Dallas, Texas |
Kryon:Plain Talk
如果你们能对帷幕下定义的话,它不会是 “某个地方”。它不是地方。相反的,它是动态的能量,围绕着你的意识——你身体的每一个细胞。它会隔开你……从你自己。
如果我能给出一个字或一个简单的短句,来解释过去这十年间所发生的事,我会说 “升起”。 升起。我们说的是形成你们的二元性的帷幕,地球上每一件事情的能量都让它升起了一点点。
就连社会学家也还没考虑到这件事。想一想:目前地球上的人口比以前更多,这是前所未有的情况。在过去 50 年,地球人口增长了三倍——更多人回应更多人。然而,一直以来最突出的社会课题是什么?难道你不会认为,当越来越多人互相影响时,社会结构最终会移向一种更像社会主义的模式吗?但事实不是这样。
横扫全球的是一种注重个性的意识。人类从黑暗中苏醒,他们在说,“我是特别的;我是独特的;没有任何人会像我一样。我会随着自己的主意去思考。” 这种意识到处都是。它已经推翻了一些政府,它还会推翻更多……那就是实话。对于不断增长的地球人口,那是违反直觉的。但它具有灵性意义,因为我们的教学就是:你是参与创造的个体。
他们是秘密组织。他们是 “光照派”。我们从来没有在任何现场通灵中透露过这个消息,但这是实话。你们很多人会说,“是真的吗?有可能是真的吗?” 答案是 “真的”。
让我们来谈论神。克里昂来自 “大中央太阳”。你们觉得是在哪里呢?不,大中央太阳不是地方。它是我们所能给出的最好的说法,来讲解圣灵与家人之所在——你的那些片段与部分。大中央太阳是在你的念头与念头之间的空隙!大中央太阳是每一粒原子的原子核与电子云之间的距离。它是巨大的,它是中央的,因为它无处不在。它是太阳,因为那是光的隐喻。它就是你的发源地,当你不在这里时。它完全不是地方。它是一种维度属性,何处何时都存在。
这里有一个有趣的隐喻:如果说血球拥有意识呢?这些是生物,不是吗?它们会繁殖;它们会工作;它们有目标;它们有生命;它们出生;它们死亡。听起来很像你!为了这个隐喻的缘故,让我们说,它们在血球的王国里拥有意识。然后我们说,它们聚集在一起讨论,它们认为,它们的存在也许拥有更高的目的。在身体血管的黑暗中奔流,你觉得它们会敬仰谁呢?心脏?也许是肾脏?甚至有可能是肺脏?毕竟,那是它们停下来转移能量的地方。但你觉得它们有多少个能想到身体 “邻近地区” 以外的答案呢?也许它们会选择去想,那里有一些超越它们认知的东西,有一些它们没有见过,或是无法看见的东西。它们会这样想吗?不大可能。相反的,它们会把神视为一个会发光的大血球,也许?
人类想让神成为一个物体,把神放进一个具体的地方,在看得见的宇宙中。多数人不明白,神不是在人类实相中。你可能会说你明白这一点,然而对于天使……你们还是要给祂们皮肉与翅膀,甚至给祂们取名,好让你们能对祂们讲话!如果我说,每个天使就像一团气体,像德克萨斯州那么大呢?[那是这场通灵的地点] 到处都是、哪里都不是……而且每一团气体都与其他团气体混在一起。你要如何给祂们取名呢?你真的看不见什么,也完全没有什么形状。但你们却想把祂们带到你们的实相当中来敬仰。我有一个主意。你们为何不变成一团气体并加入祂们呢?
就像血球携带氧气,给予人类生命那样,人类也携带着神的生命。那是真相!你的确是整体的一个片段,而那个整体就是你们所说的神。圣灵无法离开你们而存在。你们每一个都是神不可或缺的片段,没有你们,这幅称为 “神” 的美丽壁毯就无法存在。
圣灵的礼物及自我赋能就在那里,等着你来发现,就在过去那些黑暗处。它们代表生命的新工具。它们代表你们所说的扬升。而什么是扬升?你们是否知道,这个词不是指 “离开地球” ?扬升的是指进入更高的振动频率,你们会以提高的状态留在地球上并带来改变!
以纯粹的意图说出:“亲爱的神,告诉我,我需要知道什么事,以便开始这个进入跨维度的过程。我需要知道什么事,以便开始振动得更高?” 然后允许圣灵慢慢与你一起做事。别期待四维的答案!你正在运用自己的大师身份来创造答案。去期待同步性。去期待你的生活热情会改变。去期待不同的意识开始发展起来。当每一步开始了,你会做好它,直到下一步开始。每个人都是不同的,每一条路都是独特的。它是你今后人生中不断进行的工作。
Dallas, Texas
January 12, 2003
As channelled by Lee Carroll for Kryon
This Kryon live channelling was given in Dallas Texas in January of 2003. It represents the first channelling of 2003, and the first one after the grid group was finished and departed from their grid-changing work. This channelling has been added-to and enhanced by Kryon in a rechannelling process over the actual transcribed channelling. This has been done in order to make it more valuable for the written word and to bring clarity to concepts that were given energetically within the live channelling.
这次克里昂现场通灵是在 2003 年 1 月在 达拉斯 德克萨斯 传导的。它是 2003 年的第一场通灵,也是磁栅团队完成移动磁栅的任务并离开后的第一场通灵。这篇信息经过克里昂的重新传导,以增加及增强信息。这是为了让这篇文字显得更有价值,对于在现场通过能量而给出的概念,带来更清晰的理解。
Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. [Pause]
I was waiting, for there were some of you who needed to see the light change. I don't mean the lights in here. Some of you needed validation to see the color shift as we came in here, pouring into this place, which was already so expertly prepared by those who sit in these chairs.
我刚才是在等待,因为你们有些人需要看见光的转变。我不是指这里的灯光。你们有些人需要看见色彩的转变,倾注于这个地方,以便证实我们到来了,而这已经是坐在这些椅子上的人 [译注:应该是指灵媒] 擅长于准备的了。
Oh, there are always those who would doubt that such a thing could be - that is, channelling. Could it be that those who would speak from the other side of the veil could come in like this, in a setting like this? Could it be that easy? The answer is yes. But it wasn't always this way. We've spent 12 years with a specific group - a group that has now moved (no, not disbanded), but moved into another energy-balancing area.
啊, 总是有人会怀疑这种事——通灵。从帷幕另一边传话过来的能量体,有可能这样进来吗,在这样的场景中进来?有这么容易吗?答案是 “对”。但它不是一直都这么容易。我们已经用了 12 年与一个特别的团队在一起 —— 一个目前已经离开的团队(不,不是遣散),而是移往另一个能量平衡的区域。
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http://www.kryon.com/inspiritmag/scrapbooks/sb-dallas-03.html |
My partner has decided to call the meetings this year "And So It Begins." This is channelled information, and some of you might say, "Well, what is it that's new and different? What is it that's beginning?" Well, for one thing, the grid is settled. Oh, the residual may take three more months to settle [until the end of March 2003]. Remember, things don't happen quickly with Spirit. But we can't even begin the teachings without going into a mode of celebration. It's a celebration that you've allowed such a thing to be - a new energy on the planet - that you've had the patience, some of you, to endure this moving target of spiritual consciousness, one that we've presented to you for a decade or more. You've moved in and out of purpose. Some of you have wanted to throw up your hands in the darkness and shout, "Oh, God! I don't understand. I've tried, I've given intent; I've done this; I've done that!" And we were there, and we heard you. We've been there every single time you cried out. We've been there for the words of celebration and joy, and for the words of sorrow. We've been there every single time, even when you wondered if anybody was listening. We've been there, too.
我的伙伴决定把今年的通灵称为 “于是它开始了”。这是通灵信息,而你们有些人会说,“嗯,有什么新鲜与不同的吗?什么事情开始了?” 好,一来,磁栅稳定了。哦,其余部分需时三个月才会稳定下来 [直到 2003 年 3 月底]。记住,圣灵不会快速行事。但在我们还未进入赞颂模式之前,我们无法开始教学。它是赞颂你们允许了这种事的发生 —— 让新能量来到地球上 —— 赞颂你们有耐心,你们其中一些人,忍受了这种灵性意识上不断转换的目标,这种我们已经讲了超过十年的事。你们在目标当中转进转出。有些人已经想在黑暗中放弃并喊道,“神啊!我不明白。我已经尝试过了,我已经给出了意图;我已经做了这个;我已经做了那个!” 而我们在,我们听见你的话。每一次当你呼喊的时候我们都在。你说的每一句欢庆与喜悦的话,每一句悲伤的话,我们都在听。我们每一刻都在,即使当你怀疑根本没有人在听的时候。我们也在。
One of the reasons why there's so much celebration and foot-washing as this entourage pours in here has to do with your endurance. Lightworkers (you call yourselves), you are lighthouses anchoring energy, not afraid to walk from place to place, knowing that some of you will be ridiculed and scorned. Instead, you hold peace in your heart, believing that all is appropriate and that there are reasons for everything.
当这些随行团倾注进来时,这里充满了赞颂与洗脚的气氛,其中一个原因是由于你们的忍耐 [译注:洗脚在克里昂许多篇信息里意味着家人之间爱的表达]。光之工作者 (你们的自称),你们是稳住能量的光之工作者,在知道你们会被人奚落与鄙视的情况下,仍然无惧地从一个地方行走到另一个地方。相反地,你们在心中保持平静,相信一切都是恰当的,相信每一件事都是有原因的。
And so we celebrate you before we teach. The potential was always here that you'd sit in these chairs. Are you listening to this? Do you think it's an accident that you're here? Reader, do you think it's an accident that your eyes are on this page? I know you. Reader, I was there when you cried out to God, and so were those around me. There was an entourage that was next to you, holding your hand in your darkest moments. This is the way of it, you know. It isn't just about ascension, master-hood, or mystery. Oh, there's a lot of that, too. But what about right now?
We told you that the grid would shift, and it did. We told you that a grid group would be involved, and it was. Then we told you they would leave, and they have. We said that the teaching would begin in a stable environment of grid magnetics. The magnetics of the planet are always dynamic - that is, they'll always move around, but not nearly to the degree that you've experienced in these last 12 years. If I could give you one word or even perhaps a phrase that was simple, which would explain what has happened in this last decade or so, I would say "lifting." Lifting. We speak of a veil that creates your duality, and the energy of everything on this planet is lifting it slightly.
我们说过磁栅会移动,而它确实如此。我们说过磁栅团队会参与,而它确实如此。然后我们说他们会离开,而他们确实如此。我们说教学会在稳定的磁力当中进行。地球的磁力向来是动态的——那是说,它们总是在移动,但不是像你们在过去这 12 年间所经历的那种程度。如果我能给出一个字或一个简单的短句,来解释过去这十年间所发生的事,我会说 “升起”。 升起。我们说的是形成你们的二元性的帷幕,地球上每一件事情的能量都让它升起了一点点。
We speak in metaphors constantly, don't we? We speak in puzzles and parables. Some have asked, "Kryon, why is that needed? Why is that necessary?" It's because you can't pierce that veil. Metaphors are often the only way you can have interdimensional understanding while you sit in only four dimensions. So when you start examining the parables and the metaphors, that's when you get your own "ah-ha" experience, and you know what we're trying to say. But in the new energy, this is becoming less used.
我们总是讲隐喻,对吗?我们讲谜题、讲寓言。有些人问,“克里昂,为什么需要这些呢?” 因为你们无法刺破那幅帷幕。通常隐喻是唯一的方法,来帮助你们在四维中去理解跨维度的事情。当你们开始细看那些寓言和隐喻,那时你们就会得到自己的 “啊哈” 体验,你们就会恍然大悟,知道我们想要说的是什么。但是,在新能量当中,这种方式变得越来越少用了。
The new energy has been the lifting of the veil. Even when you look at this in physical form and not metaphoric form, you see a veil between you and something else. Through this veil, you're not seeing clearly, are you? If a portion of it lifts away to reveal what's on the other side, then you have clearer, plainer sight, don't you? So let's start this new energy in this new year [2003] with this group of readers and listeners, and call this particular message "Plain Talk."
新能量是指已经升起的帷幕。就算你们看的是物理形式,而不是隐喻的形式,你们也会看见自己与其他事物之间隔着一幅帷幕。透过帷幕,你看不清楚,对吗?如果它的一部分被升起以揭示另一边的情况,那么你就会有更清晰、更明白的视野,对吗?那么,在这群读者和听众的期待中,让我们开始这新的一年 [2003] 的新能量吧,我们把这个特别的信息称为 “实话实说”。
It's about time, isn't it? Let's feature communication that may be clearer. Oh, there will still be parables, and along the way there will still be metaphors, since there must be. But one of the things that you're going to discover is that we, on the other side of this veil, are able to see you more clearly, too. Did you ever think of that? We stand next to you!
If you could define the veil, it wouldn't be "somewhere." It's not a place. Instead, it's a dynamic energy that surrounds your very consciousness - every cell of your body. It distances you... from you. Suddenly we're here to tell you that over these last years, this veil has been thinned, and now it's time for some plain talk.
如果你们能对帷幕下定义的话,它不会是 “某个地方”。它不是地方。相反的,它是动态的能量,围绕着你的意识——你身体的每一个细胞。它会隔开你……从你自己。突然我们在这里说,在过去这几年间,帷幕变薄了,现在是时候让我们说实话。
Let's start by celebrating you! I can't pass over this lightly. Today we flood this place with the energy of "mother." It's unconditional love, which is feminine. We've described to you in the past - revealed, in fact, the last time we channelled - that the predominant energy of Kryon has always been feminine. That's plain talk, isn't it? You can add that up any way you wish to. But it explains a lot of what you've read and what you feel. The entourage I bring here washes your feet. Some stand beside you as you read and listen, some above you, and some are even below. Such is the way of an interdimensional visit.
让我们从赞扬你们开始!我不会轻易跳过这件事。今天我们以 “母性” 的能量灌满这个地方。它是无条件的爱,它属于女性能量。我们已经在过去形容过——实际上是揭露,在我们上一次的通灵中——克里昂最显著的能量向来都是女性能量。那是实话,对吗?你们想对这种说法有所添加就随意吧。但它解释了许多你们读过和你们感觉到的事。我带来的随行团会帮你们洗脚。当你们聆听与阅读时,有些会站在你身边,有些在你们上面,有些甚至在你们下面。那就是跨维度拜访的方式。
What are you going through right now, dear Human Being? You sit in an energy that's anxious, right? What is taking place in the Middle East? Perhaps as you read this, there have been changes. But where's the appropriateness in all of this? Why did this happen? What is it going to mean? How does this fit in with anything that you've been taught might happen? The potentials we gave you all those years ago - how does it fit in with that? Not all is as it seems here. Historians will have something special to say about this time in history. Not all has been revealed - especially to you - about what's really going on. The wishes and the hopes of those even in the Oval Office have not been truly revealed to you, either. But all will be, eventually. You see, it's impossible to carry these things as secrets from now on. Let me tell you what has happened.
目前你们在遭受什么事呢,亲爱的人类?你们处于焦虑的能量当中,对吗?中东正在发生什么事呢?也许当你们阅读时,情况已经有所改变。但这一切事情的恰当性在哪里?为什么它会发生?它会有什么意义?它如何符合那些你们被教导的将会发生的事[地球和平]?事情不完全如表面看到的那样。历史学家对于历史上的这段时期会有特别的评语。事情没有完全被揭露——尤其是对你们——关于真正发生的是什么。就连在椭圆形办公室里的那些人的愿望和希望,也没有真正对你们揭露过。 [译注:椭圆形办公室是美国总统的正式办公室]。但所有事都会被揭露的,最终。你瞧,从现在开始,这些事已经不可能再被保守秘密了。让我告诉你们发生了什么事。
[注:2000 年 9 月,以色列强硬派领导人沙龙强行进入伊斯兰圣地阿克萨清真寺,引发了一场旷日持久的巴以流血冲突,特别是 2001 年 3 月沙龙政府上台以后,由于沙龙采取了一系列强硬政策,巴勒斯坦一些激进组织针对以色列人制造了一系列 “恐怖活动”,致使以色列采取了强烈打击报复,巴以双方陷入报复与反报复的恶性循环]
We told you in 1989 that you had changed your reality. The good news was that the Armageddon you had expected wasn't going to happen. The challenging news was that you would fill it with a war. Oh, maybe not a physical one, although you've had two between then and now. No. It would be war between the old and new energies on the planet. We told you it could manifest itself in many different ways, but that you would fight it. Well, let me give you some plain talk - things that should be obvious to you, but they're not always.
我们在 1989 年说,你们已经改变了你们的实相。好消息是,你们一直以来所预期的世界末日不会发生。坏消息是,取代它的会是一场战争。哦,也许它不是物质意义的战争,虽然你们从以前到现在总共经历了两次。不。它会是地球的新旧能量之战。我们说它会以各种不同的方式来显现,但你们会战斗。好,让我老实告诉你们一些事——这些对你们来说应该是很明显的事,但不一定。
The Human Social Effect
Even those who study society are not considering this yet. Consider these things: There are more Humans on Earth at this moment than there ever have been. In the last 50 years, Earth has tripled its population - more Humans reacting to more Humans. It's a more crowded place, isn't it? Adjustments have to be made in your society for this, and you know that. In fact, some of you have spent those 50 years here, noticing it... even complaining about it! Yet, what has the predominant social issue been? Wouldn't you think that with more and more Human Beings interfacing one with another, the social structure would eventually move toward a more socialist kind of existence? Doesn't it make sense to create a cooperative system that serves a more common interest in order to make things work? But that isn't what happened.
就连社会学家也还没考虑到这件事。想一想:目前地球上的人口比以前更多,这是前所未有的情况。在过去 50 年,地球人口增长了三倍——更多人回应更多人。地球变得越来越拥挤,对吗?你们的社会需要对此作出调整,而你们清楚那是什么。事实上,你们有些人那 50 年就是在这里度过,一直在关注……甚至抱怨人口太多!然而,一直以来最突出的社会课题是什么?难道你不会认为,当越来越多人互相影响时,社会结构最终会移向一种更像社会主义的模式吗?为了让社会顺利运转而形成一种互相合作的体系,来照顾人们的共同利益,难道没有道理吗?但事实不是这样。
In fact, the systems that featured those elements fell apart! Governments that seemed to offer "the most good for the most people," fell apart. The consciousness of those systems wasn't supported by humanity. So what was created? Look around. You're left with systems on Earth where individuals are seen individually for what they contribute. These systems encourage participants to think for themselves, out of the group consciousness. Now isn't that counter-intuitive for a population that's closing in on itself? Yes, it is, yet no one has really noticed that. Right now, the systems that promote self-worth and self-determination, even with worship, are the most prosperous on the planet.
事实上,许多奉行社会主义的体系倒下了!那些看似 “为最多人民谋取最大益处” 的政府倒下了。那种意识不为人类所支持。是什么被创造出来了呢?看看周围。地球上只剩下一种体系:每个人都被视为个体,人们只看个人的贡献。这些体系鼓励人们独立思考,脱离群体意识。那不是违反直觉的吗,对于越来越拥挤的地球?是的,没错,但没有任何人真的留意到这件事。现在,那些鼓励自我价值与自主决定的体系,甚至是信仰,在地球上都是最兴旺的。
Sweeping over the planet, even in the countries that don't wish to admit it, is a consciousness of individuality. Human Beings are awakening out of the darkness, and they're saying, "I am special; I am unique; there is no one like me. I will think the way I wish." It's everywhere. It has toppled governments and it will topple more... and that's the plain talk of it. It's universal on this planet, and that's just one of many phenomena that seem counter-intuitive to an increasing population. Yet it's a spiritual aspect, for we teach that you're an individual part of creation.
横扫全球——甚至包括那些不愿意承认的国家——是一种注重个性的意识。人类从黑暗中苏醒,他们在说,“我是特别的;我是独特的;没有任何人会像我一样。我会随着自己的主意去思考。” 这种意识到处都是。它已经推翻了一些政府,它还会推翻更多……那就是实话。这种现象遍布全球,而对于不断增长的地球人口,那只是许多违反直觉的现象之一。但它具有灵性意义,因为我们的教学就是:你是参与创造的个体。
Now let me give you some more plain talk. Let me take you back 15, 20 years. Here is something we recently spoke of in another venue: For a very long time, and we will speak of the entire civilized world, there have been many secrets about the way things work. Much has been hidden in the corners and the cracks regarding information available to the common citizen of Earth. Enemies can be behind rocks on your path and you'll never see them. They can clump in dark places, and they can conspire against your very life. They can conspire to make your economics work a certain way, your elections, and even what you pay for everything. They can conspire to make the earth work a certain way. They're powerful and have a lot of influence. They're very Human, however, representing a controlling, greed consciousness.
现在让我揭露更多事情。让我带你们回到 15、20 年前。这是我们最近在另一个场合里说过的话:有很长一段时间,在整个文明世界里,有很多事情都是在秘密中进行的。有很多消息被隐藏在角落处、在裂缝处,地球上的普通人民无法获知。敌人可能藏在你路途上的岩石后面,而你永远看不见他们。他们能聚集在黑暗处,他们能密谋夺取你的性命。他们能密谋让你们的经济以某种模式运作、操纵你们的选举、甚至决定所有事情的收费。他们能密谋让地球以某种方式运作。他们很有权势,也很有影响力。他们绝对是人类,不过,他们代表了一种统治的、贪婪的意识。
The main attribute about them is that they're always in the dark. Rumors of their existence have leaked out enough so that they even had a name. They're the Illuminati. They're the secret group. They're the code-makers and the ones who pulled the strings of your very social situation. They made elections happen. They took your financial markets and controlled them. We've never spoken about this before in a live channelling, but this is plain talk. Many of you might say, "Is this real? Could this be true?" The answer is yes. Did you ever notice that there was a sameness about things - a stability about things in the past? You felt it was just a more solid situation... a good thing. Guess again. They controlled most of it. Like a large ship on a course that seldom moved, they steered your very existence into their pockets.
他们的主要特质是,他们总是处于黑暗能量中。关于他们的谣传有很多,有人甚至给他们取了名字。他们是 “光照派”。他们是秘密组织。他们就是制定密码的人,他们就是在幕后操纵你们的社会状况的人。他们操纵选举。他们占有你们的金融市场并控制住它。我们从来没有在任何现场通灵中透露过这个消息,但这是实话。你们很多人会说,“是真的吗?有可能是真的吗?” 答案是 “真的”。你们有没有留意到,事情总是相同的——过去的事情都有一种稳定的模式?你们觉得它只是一种比较稳当的局面……是好事。再猜一次。他们控制住绝大多数的情况。就像一艘大船在一条很少变动的航道上,他们把你们生活中的一切都驶进他们的口袋。
Where were they? I will even tell you that. You'll notice that I'm speaking in the past tense, don't you? They were in the country you call Greece. That's where it began, and that's where it fell apart. Much to their shock, an increasing vibrational consciousness of the planet, caused by a moving grid system, started to open a can called integrity. Then you developed technology, which allowed everyone to speak to everyone at almost no cost [the Internet]! They could no longer hide in the dark, and four years ago they began to fall. That's the plain talk of it. There can be no more conspiracies on this planet to that degree, and here's the reason: There are lighthouses like you all over this planet that are dedicated to stand and let that light shine. There are lights being turned on everywhere!
There are far fewer dark places to scamper to or hide within. This didn't happen because there were some grand groups that rode in on white horses. You want to know who the grand ones who changed this were? They are the ones in the chairs who sit in front of me - the ones who read this right now who, with the mind of Spirit many years ago, decided to come to Earth with the potential to make a difference!
You think this sounds like an allegory, a fairy tale? Well, go read your newspaper. Tell me about the largest corporations you have - falling over because an individual with integrity spoke up. When did that happen last? If we told you the potential of that happening ten years ago, you would have laughed! You might have said, "Kryon, you must understand that nothing touches big money. It's one of those things that will never change. There are certain things on this Earth that cannot be touched, and big money is one of them." It just did.
你们认为这听起来很像是寓言,很像是神话?好,去看一下报纸。告诉我,你们最大型的企业——因为一个正直人士大胆说出了真话而倒闭。这种事上一次发生在什么时候?如果我们在十年前说它会发生,你们听了会大笑!你们会说,“克里昂,你要明白,没有任何人碰得了大集团。这是其中一件永远不会改变的事。地球上有些事情永远碰不得,大集团是其中之一。” 刚刚就有人把它碰倒了。
[注:2001 年 12 月,美国安然公司(Enron Corporation)向纽约破产法院申请破产保护,创下美国历史上最大的公司破产纪录。首先揭起安然丑闻盖子的,就是安然副总裁莎朗·沃特金斯。当时她看到公司存在许多问题,并冒着被解雇的风险写信给安然董事会主席,警告公司的会计方法存在问题。
在宣告破产之前,安然是世界上最大的电力、天然气以及电讯公司之一,名列《财富》杂志 “美国 500 强” 的第七名;掌控着美国 20% 的电能和天然气交易,公司营运业务覆盖全球 40 个国家和地区。共有雇员 2 万 1 千人,资产额高达 620 亿美元;在 2000 年的总收入高达 1010 亿美元。
然而真正使安然公司在全世界声名大噪的,却是这个拥有上百亿资产的公司 2002 年在几周内破产,持续多年精心策划、乃至制度化系统化的财务造假丑闻。安然承认做了假账,虚报数字让人瞠目结舌:自 1997 年以来,安然虚报盈利共计近 6 亿美元。]
We told you in 1989 that you had changed your reality. The good news was that the Armageddon you had expected wasn't going to happen. The challenging news was that you would fill it with a war. Oh, maybe not a physical one, although you've had two between then and now. No. It would be war between the old and new energies on the planet. We told you it could manifest itself in many different ways, but that you would fight it. Well, let me give you some plain talk - things that should be obvious to you, but they're not always.
我们在 1989 年说,你们已经改变了你们的实相。好消息是,你们一直以来所预期的世界末日不会发生。坏消息是,取代它的会是一场战争。哦,也许它不是物质意义的战争,虽然你们从以前到现在总共经历了两次。不。它会是地球的新旧能量之战。我们说它会以各种不同的方式来显现,但你们会战斗。好,让我老实告诉你们一些事——这些对你们来说应该是很明显的事,但不一定。
The Human Social Effect
Even those who study society are not considering this yet. Consider these things: There are more Humans on Earth at this moment than there ever have been. In the last 50 years, Earth has tripled its population - more Humans reacting to more Humans. It's a more crowded place, isn't it? Adjustments have to be made in your society for this, and you know that. In fact, some of you have spent those 50 years here, noticing it... even complaining about it! Yet, what has the predominant social issue been? Wouldn't you think that with more and more Human Beings interfacing one with another, the social structure would eventually move toward a more socialist kind of existence? Doesn't it make sense to create a cooperative system that serves a more common interest in order to make things work? But that isn't what happened.
就连社会学家也还没考虑到这件事。想一想:目前地球上的人口比以前更多,这是前所未有的情况。在过去 50 年,地球人口增长了三倍——更多人回应更多人。地球变得越来越拥挤,对吗?你们的社会需要对此作出调整,而你们清楚那是什么。事实上,你们有些人那 50 年就是在这里度过,一直在关注……甚至抱怨人口太多!然而,一直以来最突出的社会课题是什么?难道你不会认为,当越来越多人互相影响时,社会结构最终会移向一种更像社会主义的模式吗?为了让社会顺利运转而形成一种互相合作的体系,来照顾人们的共同利益,难道没有道理吗?但事实不是这样。
In fact, the systems that featured those elements fell apart! Governments that seemed to offer "the most good for the most people," fell apart. The consciousness of those systems wasn't supported by humanity. So what was created? Look around. You're left with systems on Earth where individuals are seen individually for what they contribute. These systems encourage participants to think for themselves, out of the group consciousness. Now isn't that counter-intuitive for a population that's closing in on itself? Yes, it is, yet no one has really noticed that. Right now, the systems that promote self-worth and self-determination, even with worship, are the most prosperous on the planet.
事实上,许多奉行社会主义的体系倒下了!那些看似 “为最多人民谋取最大益处” 的政府倒下了。那种意识不为人类所支持。是什么被创造出来了呢?看看周围。地球上只剩下一种体系:每个人都被视为个体,人们只看个人的贡献。这些体系鼓励人们独立思考,脱离群体意识。那不是违反直觉的吗,对于越来越拥挤的地球?是的,没错,但没有任何人真的留意到这件事。现在,那些鼓励自我价值与自主决定的体系,甚至是信仰,在地球上都是最兴旺的。
Sweeping over the planet, even in the countries that don't wish to admit it, is a consciousness of individuality. Human Beings are awakening out of the darkness, and they're saying, "I am special; I am unique; there is no one like me. I will think the way I wish." It's everywhere. It has toppled governments and it will topple more... and that's the plain talk of it. It's universal on this planet, and that's just one of many phenomena that seem counter-intuitive to an increasing population. Yet it's a spiritual aspect, for we teach that you're an individual part of creation.
横扫全球——甚至包括那些不愿意承认的国家——是一种注重个性的意识。人类从黑暗中苏醒,他们在说,“我是特别的;我是独特的;没有任何人会像我一样。我会随着自己的主意去思考。” 这种意识到处都是。它已经推翻了一些政府,它还会推翻更多……那就是实话。这种现象遍布全球,而对于不断增长的地球人口,那只是许多违反直觉的现象之一。但它具有灵性意义,因为我们的教学就是:你是参与创造的个体。
Now let me give you some more plain talk. Let me take you back 15, 20 years. Here is something we recently spoke of in another venue: For a very long time, and we will speak of the entire civilized world, there have been many secrets about the way things work. Much has been hidden in the corners and the cracks regarding information available to the common citizen of Earth. Enemies can be behind rocks on your path and you'll never see them. They can clump in dark places, and they can conspire against your very life. They can conspire to make your economics work a certain way, your elections, and even what you pay for everything. They can conspire to make the earth work a certain way. They're powerful and have a lot of influence. They're very Human, however, representing a controlling, greed consciousness.
现在让我揭露更多事情。让我带你们回到 15、20 年前。这是我们最近在另一个场合里说过的话:有很长一段时间,在整个文明世界里,有很多事情都是在秘密中进行的。有很多消息被隐藏在角落处、在裂缝处,地球上的普通人民无法获知。敌人可能藏在你路途上的岩石后面,而你永远看不见他们。他们能聚集在黑暗处,他们能密谋夺取你的性命。他们能密谋让你们的经济以某种模式运作、操纵你们的选举、甚至决定所有事情的收费。他们能密谋让地球以某种方式运作。他们很有权势,也很有影响力。他们绝对是人类,不过,他们代表了一种统治的、贪婪的意识。
The main attribute about them is that they're always in the dark. Rumors of their existence have leaked out enough so that they even had a name. They're the Illuminati. They're the secret group. They're the code-makers and the ones who pulled the strings of your very social situation. They made elections happen. They took your financial markets and controlled them. We've never spoken about this before in a live channelling, but this is plain talk. Many of you might say, "Is this real? Could this be true?" The answer is yes. Did you ever notice that there was a sameness about things - a stability about things in the past? You felt it was just a more solid situation... a good thing. Guess again. They controlled most of it. Like a large ship on a course that seldom moved, they steered your very existence into their pockets.
他们的主要特质是,他们总是处于黑暗能量中。关于他们的谣传有很多,有人甚至给他们取了名字。他们是 “光照派”。他们是秘密组织。他们就是制定密码的人,他们就是在幕后操纵你们的社会状况的人。他们操纵选举。他们占有你们的金融市场并控制住它。我们从来没有在任何现场通灵中透露过这个消息,但这是实话。你们很多人会说,“是真的吗?有可能是真的吗?” 答案是 “真的”。你们有没有留意到,事情总是相同的——过去的事情都有一种稳定的模式?你们觉得它只是一种比较稳当的局面……是好事。再猜一次。他们控制住绝大多数的情况。就像一艘大船在一条很少变动的航道上,他们把你们生活中的一切都驶进他们的口袋。
Where were they? I will even tell you that. You'll notice that I'm speaking in the past tense, don't you? They were in the country you call Greece. That's where it began, and that's where it fell apart. Much to their shock, an increasing vibrational consciousness of the planet, caused by a moving grid system, started to open a can called integrity. Then you developed technology, which allowed everyone to speak to everyone at almost no cost [the Internet]! They could no longer hide in the dark, and four years ago they began to fall. That's the plain talk of it. There can be no more conspiracies on this planet to that degree, and here's the reason: There are lighthouses like you all over this planet that are dedicated to stand and let that light shine. There are lights being turned on everywhere!
There are far fewer dark places to scamper to or hide within. This didn't happen because there were some grand groups that rode in on white horses. You want to know who the grand ones who changed this were? They are the ones in the chairs who sit in front of me - the ones who read this right now who, with the mind of Spirit many years ago, decided to come to Earth with the potential to make a difference!
You think this sounds like an allegory, a fairy tale? Well, go read your newspaper. Tell me about the largest corporations you have - falling over because an individual with integrity spoke up. When did that happen last? If we told you the potential of that happening ten years ago, you would have laughed! You might have said, "Kryon, you must understand that nothing touches big money. It's one of those things that will never change. There are certain things on this Earth that cannot be touched, and big money is one of them." It just did.
你们认为这听起来很像是寓言,很像是神话?好,去看一下报纸。告诉我,你们最大型的企业——因为一个正直人士大胆说出了真话而倒闭。这种事上一次发生在什么时候?如果我们在十年前说它会发生,你们听了会大笑!你们会说,“克里昂,你要明白,没有任何人碰得了大集团。这是其中一件永远不会改变的事。地球上有些事情永远碰不得,大集团是其中之一。” 刚刚就有人把它碰倒了。
[注:2001 年 12 月,美国安然公司(Enron Corporation)向纽约破产法院申请破产保护,创下美国历史上最大的公司破产纪录。首先揭起安然丑闻盖子的,就是安然副总裁莎朗·沃特金斯。当时她看到公司存在许多问题,并冒着被解雇的风险写信给安然董事会主席,警告公司的会计方法存在问题。
在宣告破产之前,安然是世界上最大的电力、天然气以及电讯公司之一,名列《财富》杂志 “美国 500 强” 的第七名;掌控着美国 20% 的电能和天然气交易,公司营运业务覆盖全球 40 个国家和地区。共有雇员 2 万 1 千人,资产额高达 620 亿美元;在 2000 年的总收入高达 1010 亿美元。
然而真正使安然公司在全世界声名大噪的,却是这个拥有上百亿资产的公司 2002 年在几周内破产,持续多年精心策划、乃至制度化系统化的财务造假丑闻。安然承认做了假账,虚报数字让人瞠目结舌:自 1997 年以来,安然虚报盈利共计近 6 亿美元。]
What if I asked you, what is another one of those things that will never change? "Well," you might say,"big religion is another. It's a very large and old organization that cannot be moved easily." Really? Go read your newspaper. A very big religion is reevaluating itself, isn't it? An integrity factor is starting to show. There are those who are beginning to emerge within that belief system and are saying, "Wait a minute! This isn't correct. The God that I worship would not have representatives that would do these things. My God is a loving God, and these individuals are not representing that."
如果我问你们,那些永远不会改变的事情还包括什么?“嗯,” 你会说,“大宗教是另一个。它是非常广大及古老的组织,无法轻易动得了它。” 真的吗?去看一下报纸。一个非常大的宗教正在重新自我评估,对吗?正直的特质开始显示出来。有些人走出那个信仰体系并说,“等一下!这是不对的。我信仰的神不会有做出这种事的代理人。我的神是慈爱的神,这些人没有表现出慈爱的特质。”
This organization you call the church is being reevaluated and pruned. And it's not just limited to the Western world, either. Watch for it worldwide. We told you about this almost three years ago when we said, "The greatest spiritual leaders you have who search for the divine on your planet are coming to a reckoning even as you sit here" [Kryon Book 8 – Passing the Marker]. Now the energy of what you've created has caught up with them! The result? There will be more integrity within the ranks of those who lead the planet on a spiritual level.
你们称为 “教会” 的组织正在被重新评估与修整。这种事不仅限于西方世界。留意它会在全世界发生。我们在大约三年前说过这件事,我们说,“你们最伟大的一些宗教领袖,地球上那些寻找神的宗教人士,即将受到清算,就在你们坐在这里之际” [克里昂书八——《跨过里程碑》]。现在你们所创造的能量已经对在他们算旧账!结果是?在地球宗教领袖的阶层中将会有更多的正直性。
[注:2002 年 1 月,美国《波士顿环球报》报道了波士顿地区天主教会神父性侵犯儿童案,并披露该地区主教掩盖教会丑闻,把性侵犯儿童的神父从该教区调往另一教区,而不从重处理。此事曝光之后,不仅引起了许多人的愤慨,更有数以千计的 “儿童性侵犯” 受害者向教会提出控诉。在波士顿,调查人员发现,1940 年至 2000 年,共有 1000 多名儿童可能受到 235 名神职人员的性侵害。
美国的主流媒体《纽约时报》、《华盛顿邮报》以及有线电视网等对教会性丑闻案进行了连续报道,使这场风波越闹越大,此案成为继安然公司假账案之后美国最大的丑闻之一,并由此引发舆论对其他地区教会普遍存在的类似案例的揭露与关注。仅在 2001 年,全美 4 万 6 千名牧师中就有大约 325 人因此被开除。波士顿罗马天主教会原大主教伯纳德·劳也于 2002 年 12 月引咎辞职。
美国天主教波士顿的三百五十七个教区, 因为受到神职人员性丑闻的波及,面临信徒人数锐减及经费不足的困难,教区财务恶化,没有能力再支持无法自给自足的教堂,约有一百四十四个教区将面临被裁减的危险。波士顿总教区於 2004 年宣布将在半年内关闭六十五座教堂的决定。]
That's what a vibrational increase does. There are fewer dark places. And let me tell you what happens when those who would conspire against you have fewer places to hide. They show themselves. We're not in judgment, but we will tell you that it's a Human dramatic reaction to go find them and eliminate them! But there are other ways, dear ones. That's why you're almost at war. It's a different energy now... if you've noticed.
Many are in complete denial about all this. Even with your news, the weather changes, and the proof of the magnetics and crystalline energies changing, they stick to the old Earth energy. We also told you that a chasm would develop [Kryon Book 8], even within your own metaphysical beliefs. It begins. Many are looking at the new energy and feeling that it's false, and that you're somehow covering the truth of conspiracy with your light. Somehow they feel that your light is going to cover up the truth.
很多人完全否认这一切。即使你们的新闻透露了许多事,即使气候变迁,还有磁力与水晶能量改变的证据,他们还是紧守着旧地球能量。我们也说过,一个裂口会发展出来 [克里昂书八],甚至在你们本身的形而上信仰当中。它开始了。很多人看着新能量并觉得它是假的,他们认为你们正在以某种方式,用你们的光来遮盖住阴谋的真相。不知何故,他们觉得你们的光会遮盖住真相。
How can you know who's right? It's easy. Look at their lives. Are they comfortable, peaceful, and filled with the love of God? Are they tolerant with their lives and those around them? Would you like to have them around you? What is their "drama" factor? It speaks volumes of how their cells are doing, doesn't it? Blessed is the Human who lets in the truth of Spirit. For it will affect the very cellular structure of his blood. It will bring him peace in the face of war and give him tolerance when all around him there is none. It will produce ideas that were never thought of, and create a vibrational shift.
如何知道谁是正确的呢?很容易。看看他们的生活。他们是否过得自在、平静、充满神的慈爱?他们是否宽容对待他们的生活及他们周围的人?你想呆在他们身边吗?什么是他们的 “戏剧性” 因素?这充分说明了他们的细胞干得好不好,不是吗?有福的是那些让圣灵的真相进来的人类。因为这会影响他血液里的细胞结构。这会在战争面前带给他平静,让他拥有宽容,当周围的人都在愤恨的时候。
President Bush and the Election
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Place-holder |
We even told you about the man who's your president [January, 2003]. We called him a "place-holder." This was not a criticism or a demeaning term. It's simply a definition of energy. It's one who holds energy while something else happens. In mathematics, a place-holder is used to hold the energy of a place while solutions are computed around it. It allows the columns to line up and the dots to be connected. It's a metaphor, isn't it? And that's what we told you about the man who's your president.
我们甚至讲过关于你们总统的事 [2003 年 1 月时在位的总统]。我们说他是 “占位的人”。这不是批评或贬低的字眼。它只是形容能量。他守住能量,让其他事情发生。在数学上,占位符号是用来保持一个位置的能量,而答案正在计算中。它允许栏柱被列好,圆点被连起来。这是隐喻,对吗?那就是我们说的成为你们总统的这个人。
So what kind of a place is he holding? you might ask. Here is information you didn't expect. There are things around you, not in this country [USA], which need to be shifted and changed. There are those who need to move around so that the earth can be more even in its consciousness. And this is the man who's facilitating it. You may not like it, but it's what you planned. This place-holder is a catalyst for change.
[译注:美国在 2001 年的 911 恐怖袭击事件发生后,美国总统布什宣布向 “恐怖主义” 宣战。于 2001 年 10 月发动阿富汗战争,以铲除塔利班政权和卡伊达恐怖组织。于 2003 年 3 月发动伊拉克战争,以铲除萨达姆政权、搜寻并销毁藏匿在伊拉克境内的大规模杀伤性武器以及恐怖分子。
“你们的 911 事件并不是偶然的。它启动了一些只有地球上最强大自主的国家才有可能去启动的事……她无需对任何国家交代,也不会自觉本身是某些互相结盟的国家的一员。这是一个设定……这当中没有任何错误。中东那些数千年来都一成不变的地方需要以一根能量棒子使劲地搅拌,才能开创新的局面。除此之外没有任何方法可行,而你们就是那些有能力去这么做的人。” —— 克里昂:《当今事件》(2005)]
Do you think it was an accident that he came into office? Go take a look at his election. First, was it a normal one? No. It was almost a forced election... one that seemed out of balance - not your standard election, was it? Here is a postulate of those who would control you: "Never create unusual circumstances that will beg investigation." Therefore, we tell you that this election was not something created by those in the dark. Instead, it was something you created within the new energy... to facilitate what you're seeing.
你们认为他当选是偶然的吗?去看看他的选举。首先,那是不是一场寻常的选举?不。它几乎是一场受迫性选举……失衡的——不是你们的标准选举,对吗?这是那些控制你们的人士的原则:“绝不制造异常状况,以免引来调查。” 因此,我们告诉你,这场选举不是由那些处在黑暗能量中的人士制造的。相反的,它是你们制造的,在新能量当中……以便有助于你们目前所看见的情况。
[注:2000 年美国总统选举是美国历史上选举结果最接近的几次之一,两个主要的参选人是德克萨斯州州长、共和党候选人乔治.布什,以及当时的美国副总统、民主党候选人艾尔.高尔。
在佛罗里达大约六百万张选民票中,布什赢得 2,909,135 张,戈尔赢得 2,907,351 张,其他候选人共得 139,616 张,布什仅比戈尔多得 1,784 张选民票。如此接近的选票差距在美国总统选举史上是史无前例的,也远远小于一般意义上的计算误差率。计票纠纷引发几十桩法律诉讼案,官司一直从佛罗里达的地方法院打到联邦最高法院。最终的选举结果经过一个月的争议后才最终定案,而争议是在经过多次的反复点算普选票以及司法判决后才最终结束的。]
We ask you to look back on these kinds of things metaphysically. Suspend your political and humanitarian urges for just a moment and get above yourselves. Look instead into the future, and what all this might create. We told you about the potential of the energy on your planet more than a decade ago. That's why many of you feel anxious. We spoke of the battle to come, and we even told you that there were those who agreed to leave during these times [Kryon Book 1]. Now, here you sit within it, and it's not very comfortable, is it? Perhaps that's why it's called work? These changes are going to prune the planet. They're going to separate the old from the new. The old energy thinkers will have to change, for if they don't, they'll find themselves in an old consciousness within a new energy. Make no assumptions who the old energy thinkers are! The result of living in one energy while in the posturing of another is dis-ease. It's appropriate that you have the leader you have, for much will be put forward that never would have happened otherwise. Perhaps what you do in reaction to him is the key? Perhaps it will cause more to be "torn off the fence"? Think about it. More plain talk. **
我们要你们回顾这些事,从形而上学的角度。暂时放下你们的政治与人道主义的强烈要求,超越你自己。相反的,看向未来,这一切会创造出怎样的局面。我们在至少十年前就给出了地球能量的潜在性。那就是你们感到焦虑的原因。我们说未来会有战斗,我们甚至说有些人同意在这段时期离开 [克里昂书一]。现在,你们就处于其中,感到很不自在,对吗?也许那就是所谓的工作?这些改变会修整地球。它们会分开旧能量与新能量。那些抱持旧能量想法的人需要作出改变,不然,他们会发现自己带着旧意识处在新能量当中。请别假设谁是抱持旧能量想法的人!处在一种能量里,同时维持着另一种能量的姿态,是令人不安的。你们拥有这位领袖是恰当的,因为他会推动许多永远不会被推动的事情。也许你们对他的决策所作出的反应就是关键?[译注:美国发动伊拉克战争,许多人质疑战争的动机与理由,最终导致全球大规模反战示威游行。] 也许它会导致更多人 “撕掉篱笆” [表明态度]? 想一想吧。还有更多实话。**
God - Spirit – Source
Let's speak about God, or what many of you call Spirit or Source. Kryon comes from The Great Central Sun. Where do you suppose that is? Oh, there are those who say, "Well, we know where that must be. It's up there - three stars to the left." No, it isn't. The Great Central Sun isn't a place. It's the best information we could give you to try to tell you where Spirit and family is - the pieces and parts of you. Where do they live? I'll tell you. I'll tell you where the great central sun is: It's in the space between your thoughts! The Great Central Sun is the distance between the nucleus and the electron haze in every atom in existence. It's great, it's central, for it's everywhere. It's the sun because it's the metaphor of light. It's where you emanate from when you're not here. It's not a place at all. It's a dimensional attribute that's everywhere all the time. It's difficult to explain to single-digit dimensional beings - difficult to explain. How can I prove this? I can't, but let me define God as "the missing piece."
让我们来谈论神,或者是你们许多人所说的 “圣灵” 或 “源头”。克里昂来自 “大中央太阳”。你们觉得是在哪里呢?哦,有些人会说,“嗯,我们知道是在哪里。它就在天上——左边第三颗星星。” 不,不是。大中央太阳不是地方。它是我们所能给出的最好的说法,来讲解圣灵与家人之所在——你的那些片段与部分。他们住在哪里?我会告诉你。我会告诉你大中央太阳是在哪里:它是在你的念头与念头之间的空隙!大中央太阳是每一粒原子的原子核与电子云之间的距离。它是巨大的,它是中央的,因为它无处不在。它是太阳,因为那是光的隐喻。它就是你的发源地,当你不在这里时。它完全不是地方。它是一种维度属性,何处何时都存在。很难对单一维度的生物解释这件事——很难解释。我要如何证明呢?我不能,但是,让我定义神为 “缺失的片段”。
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大中央太阳:在念头与念头之间的空隙 |
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大中央太阳:是原子核与电子云之间的距离 |
I will challenge you. Scientists, are you listening and reading? Go find the missing piece. Did you know that there's a missing piece of your reality? It's everywhere. Here's something that doesn't make any sense. There's energy missing in the universe. Where did it go? There's energy missing in mathematics. Where did it go? We ask you to start adding things up. Start looking at the truth - this is plain talk.
[ “你们的天文学家一直都在观察宇宙,并以他们的方式来测量宇宙的整体能量。他们留意到一种让他们感到懊恼的现象:宇宙中的物质及光的总和远远少于他们所测量到的能量!这是在科学界里众所周知的现象。”
—— 克里昂:《宇宙网格,第一部分》]
Why should the most profound and common mathematical formula in existence be an irrational number? Pi isn't complete. Does that make sense to you within the elegance of a universal system? That number goes on forever and has no solution! Does that make sense? You see, there's something missing. It wouldn't go on forever if there was just a little more of it. It would be a whole number. [Smile]
为什么那最深奥与最普遍的数学公式竟然是一个无理数呢? π 是不完整的。在优雅的宇宙系统当中,你们觉得这有道理吗?它的数字一直延续下去,没完没了!那有道理吗?你瞧,有些东西遗漏了。如果多了那么一点点,它就不会无限延续下去。它会是个整数。[微笑]
There are missing pieces in physics, and there's a missing piece in consciousness. Where is Spirit? It's everywhere. And that's why we tell you this - that if you wish to connect (and we'll get to that in a minute), you don't have to go anywhere! There are few procedures, and there are no books, either. The most profound energy on Earth is the one you carry with you called Human consciousness. This is plain talk. This consciousness will enable you, if you allow it. This will fill in the gaps, if you allow it. It will allow the visualization of what has been in the dark. The pieces that have been missing will start to appear. They will start to complement you. Your biology will shift, your consciousness will shift, and your vibration will begin to increase. Can it be that simple? We'll talk about that in a moment.
But where is God? It's so interesting to look at humanity, and the duality that's so rich. There are even those who don't believe that a higher power exists. Did you know that the search for God is intuitive within humanity? So let's talk about that.
Some have asked, "Dear Kryon, is reincarnation real?" I don't even wish to use that word. I'd rather call it something better: sacred creation - a melding of an old soul in a new body for the purpose of the experience on the planet - born in love with the equality of every other piece of God called Human..a new expression of life. Doesn't that sound better? Yes, this system is real.
曾经有人问,“亲爱的克里昂,转世是真的吗?” 我甚至不想用那个词。我宁愿给它一个更好的说法:神圣的创造——把老灵魂融合在新的身体里,为了来到地球上——在爱之中诞生,在平等中与神的每一个片段、与其他人类在一起……是生命的一次新的表现形式。那听起来是否感觉更好?对,转世系统确有其事。
Humans think in very straight lines. Because of your linearity, almost every religion on your planet believes in the afterlife. Most religious profess that once you die, you keep going as an eternal being of some kind. Yet few of them believe in the fore-life... an existence before you got here. And so we say again to you, is this spiritually logical? They teach that you arrive from nothing and nowhere, yet you're suddenly eternal - created out of nothing and becoming everything. Even physicists know better than that. There's always an energy exchange. Creation doesn't come from nothing.
There are those who've said that there's no proof whatsoever of reincarnation. No one has ever come back from across the veil and said, "Yes, that's the way it works." You're right! But let me remind you of something: No one has ever come across the veil from death and said that's not the way it works, either. In other words, there's no proof either way. This is part of the way the veil works... that although there's some communication with those who have died, they don't come back and hold meetings. This is on purpose, dear ones.
有些人说,没有证据能证明真的有转世。从来没有人穿过帷幕到回来说,“对,那就是它的方式。” 你说得对!但是让我提醒你:也从来没有人穿过帷幕从死后的世界到回来说,它不是这样的。换句话说,是或不是都没有证据。这就是帷幕的作用……虽然能与死去的人达成某种沟通,但他们不会到回来开会。这是故意地,亲爱的。
Most of humanity doesn't believe in a fore-life. And why is that? Because the major religions of the planet tell you that it's not so. What does that mean to you? Powerful spiritual leaders in strange outfits with lots of abundance in big buildings give you this information... and therefore it must be true? Where is their proof? Is it that they've been around a long time, so they must be correct? Well, so have you! Their answers are no better than yours. They're honored for their search and for their attempts, but so are you!
Here's an exercise: Wherever you are right now in consciousness, we want to bring you back for a moment and be alert. We'd like you to communicate in an energy that we've set up and allow you to communicate in a lifted-veil status. We'd like you to ask your Higher-Self a question, one question, then stand back and quietly listen to the answer in an alert state. Plain talk. Ask yourselves this: "Am I eternal?" You just got the answer. There was a piece of you that just wanted to leap out of its skin and say yes! Yes and yes!
这里有一个练习:无论你的意识目前处在哪里,我们要带你回去片刻,并保持警觉。我们要你在我们所设定的能量中沟通,允许自己在一种帷幕被升起的状态中沟通。我们要你去问你的高我一个问题,问一个问题,接着退后站住,在警觉状态中静静聆听它的答案。实话。问你自己:“我是永恒的吗?” 你刚刚得到了答案。你有一个片段感到非常惊喜并说:是的!是的是的!
This answer didn't come from any other source, and it didn't come from an Earthly organization. What better way to do this than to ask yourself, "Am I eternal?" The answer will be yes. Being an eternal being means that there's no beginning and there's no end. It's a circle, you know. In that circle you come and go and come and go and come and go. It's the way of it. It has always been the way of it. It's precise, and yet it's changeable. Did you know that the very contract you agreed to arrive with can be changed today? How about right now? Who told you that the contract - the one to do with karmic experience - was set in stone? Let me tell you the truth. This is plain talk. That contract was a starting energy. It invited you to change it all along, but if you do nothing, that's the one you're living.
这个答案不是来自其他地方,它也不是来自世间的组织。有什么方法会比问自己更好,“我是永恒的吗?” 答案将是 “是的”。成为永恒的生命意味着没有开始也没有结束。它是在一个圆圈中,你知道吗。在那个圆圈中,你来了又走、来了又走、来了又走。那就是它的方式。它总是这种方式。它是精确的,但它也是可变的。你可知道,那个你同意带着它到来的契约,如今可以被改变吗?现在就改变它,如何?谁说那个契约——那些业力经验——是一成不变的?让我告诉你真相。这是实话。那个契约是起初的能量。它邀请你在一路上改变它,但如果你什么也没做,那你就是活在它当中。
Considering God
Human Beings are so funny! You wish to put God in your own dimension, and then say, "That's who God is." You feel that there's a place where God must exist that is physical... and it looks a certain way - perhaps it's the third star to the left? [Laughter]
人类是很可笑的!你们想把神放进你们的维度里,然后说,“那就是神。” 你们觉得神肯定存在于一个具体的地方……那个地方有特定的样子——也许是左边第三颗星星?[笑声]
A fun metaphor: What if blood cells had consciousness? Ever thought about that? These are living things, aren't they? They reproduce; they go to work; they have purpose; they live a life; they're born; they die. It sounds like you! For the sake of this metaphor, let's say they have a consciousness in blood cell-dom. Then let's say they got together and decided that perhaps there was a higher purpose in why they were there. Racing around in the darkness in the veins of the body, whom do you suppose they might worship? The heart? Perhaps the kidney? Maybe even the lungs? After all, that's where they stop and transfer energy. But how many of them do you think would be able to think outside the body "neighborhood" for answers? "Maybe we're inside something that is bigger than we can imagine?" they might say. "Maybe there's a consciousness that's above where we are? Maybe there is purpose here that we're not seeing?" Instead of worshiping the heart or the liver or the lungs, perhaps they might choose to think that there's something outside of all they know, something they've never seen yet, or can't. Would they do that? Not likely. Instead, they'd see God as a large blood cell with a light, perhaps?
这里有一个有趣的隐喻:如果说血球拥有意识呢?你们有没有这样想过?这些是生物,不是吗?它们会繁殖;它们会工作;它们有目标;它们有生命;它们出生;它们死亡。听起来很像你!为了这个隐喻的缘故,让我们说,它们在血球的王国里拥有意识。然后我们说,它们聚集在一起讨论,它们认为,它们的存在也许拥有更高的目的。在身体血管的黑暗中奔流,你觉得它们会敬仰谁呢?心脏?也许是肾脏?甚至有可能是肺脏?毕竟,那是它们停下来转移能量的地方。但你觉得它们有多少个能想到身体 “邻近地区” 以外的答案呢?“也许我们是在某个比我们想象还要大的地方之内?” 它们可能会说。“也许在我们之上存在着一种意识?也许这里有一些我们看不见的目的?” 相对于敬仰心脏或肝脏或肺脏,也许它们会选择去想,那里有一些超越它们认知的东西,有一些它们没有见过,或是无法看见的东西。它们会这样想吗?不大可能。相反的,它们会把神视为一个会发光的大血球,也许?
Why do I bring this up? Because it's much like what Humans perform. They want to make God into an object and put Spirit in a physical place in the seeable universe. Most Humans don't understand that God is not in Human reality. You may say you understand that, but then with angels... you have to put skin and wings on them, and even give each one a name just to talk to them! What if I told you that every entity was like a cloud of gas the size of Texas? Everywhere and nowhere... and that each cloud of gas was also with other clouds of gas. How could you name those? There's nothing to really see, and no form at all. Yet you want to bring them into your reality to deal with them. I have an idea. Why don't you be the one to turn into the cloud and join them?
为什么我会给出这个隐喻?因为它就像是人类的做法。他们想让神成为一个物体,把神放进一个具体的地方,在看得见的宇宙中。多数人不明白,神不是在人类实相中。你可能会说你明白这一点,然而对于天使……你们还是要给祂们皮肉与翅膀,甚至给祂们取名,好让你们能对祂们讲话!如果我说,每个天使就像一团气体,像德克萨斯州那么大呢?[译注:那是这场通灵的地点] 到处都是、哪里都不是……而且每一团气体都与其他团气体混在一起。你要如何给祂们取名呢?你真的看不见什么,也完全没有什么形状。但你们却想把祂们带到你们的实相当中来敬仰。我有一个主意。你们为何不变成一团气体并加入祂们呢?
Just like the blood cells carry oxygen, giving life to the Human Being, Humans carry the life of God. And that's the truth! You're actually a piece of the wholeness of what you call God. Spirit cannot exist without you. Every single one of you is an integral piece of divinity, and without you this beautiful tapestry called God wouldn't exist. Oh, it's true that you're here in duality and seemingly in the dark and you don't understand everything. But we're telling you that these last years, what has happened is that you've given permission to turn on the light! Much of what is happening now is due simply to that.
就像血球携带氧气,给予人类生命那样,人类也携带着神的生命。那是真相!你的确是整体的一个片段,而那个整体就是你们所说的神。圣灵无法离开你们而存在。你们每一个都是神不可或缺的片段,没有你们,这幅称为 “神” 的美丽壁毯就无法存在。哦,你们的确是在二元性当中,你们看似处在黑暗中,你们不是全知全能。但我们告诉你,在过去这几年,你们已经允许光被亮起!很多正在发生的事情,其实就是出于这个原因。
The gifts of Spirit and self-empowerment lay there waiting for your discovery in what used to be the darkness. They represent the new tools of life. They represent what you've called ascension. And what is this ascension? Did you know that this word doesn't mean "leaving the planet"? Ascension means moving to a higher vibration where you stay on the planet in an enhanced form and make a difference! How about that? How do you make this connection? How do you turn on the light? Now, this is plain talk.
圣灵的礼物及自我赋能就在那里,等着你来发现,就在过去那些黑暗处。它们代表生命的新工具。它们代表你们所说的扬升。而什么是扬升?你们是否知道,这个词不是指 “离开地球” ?扬升的是指进入更高的振动频率,你们会以提高的状态留在地球上并带来改变!觉得怎样?如何达到这种连结?如何亮起光?现在,这是实话。
How many steps are there to ascension? Only one. There has been great criticism in this statement. "Kryon, you never give anybody any information that is specific in the way of procedure. How are we going to proceed with something like gaining a higher vibration when you never give us any steps?" You're right - absolutely right. There's nothing you can grab a hold of because I'm not giving four-dimensional instructions anymore. Plain talk. It's about time you sat down and figured something out: Gone are the old ways of spiritual progress! You're being invited to a cooperative arrangement where you take the hand of your Higher-Self and move into areas that simply can't be delineated, measured, counted, or notated. There are no beads to count, no phrases to say, no meetings to attend, no altars to prepare, and no masters to beg forgiveness of.
扬升有多少个步骤?只有一步。这个声明曾经遇到许多批评。“克里昂,你从来没有给过任何人任何信息是与步骤有关的。如果你从来没有对我们透露任何步骤,我们要如何着手,得到更高振动呢?” 你说得对——完全正确。没有什么东西能让你抓住,因为我不会再给出四维的指示了。实话。你们是时候坐下来想一想:灵性进展的旧方式已经过去了!你们被邀请参与合作式的安排,你会握住你的高我的手,进入无法被描绘、测量、计算、或标记的领域。不用数念珠、不用念短句、不用出席聚会、不用设祭坛、不用向任何大师祈求宽恕。
The "one step" is a catalyst to a thousand personal ones. Say with pure intent: "Dear God, tell me what I need to know to start this process of becoming interdimensional. What do I need to know in order to start vibrating higher?" Then allow Spirit to slowly work with you. Don't expect a four-dimensional answer! You're using your own master-hood to create answers. Expect synchronicity. Expect passion to change in your life. Expect a different consciousness to develop. Then when each one begins, you'll work with it until the next begins. Each Human is different, and each path is unique. It's a work in progress for the rest of your life. [Next month Kyron gave more about Ascension].
那 “一步” 是数千个私人步骤的催化剂。以纯粹的意图说出:“亲爱的神,告诉我,我需要知道什么事,以便开始这个进入跨维度的过程。我需要知道什么事,以便开始振动得更高?” 然后允许圣灵慢慢与你一起做事。别期待四维的答案!你正在运用自己的大师身份来创造答案。去期待同步性。去期待你的生活热情会改变。去期待不同的意识开始发展起来。当每一步开始了,你会做好它,直到下一步开始。每个人都是不同的,每一条路都是独特的。它是你今后人生中不断进行的工作。[下个月克里昂会进一步解释 “扬升” ]。
Create Out of Nothing
In the last few years, your science has proven that Human consciousness changes matter. If you believe this, do you think that it would be possible for Human consciousness to create matter? Well, the answer is yes, it always could! It can create something, seemingly out of nothing. Impossible, you say? The avatars did it. The masters of old did it. You can do it, too. So why don't you create something that's completely and totally apart from your four-dimensional existence? This is really alchemy, and we've told you before that it's simply changing energy. Here is how it's done.
Every day, create thought engrams. [Kryon's definition of engrams are thoughts that remain in your memory as energy.] These engrams are more than just idle visualizations. Engrams are sacred energy thought-groups. How do you create them? Use remembrance. Enhance what you've seen or experienced. All of you have experienced laughter. So emboss this joy into yourselves based on the model that's real that you remember. All of you have had youth. So emboss this remembered vitality into your mind.
每一天,创造出思想印痕。[克里昂对印痕的定义是:保留在记忆中的想法,是一种能量。] 这些印痕不只是无聊的想象。记忆印痕是神圣的能量思想群。如何创造它们呢?用记忆。增强你看过的画面或体验过的事情。你们每个人都体验过欢笑。那么就把这种喜悦压印在你的记忆里,根据你所记得的真实模型。你们每个人都曾经拥有青春。那么就把这种记得的活力压印在你的脑海里。
These engrams will eventually create a new reality within you, which will slowly pull you out of 4-D and into something higher. You may not understand what that means, but in 4-D you're in a box. Use your 4-D experience to climb the walls of the box and prepare to use what you're given... but not necessarily understand it. "What?" you might say. "That makes no sense at all. We need to study a process and understand it in order to use it. That's just basic logic." Really? Do you understand intuition? Can you define how to use it? No. But you use it, don't you? Do you understand gravity? No. But you work with it daily. Get used to concepts that you work with but cannot explain.
这些印痕最终会在你身上创造出一种新的实相,它会慢慢把你拉出四维,进入更高的维度。你也许不了解它的意思,但在四维中,你被局限在盒子里。用你的四维体验来翻过盒子的墙壁,准备运用你被赋予的能力……但未必要了解它。“什么?” 你会说。“那完全没有道理。我们需要学习它的过程、了解它,以便运用它。那只是基本逻辑。” 真的吗?你了解直觉吗?你能解释如何运用直觉吗?不。但你运用它,对吗?你了解引力吗?不。但你每天都在运用它。要习惯于一些你会运用但却无法解释的概念。
What is predisposed in your body? What disease are you going to get because your brother got one or your sister or your cousin? This is plain talk. Why don't you eliminate that? This information is about self-empowerment. It's about asking yourself, the Divine-Self, questions about God. Use the power of your own Human consciousness in what you've called intent, every day of your life. Talk to your cellular structure. Maybe it's time you stopped talking to Spirit for a while and instead talked to the Higher-Self within? Do you know that there are trillions of cells waiting for the boss to talk to them?
Some of you have never even addressed your cellular structure, and you wonder why it's out of balance! Have you ever sat down and had a meeting with your body? Perhaps this is something to do alone and not around your friends [good advice]. Then after you've healed yourself and balanced yourself and enabled yourself, they might notice. "Whatever happened to that problem you used to have?" they might say. And you could say, "Well, I had a meeting with my cells, and boy, were they glad to hear from me! Because I had never talked to them before. I've been alive all these years, and never knew I could. You won't believe what they were going to do on their own! So I rewrote their schedule. I created something - a longer life." Now perhaps you'll also start understanding how peace is created in you and what happens when a number of people create peace in themselves. It's catchy, you know. [Smile]
你们有些人从来没有对自己的细胞结构讲过任何话,而你想知道它为何会不平衡!你有没有试过坐下来与你的身体开会?也许这是独处时才做的事,不是当你在朋友身边时[好提议]。当你治愈自己、平衡自己、赋能予自己之后,他们会注意得到。“你过去的毛病怎么了?” 他们会说。而你可以说,“嗯,我与自己的细胞进行了一场会议,天啊,它们很高兴能听见我说话!因为我从来没有试过对它们谈话。我活了这么多年以来,从来不知道我可以这样做。你不会相信它们本身的能力!于是我重新编写了它们的程序。我创造了一件事——更长的寿命。” 现在,也许你们也开始明白,该如何创造内心的平静;还有,当一些人在内心创造平静的时候,情况会变成怎样。它是引人注目的,你知道吗。[微笑]
If you could project yourselves 100 years from now, you might find that something has changed: It's a potential we always told you about. A hundred years from now when you look back, historians will talk about solving the unsolvable. They'll talk about the way things used to be and about the time when humanity turned it around. They'll speak of how a new consciousness on Earth prevailed, and how everyone had to agree on what civilization meant, and how there was an understanding that war would never be an option to problem solving again. They'll talk about Bush, and what happened. They'll talk about how he was a catalyst to the next step. Hindsight will be keen, and here you sit with a preview.
如果你们能想象自己处在 100 年后,你会发现有些事情已经改变:它是我们一直提到的潜在性。一百年后当你看回这段时期,历史学家会谈论那些无解的僵局是怎么得到解决。他们会谈论过去的方式、人类扭转局面的那段时期。他们会谈论新意识如何在地球上获胜,每个人是如何同意文明的意谓,人们如何明白战争不再是解决问题的选项。他们会谈论布什,和他的任期内发生了什么事。他们会谈论他如何成为下一步的催化剂。他们会热衷于事后聪明的评论,而你们就坐在这里,聆听它的预告。
Oh, yes, there will be challenges, and yes, there will still be countries that don't agree with other countries - and cultures and religions will bicker. But the potential is for a higher vibration on this planet... believe it or not. That's the potential we see, and that's why we love you the way we do. And that's as plain as it gets. Now what are you going to do with this possibility? Do you understand the responsibility you have to examine that?
We pause right before we leave. There's never been a better time to turn on the light. You're going to hear this from us over and over - an expression that means: Why don't you shift dimensionality and create those thought engrams that change reality in 4-D and go beyond it? How do you talk to 4-D creatures in an interdimensional way? I just did. It's very difficult for me to explain to you what it's like out of the dimensionality you grew up in and live in.
We're in love with you, you know. The grid is settled. There is much teaching. Eventually, we'll begin, when it's appropriate, the teaching of the DNA. We'd like to tell you what the layers are all about, what the colors are, and what the numbers are. Before we do that, we'd like to tell you more about ascension - something we may call "Through the Eyes of Ascension." It's all part of a new teaching for Kryon, in a new energy of a new planet with the potential that's still remarkable.
我们深爱着你,你知道吗。磁栅已经稳定下来。我们要教导的事情有很多。最终,我们会着手进行,在适当的时候,教导关于 DNA 的事。我们想讲解那些层面是什么,那些颜色是什么,那些数字是什么。在那之前,我们想让你们知道更多关于扬升的事——我们会称为 “通过扬升的眼光看事情”。那是克里昂全新的教学内容,在新的能量、新的地球、依然显著的潜在性当中。
In the face of war, in the face of anxiety, in the face of all of the things that are your reality at the moment, there's a peaceful, sacred spot that you can be in - where you see the appropriateness, where you hold the light, where you send the light where it's needed most - to Africa, to the Oval Office, to Afghanistan, to Palestine, and to Israel. Send light, one family member to another. Don't send politics, and don't send your own ideas. Send light. Light will make a clearer path for those who make decisions in partial darkness.
Does it make a difference? It already has, dear ones. It already has.
And so this entourage, which is the one that I came in with, pulls away from you - back through the crack in the veil until the next time. We're in love with you, dear family, dear sister, dear brother. When you're not here, and with us, we sing your name in light. Someday you'll stand next to us and all will be clear. The scheme of why you came will be clear. The big questions will have been answered. But until then, living in duality and in 4-D is the hard part. That's why we stand next to you, willing and ready to take your hand anytime you ask it. And that's the truth.
It's hard to leave, and we don't want to... so we linger. It's because we feel we're being hugged back! That's what happens when the veil lifts a bit. It's not just one-way anymore. It's two ways. It's now a reunion where both sides express love to one another.
And so it is.
** From Lee: Regarding the Bush section.
** 李的补充:关于布什的部分。
At a time when political tempers are flaring, many are unable to think past the anger or the drama of world events. They might see Kryon's words as an endorsement for the American president. Kryon is not political, and never will be. In subsequent messages, Kryon even compared the situation to the attributes of allowing an abusive father to be part of your life. It's abhorrent to think that perhaps we would plan something like abuse in our lives, but clearly this has been channelled over and over, that it's exactly what we do in order to get the "kick in the pants" that we need to move spiritually. There are many parables about this from Kryon within the last 12 years.
当涉及世界事件的政治怒火烧得旺盛时,很多人的想法无法超越愤怒或戏剧性。他们认为克里昂的话是对美国总统的认可。克里昂与政治无关,永远不会。在随后的信息中,克里昂甚至把这种情况比喻为允许一位虐待的父亲成为你生活的一部分。想到我们会在自己的生命中设计出虐待这种事,实在很可恨,但显然这种比喻已经被传导了一次又一次,它完全是我们会做的事,为了得到那 “踢在裤子上的一脚”,催赶我们走上追寻灵性的道路。在过去 12 年间,克里昂有很多类似的寓言。
So just as we allowed the 9-11 to be part of our reality in this America we love, so we also have allowed a leadership that will tweak the other world's leaders, interrupt old alliances, and create a situation that will move things off the peg of normalcy. It isn't an endorsement, it's a statement of what's happening. You and I have allowed for the "pruning of Earth" that is taking place. Collectively, and universally, we gave permission at the 11:11 window.
就如我们允许 9-11 事件发生在这个我们深爱的美国,成为我们实相的一部分那样,我们也同样允许一个领导人,他会拧转其他世界领袖,干扰陈旧的联盟,制造出让事情脱离常态的局面。那不是认可,那是对正在发生的事情的声明。你和我已经允许那进行中的 “对地球的修整”。集体地、普世地,我们在 11:11 的窗户给出了许可。
2001 年 12 月,美国安然公司(Enron Corporation)向纽约破产法院申请破产保护,创下美国历史上最大的公司破产纪录。首先揭起安然丑闻盖子的,就是安然副总裁莎朗·沃特金斯。当时她看到公司存在许多问题,并冒着被解雇的风险写信给安然董事会主席,警告公司的会计方法存在问题。
在宣告破产之前,安然是世界上最大的电力、天然气以及电讯公司之一,名列《财富》杂志 “美国 500 强” 的第七名;掌控着美国 20% 的电能和天然气交易,公司营运业务覆盖全球 40 个国家和地区。共有雇员 2 万 1 千人,资产额高达 620 亿美元;在 2000 年的总收入高达 1010 亿美元。
然而真正使安然公司在全世界声名大噪的,却是这个拥有上千亿资产的公司 2002 年在几周内破产,持续多年精心策划、乃至制度化系统化的财务造假丑闻。安然承认做了假账,虚报数字让人瞠目结舌:自 1997 年以来,安然虚报盈利共计近 6 亿美元。
2000 年 8 月,安然股票达到历史高位每股 90 美元,这时安然公司董事长开始抛售自己持有的公司股票,他当然知道公司所隐瞒的亏损有多少。与此同时,一般投资者被建议继续买进安然股票,股价还会无休止的涨下去。安然高层向投资者承诺公司股价会涨到 130-140 美元一股,背地里却悄悄将自己手里的公司股票出空,因为他们知道公司前景不妙。
到 2001 年 8 月 15 日,安然的股价已经跌至 42 美元一股。许多投资者仍旧深信萊的讲话,认为安然股票会引领市场,他们越买越亏、越亏越买。到 10 月底,股价已跌至 15 美元,而很多投资者却视此为一个买入安然的良机,只因为萊不断在媒体上为他们加油打气。直到一个月后,2001 年 11 月 28 日,公众才获知了安然以前所隐藏的经营亏损,而这时安然的股价已经跌破 1 美元。
公司的 29 名高级主管在股价崩跌之前已出售 173 万股股票,获得 11 亿美元的巨额利润。公司的 14 名监事会成员有 7 名与安然关系特殊,要么正在与安然进行交易,要么供职于安然支持的非盈利机构,对安然的种种劣迹睁一只眼闭一只眼。
布什政府许多官员与安然公司关系很深,如国防部长拉姆斯菲尔德,总统高级顾问卡尔·罗夫,财政部副部长彼德·菲舍尔都持有安然公司的股份。陆军部长托马斯·怀特在就任前曾经是安然公司的副董事长,其手中的安然股票价值 5000 万至 1 亿美元之间。另外,布什政府的一些高级官员还曾在安然公司担任一些顾问职务。罗夫和怀特已经承认,他们在安然倒闭前卖掉了自己手中的安然股票。
《纽约时报》披露,安然公司是美国政治捐款大户,是布什政治生涯中最大的竞选捐助者,共为布什捐助 55 万美元的竞选资金。报道说,1989 年到 2001 年,安然公司捐助的竞选资金高达 580 万美元,73% 捐给共和党,27% 捐给民主党。在 2000 年的大选中,安然公司为 71 位参议员和 188 位众议员提供过竞选资金捐助。
安然倒闭的同时,以前与安然有染的机构也被殃及,为安然服务的著名五大国际会计事务所之一安达信(Arthur Andersen)被诉妨碍司法公正,并因此倒闭。花旗集团、摩根大通、美洲银行等也因涉嫌财务欺诈,向安然破产的受害者分别支付了 20 亿、22 亿和 6900 万美元的赔偿金。
安然推倒丑闻 “多米诺”。此后,美国大公司的假账丑闻没完没了。2001 年 12 月,宝丽来 (Polaroid) 申请破产保护;2002 年 1 月,凯马特 (Kmart) 与环球电讯 (GlobalCrossing) 申请破产保护。6 月,世界通信 (WorldCom) ——安达信的另一个客户——紧接着爆出了 38 亿美元的财务漏洞。三天之后,施乐 (Xerox) 在其重新公布的近年收入报告中,承认虚报了 14 亿美元的利润。
安然事件导致了《萨班斯-奥克斯利法案》(Sarbanes-Oxley Act)的产生,该法案被视为自 1930 年代以来美国证券法最重要的修改,在公司治理、会计职业监管、证券市场监管等方面作出了许多新的规定。
北方网:《安然丑闻揭发者从时代风云人物沦为无业游民》 http://news.enorth.com.cn/system/2004/06/09/000799039.shtml
互动百科:《安然事件》 http://www.hudong.com/wiki/%E5%AE%89%E7%84%B6%E4%BA%8B%E4%BB%B6
维基百科:《安然公司》 http://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-sg/%E5%AE%89%E7%84%B6%E5%85%AC%E5%8F%B8
人民网:《美国大公司也做假账》 http://military.people.com.cn/GB/8221/51757/52478/52482/3651204.html
新华网:《改变美国的三次媒体揭黑报道》 http://news.xinhuanet.com/world/2011-07/25/c_121706900_5.htm
世界巨头们的轰然坠地 http://www.ei-training.com/sqwz/GoldenRules/GR-16-2.htm
维基百科:《萨班斯-奥克斯利法案》 http://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-sg/%E8%90%A8%E7%8F%AD%E6%96%AF-%E5%A5%A5%E5%85%8B%E6%96%AF%E5%88%A9%E6%B3%95%E6%A1%88
Why should the most profound and common mathematical formula in existence be an irrational number? Pi isn't complete. Does that make sense to you within the elegance of a universal system? That number goes on forever and has no solution! Does that make sense? You see, there's something missing. It wouldn't go on forever if there was just a little more of it. It would be a whole number. [Smile]
为什么那最深奥与最普遍的数学公式竟然是一个无理数呢? π 是不完整的。在优雅的宇宙系统当中,你们觉得这有道理吗?它的数字一直延续下去,没完没了!那有道理吗?你瞧,有些东西遗漏了。如果多了那么一点点,它就不会无限延续下去。它会是个整数。[微笑]
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π (圆周率)的无理性,所以只能以近似值的方法计算
π 。
There are missing pieces in physics, and there's a missing piece in consciousness. Where is Spirit? It's everywhere. And that's why we tell you this - that if you wish to connect (and we'll get to that in a minute), you don't have to go anywhere! There are few procedures, and there are no books, either. The most profound energy on Earth is the one you carry with you called Human consciousness. This is plain talk. This consciousness will enable you, if you allow it. This will fill in the gaps, if you allow it. It will allow the visualization of what has been in the dark. The pieces that have been missing will start to appear. They will start to complement you. Your biology will shift, your consciousness will shift, and your vibration will begin to increase. Can it be that simple? We'll talk about that in a moment.
But where is God? It's so interesting to look at humanity, and the duality that's so rich. There are even those who don't believe that a higher power exists. Did you know that the search for God is intuitive within humanity? So let's talk about that.
Some have asked, "Dear Kryon, is reincarnation real?" I don't even wish to use that word. I'd rather call it something better: sacred creation - a melding of an old soul in a new body for the purpose of the experience on the planet - born in love with the equality of every other piece of God called Human..a new expression of life. Doesn't that sound better? Yes, this system is real.
曾经有人问,“亲爱的克里昂,转世是真的吗?” 我甚至不想用那个词。我宁愿给它一个更好的说法:神圣的创造——把老灵魂融合在新的身体里,为了来到地球上——在爱之中诞生,在平等中与神的每一个片段、与其他人类在一起……是生命的一次新的表现形式。那听起来是否感觉更好?对,转世系统确有其事。
Humans think in very straight lines. Because of your linearity, almost every religion on your planet believes in the afterlife. Most religious profess that once you die, you keep going as an eternal being of some kind. Yet few of them believe in the fore-life... an existence before you got here. And so we say again to you, is this spiritually logical? They teach that you arrive from nothing and nowhere, yet you're suddenly eternal - created out of nothing and becoming everything. Even physicists know better than that. There's always an energy exchange. Creation doesn't come from nothing.
There are those who've said that there's no proof whatsoever of reincarnation. No one has ever come back from across the veil and said, "Yes, that's the way it works." You're right! But let me remind you of something: No one has ever come across the veil from death and said that's not the way it works, either. In other words, there's no proof either way. This is part of the way the veil works... that although there's some communication with those who have died, they don't come back and hold meetings. This is on purpose, dear ones.
有些人说,没有证据能证明真的有转世。从来没有人穿过帷幕到回来说,“对,那就是它的方式。” 你说得对!但是让我提醒你:也从来没有人穿过帷幕从死后的世界到回来说,它不是这样的。换句话说,是或不是都没有证据。这就是帷幕的作用……虽然能与死去的人达成某种沟通,但他们不会到回来开会。这是故意地,亲爱的。
Most of humanity doesn't believe in a fore-life. And why is that? Because the major religions of the planet tell you that it's not so. What does that mean to you? Powerful spiritual leaders in strange outfits with lots of abundance in big buildings give you this information... and therefore it must be true? Where is their proof? Is it that they've been around a long time, so they must be correct? Well, so have you! Their answers are no better than yours. They're honored for their search and for their attempts, but so are you!
Here's an exercise: Wherever you are right now in consciousness, we want to bring you back for a moment and be alert. We'd like you to communicate in an energy that we've set up and allow you to communicate in a lifted-veil status. We'd like you to ask your Higher-Self a question, one question, then stand back and quietly listen to the answer in an alert state. Plain talk. Ask yourselves this: "Am I eternal?" You just got the answer. There was a piece of you that just wanted to leap out of its skin and say yes! Yes and yes!
这里有一个练习:无论你的意识目前处在哪里,我们要带你回去片刻,并保持警觉。我们要你在我们所设定的能量中沟通,允许自己在一种帷幕被升起的状态中沟通。我们要你去问你的高我一个问题,问一个问题,接着退后站住,在警觉状态中静静聆听它的答案。实话。问你自己:“我是永恒的吗?” 你刚刚得到了答案。你有一个片段感到非常惊喜并说:是的!是的是的!
This answer didn't come from any other source, and it didn't come from an Earthly organization. What better way to do this than to ask yourself, "Am I eternal?" The answer will be yes. Being an eternal being means that there's no beginning and there's no end. It's a circle, you know. In that circle you come and go and come and go and come and go. It's the way of it. It has always been the way of it. It's precise, and yet it's changeable. Did you know that the very contract you agreed to arrive with can be changed today? How about right now? Who told you that the contract - the one to do with karmic experience - was set in stone? Let me tell you the truth. This is plain talk. That contract was a starting energy. It invited you to change it all along, but if you do nothing, that's the one you're living.
这个答案不是来自其他地方,它也不是来自世间的组织。有什么方法会比问自己更好,“我是永恒的吗?” 答案将是 “是的”。成为永恒的生命意味着没有开始也没有结束。它是在一个圆圈中,你知道吗。在那个圆圈中,你来了又走、来了又走、来了又走。那就是它的方式。它总是这种方式。它是精确的,但它也是可变的。你可知道,那个你同意带着它到来的契约,如今可以被改变吗?现在就改变它,如何?谁说那个契约——那些业力经验——是一成不变的?让我告诉你真相。这是实话。那个契约是起初的能量。它邀请你在一路上改变它,但如果你什么也没做,那你就是活在它当中。
Considering God
Human Beings are so funny! You wish to put God in your own dimension, and then say, "That's who God is." You feel that there's a place where God must exist that is physical... and it looks a certain way - perhaps it's the third star to the left? [Laughter]
人类是很可笑的!你们想把神放进你们的维度里,然后说,“那就是神。” 你们觉得神肯定存在于一个具体的地方……那个地方有特定的样子——也许是左边第三颗星星?[笑声]
A fun metaphor: What if blood cells had consciousness? Ever thought about that? These are living things, aren't they? They reproduce; they go to work; they have purpose; they live a life; they're born; they die. It sounds like you! For the sake of this metaphor, let's say they have a consciousness in blood cell-dom. Then let's say they got together and decided that perhaps there was a higher purpose in why they were there. Racing around in the darkness in the veins of the body, whom do you suppose they might worship? The heart? Perhaps the kidney? Maybe even the lungs? After all, that's where they stop and transfer energy. But how many of them do you think would be able to think outside the body "neighborhood" for answers? "Maybe we're inside something that is bigger than we can imagine?" they might say. "Maybe there's a consciousness that's above where we are? Maybe there is purpose here that we're not seeing?" Instead of worshiping the heart or the liver or the lungs, perhaps they might choose to think that there's something outside of all they know, something they've never seen yet, or can't. Would they do that? Not likely. Instead, they'd see God as a large blood cell with a light, perhaps?
这里有一个有趣的隐喻:如果说血球拥有意识呢?你们有没有这样想过?这些是生物,不是吗?它们会繁殖;它们会工作;它们有目标;它们有生命;它们出生;它们死亡。听起来很像你!为了这个隐喻的缘故,让我们说,它们在血球的王国里拥有意识。然后我们说,它们聚集在一起讨论,它们认为,它们的存在也许拥有更高的目的。在身体血管的黑暗中奔流,你觉得它们会敬仰谁呢?心脏?也许是肾脏?甚至有可能是肺脏?毕竟,那是它们停下来转移能量的地方。但你觉得它们有多少个能想到身体 “邻近地区” 以外的答案呢?“也许我们是在某个比我们想象还要大的地方之内?” 它们可能会说。“也许在我们之上存在着一种意识?也许这里有一些我们看不见的目的?” 相对于敬仰心脏或肝脏或肺脏,也许它们会选择去想,那里有一些超越它们认知的东西,有一些它们没有见过,或是无法看见的东西。它们会这样想吗?不大可能。相反的,它们会把神视为一个会发光的大血球,也许?
Why do I bring this up? Because it's much like what Humans perform. They want to make God into an object and put Spirit in a physical place in the seeable universe. Most Humans don't understand that God is not in Human reality. You may say you understand that, but then with angels... you have to put skin and wings on them, and even give each one a name just to talk to them! What if I told you that every entity was like a cloud of gas the size of Texas? Everywhere and nowhere... and that each cloud of gas was also with other clouds of gas. How could you name those? There's nothing to really see, and no form at all. Yet you want to bring them into your reality to deal with them. I have an idea. Why don't you be the one to turn into the cloud and join them?
为什么我会给出这个隐喻?因为它就像是人类的做法。他们想让神成为一个物体,把神放进一个具体的地方,在看得见的宇宙中。多数人不明白,神不是在人类实相中。你可能会说你明白这一点,然而对于天使……你们还是要给祂们皮肉与翅膀,甚至给祂们取名,好让你们能对祂们讲话!如果我说,每个天使就像一团气体,像德克萨斯州那么大呢?[译注:那是这场通灵的地点] 到处都是、哪里都不是……而且每一团气体都与其他团气体混在一起。你要如何给祂们取名呢?你真的看不见什么,也完全没有什么形状。但你们却想把祂们带到你们的实相当中来敬仰。我有一个主意。你们为何不变成一团气体并加入祂们呢?
Just like the blood cells carry oxygen, giving life to the Human Being, Humans carry the life of God. And that's the truth! You're actually a piece of the wholeness of what you call God. Spirit cannot exist without you. Every single one of you is an integral piece of divinity, and without you this beautiful tapestry called God wouldn't exist. Oh, it's true that you're here in duality and seemingly in the dark and you don't understand everything. But we're telling you that these last years, what has happened is that you've given permission to turn on the light! Much of what is happening now is due simply to that.
就像血球携带氧气,给予人类生命那样,人类也携带着神的生命。那是真相!你的确是整体的一个片段,而那个整体就是你们所说的神。圣灵无法离开你们而存在。你们每一个都是神不可或缺的片段,没有你们,这幅称为 “神” 的美丽壁毯就无法存在。哦,你们的确是在二元性当中,你们看似处在黑暗中,你们不是全知全能。但我们告诉你,在过去这几年,你们已经允许光被亮起!很多正在发生的事情,其实就是出于这个原因。
The gifts of Spirit and self-empowerment lay there waiting for your discovery in what used to be the darkness. They represent the new tools of life. They represent what you've called ascension. And what is this ascension? Did you know that this word doesn't mean "leaving the planet"? Ascension means moving to a higher vibration where you stay on the planet in an enhanced form and make a difference! How about that? How do you make this connection? How do you turn on the light? Now, this is plain talk.
圣灵的礼物及自我赋能就在那里,等着你来发现,就在过去那些黑暗处。它们代表生命的新工具。它们代表你们所说的扬升。而什么是扬升?你们是否知道,这个词不是指 “离开地球” ?扬升的是指进入更高的振动频率,你们会以提高的状态留在地球上并带来改变!觉得怎样?如何达到这种连结?如何亮起光?现在,这是实话。
How many steps are there to ascension? Only one. There has been great criticism in this statement. "Kryon, you never give anybody any information that is specific in the way of procedure. How are we going to proceed with something like gaining a higher vibration when you never give us any steps?" You're right - absolutely right. There's nothing you can grab a hold of because I'm not giving four-dimensional instructions anymore. Plain talk. It's about time you sat down and figured something out: Gone are the old ways of spiritual progress! You're being invited to a cooperative arrangement where you take the hand of your Higher-Self and move into areas that simply can't be delineated, measured, counted, or notated. There are no beads to count, no phrases to say, no meetings to attend, no altars to prepare, and no masters to beg forgiveness of.
扬升有多少个步骤?只有一步。这个声明曾经遇到许多批评。“克里昂,你从来没有给过任何人任何信息是与步骤有关的。如果你从来没有对我们透露任何步骤,我们要如何着手,得到更高振动呢?” 你说得对——完全正确。没有什么东西能让你抓住,因为我不会再给出四维的指示了。实话。你们是时候坐下来想一想:灵性进展的旧方式已经过去了!你们被邀请参与合作式的安排,你会握住你的高我的手,进入无法被描绘、测量、计算、或标记的领域。不用数念珠、不用念短句、不用出席聚会、不用设祭坛、不用向任何大师祈求宽恕。
The "one step" is a catalyst to a thousand personal ones. Say with pure intent: "Dear God, tell me what I need to know to start this process of becoming interdimensional. What do I need to know in order to start vibrating higher?" Then allow Spirit to slowly work with you. Don't expect a four-dimensional answer! You're using your own master-hood to create answers. Expect synchronicity. Expect passion to change in your life. Expect a different consciousness to develop. Then when each one begins, you'll work with it until the next begins. Each Human is different, and each path is unique. It's a work in progress for the rest of your life. [Next month Kyron gave more about Ascension].
那 “一步” 是数千个私人步骤的催化剂。以纯粹的意图说出:“亲爱的神,告诉我,我需要知道什么事,以便开始这个进入跨维度的过程。我需要知道什么事,以便开始振动得更高?” 然后允许圣灵慢慢与你一起做事。别期待四维的答案!你正在运用自己的大师身份来创造答案。去期待同步性。去期待你的生活热情会改变。去期待不同的意识开始发展起来。当每一步开始了,你会做好它,直到下一步开始。每个人都是不同的,每一条路都是独特的。它是你今后人生中不断进行的工作。[下个月克里昂会进一步解释 “扬升” ]。
Create Out of Nothing
In the last few years, your science has proven that Human consciousness changes matter. If you believe this, do you think that it would be possible for Human consciousness to create matter? Well, the answer is yes, it always could! It can create something, seemingly out of nothing. Impossible, you say? The avatars did it. The masters of old did it. You can do it, too. So why don't you create something that's completely and totally apart from your four-dimensional existence? This is really alchemy, and we've told you before that it's simply changing energy. Here is how it's done.
Every day, create thought engrams. [Kryon's definition of engrams are thoughts that remain in your memory as energy.] These engrams are more than just idle visualizations. Engrams are sacred energy thought-groups. How do you create them? Use remembrance. Enhance what you've seen or experienced. All of you have experienced laughter. So emboss this joy into yourselves based on the model that's real that you remember. All of you have had youth. So emboss this remembered vitality into your mind.
每一天,创造出思想印痕。[克里昂对印痕的定义是:保留在记忆中的想法,是一种能量。] 这些印痕不只是无聊的想象。记忆印痕是神圣的能量思想群。如何创造它们呢?用记忆。增强你看过的画面或体验过的事情。你们每个人都体验过欢笑。那么就把这种喜悦压印在你的记忆里,根据你所记得的真实模型。你们每个人都曾经拥有青春。那么就把这种记得的活力压印在你的脑海里。
These engrams will eventually create a new reality within you, which will slowly pull you out of 4-D and into something higher. You may not understand what that means, but in 4-D you're in a box. Use your 4-D experience to climb the walls of the box and prepare to use what you're given... but not necessarily understand it. "What?" you might say. "That makes no sense at all. We need to study a process and understand it in order to use it. That's just basic logic." Really? Do you understand intuition? Can you define how to use it? No. But you use it, don't you? Do you understand gravity? No. But you work with it daily. Get used to concepts that you work with but cannot explain.
这些印痕最终会在你身上创造出一种新的实相,它会慢慢把你拉出四维,进入更高的维度。你也许不了解它的意思,但在四维中,你被局限在盒子里。用你的四维体验来翻过盒子的墙壁,准备运用你被赋予的能力……但未必要了解它。“什么?” 你会说。“那完全没有道理。我们需要学习它的过程、了解它,以便运用它。那只是基本逻辑。” 真的吗?你了解直觉吗?你能解释如何运用直觉吗?不。但你运用它,对吗?你了解引力吗?不。但你每天都在运用它。要习惯于一些你会运用但却无法解释的概念。
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Embossed Art |
What is predisposed in your body? What disease are you going to get because your brother got one or your sister or your cousin? This is plain talk. Why don't you eliminate that? This information is about self-empowerment. It's about asking yourself, the Divine-Self, questions about God. Use the power of your own Human consciousness in what you've called intent, every day of your life. Talk to your cellular structure. Maybe it's time you stopped talking to Spirit for a while and instead talked to the Higher-Self within? Do you know that there are trillions of cells waiting for the boss to talk to them?
Some of you have never even addressed your cellular structure, and you wonder why it's out of balance! Have you ever sat down and had a meeting with your body? Perhaps this is something to do alone and not around your friends [good advice]. Then after you've healed yourself and balanced yourself and enabled yourself, they might notice. "Whatever happened to that problem you used to have?" they might say. And you could say, "Well, I had a meeting with my cells, and boy, were they glad to hear from me! Because I had never talked to them before. I've been alive all these years, and never knew I could. You won't believe what they were going to do on their own! So I rewrote their schedule. I created something - a longer life." Now perhaps you'll also start understanding how peace is created in you and what happens when a number of people create peace in themselves. It's catchy, you know. [Smile]
你们有些人从来没有对自己的细胞结构讲过任何话,而你想知道它为何会不平衡!你有没有试过坐下来与你的身体开会?也许这是独处时才做的事,不是当你在朋友身边时[好提议]。当你治愈自己、平衡自己、赋能予自己之后,他们会注意得到。“你过去的毛病怎么了?” 他们会说。而你可以说,“嗯,我与自己的细胞进行了一场会议,天啊,它们很高兴能听见我说话!因为我从来没有试过对它们谈话。我活了这么多年以来,从来不知道我可以这样做。你不会相信它们本身的能力!于是我重新编写了它们的程序。我创造了一件事——更长的寿命。” 现在,也许你们也开始明白,该如何创造内心的平静;还有,当一些人在内心创造平静的时候,情况会变成怎样。它是引人注目的,你知道吗。[微笑]
If you could project yourselves 100 years from now, you might find that something has changed: It's a potential we always told you about. A hundred years from now when you look back, historians will talk about solving the unsolvable. They'll talk about the way things used to be and about the time when humanity turned it around. They'll speak of how a new consciousness on Earth prevailed, and how everyone had to agree on what civilization meant, and how there was an understanding that war would never be an option to problem solving again. They'll talk about Bush, and what happened. They'll talk about how he was a catalyst to the next step. Hindsight will be keen, and here you sit with a preview.
如果你们能想象自己处在 100 年后,你会发现有些事情已经改变:它是我们一直提到的潜在性。一百年后当你看回这段时期,历史学家会谈论那些无解的僵局是怎么得到解决。他们会谈论过去的方式、人类扭转局面的那段时期。他们会谈论新意识如何在地球上获胜,每个人是如何同意文明的意谓,人们如何明白战争不再是解决问题的选项。他们会谈论布什,和他的任期内发生了什么事。他们会谈论他如何成为下一步的催化剂。他们会热衷于事后聪明的评论,而你们就坐在这里,聆听它的预告。
Oh, yes, there will be challenges, and yes, there will still be countries that don't agree with other countries - and cultures and religions will bicker. But the potential is for a higher vibration on this planet... believe it or not. That's the potential we see, and that's why we love you the way we do. And that's as plain as it gets. Now what are you going to do with this possibility? Do you understand the responsibility you have to examine that?
We pause right before we leave. There's never been a better time to turn on the light. You're going to hear this from us over and over - an expression that means: Why don't you shift dimensionality and create those thought engrams that change reality in 4-D and go beyond it? How do you talk to 4-D creatures in an interdimensional way? I just did. It's very difficult for me to explain to you what it's like out of the dimensionality you grew up in and live in.
We're in love with you, you know. The grid is settled. There is much teaching. Eventually, we'll begin, when it's appropriate, the teaching of the DNA. We'd like to tell you what the layers are all about, what the colors are, and what the numbers are. Before we do that, we'd like to tell you more about ascension - something we may call "Through the Eyes of Ascension." It's all part of a new teaching for Kryon, in a new energy of a new planet with the potential that's still remarkable.
我们深爱着你,你知道吗。磁栅已经稳定下来。我们要教导的事情有很多。最终,我们会着手进行,在适当的时候,教导关于 DNA 的事。我们想讲解那些层面是什么,那些颜色是什么,那些数字是什么。在那之前,我们想让你们知道更多关于扬升的事——我们会称为 “通过扬升的眼光看事情”。那是克里昂全新的教学内容,在新的能量、新的地球、依然显著的潜在性当中。
In the face of war, in the face of anxiety, in the face of all of the things that are your reality at the moment, there's a peaceful, sacred spot that you can be in - where you see the appropriateness, where you hold the light, where you send the light where it's needed most - to Africa, to the Oval Office, to Afghanistan, to Palestine, and to Israel. Send light, one family member to another. Don't send politics, and don't send your own ideas. Send light. Light will make a clearer path for those who make decisions in partial darkness.
Does it make a difference? It already has, dear ones. It already has.
And so this entourage, which is the one that I came in with, pulls away from you - back through the crack in the veil until the next time. We're in love with you, dear family, dear sister, dear brother. When you're not here, and with us, we sing your name in light. Someday you'll stand next to us and all will be clear. The scheme of why you came will be clear. The big questions will have been answered. But until then, living in duality and in 4-D is the hard part. That's why we stand next to you, willing and ready to take your hand anytime you ask it. And that's the truth.
It's hard to leave, and we don't want to... so we linger. It's because we feel we're being hugged back! That's what happens when the veil lifts a bit. It's not just one-way anymore. It's two ways. It's now a reunion where both sides express love to one another.
And so it is.
** From Lee: Regarding the Bush section.
** 李的补充:关于布什的部分。
At a time when political tempers are flaring, many are unable to think past the anger or the drama of world events. They might see Kryon's words as an endorsement for the American president. Kryon is not political, and never will be. In subsequent messages, Kryon even compared the situation to the attributes of allowing an abusive father to be part of your life. It's abhorrent to think that perhaps we would plan something like abuse in our lives, but clearly this has been channelled over and over, that it's exactly what we do in order to get the "kick in the pants" that we need to move spiritually. There are many parables about this from Kryon within the last 12 years.
当涉及世界事件的政治怒火烧得旺盛时,很多人的想法无法超越愤怒或戏剧性。他们认为克里昂的话是对美国总统的认可。克里昂与政治无关,永远不会。在随后的信息中,克里昂甚至把这种情况比喻为允许一位虐待的父亲成为你生活的一部分。想到我们会在自己的生命中设计出虐待这种事,实在很可恨,但显然这种比喻已经被传导了一次又一次,它完全是我们会做的事,为了得到那 “踢在裤子上的一脚”,催赶我们走上追寻灵性的道路。在过去 12 年间,克里昂有很多类似的寓言。
So just as we allowed the 9-11 to be part of our reality in this America we love, so we also have allowed a leadership that will tweak the other world's leaders, interrupt old alliances, and create a situation that will move things off the peg of normalcy. It isn't an endorsement, it's a statement of what's happening. You and I have allowed for the "pruning of Earth" that is taking place. Collectively, and universally, we gave permission at the 11:11 window.
就如我们允许 9-11 事件发生在这个我们深爱的美国,成为我们实相的一部分那样,我们也同样允许一个领导人,他会拧转其他世界领袖,干扰陈旧的联盟,制造出让事情脱离常态的局面。那不是认可,那是对正在发生的事情的声明。你和我已经允许那进行中的 “对地球的修整”。集体地、普世地,我们在 11:11 的窗户给出了许可。
安然公司的创始人兼首席执行员 Kenneth Lay (右) 及总裁 Jeffrey Skilling (左) |
2001 年 12 月,美国安然公司(Enron Corporation)向纽约破产法院申请破产保护,创下美国历史上最大的公司破产纪录。首先揭起安然丑闻盖子的,就是安然副总裁莎朗·沃特金斯。当时她看到公司存在许多问题,并冒着被解雇的风险写信给安然董事会主席,警告公司的会计方法存在问题。
在宣告破产之前,安然是世界上最大的电力、天然气以及电讯公司之一,名列《财富》杂志 “美国 500 强” 的第七名;掌控着美国 20% 的电能和天然气交易,公司营运业务覆盖全球 40 个国家和地区。共有雇员 2 万 1 千人,资产额高达 620 亿美元;在 2000 年的总收入高达 1010 亿美元。
然而真正使安然公司在全世界声名大噪的,却是这个拥有上千亿资产的公司 2002 年在几周内破产,持续多年精心策划、乃至制度化系统化的财务造假丑闻。安然承认做了假账,虚报数字让人瞠目结舌:自 1997 年以来,安然虚报盈利共计近 6 亿美元。
2000 年 8 月,安然股票达到历史高位每股 90 美元,这时安然公司董事长开始抛售自己持有的公司股票,他当然知道公司所隐瞒的亏损有多少。与此同时,一般投资者被建议继续买进安然股票,股价还会无休止的涨下去。安然高层向投资者承诺公司股价会涨到 130-140 美元一股,背地里却悄悄将自己手里的公司股票出空,因为他们知道公司前景不妙。
到 2001 年 8 月 15 日,安然的股价已经跌至 42 美元一股。许多投资者仍旧深信萊的讲话,认为安然股票会引领市场,他们越买越亏、越亏越买。到 10 月底,股价已跌至 15 美元,而很多投资者却视此为一个买入安然的良机,只因为萊不断在媒体上为他们加油打气。直到一个月后,2001 年 11 月 28 日,公众才获知了安然以前所隐藏的经营亏损,而这时安然的股价已经跌破 1 美元。
公司的 29 名高级主管在股价崩跌之前已出售 173 万股股票,获得 11 亿美元的巨额利润。公司的 14 名监事会成员有 7 名与安然关系特殊,要么正在与安然进行交易,要么供职于安然支持的非盈利机构,对安然的种种劣迹睁一只眼闭一只眼。
布什政府许多官员与安然公司关系很深,如国防部长拉姆斯菲尔德,总统高级顾问卡尔·罗夫,财政部副部长彼德·菲舍尔都持有安然公司的股份。陆军部长托马斯·怀特在就任前曾经是安然公司的副董事长,其手中的安然股票价值 5000 万至 1 亿美元之间。另外,布什政府的一些高级官员还曾在安然公司担任一些顾问职务。罗夫和怀特已经承认,他们在安然倒闭前卖掉了自己手中的安然股票。
《纽约时报》披露,安然公司是美国政治捐款大户,是布什政治生涯中最大的竞选捐助者,共为布什捐助 55 万美元的竞选资金。报道说,1989 年到 2001 年,安然公司捐助的竞选资金高达 580 万美元,73% 捐给共和党,27% 捐给民主党。在 2000 年的大选中,安然公司为 71 位参议员和 188 位众议员提供过竞选资金捐助。
安然倒闭的同时,以前与安然有染的机构也被殃及,为安然服务的著名五大国际会计事务所之一安达信(Arthur Andersen)被诉妨碍司法公正,并因此倒闭。花旗集团、摩根大通、美洲银行等也因涉嫌财务欺诈,向安然破产的受害者分别支付了 20 亿、22 亿和 6900 万美元的赔偿金。
安然推倒丑闻 “多米诺”。此后,美国大公司的假账丑闻没完没了。2001 年 12 月,宝丽来 (Polaroid) 申请破产保护;2002 年 1 月,凯马特 (Kmart) 与环球电讯 (GlobalCrossing) 申请破产保护。6 月,世界通信 (WorldCom) ——安达信的另一个客户——紧接着爆出了 38 亿美元的财务漏洞。三天之后,施乐 (Xerox) 在其重新公布的近年收入报告中,承认虚报了 14 亿美元的利润。
安然事件导致了《萨班斯-奥克斯利法案》(Sarbanes-Oxley Act)的产生,该法案被视为自 1930 年代以来美国证券法最重要的修改,在公司治理、会计职业监管、证券市场监管等方面作出了许多新的规定。
北方网:《安然丑闻揭发者从时代风云人物沦为无业游民》 http://news.enorth.com.cn/system/2004/06/09/000799039.shtml
互动百科:《安然事件》 http://www.hudong.com/wiki/%E5%AE%89%E7%84%B6%E4%BA%8B%E4%BB%B6
维基百科:《安然公司》 http://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-sg/%E5%AE%89%E7%84%B6%E5%85%AC%E5%8F%B8
人民网:《美国大公司也做假账》 http://military.people.com.cn/GB/8221/51757/52478/52482/3651204.html
新华网:《改变美国的三次媒体揭黑报道》 http://news.xinhuanet.com/world/2011-07/25/c_121706900_5.htm
世界巨头们的轰然坠地 http://www.ei-training.com/sqwz/GoldenRules/GR-16-2.htm
维基百科:《萨班斯-奥克斯利法案》 http://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-sg/%E8%90%A8%E7%8F%AD%E6%96%AF-%E5%A5%A5%E5%85%8B%E6%96%AF%E5%88%A9%E6%B3%95%E6%A1%88