Mediterranean Sea |
Costa Brava, Spain |
Kryon:The History of Humanity
人类从直觉上知道地球的基本蓝图,它就在你们每个人体内。关于这一点我们已经讲了将近 19 年。然而,我们从来没有揭露过此趟地球之旅的时间长度。人类会在地球上呆多久呢?当初的计划是怎样的呢?现在你们是处于这条时间线上的哪一点呢?它是怎么开始的呢?计划是怎么被修改的呢?人类改变了历史的自由选择是什么呢?现在我会充分讨论这些事。
十万年前是 “智人” 的起始。就这么多——只有十万年。喔,在那之前就已经有类人生物了,但是那些类人,你可以说,他们的 DNA 里面没有灵性配备。他们的 DNA 就只有生物机能。那些只是在生物机能上已经进化了的物种,还不是天使驻于 DNA 之中的人类。
那时有许多已经演化的生物。地球上有多达 20 种人类,人类学家已经鉴定了许多种。他们全都是不同的,你知道吗?一些有不同形状的头部,一些甚至有尾巴。多达 20 种人类同时存在。这是地球上正常进化的真实情况,你去看任何一种哺乳动物,你都会看见许多不同的品种。这就是自然界的运作模式,这种模式运作得很好,即使在十万年前也一样。当时有 20 种人类正在发展中。
听着:这个宇宙充满了生命,有些与人类一样是处在课程当中,有些不是。有些生活在像地球一样的星球上,有着像地球一样的大气层,但是那里没有战争。他们生活在量子状态中,他们的社会比地球还要古老两倍。当时人类和这些开悟的群体就已经存在,直到今天也一样。这些星球距离你们有许多光年之远,但他们轻易就能拜访地球。他们来到地球把神圣的种子植于人类的 DNA 之中。他们的到访是在得到允许、通过计划、在宇宙所有天使的同意之下进行的。这不是偶然的事,也不是某项征服计划的一部分。这是他们热爱的工作。
他们运用了在量子状态中与万物处在一起的天赋,来赋予地球人类两层额外的 DNA 。这件事在突然之间发生,而且只发生在 20 种人类当中的一种,就是你们如今的这个品种[智人]。只有一种人类准备好接收这份礼物。
另外 19 种呢?他们慢慢灭绝,无法与拥有新 DNA 的品种竞争。这是违背自然界常理的,而且应该让那些研究自然选择的人们感到惊讶。所以,这是需要注意的事项,它对我所说的事提供了证据。
这件事成了地球上许多神话中的创世故事。因为它发生得如此迅速,而且在地球历史上是如此新近,所以它给人一种 “突然完成” 的感觉,无需任何演化就得以发生。因此,许多人的想法是,根本没有 “进化” 这回事,神是在瞬间把人类创造出来的。你瞧?所有事情当中都带有真相的种子,但它们经常被放进三维的盒子中,以便容易解释。一个美丽的花园、代表善与恶的引诱——这种说法,其实,是很接近于从形而上角度所看见的当时所发生的事,一群人接收了两层新意识 DNA 。突然间,他们开始表现出二元性的作用,开始意识到光明与黑暗的分别。
那两层额外的 DNA 是为了地球的测试而设置的,地球将成为在它的时代中唯一拥有自由选择的星球。其中一层含有阿卡什纪录,记录所有裹在人身中进入和离开地球的天使灵魂。人类开始拥有灵性——不是在突然之间,而是非常、非常缓慢地,在接下来的五万年之中。天使开始来到地球上,以人身为载体来创造地球上的这项测试。直到那时,人类才开始变成你们如今所看见的样子。这意味着,真正的 “智人”,其实只有大约五万岁——真的非常年轻!
当时的社会是处在太平洋中央的陆地上。现在那里不再是陆地了。当时地球处在有史以来最盛大的冰河时期的末端。地球上三分之一的水是结成冰的。大气层的平均温度比现在低了8° ,地球平均海平面比现在低了 400 尺。你能想象,如果海平面比现在低了 400 尺的话,那么从空中俯视,地球各大陆会是怎样的吗?如今的海底山脉都会露出水面。这会是完全不同的景象,不是吗?利穆里亚人在夏威夷岛的底部好好地生活了超过两万年。
有些利穆里亚人在山上留了下来,当水位上升时他们就往上爬。一万年前,海水开始停止上升,形成如今所看见的水位。利穆里亚首都的山顶就是现在的夏威夷群岛。有些人坐船移居到其他陆地的边缘地区。你们可以在纽西兰、复活节岛找到他们的遗迹——但也所剩无几了——还有在美洲大陆。他们在西岸地区叫做阿拉斯加的地方,还有在连接其他大陆的 “大陆桥”。他们在那里。他们当中有很多人去了相思塔山,他们在那里以人类形态生活了很久,然后才渗入山中成为跨维度存有。
利穆里亚会存在的原因、他们所有的 DNA 特性,完全是为了将来在创造条件。利穆里亚人代表了地球与你的那份关系。他们拥有与你完全不同的阿卡什特质。三亿五千万个利穆里亚人在他们的文化期间生活于地球之上。除了少数人例外,每个人都只有一生。然后他们的能量本质会被植入地球。带有他们名字的那块水晶会进入创造之穴。整个利穆里亚文明就是为了建设 “创造之穴”,为了在灵性层面种下地球将来的种子,为了增加创造之穴的水晶价值。你可以说,他们是在打造地球的阿卡什纪录。
This live channelling was Given in the western Mediterranean sea
8th Annual Kryon Cruise
August / September, 2007
As channelled by Lee Carroll for Kryon
August / September, 2007
As channelled by Lee Carroll for Kryon
This channelling has been rechannelled [by Lee and Kryon] and added onto to provide even clearer understanding. This on-board channelling was given in English and translated real time into Spanish (it was a cruise that left from Spain). When transcribed, this back and forth translation often creates very short sentences which do not read well in English. Therefore it has been totally re-worked to make it flow. In addition, it has been expanded by Kryon to include many added explanations of a very comprehensive subject. This expansion creates even better communication than from the live audio. If you listen to the audio, you can tell how much more there is here in added clarity.
这篇信息经过 [李及克里昂] 的重新通灵及增强信息,以提供更清晰的理解。这次在船上的通灵,是以英语给出,并且即时被传译成西班牙语(这次巡航是从西班牙出发的)。在把信息记录成文字时,这种在英语和西班牙语之间 “一来一回” 的翻译过程,造成很多短句,用英语读起来很不顺口。因此,这篇信息经过重写并使语意流畅。而且,克里昂还增加了许多详述,来解释一个非常广泛的主题。这些详述比在现场所给出的信息还要好。如果你有收听现场音频,你就会知道这篇信息有多么详尽。
This particular channelling had many references to historic geologic events, and a timeline that is difficult to picture without a graph. So the graph of Kryon's explanation of the development of Humanity and the Lemurian race, is placed immediately at the bottom of this message.
So enjoy this enhanced message given by Kryon to a bi-lingual audience while cruising in the western Mediterranean sea in the summer of 2007.
那么请享有这篇增强版的信息吧,这是克里昂在 2007 年夏天于西地中海巡航时以双语对听众给出的信息。
Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. I'm giving my partner a glimpse of what I'm asking him to do, and it makes him nervous. When we get into these kinds of things, this new information, I have shown him through energy how important it is to be accurate. This is a unique situation, for you are slipping over the ocean now, underway, floating above the earth. This is a disconnect with the energy that you normally always have, and because of this disconnect, it allows a perception that is grander, more reflective, both of the sender and the receiver. Therefore, it is these times when we often wish to give you information that has not been given before.
In these moments and the ones that follow, I wish to give you information on the history of Earth from the beginning of humanity. I will reveal to you the chronology of how it all was accomplished. We have spoken of the pieces and the parts of this information for years, but this will be the first time that we have linked it up together in a summary like this. In addition, we will give you added information that is metaphysical.
The basic plan of Earth is intuitive and inside each of you. We've taught about it now for almost 19 years. However, we've never revealed the length of this earthly journey. How long will Humans be on the planet? What was the plan to begin with? Where are you now within this timeline? How did it begin? How was it modified? What was the free choice of Humans that changed history? I will now discuss much of that.
人类从直觉上知道地球的基本蓝图,它就在你们每个人体内。关于这一点我们已经讲了将近 19 年。然而,我们从来没有揭露过此趟地球之旅的时间长度。人类会在地球上呆多久呢?当初的计划是怎样的呢?现在你们是处于这条时间线上的哪一点呢?它是怎么开始的呢?计划是怎么被修改的呢?人类改变了历史的自由选择是什么呢?现在我会充分讨论这些事。
Dear Human Being, although this may sound like history and geology, the angels in this room sit upon you giving you grand news about who you are. And if you have no interest in these things, perhaps you would be content to just sit and have your feet washed? Perhaps. Would that be OK with you? We speak in a third language with you, regardless of the three-dimensional languages that are being spoken here [English and Spanish]. We call the communications "a third language." For the number three is a catalyst. Other things are being transmitted along with the 3D language, and they go into the heart. They go to the cellular structure. As you sit in this energy, things may change in you if you give permission and are open to such things.
亲爱的人类,虽然这听起来像是历史和地质学,但其实,这间房里的天使坐在你之上,正在对你给出关于你是谁的伟大信息。如果你对这些不感兴趣,也许你只是坐在这里并享受双脚被洗涤就感到很满足了呢?也许。这样好不好呢?我们是以第三种语言来对你讲话,不管这里使用的三维语言是什么[英语和西班牙语]。 我们称交流为 “第三种语言”。因为数字三是催化剂。其他事情随着三维语言一起被传送出去,并进入你的心灵。它们进入你的细胞结构。当你坐在这种能量当中时,你的身心灵会产生变化,如果你允许并对这些事情保持开放的话。
The earth is very old, but humanity is not. There has been a very long and evolved biological journey, and many have called it evolution. Indeed, the biology of the planet evolved, and that is the sacred way God chose to develop it. It's not contrary to anything but the limited thinking of many Humans who wish it wasn't that way.
Let me take you back a very short time ago, as I see it, as the rocks see it. Let me paint a picture of the planet for you. I'm giving my partner much to look at and many facts, and there may be pauses while he gets it right. For these things of which I speak will be transcribed and seen by thousands.
One hundred thousand years ago was the beginning of what you would call the enlightened Human Being. That's all - just 100,000 years. Oh, there was humanoid development long before that, but the Human Being had no spiritual equipment, you might say, within the DNA. It was just biology. Your anthropologists will tell you about the age of Humans. They will dig up many bones and tell you many stories about how old humanity may be. Those are just biologically evolved creatures, not yet part of the scenario where angelic beings are part of the DNA.
十万年前是 “智人” 的起始。就这么多——只有十万年。喔,在那之前就已经有类人生物了,但是那些类人,你可以说,他们的 DNA 里面没有灵性配备。他们的 DNA 就只有生物机能。人类学家会说出人类在地球上已经活了多久。他们会挖出许多骨头并说出人类可能已经有多古老了。那些只是在生物机能上已经进化了的物种,还不是天使驻于 DNA 之中的人类。
The story I'm going to tell you is one that we have hinted at many times. But let me paint the picture first: There was much evolved biology by then. There were up to 20 kinds of Human Beings on the planet, and your anthropologists have identified many of them. They were all very different, you know? Some had heads that were shaped differently, and some even had tails. Up to 20 kinds of Human Beings existed together. This is a fact of normal evolution on the planet, for if you look at any mammal, there will be much variety. That is the way nature works and it was working well, even 100,000 years ago. Twenty kinds of Human Beings were in development. There were several places where they were being developed faster than others and your anthropologists know of those. It didn't start in one place on the planet. They were in places that you would call Western Europe, or the Middle East and another unusual place - the middle of the Pacific Ocean! I'll explain in a moment. Evolution was slowly creating many kinds of Human Beings, just like nature does with everything.
我要告诉你的故事正是我们多次提示过的一个。但是先让我把它的景象勾画出来:那时有许多已经演化的生物。地球上有多达 20 种人类,人类学家已经鉴定了许多种。他们全都是不同的,你知道吗?一些有不同形状的头部,一些甚至有尾巴。多达 20 种人类同时存在。这是地球上正常进化的真实情况,你去看任何一种哺乳动物,你都会看见许多不同的品种。这就是自然界的运作模式,这种模式运作得很好,即使在十万年前也一样。当时有 20 种人类正在发展中。有几个地方的人类发展得比较快,人类学家知道那是在哪里。人类不是从地球上的某个单一的地方开始演化。当时人类存在于好几个地方:西欧、中东、还有另一个不寻常的地方——太平洋中央!我等下会解释这一点。进化过程缓慢地创造出许多种人类,就像自然界对所有事物所做的一样。
Then the planet was touched by design - sacred design.
With sacred design, this planet was visited in a quantum way by enlightened creatures who were not angels. It's hard to describe how such a thing would be, but it was. Listen, there is life abundant in this Universe, and some of it is in lessons like you and some of it is not. There are biological creatures living on planets like yours, with atmospheres like yours, but where there is no war. They live in a quantum state, where there is agreement of what they're there for. They represent societies twice as old as Earth. Humanity and such an enlightened group existed back then and it still does to this day. It is located light years away from you, yet you were visited by them easily. They came to this planet to plant the seeds of sacredness within your DNA. They came with permission, by design, and within the agreement of all the angelic beings in the Universe. It wasn't an accident, and it wasn't part of a conquering plan. It was their loving job.
通过神圣的计划,地球在量子状态中被一些开悟的生物拜访了,但他们不是天使。很难解释这种事情是怎么发生的,但它就是这样。听着:这个宇宙充满了生命,有些与人类一样是处在课程当中,有些不是。有些生活在像地球一样的星球上,有着像地球一样的大气层,但是那里没有战争。他们生活在量子状态中,他们拥有契约决定他们要在那里做什么。他们的社会比地球还要古老两倍。当时人类和这些开悟的群体就已经存在,直到今天也一样。这些星球距离你们有许多光年之远,但他们轻易就能拜访地球。他们来到地球把神圣的种子植于人类的 DNA 之中。他们的到访是在得到允许、通过计划、在宇宙所有天使的同意之下进行的。这不是偶然的事,也不是某项征服计划的一部分。这是他们热爱的工作。
I speak of the Pleiadians, and much has been said about them. For when you speak of these things, where one kind of creature comes and touches a whole planet, there would be those who would say, "Well, that has to be inappropriate, that has to be evil, that has to be wrong." It wasn't. There's been much misinformation about the Pleiadians. Let me tell you if you could see them right now, they look much like you! And some day should you get to a place where it is appropriate, they will meet you. They'll call you brother, sister, and if you took a sample of their cellular structure, it would look much like yours. For they have the seeds of enlightenment of the Human race, and they have wisdom and love for the earth, for you are their seeds.
我说的是昴宿星人,关于他们的传说有很多。因为当你讲到这种事,有一种生物来到地球上,并对整个地球动了手脚,就会有人说,“嗯,那肯定是不恰当的,肯定是邪恶的,肯定是不对的。” 不是这样。关于昴宿星人的误传有很多。让我告诉你,如果你能马上看见他们,他们看起来很像你!有一天当你去到一个恰当的地方,他们会前来见你。他们会称你为兄弟、姐妹,而如果你取得他们的细胞结构的样本,它会看起来很像你们的。因为他们拥有人类的开悟种子,他们拥有智慧和对地球的爱,因为你就是他们的种子。
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昴宿(mǎo xiù)星团位于金牛座,裸眼就可以轻易的看见,肉眼通常见到有六颗亮星。它是在最近一亿年形成的很年轻的星团。 上古时代的所有古文明国都提到昴宿星,包括澳洲的土著、毛利人、中国和马雅人、阿兹特克人、北美洲的苏族。 |
What they gave this planet is difficult to describe to you in a three-dimensional discourse. For using the gifts of being in a quantum state with everything, they gave humanity on the planet two extra layers of DNA. And it happened all at once to only one of the 20 kinds of humans, the kind you have now. Only one kind was ready to receive this gift.
他们赋予地球的东西很难用三维语言来形容。因为,他们运用了在量子状态中与万物处在一起的天赋,来赋予地球人类两层额外的 DNA 。这件事在突然之间发生,而且只发生在 20 种人类当中的一种,就是你们如今的这个品种[智人]。只有一种人类准备好接收这份礼物。
Ask your anthropologists about this. Oh, don't ask them about the Pleiadians! Instead, ask them what happened about 100,000 years ago to Human Beings. They will tell you that against the natural odds of it happening, only one kind of Human Being emerged on the planet. What about the other 19? They slowly died away, unable to compete with the ones with the new DNA. This is counterintuitive to nature, and should raise the eyebrows of those who look at natural selection. So it is something to take note of, and provides proof of what I am telling you.
去问问人类学家关于这件事吧。喔,别问他们关于昴宿星人的事!相反的,去问他们,大约十万年前人类发生了什么事。他们会告诉你说,在违反自然界概率的情况之下,只有一种人类在地球上脱颖而出。另外 19 种呢?他们慢慢灭绝,无法与拥有新 DNA 的品种竞争。这是违背自然界常理的,而且应该让那些研究自然选择的人们感到惊讶。所以,这是需要注意的事项,它对我所说的事提供了证据。
[译注:关于人类从 20 个品种,最后演化成只剩下一种 “智人”,证据请看译者从维基百科整理出来的
This becomes the story of creation in much mythology on the planet. Since it happened so quickly and so recently in Earth's history, it carries with it the feeling that it was done all at once, with nothing having evolved to let it take place. Hence, the thought by many that evolution didn't happen at all, and that God created Humans instantly. You see? There is a seed of truth to all things, but they are often placed into a 3D box to make it easier to explain. A beautiful garden, temptation representing good and evil - this is, indeed, close to the metaphysical view of what happened when the one group of humans received their two new awareness DNA layers. For suddenly they began to act out the process of duality, the awareness of light and dark.
这件事成了地球上许多神话中的创世故事。因为它发生得如此迅速,而且在地球历史上是如此新近,所以它给人一种 “突然完成” 的感觉,无需任何演化就得以发生。因此,许多人的想法是,根本没有“进化”这回事,神是在瞬间把人类创造出来的。你瞧?所有事情当中都带有真相的种子,但它们经常被放进三维的盒子中,以便容易解释。一个美丽的花园、代表善与恶的引诱——这种说法,其实,是很接近于从形而上角度所看见的当时所发生的事,一群人接收了两层新意识 DNA 。突然间,他们开始表现出二元性的作用,开始意识到光明与黑暗的分别。
The extra layers were a set up for the test of Earth, which would become the only planet of free choice of its time. One layer would include the Akashic Record, the record of all the angelic souls who would come and go within the Human body. Humanity began to become spiritual - not all at once, but very, very slowly over another 50,000 years. Angels began the process of coming into the planet, using the Human body as the vehicle to create this test of Earth. Only then did the Human Being become what you start to see now. This means that true enlightened humanity is actually only about 50,000 years old - very new indeed!
那两层额外的 DNA 是为了地球的测试而设置的,地球将成为在它的时代中唯一拥有自由选择的星球。其中一层含有阿卡什纪录,记录所有裹在人身中进入和离开地球的天使灵魂。人类开始拥有灵性——不是在突然之间,而是非常、非常缓慢地,在接下来的五万年之中。天使开始来到地球上,以人身为载体来创造地球上的这项测试。直到那时,人类才开始变成你们如今所看见的样子。这意味着,真正的 “智人”,其实只有大约五万岁——真的非常年轻!
The earth was different then. So I would like to take you to approximately 40,000 years ago. Here is a great civilization on the planet, and it has existed in an elemental form already for more than 5,000 years. It was the grandest society the planet had ever seen - not huge in numbers, but in consciousness. It was not something that you would be emulating later, for it was part of the set-up of humanity. It was the Lemurian civilization. I've never identified how long they lasted, so I will now. What would you think of one society that lasted more than 20,000 years? They lived in peace. It would dwarf, would it not, anything that has ever happened in recorded society on the earth? Nothing you know of comes close to that.
Scientists say, "It's impossible. There were no societies that long ago." Indeed, there is no proof, and that, my dear Human Beings, is very much on purpose. For the planet does a very good job of erasing the marks of humanity. Just look at what you are studying today, for you can't find anything much older than 4,000 years! It has been churned up, mulched, ground under, washed away, and lost forever. To make the erasure even more complete, back then the society was on dry land in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Now it's not.
科学家说,“不可能的。那么久以前没有 ‘社会’。” 确实,那里没有证据,而这,我亲爱的人类,是故意的。地球在抹掉人类痕迹这方面很在行。就看看你们如今所学习的事物吧,你们不会找到任何超过四千年的东西!它们已经被搅动、覆盖、掩埋、冲走,并永远消失了。为了抹除得更完整,当时的社会是处在太平洋中央的陆地上。现在那里不再是陆地了。
The timeline: So the core of Lemurian beginnings was about 50,000 years ago. It took 10,000 years to call themselves united, and another 5,000 to begin to come together as a society with a common control center. The Lemurians had a full-fledged, mature civilization from 35,000 years ago to about 15,000 years ago. Remember that things lasted a very long time and were very slow in the early days of developing humanity. What takes you a year to do today may have taken hundreds back then. Language was an issue, communications was new, travel was very slow, and sovereignties had never even been tried. Whereas you might have two meetings a day, they would have two a year, often not even that. Their sense of time was far different in that they had a quantum consciousness, almost a timeless state of being.
Let me take you to Lemuria. Let me describe Earth at this time, for it was so different then. There are those who would laugh and scoff and make fun of these pronouncements. The Pacific Ocean is huge! "There was never a time when there was no water in it unless you go back millions of years." Not true. I didn't say all of it. I only said the portion where Lemurians settled. Let me paint the picture for you.
让我带你去利穆里亚。让我形容一下当时的地球,因为它非常不同。有些人会讥笑取笑嘲笑这些声明。太平洋是巨大的!“太平洋从来没有试过无水,除非你回到好几百万年前。” 不对。我不是说整座太平洋。我只是说利穆里亚人居住的那一部分。让我为你勾画出那幅景象。
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太平洋中央的夏威夷,最大的岛就是 “夏威夷岛”。 |
Planet Earth was rotating at 28 degrees on its axis. That was the tilt of the earth, and it's not the one you have today. In addition, geologically, the planet was much different 40,000 years ago. You were at the end of the greatest ice age you had ever experienced. The temperature of this planet is dependent on how much water is on it. The water cycle of the planet is what controls the temperature and the wind. What I'm showing you now in this vision is a very different Earth.
当时地球是以 28° 倾角在轴线上自转。这就是当时的地轴倾角,不是你们如今的倾角 [23°] 。另外,在地质上而言,四万年前的地球也非常不同。当时地球处在有史以来最盛大的冰河时期的末端。地球的气温取决于覆盖在地球上的水量有多少。地球的水循环是控制气温和季候风的因素。我现在所形容的景象是一个完全不同的地球。
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23° axis tilt, 28° axis tilt |
At that time, one-third of all of the water on the planet was ice. That created oceans a great deal different from the ones you see today. Let me take you to the Lemurian civilization. It was a much colder planet back then. Some of you are aware of what one-half of one degree in temperature change will do to life on Earth. If you had the average temperature of this planet dip by one-half a degree on an average, it would be significant. So let me tell you what it was then so you can imagine the changes. The average temperature of the atmosphere was eight degrees lower than it is now - very significant for the weather and very significant for the amount of water that was on the planet.
在当时,地球上三分之一的水是结成冰的。这种情况造就了与今天完全不同的海洋。当时地球是一个冷得多的星球。你们有些人知道,0.5° 的气温变化会对地球上的生命造成怎么样的影响。如果整个地球的平均温度普遍降低了 0.5°,那会是很重大的影响。那么让我告诉你当时的气温是多少,这样你们就可以想象那些变化。大气层的平均温度比现在低了 8° —— 对气候的影响非常重大,对地球水量的影响非常重大。
The average water level of the oceans of the planet was 133 meters lower than it is now - that's 400 feet lower. Can you imagine from the air what your continents would look like if the oceans were 400 feet lower than they are now? Mountain ranges would be exposed that are currently now underwater. It would be much different, would it not? The Lemurians lived successfully for more than 20,000 years around the base of the island you call Hawaii. This was, and remains, the highest mountain on the planet, measured from its base.
地球平均海平面比现在低了 133 米 —— 即低了400 尺。你能想象,如果海平面比现在低了 400 尺的话,那么从空中俯视,地球各大陆会是怎样的吗?如今的海底山脉都会露出水面。这会是完全不同的景象,不是吗?利穆里亚人在夏威夷岛的底部好好地生活了超过两万年。当时它是,现在也是,地球上最高的山,从它的底部算起。[译注:珠穆朗玛峰的高度是 8848 m]
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They were aware they lived in a basin, a valley, which was lower than the average water level of the earth. There was much water around the Lemurians. But the main seas were held back by some of the mountain ranges that are currently lower today, but which existed due to plate tectonics. And so you have an arrangement, a situation, which is complex. But they did have dry land in some of the places today that you call the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. They were also aware that for all of this time they were vulnerable to the water level of the planet, should it rise. As long as it stayed cool, they were fine. But they also knew they lived in the shadow of the "hot spot" of what we know today as a large tectonic plate. And they knew it would move, since it had before. The islands they worshiped upon were all active volcanoes. They were drawn to this energy of volcanism.
他们知道自己是生活在盆地中、在山谷中,比地球平均水位还要低的地方。利穆里亚人四周都被海水包围着。但是主要的几个海洋被一些山脉阻挡着,这些山脉如今比显得很低,但它们是由板块构造活动所形成的。那么现在你有一个地理布局,一个形势,而它是复杂的。但在当时,在你们如今所说的太平洋底下,确实是有一些干爽的陆地。他们也知道,一直以来他们都抵受不住地球水位的威胁,如果水位上升的话,他们就会被淹没。只要气温是冰冷的,他们就会没事。但他们也知道自己是生活在 “热点” 的阴影之下,就是我们如今所说的大板块。他们知道板块会移动,因为它曾经发生过。他们所崇拜的岛屿全都是活火山。他们被这种火山活动的能量所吸引。
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太平洋板块以每年半寸至四寸的速度缓缓向西北移动,但喷出岩浆的 “热点” 则是固定的,如此形成从西北向东南绵延的夏威夷海山链。 |
I have much more to tell you about the Lemurians. So let us move now to the spiritual part. There were a total of 350 million Lemurian souls who passed through the planet during their culture of 20,000 years. That's not many considering they went through 800 generations. Let me explain why.
Now, this is different, my partner, and this is specific. So translate it correctly. [Kryon speaking to Lee out loud for all to hear] Lemurians didn't reincarnate back as Lemurian. So what I'm saying spiritually is that there were almost 350 million individual, unique souls - not just Human souls, but 350 million angels took their turns going through the Lemurian culture as Humans, and didn't reincarnate. They came one time only. The Lemurian birth rate was not typical to what yours is today, not nearly what yours is today. It wasn't even a geometric progression like you have today. This is complicated. Biologically, there was a reason why the Lemurians did not have many children. It had to do with the temperature of the planet and their culture. Men were not as fertile as they are now. It also facilitated the spiritual aspects of what was needed. So all you must know is that of the Lemurian spiritual culture, 350 million souls is all there were, representing the longest-lasting society the earth has ever known. More on that in a moment.
Fifteen thousand years ago, the ice started melting, and the Lemurians knew it. It was slow, and they did their best to hold it back. By this time the Lemurians had become a sea-faring society, and most were in boats. They knew what was going to happen eventually, and they became very interested in ships. And this is when the Lemurian nation began to split up. It happened faster than they thought, because they didn't understand the significance of the new weight distribution of the water, and what it would do to the earth's crust movement [lots of earthquakes].
一万五千年前,冰海开始融化,而利穆里亚人知道这件事。冰海缓慢地融化,而他们竭尽全力去挡住海水。这时利穆里亚已经成了一个航海的社会,多数人都住在船上。他们知道最终将会发生什么事,因此对造船展现出高度的兴趣。这正是利穆里亚国土开始分裂之时。事情发生得比他们想象的还快,因为他们不了解水量重新分布意味着什么,也不知道它会对地壳活动造成什么影响 [导致许多地震]。
Their volcanic basin began to quiver and move faster, letting the water in. From 15,000 years ago to 10,000 years ago, the water balance of the earth changed and poured into the valleys of Lemuria. It filled up the valley between mountains. It wiped away all of anything they ever had in construction, anything they had ever built. Nature does that, you know. Go back and look at the ruins that are less than a thousand years old on the planet and see what has happened. Now think of ruins that are 15,000 years old under the ocean where the currents roar. There is nothing left. Some of the Lemurians stayed on the mountain, climbing it as the water rose. Ten thousand years ago, the water stopped rising, representing the water levels that are similar to what you see today. The top of the Lemurian capital mountain is now a series of islands called Hawaii.
The water cycle of the earth is what makes it warm and cold, and it is dynamic and always in motion. To leap forward many years, there have been many back and forth temperature changes of this planet. Almost all of them outlived each Human Being [meaning that no Human was alive long enough to see an entire cycle]. Cycles as short as 200 years were common. So most of humanity is unaware of anything except that it's changing, unaware of the normal cycles. You had several small ice cycles recently. Only a few hundred years ago, in the 1400s, you had one where the glaciers started to build up again. Temperatures of the planet went down a bit and then came back. It is typical of the planet and the way it works.
水循环 [洋流循环] 是决定地球温暖或寒冷的因素,它是动态的,永远都在进行中。让我们在时间线上往前跳好多年,地球上曾经有过许多次反反复复的气温变化。几乎所有水循环周期都比人类寿命更经久,[没有人长寿得足以见证整个周期]。只有两百年这么短的周期是很平常的。所以多数人都不知道什么事,只知道它是在变化中,却不知道它是正常的水循环。最近你们就有过好几个小冰期。就在几百年前,在 1400 年代,冰河就开始再次结冰。地球的气温下降了一点点,然后又升回来。这是地球的典型,也是水循环的运作模式。
温盐环流,是一个依靠海水的温度和含盐密度驱动的全球洋流循环系统。蓝线代表海底的寒流,红线代表海面的暖流。 赤道海面的低密度暖流由风力驱往高处,暖流在高纬度处被冷却后下沈到海底,这些高密度的水接着流入洋盆南下前往其他的暖洋位加热循环,一次循环耗时大约 1600 年。 |
The interesting thing is before these small little ice events, there is something that doesn't make sense to the Human Being. It gets warm! It's part of the cycle. You're having one again, and you're at the beginning of a water cycle that will turn to a lower temperature eventually. It's typical, cyclical, and normal. Just ask any rock.
Some of the Lemurians climbed the mountains and you can meet their ancestors today. They're called the Polynesians and they know all about the oceans. They know about the tides. They were there before the tides were there! They watched them build up and be created. They can take small, little craft and move from island to island, hundreds of kilometers apart, without a compass. They know the way it works, the oceans, the tides. Some even claim their ancestors to be Lemurian.
有些利穆里亚人爬到了山上,如今你能遇见他们的祖先 [译注:应该是后代吧?]。他们叫做波利尼西亚人,他们熟悉海洋。他们熟悉潮汐。他们在潮汐还没来到之前就已经在这里了!他们见证潮汐的形成。他们可以坐在小船中,从一座岛去到另一座岛,相隔几百公里远,而无需指南针。他们知道它的运作方式,海洋、潮汐。有些人甚至说他们的祖先是利穆里亚人。
Polynesia,是从希腊语而来,poly 是 “众多”,nesia 是 “岛群”。波利尼西亚是太平洋三个主要文化区域中最大的一个。波利尼西亚通常是指波利尼西亚三角洲里的岛群。波利尼西亚的三个端点分别是夏威夷群岛、纽西兰及复活节岛。 |
Ho‘okele, the Navigator 舵手 |
Polynesian Man in Traditional Dress |
The following is scientifically controversial, for what I'm going to tell you is that small meteor strikes were more common than believed, in these times. As little as 13,000 years ago and then 5,000 years ago, there were strikes. The last one of 5,000 years ago was bigger. It did two things for the planet. The first is that it created such a shift of the mantel of the planet that the earth moved from 28 degrees tilt to 23 and 1/3. It was quite an impact! That was only 5,000 years ago. The second is that it affected civilization. Much dust was thrown into the atmosphere up into what you call the stratosphere and the result mainly was rain. The rain terminated much of humanity. Many animals and many Humans died. It was needed, necessary, and we have spoken of it before. It was part of the plan. The main purpose was to erase all of the Lemurian knowledge and create many lakes for humanity to use. Science can see it in the strata, and it has even been associated with the mythology of a great worldwide flood and an ark.
接下来的事在科学上是有争议的,我要告诉你的是,小陨石撞击,在那时候发生得比人们所认为的还要普遍。小撞击如在一万三千年前的那一次,然后在五千年前,都曾经有过撞击。上一次在五千年前撞击的陨石比较大块。它对地球做了两件事。第一,它大大移动了地幔,地轴倾角瞬间由 28° 变成了 23° 又 1/3 。这是强劲的撞击!那只不过是五千年前的事。第二,它毁灭了人类文明。大量尘埃冲向大气层,冲入平流层,引起滂沱大雨。这场大雨终结了大部分人类。许多动物和许多人类灭绝了。这是需要的,必须的,而我们之前就已经讲过了。这是计划的一部分。它的主要目的是消除所有利穆里亚人的知识,并形成许多湖泊供人类使用。科学家可以从地层中看出来,这件事已经跟世界大洪水和方舟的神话结合在一起了。
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北美洲一些考古遗址对 12,900 年前的撞击事件提供了一些沉积物证据。图表显示磁粒子、微球体、碳粒子、玻璃粒子、和一些在地壳少见、但在陨石中常见的元素(如铱、铬、镍)。图表曲线中的最高值显示沉积在一个薄层中的元素。 |
It's interesting, is it not? There are those who would call themselves creationists. They will argue with you against the evolution of humanity. In a way, both sides are right. For the biology of humanity evolved very slowly. But the sacredness was given all at once, just like the story of the Garden of Eden, called Lemuria.
很有趣,对吗?有些人自称为创造论者。他们会与你争辩人类进化论。在某种程度上,其实双方都是对的。因为人类在生物方面的演化是非常缓慢的。但是神性在突然之间就被赋予了,就像伊甸园的故事一样,而我们的这个叫做 “利穆里亚”。
When we describe the times that we have given you in years, we consider where you sit right now as year zero. So we go back from zero to when we describe something 40,000 years ago, 100,000 years, or 10,000 years. This is opposed to a time frame that would be in reference to any prophet that ever lived. So for those who are interested in checking some of the history of the planet for verification of this message, do it backwards from this year as zero. If there are some actual dates that we wish to discuss, we will give them in the kind of date numbers you would expect and use.
当我们给出年份时,我们指的是 “距今” 多少年,我们把你们所处的年份视为 “零”。所以当我们说四万年前、十万年前、一万年前时,我们是从如今的 “零” 开始算起。这是相对于根据先知的出生年份计算的时间框架。所以对那些有兴趣查看地球历史以核实这个信息的人,请从今年的 “零” 开始往后算。如果有一些确切的日期是我们想要讨论的,我们会给出你们所惯用的日期数字。
The Lemurian civilization basically existed from 35,000 years to 15,000 years ago - the longest single-governed civilization on Earth. It was different from any society you will ever have, for we will review with you what happened. The whole reason for Lemuria and for all of the attributes of their DNA was to set a stage for what was to come. When the cook prepares the meal, quite often they will grease the pan, get all of the attributes ready for the actual food, and then proceed with much preparation that will enhance the food, but that does not include the actual food yet.
利穆里亚文明基本上存在于三万五千至一万五千年前——是地球上最长久的单一政府的文明。它跟任何你们将会拥有的社会都不同,我们会与你一起去看看当时发生了什么事。利穆里亚会存在的原因、他们所有的 DNA 特性,完全是为了将来在创造条件。当厨师在准备餐点时,他们往往会将锅涂上油,准备好所有烹饪材料,然后会进行准备功夫,以增添食物的美味,但那还不是真正的食物。
The Lemurians represented that relationship to Earth and you. In a spiritual way, the meal was being prepared. Therefore, we again tell you that they had a different Akashic attribute than you do. Three hundred and fifty million Lemurians existed for the lifetime of their culture. They were unique Lemurians, and with a few exceptions, each one had one life. You might say they were building the Akashic Record of the planet. Imagine the Cave of Creation with all of the crystals we have described as the souls on the planet. Each time an angel would come in and be a Lemurian for a little while. The essence of their energy would then be placed into the planet. The crystal with their name on it would go into the cave. Some of these things will not make sense to those of you who have not heard this story before about the Cave of Creation. The entire Lemurian civilization was to build the Cave of Creation and to implant it with the energy of 350 million souls. And in all of their history, there were only a few thousand that had past lives that would come again as a Lemurian - most being their scientists. The rest of them would live a life and then back away and wait for the civilization to be complete [speaking of the angels who represent the different souls of humanity]. This was on purpose, and was in order to seed the planet spiritually with what was to come, and increase the crystalline value of the Cave of Creation.
利穆里亚人代表了地球与你的那份关系。在灵性层面上,餐点正在准备中。因此,我们再次告诉你,他们拥有与你完全不同的阿卡什特质。三亿五千万个利穆里亚人在他们的文化期间生活于地球之上。他们是独特的利穆里亚人,除了少数人例外,每个人都只有一生。你可以说,他们是在打造地球的阿卡什纪录。想像一下,创造之穴跟所有那些代表着地球上的灵魂的水晶。每一次,一位天使会来到地球作为利穆里亚人生活一段时间。然后他们的能量本质会被植入地球。带有他们名字的那块水晶会进入创造之穴。对于那些没有听过“创造之穴”的人而言,这是不可理喻的。整个利穆里亚文明就是为了建设“创造之穴”,把三亿五千万个灵魂的能量植入其中。在他们的整段历史之中,只有几千人会再次转世为利穆里亚人——多数是他们的科学家。其他人只会活一次,然后就退出等待整个文明的完成 [在讲着那些代表人类各种灵魂的天使]。这是故意的,是为了在灵性层面种下地球将来的种子,为了增加创造之穴的水晶价值。
The Lemurians saw what was happening. As we told you, about 15,000 years ago, the ice began to melt, and it did so slowly for at least another 5,000 years. You might say they had plenty of time to prepare, and so they did. What they did first was to become a sea-faring nation building ships. Slowly, many of them left the valley that they were in, which was already slowly flooding, as the ice melted and the waters rose on the planet. So you might say that there is part of Lemurian society that populated the edges of other land masses via ship. Look for them in New Zealand, Easter Island - not much left there - and the large continent of what you call the Americas. They were on the West Coast areas you call Alaska and the bridge to the other continent. They were there. Many of them went to the mountain called Shasta and they existed there in their Human form long before they put themselves into the mountain as interdimensional beings.
利穆里亚人看见正在发生的事。就如我们所说的,大约一万五千年前,冰海开始融化,它融化得如此缓慢以至于用了至少五千年的时间。你可以说他们拥有充分的时间来准备,而他们确实如此。他们所做的第一件事就是成为一个航海造船的国家。慢慢地,很多人离开了他们所在的山谷,在冰海开始融化和地球水位开始上升之际,他们的国土也慢慢地被淹没。所以你可以说,利穆里亚社会的一部分人坐船移居到其他陆地的边缘地区。你们可以在纽西兰、复活节岛找到他们的遗迹——但也所剩无几了——还有在美洲大陆。他们在西岸地区叫做阿拉斯加的地方,还有在连接其他大陆的 “大陆桥”。他们在那里。他们当中有很多人去了相思塔山,他们在那里以人类形态生活了很久,然后才渗入山中成为跨维度存有。
在冰河时期,白令海的水面降低,白令海峡成为一座白令海陆桥。 |
Mount Shasta on World Map![]() Mount Shasta, California |
Some of them started other societies in combination with other Humans who had traveled far from the core, and had forgotten their lineage completely. One of the cultures was called Summerian, and was in the Middle East. This eventually led to the Egyptian culture many years later. It's odd that this is where you think history actually started!
他们有些跟其他人混合群居成了新的社会,他们已经远涉到离开核心文明很远的地方,完全遗忘了自己的血系。其中一个文明叫做 “苏美尔”,在中东。多年以后,它发展成了埃及文明。你们认为历史是从中东开始的这种想法是很奇怪的。
Now here is something we have not told you before. All evidence of old Lemuria has been erased. The ocean currents under the seas are very strong; almost like rivers they surge, washing with sand and silt for eons. So there are those who say, "That means we'll never find the artifacts of Lemuria." Not only will you find some, you have already, and many are hiding them. Because when these collectors show them to science, they'll be laughed at. For there will be an oxymoron... a contradiction within the actual artifact. It will be too old to be what it is! At least according to modern thinking, that is. What would happen if you found an automobile part that carbon dated to 3,000 years ago? It would be an artifact that "couldn't exist." That's what the artifacts of Lemuria will be like. For they will be charts of the stars and biological information that "couldn't have been known."
呐,这里有一些我们没有讲过的事。旧利穆里亚的所有证据都已经被消除了。深海洋流是非常强劲的,它几乎像河流一样翻腾,无数年来一直以沙子和淤泥来冲刷利穆里亚的遗迹。所以有些人会说,“那意味着我们永远找不到利穆里亚的文物了。” 你们不只会找到,而且早就找到了,许多人都在把它藏起来。因为当这些收藏家向科学家展示这些物件时,他们会被人嘲笑的。因为它会展现出一种矛盾……那些文物本身就是一个矛盾。这么久远的年代以前是不可能有这种东西的!至少现代人是这么认为的。如果说你找到一个汽车零件,碳年代测定显示它是三千年前的物件,你会有什么反应呢?它会是一件 “不可能存在” 的文物。利穆里亚文物就会是这样的。因为它们会是一些 “古人不可能知道” 的星象图和生物学信息。
And why would anyone be able to have an artifact of Lemuria? I just told you that Lemuria is washed away. It's because of the ships! Many of them went down in storms carrying everyday Lemurian objects - artifacts. Some are waiting to be found, and some have already been found and sequestered by collectors who cannot get anyone to look at them because they don't make sense. There's more.
There are those who would confuse Lemuria with what you have called Atlantis. Now here is information that many won't believe. For not much is really known about Atlantis. Your historians are guessing. Let me tell you about Atlantis. There are two of them - old Atlantis and young Atlantis. They are far, far apart, both physically and in time. The one that is being searched for now is much younger than you might think. For the new Atlantis civilization had a great deal of similarity to the Egyptian civilization at the same time. One was a result of evolution of men from Western Europe, and the other was a result of evolution of men from the Middle East.
"Kryon, where is the most recent Atlantis?" Well, let me give you a hint: It is close by. Look for it on the other side of the boot. That's all I'm going to say. [Remember that this channelling was being given in the western Mediterranean Sea, so these referenced directions are from where the cruise ship was in the ocean at that moment. The other side of the boot (other side of the bottom of Italy), from where the ship was sailing, places it near Greece and Crete. The cruise ship had just left Rome when this information was given.]
“克里昂,新阿特兰提斯在哪里?” 好,让我给你一个提示:就在附近。去靴子[意大利]的另一边寻找它。我要说的只有这么多。[记得,这个通灵信息是在西地中海给出的,所以这些方向是从邮轮当时在海面上的位置作为基准。(邮轮从西班牙出发),当这个信息被给出时,邮轮刚刚离开了(意大利首都)罗马。]
"Kryon, where is old Atlantis?" The answer is that it was in the Pacific, far from the newer one, and ancient in comparison. It was a settlement of Lemuria, and did not hold the Lemurian consciousness for long. It became the model for slavery and decadence. Technology was misused. It is not for me to give more about that now.
“克里昂,旧阿特兰提斯在哪里?” 答案是:在太平洋里,离这个新的很远,年代也同样更久远。它是利穆里亚的落居地,但并没有保持利穆里亚意识太久。它成了奴役和堕落的模范。科技被滥用了。现在我不想讲太多。
So now you know about the Lemurians. You also know that they are not what you have today in the way of consciousness. They're part of the set-up of the test, and you have lost a piece and a part of the activation of the DNA that they had through the energy you have selected for your duality. And that is free choice, to see if you can realize it and get it back. And that is the quantum part of DNA. It is what we have called the Lemurian and Pleiadian layers and one of them is the Akashic Record. Now, if you're putting this together, you'll also realize that Lemurians were responsible for the creation of the cosmic Akashic Record of Earth.
那么现在你们知道了关于利穆里亚人的事。你们也知道,他们的意识层次不是你们能够与之相比的。他们是地球测试的设置的一部分,你们已经失去了他们所拥有的激活的 DNA 片段和部分,因为你们选择了二元性的能量。这是自由选择,以测试你们是否能够觉察到这种失落并把它找回来。而这是 DNA 的量子部分。它是我们所说的 “利穆里亚层” [ DNA 第七层] 和 “昴宿星层” [ DNA 第八层],其中一层 [第八层] 是阿卡什纪录。现在,如果你把这些都摆在一起看,你会意识到,利穆里亚人也负责创造地球的宇宙阿卡什纪录。
The water cycle is one of the most important contributors to changes of weather on the planet. The second is volcanic activity. The third are impacts from space. And you've had them all in recent history. What you have right now you have named global warming. It shocks and worries the scientists. Part of the reason is because these cycles take longer than one Human lifetime to develop, therefore nobody in modern history has seen the big picture. You had this before and here it is again. It is the change in a water cycle and it happens naturally and normally. It is the way the earth works and balances itself. You have large water cycle changes and small ones. You'll have many small ones between the large ones. That's the way the earth works. The last small little ice age you had was in the 1200s to 1400s, as you indicate time. Humans were here, and they survived. Right now you have the beginning of another one. But the scientists are not calling it the beginning of a mini-ice age. Instead, they're calling it warming! It's because they do not understand the water cycle. They're seeing it in what we would call a microcosm instead of a macrocosm.
水循环[洋流循环]是其中一个最重要的地球气候变迁的促成因素。第二是火山活动。第三是来自外太空的撞击。而你们在近代历史中都经历过了这些事。你们目前所遇到的情况,你们叫做全球暖化。科学家对此感到震惊和忧虑。部分的原因是因为这些循环周期比人类的寿命还要长,所以在近代历史中没有人见过那幅全貌。气候变迁在以前发生过,现在又来了。它是水循环的变化,它是自然发生的,是正常的。它是地球的运作方式,是地球自我平衡的方式。有大的水循环周期,也有小的水循环周期。在大的周期当中会有许多小的周期。那就是地球的运作方式。上一次小冰期是发生在 1200 年代到 1400 年代,如果你要显示它的确切时间的话。当时人类在地球上,他们存活下来了。现在你们正处于另一个小冰期的开端。但是科学家不把它称为迷你冰河时期。相反的,他们把它称为暖化!这是因为他们不了解水循环[洋流循环]。他们只以微观的角度来看待这件事,而不是以宏观的角度。
两千年来的温度变化 |
It may seem odd to you that a cold time starts with the warming, but if you know the dynamics of the water cycle, it makes total sense. None of you in this room will see the whole cycle, for it will be slower than your lifetime. You'll have to wait until the next time around. For the water cycles vary in length. The little ones can last as short as 150 years, and as long as 400 years and you are at the beginning of a medium one. Do not fear it, for it's part of the earth, and the way it balances itself. Now there are those who said, "Well, what about the thought that Humans have created this? Does that mean they're wrong?" Here is the truth, and you will know this someday: Humans are not responsible for the water cycle. However, what Humans have done is advanced the timing of this one so it is a little earlier than it was going to be. Yes, you have affected it, but you didn't cause it.
要说一段寒冷时期是由暖化开始的,可能很奇怪,但如果你知道水循环的动态变化,它就会显得完全合理了。现场没有一个人会看见完整的循环周期,因为它进行得比你的一生还要缓慢。你需要等到下辈子才能见到。因为每个水循环[洋流循环]的周期是不同的。小的周期可以只有 150 年这么短,也可以有 400 年这么长,而你们正处于一个中型周期的开端。别害怕,因为它是地球的一部分,是地球自我平衡的方式。现在有些人会说,“嗯,对于那些认为是人类造成气候变迁的想法呢?是不是说他们都错了?” 真相是,有一天你们也会知道的:人类与水循环无关。无论如何,人类所做的是,把它的时间表推前了,所以它比原本的时间提早了一点点到来。是的,你们影响了它,但是你们没有造成气候变迁。
There are so many who want to know more about earthquakes, so I'll reveal another function. Like the water cycle, they are part of a shifting planet. They are actually related to the water cycle. Indeed, you had an event recently which caused a tsunami, which increased Human compassion on the planet. This was one of the greatest earthquakes in the history of your lifetime. Occurring under the ocean, it was so large that it actually slowed the rotation of the planet a small amount. And this one event will not settle down for some years. What I'm going to tell you may go against geological logic, but it's the way the earth works. The slowing of the rotation of the planet has caused a slightly different ratio of speed between the molten core of the earth and its crust. So the earth will continue to adjust until those speeds are back to what it was used to.
有许多人想要知道更多关于地震的事,所以我会揭露地震的另一项功能。就像水循环一样,它们是地球转变的一部分。地震其实和水循环是有关联的。确实,你们近年经历了一场引发海啸的大地震 [2004 年南亚大地震],它大大激发了地球人的同情心。这是你们人生中所经历过的最惨重的地震之一。发生在深海底下,这场地震强大得让地球的自转减速了一点点。这件事不会在几年间安定下来。我所要说的事,也许违反了地质学的逻辑,但它是地球的运作方式。地球自转的减速已经在地核及地壳之间造成一种自转速率微差。所以地球会一直进行调整,直到两者的自转速率恢复原状为止。 |
The places where the earth will reverberate the most for a few years is around the equatorial marks, for they are the furthest from the core of the planet, and the most volatile. As the planet spins, they are the ones that will tend to bulge out the most. Therefore, they will be affected due to the fact that they are the most unsettled. I've just said to look for more earthquakes at the equator. None of these things will create doom and gloom on this planet. Instead, it is simply part of Earth shifting. Lightworker, do not worry about these things, for the system says you'll be at the right place at the right time. Then, do not assume what right place means. You are dearly loved and all things are appropriate when you are in control of your life.
这几年在地球上反响得最厉害的地方将会是赤道地区,因为它们距离地核最远,所以是最不稳定的。当地球自转时,赤道地区将会是凸出最多的地方。因此,它们很容易受到地球自转速率变化的影响,因为它们是最不稳定的地方。我刚刚说的是,赤道地区会发生更多地震。任何这些事都不会在地球上造成毁灭和幽暗。相反的,它只是地球转变的一部分。光之工作者,别担心这些事,因为系统说你们会在正确的时刻处在正确的地方。然而,请别假设 “正确的地方” 是指哪里。你们都被深爱着,当你能够掌控自己的生命时,所有事情都是恰当的。
Looking at the lineage of the planet, we have information. It wasn't until the year 1900 that the actual new enlightenment process started on the planet. Indeed, there was not much before then. It then took 87 more years to bring the vibration of the planet up to a point of decisions - decisions about vibration and the future. Whereas all the prophets said that you would have a termination at approximately the millennium shift, instead you changed the vibration of this planet to a rate where that did not have to happen. Make no mistake, there was no plan of God's to terminate this planet. It was the vibration of the test that you had created over the eons. Humans create their own futures. You create your own prophecy. It is the consciousness of the planet that does it. You, therefore, created a different future than any of the prophets had seen, and now almost all of the prophesy from before 1987 is moot. You are on a completely different track.
关于人类在地球上的血系,我们有一些消息。直到 1900 年代,地球上的新觉悟过程才算真正开始。确实,在那之前并没有多少人觉悟。然后人类用了 87 年的时间才把地球的振动提高到一个决定点——决定地球的振动频率和未来的方向 [译注:和谐汇聚]。正当地球上的所有先知都说人类大约会在进入 2000 年的转变时刻被终结时,你们却改变了地球的振动频率以避过这场灾祸。不要搞错了,神并没有任何要终结地球的计划。那是你们在久远以来的测试中所创造出来的振动频率。是人类在创造自己的未来。你创造你自己的预言。它是由地球的意识所创造的。你,因此,创造了一个不同于任何先知所预见的未来,现在几乎所有在 1987 年之前所给出的预言都是无效的。你们已经处在一条完全不同的轨道上。
Now let me tell you something that you may love to hear. Between 1987 and 2007, something amazing happened. Due to the new energy, the crystals awakened in the Cave of Creation that had Lemurian names. They whispered, "Time to come back!" Three hundred and fifty million of them. Listen to this, listen - all of the Lemurians who ever lived on this planet are alive again in Human bodies right now and are back! They are spread all over the globe. Listen, I've got a roomful of them right here. I'm looking at them. And that's why you're here, dear one. That's why you're reading this. And you wonder why you resound with these things? You wonder why you're vibrating higher? You wonder why there's an alliance with your cellular structure and the Kryon? It's because you're Lemurian, an old soul in a new energy.
现在让我告诉你一些你们喜欢听到的事。在 1987 到 2007 年之间,有些惊奇的事发生了。由于新能量的缘故,创造之穴里拥有利穆里亚名字的水晶觉醒了。他们低语道,“是时候回来了!” 三亿五千万个灵魂。听好了,听着——所有曾经生活在地球上的利穆里亚人,现在都在人身中复活了,都回来了!他们散布在全球各地。听着,这一整间房里都是利穆里亚人。我正在看着他们。这就是你会在这里的原因,亲爱的。这就是你会在阅读的原因。你想知道为什么你会与这些事情产生共鸣吗?你想知道为什么你会振动得更高吗?你想知道为什么你的细胞结构会与克里昂有连结吗?因为你是利穆里亚人,在新能量中的老灵魂。
"Kryon, does that mean my soul hasn't been here before 1900?" Now that answer is complicated. Pieces and parts were here, but not the full Lemurian core energy. You think of yourself as one entity, one soul, one name, and one face. But you're not. You're a combination of many energies. It's difficult to explain, if not impossible. Each time you arrive, you're like the soup that gets made and comes to the planet. There is a Higher-Self, which is the same core energy every time. But what surrounds it has great spiritual variety. But now some of you are back with the Lemurians' core energy surrounding you, something that hasn't happened for 50,000 years. Those pieces of DNA are being re-activated.
“克里昂,你是说,在 1900 年代之前,我的灵魂不在这里呢?” 嗯,它的答案是很复杂的。有些片段和部分是在这里,但不是完整的利穆里亚核心能量。你认为自己是一个个体,一个灵魂,一个名字,一张脸孔。但你不是。你是许多能量的结合体。这是很难解释的。每次当你来到地球上时,你就像是熬好的汤一样到来。你有一个高我,每次都是同样的这个核心能量来到地球上。但是跟在高我周围一起到来的灵性能量就非常多样化。然而这次你们有些人是在利穆里亚核心能量的围绕下到回来的,这是五万年来都没有发生过的事。那些[利穆里亚的] DNA 片段正被重新激活。
Listen to what I've been telling you for years: Less than one-half of one percent of this planet has to awaken to make a difference in the vibration for all. You will move into 2012 with a new vibration. Less than one-half of one percent of seven billion people have to awaken. It's not that many. In fact, it's only 10% of the 350 million Lemurians who are alive today - a very reasonable percentage.
听听我在多年来一直在讲的事:地球上少于一巴仙的一半 [少于三千五百万] 人口需要觉醒以便提高全部人的振动频率。你们会带着新的振动频率进入 2012 年。七十亿人口中少于一巴仙的一半需要觉醒。这并不是很多。事实上,这只不过是目前活着的三亿五千万个利穆里亚人当中的十巴仙 ——很合理的比例。
[地球人口 70 亿 x 1% x 0.5 = 3 千 500 万人]
Where are you in this puzzle? How long is civilization supposed to last? I will tell you. The answer is your future, and you will decide that. You are totally in control of it, so it can go as long as you wish. But I will tell you how long the test was designed for. Some of you will laugh. There are many kinds of popular numbers that float around a culture that have become doctrine and mythology. But quite often there is core truth to their importance. One of them, which appears many times as many things, is 144,000. It's intuitive and you all know it. It represents the length of the test in years - 144,000 years.
你们处在谜题中的什么阶段呢?人类文明会持续多久呢?我会告诉你。答案是:你们的未来,由你们来决定。你们完全掌握着你们的未来,所以你们想要持续多久,它就会持续多久。但我会告诉你这个测试的预设时间是多久。你们也许会笑出来。有许多受大众喜爱的数字流传于一种文化当中,并成了信条和神话。但往往它们的重要性是有一个核心真相的。其中一个,在许多事情中出现许多次的,就是 144,000。你们在直觉上都知道这个数字。它代表了测试的长度—— 14 万 4 千年。
You sit at the 100,000 mark (measured from when the Pleiadians came). You see, there's plenty of time left if you don't destroy yourselves, and Lemurians can change that. They already have. You have a time coming up that is going to be what we call cooperative or commensurate with this entire growth. And the Mayans prophesied it. The energy of Gaia itself will start beginning to shift in 2012. A cycle that will last longer than 1,000 years will occur, one that is more friendly to your spiritual growth than the energy that you were born in.
你们就处在第十万年(从昴宿星人到来时算起)。你瞧,如果你们决定不要自我毁灭的话,剩下的时间会有多么长呢,而利穆里亚人就有能力作出这种改变。他们已经这样做了。你们将迎来一个时代,我们称为 “合作的时代”,它的能量将与人类日益增长的能量相称。玛雅人已经预言了这个时代的到来。盖娅本身的能量会在 2012 年开始转变。一个持续超过一千年以上的周期将会出现,比起你们出生时的能量,它将会是一个更适合人类的灵性增长的时代。
The question has been asked, "So, when are we going to meet your brothers? When will the Pleiadians return to the planet?" Oh, I don't think it's a mystery to any of you. They visit regularly. Some see them, some don't. There's no sinister plan, dear ones. When they watch you, they watch in love to see how the garden is growing. Should you last through the 144,000 years, at the end of the test you will be just like them - a planet that is enlightened, one with the attributes of the Great Central Sun. [Kryon smile]
有人问道,“那么,我们何时会遇见我们的兄弟呢?昴宿星人何时会回到地球上呢?” 啊,我想这已经不是什么神秘的事了。他们定期到访。有些人看得见他们,有些人看不见。他们并没有什么阴谋,亲爱的。当他们看着地球时,他们是在慈爱中看着这个花园长得怎么样了。 要是你们能够撑到 14 万 4 千年之后,在测试的终点,你们就会变得和他们一模一样——成为一个开悟的星球,拥有大中央太阳的特质。[克里昂微笑]
And I'll tell you something that many of you don't want to hear. If you're a Lemurian in the room, you're going to be there! That's how many lifetimes you've got left. That's how much you love the earth. We've told you many times before, as a Human you look in the mirror and spiritually you say, "I'm tired. I'm not going to come back." You say, "I've done my job. This is a lot of work. I don't want to go through this again." Then you make up your Human mind and you have a one-sided conversation with God about coming back... and that's funny. [Kryon laughter]
而我会说一些你们许多人都不想听见的事。如果你是这间房里的利穆里亚人,你将会撑到那个时候!那就是你们还要转生的次数有多少。那就是你们对地球的爱有多深。我们已经讲过很多次,作为人类,你看着镜子并在灵性上说,“我很累了。我不会再到回来了。” 你说,“我已经完成使命了。那是大量的工作。我不要再经历这些了。” 然后你在你的人类心中拿定主意,你和神进行单方面对话,诉说着你不要再到回来这件事……真好笑。[克里昂大笑]
You're all coming back! It's what you do. You can hardly wait. "Tired" is Human talk. There is no tired on the other side of the veil, only compassion. This test you're in, it's all about compassion. 1987 brought the Harmonic Convergence. 2002, the completion of the magnetic grid and the beginning of the crystalline experience. 2004, the tsunami and the Venus Transit. 2012, another Venus Transit. These are the delivery events of compassionate feminine energy to this world, to be picked up and used slowly so you can move into the next energy with integrity. It provides a compassionate balance to a planet that has not been balanced for eons.
你们全都会到回来!那就是你会做的事。你简直就迫不及待。“累” 只是人类的说法。在帷幕的另一边是没有疲累的,只有同情心。你们所在的这项测试,全都与同情心有关。1987 年带来了 “和谐汇聚”。2002 年,磁力栅格的移动工作完成了,接下来是水晶栅格的改变。2004 年,大海啸和金星凌日。2012 年,另一次金星凌日。这些事件把充满同情心的女性能量传送到世界上,这些能量等着被人类汲取和慢慢使用,如此你们就能够在完整的能量中进入下一阶段。这些事为长久失衡的地球创造了一种充满同情心的能量平衡。
"Kryon, if you could give a marker of where we are now, how are we doing?" You wouldn't be here right now with this channelling going on unless it were right where it belongs. There'll come a time when you look back on this history and you will call this time the dark ages of enlightenment. And some of you know it. This is the time where the door is simply being opened slowly for the light of spiritual understanding. Here's a term that may not translate correctly in all languages, but the time you are in now will come to be known as the age of conflicting monotheism. Everyone agrees there is one God. But no one agrees which one. That's what you're going to have to figure out next, and just as you look back on some of your history and see how that was solved, this one will be solved as well.
“克里昂,你能不能给出一个标记,说明我们如今所处的阶段,和我们表现得怎样?” 你们不会在这里听着这个通灵,除非它是适得其所的事。总有一天,当你们回顾这段时期,你们会称它为 “开悟的黑暗时期”。你们有些人知道这一点。目前只不过是那扇门慢慢地为灵性知识而打开的时刻。这里有一个名词,它在任何语言中都无法被正确地解释,你们目前所处的时期,将来会被称为 “矛盾的一神论时期”。每个人都同意有一个神。但是没有人同意到底谁才是神。这就是你们在下一阶段需要搞清楚的事,而当你们回顾历史上对于神的疑问是怎么解决的时候,这个问题也会同时得到解答。
I close now. What is the energy of the day? I'll give it to you. Compassion and synchronicity. How much light can you send to those around you? Can you send light to a Human Being on this vessel who needs it without them necessarily participating in the meeting, or even knowing about this energy, or having any idea about God? Can you temper someone's sorrow? Do you have the ability to hold their hand with light? Let me tell you something. The system brought them here so you could do exactly that. Do you accept that? Then do it, Lemurian. Do it.
Welcome to a new age.
And so it is.
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地球的自转轴,相对于绕着太阳公转的轨道平面,倾斜了23.5° |
地球的转轴倾角大约是 23.44° ,虽然在一整年之中转轴倾角都朝着相同的方向,但是因为地球绕着太阳运行,因此原先朝向太阳的半球会逐渐改变成背离太阳的半球,反之亦然。这种作用是造成季节变化的主要原因。
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Hokule‘a, 1985-87 Voyage of Rediscovery. |
Polynesian navigation is a system of navigation used by Polynesians to make long voyages across thousands of miles of open ocean. Navigators travel to small inhabited islands using only their own senses and knowledge passed by oral tradition from navigator to apprentice, often in the form of song. In order to locate directions at various times of day and year, Polynesian navigators memorize important facts: the motion of specific stars, so where they would rise and set on the horizon of the ocean; weather and the seasons of travel; wildlife species (which gather at particular positions); the direction, size and, speed of ocean waves; colors of the sea and sky, especially how clouds would cluster at the locations of some islands; and angles for approaching harbours.
The Hawaiian Polynesian Voyaging Society, which was established in 1973, built a replica of an ancient double-hulled canoe called the Hōkūle‘a, whose crew successfully navigated the Pacific Ocean from Hawaiʻi to Tahiti in 1976 without instruments. In 1980, a Hawaiian named Nainoa Thompson invented a new method of non instrument navigation (called the "modern Hawaiian wayfinding system"), enabling him to complete the voyage from Hawaiʻi to Tahiti and back. In 1987, a Māori named Matahi Whakataka (Greg Brightwell) and his mentor Francis Cowan sailed from Tahiti to Aotearoa without instruments.
夏威夷波利尼西亚航海协会,成立于 1973 年。他们复制了一只古代双体独木舟,取名为 “霍库莉雅” [意为 “大角星”,在夏威夷上方的一颗极星]。在 1976 年,霍库莉雅号成功进行了一次无仪器导航的航行,在太平洋上从夏威夷航行到塔希提。在 1980 年,一个名为奈诺阿.汤普森的夏威夷人发明了一种新的无仪器航行方法(称为 “现代夏威夷导向系统” ),让他成功完成了一次来回于夏威夷和塔希提之间的双程航行。在 1987 年,一个名为马塔希.瓦卡塔卡(葛列格.布赖特韦尔)的毛利人和他的导师弗朗西斯.科文,在无仪器导航的情况下从塔希提航行到奥特亚罗瓦 [毛利语中的纽西兰]。
Wikipedia:《Polynesian Navigation》
Polynesian Voyaging Society: 《Voyage of Rediscovery: 1985-87》
I. 约旦河古城所多玛与蛾摩拉(Sodom and Gomorrah)之毁灭
《圣经·创世记》14:2-3 中提到,所多玛与蛾摩拉是约旦河平原(死海的东南面)五城中的两个。该五城分别是所多玛、蛾摩拉、押玛(Admah)、锡伯尼(Zeboim)和琐珥(Zoar)。当时约旦河的全平原都是滋润的。
6)五千年前陨石撞击的考古证据 |
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《圣经·创世记》14:2-3 中提到,所多玛与蛾摩拉是约旦河平原(死海的东南面)五城中的两个。该五城分别是所多玛、蛾摩拉、押玛(Admah)、锡伯尼(Zeboim)和琐珥(Zoar)。当时约旦河的全平原都是滋润的。
大英博物馆收藏着一件古苏美尔文化的星相泥盘,泥盘上记载了发生在公元前 3123 年 6 月 29 日的一次 “小行星撞地球” 事件。天文学家与工程师几乎能辨识出各星座;但有一未知图形及楔形文字困扰着他们。大英博物馆召集了一组专家解读出来,文字的译文为 “发光物体急速飞过”。其由双鱼座方向穿过飞马座,再由天鹰座坠落于地平线。
科学家利用火箭飞行软体,计算当日地球自转及该小行星运行轨道,计算出其并非直接撞上死海附近,而是撞击奥地利的阿尔卑斯山。但其并未直接撞击地球,而是在山脉上方爆炸。其威力是核武的 100 倍,产生了砂石尘土混杂的蕈状云,以每秒 5 公里的速度喷向数百哩的高空,弥漫了整个地中海地区,估计这道烟柱有 900 公里高。
接着大体积碎石再从高空中落下,与大气层摩擦,产生了大量陨石、火球,落在离爆炸地点 1500 哩外的死海地区 [约旦],使死海地区在 1 秒钟内,地表温度飙高到 400 摄氏度,被火球直接砸到的人瞬间燃烧死亡。原本富饶的中东化为沙漠。
大英博物馆收藏着一件古苏美尔文化的星相泥盘,泥盘上记载了发生在公元前 3123 年 6 月 29 日的一次 “小行星撞地球” 事件。天文学家与工程师几乎能辨识出各星座;但有一未知图形及楔形文字困扰着他们。大英博物馆召集了一组专家解读出来,文字的译文为 “发光物体急速飞过”。其由双鱼座方向穿过飞马座,再由天鹰座坠落于地平线。
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(想象组合图) |
科学家利用火箭飞行软体,计算当日地球自转及该小行星运行轨道,计算出其并非直接撞上死海附近,而是撞击奥地利的阿尔卑斯山。但其并未直接撞击地球,而是在山脉上方爆炸。其威力是核武的 100 倍,产生了砂石尘土混杂的蕈状云,以每秒 5 公里的速度喷向数百哩的高空,弥漫了整个地中海地区,估计这道烟柱有 900 公里高。
接着大体积碎石再从高空中落下,与大气层摩擦,产生了大量陨石、火球,落在离爆炸地点 1500 哩外的死海地区 [约旦],使死海地区在 1 秒钟内,地表温度飙高到 400 摄氏度,被火球直接砸到的人瞬间燃烧死亡。原本富饶的中东化为沙漠。
东方网:《科学家破译神秘星座图 小行星5000年前撞地球》 2008年4月1日
东方网:《科学家破译神秘星座图 小行星5000年前撞地球》 2008年4月1日
Fox News:《Researchers: Asteroid Destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah》 Published April 01, 2008,2933,343674,00.html
Ark Discovery:《Sodom and Gomorrah:The Cities of the Plain——Ash and Brimstone Remain》
II. 印度河流域古城哈拉帕与摩亨佐-达罗(Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro)之毁灭
考古学家在摩亨约‧达罗地区 [印度语为死亡之丘] 挖掘发现,在这个古城,居民们生活在一个高度文明的社会中。但是,这个繁荣的小城,却在一夜之间毁灭,城中居民也在瞬间全部死亡。而且,这种爆炸短暂且威力无比,导致了城市和绝大多数居民化为尘埃。
科学家认为:“这座城市是毁灭于一次核弹爆炸。” 因为,他们发现土层中含有粘土和绿色晶体,他们猜测这是土壤遭受高温留下来的证据。而其他考古学家也发现,这个千年古印度城市遗留下来的残骸证明,当时,城市建筑被一场高温熔化,并且这个温度不低于 1,500 摄氏度。
他们还在这个高温中心发现,所有建筑都是被瞬间夷平、熔化的。同时,还发现,在这个城市上惟一残留下来的几十副动物和人类骨架中,辐射超过了一般标准的 50 倍。
大纪元:《科学家:揭古印度的史前核爆炸之谜》 2012年01月18日
《Nuclear Events in Ancient India?》
III. 中国新石器时代红山文化之毁灭
红山文化是中国东北地区的新石器时代文化,亦称史前文化,距今约 5000 年前。红山,意为 “红色的山峰”,它位于内蒙古自治区赤峰市东北郊。
中华始祖黄帝来自北方,黄帝文化的早期阶段是红山文化。可是,灿烂的红山文化却在距今 5000 年左右突然消失得无影无踪,等到此后接续的夏家店文明出现时,中间的文化断层长达整整 1000 年之久!
考古学家在内蒙古发现一幅距今约 5000 年的史前壁画。这幅岩画磨刻在一块磁铁石上,其中有人类、房屋和带有「尾巴」的火球等符号。专家推断,这很可能是陨石降落史前人类居所的景象。从周边出土文物和岩画磨刻方式判断,岩画出现于距今 5000 年左右的红山文化晚期。
岩画上刻着 18 个造型奇特的符号,其中有类似人体、圆顶房屋和携带「尾巴」的火球等符号。他推测,这显示「夜幕降临,史前土著人狩猎而归、即将走进圆顶房子,这时一个火球突然从东北方向的天空飞来。」
中国诚日报:《5000年前内蒙古史前壁画 叙述陨石袭击》 Aug 28, 2011
这次撞击发生的地域非常广,从晋北一直到冀中,甚至可能延伸到渤海湾附近。发生的时间大概在史前的某一时刻,最有可能是距今 4000-5000 年间,而这一灾变期与黄帝部落在北方的消失时段几乎是重合的。
中新网:《女娲补天传说来自何种背景?神话传递灾变信息》 2011年09月22日
《Asteroid Ice May Be 'Living Fossil' With Clues to Oceans' Origins》
《小行星上的冰也许是海洋起源的 “活化石” 线索》
ScienceDaily (Apr. 28, 2010) — The first-ever discovery of ice and organic molecules on an asteroid may hold clues to the origins of Earth's oceans and life 4 billion years ago.
University of Central Florida researchers detected a thin layer of water ice and organic molecules on the surface of 24 Themis, the largest in a family of asteroids orbiting between Mars and Jupiter.
中佛罗里达大学的研究人员在司理星 [第 24 颗被发现的小行星] 的表面侦测到薄水冰层和有机分子。司理星是在火星和木星轨道之间运行的小行星族里最大的一颗。
Their unexpected findings are published April 29 in Nature, which will feature two complementary articles by the UCF-led team and by another team of planetary scientists.
他们这项意外发现被刊登在 4 月 29 日的《自然》网站上,中佛罗里达大学的研究团队,和另一个行星科学家团队,将发表两篇相辅相成的研究报告。
"What we've found suggests that an asteroid like this one may have hit Earth and brought our planet its water," said UCF Physics Professor Humberto Campins, the study's lead author.
“我们的发现显示,像这样的小行星也许曾经撞击地球并带来地球上的水,” 中佛罗里达大学的物理学教授亨伯托.坎频斯,研究团队的主笔作者,这么说道。
Some theories suggest asteroids brought water to Earth after the planet formed dry. Scientists say the salts and water that have been found in some meteorites support this view.
Using NASA's Infrared Telescope Facility in Hawaii, Campins and his team of researchers measured the intensity of the reflected sunlight as 24 Themis rotated. Differences in intensity at different wavelengths helped researchers determine the makeup of the asteroid's surface.
Science Daily:《Asteroid Ice May Be 'Living Fossil' With Clues to Oceans' Origins》
By measuring the spectrum of infrared sunlight reflected by the object, the researchers found the spectrum consistent with frozen water and determined that 24 Themis is coated with a thin film of ice. They also detected organic material.
Science Daily:《Evidence of Water Ice and Organic Materials On Asteroid's Surface》
《Water Discovered On Second Asteroid, May Be Even More Common 》
ScienceDaily (Oct. 7, 2010) — Water ice on asteroids may be more common than expected, according to a new study that is being presented at the world's largest gathering of planetary scientists.
Two teams of researchers who made national headlines in April for showing the first evidence of water ice and organic molecules on an asteroid have now discovered that asteroid 65 Cybele contains the same material.
在 4 月份因为第一次证明小行星上含有水冰和有机分子而上了头条新闻的两队研究人员,目前发现原神星 [第 65 颗被发现的小行星] 之上含有相同的物质。
"This discovery suggests that this region of our solar system contains more water ice than anticipated," said University of Central Florida Professor Humberto Campins. "And it supports the theory that asteroids may have hit Earth and brought our planet its water and the building blocks for life to form and evolve here."
“这项发现显示,我们的太阳系所含有的水冰比想象中还要多,” 中佛罗里达大学的亨伯托.坎频斯教授说道。而且它证明了一个理论,这个理论指出,小行星也许曾经撞击地球,带来水和生命组成元素,让生命能够在地球上形成和演化。
Asteroid 65 Cybele is somewhat larger than asteroid 24 Themis -- the subject of the teams' first paper. Cybele has a diameter of 290 km (180 miles). Themis has a diameter of 200 km (124 miles). Both are in the same region of the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.
原神星的尺寸稍微大过司理星——研究团队第一份报告中的主角。原神星的直径是 290 公里(180 英里)。司理星的直径是 200 公里(124 英里)。两者都出自火星和木星轨道之间的小行星带。
Science Daily:《Water Discovered On Second Asteroid, May Be Even More Common》
Fox News:《Researchers: Asteroid Destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah》 Published April 01, 2008,2933,343674,00.html
此次撞击影响了全世界,大量烟尘覆盖了整个大气层,达数月之久。古气候学家在南极、西藏、智利等冰层中找到撞击证据。全世界在约 5200 年前,气候遽变,许多地方短时间被冰封。
Ark Discovery:《Sodom and Gomorrah:The Cities of the Plain——Ash and Brimstone Remain》
II. 印度河流域古城哈拉帕与摩亨佐-达罗(Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro)之毁灭
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Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro Ruins |
考古学家在摩亨约‧达罗地区 [印度语为死亡之丘] 挖掘发现,在这个古城,居民们生活在一个高度文明的社会中。但是,这个繁荣的小城,却在一夜之间毁灭,城中居民也在瞬间全部死亡。而且,这种爆炸短暂且威力无比,导致了城市和绝大多数居民化为尘埃。
科学家认为:“这座城市是毁灭于一次核弹爆炸。” 因为,他们发现土层中含有粘土和绿色晶体,他们猜测这是土壤遭受高温留下来的证据。而其他考古学家也发现,这个千年古印度城市遗留下来的残骸证明,当时,城市建筑被一场高温熔化,并且这个温度不低于 1,500 摄氏度。
他们还在这个高温中心发现,所有建筑都是被瞬间夷平、熔化的。同时,还发现,在这个城市上惟一残留下来的几十副动物和人类骨架中,辐射超过了一般标准的 50 倍。
大纪元:《科学家:揭古印度的史前核爆炸之谜》 2012年01月18日
《Nuclear Events in Ancient India?》
III. 中国新石器时代红山文化之毁灭
红山文化是中国东北地区的新石器时代文化,亦称史前文化,距今约 5000 年前。红山,意为 “红色的山峰”,它位于内蒙古自治区赤峰市东北郊。
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(左起)河北省、内蒙古自治区赤峰市、辽宁省 现在学术界认为的红山文化的覆盖区域包括河北省的北部地区,内蒙古自治区的东南部,辽宁省的西部。 |
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红山文化的出土玉器,左上角为 “玉龙” |
中华始祖黄帝来自北方,黄帝文化的早期阶段是红山文化。可是,灿烂的红山文化却在距今 5000 年左右突然消失得无影无踪,等到此后接续的夏家店文明出现时,中间的文化断层长达整整 1000 年之久!
5000年前内蒙古史前壁画 |
岩画上刻着 18 个造型奇特的符号,其中有类似人体、圆顶房屋和携带「尾巴」的火球等符号。他推测,这显示「夜幕降临,史前土著人狩猎而归、即将走进圆顶房子,这时一个火球突然从东北方向的天空飞来。」
中国诚日报:《5000年前内蒙古史前壁画 叙述陨石袭击》 Aug 28, 2011
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卫星地图显示河北省的特殊地貌——大量碟形洼地 (上)石家庄、任丘 (下)衡水、唐山 |
这次撞击发生的地域非常广,从晋北一直到冀中,甚至可能延伸到渤海湾附近。发生的时间大概在史前的某一时刻,最有可能是距今 4000-5000 年间,而这一灾变期与黄帝部落在北方的消失时段几乎是重合的。
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Artist conception of asteroid 24 Themis. (Credit: Gabriel Pérez, Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias, Spain) |
《Asteroid Ice May Be 'Living Fossil' With Clues to Oceans' Origins》
《小行星上的冰也许是海洋起源的 “活化石” 线索》
ScienceDaily (Apr. 28, 2010) — The first-ever discovery of ice and organic molecules on an asteroid may hold clues to the origins of Earth's oceans and life 4 billion years ago.
University of Central Florida researchers detected a thin layer of water ice and organic molecules on the surface of 24 Themis, the largest in a family of asteroids orbiting between Mars and Jupiter.
中佛罗里达大学的研究人员在司理星 [第 24 颗被发现的小行星] 的表面侦测到薄水冰层和有机分子。司理星是在火星和木星轨道之间运行的小行星族里最大的一颗。
Their unexpected findings are published April 29 in Nature, which will feature two complementary articles by the UCF-led team and by another team of planetary scientists.
他们这项意外发现被刊登在 4 月 29 日的《自然》网站上,中佛罗里达大学的研究团队,和另一个行星科学家团队,将发表两篇相辅相成的研究报告。
"What we've found suggests that an asteroid like this one may have hit Earth and brought our planet its water," said UCF Physics Professor Humberto Campins, the study's lead author.
“我们的发现显示,像这样的小行星也许曾经撞击地球并带来地球上的水,” 中佛罗里达大学的物理学教授亨伯托.坎频斯,研究团队的主笔作者,这么说道。
Some theories suggest asteroids brought water to Earth after the planet formed dry. Scientists say the salts and water that have been found in some meteorites support this view.
Using NASA's Infrared Telescope Facility in Hawaii, Campins and his team of researchers measured the intensity of the reflected sunlight as 24 Themis rotated. Differences in intensity at different wavelengths helped researchers determine the makeup of the asteroid's surface.
Science Daily:《Asteroid Ice May Be 'Living Fossil' With Clues to Oceans' Origins》
By measuring the spectrum of infrared sunlight reflected by the object, the researchers found the spectrum consistent with frozen water and determined that 24 Themis is coated with a thin film of ice. They also detected organic material.
Science Daily:《Evidence of Water Ice and Organic Materials On Asteroid's Surface》
Artist conception of asteroid 65 Cybele (Credit: Gabriel Pérez, Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias, Spain) |
《Water Discovered On Second Asteroid, May Be Even More Common 》
ScienceDaily (Oct. 7, 2010) — Water ice on asteroids may be more common than expected, according to a new study that is being presented at the world's largest gathering of planetary scientists.
Two teams of researchers who made national headlines in April for showing the first evidence of water ice and organic molecules on an asteroid have now discovered that asteroid 65 Cybele contains the same material.
在 4 月份因为第一次证明小行星上含有水冰和有机分子而上了头条新闻的两队研究人员,目前发现原神星 [第 65 颗被发现的小行星] 之上含有相同的物质。
"This discovery suggests that this region of our solar system contains more water ice than anticipated," said University of Central Florida Professor Humberto Campins. "And it supports the theory that asteroids may have hit Earth and brought our planet its water and the building blocks for life to form and evolve here."
“这项发现显示,我们的太阳系所含有的水冰比想象中还要多,” 中佛罗里达大学的亨伯托.坎频斯教授说道。而且它证明了一个理论,这个理论指出,小行星也许曾经撞击地球,带来水和生命组成元素,让生命能够在地球上形成和演化。
Asteroid 65 Cybele is somewhat larger than asteroid 24 Themis -- the subject of the teams' first paper. Cybele has a diameter of 290 km (180 miles). Themis has a diameter of 200 km (124 miles). Both are in the same region of the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.
原神星的尺寸稍微大过司理星——研究团队第一份报告中的主角。原神星的直径是 290 公里(180 英里)。司理星的直径是 200 公里(124 英里)。两者都出自火星和木星轨道之间的小行星带。
Science Daily:《Water Discovered On Second Asteroid, May Be Even More Common》