parents who are not awake to the possibility of a personal, loving God, as you are. Some of these parents are still alive and with you, and some have passed. Oh, they may love God in their own way, all in appropriateness, but they have no awakening to the quantum Creator inside. They would not be in a meeting like this, would they? But you have awakened to a "quantum system" and you're starting to help the planet with it. You're building a bridge to a future quantum culture. Linear worship has no calling to you.
让我给你们一个也许你们不曾想过的观点,这是我昨天在山上所讲的主题 [克里昂昨天在安第斯山脉的内瓦多山谷]。你们许多人的父母并不像你们那样觉悟到世上可能会有人格化的、慈爱的神。有些人的父母还在世与你在一起,有些则已经去世了。哦,他们可能以自己的方式,以恰当的方式,来敬爱神,但他们还没有觉悟到体内有个量子造物主。他们不会出席这种会议,对吧?但是,你们已经觉悟到有个 “量子系统”,你们开始以这个系统来帮助地球。你们正在建造一座桥梁以通往未来的量子文化。线性信仰对你们没有号召力。
You have a profound spirituality without a prophet, a book or buildings to worship in. You've created a beautiful energy of love and creator-companionship within yourself, and before you're finished on Earth, millions will awaken around you to the same idea. The idea is not the one you were taught. Instead, it's a new spiritual paradigm of truth - that you were created magnificent, that you have power over your own physical bodies, and even nature itself bows to your collective mastery. You are a beautiful creation in a beautiful garden that was made for you, and you're going to have the wisdom to take care of it for the first time in Human history.
Perhaps some times you look at your parents and you say, "I wish they had what I have." Some of you will say, "It appears they're stuck in an old way." And when they pass over, you'll say, "I wish they could have known what I know." So let me rewrite this linear thought into a quantum concept for you, and in the process expose the incredible system and the love of God.
或许,有时,你会看着你的父母,在心中说道,“真希望他们拥有我所拥有的觉性。” 你们有些人会说:“看来他们是卡在旧模式里。” 当他们去世后,你会说:“真希望他们能知道我所知道的事。” 让我为你们把这种线性思维重写进量子概念中吧,这会揭开那奇妙的系统和神的爱。
Come with me within the mind of God for a moment and I will take you to the Wind of Birth of your parents. In a timeless state, they meet you, their potential children, and you listen to what they have to say: "Dear ones, we're going to come to Earth in an old energy. But the potentials are there for things to happen on the planet in your generation, not ours. We're going to give you birth and life. We're going to bring your soul into the planet at the right time so you can make the difference. In Humanism, we may not help you awaken the way you think we might. Instead, we may actually give you puzzles that will force you to find God within, but this is the way the old energy interfaces with the new. We will, indeed, bring you to a place where you will have light that we just can't have within an older energy."
So I ask you, dear listener and reader, who is the Lightworker here? It's your parents! Oh, maybe they didn't awaken in a quantum way, but now you know that they had a plan that was quantum. Because of them, you're carrying your light. Even the ones that criticize you for what you're doing gave you the seed of life. Does this sound like you're born dirty? Does this sound like you're here to suffer on Earth?
God has created a Universe for life, for abundance and for light. The creator has not only given the Human a beautiful garden, but also given a piece of this creative energy inside every single soul. God is light and it's within you. It's the secret of the new energy and you are again discovering it. It doesn't make the other belief systems incorrect, but rather enhances profound knowledge in order for them to evolve and create even stronger bonds with the creative energy and the masters they represent. Dear ones, don't expect "church" to go away. Expect it to evolve into something more commensurate with the true energy of worship - that which is the honoring of the "creator within."
神创造宇宙旨在显现生命、丰盛和光。造物主不只给了人类一座美丽的花园,还把这种创造能量植入每个灵魂体内。神就是光,祂就在你体内。这是新能量的秘密,而你们正再度发现这个秘密。这不会让其他信仰成为错误的系统,而是辅助增进更深入的知识,让它们可以渐进发展,并与它们所代表的创造能量及大师达致更强大的结合。亲爱的,别期望 “教会” 消失。请期望它们会与礼拜的真实能量更相称——尊敬 “内在的造物主”。
Oh, let's finish this. Let's bring it right to current events. So here I sit. I have my partner's consciousness in his body, speaking to you in your country of Chile. Perhaps you think I don't know where I am? Oh, yes I do. I am where the Kundalini of the planet is arriving. It's a 36-year transitional event, just like the galactic alignment. It's part of the 13,000-year half-cycle of the oscillation of the precession of Earth [the Earth's wobble, that causes the galactic alignment cycle]. And this movement is not an accident. The spiritual heart center of this planet is realigning itself from that place you call India and Tibet, and moving to the bottom of South America. The entire continent will feel it, but the center of it is here [southern Chile].
哦,让我们讲完这个。让我们讲讲当今事件。那么我就坐在这里。我的伙伴的意识留在他体内,在你们的国家智利这里跟你们谈话。也许你以为我不知道我在哪里?哦,我知道。我就处在地球的昆达利尼 [译注:瑜伽术语,意为盘绕的能量] 正在到来的地方。这是一个为期 36 年的转变,就像银河对齐一样。这是地球岁差摆动的半个周期—— 1 万 3 千年的一部分 [ 地球的岁差摆动:是地球的摇摆,是银河对齐周期的原因 ] 。这个运动不是偶然的。地球的灵性中心正在重新自我对齐,从那两个叫做印度和西藏的地方,移到南美洲底下。整个南美洲大陆都会感觉到它,而它的中心就在这里 [ 智利南部 ]。
In 2008, I sat on a mountaintop with 200 of you. I told you about the upcoming movement of Earth [the Chile earthquake of 2010], and I told you it would be south of here; it was. This earth movement was all related to this Kundalini movement we speak of. Even the Maya and the Inca spoke of this. They spoke of the Kundalini movement that would take place, centering in 2012. They spoke of Human consciousness shifts, Earth shifts, even a realignment of the heart center.
在 2008 年,我和你们其中 200 人坐在山顶上。当时我提到即将到来的地球运动 [ 2010 年的智利地震 ],我说过它会发生在这里以南;确实如此。这种地球运动完全与我们所谈到的昆达利尼移动有关。就连玛雅人和印加人也谈到这一点。他们谈到即将发生的昆达利尼移动,巅峰期是在 2012 年。他们谈到人类意识的转变,地球的转变,甚至是[灵性]中心的重新对齐。
This realignment represents a new energy on this planet that is the divine feminine wisdom of mother. It's not going to change women that much, so men, don't worry about it. The women are not going to suddenly have more goddess energy than they ever had before. Instead, all humanity will receive it, but the men are going to receive the most. It's about the rebalancing of male/female energy. It's about the wisdom of a mother being placed even in politics. It's about a realignment of integrity.
So finally, I give you an answer to a question that has not been asked, but is still on the minds of many. What happened last week in Chile was not an accident [the saving of 33 miners]. Everyone was amazed at how smooth it could be. So, look at the numerology around it! Even the mainstream media noticed - 33, 33, 33. But the media did not tell you the meaning of it, because they didn't know. To them, it was just coincidental, so many 33s!
那么在最后,我会解答一个还未被提出的问题,但它却萦绕在许多人脑际。上周发生在智利的事并非偶然 [ 救出 33 名矿工 ]。每个人都对它进展得如此顺利而感到惊奇。那么,让我们看看它的数字命理吧!就连主流媒体也留意到了—— 33,33,33。但是媒体没有提到它的含义,因为他们也不知道。对他们来说,这只是巧合,那么多的 33!
Let me tell you what it means. Let us take a look at the numerology attributes of 33 from the ancients to modern day. The number 33 is called a master number. It is not to be broken apart numerologically, but you could still look at the attributes of the three alone if you wish. The three in numerological terms is a catalyst energy. A catalytic energy changes things around it. When you put two threes together, they represent one of the highest energies on the planet. It's so high that it's the last master number that is definable by humanity.
让我给出它的意思。让我们看看古今关于数字33的命理属性。33 被称为大师数字。在数字命理上它们不能够被拆分,但如果你要的话你也可以只看数字 3 的属性。3 在数字命理上是催化的能量。催化的能量会改变周围的事物。当你把两个 3 放到一起时,它们代表了地球上其中一个最高的能量。它的能量如此之高,以至于成了人类所定义的最高的大师数字。
In numerology, 44 has no definition. Even those in Tibet who helped originate the numerological system said that 44 was multidimensional and had no paradigm of definition. Neither did 55 or 66 or 77. Thus, 33 was the highest of all defined master numbers and remains so to this day.
在数字命理上,44 没有被定义。就连那些开创数字命理学的西藏人也说,44 是多重次元的,它没有定义的范例。55 或 66 或 77 也没有。因此,33,是所有已定义的大师数字里的最高数字,到现今仍是如此。
Now, don't misunderstand what I'm going to tell you, for this definition is not about the Human Being; it's about an attribute. Thirty-three is defined as the passion of the Christ. Not the man, but the attribute [the noun, compassionate redeemer], the passion of the Christ. Is there anything higher than this? The number 33 is the highest compassion number of them all, and here it was right in Chile, where the heart center moves to. This compassion for the miners was a metaphor filled with energy and things to look at, but nothing will ever be the same here. And how does it make you feel?
呐,不要误解我接下来所讲的话,因为这个定义与人类无关;它是一种属性。33 被定义为 “耶稣受难”。不是指人物,而是指事情的属性 [这是个名词,指慈悲的救世主],“耶稣受难”。还有什么事情比这个更高的吗?数字 33 是最慈悲的数字,而它就发生在智利这里,灵性中心正在移向的地方。这种对矿工的慈悲是个充满能量的隐喻,也是需要留意的事情,从此以后这里将不再一样。对此你们有什么感觉呢?
South American, you sit in the energy of a 26,000-year cycle, and you've waited a long time for it. It's designed, and it's beautiful, and it's not accidental.
南美洲人,你们就处在一个 2 万 6 千年的周期能量当中,为此你们已经等了很长的时间。它是设计好的,是美丽的,不是偶然的。
Take the mind of God for a moment. Become God for a moment. How would you design the Human Being? I'll tell you. You design a Human as a friend, as an extension of God, and as one who can change the planet through their very actions. Think: This is what the masters of this planet, all of them, have told you. Did you ever hear that you could move mountains with your consciousness? Were you ever told that you could heal your body and have spontaneous remission of even the worst diseases? They all told you that! Would they have told you that if you were a victim of nature? Would they have told you that if you were an accident on the planet? No! The Human is beautiful, magnificent, and made in the energy and image of the creator. What more proof do you need? It is historically before you, and even your science is now starting to support it.
What are you going to do with this message? "Well, Kryon, I'd love to feel this, but I don't know what to do next." I'll tell you what to do next. Why don't you believe it? Why not understand that it is true, and keep your heart open when you leave this place? Then situations do not appear to cause drama any more. See issues compassionately, Chileans, Argentines, Ecuadorians.
知道这个消息之后,你会怎么做呢?“嗯,克里昂,我喜欢这种感觉,但我不知道下一步该怎么做。” 我告诉你吧。你何不相信它呢?你何不明白它是真实的,并在离开这里时敞开心扉呢?然后事情将不再制造任何戏剧。慈悲地看待事情吧,智利人,阿根廷人,厄瓜多尔人。
This continent (South America) has a strong potential to have a whole new energy within the next generation, and the earth will look at you and envy your stability. Watch for it in your economy; watch for it in your politics; watch for it within your neighbors, but it awakens here first. It may take a generation, within a 36-year cycle of the galactic alignment's arrival. It's slower than you wish, but it has begun and you can feel it.
这片大陆(南美洲)具有强大的潜力,你们会在下一个世代拥有全新的能量,地球会看着你并羡慕你们的稳定。在你们的经济中留意这种潜力;在你们的政治中留意这种潜力;在你们的邻国之间留意这种潜力,但它将首先在这里觉醒。这可能需要一代人的时间,在一个 36 年的银河对齐的周期里。它比你们所想象的还要缓慢,但它已经开始了,你们可以感觉到它。
Leave this place differently than you came, dear one, for this is what you were born for. Take a moment and thank your parents, for they saw it and made it possible for you to do it. You see? It's a bigger plan than you thought. Keep your heart open. The next time you consider those who gave you birth, see their Higher-Selves and thank them for their wisdom in allowing you to be here this day. They had the hard job of being an old soul, living in an older Earth energy. Now you have the challenge before you of creating peace on Earth. But that's why you came.
And so it is.
2010年科皮亚波矿难 | |
矿难现场 | |
地点 | 智利 阿塔卡马大区 科皮亚波 |
日期 | 2010年8月5日至2010年10月13日 |
形式 | 矿难 |
死亡人数 | 0人 |
受伤人数 | 33人 |
(法新社智利圣荷西矿区 13 日电)
共有 33 位矿工受困智利北部地底深处矿坑;救人行动作业共花了 33 天。
Driller Supply Company 经理普罗斯塔奇斯(Mikhail Proestakis)说:「作业共花了 33 天,每天救出 1 人。」他的公司挖了个直径 66 公分的救生竖井,刚好是 33 的 2 倍。
33 名矿工被发现的 8月22日 正好是一年中的第 33 周。
最重要的是,救援行动在 2010年10月13日 展开,能写成 13/10/10,加起来刚好是 33。33 的巧合,是由智利总统品尼拉(Sebastian Pinera)点出。
1 名获救矿工的姐姐说:33 无所不在,全都符合,真是奇迹。
有此一说,部分虔诚天主教徒认为,耶稣基督钉上十字架时,也是 33 岁。
一些人则注意到第1份送往地面通报矿工仍否活着的纸条,用西班牙文写着:"estamos bien en el refugio los 33"(我们 33 人全都平安待在避难处。),文字及空格刚好也是 33 个字母。
中央广播电台新闻频道:《33名智利矿工脱困 33成奇迹数字》
Herald Sun:《Lucky number 33 emerges out of Chilean mine rescue mission》
2010年智利大地震 | |
主震 | |
日期 | 2010年2月27日 |
发生时间 | 6时34分17秒(UTC) |
震中 | 35.846°S 72.719°W (康塞普西翁东北方向115公里处) |
深度 | 35 |
类型 | 海沟型、低角逆断层型(冲断层)。 |
海啸 | 绝大多数太平洋沿岸地区收到海啸警报 |
2011年锡金地震 २०११ सिक्किम ज़लज़ला | |
主震 | |
日期 | 2011年9月18日 |
发生时间 | 18:10 IST (UTC+05:30) |
持续时间 | 30–40 秒 |
震中 | 27.723°N 88.064°E |
规模 | 6.9 Mw |
最大烈度 | MM VII |
深度 | 19.7 公里 (12.1 英里) |
类型 | 板块内部地震 |
海啸 | 无 |
余震 | |
余震 | 发生 |
破坏 | |
受影响地区 | |
伤亡人数 | 至少116死亡 |
地球不是一个理想的球体,而是一个扁球体,在赤道的直径比两极的直径长了43 公里,所以在自转时会缓慢地摇摆。地球的自转轴会产生一种轻微不规则运动,使自转轴在方向的改变中出现如 “点头” 般的摇晃现象。
岁差 (axial precession),是指转动中的地球自转轴的指向变化。地球大约以 2 万 6 千年 完成一次的岁差周期,在空间中描绘出一个圆锥面。
维基百科:《进动》 http://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-sg/%E9%80%B2%E5%8B%95
维基百科:《岁差》 http://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-sg/%E6%AD%B2%E5%B7%AE_(%E5%A4%A9%E6%96%87)
维基百科:《章动》 http://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-sg/%E7%AB%A0%E5%8B%95
岁差的其中一个结果是北极星经常的改变,现在被称为北极星的恒星,会随着时间的迁移,其它的恒星将成为 “北极星”。
维基百科:《岁差》 http://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-sg/%E6%AD%B2%E5%B7%AE_(%E5%A4%A9%E6%96%87)
太阳的视位置,在相同季节的固定时间的背景恒星,比如冬至点,会以每 72 年 1° 的速率,在 12 个星座之间缓缓的退行。经过 2 万 6 千年,太阳就会完成完整的 360° 退行,回到原本的位置。
[在 1980 年至 2016 年之间,详见下一段],每年的冬至点,太阳与银河系,从地球表面观测,看上去像是对齐的,而每年,岁差会导致太阳在银河系中的位置有轻微的移动。
[每 72 年移动 1° ]
Wikipedia:《2012 Phenomenon》http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2012_phenomenon#Galactic_alignment
由于太阳的宽度为 0.5°,所以,从地球观测,“冬至点太阳” 需要经过 36 年的岁差移动才能完全横越银河系赤道。
Winter solstice Sun (1998) in the Dark Rift of the Milky Way |
The precise alignment of the solstice point (the precise center-point of the body of the sun as viewed from earth) with the Galactic equator was calculated to occur in 1998 (Jean Meeus, Mathematical Astronomy Morsels, 1997).
“冬至点太阳” 和银河系赤道的准确对齐(从地球观测,看见太阳准确对齐银河系赤道的中间点),经过计算,是发生于 1998 年。
Thus, the Galactic Alignment "zone" is 1998 +/- 18 years = 1980 - 2016. This is "era-2012."
因此,银河对齐的 “地带” 是在 1998 年 +/- 18 年 = 在 1980 至 2016 之间观测得到。这就是 “2012 时代”。
This Galactic Alignment occurs only once every 26,000 years, and was what the ancient Maya were pointing to with the 2012 end-date of their Long Count calendar.
这种银河对齐现象,每 2 万 6 千年才会发生一次,而这就是古玛雅长计历的 2012 “终结日” 所显示的现象。
“冬至点太阳” 和银河系赤道的准确对齐(从地球观测,看见太阳准确对齐银河系赤道的中间点),经过计算,是发生于 1998 年。
Thus, the Galactic Alignment "zone" is 1998 +/- 18 years = 1980 - 2016. This is "era-2012."
因此,银河对齐的 “地带” 是在 1998 年 +/- 18 年 = 在 1980 至 2016 之间观测得到。这就是 “2012 时代”。
This Galactic Alignment occurs only once every 26,000 years, and was what the ancient Maya were pointing to with the 2012 end-date of their Long Count calendar.
这种银河对齐现象,每 2 万 6 千年才会发生一次,而这就是古玛雅长计历的 2012 “终结日” 所显示的现象。
Can the Earth Feel Your Pain?
Heart-felt emotion can rock the world.
在 2001 年 9 月,两颗绕着地球同步运转的环境观测卫星所侦测到的地磁场变化永久地改变了科学家对我们的世界和人类的看法。在每 30 分钟播送一次的地磁场读数中,GOES-8 和 GOES-10 卫星都各自显示了一个急升的尖峰。这些尖峰的急升程度和它们发生的时间引起了科学家的注意。
From a location of about 22,300 miles above the equator, GOES 8 detected the first surge followed by an upward trend in the readings that topped out at nearly 50 units (nano-Teslas) higher than any that had been typical for the same time previously. The time was 9:00 A.M. Eastern standard time; 15 minutes after the first plane hit the World Trade Center and about 15 minutes before the second impact.
定点于赤道上空大约 22,300 英里处,GOES-8 卫星侦测到地磁场强度的第一个急升,接着是一直往上升的趋势,比早前同样时间段的读数普遍高出 50 个单位(纳-特斯拉)。[请看以上视频的第 8:00 分钟] 当时是美国东部标准时间早上 9 点;世贸中心被第一架飞机撞击后的 15 分钟,也是第二架飞机撞击前的大约 15 分钟。
The correlation between the events and the readings was undeniable. Subsequent studies by Princeton University and The Institute of HeartMath, have found that it appears to be the heart-based emotion of the world’s population during such events that seems to be influencing the magnetic fields of the Earth! What makes this discovery so significant is that those fields are now linked to everything from the stability of the climate to the peace between nations.
摘自: 《Can the Earth Feel Your Pain?》by Gregg Braden