Longmont, Colorado |
Kryon:Viewing the Other Side of the Veil
“啊,” 他说,“祂就在那里,祂就是神。” 他迸出水面,跑过沙滩,翻过山丘,回到了村子。当他在沙地上画出神的样子的时候,大家都害怕地往后退。那是条鱼。所以他们一起敬拜这条鱼。他们终于知道神看起来是什么样子的了,他们很高兴。“帷幕的另一边就是这样的,” 他们说。于是那条鱼就成了他们的神的形象。
年轻圣者迸出水面,跑过山丘,将它画给村民看。他说:“第一位圣者是错的!这个才是神的样子。” 啊。村民们不知道究竟谁才是对的。他们两个都去了同样的地方。他们两个都看过水底的情形,他们两个带回两种他们坚信是神的长相的说法。村民说,“你们之中一个是对的,一个是错的。” 这件事,顺便说一下,就是你们有两大教会的起因。
有些人,他们不愿相信任何一方,于是派遣了第三位圣者去证实之前两位所说的话。在水底他张开眼睛之后......看见一条鳗鱼!他回去说:“他们两个都错!” 于是第三个教派又诞生了。
这就是困惑之所在。三个灵媒,三个先知,三个圣者,全都去到帷幕的另一边,然后带回三种不同的信息。他们预期神是一种生物,有一张脸孔,而且是三维里的单一个体,就像他们一样。因此,当他们去到帷幕的另一边看了之后,他们捕捉到他们所看见的那 “一样东西” 的形象,并把它贴在他们对神的认知之上。真是何等线性啊!
那么我们就已经揭露了让许多人感到困惑的事——关于为你们带来帷幕另一边的消息的灵媒的事。两个灵媒所带来的消息未必是一致的,而当你坐在你的单一轨道上决定谁才是对的时候,也许他们 “全都” 是对的。
帷幕的另一边确是跨维度的,充满了多重、共同存在、各种形式的实相。但是你们只预期会看见一样东西,对吗?你们认为人类应该能够去到帷幕的另一边,看见那 “一样东西” 是什么,然后到回来,向大家报告。这就好像去到地图商店里去寻找 “唯一的那张地图” 那么傻。
真相是这样的。在帷幕的另一边是没有时间限制的。作为通灵者或读灵者,你坐在一个圆圈的中间,它叫做 “帷幕的另一边”。让我们说它是一张圆桌好了。这样容易想象。你坐在圆桌中间,你周围各个方向都布满了一幅巨大拼图的许多碎片。当你把碎片翻过来,有些碎片说 “这是未来”,有些说 “这是过去”。它们全都带有能量。它们全都在发光。更复杂的是,当你再度把碎片翻过去之后,它们又变了,它们的“标签”又不一样了。“未来” 现在成了 “过去”。
让我们来想象一个跨过帷幕的人类。他不是大师,其实,他非常年轻,而且对此毫无经验。但是他知道如何去到那边,他能够呆在那里,并且认为他看得很清楚。所以他就在那里,环顾四周。他很快就看见了眼前的 “生命高速公路”。汽车呼啸而过。在这个隐喻里,高速公路比喻地球上的生命,而他知道这一点。他也足够聪明,知道他必须判读事情,因为它们是在多重维度中,不是在三维中。他知道高速公路是线性的,就像他一样,他也知道圣灵想要显示未来的景象给他看。
他马上就被高速公路上一桩最戏剧化的事件所吸引……15 辆汽车连环撞。他看见了所有的事……浓烟、火焰、悲伤、死亡、毁坏。他看见了汽车残骸。所以他回来向大家报告:“未来会有汽车连环撞。我不知道确切的时间,我也不知道车祸是如何发生的。我只知道它就发生在路上。你们赶快做好准备。这就是发生在未来的事。我看得很清楚。”
现在,来了另一个人。他是一位大师。他熟悉大师工作。他也去了帷幕的另一边,去看了那条 “生命高速公路”。就在那里……同一条高速公路。然后他看见了!“啊,你有看见那里差点会发生的事吗?” 他喊道。“如果那个人没有及时向右急转弯的话,那里会发生 15 辆汽车连环撞!” 然后他说出了那些智慧的话语……不带偏见地,“我在庆贺那件没有发生的事。真的,你们避开了那起车祸。真的,让我们充分地庆贺生命。那些人全都没事。感恩那凭直觉而作出的急转弯,让我们赞美神吧!” 他说。然后他回来对他的拥护者说,“前路畅通无阻。我去过了。我看得很清楚。”
那位大师,他熟悉于看见事物美好的一面,在他眼中,没有发生的事和那位三维访客所看见的事,都拥有相同的能量。他平衡了两者,并报告了拥有最大潜在性的那件事,而不是拥有最多浓烟和火焰的那个。所以,你们又有同样的困惑了,对吗?“嗯,谁才是对的呢?” 你说,“我们要怎么判断呢?”
我回到刚才的圆桌的隐喻。你坐在圆桌中间。在你面前,你看见地球所有的潜在性,过去和未来。现在你可能会说: “怎么会有过去的潜在性呢?” 我等下会告诉你。但是现在,你要选哪一个呢?是未开悟的人类所会选择的那个吗……最有戏剧性、拥有最多浓烟的那个?还是大师所选择的那个呢,从来没有发生过的那个?以某种角度来看,两者都不是。
你们身上携带着地球的能量,以及要看见鱼,或者章鱼,或者鳗鱼的选择。要选择哪一个呢?地球的能量跟着你一起过去,你把地球的能量和你眼前的所有潜在性的能量 “相配对”。你选择的拼图碎片,它的振动频率最接近于你在那一刻所携带的地球振动频率。
这需要天分、经验和练习。相较于信任人类的偏见,它其实更像是能量与能量之间的感觉。它是当你沉浸于帷幕的另一边时对地球能量所产生的感觉,那么你就能把它与你眼前的潜在性事件的能量相配对。无论那个潜在性事件带给你什么样的感觉,你都要把它与地球的能量相配对。选出最接近地球能量的那个,然后把它带回来,它就是 “当天” 最准确的预言。你们不喜欢听见这个,对吗?
“克里昂,你是在说,最好的先知也只能给出在今天才准确的预言而已吗?” 是的,亲爱的,因为明天会改变一切。如果说现场听众当中有某人醒过来了 [变得更加开悟了],然后对某个之前只有黑暗的地方发送光呢?如果说,集体上,你们创造了一个转变,它给地球带来了显著的变化呢? 那么明天就会有不同于今天的潜在性了,不是吗?你瞧,因为事情是 “由你来决定的”,这句话我已经重复了18 年。这就是克里昂的信息。向来都是。
This live channelling was Given in Longmont, Colorado
现场通灵于 隆蒙特,科罗拉多
January 7, 2007
As channelled by Lee Carroll for Kryon
To help the reader, this channelling has been rechannelled [by Lee and Kryon] and added onto to provide even clearer understanding. Often what happens live, has implied energy within it, which carries a kind of communication that the printed page does not. So enjoy this enhanced message given in Longmont, Colorado - January 7, 2007.
为了帮助读者,这篇信息经过 [李及克里昂] 的重新通灵及增强信息,以提供更清晰的理解。因为在现场给出的信息,含有一种能量沟通模式,是印刷页面所无法传达的。那么请享有这增强版的信息吧,这是 2007年 7月在 隆蒙特,科罗拉多 传导的。
Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service... words spoken for so many years to the Human Beings... by a Human partner, who at this moment is overcome with the love of God.
It is the promise that I have given to humanity, that for as long as there will be ears to listen, I will be here to teach. It is only because of the veil and the duality that I bring these things forward. Things that, when I touch upon them, will resound within you. For there's no guru-ship represented here; there's no prophet speaking to you here. Instead, there's a family member who, when you are not in this place called Earth, is your best friend. For we have made this journey together, dear ones, so often.
I am known as the support group for you, and you know who I am. For when you make the transition yet again, I will seemingly meet you on the other side of the veil... yet again. And I will say, "Welcome home, brother, sister. Welcome home. Job well done." And we would touch each other energetically, as a Human would hug a Human, and we would reach out and entwine the energy one with another in this embrace. Then you would know me and I would know you yet again. It would be almost like nothing had ever occurred since you left the first time.
我是你的支持团体,而你知道我是谁。因为当你再一次进行过渡时,我会在帷幕的另一边与你相见……再一次。而我会说,“欢迎回家,兄弟,姐妹。欢迎回家。你干得很好。” 然后我们会以能量的形式碰触彼此,就像人类互相拥抱一样,我们会在这个拥抱中伸出我们的能量并缠绕在一起。然后你会再度认得我,我也会再度认得你。情形就像自从你第一次离开之后什么都没发生过一样。
Timelessness would again be a staple of your existence. The interdimensional persona of light that you are, the piece of God that you are, would come flowing back in. Then you would immediately start preparing the energy of your group for yet another run at Earth. Indeed, even if you think it's your last time, it isn't. I know this because I know the rest of the intelligence that you're not allowed to have, as you sit in the chairs in 3D in front of me, and in 3D reading and hearing.
“无时间性” 将再度成为你的惯常生活方式。你本是的那个跨维度的光之形象,你本是的那个神之片段,将会重新汇流在一起。接着你会即刻开始准备让你的能量群重新回到地球之上。确实,就算你认为这是你的最后一生,但它不是。我之所以知道这些,因为我认识你其余的智能,而当你坐在我面前,坐在三维的椅子上,在三维中阅读和聆听时,你却不被允许拥有这种智能。
I live with it, you know? What you call your Higher-Self... I live with it. It is part of me and part of you. We are connected in ways that you cannot even imagine, in a quantum state that serves us both. This is not a higher source speaking to you. It is THE source. It is you with you, through the voice of a Human Being, in a process that is not new called channelling.
我跟他生活在一起,你知道吗?你的高我……我跟他生活在一起。他是我的一部分,也是你的一部分。我们以无法想象的方式连结在一起,在一种你我共享的量子状态里连结在一起。这不是更高的源头在对你讲话。这是 “源头” 本身。这是 “你和你” 在讲话,通过一个人类的声音,在一个并不新奇的过程中,称为通灵。
The entourage is different each time we come in, and it mirrors of the energy of you. No matter what the teaching is this day, no matter what is going to be said this day, there's an energy of reunion that I invite you to feel during these moments. It goes way beyond the teaching. It's me with you. It's the God source. It's part of your DNA starting to resound with sitting in this kind of new energy. Some of you are going to feel different and with the senses outside of 3D, you'll know this is real.
每次跟我们一起进来的随行人员都是不同的,它反映了“你”的能量。不管今天的教学主题是什么,不管今天我们所说的是什么,此刻,此处有一股团聚的能量,我邀请你们去感受它。这完全超越了教学。这是我和你。这是神的源头。这是你体内某部分的 DNA 开始与这种新能量产生共鸣。你们有些人将会有不一样的感觉,而以超越三维的辨别力,你们会知道这股能量是真实的。
There are always those who would say, "Is this a Human talking? Is this real? God, show me a sign." I'll give you the sign: Sit there in pure belief and wait. You'll be touched. Your heart will start to resound. There'll be parts of your body that may vibrate. You may find it difficult to move your shoulders or your knees or your feet because we're sitting upon you. A pressure is upon you that is internal and external. I'm telling you that this is a private matter. Each to his own. Each in his own way. But the love of God is thick and always has been. It is what has pressed those prophets into the earth when they stood before the angels of spirit. It is what has made it difficult to breathe when the interdimensional energy is present when God speaks to men and women personally. Let this never be commonplace.
总会有人说,“这是人类在讲话吗?这是真的吗?神啊,给我一个提示。” 我会给你那个提示:在纯粹的信任中坐着,然后等待。你将会有感动。你的内心将会开始产生共鸣。你身体的某部分将会开始振动。你会觉得难以移动肩膀或膝盖或双腿,因为我们就坐在你身上。你的内在和外在都会感受到一股压力。我告诉你,这是很个人的事。各人情况不同。各人感受不同。但神的爱意是浓厚的,向来都是如此。这股神的爱意,就是促使那些站在天使与圣灵面前的先知们来到地球上的原因;就是当神在私底下对人们讲话,当这股跨维度的能量临在时,人们会感到窒息的原因。让我们把此处变为不平凡的地方。
When you sit within yourself, in your own meditations, and you speak to Spirit, say, "Oh, God, meet me here. Tell me what it is I need to know." When you do that, feel this thickness of Spirit we talk about now. Take in all there is to take in. There's such a shift that is possible, Human Being. We invite you to dip into that veil in a way perhaps you never have before. Ask for the belief that you need and feel the love of God in your life. Speak in ways you've never spoken. Is it casual for you? Well, if it is, you're not doing it right! Let these things resound with you so that you weep with the joy of the experience and no matter what is happening in your life, no matter what it is... learn to proclaim, "It is well in my soul, for I have gone and transcended beyond the troubles of Earth and I sit in a sacred place that is my place. It is the God place while I'm alive as a Human Being and it suits me for now." Let that rotate around you. I say these things because of what we teach next.
当你在冥想中静坐独处时,你对圣灵说,“神啊,在冥想中与我见面吧。告诉我有什么是我需要知道的。” 当你这么说时,去感受我们现在所说的这股圣灵的浓厚爱意吧。汲取所有能够让你汲取的神爱的能量。有那么一种转变是有可能的,人类。我们邀请你,以一种前所未有的方式,去掏出帷幕背后的事物:去请求你所需要的信心、在生活中感受神的爱、以不同的方式来讲话。这些对你而言是很随意的事吗?如果是的话,那么你并没有把它做对。让这些事与你产生共鸣,那么你会因为这些经历所带来的喜悦而流泪,而且不管你的生命中发生了什么事,不管它是什么……请学着这样宣告:“我的心灵很安宁,因为我已经超越了地球上的麻烦,而我就坐在神圣的地方,在我的所在之处。那是当我身为人类时的神之处所,它适合我目前的生活。” 让这个宣告萦绕在你身边。我说的这些和我们接下来的教导有关。
I haven't enough metaphors for this teaching, yet I'll put many forth. I wish to give you what Human Beings need to know about seers, psychics, readers and those prophets who would go beyond the veil and give you the future. I am not in a vacuum. I am Kryon. Indeed, I am aware of your earthly time, so I know what has transpired. I know this is the new year, of course. The year of the nine [2007]. We'll speak of that in just a moment. What does it mean? What's going to happen?
我所讲过的关于这个主题的隐喻并不多,但我会给出许多新的隐喻。我想给出一些,人类需要知道的关于灵视者、灵媒、读灵者,还有先知们的事。他们会跨越帷幕并给出预言。我不是处在真空中。我是克里昂 [人类在帷幕另一边最要好的朋友],我知道你们的地球时间,我知道发生了什么事。当然,我也知道这是新的一年。九的年份 [2007]。我们等下会讲到这个。它意味着什么呢?会发生什么事呢?
You might sit there and say, "Oh, Kryon, I've come today because I want to hear from the lips of the channeller about what's going to happen. What can we expect in 2007, 2008 and beyond." I'm also aware that these are the first channelling words that my partner has spoken in this energy that you call 2007. Unique, therefore, this meeting will be. It is the first one of the year that Kryon speaks, and yet I have to warn you about this: The Human Being still does not know what he asks for when he wants to know the future. It lays upon you in a biased fashion because you only are aware of a linear strip of time before you – a very narrow one – and you want to know what's going to happen on that small strip of time you call reality. Not only that, you're not willing to hear certain potentials. You want absolutes. Oh, not all of you, but I'm going to give you an example of what humanity often does to the prophet, to the psychic, when it goes to them and asks, "Tell me what's going to happen in the future?" There the Humans sit in anticipation.
你们也许会坐在那里说,“啊,克里昂,我今天来到这里是为了想从通灵者口中听见一些新年预言。我们在 2007 年,2008 年和以后可以期待些什么事呢?” 我也知道这是我的伙伴在 2007 年的第一个通灵。因此,这次的聚会将是特别的。这是今年第一次的克里昂演讲,同时我要提醒大家:当人类说他想要听见一些预言时,他仍然不知道自己要求的是什么。预言会以偏见的形式加诸于你,因为你只知道你眼前的线性时间带——非常狭窄的——而你想要知道在你们实相中的那一条狭窄时间带上会发生什么事。不止如此,你还不想听见潜在性,你要的是 “绝对性”。啊,虽然你们不是全部人都这样,但是我会给出一个例子,来说明人类经常对先知和灵媒所做的事,那就是询问他们:“告诉我,未来会发生什么?” 然后人类就在期盼中坐在那里。
Human bias in perception
Here's the first metaphor of the day among many. It's going to highlight Human bias in the reality of your 3D – what you expect and how you think.
There's a woman who goes to the doctor. She says to the doctor, "Doctor, something's wrong with me. I don't feel well. I need you to tell me what it is that's wrong with me."
And the doctor says, "OK, give me your symptoms."
She says, "I don't have the energy I used to. I'm gaining weight and I don't want to. I feel funny. There's something wrong with me, doctor. Tell me what it is."
"Fine. We'll do the tests," the doctor replies.
“好,我们来做个检查。” 医生回答。
She comes back later and the doctor tells her, "Well, I've got some good news for you."
But she says, "I don't want good news. I want to know what's wrong with me. It's my body, and I know I've got something wrong with me! If you can't tell me, I'll get another doctor."
"I've got some things to tell you maybe you don't expect," says the doctor.
“我有件事要告诉你,也许你没有预料到它。” 医生说。
But she quickly replies, "If you can't tell me what's wrong with me, I'm leaving." And she leaves! And... sitting on the doctor's desk is the piece of paper that shows that she's pregnant.
但是她很快就回答:“如果你不告诉我有什么毛病,我就要走了。” 于是她离开了!......然而,医生桌子上放着一张纸,上面写着:她怀孕了。
This is the typical Human spirit, born into a situation of three dimension where she is biased on what she thinks her reality is, closed to any other message. Because if she feels odd, then it's got to be bad news, doesn't it? If she's gaining weight, it's got to be bad news, doesn't it? So, Human Being, I say to you that when you come to a place where the future is going to be discussed, what is the bias that you carry? Do you have the ability to understand what is being given? Will you give leeway and slack to those who go beyond the veil and come back and give you information? And will you understand it if they did, or ask for another opinion since it's not what you expect? It's linear, you know. "Kryon, tell us the future," you say. And then if this channel doesn't give you the same message as another channel, you'll say, "Well, which one shall I believe? They both were channels, weren't they?" What are you going to do about that? Your future, your past, your present – all you see is the narrow strip in front of you – the road, one tiny road, and there's only room for one thing on it.
这是很典型的人类心态,出生于三维之中,她倾向于相信她以为是的实相,而对其他消息保持封闭。因为,如果她感觉有异样,那就一定是坏消息,不是吗?如果她体重上升,那就一定是坏消息,不是吗?所以我说,人类,当你们来到一个给出未来预言的地方,你是带着怎样的偏见呢?你有能力了解那些预言吗?你会允许那些跨越帷幕并带回信息的人拥有一点自由发挥的空间吗?如果他们这样做,你会理解他们吗?还是你会去找其他灵媒,因为你所听到的消息不是如你所预期的那样呢?这种心态是很线性的,知道吗。“克里昂,告诉我们未来是怎样的,” 你说。然后,如果这个灵媒所给出的消息跟另一个灵媒所给出的不一样,你会说,“啊,我应该相信哪一个呢?他们两个都是灵媒呀,不是吗?” 你会怎么做呢?你的未来,你的过去,你的现在——你所看见的只是你眼前的狭窄时间带——那一条路,一条窄路,只容得下一件事。
Going to the other side of the veil
I have another story for you. There once was a village. Next to this village, over the hill, was an ocean. Now, the villagers respected the ocean, for within the ocean they felt was God, for this was their sustenance. The water they knew somehow came over the mountain and gave them rain and grew their crops. "God must be under the water," they said.
我要讲另一个故事。从前有一座村庄。村庄建在山边。在山的另一边,就是海洋。呐,村民都很敬畏大海,因为他们认为神就住在大海里,因为大海提供他们生活所需。他们以某种方式知道水是从山的另一边来的,水会带来降雨并使他们的谷物生长。因此,“神一定就在水底下。” 他们说。
In this village, there were no lakes or rivers. The only thing they had ever seen with lots of water was that sacred thing called the ocean, and it was over the hill. They didn't dare touch it because God was in the ocean, you see? Nobody went there. It was sacred ground, and no one in history had ever seen God.
And so, as things go, they eventually sent the highest and best holy man they had to find God. They said to him, "We need you to go to the ocean. We need you actually to dip your body as far under the water as you can. Then tell us what God looks like. We need to know who is God."
The holy man was very afraid. He thought, perhaps, that when he touched the water, he'd vaporize! He'd never been in deep water. He didn't even know he couldn't breathe underwater, but he found out fast. The holy man did his job and according to his faith, he said, "Dear God, please forgive me if I'm doing something that is out of the permission of sacredness." Then he made all the signs that he was supposed to make and did it... he got into the water and he dipped his body down as far as he dared.
圣者感到非常害怕。他想,也许,当他碰到水面的时候,他就会蒸发掉!他从来没有试过深入水中。他甚至不知道在水底下无法呼吸,但是他很快就会搞清楚了。圣者来到海边,根据他的信仰,他说道,“亲爱的神,如果我逾越了神圣的允许,请原谅我。” 然后他做了各种他应该做的祷告的手势,就下去了……他进入水中,把身体沉到他所能进入的最深处。
This was a foreign place. He couldn't breathe. He couldn't stay down very long. It was murky there. He opened his eyes and he realized he was submerged with sacredness and he was vibrating. He could barely exist and he knew he had to come up fast. Then he opened his eyes to see God, and behold... a fish was looking right at him!
"Ahh," he said, "There He is! There's God." He came bursting out of the water, ran up the shore, crossed the mountains, and back to the village. They all stand back as he draws on the sand a depiction of God for his village. It's a fish. So together they worship this fish. They finally know what God looks like, and they are happy. "This is what's on the other side of the veil," they say. Underneath the water is where God lives. God is great. And the fish becomes for them their symbol of worship.
“啊,”他说,“祂就在那里,祂就是神。” 他迸出水面,跑过沙滩,翻过山丘,回到了村子。当他在沙地上画出神的样子的时候,大家都害怕地往后退。那是条鱼。所以他们一起敬拜这条鱼。他们终于知道神看起来是什么样子的了,他们很高兴。“帷幕的另一边就是这样的,” 他们说。水底是神住的地方。神是伟大的。于是那条鱼就成了他们的神的形象。
Now, there's nothing wrong with this at all. You see, in 3D they needed something that would remind them of God. They needed a 3D symbol that they could take with them, put in their homes perhaps. Anything that reminds you of the divine, Human Being, is fine. And they liked it and it helped them to pray and visualize God.
The years went by and a younger holy man emerged through the lineage. He decided to cross the mountains, too. He said to his elder, "I want to see God for myself, but I need authorization from of the rest of you." The very much older holy man, who had gone first, said, "Go ahead. It's a wonderful experience. I hope you see God like I did." He sent him on his way.
很多年过去了,村庄里出了一位年轻的圣者。他也决定翻越那座山。他对他的前辈说:“我要亲自去会见神,但是我希望能够得到你们的认可。” 比他年长许多的圣者、第一个沉入水中的那个人,说道,“去吧,那是个美妙无比的体验。希望你能像我一样看见神。” 他送这位年轻人上路。
The young shaman crossed the mountains and went into the water just like his elder had. He went through the same protocol the first holy man did, then submerged and held his breath. It was murky there and he opened his eyes... and behold, he saw... an octopus! That was very different than the fish!
So this younger man bursts out of the water, runs across the mountains, draws it for the village, and says, "The first man's wrong! This is what God looks like." Ah. The village had no idea what to think about which one was right. They both went to the same place. They both looked under the water, and they both came back with two ideas firmly embedded in their mind of what God should look like. "We cannot tell which one of you really is right," they said. "One of you is right, one of you is not." This, by the way, was the beginning of two churches... need I say more?
年轻圣者迸出水面,跑过山丘,将它画给村民看。他说:“第一位圣者是错的!这个才是神的样子。” 啊。村民们不知道究竟谁才是对的。他们两个都去了同样的地方。他们两个都看过水底的情形,他们两个带回两种他们坚信是神的长相的说法。“我们不知道究竟你们谁才是对的,” 村民说。“你们之中一个是对的,一个是错的。” 这件事,顺便说一下,就是你们有两大教会的起因......需要我说得更多吗?
Some, who didn't want to believe either one, sent a third holy man to verify the other two. Under the water he opened his eyes and ... saw an eel! He came back and said,"They're both wrong!" A third religious sect was born.
有些人,他们不愿相信任何一方,于是派遣了第三位圣者去证实之前两位所说的话。在水底他张开眼睛之后......看见一条鳗鱼!他回去说:“他们两个都错!” 于是第三个教派又诞生了。
Here is the quandary. Three channellers, three psychics, three prophets, three holy men, all go to the other side of the veil and bring back three kinds of information. They go to the same place and all of them see something different... just like the story. And the reason is because of the simplicity of their belief, what they expected, and how they viewed the reality of God. They expected God to be a creature, have a face, and be singular in 3D, just like themselves (one being). Therefore, when they reached the other side of the veil and took a look, they captured the image of the one thing they saw, and pasted it upon their perception. Take a look at the singularity and linearity of your own churches today in your own culture [USA]. When you have more than 300 kinds of Christian churches in your country, you can see how this happened. Each time there was a unique vision, another sector of belief was created. How linear of you!
这就是困惑之所在。三个通灵者,三个灵媒,三个先知,三个圣者,全都去到帷幕的另一边,然后带回三种不同的信息。他们去到同一个地方,然后全都看见不同的东西......就像故事中所说的。而原因是:他们的信仰的单一性、他们对神的预期、他们是怎么看待神的实相。他们预期神是一种生物,有一张脸孔,而且是三维里的单一个体,就像他们一样 [一个存有]。因此,当他们去到帷幕的另一边看了之后,他们捕捉到他们所看见的那“一样东西”的形象,并把它贴在他们对神的认知之上。看看如今你们[美国]文化中的教会的单一性和线性吧。当你们在一个国家拥有超过三百种基督教会的时候,你们就能看见它是怎么产生的。每当出现一种独特的观点时,就会创立出一种新的教派。你们真是何等线性啊!
So here we are already exposing the quandary that many humans have regarding those who would give you information that is beyond the veil. It encompasses visions of both the future and the way things are in the present. One will not necessarily coordinate with the other, and you sit there on your one track deciding which one is right, when perhaps they're all right.
那么在这里我们就已经揭露了让许多人感到困惑的事——关于为你们带来帷幕另一边的消息的灵媒的事。这些消息包括对未来的预言和对目前情况的解读。两个灵媒所带来的消息未必是一致的,而当你坐在你的单一轨道上决定谁才是对的时候,也许他们 “全都” 是对的。
The other side of the veil is truly interdimensional, filled with multiple, co-existing realities in many forms. But you're expecting to only see one thing, aren't you? You feel that a Human should be able to go to the other side of the veil and see how the "one thing" is, come back, and report it. That's as silly as going to the map store and asking for the "one map." But your bias keeps you from seeing this.
帷幕的另一边确是跨维度的,充满了多重、共同存在、各种形式的实相。但是你们只预期会看见一样东西,对吗?你们认为人类应该能够去到帷幕的另一边,看见那 “一样东西” 是什么,然后到回来,向大家报告。这就好像去到地图商店里去寻找 “唯一的那张地图” 那么傻。但是你们的偏见却阻止你们看到这个盲点。
Here is the truth of it. On the other side of the veil, there is no time. This is the hardest for you to grasp. So another metaphor is coming, and again we present this to you in a way that hopefully a 3D Human Being might understand: As a channeller or reader, you sit in the middle of a circle called the other side of the veil. Make it a table. Make this easy. You're in the middle of that table, a round table, and there are pieces of a vast puzzle all around you on all sides. When you turn them over, some of them say, "future," some of them say, "past." All of them have energy. They all glow a certain way, and there are colors to each of them, indicating if they have been manifested (happened in 3D) or not (past, not manifested in 3D – future manifested into past, past manifested into future action... etc.). To make things more complex, when you turn them over again in a moment, they have changed again, and their "labels" are different. The future now reads, past. Do you understand this? Probably not, so get ready for it. [Coming in this channelling] I'll list all of those again after I'm finished, with definitions. But it's really confusing for a one-track creature like the Human, who only expects to see one energy called "future."
真相是这样的。在帷幕的另一边是没有时间限制的。这是你们最难理解的事。所以另一个隐喻即将被给出,再一次,我们以一种帮助三维人类理解的方式来呈现:作为通灵者或读灵者,你坐在一个圆圈的中间,它叫做 “帷幕的另一边”。让我们说它是一张圆桌好了。这样容易想象。你坐在圆桌中间,你周围各个方向都布满了一幅巨大拼图的许多碎片。当你把碎片翻过来,有些碎片说 “这是未来”,有些说 “这是过去”。它们全都带有能量。它们全都在发光,每一片都有各自的颜色,说明它们是已经显现 [在三维里发生过了] 或是没有 [过去的事件,没有发生在三维里——未来事件显现于过去、过去事件显现于未来……等等]。更复杂的是,当你再度把碎片翻过去之后,它们又变了,它们的 “标签” 又不一样了。“未来” 现在成了 “过去”。你们明白吗?或许不,所以请准备好。[等下在这个通灵里] 等我讲完之后,我会再次列出这些概念和它的定义。这确实会让单一轨道的人类感到非常混淆,因为人类只预期看见单一的能量,叫做
Now, your task is to select which one you're going to look at, and which one you're going to take back to your 3D side of the veil. You are going to have to decide which one might be the one that places itself on the one track of what you call reality. Which one is appropriate for what is going to be manifested on that one track in the future? How do you know? Is this even possible to figure out?
The moth to the flame
That brings us to the next subject of understanding. This is the key to becoming savvy regarding the puzzle before you on the table, but we again must use a metaphor, and again we say that it is about 3D Human bias. The bias of a 3D Human Being, whether they're a master or whether they're not, comes with the duality. This is important. I'm giving you the attributes of how to see the future.
Let's visualize a Human Being who goes beyond the veil. He is not a master; in fact, he's very, very young and inexperienced at this. But he knows how to go there, and he can spend time there and feels that he is seeing clearly. Indeed, the young always feel they are seeing clearly, until they are seniors. Then they laugh at themselves for how they thought they were seeing.
The tools of the new energy before him have given him the ability to move freely to the other side, and so there he is. But these same tools have not given him wisdom. And so there he is, looking around. He immediately observes the freeway of life before him. The cars whiz by. The metaphor here is that this freeway is life on Earth, and he knows this. He is even smart enough to know that he must interpret things, since they are multiple D and not 3D. He knows the freeway is linear, just like he is, and he knows that Spirit is trying to show him the future.
当前的新能量工具赋予了年轻人在帷幕两边自由移动的能力,所以他就去到了那里。但是这些工具并没有赋予他智慧。所以他就在那里,环顾四周。他很快就看见了眼前的 “生命高速公路”。汽车呼啸而过。在这个隐喻里,高速公路比喻地球上的生命,而他知道这一点。他也足够聪明,知道他必须判读事情,因为它们是在多重维度中,不是在三维中。他知道高速公路是线性的,就像他一样,他也知道圣灵想要显示未来的景象给他看。
So he is immediately attracted to the most dramatic thing happening on the freeway... the 15-car pile-up. He views it all... the smoke, the fire, the sorrow, the death, the destruction. He sees the wreckage. So he comes back and reports it and says, "There's going to be a pile-up. I don't know exactly when, and I don't know how. I just know it's just up the road. You'd better get ready and prepare. That is what is there. I saw it clearly."
他马上就被高速公路上一桩最戏剧化的事件所吸引……15 辆汽车连环撞。他看见了所有的事……浓烟、火焰、悲伤、死亡、毁坏。他看见了汽车残骸。所以他回来向大家报告:“未来会有汽车连环撞。我不知道确切的时间,我也不知道车祸是如何发生的。我只知道它就发生在路上。你们赶快做好准备。这就是发生在未来的事。我看得很清楚。”
Now the plot thickens (as they say). Here comes another Human. This Human is a master. He has worked with his DNA and is experienced in mastery. He also goes across the veil and looks at the freeway of life. There it is... same freeway. Then he sees it! "Oh, did you see what almost happened there?" he cries. "If that Human Being hadn't swerved right then, there would have been a 15-car pile-up!" Then he says those wise words... unbiased, "I am here to celebrate what didn't happen. Indeed, you dodged that accident. Indeed, let us celebrate life at its fullest. All of these people were saved. Praise God for the grace of intuitive swerving!" he says. Then he comes back and he says to his constituency, "It's clear sailing ahead. I've been there. I saw it clearly."
现在情况越来越复杂了 [就如他们所说的]。来了另一个人。他是一位大师。他已经激活了 DNA,而且熟悉大师工作。他也去了帷幕的另一边,去看了那条 “生命高速公路”。就在那里……同一条高速公路。然后他看见了!“啊,你有看见那里差点会发生的事吗?” 他喊道。“如果那个人没有及时向右急转弯的话,那里会发生 15 辆汽车连环撞!” 然后他说出了那些智慧的话语……不带偏见地,“我在庆贺那件没有发生的事。真的,你们避开了那起车祸。真的,让我们充分地庆贺生命。那些人全都没事。感恩那凭直觉而作出的急转弯,让我们赞美神吧!” 他说。然后他回来对他的拥护者说,“前路畅通无阻。我去过了。我看得很清楚。”
I've just given you two Human Beings with opposite biases. One of them saw only the drama and brought back that. It's the most typical, and you have had this kind of prediction most of your lives. That's the Human Being who goes to the other side of the veil, sees an angel holding two futures, and selects the one which has the most smoke and fire! [Laughter] Drama! It's because the Human Being is drawn to that in 3D. At some level, that's what you respond to. You know this; your media knows this; all the advertisers on Earth know this. It's a fact.
我刚刚给出了两个人类的两种对立的偏见。其中一人只看见戏剧并带回这个消息。这是最典型的做法,你们生活中多数时候都听到这种预言。人类去到帷幕的另一边,看见天使手上拿着两个未来,就选择了拥有最多浓烟和火焰的那一个![笑声] 戏剧!因为人类在三维中很容易受戏剧吸引。在某种层面上,戏剧,就是你们会对它作出反应的事。你们深知这一点,你们的媒体深知这一点,地球上的所有广告商都深知这一点。这是事实。
The master, the one who's experienced in seeing the beauty, sees what didn't happen as having the same energy of what the 3D visitor saw. He balances both, and reports the one that has the greatest potential, not the most smoke and fire. So, you're in the same quandary, aren't you? "Well, which one is right?" you say. "What are we going to do with this?"
那位大师,他熟悉于看见事物美好的一面,在他眼中,没有发生的事和那位三维访客所看见的事,都拥有相同的能量。他平衡了两者,并报告了拥有最大潜在性的那件事,而不是拥有最多浓烟和火焰的那个。所以,你们又有同样的困惑了,对吗?“嗯,谁才是对的呢?” 你说,“我们要怎么判断呢?”
Now I will tell you about the talent required for a prophet, a seer, the teller of the future of the planet. It is not just mastery; it's not just being in tune with your DNA. It is being carefully balanced over years of experience... going to the veil without a bias. I return with you to the table metaphor. There you sit in the middle. And before you, you see all of the potentials of the planet, past and future. Now it is that you might say, "How can you have a past potential?" I'll tell you in a moment. But for now, which one do you choose? Is it the one that unenlightened Human Beings would choose... the ones that have the most drama and smoke? Or is it the one that the master chooses, something that didn't even happen? Neither, in a certain way. You carry the energy of the earth, and the choice to see the fish, the octopus or the eel. Which one to choose? The energy of the planet comes with you and you match the energy of the planet to whatever the energy is of all of the potentials before you. You select the piece of the puzzle that vibrates the closest to what you bring as the vibration of the earth at that moment.
现在我会告诉你,先知、灵视者及预言家所需要的天分。它不只是大师能量,不只是与你的 DNA 合调。它还是通过经验累积所发展出的审慎平衡的能力……不带偏见地去到帷幕。我回到刚才的圆桌的隐喻。你坐在圆桌中间。在你面前,你看见地球所有的潜在性,过去和未来。现在你可能会说: “怎么会有过去的潜在性呢?” 我等下会告诉你。但是现在,你要选哪一个呢?是未开悟的人类所会选择的那个吗……最有戏剧性、拥有最多浓烟的那个?还是大师所选择的那个呢,从来没有发生过的那个?以某种角度来看,两者都不是。你们身上携带着地球的能量,以及要看见鱼,或者章鱼,或者鳗鱼的选择。要选择哪一个呢?地球的能量跟着你一起过去,你把地球的能量和你眼前的所有潜在性的能量 “相配对”。你选择的拼图碎片,它的振动频率最接近于你在那一刻所携带的地球振动频率。
This takes talent, experience, and practice. Instead of trusting Human bias, it's the feeling of energy with energy. It is the feeling of what the earth brings to you as you submerge yourself to the other side of the veil so you can match it with the potentials before you. Whatever the potential feels like, match it to the energy of the planet. Choose that one and bring it back, for it will be the most accurate for that day. You don't like that, do you?
这需要天分、经验和练习。相较于信任人类的偏见,它其实更像是能量与能量之间的感觉。它是当你沉浸于帷幕的另一边时对地球能量所产生的感觉,那么你就能把它与你眼前的潜在性事件的能量相配对。无论那个潜在性事件带给你什么样的感觉,你都要把它与地球的能量相配对。选出最接近地球能量的那个,然后把它带回来,它就是 “当天” 最准确的预言。你们不喜欢听见这个,对吗?
"Kryon, are you telling us that the best prophets around can only give what is good for today?" Yes, dear ones, because tomorrow may change everything. What if some of those in this audience woke up [became more enlightened] and sent light to a certain place that had only darkness before? What if, collectively, you make a shift and a change that would change this planet dramatically? Then tomorrow would contain different potentials than today, wouldn't it? You see, it's because you're in charge, and I've said this for 18 years. This is the message of Kryon. It always has been.
“克里昂,你是在说,最好的先知也只能给出在今天才准确的预言而已吗?” 是的,亲爱的,因为明天会改变一切。如果说现场听众当中有某人醒过来了 [变得更加开悟了],然后对某个之前只有黑暗的地方发送光呢?如果说,集体上,你们创造了一个转变,它给地球带来了显著的变化呢? 那么明天就会有不同于今天的潜在性了,不是吗?你瞧,因为事情是 “由你来决定的”,这句话我已经重复了18 年。这就是克里昂的信息。向来都是。
This is no difference, dear ones, with the master, world-class tarot reader. Think for a moment of the mechanics of what you know about tarot. It's designed as a science to vibrate with your energy and give you tools of direction. Even though the tarot reader may be the only one to touch the cards, you are sitting in front of him, or he is tuning into you intuitively. It is your energy that is on the cards whether you touch them or not. The intelligence that is cosmic [source] knows who you are, and that you're there for direction. It uses the tarot reader's talent to sense your energy then allows him to place the card spread upon the table. It may seem random to you, but it is not. So what then becomes what you would call the tarot spread is a reflection of your energy. It tells you about your potential for that day only, since you have the power of free choice. It is no different than the planet. Simple, is it not? Yet, difficult for a 3D mind.
亲爱的,这对谁都是一样的,大师,或者世界级塔罗解牌师,都一样。想一想你们所知道的关于塔罗牌的运作机制。它是一种科学,是与你的能量一起振动,并给你指引方向的工具。虽然塔罗解牌师是唯一碰触到卡牌的人,但是你坐在他面前,他在直觉上已经把能量调整得与你的能量一致。所以牌面上的是 “你的” 能量,不管你有没有碰触到卡牌。宇宙智能 [源头] 知道你是谁,知道你在那里寻求指引。宇宙智能运用塔罗解牌师的天分来感应你的能量,然后让他根据你的能量把牌阵摆在桌面上。这个牌阵对你而言是偶然摆出来的,但其实不是。所以塔罗牌阵其实是在反映出你的能量。它显示了你 “仅限于当天” 的潜在性,因为你拥有自由选择的力量。这跟地球的情况没有分别。很简单,对吗?然而,对三维心智来说却是复杂的。
Difficult Concept... the NOW
So, as for the pieces on that "now" table before you, and for those who are beginning to understand this, let me define some interdimensional terms. These are terms that do not make sense in 3D:
那么,对于你眼前的那张 “当下” 的圆桌上的拼图碎片,及对于那些开始理解 “当下” 的概念的人,让我来定义几个跨维度的名词。这些名词在三维中是没有意义的:
MANIFESTED PAST – This means something that has happened in your 3D timeline, but which still has the energy of change upon it. For things in your past can create emotions and solutions in your spiritual development. Therefore, the energy of something past still has the power to offer you understanding, thereby changing what you might do in the future because of new, profound wisdom about it.
NON-MANIFESTED PAST – Things that did not happen in your 3D timeline, but which carry with them an energy of potential anyway. For instance, your Armageddon did not happen, even though it was a strong potential piece of the puzzle. The piece still lies there, with all the smoke and fire and the reality as if it had happened. If you could "visit" a piece, you could dip into what it would have been like... your death included. So can you see that this piece, although not manifested, still has energy around it? It has so much energy that some still claim it, even though your 3D clock has passed the time of possibility.
未曾显现的过去——这是指没有在三维时间线上发生过的事件,但是它仍然具有潜在的能量。例如,人类的世界末日并没有发生,虽然它是一张具有强大潜力的拼图碎片。这张碎片仍然摆在那里,那些浓烟和火焰仍然在那里,就像它曾经发生过一样。如果你能够 “游览” 这张碎片,你就能够探究它到底会是怎样的……包括你本身的死亡。那么你们看得出这张碎片,虽然没有显现,却仍然具有能量吗?它的能量还是如此强大,使到有些人仍然声称它会发生,虽然你们的三维时钟已经超过了它可能发生的时间。
FUTURE MANIFESTED INTO PAST – This is where a Human Being sees a future vibration coming and does something about it. On your singular ribbon of time, your future eventually becomes the past. Therefore, what you do today about the earth will eventually become a "past puzzle piece." Since all the puzzle pieces relate to each other (interactive), when you change one, the others also vibrate together and change. These are concepts that we don't expect you to see right away. The best thing is just to understand that there is no predestination, and that what you do today affects all the pieces.
未来事件显现于过去——这是指人类预见了未来事件的振动频率,并对此采取了对应的行动。在人类的单一时间带上,未来终会成为过去。因此,你们今天在地球上所做的事,终会成为一张 “过去的拼图碎片”。由于所有拼图碎片都是有关联的 [互相影响],当你改变了其中一片时,其他碎片也跟着一起振动,并作出相应的改变。我们并不期望你们能够马上理解这些概念。你们只要知道没有“宿命”这回事,并知道你们今天所做的事会影响所有的拼图碎片。
PAST MANIFESTED INTO THE FUTURE – This is a piece that is actually created by altering a manifested past piece. An example would be the Human Being who sees what has happened on the 3D timeline that was manifested, and then changes direction because of it. Therefore, the past has affected the free choice of the future, and both pieces take on a different vibration.
过去事件显现于未来——这是指通过更改 “已经显现的过去” 而创造出来的拼图碎片。例如,人类看见已经发生在三维时间线上的事件,并因此而改变了行动的方向。所以,过去事件影响了人类对未来的自由选择,导致两张拼图碎片都呈现出不同于以往的振动频率。
All these pieces change vibration and energy constantly, so can you see how your future is actually created by what you do now? There is nothing ahead that lays there uncontrollable. You are part of all the pieces on the table. When the channeller or psychic goes out to view the pieces, are you beginning to understand what is being called upon? It requires wisdom and unbias, and a touch of mastery. So now we come to some other interesting concepts that you might practice, as a step to becoming more interdimensional:Celebrating things that didn't happen.
Celebration of things unseen, which didn't happen!
Let me again give you the big example in 3D of what you just went through: I want you to really listen carefully, for there are those in this room who are old enough to relate to what I'm going to tell you. From 1945 to 1989, almost a half a century, you were on your way to the Armageddon, you know? For years and years, the earth energy had not changed... an old energy, an old path, an old potential. Those were the days of the Cold War, and where two powerful countries faced off in a scenario that would build and support the Armageddon future. All the prophets reported it.
让我再次给出三维里的一个重要例子,它是你们刚刚经历过的事:我要你们仔细听清楚,因为现场有一些年长的听众,他们年长得足以领略我即将说的事。从 1945年 到 1989 年,几乎半个世纪的漫长岁月里,你们都处在前往世界末日的轨道上,你们知道吗?年复一年,地球上的能量始终没变……老旧的能量、老旧的轨道、老旧的潜在性。那是过去冷战时期的日子,两个超级强国互相对峙,这种局面会建立并支撑一个指向世界末日的未来。所有先知都预言过这件事。
One country was the Soviet Union, who had taken over many other countries, and who had built arsenals unto itself for 50 years. It had a different philosophy and was at war with doctrine with the country where I speak right now [USA]. Those of you who survived that Cold War will remember the incredible Human resources that were put into it, the fear that was put into it, the spies, the trickery, the death. Remember? Seemingly, two countries faced off with equal power. Then one of them shot a rocket into space and changed everything. The fear factor went up. Obviously, it was ahead. Great fear resulted, and created a race with even bigger missiles. Great fear, difficult times. Think about that for a moment, for some of you spent the majority of your lives in that energy.
其中一个国家是苏联,它吞并了许多国家,它凭自力建造武器长达 50 年。它奉行不同的思想体系,并与我正在演讲的国家 [美国] 所奉行的信条进行竞争。你们那些经历过冷战时期的人都会记得当时所投入的惊人的人力资源、挥之不去的恐惧、层出不穷的间谍、阴谋、暗杀。还记得吗?看来,两个对峙的国家都势均力敌。然后,其中一方 [苏联] 发射了一支火箭上太空,从此改变了一切。恐怖因素急剧上升。很显然,它领先了。这件事激起了强大的恐慌,并启动了发射更巨大导弹的竞争。强大的恐惧,艰难的时期。想一想这件事,因为你们有些人大半辈子都是处在这种能量当中。
The reason I talk to you about this is because this scenario was the beginning of the buildup of what would become the Armageddon, as prophesied in Scripture, as given by the priest, Nostradamus. He saw it. Many saw it, even some of the indigenous saw it and included it in their own prophesy about what was going to take place in the year 2000-2001. Many felt that the "ball was rolling too fast and for too long" to ever change something so big.
我之所以会提及这些,因为这种局面就是建立世界末日的基础,就如圣经所预言的,就如那位神父,诺查丹玛斯所预言的。他看见了。许多人都看见了,就连一些原住民也看见了,并把这件将发生在 2000 年至 2001 年期间的事,记录在他们本身的预言里。许多人都觉得 “那粒球滚动得太快太久了”,如此庞大的局面实在很难扭转。
When you had the Harmonic Convergence, you collectively decided that this would not happen on the planet. This was humans deciding at a spiritual level, that something almost a half a century old, involving two huge powerful countries, would be dissolved. Within two years after the Harmonic Convergence, after you had made the decision, the Soviet Union fell over all by itself. It fell over because the consciousness of the Russian people who would no longer support it! It disintegrated due to those who said, "No more, no longer."
在 “和谐汇聚” 时,人类集体决定这件事不会发生在地球上。这是 “人类在灵性上的决定,持续了半个世纪、涉及两大超级强国的对峙局面,将会瓦解。” 在和谐汇聚过后的两年之内,在人类做出这个决定之后,苏联就自动解体了。它瓦解是因为苏联人民的群体意识不再支撑它了!它瓦解是因为人们说 “不要了,不要了。”
The unthinkable happened! No prophet gave you that information because it was unthinkable, impossible and out of 3D. If somebody had told you that this powerful country would have simple stopped working, would you have believed them? It was, in your lifetime, the biggest thing that ever happened. Period. Now, almost a half a century of trouble and fear and worry were erased. OK, Human, where is your monument? Where is the planetary celebration building? Shouldn't the earth have gotten together at that point and built something? Shouldn't you have had long lines of appreciation, perhaps... all waiting to give their thanks for stopping the end of the earth... to celebrate and give thanks for the "Armageddon that did not happen"? If you were not alive then, you don't know about the unsolvable problem... the country called the Evil Empire, fell over all by itself, almost overnight. Where's your monument?
难以想象的事情发生了!没有任何先知给过这个消息,因为它是超乎想象的、不可能的、超越三维的。在那之前,如果有人对你说,这个超级强国会很轻易就灭亡了,你会相信吗?这是发生在你们此生中最重大的事件。时代。如今,半个世纪的不安和恐怖和忧虑都被一扫而光了。好的,人类,你们的纪念碑呢?地球的庆贺纪念馆呢?地球人不是应该在当时聚集在一起并盖一座建筑物的吗?你们不是应该排长龙致谢的吗,或许……全部人都迫不及待想要答谢那个阻止地球终结的决定……庆贺并答谢那个 “没有发生的世界末日” 呢?如果当时你没有活着,你就不会知道,那个无解的难题……那个 “邪恶帝国”,竟然自行瓦解,几乎是在一夜之间。你们的纪念碑呢?
And you'll say, "Well, there isn't one." That's when I remind you that Human Beings, build monuments to drama... the ends of the wars, massive death and destruction, remembrance of horror. But when it comes to the things that didn't happen, you're mute. You don't see them in the same way as the things that did. And so, dear ones, I am telling you that this is an adjustment that you're going to have to make in your perception.
而你们会说,“嗯,一个也没有。” 那就是我所说的,人类,只会建立纪念碑来记住戏剧性事件……战争的结束、大规模的死亡和毁灭、恐怖的记忆。当来到没有发生过的事件时,你们就默不出声。你们并不重视那些从来没有发生过的事。所以,亲爱的,我在告诉你,这种观念必须调整过来。
Your Own Death
I ought to tell you, dear Human Being, that there is no set time for your demise. Not one of you knows when you're going to check out. Only you will understand and know when this Human life is over. That's how much control you have in your life. And I even mean to the degree you might say, "Well, I've got a disease, Kryon. I certainly didn't have anything to do with that." Oh, yes you did. And you have all things to do with getting rid of it, too. All of the divinity in you, all the choices of life and death, are in the DNA, dear Human Being. Get used to this. You're in control, and always have been. An old energy had you doubting all of this, but in this new energy, it's there for the taking.
我必须告诉你,亲爱的人类,你们并没有预设好的死亡时间。没有人知道你何时会 “结账离开”。只有 “你” 明白知道这次人生何时会结束。你对生命的掌控权就是如此强大。我所指的掌控权甚至强大到这种程度:你也许会说,“嗯,我得了一种病,克里昂。这肯定不是我造成的。” 啊,是你造成的。你也能让它从你身上消失。你内在的所有神性,你所有的生死选择,都在你的 DNA 里,亲爱的人类。请习惯这一点。你掌控着一切,一直以来都是如此。旧能量让你怀疑这一切的真实性,但是在新能量当中,掌控能力是随时能够获得的。
So, dear ones, are you going to celebrate the things that didn't happen? There are more than 20 in this room who had one set of death circumstances when they arrived on this planet, but voided them all with their spiritual free choice. This is not predestination, but rather predisposition. What you had planned for yourself when you got here, which many call "contract," was circumvented with free choice to change it. That was because what you found while you were here changed you. Did you build a monument after that car accident that almost killed you? Do you even know when it was that you passed that time? Some of you do. Some of you have had dreams about it. Some of you have narrowly escaped death and you know when those times were. And you might have said, "Oh, I sure am glad I got through that." It's more than that. You should have built a monument!
所以,亲爱的,你们会去庆贺没有发生过的事吗?现场有超过 20 人是带着不同的死亡情境来到地球上的,但是他们全都在灵性自由选择之下取消了这些死亡情境。它不是宿命,而是倾向。你们在来到地球上时为自己所计划的事,即许多人所说的 “契约”,是能够通过自由选择来规避和改变的。原因是你在这里所发现的事物, 改变了原来的 “你”。当你从车祸中捡回一条命之后,有没有建立纪念碑呢?你究竟是否知道,自己是在何时穿越了那个死亡时刻呢?有些人知道。有些人曾经在梦中经历过这件事。有些人差点就命丧黄泉,所以你知道它是在何时。你也许会说,“啊,我当然很高兴我穿越了那件事。” 不止这样。你还应该建立一座纪念碑!
2007 – 2008
Now you're sitting at the beginning of 2007 and you want this entity to channel for you what's going to happen next? So you want to know about the future, do you? All right, using the method I have described, I will tell you this: Two thousand and seven is the year of the nine [2+0+0+7=9]. It is a year of potential, for the nine energy speaks of completion. Remember the story of the woman who was pregnant and thought something was wrong with her? There are many who don't understand completion. Completion of what? "Oh, no, I'm going to die. That means I'm completing my life and that means I'm going to die. That's completion, isn't it, Kryon?" Then there will be those who say, "Well, tell me what else is going to happen that's bad." The Human bias reads what it wants to hear into the fabric of potentials.
现在你正坐在 2007 年的开端,而你希望这个灵媒告诉你接下来会发生什么事,对吗?所以你是想要知道未来了,对吗?好吧,用我讲过的方法,我会告诉你:两千零七是 “九的年份” [2+0+0+7=9]。这是充满潜力的一年,因为九的能量意味着 “完成”。还记得那个总觉得自己身体有问题的怀孕女人的故事吗?有许多人不明白 “完成” 的意思。完成什么?“哦,不,我完了。那意味着我即将完成我的生命,那意味着我即将死去。那就是完成,对吗,克里昂?” 接着有些人会说,“嗯,告诉我还有什么坏事即将发生。” 人类的偏见总是以自己想听到的消息来曲解潜在性的本质。
What if it was the completion of war? What if it was the completion of a thought that now comes together and gives you peace? What if it's a completion of strife in a romance and brings about peace in a family? What if it's a completion of those who would remove themselves finally from bad habits? What if it's a completion of your children on drugs? What if it's the completion of things that need to be completed? This is the year for it, and whereas you would ask me what's going to happen with your government and what's going to happen with those around you, I'm going to say, look to yourself! For what you do with you will determine the rest of the story.
如果说它是战争的完结呢?如果说它是一种对立的思想意识的完结,现在它重新靠拢到一起,并为你们带来和平呢?如果说它是恋情中的争吵完结了,并带来家庭中的平静呢?如果说它是某些人终于戒除了恶习呢?如果说它是你家孩子戒除了毒瘾呢?如果说它是某些需要完结的事情之完结呢?今年正是时候。而如果你问我,你们的政府会发生什么事,你们周围会发生什么事,我会说,看看你自己吧!因为 “你” 对 “你” 所做的事会决定接下来所发生的一切。
Whatever humanity needs to complete, this is the year for it. The numerology will give you the energy tools. They lay upon you as a posturing of help. Two thousand and seven is the year and the number. Then what happens when you get a nine with a nine with a nine? A day in September 2007 is one case. [9-9-9, but not necessarily the 9th of September. It could be the 9th, 18th, or 27th... all "9" days] "Kryon, is anything going to happen in September of 2007?" Indeed, the potential is there, yes, and you might look to this as being a beautiful thing. What if it was in the United Nations, a place where I've taken my partner over and over to celebrate what Humans do with Humans... to celebrate those who have saved the children in villages because they gave them water and clean crops to rid them of disease? Most don't pay much attention to that; after all, it didn't require force or weapons – only work and the free choice to do it.
凡是人类需要完成的事,今年都会完成。数字命理会为你提供能量上的工具。数字以援助的姿态加诸于你之上。两千零七既是年份也是数字。那么,当你有一个 9 和一个 9 和一个 9 的时候,会发生什么事呢?2007年 9月 当中的一天就是例子。[9-9-9, 但不一定是 9月9日。 它可以是 9th, 18th, 或 27th... 全属 "9" 的日子] “克里昂,2007年 9月会发生什么事吗?” 确实,有这样的潜在性,是的,而你也许会把它视为美好的事情。如果说它是发生在联合国里呢?一个我多次带着我的伙伴去庆贺人类对人类所做的善举的地方……去庆贺那些拯救了村落儿童的人们,因为他们提供了干净的食水和粮食,而让那些儿童摆脱了疾病。多数人并不留意这些事;毕竟,它无需出动军队或武器——只需去做事,只需作出助人的自由选择。
Look to 2007 as a year to wrap up things because of what's going to happen in 2008. Now I've spoken of this before. Great potentials are part of the energy of 2008. And as you lay all the potentials out on the table, I'll tell you the ones in 2008 are glowing. They are glowing more for your energy than the ones labeled 2007. Two thousand and seven is like a utility year: accomplishment, responsibility. All the things you don't want to hear, to bring you to the place of the year of the "1" [2008].
将 2007 年视为结束事情的年份,这是为了接下来的 2008 年而准备。呐,我曾经讲过这件事。巨大的潜在性就是 2008 年能量的一部分。当你把所有潜在性碎片都摆在圆桌上时,我告诉你,2008 年的那些碎片正在闪闪发光。你们的能量让它比 2007 年的那些碎片更加闪亮。两千零七是很踏实的年份:成就、责任,所有你不想听见的事;这是为了带你进入 “一的年份” [2008]。
Two thousand and eight has the potential of new beginnings in a grand sense. Yet there would be those who say, "Yes, the beginning of the end!" [Laughter] Dear ones, if that's where you want to go with it, then go there. But here is the potential: It is the beginning of what must be cleared for 2012. Four years will remain on your 3D timeline at that point.
两千零八在宏观意义上拥有新开始的潜力。但是那里仍然会有人在说,“是的,是终结的开始!” [笑声] 亲爱的,如果那是你想要前进的方向,就去吧。潜在性是:2008 是某些为了 2012而必须清除的事物的开端。你们距离那时还有四年的三维时间。
We stood on the stage in Tel Aviv some years ago, my partner and I. I channelled to him the information that he needed to tell the Israelis who were there. Two thousand and eight would be a potential year for Israel. This is still the potential, and what it means is the beginnings of a consciousness that would create the final resolution structure between them and their neighbors in a way that will affect generations to come. Oh, you're not going to have Israelis and Palestinians loving each other in 2008. God works in slow ways, but what if the beginning of a wise structure was created so that within two generations, they would be trading with each other?
几年前,我们站在特拉维夫的台上,我和我的伙伴。我对他通灵并给出了当时出席的以色列人需要知道的消息。当时我说,两千零八会是以色列的一个充满潜力的年份。如今这个潜在性还在,它意味着一种新意识的开始,这种新意识将会为以色列人和他们的邻国创造出最终的解决方案,并且影响未来的世代。喔,你并不会看见以色列人和巴勒斯坦人在 2008 年里相亲相爱。神的行事方式是缓慢的,但如果说一个英明的机构开始被设立,在两代人的时间之内,他们就会开始进行贸易往来呢?
So I want to ask you this, creature of the generation of the Cold War, what was it that you felt was impossible? In 1960, if I had asked, what was going to be your future then? If I had said the soviets would cease to exist, would you have told me that there was simply too much fear? Too much power, perhaps? Too much structure? Too much history? Well, it happened, didn't it? And it happened without a war. It happened because your consciousness shifted!
所以我想问问你们这些生于冷战时代的人,什么是你们觉得不可能发生的呢?在 1960 年代,如果当时我问你,你们的未来会是什么?如果当时我说,苏联会停止存在,你们会不会反过来告诉我说,那里实在有太多恐惧了?政府有太大权力了?太多机构了?太多历史包袱了?嗯,它确实发生了,不是吗?而且过程中完全没有战争。它发生了,因为你们的意识已经转变了!
So, what if 2007 becomes the completion of old habits and the renewal of ones that will put you into a new paradigm on the planet? How many minutes a day do you send light to other places on this planet? Why do you think you're still here? Maybe you ought to reevaluate things. Will you say to me, "There is too much hate?" Will you tell me that eons have shown that this peace cannot exist? Will you look at the history of the Harmonic Convergence... or will you wallow in 3D and build a shelter yet again for the approaching doom? Can you see how this is a repeat of the same energy of fear?
所以,如果说 2007 年是旧习惯的完结,换上的新习惯能够带领你们进入地球的新模式呢?你们一天之中有多少分钟是用在送光给地球上的其他地方呢?你认为为什么你还会在这里呢?也许你们应该重新衡量一下事情。你们会不会对我说,“实在有太多仇恨了” 呢?你们会不会对我说,从远古以来地球上就不曾有过和平呢?你们会去回顾一下 “和谐汇聚” 的历史吗……或者你们会在沉迷于三维之中,并为了即将到来的 “末日” 而建造避难所呢?你们看得出这是同样的恐惧能量在重复吗?
And if you're going to do that, why don't you reevaluate how much you are loved by this Universe? The other side of the veil doesn't contain a fish, an octopus or an eel. The other side of the veil is your family who loves you dearly and knows who you are, and that you're working with that family to rearrange the energies of this planet. In this very room we have those of you who send light daily, working with the indigenous, working with the wisdom of the planet, working with the healing energies, with the crystals – we know who you are!
如果你们打算这样做 [译注:指沉迷于恐惧],为什么不重新衡量一下,你们是多么地为宇宙所爱呢?帷幕的另一边没有鱼、章鱼、或鳗鱼。帷幕的另一边是深爱着你、认识你的家人,而且你正在与这些家人一起重新安排地球上的各种能量。在现场就有那些每天都在送光、和原住民共事、和地球智慧共事、和疗愈能量共事、和水晶共事的人——我们知道你是谁!
Out of time and space, it seems you're on my table of potentials. I see you perched there; I see you listening to and reading this message. You are all things to this planet. Did you know that? The God in you is the potential for peace on Earth. Let this message resound and go to literally thousands who will give us two minutes a day, sending their light. Less than one half of one percent of this earth has to awaken and do these things for you to have peace in the generations to come – for you, your children and your grandchildren. That's what consciousness can do, and as proof... you've seen it in your lifetime. Now... time to do it again. Time to celebrate the challenge and say, "It is well in my soul." Bless those here; bless those hearing and reading.
在时间和空间以外,你们就像是摆在我的圆桌上的潜在性。我看见你们坐在那里;我看见你们聆听和阅读这篇信息。你们就是地球的一切。你们知道这一点吗?你内在的神就是地球和平的潜在性。让这篇信息激起回响,让它传到那数以千计的每天都会抽出两分钟时间给我们,并送出他们的光的人。地球上少于一巴仙的一半 [少于3千500万] 人口必须觉醒,并为人类放光,以便让未来的世代可以拥有和平——为了你,为了你的孩子,为了你的孙子。这就是意识可以做的事,而作为证据——你们在此生中已经看见了。现在……是时候再做一次。是时候庆贺这个[创造地球和平]的挑战并说,“我的心灵很安宁。” 祝福在座的各位;祝福正在聆听和阅读的各位。
[地球人口 70 亿 x 1% x 0.5 = 3 千 500 万人]
And so it is.
罗马帝国东西部 |
东西教会大分裂 |
自二世纪以后,在罗马帝国境内,由于地理、历史、文化和政治等方面的原因,产生了东部教会和西部教会之间的分歧。东部教会承袭希腊文化传统,以君士坦丁堡为中心;西部教会承袭拉丁文化传统,以罗马为中心。东西教会在神学,以及教会的组织、纪律等各方面的分歧逐渐扩大,彼此争论不休,最终导致了 1054 年的东西方教会大分裂。
15 世纪的西欧,封建体制开始瓦解。随着城市的发展,出现资本主义的萌芽。许多新兴的民族国家确立了以王权为中心的中央集权制度。在王权与教权的斗争中,教会受到了极大的创伤。新兴的中产阶级起而反抗旧有的封建神权统治。
新教在教义上主张得救既因蒙恩也因着信心,否定了天主教得救必须以教会、神职人员、圣事为中介的主张,因此信徒皆可为祭司 ,不仅可以相互代祷,还可宣传福音。同时新教认为《圣经》具有最高的权威,信徒可以借助圣灵的指引直接与上帝相遇,接受对启示的光照,从而否定了天主教坚持的教会释经权,为此新教各派都注重用民族语言诵经,取消了拉丁语圣经的垄断地位。新教反对圣母及圣徒崇拜,一般也不赞同炼狱之说。
“和谐汇聚” 是克里昂许多篇信息当中都会提到的重要资料,所以我让它成为一篇独立的博文,
东部教会强调自己的正统性,称为 “正教”;因为以东部教会为主体,也称为 “东正教” (the Eastern Orthodox Church);因最初盛行于希腊语地区,举行宗教仪式时使用希腊语,因此也称 “希腊正教”。西部教会强调自己的普世性,称为 “公教”;因为中心在罗马,也称 “罗马公教” (the Roman Catholic Church);传入中国后,被译为 “天主教”。
东西教会在教义上长期的主要争执之一是所谓 “和子句纠纷”。西班牙教会首先将 《尼西亚信经》 圣灵 “从父出来” 一句,未经东部教会同意,改作 “从父和子出来”。东派教会认为这是违反共同遵守的信条,双方为此长期争论不休。
16 世纪在天主教教会内部爆发宗教改革运动,一批脱离天主教而形成的新派别因为不承认罗马教皇的权威而被称为 “抗议宗”(Protestantism),分化出来的各宗派统称 “新教”,与被视为 “旧教” 的天主教相对。
东部教会强调自己的正统性,称为 “正教”;因为以东部教会为主体,也称为 “东正教” (the Eastern Orthodox Church);因最初盛行于希腊语地区,举行宗教仪式时使用希腊语,因此也称 “希腊正教”。西部教会强调自己的普世性,称为 “公教”;因为中心在罗马,也称 “罗马公教” (the Roman Catholic Church);传入中国后,被译为 “天主教”。
东西教会在教义上长期的主要争执之一是所谓 “和子句纠纷”。西班牙教会首先将 《尼西亚信经》 圣灵 “从父出来” 一句,未经东部教会同意,改作 “从父和子出来”。东派教会认为这是违反共同遵守的信条,双方为此长期争论不休。
16 世纪在天主教教会内部爆发宗教改革运动,一批脱离天主教而形成的新派别因为不承认罗马教皇的权威而被称为 “抗议宗”(Protestantism),分化出来的各宗派统称 “新教”,与被视为 “旧教” 的天主教相对。
“新教” 与 “公教”、“正教” 并列为基督教三大派别之一。汉语语境中所称的 “基督教” 大多即指新教,而非基督宗教所有派别。
“新教” 与 “公教”、“正教” 并列为基督教三大派别之一。汉语语境中所称的 “基督教” 大多即指新教,而非基督宗教所有派别。
15 世纪的西欧,封建体制开始瓦解。随着城市的发展,出现资本主义的萌芽。许多新兴的民族国家确立了以王权为中心的中央集权制度。在王权与教权的斗争中,教会受到了极大的创伤。新兴的中产阶级起而反抗旧有的封建神权统治。
新教在教义上主张得救既因蒙恩也因着信心,否定了天主教得救必须以教会、神职人员、圣事为中介的主张,因此信徒皆可为祭司 ,不仅可以相互代祷,还可宣传福音。同时新教认为《圣经》具有最高的权威,信徒可以借助圣灵的指引直接与上帝相遇,接受对启示的光照,从而否定了天主教坚持的教会释经权,为此新教各派都注重用民族语言诵经,取消了拉丁语圣经的垄断地位。新教反对圣母及圣徒崇拜,一般也不赞同炼狱之说。
北大西洋公约成员国 美国的其它盟国 殖民地区域 华沙条约组织成员国 苏联的其它盟国 不结盟的国家译者的话:
“和谐汇聚” 是克里昂许多篇信息当中都会提到的重要资料,所以我让它成为一篇独立的博文,
5)2007年 9月:缅甸反军政府示威
2007 年缅甸反军政府示威,是缅甸二十年来规模最大的抗议游行,参加人数大约数十万人。自 8月15日 开始,政府取消燃油补贴,导致燃料突然加价约一至五倍,公共汽车收费也涨价一倍,引发民众连日来示威,要求民生物资价格合理化,而后开始加入 “与军事执政团进行对话” 以及 “释放翁山淑枝等政治犯” 等诉求。
示威以学生和反对派政治人物为首,自 9月18日 起,约数千名佛教僧侣开始参加示威游行。在 9月22日,示威已经扩大到在缅甸有高尚地位的僧侣。9月25日,缅甸军政府宣布宵禁,并在前首都仰光和曼德勒捉拿异见人士,声称示威是由外国挑拨引发。
5)2007年 9月:缅甸反军政府示威
2007 年缅甸反军政府示威,是缅甸二十年来规模最大的抗议游行,参加人数大约数十万人。自 8月15日 开始,政府取消燃油补贴,导致燃料突然加价约一至五倍,公共汽车收费也涨价一倍,引发民众连日来示威,要求民生物资价格合理化,而后开始加入 “与军事执政团进行对话” 以及 “释放翁山淑枝等政治犯” 等诉求。
示威以学生和反对派政治人物为首,自 9月18日 起,约数千名佛教僧侣开始参加示威游行。在 9月22日,示威已经扩大到在缅甸有高尚地位的僧侣。9月25日,缅甸军政府宣布宵禁,并在前首都仰光和曼德勒捉拿异见人士,声称示威是由外国挑拨引发。
9月26日 ,联合国秘书长潘基文发表声明说,鉴于缅甸局势动荡,前联合国副秘书长易卜拉西姆·甘巴里将作为潘基文的特使访问缅甸。
甘巴里于 9月29日 至 10月2日 对缅甸进行访问,以期推动缅甸局势尽快恢复稳定。访问期间,甘巴里在缅甸新首都内比都会见了缅甸国家和平与发展委员会主席丹瑞大将,并在仰光两次会见被软禁的缅甸全国民主联盟总书记昂山素季。
甘巴里于 9月29日 至 10月2日 对缅甸进行访问,以期推动缅甸局势尽快恢复稳定。访问期间,甘巴里在缅甸新首都内比都会见了缅甸国家和平与发展委员会主席丹瑞大将,并在仰光两次会见被软禁的缅甸全国民主联盟总书记昂山素季。
根据缅甸政府 10月4日 发表的声明,丹瑞大将 2日 在同甘巴里会见时表示,只要昂山素季放弃 “与政府对抗、全面破坏、呼吁外国中断与缅甸的经济联系、要求外部全面制裁缅甸” 等四项行动,他愿同昂山素季举行直接对话。
以色列和叙利亚于 2008年 5月21日 证实,以叙双方已在土耳其的斡旋下开始举行间接和平谈判。
以色列在 1967 年第三次中东战争中占领叙利亚的戈兰高地后,两国关系一直处于紧张状态。由于在这个战略要地的归还问题上存在严重分歧,两国和谈于 2000 年破裂。2006 年以色列和黎巴嫩冲突结束后,以色列和叙利亚领导人多次公开表示希望恢复谈判。
The Golan Heights |
以色列和叙利亚于 2008年 5月21日 证实,以叙双方已在土耳其的斡旋下开始举行间接和平谈判。
以色列在 1967 年第三次中东战争中占领叙利亚的戈兰高地后,两国关系一直处于紧张状态。由于在这个战略要地的归还问题上存在严重分歧,两国和谈于 2000 年破裂。2006 年以色列和黎巴嫩冲突结束后,以色列和叙利亚领导人多次公开表示希望恢复谈判。
拿以色列为例,以色列全国一半以上的面积是干旱地区,年均降水量不足 200 毫米,而戈兰高地年降水量可达到 400 至 1000 毫米,高地西南部的太巴列湖(又称加利利海)储水量更佔到以色列国内用水量的 40%,因而戈兰高地又有「以色列水库」之称,自然成为引发以色列同阿拉伯国家争夺戈兰高地的主要原因之一。
新浪网:《以阿冲突不断 戈兰高地是焦点》
戈兰高地地处叙以边界,海拔最高处达到 2700 多米,平均高度均大幅高于其两侧的叙以国土。从以色列这方来看,戈兰高地与加利利湖相接,一个是高山,一个是低湖,军事优劣显而易见。
不少生活在加利利湖地区的以色列老人回忆当初 1948 年建国时,叙利亚军人 “虎视眈眈” 地陈兵在戈兰高地上,仍心有余悸。而现在,有这样担忧的恐怕是叙利亚人,因为戈兰高地距离叙利亚首都大马士革仅有 60 公里,是戈兰高地与耶路撒冷距离的一半,在驻扎于此的联合国脱离接触观察员部队的营区,可以透过高倍望远镜清楚看到大马士革的轮廓。
和讯网:《戈兰高地:以色列难舍之地》 http://news.hexun.com/2011-06-21/130750441.html
新浪网:《以阿冲突不断 戈兰高地是焦点》
戈兰高地地处叙以边界,海拔最高处达到 2700 多米,平均高度均大幅高于其两侧的叙以国土。从以色列这方来看,戈兰高地与加利利湖相接,一个是高山,一个是低湖,军事优劣显而易见。
不少生活在加利利湖地区的以色列老人回忆当初 1948 年建国时,叙利亚军人 “虎视眈眈” 地陈兵在戈兰高地上,仍心有余悸。而现在,有这样担忧的恐怕是叙利亚人,因为戈兰高地距离叙利亚首都大马士革仅有 60 公里,是戈兰高地与耶路撒冷距离的一半,在驻扎于此的联合国脱离接触观察员部队的营区,可以透过高倍望远镜清楚看到大马士革的轮廓。
和讯网:《戈兰高地:以色列难舍之地》 http://news.hexun.com/2011-06-21/130750441.html
新浪网:《以阿冲突不断 戈兰高地是焦点》
叙以和谈是中东和平进程的关键一环。从某种意义上说,以色列同叙利亚实现了和平,就意味着同整个阿拉伯世界实现了和平。由于叙利亚和黎巴嫩两国的 “特殊关系”,叙以恢复了和谈,就意味着黎以也将恢复和谈。一旦叙以达成协议,黎以和谈也会取得进展并达成协议。此外,叙以恢复和谈,也有利于推动巴以谈判,对涉及巴以最终地位谈判的犹太人定居点、巴勒斯坦难民、耶路撒冷地位和巴勒斯坦建国等问题的解决起着促进作用。
随着叙以和谈的恢复,自 1996 年中断至今的中东和平进程多边会谈也将得到恢复。多边谈判是中东和平进程的一个重要组成部分,旨在构筑中东地区的未来。多边谈判涉及整个中东地区的重要问题,包括水资源、环境保护、军备控制、难民问题、阿以经济合作等。这些问题的解决关系到 21 世纪中东地区的未来,具有重要的战略意义。
7)2007 及 2008 国际大事回顾