Granada, Spain |
Kryon:The Lightworker's Handbook Lesson Four:Understanding Who You Are - The System - Part One
对于神的一个最大的误解就是人类该如何与圣灵一起共事。这是挫折感的核心原因,而光之工作者常常会觉得卡住了。他们不理解神的通讯系统,或下一步该怎么做。他们真的连自己是谁也不知道!所以你们会问的第一个问题是:“我是谁?在宇宙格局里我是谁?我的使命是什么?我该如何做?我该从哪里开始?” 这些问题是成立的,但它们每一个都很难回答。因为你们是三维生物,认为你的实相就是神的实相。然而,真相是你即将进行一次跨维度的探索,去寻找你本身的一个片断。
你不是单独存在的三维生物突然被丢进系统这锅汤里。相反的,你是系统这锅汤的一部分。所以我们要你去宣称自己是系统的一部分。我们说,拥有这个系统,让它成为你的一部分。有些人说,“嗯,这听起来很容易。我会去做。” 这不是容易的事,因为你总认为自己与神是分开的。你说,“我在这里,神在那里。我试图去靠近神。” 然而我们在说的是,你必须把自己视为神的一部分,因此,是系统的一部分。
当你进入地球时,你把灵魂能量存放在阿卡什纪录里。那是一种设置,以水晶栅格为开端,使你所做的一切都会成为盖娅的一部分。你还有一个美妙的部分,叫做 “高我”。它是你的灵魂的灵性家长。那么,我已经描述了你的三个部分,而你只知道一个......在镜子里的那一个。
不止这样。还有你在地球上曾经是谁这件事。阿卡什纪录是你的过去生纪录。而我们教导了好几年的事情是:没有过去生这回事!相反的,它们是 “当下” 的人生,因为我刚刚说了,所有那些生世会进入水晶栅格,不是吗?那意味着,当你在跨维度状态里抵达地球时,所有那些生世都活跃在水晶栅格之上。而系统的运作方式就是,它们会全部流进你的 DNA 里!你体内住着你过去曾经所是的每一个生物。那就是每个人都如此独特的原因。
This live channelling was Given in Granada, Spain
August 18, 2007
As channelled by Lee Carroll for Kryon
出处 :
This Transcription was given in Granada, Spain to a very advanced group. This is part one of two regarding one of the most confusing aspects of metaphysics... the system and how it might work. Are there really "no accidents?" What does the face of God look like? Where is God? This channelling is a discourse on the differences between the reality of Spirit and humanity. Part two will be a bit more practical, telling what to do with the whole picture, and giving examples.
This channelling has been rechannelled [by Lee and Kryon] and added onto to provide even clearer understanding. In addition, it has been expanded by Kryon to include the clarity that is only present during a live event. Many times the foreign meetings contain very basic information from Kryon, but much is emotionally transmitted, which the printed page just can’t reveal.So enjoy this enhanced message given in Granada, Spain, August 18, 2007.
这篇信息经过[李及克里昂]的重新通灵及增强,以让人们有更清晰的理解。此外,它还经过克里昂的扩充,以便涵括只有在通灵现场才能清晰呈现出的论点。通常在异国举行的会议,含有克里昂的非常基本的信息,但多数是通过现场的情绪能量来传播,是印刷页面所无法传达的。那么请享有这篇增强版的信息吧,这是在 2007 年 8 月 18 日,在格拉纳达,西班牙传导的。
Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. This is a safe place, and even before we start the teaching I wish to announce that this is a safe, safe place. Should you choose to open your heart this day, no negative thing will come attach to you. You sit with family, so let the energy of this place pour into you, so that you will be given a dispensation of understanding. For what we wish to do is complex. I have instructed my partner that this is to be transcribed and that these two days together will encompass one teaching. This will be an advanced teaching for an advanced group, given in front of Lightworkers who are ready to hear these things. It is true that it will be core information, but it is advanced core information. For we are starting to create the series about the system and how it works.
你们好,亲爱的,我是磁力服务的克里昂。这里是安全的地方,甚至在我们开始教学之前,我就很想宣布这里是非常安全的地方。如果你选择在今天打开心扉,这里不会有任何不好的东西来缠着你。你与家人坐在一起,所以让这里的能量倾注于你身上吧,这样你就会被赋予理解的能力了。因为我们想要做的事情很复杂。我已经指示我的伙伴,说这个信息是要被抄录下来的,说这两天会涵盖同一个教学内容。这会是给高级群体的高级教学,在一群光之工作者面前给出,他们已经准备好听到这些事情。这的确会是核心信息,但它是高级的核心信息。因为我们开始要建立一个讲解 “系统与系统的运作方式” 的信息系列。
The most misunderstood attribute of God is how a Human Being works with Spirit. This is the crux of frustration, and so often Lightworkers feels stuck. They don't understand the communication system or what to do next. They truly don't even know who they are! There they sit waiting for something invisible from a place that they question. The system of God is like that, you know? The system is incompatible with you since you are in 3D. So here's what we wish to do. In this first session, which is this day, we wish to speak of the physics of the system - the confusion. We will explain what it is. In the next session, tomorrow, we will explain how you work with the system and give examples. These, therefore, are two separate teachings that should be considered as one. The system of God - complex, it is.
The System of God
Let us start at the beginning. According to those Humans who keep track of these things, 85 percent or more of this planet belongs to some kind of belief system that searches for God - 85 percent. No matter where they are on the planet, they believe in God. It's in many different ways, within many different organizations. It is overwhelming, is it not, that there is indeed something more than yourself on the planet? So you might say that there is evidence that the entire planet, or most of it, is involved in the search for God in their own way.
让我们从头开始。根据那些了解宗教信仰发展动态的人士所说,地球上有 85 巴仙或更多的人口是属于某种寻找神的信仰体系—— 85 巴仙。无论他们是在地球何处,他们都相信神。对神的信仰有很多种方式,在很多不同的组织里。这很令人惊叹,不是吗,即地球上真的有一种人比你们还要多?因此你可以说,有证据证明整个地球,或地球的大部分地区,都在以各自的方式来寻找神。
So right there, a big question is, "Why would you care?" Are you in fear of God? No. Humans do not search for God in fear. The Human Being wants to find what it's about. It's intuitive Human behavior. As soon as a Human is able to do so, they go on the search. Blessed is the Human Being who searches for God in their own way. Even if they find themselves in a building, singing songs or worshipping with doctrines that are man-made. Indeed, their art and their compassion is the search for God. Let there be no judgment of your brothers and your sisters for this, for they have the love of God just like you.
所以在这里,有一个大问题是,“为什么你会在意神?” 因为你害怕神吗?不是。人类不是在恐惧中寻找神。人类想要知道神是什么。那是直觉的人类行为。人类只要一有能力,他们就会去寻找神。有福的是那些以自己的方式去寻找神的人。即使他们是在一座建筑物里,正在唱诵诗歌,或是正在以人造的教义来敬拜神。其实,他们的艺术作品和他们的仁爱之心,就是他们寻找神的方式。不要因此而批判你的兄弟姐妹,因为他们像你一样爱着神。
Then there is the rest of you - the ones who would find yourself in a place like this, an esoteric place, looking into yourselves saying, "There has to be more than a doctrine." The thing that makes this difficult is that you are going on a journey outside of your dimensionality - outside of your reality - and your understanding and the comfort zone that is your 3D.
然后就是你们其余的人——身处在一个像这样的地方,一个神秘的地方,在看着自己并说,“那里有的肯定不止是教义。” 它的困难之处是,你们即将进入一个旅程,它是在你们的维度以外——在你们的实相以外——而你们的理解能力和舒适地带是在你们的三维里。
So the first questions you will ask are these: "Who am I? Who am I in the scheme of the Universe? What is it I am supposed to do? And how am I supposed to do it? Where do I start?" These are valid questions, but each one of them is difficult. For the answer to all of them is not an answer that you can discern with logic, but you want to. For you are three-dimensional creatures and expect your reality to be God's reality. However, the truth is that you about to go on an interdimensional search for a piece of yourself. Therefore, none of these questions are actually answerable to your satisfaction, and there lies the frustration of so many of you... looking for God in a 3D setting.
所以你们会问的第一个问题是:“我是谁?在宇宙格局里我是谁?我的使命是什么?我该如何做?我该从哪里开始?” 这些问题是成立的,但它们每一个都很难回答。因为它们的答案并不是你们可以通过逻辑来识别的,但你们却想这样做。因为你们是三维生物,认为你的实相就是神的实相。然而,真相是你即将进行一次跨维度的探索,去寻找你本身的一个片断。因此,这些答案没有一个能真正令你满意,那就形成了你们许多人的挫折感......在三维里寻找神。
There are several ways I can set the stage here, so within this message, we're going to feature a little creature. It's going to be an ant, and this ant has been given a task. All of the other ants want this ant to go and find the face of God, and intuitively they know that the face of God is in a place. So the ant goes and begins its journey. It finds itself on a giant painting, one that is as large as a wall. Indeed, the painting is the face of God, and it's beautiful. The colors are vibrant, the face is joyful, it's so real you could almost climb into it... but the ant has no idea of any of it. All the ant knows as it goes from footstep to footstep is that there's a lot of color at its feet. And no matter how much the ant journeys on the picture, the ant has no idea what the face of God looks like. The ant is too small to see the overview and will continue to perceive only the pieces of a puzzle.
So it goes back and reports to the other ants, "I walked and I walked. I touched the face of God, but it's just a color. But if you walk long enough, the color changes and it's another color." Therefore, the reality of the face of God to these ants is that it is a constant, changing color. There's no way for the ant to see the larger picture, is there? Humanity is similar, for humanity encompasses God as part of the three-dimensional scene of humanity, and it make assumptions. Here is an important one: God is not in your time frame. "Kryon, really! We know better than that. We know that God is timeless. We know what you've been teaching for years." So I say to you, then why don't you act like you understand it? For when you ask for something, you're so disappointed when it does not happen in your timeframe! Many of you tap your foot, waiting for the delivery of the package that you ordered from God. You think God's clock is your clock, don't you? But it is not. So if it is not, what are you going to do with this knowledge? How will you ever make sense of this? We'll talk of that tomorrow.
于是它回去对其他蚂蚁报告说,“我走了又走。我碰触了神的脸庞,但它只有一种颜色。但如果你走得够远的话,它的颜色就会转变,变成另一种颜色。” 因此,神的脸庞对这些蚂蚁来说,是一种持续不断变化的颜色。蚂蚁无法看见更大的画面,对吗?人类也一样,因为人类认为神是人类的三维场景中的一部分,然后作出各种假设。这里是一个重要的假设:神不是在你们的时间框架里。“克里昂,说真的!我们当然知道。我们知道神是永恒的。我们知道你这么多年来所教导的是什么。” 于是我对你们说,那你为何不像你所知道的那样去做?因为当你要求某种东西,而它没有在你的时间框架里发生时,你是多么失望!你们许多人在轻拍着脚,在等着你从神那里订购的包裹邮寄过来。你认为神的时钟就是你的时钟,对吗?但它不是。而如果它不是的话,你知道后打算怎么做呢?你到底会如何理解这件事呢?我们明天会谈到这个。
You even think God looks like you! We have said this before. Humans have painted the picture of God as a Human. Angels are the most sacred beings imaginable, who come and go in their miraculous interdimensional form, yet you paint them in 2D! You give them skin and wings, give them a name and say, "This is an angel, and it looks like God." No, it doesn't - it looks like you!
你甚至认为神的样子像你!我们以前说过这件事。人类把神画成人的样子。天使是可想像的最神圣的存有,他们在神奇的跨维度形态里来来去去,人类却把他们画成是二维的!你给他们画了皮肤和翅膀,给他们取名并说,“这是天使,他看起来像神。” 不,不是——他看起来像你!
Then there are Lightworkers who say, "Well, we know better than that. We know that God doesn't look like Human Beings do." Oh, really? Then show me the painting of what you think God looks like. There are very few, because you cannot paint an interdimensional being. You think God is linear. The way you treat the whole process of the system, you say, " I am sick; I go to a place where I will be healed; I will get it, then I will leave." Oh, how linear of you. Do you not understand that you must swim in the energy with Spirit? Do you not understand that instead of that linearness, you must reach out and touch the face of God? What about this? "I have within myself the healing that I might need if I get sick. It will restore my sickness before I manifest it, so therefore, I will never get sick." So you might say, "What? That doesn't make sense. Help us with this, Kryon!" Indeed, I'll do my best. But you've got to throw away the idea that God is like you, living in 3D like you. Your reality is not God's reality.
然后有些光之工作者说,“啊,我们当然知道。我们知道神的样子不像人的样子。”哦,真的吗?那就把你认为是神的样子的图画指给我看吧。那真是寥寥可数,因为你们画不出跨维度的存有。你们认为神是线性的。你们对待系统的整个过程是,你说,“我生病了;我去到一个能治好我的地方;我会得到治疗,然后我会离开。” 啊,你是多么线性啊。你不知道你必须与圣灵一起在那股能量里畅泳吗?相对于那种线性治疗,你不知道你必须伸出手并触摸神的脸吗?以下这种方法如何?“如果我生病的话,我的身体有治愈的能力。它会在我发病前就帮助我复原,因此,我永远不会生病。” 你也许会说,“什么?那根本没有道理。帮助我们理解吧,克里昂!” 是的,我会尽我所能。但你们必须丢弃那些认为神像你、神与你一样活在三维里的想法。你的实相不是神的实相。
Where is God?
Here you sit and ask, "Where is God?" I have the answer, and it's, "No." There is no place for God. It's an impossible question. And you say, "Well, there must be an answer to where is God! We've heard that God resides in heaven. There are streets paved with gold and that there are mansions there." Or, perhaps, you think esoterically that God lives in what you've called the great central sun? Well, none of those things would be correct. For the first one is simply a replication of a 3D city idea of yours. The second expression, the great central sun, is a metaphor for a place. It's a metaphor for the center of every single atom that exists. God is not in a place, since the concept of a "place" cannot exist in a quantum state.
你就坐在这里问,“神在哪里?” 我有答案,而它是,“不。” 神没有地方。这是不可能的问题。而你说,“嗯,神在哪里的这个问题肯定有一个答案!我们听说神住在天堂里。听说那里有用黄金铺成的道路和高楼大厦。” 或者,也许,你从神秘学的角度认为,神是住在那所谓的大中央太阳里?嗯,都不对。第一种说法只是复制你们的三维城市的概念。第二种说法,大中央太阳,是隐喻一个地方。它是隐喻每一个原子的中央。神不是在某个地方,因为 “地方” 这种概念在量子状态里是不存在的。
Here is another example of the absence of "where." Psychics of your planet will go out and they will try to contact the dead, for the Human brain says, "These Humans are gone." This is because in linear time, the soul's energy has ceased to exist. Humans believe that that soul energy has gone somewhere... to a place. Therefore, the psychic using their three-dimensional perception goes to that place and they bring in "the soul's energy of the departed one." They get a message and bring it back, and everyone is excited and impressed. Let me tell you what has really happened. The departed didn't go anywhere! For the soul energy is now in an interdimensional space, where there is no past or future. There's no time on the other side of the veil. How can you have a past when there is no time? We have discussed before that every soul energy on this planet leaves a residual on Earth. It gets more complicated and I'll tell you about this in a moment. But think for a moment - your lifetime, right now, is being imprinted onto the crystalline grid of the planet forever. Forever! It has to be that way for the vibration of the earth is the culmination, the sum of all of the entities upon it. When your physical body leaves, your departure does not diminish the crystalline grid, for the energy that you have today is imprinted and it stays here. When the psychic goes out to contact the one who's departed, they're simply talking to the residual in the grid. They're not talking to a departed soul somewhere else. Instead, they are talking to the soul energy that remained here.
这是另一个不存在 “哪里” 的例子。你们地球的灵媒会出去尝试联络死者,因为人类的大脑说,“这些人离开了。” 因为在线性时间里,死者的灵魂能量已经停止存在。人类相信灵魂能量是去了某处......去了一个地方。因此,灵媒带着他们的三维认知去到那个地方,然后把 “死者的灵魂能量” 召回来。他们得到一个信息并把它带回来,而每个人都很兴奋也很佩服。让我告诉你真正发生的是什么。死者哪儿也没去!因为他的灵魂能量此时是在跨维度空间里,那里没有过去也没有未来。帷幕的另一边不存在时间。没有时间又怎么会有过去?我们以前谈过,每一个灵魂会遗留一点能量在地球上。这变得越来越复杂了,我等下会告诉你这个。但试想一下——你的人生,此刻,正在地球的水晶栅格上留下永恒的印记。永恒!它必须如此,因为地球的振动是个顶点,是所有生活在地球上的实体的振动总和。当你的肉体离开时,你的离去并不会减少水晶栅格的能量,因为你今天所拥有的能量已经留下了印记,它会留在地球上。当灵媒出去联络死者时,他们只是对水晶栅格里的遗留能量说话。他们不是对一个去了其他地方的死者灵魂说话。相反的,他们是对留在地球上的灵魂能量说话。
But because the psychic is based in 3D, the psychic says, "Yes, but I went somewhere else." The concept of the future or the past does not exist on the other side of the veil. Even the expression "other side of the veil" is incorrect. Do you know where you go, where you go when you meditate? You touch the sacred lattice that is always present. You journey into the center of atomic structure. You become in a quantum state with the Universe and you touch the face of God. This is advanced information for it tries the very fabric of your logic.
但因为灵媒的认知是以三维为基础的,他说,“是,我是去了其他地方。” 未来或过去的概念并不存在于帷幕的另一边。甚至连 “帷幕的另一边” 这种说法也是不正确的。你知不知道你是去了哪里,当你冥想时你是去了哪里?你是去碰触那永恒存在的神圣网格。你是去了原子结构的中央。你是在量子状态里跟宇宙在一起,你触摸了神的脸。这是高级信息,因为它考验你最基本的逻辑。
Then there are those who say, "God is in charge," not understanding at all how the system works. These are the ones who say God is in charge of everything that goes on in the planet, again, not understanding the system. Let me ask you something. Does it really look like God is in charge of anything? For most Humans, the system of spiritual reality must have a hierarchy of power and God must be at the top. However, the real system is this: God is in charge of nothing! Instead, it's the Human Beings who are making the difference - who find God in themselves, and who awaken with light, who let this God-light show through them. Therefore, it is the Human Being who is in charge of this planet! The more of you open this door and understand this system, the more light on this planet there will be.
然后有些人说,“神在掌管一切,” 他们一点也不理解系统是如何运作的。那些说神在掌管地球上所发生的每一件事情的人,我再说一遍,并不理解系统。让我问你一件事。神看起来真的像是在掌管一切吗?对多数人来说,灵性实相的系统必定有权力阶层,而神必定是在最高层。然而,真正的系统是:神不管任何事!相反的,是人类负责带来改变——在他们的体内寻找神,在光明中觉醒过来,让神的光通过他们而展现出来。因此,是人类在掌管地球!你们有更多人打开这扇门并理解这个系统,地球上就会有更多的光。
There is dimensional confusion everywhere. You'll ask for prophecy and the prophet will travel to the other side of the veil to see what the future holds for Earth. And what he sees is chaos! Things are always changing to 3D eyes who look into the interdimensional void. There is no three-dimensional perception logic there, and it looks like nonsense. Yet the prophet has to make some sense of it, doesn't he? So let us add this part of the puzzle for the ant: Suddenly, the ant is on the giant picture again, only the face of God keeps changing. Then the ant comes back and tells the other ants, "It's even more confusing than I thought! I was sitting there minding my own business and the colors then started to change beneath my feet!" The other ants don't understand that.
到处都有维度空间的混乱。你会请求得到预言,然后预言家会去到帷幕的另一边,并看看地球的未来是什么。而他看见的就是混乱!对于看进跨维度空间的三维眼睛来说,事情总是不停在变。那里没有三维认知的逻辑,它看起来就像是一场胡闹。但预言家至少必须看出个所以然,不是吗?那么让我们来增加小蚂蚁的这个谜题吧:突然间,小蚂蚁再次来到那幅巨大的图画上,只是这次,神的脸庞不断在发生变化。然后小蚂蚁就回去告诉其他蚂蚁,“它比我想的还要混乱!我只是坐着在做自己的事,但我脚下的颜色却开始变了!” 其他蚂蚁不能理解。
Now, let's add another dimensionality to this "face of God" painting. Let us make it a three-dimensional painting, not a two-dimensional painting. Suddenly, the ant is now climbing hills of color that are always changing! The ant says, "This face of God is very confusing, for now there are mountains of changing color, but still no face of God." The problem is the same as I have discussed before. When you go to an interdimensional state, there is nothing you will observe that looks like what you want to see, or have been trained to see in your life's experience. Therefore, there is no logic or clear perception. So you make decisions in three dimensions based upon what your life experience is, but none of those decisions are accurate, for they only reflect your reality, not God's.
现在,让我们再加一个维度在这个 “神的脸庞” 的图画上。让我们把它变成一个立体塑像,而不是二维图画。突然间,小蚂蚁是在不断发生变化的彩色山丘上攀爬着!小蚂蚁说,“神的这张脸真是令人非常不解,因为现在它变成了不断转变颜色的山丘,但还是没有看见神的脸。” 这个问题跟我之前所说的一样。当你进入了跨维度状态,你不会看见任何你想要看的东西,或看见你在人生中被训练去看的东西。因此,那里没有逻辑或清楚的概念。于是你在三维里根据你的人生经历来解读,但这些解读没有一个是准确的,因为它们只是反映了你的实相,不是神的实相。
In that interdimensional state is the future of the planet, represented by every possible potential that exists. Imagine the chaos, the seeming chaos of future potentials created by the decisions of every Human Being on the planet. Everything you might do... represented in one place! Yet, it's not a place. I told you this would be advanced. What I'm doing is preparing you to understand how the system works with you, and the great beauty of it. Oh, it's beautiful! You see, it's only chaos to you. It's beautiful with lovely strands of order for us. And I haven't even begun to get to the confusing part yet.
Oh, I guess I ought to tell you. Who are you? Well, a piece of you exists in three dimension and you call it a Human. That's a piece of you. That's not all of you, just the part you think is you, for this piece is perceived as whole and complete by you in 3D. This is the piece that wakes up in the morning and looks in the mirror and sees that they are another day older. This is the piece that's always searching for God on the painting, like the ant, but never seeing the big picture, or the big issue.
Let me tell you a little about who are you [and more about this in a channelling to come]. When you come into this planet, there is an energy deposited into the Akashic Record. There is a set-up that begins with the Crystalline Grid so that everything you do becomes part of Gaia. There is also a wonderful part of you that you have called the Higher-Self. This is the spiritual parent of your soul. So already, I've described three parts yet you're only aware of one... the one in the mirror. Oh, it gets even more complicated than that. Every time you come into this planet featuring another physical expression, you have the same Higher-Self soul parent. Let me explain. Your Higher-Self knows all about who you've been... your planetary 3D history. Because this part of you was here for all of them! Oh, it gets even more complicated - in this interdimensional system of potentials, there are pieces and parts of you also on the other side of the veil, helping you. There has to be. Think about it. This explains the system of co-creation. How can you co-create on this planet when there's only one piece of you? Don't you understand if you're part of the engine of the way things work, you have to be many parts of the engine of reality? You cannot be one part asking the other parts to help you. You see, that's an old doctrine and wouldn't co-create anything. You are multiple energies working together to create synchronicity.
让我透露一些关于你是谁的消息 [更多的会在下一篇通灵信息里透露]。当你进入地球时,你把灵魂能量存放在阿卡什纪录里。那是一种设置,以水晶栅格为开端,使你所做的一切都会成为盖娅的一部分。你还有一个美妙的部分,叫做 “高我”。它是你的灵魂的灵性家长。那么,我已经描述了你的三个部分,而你只知道一个......在镜子里的那一个。哦,它甚至比那个还复杂。每一次你进入地球以另一个肉体作为表现形式时,你都有同一个高我灵魂家长。让我解释一下。你的高我知道你过去的每一生……你的地球三维历史。因为你的这个部分每一生都在这里!哦,它变得越来越复杂了——在这个跨维度的潜在性系统里,你还有很多片断和部分在帷幕的另一边,在协助你。这是必须的。想想看。这解释了共同创造的系统。如果你只有单独一个片段,你如何能在这地球上进行共同创造呢?难道你还不明白,如果你是那推动事情运作的引擎的一份子,那么你就必须是那个实相引擎的许多部件?你不能只是一个部件在要求其他部件来帮忙你。你瞧,那是旧式的教义,那不会共同创造任何事情。你是多重能量在一起运作以便创造同步性。
Now, let us apply that to the ant again. The ant goes onto the picture, the colors are changing, the topography continues to change and the ant is frustrated. He's given up now, for he's seen too much for it to make sense. He's met himself! He now says, "Not only is this face of God unusual, changing and moving, but everywhere I have gone, I met myself! Somehow, I'm on the face of God." Indeed! That's the system.
现在,让我们把这种情况再次应用到小蚂蚁身上。小蚂蚁去到了图画上,颜色不停在变,地形不停在变,小蚂蚁抓狂了。他放弃了,因为他看了太多东西,却没有看出个所以然。他还遇见了他自己!现在他说,“不止神的脸庞是不寻常的,是不停在转变和移动的,而且我到过的每一个地方,我都遇见我自己!不知何故,我会在神的脸庞上。” 的确!那就是系统。
Now, there really is some order in this, but I'm not done giving you the confusing parts. Not only are there pieces and parts of you in this interdimensional soup of chaos, but then there is the issue of who you used to be on Earth. What you call the Akashic Record is the record of your past lives. It's in 3D, just like you are. I have Lemurians here and they understand what I'm speaking of. How many times have you been on the earth, Lemurian? Shaman, and you find yourself sitting in the chair as a healer today. So interested, are you, in the energy of the healing of the lattice! And how many times on Earth do you think it took you to get to that place? Fifty times? A hundred times? More? And if I could introduce you to who you used to be, how would you feel? And which one of the yous that you think was past do you wish to be?
Well, I have more confusing news... something we have been teaching now for some years: There is no such thing as a past life! Instead, they are "now" lives, for I just told you that all of those expressions go into the Crystalline Grid, did I not? That means when you arrive on this planet (whoever you are) in an interdimensional state, all of those lives are active on the grid. And the way the system works is that they all flow right into your DNA when you get here! Inside you is every creature that you claim to have been. It's what makes you so different from one another.
嗯,我有更多令人困惑的消息……是我们教导了好几年的事情:没有过去生这回事!相反的,它们是 “当下” 的人生,因为我刚刚说了,所有那些生世会进入水晶栅格,不是吗?那意味着,当你在跨维度状态里抵达地球时(无论你是谁),所有那些生世都活跃在水晶栅格之上。而系统的运作方式就是,它们会全部流进你的 DNA 里!你体内住着你过去曾经所是的每一个生物。那就是每个人都如此独特的原因。
Blessed is the Human Being who allows his heart to open and the Akash to spill out and for him see the work these lives have done together with the current one. He sees the old souls and the lineage of their past. He sees soul mates because their imprint is here forever. The system is beautiful, but to you, it looks confusing.
Tomorrow we're going to tell you how to make some sense of this. Therefore, these two channellings should be listened to as a pair. You are magnificent on this planet. I've just given you information that every single time you've come here, you leave something behind. I told you that there's multiple parts of you on the other side of that veil you call interdimensionality.
Some of you keenly feel it and you say, "Well, these other parts of me are my guides while I'm here." You are right! Some of you are very tuned into this. You say, "The angels are with me." Right again, but I have news for you: YOU are with you! That's why contact with Spirit feels so good, understand? It's a reunion of sorts if you let it be. Yet, there would be those who say, "I don't like that. I don't like the idea of ‘me with me.' I want something bigger; I want someone very important and grand with me." Oh, it is someone important! Piece of God that you are; eternal being that you are; advanced creature of God that you are, this energy demands that you understand many of these confusing things about your multiple Magnificent Being.
有些人很敏锐地感觉到它并说,“嗯,我的这些部分是我在这里时的指导灵。” 说对了!你们有些人能连结到这股能量。你说,“天使与我在一起。” 又说对了,但我有消息给你:你是和你自己在一起!那就是为何连结上圣灵的感觉会那么棒,明白吗?那可算是一种团聚,如果你放开自己的话。但还是有人会说,“我不喜欢。我不喜欢 ‘我和我’ 的这种概念。我要某些更宏大的事情;我要某个非常重要及伟大的人物与我在一起。” 哦,他是很重要的人!你是神的片段;你是永恒的存有;你是高级神性生物;这股能量要求你理解你自己这个多重伟大存有的许多混乱事物。
Gone are those innocent days, where you come into a building like this and hope God does something for you. It's better than that! Now you come into a building and you find your own mastery - realizing who the family is, who the manifestor really is, and you start the training of self-realization. The system exists for you, and it's beautiful... filled with songs. "Songs" is the only word I can use. When you enjoy music on this earth, it often fills your heart. You think it's just here on this side, don't you? Well, think again! Oh, I've got music for you, and when you see me again, the tunes will play; the choirs will sing, and you will burst forth in light singing about the face of God, which you are part of. You won't be able to help it, you know? You will sing with joy and be filled with joy. The love of God is not filled with rules. That's the message of Kryon. The love of God is filled with unity and compassion.
那些无知的日子已经一去不复返,那时你可以进入一座像这样的建筑物并希望神会为你做点事。现在好多了!现在你进入一座建筑物,然后找到你自己的大师身份——知道谁是家人,谁是真正的显灵者,并着手进行自我实现的训练。系统为你而存在,它是美丽的......充满了歌声。“歌声” 是我唯一能使用的字眼。当你欣赏地球上的音乐时,它往往填满了你的心灵。你认为只有在这一边才有音乐,对吧?唔,再想想看!哦,我为你们准备了音乐,当你再次与我重逢时,音乐会响起,合唱团会歌唱,而你会爆出一道道光,在歌颂着神的脸庞,而你也是它的一部份。你会情不自禁地唱起来,知道吗?你会快乐地歌唱,心中满是快乐。神的爱不是满满的规则。那就是克里昂的信息。神的爱是满满的合一与慈悲。
I am Kryon and I have spoken through my partner for 18 years. And I have never, ever told any Human that I am the only source that they should listen to, for there are pieces of God everywhere. There are those who are coming through in Human channels so many places with profound information, male and female. Put the information together. Unify these messages and receive a larger message. Don't put walls around each one, saying, "Don't go see the other one." Listen. If any channeller ever tells you that - ever tells you that - walk away! For that is not God speaking. God is you, family, and it's open to everyone and you need each other in this way. This has always been my message and it always will be.
我是克里昂,我已经通过我的伙伴演说了 18 年。而我从来、从来没有告诉任何人说,我是他们唯一应该收听的信息来源,因为到处都有神的片段。到处都有实体通过人类灵媒带来深刻的信息,男的或女的通灵者。把这些信息集合起来。统一这些信息并接收一个更广大的信息。别筑墙围住每一个信息,并说,“别去看其他人的。” 听着。如果有任何通灵者试着说这种话——试着说这种话——马上走开!因为那不是神的谈话。神就是你,是家人,神对任何人都是开放的,你们需要与其他人互相保持开放的态度。这一直都是我的信息,它永远会是。
It would be a good time for a healing, wouldn't it? So who is it that's going to start understanding who they are? What if you were the one to heal yourself tonight? Is that too grand? Would you allow it? Do you really have to ask God for it? Does it make you feel better to ask Kryon for it? Because I don't have your healing. I have the answer, but I don't have the healing. Understand? Can you go inside and start to see your majesty?
"It's too hard, Kryon, just too hard. I would rather come to a place and sit there and be healed by a higher power." Indeed you would! This is the answer, which humanity does not understand. Healing is part of the system of God that you as Humans create. This sacred system is part of you and is ready to give you the healing that you came for. So claim your mastery. Understand that you are a part of this earth and this system.
“这太难了,克里昂,真的太难。我宁愿来到这里坐着,然后被一股高级能量治愈。” 没错你在这里会被治愈!这就是答案,而人类并不理解。治疗是神的系统的一部分,这个系统是由你们人类所创造。这个神圣系统是你的一部分,它准备好在你到来时给予你治疗。所以赶快宣示你的大师身份吧。并理解你是这个地球和这个系统的一部分。
All I can do is invite you to see this light. I cannot personally touch your heart. I cannot make your brain think a way that is different that you wish it to think.
It's a safe place here, you know? Yes, there are angels here - beautiful ones. They don't have skin and wings like you, and they have names that are sung in light. They contain pieces and parts of what you call your lineage. Some of them represent those who you have loved and lost on this planet. They are here. Do you really doubt that? I invite you to smell them. You know what they are like, since you've spent years with them. So you know their essence. Let their individual essences waft over you. Listen to the emotion of their hearts with yours. For if it is true what I told you today, then you walk with them every day in an interdimensional space. Do you believe?
Let them look at you now and say, "Well done, my child. Proud of you, we are." We would not say these things if they were not so. Is it too grand for you? Well, there's more. It continues tomorrow..
让他们此刻看着你并说,“干得好,我的孩子。我们以你为荣。” 如果这些不是真相,我们不会这样说。这个信息对你而言是否过于重大了?嗯,还有更多。明天我们继续......
And so it is.
Here you sit and ask, "Where is God?" I have the answer, and it's, "No." There is no place for God. It's an impossible question. And you say, "Well, there must be an answer to where is God! We've heard that God resides in heaven. There are streets paved with gold and that there are mansions there." Or, perhaps, you think esoterically that God lives in what you've called the great central sun? Well, none of those things would be correct. For the first one is simply a replication of a 3D city idea of yours. The second expression, the great central sun, is a metaphor for a place. It's a metaphor for the center of every single atom that exists. God is not in a place, since the concept of a "place" cannot exist in a quantum state.
你就坐在这里问,“神在哪里?” 我有答案,而它是,“不。” 神没有地方。这是不可能的问题。而你说,“嗯,神在哪里的这个问题肯定有一个答案!我们听说神住在天堂里。听说那里有用黄金铺成的道路和高楼大厦。” 或者,也许,你从神秘学的角度认为,神是住在那所谓的大中央太阳里?嗯,都不对。第一种说法只是复制你们的三维城市的概念。第二种说法,大中央太阳,是隐喻一个地方。它是隐喻每一个原子的中央。神不是在某个地方,因为 “地方” 这种概念在量子状态里是不存在的。
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大中央太阳:隐喻每一个原子的中央 |
Here is another example of the absence of "where." Psychics of your planet will go out and they will try to contact the dead, for the Human brain says, "These Humans are gone." This is because in linear time, the soul's energy has ceased to exist. Humans believe that that soul energy has gone somewhere... to a place. Therefore, the psychic using their three-dimensional perception goes to that place and they bring in "the soul's energy of the departed one." They get a message and bring it back, and everyone is excited and impressed. Let me tell you what has really happened. The departed didn't go anywhere! For the soul energy is now in an interdimensional space, where there is no past or future. There's no time on the other side of the veil. How can you have a past when there is no time? We have discussed before that every soul energy on this planet leaves a residual on Earth. It gets more complicated and I'll tell you about this in a moment. But think for a moment - your lifetime, right now, is being imprinted onto the crystalline grid of the planet forever. Forever! It has to be that way for the vibration of the earth is the culmination, the sum of all of the entities upon it. When your physical body leaves, your departure does not diminish the crystalline grid, for the energy that you have today is imprinted and it stays here. When the psychic goes out to contact the one who's departed, they're simply talking to the residual in the grid. They're not talking to a departed soul somewhere else. Instead, they are talking to the soul energy that remained here.
这是另一个不存在 “哪里” 的例子。你们地球的灵媒会出去尝试联络死者,因为人类的大脑说,“这些人离开了。” 因为在线性时间里,死者的灵魂能量已经停止存在。人类相信灵魂能量是去了某处......去了一个地方。因此,灵媒带着他们的三维认知去到那个地方,然后把 “死者的灵魂能量” 召回来。他们得到一个信息并把它带回来,而每个人都很兴奋也很佩服。让我告诉你真正发生的是什么。死者哪儿也没去!因为他的灵魂能量此时是在跨维度空间里,那里没有过去也没有未来。帷幕的另一边不存在时间。没有时间又怎么会有过去?我们以前谈过,每一个灵魂会遗留一点能量在地球上。这变得越来越复杂了,我等下会告诉你这个。但试想一下——你的人生,此刻,正在地球的水晶栅格上留下永恒的印记。永恒!它必须如此,因为地球的振动是个顶点,是所有生活在地球上的实体的振动总和。当你的肉体离开时,你的离去并不会减少水晶栅格的能量,因为你今天所拥有的能量已经留下了印记,它会留在地球上。当灵媒出去联络死者时,他们只是对水晶栅格里的遗留能量说话。他们不是对一个去了其他地方的死者灵魂说话。相反的,他们是对留在地球上的灵魂能量说话。
But because the psychic is based in 3D, the psychic says, "Yes, but I went somewhere else." The concept of the future or the past does not exist on the other side of the veil. Even the expression "other side of the veil" is incorrect. Do you know where you go, where you go when you meditate? You touch the sacred lattice that is always present. You journey into the center of atomic structure. You become in a quantum state with the Universe and you touch the face of God. This is advanced information for it tries the very fabric of your logic.
但因为灵媒的认知是以三维为基础的,他说,“是,我是去了其他地方。” 未来或过去的概念并不存在于帷幕的另一边。甚至连 “帷幕的另一边” 这种说法也是不正确的。你知不知道你是去了哪里,当你冥想时你是去了哪里?你是去碰触那永恒存在的神圣网格。你是去了原子结构的中央。你是在量子状态里跟宇宙在一起,你触摸了神的脸。这是高级信息,因为它考验你最基本的逻辑。
Then there are those who say, "God is in charge," not understanding at all how the system works. These are the ones who say God is in charge of everything that goes on in the planet, again, not understanding the system. Let me ask you something. Does it really look like God is in charge of anything? For most Humans, the system of spiritual reality must have a hierarchy of power and God must be at the top. However, the real system is this: God is in charge of nothing! Instead, it's the Human Beings who are making the difference - who find God in themselves, and who awaken with light, who let this God-light show through them. Therefore, it is the Human Being who is in charge of this planet! The more of you open this door and understand this system, the more light on this planet there will be.
然后有些人说,“神在掌管一切,” 他们一点也不理解系统是如何运作的。那些说神在掌管地球上所发生的每一件事情的人,我再说一遍,并不理解系统。让我问你一件事。神看起来真的像是在掌管一切吗?对多数人来说,灵性实相的系统必定有权力阶层,而神必定是在最高层。然而,真正的系统是:神不管任何事!相反的,是人类负责带来改变——在他们的体内寻找神,在光明中觉醒过来,让神的光通过他们而展现出来。因此,是人类在掌管地球!你们有更多人打开这扇门并理解这个系统,地球上就会有更多的光。
There is dimensional confusion everywhere. You'll ask for prophecy and the prophet will travel to the other side of the veil to see what the future holds for Earth. And what he sees is chaos! Things are always changing to 3D eyes who look into the interdimensional void. There is no three-dimensional perception logic there, and it looks like nonsense. Yet the prophet has to make some sense of it, doesn't he? So let us add this part of the puzzle for the ant: Suddenly, the ant is on the giant picture again, only the face of God keeps changing. Then the ant comes back and tells the other ants, "It's even more confusing than I thought! I was sitting there minding my own business and the colors then started to change beneath my feet!" The other ants don't understand that.
到处都有维度空间的混乱。你会请求得到预言,然后预言家会去到帷幕的另一边,并看看地球的未来是什么。而他看见的就是混乱!对于看进跨维度空间的三维眼睛来说,事情总是不停在变。那里没有三维认知的逻辑,它看起来就像是一场胡闹。但预言家至少必须看出个所以然,不是吗?那么让我们来增加小蚂蚁的这个谜题吧:突然间,小蚂蚁再次来到那幅巨大的图画上,只是这次,神的脸庞不断在发生变化。然后小蚂蚁就回去告诉其他蚂蚁,“它比我想的还要混乱!我只是坐着在做自己的事,但我脚下的颜色却开始变了!” 其他蚂蚁不能理解。
Now, let's add another dimensionality to this "face of God" painting. Let us make it a three-dimensional painting, not a two-dimensional painting. Suddenly, the ant is now climbing hills of color that are always changing! The ant says, "This face of God is very confusing, for now there are mountains of changing color, but still no face of God." The problem is the same as I have discussed before. When you go to an interdimensional state, there is nothing you will observe that looks like what you want to see, or have been trained to see in your life's experience. Therefore, there is no logic or clear perception. So you make decisions in three dimensions based upon what your life experience is, but none of those decisions are accurate, for they only reflect your reality, not God's.
现在,让我们再加一个维度在这个 “神的脸庞” 的图画上。让我们把它变成一个立体塑像,而不是二维图画。突然间,小蚂蚁是在不断发生变化的彩色山丘上攀爬着!小蚂蚁说,“神的这张脸真是令人非常不解,因为现在它变成了不断转变颜色的山丘,但还是没有看见神的脸。” 这个问题跟我之前所说的一样。当你进入了跨维度状态,你不会看见任何你想要看的东西,或看见你在人生中被训练去看的东西。因此,那里没有逻辑或清楚的概念。于是你在三维里根据你的人生经历来解读,但这些解读没有一个是准确的,因为它们只是反映了你的实相,不是神的实相。
In that interdimensional state is the future of the planet, represented by every possible potential that exists. Imagine the chaos, the seeming chaos of future potentials created by the decisions of every Human Being on the planet. Everything you might do... represented in one place! Yet, it's not a place. I told you this would be advanced. What I'm doing is preparing you to understand how the system works with you, and the great beauty of it. Oh, it's beautiful! You see, it's only chaos to you. It's beautiful with lovely strands of order for us. And I haven't even begun to get to the confusing part yet.
Oh, I guess I ought to tell you. Who are you? Well, a piece of you exists in three dimension and you call it a Human. That's a piece of you. That's not all of you, just the part you think is you, for this piece is perceived as whole and complete by you in 3D. This is the piece that wakes up in the morning and looks in the mirror and sees that they are another day older. This is the piece that's always searching for God on the painting, like the ant, but never seeing the big picture, or the big issue.
Let me tell you a little about who are you [and more about this in a channelling to come]. When you come into this planet, there is an energy deposited into the Akashic Record. There is a set-up that begins with the Crystalline Grid so that everything you do becomes part of Gaia. There is also a wonderful part of you that you have called the Higher-Self. This is the spiritual parent of your soul. So already, I've described three parts yet you're only aware of one... the one in the mirror. Oh, it gets even more complicated than that. Every time you come into this planet featuring another physical expression, you have the same Higher-Self soul parent. Let me explain. Your Higher-Self knows all about who you've been... your planetary 3D history. Because this part of you was here for all of them! Oh, it gets even more complicated - in this interdimensional system of potentials, there are pieces and parts of you also on the other side of the veil, helping you. There has to be. Think about it. This explains the system of co-creation. How can you co-create on this planet when there's only one piece of you? Don't you understand if you're part of the engine of the way things work, you have to be many parts of the engine of reality? You cannot be one part asking the other parts to help you. You see, that's an old doctrine and wouldn't co-create anything. You are multiple energies working together to create synchronicity.
让我透露一些关于你是谁的消息 [更多的会在下一篇通灵信息里透露]。当你进入地球时,你把灵魂能量存放在阿卡什纪录里。那是一种设置,以水晶栅格为开端,使你所做的一切都会成为盖娅的一部分。你还有一个美妙的部分,叫做 “高我”。它是你的灵魂的灵性家长。那么,我已经描述了你的三个部分,而你只知道一个......在镜子里的那一个。哦,它甚至比那个还复杂。每一次你进入地球以另一个肉体作为表现形式时,你都有同一个高我灵魂家长。让我解释一下。你的高我知道你过去的每一生……你的地球三维历史。因为你的这个部分每一生都在这里!哦,它变得越来越复杂了——在这个跨维度的潜在性系统里,你还有很多片断和部分在帷幕的另一边,在协助你。这是必须的。想想看。这解释了共同创造的系统。如果你只有单独一个片段,你如何能在这地球上进行共同创造呢?难道你还不明白,如果你是那推动事情运作的引擎的一份子,那么你就必须是那个实相引擎的许多部件?你不能只是一个部件在要求其他部件来帮忙你。你瞧,那是旧式的教义,那不会共同创造任何事情。你是多重能量在一起运作以便创造同步性。
Now, let us apply that to the ant again. The ant goes onto the picture, the colors are changing, the topography continues to change and the ant is frustrated. He's given up now, for he's seen too much for it to make sense. He's met himself! He now says, "Not only is this face of God unusual, changing and moving, but everywhere I have gone, I met myself! Somehow, I'm on the face of God." Indeed! That's the system.
现在,让我们把这种情况再次应用到小蚂蚁身上。小蚂蚁去到了图画上,颜色不停在变,地形不停在变,小蚂蚁抓狂了。他放弃了,因为他看了太多东西,却没有看出个所以然。他还遇见了他自己!现在他说,“不止神的脸庞是不寻常的,是不停在转变和移动的,而且我到过的每一个地方,我都遇见我自己!不知何故,我会在神的脸庞上。” 的确!那就是系统。
Now, there really is some order in this, but I'm not done giving you the confusing parts. Not only are there pieces and parts of you in this interdimensional soup of chaos, but then there is the issue of who you used to be on Earth. What you call the Akashic Record is the record of your past lives. It's in 3D, just like you are. I have Lemurians here and they understand what I'm speaking of. How many times have you been on the earth, Lemurian? Shaman, and you find yourself sitting in the chair as a healer today. So interested, are you, in the energy of the healing of the lattice! And how many times on Earth do you think it took you to get to that place? Fifty times? A hundred times? More? And if I could introduce you to who you used to be, how would you feel? And which one of the yous that you think was past do you wish to be?
Well, I have more confusing news... something we have been teaching now for some years: There is no such thing as a past life! Instead, they are "now" lives, for I just told you that all of those expressions go into the Crystalline Grid, did I not? That means when you arrive on this planet (whoever you are) in an interdimensional state, all of those lives are active on the grid. And the way the system works is that they all flow right into your DNA when you get here! Inside you is every creature that you claim to have been. It's what makes you so different from one another.
嗯,我有更多令人困惑的消息……是我们教导了好几年的事情:没有过去生这回事!相反的,它们是 “当下” 的人生,因为我刚刚说了,所有那些生世会进入水晶栅格,不是吗?那意味着,当你在跨维度状态里抵达地球时(无论你是谁),所有那些生世都活跃在水晶栅格之上。而系统的运作方式就是,它们会全部流进你的 DNA 里!你体内住着你过去曾经所是的每一个生物。那就是每个人都如此独特的原因。
Blessed is the Human Being who allows his heart to open and the Akash to spill out and for him see the work these lives have done together with the current one. He sees the old souls and the lineage of their past. He sees soul mates because their imprint is here forever. The system is beautiful, but to you, it looks confusing.
Tomorrow we're going to tell you how to make some sense of this. Therefore, these two channellings should be listened to as a pair. You are magnificent on this planet. I've just given you information that every single time you've come here, you leave something behind. I told you that there's multiple parts of you on the other side of that veil you call interdimensionality.
Some of you keenly feel it and you say, "Well, these other parts of me are my guides while I'm here." You are right! Some of you are very tuned into this. You say, "The angels are with me." Right again, but I have news for you: YOU are with you! That's why contact with Spirit feels so good, understand? It's a reunion of sorts if you let it be. Yet, there would be those who say, "I don't like that. I don't like the idea of ‘me with me.' I want something bigger; I want someone very important and grand with me." Oh, it is someone important! Piece of God that you are; eternal being that you are; advanced creature of God that you are, this energy demands that you understand many of these confusing things about your multiple Magnificent Being.
有些人很敏锐地感觉到它并说,“嗯,我的这些部分是我在这里时的指导灵。” 说对了!你们有些人能连结到这股能量。你说,“天使与我在一起。” 又说对了,但我有消息给你:你是和你自己在一起!那就是为何连结上圣灵的感觉会那么棒,明白吗?那可算是一种团聚,如果你放开自己的话。但还是有人会说,“我不喜欢。我不喜欢 ‘我和我’ 的这种概念。我要某些更宏大的事情;我要某个非常重要及伟大的人物与我在一起。” 哦,他是很重要的人!你是神的片段;你是永恒的存有;你是高级神性生物;这股能量要求你理解你自己这个多重伟大存有的许多混乱事物。
Gone are those innocent days, where you come into a building like this and hope God does something for you. It's better than that! Now you come into a building and you find your own mastery - realizing who the family is, who the manifestor really is, and you start the training of self-realization. The system exists for you, and it's beautiful... filled with songs. "Songs" is the only word I can use. When you enjoy music on this earth, it often fills your heart. You think it's just here on this side, don't you? Well, think again! Oh, I've got music for you, and when you see me again, the tunes will play; the choirs will sing, and you will burst forth in light singing about the face of God, which you are part of. You won't be able to help it, you know? You will sing with joy and be filled with joy. The love of God is not filled with rules. That's the message of Kryon. The love of God is filled with unity and compassion.
那些无知的日子已经一去不复返,那时你可以进入一座像这样的建筑物并希望神会为你做点事。现在好多了!现在你进入一座建筑物,然后找到你自己的大师身份——知道谁是家人,谁是真正的显灵者,并着手进行自我实现的训练。系统为你而存在,它是美丽的......充满了歌声。“歌声” 是我唯一能使用的字眼。当你欣赏地球上的音乐时,它往往填满了你的心灵。你认为只有在这一边才有音乐,对吧?唔,再想想看!哦,我为你们准备了音乐,当你再次与我重逢时,音乐会响起,合唱团会歌唱,而你会爆出一道道光,在歌颂着神的脸庞,而你也是它的一部份。你会情不自禁地唱起来,知道吗?你会快乐地歌唱,心中满是快乐。神的爱不是满满的规则。那就是克里昂的信息。神的爱是满满的合一与慈悲。
I am Kryon and I have spoken through my partner for 18 years. And I have never, ever told any Human that I am the only source that they should listen to, for there are pieces of God everywhere. There are those who are coming through in Human channels so many places with profound information, male and female. Put the information together. Unify these messages and receive a larger message. Don't put walls around each one, saying, "Don't go see the other one." Listen. If any channeller ever tells you that - ever tells you that - walk away! For that is not God speaking. God is you, family, and it's open to everyone and you need each other in this way. This has always been my message and it always will be.
我是克里昂,我已经通过我的伙伴演说了 18 年。而我从来、从来没有告诉任何人说,我是他们唯一应该收听的信息来源,因为到处都有神的片段。到处都有实体通过人类灵媒带来深刻的信息,男的或女的通灵者。把这些信息集合起来。统一这些信息并接收一个更广大的信息。别筑墙围住每一个信息,并说,“别去看其他人的。” 听着。如果有任何通灵者试着说这种话——试着说这种话——马上走开!因为那不是神的谈话。神就是你,是家人,神对任何人都是开放的,你们需要与其他人互相保持开放的态度。这一直都是我的信息,它永远会是。
It would be a good time for a healing, wouldn't it? So who is it that's going to start understanding who they are? What if you were the one to heal yourself tonight? Is that too grand? Would you allow it? Do you really have to ask God for it? Does it make you feel better to ask Kryon for it? Because I don't have your healing. I have the answer, but I don't have the healing. Understand? Can you go inside and start to see your majesty?
"It's too hard, Kryon, just too hard. I would rather come to a place and sit there and be healed by a higher power." Indeed you would! This is the answer, which humanity does not understand. Healing is part of the system of God that you as Humans create. This sacred system is part of you and is ready to give you the healing that you came for. So claim your mastery. Understand that you are a part of this earth and this system.
“这太难了,克里昂,真的太难。我宁愿来到这里坐着,然后被一股高级能量治愈。” 没错你在这里会被治愈!这就是答案,而人类并不理解。治疗是神的系统的一部分,这个系统是由你们人类所创造。这个神圣系统是你的一部分,它准备好在你到来时给予你治疗。所以赶快宣示你的大师身份吧。并理解你是这个地球和这个系统的一部分。
All I can do is invite you to see this light. I cannot personally touch your heart. I cannot make your brain think a way that is different that you wish it to think.
It's a safe place here, you know? Yes, there are angels here - beautiful ones. They don't have skin and wings like you, and they have names that are sung in light. They contain pieces and parts of what you call your lineage. Some of them represent those who you have loved and lost on this planet. They are here. Do you really doubt that? I invite you to smell them. You know what they are like, since you've spent years with them. So you know their essence. Let their individual essences waft over you. Listen to the emotion of their hearts with yours. For if it is true what I told you today, then you walk with them every day in an interdimensional space. Do you believe?
Let them look at you now and say, "Well done, my child. Proud of you, we are." We would not say these things if they were not so. Is it too grand for you? Well, there's more. It continues tomorrow..
让他们此刻看着你并说,“干得好,我的孩子。我们以你为荣。” 如果这些不是真相,我们不会这样说。这个信息对你而言是否过于重大了?嗯,还有更多。明天我们继续......
And so it is.