Reno, Nevada |
Kryon:Through the Eyes of Ascension - Part II
当你点亮光时,你没有给任何人送出任何信息。相反的,你所做的只是让他们能够看见。你给他们带来了自由选择,而他们会运用本身的智慧,去看见那些被隐藏起来的东西。这叫做 “揭露”。那就是灯塔的过程,那就是你所携带的光。
现在我会给出在 “扬升” 的过程中会发生的一些事。当一个人开始显露他本身的大师身份时,会发生什么事?啊,听着:对一些人而言,那只是片刻间的事,对其他人而言,那也许是好几天、甚至好几年的事。这是非常困难的。在那非线性的 “片刻间” ,帷幕瞬间被升起,而你看见人类——全体人类、同时看见——然后你哭了。对这一切的敏感性让你难以承受。你在瞬间看见了宏观景象,你看见了地球上真正在发生的事情,但是你一点也不能理解。
这就是 “责任的觉醒”,而它震惊了许多人。它是关于爱上人类、爱上地球、爱上一切。过去你们可以坐着为有麻烦的人们祈祷,然后不会有任何感觉,那种日子已经过去了。相反的,在这个过程中,你会在某一瞬间成为那些有麻烦的人。通过扬升大师的眼光,你看见那些痛苦、那些悲伤、那些课程。你造访他们的内心,你 “看见” 人类的心。
你说,“太敏感了!我变得太敏感了。” 然后你决定去找些事情来做,让你不用去看那些你需要看见的东西。你可以留在这种态度里,想留多久就多久,但我们告诉你这一些,是为了让你们知道,如果你发现自己处在这种状况,请把它视为一次远航,但只是一次航行。这些对扬升能量的最初反应,就像是一本知识书的前言。它们代表态度的重新调整,和灵性目标的揭露。它们 “软化人类的心灵”,为下一步做好准备。
在我们所形容的最初反应过了之后,下一步是什么?我该如何告诉你呢?你开始从你的 DNA 里移走一些东西。你也许会问,“这些 DNA 层里装着什么东西?” 让我告诉你,其中一层有的是什么:它含有二元性的布置,是人性的一种特质,它是 “恐惧。”
恐惧是一个跨维度护层,包覆住几乎每一层 DNA。那些拥有你的 “戳印” 和你的名字在它们之上的可怕事情,会像一条线那样直接从你身体的 DNA 里拉出来——拉出来,卷在一个隐喻的线轴上,然后抛进垃圾桶里——切断。再也不会重新连接。
你们有一层 DNA,你们说那是业力。但那完全是个误称。如果,在跨维度的情境中,没有 “过去” 和 “现在” 这回事,那么 “业力” 层里有的是什么呢?你们认为呢?你们明白吗,地球的能量转变是如何在人类 DNA 的灵性部分形成过时的特质?
在扬升的过程中,DNA 护层会被重写,它是关于创造出一个独特的人类——如果你有跨维度显微镜去看这个人的 DNA 的话,他已经从诞生时的正常 DNA 转变了。你们真的认为你可以处在扬升状态中并保留你原有的身体吗?你知道得更清楚!你们有些人其实已经通过纯粹的意图开始了那个过程。
Reno, Nevada
March 29, 2003
As channelled by Lee Carroll for Kryon
This Kryon live channelling was given in Reno, Nevada in March of 2003. It is part two of a two part series given in two different locations regarding Ascension, and what it means in this new grid complete energy.
这次克里昂现场通灵是在 2003 年 3 月在 里诺,内华达 传导的。它是两篇在两个不同地点给出的信息其中的第二篇,它是关于扬升,以及扬升在这个新完成的磁栅能量当中意味着什么。
[This channelling has been added-to and enhanced by Kryon in a rechannelling process over the actual transcribed channelling. This has been done in order to make it more valuable for the written word and to bring clarity to concepts that were given energetically within the live channelling.]
Greetings, Dear Ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service.
How many of you felt it when you walked in this morning [speaking to the audience]? What’s lurking in the other dimensions that even your scientists now agree must contain something? I’ll tell you what part of it is: It's the unseen. It's "things that no longer can be denied."
你们有多少人在今早进来时感觉得到 [对现场听众说] ? 是什么潜伏在其他维度,就连你们的科学家现在也得同意,那里肯定有某些东西?我会告诉你们,那是什么:那是无形的存在。那是 “再也无法被否认的东西。”
A sweet entourage gathered here three days ago in the middle of the night. This group agreed to posture the very elements that this room is made of. It went around informing the wood, the plaster, and the cloth. It talked to the glass in the crystal, to the cement, the elements which were man-made, created out of elements that were here already. It told the elements: "Something will happen here in three days. Prepare the room for shamans," it said. It told the matter in this room to structure itself in celebration and to be prepared for the masters. And that was three days ago. Then, this morning, in walked the shamans and the masters… and those who gave intent to read these words.
三天前,一个甜美的随行团从半夜开始聚集在这里。这个群体答应布置好这间房的建构元素。它到处走动,通知木材、灰泥、还有布料。它对水晶里的玻璃体说话、对水泥说话、对那些加工而成的人造元素说话。它告诉那些元素:“三天后这里会发生一些事情。准备好房间迎接那些萨满,” 它说。它告诉这间房里的物质,把自己组织好进入庆祝状态,准备好迎接那些大师。那是三天前。然后,今天早上,那些萨满与大师走进来了......还有那些给出意图阅读这些文字的人们。
Some are questioning that this could possibly be a channelled message. There are those here right now who don’t believe such a thing. Channelling must be a joke, they say. After all, that’s not really the way God speaks to men and women, is it? Oh, yes, it is! It always has been. It always will be. It is the way of enlightenment, you know. It is the way of all of the masters you know of. It is the way of all of the prophets you know about. Men and women wrote all of the scriptures, if you recall. Where did they get their information? What made it scripture, if it only came from a Human? I’ll tell you. When it contains information that "rings true," then it’s speaking right to the core of your divinity. There’s a core inside of each Human Being that tells when things are accurate or not. It's a divine core because you are eternal.
有些人怀疑这有没有可能是通灵信息。此刻这里就有人不相信这种事情。通灵肯定是笑话,他们说。毕竟,那不是神对男人与女人说话的方式,它是吗?哦,是的,它是!它向来都是。它永远会是。那就是启发的方式,知道吗。那就是你们所认识的全部大师的方式。那就是你们所认识的全部先知的方式。是男人与女人写下所有的圣经,如果你们记得的话。他们从哪里得到他们的信息呢?是什么让它成为圣经呢,如果它只是出自于人类?我会告诉你。当它含有 “听起来真实可靠” 的信息时,它就会对准你的神性核心说话。每个人内在都有一个核心,它懂得分辨事情是否准确。它是神性的核心,因为你是永恒的。
Dear Human Being, I know your name. And it's not the name that’s on the name tags that were given to you at the door. I know the name that is eternal... and so does the plaster... and so does the fabric, the iron, the cement, the glass, and the crystal. They celebrate that name, for this planet is populated with the energy of that name. Each of you is a piece of everything around you. Someday we'll even give a channelling on that.
Well hidden, this planet is. It's to allow you to conduct the test without interruption. The divinity is also well hidden from you in what is called the "duality." Even this day, the questions have been asked, "Why me, why now, why this?" Oh, let us put our arms around you! Isn’t it time? Accept the pruning of the planet. The tree in winter is not a pretty sight, but the tree is ageless. The tree knows something about the way of things. The tree understands and realizes that with time, as the timeless cyclical weather changes take place, there will again be health and beauty. Go ahead and interview a tree in the dead of winter and it will say, "Oh, please, don’t look at me now. Come back later … please come back. I’ll be more beautiful the next time you see me, and then even more the next time after that."
隐藏得很好,这个地球。那是为了让你们能够在不受干扰的情况下进行这项测试。 神性也是很好地从你们身上藏起来,隐藏于 “二元性” 之中。即使在今天,这个问题还是被提出,“为何是我,为何是现在,为何是这样?” 啊,让我们抱住你!现在不正是时候吗?接受修整中的地球。冬天的树木不是漂亮的风景,但树木是不老的。树木知道某些道理。树木明白并觉察到,随着时间的流逝,随着永恒的气候周期发生转变,它将再次变得健康与美丽。去吧,去访问寒冬中的树木,它会说,“啊,不要,不要在此时来看我。迟点再回来吧......请再到回来。下次你来看我时,我会变得更美丽,再下一次甚至会更美。”
And so we say to you within this metaphor, celebrate your life! Celebrate the pruning and celebrate winter if you wish, for this is what you asked for, shaman. In a time in your life that you probably don’t even remember, divinity gathered around you and celebrated the fact that you gave permission to do what you’re doing right now!
God does not "do things" to Human Beings. It’s not the way of it. Instead, what takes place is carefully orchestrated with your permission. Oh, you might deny that, and so it is, you say, "Why me, why now, why this?" Perhaps it's because you’re really not convinced about the family around you? So you sit here, humanitarian, and you cry for the earth. We told you about this time [speaking of the Iraq war], yet you don't wish to claim it, do you? Too much sorrow. Too much pruning.
神不会对人类 “采取行动”。那不是它的方式。相反的,发生的事情是经过你们的许可而精心策划的。啊,你也许会否认,于是你说,“为何是我,为何是现在,为何是这样?” 也许那是因为你真的不确信你身边是围绕着家人?于是你就坐在这里,人道主义者,为了地球而哭泣。我们说过这个时刻 [ 指伊拉克战争 (2003年 3月 20日- 2011年 12月 18日) ],但你们不想承认这件事,对吗?太多悲伤了。太多修整了。
What if I told you that what you may be seeing on your earth is one of the last events like this on this planet? Perhaps a mold is being cast regarding something that you don’t ever want to see again? What if this event was one of the last of its kind?
There would be those who would say, "Oh, no. You see, war is inbred in humanity. We will always destroy one another." You would continue to say, "War like this will always be. There will always be these things." Really? What if I told you this? Everything that has happened in these last 12 years has been about transmuting those very statements. What if I told you that when the veil lifts and the consciousness moves, the battle we described between the old and the new energy would be one that informs consciousness of "what it will never do again"?
有些人会说,“啊,不。你瞧,战争是人类与生俱来的天性。我们总是会互相毁灭。” 你会接着说,“类似的战争总是会有。总是会有这些事情。” 真的吗?如果我告诉你以下的消息呢?过去这 12 年来所发生的每一件事都是关于改变那些声明。如果我说,当帷幕升起、意识转变,我们所形容的新旧能量之间的战斗,会通知意识 “什么是它永远不会再做的事情” 呢?
What if I told you that this was a new dispensation? A renaissance of consciousness. What if I told you that you’re alive to facilitate it! What if I told you that’s why you came here? You might say, "Well, what have I got to do with it? What should I do with it? I abhor it. I don’t like anything about it." Some work is like that, you know?
如果我说,这是新的时代呢?一场意识的复兴。你们活着就是为了促进它!如果我说,那就是你们到来的原因呢?你会说,“啊,那与我有什么关系?我应该做些什么?我痛恨它。我一点也不喜欢它。” 有些工作就是如此,知道吗?
Oh, let the metaphors begin!
There you are, lighthouse. You’re standing on the rock, aren’t you - shining your light. In fact, you may have found a place to anchor yourself, so no waves can wash over you and damage the structure. Not only that, you put yourselves on the rocks that are dangerous, haven’t you? Dangerous ground, you’re on, but not for a lighthouse. After all, that’s why you came, that’s why you were built. You're a lighthouse.
Then it gets dark, and many people are afraid. The ships of humanity are trying to steer themselves into the safe harbors that you’re purposefully stationed around. And within this metaphor you can call the harbors anything you want to. Perhaps they’re harbors of wisdom, integrity, high consciousness, peace on earth, or The New Jerusalem. But there you are, standing in the right place at the right time.
当黑暗降临时,很多人感到害怕。人类的航船想要驶进安全的海港,驶进你们特地被矗立之处。 在这个隐喻中,你们可以随意命名那些海港。也许它们是智慧、正直性、高级意识、地球和平,或称 “新的耶路撒冷”。但你们就在那里,在正确的时刻站在正确的地方。
When it gets dark, it gets dangerous. It looks bleak, doesn’t it? But suddenly you kindle your light. In all of your glory, there you are, lighthouse, with the only light by the rocks. Then all you do is shine. The many ships see it, and one by one they steer themselves into the safe harbor. The masters of those ships don't know who you are. They never meet you or your family. They don’t know your name. But they see your light, and they steer by it. Sometimes it’s just intuitive. You may not even be aware of your own light, since you’re holding it, but the ships around you know. One after another, they make it to the safety of the harbor.
If there are enough lighthouses on Earth, the ships of humanity will all find their way to the safe harbor. And through the ages, lighthouses stand fast no matter what the politics of the time. Let me ask you this, lighthouse: As you stand firmly on the rock, which side did you take in the current struggle? What language did you speak to the ship’s captain? And the answer is that you didn’t take sides, and you had no dialogue with the captain of any ship. Instead, you just stood there, anchored in the love of God, helping all the ships to see in the dark.
I hope you understand what we’re saying. Get above the fray. No matter what your culture demands, or your three-dimensionality tells you you’re supposed to do, stop. Understand that you are beyond the polarization that others have. Instead, there’s a layer of new wisdom. It’s almost a layer of ascension. It's a layer that understands very, very clearly what is at hand. What are you supposed to do? I’ll give it to you again, lighthouse, and I’ll be plain about it.
Does the lighthouse examine the flags of the vessels it helps? No. Does it interview the political ideas of the ship's masters? No. The lighthouse loves humanity, and it’s there to help the whole picture, regardless of what others see as correct or incorrect.
Where do you think the trouble is right now on your planet? Reader, where is the trouble on your planet? Consider wherever that is. Perhaps it’s a country - maybe a battlefield or a culture, or a place where there’s disease. Maybe it’s a small office in a capital that’s oval? Whatever your perception is, listen carefully - get above the fray. Don't absorb the anger or the polarization of opinion. Get above that.
These troubled places are dim and they’re dark. They don’t have the light that you have. So what do you do with that light? It’s not about sending some kind of political message. It’s not even about sending peace or an idea of what you think should be, sent to areas that need it. Oh, no. Instead, it’s about turning on the light! What if you were to send the light that you have - the divinity that you have - into a dark area. What would take place?
Sometimes people walk around in darkness and they don't even know it. When the light is turned on, they’re amazed, and they see things they never saw before. So when you turn on the light, you haven’t sent anyone any kind of message. Instead, all you’ve done is to enable their sight. You’ve given them free choice and the wisdom that’s theirs, to see what’s been hidden. It’s called revelation. I want you to remember the times in your life when you discovered things you never knew were so. I want you to remember the times in your life when you had the "ah-ha," when you made some decisions that changed things forever. That's the process of the lighthouse, and that light you carry. And that's what we wish to speak about.
有时候人们在黑暗中走动,连他们自己也不知道这一点。当光被点亮时,他们很惊奇,他们开始看见一些从未见过的东西。所以当你点亮光时,你没有给任何人送出任何信息。相反的,你所做的只是让他们能够看见。你给他们带来了自由选择,而他们会运用本身的智慧,去看见那些被隐藏起来的东西。这叫做 “揭露”。我要你记起,在你的人生中当你发现了一些以前从不知道的事情的时刻。我要你记起,在你的人生中当你 “啊哈” 恍然大悟的时刻,当你决定从此改变的时刻。那就是灯塔的过程,那就是你所携带的光。那就是我们想要说的事情。
What’s the difference between this energy today and the energy, for instance, of a month ago? We speak to you in the year of the five, in the month of the three [2003, March]. The five represents change, and the three is catalytic. The catalyst is something that is a push, is it not? When combined with something else, the catalyst makes something happen. When there’s no combination, the catalyst sits unmoved, without energy. Together, they represent the eight, which is the number we gave for this new dispensation of responsibility.
今天的这股能量与,例如,一个月前的能量,有什么区别?我们是在五的年份、三的月份对你们说话 [ 2003年 3月]。数字五代表改变,数字三是催化剂。催化剂是一股推动力,不是吗?当它与其他东西结合在一起时,催化剂会让某些事情发生。当没有东西与它结合时,催化剂坐着不动,没有能量。[数字五和数字三] 结合在一起,它们代表八,即是我们在这个责任的新时代所给出的数字。
All the things you see happening at this point are not an accident. Can you get above the choices in 3-D and instead take the choice of wisdom and shine the light? That’s the message. It’s the message I gave to my partner to transmit sometime ago. It’s the message I transmit now. It’s why you came. During these times, many will be dragged down by what the culture says they should do, or by the politics of their time. But how many of you, instead, can climb up the ladder inside the lighthouse and put on the "Mantel of Spirit" and turn on the element of light? Don’t be surprised if you’re alone when you do that. Perhaps you’re understanding the dynamics? That lighthouse keeper who’s alone today in this room, or reading this, is surrounded by other lighthouse keepers.
你们在此刻看到的所有事情都不是偶然发生的。你能超越三维的选择,反过来选择智慧并亮起光吗?那就是我们的信息。那就是我在不久前让我的伙伴传导的信息。那就是我在此刻所传导的信息。那就是你们到来的原因。在这些时刻,许多人会被文化的要求、或被他们这个时代的政治氛围所拖垮。但你们有多少人,能反过来爬上灯塔的梯子,披上 “圣灵的斗篷” ,并点亮光呢?如果你发现只有你孤独一人那样做,请别惊讶。也许你开始明白了事情的动态?那个孤独的灯塔管理员,今天在这间房里、或正在阅读,是由其他灯塔管理员所围绕着。
Let the teaching begin:
Nothing is so profound as what we started discussing the last time we were with you. In the teaching today, some may wish to consider this "part two" of a larger teaching. And you’d be right. It is.
没有任何事会比我们上次聚首时开始讨论的事情更加深刻。在今天的教学中,有些人希望这是更庞大的教学内容的 “第二部分”。你们是对的。它是。
Why Didn't Kryon give this information before now?
Some have asked why it is that over 12 years of lessons and information, Kryon never spoke directly about the ascension energy. Now you know. It was a subject that could not be broached in its completeness before the grid was finished. For even we did not know what the energy would be like that you would settle on. Now it's here. Let me ask you this: If you took a long voyage from one continent to another, would you stop in the middle of the ocean and complain that you weren’t there yet? Would you throw the skipper overboard and ask for another, simply because you hadn't reached the destination yet? The answer seems fairly obvious, yet there are many who deserted this ship of enlightenment in mid-voyage... and sought other information... because Kryon would not stop the ship and give them instructions for the port of call. Eventually they’ll find themselves in an empty, sinking ship, while yours had finally reached the port, ready to disembark to the library of knowledge.
有些人问,为什么经过了 12 年的课程与信息,克里昂却从来没有直接谈到扬升能量。现在你们知道了。在磁栅完成之前,它是一个无法被完整呈现的课题。因为就连我们也不知道你们会安顿于怎样的能量中。现在时候到了。让我问你们:如果你从一个大陆远航到另一个大陆,你会不会停在大海中央,抱怨你还没有到达?你会不会把船长丢下船,要求换上另一个人,只因你还没有到达目的地?答案很显然,但有许多人在半途就舍弃了这艘开悟之船......并寻求其他信息......因为克里昂不会停下船并给出中途停靠的指示。最终他们会发现自己处在一艘空荡的、下沉的船上,而你们终于已经抵达了港口,准备登陆知识的宝库。
Once you get past these first two steps, which are a result of you pushing open that door of infinity, then you start the work. "All right, Kryon, how many steps are there in the work?" Again, the answer is "Yes." [laughter] How many steps are there to infinity, when they show themselves one step at a time? Is there one, or many? And if there are many, how many? How long is a string? What is the length of a circle? Do you begin to understand how Spirit cannot give that longed-for linear answer to a nonlinear, interdimensional question?
一旦你们通过了最初这两个步骤 [详见下文],那是由于你推开了那扇无限性的大门,然后你就会开始工作。“好吧,克里昂,那项工作有多少个步骤?” 再一次,答案是 “是的。” [笑声] 无限性有多少个步骤?当它们一步一步出现时?是一步,还是很多步?如果有很多步的话,是多少?一条绳有多长?一个圆圈有多长?你们开始明白为何圣灵无法给出人们期待已久的线性答案了吧,对于一个非线性的、跨维度的问题?
The Big Picture - A Revelation of Possibility
I will now give you some of the things that take place during the process we’ve described as "ascension." What happens when a Human Being starts to take on their own masterhood? Oh, listen: There’s a moment or two for some, which might be days, or even years, for others. This is very difficult. What we will describe happens in a ""moment or two" in nonlinear time where the veil is lifted instantaneously and you see Humanity - all of it, at once - and you weep.
现在我会给出我们所说的 “扬升” 过程中会发生的一些事。当一个人开始显露他本身的大师身份时,会发生什么事?啊,听着:对一些人而言,那只是片刻间的事,对其他人而言,那也许是好几天、甚至好几年的事。这是非常困难的。在那非线性的 “片刻间” ,帷幕瞬间被升起,而你看见人类——全体人类、同时看见——然后你哭了。
It's not just that you get to see the inhumanity, man to man. It's not just those who are dying and that you would cry for. Oh, no. Instead, you see the big picture for a moment, and that’s tough to get through. Through the eyes of ascension, one of the first things that happens is that the sensitivity of it all overwhelms you. You get to see what’s actually happening on the earth, and you cannot relate to any of it.
Master shaman, this will explain why some run to the hills. They cannot even get through the first step. They’ll do anything they can to sequester themselves so they never have to see it, never have to hear it, and never, never have to tell about it. Oversensitive? That puts it mildly. It is but one step, and not a step you think you asked to go through. But indeed, it’s a result of what you’ve asked to do. This first reaction may pass quickly, or it can last a very long time. That’s up to you. How many will be stuck there, never understanding that it’s part of the voyage? There are many there now. It’s the foreknowledge of this that will help you to make it through. Many get paralyzed with awe, and don't even wish to come out, or continue.
This is the "responsibility awareness," and it's a shock for many. Gone are the days when you may sit and pray for those in trouble and feel nothing. Instead, for a moment in this process, you get to BE those in trouble. You see the suffering, the sorrow, and the lessons. Through the eyes of the ascended, you see the duality of the earth Human, and you weep for their efforts. You visit their hearts, and you "see" the heart of humanity.
这就是 “责任的觉醒” ,而它震惊了许多人。过去你们可以坐着为有麻烦的人们祈祷,然后不会有任何感觉,那种日子已经过去了。相反的,在这个过程中,你会在某一瞬间成为那些有麻烦的人。你看见那些痛苦、那些悲伤、那些课程。通过扬升大师的眼光,你看见地球人类的二元性,你为他们的努力而流泪。你造访他们的内心,你 “看见” 人类的心。
Becoming Part of the Earth - Like Never Before
Once you get through this stage, there’s another, equally potent step, or reaction, in an attitude where you may also become stuck. Suddenly you begin to relate to the earth - the very dirt of the earth. You look at the trees and sky differently. Your passion starts to shift, and you see yourself as part of this system of life. Now you begin to weep for the planet! Indeed, these first steps are all about responsibility and awareness. But what is it about becoming spiritual that makes one weep so much, you might ask? It’s about falling in love with humanity and the earth. It’s about falling in love with everything.
As the veil is stripped away, I would like to tell you, the choruses of who you really are start to sing their songs, and the love of God is the tune. And some of you can’t get through it. You say, "Too sensitive! I'm becoming too sensitive." And then you decide to find anything to do that would keep you from seeing what it is you need to. You run from it.
随着帷幕被揭开,我想告诉你们,你们真正所是的歌咏队开始唱出他们的歌,而曲调就是神的爱。但你们有些人无法熬过去。你说:“太敏感了!我变得太敏感了。” 然后你决定去找些事情来做,让你不用去看那些你需要看见的东西。你在逃避。
You may stay in this attitude as long as you wish, but we tell you about these things so you will know that if you find yourself in that situation, look at it as a long voyage, but a voyage, nevertheless. A voyage is, by its very name, a trip from one place to another. Perhaps it's one port to another, or perhaps it's a voyage across a large ocean.
These first two reactions to the ascension energy are like a foreword to a book of knowledge. They represent a reposturing of attitude, and a revelation of spiritual purpose. They "soften the Human spirit" for what is next.
这两种对扬升能量的最初反应,就像是一本知识书的前言。它们代表态度的重新调整,和灵性目标的揭露。它们 “软化人类的心灵”,为下一步做好准备。
Interdimensionality provides an entirely different concept of life. There’s a pallet of learning, of expression that comes next. For the exception of one element, this pallet of attributes could be presented in any order. It's called "the ascension pallet." Here are six colors in that pallet.
跨维度属性带来了一种全然不同的生命概念。那里有一个 “学习的调色盘”,在下文的叙述中。唯一的例外是,这个调色盘的各种特质可以任意呈现,不分先后顺序。它被称为 “扬升的调色盘。” 以下是那个调色盘的六种颜色。
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扬升的调色盘: 恐惧 vs. 智慧,平衡 vs. 业力,生存契约 vs. 对身体的控制 |
The Pallet of Learning
There’s one attribute on the pallet that must come first. What’s the next step after the preliminary reactions we’ve described? After intent is given, after the door is open, after the posturing begins, after you fall in love with the planet and cry for humanity and you’re now stable enough to start the learning process, what’s the first thing that you learn? How do I tell you this? You’re going to begin to remove something from your DNA!
调色盘上有一种特质必须排在第一位。在我们所形容的最初反应过了之后,下一步是什么?经过了给出意图、打开大门、开始新的态度、爱上地球并为人类而哭泣;现在,你已经足够稳定去开始学习的过程,你所学的第一个是什么?我该如何告诉你呢?你开始从你的 DNA 里移走一些东西。
This next step is unique. I want you to understand something about the interdimensional "cup" of DNA information. All of those layers within the DNA you cannot see - the ones that are filled with karmic information and life lesson - the ones that describe who you are this time around - your temporary contracts - are complete, full, layers. That cup of DNA is always FULL. All the DNA is used for information, every portion. There’s no unused portion. The entire DNA complement of every Human is filled to the brim when you arrive on the planet.
接下来这一步是独特的。我要你们明白 DNA 信息的跨维度 “杯子”。DNA 里所有那些你无法看见的层面——那些充满业力信息和生命课程的层面——那些界定你此生身份的层面——你的临时契约——全都是完整的、满满的层面。DNA 的杯子总是满满的。整个 DNA 都被用来储存信息,每一部分。没有闲着的部分。当你们抵达地球时,每个人的整个 DNA 都是满溢的。
You might ask, "What do some of these layers contain?" Let me tell you what just one layer contains: It contains a postulate of duality, an attribute of Human nature. It's something that you’re about to eliminate, and it's complicated, since it's "fear."
你也许会问,“这些 DNA 层里装着什么东西?” 让我告诉你,其中一层有的是什么:它含有二元性的布置,是人性的一种特质。它是你们即将移走的东西,它也是复杂的,因为它是 “恐惧。”
Fear and Wisdom… the Interdimensional Brothers
Find me the master who is afraid. You won’t. Perhaps you’ve studied the lives of many masters? Perhaps you felt they were afraid, but were just putting up a good show of faith? Name the master whom you’d like to study, and I’ll tell you that they were not afraid, and here’s why. In that cup called DNA, that layer that’s filled with fear in most Humans, there was none in the ascended one. The ascension process voided it. This process was the total and complete removal of that energy from the Human's psyche, from the body, from the divinity, and from all of the things that belonged to it.
给我找出一个感到畏惧的大师。你不会找到。也许你曾经研究过许多大师的生涯?也许你认为他们是畏惧的,只不过是表现出坚定的信念而已?说出你想研究的那位大师的名字,我会告诉你,他们并不畏惧,而这就是原因。在那个 DNA 的杯子里,多数人身上的那个充满恐惧的 DNA 层,扬升大师的身上没有。扬升的过程取消了它。这个过程完全与完整地移走了恐惧的能量,从扬升大师的精神上、身体上、神性上、从他的一切。
This is actually the first actual "working step" in the ascension process. The fearful things that have your "stamp" and your name upon them, must be stripped out, literally pulled like a string right out of your body's DNA - pulled out, wrapped around a metaphoric spool, called the "spool of fear," and tossed in the trash - severed. Never to be reconnected again. It's a change of Human nature, and a profound one, which will be taken away.
这其实是扬升过程的第一个真正的 “步骤”。那些拥有你的 “戳印” 和你的名字在它们之上的可怕事情,必须被剥掉,就像一条线那样直接从你身体的 DNA 里拉出来——拉出来,卷在一个隐喻的线轴上,称为 “恐惧的线轴”,然后抛进垃圾桶里——切断。再也不会重新连接。这是人性的改变,深刻的一次,它会被移走。
To make this even more difficult to imagine, I will now tell you something interdimensional about your DNA. Fear is located as a sheath around almost every layer, one that we previously called a "crystalline sheath." Remember, the crystalline sheath is a metaphor for a "memory of knowledge" and begs to be reprogrammed and changed. Hiding in this information is the secret behind how DNA is reworked, and how miracles are accomplished within your biology.
更难以想象的是,现在我会告知你们 DNA 的跨维度属性。恐惧是作为一个护层,包覆住几乎每一层 DNA,就是我们之前所说的 “水晶护层”。记住,水晶护层是一个隐喻,指 “知识的记忆”,它恳求被重新编写和改变。隐藏在它之后的是 DNA 如何被改编、奇迹如何发生在你们体内的秘密。
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想象图:(左) 负责人体指令的 DNA 编码结构,(右) 包覆着 DNA 的负责生命记忆的水晶结构 |
The first result of taking away fear is that this full cup of DNA I told you about is now only partially filled. It doesn't matter how much fear was removed, the cup is not filled anymore. Some might say that since each Human is different, there might be more or less space now available, with the fear removed. Actually, the same amount of "fear potential" is in every single Human Being. It only seems that some have more than others, since part of any spiritual process is the ability to void it. What we’re saying is that each Human has the same amount of "fear potential," but it's the balance of a Human that determines how much is actually manifested. However, in this divine process called ascension, the Human will eliminate it.
移走恐惧的第一个结果是,我所告诉你们的这个满溢的 DNA 杯子,现在只是半满的。无论被移走的恐惧有多少,现在那个杯子再也不是满溢的了。有些人会说,既然每个人都是不同的,恐惧移走后留下的空间也会有多有少。其实,每个人体内都有等量的 “恐惧潜在性”。只是有些人的恐惧看似比其他人的多,因为灵性过程的一部分就是关于取消恐惧的能力。我们是说,每个人都有等量的 “恐惧潜在性”,但是一个人的平衡程度,将决定有多少恐惧会真正被显现。不管怎样,在扬升这个神性的过程中,人类会消除恐惧。
Here’s where it also gets a bit more complicated. This pallet of items I’m beginning to tell you about is part of an interdimensional grouping. This group sits above, and at right angles, to one another. They are not in a line, or queue, waiting to be used. You’re not going to address one and then another and another. Instead, they’re used simultaneously, yet separately. Think of the painter. The pallet of mixed, colored paints exists in a circle. In order to paint the picture in the artist's mind, he may seem to be using the colors one at a time, but in reality, he’s thinking about the whole as he continually dips back into the same colors over and over to create his vision. He doesn't use the colors one at a time. He uses all the colors constantly. The whole is therefore created from the pallet, and is a unique creation. Note… the artist doesn’t end up with a picture of a pallet! Therefore, do you understand that although this pallet may be the same for everyone, the result of using it is unique for each?
As you strip out the string of fear, there’s another piece on the pallet that begins to replace it. To keep the cup full, the attribute that goes back in is called wisdom! Imagine: A Human Being who walks the earth with no fear and has his wisdom increased. Does that sound like a master? Yes. It is. It's a transformation… an alchemy. It's a profound change in Human nature, and within the setup you were born with.
当你剥掉了那条恐惧之线,调色盘上会有另一种东西开始取代它。为了装满杯子,倒回进去的特质叫做智慧!想象一个人,行走于地球之上,没有恐惧,而他的智慧提高了。听起来像是大师?是。是的。它是一种转变...... 一种炼金术。它是人性的深刻转变,而且是在你们与生俱来的设置当中。
The Temple of Rejuvenation, revisited (Kryon Book II)
重温 “回春之殿”(克里昂书二)
Now, there is precedent for this at the molecular level, and it's an ancient one we've discussed before. There’s a process in cellular rejuvenation that no one has spoken of and it’s time to reveal. Part of the ancient molecular process of rejuvenation as it was experienced in the Temple in Atlantis is the process of rewriting and removal around layers of DNA.
呐,回春在细胞层次是有先例的,它是我们之前谈过的古老的先例。细胞有一个回春的过程,不曾有人讲过这件事,现在是时候揭露它了。回春的古老分子过程,就如过去在亚特兰提斯圣殿里所进行的,其中一部分是,重写和移走 DNA 层。
In those days, with the machinery of rejuvenation that we described [Kryon Book II - 1993], something interesting happened: In the process we described, the DNA was affected in a way that was temporary. Whatever seemed to be voided, also seemed to return with time. So the treatment became cyclical - removal, return, removal, return. The time-cycle (as we described) was three years. Therefore, you could say that even the best rejuvenation process known to humanity (and this was still the best one to date), only lasted for a while, until the natural state of your biology recovered from the magnetic time-reverse alteration.
在那个时代,通过我们所形容的回春机器 [克里昂书二,1993年],一些有趣的事情发生了:在我们所形容的过程中,DNA 短暂地被影响。任何看似被取消的东西,也看似随着时间的流逝而重返。所以回春的治疗成了一种循环——移走、回来;移走、回来。那个时间周期(如我们所形容)是三年。因此,你们可以说,就连人类所知的最好的回春过程(至今依然是最好的),也只能维持一阵子而已,直到你们的身体从逆转时间的磁力改动中重新恢复自然状态。
In the ascension process, there’s no return. The DNA sheath is rewritten, and the fear is removed. It’s about creating a Human Being who is unique - a Human Being who, if you had the instrument to look into the DNA under an interdimensional microscope, was changed from the normal DNA at birth. But no machinery is needed in this step, and the power of a lifted veil and a new Earth energy with a stable, altered grid, supplies the engine of the process.
在扬升的过程中,它不会重返。DNA 护层会被重写,恐惧会被移走。它是关于创造出一个独特的人类——如果你有跨维度显微镜去看这个人的 DNA 的话,他已经从诞生时的正常 DNA 转变了。但是这个步骤不需要用机器,一幅升起的帷幕所传送的力量,一股新的地球能量,还有一个稳定的、经过改动的磁栅,就是回春过程的机器。
We have just described two of the six attributes on the interdimensional pallet: Fear and wisdom. One replacing the other. How long does that take? How about three days? How about three decades? What is it that the Human will allow in this process? What is the Human's divine time cycle? All these things play into this scenario. Each manual for ascension is different.
Let me describe the third. It's on the ascension pallet, and it's called balance, but it's actually a karmic rewrite. There’s a layer of your DNA that you’ve called your karma. It's completely and totally misnamed, however. In this energy, all of the processes that used to revolve around karma, the result of it, the decisions around it, and the purpose for it, are greatly reduced.
让我形容第三种特质。它是在扬升的调色盘上,它叫做平衡,但其实它是对业力的重写。你们有一层 DNA,你们说那是业力。但那完全是个误称。在这股能量中,所有曾经围绕着业力打转的过程、业力的结果、随业力而作出的决定、业力的作用,全都大幅度减少了。
We spoke before about one of the attributes of the pure Indigo Child. It is the complete lack of karma, did you know that? You cannot make an Indigo Child feel guilty. They have no programming for that. It’s not meaningful to them, since guilt is almost always a manifestation of karmic energy. If the DNA "cup" must always be full, what do you think the Indigo Child has instead of karma? The answer? Compassion and the quest for solution of strife. That is why we have named them "The Peacemakers."
我们曾经谈过纯正靛蓝儿童的一种特质。那就是完全没有业力,你们知道这一点吗?你无法让一个靛蓝儿童感到愧疚。他们没有这种程序。这对他们是没有意义的,因为愧疚几乎就是业力能量的显现。如果 DNA “杯子” 必须总是装满的,你们认为靛蓝儿童反过来有的是什么?答案是?慈悲和寻求冲突的解决方案。那就是我们称呼他们为 “和平缔造者” 的原因。
A Prediction
Here is a potential clearly within your time. There will come a time when a young Palestinian and a young Israeli will stand eye-to-eye, both of the Indigo consciousness. They will look at one another and they will make an agreement, starting something different - something you’ve never seen before in the Middle East. They will agree that it makes no difference what happened on the land they stand upon - who did what to whom - who believes they’re owed this or that, or who came first. They will agree instead to rewrite history, and let it begin NOW.
They will do this without changing their spiritual beliefs and without changing their cultures. Only the consciousness of the past will change. In order for this to happen, the crystalline grid of this planet has got to change, also. That’s what they’re waiting for. You have a few more years for that to grab those who may be involved. This potential is on the radar screen of your immediate future so strongly that we even want to give you their names, but we cannot, for it could be one of 18 people. All alive right now. One may be female.
他们会在无需改变灵性信仰、无需改变文化的情况下这么做。只有旧能量的意识会改变。为了让此事得以发生,地球的水晶栅格也必须改变。那就是他们在等待的事情。再多几年,你们就会知道那些有可能涉及的人。这个潜在性就显示在你们临近未来的雷达屏幕上,它的信号是如此强大,我们甚至想给出他们的名字,但我们不能,因为它可能是 18 个人当中的一个。此刻他们全都在世。其中一人可能是女性。
If, in an interdimensional scenario, there is no such thing as the past and the present, then what is going to be contained in a layer you called karma, which was an engine that generated energy from past expressions? What do you think? Do you understand how the energy shift of this planet has created obsolete attributes within the spiritual portion of Human DNA? The ascension process will replace all karma with something you won’t even understand? The timeless balance of the "now." Think of it as instant karma, or "now" karma. You generate and fulfill it in one step!
如果,在跨维度的情境中,没有 “过去” 和 “现在” 这回事,那么 DNA 的 “业力” 层,作为从过去世产生能量的发动机,它里面有的是什么呢?你们认为呢?你们明白吗,地球的能量转变是如何在人类 DNA 的灵性部分形成过时的特质?扬升的过程会替换掉所有的业力,以一些你们不懂的东西来取代它?那是 “当下” 永恒的平衡。把它想成是即刻发生的业力,或 “当下的” 业力。它的形成与应验都在同一步!
You absolutely cannot measure what’s happening now against some kind of spiritual blueprint that you had within the oldest teachings or texts on the planet. You cannot glean new energy information from the old energy tutorials! Yet many not only try, they use the old information as weapons in their attempt to stop you from your shift, and to void out your light. They try to stop the new by quoting the old. Watch for this, and make up your own mind when the arguments are put forward.
You might ask, "But didn't the masters give us the information?" The answer is yes, but the masters presented information for an existing energy, not one that hadn't happened, and that was not even expected. The masters who walked the earth were timeless. At some level they knew that their words would be heard forever, but not one of them foresaw the changes that you’ve made on this planet! Some Humans laugh at that. "God knows everything that will happen," they say. Let me ask you this: If that is so, then why are you here, playing out a scenario that will temper the "future" of the universe. If the future is already known, then you shouldn't be here! There’s no reason for this test! See it this way: God knows every potential that could ever happen in the "now." Humanity is creating and selecting one of those potentials, and manifesting it into a reality that is a catalyst for all of creation.
你会问,“但大师们不是对我们给出信息了吗?” 答案是对的,但大师们只对既有的能量给出信息,不是对还没有发生的,甚至是没有人预料到的。那些行走于地球上的大师们都是永恒的。在某种程度上,他们知道他们的话语会永远被听见,但他们没有一人能预见你们在地球上所造成的转变!有些人会嘲笑这一点。“神知道即将发生的一切,” 他们说。让我问你:如果是这样的话,你们为何还会在这里,演出一场有可能会扭转宇宙 “未来” 的剧情。如果未来已经被确知,你们不应该在这里!不必有这项测试!这样看:神知道在 “当下” 有可能发生的每一个潜在性。而人类是在创造与选择其中一个潜在性,并把它显现成实相,作为所有创造的催化剂。
The masters who walked this earth in history even had control over the matter around them. You see, they were in love with the Earth. They knew that matter talked back. They were in the now, perpetually, without karma. There are even those today who have these exact attributes and are showing them to the masses daily.
What does the new ascended one on this planet do with this new energy of wisdom and balance? What do you do, Lightworker, when you put on the mantel of ascension? What is the reason for your existence in the new energy? It’s to change what’s around you, through the process of "turning on the light," that others in free choice may see revealed concepts... brought through your efforts.
地球的新扬升大师会如何运用这股 “智慧与平衡” 的新能量呢?你会如何做,光之工作者,当你披上扬升的斗篷时?什么原因让你存在于这股新能量中?那就是去改变你周围,通过 “点亮光” 的过程,让其他人在自由选择中可以看见被揭露的观念......通过你的努力而带来的揭露。
The Earth Work Increasing the Vibration of the Planet
Let us start with the earth. The one who is ascended, who walks on this planet as a Human, is the one who walks with all matter as his partner. This is the one who is in love with the East and North and South and the West. It’s the one who animals are attracted to, and the one whom Humans love to be with. It is a Human Being in ascension status who truly is in love with the planet. And this particular connection allows work in the planet that no other Human can do like this one can.
The rewrite of the crystalline grid is going to be the most important spiritual work, until 2012. The rewrite of this crystalline grid will rewrite the past of the planet. There’s nobody that this earth energy listens to more than the one without fear... the one who is in love with the air and the water, the trees and the dirt. When the masters walked on this planet, the elements cooperated with them... physics bent where they walked. Profound Earth work is more than just being a lighthouse. Instead, it's an interdimensional lighthouse - one that has its light on the top and bottom of the shaft extending as far below as it does above. It's shining a light into the planet as strong as the one shining above.
重写水晶栅格将是最重要的灵性工作,直到 2012 年。重写水晶栅格,就会重写地球的过去。地球的这股能量谁的话也不听,只听那个没有恐惧的人......那个深爱着空气和水、树木和尘土的人。当大师行走于地球之上时,自然元素会与他们合作......物理会对他们屈服。深刻的地球工作不只是成为一座灯塔,而是成为跨维度灯塔——它的顶部和底部都会发光,下面的光也能像上面的光一样照得很远。它是把光照向地球,就像阳光一样猛烈。
The Situation Work - Sending Light to Places in Need
Next is "the situation." There’s no greater warrior of light on this planet than the ascended one who has put on the mantel of Spirit. This Human can shine light into those dark places through the wisdom that they have and their lack of fear. This can be done outside of the box of culture, politics, and religious bias. This new Human can "cut to the quick" where the problems are, in order to advance the solutions and gather those around with them to help them send the light into the areas that need it the most. Every one of you has a manual for this, and every single one of your manuals is different.
接下来的是 “处境”。地球上没有任何勇士能与那披上圣灵斗篷的扬升大师相比。这个人能通过本身的智慧和无畏而把光照向黑暗的地方。这可以在文化、政治、与宗教偏见的框架之外达成。为了促进解决方案,这个新人类能 “快速切入” 问题的核心,并召集他身边的人来协助他送光到最有需要的地方。对此你们每个人都有一本手册,而你们每个人的手册都是不同的。
Biology Work - Changing Your Own Contract for Living
And the last one? Well, it’s the best one of all for you. It's not the last, either, for we've only given you six of many. It’s called control over biology. Do you really think that you can be in ascension status and keep the biology that you have? You know better! Some of you have actually started the process through pure intent. Perhaps you didn't even know that you were going into "ascension status"? Instead, however, you gave permission to go to "the next step."
而最后一个呢?嗯,这是对你们最好的一个。其实它也不算是最后一个,因为我们只给出了许多个特质当中的六个。它叫做对身体的控制。你们真的认为你可以处在扬升状态中并保留你原有的身体吗?你知道得更清楚!你们有些人其实已经通过纯粹的意图开始了那个过程。也许你甚至不知道你是进入了 “扬升状态” ?但不管怎样,你给出了许可进入 “下一步”。
Do you know how many divine spiritual ears perked up when you said that? Those beautiful spiritual helpers who have been with you for life went into action. Maybe you started this process already? If you have, it’s no accident, dear Human Being. You have the power to rewrite your own life span. You have the power to rewrite the Human genome. We've said it before, and we’ll say it again. What is it your father had, your sister had, or your mother had that you’re afraid that you’ll get? Do you finally understand that whatever that is, it’s only a "beginning setup"? Do you now understand that this setup begs to be rewritten? It lies there, ready to get instructions from what we’ve previously called "the boss" (you).
你知道当你那样说时,有多少双灵性耳朵竖起来听吗?那些一辈子与你在一起的美丽灵性助手立即投入了行动。也许你已经开始了这个过程?如果你是的话,这并不偶然,亲爱的人类。你有能力重写你自己的生命长度。你有能力重写人类基因。我们之前说过,而我们会再说一次。什么是你父亲、你姐妹、或你母亲身上有的,是你害怕你也会得到的呢?你是否终于明白,不管那是什么,它只是 “起点的设置” ?你现在是否明白,这个设置恳求被重写?它就在那里,准备从我们之前所说的 “老大”(你)那里接收指示。
Why create masterhood and then die, come back, and spend another 20 years growing up and getting it back? No. This is your time. Own it! What habits do you have that you know are destroying your body and hastening the day when it fails? Perhaps you say you can’t get rid of them? Think again. How long do you want to be here, to change the planet, to make differences for those around you? You've waited eons for this energy, did you know that? Now, here you sit within it! There has never been a time like this in the history of all humanity - never! It's your time to stay longer than your imprint said you would when you were born. Now this biological clock of life is in your hands completely. Such is the power of those, through the "eyes of ascension."
为何创造大师身份,然后死去,再到回来,再用 20 年来成长,然后重拾大师身份呢?不。这是你的时代。拥有它!你有什么习惯是你知道会摧残你的身体,当身体衰竭时会让你的死亡日子加速到来的呢?也许你说你无法戒掉它们?再想一想。你想留在这里多久,以改变地球,以为你周围的人们带来改变呢?你从无限久远以前就已经在等待这股能量,知道吗?此刻,你就处于其中!全人类的历史当中从来没有一个时代像现在这样——从来没有!这是你能活得长久的时代,比你出生时的印记所说的更久。现在,寿命的生物时钟完全掌握在你的手中。通过 “扬升的眼光” 看,大师的能力就是如此强大。
The tools have never been so sharp and refined. The information has never been clearer. The invitation for mastery has never been given like this. The return of all of the masters of old has already taken place. They’re in the grids of the planet, all together, all grouped, all here to provide the "engine of ascension" for humanity.
工具从来没有如此锋利与精良的了。信息从来没有更清楚的了。大师身份的邀请从来没有被如此给出过。古时候的大师已经全体回归。他们就在地球栅格,全在一起,全集合在一起,全都在这里,为人类提供 “扬升的发动机”。
So what is your responsibility within all of this? First, validate it for yourself. Don't believe something that does not "ring true" to your inner being. Take the time to make this your reality based on your own intellect, intelligence, and spiritual core being.
Then I'll tell you this: Perhaps you came to Earth in order to actually see and participate in The New Jerusalem? What a responsibility! Perhaps that’s why you’re here! And that’s why you’re in the chair reading and hearing and remembering this message.
然后我会告诉你:也许你来到地球是为了亲眼看见并参与 “新的耶路撒冷” [隐喻,指地球和平]?多重大的责任!也许那就是你在这里的原因!那就是你坐在椅子上阅读与聆听与记住这个信息的原因。
And so it is that the message is complete for this time. And so it is that two eyes have read the page and have a choice as they put down the book, what to make of this. Could it be so, that Spirit talks to humanity in this form? What if all I have revealed is real? Who are you, and why are you here? What brings you to an awaked state... a state that would have you come here, or take the time to read this? You think it’s an accident? It’s not. Perhaps it's what you asked for... when you ask Spirit: "Dear Spirit, tell me what it is I need to know."
Start building that lighthouse. Get ready to light the lamp. There are no more profound people on the planet than those who carry the light of ascension knowledge. It's a knowledge and wisdom that they can affect consciousness around them, triggering revelation, turning on a light and exposing things that were unseen before.
And that’s why we love you the way we do. There are many entities right now who are pressing upon you and saying "thank you for fulfilling your potential." And to the Humans here and reading this who are anxious, the ones who don’t understand why challenging things have happened recently in their lives? Well, we’re washing your feet. That’s why it’s called work, Lightworker. We promise to stand next to you, to be there when you need us and to help make the decisions. We want you to stay a long, long time. We want you to participate in a peaceful existence, with the joy and the love of God at your side every moment.
那就是我们深爱你的原因。此刻有许多实体正在挤压你,对你说 “谢谢你履行自己的潜在性。” 而对现场听众和正在阅读的人,那些感到焦虑的人,不明白为何最近生活上会发生充满挑战性的事情?嗯,我们正在为你洗脚。那就是它被称为工作的原因啊,光之工作者。我们答应站在你身边,当你需要时我们就在那里,帮助你作出决定。我们要你留在这里很久、很久。我们要你参与一种和平的生活,每一刻都有喜悦与神的爱在你身边。
And so it is