Madrid, Spain |
Madrid, Spain |
Kryon:The Timing of the Great Shift
今晚我会给出一些消息。我会给出一个理论列表。我想为你们勾画出大蜕变每个阶段的能量。也许你们认为这场转变是没有组织的?那里有一个能量计划,整个计划被称为 “大蜕变”。它不是线性计划,而是一个量子计划铺在一个线性表面上。意思是,计划的一些片段和部分总是在进行中,而列表的顺序是可以改变的。它会随着你们的线性能量而变动。那么今晚我们会告知这个计划的线性进程,使你们更加明白过去发生了什么事、目前正在发生什么事。
我会告诉你们转变的三个阶段。它们是:(1)已经完成的事,(2)你们正在进行的事,(3)在你们前方的事。这场转变不是神的计划。它是你们自己制定的计划,你们也是它的一部分。记住,没有命定的预言这回事。神无法告诉你们会发生什么事,因为在这个地球上,人类负责掌管。“如果是那样,克里昂,你又怎么能告知那个计划?” 因为我说的这些是在我们面前的潜在性,由人类的意识所创造。因此,我给出的是我们从潜在性意识当中读取的信息。如果你有细心留意克里昂信息的话,你会看见,我们以前告知会发生的事情,都已经发生了。所以放轻松吧,你们刚好处在一个会改变人类未来的事件之中。它是有目的的,你瞧?
大蜕变始于 1987 年的 “和谐汇聚”。转变的第一部分在 1999 年结束。当时在手边的第一项事情,就是移动磁力栅格。磁栅移动是为了建造一个能改变你们 DNA 的矩阵。它也与你们 DNA 的磁场相交。这种重叠传递了信息、能量和新的量子特质给你们的 DNA,而 DNA 在量子上一直为此作好了准备。
其中一种最强大和最深刻的能量就是业力。业力系统会产生作用,至今亦然。但你们在这股新能量里不需要它,我们在 20 年前就说过,你们可以取消你所带来的全部业力。你们有听见吗?那里没有任何让你们来受苦的计划。没有。我再问一次,你们有听见吗?因为有些人还是困在旧观念里,相信围绕你的人生戏剧就是你要来这里体验的事。不是!你是来这里取消它,你们身上没有任何戳印说明你必须完成这个或那个。
第二阶段是从 2000 年至 2012 年。第一阶段是在建构能量基础,为第二阶段和第三阶段创造条件。 你们想知道你们正在做什么吗?重写你们对 “契约” 的观念。契约是动态的,在这股新能量里,没有人是为了做某事而来,每一天或每一刻,你都可以重写契约。大蜕变是 DNA 量子化的一部分。它允许你们在活着时就改变灵性目标。所以,如果你来是为了写那本书,或成为那个治疗者,不用悲叹这些事情没有发生。相反的,也许你的大师身份已经激活,你会传播光到每一个走过的地方。在过去那只能通过你的死亡再出生才能做到。但是现在,你带着新的智慧和目标向前迈进,闪耀着光,以一种你从来没有意识到的方式来帮助地球。
在第二阶段里,你们开始移动 DNA 的量子能量。你们开始激活人类所拥有的量子特性。它让你们有机会去开采阿卡什纪录。那是说,一个人能够进入阿卡什并挑选他所需要的特质,以改善此次人生。它们是你所拥有的特质,是你在过去生中学习到的经验。你可以取得这些特质,并重新应用它们。在三维模式里,过去是无法被接触的。但在量子状态里,它可以!这就是 DNA 的量子化。我们曾经说过,你们今天的觉醒可以改变过去。当 DNA 变得越来越量子化,所有这些前世特质就会越来越多地浮现,让你们得以应用。
2013 年至 2025 年是最后阶段。这个阶段的第一件事,就是调整人类的社会思想。它是能量,你们的工作和思考方式就是它的体现。这些是社会学家会去研究的东西。让我给出它的另一个名字:转向更高振动的人性。“克里昂,那是不可能的。人性就是人性。我们不能改变它。” 啊,你们已经开始改变了。你们开始清理全世界的金融机构。你们有留意到吗?难道你们不知道社会的运作模式吗?有钱人得胜。银行掌控全局,而银行是由那些位高权重的人控制。他们是不能碰的,因为政府往往是同一班人!啊,看看周围,因为有些事情刚刚发生了。它不像以前的方式,对吗?是什么造成了这种改变?意识。
这是另一件事。人性的改变会接着改变政府。我要告诉你们,去期待一个关心人民的领导层。“你是指政治会改变?” 它已经改变了。它开始了。留意这件事。最终你们会看到,旧能量的独裁政府会被完全淘汰。你们会慢慢在全球各地建立起新的领导层,他们会有关心民众的新能量。
最后一件事:你们 DNA 的另一次转变。听着:你们 DNA 里有一些东西会被揭露,非常缓慢地。这是一项研究,距今 15 年以后。我会给出一些提示:“利穆里亚密码”。哦,我的伙伴看见即将到来的事,他在说,“希望到时我还在。” 他正在对我说话,他说那是很久以后的事。他在说,“我会还在吗,克里昂,去看到这件事?” 而我公开地对他说,啊,你会在。我不会告诉你,到时你会是几岁,但你会在。
“啊,这一切听起来非常美好,克里昂。它们真的会发生吗?” 它们不止会发生,而且还是我们说你们正在迎向地球和平的原因。有些人会扯你后腿说那绝不可能发生。别相信那种戏剧。别相信那些在旧模式里的人。那里有一个更宏大的目标,比起只是度过你的一生并希望能好好活下去。那个目标是,你们是在负责改变地球的能量,一天天地,在喜悦和健康中,带着目标地改变。
This live channelling was Given in Madrid, Spain
March 21, 2009
As channelled by Lee Carroll for Kryon
This really is a profound channelling, filled with information about the Great Shift. Yes, there is a plan, and Kryon tells of the potential timing of it... the years and what is to be accomplished. We are right in the middle of it, for it started in 1987. It goes until 2025. Want to know what's coming up? It's part of this channelling.
这真是一场意义深刻的通灵,给出了许多关于 “大蜕变” 的消息。是的,大蜕变确实有一个计划,克里昂告知这个计划的潜在时间进程……什么年份会完成什么事情。我们刚好在中间,因为它在 1987 年开始,直到 2025 年。想知道接下来会发生什么事?那就是这篇信息的内容之一。
To help the reader, this channelling has been rechannelled [by Lee and Kryon] and added onto, to provide even clearer understanding. Often what happens live has implied energy within it, which carries a kind of communication that the printed page does not. In addition, this channelling was also given in Spanish, so many of the short sentences created by going "back and forth" to the translator live, have been altered to make it more readable. So enjoy this enhanced message given in Madrid, Spain in March 2009.
为了帮助读者,这篇信息经过 [李及克里昂] 的重新通灵及增强信息,以提供更清晰的理解。因为在现场给出的信息,含有一种能量沟通模式,是印刷页面所无法传达的。而且,这次通灵也同时以西班牙语给出,现场 “一来一往” 的翻译所形成的许多短句,已经被改动以便读起来更加流畅。那么请享有这篇增强版的信息吧,这是在 2009 年 3 月在 马德里,西班牙 传导的。
Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. There are some who come here and think that they are seeing something unusual, something special. They don't understand that what they are truly seeing is themselves. For if you are opening your heart to this message, you're starting to see the family. Perhaps you're starting to understand a little more about the process? Perhaps you feel that you are alone, never understanding that Spirit knows your name? Spirit is expecting you here. Some people approach God in a very unusual way. They believe they're apart and alone. They come to a place perhaps like this, and that's where they call out to God, since they suddenly realize they can. Right now, in this session, while this door is open, there are some who'll say, "The door's open. Now I can pray. Kryon, please hear me." They don't know - they don't know that the door is always open!
你们好,亲爱的,我是磁力服务的克里昂。有些人来到这里会认为他们看见一些不寻常的东西,一些特别的东西。他们不明白的是,他们真正看见的是他们自己。因为,如果你对这些信息敞开心扉,你就会开始看见家人。也许你会开始更加了解这个过程?也许你觉得你很孤单,从不明白圣灵知道你的名字?圣灵在等着你到来。有些人会以非常奇怪的方法来接近神。他们相信自己是分离和孤独的。他们来到一个地方,也许就像这里,那就是他们呼唤上帝的地方,因为他们突然意识到原来自己能这么做。现在,在这个时段,当大门打开之际,有些人会说,“大门打开了。现在我可以祈祷了。克里昂,请听我说。” 他们不知道——他们不知道的是:大门总是开着!
This is not a place where you come and prepare yourself for something special. Instead, this is a place where we know who you are. [This refers to the live attendees.] The special energy here is us with you. Did you ever wonder who came to see whom? Did you ever think for a moment that there's a family waiting for you to acknowledge them? I have news for you: It is news that is common to Kryon and to you for 20 years. You're never alone. Never alone! It's a different paradigm from what you've been taught, isn't it? There's an entourage here and it has been here all day. It has been here since you sat down in the morning. Could you feel it? I didn't bring it, you know? Each of you did. In your anticipation, you brought it. In the joy that you expected and the laughter that would be here, you brought it. In the celebration of life and the music, you brought it.
这不是让你们进来准备经历某种特别事情的地方。相反的,在这里,我们知道你是谁。[指现场的出席者]。这里的特别能量是我们和你。你们有没有想过是谁来见谁?你们有没有在刹那间想过,那里有一个家族等着你来确认?我有一个消息。20 年来,这对克里昂和对你们来说都是很普遍的消息:你从来不是独自一人。从来不是!这与你过去被教导的观念完全不同,对吗?有一个随行团在这里,它已经在这里一整天了。自从你在早上坐下来时,它就已经在这里了。你能感受到它吗?它不是我带来的,你们知道吗?是你们每一个人。在你的期盼中,你把它带来了。在你所期待的喜悦和在这里会出现的欢笑中,你把它带来了。在对生命的赞颂和在音乐当中,你把它带来了。
Did you know that angelic energy responds to joy? Did you know that God did not bring you to this planet to suffer? Instead, there's the expectation of that magic moment when you'd have the epiphany, the realization of why you're here. You're a piece of the plan, you know? You're a piece of God, you know? Did you know you were eternal? You're not just a Human Being. You're a piece of the Universe. And when you're done with this part of humanity, you'll move on to the next and the next and the next. You and I watched this planet being built. Hard for you to believe, old soul, but you watched the earth being formed and at some level, you knew you'd be here - maybe even today, maybe even sitting here.
I'm going to give you something this night. I'm going to give you an academic list, but it's going to be a special one. I would like to outline tonight for you the energies of the timing of the great shift. I reveal this now to you in all love, as part of the system of the shift that is upon you.
Perhaps you thought there was no organization in this shift? There is always a plan, a plan that you have created and have put in place. It's not a linear plan as you might make for yourself, but a quantum plan placed upon a linear surface. This allows you to understand it better, but the truth is that all or part of it can be implemented at once. So tonight we give you the linearity of it, so you can understand better what has happened, and what is happening.
Twenty years ago, I started to itemize the things to expect for this shift. You cannot have expectations without a plan, and this one is dynamic. That is to say, it is able to move with the linearity of your energy. It is a plan that has some quantumness in it - that is to say, a piece and a part of the plan is always happening and the list can change its order. Difficult to explain, it is, but there is an energy plan, and the entirety of the plan is called The Great Shift. You have heard this from others as well, and it actually started before Kryon came to the earth in 1989. But make no mistake, it is the reason I'm here.
二十年前,我开始逐项指出这场转变中会发生的事。你不能在没有计划的情况下预期任何事,而这个计划是动态的。那是说,它会随着你们的线性能量而变动。它是一个拥有量子特性的计划——意思是,计划的一些片段和部分总是在进行中,而列表的顺序是可以改变的。很难解释,但那里有一个能量计划,整个计划被称为 “大蜕变”。你们也已经从其他人那里听说过这件事,它其实在克里昂在 1989 年来到地球之前就已经开始。但请别搞错,我来这里就是为了这个原因。
I'm going to give you the three sections of the shift. The three are (1) what has already been accomplished, (2) what you're doing now, and (3) what is ahead of you. While I give it to you, I want you to get excited, for so much of it has already taken place! This gives credibility to this message, since you can see what I told you would occur, and see that it has. Then you can see that what I'm telling you are the potentials, and finally relax with it all and get excited about the future.
Many feel that these things are all random and are happening in the world right now in a free-wheeling manner of chaos. Some of you look at the news and you wring your hands. "We're in trouble," you say. However, if you'll carefully look at the Kryon work, you'll see that we told you what was going to happen, and it has. This shift is not a plan of God. It's a plan of your own making, and something that you are part of. So I'm going to itemize it for you. Feel relaxed that you are right in the middle of something that will change the future of humanity. It has a purpose, you see?
很多人觉得这些事情都是随机的,它们正在以一种放任自由的混乱方式发生在世界上。有些人看着新闻然后拧紧双手。“我们有麻烦了,” 你说。无论如何,如果你有细心留意克里昂信息的话,你会看见,我们以前告知会发生的事情,都已经发生了。这场转变不是神的计划。它是你们自己制定的计划,你们也是它的一部分。所以我会为你们逐项说明。放轻松吧,你们刚好处在一个会改变人类未来的事件之中。它是有目的的,你瞧?
There are so many humans who want lists, and this is one of the few times I'm going to give you one! It's time you heard this information in its entirety. It has been given two times before in channelling. This is new for my partner, in that the complexity of the information is so great that he needs to work with it three times in order for it to be complete. The first time I told my partner not to record it. I told him that he would know when, since I had previously indicated that he could record it when it was given in a country that was not in his language. However, he interpreted that as "not in his country," and when he was on the continent of Australia, this channelled information was given again, but it still was not complete. So his fine recording device stopped for the channelling, but recorded everything else around it [Kryon wink]. Some will call this synchronicity. Some call it coincidence. He calls it a gift, since it helps to steer his work past what he expects. Now in Spain, we asked him to record it, and this is the source of this transcription.
有那么多人想要知道列表,这是我会给出列表的少数几次之一!是时候让你们听见这个信息的完整内容。之前我们在通灵里讲过两次。这对我的伙伴来说是全新的体验,因为这个信息的复杂性如此之大,他需要传导三次才得以使它完整。第一次的时候,我告诉他不要录音。我说到时他就会知道,因为我之前曾经指出,当信息在一个不是讲他的语言的国家给出时,他就可以录音。但是,他理解为 “不在他的国家”,然后当他在澳洲时,这个信息再度被给出,但那还是不完整的。所以他的精密录音设备停止为那段通灵录音,却录下了周围的所有声音 [克里昂眨眼]。有些人说那是同步性。有些人说那是巧合。他说那是礼物,因为那会把他的工作引导至另一个层次,超越他原本的预期。这次在西班牙,我们要求他进行录音,这就是这篇转录的来源。
I'm not going to pause on every point and explain them, for some of you already know many of the details, explained many times over the past years. However, I'm going to give you the highlights.
There are three phases to the shift. Three is one of the most powerful numbers. It is used in spirituality in most of the belief systems on your planet. It represents the energy of "the catalyst." Catalyst is defined as an energy that promotes change in other things around it without itself being affected. The energy unaffected is the love of God, unchanged. The things around it that are being changed are Human consciousness and a shifting Earth.
转变有三个阶段。“三” 是最强大的数字之一。它被用在灵性上、在地球大多数信仰体系上。它代表“催化剂”能量。催化剂被定义为一种能量,它会促进周围其他事物的改变,但它本身不会受到影响。不受影响的能量是神的爱,它不会改变。在它周围被改变的事物是人类的意识和一个转变中的地球。
The Great Shift began in 1987 with the Harmonic Convergence. The first part of that shift ended in 1999. It's important that you understand that this first portion of the shift included the galactic alignment. For the true galactic alignment energy began in the first phase of the shift. As my partner indicated, this astronomical alignment is not coming in 2012. It's already here. This is not esoteric information, but something that your astronomers will verify with their telescopes and computers. The ancients did their best, and a good estimate it was. But the 2012 date for the galactic alignment is incorrect.
大蜕变始于 1987 年的 “和谐汇聚”。转变的第一部分在 1999 年结束。重要的是:你们需要明白,这第一部分的转变包括银河对齐。因为真正的银河对齐能量始于转变的第一阶段。正如我的伙伴所说,这个天文对齐现象不是在 2012 年才到来。它已经来到了。这不是奥秘的信息,而是天文学家能够用望远镜和电脑来证实的信息。古人们已经尽力了,他们给出了很好的预测。但银河对齐的 2012 日期是不正确的。
There are those of you sitting in the chairs who know what I mean. These past 20 years have been remarkable for you, have they not? Look at what has taken place and the awakening and changes that have occurred... all without any prophesy that foretold of them. Those who walk this stage today were not interested in spiritual things 20 years ago. Oh, they may have been seekers, but they had no core, they had no center, they had no purpose. This includes the one who channels in front of you [Lee Carroll], and the ones that have channelled before me on this stage [Geoff Hoppe-Tobias]. Twenty years ago, they were all separate and unknown to each other, without any spiritual purpose. They had no idea what Kryon was or Tobias was. None at all. Their lives were those of men with careers and of an age where starting another passion wasn't something they would do. But they did, and it coincided with the Great Shift.
在座有些人知道我的意思。过去这 20 年对你们而言是非凡的,不是吗?看看已经发生的那些事,那些觉醒和变化……全都没有被预言过。今天站在讲台上的人,他们在 20 年前对灵性事物不感兴趣。哦,他们也许曾经是追寻者,但他们没有核心、没有中心、没有目标。这包括在你们面前通灵的人 [李卡罗],还有之前也在这个讲台上通灵的人 [杰夫.霍普——高灵多比亚斯的灵媒]。二十年前,他们全都是分开的,不认识对方,也没有任何灵性目的。他们完全不知道克里昂或多比亚斯是什么。完全不知道。他们当时的生活是职业人士,到了一个不会再追寻其他热情的年纪。但他们变了,正好与大蜕变一致。
Remember, there is no such thing as predestined prophecy. God cannot tell you what's going to happen, for on this planet, humans are in charge. "If that's the case, Kryon, how can you tell us about a plan?" It is because these things I speak of are the potentials in front of us, generated by the consciousness of humanity. Therefore, what I give you is something we read into the consciousness of potentials. They are not predictions, but potential energies of what you are about to accomplish as you act upon the energy of the consciousness you have now. Much has happened in these 20 years, and it's part of the shift. Here was the plan from 1987 to 1999 - we told you the following things would take place:
记住,没有命定的预言这回事。神无法告诉你们会发生什么事,因为在这个地球上,人类负责掌管。“如果是那样,克里昂,你又怎么能告知那个计划?” 因为我说的这些是在我们面前的潜在性,由人类的意识所创造。因此,我给出的是我们从潜在性意识当中读取的信息。它们不是预测,而是你们即将完成的潜在性能量,基于你们对目前的意识能量所采取的行动。这 20 年里发生了许多事,它是转变的一部分。这是从 1987 年至 1999 年的计划——我们说过以下的事情会发生:
Remember, as I speak to you now, this is history. But when I gave it to you in 1989, it was your future. The first thing that was at hand was moving the magnetic grid. That's why I came here. The grid group came in 1989 and left in 2002, and the grid was moved for the reasons I've been giving you and itemizing for 20 years. It was to build a matrix for a change in your DNA. This is, indeed, what happened, for the grid's magnetic field moved greatly in that time, and it has intersected with the magnetic field of your DNA elements. This overlap has transmitted information and energy and a new quantumization to your DNA, which has always been quantumly prepared for this.
记住,在我对你们说话的这一刻,它是历史。然而当我在1989年告诉你们时,它是你们的未来。当时在手边的第一项事情,就是移动磁力栅格。那就是我到来的原因。磁栅团队在 1989 年来到,在 2002 年离开;磁栅被移动了,20 年来我一直在给出它的原因并加以详细说明。磁栅移动是为了建造一个能改变你们 DNA 的矩阵。这,确实,就是所发生的事情,栅格的磁场在那段期间大幅度地移动,它也与你们 DNA 的磁场相交。这种重叠传递了信息、能量和新的量子特质给你们的 DNA,而 DNA 在量子上一直为此作好了准备。
The second item in this first phase was the voiding of the energy of Armageddon. Now, for those of you who think nothing happened, a great deal happened: This planet moved into another energy at that time. One of the largest political systems on the planet fell over and didn't come back, known as the Soviet Union. Again, we say to you there is no Nostradamus quatrain that predicted this, and that should tell you something. It changed the future greatly, yet no prophet called it. Something was happening that was out of synch with everything you had been told. This one event changed the future of a potential war that would never happen. The Armageddon scenario simply didn't take place. Look back at your prophesy, but clearly it said it would.
[根据旧预言,你们所有人现在应该都已经灭绝了。许多宗教都谈到这个预言,它是这么说的:公元 2000 年会有一场世界大战。你可以在全球的先知著作里找到。什么事将会在当时发生,是很清楚的。以色列将发生严重的冲突,而它确实如此,还记得吗?但是在旧能量计划里,在旧预言里,(以苏联为首的) 华约组织和 (以美国为首的) 北约组织将立即动用各自的条约来发动战争。这就需要苏联在当中扮演一个吃重的角色。但在 1987 年,和谐汇聚改变了它,在 1989 年,苏联就解体了!你们有没有把这些事都拼凑起来呢?
[注:2000 年 9月28日,以色列反对党领袖、利库德集团领导人沙龙不顾舆论的反对,进入东耶路撒冷伊斯兰圣地,触及了巴以之间最为敏感和关键的耶路撒冷归属问题,直接引发了连续两个多月的暴力冲突和流血事件。这是 1967 年中东战争之后巴以双方最严重的冲突。]
You began the construction of what we have called The Crystalline Grid. It has become an interdimensional real-time grid change for the planet. We have explained this before, so this is not the time to itemize what this means. But this esoteric quantum grid allows for the consciousness shift that you have today to be applied to the earth in real time. The old system had you dying and going to the Cave of Creation before anything could be applied to the Crystalline. However, now you do it while you're here at a quantum level.
你们开始建构我们所说的 “水晶栅格”。它成了地球上一种跨维度的、实时的栅格转变。我们之前解释过这是什么,所以现在不是详细说明的时候。但这个奥秘的量子栅格,让如今的意识转变能够实时被应用到地球之上。旧系统需要等你死后去到 “创造之穴”,才能把你的意识应用到水晶之上。但是,现在你可以在活着的时候就在量子层面这样做。
One of the largest and most profound energies that is esoteric is karma. The ancients knew of it and spoke of it and taught it. The Buddhists knew, the Hindus knew. The system worked and is still in place today. But you don't need it within this new energy, and we said 20 years ago that you could void all of the karma that you came in with. Did you hear me? This is an old teaching of Kryon but some of you need to hear it again. There is no plan for you to come in and suffer. None. Again I ask, did you hear that? For some of you still are stuck in that groove, where you believe that the drama that surrounds you is something you came here to experience. You didn't! You came here to void it and become a Lighthouse for a new energy!
其中一种最强大和最深刻的能量就是业力。古人知道它、谈论它、教导它。佛教徒知道,兴度教徒也知道。业力系统会产生作用,至今亦然。但你们在这股新能量里不需要它,我们在 20 年前就说过,你们可以取消你所带来的全部业力。你们有听见吗?这是克里昂的旧教学内容,但有些人还需要再听一遍。那里没有任何让你们来受苦的计划。没有。我再问一次,你们有听见吗?因为有些人还是困在旧观念里,相信围绕你的人生戏剧就是你要来这里体验的事。不是!你是来这里取消它,然后成为新能量的一座灯塔!
The Great Shift is part of the awakening that voids this karmic attribute. I told you this in the first Kryon book that you could move out of this karmic energy completely. "Then what did we come for?" Again, you came to change this planet, and you have! You came to spread light here, and you have! I pause on this attribute because it's important for you to hear it yet again. There is no stamp on you that says you have to accomplish this or that. We even told you that there was an astrology shift taking place. There had to be, for those of you who would think that the astrology cycle is static and forever are forgetting what creates the system at all.
大蜕变是觉醒的一部分,它会取消这种业力特质。我在克里昂的第一本书里就说,你们可以完全离开这种业力能量。“那么,我们为何而来?” 再说一次,你们是来改变地球的,而你们做到了!你们是来这里传播光的,而你们做到了!我会在这一点上稍作停留,因为这很重要,你们需要再听一次。你们身上没有任何戳印说明你必须完成这个或那个。我们甚至说,占星学发生了一个转变。那是必要的,而你们那些认为占星学周期是静态和永远不变的人们,完全忘记了系统是由什么所创造。
Astrology is the oldest science on the planet, driven by magnetics and gravity - for these are the things that shift the positions of the planets around the sun and give energy to a magnetic and gravitational system, which is then brought to you personally via the heliosphere of the sun [the gravitational fulcrum of the solar system]. This then overlaps with the magnetic grid of the earth, which then overlaps with the magnetic attributes of your DNA. So when you change even one of those attributes, suddenly the computations and components of the system of astrology also shift with it.
占星学是地球上最古老的科学,由磁力和引力所驱动——这两种力量会驱动太阳周围的行星改变位置,提供能量给一个磁力和引力系统,过后它会通过太阳 [作为太阳系的引力支点] 的太阳圈,把这种能量传送给你。 太阳圈所传送的磁力和引力,会与地球磁力栅格重叠,而磁力栅格接着会与你们 DNA 的磁力特质重叠。所以,当这个能量链的其中一环被改变时,突然间,占星系统的计算方式和组成部分也随着改变。
Planets Orbiting the Sun
click to watch video:
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过后通过太阳圈 [太阳风],把磁力和引力传送到地球磁场 [磁力栅格] |
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磁力栅格接着会与人体 DNA 的磁力特质重叠 |
When you moved the magnetic grid of the planet in the first phase, the astrology charts of humanity also moved slightly. There has been a redistribution of a total of three degrees in the chart. This is not a three-degree shift in the chart, but rather it means that the houses have reshaped themselves of a total of three degrees... half a degree perhaps in one house, half a degree in another and another. Some them got bigger and some of them got smaller. So if you are here as an astrologer and you want to know more, you're going to have to do some homework. Work with overlays to see what is actually happening now in lives, as opposed to what the old charts say should be happening. This can resolve the issue with time and work, so you can actually see in real time what the energies are, compared to what they should be. The result should reshape the houses. Pay special attention to Jupiter, and those houses that are affected by Jupiter. It is one of the major players in the new energy.
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占星系统的改变:地球磁场的移动,会驱动太阳周围的行星改变位置 |
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The star signs and the planets that rule them |
The last one in the first phase: A change in the weather. We told you 20 years ago about this. We said there would be places on the earth that used to grow crops that would no longer grow crops. We said some areas that never grew crops now would. What does that tell you is happening? It is a major change in the water cycle of the planet, and it has begun. "Kryon, why is the weather changing? What spiritual aspect is that?" You do not give yourself credit for the enormous energy you have as humanity. For you've sped up the vibration of the planet even past what the Mayans said you would do. To the geologic core, time is moving faster. But to you it is relative and staying the same. Do I have to ask how many of you intuitively feel time is speeding up? You know it is, and the earth feels it. You are now experiencing weather that you would not have had for a hundred years or more, and the eternal clock of the earth has sped up. We have explained this before, and what it means. We have told you about the phrase you have placed on it (global warming) and how that is actually happening, but not known is that it is a precursor to a cooling cycle. Those are the attributes of phase one.
第一阶段的最后一项:气候变迁。我们在 20 年前说过这件事。我们说,地球上一些向来盛产粮食的地方,将无法再生产。我们说,一些从不生产粮食的地区,现在将可以耕种。那说明正在发生什么?这是地球水循环的重大变化,它已经开始了。“克里昂,为什么气候会转变?它在灵性层面上是怎么回事?” 你们没有肯定自己作为人类所拥有的巨大能量。因为你们已经加快了地球的振动,其速度甚至超越玛雅人的预测。对地质核心而言,时间前进得更快了。但对你们而言,时间是相对的,而且保持不变。我需要问你们:有多少人直觉上感到时间加快了吗?你们知道它变快了,地球也感觉得到。你们目前所经历的气候,是你们原本在一百年或更长的时间内不会遇到的,但是地球的永恒时钟已经加快了。我们之前已经解释过,这意味着什么。我们谈过你们用来形容它的字眼(全球暖化),还有它其实是如何发生的,但不为人知的是,暖化只是寒冷周期的前奏。那些就是第一阶段的特点。
Phase two is from the year 2000 to 2012. Phase one was the construction of the bed of energy to create what phases two and three may accomplish. Phase two is the one you're in. Would you like to know what you're doing? [Kryon smile] The first one is the most difficult one. You have to understand this. My partner, go slow, for this is difficult [Kryon speaking to Lee].
第二阶段是从 2000 年至 2012 年。第一阶段是在建构能量基础,为第二阶段和第三阶段创造条件。第二阶段是你们所在的阶段。你们想知道你们正在做什么吗?[克里昂微笑] 第一项是最难理解的。你们必须搞清楚这个。我的伙伴,慢慢来,因为这很难理解 [克里昂对李说]。
When you have Human consciousness expecting something for more than a thousand years, there is an energy that builds up on the actual planet. It's not just of conscious expectation, but also it involves Gaia. Consciousness can manifest reality, and until 1987 you expected massive Earth shift about now. You looked at the Mayan work and did not see the revelation they had, but the misinterpreted horror you thought they gave you. You saw the end of the world, and that expectation lies on the planet like a blanket. There was much doom prophesy about the year 2000, and an energy of expectation that even the Gaia shared. The first thing that you're doing in this phase is to void Earth shift. The prophets will still tell you it's going to shift! Many scientists will tell you it's going to shift. All the old programming of a thousand years is telling you it's going to shift. But I will tell you this: The concentrated light from a group as small as this audience will keep it from shifting! For even this much light in the darkness of that potential will shift that doom potential. That's number one... and, by the way, you are doing it. What happened in 2000? Think. Nothing. Now the doomsters have moved their focus to 2012, and again you can fear if you wish... or change it.
当人类意识在千多年来都期待着某一件事,它的确会在地球上建立起一股能量。它不只是意识上的期待,也会牵涉到盖娅。意识能显化成实相,而直到 1987 年你们都在期待此刻地球会有大规模变动。你们看了玛雅人的预言,没有看见他们的揭示,却误以为那些是他们所给出的恐怖预言。你们看见世界末日,而对它的期待就像一张毯子般覆盖在地球上。有很多关于 2000 年的末日预言,连盖娅也分担了这种期待的能量。你们在第二阶段所做的第一件事,就是取消地球的变动。预言家还是会说,地球将有变动!许多科学家还是会说,地球将有变动。所有上千年的旧计划还是会说,地球将有变动。但我会告诉你:一小群人的光集中起来,即使人数像现场听众这么少,也能阻止地球变动!因为,在黑暗中的这一点点光,也足以改变那末日的潜在性。那就是第一项……顺便说一下,你们就是在做这件事。2000 年发生了什么事?想一想。没事。现在那些末日论者已经把他们的注意力集中到 2012 年,如果你们想的话又可以再恐惧一次……或者改变它。
Next: A rewriting of what you think is the word contract. This is very esoteric, for it refers to the thinking that Human Beings come in with what they think is a spiritual contract. Mostly, this is created from karma, but often it's also something in the DNA that shouts to you why you're here. Let me rewrite the concept of contract right now. I'll do it for this new energy, and I'll use a question and answer method:
下一件事:重写你们对 “契约” 的观念。这非常奥秘,因为它牵涉到一种观念,认为人类是带着灵性契约到来。通常,契约是由业力形成,但它往往也是 DNA 里的呼唤,呼喊着你为何会在这里。现在让我重写 “契约” 的概念。我会为了这股新能量而去做,我会用问答的方式来讲解:
"Kryon, do we have a contract to do something?" Yes. "Is it for a lifetime?" It used to be, in an older energy, but not anymore. "Well, how long is it for now?" One day! One hour! Every single day or moment, you may rewrite it. Every day you sign it, or not. It expires at night and when you get up in the morning, you change it if you want to. Do you understand what I am saying? None of you came to do something in this new energy, except for one thing: To exist on this planet in the love of God and steer yourself to the place where you can shine the most light for others. That's it.
“克里昂,我们有一份要做某事的契约吗?” 是的。“是终生的吗?” 过去是,在旧能量里,但现在不是了。“嗯,现在的是多久?” 一天!一小时!每一天或每一刻,你都可以重写它。每一天,你签下契约,或否。它在晚上到期,当你在早上起床时,可以随意改变它。你们明白我的意思吗?在这股新能量里,没有人是为了做某事而来,除了一件事:在神的爱里生存在这个地球上,并引导自己去到可以为其他人闪亮最多光的地方。就是这样。
Older energies place linear boundaries upon your spiritual thinking. You come and you go, and you climb this or that ladder, and accomplish this or that for God. It's a compartmentalized system that came with a thick overlay of old energy spiritual history. The Great Shift is part of the quantumization of DNA. It allows for the actual spiritual shifting of purpose while you are here. This creates confusion for many, who wake up with their dreams in tatters, only to feel they have failed. Instead, they are being prepared for new horizons, perhaps ones that in the past could only have been accomplished by their death and rebirth. But now, they move forward with new wisdom and purpose, shining a light that will help the planet in ways they may never even realize.
旧能量在你们的灵性思想上设置了线性的界限。你们来了又走,你们为了神而爬上这个或那个阶梯,完成这件或那件事。那是一个分隔的系统,覆盖着厚重的旧能量灵性历史。大蜕变是 DNA 量子化的一部分。它允许你们在活着时就改变灵性目标。这让许多人感到混淆,他们带着斑驳的梦醒过来,只觉得自己失败了。其实,他们是在准备进入新的层次,也许在过去那只能通过他们的死亡再出生才能做到。但是现在,他们带着新的智慧和目标向前迈进,闪耀着光,以一种他们从来没有意识到的方式来帮助地球。
So if you came to write that book, or be that healer, do not bemoan the fact that these things are not happening. Perhaps your mastery has been activated and instead you are going to place light everywhere you walk. The book and the healing work... it is far less than the magnificence you carry now. Think about it. It's a dynamic that is not going to be found in static religious doctrine, until the doctrine changes, and it may!
Then there's the subject of the shift within your DNA. We have been teaching this for five years. I'm not going to itemize it for you yet, for it's part of an ongoing teaching series. One week ago, we started the identification of the actual layers that you're working with in this phase. They are quantum layers; they are interdimensional layers. It is such a difficult teaching, since it broaches all linear thinking. It has never been done before on the planet. It's starting to shift and change the very core of your mental programming, all for the enhancement of life.
然后是你们 DNA 里的转变。我们在这五年里一直在教导这件事。我不打算逐项为你们解释,因为它是正在进行中的教学内容。一个星期前,我们开始告知你们在这个阶段所激活的 DNA 是哪一层。它们是量子层、跨维度层。这是多么难以教导,因为它打破所有线性思维。地球上从未有过这种教学。它开始改变你们的心智编码的核心 [指 DNA],全都是为了改善你们的人生。
This second phase is where you start to move the DNA quantum energies. This is the phase where you begin to work with the quantumness that you have as a Human Being, and always have, but it was dormant. That may mean nothing to you. It is the strongest, most amazing gift of this phase, and I've spoken of it so often. Therefore, I'm not going to itemize it again here, but I will tell you that it gives you the opportunity to mine the Akashic Record. That is to say, a Human can actually go in and pick the attributes that he needs to enhance this current life. They are attributes that you own, and have learned through past life experience. You can retrieve them and use them again. It gives an entirely different paradigm of healing and manifestation! Old soul, feel the lifetimes that you've lived. If you had a storehouse of energy and you could put it in containers, all of you have hundreds of containers. But in your three-dimensional paradigm, you put them in the closet and call them past lives. Then you lock the closet as though you can never get to it again. You do this because in 3D, the past is not available. But in a quantum state, it is! This is the quantumization of DNA. We once told you that your awakening today can change the past. Now, are you starting to understand how? In your consciousness, what is past is therefore gone. But in a quantum state, everything you've experienced is still here. Therefore, as the DNA becomes more quantum, up will come all of these attributes of your past lives for you to use.
在第二阶段里,你们开始移动 DNA 的量子能量。在这个阶段,你们开始激活人类所拥有的量子特性,你们一直都拥有这种特性,但它在过去处于休眠状态。那对你们来说可能毫无意义。但它是这个阶段里最强大、最惊人的礼物,我常常说。因此,我不会在这里详细说明,但我会说,它让你们有机会去开采阿卡什纪录。那是说,一个人能够进入阿卡什并挑选他所需要的特质,以改善此次人生。它们是你所拥有的特质,是你在过去生中学习到的经验。你可以取得这些特质,并重新应用它们。这将会是全新的治疗与显化的方式!老灵魂,去感受你所经历过的人生吧。如果你有一个能量宝库,你把它放进集装箱里,那么你们所有人都拥有数百个集装箱。但在三维里,你把它们放进密室,称它们为前世。然后你锁上密室,好像你再也无法接触到它一样。你们这样做,因为在三维模式里,过去是无法被接触的。但在量子状态里,它可以!这就是 DNA 的量子化。我们曾经说过,你们今天的觉醒可以改变过去。现在,你们开始明白如何做到吗?在你们的意识里,过去就是过去了。但在量子状态里,你们所经历的一切都还在。因此,当 DNA 变得越来越量子化,所有这些前世特质就会越来越多地浮现,让你们得以应用。
Let's get personal before we continue: Just one item before we move on. Let me give you another paradigm for healing: Let us say there's one in here that has something surging through your body that you would like to eliminate. Perhaps you don't think I know who's here, do you? Am I speaking clear enough to you or not, dear one?
[Kryon pause]
In a three-dimensional paradigm, you wish you could somehow heal this, don't you? You wish to take it out of your body and put something else in. Let me give you a whole different idea: Why not simply transform it? In the quietness of your meditation, why don't you speak to the quantum levels of your DNA? "How do I do that, Kryon?" Do it through the Higher-Self, which was there in every lifetime! Did you realize that? One Higher-Self, many lives. You have a friend who was there every time! Say to that Higher-Self, "Find me the lifetime that didn't have the disease, and put it in my existing DNA!" For it's in your DNA, in the interdimensional levels. Your personal Akashic record is in your DNA! Slowly bring forward that lifetime. Replace the portions of your DNA that you have now, with the attributes of another that was also YOU... one you lived already and have earned. It's still there. "Can we really do that, Kryon?" Indeed, this is the phase in which we are teaching it. This is the phase where you can begin the process to learn it - more than you've hoped for, perhaps.
在三维模式里,你希望自己能用某种方法治愈它,对吗?你希望能把它拿出来,然后把其他东西放进去。让我给你一个完全不同的想法:为何不转化它呢?在你冥想的宁静状态中,为何不对 DNA 的量子层面说话呢?“怎么做,克里昂?” 通过高我去做,你的每一生他都在!你们知道这一点吗?一个高我,许多次人生。你有一个每次都在那里的朋友!对高我说:“帮我找出没有疾病的那一生,放到我现有的 DNA 里!” 因为它就在你的 DNA 里,在跨维度层里。你的个人阿卡什纪录就在你的 DNA 里!慢慢把那一生带前来。替换你目前的 DNA 部分,换成另一种特质,那也是 “你”…… 你经历过的一生、你得到过的特质。它还在。“我们真的能做到吗,克里昂?” 能,目前正是我们传授它的阶段。在这个阶段,你们可以开始学习它的过程——比你期望的更多,也许。
"Now it's getting strange," you say. Indeed! For when you look at quantum gifts, they don't make sense. But in the scheme of the love of God, they do. You don't have to understand it, dear ones, in order to do it. "Kryon, this is too complicated. I need a list. What do I do first? What do I do second?" Why do Humans do that? Who told you that you needed to know how it works? "Well, Kryon, it just makes sense. We should know something about it before we entrust our entire life to a process." Really? So when you leave this room, then go and get into your automobile, all of you then stop everything you do, reach under the seat for the manual of the car, and you study the list of all the parts. Right? After all, you would not trust your life to the system you don't understand, would you? I think you understand my point. You do it all the time! So why not trust the workings of God, who loves you, when you already do it with an automobile that doesn't even know your name? You see what I'm saying? That was phase two.
“现在变得越来越奇怪了,” 你们说。是的!当你们看着量子礼物时,它们显得没有道理。但在神的爱的计划里,它们有。亲爱的,你们无需明白了之后才做。“克里昂,这太复杂了。我需要一个列表。首先要做什么?其次做什么?” 为什么人类就是这样呢?谁说你们需要知道它如何运作呢?“嗯,克里昂,这样才合理。在我们把整个生命交托给某个过程之前,我们应该先了解它。” 是吗?那么,当你们离开这里然后进入你们的车子时,你们全都停下手边的事,从座位底下摸出汽车手册,然后细读所有汽车零件的列表,对吗?毕竟,你们不会把生命交托给你们不了解的系统,对吗?我想你们明白我的意思。你们向来都这样做!那么,为何不信任神的方式,那爱着你们的神,却能信任汽车,那连你叫什么名字都不知道的机器?你们明白我的意思吗?那就是第二阶段。
The years 2013 to 2025 are the final phase. I tell you now that these things are going to sound too grand. What I give you now are only potentials and you may hear them and say, "Well, those are just potentials. They're too grand. Those things can't happen." Go back with me 20 years. All the potentials I gave you in 1989 took place. They took place because that was what was within the potentials. It was a reading of humanity within your consciousness. So I do it again, now. These are the potentials for the final phase of the Great Shift.
2013 年至 2025 年是最后阶段。现在我告诉你们,这些事情听起来会过于重大。我现在所说的只是潜在性,你们可能听了会说,“嗯,那些只是潜在性。它们过于重大。那些事情不可能发生。” 跟我回到 20 年前。我在 1989 年给出的潜在性全都已经发生了。它们之所以发生,因为它们是在潜在性之内。那是在你们的意识中去理解人类。所以现在,我再做一次。这些是大蜕变最后阶段的潜在性。
The first one is the adjustment of actual Human societal thinking. It represents the energies in the way you work and think. These are the kind of things a sociologist would study. Let me give it another name: It's an actual shift to a higher vibration of Human nature. "Kryon, that's impossible. Human nature is Human nature. We can't change it." Well, you've already begun it. You're starting to clean up your financial institutions worldwide. Did you notice? Dear ones, if anyone had ever told you 30 years ago that you were going to clean up your financial institutions, they would have laughed. For don't you know the way society works? Those who have the money win. Banks hold all the cards, and they are run by the those in high places. They are untouchable, since the government is often the same people! Well, why don't you tell them that today. Look around you, because something just happened. It's not working that way, is it? What would make the difference? Consciousness. A new paradigm. You can see it in the news.
第一件事,就是调整人类的社会思想。它是能量,你们的工作和思考方式就是它的体现。这些是社会学家会去研究的东西。让我给出它的另一个名字:转向更高振动的人性。“克里昂,那是不可能的。人性就是人性。我们不能改变它。” 啊,你们已经开始改变了。你们开始清理全世界的金融机构。你们有留意到吗?亲爱的,如果有人在 30 年前说,你们会去清理金融机构,他们会大笑。难道你们不知道社会的运作模式吗?有钱人得胜。银行掌控全局,而银行是由那些位高权重的人控制。他们是不能碰的,因为政府往往是同一班人!啊,你们何不在今天对他们说那句话。看看周围,因为有些事情刚刚发生了。它不像以前的方式,对吗?是什么造成了这种改变?意识。新的范例。你们可以在新闻里看到。
Here is another one. A change in what Human nature will allow for government. "Careful, Kryon, don't talk about politics. You'll get in trouble." I won't get in trouble. I'm going to tell you to watch for leadership that cares about you. "You mean politics is going to change?" It already has. It's beginning. Watch for it. You're going to see a total phase-out of old energy dictatorships eventually. The potential is that you're going to see that before 2013. They're going to fall over, you know, because the energy of the population will not sustain an old energy leader. Remember where you heard it... in a strange, esoteric meeting with a guy in a chair pretending to channel. [Kryon being factious... Kryon humor] Then when you hear it, you'll know better, won't you? "Maybe there was something really there," you'll say. "Maybe it was real," you'll say. Perhaps you can skip all the drama of the years to come and consider that now? [Kryon humor again]
这是另一件事。人性的改变会接着改变政府。“小心,克里昂,别谈论政治。你会有麻烦。” 我不会有麻烦。我要告诉你们,去期待一个关心人民的领导层。“你是指政治会改变?” 它已经改变了。它开始了。留意这件事。最终你们会看到,旧能量的独裁政府会被完全淘汰。潜在性是,你们会在 2013 年之前看到这件事。他们会倒台,你知道吗,因为全体人民的能量不会再维持一个旧能量的领导人。记住你们是在哪里听到这一点……在一个奇怪的、奥秘的会议里,有个家伙坐在椅子上假装通灵。[克里昂故意的……克里昂式幽默] 然后当你们听到它发生时,你们会更清楚它是怎么回事,对吗? “也许那里真的有一些什么,” 你会说。“也许它是真的,” 你会说。也许,你可以跳过接下来几年的所有戏剧性,现在就这样想呢?[还是克里昂式幽默]
These leaders are going to fall over. You'll have a slow developing leadership coming to you all over the earth where there is a new energy of caring about the public. "That's just too much to ask for in politics, Kryon." Watch for it. That's just the beginning of this last phase. So many things are coming. The next one is related to this, for a country in survival with sickness cannot sustain a leadership of high consciousness. There is just too much opportunity for power and greed. But when a continent is healed, everything changes.
这些领导人会倒台。你们会慢慢在全球各地建立起新的领导层,他们会有关心民众的新能量。“那在政治上是太多要求了,克里昂。” 留意这件事。那只是这个最后阶段的开始。还有很多事情即将到来。下一件事与此有关,因为一个在疾病中求存的国家无法维持一个高意识的领导层。那里有太多滥权和贪婪的机会。但是当一个大陆被治愈时,一切都会改变。
The next one: You're going to heal a continent. Watch for it. It begins. Watch for major shift in Africa. We have said this before, even within the meetings I spoke in what you call the United Nations. Africa has never even been a potential player in the economic field, because it has been sick. What happens when you heal a continent? I'm going to tell you. Suddenly, the people on that continent also want what you have - government that works, peace, their own homes, schools, hospitals, and even banks where they can borrow from. They don't have any of those now, not really. Everything with substance is from somewhere else. That means you're going to have a continent that's going to arise that will become a major player on the stage of Earth's finances and political influence - an entire continent with all the resources on it, with even the potential for unification of common purpose, much like what you have now in your EU. I'm giving you information, and when it happens, again, I say you'll remember where you heard it.
Many years ago, the prevailing thought was that nobody should consider China as a viable player on the economic stage. They were backward, filled with a system that would never be westernized, and had no wish to become joined with the rest of the world's economic systems. Look what has happened in only 30 years. Now, look at Africa differently.
很多年前,当时的想法是,没有人会考虑中国作为经济舞台上的一个角色。他们落后,充斥着永远不会被西化的体系,也不愿与世界其他经济体系接轨。看看在短短 30 年里发生了什么变化。现在,用不同的观点来看待非洲。
And finally, another shift in your DNA. I could say some things that will give you hints. Oh, my partner is seeing what is coming now, and he is saying, "I would love to be around when this takes place." He's talking to me right now and he's saying that's a long time away. And he's saying, "Will I be around, Kryon, to see this? I know what you're telling us. I know it's coming." And I'll say to him publically, oh, you'll be here. I'm just not going to tell you how old you'll be, but you'll be here."
最后一件事:你们 DNA 的另一次转变。我会给出一些提示。哦,我的伙伴看见即将到来的事,他在说,“希望到时我还在。” 他正在对我说话,他说那是很久以后的事。他在说,“我会还在吗,克里昂,去看到这件事?我知道你要告诉我们什么。我知道它即将到来。” 而我公开地对他说,啊,你会在。我不会告诉你,到时你会是几岁,但你会在。
Listen to this: There's something in your DNA that's going to be revealed very slowly. It's a study, 15 years away. I'll give you the name for it now, so that when those develop it, they'll know what to call it. The Lemurian Code. There. Now you know. There is so much that is happening. Now that I've given you the name, watch for those who might use it a little too much in advance. Use your discernment for truth.
听着:你们 DNA 里有一些东西会被揭露,非常缓慢地。这是一项研究,距今 15 年以后。现在我会给出它的名称,使那些开发它的人到时候知道如何称呼它。“利穆里亚密码”。呐。现在你们知道了。有那么多事情正在发生。现在随着我给出了它的名称,留意那些可能会稍微超前使用它的人。用你们的洞察力来识别真相。
"Well, all of those things sound wonderful, Kryon. Can they really happen?" Not only can they happen, it is the reason we say you are headed for peace on Earth. There are those who will drag you down to say that can never happen. Don't buy into the drama. Do not believe those who are in an old paradigm. It serves no Human Being to believe that there is so much fear that they're going to perish. That's what your contract is, to hold that light, in every country, in every language. There are many doing what you're doing. There is a grander goal here than just living through your life and hoping you make it. There's the goal where you actually are responsible for changing the energy of the planet, one day at a time, in joy and with health and purpose.
“啊,这一切听起来非常美好,克里昂。它们真的会发生吗?” 它们不止会发生,而且还是我们说你们正在迎向地球和平的原因。有些人会扯你后腿说那绝不可能发生。别相信那种戏剧。别相信那些在旧模式里的人。相信那里有许多让人害怕的事情、人类将要死去,这对任何人都没有帮助。你们的契约是,高举你的光,在每一个国家里,在每一种语言里。有很多人正在做着你们所做的事。那里有一个更宏大的目标,比起只是度过你的一生并希望能好好活下去。那个目标是,你们是在负责改变地球的能量,一天天地,在喜悦和健康中,带着目标地改变。
That's the message for today, and we're almost done. Just another moment.
[Kryon pause]
I'm not Kryon the teacher. I'm not disconnected. I'm not apart from you. How can I tell you who I am? I walk in your imagination and intuition. I'm part of the music that plays when you have joy and when you laugh. I'm part of the core of the family, the strand that connects you to the God part of your being. I know when you leave to come to the planet, leaving my side, which is really the home side. I know when you come back, to the Hall of Honor to celebrate that odd transition that you've gone through so many times before, that of being a Human on a planet in 3D.
There have been those who have lost friends here just lately. You cry and you weep because they're gone. I want to tell you something. They're just fine. They're more than fine. They're joyful. The transition is not painful. They're looking back at you, holding your hand, and they're asking you to heal your heart. It's going to happen to you, too, you know? Just like it has before and before. Oh, there's that moment when you realize you're finished, and you remember and you remember. That's when I see you in the Hall of Honor. What a reunion that is! It's happening right now. "Oh, Kryon, how can you be in two places at once?" I'm in more than two places, dear one. Because I'm on the other side of the veil in a quantum state. You're all that way but you don't remember. When there's no clock, then there's no time. Past, present, future, all meld together. In a quantum state, there's no such thing as a place. When you are there, it's not that hard to see the face of the creator.
这里有人最近刚刚失去了朋友。你痛哭流泪,因为他们离开了。我要告诉你一件事。他们很好。比好还要好。他们很快乐。过渡并不痛苦。他们正在回头看着你,握着你的手,他们要你治愈你的心灵。你也会离开的,知道吗?就像之前和之前那样。哦,有那么一刻,你知道自己完结了,而你会想起,你会想起。那就是我在荣誉殿堂见到你的时刻。那是多么快乐的团聚啊!此刻它正在发生。“啊,克里昂,你怎么能够同时处在两个地方?” 我不只是在两个地方,亲爱的。因为我是在帷幕的另一边,在量子状态中。你们全都是这样的,但你们不记得了。没有时钟的话,就没有时间。过去、现在、未来,全都融合在一起。在量子状态里,没有 “地方” 这回事。当你们在那里时,想看见造物主的脸孔并不难。
Know this, Human Being. You are dearly loved. And that is the message of Kryon and always will be.
And so it is.