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Barbara's Lake in Laguna Coast Wilderness Park, California |
Kryon:Current Events & Potentials for 2009
哦,长期生活在这个地球上的亲爱的人,你们还记得 20 年前是怎样的吗?今天我会谈论时事,所以让我问你:还记得 20 年前的气候吗?美好的,多半是。如今它不再是那样子了,对吗?还记得你们生活当中的能量,你们工作环境的能量吗?还记得 20 年前的政治与商界的能量吗?还记得吗? 因为如今它们已经不同了。
回想过去,我们看见自己在此刻,正在告诉你们关于当前的潜在性,但我们的 “此刻” 是在你们的 20 年前。那时,我给出信息,我的伙伴写下来,成为克里昂的第一本书——在那本书里,我们给出的这些潜在性,如今成了你们的实相。我们在此刻这么说,是为了让你们知道,对于 20 年后的潜在性,我们同样看得清清楚楚。
我会再次给出关于 “当今事件” 的信息,它主要是针对美国人而给出的,因为在座的大部分都是美国人。我会对你们实话实说。这里所说的 “美国人”,是指那些住在美国的人。
你们的美国,拥有一些将近 200 年的文件[美国独立宣言],由正直的男人所传导,他们是一群想要给地球带来改变的人。你们做的每一件事,那些先辈们的意识都与你们同在。他们看见我们所看见的事。而他们所看见的是,有一场转变发生在你们身上,一场主要的转变,在所有领域当中。
在之前,我的伙伴坐在讲台上告诉听众,2008 年将会是转变的时候,因为那就是潜在性。“克里昂,你是说,那个潜在性是奥巴马在 2008 年?” 不。潜在性是,你们会在 2008 年创造巨大的转变,而你们确实做到了。在过后的会议里,我传导信息说,在 2008 年你们会集体转向靛蓝领导人。啊,你们刚刚做到了!
20 年前,如果你说,“嗯,你知道吗,在 20 年内美国将选出一个黑人男子,” 他们会扔你出去!“不可能!” 他们会喊道。那说明你们的政治氛围发生了什么变化?它是自由运转的。再也没有任何人在幕后主使了。相反的,是你们在作主,美国人民。
现在,让我对美国人讲一些他们需要听到的事:我要带你回到 10 至 15 年前。在那时,美国人决定控告当时的烟草公司。人民意识到烟草公司的做法不正直,因为他们试图让人们染上烟瘾,包括儿童!于是美国人决定要整顿烟草公司,法案开始被通过,使那些健康未上瘾的人,最终获得选择权,去检视烟草公司的做法到底是否正直,而他们做到了。如今,一切都不同了,对吗?
为什么我要告诉你们这些呢?我讲出这个故事,因为你们又在做着同样的事,去整顿一些情况。首先是这里,然后是地球上的其他经济体系。因为你们是能够带头作出转变的人!你们拥有一个系统,允许你们去说你们选择要说的话,然后去检视那些曾经被认为是 “不容怀疑的做法” 的正直性。烟草公司是其中之一,它们在你们的检视中倒下。
正直性开始在生活中变得越来越重要。亲爱的,今天你们处在金融危机中。但我们的看法不同。你们的国家没有处在危机中;它是在修整的阶段。当你希望树木长得更好并存活时,你会怎么做?你修剪它们的枝桠,修剪直到树干的部分。它会很丑样!然后你看着它们说,“不知道这些枝桠会不会重新长出来。” 但园丁大师知道。园丁大师知道你必须这么做。他知道,当新枝重新长出来时,它们是美丽的,不是吗?比以前更壮大。然后你看着它们说,“哇,大自然真了不起!”
接着它会扩散出去。这种正直性最终会扩散到欧洲,甚至到中国。你们正在播下种子,在一个为了它而存在的地方——美国。在这里,你们可以做这些事情而没有人会压制你。这就是那些在 200 年前被传导的文件的潜在性,它赋予你们这种能力。
你们正在做的事,是艰难的,前方也有一段艰难的日子。跟我一起去到 20 年后,你们会看到不一样的银行业,不一样的保险业,在全世界。那就是我们要告诉你们的事。你们的情况不是一切都倒下了。你们知道是什么刚刚倒下了吗?旧能量刚刚倒下了!贪婪刚刚倒下了。那你们打算怎么做呢?你们应该吹气球!你们应该举行庆祝会!
This live channelling was Given in Laguna Hills, California
现场通灵于 拉古娜山,加利福尼亚
November 30, 2008
As channelled by Lee Carroll for Kryon
To help the reader, this channelling has been rechannelled [by Lee and Kryon] and added onto to provide even clearer understanding. Often what happens live has implied energy within it, which carries a kind of communication that the printed page does not. So enjoy this enhanced message given in Laguna Hills, California (The Kryon home-room) November 30 2008.
为了帮助读者,这篇信息经过[李及克里昂]的重新传导及增强,以让人们有更清晰的理解。因为在现场给出的信息,含有一种能量沟通模式,是印刷页面所无法传达的。那么请享有这篇增强版的信息吧,这是在 2008 年 11 月 30 日在 拉古娜山,加利福尼亚 传导的。
Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. My partner linearizes this message as he has been doing for so long. Even when I say to him and to you that on the other side of the veil there truly is no time, he still must linearize our message. For us, it is all happening at the same time. For you, it's on a linear track. However, our perspective gives us the ability to alert you to the potentials of what we see in what you have called your future.
Reflecting back, we see ourselves at this moment, telling you about the potentials that you are sitting in now, but our "now" is your 20 years ago. Back then, we brought you the information and the profundity of what you had accomplished in 1987. We told you in our messages back in 1989 that you had changed your future. "Human consciousness is going to shift," we said back then. Indeed, it has.
回想过去,我们看见自己在此刻,正在告诉你们关于当前的潜在性,但我们的 “此刻” 是在你们的 20 年前。那时,我们给出消息,告知你们在 1987 年所完成的事,告知它的深刻意义。我们在 1989 年告诉你的消息是,你们已经改变了你们的未来。“人类的意识将会转变,” 当时我们那样说。事实上,人类的意识已经转变。
I can remember sitting there and saying that, for it is still before me. To you, it's a record of something that happened. To me, it's still happening. But to you, it was before a time when my partner was able to open his mouth and linearize anything that I would say [before Lee started channelling out loud]. Instead, he was writing at his table. We're there right now with him. It is timeless for us and all that has transpired in what you have called a 20-year span is now for us. He wrote it down as I gave it and it became the first Kryon book – the one where we gave you these potentials that are today your reality. Now, I tell you this so that you can understand that back then, what we saw as the potentials of your decisions is, indeed, before you. We give you this at this time so you may acknowledge that we are seeing the potentials just as clear, 20 years from now.
我还记得自己坐在那里,在讲出那些话,因为那个情景还在我眼前。对你们来说,那是已经发生的某件事的纪录。对我来说,它还在进行中。但对你们来说,那是以前的事,在我的伙伴能够开口并线性化表达我要说的事情之前[指在李开始大声通灵之前]。相反的,那时他正在他的桌子上写作。我们此刻就在那里与他在一起。我们没有时间限制,在过去 20 年之间所发生的一切,对我们来说是当下。当我给出信息时,他写下来,成为克里昂的第一本书——在那本书里,我们给出的这些潜在性,如今成了你们的实相。呐,我告诉你们这一点,使你们可以了解,当时我们看见的事——你们潜在会做的决定,现在,就是你们当前的情况。我们在此刻这么说,是为了让你们知道,对于 20 年后的潜在性,我们同样看得清清楚楚。
It depends on what you do with potentials for them to become reality. There is a collective energy that is created by Lightworkers that is so profound on this planet that the very core of the planet itself vibrates differently because you're here. The Crystalline Grid is vibrating differently because you are here. All of this esoteric talk is fine, but you've got to feel it! Do you see the reality before you?
Oh, dear ones who have lived long on this planet, do you remember what it was like 20 years ago? I'll be speaking of current events today, so let me ask you: Do you remember your weather 20 years ago? Fondly, probably. It is not that way today, is it? Do you remember the energy of your very life, of your workplace? Do you remember the energy 20 years ago of your politics and your business? Do you remember that? Because it is not the same today.
哦,长期生活在这个地球上的亲爱的人,你们还记得 20 年前是怎样的吗?今天我会谈论时事,所以让我问你:还记得 20 年前的气候吗?美好的,多半是。如今它不再是那样子了,对吗?还记得你们生活当中的能量,你们工作环境的能量吗?还记得 20 年前的政治与商界的能量吗?还记得吗? 因为如今它们已经不同了。
There has never been a 20-year span in the history of humanity that has had this happen to it, where consciousness has changed so much. These things are because of what you've done. Oh, we could go back and remind you that at that place where you stood ready to be born, you could hardly wait to get here! It doesn't matter how old you are in this room. There are youngsters here, seniors here. You're all one age to me and you're glorious, a piece of God. I don't see your body. I see the face I know, the one that's forever. Are you aware of that? There is no death for you. Oh, there's a time perhaps when you lose a Human body and collect another one. That's just the mechanics of being Human. Those bodies don't last that long. That's all there is to it. That's why you keep coming back. That's how I see you, and that's how I've always seen you.
人类历史上从未有过如此的 20 年,在这期间人类的意识改变了那么多。这是因为你们所做的事。哦,我们可以到回去提醒你,在那个你准备诞生的地方,你迫不及待想要到回来!不管你是多少岁。这间房里有年轻人,有老人。你们在我看来都是同一个岁数,你是光荣的,神的一个片段。我看的不是你的身体。我看的是我所熟悉的脸孔,我看的是永恒的特质。你们知道吗?对你们来说,没有死亡这回事。哦,你们确实有失去一个身体然后再得到另一个身体的时候。那只是作为人类的必经过程。那些身体不是很耐久。事情不过就是这样。那就是你们不断到回来的原因。那就是我看待你们的方式,那就是我一直以来看待你们的方式。
I could go back a very long time, unfathomable time for you, when the earth was molten and taking its form, and we were there together looking at it. "This is your new home," we were saying. "Wait ‘til it cools, you'll be there," we were saying. "For yet another test," we were saying. Oh, it's not a test of Humans. It's a test of energies. Now, here you are, sitting upon it doing the heavy lifting.
我能回到很久以前,你们无法想象的久远以前,当时地球还是熔浆,正在成形,我们就在那里一起看着它。“这是你们的新家,” 我们说。“等它冷却了,你们就会在那里,” 我们说。“为了另一个测试,” 我们说。哦,它不是对人类的考验。它是对能量的测试。现在,你们就在这里,处在地球上,挑起这个重任。
Some of you can remember those days—we're talking four billion years ago—but you can remember it because it's ingrained into your Akash. It is part of your cellular structure, old soul. It is Human nature not to see these things as we do and so most of you don't. But here you are sitting in November in the year 2008. To us, those are just numbers, not years. They're energy. The eight and the two, they're a one. That's unity. That's new beginnings. That's climbing out of the coffin of fear! That's climbing out of the cauldron of an old energy. That's you emerging to a new age. We told you that.
你们有些人还记得那些日子——我们说的是 40 亿年前——但你能记得,因为它就扎根在你的阿卡什纪录里。它是你的细胞结构的一部分,老灵魂。人类的天性就是,无法像我们那样看见这些事,所以你们多数人都不记得了。但你们就在这里,就在 2008 年的 11 月。对我们来说,这些只是数字,不是年份。它们是能量。8 和 2,它们加起来是 1。意思是统一。意思是新的开始。意思是从恐惧的棺材里爬出来!意思是从旧能量的大锅里爬出来。意思是你们出现在新时代里。这些我们都说过了。
We told you that last year at this time when you were moving from the year of the nine into the year of the one [2007 to 2008]. What does all this mean to you? Let's get practical. Let us speak for a moment of those in the chairs, not just in this room, but the ones who are listening to this and the ones who are reading this now. I'm going to again give a message of what I call current events and it's mostly going to be for Americans, for that is mostly who sits here. I'm going to speak frankly to all of you. By Americans, I mean those in the United States who live here.
这些话我们在去年此时说过,你们从 9 的年份进入 1 的年份 [2007 进入 2008]。这一切对你们来说意味着什么?让我们实际一点。让我们花点时间讲一下那些坐在椅子上的人,不只是现场的出席者,还包括那些正在聆听、正在阅读的人。我会再次给出关于 “当今事件” 的信息,它主要是针对美国人而给出的,因为在座的大部分都是美国人。我会对你们实话实说。这里所说的 “美国人”,是指那些住在美国的人。
This United States of yours has documents that are almost 200 years old that were channelled by men of integrity, men who wanted to make a difference on this planet. Sometimes you look at this and you look at them, and you wonder, what would they say today? Well, you don't have to wonder, because they're here. In some way or another, in Human body or not, the consciousness of those forefathers are with you. What would they say? They're right with you in everything you're doing. There's no shock or surprise, because they're seeing what we're seeing. And what they are seeing is there is shift upon you, a major shift in all areas.
你们的美国,拥有一些将近 200 年的文件 [译注:指美国独立宣言],由正直的男人所传导,他们是一群想要给地球带来改变的人。有时候,你们看看这个,看看他们,你们想知道,如今他们会说什么呢?嗯,不用猜了,因为他们就在这里。以某种或另一种方式,在人类的身体中或不是,那些先辈们的意识都与你们同在。他们会说什么呢?你们做的每一件事,他们都与你们同在。没有震惊或讶异,因为他们看见我们所看见的事。而他们所看见的是,有一场转变发生在你们身上,一场主要的转变,在所有领域当中。
Where do we begin? How do we start? Let us start with fear. And we'll say it again. Fear is not an energy. Fear is the lack of the love of God. It is a hole, and you fill it with your duality. That's what happens. You have a choice over everything, dear ones. When you leave this place tonight and you look at all the things around you that are perhaps dark and negative and hurtful, some won't see any promise or goodness or hope. Then I'll tell you what happens for them: they willingly push the love of God out, and a big hole remains. Then they fill it with their own ideas and generate fear. That's duality in action.
Let me tell you this: It is a lot easier to leave it alone and let the love of God stay in that place than to willingly empty it out. Yet, some of you do this. Why don't you commit yourself today to understand that as Lighthouses, you cannot fear? All you can do is strike the light. If the lighthouse fears the storm, dear ones, what chance do those on the mainland have? If the lighthouse fears the storm and decides to douse its light, what happens to the ships? You don't have that option to fear!
You'll say, "Well, Kryon, some of us are starting to, for things are looking bad. "So we'll give you an answer that will just fill you so completely with the love of God that there cannot be a hole. There cannot be a void. First, realize that fear is caused from uncertainty about what you call the future. So let me tell you what I see as the potential of the future: there will come a time when you will look back and you'll say, "How could we have feared? It was so silly for us." Why don't you claim that now? Don't wait until the future to look back and say it was silly to fear. Say it now! Let's get rid of it now.
你会说:“唉,克里昂,我们有些人已经开始感到害怕,因为事情看起来很糟糕。” 为此,我们会给你一个答案,它会完全用神的爱来填满你,不可能有空洞。不可能有空虚感。首先,要知道,恐惧是因为对未来不确定而引起的。那么,让我告诉你,我所看见的未来的潜在性是:将来会有那么一天,你们会看回头并说:“我们怎么会恐惧的呢?我们真愚蠢。” 你们何不现在就这么说?不要等到将来看回头的时候,才说恐惧是愚蠢的。现在就说!让我们现在就摆脱它。
There are so many who'll say, "Well, Kryon, you don't know what I've been through. You don't know what I'm facing." Oh yes, we do. Don't you understand? We walk with you every single moment of your life. There's a hand reaching out from that innate part of you that is interdimensional, and it wants to hold your hand so much and get you out of the fear. It wants to increase your light. It's always been that way, always. This would be a good time to take that hand. It would be a real good time to take that hand, that hand that we call the hand of the Higher-Self. It walks with you every day and knows all of your issues, your problems, your health, your grief and your worry. Time to let God have that.
有那么多人说:“嗯,克里昂,你不知道我的经历。你不知道我正面临什么处境。” 哦,我们知道。难道你不明白吗?在你生命中的每一刻,我们都与你同在。有一只手从你天生的跨维度部分伸出来,它很想握住你的手,帮助你走出恐惧。它想增强你的光。它向来如此,向来。握住那只手将会是一个美好的时光。握住那只手将会是一个真正美好的时光,那只我们称为 “高我的手”。它每天都与你同行,它知道你所有的问题、麻烦、健康状况、悲伤、忧虑。是时候让神带走它们。
The Earth
I'll start with the earth. I'm going to start big and go small. Current events: What's going on with the planet itself? Esoterically, the Crystalline Grid of this planet is filling up with new energy. Part of the Crystalline structure's attributes is remembrance. Children remember this even from the crystal radio sets they might have built in school. A crystal has frequency detection and remembrance. That's at a scientific and geologic level. At an esoteric level, the Crystalline Grid of this planet remembers you and your frequency. It remembers your Akash, and it knows why you're here. It's always ready to activate.
水晶能侦测频率: (上图)矿石收音机的制作图解 (下图)在 Detector 里的矿石[水晶]负责侦测频道 |
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水晶能保持记忆: 电脑记忆体的芯片是用石英沙[水晶]来制造的 |
Gaia is alive and is your partner in vibrational shift. It always has been. You and Gaia have an agreement to work together, and part of the issue there is all of the things surrounding this – what we will call the geophysics of the planet. They are beginning to shift before you. Now I give you science and I throw the gauntlet out and I say go check it! Why is it that the magnetic field has moved so much and so far, even in the last 10 years? "What's up with that?" you might say. We told you it would 20 years ago. It had to. For the magnetic grid of the earth literally speaks to the DNA within the trillions of pieces in your body, which are emulating the very Akashic record of life, death and the past expressions [lives] of who you are.
盖娅是活的,它是你在转变振动频率方面的伙伴。它向来都是。你与盖娅约定好要一起合作,而这个约定的其中一部分,就是围绕着这一切的事物——我们所说的地球物理学。它们开始在你眼前转变。现在我给出的是科学,而我提出挑战,我说,去查一下!为何磁场会移动了这么多,这么远,即使在过去那 10 年?“为什么会那样?” 你说。在 20 年前,我们说过它会发生。它必须如此。因为地球的磁力栅格的确会与你们体内无数的 DNA 片段交谈,那些 DNA 片段一直在复制着阿卡什纪录,含有你的生命、死亡、过去的表现形式 [生命形式] 的资料。
Are you aware that your Akashic Record is interdimensional? We stood right here and told you that years ago [Laguna Hills]. There are two layers of your interdimensional DNA that are energies linked together, which we call the Lemurian layers. They've been with you from the beginning, and they are your Akashic Record. It takes two of them linked together in this purpose to give this amazing storage, and they're the only pair of interdimensional layers you have. The twisted strand? Well now, that's the 3D part, the double helix, and not really even a pair. No, I'm talking about two interdimensionally linked layers. That's how strong the Akash is, and how strong the record of who you are is.
你们知道你们的阿卡什纪录是跨维度的吗?我们多年前就站在这里 [拉古娜山] 告诉过你。你们有两层跨维度 DNA,是连接在一起的能量,我们称之为利穆里亚层。它们从一开始就与你在一起,它们是你的阿卡什纪录。为了提供这种惊人的储存能量,这两层必须连接在一起,而且它们是你所拥有的唯一一对跨维度层。至于那双绞股线呢?呐,那是三维的部分,那双螺旋,它们甚至不算是真正的一对。不,我说的是连接在一起的两个跨维度层。阿卡什就是那么强大,关于你是谁的纪录就是那么强大。
Your Akashic Record is interdimensional and has no time. To you it does, for you say it's a record of the past. But it's really not. It's a record of the present as culled from your past. Imprinted upon it are the potentials of what's going to happen to you next time around. Again, the Akashic Record sounds like something from the past, does it not? But rather, it's the Akashic Record of who you're going to be. If all is in the now in a quantum state, then any kind of a "record" is everything that happens, not just in one direction [your past]. It must include a "record" of the potentials of the future. We don't expect you to understand this.
你们的阿卡什纪录是跨维度和没有时间限制的。对你们来说它有,因为你说它是过去的纪录。但它真的不是。它是从你的过去挑选出来的当前的纪录。它印刻了下次会发生在你身上的潜在事件。又一次,阿卡什纪录听起来像是某些过去的东西,对吗?相反的,它是你会成为怎样的人的阿卡什纪录。如果一切都是在当下,在量子状态中,那么任何形式的 “纪录”,将会是所有发生的事件,不只是在单一的方向 [你的过去]。它肯定包括了未来潜在性的 “纪录”。我们不期望你们能理解这一点。
"Well, Kryon, even in my limited understanding, that means predestination." No, it does not. You see, you are a piece of God, just like I am. We know the potentials you're building with the life energy you have now, and what the propensities are of what you will do next. Oh, it's not totally known, but it is potential, nevertheless. It's also known that all of you are coming back. Yes, you are! You'll have the mind of God on the other side of the veil and you're going to come back very quickly.
“嗯,克里昂,在我有限的理解里,那意味着宿命。” 不,它不是。你瞧,你是神的一个片段,就像我一样。我们知道此刻你的生命能量所建立的潜在性是什么,你下一步会采取的行动的倾向性是什么。哦,它不是完全被知晓,尽管如此,它还是潜在会发生。我们还知道,你们全部人都会到回来。是的,你们会!在帷幕的另一边,你们会拥有神的思维,你们会很快就到回来。
Turnaround times? [from birth to reincarnation] Forget everything you've been told. In this energy, esoterically I will tell you that a Lightworker may come and go within a year. One year! If it's longer than that, then they're waiting for something. Forget what you've been told by those who are metaphysical, by those in the old energy, of how long it takes to regenerate another plan. You have no idea of how this has all changed. The energy on this planet supports a fast turnaround. That ought to tell you what's been happening here.
至于转世时间?[从出生到转世] 忘掉你们听说过的一切吧。在这股能量里,我会告诉你,从奥秘的层面讲,光之工作者会在一年之内去了又来。一年!如果超过一年,那是因为他们在等待某些东西。忘掉你们听说过的那些形而上学人士的说法,那些旧能量人士的说法,关于需要用多长时间才能重建另一个生命计划。你们不知道这一切的变化有多大。地球上的能量现在能支持快速转世。那应该能说明这里发生了什么事。
I want you to look at the magnetic field's strength. It's getting lower! Go ahead and measure the actual gauss units. It is not as strong as it was. What does that mean? Remember this: The veil, what you have called the veil, is defined as that which is between you and the other side of you. That is, it's what's between 3D and multiple-D. You think it's the curtain between you and God, but it's not that clear cut. It's thick, this veil, and we have told you from the beginning that magnetics and the gravity and the light of this planet are all part of it. Now they're all becoming weaker, becoming less. The veil is beginning to lift a little, and some of you have felt it and you know exactly what I'm speaking of.
Why don't you also go and measure the heliosphere of the sun? Go ahead. Rise from your chairs and go look it up. You will find it's never been weaker! Some will say it's dangerously low. The heliosphere is the magnetic complement of the sun that literally shields you from the cosmic rays of space. It's getting less and less in your solar system! Don't worry, however, since it's all part of a system, an earth system that you are changing, and it's all part of science that you can measure, and all part of what we told you to expect.
Do I have to ask you to go and look up the weather shifts that you've had? Perhaps you will just look out the window? [Laughter] Twenty years ago, we said there will be places that would no longer grow things that always did, and other places where things would grow where they never did. We told you of areas that were barren that would have water. What does that tell you about the weather? It tells you that there would be major shifts in the water cycle. Today, that's what you're seeing. Do not fear this shift!
我需要叫你们去查一下你们所遇到的气候变迁吗?也许你们只需望向窗外?[笑声] 二十年前,我们说,有些盛产粮食的地方将不能再耕种,而其他从不生产粮食的地方将会长出作物。我们说过,从前的贫瘠地区将会有水。那说明气候发生了什么?它说明,水循环将会出现重大变化。如今,那就是你们所看到的事。不要害怕这种转变!
洋流循环 |
First of all, we'll say it again: It is slow! You have time. If the water level rises, get out of the way! The earth moves slowly. Those who keep track of these things will see them happening, and you'll have years to adjust. Yet there will be some Humans who will dig in and challenge it – and drown. Humans do that, you know? They don't believe what's happening and they deny change. Consciousness is the same thing. Have you seen it lately? There are some who will dig in because they don't like the change, and they will drown in the process. That is metaphorically saying that there are those who will give their lives to keep everything the same. What does that tell you about the shift? They wouldn't do that unless they were seeing something they didn't like: Shift.
Again, we say this: There is nothing wrong with the weather. It is going through a cycle that has advanced itself. In other words, it is before its time because you have sped up the geology of this planet. You've actually sped up the clock in a relative way. That is to say that as your clock goes the same speed and you even seem to age the same way, but the planet has sped up! You might say, "Well, that doesn't make sense, Kryon." You're right. It wouldn't to you, because you are in 3D and these things are relative to interdimensional attributes. Haven't you felt the increase in the speed of time? Ask innate, ask that which is inside, "Have you felt the speed-up lately?" That's the anxiousness, the awakening at three in the morning we told you about years ago. That's an earth speeding up. It's all there for you to look at. Now, that's not something that's going to happen. That's something that did happen, and here you sit.
再一次,我们说:气候没有出错。它正在经历一个提早到来的周期。换句话说,它比原本的周期提早了,因为你们已经让地球的地质加速了。你们实际上已经让时钟加速了,以相对的方式。那是说,当你们的时钟以相同的速度前进之际,你们看来以同样的方式老去之际,地球却已经加速了!你可能会说:“唔,那是不合理的,克里昂。” 你说得对。对你来说它是不合理的,因为你是在三维中,而这些事物是相对于跨维度特性的。难道你们不觉得时间加速了吗?问一下你的天性,问一下体内的细胞,“最近你有感觉到加速吗?” 那就是你会焦虑的原因,那就是在凌晨三点钟唤醒你的事情,我们在多年前就告诉过你。那就是地球正在加速。事情全都在那里等着你去注意。呐,那些不是即将发生的事情。那些是已经发生的事情,而你们就坐在这里。
The United States
First and foremost, Kryon and Spirit do not care about your politics. What you collectively do in this area is free choice. But look at the free choice that you have, and the difference between what you are doing in an old energy compared to a new energy. YOU are doing it. God does not put politicians in office. You do. In this country, the system that you chose that operated the way that you designed just put someone special there. Now, this is not political, yet there are some who will think it is, since they see everything politically. Please don't.
I'm now going to give you information about the one you call Obama, and some of you already know it.
My partner sat on the stage in Israel in 2001 and he told the audience that 2008 would be the time of shift and change because that was the potential. "Kryon, are you telling us that the potential was Obama in 2008?"No. The potential is that you would create great shift in 2008, and you did. Later in a meeting in Colorado [Look for it, it is recorded and there for you to see.], I channelled information that in 2008 you would collectively turn to Indigo leadership. Well, you just did! Let me tell you something about this Human that you have chosen. Number one - he's an old soul. Now you knew that, didn't you? But I'm telling you that he is an old, old soul. He's Lemurian. Don't you find it interesting that he was born in Hawaii? These are the original energies of Lemuria, 50,000 years ago.
在 2001 年,我的伙伴坐在以色列的讲台上,告诉听众,2008 年将会是转变的时候,因为那就是潜在性。“克里昂,你是说,那个潜在性是奥巴马在 2008 年?” 不。潜在性是,你们会在 2008 年创造巨大的转变,而你们确实做到了。过后在科罗拉多的会议里 [去找出来,它已经被记录下来让你们看] ,我传导信息说,在 2008 年你们会集体转向靛蓝领导人。啊,你们刚刚做到了!让我告诉你们一些事,关于这个你们投选出的人。第一——他是老灵魂。呐,你们知道这一点了,对吗?但是我告诉你,他是很老、很老的灵魂。他是利穆里亚人。难道你们不觉得他出生在夏威夷是很有意思的吗?那是利穆里亚原本的能量,在 5 万年前。
In this lifetime, he chose to be born there again. That's the first hint. Identified, he was, two years ago by the woman who originally saw the Indigo color. The basis behind the Indigo description is from the one you call Tappe [Nancy Tappe]. She identified Barack Obama as an Indigo more than two years ago [long before he decided to run for president]. He is an older Indigo, yes, but he has the Indigo attributes.
在此生中,他再次选择出生在那里。那是第一个提示。两年前,他由那位最初看见靛蓝颜色的女士确认了身份。对靛蓝人的形容是基于塔佩的研究 [南希.塔佩]。她在超过两年前确认巴拉克.奥巴马是靛蓝人[早在他决定竞选总统之前]。他是较年长的靛蓝,对,但他拥有靛蓝的特性。
Now, let me describe these attributes to you, and this is the fun part: In those times in what you would call the run-up to the election, you would go back and forth in analysis to decide which Human Being you were going to choose. Indeed, there was criticism of Obama, and the criticism went like this, "He is too young and inexperienced; he cannot fulfill this job. This job requires a more aged, experienced, seasoned Human Being." There simply could be no response to this argument. But if you looked at the man, he radiated the energy that he's "been there and done that"! That's an Indigo! Out of the realm of 3D, his Akash has indeed "been there before" and if you knew what was in his Akash, you'd gasp at what he's been through.
现在,让我对你们形容这些特性,这是有趣的部分:在选举的预备阶段,你们会反复分析,决定要选谁作为候选人。确实,有些人批评奥巴马,那些批评是这样的:“他太年轻,缺乏经验;他无法胜任这个职位。这个职位需要一个年纪更大、更有经验、更老练的人。” 这种论点简直没有反驳的余地。 但如果你看看那个人,他散发出一种能量,表明他 “曾经在那里、曾经做过那件事”!那就是靛蓝人!在三维实相以外,他的阿卡什确实 “曾经在那里”,如果你们知道他的阿卡什里面有哪些事,你们会对他的经历感到大为吃惊。
You made a choice that was a strong potential. You selected a Lemurian, and an Indigo energy, an old soul. That is something we foresaw. Now I'm going to give him some advice. He will never hear this. [Ah, but he might.] This is my advice, as Kryon, to this young leader of this country. I have two things to tell you, Barack. Number one – watch your back. Number two – don't trust your advisors, for the advisors will give you what used to work in the old days. However, your intuition will give you what you really should do. Break the paradigms. Step out of the box and go for it. That's current, isn't it? He has yet to take office at this moment. That's current!
你们做了一个拥有强大潜力的选择。你们选择了一个利穆里亚人,一个靛蓝能量,一个老灵魂。那是我们所预见的事。现在我要给他一些建议。他永远不会听到这些话。[啊,但也有可能会。] 这是我的建议,作为克里昂,对这位年轻的国家领导人。我有两件事要告诉你,巴拉克。第一 —— 留意你背后 [以防背后插刀]。第二 —— 别信任你的幕僚,因为那些幕僚会对你提出旧时代的做法。无论如何,你的直觉会告诉你,真正应该做的是什么。打破那些条规。走出框框,放手去做吧。那是新近的,不是吗?此刻他还没有就职呢 [译注:奥巴马在 2009 年 1 月 20 日就职]。那是新近的!
Look what you've done! Twenty years ago in the good ol' boys' club in the back room of your country, if you had said, "Well, you know in 20 years the United States is going to elect a black man," they would have thrown you out! "Impossible!" they would have cried. "Won't let it happen!" they would have said. "You'll never even get to the first step. Can't happen!" You know I'm right, don't you? Does that tell you what's happened in your politics? It's free-wheeling. Nobody's in charge in any back room anymore. Instead, you are, America.
看看你们做了什么!二十年前,在你们国家幕后的 “好男子俱乐部” 里 [贬义,形容保守固执的典型美国白人男性],如果你说,“嗯,你知道吗,在 20 年内美国将选出一个黑人男子,” 他们会扔你出去!“不可能!” 他们会喊道。“不会让它发生!” 他们会说。“你甚至无法踏出第一步。不会发生!” 你们知道我说的没错,是吗?那说明你们的政治氛围发生了什么变化?它是自由运转的。再也没有任何人在幕后主使了。相反的,是你们在作主,美国人民。
Americans Need to Hear This
Now, let me speak to Americans about something they need to hear: I'm going to take you back about 10 to 15 years. During that time, America in particular decided to take to task the tobacco companies of the day. Citizens realized that the companies were out of integrity because they were trying to hook people with a drug habit, even children! So America decided to clean up its act, and it did.
现在,让我对美国人讲一些他们需要听到的事:我要带你回到 10 至 15 年前。在那时,美国人决定控告当时的烟草公司。人民意识到烟草公司的做法不正直,因为他们试图让人们染上烟瘾,包括儿童!于是美国人决定要整顿烟草公司,而他们做到了。
The laws started to be passed to enable the health of those who were not yet addicted, letting them have a choice to finally examine whether it was in integrity, and they did. Today, everything is different, isn't it? What did the rest of the world say about what you did? They laughed! In western Europe, when they saw what you were doing, they turned their backs and said, "These silly Americans. They're just so strange." They proclaimed, "That will never happen here." Well, go there today and you'll find the same laws you have!
法案开始被通过,使那些健康未上瘾的人,最终获得选择权,去检视烟草公司的做法到底是否正直,而他们做到了。如今,一切都不同了,对吗?世界上其他国家对你们的做法说了什么?他们嘲笑!在西欧,当他们看见你们的做法时,他们转过身说,“这些愚蠢的美国人。他们就是那么奇怪。” 他们宣称,“这里绝对不会发生那种事。” 好吧,今天去那里看看,你会发现那里有相同的法律!
Why am I telling you this? I am giving you this story because you are doing it again, allowing things to be cleaned up. First here, and then later, other economic systems on the planet. This is because you are the ones who can make these shifts first! You have a system that allows for exposure without penalty. You have a system that allows you to say whatever you choose, then examine the integrity of things that used to be what you would call "sacred cows." The tobacco companies were one of them, and they fell in the process of your examination.
为什么我要告诉你们这些呢?我讲出这个故事,因为你们又在做着同样的事,去整顿一些情况。首先是这里,然后是地球上的其他经济体系。因为你们是能够带头作出转变的人!你们拥有一个可以揭发而无须受罚的系统。你们拥有一个系统,允许你们去说你们选择要说的话,然后去检视那些曾经被认为是 “不容怀疑的做法” 的正直性。烟草公司是其中之一,它们在你们的检视中倒下。
Integrity is starting to matter more and more in ordinary life. Dear ones, today you're in a financial crisis. But we see it differently. This country of yours is not in a crisis; it is in a pruning stage. What do you do to the trees when you want them to grow better and survive? You cut off their branches, cut them down to the core. It's ugly! Then you look at them and you say, "I don't know if this thing's ever going to grow back." You do that, don't you? But the master gardener knows. The master gardener knows you've got to do that. He knows that when they come back, they're beautiful, aren't they? Bigger than before. Then you look at them and go, "Wow, that's amazing about nature!"
正直性开始在生活中变得越来越重要。亲爱的,今天你们处在金融危机中。但我们的看法不同。你们的国家没有处在危机中;它是在修整的阶段。当你希望树木长得更好并存活时,你会怎么做?你修剪它们的枝桠,修剪直到树干的部分。它会很丑样!然后你看着它们说,“不知道这些枝桠会不会重新长出来。” 你会这么想,对吗?但园丁大师知道。园丁大师知道你必须这么做。他知道,当新枝重新长出来时,它们是美丽的,不是吗?比以前更壮大。然后你看着它们说,“哇,大自然真了不起!”
Well, let me tell you something that's also amazing. The principle of integrity in economics, when it is realized and used and manifested, is going to grow your financial system faster than any of your critics say it can be done. Are you going to sit there and fear it? Instead, perhaps you are going to realize that you have just pruned the system, and you're going to just sit tight for this winter. Let this winter be what it is and watch these things come back, for you have just done the impossible.
Again, there are those in that good ol' boys' club 20 years ago who said, "Banking is going to be this way. Insurance is going to be this way. That's the way we'll make the most money." You just called them on it, and things will never be the same. Ever.
再一次,20 年前的那个 “好男子俱乐部” 的成员会说,“银行业就是这样的。保险业就是这样的。那就是赚最多钱的方式。” 你们刚刚对他们的方式喊停,事情永远不再相同。再也不。
What happens next is that it spreads. This integrity is going to spread into Europe eventually, and even into China. You're planting seeds in a place that was created for it – the United States. It's where you can do these things and nobody's going to slap you down for it. This was part of the potential of the very channelled documents that were created 200 years ago that give you that ability. Do you doubt they were channelled? Go read them etched into the walls of your past presidents' memorials. Cherish it. I've never spoke this way before. The system you created is a good one, for it allows for personal choice of Human Beings without penalty. If enough of you chose the right thing, the rest of the world takes a look and they change, too.
接着它会扩散出去。这种正直性最终会扩散到欧洲,甚至到中国。你们正在播下种子,在一个为了它而存在的地方——美国。在这里,你们可以做这些事情而没有人会压制你。这就是那些在 200 年前被传导的文件的潜在性,它赋予你们这种能力。你不确定它们是被传导的吗?去读一下那些刻在你们前总统纪念堂墙壁上的文字。珍视它。我从来没有说过这样的话。你们所建立的系统是好的,因为它允许人类的个人选择而无须受到惩罚。如果有足够多的人选择正确的事,那么世界其他地方会注视,然后跟着改变。
It's tough, what you're doing, and there are some tough days ahead. Go with me 20 years in the future and you're going to see a different kind of banking, a different kind of insurance, and it's going to be worldwide. This will be because of what you did here and now. What you choose to do and what your Congress chooses to do is, indeed, appropriate. Did you ever think of it that way? This is current information. That's what we want to tell you. Your situation isn't about anything failing. You know what just failed? Old energy just failed! The good ol' boys' club just failed. Greed just failed. So what are you going to do? You ought to blow up a balloon! You ought to have a party! I dare you to have a recession party! Why not? Look at the truth. Look at what's really happened. [Kryon smile]
你们正在做的事,是艰难的,前方也有一段艰难的日子。跟我一起去到 20 年后,你们会看到不一样的银行业,不一样的保险业,在全世界。这是因为你们在此时此地所做的事。你们选择去做的事,你们的国会选择去做的事,是完全恰当的。你们有没有那样想过?这是新近的消息。那就是我们要告诉你们的事。你们的情况不是一切都倒下了。你们知道是什么刚刚倒下了吗?旧能量刚刚倒下了!“好男子俱乐部” 刚刚倒下了。贪婪刚刚倒下了。那你们打算怎么做呢?你们应该吹气球!你们应该举行庆祝会!我挑战你们举行一个经济衰退庆祝会!为何不呢?看看真相。看看真正发生的是什么。[克里昂微笑]
[译注:2008 年 9 月,全球金融危机爆发。在危机中上任的奥巴马政府于 2009 年 6 月正式提出金融监管改革方案。美国国会在 2010 年 7 月通过最终版本金融监管改革法案。]
Personal Power
I want to talk about personal power. I want to talk about things that people have asked me for a very long time, about what is going to happen. How can you create peace on this planet?
There are those who think with their limited linear minds who say this, "In order for us to have peace on this earth, we're going to have to have all Human Beings converted to metaphysics. "Now, that's not going to happen. That's not a prediction, just reality. So, how's it going to work? I'm going to repeat again, something I've been teaching for 20 years: What you carry, dear Human Being, is not a belief system. You carry the energy of light. When you're in a very dark place, anything goes. Everything is in the dark. You can't see anybody doing anything. The energy that flourishes in the dark, of course, is corruption, drama and greed. However, as you walk this planet, you carry a light. Some of you may say, "Well, my light is very small." Collectively, however, it is not.
那些以有限的线性思维来思考的人说,“为了拥有地球和平,我们会让所有人都转向形而上学领域。” 呐,那不会发生。地球和平不是预测,只是事实。那么,它是如何达成的呢?我会再重复一次,一个我已经教了 20 年的观念:你们身上携带的,亲爱的人类,不是一种信仰体系。你们携带的是光的能量。当你处在一个非常黑暗的地方时,任何事都能被接受。所有事都是在黑暗中。你看不见任何人在做任何事。在黑暗中蓬勃发展的能量,当然,是贪污、人生戏剧和贪婪。但是,当你们行走在地球上时,你们携带着光。有些人会说,“嗯,我的光非常微小。” 无论如何,集体来说,它并不微小。
The earth is old energy. However, the grid system and all of that which is crystalline is starting to become less. That is to say, it is clearing the view for those who wish to have elevated thoughts, but who can't have them in the dark. Now, here you come with a match! The light is just enough light so that others can see, and just enough light where the matches add up and become a torch. Perhaps you're just a few? Perhaps you don't think there is enough light? Less than one half of one percent of this planet's population can illuminate the whole thing!
地球是旧能量。然而,栅格系统、所有与水晶有关的事物,都开始变得越来越弱。意思是,它正在开阔人们的视野,帮助那些想要提升思维,却无法在黑暗中做到的人们。现在,你带着火柴来了!光亮刚好足以让其他人看见,也刚好足以让许多火柴加起来成为火把。也许你们只是少数?也许你们认为光亮不足?地球上少于 0.5 巴仙的人口,就足以照亮全球!
This light is created so those who would never sit in a chair like this [those who would never listen to a channelling], with their own integrity and with their own intelligence might see things that are no longer in the dark. This would create a situation where they would start to discover the energy of integrity. That's what you do, dear Lightworker. Do you understand? You enable humanity.
光明的存在,使那些从来不会坐在这些椅子上的人 [那些从来不会听通灵信息的人],能够以自己的正直性,以自己的智慧,去看见那些不再处于黑暗中的事物。这会造成一种情况:他们会开始去探索正直的能量。那就是你所做的事,亲爱的光之工作者。你明白吗?你赋能予人类。
You can have six billion people in the dark and a few million of them light a match and everybody can see. You understand? Then when everybody can see, they won't allow things to continue as they are. This is the potential we gave you 20 years ago. This is what 1987 and the Harmonic Convergence has created in you. You did it. All of you did it.
六十亿人处于黑暗中,其中有几百万人点亮火柴,就让每个人都能看见了。明白吗?当每个人都能看见时,他们就不会允许事情如以往般持续下去。这就是我们在 20 年前所说的潜在性。这就是 1987 年与 “和谐聚汇” 在你们身上所创造改变。你们做到了。你们全都做到了。
You may not realize the part you played in it, but you did it. I'll tell you, some of you are awakening right now and saying, "Well, what can I do more than what I've done?" I'll tell you: Relax. Breathe. Light your match. Don't get caught up in what's next or how much or how hard or am I doing it right. I'll tell you, just hold your match and let God love you. That's all you have to do and these things will be added unto you and you will be put into synchronistic places. You'll be shown the passion for where you should be. You'll move from place to place. You'll be in the right place at the right time. That's all there is. It's not about grandness or greatness or doing or being. It's just about accepting the love of God in your life and moving from place to place without guilt that you're not doing enough. Don't be hard on yourselves. Just be in light.
你也许意识不到你在当中所扮演的角色,但你做到了。我会告诉你,你们有些人正在觉醒并说,“嗯,我能做些什么事,超过我以前所做的吗?” 我会告诉你:放松。呼吸。点亮你的火柴。不要陷入接下来会发生什么、有多少、有多困难、我的做法是否正确,这种思维模式当中。我会告诉你,只要握好你的火柴,让神来爱你。那就是你要做的一切,然后这些事自然就会来到你身上,你会被摆在同步性的位置。你会被显示你应该在哪一方面展现你的热情。你会从一个地方去到另一个地方。你会在适当的时刻出现在适当的地方。事情就是如此。这无关乎宏大或伟大,或做什么或成为什么。这只是关于接受神的爱在你的生命里,从一个地方去到另一个地方,没有愧疚感,不会觉得自己做得不够。别对自己太严格。只需处在光中。
We're going to close. The energy is intense in this room because Spirit is here. It sits next to you. It's "innate." Innate is a thick, intuitive presence that represents all of your Akash and the Akash of your ancestors, which literally sits upon you. When you get into that special state where you really feel Spirit and you start to listen, it's all there. That's the system; that's the way it's designed, and it will be that way all your life.
我们就要结束了。这间房里的能量很强,因为圣灵在这里。祂就坐在你身边。祂是 “天性”。天性是一种浓厚的、存在于直觉上的能量,代表了你所有的阿卡什,及你祖先的阿卡什,他们实际上就坐在你身上。当你进入那种真正感受到圣灵的特别状态时,当你开始倾听时,他们全都在那里。那就是系统;那就是它的设计,在你一生当中,它都会是这样。
What is God to you? You're part of a collective, an energy that is amazing. Call it God if you wish. It is the creative source. It is all there is. It is the light of the Universe. When all is gone, it remains, and will always remain. You always were, and you always will be. All of you. You are a piece of eternity with no beginning and no end. All of you. Important. All of you.
There is a purpose for your coming and a purpose for your going. God bless those who have chosen to come at this time and endure these shifts and these changes, for what they do today will affect all of the children and their children's children from now on. That's the truth.
Let the seeds be planted these moments for those who don't believe in this, that they can claim this some day when they need it without judgment. For the energy here never leaves. It's always available.
And so it is.
There are those who think with their limited linear minds who say this, "In order for us to have peace on this earth, we're going to have to have all Human Beings converted to metaphysics. "Now, that's not going to happen. That's not a prediction, just reality. So, how's it going to work? I'm going to repeat again, something I've been teaching for 20 years: What you carry, dear Human Being, is not a belief system. You carry the energy of light. When you're in a very dark place, anything goes. Everything is in the dark. You can't see anybody doing anything. The energy that flourishes in the dark, of course, is corruption, drama and greed. However, as you walk this planet, you carry a light. Some of you may say, "Well, my light is very small." Collectively, however, it is not.
那些以有限的线性思维来思考的人说,“为了拥有地球和平,我们会让所有人都转向形而上学领域。” 呐,那不会发生。地球和平不是预测,只是事实。那么,它是如何达成的呢?我会再重复一次,一个我已经教了 20 年的观念:你们身上携带的,亲爱的人类,不是一种信仰体系。你们携带的是光的能量。当你处在一个非常黑暗的地方时,任何事都能被接受。所有事都是在黑暗中。你看不见任何人在做任何事。在黑暗中蓬勃发展的能量,当然,是贪污、人生戏剧和贪婪。但是,当你们行走在地球上时,你们携带着光。有些人会说,“嗯,我的光非常微小。” 无论如何,集体来说,它并不微小。
The earth is old energy. However, the grid system and all of that which is crystalline is starting to become less. That is to say, it is clearing the view for those who wish to have elevated thoughts, but who can't have them in the dark. Now, here you come with a match! The light is just enough light so that others can see, and just enough light where the matches add up and become a torch. Perhaps you're just a few? Perhaps you don't think there is enough light? Less than one half of one percent of this planet's population can illuminate the whole thing!
地球是旧能量。然而,栅格系统、所有与水晶有关的事物,都开始变得越来越弱。意思是,它正在开阔人们的视野,帮助那些想要提升思维,却无法在黑暗中做到的人们。现在,你带着火柴来了!光亮刚好足以让其他人看见,也刚好足以让许多火柴加起来成为火把。也许你们只是少数?也许你们认为光亮不足?地球上少于 0.5 巴仙的人口,就足以照亮全球!
This light is created so those who would never sit in a chair like this [those who would never listen to a channelling], with their own integrity and with their own intelligence might see things that are no longer in the dark. This would create a situation where they would start to discover the energy of integrity. That's what you do, dear Lightworker. Do you understand? You enable humanity.
光明的存在,使那些从来不会坐在这些椅子上的人 [那些从来不会听通灵信息的人],能够以自己的正直性,以自己的智慧,去看见那些不再处于黑暗中的事物。这会造成一种情况:他们会开始去探索正直的能量。那就是你所做的事,亲爱的光之工作者。你明白吗?你赋能予人类。
You can have six billion people in the dark and a few million of them light a match and everybody can see. You understand? Then when everybody can see, they won't allow things to continue as they are. This is the potential we gave you 20 years ago. This is what 1987 and the Harmonic Convergence has created in you. You did it. All of you did it.
六十亿人处于黑暗中,其中有几百万人点亮火柴,就让每个人都能看见了。明白吗?当每个人都能看见时,他们就不会允许事情如以往般持续下去。这就是我们在 20 年前所说的潜在性。这就是 1987 年与 “和谐聚汇” 在你们身上所创造改变。你们做到了。你们全都做到了。
You may not realize the part you played in it, but you did it. I'll tell you, some of you are awakening right now and saying, "Well, what can I do more than what I've done?" I'll tell you: Relax. Breathe. Light your match. Don't get caught up in what's next or how much or how hard or am I doing it right. I'll tell you, just hold your match and let God love you. That's all you have to do and these things will be added unto you and you will be put into synchronistic places. You'll be shown the passion for where you should be. You'll move from place to place. You'll be in the right place at the right time. That's all there is. It's not about grandness or greatness or doing or being. It's just about accepting the love of God in your life and moving from place to place without guilt that you're not doing enough. Don't be hard on yourselves. Just be in light.
你也许意识不到你在当中所扮演的角色,但你做到了。我会告诉你,你们有些人正在觉醒并说,“嗯,我能做些什么事,超过我以前所做的吗?” 我会告诉你:放松。呼吸。点亮你的火柴。不要陷入接下来会发生什么、有多少、有多困难、我的做法是否正确,这种思维模式当中。我会告诉你,只要握好你的火柴,让神来爱你。那就是你要做的一切,然后这些事自然就会来到你身上,你会被摆在同步性的位置。你会被显示你应该在哪一方面展现你的热情。你会从一个地方去到另一个地方。你会在适当的时刻出现在适当的地方。事情就是如此。这无关乎宏大或伟大,或做什么或成为什么。这只是关于接受神的爱在你的生命里,从一个地方去到另一个地方,没有愧疚感,不会觉得自己做得不够。别对自己太严格。只需处在光中。
We're going to close. The energy is intense in this room because Spirit is here. It sits next to you. It's "innate." Innate is a thick, intuitive presence that represents all of your Akash and the Akash of your ancestors, which literally sits upon you. When you get into that special state where you really feel Spirit and you start to listen, it's all there. That's the system; that's the way it's designed, and it will be that way all your life.
我们就要结束了。这间房里的能量很强,因为圣灵在这里。祂就坐在你身边。祂是 “天性”。天性是一种浓厚的、存在于直觉上的能量,代表了你所有的阿卡什,及你祖先的阿卡什,他们实际上就坐在你身上。当你进入那种真正感受到圣灵的特别状态时,当你开始倾听时,他们全都在那里。那就是系统;那就是它的设计,在你一生当中,它都会是这样。
What is God to you? You're part of a collective, an energy that is amazing. Call it God if you wish. It is the creative source. It is all there is. It is the light of the Universe. When all is gone, it remains, and will always remain. You always were, and you always will be. All of you. You are a piece of eternity with no beginning and no end. All of you. Important. All of you.
There is a purpose for your coming and a purpose for your going. God bless those who have chosen to come at this time and endure these shifts and these changes, for what they do today will affect all of the children and their children's children from now on. That's the truth.
Let the seeds be planted these moments for those who don't believe in this, that they can claim this some day when they need it without judgment. For the energy here never leaves. It's always available.
And so it is.
1776 年 6 月,麻萨诸塞州的 John Adams 约翰·亚当斯、宾夕法尼亚州的 Benjamin Franklin 班杰明·富兰克林、维吉尼亚州的 Thomas Jefferson 托马斯·杰斐逊、纽约州的 Robert R. Livingston 罗伯特·李文斯顿、康乃迪克州的 Roger Sherman 罗杰·谢尔曼,(即后世所称之五人小组 Committee of Five )聚集起草合宜之文告以宣示独立之决心。
1776 年 6 月,麻萨诸塞州的 John Adams 约翰·亚当斯、宾夕法尼亚州的 Benjamin Franklin 班杰明·富兰克林、维吉尼亚州的 Thomas Jefferson 托马斯·杰斐逊、纽约州的 Robert R. Livingston 罗伯特·李文斯顿、康乃迪克州的 Roger Sherman 罗杰·谢尔曼,(即后世所称之五人小组 Committee of Five )聚集起草合宜之文告以宣示独立之决心。
1776 年 7月4日,本宣言由第二次大陆会议于费城批准,当日之后成为美国独立纪念日。
托马斯·杰斐逊为独立宣言主要撰稿者,后来当选美国第三任总统。 |
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
杰斐逊纪念馆 |
杰斐逊雕像及刻在纪念馆墙上的《美国独立宣言》。 |
从美国次贷危机到全球性金融危机,这个过程,发展之快,数量之大,影响之巨,可以说是人们完全始料不及的。然而问题是:这场始于美国 “次级房贷” 的危机,何以酿成全球性的深重危机?
1、投资银行的 “杠杆” 风险
1、投资银行的 “杠杆” 风险
目前,各国的投资银行为了赚取暴利,都采用 20~30 倍杠杆操作。举例来说。假设投资银行 A 自身资产为 30 亿美元,30 倍杠杆就是 900 亿。也就是说,银行 A 以 30 亿资产做抵押可以通过各种渠道,借到 900 亿的资金用于投资。假如投资盈利 5%,银行 A 就能获得 45 亿的盈利,相对于 A 自身 30 亿资产而言,这是 150% 的暴利。反过来,假如投资亏损 5%,那么银行 A 就在赔光了自己的 30 亿资产后,还欠 15 亿——破产。这就是 “杠杆” 的可爱和可怕之处。
2、“违约保险合同” CDS
由于杠杆操作高风险,银行一般不进行这样的高风险操作。于是,有人想出一个办法,把 “杠杆投资” 拿去做 “保险”。这种保险,美国人叫它 CDS,即 Credit Default Swap “信用违约互换”。比如,银行 A 为了规避杠杆风险找到了机构 B(B 可以是另一家银行,也可以是保险公司)。A 对 B 说,你帮我的贷款做 “违约保险” 怎么样?我每年付你保险费 5 千万,连续 10年,总共 5 亿。这意味着,被保险银行的贷款合同若出现违约,B 将赔偿损失;若没有出现违约,B 白拿 5 亿保险费。
对于银行 A 来说,如果他的投资没有出现违约,可以赚 45 亿,从这里面拿出 5 亿做保险费,还能净赚 40 亿;如果出现违约,反正有 “违约保险” 来赔。所以,对银行 A 而言,这是一笔只赚不赔的生意。
对于机构 B 来说,首先,它会做一个违约统计分析,结论大体是,出现投资违约的情况不到 1%。通常情况总是这样。如果做 100 家这样的生意,总计可以拿到 500 亿的保险金,如果其中一家违约,赔偿额最多不过 50 亿,即使两家违约,也还是能够赚 400 亿。
所以,A、B 双方都认为对自己有利,因此,立即拍板成交,皆大欢喜。
所以,A、B 双方都认为对自己有利,因此,立即拍板成交,皆大欢喜。
3、CDS 合同市场
B 做成上述保险生意以后,旁边的 C 眼红了。于是,C 跑去对 B 说,你把你那 100 个 “违约保险合同” CDS 卖给我怎么样,每个合同我给你 2 亿,总共 200 亿。
B 想,我的 400 亿要 10 年才能拿到,现在一转手就有 200 亿,而且没有风险,何乐而不为,因此 B 和 C 马上就成交了。
而 C 拿到这批 “违约保险合同” CDS 之后,也不想等上 10 年再收取 200 亿,而是把它挂牌出售,标价 220 亿。
D 看到这个产品,算了一下,400 亿减去 220 亿,还有 180 亿可赚,这是 “原始股”,不算贵,立即买了下来。这一转手,C 赚了 20 亿。
这样一来,“违约保险合同” CDS 就像股票一样流到了金融市场之上,可以交易买卖。
这些 “违约保险合同” CDS 在市场上被反复的 “炒”,美国的各类金融机构都成了 CDS 合同的买家。到次贷危机爆发时,美国的投资银行持有这些 CDS 合同的 5%,商业银行持有 18%,政府性抵押贷款机构持有 8%,对冲基金持有 17%、保险公司持有 23%,金融公司持有 7%,共同基金和养老基金持有 4%。
不仅如此,这些 CDS 合同有一部分(约 16%)被卖到了国外,各国银行等金融机构都成了它的买家。据说,这些 CDS 合同的总市值在 2007 年底炒到了 62 万亿美元。
在危机爆发前,上面的 A、B、C、D、E、F、G……都在赚大钱。那么,这些钱是从哪里冒出来的呢?
在美国,放贷机构根据借款人的信用高低区别对待,由此形成了 “优惠级” 和 “次级” 两个层次的抵押贷款市场。次级信贷出现在 20 世纪 80 年代。当时美国一些金融机构为了启动低收入人群的房贷市场,调低了贷款人的收入标准,甚至取消资产抵押,从而降低了贷款门槛。所以,在美国少数民族高度集中和经济不发达地区很受欢迎。
次级市场的贷款利率通常比优惠级高 2%~3%。对于放贷机构来说,次级贷款是一项高回报业务。不过,由于借贷人信用记录较差,所以,风险也大。
1990 年代后期到 2006 年,美国房地产市场持续火爆。2001 年 “9·11” 事件后,美国的基准利率一路降到了 1%,而贷款买房无需担保,无需首付。有位美国人说,他 1999 年花 160 万美元买了一栋别墅,2003 年出手时卖到了 320 万美元,“这样的投资机会放在眼前,不买房子简直就是白痴”。美国低收入者的经济实力本来只够买一套住房自己住,但看到房价快速上涨,便打起了房产投机的主意。
美国次级房贷发展最快的时期是 2003 ~ 2006 年。到 2006 年末,次级房贷已经涉及到了美国的 500 万个家庭,次贷规模达到 1.1~1.2 万亿美元,占美国整个房地产贷款的 14.1%
在次级房贷中,银行 A 把钱贷给美国低收入者,然后与银行(或保险公司)B 签定 “违约保险合同” CDS,B 将 A1、A2……的 CDS 合同 “包装”、“打包” 后,以 “次级债券” 的形式转让。此后,这些 “次级债券” 一方面以 “批发” 或 “零售” 的形式依次转让给了国内的 C、D、E、F、G 等等,另一方面,又以或 “批发” 或 “零售” 的形式卖到了全世界。这等于全世界都在为美国银行 A 做保险。
2007 年 4 月,投资 CDS 保险合同的好日子到头了。
直接引发次贷危机的诱因有两个:(1)2004 年 6 月 ~ 2006 年 6 月,美联储连续 17 次上调基准利率,基准利率从 1% 上调至 5.25% 。这导致次级房贷借款人的还款压力不断上升。(2)2006 年,美国经济见顶,并逐渐下行。低收入人群收入下降,还本付息能力逐渐降低。
2006 年 6 月,美国的房价实在是涨不上去了(以 2000 年 1 月为基准上涨了 126% ),后面没有人接盘。此时,低收入房产投机人急得像热锅上的蚂蚁。房子卖不出去,高额利息要不停的付。终于有一天,有人走头无路,把房子甩给了银行——断供。违约就这样发生了。
由于收入持续下降、利率逐步上升,低收入者越来越付不起逐渐上升的高额房贷利息,这方面也出现 “断供”——原本 1%、2% 的违约率被突破,大面积的违约就这样发生了。2007 年,美国有 40.5 万家庭失去了自己的房屋,占次级房贷家庭的 8%。
再来看我们的银行 A。此时,A 的房贷投资出现了违约,但 A 并没有感觉危险,只是有一丝遗憾,大钱赚不着了,不过也亏不到那里,反正有 B 做保险。B 也不担心,反正保险已经卖给了 C。
那么现在这份 CDS 保险合同在哪里呢?在 G 手里。G 刚刚从 F 手里花了 300 亿买下了这个有100 个保险合同的 CDS。
http://www.chinareform.net/2010/0612/17930.html |
当初这个 CDS 合同在 D 手中值 220 亿,经过 E、F 之手,现在 “炒” 到了 300 亿。这就象击鼓传花,进行到 2007 年 7 月,鼓声骤然而停。G 还没来得及转手,突然接到消息,这批 “违约保险合同” CDS 被降级(2007 年 7 月,几家著名的国际评级公司下调了美国 1000 多只 “次级债券” 的评级),其中有 20 个违约,大大超出原先估计的 1%~2% 的违约率。每个违约要支付 50 亿的保险金,总共支出达 1000 亿。加上 CDS 收购费 300 亿,G 的亏损总计达 1300 亿。虽然 G 是全美排行前 10 名的大机构,也经不起如此巨大的亏损。因此,G 濒临倒闭——比如,美国房地产抵押贷款巨头,房利美和房地美就是这样倒下的。
(截至 2008 年 1 月底,花旗、汇丰、UBS、美林、摩根斯坦利等大型银行和证券公司,已对超过 900 亿美元的次贷资产损失进行了财务处理——认赔。此外,还有法国的兴业银行、巴黎银行,英国的北岩,瑞士的瑞银,也还有德国银行。到 2008 年初,次贷总损失已经超过 1000 亿美元)
如果 G 倒闭,那么 A 花费 5 亿美元买的保险就泡了汤。更糟糕的是,由于 A 采用了杠杆原理投资,根据前面的分析,A 赔光全部资产也不够还债。因此A立即面临破产的危险。除了银行 A 以外,还有投资银行 A2、A3……A20,统统面临倒闭的危险。
为了解救自己的危机,投资银行 A、A2、A3……A20 一起来到美国财政部去游说,他们说,G 万万不能倒闭,它一倒闭大家全都 “玩” 完。美国财政部权衡利弊后的结论是:目前只有把 G 国有化这一条路。这样一来,投资银行 A、A2、A3……A20 在 G 的保险赔付金总计 1000 亿美元,全部要由美国政府,也就是美国纳税人支付。
实际情况是:2008 年 9 月 7 日,美国政府宣布,接管陷入困境的房利美和房地美,并迅速注资,收购优先股,改组公司领导机构。实际上也就承担起了所有在 “两房” 投保的美国投资银行的保险金及其赔付。
美国人通过 “次级房贷” 使低收入人群买到了房子,同时,也又通过金融创新(CDS合同)将 “次级房贷” 变成了 “次级债券”,并且将它弄得很复杂,从而将高风险加载到了高回报之中,并且发送到了全世界。
次级贷款的债券被分为三档:优先产品、中间产品和股权产品。优先档是其中质量比较好的,但利率低。股权档的利率最高,高到 50% ~ 200%。正是这种高回报吸引了国外的各类投资者。
在目前的国际金融体系条件下,在虚拟的金融体系中,人们看到的是那些叫做 ABS、ABCP、CDO、CDS 之类的证券。普通人见到这些东西如堕烟雾,根本搞不清。然而,那些投资银行、对冲基金、保险公司等等机构,实际上对这些被 “弄” 得异常复杂的证券也并不了解。在大多数情况下,他们也只能以国际评级机构的评级作为参考。而信用评级公司也无法对这些复杂的资产组合给予正确的评级。
对外国投资者来说,因为你是投资者,所以,当次贷风险出现时,你就脱不开 “连带责任”。从这个意义上说,凡是买了美国次级债的国家,都要被迫为美国的次贷危机 “买单”。
Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act
2010 年 7 月 21 日,美国总统奥巴马签署金融监管改革法案,使之成为法律,标志着历时近两年的美国金融监管改革立法完成,华尔街正式掀开新金融时代序幕。
奥巴马在仪式上说:“这项改革代表着历史上最有力的消费者金融保护。” 有关方案将由一个新的消费者保护机构执行,该机构只有一项任务,即在金融系统中保护人民,而不是大银行,不是贷款人,不是投资机构。奥巴马还说,这项改革将终止对大银行的救助,有利于美国经济。
2008 年 9 月华尔街大型投资银行雷曼兄弟倒闭引发本轮全球金融危机。在危机中上任的奥巴马政府于 2009 年 6 月正式提出金融监管改革方案。这项名为《多德-弗兰克华尔街改革与消费者保护法》的法案,致力于保护消费者、解决金融业系统性风险等问题,旨在避免 2008 年的金融危机重演。
一、扩大监管机构权力,破解金融机构 “大而不能倒” 的困局,允许分拆陷入困境的所谓 “大到不能倒” 的金融机构和禁止使用纳税人资金救市;可限制金融高管的薪酬。
腾讯网:《美通过最严监管法案 防银行“大而不能倒”》
腾讯网:《美通过最严监管法案 防银行“大而不能倒”》