Crystal Cove State Park, Newport Beach, California |
The Celebration! - What's next?
让我告诉你们关于磁力栅格的事。地球的磁力栅格是为了你们而调整。它是一个你们允许的过程,是一个会改变地球实相的过程。当你们允许改变地球实相的时候,你们有没有在某一刹那想到,所发生的其实就是磁栅移动?磁场必须先行移动。它负责铺设地球的未来。磁栅团队工作了 12 年来形成一个越来越薄的帷幕。现在磁栅已经铺设好,等着那些想要揭开帷幕的人们提出邀请。有很多人会得益,但关键还是在于自由选择,什么是你想要的呢?你的追寻已经走得够远了吗?
当磁栅团队完成任务时,他们会去哪里?他们会去下一个栅格,他们会在 2003 年开始他们的工作。让我们把这下一个栅格称为 “水晶栅格”。水晶栅格一直都存在。它与磁力栅格同时被设置于地球上。它一直以来都与磁力栅格携手合作。
你们认为水晶栅格能量的改动会是什么?磁栅团队会从磁力栅格移向水晶栅格,同时转变形态。他们会用往后十年来改写过去,直到 2012 年。随着水晶栅格的改动,地球哺乳动物身上的知识宝库也会跟着一起改动。
如何能改写过去?“过去就是过去,” 你们会说。“你无法改变发生过的事情,对吗?” 也许那是对的,如果你认为你是在同一个地球的话,但你们不是!你们已经改变了你们自己的实相,记得吗?你们执著的过去完全属于另一个实相!为何世界末日没有按照预期发生呢?为何预言没有发生呢?也许它们有!但是在另一个实相里……不是在你们的实相。它如何说明了人类的身份,如何说明了,人类能够改写历史、改写未来?
在 2012 年,水晶栅格能量的重新校准工作会结束。“那么,克里昂,” 此时你会说,“那神秘的第三个栅格是什么?” 它就像另外两个栅格一样,是无形的。它也是活的。它受到前两个栅格的影响。这第三个栅格会响应维度转变。它拥有自由选择。地球的第三个栅格就是人类意识。它不是在最后才转变,而是与另外两个栅格一起转变。
Newport Beach, California
December 8, 2002
As channelled by Lee Carroll for Kryon
This channelling is a celebration of the grid group's work, and a treatise on what's happening next. Where is the grid group going? Are there other grids? What is the energy of the next change? And... what is the gender energy of the grid group and Kryon? You might be surprised!
This channelling has been added-to and enhanced by Kryon in a rechannelling process over the actual transcribed channelling. This has been done in order to make it more valuable for the written word and to bring clarity to concepts that were given energetically within the live channelling.]
Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service!
We paused a moment so that my partner could recover from an overwhelming feeling of joy. It's the joy of completion, the joy of endurance, and the joy we have for humanity.
Indeed in this very spot [speaking of the venue in Newport Beach], over and over, we've assembled year to year and washed the feet of those who have come to see us. Indeed, the words that were spoken have been published for others to read and feel. We have washed their feet as they read. And so it is that even this night, these words are spoken to a multitude that is not here, but who really are. For who am I to tell you, reader, that you're not here as you read these words? It is the "now," is it not, where we speak to groups seeming to be in the future, but who are also in the present? Today the group in front of me is in the present, and the readers are in the future. Later in your linear time-line, the readers will be both [since they don't all read at the same time], and this group will be the past. Yet we see all of you at the same time.
是的,在这个地点 [指新港海滩的通灵会场],一次又一次,我们年复一年聚集在这里,帮那些来会见我们的人洗脚。[译注:洗脚在克里昂许多篇信息里意味着家人之间爱的表达]。是的,我们说过的话已经被出版成书,让其他人阅读并感受。当他们阅读的时候,我们也帮他们洗脚。今晚也一样,这些话是说给不在场的群众听,但他们确实在场。因为,读者,当你正在阅读的时候,我有什么资格说你不在场呢?那是 “当下”,不是吗?当我们对看似处在未来的群众说话的时候,其实他们也是在目前。今天在现场的群众是在目前,而读者是在未来。迟点在你们的线性时间里,读者会同时处在目前及未来 [因为他们不是全在同一时间阅读],而现场群众会处在过去。但是我们同时看见你们全部人。
This message speaks to all of the layers of the DNA. May they resound with the message magnetically, that humanity has changed the planet to such a degree that they've allowed for the lifting of the veil and what we've called an Apocalypse - a grand dimensional shift, even a new dispensation on the planet.
这个信息是对所有 DNA 层说话。希望它们会在磁性层面响应这个信息,证实人类已经改变了地球,改变的程度之大,直到他们允许帷幕被升起、允许我们所说的 “天启”——维度上的巨大转变,乃至地球上的全新时代。
It's the last time that we'll pour into this place when the grid is under construction. It's the last time that the entities whom you call "grid-workers" will be working with the magnetics. It's the last time! Yet there's no sorrow here. There's no good-bye...only celebration. We're going to give you the reasons for that in just a moment and expose things we've never ever talked about. We're going to talk esoteric. Sometimes we talk scientific, and other times we speak of practical things. But on a higher level, we wish to explain what is taking place in this completion of a 12-year cycle on your planet.
这是我们最后一次在磁栅还在建构中的情况下进来这里。这是 “磁栅工作者” 最后一次与磁场共事。这是最后一次!但这里没有离愁。没有饯别……只有庆祝。我们等下会告知原因,并揭露一些我们从来没有谈过的事情。我们会谈论奥秘的事情。有时候我们会谈论科学,其他时候我们会谈论一些实际的事情。但在更高的层次,在地球上这 12 年周期完成之际,我们希望能讲解发生了什么事。
Oh, dear Human, do you know how safe you are here? Were you looking for a place where you could give your affirmations - where there would only be purity and love? This is it! We're arriving for a celebration and a ceremony. We're lining the walls - above you, below you. We're next to you. Those who wish to have ceremony a little later as you thank the grid-workers may feel them thank you back. You know, this process started way before the Kryon publications - a process you gave permission for - one that would change the very reality of the planet.
During the teachings today, some of you chuckled at the Armageddon you expected but that did not happen. Some find it amusing that it didn't happen and that few even noticed! Others are amused that the ones who counted on it simply keep moving the dates! They're so sure the old reality will eventually visit. Many are so used to the old reality that they'll deny that they're in the new one until the very end, even if the old prophecies never take place.
The death and destruction that would befall Earth by your own plan was changed - rewritten. What does it say about who humanity is, that they could rewrite history, rewrite the future? Many are starting to see the new reality and are now admitting, "Yes, it seems very different from what we were told," Yet these same Humans now doubt whether they can rewrite their own DNA! This is the grand Human duality at work. Sometimes the bias of doubt wins, no matter what the proof.
你们原本计划会降临地球上的死亡与毁灭已经被改变——计划已经被改写。它如何说明了人类的身份,如何说明了,人类能够改写历史、改写未来?很多人开始看着新的实相并且承认,“对,它与我们之前被告知的情况完全不同。” 然而同样的人目前正在怀疑他们是否能够改写自己的 DNA!这就是巨大的人类二元性正在发挥作用。有时候怀疑的偏见会得胜,尽管证据就在眼前。
The magnetic grid of this planet was adjusted for you. There are many who will benefit, but it's still the free choice for those who wish to grasp the new arrangement and move forward that's the key. Those who don't wish to change won't have a penalty and won't be judged. It's always been this way, and the parable of the Prodigal Son was given to you long ago to show this process. The tools lie before you, should you pick them up, one at a time. And each one is "tuned" to a specific dimension, waiting for you to give the incredible power of intent to tune it in.
地球的磁力栅格是为了你们而调整。有很多人会得益,但关键还是在于自由选择,人们是否想要抓住新的能量设置并且向前迈进。那些不想改变的人不会被惩罚,也不会被评断。这就是我们一直以来的方式,“悔改的败家子” 这个寓言在很久以前就已经对你们给出以显示这个过程。那些工具就摆在你面前,你应该把它们捡起来,一次一个。而每一种工具都 “调准” 到一个特定的面向,等着你给出意图的强大力量,去对准这些面向。
[注:在 “悔改的败家子” 这个寓言里,败家子要求父亲把归他的那一分家产给他,然后起身往远方去,在那里将分给他的财产挥霍一空,只能屈辱地去为人放猪为生。这时他决定回家,请求父亲的原谅。但是当他回家时,他的父亲在远处看见,就动了慈心,几乎不给他机会来表示悔改,就跑去抱着他,并宰了肥牛犊庆祝小儿子的回来。(对他没有惩罚,也没有评断)。]
Let me tell you about this magnetic grid. Let me define some things we've never isolated before. It will make sense, especially for those who see the Kryon as masculine. Sister Kryon has always seemed to be both. On the other side of the veil, there's no gender. Therefore, Kryon is genderless. But to humanity, there has always been an overlay of gender. The magnetic grid of this planet also has a feminine quality. It always has been feminine. The magnetic grid of this planet speaks of love. I am of the family of Archangel Michael, and she is pleased with that, too! [Kryon laughs] It's always been this way. The feeling of unconditional love - the feeling of mother - it seems like a dichotomy, does it not, that the strong male presence would emanate the mother? That, dear ones, is the meld we wanted to present to you all along. It was so you could see that there can be balance. But the magnetic grid of the planet is feminine, and so is Kryon. Now, many of you have known that, haven't you?
让我告诉你们关于这个磁力栅格的事。让我讲解一些我们从来没有分隔出来讨论过的事情。它是能够理解的,尤其对于那些视克里昂为男性的人们。克里昂姐姐一直以来都看似拥有两种性别。在帷幕的另一边是没有性别的。因此,克里昂没有性别。但对人类而言,一切总是有阴阳之分。地球磁栅也拥有女性特质。它向来都属于女性能量。地球磁栅会传播爱。我是来自大天使麦可的家族,而她对于被称为女性也感到很满意![克里昂大笑]。事情总是如此。一种无条件的爱的感觉——母亲的感觉——它看似很矛盾,不是吗,一个强壮的男性形象会散发出母亲的能量?这,亲爱的,就是我们一直以来想要呈现给你们看的 “融合”。如此你们就能看见它是能够平衡的。但地球磁栅是属于女性能量,克里昂也是。呐,你们很多人已经知道这件事,不是吗?
During these past 12 years, we've been aware that the grid movement would disrupt many of you who came into this planet with spiritual overlays - healers doing their work - ordinary Human Beings, not understanding their "angel-hood." Many have gone from day to day in their spiritual work, meditating, but all the time asking, "Why is there such a disconnection?" Many were desperate for answers, asking, "What is happening to me? Why doesn't this or that work anymore?" And so it is that we set out to explain and explain. These lessons consumed much of the time we were with you, and will continue to, for there's far more to explain now that the grid is almost settled and the veil has been lifted slightly.
在过去这 12 年里,我们知道磁栅运动会扰乱你们许多带着灵性外罩来到地球上的人们的步伐——正在工作的治疗者——不晓得自己的 “天使身份” 的平凡人类。很多人日复一日地进行他们的灵修、冥想,但全都在疑问,“为何无法连接?” 很多人急需知道答案并且疑问,“我哪里不对劲了?为何这个或那个做法不再有效了呢?” 于是我们开始解释又解释。这些教学占了我们在一起的大部分时间,而且会继续如此,因为现在磁栅快要稳定下来、帷幕稍微被升起,有更多事情需要被解释。
As long as my partner wishes, the Kryon group will remain with him and will continue to explain and explain. But the explaining will take on a slightly different flavor, for there will be different spiritual aspects of the planet. There's a residual energy of the grid shift that we've discussed many times, which will last at least three more months. Things don't happen all at once with Spirit, if you've noticed. Our clock is very different. Basically, the grid is beginning to stabilize even as we speak. What does that mean to you? Not only does it mean that there's finally going to be some stability in what has been a moving target of spiritual energy, but there's more to it than that. The new settled grid brings a new dispensation to this planet.
We're going to talk about a lot of things in groups of three tonight. There have been those who believe that there have been two spiritual dispensations already on the planet. Indeed, this is the third. We've spoken over and over about "moving from the two to the three," and this, then, is still another example of that. The first dispensation was the dispensation of law. The second, the dispensation of love. Now, here comes a new one.
今晚我们会谈论很多 “三个一组” 的事情。有些人相信地球上已经有过两个灵性时代。没错,这是第三个。我们重复又重复谈到 “从二进入三”,而这,就是另一个类似的例子。第一个时代是律法的时代。第二个是爱的时代。现在,新的时代来到了。
When I give you the word associated with this new dispensation, many of you aren't going to like it. For the word means something to many of you that's not pleasant. To others, it's totally understandable. It comes with a number, too (of course), an actual number in numerology as well as a name. This magnetic grid finishing is a piece of a giant Earth puzzle. The magnetic grid, as it finishes moving, is only the finishing of one of three events.
This is the first time we've ever been able to give you this spiritual lineage, and we now can because the grid is almost finished. But let's give you the name and numerical value of this new dispensation. For those of you who follow numerology, you'll understand. And it's not a number that has been Kryonesque in the past. It's not a number we've ever spoken about in the past that belonged to Kryon or the grid group or the entourage that accompanies Kryon.
这是我们首次能够给出这个灵性世系,因为现在磁栅即将完成。但是让我们先给出这个新时代的名字和数值。对于那些懂得数字命理学的人,你们会明白。它不是在过去被 “克里昂化” 的数字。它不是在过去我们所说的属于克里昂或磁栅团队或克里昂随行团的数字。
The Energy of the New Dispensation
We wish to introduce to you the dispensation of responsibility, and we wish to introduce you to the number eight. On its side, this number represents infinity. Standing up end to end, it can be turned any way, yet it means the same thing. There's no up and there's no down to the number symbol. It's in the now, and it's balanced. It's an eight. If there was going to be a numerological energy assigned to the dispensation of responsibility, this is it. The eight speaks of stability and structure, and it's about time, isn't it?
我们想对你介绍 “责任的时代”,我们想对你介绍数字 8。把它往侧边放下来的话,∞ 代表无限大。直立起来,一端对着另一端的话,它可以被倒转,但它的意思还是一样。这个数字符号没有上下之分。它就在当下,它是平衡的。它是 8。如果有任何数字命理能量会被指派给 “责任的时代”,肯定就是它。8 代表稳定和结构,正好是现在的情况,不是吗?
This magnetic grid has postured itself in anticipation of invitations from those who wish to broach the veil. If you sit here as one who doesn't believe any of these things, nothing will happen to you or for you or against you. You have complete and total free choice - there's nothing beyond honoring what you desire, and then intent will take place. This is the way of it. But the instructions from the Human Being are paramount and powerful. What is it you wish? Have you gone far enough with your searching? Perhaps you wish to go no further? Then that's what you'll have. If you wish to ignore the new tools, they won't activate. Perhaps you're afraid of them? Perhaps you're tired and are saying, "Not now." So be it. It's as you wish. All of the guides around you will honor this decision together, and that's what you'll receive.
这个磁栅已经铺设好,等着那些想要揭开帷幕的人们提出邀请。如果你坐在这里,作为一个不相信这些事情的人,没有任何事会发生在你身上,或为了你而发生,或发生对你不利的事情。你完全有自由选择——没有任何事会超出你的心愿,然后意图会决定一切。这就是它的方式。人类的命令是至高无上和强大的。什么是你想要的呢?你的追寻已经走得够远了吗?也许你不想再追寻了?那么你得到的就是这样多。如果你想忽视那些新的工具,它们就不会激活。也许你对它们感到害怕?也许你很累了,你说 “不是现在。” 那么它就到此为止。一切如你所愿。你身边的全部指导灵会一起尊重这个决定,那就是你会得到的事。
Then there are those who say, "Show me the tools! I'm ready to go forward." For those, we say this: You enter the year of the three [2003] and that represents change [a 5 total]. How can you have stability and change together? Welcome to the Kryon energy [the grid-work] For 5 and 8 together are 13, or 4. This is the foundation number.
然后有些人会说,“给我看看那些工具!我已经准备好向前迈进。” 对这些人,我们说:你们即将进入三的年份 [2003] 而它代表改变 [总数是 5 ]。如何能同时拥有稳定与改变呢?欢迎进入克里昂的能量 [磁栅工作]。因为 5 [改变] 和 8 [稳定] 加起来就是 13,或是 4。这是基础数字。
Oh, there's so much here to tell you, but let's start with some information we've never spoken of before. About the grid group: Some have asked, "How many are there, Kryon?" The answer is yes. [Laughter] There's no counting them! When it comes to these entities, some of them are part of you, and you are part of them. There's no counting these. How do you count air on your planet? It's all around you, isn't it? It's real and it's physical and there's a lot of it. Did you ever ask, "How many air is there?" This group energy has been part of the work of the earth since it began. It's an energy that moves between two of the three grid structures on this planet and deals with them as they need adjusting. Here's some news: They're not actually the magnetic grid group at all! That's only the name they've had for the past 12 years.
啊,有很多事需要告诉你们,让我们先从一些未曾谈论过的信息讲起。关于磁栅团队:有些人问,“他们有多少个,克里昂?” 答案是 “是的” [大笑]。他们无法被计算!当我们说到这些实体,他们有些是你的一部分,你是他们的一部分。这是无法被计算的。你要如何计算地球上的空气呢?它到处都是,对吗?它是真实的,它是具体的,到处都有很多空气。你有没有试过这样问,“有多少空气呢?” 这个团队的能量从一开始就是地球结构的一部分。 这股能量在地球三个栅格结构其中的两个之间移动,并在栅格需要被调整时着手做事。这里有一个消息:其实他们完全不是磁栅团队!那只是他们在过去 12 年里所拥有的称号。
When you gave permission to change reality on this planet, did you think for a moment that all that was going to happen was a magnetic grid shift? What about the other grids? When would they get their turn? The magnetics had to come first. It postures the planet for what is to come. This magnetic grid group now moves and shifts to the next place where they will then alter something else - another grid - a grid we've never spoken about, and one that is not in the purview of the Kryon work.
Therefore, this grid group doesn't actually, leave. It simply changes jobs. The only thing that changes is that this grid group leaves its post as magnetic changers, and moves to the next profound work. All of these who have been working for 12 years to produce a lessening of the veil have done so for the next step to take place. It's to move or alter the energy of a grid that we've never spoken about, and may not again. It's not our specialty, and there are others who will take it from here and speak of this next grid. We'll continue to teach about the new magnetic grid and what it will mean to you and what you can do in conjunction with the next one that's being changed.
因此,磁栅团队并不是真的离开了。它只是换了工作。唯一改变的是,这个磁栅团队离开了它作为磁栅改动者的职称,然后进行下一个意义深刻的工作。所有这些实体工作了 12 年来形成一个越来越薄的帷幕,他们这样做是为了让下一步得以发生。那就是:为了移动或改动另一个栅格的能量,我们以前没有讲过这件事,以后也可能不会再讲。这不是我们的专长,其他人会从这里接下去讲解这下一个栅格。我们会继续教导新的磁力栅格,它对你们意味着什么,你们在另一个栅格被改动之际可以做些什么。
The Three Grids of Earth
There are three grid structures of the planet, but in order for me to talk about them, you have to understand something that may or may not make sense. I wish to discuss "three." There are many kinds of "threes." If I presented a triangle to you on a piece of paper [2D], you'd see three sides. "Yes," you would say, "that's a triangle." If, however, the triangle had volume to it, that is to say, it was a shape that could hold air and became three-dimensional, even four-dimensional [if you add time], that triangle might have three, four, or even five sides, depending on the volume and the triangle shape. So, is it still a three? "Yes," you would have to say. "It's still a triangle." Suddenly, however, we have something that you still speak of as a "triangle" (which means three), but which may have five sides or more. So the triangle, named for its three sides, has more than three elements. The difference? It changes with the dimension in which it's viewed.
地球有三个栅格结构,但为了让我能够谈论它们,首先你们必须理解一些也许没什么道理的事情。我想谈论 “三”。有很多种 “三”。如果我给你们看一个画在纸上 [二维] 的三角形,你们会看见三条边。“对,” 你们会说,“那是三角形。” 但是,如果那个三角形拥有体积,就是说,它有一个形状,能够容纳空气,是三维 [长、宽、高],甚至四维的 [如果你加上时间],那个三角形会拥有三面、四面、甚或五面,取决于三角形的体积和形状。那么,它还是三吗?“是,” 你们会说。“它还是个三角形。” 但是,突然间,我们有一些你们仍旧称为 “三角形”(即是 “三”),但却拥有五面或更多的东西。所以那个三角形,因有三条边而被如此称呼,其实它拥有多于三个元素。分别在哪里?它随着观看者所在的维度而改变。
We tell you this so you can grasp that although we speak of three things, there are more than three, depending on the dimension you're part of. This is difficult. So when we give you three energies for the grids of the earth, we tell you that there are actually more. That's why, when there are those who will speak and teach about other kinds of grids, the identities may not sound like the ones I have given...but they are. Then you'll remember that there are attributes within the three...even a multitude depending on the dimension. In this teaching, I'll talk about three in your dimension, and it may surprise you.
我们说出这件事,让你们能够理解,虽然我们是在谈论三个东西,但其实那里不止三个,取决于你所在的维度。这是难懂的。所以,当我们给出地球栅格的三股能量,我们说,其实还有更多。那就是为何,当其他人谈论与教导其他栅格时,它们听起来也许不像我所说的栅格……但它们是。然后你们会记得,有各种不同属性的 “三”……甚至是众多,取决于它的维度。在这个教学中,我会谈论你们维度里的三,它会让你们大为惊奇。
Where is the grid group going when they're finished? They're going to the next grid, and they begin their work in 2003. Let me tell you about this grid that they're going to. This grid is called many things, and I'll give you some of the various names. But for now, let's call it the Crystalline Grid.
当磁栅团队完成任务时,他们会去哪里?他们会去下一个栅格,他们会在 2003 年开始他们的工作。让我介绍一下这个他们会去的栅格。这个栅格拥有许多名称,我会给出它的其中一些名称。但是现在,让我们称它为 “水晶栅格”。
The Crystalline Grid has always been here. It's not new, any more than the magnetic grid is. In fact, it was set on the planet at the same time the magnetics were. It has always worked hand-in-hand in conjunction with the magnetics. There are those who would have said that Kryon only dealt with the magnetics, so this was the only grid that was important. We never said that, did we? Our specialty was the magnetic grid, and that's the one we spoke of. The Crystalline Grid is next. Workers move from one to the other, seemingly from above to below, yet out of your 4D, that's not the case. This Crystalline Grid has been called many things. Let's first examine who created it.
There are specific places on this planet where the Crystalline Grid is manifested physically in the form of a crystalline structure. These will always remain in the same physical place no matter what the magnetics do and no matter how the crystalline grid energy is altered. The Crystalline Grid won't be moved like the magnetic grid was, where you could actually measure a shift in physical location. Instead, the alteration is an energy attribute that will be an alteration of the crystalline structure. The structure itself remains where it is . . .and, dear ones, parts of the crystalline structures of this planet are in the most sacred places that you can imagine. And they'll remain sacred.
There are many who understand the spiritual creatures of the ground [dirt of the earth]. There are also many who misunderstand the creatures of the ground. Some have said they're evil. They're not. They never were. They love Humanity, those who set the crystalline grids. They not only had interdimensionality, they also had physical attributes. I'm going to make a statement, and I hope that no one listening or reading misunderstands the meaning. In an interdimensional, metaphoric way, we'll give you a name associated with those who physically set the Crystalline Grid, and I'm going to use a word - do not misunderstand this. For some, the word will create all manner of visions within your mythology. The word is dragon.
有很多人了解土地里 [地球泥土里] 的生灵。也有很多人误解土地里的生灵。有些人说它们是邪恶的。它们不是。它们从来都不是。它们爱护人类,那些设置水晶栅格的生灵。它们不只是跨维度的,它们也有身体。我会作出一个声明,我希望没有任何听众或读者会误解它的意思。以一种跨维度、隐喻的方式,我们会给出一个名称来说明那些具体设置水晶栅格的生灵,我会用一个字眼——别误解它的意思。对一些人来说,这个字眼会唤起神话故事中的所有情景。那就是 “龙”。
Dragon energy...not evil. Don't misunderstand this. Metaphorically, what did the dragon mean to the planet in your mythology? Living underground and powerful, it was the mythology that made it a monster. It went from village to village, killing. That is not the dragon energy we speak of. It's hard to describe why we would identify this to you in this fashion, but again, it's totally metaphoric and not explainable within your 4D. It means strength. It's stability. It's the Crystalline Grid creator energy! Another name for the crystalline grid as given by those who are in charge of it is The Grid of Light. Others have called it The Grid of Stability...the foundation of the planet, spiritually. It has many names. It's the next scheduled to change, and it will "shake hands" in its alteration with the age of responsibility. That's what's next.
龙的能量……并不邪恶。别误解它的意思。隐喻而言,在你们的神话中,“龙” 对地球意味着什么?生活在地底、拥有强大的力量,神话把龙塑造成一种怪物,从一个村庄去到另一个村庄,杀害人类。那不是我们所说的龙的能量。很难形容为何我们会以这种方式来确认这种生灵,但请记住,这完全是隐喻上的说法,在你们的四维当中是无法解释的。龙代表力量、代表稳定。龙是水晶栅格的创造能量!负责掌管的生灵还为水晶栅格取了另一个名称,叫做 “光明的栅格”。其他人称之为 “稳定的栅格”……是地球的灵性基础。它有很多名称。它就是下一个预定要改变的栅格,它的改动会与责任的时代 “握手”。那就是接下来会发生的事。
Part of the Crystalline Grid's energy is responsible for the storehouse of the knowledge of the planet. All that ever was - all that exists - all the potentials of what can be, are located in the Crystalline Grid. There's another section of this Crystalline Grid that's a safeguard. There's a section of this Crystalline Grid that's alive. It's a mammal. It contains the storehouse of the planet - the knowledge of everything - within its DNA.
水晶栅格能量有一部分是作为地球知识的宝库。所有曾经存在的事物——所有现存的事物——所有可能发生的潜在性,都置于水晶栅格里。水晶栅格还有另一部分是作为保护措施。水晶栅格有一部分是活的。它是一种哺乳动物 [鲸鱼]。它身上带着地球的知识宝库——所有知识——都在它的 DNA 里面。
We've spoken of this before, and now, perhaps, you'll understand. The age of the whale has begun. As the Crystalline Grid is moved, the knowledge centers of the storehouse of energy will also be altered within the mammals of the planet. This information is esoteric, unprovable, and true.
What will the changes be?
What do you think the alteration of the energy of this Crystalline Grid is going to be? This is complex, my partner, so get it right [Kryon speaking to Lee, asking him to go slowly]. I'm going to give you a statement that only the physicists will understand. The group that you've come to celebrate as the grid group moves from the magnetic grid to the crystalline structure and changes form. They'll spend the next ten years rewriting the past, until 2012.
你们认为水晶栅格能量的改动会是什么?这是很复杂的,我的伙伴,所以要正确传达 [克里昂对李说话,要他放慢速度]。我会给你们一个只有物理学家才会了解的声明。你们来庆贺的那个磁栅团队,会从磁力栅格移向水晶栅格,同时转变形态。他们会用往后十年来改写过去,直到 2012 年。
Right now on Earth, there are two tribes going at it. They have much in common, and even have the same father. They're brothers, sisters, and they're locked in a battle that seems unsolvable - a battle that's odd in that it's fought in terms of the past. In Palestine, there isn't a lot of joy. In Israel, there isn't a lot of joy. They are brothers and sisters at war, one with the other, angry because of what's taken place. And there are very few of them who actually remember being there when any of these things happened. They're fighting over concepts of linearity..."the past." Who owns what? Who came first? What did who do to whom? It's a reality that has its entire basis in a concept - the past - something that's no longer happening.
目前在地球上,有两个族群正在互相对抗。他们有很多共同点,甚至有同一个祖先。他们是兄弟姐妹,受困在一场看似无法解决的战斗中—— 一场奇怪的战斗,为了过去而战。在巴勒斯坦,人们并不快乐。在以色列,人们并不快乐。他们是互相打仗的兄弟姐妹,对过去的事情感到愤怒。但他们没有多少人真正记得自己有亲身经历过这些事。他们为了一种线性的概念而战……“过去。” 谁拥有什么?谁最先来到?谁对谁做了什么?[指以色列人和巴勒斯坦人的国土争议]。这个实相完全基于一种概念——过去——某些不再发生的事情。
What would happen to a planet if the past suddenly didn't hold the energy that it does now? This grid group, which has shifted the magnetics of this planet, now moves into the crystalline energy and begins to rewrite the past! How can you do such a thing? "The past is the past," you might say. "You can't change what happened, right?" Perhaps that's so if you think you're on the same Earth, but you're not! You changed your own reality, remember? This past you cling to belonged to a whole other reality! This is the real test. Do you actually believe that you're in new reality or not? Why didn't the Armageddon happen on schedule? Why didn't the prophecies take place? Maybe they did! But in another reality...not yours. You're on a virgin track called The New Jerusalem...the new earth. In the "now," that virginity expands to past, present, and future...all unwritten.
如果过去突然不再持有相同的能量,地球会发生什么事?这个磁栅团队,完成了移动地球磁场的工作,现在他们会移向水晶能量并开始改写过去!如何办得到这种事?“过去就是过去,” 你们会说。“你无法改变发生过的事情,对吗?” 也许那是对的,如果你认为你是在同一个地球的话,但你们不是!你们已经改变了你们自己的实相,记得吗?你们执著的过去完全属于另一个实相!这就是真正的考验。你是否真正相信你是处于新的实相?为何世界末日没有按照预期发生呢?为何预言没有发生呢?也许它们有!但是在另一个实相里……不是在你们的实相。你们是在一条没有人走过的原始轨道上,称为 “新的耶路撒冷”……新的地球。在 “当下”,这种原始性延伸至过去、现在、与未来……都是全新的。
The Circle of Responsibilities
The age of responsibility. There are many who don't even like that word. They don't want to be responsible. Yet it's a word dripping with truth and joy. The Human Being who is responsible is the one who knows their God! Let's give you some of these responsibilities. They exist in a circle, with one not taking precedence over the other.
To God
What is your responsibility to God? Whatever that word means to you - Spirit, Source, Family? What is your responsibility to God? It's easy, yet so difficult. It's easy for the feminine Kryon to invite you to see the wings, yet so hard for you to believe that such a thing could be. What's your responsibility to God? I'll tell you what it is: It's to understand that you're it. It's the responsibility to seek out that part of you that will finally acknowledge that you're divine. Do you think that it's some kind of mysterious error that most of humanity believes in eternal life after death? Do you think that's it's just mass wishful thinking? It isn't. It's intuition! It's knowing! Let me give you another "accident." What do you think about one mammal on the planet, only one - the whale - that has treaties around it signed by hundreds of countries - even ones that have no water - to protect it? Do you think that's an accident? When all humanity is gathered together, despite all the differences and the fights and the religious ideas, they vote to protect one mammal. You want to know why? Because the whales carry the storehouse of knowledge on how to change the past! Humanity at the cellular level knows it.
你对神的责任是什么?无论 “神” 对你而言意味着什么——圣灵、源头、或家人?你对神的责任是什么?很简单,也很困难。要让女性能量的克里昂邀请你们去看自己的天使翅膀是很简单的事,但要让你们相信这种事会很困难。你对神的责任是什么?我会告诉你:明白你就是神。你的责任就是去找出你的另一部分,最后那会证实你就是神。你认为大部分人类相信死后的永生,是一种神秘的错误吗?你认为那只是许多人一厢情愿的想法吗?不是。那是直觉!那是知道!让我给出另一个 “巧合” 的例子。你对地球上一种哺乳动物,只有一种——鲸鱼——有数百个国家为了它而签署条约——包括那些没有海洋的国家——去保护它,有什么看法呢?你认为那是巧合吗?当所有人类聚集在一起时,尽管各国之间有分歧、战斗、不同的宗教观念,但他们一致表决要保护一种哺乳动物。你想知道原因吗?因为鲸鱼身上带着改变过去的知识宝库!人类在细胞层面知道这件事。
These mammals also know how to work with the Indigos. Did you ever think about that? And who are the whale's first cousins? The dolphins. Let me tell you about the dolphins and the Indigos. These new children are going to bring you the potential of peace on Earth, and it may not be fast enough for some of you, but believe me, it's in the works. Someday Indigos will stand up in that troubled area called the Middle East and cause a real stir. Palestinians and Israelis will look at each other and say, "It's about time to drop the past. Let's talk about now. Let's talk about what can happen now, away from anything that was on the old track that your parents traveled."
We made the statement long ago: "As go the Jews, so goes Earth." Let's be very clear that we include the Palestinians in the Jewish attribute. Same father. We see them as one family. We also don't see Earth's destruction. Perhaps there are those who would say, "Well, you know you're on the other side of the veil, Kryon. You don't have to walk in Human's shoes." Oh, are we aware of that! That's why we love you so much. Blessed is the angel pretending to be Human. He gets out of bed in the morning and stumbles to the mirror and doesn't see the whales...doesn't think about them. Instead, he wonders how his day is going to go. He worries about the processes within his body. He worries about his society, his lack of abundance, and about the things that are in the dark that he can't see. He seldom sees the angel in the mirror. Well, we have some advice for you: Perhaps it's time to turn on the light! And when you do, all of those things you've been stumbling over will be your treasures. Some of you have done that. We know who's hearing and reading. Some can look backwards and say, "I've changed my past. I've changed my past." Blessed are those who are moving into that dimension!
我们在很久以前给出这个声明:“犹太人前进,地球就前进。” 让我们把话说得清清楚楚,我们所说的 “犹太人” 是包括巴勒斯坦人。同一个祖先。我们把他们视为一家人。我们也没有看见地球的破坏。也许有些人会说,“嗯,你要知道,你是在帷幕的另一边,克里昂。你不用经历人类的处境 [当然说得轻松]。” 啊,我们知道这一点!那就是我们会如此深爱你们的原因。有福的是那些假扮人类的天使。他在早上起床踉跄走到镜子前,没有看见鲸鱼……也没有想到它们。相反的,他在想着今天会怎么过。他担心体内的生理过程。他担心他的社会,担心他的不丰足,还担心那些在黑暗中他看不见的事物。他很少看见镜子中的天使。好吧,我们有一些建议:也许是时候亮起光了!当你这样做时,所有曾经绊倒你的那些事物都会是你的宝藏。你们有些人已经做到了。我们知道谁正在聆听和阅读。有些人可以回顾并说,“我已经改变了我的过去。我已经改变了我的过去。” 有福的是正在进入那个维度的人类!
To Society
What's your responsibility to those around you? What's your responsibility to the one who competes with you, seemingly for the same ideas, within your society? What's your responsibility to yourself? Some of you are stewarding energies - information that has been given to you, and you're alone in that stewardship. What's your responsibility there? I'll tell you: Do you think it's just to steward what you have? Honor what you have, but what about the rest? What about the others who have their stewardships, too? Priests, do you sequester what you have and protect it? Or do you see the other ideas and spiritual ways and figure out how they work with yours? Rabbi, can you sing in the choir? Honor the others who have their work, too. Bless the others so much that they can see themselves in you, and vice versa. Connect the dots. We've spoken of this before. How can the orchestra play when so many leaders are insisting on being soloist? You must play together. [Kryon is speaking here of multiple religions on Earth, and how they tend to climb into their own boxes and never honor the others.]
你对社会的责任是什么……对你周围的人?你对你在社会上的竞争对手,那些看似与你拥有相同观点的人,有些什么责任?你对自己的责任是什么?你们有些人正在看管能量 [作为神的管家] ——这是对你们讲过的信息,而你是独自在看管。你在这方面的责任是什么?我会告诉你:你认为你的责任只在于看管你所拥有的事物吗?尊敬你所拥有的,但其他人又怎样呢?其他也在负责看管的人又怎样呢?神父,你有没有隔离你所拥有的事物来保护它?或者说,你有没有去看看其他信仰与灵性方式,然后想想看他们能如何与你的信仰一起合作?拉比 [犹太教教士],你能在唱诗班里面合唱吗?尊敬其他也从事信仰工作的人。祝福其他人,让他们能在你身上看见自己,反之亦然。把点和点连成线。我们之前说过这件事。如果有那么多领袖坚持要成为独奏者,交响乐队要如何演奏呢?你们必须一起演奏。[克里昂是指地球上的许多宗教,他们是如何倾向于爬进自己的盒子里(与其他宗教隔绝),而且从不尊敬其他宗教。]
To Family
What is your responsibility to family - biological family? I mean the brothers and the sisters and the cousins - the moms - the dads? Oh, Human, this responsibility has never changed. This is the pillar of what Kryon has told you, and she has gone over this and over this. The first parable ever given to you is The Parable of the Tar Pit. So let me give you the meaning of that parable: If everyone around you is wallowing in mud, somebody's eventually going to notice the clean diamond you've become! They're going to want to know how that diamond got to be the diamond, and why the diamond is untouched by the mud! They're going to notice you.
你对家人的责任是什么——生物性家人?我是指兄弟姐妹和同辈亲戚——还有父母亲?哦,人类,这种责任永远没有改变。这就是克里昂信息的重点,而她已经一次又一次重复这些话。我们所给出的第一个寓言故事就是 “沥青坑的寓言”。那么让我给出这个寓言的意思:如果你周围的每个人都在泥沼中打滚,最终会有人注意到你已经变成了清澈的钻石!他们会想要知道钻石如何变成了钻石,为何钻石不会被泥沼染污!他们会注意你。
So what is it you can do for your family? Turn on the light! Let the treasures show. And those around you? They'll notice. They might not see the treasures that only you can see, but they'll see you! There will be those who will suddenly say, "I really want to be like you!" There may even be those in your family on whom you've given up. They'll never understand what you believe, you've decided. Dear one, they don't have to! Perhaps the closest they'll ever get to God is to love you! Some, very close to you, may say, "I've fallen in love with you again because you've changed." Believe it. And what do you think you've really changed? You turned on the light and just changed the past. Yes, some will shrink from the light and leave your life. Believe me, it's appropriate that this is so.
那么你可以为你的家人做些什么?亮起光!让宝藏被看见。而你周围的那些人呢?他们会注意。他们也许无法看见那些只有你才看得见的宝藏,但他们会看见你!有人会突然说道,“我真的很想像你这样!” 他们甚至包括家庭中一些你已经放弃的人。他们永远不会了解你所相信的事,你已经认定。亲爱的,他们不需要了解!也许他们亲近神的最佳方法就是去爱你!一些与你关系非常密切的人会说,“我已经重新爱上你,因为你变了。” 相信他的话。你知道你真正改变的是什么吗?你亮起光并改变了过去。对,有些人会畏惧光并远离你的生活。相信我,这是恰当的。
我们说出这件事,让你们能够理解,虽然我们是在谈论三个东西,但其实那里不止三个,取决于你所在的维度。这是难懂的。所以,当我们给出地球栅格的三股能量,我们说,其实还有更多。那就是为何,当其他人谈论与教导其他栅格时,它们听起来也许不像我所说的栅格……但它们是。然后你们会记得,有各种不同属性的 “三”……甚至是众多,取决于它的维度。在这个教学中,我会谈论你们维度里的三,它会让你们大为惊奇。
Where is the grid group going when they're finished? They're going to the next grid, and they begin their work in 2003. Let me tell you about this grid that they're going to. This grid is called many things, and I'll give you some of the various names. But for now, let's call it the Crystalline Grid.
当磁栅团队完成任务时,他们会去哪里?他们会去下一个栅格,他们会在 2003 年开始他们的工作。让我介绍一下这个他们会去的栅格。这个栅格拥有许多名称,我会给出它的其中一些名称。但是现在,让我们称它为 “水晶栅格”。
The Crystalline Grid has always been here. It's not new, any more than the magnetic grid is. In fact, it was set on the planet at the same time the magnetics were. It has always worked hand-in-hand in conjunction with the magnetics. There are those who would have said that Kryon only dealt with the magnetics, so this was the only grid that was important. We never said that, did we? Our specialty was the magnetic grid, and that's the one we spoke of. The Crystalline Grid is next. Workers move from one to the other, seemingly from above to below, yet out of your 4D, that's not the case. This Crystalline Grid has been called many things. Let's first examine who created it.
There are specific places on this planet where the Crystalline Grid is manifested physically in the form of a crystalline structure. These will always remain in the same physical place no matter what the magnetics do and no matter how the crystalline grid energy is altered. The Crystalline Grid won't be moved like the magnetic grid was, where you could actually measure a shift in physical location. Instead, the alteration is an energy attribute that will be an alteration of the crystalline structure. The structure itself remains where it is . . .and, dear ones, parts of the crystalline structures of this planet are in the most sacred places that you can imagine. And they'll remain sacred.
There are many who understand the spiritual creatures of the ground [dirt of the earth]. There are also many who misunderstand the creatures of the ground. Some have said they're evil. They're not. They never were. They love Humanity, those who set the crystalline grids. They not only had interdimensionality, they also had physical attributes. I'm going to make a statement, and I hope that no one listening or reading misunderstands the meaning. In an interdimensional, metaphoric way, we'll give you a name associated with those who physically set the Crystalline Grid, and I'm going to use a word - do not misunderstand this. For some, the word will create all manner of visions within your mythology. The word is dragon.
有很多人了解土地里 [地球泥土里] 的生灵。也有很多人误解土地里的生灵。有些人说它们是邪恶的。它们不是。它们从来都不是。它们爱护人类,那些设置水晶栅格的生灵。它们不只是跨维度的,它们也有身体。我会作出一个声明,我希望没有任何听众或读者会误解它的意思。以一种跨维度、隐喻的方式,我们会给出一个名称来说明那些具体设置水晶栅格的生灵,我会用一个字眼——别误解它的意思。对一些人来说,这个字眼会唤起神话故事中的所有情景。那就是 “龙”。
Dragon energy...not evil. Don't misunderstand this. Metaphorically, what did the dragon mean to the planet in your mythology? Living underground and powerful, it was the mythology that made it a monster. It went from village to village, killing. That is not the dragon energy we speak of. It's hard to describe why we would identify this to you in this fashion, but again, it's totally metaphoric and not explainable within your 4D. It means strength. It's stability. It's the Crystalline Grid creator energy! Another name for the crystalline grid as given by those who are in charge of it is The Grid of Light. Others have called it The Grid of Stability...the foundation of the planet, spiritually. It has many names. It's the next scheduled to change, and it will "shake hands" in its alteration with the age of responsibility. That's what's next.
龙的能量……并不邪恶。别误解它的意思。隐喻而言,在你们的神话中,“龙” 对地球意味着什么?生活在地底、拥有强大的力量,神话把龙塑造成一种怪物,从一个村庄去到另一个村庄,杀害人类。那不是我们所说的龙的能量。很难形容为何我们会以这种方式来确认这种生灵,但请记住,这完全是隐喻上的说法,在你们的四维当中是无法解释的。龙代表力量、代表稳定。龙是水晶栅格的创造能量!负责掌管的生灵还为水晶栅格取了另一个名称,叫做 “光明的栅格”。其他人称之为 “稳定的栅格”……是地球的灵性基础。它有很多名称。它就是下一个预定要改变的栅格,它的改动会与责任的时代 “握手”。那就是接下来会发生的事。
Part of the Crystalline Grid's energy is responsible for the storehouse of the knowledge of the planet. All that ever was - all that exists - all the potentials of what can be, are located in the Crystalline Grid. There's another section of this Crystalline Grid that's a safeguard. There's a section of this Crystalline Grid that's alive. It's a mammal. It contains the storehouse of the planet - the knowledge of everything - within its DNA.
水晶栅格能量有一部分是作为地球知识的宝库。所有曾经存在的事物——所有现存的事物——所有可能发生的潜在性,都置于水晶栅格里。水晶栅格还有另一部分是作为保护措施。水晶栅格有一部分是活的。它是一种哺乳动物 [鲸鱼]。它身上带着地球的知识宝库——所有知识——都在它的 DNA 里面。
We've spoken of this before, and now, perhaps, you'll understand. The age of the whale has begun. As the Crystalline Grid is moved, the knowledge centers of the storehouse of energy will also be altered within the mammals of the planet. This information is esoteric, unprovable, and true.
What will the changes be?
What do you think the alteration of the energy of this Crystalline Grid is going to be? This is complex, my partner, so get it right [Kryon speaking to Lee, asking him to go slowly]. I'm going to give you a statement that only the physicists will understand. The group that you've come to celebrate as the grid group moves from the magnetic grid to the crystalline structure and changes form. They'll spend the next ten years rewriting the past, until 2012.
你们认为水晶栅格能量的改动会是什么?这是很复杂的,我的伙伴,所以要正确传达 [克里昂对李说话,要他放慢速度]。我会给你们一个只有物理学家才会了解的声明。你们来庆贺的那个磁栅团队,会从磁力栅格移向水晶栅格,同时转变形态。他们会用往后十年来改写过去,直到 2012 年。
Right now on Earth, there are two tribes going at it. They have much in common, and even have the same father. They're brothers, sisters, and they're locked in a battle that seems unsolvable - a battle that's odd in that it's fought in terms of the past. In Palestine, there isn't a lot of joy. In Israel, there isn't a lot of joy. They are brothers and sisters at war, one with the other, angry because of what's taken place. And there are very few of them who actually remember being there when any of these things happened. They're fighting over concepts of linearity..."the past." Who owns what? Who came first? What did who do to whom? It's a reality that has its entire basis in a concept - the past - something that's no longer happening.
目前在地球上,有两个族群正在互相对抗。他们有很多共同点,甚至有同一个祖先。他们是兄弟姐妹,受困在一场看似无法解决的战斗中—— 一场奇怪的战斗,为了过去而战。在巴勒斯坦,人们并不快乐。在以色列,人们并不快乐。他们是互相打仗的兄弟姐妹,对过去的事情感到愤怒。但他们没有多少人真正记得自己有亲身经历过这些事。他们为了一种线性的概念而战……“过去。” 谁拥有什么?谁最先来到?谁对谁做了什么?[指以色列人和巴勒斯坦人的国土争议]。这个实相完全基于一种概念——过去——某些不再发生的事情。
What would happen to a planet if the past suddenly didn't hold the energy that it does now? This grid group, which has shifted the magnetics of this planet, now moves into the crystalline energy and begins to rewrite the past! How can you do such a thing? "The past is the past," you might say. "You can't change what happened, right?" Perhaps that's so if you think you're on the same Earth, but you're not! You changed your own reality, remember? This past you cling to belonged to a whole other reality! This is the real test. Do you actually believe that you're in new reality or not? Why didn't the Armageddon happen on schedule? Why didn't the prophecies take place? Maybe they did! But in another reality...not yours. You're on a virgin track called The New Jerusalem...the new earth. In the "now," that virginity expands to past, present, and future...all unwritten.
如果过去突然不再持有相同的能量,地球会发生什么事?这个磁栅团队,完成了移动地球磁场的工作,现在他们会移向水晶能量并开始改写过去!如何办得到这种事?“过去就是过去,” 你们会说。“你无法改变发生过的事情,对吗?” 也许那是对的,如果你认为你是在同一个地球的话,但你们不是!你们已经改变了你们自己的实相,记得吗?你们执著的过去完全属于另一个实相!这就是真正的考验。你是否真正相信你是处于新的实相?为何世界末日没有按照预期发生呢?为何预言没有发生呢?也许它们有!但是在另一个实相里……不是在你们的实相。你们是在一条没有人走过的原始轨道上,称为 “新的耶路撒冷”……新的地球。在 “当下”,这种原始性延伸至过去、现在、与未来……都是全新的。
The Circle of Responsibilities
The age of responsibility. There are many who don't even like that word. They don't want to be responsible. Yet it's a word dripping with truth and joy. The Human Being who is responsible is the one who knows their God! Let's give you some of these responsibilities. They exist in a circle, with one not taking precedence over the other.
To God
What is your responsibility to God? Whatever that word means to you - Spirit, Source, Family? What is your responsibility to God? It's easy, yet so difficult. It's easy for the feminine Kryon to invite you to see the wings, yet so hard for you to believe that such a thing could be. What's your responsibility to God? I'll tell you what it is: It's to understand that you're it. It's the responsibility to seek out that part of you that will finally acknowledge that you're divine. Do you think that it's some kind of mysterious error that most of humanity believes in eternal life after death? Do you think that's it's just mass wishful thinking? It isn't. It's intuition! It's knowing! Let me give you another "accident." What do you think about one mammal on the planet, only one - the whale - that has treaties around it signed by hundreds of countries - even ones that have no water - to protect it? Do you think that's an accident? When all humanity is gathered together, despite all the differences and the fights and the religious ideas, they vote to protect one mammal. You want to know why? Because the whales carry the storehouse of knowledge on how to change the past! Humanity at the cellular level knows it.
你对神的责任是什么?无论 “神” 对你而言意味着什么——圣灵、源头、或家人?你对神的责任是什么?很简单,也很困难。要让女性能量的克里昂邀请你们去看自己的天使翅膀是很简单的事,但要让你们相信这种事会很困难。你对神的责任是什么?我会告诉你:明白你就是神。你的责任就是去找出你的另一部分,最后那会证实你就是神。你认为大部分人类相信死后的永生,是一种神秘的错误吗?你认为那只是许多人一厢情愿的想法吗?不是。那是直觉!那是知道!让我给出另一个 “巧合” 的例子。你对地球上一种哺乳动物,只有一种——鲸鱼——有数百个国家为了它而签署条约——包括那些没有海洋的国家——去保护它,有什么看法呢?你认为那是巧合吗?当所有人类聚集在一起时,尽管各国之间有分歧、战斗、不同的宗教观念,但他们一致表决要保护一种哺乳动物。你想知道原因吗?因为鲸鱼身上带着改变过去的知识宝库!人类在细胞层面知道这件事。
These mammals also know how to work with the Indigos. Did you ever think about that? And who are the whale's first cousins? The dolphins. Let me tell you about the dolphins and the Indigos. These new children are going to bring you the potential of peace on Earth, and it may not be fast enough for some of you, but believe me, it's in the works. Someday Indigos will stand up in that troubled area called the Middle East and cause a real stir. Palestinians and Israelis will look at each other and say, "It's about time to drop the past. Let's talk about now. Let's talk about what can happen now, away from anything that was on the old track that your parents traveled."
We made the statement long ago: "As go the Jews, so goes Earth." Let's be very clear that we include the Palestinians in the Jewish attribute. Same father. We see them as one family. We also don't see Earth's destruction. Perhaps there are those who would say, "Well, you know you're on the other side of the veil, Kryon. You don't have to walk in Human's shoes." Oh, are we aware of that! That's why we love you so much. Blessed is the angel pretending to be Human. He gets out of bed in the morning and stumbles to the mirror and doesn't see the whales...doesn't think about them. Instead, he wonders how his day is going to go. He worries about the processes within his body. He worries about his society, his lack of abundance, and about the things that are in the dark that he can't see. He seldom sees the angel in the mirror. Well, we have some advice for you: Perhaps it's time to turn on the light! And when you do, all of those things you've been stumbling over will be your treasures. Some of you have done that. We know who's hearing and reading. Some can look backwards and say, "I've changed my past. I've changed my past." Blessed are those who are moving into that dimension!
我们在很久以前给出这个声明:“犹太人前进,地球就前进。” 让我们把话说得清清楚楚,我们所说的 “犹太人” 是包括巴勒斯坦人。同一个祖先。我们把他们视为一家人。我们也没有看见地球的破坏。也许有些人会说,“嗯,你要知道,你是在帷幕的另一边,克里昂。你不用经历人类的处境 [当然说得轻松]。” 啊,我们知道这一点!那就是我们会如此深爱你们的原因。有福的是那些假扮人类的天使。他在早上起床踉跄走到镜子前,没有看见鲸鱼……也没有想到它们。相反的,他在想着今天会怎么过。他担心体内的生理过程。他担心他的社会,担心他的不丰足,还担心那些在黑暗中他看不见的事物。他很少看见镜子中的天使。好吧,我们有一些建议:也许是时候亮起光了!当你这样做时,所有曾经绊倒你的那些事物都会是你的宝藏。你们有些人已经做到了。我们知道谁正在聆听和阅读。有些人可以回顾并说,“我已经改变了我的过去。我已经改变了我的过去。” 有福的是正在进入那个维度的人类!
To Society
What's your responsibility to those around you? What's your responsibility to the one who competes with you, seemingly for the same ideas, within your society? What's your responsibility to yourself? Some of you are stewarding energies - information that has been given to you, and you're alone in that stewardship. What's your responsibility there? I'll tell you: Do you think it's just to steward what you have? Honor what you have, but what about the rest? What about the others who have their stewardships, too? Priests, do you sequester what you have and protect it? Or do you see the other ideas and spiritual ways and figure out how they work with yours? Rabbi, can you sing in the choir? Honor the others who have their work, too. Bless the others so much that they can see themselves in you, and vice versa. Connect the dots. We've spoken of this before. How can the orchestra play when so many leaders are insisting on being soloist? You must play together. [Kryon is speaking here of multiple religions on Earth, and how they tend to climb into their own boxes and never honor the others.]
你对社会的责任是什么……对你周围的人?你对你在社会上的竞争对手,那些看似与你拥有相同观点的人,有些什么责任?你对自己的责任是什么?你们有些人正在看管能量 [作为神的管家] ——这是对你们讲过的信息,而你是独自在看管。你在这方面的责任是什么?我会告诉你:你认为你的责任只在于看管你所拥有的事物吗?尊敬你所拥有的,但其他人又怎样呢?其他也在负责看管的人又怎样呢?神父,你有没有隔离你所拥有的事物来保护它?或者说,你有没有去看看其他信仰与灵性方式,然后想想看他们能如何与你的信仰一起合作?拉比 [犹太教教士],你能在唱诗班里面合唱吗?尊敬其他也从事信仰工作的人。祝福其他人,让他们能在你身上看见自己,反之亦然。把点和点连成线。我们之前说过这件事。如果有那么多领袖坚持要成为独奏者,交响乐队要如何演奏呢?你们必须一起演奏。[克里昂是指地球上的许多宗教,他们是如何倾向于爬进自己的盒子里(与其他宗教隔绝),而且从不尊敬其他宗教。]
To Family
What is your responsibility to family - biological family? I mean the brothers and the sisters and the cousins - the moms - the dads? Oh, Human, this responsibility has never changed. This is the pillar of what Kryon has told you, and she has gone over this and over this. The first parable ever given to you is The Parable of the Tar Pit. So let me give you the meaning of that parable: If everyone around you is wallowing in mud, somebody's eventually going to notice the clean diamond you've become! They're going to want to know how that diamond got to be the diamond, and why the diamond is untouched by the mud! They're going to notice you.
你对家人的责任是什么——生物性家人?我是指兄弟姐妹和同辈亲戚——还有父母亲?哦,人类,这种责任永远没有改变。这就是克里昂信息的重点,而她已经一次又一次重复这些话。我们所给出的第一个寓言故事就是 “沥青坑的寓言”。那么让我给出这个寓言的意思:如果你周围的每个人都在泥沼中打滚,最终会有人注意到你已经变成了清澈的钻石!他们会想要知道钻石如何变成了钻石,为何钻石不会被泥沼染污!他们会注意你。
So what is it you can do for your family? Turn on the light! Let the treasures show. And those around you? They'll notice. They might not see the treasures that only you can see, but they'll see you! There will be those who will suddenly say, "I really want to be like you!" There may even be those in your family on whom you've given up. They'll never understand what you believe, you've decided. Dear one, they don't have to! Perhaps the closest they'll ever get to God is to love you! Some, very close to you, may say, "I've fallen in love with you again because you've changed." Believe it. And what do you think you've really changed? You turned on the light and just changed the past. Yes, some will shrink from the light and leave your life. Believe me, it's appropriate that this is so.
那么你可以为你的家人做些什么?亮起光!让宝藏被看见。而你周围的那些人呢?他们会注意。他们也许无法看见那些只有你才看得见的宝藏,但他们会看见你!有人会突然说道,“我真的很想像你这样!” 他们甚至包括家庭中一些你已经放弃的人。他们永远不会了解你所相信的事,你已经认定。亲爱的,他们不需要了解!也许他们亲近神的最佳方法就是去爱你!一些与你关系非常密切的人会说,“我已经重新爱上你,因为你变了。” 相信他的话。你知道你真正改变的是什么吗?你亮起光并改变了过去。对,有些人会畏惧光并远离你的生活。相信我,这是恰当的。
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a tar pit |
To Outsiders
What's your responsibility in this circle of responsibilities to outsiders? Who's the outsider? That's the one who makes fun of you. Maybe that's the one who wants to destroy you. I've said it before: You're going to see a lot of this. And, dear Human Being, it's not going to originate from where you expect it. Let's review what we told you four years ago. The biggest opposition to turning on the light will be Lightworkers in the dark. There will be splits of consciousness even within the movement you call the New Age. Some will go their way, and you'll go yours. Some will call you evil because you turned on the light and it's blinded them. They fear what they can't experience. You will burn brightly, and they won't understand it. When they can no longer put you in focus, they'll cast you away as evil, according to their way of thinking.
Here is our advice toward the outsider: Don't try to change them. Honor free choice, but also don't let them change you unless, of course, it's your choice. Hold the integrity of what you believe and have found to be your truth. Let go of them, and send them on their way. Even the ones who are your friends. Break the attachments, for you'll be better off for it. Remember this, dear Human Being, to them you're the outsider. It goes both ways, and may I remind you, it's brother against brother. The family is still one, no matter what each brother believes.
To Earth
What's your responsibility to Earth? It's important that you hear this. The indigenous knew it. The indigenous all over this planet knew it. It was intuitive information, no matter if it was North or South American or Polynesian or European or Australian or African. They all knew it! They knew the earth is alive! It has consciousness. They knew you can speak to it, and it to you. They knew that if you honor it, it will honor you back...and that you should never take more than you give. The earth is an entity that is vibrant and living. What can you do for the earth? I'll tell you: Acknowledge it daily! Why don't you take a hint and a cue from those who used to walk the land in this very place? In the morning they would greet the west and the north and the east and the south. Those are magnetic grid lines! And they knew it. Say hello to the earth. You'll have a better day because of it. You'll be in harmony. It's trite to say that you would be "in harmony with nature." But that's the goal. That's what you can do for the planet...your responsibility is to love it.
你对地球的责任是什么?这很重要,你们需要听到这个信息。土著们都知道这件事。全球的土著都知道这件事。这是直觉的信息,不管是在北美洲、南美洲、波利尼西亚、欧洲、澳洲、或非洲。他们全都知道这件事!他们知道地球是活的!地球拥有意识。他们知道你可以对地球说话,地球也会对你说话。他们知道如果你尊重地球,地球也会尊重回你……而且你永远不应该从地球提取多于你能够给出的东西。地球是有生机的、活的个体。你能为地球做些什么呢?我会告诉你:每天对地球打招呼!你们为何不从那些曾经行走于地球之上的人们那里得到一点提示呢?每天早上他们会问候东南西北方。那些是磁场线的方向!而他们知道这一点。对地球说哈罗。你会因此拥有更美好的一天。你会处在和谐中。你会 “与大自然和谐共处”,这种说法已经是陈腔滥调。但那就是目标。那就是你能为地球做的事……你的责任就是去爱地球。
东南西北方:地球磁场线的方向 |
To Self
We've come to the last one.. or is it the first? What is your responsibility to self? What can you do for yourself? This is where the circle is complete. The circle of responsibilities ends where it started. Know you are God! What is your responsibility to self? Know you are God.
The Third Grid
We've given you many messages right in this space, but never one so profound as this. It's the end of one thing and the beginning of another. 2012 will be the end of the Crystalline Grid realignment of energies. "So, Kryon," you might say at this point, "what is that elusive third grid" It's the one that's also invisible like the other two. It's also living. It's the one that's influenced by the first two. This third one responds to dimensional shift. It has free choice. The third grid of the earth is Human consciousness. Instead of it shifting last, it shifts simultaneously with the other two...making the puzzle all that more intriguing.
我们曾经在这个地方给出了许多信息,但没有一个像这个信息般意义深刻。它是一件事情的结束和另一件事情的开始。在 2012 年,水晶栅格能量的重新校准工作会结束。“那么,克里昂,” 此时你会说,“那神秘的第三个栅格是什么?” 它就像另外两个栅格一样,是无形的。它也是活的。它受到前两个栅格的影响。这第三个栅格会响应维度转变。它拥有自由选择。地球的第三个栅格就是人类意识。它不是在最后才转变,而是与另外两个栅格一起转变……让整个谜团显得更加神秘。
Let me tell you about portals [not vortices]. Portals are created based upon the magnetics, the crystalline energy and the consciousness of the earth [as modified by humanity]. It takes all three together to create a portal. They come and they go. Time is also involved. Sometimes they're very brief, and sometimes they're very small. Sometimes they're large and they remain. The largest portals on the planet that remain portals for a very long time have large crystalline structures under them. We won't dwell upon those things that are not our specialty, but we'd like to identify the parts. What is the polarity of gender in the crystalline grid? Is it masculine? Is it feminine? Neither. It's balanced male and female, and there's the stability of it. Fundamentally stable it is, it's the dirt of the earth.
让我们告诉你们关于能量门户 [不是能量涡流]。能量门户的形成,是基于磁力、水晶能量和地球意识 [经过人类意识的修改]。三个栅格在一起才能形成门户。门户会来了又走。它们的形成也涉及时间。有时候这些门户只是短暂地存在,有时候它们非常小,有时候它们非常大,而且会持续存在。地球上一些最大的、长久存在的能量门户,它们底下会有大型水晶结构。我们不会细述,因为这不是我们的专长,但我们想说明一些部分。水晶栅格是属于哪一种性别特质?它是男性的吗?它是女性的吗?两者都不是。它是男女平衡的,那就是它的稳定所在。它在本质上是稳定的,它是地球的泥土。
Something has been happening in this room. This grid group changes jobs, and it wishes to participate in ceremony with you. It wants to thank humanity for tolerating the shifts that have been so difficult. These who have moved the grid, and who are among you now, move from their place next to you into a ceremony of honor. Those who wish to are invited to say "Thank you." In your own way, silently, give love back for what has been accomplished. This is not about you for now. This is a moment that's about them. Collectively in this room, and outside of it - collectively to those who are reading - send love to those who have done so much for so many. Their job is now finished.
这间房里发生了一些事。这个磁栅团队会转换工作,它想要与你们一起参加庆典。它想要答谢人类忍受了这些困难的转变。这些已经完成磁栅移动的实体,就在你们当中,从你们身边的位置,移向一个光荣仪式。那些想要致谢的人被邀请向他们说 “谢谢”。以你自己的方式,静静地,对他们所完成的事情回报爱意。此刻不是关于你们。此刻是关于他们。在场的人们集体地,还有不在场的——读者们集体地——对那些为许多人做了许多事的实体送上爱意。现在他们的任务完成了。
So, it's that time. The entourage of Kryon is not the grid group. Did you know that? Instead, it's the entourage of Kryon. This entourage comes with Kryon every time she shows up, and that's what you're used to feeling, coming and going. Perhaps this evening before you retire, you might shut your eyes and whisper "Thank you." And if you do, it will be heard all over the earth. That's our promise to you. The entourage of Kryon joins you in this thanks to the grid group.
那么,离别的时刻到了。克里昂的随行团队不是磁栅团队。你们知道这一点吗?相反的,那是克里昂的随行人员。每次克里昂到来,这个随行团队都随着她一起出现,那就是你们在进来和离开时所习惯感觉到的能量。也许在今晚临睡前,你会闭上双眼,轻声说出 “谢谢”。如果你这样做,全球各地都会听得见。那是我们的承诺。克里昂的随行团队会加入你,一起向磁栅团队致谢。
It's difficult to leave this place. Much has been spoken and much has been taught. Just so you know, we'll be back. And when we return, let the teaching begin! Let the "plain talk" brought from a lessening of the veil begin!
舍不得离开。我们说了很多话,也教了很多东西。只想告诉你们,我们会到回来。当我们回来时,且让教学开始!让 “实话” 开始从越来越薄的帷幕传过来!
Blessed is the Human Being who has seen the shapes this day - who has participated in the colors that have been presented this day - who has seen the interdimensionality glow in this place. Blessed is the Human Being who's taken time out of their day to be with this family. Blessed is the Human who sits here and who reads this, for indeed, they're richly blessed; for indeed, they're the ones who have the potential to make the difference on this planet Earth, a glorious place to be!
And so it is.
1)Apocalypse 天启
Wikipedia:An apocalypse (Greek:"lifting of the veil" or "revelation") is a disclosure of something hidden from the majority of mankind in an era dominated by falsehood and misconception, i.e. the veil to be lifted.
维基百科:天启 (apocalypse 是希腊语,意为 “升起帷幕” 或 “揭露”)是在一个由谎言与错误想法所支配的时代,公开某些隐藏于大多数人类的事情,即是说,帷幕会被升起。]
2)Dispensation 时代
Wikipedia:Dispensation (period)
Within Dispensationalism, dispensations are a series of chronologically successive dispensations of Biblical history.
在 “时代论” 当中,“时代” 是圣经历史中一系列连续的年代。
百度百科:时代 (dispensation) 一词,可以定义为「神计划中,一个明显可区分的管治体系。」
Wikipedia:《Dispensation (Period)》