
Red Rocks of Sedona, Arizona

Kryon : The Way to God


现在,这是对 “新时代” 人类讲的话:正是你的寻找方式让你陷入与其他人不同的麻烦之中。当你谈起神时,你是以不同的方式来谈起神。你寻找神的方式在许多人看来是怪诞和不寻常的,因为你用非线性的方式。而整个地球是以三维的方式来寻找神。


坐在我面前的老灵魂,为神所识。当你不在这里时,你是在一个你无法想象的 “地方” 和我在一起。人类完全不知道他们是神的片段。你,作为人类,没有我们所说的 “记忆”。它不是三维的记忆。你不记得我所记得的事。当你在诞生之风时,我就在那里。当你最终掉进那股再次带你进入地球的旋风时,我就在那里。当时我看着你说,“你准备好要再来一次?” 而你说,“是的”。然后我说,“有福的是再次选择成为人类的天使,即使祂知道会面对什么,即使祂知道潜在性会是什么。” 然后你就在成为人类的过程中被卷入涡流里。


于是对神的寻找开始了,各种宗教因此诞生。“克里昂,你要讲宗教吗?他们谁对谁错?” 是的,我要讲宗教。任何正在寻找的人类都处在正确的轨道上。有福的是那些寻找神的人,因为造物主想要被人们找到。造物主想要被人们找到!你有想过吗?你在哪一个宗教盒子里并不重要。神不在乎你的发现方式。

“克里昂,你是说,在那可笑的我们被告知不要去的建筑物里面,他们也找到神吗?” 是的,他们也找到。而他们没讲出来的是:你瞧,在线性中你创造出这些敬仰神的盒子;你创造出会员;你创造出群体,然后你指示他们不要去其他盒子!你知道为什么吗?因为他们不要让你知道神的爱也在那里!在所有宗教当中都有治愈,都有奇迹,因为在那里都有家人。


它很难理解,因为它不是线性的。突然间,你来到一个非线性、跨维度的领域,你所说的事不为那些对神有着线性认知的人们所接受。你说的事就如,“任何事都没有偶然。那里有一个更大的计划。我对发生在我身上的事负有责任。” 那些线性的人看着你,然后走开。它不符合逻辑。它让家人分开——你知道我讲的是什么。它让朋友分开,不是吗,只因为你选择了不要走线性的道路?原因是?因为在你的 DNA 中,老灵魂,你感知到久远的智慧。那就是正在改变的事。这种转变正在 DNA 的核心层面造成影响。觉醒正在进行中,坐在这里的人正好知道我所说的是什么。这很难!很难成为跨维度的人,因为它对你们身边的人而言是很奇怪的,不是吗?

为什么它会很难?因为造物主想要被人类找到!亲爱的,当你开始推向那扇门时,你是在推开你们每个人体内那扇通往高我的门户。而这是困难及你没有想过的部分:当你开始推向那扇门时,在门后面的是想要被你找到的造物主。所以门就打开了!当你轻轻一推,那扇门就自动打开,而人类吓到了。你没想过那只手会从门里面伸出来,对吧?你没想过圣灵会握住你的手并说,“别放手。别放手!” 很可怕!那就是它会这么难的原因。只有少数人类能触摸造物主的脸孔并依然保持平衡。少于一巴仙的一半 [少于3千500万] 的人类会做你们一些人愿意去做的事。你知道吗?这不会是 “新世代的地球”。只有老灵魂才做得到。

你必须真的明白你是神的家庭成员。如果你感受不到与圣灵之间像家人一样的连结,你根本就无从靠近这个信仰体系。它不能是 “神与你”。你不能这样把它分开。你必须站在这里说,“我是整体的一个片段。当地球被创造时,我就在那里。” 你确在!当时你和我在一起。我们一起见证地球被创造。我要怎么让你相信呢?你必须开始像 “家人” 那样思考,当你做到时,你体内将会有一个揭露,它会渐渐成为实相。


This live channelling was Given in Sedona, Arizona

现场通灵于 圣多娜,亚利桑那

Summer Light Conference 2008

2008年 夏日光之会议

June 14, 2008

As channelled by Lee Carroll for Kryon


出处: http://www.kryon.com/k_channel08_Sedona.html


To help the reader, this channelling has been rechannelled [by Lee and Kryon] and added onto to provide even clearer understanding. Often what happens live has implied energy within it, which carries a kind of communication that the printed page does not. So enjoy this enhanced message given in Sedona, Arizona.

为了帮助读者,这篇信息经过 [李及克里昂] 的重新传导及增强,以提供更清晰的理解。因为在现场所给出的信息,含有一种能量沟通模式,是印刷页面所无法传达的。那么请享有这篇增强版的信息吧,这是在 圣多娜,亚利桑那 所传导的。

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. I've just prepared my partner for what we're going to do, for I wanted him to be alert that there would be some revelation, perhaps even an epiphany or two regarding the things that we wish to discuss this evening. These messages are never long and drawn out, and this one will be to the point. I know who you are. I know who's here and I know the reasons you're here, I know what brought you here and I know the synchronicities of having you in the chair.


In a crowd this size, you would think perhaps there would be a section of those who are struggling to believe what is going on right now, and there are - 12 of you. We might say that you were disbelievers. The synchronicity of the day finds you in the chair, so let me speak to you right now, dear one, who believes this is a Human Being who is pretending to channel: God knows what's going on in your life, why you're in the chair, what brought you here. It is the synchronicity that brought you here so that perhaps you could open your heart to things that, in the past, you felt were not real. Perhaps you're here to honor the one next to you? Perhaps you're here to see the rocks? [Sedona] But you are really ripe with healing tonight. There are 12 of you.

在这么多人的群众里,你会想,或许会有一部分人很难相信此刻正在发生的事,而确实——有 12 个人。我们会说你们是不信者。今天的同步性让你坐在这里,那么现在让我对你讲话,亲爱的,你确信这是一个人在假装通灵:神知道在你生命中所发生的事,为什么你会坐在椅子上,是什么原因把你带来这里。是同步性把你带来这里,让你可以打开心房来接受那些,在过去,你认为是不真实的事。或许你是为了让你身边的人感到赏脸才来的?或许你是为了来这里看岩石?[圣多娜以红岩石闻名于世] 但是今晚你得到治愈的条件确实成熟了。你们 12 个人。

This is the time when Spirit unravels itself into a synchronistic linearity. It is almost as though you had a room full of Human Beings who could only draw straight lines. In this metaphor, however, God could only see and deal with circles. Humans, in their reality, must have something that has a beginning and an end. God, on the other hand, is nothing like that, for there is no beginning and no end. Therefore, in these moments, Spirit comes and uses a Human Being to unravel [deliver] these things in a straight line. That's why it's hard, and that's why the channel must be clear. For what we speak of tonight has simplicity in it, profundity in it, and truth in it. We're going to talk about the path to God.

这是圣灵在同步的线性中展现自己的时刻。这就像一整间房里的人都只会画直线一样困难。但是,在这个隐喻中,神只看见圆圈,也只会处理圆圈。人类,在他们的实相中,任何事都必定有始有终。神呢,却不是这样的,没有开始也没有结束。因此,在这些时刻,圣灵来到并通过一个人类来揭露 [传达] 这些信息,在线性中。那就是它的难处,那就是为什么灵媒必须清晰地表达。因为我们今晚所谈的事,当中有简单,有深奥,也有真理。我们会谈论关于寻觅神的道路。

Within the 12 who have come who are not believing any of this, there is a shaman... and he knows it. The reason he doesn't want to accept this is because the last time he came to the planet, it was difficult. He remembers this at a cellular level, and he doesn't want to awaken again. Even the energy of Sedona bothers him. Even talk about the love of God, about the spiritual jar that is inside of him filled with wisdom, bothers him. So he's pretending he doesn't believe.

在那12 个不相信通灵的人当中,有一位萨满……而他自己也知道。他之所以不愿意接受,是因为上一次他来到地球上时,遇到很多麻烦。他在细胞的层次记得,所以他不愿再觉醒了。就连圣多娜的能量也会惹恼他。就连讲到神的爱,讲到在他体内的灵性罐子充满了智慧,也会惹恼他。所以他假装不相信。

You see, I know who you are, sir. If you do nothing from this point on, I will tell you that you are just as loved as the one who goes out with incredible interdimensional wisdom. The same number of angels, sir, are going to go out the door with you tonight, as the highest vibration healer in the room.


When I look at all of you, I see family. I don't see Human Beings and I don't see the names on your conference badges. Instead, I see the name that I know, the ones I sing in light. You're family to me, all of you, every single one. In these situations, you have no idea of the entourage who has arrived to sit next to you as these messages are given, just in case you decide to push on the door of a reality that you didn't have before, just in case you want a little more light. You don't know who came to see whom here. You just don't know, since your reality does not support it. This is not a Sedona event. This is a Universal event, and in this place there are thousands who are next to you, energies ready to spring into action with potential epiphanies, with permission, with allowance. That's who's here, and some of you will feel it as this channel unfolds. The readership is included.


The Path to God


I want to talk about the path to God. "Well, Kryon, you've talked about that before," some may say. Indeed, this is what we do, but perhaps more direct this time. God is no stranger to the planet, or of Human nature. It is why we continue to give the same messages with different words.

我要谈谈关于寻找神的道路。“嗯,克里昂,你之前讲过了,” 有些人会说。是的,这就是我们的方式,但是这次会更直接地讲。神对地球而言,或对人性而言,都不陌生。这就是为什么我们会一直以不同的言辞来给出同样的信息。

Let me remind you of some things that actually are the telltale signs of the proof that God exists. Your own history is filled with scriptures written just the way this channelling has been unfolding. Yet you don't see it that way, do you? If you went to the far corners of the earth and spoke of God in any language, you would be met with understanding, for Humans know about God. Humanity knows about God. In fact, humanity spends a great deal of time, effort, and resources searching for the Creator. It seems the earth continues to search for a way to touch the hand of the Creator. Ninety percent of humanity believes in God. Eighty-five percent of humanity believes in the afterlife. What does that tell you? It shouts that Humans intuitively expect God to exist.


You have nothing like this kind of consensus on the planet regarding anything else. That's because it's intuitive; it's in the cells. Humans know something that perhaps has not been verbalized before: God is real. Intuitively, you all know that when you take the last breath, it's not the end. You are born that way, and humanity spends so much time searching for the Creator. Is this not proof of God? Think about it. God is common to humanity.


Now, speaking to the New Age: It is the way you search that gets you in trouble with others. For when you speak of God, you speak of God in a different way. Your path to God seems odd and unusual to so many, since it's a nonlinear approach. The planet searches for God in 3D. Look around you. When you pass a chapel, when you pass a cathedral, when you pass a synagogue or a mosque, do you say, "Oh, how unusual?" You don't, do you? At some level, you know that the people who are inside these structures are doing the best they can to find God. It's common, but Humans tend to linearize everything because that is the reality at hand for you.

现在,这是对 “新时代” 人类讲的话:正是你的寻找方式让你陷入与其他人不同的麻烦之中。当你谈起神时,你是以不同的方式来谈起神。你寻找神的方式在许多人看来是怪诞和不寻常的,因为你用非线性的方式。整个地球是以三维的方式来寻找神。看看四周。当你经过小礼拜堂时,当你经过大教堂时,当你经过犹太教堂时,当你经过清真寺时,你有没有说,“啊,真不寻常?” 你没有,是吧?在某种程度上,你知道在这些建筑物里的人正在以他们最大的努力来寻找神。这是很平常的,但是人类倾向于把一切都线性化,因为那就是你们现有的实相。

The perception of God varies greatly within humanity. Let's look at that for a moment. Human Beings have no idea that they are a piece of God. You, as a Human, don't have the remembrance that we speak of. It's not in 3D. You don't remember what I remember. I was there at the Wind of Birth. I could tell you, dear one, what it was like, for it shouts your magnificence. Who do you really think you are? Do you know who sits in front of me? Old souls sit in front of me! They're the ones who are attracted to a place like this [the conference], who would decide to live in a place like this [Sedona]. They're attracted to the love of God! Oh, they call it a portal, but it feels very good, doesn't it?

人类对神的认知当中存在很大的差别。让我们来看看。人类完全不知道他们是神的片段。你,作为人类,没有我们所说的 “记忆”。它不是三维的记忆。你不记得我所记得的事。当你在诞生之风时,我就在那里。我可以告诉你,亲爱的,它是怎样的,因为它在喊着你的伟大不凡。究竟你认为你自己是谁呢?你知道坐在我面前的是谁吗?是老灵魂坐在我面前!他们就是受这种地方 [这次会议] 吸引的那些人,他们就是决定住在这种地方 [圣多娜] 的那些人。他们被神的爱所吸引!啊,他们称这里为门户,但它的感觉很好,不是吗?

The old souls who sit in front of me are known by God. I was there when you finally dropped into that whirlwind that took you to Earth yet again. It's a portal represented by energies that are dichotomous: One is the linearity of a portal going to the birth canal, and the other is the quantum energy of the angelic majesty of God. They clash and come together to create what I call a vortex, a wind of energy that races in a circle in my face. Then I looked at you and I said, "Are you ready to do it again?" And you said, "Yes." Then I said, "Blessed is the angel who makes the choice to become a Human Being yet again, knowing what he will face, knowing the potentials that could be." Then you disappear into that vortex on your way to the process of becoming a Human. That's why your feet are washed when you are here.

坐在我面前的老灵魂,为神所识。当你最终掉进那股再次带你进入地球的旋风时,我就在那里。那个门户拥有两种不同的能量:一个是通往产道的线性能量,另一个是通往神的量子能量,如天使般壮丽。它们两个碰撞在一起形成我所说的涡流,一个以逼人的极速在旋转的 “能量之风”。当时我看着你说,“你准备好要再来一次?” 而你说,“是的”。然后我说,“有福的是再次选择成为人类的天使,即使祂知道会面对什么,即使祂知道潜在性会是什么。” 然后你就在成为人类的过程中被卷入涡流里。那就是当你在这里时会被洗脚的原因。 

I was there when you dropped into that portal yet again, old soul. And when you're not here, you're with me in a place that you cannot imagine. I tell you these things for one reason, because at the end of this channel, I want you to remember something. You have to remember this: This is how you're seen by God. Remember this, since it is far different than what many tell you about how a Human relates to God.

当你再次掉进那(通往产道的)门户时,我就在那里,老灵魂。而当你不在这里时,你是在一个你无法想象的 “地方” 和我在一起。我告诉你这些是有原因的,因为在今晚通灵结束时,我要你记起一件事。你必须记得:这就是神看待你的方式。记住,因为这远远不同于你所听说过的人类与神的关系。

In linearity, Human Beings search for God in an odd way: They cannot conceive that they are part of the system. All they want to do is touch the hand of the Creator. They think that God is huge and they are not, and that mistaken construct often shapes the box that they choose to worship in. Sometimes they feel they have to be subservient. Sometimes they feel they have to suffer a little because God is big and they're not, and this is the perception because Humans are linear. Many times, they flog themselves because they are told they are retched and not worthy. They couldn't conceive that the Creator may actually be within them. They don't see themselves as family. They don't see what I see. They can't.


So there is the search for God and the religions are born. "Kryon, are you going to talk about religion? Who's right and wrong?" Yes, I am. Any Human who is searching is on the right track. Blessed is the Human Being who searches for God, because the Creator wants to be found. The Creator wants to be found! Did you ever think about that? It doesn't matter what religious box you're in. God doesn't care how you make your discovery and I'm going to land hard on that in a minute, and you're going to see what I'm talking about. "Kryon, do you mean to tell me that those people over there in that funny building we've been told not to go to, they have it, too?"Indeed, they do. And here's something they don't speak of: You see, in linearity you create these boxes of worship; you create members; you create groups and then you give them instructions not to go to the other boxes! You know why? Because they don't want you to know that the love of God is there, too! There have been healings in all of them, miracles in all of them, because there is family there.

于是对神的寻找开始了,各种宗教因此诞生。“克里昂,你要讲宗教吗?他们谁对谁错?” 是的,我要讲宗教。任何正在寻找的人类都处在正确的轨道上。有福的是那些寻找神的人,因为造物主想要被人们找到。造物主想要被人们找到!你有想过吗?你在哪一个宗教盒子里并不重要。神不在乎你的发现方式,等下我会讲到那困难的部分,你会看见我要讲的是什么。“克里昂,你是说,在那可笑的我们被告知不要去的建筑物里面,他们也找到神吗?” 是的,他们也找到。而他们没讲出来的是:你瞧,在线性中你创造出这些敬仰神的盒子;你创造出会员;你创造出群体,然后你指示他们不要去其他盒子!你知道为什么吗?因为他们不要让你知道神的爱也在那里!在所有宗教当中都有治愈,都有奇迹,因为在那里都有家人。 

They may dress differently and speak differently and they may wear hats differently - and God is there. The family is there, and our metaphoric hands are out to them. The profound healings that have happened in the mosques - you never hear about that, do you? What about the ones in the synagogues? You don't hear about that either. Many have happened on the sawdust floors of those who are evangelistic, and they claim that they have the one truth, because they got the healing! The religions never compare notes! God's in all the boxes.

他们或许穿着不同,语言不同,或许戴着不同的帽子——神都在那里。家人在那里,而我们隐喻的双手伸向他们。在清真寺中所发生的深层治愈——你从没听过,对吧?那么在犹太教堂里所发生的呢?你也没听过。很多治愈是发生在那些热心传教士那铺着木屑的地板上 [在巡回布道会的临时帐篷里],而他们声称他们拥有唯一的真理,因为他们得到了治愈!各宗教之间从来都不会互相印证!神在所有盒子里。

I want you to digest this for a moment, because what you are seeing is the love of God. You see, we really don't care how you get here! "Well, then why is it so difficult, Kryon? What is going on here to make it so doggone hard? Why isn't it more obvious?" Let me speak about you and your ways as you sit in front of me, those who call yourselves metaphysical or esoteric. There's a new energy on this planet that is awakening hearts and minds to a new way of worship, a new way of understanding Spirit. And it's beginning to yell to you that you are, indeed, a piece of the Creator. This is difficult to comprehend!

我要你们消化一下这个消息,因为你们看见的就是神的爱。你瞧,我们真的不在乎你们是如何找到神的!“嗯,那为何它会这么难呢,克里昂?到底是什么让它变得如此困难?为什么它不是更明显的呢?” 让我来谈谈关于你和你的道路,因为你就坐在我面前,你们这些自称为形而上学或神秘学的人。地球上有新的能量,唤醒了人类的心灵和头脑,以便接受新的敬仰神的方式,新的理解圣灵的方式。而它开始对你喊着说:你,其实,是造物主的一个片段。这是很难理解的!

The first reason it's hard is because it is not linear. Suddenly, you're in a nonlinear, interdimensional area where the things that you say are not acceptable to those who feature a linear perception of God. You say things like, "There are no accidents. There is a plan that is bigger. I'm responsible for what happens to me." And those who are linear look at you and walk the other way. It's not logical. It separates families and you know what I speak of. It separates friends, does it not, just because you have chosen not to take the linear path? The reason? Because in your DNA, old soul, you feel the wisdom of the ages. That's what's changing. The shift that we have spoken of for all of these years, almost 20, is affecting the DNA at its core level. There is an awakening going on and there are those sitting in the room that know what I speak. It's hard! It's hard to become interdimensional because it's odd to those around you, is it not? It's certainly odd to the 12. [Kryon smile]

它很难理解的第一个原因是,因为它不是线性的。突然间,你来到一个非线性、跨维度的领域,你所说的事不为那些对神有着线性认知的人们所接受。你说的事就如,“任何事都没有偶然。那里有一个更大的计划。我对发生在我身上的事负有责任。” 那些线性的人看着你,然后走开。它不符合逻辑。它让家人分开——你知道我讲的是什么。它让朋友分开,不是吗,只因为你选择了不要走线性的道路?原因是?因为在你的 DNA 中,老灵魂,你感知到久远的智慧。那就是正在改变的事。我们讲转变讲了这么多年,将近二十年,这种转变正在 DNA 的核心层面造成影响。觉醒正在进行中,坐在这里的人正好知道我所说的是什么。这很难!很难成为跨维度的人,因为它对你们身边的人而言是很奇怪的,不是吗?对那 12 个人而言绝对是![克里昂微笑]

Why is it difficult? The second reason? Because the Creator wants to be found! What happens, dear ones, when you start pushing on that door, is that there is a portal to your Higher-Self inside each one of you. Picture it as a door that you are able to push upon and there's a light behind it, a very bright light. The light is one you want to see. It is a direct pipeline to home, and some of you work with it every day in your healings, in your meditations. Yet you continue to push because you want a little more, don't you? And here's what's hard and what you don't expect: When you begin to push on the door, on the other side is a Creator who wants to be found. So the door reacts! That door starts to open by itself when you just push it a little bit, and Humans get frightened. That's when you back away and may say, "I didn't expect it would open by itself! I didn't think there really was anybody on the other side. I'm trying to touch the face of the Creator. I'm just trying to absorb a little energy from God, to peek into the room."


You didn't expect the hand to come out from behind the door, did you? You didn't expect this spiritual hand to hold yours and say, "Don't let go. Don't let go!" It's scary! That's why it's hard. There is an axiom that we have taught for years, and that is this: The Human mind cannot un-know anything. You cannot deconstruct a reality you've experienced. It is impossible right now for you to un-remember this day. You cannot forget it voluntarily. It is there, etched into your brain, and will be until the day you take your last breath. The reason this process is hidden is because there are only a certain amount of Human Beings who can touch the face of the Creator and remain balanced. Less than one half of one percent of humanity will do what some of you are willing to do. Did you know that? It's not going to be a "New Age Earth." Only old souls can do this.

你没想过那只手会从门里面伸出来,对吧?你没想过圣灵会握住你的手并说,“别放手。别放手!” 很可怕!那就是它会这么难的原因。有一个我们教了很多年的规则,那就是:人类的头脑不能 “主动不知道” 任何事。你不能解构你经历过的实相。此刻你不可能 “主动不记得” 今天。你不能自发地忘记它。它就在那里,铭刻在你的脑海里,它会一直在,直到你呼出最后一口气为止。这个过程被隐藏起来的原因是,只有少数人类能触摸造物主的脸孔并依然保持平衡。少于一巴仙的一半 [少于 3 千 500 万] 的人类会做你们一些人愿意去做的事。你知道吗?这不会是 “新世代的地球”。只有老灵魂才做得到。

[地球人口 70 亿 x 1% x 0.5 = 3 千 500 万人]

The shift is about you. It's about the way Humans are beginning to think, but it's about you, old souls - Lemurians, each one. That's what we wanted to tell you now. There's more. Oh, there's more. And here it comes.




"Kryon, how do we do it?"


It's not that hard. Number one: The first thing you're going to have to do is become interdimensional. Here's why it's not hard, because you can suspend belief with help from the other side of that door. That beautiful hand that comes through it wants to touch you, and will help you suspend belief and start thinking in a circle. Something else happens when you become interdimensional. Oh, how do I say this?




There are 17 people in this room in the last three years who have lost another Human Being who they loved, who was close to them. Seventeen of you. Mates, moms, dads, kids. Seventeen of you have something in common. You've got a hole in your heart, 17 of you. And I want to talk to you for a moment. It won't take long. Blessed is that Human Being who comes to this planet with a plan where they agree to leave in this way, creating an allowance to pass over and become grander in energy than they could have been if they had stayed. And you have allowed them to do that. I want to tell you today that this suffering in your heart is something you have put upon yourself. It's hard to say that, because when the heart hurts, it hurts! You don't analyze it. You just hurt. And you say, "Well, how could I keep it from hurting?"

这里有 17 个人在过去三年里失去了他们所爱的人,他们的亲人。你们十七人。伴侣、母亲、父亲、孩子。你们十七人有共同点。你们心里有个空洞,你们十七人。我要和你们讲几句话。只有一下子。有福的是带着计划来到地球的人类,他们同意以这种方式离开,允许自己去世,成为更宏大的能量,比他们留在世间时的能量更宏大。而你们同意让他们这么做。我要告诉你,你内心的痛苦是你自己加诸于自己身上的。要这么说很难,因为当心灵受伤时,是很痛苦的!你不会去分析。你只是感到伤心。你说,“唉,要怎样才会不伤心呢?”

I'll give you a picture and it's a tough one to believe. It's even hard for my partner to say. It's difficult, because it requires the Human to become interdimensional in thought. The one who you lost is going to stand by your side for the rest of your life, until you take your last breath. They drop their body so they can be grander in the scheme of things than they could be alive. Often, the agreement is to help you more than they could have alive! Did you think of that? Dear one, you can still hold their hand until the end of your life! There doesn't have to be suffering. Oh, it may not be the same because they're not in physical form, but if you start becoming interdimensional, you'll know they're there. You'll feel their presence and you can call them by name.


Go outside and look at the stars tonight and know that they're right there next to you. Have an epiphany tonight. That's the difference between a linear Human Being and one who is willing to put the string in a circle. They're not gone! How do I know? Because I see them. There's a contract between you and them. It's not over. It has just begun. It's hard, isn't it? Well, that's why there's so few of you on this planet who are going to go there and do this. It's tough.

今晚出去外面看一看星星,并知道他们就在你身边。今晚就顿悟吧。那就是线性人类与愿意  “把线围成一个圆圈” 的人类之间的差别。他们没有离开!我怎么知道?因为我看见他们。在你和他们之间有着约定。它还没结束。它才刚开始呢。很难相信,对吧?嗯,那就是为什么地球上只有你们少数人会去做这件事。它是困难的。

Number two: You've got to really understand that you're part of God's family. You cannot even begin to approach this belief system without feeling the family connection from Spirit. There can't be "God and you." You can't separate it like that. You've got to stand here and say, "I'm a piece of the whole. I was there when the earth was created." And you were! You were with me. We watched it together. How can I convince you of this? You've got to start thinking family, and when you do there's going to be a revelation within you that slowly grows into reality.

第二:你必须真的明白你是神的家庭成员。如果你感受不到与圣灵之间像家人一样的连结,你根本就无从靠近这个信仰体系。它不能是 “神你”。你不能这样把它分开。你必须站在这里说,“我是整体的一个片段。当地球被创造时,我就在那里。” 你确在!当时你和我在一起。我们一起见证地球被创造。我要怎么让你相信呢?你必须开始像 “家人” 那样思考,当你做到时,你体内将会有一个揭露,它会渐渐成为实相。

Number three: Become compassionate. In all things, become compassionate. I've just given you the three rules to touch the face of God - an interdimensional understanding, a realization of family, and a compassionate spirit. And you might say, "Well, Kryon, those are attitudes. What are the steps that we have to do?" And the answer is yes.

第三:成为有同情心的人。在所有事情中,成为有同情心的人。我刚刚给出了触摸神的脸孔的三个规则——跨维度的思想、知道自己是家人、有同情心。而你会说,“嗯,克里昂,那些是态度。什么是我们要做的步骤?”  答案是 “是的”。



Dear ones, stop asking for three-dimensional rules for an interdimensional process! Steps and sayings and rules do not work when you are in a quantum state. I'll tell you what happens, dear Human Being. When you start those three attributes and you combine them together, you cannot keep that door from flying open and that hand from coming out, because you've just given permission for the Higher-Self to join you. As much as you can take, as much as you want, in your own way, within your own path, with your own timeline, that hand will come out and take yours, and you never have to let go of it.


Perception of the Parent


I'm going to give you a perception tonight that I've only given two other times in the history of my channelling. I'm going to give it to a group that can understand it. [speaking of those at the conference and those reading] All of you can understand it. I'm going to give you the perception of the search for God from my standpoint, not from yours. Then, perhaps, finally you'll understand a little more about why it's acceptable to be in a cathedral on your knees in a place that perhaps some of you would not want to be and touch the face of God.


In order to do this, I have to set up a metaphor. I want to talk to the parents in the room, which is most of you, but especially the moms. Mom, mother, I want to take you on a journey. Do you remember when your first child was born? Do you know how precious that moment is? Can I take you there for a moment, just a moment? Do you remember when the infant first looked at you and you looked at the child? Remember the connection that was there? Doesn't it make your heart flutter, just a little bit, to remember those things? There's nothing like it, nothing like the love of a mother and a child.


When you leave the other side of the veil and you come through that birth canal and start this journey of yours, it's like the child that leaves home. We have that same feeling for you. Not as children, but the love bond is the same. We look into your energy, seemingly eye to eye before you leave and release you. What you do from there is like we have lost you unless you elect to find us again.


Now, mother, just suppose that you lost track of your kids. Indeed, it has happened on this planet, but pretend that you lost track of the children. You knew where they were, perhaps the country they were in, but it was vast and huge and you couldn't contact them. You hoped that at some point in time they would find you. It was the only chance to see them again.

现在,妈妈们,想象一下你与孩子失去了联系。当然,这在地球上曾经发生过,但现在请你假装你与孩子失联了。你知道他们在哪里,你知道他们所在的国家,但是那里太广阔了,你联络不上他们。你希望某天他们会找到你。那是你唯一可以再见到他们的机会 。

Imagine that for a , that you are heartbroken. You're waiting for that call, which may never come from the child. Where are they? What is happening? Do they miss you? Can you even think of such a thing? Then one day, you get the call and you pick up the phone. There is this small voice... precious, it is!


"Mom, is that you? I found you!"


What a day of rejoicing! Wouldn't that be a day of rejoicing? Mom, can you feel it? That sweet little voice on the other end of the line. Now, perhaps, there's two of them, a brother and a sister, two children.


"Mom, we found you!" And then there's the question, "Mom, can we come home?"

“妈妈,我们终于找到你了!” 然后他们问,“妈妈,我们可以回家吗?”

What are you going to say? You know what you're going to say! You're going to say the same thing that Spirit says when you push on that door. "Yes! Please do it! Please come home."


The metaphor of coming home is the connection with the Higher-Self, which gets you back into remembrance, back into the reunion with the love of God.


"Mom, can I come home?"


You're so excited! The children are coming home. Indeed, they are. Then you wait and you wait, and then you see it: Down the road there are two cars coming, and each car has a child in it. The reunion is about to be complete. You're about ready to see them again and you've missed them for so long! You're about ready to look in their eyes yet again and rejoice at the reunion of hearts. It's something you didn't know if you were ever going to be able to do.


Your heart is beating out of your chest, and the tears are flowing. You can hardly wait these last moments. Now, follow this metaphor and understand it for what it's teaching. One child shows up in a green car, and one child shows up in a red car. Do you care? Mom, do you care? NO! You just want them in your arms!


There will be those who will tell you that God will say, "Stop! The color of the car is wrong. Go back! You can't come now." It's silly, isn't it? It's silly. No, we don't care what color the car is. All we care is about the reunion; we care about the heart; we care about the connection; we care about the integrity of the search, and we care about taking your hand and starting a new life of remembrance with the love we shared. That's what we care about. There will be those who would even tell you that if you come in the wrong car, God will cast you into a pit of suffering forever! Does this sound sensible to you? Mom, does this sound like love?

有些人告诉你说,神会说,“停!车子的颜色不对。回去!你现在不可以回家。” 很愚蠢,不是吗?很愚蠢。不,我们不在乎车子的颜色。我们只在乎团聚;我们只在乎心里的感受;我们只在乎连结;我们只在乎寻找过程的正直性,我们只在乎牵起你的手,开始新的生活,重新记起我们之间所分享过的爱。那就是我们所在乎的事。甚至还有人会告诉你说,如果你坐上错的车子回家,神会把你丢进一个让你永远受苦的深坑!这听起来有道理吗?妈妈们,这听起来像是爱吗?



You see, the Creator wants to be found, and the Creator doesn't care how you get to that place of reunion. That's something they seldom tell you in church. That's the message. That's it in its entirety. If you never heard another message from this channel, then it will be complete.


I want to tell you something. I want you to remember something because we're going to close now. From my side of the veil, do you know what makes angels rejoice? I'll tell you: When they get the phone call saying, "Mom, can I come home?"

我要告诉你们一件事。我要你们记得一件事,因为我们快要讲完了。从我这边的帷幕,你们知道是什么让天使感到很欢喜的吗?我告诉你:就是在他们接到那通电话说,“妈妈,我可以回家吗?” 那一刻。

That's when they start their party. How about you? Are you ready to push on the door or not? There are some of you who will say, "Well, I've been doing that all my life." Yes, but I want to give you a bigger door tonight. Push a little harder, because the light's about to get a lot brighter. Healings have occurred in this area tonight in this room in this evening. You're starting to understand, aren't you? Some of the things that escaped you are now starting to be understood.


We want to be found! It's not that hard. You don't have to climb that many steps. You don't have to suffer. You don't need trappings or doctrines or costumes or hats. You don't need a special book or a special prophet.


That's what we wanted to tell you. That's what we wanted to tell you.




So it is, that the Human Beings in this room are honored for their presence this evening. It's hard to say goodbye. We are aware of the linearity of the moment. Kryon knows what time it is. It doesn't make it easy to leave, because we have established a bond, you and I. Have you found it? Did you feel it? I know who you are.


And so it is.


