Bell Rock, Sedona, Arizona |
Kryon:Becoming Quantum
成为量子是今天的主题。亲爱的人类,你们正在演变中。你们已经来到一个时刻,从现在起你们将开始改变,进行量子式的演变。这场演变是通过磁力来进行的,它会与 DNA 交谈,它提供机会,让思想能够以跨维度的方式创造出意识转变。
看看你们所在的那个叫做 “时间” 的框框。它是多么线性啊,你们只能往一个方向走!你不能转左,不能转右,只能直直进入未来。没有一个时钟能往上往下、往左往右走的,有吗?它只能往前走。啊,多么线性!而那就是你们的思维方式。你们把那种线性偏见应用到每一件事情上。所有想法、所有推理、所有逻辑、所有虔诚的信仰,都是以你们的偏见来达成的。
你感到非常兴奋,不是吗?你说:“那种感觉非常真实!这是我必须做的事。这是我即将开始做的事。真让人兴奋!” 然后你做什么?你马上着手去实行它。啊,你是多么线性呀!不如让我们来显示一下随后发生的是什么吧,喔线性的人。多数时候,无论你被显示的是什么......都失败了。失望笼罩着你:“我本来应该写这本书的,我试了,那本书也写好了......然后什么都没有发生。没有出版社要它,没有人真正喜欢它。” 你说。
然后你怎么做?一旦你尝试了也失败了之后,你怎么做?你把它放到架子上,然后关上橱门!结束了!你甚至不想把它拉出来再做一次,对吗?啊,多么线性!你对时间进程有多么单一的偏见!在量子状态里,神有叫你赶快回来、马上去做吗?答案是 “不”。但你是那样想的,因为你的时钟只往一个方向走。那是大错特错,但你不知道。
让我讲出另一件事。它与你在观想里被告知的事情无关,而是关于你在阿卡什层次里所感受到的东西。我有一整间房的光之工作者坐在我面前,许多已经成为光之工作者很久了。但很多人还是在等着找出自己的人生方向。“总有一天我会知道我来这里的目的,” 你说。你是在一条生锈、线性的轨道上,因为你一直都在这样说,一直都有这种感觉。它一直在线性里对你喊着同样的事。“你还没有到达,” 它对你说。“时间不是站在你这边,” 它对你说。
如果每一件事,包括你的灵性工作,都被放在一条线性的时间轴之上,你肯定会失败,因为时钟带给你的事,并不是心灵会带给你的事。心灵[慈悲]是量子的。学习 “没有未来” 地活着。这会打破线性的想法,认为成功的衡量标准在于完成任务。但在量子意识里,成功是在于你对 “活着” 所感到的平静和喜悦。
现在,我要你暂时不去想这些烦恼。我要你假装可以获得那个形象,那个小孩,即是你。他有你的名字,而你曾经是他。无忧无虑。没有戏剧。没有明天,不见得有。小孩不会去想明天的事,除非明天是圣诞节,那么它就是喜悦和兴奋的感觉。你有这种感觉是多久以前的事了,人类?为什么我会谈到这个?因为神的爱想邀请你进入这种特质!你只有一个榜样,就是当你作为孩子时。 内在小孩是量子事情。那不是单纯,不是无知;它是完全、完整的量子智慧。它是一种能力,把那些你在线性里会担心的事物悬挂在一个不会影响到你的地方。 所以,把内在小孩带回来做榜样,感受我们是多么爱你,我们是如何提供你所需要的爱与和平,帮助你移向这股新能量!这就是量子人类,可以回到过去并把这些特质应用到人生中。
This live channelling was Given in Sedona, Arizona
现场通灵于 圣多娜,亚利桑那
Annual Kryon Summer Light Conference
June 13, 2009
As channelled by Lee Carroll for Kryon
To help the reader, this channelling has been rechannelled [by Lee and Kryon] and added onto, to provide even clearer understanding. Often what happens live has implied energy within it, which carries a kind of communication that the printed page does not. So enjoy this enhanced message given in Sedona in June 2009.
为了帮助读者,这篇信息经过[李及克里昂]的重新传导及增强,以让人们有更清晰的理解。因为在现场给出的信息,含有一种能量沟通模式,是印刷页面所无法传达的。那么请享有这篇增强版的信息吧,这是在 2009 年 6 月在 圣多娜 传导的。
Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. Twenty years ago I said those words to my partner. Do you know what he said to me? "You're going to have to change your name. It's not fluffy enough. It's not angelic enough... and who ever heard of a magnetic angel?" It's what he said, 20 years ago.
你们好,亲爱的,我是磁力服务的克里昂。二十年前我对我的伙伴说那些话。你知道他对我说什么吗?“你得改名字。它不够轻柔。它不够像天使……而且有谁听说过磁力天使?” 那就是他说的话,在 20 年前。
Today, as you sit in this place, finally do you understand how the magnetics of the planet affect your lives? Does it not make sense that on the other side of the veil we know it as well? Does it not make sense that these things are synchronized, that the physical things, the fractal things, the consciousness things are all related to why you're here? Perhaps you're here to facilitate the spiritual component of the choice points?
如今,当你们坐在这里时,你们是否终于明白地球的磁力是如何影响你们的人生?如果说在帷幕另一边的我们也同样知道,这会没有道理吗?如果说所有事物都是同步的,物理事物、分形事物、意识事物,全都关于你们为何会在这里,这会没有道理吗?也许你们在这里是为了促进那些 “抉择点” 的灵性部分呢?
Now you've started to hear it scientifically [speaking of the research that Gregg Braden presented earlier in the day]. For some, it's what you've been waiting for, for magnetic master didn't make any sense. Perhaps channelling didn't make any sense, either. The man sitting in the chair, you say, was "pretending to have messages from beyond the veil," you say.
现在你们开始以科学的方式听到它 [指 格列.布莱登 在当天较早时所介绍的研究结果]。对一些人来说,那是你们一直在等待的事,因为磁力大师根本没有什么道理。也许通灵也是没有任何道理的。那个坐在椅子上的人,你说,是在 “假装传达帷幕以外的信息”,你说。
An example of fractal:Mandelbrot Set
[分形 (Fractal) 通常被定义为 “一个粗糙或零碎的几何形状,可以分成数个部分,且每一部分都是整体缩小后的形状”,即具有自相似的性质。
格列.布莱登结合了现代的分形法则与古代的周期概念,显示每一件事,从国家之间的战争与和平到我们最愉快的感情关系与个人危机,都是我们过去模式的重返。 如今这个模式显得非常重要,因为重返的周期也带着一个机遇之窗——抉择点——允许我们为这个周期选择一个新的结果。]
Let's make this a review for a moment. If you wished, you could go find it in the 1989 first messages I gave. I told you this: There would come a time where the places where you grow crops would no longer grow crops. We also said the places that would never grow them would then grow them! I told you that a profundity was coming regarding a shift of weather. I told you that. Now, you sit within it!
让我们来回顾一下。如果你愿意的话,你可以找出我在 1989 年所给出的第一个信息。那时我说:总有一天,以前盛产粮食的地方将不再出产粮食。我们也说,以前从不生长作物的地方将会生产作物!我说,有一个关于气候变迁的深刻转变正在到来。我早就说过了。现在,你们就处于其中!
I spoke of a consciousness shift and it's here, and for those of you who wonder when it's going to happen, I tell you... you missed it! It is all around you. It is what has happened since the late '80s, and it's what has happened this year. It's all around you. It is a choice point... a point where Human consciousness chooses to void the fractals of recurring energies on the planet.
我说过会有意识转变,而它就在这里,对于你们那些想知道它几时会发生的人,我说……你错过了!到处都是转变。它是 80 年代后期以来所发生的事,它也是今年以来所发生的事。到处都是转变。这是抉择点……人类意识在此时选择取消地球能量的重返分形规律。
We told you that global warming was cyclical, and that you did not cause it. Do you believe it now? That was channelled, you see, but now you have the science to show it also. We told you clearly in these past years that this warming will be short lived, leading to a cooling cycle. Now this fact is published in many places, and now there's the science. Do you believe it now?
There are those here whose intellect is starting to meld with the emotional. You're starting to get the message. "Maybe it's OK not to have a fluffy angel," you now say. Maybe it's OK to have truth come from one who loves you, from home. Perhaps it's OK to even have a magnetic master talk to you?
这里有些人的理性开始与情绪融合在一起。你开始明白我们的信息。“也许我可以接受一个不那么轻柔的天使,” 你现在说。也许你可以接受一个爱着你的人,一个家人对你给出真相。也许你们甚至可以接受一个磁力大师对你们说话?
Have you ever wondered why these messages were given this way [through channelling] and why so long ago? Another coincidence, perhaps? You start tracking back and ask, "When did all this begin? When did the scientist, Greg, begin his journey? When did my partner begin his journey? When did some of the epiphanies happen in your lives?" Some of the healers sitting in this audience have interesting start dates also. When did the teacher, Peggy, have her first phase revelations [speaking of Peggy Phoenix Dubro]? You can track most of this back to about 20 years ago, right when the shift began... right when the alignment started. Is this enough of a coincidence for you? When did Dr. Todd have the epiphanies of his invention on earth? It was all within these years that we speak. Too much coincidence? Perhaps.
你们有没有想过,为何这些信息是用这样的方式给出 [通灵],为何在这么久以前就开始了?也许是另一种巧合?你们开始回溯并问道:“这一切是在几时开始的?那位科学家,格列,是在几时开始他的[结合科学、灵性与真实世界的]旅程?我的伙伴是在几时开始他的[通灵]旅程?你们人生中的顿悟是在几时发生的?” 在座的一些治疗者的开始日期也很有趣。那位导师,佩吉,是在几时开始得到她人生第一阶段的启示 [指佩吉.菲尼克斯.杜布若,人体电磁场平衡技术的创立者]?这些多数可以回溯到大约 20 年前,就在转变开始之时……就在[1987年的天文]对齐开始之时。对你们而言,这些巧合事件够多了吗?托德博士是在几时顿悟出他在地球上的新发明 [新的激光电磁共振科技] ?这一切都发生在我们所说的那几年里。太多巧合了?也许是的。
This is a summary of the messages for the last six months. For within that time I've given you information about what is happening to you. Tonight I'm giving you information that's going to make a difference for the choice point.
There are those who say there is no reason for Human Beings to do anything different at this juncture than they ever did before. There are Human Beings who say you are designed to fail. Each cycle, each civilization will fail when certain occurrences and civilization attributes occur. They say that Human nature will never shift, will never change, and that the cycles will repeat and repeat and repeat. Here I am saying that this one is different. You've reached a point now where you will start to change and evolve quantumly. Less than one half of one percent of this planet has to make these choices for a fully changed planet to occur.
有些人说,在这个紧要关头,人类不会有任何跟以往不同的表现。有些人说,人类原本就是被设计来毁灭的。在每一个周期,当某种事情、某种文明特征发生时,每一个文明都会毁灭。他们说,人性永远不会改变,那些周期会不断地重复又重复。我在这里说,这个周期是不同的。你们已经来到一个时刻,从现在起你们将开始改变,进行量子式的演变。地球上少于一巴仙的一半[少于 3 千 500 万]人口必须做出这些选择,才能使一个完全改变了的地球出现。
[地球人口 70 亿 x 1% x 0.5 = 3 千 500 万人]
What did you learn today about magnetics [again, from Gregg Braden's lecture]? How do you align that with the Kryon teaching? I gave you information about the process scientifically, through induction, of how the solar system takes the gravitational imprint of itself and literally sends it out within the heliosphere of the sun... a quantum communication through the solar wind. Meeting and interfacing with your magnetic grid, the solar wind overlaps your earth's magnetic grid, which in turn overlaps the field that is created by your DNA. Therefore the same messages that the solar system gets, you do, too.
关于磁力,今天你们学到了什么 [也是从格列.布莱登的讲座中]?这些知识与克里昂的教学是如何连成一线?我以科学的方式讲述过磁力的传送过程,通过电磁感应,太阳系是如何把它本身的引力印记传送到太阳圈的范围内......通过太阳风来进行量子通讯。当遇到你们地球的磁栅之后,太阳风会与地球磁栅重叠,地球磁栅接着会与人类 DNA 的磁场重叠。因此太阳系所接收到的信息,你也同样接收到。
Corresponding, this is the magnetic couch that you sit in. Your DNA is magnetic and that is a scientific fact that now finally has been seen. Now you have the little affecting the big and the big affecting the little. You also heard that today, didn't you? When enough people think differently, when enough people have a compassionate reaction, an emotion is put forward en masse that scientific instruments can measure. The very vibration of the planet is affected! Is it now starting to correlate that what you think and what you do are making a difference? And if you didn't believe it from the weird guy [speaking of Lee], maybe you'll believe it from the scientist? Maybe, just maybe, they're both giving truth? What about that?
相应的,你就是坐在一个磁性长沙发中 [译注:应该是指你的身体]。你的 DNA 是磁性的,那是一个科学真相,现在终于被人发现了。现在你们有小的影响大的,大的也影响小的。你们今天也听到了,不是吗?当有足够多的人产生不同的想法时,当有足够多的人产生慈悲反应时,一种情绪被集体释放出来,科学仪器能测量得到。连地球的振动也会受影响!现在你开始看到它的关联了吧,即你的想法和行动会改变地球?如果从那奇怪的家伙 [指李] 口中听到你不信 ,也许从科学家口中听到你会相信?也许,只是也许,他们两个都是在给出真相?你认为呢?
Becoming Quantum
Becoming quantum is the issue of the day. It is tough, since it requires you to think differently. Dear Human Being, you have an evolvement going on. It's an evolvement through the magnetics that speaks to the DNA, and that gives opportunity for thought to create consciousness shift interdimensionally. It's the hardest thing we'll ever teach.
成为量子是今天的主题。它是困难的,因为它要求你们以不同的方式来思考。亲爱的人类,你们正在演变中。这场演变是通过磁力来进行的,它会与 DNA 交谈,它提供机会,让思想能够以跨维度的方式创造出意识转变。它是我们所将教导的最困难的事情。
Three years ago, I told my partner he would be teaching the unteachable, and he sits in a chair today, doing it. There are those who will get it and there are those who won't. If you have studied about a quantum state, you will be aware of certain attributes, and we're only going to talk about one of them today. Just one, but it will have a tendency to delinearize some of the attributes of your life. I'm going to show you what becoming quantum can do for you.
三年前,我告诉我的伙伴,他将会教导一些难以教导的事情,今天他就坐在椅子上,在做这件事。有些人会听得懂,有些人不会。如果你有学过关于量子状态的事情,你会知道它有某些特质,而今天我们只会谈论其中一项。只是一项,但它倾向于去线性化你们人生中的一些特征。我即将告诉你,“成为量子” 能为你做些什么。
Human Beings are emotional and that's good, because emotions are quantum. They're uncontrollable, you know, in both directions: Uncontrollable hate, uncontrollable love... they don't conform to a pattern, do they? It takes the intellect to construct a box around the emotions and you call that balance. So already you're beginning to see that the Human mind is a quantum attribute. Consciousness, by its very nature, consciousness is quantum. The Human brain was designed to think quantumly. It is only through logic and intellectual balance that biological synapse becomes linear. "Kryon, we don't understand what you're talking about."
Take a look at the autistic Human Being. Here is a Human Being who has an attribute where something is seemingly missing. Perhaps you've been around certain kinds of those autistic consciousnesses? Then you know what it is that they lack. It is the construct of linearity. For an autistic mind is one who does not understand linearity and is always trying to grasp order and symmetry. He is desperately trying to build a construct around his consciousness so he can make sense of the world. The truth is that he is far more quantum than you are! Did you ever think of that? Therefore, the set-up is there. Becoming quantum is already in your grasp. All you have to do is to figure out how to open and shut the various synapses to create the kind of a Human Being that is the beginning of the evolved ones. Is the choice point going to be reached and business as usual be the result? Does a Human suddenly become enlightened, choose something, and then retreat back to an unenlightened state? The answer is no and you know it. No, instead, you change and stay changed. So that creates a new beginning, does it not? That is the wild card that occurs in this current cycle, which never occurred before. That is why Kryon came in 1989, and it's why I'm here. This shift is before you. You sit in the middle of it.
看看那些自闭症的人。这个人拥有一种特质,好像缺少了某些东西。也许你曾经处在那些拥有某种自闭意识的人们身边?那么你就会知道他们缺少的是什么。是线性的构造。因为自闭症思维不懂得线性,他总是在尝试理解顺序与对称性。他总是拼命尝试在他的意识周围建立起一种[线性]构造,让他可以理解世界。真相是,他比你们更有量子意识!你们有这样想过吗?因此,那些设置已经存在。成为量子,已经是你们能够做到的事。你们要做的就是搞清楚如何打开及关闭各种神经元突触,就能成为那种已经完成演化的人类的初级版。人类是否会来到抉择点,而结果是一切照常?一个人是否突然开悟了,做出一种选择,然后退回未开悟的状态?答案是 “不”,你们是知道的。不,相反的,你们变了就是变了。所以那会形成一个新的开始,不是吗?那就是目前这个周期所出现的出奇制胜的因素,以前从来没有出现过。那就是克里昂在 1989 年到来的原因,那就是我在这里的原因。转变就在你们眼前。你们就处于其中。
尝试理解线性世界:自闭症儿童会重复把罐头叠成一排 |
尝试理解线性世界:自闭症儿童把他的玩具按大小顺序排成一行 |
![]() |
人类大脑是设计成以量子方式来思考的。只有通过逻辑和理性平衡,生物性的神经元突触才会变成线性的。 成为量子人类,你们要做的就是搞清楚如何打开及关闭各种神经元突触。 |
Sleep - An Interdimensional Attribute
Here's another quantum aspect. I bring you these so that you will understand how confusing quantumness can be, yet, it's in your brain so I know you can eventually understand it. When you retreat into that thing you call sleep, perhaps even what you call the alpha state, that middle portion of consciousness that is without construct, what happens? Have you ever had a dream where nothing made sense? Out of time, out of place, the Human Beings in your dream couldn't even know each other due to linear time. You may have been in different places and different times that make no sense in real life, yet it all made sense at the moment, didn't it? So I'll tell you why: Because when you go to that state, it is quantum! It is a quantum thing, alpha dreaming. The brain is in a state that is without the intellect's control. So it becomes quantum and without structure. Therefore, it is outside of linearity. That is to say, there is no time construct placed upon it. Everything happens at the same time and it's just fine with you while you're there. When you're in the dream, you're not tearing out your hair in confusion, are you? You're just enjoying it. Quantumness is a natural state.
这是量子的另一个方面。我讲出这些事,让你们明白量子事物能有多么混乱,然而,它是在你们的大脑里,所以我知道你们最终会明白。当你们退回睡眠状态,甚至是所谓的 α 状态 [放松式清醒状态],意识那没有[线性]构造的中间部分,那时会怎样?你们有没有做过乱七八糟的梦?时间错乱、地点错乱,梦中的人物在线性时间中根本不可能互相认识。你也许处在不同的地方、不同的时代,那在真实生活中毫无道理可言,但在那一刻它们全都合情合理,不是吗?那么我会告诉你原因:因为当你进入那种状态时,它是量子的!它是量子事物,α 梦境。大脑是在不受理性控制的状态中。所以,它变成量子的、没有结构的。因此,它是超越线性的。那是说,它没有时间结构。每件事都在同一时间发生,当你在梦中时,你可以接受这一点。当你在梦中时,你没有在混乱中抓狂,你有吗?你只是在享受那个梦境。量子是一种自然状态。
You might even say that the intellectual construct that goes around your consciousness is starting to change, perhaps allowing for more understanding of what I am teaching now?
"Kryon, I still don't understand."
I know this, so I'm going to begin to simplify this into terms that you will understand. Look at the box you're in called time. How linear it is that you can only go in one direction! You can't turn left, you can't turn right, only straight into the future. The clock only goes in one direction... forward. There's no such thing as a clock that goes up and down, or left and right, is there? It just goes forward. Oh, how linear! And that's the way you think. You take that linear bias and apply it to everything. All thought, all reasoning, all logic, all spirituality is done with your bias. You say "we are linear, therefore God must be." However, God is not. And neither, really, are you! Some of you will be stepping out of this soon and be understanding more about what is going on in your life, dear ones. For now, however, much of this is double-talk.
我知道,所以我即将开始把它简化成你们容易明白的说法。看看你们所在的那个叫做“时间”的框框。它是多么线性啊,你们只能往一个方向走!你不能转左,不能转右,只能直直进入未来。时钟只能往一个方向走……往前。没有一个时钟能往上往下、往左往右走的,有吗?它只能往前走。啊,多么线性!而那就是你们的思维方式。你们把那种线性偏见应用到每一件事情上。所有想法、所有推理、所有逻辑、所有虔诚的信仰,都是以你们的偏见来达成的。你们说 “我们是线性的,因此神必定也是。” 然而,神不是。而且,其实,你们也不是!你们有些人将很快能走出线性,也将更明了你们人生中正在发生的事,亲爱的。无论如何,在此刻,这些多数是废话。
The Frustration With Time - Your Most Powerful Bias
Let us start the teaching. These are summaries, perhaps things that you may have heard before, but that come together in a group today to help you understand more. I sit in front of an astute group of individuals, many of whom call themselves Lightworkers. You get to define that any way you want. It's awareness, an awareness of things beyond linearity. It's a belief, truly, that you are a piece of God. More than not, in the room in front of me, are many of them. In that awareness, there's communication to the other side of the veil. So I will pinpoint one of the fallacies and the frustrations of what happens when you do that journey to the other side in linearity.
Dear Human Being, how many of you have had messages that are life changing? Perhaps you go into a meditative state, perhaps it's in that dream state that I just suggested? But there it is, an idea, perhaps even an instruction? Maybe you had a visualization? It might appear like this: Here's what you're to do. Here's the book you're going to write. Here is what your future is going to be like. Here is the healing modality you are going to teach. Here are the instructions that you are going to meet someone. You're going to do something.
You are excited about it, are you not? Perhaps you come back from the visualization and you tell your friend, "It's so real! This is what I've got to do. This is what I'm going to begin. Isn't it exciting?" Then what do you do? You proceed to implement it. Oh, how linear of you! Is that the message you got? In a quantum state, did God tell you come on back and do it now? The answer is no. Yet you think that because your clock goes in one direction, you come back onto the linear treadmill of time and you begin to implement what you're told. That's a big mistake, but you don't know it.
你感到非常兴奋,不是吗?也许你出了观想之后告诉朋友:“那种感觉非常真实!这是我必须做的事。这是我即将开始做的事。真让人兴奋,不是吗?” 然后你做什么?你着手去实行它。啊,你是多么线性呀!那是你得到的信息吗?在量子状态里,神有叫你赶快回来、马上去做吗?答案是 “不”。但你是那样想的,因为你的时钟只往一个方向走,你回到时间的那条单调的线性跑道上,开始实行你被告知的事情。那是大错特错,但你不知道。
Let's just show what happens next, oh linear one. Most of the time, whatever it is that you were shown... fails. Disappointment prevails: "I'm supposed to write this book and I tried and there it was... and nothing happened. There wasn't a publisher who wanted it, nobody really liked it. I must have been wrong. I had these great ideas and I implemented them, but nothing happened," you say.
不如让我们来显示一下随后发生的是什么吧,喔线性的人。多数时候,无论你被显示的是什么......都失败了。失望笼罩着你:“我本来应该写这本书的,我试了,那本书也写好了......然后什么都没有发生。没有出版社要它,没有人真正喜欢它。我肯定是错了。我有这些很棒的想法,我去实行了,但什么都没有发生,” 你说。
You see, dear one, I know who is here [and reading this] and I'm speaking to some of you right now and you know I am. Even if you've not told anybody, failure is like that. The Human brain doesn't want to come right out and say, "I don't know why I didn't have good communication to Spirit. I got the message, I came back, I tried it and nothing happened." Oh, how linear of you! Then what did you do with it? This idea, this beauty, this thought, the actions you planned, the things you were shown were yours... what did you do with it once you tried it and you failed? You put it on the shelf and you shut the cupboard door! It's over!
你瞧,亲爱的,我知道谁在这里[以及谁在阅读],我正在对你们一些人说话,你心里知道。即使你没有对任何人讲过,但失败就是那样的。人类大脑不愿走出沮丧并说:“我不知道为什么我与圣灵会沟通不良。我得到了信息,我回来了,我尝试了,然后什么都没有发生。” 啊,你是多么线性呀!然后你怎么做?这个主意,这个美好的事物,这个想法,你所计划的行动,你被显示的属于你的东西...... 一旦你尝试了也失败了之后,你怎么做?你把它放到架子上,然后关上橱门!结束了!
Perhaps some of your friends said, "You know, a few years ago I remember you tried something. Why don't you try that again?" What did you say to them at that point?
也许你的一些朋友说:“你知道吗,几年前我记得你试着去做某些事情。为何你不再试一下?” 那时你对他们说什么?
"No, I tried it and it failed."
What? Oh, how linear! Do you understand where I'm going with this? God didn't tell you to do it now. In your bias of time, you decided when, where, and then against all rational quantum thinking, once you tried it, you discarded it! You're not even going to pull it out and do it again, are you? Oh, how linear! What a single timeline bias you have! Here is what the quantum thinker does: He gets the message, comes back from the visualization, and celebrates the message. It's a ticket that he's holding in his hand that says there's a train coming. If he looks closely at the ticket, there's no time on it. It doesn't say when, does it? But he still has the ticket. That's enough for a quantum mind!
He will celebrate the ticket and then sit back and create the attitude of waiting for synchronicity. That is to say, he will hook into the quantumness of who he is and then look at the synchronicity that occurs so that he can recognize when the train comes. Do you understand this? Blessed is the Human Being right now, sitting here, who is being aware of what I am saying. There are things lurking in the cupboard that you locked up that are now ready. Now is the time! It's the decision point. Now is when you were always supposed to do it. It didn't work before because it wasn't supposed to work before. Synchronicity wasn't there, energy wasn't there, quantumness was not there, and now it is.
So what does that mean to you? Become quantum with me a moment. What do you think it means? What kind of decision would you like to revisit? That's the invitation. It's about time, isn't it? You think in a linear fashion and, therefore, you were biased in a linear fashion, and it interrupts the flow of your spiritual context of communication to God. Because it's normal, you're not even aware of it. And you know what it creates? Frustration, and sometimes anger. Sometimes you'll even turn your back on Spirit and say, "This didn't work. I guess I should move on." Or, "This didn't work. I'm not loved as much as I thought I was." That is the linear bias of a Human, and it does not represent truth.
那对你意味着什么呢?跟我一起成为量子一会儿。你认为它意味着什么?你想重新考虑哪一种决定?那就是我们的邀请。现在是时候了,不是吗?你以线性的方式来思考,因此,你有线性的偏见,这会使你与神沟通的灵性内容传达得不顺畅。因为这很平常,你甚至没有意识到它 [你的线性偏见]。你知道它会造成什么吗?挫折感,有时是愤怒。有时候你甚至会背弃圣灵并说:“这不奏效。我想我应该离开。” 或者是,“这不奏效。我不是如我所以为的那样被深爱着。” 那是人类的线性偏见,不是真相。
Waiting for Direction
Let me give you another one. I've got a room full of Lightworkers in front of me and many of them have been Lightworkers a long time. But so many are still waiting to find out what you're supposed to do. Is this you? Hmm? You know I'm right. Is this hitting close to home? Unlike the previous section, you are not concerned about a task, but rather you're waiting and waiting to find out who you are, and what you are here for. This is much different, since it has nothing to do with something you were told in a vision, but what you feel at the Akashic level. What are you here for? When will you know?
You've got this spark of awareness, and you know about the divine. You know about what's in your DNA, and you're starting to discover it all and you feel there's something more. You don't know what it is, but "someday it will be there," you say. "Someday I'll know what I'm here for," you say. It's a rusty, linear track you're on, since you have been saying this and feeling this for a very long time. It always yells the same thing to you in linearity. "You're not there yet," it says to you. "Time is not on your side," it says to you. Sometimes it says, "It passed you and you didn't see it!" Then you begin to worry and become sad.
你有一点觉察力,你知道关于神的事。你知道你的 DNA 里有的是什么,你开始发现这一切,你觉得还有更多。你不知道那是什么,但 “它总有一天会出现,” 你说。“总有一天我会知道我来这里的目的,” 你说。你是在一条生锈、线性的轨道上,因为你一直都在这样说,一直都有这种感觉。它一直在线性里对你喊着同样的事。“你还没有到达,” 它对你说。“时间不是站在你这边,” 它对你说。有时候它说,“它经过了,你却没有看到它!” 然后你开始忧虑和伤心。
I wish to give you the truth and I want you to open your heart, because I'm sitting in front of those who need to hear this accurately, emotionally, and truthfully. I don't want you to raise your hands, but invisibly, metaphysically, I want you to turn on a light right now above your head if this is you. Reader, this includes you. Right now. I'm looking at those lights, right now, and I'm going to give you your syllabus. I'm going to give you the plan of what you're here for. I'm going to tell you why you feel the way you do, and I'm going to give you the instruction set that will enable you to leave here knowing who you are and why you came. Some may not like it, yet some of you may love it. It depends on your linear bias. I hope this light that you're turning on above your head coordinates with the light that is shining from my partner right now, because this is the truth.
Listen, Lightworker, all your life you've been expecting what is next. You are waiting to find out where you are going, and what you are supposed to do. Let me tell you this: Blessed is the Human Being who is aware, for the awareness of consciousness itself is what you're doing for the planet. That is the task at hand. Stay aware. Keep the light going. Walk from place to place in families, and in work. Keep the awareness. That is the decision point because the awareness changes the grid.
It's not what you're going to do, it's what you're thinking about every day. In a quantum way, there is no clock. Can you sustain this energy until the day you die? If you can, every single one of you holding that light right now will know that's why you're here. Don't look ahead to something else, because you're currently doing what you came for in a quantum state. Every single one of you who is aware is doing it! This is it. You're here to be aware! If you are aware of the divine inside, then you fulfilled the task perfectly. Perfectly! Walk from this place satisfied in what you're doing for the planet. Stay aware. Don't give up! Become quantum [satisfied in the now].
重点不是你要做的事,而是你每天在想的事。量子方式里没有时钟。你能一直保持这种能量,直到去世那一天吗?如果你能的话,每一个在此刻亮起那盏灯的人都会知道,那就是你到来的原因。别展望未来会有其他东西,因为在量子状态中,你正在做着你要来做的事。你们每一个有觉察力的人都正在做!这就是了。你就是来这里觉察一切!如果你觉察到体内的神,那么你就是在完美地达成任务。完美地!当你走出这里时,对你正在为地球做的事感到满足吧。保持觉察。别放弃!成为量子 [满足于当下]。
If everything including your spiritual work is put on a timeline, you're going to fail, because the things that the clock will bring you are not the things that the heart will bring you. The heart [compassion] is quantum. Learn to live without the future. This breaks a linear mindset that says accomplishment is the measure of success. In a linear time consciousness, it is; but in a quantum consciousness, it is instead a measure of your peace and your joy at just "being." Is this you?
如果每一件事,包括你的灵性工作,都被放在一条线性的时间轴之上,你肯定会失败,因为时钟带给你的事,并不是心灵会带给你的事。心灵[慈悲]是量子的。学习 “没有未来” 地活着。这会打破线性的想法,认为成功的衡量标准在于完成任务。在线性时间的意识里,它是的;但在量子意识里,成功反而在于你对 “活着” 所感到的平静和喜悦。这是你吗?
The Gift of Activating the Akash
“激活阿卡什” 的这份礼物
For two years we have opened the door to quantum cellular shift and we started giving you information that is simply unbelievable. In your DNA there is the Akashic record. All of the lifetimes that you have lived on this planet are there. The Higher-Self has been the same soul energy in every lifetime. Therefore, you've got a friend who participated in every one of them! Up to this point, all of this past life information has been stacked like the ice core [the linear pipe-shaped ice core that contains history as measured by scientists at the poles]. You've got to look along the linear marks and see who you were, perhaps what the energies were and what happened. All of you assumed it was untouchable and in the past, just like looking at an old newspaper.
两年来,我们已经打开了量子细胞转变的大门,我们开始给出不可思议的消息。你们的 DNA 里有阿卡什纪录。你在地球上所经历过的人生全都在那里。在你的每一生里,高我一直是相同的灵魂能量。因此,你有一个朋友,他参与了你的每一生!直到此刻,所有这些前世信息都像冰核一样堆叠起来 [内含历史信息的直筒形冰核,由科学家在两极钻出及测定]。你必须沿着那些线性标记看下去,来得知你是谁、以前的能量是什么、以前发生了什么事。你们全都认为它是无法触及的,是保留在过去的,就像在看着一份旧报纸。
This is not quantum thought. The quantum mind looks at it all happening now. Therefore, what we have told you over and over is that what is happening now is available to you now. How would you like to go into that seemingly linear untouchable history and pick up the help that you came here for? I'm going to talk to three people who are here in the room: Stop trying to heal yourselves! Because your biological self, this lifetime, isn't going to respond. It's not going to be healed. But the one last time, if you bring it forward, was pure! Go get it! Why don't you get that one and put it on top [for your linear thinking]. What about that? That's what a quantum individual does.
这不是量子思想。量子思维把这一切视为现在进行式。因此,我们重复又重复告诉你们的是:现在发生的事,你现在就可以获得。你想怎么进入那看似线性、无法触及的历史,并得到帮助呢?我要对现场其中三个人说话:停止尝试医治你自己!因为你的生物性自我,此生,是不会有反应的。它不会被治愈。但你前世的生物信息,如果你把它带向前来,它是纯净的!把它找出来!你为何不找出那个记录,并把它放在[阿卡什纪录的]顶部呢 [根据你的线性想法]。怎么样?那就是量子人类的做法。
Now, if you can do that, then what exactly did you do? Did you heal yourself or did you mine the Akash? Do you see why it is the disease will never come back? It's because at a quantum level, you never had it! If you can pull on your past life energy, you will find DNA that is pure and never had the problem you have now. How? Let me ask you this. Do you love anyone on the planet? If the answer is yes, then I ask you... how? You see, some things must be done in a nonlinear level, apart from the lists that Humans like to give you. Lists are fine for basic learning, but are not applicable to this advanced quantum energy that you are learning to absorb and become.
呐,如果你能做到这一点,那你实际上是做了什么?你是治愈自己还是开采阿卡什?你知道为什么这个疾病永远不会复发吗?因为在量子层面上,你从来没有得病!如果你能汲取前世的能量,你会发现 DNA 很纯净,从来没有你目前的这种毛病。如何做到?让我问你:你在地球上有没有爱着任何人?如果答案是 “有” 的话,那么我问你……如何做到?你瞧,有些事情必须在非线性的层面上、在人类喜欢给出的线性列表以外,才能完成。列表对基本学习是好的,但不适用于你们正在学习的这种高级量子能量。
Do you see what I'm saying? What is it you wish you could do? What are your blocks? What are the things that you think are you that can't be changed? In the Akash, there is also you, many of them. Why don't you go there and replace the current you with the former you? That is mining the Akash. That's a quantum Human Being, and it goes way beyond what you were told past life energies were for. You were told they were for karmic exchange. It's the old idea that past life experience builds up in your DNA so that you will be disturbed by it, so that it will become the sand in your oyster and then you have to accomplish something to get around it. It is very old information, and now you can go way beyond that.
你们明白我的意思吗?什么是你希望自己能做的事?什么是你的障碍?什么是你认为在你身上无法改变的事?在阿卡什纪录里的也是你,许多的你。你为何不去到阿卡什纪录里,用前一个你来替换现在的你?那就是开采阿卡什。那就是量子人类。这远远超越了你被告知的前世能量的作用。你被告知,前世能量是为了用来交换业力能量。这是一种旧观念,认为前世经历在你的 DNA 里积累,那么你就会受它的干扰,那么它就会成为你的蚌肉里的沙子 [刺痛你],然后你必须成就某些事情 [形成珍珠] 才能克服它。那是非常陈旧的信息,现在你们可以远远超越它。
What if the whole reason for the Akash is just the opposite? What if it is a gold mine with your name on it? You lived all those lives. Think about that. It's life experience; it's wisdom, shaman. Now, go mine it. That's what the quantum Human Being does. It creates mastery. Think about that.
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(left) Ice core drilling. (right) Ice core with visible volcanic ash layer.
The Inner Child Revisited
重温 “内在小孩”
Now here's something that someone on this stage is really going to enjoy [speaking of Jan Tober], for I'm now going to give you the secret of the inner child. It's a quantum issue and always has been! Why is the inner child so important? You've heard this for years, yet many run from it. "I don't want to be a kid," you say. "I grew up, and don't need to get in touch with that. I'll pass on that one." Perhaps it's different than you think?
呐,这是台上某个人会非常喜爱的课题 [指珍.托柏],因为我现在要给出关于内在小孩的秘密。[译注:珍和李在《靛蓝儿童》系列第二本书中介绍 “内在小孩” 这个概念]。它是量子课题,向来都是!为什么内在小孩如此重要?你们多年来已经听说过它,但许多人都在逃避它。“我不想成为小孩,” 你说。“我已经长大了,不再需要连接内在小孩。我会跳开这一个。” 也许它和你所想的不同?
Let me tell you what is so quantum about it. Now listen to me and open your heart for a moment. It's about time, isn't it? None of you are children anymore, but all of you used to be. So why don't you do something with me for a moment: Suspend the clock and pretend that everything you ever had on this planet, in this lifetime, is in front of you now. Like bins that you can pick from, they're there. They're not in the past, but rather they're in a quantum state, ready for you to see them as happening now.
Reflect: I want you to go and look at some of those bins - when you were eight, when you were seven, when you were six, when you were five. Look! You had no worries. How many of you, when you were eight years old, were worrying about paying the mortgage? What about the budget for food, or whether you could have a car and even make it work or not? The answer? None of you! Your biggest worries were how long you could stay out and play. Think about it... it was most of you. This is the child's mind... pure, uncomplicated, and out of the scope of worry.
Now, I want you to sustain these thoughts for a moment. I want you to pretend that you can pick up that persona for a moment, that child which is you. It's got your name on it and you lived it. Pick it up out of the bin and place it upon yourself. No worries. No drama. No tomorrow, not really. The child doesn't think about tomorrow unless tomorrow is Christmas, then it is the feeling of joy and excitement. How long has it been since you have felt this, Human Being?
Why do I speak of this? Because the love of God invites you into this very attribute! You only have one model, and it was as a child. So bring it back as the model of how we love you and provide for the love and peace you need to move into this new energy! This is the quantum Human Being who can go back and apply these attributes to their lives. You can tell who they are, because they walk around and they shine! They're not in denial. They're quantum.
There were a number of masters who walked this planet who were well known to you in many religions. I want to tell you what they all had in common: They were quantum! When you looked at their faces, did you see how they shine? Can you go there with me? Can you be with your favorite master just for a moment? Can you stand next to him or her for a moment? And if you can, what's the energy there? It's peace, is it not? Are they worried about their mortgage? Are they worried about paying the bills? What kind of drama do they have in their lives? They might have plenty, but you never see it! For whatever reason they don't know it, and you're attracted to that peace, aren't you? You just want to stand next to them. You might even say to yourself, "Oh, if I could just be like that. I would love that." Well, you can, dear one, and it's called capturing the essence of the inner child. It isn't innocence; it's not ignorance; it is total, complete quantum wisdom. It is the ability to take those things that in linearity you would worry about and suspend them in a place where they don't affect you. What happens to a consciousness that's not affected by fear? I'll tell you. It soars! Did you expect that? Inner child work is quantum work. All of these things we have been teaching in these last months are asking the Human Being to become quantum.
过去有好几位大师行走于地球之上,在你们的许多宗教中广为人知。我要告知他们有什么共同点:他们都是量子的!当你看着他们的容貌时,你有看见他们是多么耀眼吗?你能跟我一起去那里吗?你能跟你最喜爱的大师在一起吗,只是一会儿?你能站在他或她身边吗,只是一会儿?如果你可以的话,那里有什么能量?是平静,对吗?他们有在担心还贷的事吗?他们有在担心支付帐单的事吗?他们的人生中有什么样的戏剧?他们也许有很多,但你永远看不到!别人也许不知道原因,但你就是受到那种平静的能量所吸引,不是吗?你只想站在他们身边。你甚至会对自己说:“啊,如果我能像那样就好了。我喜欢那样。” 嗯,你能,亲爱的,它叫做“体现内在小孩的本质”。那不是单纯;那不是无知;它是完全、完整的量子智慧。它是一种能力,把那些你在线性里会担心的事物悬挂在一个不会影响到你的地方。一个不受恐惧所影响的意识会怎样呢?我告诉你。它会展翅高飞!你们有想过是这样吗?内在小孩是量子事情。过去这几个月里我们一直在教导的所有这些事物,都是在请求人类成为量子。
The Incredible Power of Love
Nothing compares to the last one. Nothing. This is the third time I'm going to bring it to you, for many here have not heard this. Listen carefully: There are those even in spiritual work who have declared that emotionalism is wrong. They say that if you get emotional, you're not rational. If you weep, you shouldn't be here. They say it is the intellectual mind that is going to figure out everything. That's where your logic is, and that's your reasoning. Therefore, you want to get to a place where you can throw away all emotions and just figure it out with your God-given logical mind.
Listen, dear ones, this is totally linear thinking. There isn't a Human in the room who is going to figure out a quantum state with their intellect, because that's not the state that they were born in, and that's not the state they live in. Instead, it's a balance of intellect and the heart. Emotions are passed through the veil, and it's for a very big reason.
I'm going to tell you where the real power is... the reason for compassion and the incredible power of love. I'm going to give you the most quantum energy on the planet and I hope you understand it. It's the third time I've done this and I want you to listen really carefully.
There is a power beyond all powers and it comes right out of the emotional state. Are you surprised? I'm going to paint the picture yet again as I've done it before. Oh, there are mothers in this room. Many. Mom, go back with me to a time I shared with you, will you? Go back to when your first born was there, minutes old. Go back with me when the first-born infant took its first breath and life began. It represented part of your DNA, part of your lineage, part of your Akash, a seed event, if you will. Now, I'm going to ask you something: Did you hear the angels singing? They stood around the bed, you know? What did you feel the first time that you looked the infant in the eye? What did you feel when you locked eyes with that child and life began? Did you hear the angels singing? Did your heart melt? Did it just pour out to the Universe at that moment? Did you notice that the technicians in the room were weeping, too? What causes that?
有一种力量超越所有力量,它正是出自情绪激动的状态。很惊讶吗?我要再次描绘那个景象,就如我以前所做的那样。啊,这里有很多妈妈。很多。妈妈,跟我一起回到那我与你一起分享的时刻,好吗?回到你的第一胎出生的时刻,只有几分钟大。跟我一起回到第一胎婴儿第一次呼吸,然后生命开始的时刻。他代表你的 DNA 的一部分,你的血缘的一部分,你的阿卡什的一部分,一个播种事件,如果你愿意去回想的话。现在,我要问你一件事:那时你有听见天使在唱歌吗?他们就站在床的周围,你知道吗?当你第一次直视那个婴儿的眼睛时,你有什么感觉?当你凝视那个孩子,然后生命开始时,你有什么感觉?你有听见天使在唱歌吗?你的心灵有没有融化?你的母爱有没有在片刻间对整个宇宙倾泻出来?你有没有注意到产房里的技师们也在流泪?是什么原因?
Perhaps you think that that particular power came out of your mind and your heart? Well, it didn't! Way beyond anything a Human Being alone could even possibly generate, this amazing energy poured into that room because there was sacred joy. For a moment in time you opened an interdimensional portal where life began and everyone wept in the joy of it. The child looked at you and you looked at it. Things would never be the same. Do you remember, Mom? Do you remember that day? Do you remember the moment? That's an energy that is way beyond what your heart is able to do by itself. You had help and anything you felt was amplified by the God energy within you.
I'm talking about the glue that holds consciousness together, which is emotional. I'm talking about the love of God. This has been the message from the first day I gave information. It took my partner four years to open his heart to the point where he would weep in front of anyone with this power. It is beyond anything that he could generate by himself. This room is filled with an entourage whose power will generate far more than any Human heart alone can do! It's a quantum energy... timeless... not a future event... filled with a feeling that every loving thing that ever was is pouring into you. It's nature, your own life energy, and the wisdom of the ages! Mom, do you remember?
我在说的是让意识紧密相连的胶水,即是情绪。我在说的是神的爱。从我第一天通灵以来,这一直是我们的信息。我的伙伴用了四年来打开心扉,直到一种地步,只要他遇到拥有爱的能量的人,他就会流泪。这超越了他本身所能创造的任何事。这间房里充满了一群随行人员,他们的能量,远远超越任何人类的心灵独自能够创造的事!这是量子能量……永恒的能量……不是未来事件…… 让你充分感受到,每一种曾经存在的心爱的事物正在倾注于你身上。爱的能量是本性,是你本身的生命能量,也是长久以来的智慧!妈妈,你还记得吗?
Humans fall in love. They get a little nuts. Some of you have done that, haven't you? Some of you remember sighing a lot and staring into each other's eyes. Psychologist say there is little bit of temporary insanity going on. [Laughter] You remember it, don't you? Perhaps some of you still have it? Tell me about it, dear Human. Did you generate that by yourself? Was it the other person, do you think, or do you think there was something else going on? Do you think you were part of something that you were alone with? Lovers will tell you that there are angels in the room when the humans come together, when the sparks are there, and there's far more than they could create by themselves. Some of them even hear the singing! Is that just a lover's dream? No, for they are correct... it's part of the Human experience where two come together and somehow they generate an energy that is far greater than the sum of the parts. And that's because God is there!
人类会坠入爱河。他们会变得有点疯狂。你们有些人曾经试过,对吗?你们有些人记得当时经常叹息并互相凝望。心理学家说当人们爱上时会有一点短暂的精神错乱。[笑声] 你们还记得,对吗?也许有些人直到现在还是这样?告诉我,亲爱的人类。那是你自己造成的吗?是你的爱人吗,或是那里有其他事情正在发生?你有没有觉得你是某些事情的一部分,你只是单独与它在一起?情侣们会告诉你,当他们走到一起时,当他们燃起爱的火花时,他们会感觉天使来到房里,那里的能量远远超越他们本身所能创造的。有些人甚至听见天使在唱歌!难道那只是一个恋人的梦境?不,因为他们是对的……这是人类经历的一部分,当两个人走到一起时,不知何故,他们会形成一种能量,远远大于两人能量的总和。因为神在那里!
The angels are smiling. That's the way it works. It's quantum. There's raw power here. "Why are you telling us this, Kryon?" I'm going to tell you the reason: It's because there are those of you who are ready to fall in love with the first born of a seed consciousness which is the choice point. It's falling in love with yourself, the God within, nature, or just the entire creative process. It's creating an energy on this planet like the birth of a child. It is greater than the sum of the parts because you are quantum enough to do it. Is this confusing to you or is it natural? It's part of the learning curve that this might be confusing.
天使们正在微笑。那就是事情的运作方式。它是量子的。这里有原始的力量。“为什么你会谈到这些呢,克里昂?” 我会告知原因:因为你们有些人准备爱上一个种子意识 [即是那个抉择点] 的第一个孩子。那是爱上你自己、你体内的神、大自然,或者说,是爱上整个创造过程。它会在地球上形成一种能量,就像一个孩子的诞生。它的能量大于各部分的总和,因为你们的量子特质足以做到这一点。这对你们而言是混乱的还是自然的?这也许会让你感到混淆,那是学习过程的一部分。
Are you aware you don't have to join anything? You don't. Accept others around you who love the earth. Are you aware that all of you can participate to whatever degree you wish? Opening the heart creates energy above and beyond what you could ever do alone, yet it seems like it's an individual decision. This is an invitation for a quantumness. Call it whatever you want. You want to call it God; you want to call it Spirit; you want to call it your own divinity? It doesn't matter. But you'll feel it. Many of you already have and you just didn't even know what it was. Love is that way. It's pure. It has no agenda. It does not puff itself up. It is unconditional. That's God in you. That's the message.
And so this is the work before you. Raise from the chairs and leave differently than you came with a little more insight as to how Spirit works with you. Perhaps you may have a little more comfortable feeling about who you are, and where you're going. Perhaps there's been a release tonight for some of you who felt they had failed, or hadn't accomplished the things they came for. I'm telling you, you have accomplished it! You have.
Do you love God? Then you've accomplished it. Do you love yourself? Then you've accomplished it. Are you peaceful? Can you eliminate the drama over the things that you can't control? If you're one of those, then you've accomplished it. That's why you came. And so it is that we say to you in this time that we know each of you by name. What are you going to do with this information? Is it simply information, or is it the truth? You decide.
And so it is.
1)Fractal 分形 / 不规则碎片形
分形通常被定义为 “一个粗糙或零碎的几何形状,可以分成数个部分,且每一部分都(至少近似地)是整体缩小后的形状”,即具有自相似的性质。
由 B.B. Mandelbrot 于 1975 年提出来的分形(fractal)理论,是非线性科学的重要组成部分。不同于传统的几何以零维、一维、二维、三维、四维对应的点、线、面、体和时空来描述物体的形状,分形理论用 “分维”(fractal dimension)来描述大自然。
2)Fractal Time
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Gregg Braden - 《Fractal Time: The Secret of 2012 and a New World Age》 Publication Date:March 2009 格列.布莱登 —《分形时间:2012 的秘密及一个新世界时期》 |
In his latest book, Gregg Braden merges these ancient and modern world views into a powerful new model of time. Marrying the modern laws of fractal patterns to the ancient concept of cycles, he demonstrates how everything from the war and peace between nations to our most joyous relationships and personal crises are the returning patterns of our past. As each pattern returns, it carries the same conditions of previous cycles—fractal patterns that can be known, measured and predicted!
What makes this model so important today is that the returning cycles also carry a window of opportunity—a choice point—that allows us to choose a new outcome for the cycle. Braden suggests that if we can see time from this perspective, the patterns will show us what’s in store for the future, and perhaps how to avoid the mistakes of our past.
After presenting the case histories that confirm the accuracy of fractal time calculations, the author crosses the traditional boundaries of science and spirituality to answer the question that must be asked: What does fractal time tell us about 2012, and beyond? Because the cycles repeat, the seed for 2012 has already happened and the pattern already exists!
在呈现了历史案例以证实分形时间的准确计算之后,他跨越科学与灵性学的传统界限,以回答一个必须被提出的问题:关于 2012,及以后,分形时间说明了什么?由于那些周期是重复的,所以 2012 的种子已经被播下了,它的模式已经存在了!
亚马逊新书介绍: 《Fractal Time: The Secret of 2012 and a New World Age》
3)Magnetics 磁力
Planets Orbiting the Sun在太阳周围运转的行星,形成太阳系的磁力和引力 click to watch video: |
当遇到地球磁栅之后,太阳风会与它重叠,把磁力和引力传送到地球磁栅 |
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地球磁栅接着会与人类 DNA 的磁场重叠。因此太阳系所接收到的信息,你也同样接收到。 |
格列. 布莱登的教导:地球磁场随着人类重大事件而改变
911 事件当天的地磁场异常现象
Can the Earth Feel Your Pain?
Heart-felt emotion can rock the world.
IN SEPTEMBER 2001, two geosynchronous operational environmental satellites (GOES) orbiting the Earth detected a rise in the magnetic field of the Earth that forever changed the way scientists view our world and us. The GOES 8 and GOES 10 each showed a powerful spike of Earth’s magnetic field strength in the readings that they broadcast every 30 minutes. It was the magnitude of the spikes and the time they occurred that first called them to the scientists’ attention.
在 2001 年 9 月,两颗绕着地球同步运转的环境观测卫星所侦测到的地磁场变化永久地改变了科学家对我们的世界和人类的看法。在每 30 分钟播送一次的地磁场读数中,GOES-8 和GOES-10 卫星都各自显示了一个急升的尖峰。这些尖峰的急升程度和它们发生的时间引起了科学家的注意。
From a location of about 22,300 miles above the equator, GOES 8 detected the first surge followed by an upward trend in the readings that topped out at nearly 50 units (nano-Teslas) higher than any that had been typical for the same time previously. The time was 9:00 A.M. Eastern standard time; 15 minutes after the first plane hit the World Trade Center and about 15 minutes before the second impact.
定点于赤道上空大约 22,300 英里处,GOES-8 卫星侦测到地磁场强度的第一个急升,接着是一直往上升的趋势,比早前同样时间段的读数普遍高出 50 个单位(纳-特斯拉)。[请看以上视频的第 8:00 分钟] 当时是美国东部标准时间早上 9 点;世贸中心被第一架飞机撞击后的 15 分钟,也是第二架飞机撞击前的大约 15 分钟。
The correlation between the events and the readings was undeniable. Subsequent studies by Princeton University and The Institute of HeartMath, have found that it appears to be the heart-based emotion of the world’s population during such events that seems to be influencing the magnetic fields of the Earth! What makes this discovery so significant is that those fields are now linked to everything from the stability of the climate to the peace between nations.
摘自:《Can the Earth Feel Your Pain?》by Gregg Braden