Mount Shasta, California |
Kryon:The Relationship to Gaia
利穆里亚人看见了地球的能量,他们是最早建立起与盖娅的交往礼节的人,他们把盖娅视为一种意识能量。他们发现,在对大自然的付出与取得之间,存在着一种平衡。就像你去拜访朋友。你总会带上一些礼物,所以盖娅在被请求之际总是会被献上回礼。对于那些认为大自然是有意识的人而言,这些献礼总是创造出一种平衡关系。如果你从大地取得了一些东西,你就回赠一些东西…… 一些简单的、属于你的、带有你的能量的东西。
现在,在现代文明的发展过程中,亲爱的,甚至在光之工作者当中,这种礼节都没有被保存下来——因为你不会在早上起床时给盖娅献上小礼物。所以这个通灵邀请你重新建立与地球能量的连结。这会重建人类与盖娅的意识桥梁。因为盖娅在服务人类,它会随着人类意识的转变而作出相应的改变。还记得我们在很久以前说过的 “前提” 吗?人类意识会进入地球 [水晶栅格]。人类意识会被储存起来,地球会作出回应。所以你可以说,人类其实是在指挥,人类负责带来地球上的转变。
你们如今所遭遇的气候,所有让人感到不安的气候现象,都是预定好要发生在地球上的事。它不是由人类污染空气造成的。气候变迁是无论如何都会发生的,大约每 300 年就会发生一次。我们把这个过程称为“水循环”[洋流循环],因为它全都与水有关,而与空气无关。水是盖娅的显著特点,也是你们所看到的气候周期的显著特点。更显著的是它的温度。它的循环是:从冰到水、再从水到冰,这已经在地球上一遍又一遍地重复。
二十一年前,我们说过,终有一天,庄稼会生长在以前从来不长作物的地方。还有,以前肥沃的土地将再也长不出庄稼。这就是水循环[洋流循环] 。如今,你们正经历另一个周期,最终它会变成寒冷时期。上一次冰河时期是在 1400 年代;科学家大约在 1650 年观察到它。人类,即使在没有科技的协助下,你们也曾经通过了这项考验,并存活了下来。你们要做的就是认清事实,作出搬迁的安排——并学习完善的海水淡化技术,这样你们就不会没水喝了。这是 400 到 600 年的[洋流循环]周期。但它的转折点是很明显的,它只会持续约 50 年 [过渡期]。
This live channelling was Given in Mt. Shasta, California
现场通灵于 相思塔山,加利福尼亚
Saturday, April 24, 2010
As channelled by Lee Carroll for Kryon
To help the reader, this channelling has been revisited [by Lee and Kryon] to provide even clearer understanding. Often what happens live has implied energy within it, which carries a kind of communication that the printed page does not. In addition, this particular channelling was added to substantially! So enjoy this enhanced message given in Mt. Shasta, California, with the additions that Kryon wanted read.
为了帮助读者,这篇信息经过 [李及克里昂] 的重新通灵,以提供更清晰的理解。因为在现场所给出的信息,含有一种能量沟通模式,是印刷页面所无法传达的。而且,这篇信息还有许多附加的资料!那么请享有这篇增强版的信息吧,这是在 相思塔山,加利福尼亚 传导的,还有克里昂指定的阅读资料*。
Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. There's an energy here that represents home, and for some of you it is thick. As my partner translates these words from those thought groups and pictures that I give him, it appears to you that this is my voice speaking these words. In the years that he has been doing this, it is indeed the best that it can be for now, for his translations will give you the emotions of the heart as well as the logic of the intellect. This means that this language is, therefore, complete, for it is the balance of these two that gives you discernment to judge that what is happening here is real, authentic and accurate.
你们好,亲爱的,我是磁力服务的克里昂。这里有一种 “家” 的能量,对一些人来说,这股能量是浓厚的。当我的伙伴将我传送给他的那些思想群和画面翻译成这些话语时,你们会觉得是我的声音在讲话。在他通灵的这么多年来,现在可说是他表达得最好的时刻了,因为他的翻译会给你带来心灵的感动,还有思维的逻辑。这意味着,这种语言是完整的,因为心灵和思维的平衡让你有洞察力,帮助你分辨这里所发生的事情是否真实、可靠和准确。
Last week in your time, my partner was in another country and I gave him information about Gaia. At the same time, I advised him not to record it, so that he could hear it, be part of it, anticipate it, and be clearer with the message that would be recorded. That would be now.
So the message this night is all about your relationship to Gaia, what is happening on the planet that you understand, some things perhaps you don't understand, a review of some of the things many of you have not heard, and then the discussion of new things you might not have heard. We start with the energy of a remembrance.
The indigenous of the earth, the ancients, revered the planet they were on. It was like a mother/father to them, and they considered it a source of all good things. It supplied the food, both from the forest and from the ground [hunting and planting]. It supplied water, and gave them shelter, even when it seemed angry. Mythology developed around it and many stories prevailed. Many of the gods of old became depictions of the energy of Gaia. And rather than put it into one scenario of singularity, often the divinity was split into many, god-like energies of the sea, of the air, of the land, of the crops, of the sun, of warmth, and of the cold. But this was always in respect. This has been the longest held view of the planet, and has existed with the indigenous even up to a few hundred years ago... always in respect.
地球上的土著、古人,全都尊敬他们所在的地球。地球就如他们的父母,他们认为地球是一切美好事物的来源。地球的森林和土地提供了食物 [打猎和耕种]。它提供了水源,给了他们遮蔽之处,即使在它看起来很生气时,它还是这样做。关于地球的神话和故事有很多。古时很多神灵都是盖娅能量的描绘。相对于把神放进单一的情景中,古时的神通常被分成许多个,它们是与神相似的能量,如海神、风神、土地神、农作物神、太阳神、温暖神、寒冷神。但这些能量一直都是受到尊重的。这是人类长久以来对地球的观念,它一直存在于土著文化中,直到几百年前还是这样……永远都是尊重。
The Lemurians saw it and were some of the first to establish a protocol with Gaia, seeing Gaia as an energy of consciousness that you then labeled as Mother Nature. And it's this consciousness that we wish to speak of today.
The Lemurians discovered that there was a balance that could be accomplished through the give and take of nature. It was almost like you would go to visit a friend. You'd bring a gift, and so Gaia always was given gifts in return for requests. These offerings always created a balance for those who considered nature to have consciousness. If you took something from the land, you gave something back... something simple, but something you owned or possessed and that had your energy upon it.
利穆里亚人发现,在对大自然的付出与取得之间,存在着一种平衡。就像你去拜访朋友。你总会带上一些礼物,所以盖娅在被请求之际总是会被献上回礼。对于那些认为大自然是有意识的人而言,这些献礼总是创造出一种平衡关系。如果你从大地取得了一些东西,你就回赠一些东西…… 一些简单的、属于你的、带有你的能量的东西。
Now in the process of modern civilization, dear ones, even among Lightworkers, this has not been sustained – for you do not get up in the morning and make an offering to Gaia. You may do all of the other things - talk to your cells and have visions that intertwine with your Higher-Self - but somehow that entity which is Gaia is left behind.
So here is a channelling that invites you to reestablish your connection to the energy of the earth. This will rebuild a bridge of consciousness of the Human Being with Gaia. For Gaia is in service to humanity and changes itself as your consciousness changes. Remember the premise we gave to you long ago? The consciousness of humanity on Earth actually goes into the ground [The Crystalline Grid]. This is stored and the earth responds. Dirt does not respond, but Gaia does. So you might say that Humans are actually in charge and responsible for Earth's changes and shifts.
所以这个通灵邀请你重新建立与地球能量的连结。这会重建人类与盖娅的意识桥梁。因为盖娅在服务人类,它会随着人类意识的转变而作出相应的改变。还记得我们在很久以前说过的 “前提” 吗?人类意识会进入地球 [水晶栅格]。人类意识会被储存起来,地球会作出回应。尘土不会有回应,但盖娅会。所以你可以说,人类其实是在指挥,人类负责带来地球上的转变。
If you can realize this, then you are going to have substantial control over what is going on Earth-wise. But you must again start by having a relationship. Right now, Humans only look at it in fear and say, "What is happening? I'm afraid of these changes that are outside of the normal I am used to." The Human is not understanding that much of what is happening, he has caused! It isn't a causation through anything humanity has done in an environmental way, but as humanity in an awakening, consciousness way.
如果你能认识到这一点,那么你将能实质控制地球上所发生的事。但你首先还是要与地球建立联系。现在,人类只是在恐惧中看着地球说,“发生什么事?我害怕遇到这些改变,它们在我熟悉的常态之外。” 人类不理解许多正在发生的事,是由他自己造成的!但不是由人类破坏环境的行为,而是由人类的觉醒意识所造成。
You Are Shifting Time
So to put this in context, let us again review what we have said about the weather. Twenty-one years ago, I had my partner write in a little white book, the potentials of your future. That future is happening today. The reason we were able to give you this prophecy back then is because we saw the very strong potential of a consciousness shift taking place on this planet that would be so great it would affect Gaia. And it has.
那么,为了显示事情的关联,让我们再次回顾与气候有关的信息。二十一年前,我让我的伙伴在一本小小的白色的书里写出,人类未来的潜在性。那个 “未来” 如今正在显现。我们当时之所以能够给出这个预言,是因为我们看见了地球上强大的意识转变的潜在性,这场转变非常剧烈,以致它会影响盖娅。确实如此。
It's such a profound shift that you have actually manifested a change in the time frame of humanity and, therefore, the perception of your reality – warning: science coming [Kryon smile]. Now, this is something we don't expect all to understand, but time is all relative. It does not move at a constant pace. Although your 3D clocks move at a constant pace, time can be altered by speed, as well as some quantum attributes that we will not speak of. It may seem that things are speeding up, but this is relative to your time frame, not your higher vibration. They are seemingly opposed to each other.
这场转变如此深刻,以致你们实际上已经改变了人类的时间框架,并因而改变了你们对人类实相的认知—— 注意:要讲科学了[克里昂微笑]。现在,我们不期望所有人都能理解,但时间是相对的。它不是以固定的步调来移动。虽然你们的三维时钟是以固定的速度前进,但它可以由速度来改变,也可以由某种量子特质来改变 [今天我们不谈这个]。一切似乎都在加速,但这是相对于你们的时间框架而言,不是你们更高的振动频率。时间与速度看来是相对的。
A train that leaves the station at near the speed of light and travels in a circle will arrive back at the station with a different age than the station. It will be younger, and the station will be older. By going faster, it slowed down time for itself, but not for the track it was on, or the station it had left.
Two clocks side by side can start together, but if you somehow were to accelerate one of the clocks – let's say you vibrate it back and forth at a very fast rate – eventually it will not be the same time reading as the other clock, for speed can be an oscillation just as much as a constant forward speed. Now, the clock in motion is you. The clock that did not move is Gaia. So the first perception is that things around you are speeding up. However, the truth is that your increase in vibration is creating a slower clock within you; speed actually creates a slower time frame. But as you look out the window at the world, your slower train makes life in general appear to be moving by quicker.
The reason is that it is the Lightworker who is vibrating far faster than 20 years ago. Your "consciousness speed" is very much like some of the quantum attributes you study, and it is creating a split between humanity and the old energy it used to "sit within." You are in the middle of the great shift, and the beginning of the 2012 enlightenment time fractal. Gaia shifts accordingly, but Gaia is not Human. Gaia shifts in other ways to accommodate your new Human vibratory rate increase. But as you look at things around you, they appear to be going faster. For some, this is irritating, and even causes loss of sleep and anxiety. Many are feeling it.
原因是,光之工作者的振动远快于 20 年前。你的 “意识速度” 就像你所学习的那些量子特质,它正在分离人类和旧能量,那是人类意识曾经 “处在其中” 的旧能量。你们正处于大蜕变中,也处于 2012 觉悟时间段的开端。盖娅也随着转变,但盖娅不是人类。盖娅以不同的方式来转变,以顺应人类最新的高频率振动。但是当你看着周围的事物时,它们似乎变得更加快了。对一些人来说,这是令人气恼的,甚至会造成睡眠不足和焦虑。很多人都遇到这种状况。
So although confusing, the truth is that the Lightworkers of this planet have created a shift of consciousness in the last 23 years that has changed the actual vibratory speed of Human consciousness. This has changed the time frame for humans, and given the perception of an earth speeding up. The perception is that you have sped up time. The reality is that your consciousness time frame is moving slower, more like that of Spirit. Have you ever noticed that God moves slow and Humans are an impatient lot? This is because God's time is not in your time frame. This is starting to change as you evolve spiritually. Did you know that Earth was created in seven days? They were "God days." Getting the point?
所以,虽然让人感到很困惑,但真相是,地球上的光之工作者在过去的 23 年里创造了一种意识转变,它改变了人类意识的振动速度。它改变了人类的时间框架,让人感觉地球正在加速。感觉上,时间加快了。事实上,是你的意识时间框架正在放慢,变得像圣灵的时间一样慢。你们有没有留意到,神行动缓慢而人类则不耐烦得多?这是因为神的时间不是在人类的时间框架里。随着你在灵性上进化,时间也开始改变。你知道地球是在 7 天里创造出来的吗?那是 “神的时间”。懂了吗?
Global Warming – Not Long Term
The weather you have today, and all the alarming attributes of it, is a scenario of what was scheduled to happen on Earth anyway. I review again that the weather changes you are seeing prophesied by myself, 21 years ago, are not a surprise. The changes are not caused by the pollutants you put in the air. You call it global warming and that's a nice phrase, and perhaps that will get you to put less pollutants in the air – a very good thing. But what you are seeing in the weather shift today was not caused by Humans putting things into the air. It would have happened anyway in about 300 years.
你们如今所遭遇的气候,所有让人感到不安的气候现象,都是预定好要发生在地球上的事。我再说一次,你们所看到的气候变迁,我本身在 21 年前的预言,并不是意外。气候变迁不是由人类排放到大气中的污染物质造成的。你们称之为 “全球暖化”,这个名称很好,也许这会让你们减少空气污染——非常好的事情。但你们如今所看到的气候变迁,不是由人类污染空气造成的。气候变迁是无论如何都会发生的,大约每 300 年就会发生一次。
We've called this process the water cycle, since it's all about water, not about air. The water is the predominant attribute of Gaia and of the weather cycle you're seeing. More predominant is the temperature of it. The cycle is ice to water and water to ice, and has been repeated on this planet over and over and over. It is not new. It is not exceptional. It is not frightening. But it's a cycle that modern humanity has not seen before, and it's a long cycle that is beyond the life span of a Human Being. Therefore, it tends to be overlooked or not seen at all!
我们把这个过程称为 “水循环” [洋流循环],因为它全都与水有关,而与空气无关。水是盖娅的显著特点,也是你们所看到的气候周期的显著特点。更显著的是它的温度。它的循环是:从冰到水、再从水到冰,这已经在地球上一遍又一遍地重复。这不是新鲜事。它不是异常的。也不是可怕的。但它是现代人类从没见过的周期,而且它是超越人类寿命的漫长周期。因此,它往往被忽视或根本没人看见! |
In the days of the Lemurians, the water level of the Pacific Ocean was almost 400 feet lower, and that's only 50,000 years ago. [Kryon invites science to check this out – the water level at that time.] That was a water cycle working, and the reason it was lower was due to so much of the water being stored as ice. Today you're going through another water cycle that will eventually lead to cooling. The last one was in the 1400s; science sees that at about 1650. As mentioned, they are so slow there is no remembrance that a Human has of them except in past writings and in the rings of the trees. The time span of the changes is so great that environmental record keeping does not exist in the form that it does today. But you can still look at the rings of the trees and at the striations of the rocks and can generally figure out that a few hundred years ago, you had a mini-ice age. Now you're going to have another one.
在利穆里亚时期,太平洋的水位比现在还要低约 400 英尺,而那只是在 5 万年前。[克里昂邀请科学家来查证一下当时的水位]。 那是水循环在运作,当时水位那么低是因为大量的水被储存为冰。如今,你们正经历另一个周期,最终它会变成寒冷时期。上一次冰河时期是在 1400 年代;科学家大约在 1650 年观察到它。如前所述,水循环周期是如此缓慢,以致人类记忆中没有它的存在,除了在过去的著作中和在树轮上。变化的时间太长,环境记录也不像现今的这般完善。但你依然可以去看看树轮和岩石条纹,这样你大致上可以知道,在几百年前,你们经历了一次小冰河时期。现在你们即将经历另一次。
两千年来的温度变化 |
It's not an emergency, and there is nothing to fear. You've gone through it before. Humanity, even without technology, has gone through it before and survived. All you have to do is recognize it and make arrangements to get out of the way – and learn to perfect the desalinization of sea water so you will not be left thirsty [a channelling of the past addressed this]. It's a 400- to 600-year cycle. But the turning points of it are obvious, and it will last only about 50 years (the transition).
这不是紧急事件,它并不可怕。你们经历过这件事。人类,即使在没有科技的协助下,你们也曾经通过了这项考验,并存活了下来。你们要做的就是认清事实,作出搬迁的安排——并学习完善的海水淡化技术,这样你们就不会没水喝了[过去有一个通灵是详述这件事]。这是 400 到 600 年的[洋流循环]周期。但它的转折点是很明显的,它只会持续约 50 年 [过渡期]。
Twenty-one years ago, we told you there would be a time when you would have places that could grow crops where crops would never grow before. Also, there would be places where no crops would grow that used to be fertile [Kryon, Book One]. It's the water cycle. So I bring to you this: Do not be alarmed. Do not be afraid of what you are seeing today. It's changing in front of you, but because you have never seen if before, it is frightening and it seems unexplainable; therefore, you look for the logic of it and assign the reason to something Humans did. It isn't anything Humans did. It's the Gaia water cycle.
二十一年前,我们说过,终有一天,庄稼会生长在以前从来不长作物的地方。还有,以前肥沃的土地将再也长不出庄稼 [克里昂书一]。这就是水循环[洋流循环]。所以我说:不要惊慌。不要害怕你们如今所看到的景象。转变就发生在你们眼前,但因为你们从来都没有见过,它显得很可怕,它显得难以解释;因此,你们要找出这一切的逻辑,你们给它指派了一个理由:是人类造成的。它完全不是人类造成的。它是盖娅的水循环[洋流循环]。
The first thing we wish to bring to you is this. The ice is melting. You knew that. As the ice at the poles melt, there is an incredible shift in weight in those areas where it used to be. It's a tremendous shift in the weight of ice, some of it on land, and some of it suspended in the water, but the weight of ice is concentrated at the poles. As it turns to water, the weight is then distributed all over the globe. Therefore, think: the weight which is on the poles of the planet is redistributing itself in a liquid form around the crust. As the ice melts, you're going to have a tremendous weight shift to a very thin crust. Therefore, the crust is going to adjust accordingly, creating earthquakes and volcanoes. Look at where the volcanoes are exploding–close to the poles. We again say to you what we have said before: Chile has not seen the end of it either, for there's a volcano or two there that really want to erupt. Whether it does or not is the potential of what this lesson's about.
[译注:之前在 2008 年,智利就经历了多次火山爆发:Llaima 亚伊玛火山在 1月及 7月两度爆发,Chaiten 柴腾火山在 5月爆发,并持续到 8月。]
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靠近两极 ——(左)2010年冰岛火山爆发、(右)2011年智利南部火山爆发 两座火山喷发出的大量火山灰都导致了大量国际航班被取消。 |
Do you have a relationship with Gaia or don't you? Can you give instructions for Gaia to shake less in areas that are populated? Do you believe you have that power? This is the Human Being: Consciousness over matter. It has a relationship with the planet that wants to hear from you. As the crust adjusts, you're going to have more shaking. There's going to be more volcanic activity.
Lightworker, listening to this in the room or reading this, thousands of you need to re-establish the relationship. Then watch what takes place: Earthquakes in unpopulated areas, an under-the-ocean earthquake without a tsunami event, volcanoes that affect no one. It's possible. It's doable. This is what is happening at the moment with Gaia, so don't be alarmed at the sudden increase in activity. What we're saying is it is normal. It has happened every single time the ice has melted and reformed.
Now, here's something you should know. Science knows it and it does not follow the global warming environmental theory. The ice is melting from underneath. Take a look. It has nothing to do with pollutants in the air. This is a natural occurring cycle as the water becomes warmer. It also increases the potential of storms. Now, do you have a relationship with Gaia or don't you? What would you like to tell Gaia about where the storms should be? Do they follow the old track as they always have? That is linear information. Or, can you tell Gaia you prefer the storms to follow a track that is not with Humans in the way?
现在,这里有一些你们应该知道的事。科学家知道这一点,它没有遵循 “全球暖化” 的环境理论。冰川是从底下开始融化的。看看吧。它与空气中的污染物质没有任何关系。当水变暖时,冰川自然就会融化。这也会增加风暴发生的潜在性。现在,你与盖娅有联系吗?你会怎么告诉盖娅关于风暴的发生地点呢?它们会跟随过去的旧轨道吗?那是线性的信息。或者你能告诉盖娅,你更喜欢风暴发生在无人烟的轨道上?
Magnetics: Always a Player in The Shift
Many things are happening with the planet at the moment. The magnetics are changing as well. The magnetics of the solar system and the sun in particular, have an influence on your weather. How many sun spots have you seen lately? What do you think about the correlation of a sun that has very few, with your earth climate? When can you remember that in your lifetime? What does it mean? I will tell you, dear Human Beings, that it's all related to what's happening on the earth. You may not understand the correlation, but I will tell you there is a profound one. What if [astronomy hint coming next], what if sun spots were created by gravitational and other interdimensional forces caused by the orbiting planets? Has there even been a correlation made between sun spots and the positions of the planets? Too weird? The invitation is there to see the correlations.
此刻有许多事情正在与地球一起发生改变。磁力也在转变中。太阳系的磁力,尤其是太阳的磁力,会影响气候。最近你们观察到多少太阳黑子呢?你们怎么看待一个与地球气候没有关联的太阳呢?你们这一生中什么时候记得有这样的事?这是什么意思?我会告诉你,亲爱的人类,意思是,全都与地球上所发生的事有关。你也许不明白它的关联,但我会告诉你,有一种关联是深刻的。如果说 [要讲天文学了],如果说,太阳黑子是由运转中的行星加诸于太阳的引力和其他跨维度力量所形成的呢?太阳黑子和行星的位置之间,是否也存在着一种关联呢?太奇怪了?我们邀请你去看看这些关联性。
The sun is the fulcrum of the interdimensional gravitational pull attributes of the planets around it. There is information that is interdimensional – call it a gravitational patterning, if you wish – which the sun generates every moment of the day. As the planets push and pull on the fulcrum of the solar system [effect the sun through gravity], they affect the sun's attitude. These patterns are unique every day, and they intersect the magnetic field of the earth as they are blasted from the Sun in what you would call the solar wind.
太阳是它周围的行星的跨维度引力的支点。那里有跨维度的信息 —— 把它称为 “引力图案” 吧,如果你喜欢的话 —— 太阳在每一刻都会形成引力图案。当行星在推拉太阳系的支点之际 [通过引力对太阳产生作用],它们会影响太阳的姿态。太阳每天所产生的引力图案都是独特的,当它们通过太阳风喷发出来时,它们会与地球磁场交会。
太阳的引力/ 磁力图案
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地球磁场通过电磁感应把太阳风导向两极,形成极光 |
The solar wind is a magnetic heliosphere, and has very multidimensional properties. This magnetic wind strikes the earth, intersecting with the magnetic field, and you can see it! You call it the Aurora Borealis. It's one giant magnetic field [the sun] intersecting another [the earth]. Science calls this intersecting phenomena inductance. In that intersecting energy, there is a transference of the informative patterning of the sun [at that moment] to the magnetic grid of the earth. Now, it's the magnetic grid of the planet that you sit in. All of life does.
太阳风是一个磁力太阳圈,它拥有多重维度的特质。这种磁力风会撞击地球,与地球磁场交会,而你可以看见它们交会的时刻!你们称之为北极光。它是一个巨大磁场[太阳]与另一个巨大磁场[地球] 的交会。科学家称这种交会为电磁感应。在那股交会的能量中,太阳[在那一刻]的信息图案会转移到地球的磁力栅格。呐,你是处在地球的磁力栅格之上。所有生物都是。
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Merkaba The merkaba's energy field is a force field of Light that surrounds your body and encompasses your outer bodies. 梅尔卡巴能量场是围绕着你的身体的光场,它包围住你的身体外部。 |
Now we give you information we've given you before: The Merkabah. That is to say, your DNA imprint - the field around you - receives the magnetic grid's sun information, and the instructions within that field are passed right to the DNA, which is also magnetic. I have just given you the magnetic transmission chain that you think is esoteric. It's not. It's hard science. But to think that the interdimensional, magnetic and gravitational attributes of the solar system are going to your DNA is very esoteric. Some call it astrology. The truth is that it's for humanity, and also for Gaia! For remember that it is the earth that is part of the magnetic chain of information to your cellular structure [the Magnetic Grid]. It tells it when to do what it does. It's all related. So how related are you to Gaia? How much do you address this consciousness?
现在,我们给出我们已经说过的信息:梅尔卡巴。就是说,你的 DNA 印记——在你周围的能量场——接收到了磁力栅格的太阳信息,然后在梅尔卡巴能量场中的指令被直接传送到你的 DNA,而 DNA 也是磁性的。我刚刚解释了磁力播送链,你觉得它很奥秘。但它不是。它完全是科学。但是,当你想到太阳的跨维度、磁力和引力特质正在传进你的 DNA 时,你会觉得很奥秘。有些人称之为占星学。真相是,这一切都是为了人类,也为了盖娅!还记得吗,地球是把信息传给你的细胞结构的磁力信息链的一部分[磁力栅格]?它告诉细胞何时该做它要做的事。这一切都是有关联的。那么你与盖娅的联系有多强呢?你对这种意识[盖娅]有多重视呢?
Things You Don't Expect – Gamma Energy
There is another thing that is related that is yet to be understood by science. There are other sets of instructions to Gaia, which come from a place you don't expect. There's a lot of energy hitting the earth, a tremendous amount in the form of gamma energy. Science wonders where it's coming from, but it remains elusive. They realize that it's cosmic and coming from space. The truth is that it's coming from the center of the galaxy, but it appears to be coming from everywhere. That's because the main attribute of this kind of energy is that it is not 3D. Therefore, it has quantum [multidimensional] attributes that do not carry a "location" or place of origin with it. This is difficult to explain, but things in a true quantum state are everywhere, entangled in a universal soup of being "one" with everything. Therefore, you can't say "it comes from there." There is precedent in science for this, so it is not all that strange to a physicist reading this.
还有另一件事,它也是有关联的,但科学家还没搞清楚。还有另一套对盖娅的指令,是从你们没有想过的地方发出的。有很多能量在撞击地球,其中绝大部分是伽玛能量。科学家想知道伽玛能量是从哪里来的,但它的来源依旧很难找。他们知道它是宇宙能量,是从太空来的。真相是,它是从星系[银河系]中心来的,但它看似来自四面八方。那是因为,这种能量的主要特点就是:它不是三维的。因此,它拥有量子[多重维度] 特质,即不含 “位置” 或来源地的信息。这是很难解释的,但真正的量子事物是无处不在的,纠缠在万物 “一体” 的宇宙汤汁里。因此,你不能说 “它来自那里。” 这是有科学先例的,所以对物理学家来说,这并不奇怪。
An example: Did you know that very low, deep audio sounds have no discernable, directional source? In other words, the Human ear can't tell where they are coming from. High sounds are very directional. Testing this is easy. Place a deep sound [very low vibrations per second] speaker, hidden in a room, and you can't identify where the sound is coming from. Place a normal speaker in a room [with higher sounds] and you can target where the sound is coming from instantly. The reason is that the vibrations are so far apart in the lower sounds that the ear can't distinguish "location." It's the same principle with things that are in a quantum state. They are not perceptually in any "place" and no 3D instrument is going to locate "where" they are coming from. In fact, the very idea of "where" is very funny, for "where" is just for 3D creatures. That's why "God, where are you?" is a very cute and simple-minded question. The answer is, "Yes."
举个例子:你可知道,非常低、深频的声音没有可辨识、可定向的源头?换句话说,人类的耳朵不能分辨它们来自哪里。高频的声音就有非常明显的定向。要测试是很简单的。把一个深频 [每秒钟振动频率非常低] 的喇叭藏在房里,你听不出声音是从哪里来的。把一个正常的喇叭 [比较高频] 藏在房里,你可以即时听出声音的方向。原因是,低频的振动相隔得太远,使耳朵无法分辨它的 “位置”。量子事物也是这样。人类无法察觉它们所在的 “地方”,也没有三维仪器能侦测到它们是从“哪里”来的。事实上,“哪里” 这种概念是很好笑的,因为 “哪里” 只限于三维生物。因此 “神啊,你在哪里?” 是一个非常可爱和头脑简单的问题。答案是:“在。”
There is what your science has called a singularity at the center of the galaxy. They also call it a black hole. Now we have told you there is no such thing as singularity, and even your science knows it is an oxymoron in physics. It's also only a black space called a hole, since you can't see any light there. Because you have no interdimensional physics laws yet and because you have absolutely no instruments that can "see" interdimensional energies, you still don't really know what's actually there. Long after my partner is gone, you can read these words and know the truth, as you eventually develop these things. When you turn them upon the center of the galaxy, you will see two very clear sources.
科学家认为在星系中心有一个 “奇点”,也叫做黑洞。呐,我们说过,没有所谓的奇点[单一],科学家也知道这在物理学上是一种矛盾。它也只是一个黑暗的空间,被称为 “洞”,因为你们看不到那里有任何光线。因为你们还没有发展出跨维度的物理定律,也因为你们完全没有任何仪器能够 “看见” 跨维度的能量,所以你们还不完全了解那里的实际情况。在我的伙伴离世很多年以后,当人类发展出这些仪器时,你可以重读这些话并知道它就是真相。当你们把这些仪器对准星系中心时,你会看见两个非常清晰的源头。
Instead of one singularity, there is instead a polarity. This polarity is a push and pull attribute of an interdimensional law you have not yet discovered or at least not yet recognized. Once you do, you will have the missing two laws of physics, for there are six, not four. This push-pull polarity blasts out its own interdimensional message to the entire galaxy and your sun receives it as well. These polarities at the center of your galaxy have a connection with all the other galaxies, too – something for another channelling. You might say that matter has a message, or matter that cannot be seen has a message and it hits the earth constantly and powerfully in ways that "talk" to Gaia.
那里不是有一个 “奇点”,而是有一个 “极性” [两极]。这个极性是跨维度定律的推拉特质,是你们还未发现,或至少还未确认的特质。一旦你们发现了,你们就会找到那两个遗漏的物理定律,因为总共有六个定律而不是四个。这个推拉的极性会对整个星系喷发出它本身的跨维度信息,你们的太阳也会接收到。这些在你们的星系[银河系]中心的极性,跟其他所有星系也有联系——这留待下次才讲吧。你可以说,物质是有信息的,或者说,看不见的物质是有信息的,它不断强力撞击地球,以这种方式跟盖娅 “交谈”。
So here you sit, Human Being, feeling that you are a victim of what happens with Mother Nature. But we are telling you this: the message of today is to reawaken the relationship with Mother Nature, the Gaia source. Once you are able to do that, you will understand that you are in control of all of it. No matter what the instruction sets for the water cycle, for the seasons, for that which you think is uncontrollable, you are more powerful than you can imagine. The intensity and locations of volcanic activity and earthquakes are alterable with this relationship to Gaia and the indigenous knew it! They could make rain when none was in the forecast. You called it ignorance! They could grow crops in places where they shouldn't grow. You called it lucky. They honored the land and gave gifts to it, and they received from it. This is absolutely real and is everywhere in your history.
Humans tend to feel they are so modern in their thinking. The elders of old would look at you and shake their heads. You have figured out how to make machines and artificial brains and even life! But you have left the real power in the dust.
The Shift
Now we get esoteric. In these past years, something has happened. We have described this in the past and we're going to give it to you again. Added to the puzzle of your shift in consciousness, and trying to figure all this out, is the attribute that is starting to seemingly speed up time, as we discussed. Again, it is the perception caused by you vibrating faster and, therefore, slowing your spiritual time down. However, this creates a perception that what is around you seems to have sped up. Think of it this way: many of you feel you are vibrating faster. Buzzing, are you? Anyone relate? [Kryon smile] At the same time, you feel things around you are going faster. Now you know the reasons for all this.
现在我们要讲奥秘的事了。在过去这几年,有些事情发生了。我们之前已经讲过,但我们还会再讲一次。让你们对意识转变感到更疑惑、更想要弄明白的,就是那让时间加速的特质,就如我们所谈的。再说一次,由于你振动得更快,并因而放慢了你的灵性时间,才会让你有这种感觉。这让你觉得周围的事物正在加速。这样想吧:你们许多人觉得自己正在振动得更快。嗡嗡作响,是吗?有人是这种感觉吗?[克里昂微笑] 与此同时,你也觉得周围的事物正在加速。现在你知道这一切的原因了。
Some of you [get ready] are actually able to go from point A to point B in a time faster than is possible in 3D [even in your car]! This is not that weird, for you are simply moving between your time and the earth time.
你们有些人[准备好] 实际上能够在 A 点和 B 点之间快速移动,比在三维中的移动速度更快 [即使是在车上]!这并不奇怪,因为你不过是在你的时间和地球时间之中移动。
I told you I'd speak of that and here it is. In a past spiritual scenario of birth and death, in an older energy, the Human comes to the planet and learns whatever it is he wishes to learn and then passes away. What you call death is simply a shift of energy and is the coming and the going of an incarnation that we call an expression. In that scenario, there is a visit two times to the Cave of Creation - once coming and once going. The Cave of Creation, more than an esoteric place, is a physical place that we told you is interdimensional. Therefore, it is invisible and will never be found. But it is on the earth and needs to be because of its relationship to Gaia. The Human Being's core soul record - that which is your record of the piece of the creator, is stored in the Cave of Creation. Every time you come and go, you rekindle that expression's energy.
You might think of it perhaps as a crystalline structure with a stripe put upon it for every lifetime you live [like the rings of a tree]. But it is the spiritual accounting of the Akash for the earth. It is different than the Akashic Record that resides within your DNA. It's a separate one, which represents the planet's accounting system. And in the past, here's how it worked. Whatever you accomplished on the planet when you passed on created an essence that was left in the cave. All that you knew, had done, and learned became part of Gaia. The vibration of the planet, therefore, is postured by what you do and what you become. This is how the planet's vibration either increases or decreases, depending upon what Humans do collectively while they're here.
你可以把它想成是一块水晶结构,你经历过的每一生都会在上面留下一条纹 [就像树轮]。它是地球阿卡什的灵性记录。它与驻留在你 DNA 里的人类阿卡什不同。它是分开的,代表地球的记录系统。在过去,它是这样运作的:无论你在地球上完成了什么,你在离开时都会在创造之穴留下那一生的本质。所有你知道的事、所有你做过的事、所有你学习的事,都成为盖娅的一部分。地球的振动频率,因此,是由你的所作所为来决定。这就是让地球的振动频率提高或降低的方式,由人类集体在地球上所做的事来决定。
With the next incarnation, you came into the planet and visited the Cave of Creation first and activated the essence of your soul crystal. Then you lived another lifetime, passed over, came back to the Cave of Creation and another stripe was put upon the crystal. All that you had learned was again deposited there upon what we have called the Crystalline Grid. That's the part of Gaia that vibrates esoterically. And this is how Human consciousness in the past has affected Gaia. In 1987, you gave permission to change this system.
下一次进入肉身时,你来到地球上,先到访创造之穴并激活你的灵魂水晶本质。然后你经历另一次人生,离开,回到创造之穴,把另一条纹置入水晶。所有你学习到的事都会再次被存放在水晶里栅格上。那就是盖娅的振动部分。在过去,那就是人类意识影响盖娅的方式。在 1987 年[和谐汇聚],你们授权改变这个系统。
This is why we're here. I arrived in 1989. I've always been here and I always will be. The grid adjustment group left in 2002. But the manifestation of the messages happened in 1989 and through my partner's willingness, we started to give you messages that were not available before that time, for the earth was not vibrating high enough yet to receive them before then.
这就是我们在这里的原因。我在 1989 年抵达。我以前一直在这里,以后也会一直在。栅格调整小组于 2002 年离开。但信息是在 1989 年开始给出,通过我伙伴的意愿,我们开始给出那些在过去无法得知的信息,因为在那之前,地球的振动频率还不够高,接收不了这些信息。
That's when you changed the rules [1987]. This met with opposition from those who were metaphysical that such a thing could be, that the actual esoteric system would evolve. For the bias of esoteric thinking was just like it is in science – that there is a static system that never changes and all you have to do is figure out the attributes of the energy of something that never changes and you will be able to control it.
那就是你们改变规则的时候 [1987年]。当时这些信息遇到神秘学家的反对,他们认为这是不可能的,他们认为真实的神秘学系统是不会演变的。因为神秘学家的思想偏见就像科学家的一样——认为那里是永远不变的静态系统,你要做的就是弄明白那些永远不变的能量特质,然后你就能控制它了。
There is very little understanding to this day that even the rules of physics evolve. As the planet vibrates higher, the rules change, the formulas change. This is the quantum attribute of physics in general, and it's very much the way of esoterics as well. You have evolving galaxies, evolving solar systems, evolving planets, and evolving consciousness. This is all because there is no such thing as a static set of laws for everything. You just changed them.
直到如今,人们依然不知道,就连物理规则也会演变。随着地球振动得更高,规则也会改变,方程式也会改变。这就是物理学普遍上的量子特质,神秘学也一样。星系在演化,太阳系在演化,行星在演化,意识也在演化。这是因为,任何事都没有所谓的 “静态定律”。你们刚刚改变它的规则。
Since 1987, here is the new scenario: Human Beings come into the planet; they visit the Cave of Creation and they put their essence into the crystal. Then they begin to live their lives. Ahhh. But now, as they live their lives, have epiphanies, hold their light, learn what they have to learn as old souls, it is going directly to the Crystalline Grid in real time. Death is no longer required to transfer the information to the planet. This new system even changes how long the Human stays. In an old system, which had you die before the Crystalline Grid could receive what you learned, it was imperative that you die to allow your information to pass to Gaia via the cave. Now it isn't.
自 1987 年起,就是以下的新场景:人类来到地球,到访创造之穴并把自己的本质置入水晶,然后开始过自己的生活。啊。但现在,当他们经历自己的人生时、产生顿悟时、举起他们的光时、学习老灵魂应该学习的事物时,它会实时直接进入水晶栅格。不再需要靠死亡来把信息转移到地球。这个新系统甚至改变了人类逗留在地球上的时间长度。在旧系统里,你必须先死去,然后水晶栅格才会接收到你的学习成果,你被强制死去,以便把你的信息通过创造之穴传达给盖娅。现在不是这样。
Listen. It's time to start understanding that your life span is now in your hands. It is not part of an ancient energy system that needs death as a transference vehicle. Karma doesn't matter, and here you are with control over your cellular structure, the Crystalline Grid, what you learned, the very time frame of the planet, volcanic activity, earthquakes, and even when you leave! You might say, "Well, Kryon, really only a master could do that." And we say, exactly! You're studying mastery. The energy systems being given to you today that are new and have happened in the last 20 years are mastery systems. They are all about you changing your perception of you. So we are saying that you are slowly returning to the ancient system of a powerful relationship with Gaia. And the one who channels Gaia will tell you this, for she knows. She'll also tell you that you did not cause global warming, because she knows.
听着。是时候了解,现在你的寿命是由你来决定。你的寿命不再属于那古老的能量系统,不再需要靠死亡来转移能量。业力不是问题,你在这里控制着你的细胞结构、水晶栅格、你学到的知识、地球的时间框架、火山活动、地震、甚至你几时离开!你可能会说:“嗯,克里昂,真的只有大师才能做到。” 而我们说,正是!你们正在学习 “大师术”。如今赋予你们的能量系统,新的、发生在过去 20 年里的能量系统,正是大师系统。它们全都关于 “你改变你对自己的看法”。所以,我们说,人类正在慢慢回归到与盖娅有强大联系的古老系统。盖娅的通灵者会告诉你这一点,因为她知道。她还会告诉你,人类没有造成全球暖化,因为她知道。
So here we are, dear Human Being, with knowledge we've given you today that invites a rekindling of a process that some of you are ignorant of. So the lesson of the day is this: go study the indigenous, for they had it right. Take a long look at those who tilled the land even where we sit, for they had it right. Look at the mythology they had and find the seeds of truth within it, for they had it right. They saw Gaia as a friend, as a mother/father.
Before we close, I want to return to basics.
When we first came here using a channelling communicative process, we told you that things had changed. What we've just described is only one of the changes, and it was controversial. But the one I'm giving you now is even more controversial. It stirs up a lot of emotions. It is that masters are self-enabled, and you are learning to become masters. As you vibrate higher, you reach out in a metaphoric way and touch the face of God yourself. No intermediate Human Being or process is needed, ever. A Human Being alone in the closet discovering all the parts and pieces of themselves is all that is needed. Look at the majesty and the light that is there. Feel the self-worth. It doesn't require that you come to a lecture or hear a heart-warming channel or read a book. Just being alone, with the discovery of who you are, is the way to your mastery lineage.
Old soul, it is what you've known and lost and are now rediscovering. Go out enabled. These things I bring you in this time, in this day, in this way, are truth. For in the process of this, you kindle even greater light. In the process of this, it goes right to the Crystalline Grid and Gaia responds. And before you know it, you'll have that percentage we spoke of; less than one half of one percent of humanity has to plant the seed of an awakening consciousness within. Blessed is the Human Being who asks the questions, for in the asking of the questions about God in them is pure intent to let the seed grow into knowledge and over time into wisdom, then discovery.
老灵魂,这些道理你早就知道,你遗忘了,现在重新发现。赋能之后走出去吧。我在此刻、在今天、以这种方式,所说的都是真相。在这个过程中,你会燃起更明亮的光。在这个过程中,你的光会直接进入水晶栅格,然后盖娅会作出回应。然后在你们知道以前,你们会达到我们所说的巴仙率;少于一巴仙的一半[少于 3 千 500 万]人类必须在体内种下觉醒意识的种子。有福的是那些提问的人类,因为在提问关于他们体内的神时,纯粹的意图就会让提问的种子长成知识,再慢慢长成智慧,然后是发现。
[地球人口 70 亿 x 1% x 0.5 = 3 千 500 万人]
That is the message of today. It's all about Gaia. Or is it? Perhaps it's all about you? Take these things that are given and translate them into your reality. This message is given this day under the shadow of the mountain that speaks so clearly of these things [Mt. Shasta]. The family is there, and if you look hard you can see that they walk the streets of Shasta, because it is time for them to do so. And if you really want to know more about that, just travel up the hill a little ways, and perhaps some of them will even give you a hug. And you'll know it.
And so it is.
*Interesting Links from science that begin to backup Kryon's statements...
* 有趣的链接:科学家开始支持克里昂的论点……
Scientists Claim Earth Is Undergoing Natural Climate Shift - University of Wisconsin
New Ice Age 'to begin in 2014' - WorldNet Daily
新的冰河时期 “将于 2014 年开始” ——世界网络日报
Global Cooling Is Coming - and Beware the Big Chill, Scientist Warns - Fox NEWS
Earth on the Brink of an Ice Age - Pravda - Moscow – 2009
德国天文学家利用位于智利的两台望远镜追踪围绕银河中心运转的 28 颗星的移动轨迹。天文学家在《太空物理学》期刊说,这个黑洞比我们的太阳重四百万倍。
BBC 中文网:《银河系中心存在巨大黑洞》