Mount Shasta, California |
Kryon:Physics and Science
这篇信息是关于物理与科学,里面提出很多新颖的概念。 人类 DNA 是否真的有磁场,证据呢?人类是否真的能进行太空旅行,远离地球磁场而存活?什么是太阳的跨维度图案,它能怎么影响你的行为?为何牛顿定律只适用于太阳系,而不是其他星系?什么是宇宙新的两股跨维度作用力? 12 进制数学能怎么解开 “暗物质” 的谜?星系与星系之间原来有一种跨维度 “丝线” 在连接着?如果人类能发明出跨维度天文镜片,他们将看见什么?这些是高级概念,最终会翻译到你们的教科书里。
This live channelling was Given in MT. SHASTA, California
Kryon Summer Light Conference
June 17, 2007
As channelled by Lee Carroll for Kryon
In 1989, I told you that the magnetic grid would move more in 10 years than it had in the last 100... and it did. It’s on its way, some say, to be involved in another flip of polarity, as it has done in the past. But not yet. It moved, however, and moved as I told you it would. [This is a known scientific fact and is verifiable.] Now, I’ll tell you why it moved - because the consciousness of this planet moved it, and the beginning of this move was at the Harmonic Convergence. It’s no coincidence that it started then. It moved in order to posture your enlightenment. It moved so that there would be an awakening of the planet. That’s why it moved and there is, and has been, an intuition shift of so many all over the planet. The grid talks to the DNA and the consciousness of humanity. Now, thousands are suddenly asking, "Is there more than I’ve been told?" Perhaps you are one of these? Perhaps that’s why your eyes are on this page?
在 1989 年,我说磁力栅格会在未来 10 年间移动得比过去 100 年还要多......而它确实如此。它还在持续移动中,有些人说,它会造成另一次磁极翻转,以前就曾经发生过。但这次还没有到这种程度。无论如何,它是移动了,就如我说的那样迅速移动。[这是众所周知的科学真相而且可以被证实]。现在,让我来告知为什么它会移动——因为地球的意识移动了它,移动始于 “和谐汇聚”。地球磁栅会在当时开始移动并不是巧合。它移动是为了布局好让你们开悟的能量。它移动是为了让地球能够觉醒。那就是它移动的原因,于是地球上许多人都发生了直觉意识上的转变。磁栅会与 DNA 及人类意识交谈。现在,许许多多人突然问到,“那里是否有着比我之前被告知的还要多?” 也许你就是其中一人?也许那就是你会在看着这一页的原因?
There are other places on the planet that are difficult to live, and that’s at the null point. At the equator and around the equator, there meets the positive and the negative, and they slowly reverse, one becoming the other. Around these areas, the magnetic grid is not consistent, and it is not linear. There are parts where it’s greater and parts where it’s lesser. It also doesn’t follow exactly at the equatorial line. It goes above and below and that has been mapped for you and your scientists know where those null points are.
Take a look at these null points and you will find the greatest trouble spots on this planet, the greatest disease on this planet, the greatest war and horror and genocide on this planet. The greatest imbalance is in the null. That’s because of the magnetic grid and because DNA receives information of imbalance. Eighteen years ago, we were asked this question: "Where can we go for the most enlightenment, Kryon?" This was published in our first transcriptions of live channelling. And the answer was, "Go to where it’s cooler." That’s not at the equator. Now, do you understand why we said what we said? Moving away from the equator in either direction will bring you to a place that is more balanced, and... cooler! That’s simple truth.
看看这些零点,你会发现地球上最麻烦的地点,最严重疾病的地点,最惨烈的战争、最恐怖的种族屠杀。最不平衡的地方就是在零点。那是因为磁栅不一致的缘故,因为 DNA 接收了不平衡的信息。十八年前,我们被问道:“我们去哪里才能得到最大程度的开悟呢,克里昂?” 这已经被出版在我们第一本现场通灵抄录本里。答案是,“去凉快一点的地方。” 那不是在赤道。现在,你们明白为何我们会那样说了吗?从赤道往北或往南走,那会带你去到一个更平衡,而且......更凉快的地方!那是简单的道理。
So we sit here saying, Go ahead, scientists, take a look, because you’re going to find some synchronicities that you did not expect. If you’re going to travel to the stars, if you’re going to travel to the planets, you better take your magnetic field with you in a simulated mode. Match it to what the earth gives you for those days, those years, sitting in that cocoon. If you don’t, you won’t make it. This is yet to be recognized by those who plan to go to the planets and to the stars [NASA]. So here is the invitation to the life science biologists. Ask the question, "Does the Human cellular structure need the magnetic field of Earth for sustained life and balance over time?" Use information from the years past at the poles, and the time you have already spent in orbit. The answer will be yes.
所以我们坐在这里说,去吧,科学家,去看看,因为你们会发现一些没有预料到的同步性。如果你们要载人到其他恒星、其他行星,你最好带上模拟的地球磁场。把磁场的强度调到与地球带给你们的感觉一致,在那些日子、那些年代,坐在那个太空舱里。[译注:应该是指1960、70 年代的阿波罗计划的登月舱]。如果不是这样做的话,你们无法成功。那些打算载人到行星与恒星的人们 [美国宇航署] 还未意识到这件事 。那么这里是对研究生命科学的生物学家的邀请。问一问,“长期以来,人类细胞结构是否需要靠地球磁场来维持生命与平衡?” 看看科学家在极地研究所,及宇航员在地球轨道太空站上的生活。答案会是 “没错”。
This channelling has been rechannelled [by Lee and Kryon] and added onto to provide even clearer understanding. Many times these Shasta meetings contain very basic information from Kryon, but much is emotionally transmitted, which the printed page just can’t reveal. In addition, it has been expanded by Kryon to include added explanations of difficult concepts presented in a session that was done live under time restraints (a large meeting). This expansion creates even better communication than from the live audio.
This particular channelling was about physics and science, and has many concepts that are new. It was one of the more difficult ones for Lee, and he says "Kryon got close.." to make certain the facts were translated correctly.So enjoy this enhanced message given at the very powerful Kryon Summer Light Conference, on June 17th, 2007.
这篇信息是关于物理与科学,里面提出很多新颖的概念。对李而言,这是其中一篇比较困难的信息,他说 “克里昂靠得很近......” 以便确保某些论据被正确地传译。那么请享有这篇增强版的信息吧,这是在 2007 年 6 月 17 日,在能量非常强劲的克里昂夏日光之会议传导的。
Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. Indeed, there are those who felt us as they walked into this space this morning, for we never left any of you! [speaking of the fact that this is day two of the Shasta event]
My partner is apprehensive and normally he is not. We so often speak of love. We speak of the things that he is so commonly involved with in the channellings. But now we speak of science. We use his engineering brain and his logic and his clear channel to bring you things that we wish you to hear. So let me talk to him at this moment and say, "Dear Partner, relax. For we’re going to go slow in this teaching mode. We’re going to give you the words so that you will understand. The information will make sense. But go slow. Go slow."
There are those of you who would ask why we would do such a thing. You’ve come for words about the esoterics, and yesterday we gave them to you. In the channelling before this, seemingly a moment ago to me, we provided a great deal of esoteric information. We now complement it with the other side - science that you need to hear. Things that we have spoken about before will today meld into things we have never spoken of, to give you the truth about some physics in areas perhaps you have not heard before. We bring you these things in this way for a reason, the first of which is that we wish to have this archived. Someday there will be those who would pull out this transcription and they will compare it to what science has discovered. Then they will see there is a confluence of truth. Then they will have to say that this esoteric message was real... not a Human Being on stage entertaining a crowd and guessing about science. These are high ideas and will translate to the pages of your textbooks eventually. You see, you watch, you wait.
I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. If we’re going to do this correctly, we have to give a review and tie it up correctly. I told you that I would explain astrology, and in order to do so, I am going to take you through a little bit of science about your biology that you need to know, for it relates not only to astrology but to almost everything else that is going on with you and the planet.
The Magnetic Nature of DNA
DNA 的磁力特性
Your DNA is complex; it is elegant and every single piece of it is there for a reason. There is no junk, no waste, and it is beautifully designed. What seems to be random and chaotic is not, for the system lies very succinctly within the interdimensional framework of a system that works with those beautiful strands. In three dimensions. you see the double helix. For many years you have seen it as a strand - a strand by itself, responsible for the genealogy of all the things that make you what you are. The ends of the strands of DNA are the telomeres. These long strands would seem to do nothing but shorten as you age - a copy of a copy of a copy - responsible, perhaps, for what you think is your ultimate demise.
你们的 DNA 是复杂的;它是优美的,它的每一个部分都有其存在目的。没有垃圾 DNA,没有多余的部分,它是设计得很好的。那些看似随机与混乱的部分其实并非如此,因为系统是很简洁地处在一个跨维度框架里,与那些优美的缕线一起运作。在三维里,你们看见双螺旋。多年来你们都视之为一缕线——单独的缕线,负责保存你的家谱,及一切让你变成你现在这个样子的东西。DNA 缕线的末端叫做端粒。这些长缕线看似没什么作用,除了随着你衰老而变得越来越短——复制体的复制体的复制体——也许只是负责让你在最终死去。
Recently in your science, a discovery was made that seemed to be passed over, which in its essence is probably one of the most profound discoveries that ties you and the magnetic grid together. The discovery was that the telomeres are actually connected together. DNA is not a strand but a loop. It took a while to see the truth of this, for it was a very detailed connection. So suddenly, DNA is not a strand, but a loop and now the fun begins. For within this loop you now have an attribute of potential electric current. You see, the Human Being is a bioelectric device and your brain and the synapse and your muscular reactions all work with the neurons that fire the impulses - trillions of them that make your body work. And so the electrics of the body suddenly are involved in the DNA, for there is a current that travels through the loop. It is miniscule, hardly detectable, even by the finest of your instruments.
最近在你们科学上,有一个被忽视了的发现,但实质上它很有可能是最重大的发现之一,它能将人类与磁力栅格连系在一起。这个发现是,端粒其实是连在一起的。DNA 不是一缕线,而是一个线圈。科学家花了好些时间才发现这个真相,因为它是非常细致的连接。所以突然间,DNA 不是一缕线,而是一个线圈,现在有趣的事情开始了。因为这个线圈有导电的潜能。你瞧,人体是一个生物电流装置,你们的大脑、神经元突触、肌肉反应,全都与发射脉冲的神经元一起合作——无数的脉冲推动你的身体运作。于是突然间,人体的电流也与 DNA 有关,因为电流能流过 DNA 线圈。它是极微弱的电流,连你们最精良的仪器也很难侦测得到。
So the first thing we will tell you is this: Scientists, look for the current! For you will discover it is there. Not only that, you will discover that the current flows through your chemistry in a way that it shouldn’t do! DNA shouldn’t conduct electricity, but it does... almost like a super-conductor. So now you have current flowing through a loop. In basic electricity, you learn that current flowing through a loop creates a magnetic field. DNA, therefore, has a magnetic field all of its own... each double helix. Oh, it’s small, but when you take trillions of those parts of a Human body, all of which have a magnetic field, the whole Human Being becomes magnetic. So there you sit and there you stand with scientific evidence that the Human Being’s DNA actually has a magnetic field.
所以我们要告诉你们的第一件事情就是:科学家们,留意这些电流!因为你会发现它就在那里。不止这样,你还会发现这些电流是以不应有的方式流过你的身体!DNA 原本不应有导电的能力,但它确实有......简直就像一个超级导电体。所以现在你们知道了 DNA 线圈里有电流。在基本电学上,你们学到的是,流过线圈的电流会形成磁场。因此,DNA 拥有它自己的磁场......每一个双螺旋都有。哦,它是很微弱的,但如果人体无数的细微部分都拥有自己的磁场的话,那么整个人就像是一块磁铁。所以你们就坐着或站在那里,知道了科学证据已经证明人类 DNA 其实拥有磁场。
This should tell you something else because of the physics of magnetics. If one magnetic field overlaps another, something will happen that is known as inductance. Inductance is that magic attribute where two magnetic fields overlap and intertwine and allow communications and transfer of energy to happen. In your electricity, this is used daily in almost every electric apparatus you have. What you should now know is that inductance is the engine of DNA change, receiving both appropriate and inappropriate magnetic instructions from the environment. This is why we have warned you repeatedly about not exposing yourself to long-term magnetic fields. However, another realization should come upon you - suddenly you have the potential of receiving information through the magnetic grid of the planet, since you are now aware that you have your own magnetic generator, your own DNA. This is the reason I am Kryon of "Magnetic Service."
这应该告诉你另一件事,因为磁力有它的物理特性。如果一个磁场与另一个磁场交叠,就会发生电磁感应。电磁感应是一种神奇的物理特性,当两个磁场交叠及融合在一起,通讯和能量转移就会发生。在电学上,这种特性每天都被应用在你们的每一台电器里。现在你们要知道的是:电磁感应是 DNA 转变的引擎,你能从环境中接收到恰当与不恰当的磁力指令。这就是我们一直重复提醒你们不要长期暴露于磁场中的原因。无论如何,你们应该意识到另一件事——突然间你有潜能通过地球的磁力栅格接收到信息,因为现在你知道你拥有磁力产生器,即是你本身的 DNA。这就是我叫做 “磁力服务” 的克里昂的原因。
Now, let me review the information we gave you in 1989 where we said that the earth has a magnetic field that postures your consciousness. We told you that if you were to go outside of this magnetic field, that in time you would be in dis-ease [read disease here]. You cannot live without it. We now challenge you yet again to prove this, for you will need it in space travel. This fact has never changed. In the past, we asked scientists to look at some very interesting attributes waiting to be discovered. Look at what happens when you take a Human Being even slightly outside the magnetic field. They go into dis-ease! There have been laboratories that you have placed at your earth poles that are research related. Scientists have lived in them for numbers of months. At the poles of the earth, you have a neutrality of confluence... no merging of magnetics. There’s a singularity at the North Pole and a singularity at the South Pole that is not balanced for the Human cellular structure.
现在,让我重温一下我们在 1989 年给出的信息,我们说地球有一个磁场,它会布局好你们的意识。我们说,要是你离开地球磁场,不久你就会感到不适。你们离开磁场会活不了。现在我们再次挑战你们去证明这件事,因为你们将需要磁场来进行太空旅行。这个事实从未改变。在过去,我们要求科学家去注意看一些非常有趣的、有待发现的事情。注意看,当你带一个人类离开地球磁场,即使只是稍微离开远一点,看他会发生什么事。他们会感到不适!你们在地球两极设立了一些研究所。有些科学家在研究所里生活了好几个月。在地球两极的磁场是中性的......没有磁场的汇合。在北极有一个奇点,在南极有一个奇点,那里对人类细胞结构而言是不平衡的。
So, scientists, I want you to take a look at the health of those who have been in those research laboratories, because you’re going to find something in the incidences of their disease and their cancer. It will show to be far greater than it should be in the normal curve of Human health. For they sat outside of the balance too long and they’ve paid the price. Those who are in orbit for great numbers of days, even months, were slightly outside of the magnetic field that you are in now, and you will see the same thing there. Look at their bone marrow. Look at their immune systems and see that it begins to fail when they get outside of the magnetic field. The magnetic field of your planet works with your DNA in ways that you do not know. It talks to your DNA.
所以,科学家,我要你们注意看看那些曾经在极地研究所里生活过的人的健康状况,因为你们会在他们的疾病与患癌率当中发现一些线索。他们的患癌率比平常人的要高很多。因为他们处在不平衡状态里太久了,他们也为此付出了代价。那些在地球轨道太空站上生活了好几天,甚至好几个月的宇航员,他们只是稍微离开地球磁场远一点,而他们也会有同样的情况。看看他们的骨髓。看看他们的免疫系统,当他们在地球磁场以外时,他们的免疫系统开始失效。地球磁场是以你们不知道的方式来与你们的 DNA 合作。它会与你们的 DNA 交谈。
This channelling has been rechannelled [by Lee and Kryon] and added onto to provide even clearer understanding. Many times these Shasta meetings contain very basic information from Kryon, but much is emotionally transmitted, which the printed page just can’t reveal. In addition, it has been expanded by Kryon to include added explanations of difficult concepts presented in a session that was done live under time restraints (a large meeting). This expansion creates even better communication than from the live audio.
This particular channelling was about physics and science, and has many concepts that are new. It was one of the more difficult ones for Lee, and he says "Kryon got close.." to make certain the facts were translated correctly.So enjoy this enhanced message given at the very powerful Kryon Summer Light Conference, on June 17th, 2007.
这篇信息是关于物理与科学,里面提出很多新颖的概念。对李而言,这是其中一篇比较困难的信息,他说 “克里昂靠得很近......” 以便确保某些论据被正确地传译。那么请享有这篇增强版的信息吧,这是在 2007 年 6 月 17 日,在能量非常强劲的克里昂夏日光之会议传导的。
Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. Indeed, there are those who felt us as they walked into this space this morning, for we never left any of you! [speaking of the fact that this is day two of the Shasta event]
My partner is apprehensive and normally he is not. We so often speak of love. We speak of the things that he is so commonly involved with in the channellings. But now we speak of science. We use his engineering brain and his logic and his clear channel to bring you things that we wish you to hear. So let me talk to him at this moment and say, "Dear Partner, relax. For we’re going to go slow in this teaching mode. We’re going to give you the words so that you will understand. The information will make sense. But go slow. Go slow."
There are those of you who would ask why we would do such a thing. You’ve come for words about the esoterics, and yesterday we gave them to you. In the channelling before this, seemingly a moment ago to me, we provided a great deal of esoteric information. We now complement it with the other side - science that you need to hear. Things that we have spoken about before will today meld into things we have never spoken of, to give you the truth about some physics in areas perhaps you have not heard before. We bring you these things in this way for a reason, the first of which is that we wish to have this archived. Someday there will be those who would pull out this transcription and they will compare it to what science has discovered. Then they will see there is a confluence of truth. Then they will have to say that this esoteric message was real... not a Human Being on stage entertaining a crowd and guessing about science. These are high ideas and will translate to the pages of your textbooks eventually. You see, you watch, you wait.
I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. If we’re going to do this correctly, we have to give a review and tie it up correctly. I told you that I would explain astrology, and in order to do so, I am going to take you through a little bit of science about your biology that you need to know, for it relates not only to astrology but to almost everything else that is going on with you and the planet.
The Magnetic Nature of DNA
DNA 的磁力特性
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染色体 (chromosome) 与它的端粒 (telomeres) 染色体是细胞内具有遗传性质的物体,易被碱性染料染成深色,所以叫染色体。染色体的主要化学成份是 DNA 和蛋白质。 |
Your DNA is complex; it is elegant and every single piece of it is there for a reason. There is no junk, no waste, and it is beautifully designed. What seems to be random and chaotic is not, for the system lies very succinctly within the interdimensional framework of a system that works with those beautiful strands. In three dimensions. you see the double helix. For many years you have seen it as a strand - a strand by itself, responsible for the genealogy of all the things that make you what you are. The ends of the strands of DNA are the telomeres. These long strands would seem to do nothing but shorten as you age - a copy of a copy of a copy - responsible, perhaps, for what you think is your ultimate demise.
你们的 DNA 是复杂的;它是优美的,它的每一个部分都有其存在目的。没有垃圾 DNA,没有多余的部分,它是设计得很好的。那些看似随机与混乱的部分其实并非如此,因为系统是很简洁地处在一个跨维度框架里,与那些优美的缕线一起运作。在三维里,你们看见双螺旋。多年来你们都视之为一缕线——单独的缕线,负责保存你的家谱,及一切让你变成你现在这个样子的东西。DNA 缕线的末端叫做端粒。这些长缕线看似没什么作用,除了随着你衰老而变得越来越短——复制体的复制体的复制体——也许只是负责让你在最终死去。
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端粒本身没有任何密码功能,它就像一顶高帽子置于染色体头上。在新细胞中,细胞每分裂一次,染色体的端粒就缩短一次,当端粒不能再缩短时,细胞就无法继续分裂了。这时候细胞也就到了普遍认为的分裂的极限并开始死亡。因此,端粒被科学家们视为 “生命时钟”。 |
Recently in your science, a discovery was made that seemed to be passed over, which in its essence is probably one of the most profound discoveries that ties you and the magnetic grid together. The discovery was that the telomeres are actually connected together. DNA is not a strand but a loop. It took a while to see the truth of this, for it was a very detailed connection. So suddenly, DNA is not a strand, but a loop and now the fun begins. For within this loop you now have an attribute of potential electric current. You see, the Human Being is a bioelectric device and your brain and the synapse and your muscular reactions all work with the neurons that fire the impulses - trillions of them that make your body work. And so the electrics of the body suddenly are involved in the DNA, for there is a current that travels through the loop. It is miniscule, hardly detectable, even by the finest of your instruments.
最近在你们科学上,有一个被忽视了的发现,但实质上它很有可能是最重大的发现之一,它能将人类与磁力栅格连系在一起。这个发现是,端粒其实是连在一起的。DNA 不是一缕线,而是一个线圈。科学家花了好些时间才发现这个真相,因为它是非常细致的连接。所以突然间,DNA 不是一缕线,而是一个线圈,现在有趣的事情开始了。因为这个线圈有导电的潜能。你瞧,人体是一个生物电流装置,你们的大脑、神经元突触、肌肉反应,全都与发射脉冲的神经元一起合作——无数的脉冲推动你的身体运作。于是突然间,人体的电流也与 DNA 有关,因为电流能流过 DNA 线圈。它是极微弱的电流,连你们最精良的仪器也很难侦测得到。
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染色体端粒其实是连在一起的线圈 |
神经元 (neuron) 通过突触 (synapse) 的间隙来发射电流信号,形成脉冲。因此人体可说是一个生物电流装置,大脑、神经元突触、肌肉反应,全都通过神经脉冲来推动身体运作。 |
So the first thing we will tell you is this: Scientists, look for the current! For you will discover it is there. Not only that, you will discover that the current flows through your chemistry in a way that it shouldn’t do! DNA shouldn’t conduct electricity, but it does... almost like a super-conductor. So now you have current flowing through a loop. In basic electricity, you learn that current flowing through a loop creates a magnetic field. DNA, therefore, has a magnetic field all of its own... each double helix. Oh, it’s small, but when you take trillions of those parts of a Human body, all of which have a magnetic field, the whole Human Being becomes magnetic. So there you sit and there you stand with scientific evidence that the Human Being’s DNA actually has a magnetic field.
所以我们要告诉你们的第一件事情就是:科学家们,留意这些电流!因为你会发现它就在那里。不止这样,你还会发现这些电流是以不应有的方式流过你的身体!DNA 原本不应有导电的能力,但它确实有......简直就像一个超级导电体。所以现在你们知道了 DNA 线圈里有电流。在基本电学上,你们学到的是,流过线圈的电流会形成磁场。因此,DNA 拥有它自己的磁场......每一个双螺旋都有。哦,它是很微弱的,但如果人体无数的细微部分都拥有自己的磁场的话,那么整个人就像是一块磁铁。所以你们就坐着或站在那里,知道了科学证据已经证明人类 DNA 其实拥有磁场。
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流过线圈的电流会形成磁场。因此 DNA 线圈拥有它自己的磁场。 |
This should tell you something else because of the physics of magnetics. If one magnetic field overlaps another, something will happen that is known as inductance. Inductance is that magic attribute where two magnetic fields overlap and intertwine and allow communications and transfer of energy to happen. In your electricity, this is used daily in almost every electric apparatus you have. What you should now know is that inductance is the engine of DNA change, receiving both appropriate and inappropriate magnetic instructions from the environment. This is why we have warned you repeatedly about not exposing yourself to long-term magnetic fields. However, another realization should come upon you - suddenly you have the potential of receiving information through the magnetic grid of the planet, since you are now aware that you have your own magnetic generator, your own DNA. This is the reason I am Kryon of "Magnetic Service."
这应该告诉你另一件事,因为磁力有它的物理特性。如果一个磁场与另一个磁场交叠,就会发生电磁感应。电磁感应是一种神奇的物理特性,当两个磁场交叠及融合在一起,通讯和能量转移就会发生。在电学上,这种特性每天都被应用在你们的每一台电器里。现在你们要知道的是:电磁感应是 DNA 转变的引擎,你能从环境中接收到恰当与不恰当的磁力指令。这就是我们一直重复提醒你们不要长期暴露于磁场中的原因。无论如何,你们应该意识到另一件事——突然间你有潜能通过地球的磁力栅格接收到信息,因为现在你知道你拥有磁力产生器,即是你本身的 DNA。这就是我叫做 “磁力服务” 的克里昂的原因。
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电磁感应:当两个磁场交叠在一起,通讯和能量转移就会发生。因此你有潜能通过地球的磁力栅格接收到信息,因为现在你知道你拥有磁力产生器,即是你本身的 DNA。 |
Now, let me review the information we gave you in 1989 where we said that the earth has a magnetic field that postures your consciousness. We told you that if you were to go outside of this magnetic field, that in time you would be in dis-ease [read disease here]. You cannot live without it. We now challenge you yet again to prove this, for you will need it in space travel. This fact has never changed. In the past, we asked scientists to look at some very interesting attributes waiting to be discovered. Look at what happens when you take a Human Being even slightly outside the magnetic field. They go into dis-ease! There have been laboratories that you have placed at your earth poles that are research related. Scientists have lived in them for numbers of months. At the poles of the earth, you have a neutrality of confluence... no merging of magnetics. There’s a singularity at the North Pole and a singularity at the South Pole that is not balanced for the Human cellular structure.
现在,让我重温一下我们在 1989 年给出的信息,我们说地球有一个磁场,它会布局好你们的意识。我们说,要是你离开地球磁场,不久你就会感到不适。你们离开磁场会活不了。现在我们再次挑战你们去证明这件事,因为你们将需要磁场来进行太空旅行。这个事实从未改变。在过去,我们要求科学家去注意看一些非常有趣的、有待发现的事情。注意看,当你带一个人类离开地球磁场,即使只是稍微离开远一点,看他会发生什么事。他们会感到不适!你们在地球两极设立了一些研究所。有些科学家在研究所里生活了好几个月。在地球两极的磁场是中性的......没有磁场的汇合。在北极有一个奇点,在南极有一个奇点,那里对人类细胞结构而言是不平衡的。
地球两极的奇点没有磁场的汇合,那里对人类细胞结构而言是不平衡的 |
So, scientists, I want you to take a look at the health of those who have been in those research laboratories, because you’re going to find something in the incidences of their disease and their cancer. It will show to be far greater than it should be in the normal curve of Human health. For they sat outside of the balance too long and they’ve paid the price. Those who are in orbit for great numbers of days, even months, were slightly outside of the magnetic field that you are in now, and you will see the same thing there. Look at their bone marrow. Look at their immune systems and see that it begins to fail when they get outside of the magnetic field. The magnetic field of your planet works with your DNA in ways that you do not know. It talks to your DNA.
所以,科学家,我要你们注意看看那些曾经在极地研究所里生活过的人的健康状况,因为你们会在他们的疾病与患癌率当中发现一些线索。他们的患癌率比平常人的要高很多。因为他们处在不平衡状态里太久了,他们也为此付出了代价。那些在地球轨道太空站上生活了好几天,甚至好几个月的宇航员,他们只是稍微离开地球磁场远一点,而他们也会有同样的情况。看看他们的骨髓。看看他们的免疫系统,当他们在地球磁场以外时,他们的免疫系统开始失效。地球磁场是以你们不知道的方式来与你们的 DNA 合作。它会与你们的 DNA 交谈。
地球轨道太空站 |
In 1989, I told you that the magnetic grid would move more in 10 years than it had in the last 100... and it did. It’s on its way, some say, to be involved in another flip of polarity, as it has done in the past. But not yet. It moved, however, and moved as I told you it would. [This is a known scientific fact and is verifiable.] Now, I’ll tell you why it moved - because the consciousness of this planet moved it, and the beginning of this move was at the Harmonic Convergence. It’s no coincidence that it started then. It moved in order to posture your enlightenment. It moved so that there would be an awakening of the planet. That’s why it moved and there is, and has been, an intuition shift of so many all over the planet. The grid talks to the DNA and the consciousness of humanity. Now, thousands are suddenly asking, "Is there more than I’ve been told?" Perhaps you are one of these? Perhaps that’s why your eyes are on this page?
在 1989 年,我说磁力栅格会在未来 10 年间移动得比过去 100 年还要多......而它确实如此。它还在持续移动中,有些人说,它会造成另一次磁极翻转,以前就曾经发生过。但这次还没有到这种程度。无论如何,它是移动了,就如我说的那样迅速移动。[这是众所周知的科学真相而且可以被证实]。现在,让我来告知为什么它会移动——因为地球的意识移动了它,移动始于 “和谐汇聚”。地球磁栅会在当时开始移动并不是巧合。它移动是为了布局好让你们开悟的能量。它移动是为了让地球能够觉醒。那就是它移动的原因,于是地球上许多人都发生了直觉意识上的转变。磁栅会与 DNA 及人类意识交谈。现在,许许多多人突然问到,“那里是否有着比我之前被告知的还要多?” 也许你就是其中一人?也许那就是你会在看着这一页的原因?
There are other places on the planet that are difficult to live, and that’s at the null point. At the equator and around the equator, there meets the positive and the negative, and they slowly reverse, one becoming the other. Around these areas, the magnetic grid is not consistent, and it is not linear. There are parts where it’s greater and parts where it’s lesser. It also doesn’t follow exactly at the equatorial line. It goes above and below and that has been mapped for you and your scientists know where those null points are.
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强度地磁图 |
Take a look at these null points and you will find the greatest trouble spots on this planet, the greatest disease on this planet, the greatest war and horror and genocide on this planet. The greatest imbalance is in the null. That’s because of the magnetic grid and because DNA receives information of imbalance. Eighteen years ago, we were asked this question: "Where can we go for the most enlightenment, Kryon?" This was published in our first transcriptions of live channelling. And the answer was, "Go to where it’s cooler." That’s not at the equator. Now, do you understand why we said what we said? Moving away from the equator in either direction will bring you to a place that is more balanced, and... cooler! That’s simple truth.
看看这些零点,你会发现地球上最麻烦的地点,最严重疾病的地点,最惨烈的战争、最恐怖的种族屠杀。最不平衡的地方就是在零点。那是因为磁栅不一致的缘故,因为 DNA 接收了不平衡的信息。十八年前,我们被问道:“我们去哪里才能得到最大程度的开悟呢,克里昂?” 这已经被出版在我们第一本现场通灵抄录本里。答案是,“去凉快一点的地方。” 那不是在赤道。现在,你们明白为何我们会那样说了吗?从赤道往北或往南走,那会带你去到一个更平衡,而且......更凉快的地方!那是简单的道理。
So we sit here saying, Go ahead, scientists, take a look, because you’re going to find some synchronicities that you did not expect. If you’re going to travel to the stars, if you’re going to travel to the planets, you better take your magnetic field with you in a simulated mode. Match it to what the earth gives you for those days, those years, sitting in that cocoon. If you don’t, you won’t make it. This is yet to be recognized by those who plan to go to the planets and to the stars [NASA]. So here is the invitation to the life science biologists. Ask the question, "Does the Human cellular structure need the magnetic field of Earth for sustained life and balance over time?" Use information from the years past at the poles, and the time you have already spent in orbit. The answer will be yes.
所以我们坐在这里说,去吧,科学家,去看看,因为你们会发现一些没有预料到的同步性。如果你们要载人到其他恒星、其他行星,你最好带上模拟的地球磁场。把磁场的强度调到与地球带给你们的感觉一致,在那些日子、那些年代,坐在那个太空舱里。[译注:应该是指1960、70 年代的阿波罗计划的登月舱]。如果不是这样做的话,你们无法成功。那些打算载人到行星与恒星的人们 [美国宇航署] 还未意识到这件事 。那么这里是对研究生命科学的生物学家的邀请。问一问,“长期以来,人类细胞结构是否需要靠地球磁场来维持生命与平衡?” 看看科学家在极地研究所,及宇航员在地球轨道太空站上的生活。答案会是 “没错”。
Now, let’s talk about astrology. This would seem to be an esoteric subject, but it is not. It is one of the most misunderstood of all of the attributes of science... being classified as occult and from those who are not thinking clearly. Let me remind you that this was also the consideration of those who believed in germs before it was proven to be true. Imagine... an invisible microorganism that causes disease (gasp... must be occult, or a plan by ETs to invade the earth!). When your tools and wisdom came to understand it all, it became science, and helped save lives. Now we tell you that astrology is the same. It is science that is right now thought to be mysticism.
现在,让我们来谈论占星学。这个主题听起来好像是神秘学,但其实不是。它是其中一门最受人误解的科学......被归类为神秘学,由思想混乱的人所创立。让我提醒你,这也是对那些相信细菌存在的人的看法,在细菌的存在得到证实以前。想象一下......隐形的微生物能致病(倒抽气......那肯定是巫术,或是外星人打算入侵地球的计划! )。当你们有精密的仪器和足够的智慧去了解关于细菌的一切时,它就成了科学,并帮助拯救性命。现在我们告诉你,占星学也是一样。它是科学,只是目前被认为是神秘学。
If you have gotten this far in my magnetic discussion (above), you will realize that Human Beings are continually influenced by the magnetic grid of the planet, and that it was designed that way for communication and balance. I would like to reveal to you what is landing on [being put upon] the magnetic grid that might be part of that communication we speak of. Oh, there’s a great deal of information that is delivered this way, but I’ll just give you the astrological one.
如果你已经在我的磁力讨论里(上文)走了这么远 ,你会意识到,人类持续受到地球磁力栅格的影响,它就是设计成这样来保持通讯与平衡。我想为你们揭露,那些传送到磁力栅格的信息是什么。哦,有大量信息通过这种方式传送到地球上,但我只会揭露关于占星学的部分。
At the center of your solar system is your sun. Your sun is being patterned magnetically with gravity every second of the day. You cannot separate gravity and magnetics, for they are two twins of the same attribute in science, yet to be understood as they relate to one another. Light is involved as well, for it is interdimensional also. When something in your reality can be shown to be in two places at the same time, it has to be quantum [interdimensional attributes] and light falls into that category with magnetics and gravity. Magnetics, gravity and light are the mysteries of your reality. None of these three are truly understood. They are, instead, simply used. You know what they do, but you have no idea what they are. Time is the other one, but it is a result of the first three, and not an energy unto itself.
在你们太阳系中间的是你们的太阳。你们的太阳每天每秒都受引力影响而绘出磁力图案。你不能分开引力和磁力,因为它们在科学上是拥有相同特性的双生兄弟,它们互相有关联,但这一点还未被人得知。光也与它们有关,因为它也是跨维度的。当你们实相里有某种东西能同时在两个地方出现,它肯定是量子的 [拥有跨维度特性],而光就是和磁力引力同一个类别。磁力、引力、和光都是你们实相里的谜。这三种能量从来没有被人类真正理解过。相反的,人类只是使用它们。你知道它们的功用,但你不知道它们是什么。时间是另一个谜,但它是前三者共同作用下的结果,它本身不是一种能量。
At so, your sun is sitting there with the planets pushing and pulling upon it as they move around it. Imagine the force of the tug upon the sun of all of your planets at the various alignments that they go through. Imagine for a moment that you could see gravity and the incredible forces of gravity as strings out to the planets pulling upon the center of the sun. This would create a constantly changing pattern of strings, would it not? For it is patterned daily all of the time, every moment.
This patterning is an interdimensional patterning of the sun. Therefore, you might say that the quantum pattern of the sun is different every moment, depending on where the planets are. You’d be right. Think of what the attributes of this pushing and pulling do to the sun when the planets line up in a row! Think of what happens when there’s what you call the seeming retrograde [appearance of backward movement in orbits as observed from another orbiting platform]. So there we are with a constantly changing pattern in the sun that is interdimensional, that is magnetic, that even affects time.
这种图案是太阳的跨维度图案。因此,你可以说太阳的量子图案每一刻都不同,取决于行星的运行位置。你是对的。想想看,当行星全部排成一行时,这种推拉力量会形成怎样的太阳图案!想想看,当行星看似在逆行时又会有怎样的太阳图案 [逆行:从一个行星的轨道平面观察,另一个行星看似在运行轨道上往后退]。所以我们有的是一种不停在转变的太阳图案,它是跨维度的,磁力的,它甚至会影响时间。
What do you know about the sun besides that fact that it is sending light and heat? The sun blasts something called the solar wind at the earth all the time. It’s a continuous flow of charged particles [magnetics!]. This is the information of the patterning of the sun being delivered to the magnetic grid of this earth. And if you doubt that, then go look at the aurora borealis. For that is the name given to the light show of the solar wind as it hits the magnetic grid of the planet, creating inductance of its own, delivering the information of the patterning of the sun to you.
你对太阳的理解有多少呢,除了它会发光发热之外?太阳每时每刻都对地球喷发出一种叫做太阳风的东西。它是持续不断的带电粒子流 [磁力!]。这就是传送到地球磁力栅格的太阳图案信息。如果你感到怀疑的话,就去看一下北极光吧。那就是人们为太阳风的灯光秀所取的名字,当太阳风撞击地球磁栅时,会形成本身的电磁感应,把太阳图案的信息传送给你们。
When it arrives on the grid of the planet, that patterning is then transmitted through additional inductance to your DNA at birth. Birth is when you receive it, since that is when you arrive for your first breath of air, your first interaction with the environment as an independent life. Aquarius, Pisces, Cancer - you get a pattern of the sun. And the pattern is a reflection of the alignment of the planets at the moment of your birth. This pattern is retained in your DNA as a life-force that we have spoken of yesterday when we talked about the seeming chaos of the energy in an interdimensional arena. It affects you, and from then on, you are susceptible to the energy of those patterns as they align in your solar system. You call this astrology. It is one of the oldest sciences on the planet and it’s intuitive [part of your consciousness of ‘knowing’].
当太阳风抵达地球磁栅时,它的图案接着会通过另外的电磁感应在你诞生时传送到你的 DNA 里。诞生是你接收到太阳图案的时刻,因为那是你来到人间吸进第一口气,第一次作为独立的生命与环境互动的时刻。无论你是水瓶座、双鱼座、或巨蟹座——你都得到了一个太阳图案。而那个图案反映了你诞生那一刻的行星列位。这个图案作为生命力量保留在你的 DNA 里,即是我们昨天所说的,在跨维度状态里那看似混乱的能量。它影响着你,从诞生那一刻起,你就特别容易受到那些行星列位的能量所影响。你们说这是占星学。它是地球上其中一门最古老的科学,它是直觉的知识。[是你们的 ‘知晓’ 意识的一部分]。
There are those who say, "I don’t believe it." We have just given you information that you are susceptible to the patterning of interdimensional orbital mechanics and there are those who say, "I still don’t believe it." All right, I will ask you this, how do you explain the full moon syndrome? The moon is the largest orbiting body to the earth, and it patterns the sun, but has a major influence patterning your grid with its gravitational pull. [Gravity is related to magnetics.] Why is it that police forces all over the globe decide to put on extra help on a full moon? There are some that say, "Well, that’s easy. You see, it’s lighter then and more crime takes place." No. That would relate to light, not the orbit of the moon, for it even takes place on a cloudy full moon night. Ask the hospitals, for they are involved as well, taking care of all the many accidents and challenges between Humans on these days. They know the full moon is a difficult time. Now, go explain that... and the only way is through astrology. Astrology is a major influence on Human behavior, and it is science and involves DNA and human thought. Can you imagine what this might do to help humanity when it is finally acknowledged? You are susceptible to the movement of the planets. You’re alive with Gaia. You are part of the system. How can you ever deny such a thing? That’s science.
有些人说,“我不信。” 我们刚刚给出信息说,你们很容易受到轨道运行力学的跨维度图案所影响,而有些人说,“我还是不信。” 好吧,我会问你,你如何解释月圆综合症?月球是绕着地球轨道运行的最大星体,它的引力会影响太阳图案,但最主要的还是影响地球磁栅的图案 [引力和磁力互相有关联]。为什么全球的警察会决定在月圆之夜增派人手?有些人说,“哎呀,那很简单。你瞧,月圆之夜的光线更明亮,因此有更多罪案发生。” 不。那是与光线有关,而与月球的运行轨道无关,因为在乌云密布的月圆之夜也是如此。去问问医院吧,因为他们也会受到影响,在月圆之夜会有更多交通意外和更多人打架闹事。他们知道月圆之夜会有很多麻烦。现在,请解释这种现象......唯一的方法就是通过星象来解释。星象是对人类行为的一个主要影响,这是科学,它涉及 DNA 和人类思维。你能想象得到吗,当星象的影响力终于获得承认时,它对人类会带来多大的助益?你们很容易受到行星运动的影响。你们的生活里满是盖娅的影响。你们是系统的一部分。你怎么能否认这件事?它是科学。
Now you will understand, astrologers, why we told you 18 years ago that there would be a difference in the charts that you must rectify before and after, to find out what has taken place within the energy shift and the magnetic grid shift between then and now. We talked about a three-degree influence in your charts between now and the year 2012. Those three degrees do not all occur in one house. Those three degrees are a culmination of the house shapes opening and closing into a new configuration of sizes. Go ahead, do the rectifications and see what we mean. Do the overlays before and after and you will discover through those clients that you have had charts done on then and now, what is taking place and how these changes are shifting and changing. The world-class astrologers know that it is changing. Even astrology is dynamic, for it’s related to the magnetics, indeed!
现在你们明白了吧,占星学家,为何我们在 18 年前说,占星图会有所改变,你必须修正改变前和改变后的占星图,以便找出在当时和现在之间,能量转变和磁栅转变造成了什么影响。我们说过,在现在和 2012 年之间,占星图里会有一个三度的改变。那三度不是全发生在同一宫里。那三度是所有宫位移动的顶点度数,最终会形成新的宫位尺寸。去吧,去做修正,然后看看我们所说的是什么。用叠加图来对比一下,你会从你客户的占星图里发现,目前正在发生的转变是什么,它是如何发生的。世界级的占星学家会知道转变正在发生中。就连占星学也是动态的,因为它与磁力有关,真的!
Now my partner [Lee] is thinking, "Well, that was easier than I thought." Well, the next one won’t be. [Laughter]
现在我的同伴[李]正在想,“嗯,这比我原来想的要简单得多。” 好吧,下一个主题不会啦。[笑声]
The New Laws of Physics
Now we speak of physics. Let me give you some history about a conundrum. Let me tell you what science has done with the conundrum. Then let me tell you some things that we have never said before.
It’s a beautiful law, it is, and the scientist Newton designed it. It is a law that is responsible for all of the orbital mechanics in your solar system. It explains them all, it does, and it’s the second law of Newton. It is a description. Careful, my partner, go slowly. [This is Kryon’s admonition to Lee to be extra clear.] It is a description in its fundamental formulation of force, matter and acceleration. And these fundamentals explain the movements of the planets - the movement and inertia of motion everywhere. It does it so well that this formula is responsible for the calculations you use to send satellites up, and your space probes throughout the solar system. All of the math, so centered around Newton’s second law, works.
To the astronomers’ surprise, they discovered that the stars rotating around the center of a galaxy were in what is called a "flat rotation mode." Let me explain this to you - go slowly, my partner [more Kryon admonition to Lee]. If you were to take a disc and put some pebbles on the disc close and far from the fulcrum [center], then gently rotate the disc, you would notice that all of the particles you put on the disc rotate in tandem together, keeping their influence with each other in the same perspective. In other words, one does not go faster or slower due to the distance from the center. That is called flat rotation and that is what galaxies do.
让天文学家感到惊奇的是,他们发现那些恒星是以一种 “平行旋转模式” 围绕着星系中央旋转。让我来解释——慢慢来,我的伙伴 [克里昂再次告诫李]。如果你拿出一张磁盘,在上面放一些小石粒围绕着支点[中央],一些近一些远,然后轻轻地转动磁盘,你会注意到,所有放在磁盘上的小石粒会同时旋转,让它们互相之间的引力作用保持在同一个平面上。换句话说,小石粒并不会因为距离磁盘中央更近或更远而旋转得更快或更慢。这称为 “平行旋转模式”,这就是星系的方式。
However, suddenly, Newton’s second law doesn’t work! Stars would have large constant mass, yet they were not following the rules of orbital mechanics. Newton’s law seemed to works for solar systems, but not for galaxies. This makes no sense, and is at the heart of controversy, and eventual discovery of something astronomy is starting to see.
In the mathematics of energy measuring of the Universe, science says that something is creating an energy you cannot see that is pushing on the matter in a way that is affecting Newton’s law. They say they don’t know what it is and cannot see it. It is unseen energy creating a new kind of orbital system, which they are now realizing is in all galaxies. So they call it dark matter, mystery matter that has influence on everything.
Dark matter isn’t really dark. It is simply the scientific expression for missing energy. That’s all it is. Something is pushing and pulling in ways that do not follow the orbital mechanics of the classic Newton’s law. How can that be? Now the conundrum is there. The very small doesn’t work well. The very big doesn’t work well. Your solar system seems to be fine. Somebody’s working on this issue right now, and I have to mention it. So put on your esoteric hat for just a moment. Newton had an assistant who was very involved in his work. This assistant is alive today and he’s an astronomer, of course. He has reincarnated with the passion in his cellular structure to continue the work, and he is! And he’s very close to figuring this out.
I’m going to tell you why this conundrum exists. I’m going to do my best to give this to my partner in a succinct way so that you will understand the physics. This has never been revealed in this fashion. You’re close to discovery, and it’s in the ethers. So I am not giving you anything that Human free choice wouldn’t discover on its own. The solution is floating in the system, ready to be found.
Adding to the Known Forces in the Universe
Now, let’s talk about astrology. This would seem to be an esoteric subject, but it is not. It is one of the most misunderstood of all of the attributes of science... being classified as occult and from those who are not thinking clearly. Let me remind you that this was also the consideration of those who believed in germs before it was proven to be true. Imagine... an invisible microorganism that causes disease (gasp... must be occult, or a plan by ETs to invade the earth!). When your tools and wisdom came to understand it all, it became science, and helped save lives. Now we tell you that astrology is the same. It is science that is right now thought to be mysticism.
现在,让我们来谈论占星学。这个主题听起来好像是神秘学,但其实不是。它是其中一门最受人误解的科学......被归类为神秘学,由思想混乱的人所创立。让我提醒你,这也是对那些相信细菌存在的人的看法,在细菌的存在得到证实以前。想象一下......隐形的微生物能致病(倒抽气......那肯定是巫术,或是外星人打算入侵地球的计划! )。当你们有精密的仪器和足够的智慧去了解关于细菌的一切时,它就成了科学,并帮助拯救性命。现在我们告诉你,占星学也是一样。它是科学,只是目前被认为是神秘学。
If you have gotten this far in my magnetic discussion (above), you will realize that Human Beings are continually influenced by the magnetic grid of the planet, and that it was designed that way for communication and balance. I would like to reveal to you what is landing on [being put upon] the magnetic grid that might be part of that communication we speak of. Oh, there’s a great deal of information that is delivered this way, but I’ll just give you the astrological one.
如果你已经在我的磁力讨论里(上文)走了这么远 ,你会意识到,人类持续受到地球磁力栅格的影响,它就是设计成这样来保持通讯与平衡。我想为你们揭露,那些传送到磁力栅格的信息是什么。哦,有大量信息通过这种方式传送到地球上,但我只会揭露关于占星学的部分。
At the center of your solar system is your sun. Your sun is being patterned magnetically with gravity every second of the day. You cannot separate gravity and magnetics, for they are two twins of the same attribute in science, yet to be understood as they relate to one another. Light is involved as well, for it is interdimensional also. When something in your reality can be shown to be in two places at the same time, it has to be quantum [interdimensional attributes] and light falls into that category with magnetics and gravity. Magnetics, gravity and light are the mysteries of your reality. None of these three are truly understood. They are, instead, simply used. You know what they do, but you have no idea what they are. Time is the other one, but it is a result of the first three, and not an energy unto itself.
在你们太阳系中间的是你们的太阳。你们的太阳每天每秒都受引力影响而绘出磁力图案。你不能分开引力和磁力,因为它们在科学上是拥有相同特性的双生兄弟,它们互相有关联,但这一点还未被人得知。光也与它们有关,因为它也是跨维度的。当你们实相里有某种东西能同时在两个地方出现,它肯定是量子的 [拥有跨维度特性],而光就是和磁力引力同一个类别。磁力、引力、和光都是你们实相里的谜。这三种能量从来没有被人类真正理解过。相反的,人类只是使用它们。你知道它们的功用,但你不知道它们是什么。时间是另一个谜,但它是前三者共同作用下的结果,它本身不是一种能量。
At so, your sun is sitting there with the planets pushing and pulling upon it as they move around it. Imagine the force of the tug upon the sun of all of your planets at the various alignments that they go through. Imagine for a moment that you could see gravity and the incredible forces of gravity as strings out to the planets pulling upon the center of the sun. This would create a constantly changing pattern of strings, would it not? For it is patterned daily all of the time, every moment.
行星对太阳的引力作用所形成的引力/ 磁力图案
This patterning is an interdimensional patterning of the sun. Therefore, you might say that the quantum pattern of the sun is different every moment, depending on where the planets are. You’d be right. Think of what the attributes of this pushing and pulling do to the sun when the planets line up in a row! Think of what happens when there’s what you call the seeming retrograde [appearance of backward movement in orbits as observed from another orbiting platform]. So there we are with a constantly changing pattern in the sun that is interdimensional, that is magnetic, that even affects time.
这种图案是太阳的跨维度图案。因此,你可以说太阳的量子图案每一刻都不同,取决于行星的运行位置。你是对的。想想看,当行星全部排成一行时,这种推拉力量会形成怎样的太阳图案!想想看,当行星看似在逆行时又会有怎样的太阳图案 [逆行:从一个行星的轨道平面观察,另一个行星看似在运行轨道上往后退]。所以我们有的是一种不停在转变的太阳图案,它是跨维度的,磁力的,它甚至会影响时间。
What do you know about the sun besides that fact that it is sending light and heat? The sun blasts something called the solar wind at the earth all the time. It’s a continuous flow of charged particles [magnetics!]. This is the information of the patterning of the sun being delivered to the magnetic grid of this earth. And if you doubt that, then go look at the aurora borealis. For that is the name given to the light show of the solar wind as it hits the magnetic grid of the planet, creating inductance of its own, delivering the information of the patterning of the sun to you.
你对太阳的理解有多少呢,除了它会发光发热之外?太阳每时每刻都对地球喷发出一种叫做太阳风的东西。它是持续不断的带电粒子流 [磁力!]。这就是传送到地球磁力栅格的太阳图案信息。如果你感到怀疑的话,就去看一下北极光吧。那就是人们为太阳风的灯光秀所取的名字,当太阳风撞击地球磁栅时,会形成本身的电磁感应,把太阳图案的信息传送给你们。
当太阳风撞击地球磁栅时,会形成本身的电磁感应,把太阳图案的信息传送到地球。 |
When it arrives on the grid of the planet, that patterning is then transmitted through additional inductance to your DNA at birth. Birth is when you receive it, since that is when you arrive for your first breath of air, your first interaction with the environment as an independent life. Aquarius, Pisces, Cancer - you get a pattern of the sun. And the pattern is a reflection of the alignment of the planets at the moment of your birth. This pattern is retained in your DNA as a life-force that we have spoken of yesterday when we talked about the seeming chaos of the energy in an interdimensional arena. It affects you, and from then on, you are susceptible to the energy of those patterns as they align in your solar system. You call this astrology. It is one of the oldest sciences on the planet and it’s intuitive [part of your consciousness of ‘knowing’].
当太阳风抵达地球磁栅时,它的图案接着会通过另外的电磁感应在你诞生时传送到你的 DNA 里。诞生是你接收到太阳图案的时刻,因为那是你来到人间吸进第一口气,第一次作为独立的生命与环境互动的时刻。无论你是水瓶座、双鱼座、或巨蟹座——你都得到了一个太阳图案。而那个图案反映了你诞生那一刻的行星列位。这个图案作为生命力量保留在你的 DNA 里,即是我们昨天所说的,在跨维度状态里那看似混乱的能量。它影响着你,从诞生那一刻起,你就特别容易受到那些行星列位的能量所影响。你们说这是占星学。它是地球上其中一门最古老的科学,它是直觉的知识。[是你们的 ‘知晓’ 意识的一部分]。
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星盘例子:图示 2012 年 1月 1日中午 12 时正,在夏威夷出世的人的行星列位。这是他在诞生那一刻接收到的太阳图案信息。 |
There are those who say, "I don’t believe it." We have just given you information that you are susceptible to the patterning of interdimensional orbital mechanics and there are those who say, "I still don’t believe it." All right, I will ask you this, how do you explain the full moon syndrome? The moon is the largest orbiting body to the earth, and it patterns the sun, but has a major influence patterning your grid with its gravitational pull. [Gravity is related to magnetics.] Why is it that police forces all over the globe decide to put on extra help on a full moon? There are some that say, "Well, that’s easy. You see, it’s lighter then and more crime takes place." No. That would relate to light, not the orbit of the moon, for it even takes place on a cloudy full moon night. Ask the hospitals, for they are involved as well, taking care of all the many accidents and challenges between Humans on these days. They know the full moon is a difficult time. Now, go explain that... and the only way is through astrology. Astrology is a major influence on Human behavior, and it is science and involves DNA and human thought. Can you imagine what this might do to help humanity when it is finally acknowledged? You are susceptible to the movement of the planets. You’re alive with Gaia. You are part of the system. How can you ever deny such a thing? That’s science.
有些人说,“我不信。” 我们刚刚给出信息说,你们很容易受到轨道运行力学的跨维度图案所影响,而有些人说,“我还是不信。” 好吧,我会问你,你如何解释月圆综合症?月球是绕着地球轨道运行的最大星体,它的引力会影响太阳图案,但最主要的还是影响地球磁栅的图案 [引力和磁力互相有关联]。为什么全球的警察会决定在月圆之夜增派人手?有些人说,“哎呀,那很简单。你瞧,月圆之夜的光线更明亮,因此有更多罪案发生。” 不。那是与光线有关,而与月球的运行轨道无关,因为在乌云密布的月圆之夜也是如此。去问问医院吧,因为他们也会受到影响,在月圆之夜会有更多交通意外和更多人打架闹事。他们知道月圆之夜会有很多麻烦。现在,请解释这种现象......唯一的方法就是通过星象来解释。星象是对人类行为的一个主要影响,这是科学,它涉及 DNA 和人类思维。你能想象得到吗,当星象的影响力终于获得承认时,它对人类会带来多大的助益?你们很容易受到行星运动的影响。你们的生活里满是盖娅的影响。你们是系统的一部分。你怎么能否认这件事?它是科学。
Now you will understand, astrologers, why we told you 18 years ago that there would be a difference in the charts that you must rectify before and after, to find out what has taken place within the energy shift and the magnetic grid shift between then and now. We talked about a three-degree influence in your charts between now and the year 2012. Those three degrees do not all occur in one house. Those three degrees are a culmination of the house shapes opening and closing into a new configuration of sizes. Go ahead, do the rectifications and see what we mean. Do the overlays before and after and you will discover through those clients that you have had charts done on then and now, what is taking place and how these changes are shifting and changing. The world-class astrologers know that it is changing. Even astrology is dynamic, for it’s related to the magnetics, indeed!
现在你们明白了吧,占星学家,为何我们在 18 年前说,占星图会有所改变,你必须修正改变前和改变后的占星图,以便找出在当时和现在之间,能量转变和磁栅转变造成了什么影响。我们说过,在现在和 2012 年之间,占星图里会有一个三度的改变。那三度不是全发生在同一宫里。那三度是所有宫位移动的顶点度数,最终会形成新的宫位尺寸。去吧,去做修正,然后看看我们所说的是什么。用叠加图来对比一下,你会从你客户的占星图里发现,目前正在发生的转变是什么,它是如何发生的。世界级的占星学家会知道转变正在发生中。就连占星学也是动态的,因为它与磁力有关,真的!
Now my partner [Lee] is thinking, "Well, that was easier than I thought." Well, the next one won’t be. [Laughter]
现在我的同伴[李]正在想,“嗯,这比我原来想的要简单得多。” 好吧,下一个主题不会啦。[笑声]
The New Laws of Physics
Now we speak of physics. Let me give you some history about a conundrum. Let me tell you what science has done with the conundrum. Then let me tell you some things that we have never said before.
It’s a beautiful law, it is, and the scientist Newton designed it. It is a law that is responsible for all of the orbital mechanics in your solar system. It explains them all, it does, and it’s the second law of Newton. It is a description. Careful, my partner, go slowly. [This is Kryon’s admonition to Lee to be extra clear.] It is a description in its fundamental formulation of force, matter and acceleration. And these fundamentals explain the movements of the planets - the movement and inertia of motion everywhere. It does it so well that this formula is responsible for the calculations you use to send satellites up, and your space probes throughout the solar system. All of the math, so centered around Newton’s second law, works.
F = ma
其中,F 是 Force 合外力,是所有施加于物体的力的矢量和,m 是 mass 质量,a 是 acceleration 加速度。
If you’ve noticed in your own solar system and if you’re into astronomy, you’ll see what Newton saw - that the planets [items with constant mass] that are closer to the gravitational influence of the sun travel at a different speed than the ones that are further away. This became the formula of the second law of Newton, and holds true today and has held true... until recently your science discovered some challenges.
如果你对天文学有深入的了解,如果你有注意到的话,在你们本身的太阳系里,你会看见牛顿所看见的事——即行星 [拥有恒定质量的物体] 如果比较靠近太阳的引力作用,它的运转速度会不同于其他距离太阳比较远的行星。这就是牛顿第二定律的公式,直到今天它还是有效,一直以来都有效......直到最近你们的科学家发现了一些证据,才对它提出质疑。
The first thing that raised interest was when the particles became too small, and then the law broke down. It didn’t follow the rules anymore. When you got into atomic structure, the formula was different. This was actually the reason for the birth of quantum physics - the explanation of the small and the very small and the theories that would go with it, including interdimensional ones. And it was OK with science. New theories said that when matter gets super-small, there has to be a difference in the interaction between mass objects. Some say it was due to the fact that smaller particles didn’t have the constant mass that the planets and moon did... not too hard to deal with in the mind of the scientist. Also, Human Beings have the ability to experiment with the super-small with atomic accelerators - protons and anti-protons colliding at almost the speed of light to see what happens. So Humans could verify the new laws within the super-small world. Then something happened.
With the advent of the new "eyes" of the earth through computer-controlled mirrors in telescopic arrays, you began to study distant galaxies and see them clearly. Much to the surprise of astronomers, they could see the stars rotating around the center of the galaxy, much like your solar system rotates around the sun, but with a big difference. It didn’t follow Newton’s law!
随着地球的新 “眼睛”——通过电脑控制的天文望远镜阵列——随着它的问世,你们开始研究遥远的星系,并能清晰地观察它们。让天文学家大感惊奇的是,他们能看见恒星围绕着星系中央旋转,就像你们的太阳系围绕着太阳旋转那样,但却有着一个巨大的差别。它并不依循牛顿定律!
如果你对天文学有深入的了解,如果你有注意到的话,在你们本身的太阳系里,你会看见牛顿所看见的事——即行星 [拥有恒定质量的物体] 如果比较靠近太阳的引力作用,它的运转速度会不同于其他距离太阳比较远的行星。这就是牛顿第二定律的公式,直到今天它还是有效,一直以来都有效......直到最近你们的科学家发现了一些证据,才对它提出质疑。
The first thing that raised interest was when the particles became too small, and then the law broke down. It didn’t follow the rules anymore. When you got into atomic structure, the formula was different. This was actually the reason for the birth of quantum physics - the explanation of the small and the very small and the theories that would go with it, including interdimensional ones. And it was OK with science. New theories said that when matter gets super-small, there has to be a difference in the interaction between mass objects. Some say it was due to the fact that smaller particles didn’t have the constant mass that the planets and moon did... not too hard to deal with in the mind of the scientist. Also, Human Beings have the ability to experiment with the super-small with atomic accelerators - protons and anti-protons colliding at almost the speed of light to see what happens. So Humans could verify the new laws within the super-small world. Then something happened.
With the advent of the new "eyes" of the earth through computer-controlled mirrors in telescopic arrays, you began to study distant galaxies and see them clearly. Much to the surprise of astronomers, they could see the stars rotating around the center of the galaxy, much like your solar system rotates around the sun, but with a big difference. It didn’t follow Newton’s law!
随着地球的新 “眼睛”——通过电脑控制的天文望远镜阵列——随着它的问世,你们开始研究遥远的星系,并能清晰地观察它们。让天文学家大感惊奇的是,他们能看见恒星围绕着星系中央旋转,就像你们的太阳系围绕着太阳旋转那样,但却有着一个巨大的差别。它并不依循牛顿定律!
CARMA Array and Milky Way |
To the astronomers’ surprise, they discovered that the stars rotating around the center of a galaxy were in what is called a "flat rotation mode." Let me explain this to you - go slowly, my partner [more Kryon admonition to Lee]. If you were to take a disc and put some pebbles on the disc close and far from the fulcrum [center], then gently rotate the disc, you would notice that all of the particles you put on the disc rotate in tandem together, keeping their influence with each other in the same perspective. In other words, one does not go faster or slower due to the distance from the center. That is called flat rotation and that is what galaxies do.
让天文学家感到惊奇的是,他们发现那些恒星是以一种 “平行旋转模式” 围绕着星系中央旋转。让我来解释——慢慢来,我的伙伴 [克里昂再次告诫李]。如果你拿出一张磁盘,在上面放一些小石粒围绕着支点[中央],一些近一些远,然后轻轻地转动磁盘,你会注意到,所有放在磁盘上的小石粒会同时旋转,让它们互相之间的引力作用保持在同一个平面上。换句话说,小石粒并不会因为距离磁盘中央更近或更远而旋转得更快或更慢。这称为 “平行旋转模式”,这就是星系的方式。
However, suddenly, Newton’s second law doesn’t work! Stars would have large constant mass, yet they were not following the rules of orbital mechanics. Newton’s law seemed to works for solar systems, but not for galaxies. This makes no sense, and is at the heart of controversy, and eventual discovery of something astronomy is starting to see.
In the mathematics of energy measuring of the Universe, science says that something is creating an energy you cannot see that is pushing on the matter in a way that is affecting Newton’s law. They say they don’t know what it is and cannot see it. It is unseen energy creating a new kind of orbital system, which they are now realizing is in all galaxies. So they call it dark matter, mystery matter that has influence on everything.
Dark matter isn’t really dark. It is simply the scientific expression for missing energy. That’s all it is. Something is pushing and pulling in ways that do not follow the orbital mechanics of the classic Newton’s law. How can that be? Now the conundrum is there. The very small doesn’t work well. The very big doesn’t work well. Your solar system seems to be fine. Somebody’s working on this issue right now, and I have to mention it. So put on your esoteric hat for just a moment. Newton had an assistant who was very involved in his work. This assistant is alive today and he’s an astronomer, of course. He has reincarnated with the passion in his cellular structure to continue the work, and he is! And he’s very close to figuring this out.
I’m going to tell you why this conundrum exists. I’m going to do my best to give this to my partner in a succinct way so that you will understand the physics. This has never been revealed in this fashion. You’re close to discovery, and it’s in the ethers. So I am not giving you anything that Human free choice wouldn’t discover on its own. The solution is floating in the system, ready to be found.
Adding to the Known Forces in the Universe
When it’s seen, the new theory is going to run up against lots of scientific resistance, and I’ll tell you why - because you’re going to have to rewrite and add onto the four forces of the Universe. [Gasp! Change the known forces? Lee is breathing hard now.] As known by physics, I will give you the names of the four forces of the Universe, and what they’re called. I will not explain them, for this is not the venue for that today. Listen to what the scientists have said are the only four forces that control everything. The first is gravity, and is known as the weak force. The second is electromagnetics, and is known as the strong force. They’re a pair. And the next two are another pair; number three is known as the weak nuclear force, the fourth is known as the strong nuclear force. Those four supposedly are responsible for everything that happens, but now suddenly there is a conundrum. There’s missing energy! Does that not tell you perhaps those four forces might be six? And they are as follows.
I want you to take a look at nature. On your planet, take a look at nature. Almost everything comes up in the factors of 12. Mathematician, you know what the factors of 12 are. [There are six.] The most common factors of 12 that you see in nature are three, four and six. When you crystallize water on its own, it comes up with a six-arm pattern [a snowflake]. The crystallization formations are base-12 with the factors of 12 clearly showing, mostly with six. We have told you for many, many years that the elegant science of physics should be base-12. It is an interdimensional math that includes a zero that doesn’t mean nothing or infinity. A zero in universal base-12 math means the potentials of all the answers probable. It’s not an empirical math as in 3D, yet this math will bring you some realizations when you begin to use it. For instance, does it make sense to you that one of the most profound equations that you have, being that of the circle - called pi [π] - is an irrational number? [An irrational number in math is one having an infinite and nonrecurring expansion when expressed as a decimal.] It goes forever! Does that make sense for one of the most profound formulas of the Universe? We happen to know that on one of your spacecrafts to communicate with anybody who might find it, you put that number pi right on the plaque on the spacecraft. It’s like a communication in math, in case any intelligent life-force should find it, they would then say, "Oh, Humans have pi! Therefore, they must be intelligent." Let me tell you what an intelligent society will know when they see that. They will look at it and say, "These creatures are flying in space, and they don’t even have base-12! Look what they think pi is! They must still be in base-10." It’s like finding an advanced society with black and white TV. π as expressed in base-12 is not an irrational number.
我要你们看看大自然。在你们地球上,看看大自然。几乎每一种东西都带着 12 的因数。数学家,你知道 12 的因数是什么。[总共有六个:1,2,3,4,6,12]。你们在大自然里最容易见到的 12 因数是三、四和六。当你将水结晶,它会形成六臂的图案[雪花]。水的结晶形状就是 12 进制,它明显有着 12 的因数,通常是六。我们已经说了很多、很多年,优雅的物理学应该是 12 进制的。它是一种跨维度数学,它包括数字零,但零不是没有或无限。‘零’ 在宇宙通用的 12 进制数学里的意思是:每一种有可能的答案的潜在性。它不是实验性的数学,不是像三维里的数学那样,但是当你开始使用它时,这种数学将带给你某种领会。例如,你们最深奥的公式之一,与圆圈有关的那个——叫做圆周率 [π]——居然是个无理数,这有道理吗?[在数学上,无理数的特征是,若将它写成小数形式,小数点之后的数字有无限多个,并且不会循环]。它会一直延续下去!宇宙中最深奥的数学公式之一居然是个无理数,这有道理吗?我们碰巧知道在你们的其中一架太阳系外探测器上,万一有外星生物发现它时,为了与他们沟通,你们把数字 π 放在了它的金属板上。它就像是以数学语言来沟通,万一有任何高智能生物发现它时,他们会说,“哦,人类有 π !因此,他们肯定高智能生物。” 让我告诉你,当一个高智能社会看见它时,他们会怎么想。他们会看着它说,“这些生物在太空中飞行,但他们甚至没有 12 进制数学!看看他们以为 π 是什么!他们肯定还停留在 10 进制里!” 这就像发现一个先进社会还在使用黑白电视机那样。当 π 用 12 进制来计算时,它不会是个无理数。
There are six forces of nature. Although four is a factor of 12, six and 12 are the ones that appear the most, and are most nature-like. Look at the chemistry of DNA and behold the factors of 12 in the chemistry. It’s everywhere. Before I tell you what the other two forces are, let me tell you about naming things. I will give them attributes, not names, because they will be named according to what science wishes to name them later, and they will then explain dark matter.
大自然有六种作用力。虽然四也是 12 的因数,但六和 12 才是出现得最多,也是最近似大自然的因数。看看 DNA 的化学成分,注意看化学成分里的 12 因数。它无所不在。在我告知另外两种作用力是什么之前,让我先告诉你们关于事物命名。我会给出它们的特征,而不是名称,因为稍后它们将根据科学家的意愿而被命名,然后它们将能够解释什么是暗物质。
There’s a difference between the galaxy and the solar system - a big difference. Newton, listen up. At the middle of a solar system is ordinary mass. No matter how big or how small the sun is in any solar system, it represents ordinary, consistent mass. When you get into the giant systems such as galaxies, that’s where the magic is, and that’s where the discoveries are. Years ago, we told you what was in the middle of each galaxy that would cause the rotation, even before it was notated in science. We said there is something in the middle that is interdimensional - a black hole. Some years ago, we then gave you the rest of the story; we said there are twins in the middle of each galaxy. There are two quantum attributes. One that you call a black hole, and one you cannot see that is its twin. They are a push/pull system of interdimensional energy. They represent the missing piece of the named forces of the Universe and the energy that surges back and forth.
Now, stay with me [mainly said for Lee]. I’m going to give you some pictures in your mind for this. Let me tell you what happens when you have this kind of interdimensional energy in the center of anything. Newton’s law no longer applies, since the center is not ordinary mass. This interdimensional energy has a cohesion to it. It creates a flat, rotating galaxy because of this cohesion. There’s a whole set of laws that must be developed for a strong and a weak interdimensional force. These are the last two, and now you have the six. You have gravity, you have electromagnetics, you have strong and weak nuclear, and now you have number five and number six, which are strong and weak interdimensional force.
现在,跟上我 [主要是对李说]。我会给你一些思考画面。让我来透露,当这种跨维度能量存在于任何事物的中央时会是怎样。牛顿定律不再适用,因为它的中央不是正常质量。这股跨维度能量有一种凝聚力。由于这种凝聚力的作用,它会形成一个平行旋转的星系。科学家必须发展出一整套的物理学定律来解释这一强一弱的跨维度作用力。这就是最后的两种宇宙作用力,现在你们总共有六种了。你们有引力、电磁力、强和弱核力,如今你们有第五和第六种——强和弱的跨维度作用力。
New Information about the center of the galaxies
When it’s seen, the new theory is going to run up against lots of scientific resistance, and I’ll tell you why - because you’re going to have to rewrite and add onto the four forces of the Universe. [Gasp! Change the known forces? Lee is breathing hard now.] As known by physics, I will give you the names of the four forces of the Universe, and what they’re called. I will not explain them, for this is not the venue for that today. Listen to what the scientists have said are the only four forces that control everything. The first is gravity, and is known as the weak force. The second is electromagnetics, and is known as the strong force. They’re a pair. And the next two are another pair; number three is known as the weak nuclear force, the fourth is known as the strong nuclear force. Those four supposedly are responsible for everything that happens, but now suddenly there is a conundrum. There’s missing energy! Does that not tell you perhaps those four forces might be six? And they are as follows.
I want you to take a look at nature. On your planet, take a look at nature. Almost everything comes up in the factors of 12. Mathematician, you know what the factors of 12 are. [There are six.] The most common factors of 12 that you see in nature are three, four and six. When you crystallize water on its own, it comes up with a six-arm pattern [a snowflake]. The crystallization formations are base-12 with the factors of 12 clearly showing, mostly with six. We have told you for many, many years that the elegant science of physics should be base-12. It is an interdimensional math that includes a zero that doesn’t mean nothing or infinity. A zero in universal base-12 math means the potentials of all the answers probable. It’s not an empirical math as in 3D, yet this math will bring you some realizations when you begin to use it. For instance, does it make sense to you that one of the most profound equations that you have, being that of the circle - called pi [π] - is an irrational number? [An irrational number in math is one having an infinite and nonrecurring expansion when expressed as a decimal.] It goes forever! Does that make sense for one of the most profound formulas of the Universe? We happen to know that on one of your spacecrafts to communicate with anybody who might find it, you put that number pi right on the plaque on the spacecraft. It’s like a communication in math, in case any intelligent life-force should find it, they would then say, "Oh, Humans have pi! Therefore, they must be intelligent." Let me tell you what an intelligent society will know when they see that. They will look at it and say, "These creatures are flying in space, and they don’t even have base-12! Look what they think pi is! They must still be in base-10." It’s like finding an advanced society with black and white TV. π as expressed in base-12 is not an irrational number.
我要你们看看大自然。在你们地球上,看看大自然。几乎每一种东西都带着 12 的因数。数学家,你知道 12 的因数是什么。[总共有六个:1,2,3,4,6,12]。你们在大自然里最容易见到的 12 因数是三、四和六。当你将水结晶,它会形成六臂的图案[雪花]。水的结晶形状就是 12 进制,它明显有着 12 的因数,通常是六。我们已经说了很多、很多年,优雅的物理学应该是 12 进制的。它是一种跨维度数学,它包括数字零,但零不是没有或无限。‘零’ 在宇宙通用的 12 进制数学里的意思是:每一种有可能的答案的潜在性。它不是实验性的数学,不是像三维里的数学那样,但是当你开始使用它时,这种数学将带给你某种领会。例如,你们最深奥的公式之一,与圆圈有关的那个——叫做圆周率 [π]——居然是个无理数,这有道理吗?[在数学上,无理数的特征是,若将它写成小数形式,小数点之后的数字有无限多个,并且不会循环]。它会一直延续下去!宇宙中最深奥的数学公式之一居然是个无理数,这有道理吗?我们碰巧知道在你们的其中一架太阳系外探测器上,万一有外星生物发现它时,为了与他们沟通,你们把数字 π 放在了它的金属板上。它就像是以数学语言来沟通,万一有任何高智能生物发现它时,他们会说,“哦,人类有 π !因此,他们肯定高智能生物。” 让我告诉你,当一个高智能社会看见它时,他们会怎么想。他们会看着它说,“这些生物在太空中飞行,但他们甚至没有 12 进制数学!看看他们以为 π 是什么!他们肯定还停留在 10 进制里!” 这就像发现一个先进社会还在使用黑白电视机那样。当 π 用 12 进制来计算时,它不会是个无理数。
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圆周率 π 是个无理数,若将它写成小数形式,小数点之后的数字有无限多个,并且不会循环。 当 π 用 12 进制来计算时,它不会是个无理数。 |
There are six forces of nature. Although four is a factor of 12, six and 12 are the ones that appear the most, and are most nature-like. Look at the chemistry of DNA and behold the factors of 12 in the chemistry. It’s everywhere. Before I tell you what the other two forces are, let me tell you about naming things. I will give them attributes, not names, because they will be named according to what science wishes to name them later, and they will then explain dark matter.
大自然有六种作用力。虽然四也是 12 的因数,但六和 12 才是出现得最多,也是最近似大自然的因数。看看 DNA 的化学成分,注意看化学成分里的 12 因数。它无所不在。在我告知另外两种作用力是什么之前,让我先告诉你们关于事物命名。我会给出它们的特征,而不是名称,因为稍后它们将根据科学家的意愿而被命名,然后它们将能够解释什么是暗物质。
There’s a difference between the galaxy and the solar system - a big difference. Newton, listen up. At the middle of a solar system is ordinary mass. No matter how big or how small the sun is in any solar system, it represents ordinary, consistent mass. When you get into the giant systems such as galaxies, that’s where the magic is, and that’s where the discoveries are. Years ago, we told you what was in the middle of each galaxy that would cause the rotation, even before it was notated in science. We said there is something in the middle that is interdimensional - a black hole. Some years ago, we then gave you the rest of the story; we said there are twins in the middle of each galaxy. There are two quantum attributes. One that you call a black hole, and one you cannot see that is its twin. They are a push/pull system of interdimensional energy. They represent the missing piece of the named forces of the Universe and the energy that surges back and forth.
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在太阳系中间的是正常恒定的质量,而在星系中间的是黑洞。因此牛顿定律不适用于星系旋转。 |
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在每个星系中间有一对能量。一个叫做黑洞,另一个你们看不见的是它的双生兄弟。 它们是跨维度能量的推/拉系统,它们会导致星系平行旋转。 |
Now, stay with me [mainly said for Lee]. I’m going to give you some pictures in your mind for this. Let me tell you what happens when you have this kind of interdimensional energy in the center of anything. Newton’s law no longer applies, since the center is not ordinary mass. This interdimensional energy has a cohesion to it. It creates a flat, rotating galaxy because of this cohesion. There’s a whole set of laws that must be developed for a strong and a weak interdimensional force. These are the last two, and now you have the six. You have gravity, you have electromagnetics, you have strong and weak nuclear, and now you have number five and number six, which are strong and weak interdimensional force.
现在,跟上我 [主要是对李说]。我会给你一些思考画面。让我来透露,当这种跨维度能量存在于任何事物的中央时会是怎样。牛顿定律不再适用,因为它的中央不是正常质量。这股跨维度能量有一种凝聚力。由于这种凝聚力的作用,它会形成一个平行旋转的星系。科学家必须发展出一整套的物理学定律来解释这一强一弱的跨维度作用力。这就是最后的两种宇宙作用力,现在你们总共有六种了。你们有引力、电磁力、强和弱核力,如今你们有第五和第六种——强和弱的跨维度作用力。
New Information about the center of the galaxies
Every galaxy has a push/pull system at its center. This is a twin energy system, but you only are aware of one. You’re convinced it’s invisible, and it’s a black hole. No light escapes, but you think it’s singular - one thing. How 3D of you! [Laughter] It is not one thing. Instead, it’s a beautiful, double eye of a needle. Now listen. When you start mapping the Universe and you see how the galaxies are really laid out, you already know they’re not random. Isn’t that interesting? Wasn’t what you called The Big Bang supposed to be something that randomly distributed everything from almost nothing? So why is there a pattern? This is the beautiful part, dear Human Being. There is a pattern in the seeming chaos of the interdimensional event that the Big Bang was. As we have told you before, your Big Bang was really a big, interdimensional collision with another interdimensional force. Interdimensionality seems to be chaos with a hidden pattern.
每个星系的中央都有一个推/拉系统。这是成双的能量系统,但你们只意识到一个。你们相信它是看不见的,因为它是个黑洞。没有光线能逃离它,但你们认为它是单一的——是一个东西。你们是多么三维呀![笑声] 它不是一个东西。相反的,它是美丽的,一支针的一双针眼。现在听着。当你们开始绘制宇宙地图时,你们看见那些星系其实是如何展开的,那时你们已经知道它们不是随机的。这不是很有趣吗?你们所谓的大爆炸 [描述宇宙诞生及其后续演化的宇宙学模型],不是说宇宙从无到有,随机分布的吗?那它怎么还会有图案呢?这就是美丽的部分,亲爱的人类。在大爆炸这个跨维度事件的表面混乱里,存在着一种图案。就如我们之前所说的,你们的大爆炸,其实是与另一个跨维度作用力之间的一场巨大的跨维度碰撞事件。跨维度的特性是,在表面的混乱底下隐藏着一种图案。
[注:当前被广泛接受的宇宙学 “标准模型” ΛCDM(Lambda Cold Dark Matter, 宇宙学常数 + 暗物质)模型认为在宇宙早期,暗物质在空中弥散,形成立体的 “鱼网” 结构。每一根 “网线” 对应暗物质密集的地方。这些 “网线” 同时也成为引力中心促使普通物质聚集,从而形成恒星、星系和星系团。
上世纪 80 年代,宇宙在大尺度上的这种 “鱼网” 结构已经部分的被观测到。当时人们通过观测来自普通物质的电磁辐射,发现一些普通物质确实呈 “网线” 状分布,从而证实了宇宙大尺度上 “鱼网” 结构的存在。]
Picture with me for a moment a giant needle and thread, two of them. One goes into the black hole and one comes out of it. These threads are interdimensional strings of force that connect themselves to the other galaxies, weaving in and out of their centers, which are all double-eyed black holes. A push and a pull - an interdimensional force of which you are not aware of yet, threading the galaxies one to another and to another. Now, picture in your mind that quilt work having a symmetry and a purpose. If you could look down the middle of it, into the middle of the Universe from a certain angle, you would even have the symmetry of a mandala. The galaxies are shaped beautifully together in an elegant dance. The symmetry makes sense, and it’s base-12. We challenge you to find this. And those seeming threads that go in and out of those galaxies’ centers with this new force I have just described are a lattice. It’s a lattice with symmetry and purpose... the cosmic lattice [as originally defined by Kryon many years ago]. It has beauty. And it’s the missing energy of the Universe, as seen by those who are looking for it. The dark matter that everyone looks for is not in the empty spaces between things. It’s in the strings of the interdimensional force between galaxies, purposely put there. Oh, it’s a wonderful system. You want the dark matter to make 3D sense, but it can’t. It deals with the two interdimensional forces of the Universe that are quantum, and therefore out of time and out of the preview of your 3D formulas.
跟我一起想像一支巨型的针和线,这两样东西。一个穿进黑洞里,另一个从黑洞里穿出来。这些针线是跨维度作用力的丝线,它们连接黑洞和其他星系,在它们的中央穿进穿出,那些中央全都是双针眼的黑洞。一个推一个拉——是一股你们还未认识的跨维度作用力,在把星系串起来,一个串一个。现在,在你们的脑海里想象一张百衲被,它的图案有其对称性和目的。如果你能从某个角度俯视宇宙的中央,你甚至能看见曼荼罗的对称性。各星系是在一支优雅的舞蹈中一起塑造成形。那些对称性是有意义的,它是 12 进制数学。我们挑战你们去找出它的证据。而那些看似在星系中央穿进穿出的,我刚刚形容的新宇宙作用力的丝线,是网格。它是有着对称性和目的的网格......宇宙网格 [就如克里昂在多年前所解释的那样]。它是美丽的。它正是那些一直被寻找的缺失的宇宙能量。每个人都在寻找的暗物质并不是在物质与物质之间的空隙。它是在星系与星系之间的跨维度作用力的丝线里,是蓄意被安置在那里的。哦,这是个美妙的系统。你们要让暗物质在三维里显得有意义,但它不能。它涉及宇宙那两股跨维度作用力,它是量子的,因此它超越时间,并超越你们的三维公式的预演。
The next big discovery... quantum sight
OK, there is one more. I want to give you this hint. Again, this information is in the ethers. That is to say that it is available for discovery and imminent. Humans must discover these things on their own, but we give hints. When the discoveries happen, you’ll know you heard it here first. [Kryon smile]
This is technical. Don’t worry, my partner. I’ll give you the picture. For years, astronomers have been putting special lenses on telescopes in order to give them different kinds of views of the Universe beyond normal light. The collection of ordinary light is passé for real astronomy. They now wish to collect radiation. They wish to have the spectrometry so that they can have an analysis of what things are made of. They like to measure the coming and the going of the speed of objects so they will have red shift or blue shift to know if objects are advancing or retreating from the observer. For years, they have been putting special lenses on their telescopes so they can analyze what common light cannot show them. Most of you are not even aware that many of the telescopes of the planet don’t even let you look through them anymore! It’s all about computer-controlled collection of what is hidden in the light, or what is available through other measuring methods. They know how hot things are, what they are made of, where they are going and their trajectory anomalies.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if someone on Earth came up with an interdimensional astronomical lens? And if they did, what would they see? They would see exactly what I’ve described. First, they would be able to see the twin black holes that appear to be one. An interdimensional lens is looking at gravity and time, and the warping of them into patterns.
If you were looking at the Universe with this lens, you’d see how the twins relate to each other, the pulse of them, and you’d see the strands connecting the galaxies very clearly. Wouldn’t that be wonderful? It would explain the missing energy, wouldn’t it? It would give the scientists the reason to increase the four forces to six! And... it’s doable.
Now I’m going to tell you what it looks like... almost. (Kryon smile) Number one hint: You cannot put it on the lens. It must go as close as it can to the receiving device. In the case of an optical telescope, that is the mirror. In the case of a digital telescope, that is its digital eyeball. That is to say that this lens cannot go anywhere but the focal plane. That will be meaningful to those who build telescopes. It must go there where the focus is collected. Hint two: This lens is not physical. This lens is plasma. The plasma is held together by incredibly strong magnetics. Oh, and it’s very cold. And those are the hints.
[注:等离子体一种电离气体, electrically charged ionized gas, 具有很高的电导率,与电磁场存在极强的耦合作用]。
And when you develop it and when you turn it on and work out the adjustments to the magnetics that allow the plasma coherence, you will have the next step in astronomy - a revolution and a revelation. Physics will change; your reality will change; and I will tell you why. This is the last point I make in science before I close. I’ll tell you why. When you look at interdimensional things, one of the unexpected things you’re going to see is life! Life sticks out, because of life-force. You can look into a galaxy and the stars that glow [using the filter] will have life around them! How about that one? And everybody can get scared. [Laughter] It’s inevitable, you know? That is our science channel.
当你们制造出这个镜片,当你们开启它,并调整好磁场强度,让镜片产生等离子相干性,这时你们就会进入天文学发展的下一阶段——重大的变革和真相的揭露。物理学将会改变;你们的实相将会改变;而我会告诉你原因。这是我在结束前给出的关于科学的最后一点提示。我会告诉你原因。当你们观察跨维度事物时,其中一件意想不到的事情是,你们会看见生命!生命会突显出来,因为宇宙有生命力。你能 [使用那片滤镜] 看进一个星系,而那些发光的星体周围会有生命!太棒了不是?而每个人都会吓死了 [笑声]。这是难免的,知道吗?那就是我们关于科学的通灵信息。
In a moment, you’re going to leave. You’re going to get up out of the chair and you’re going to go away. And some of you will be sorrowful, and you’ll say, "You know, if there were only a way we could just hold this energy... I really like this," I want to tell you, dear ones, that we have that in common. We really like this, too. It begs the question, who came to see whom? You see, we give excuses so we can spend the time with you. We say we’re going to give a science channel, an esoteric channel, just so we can sit with you, you know? Just so we can sit with you.
再过一阵子,你们就会离开。你们会从椅子上站起来,你们会离开。你们有些人会伤感地说,“你知道吗,要是有一种办法能保留这股能量就好了......我真的很喜欢,” 我会告诉你们,亲爱的,我们也有同感。我们也很喜欢,真的。这让人不禁要问:到底是谁来见谁呢?你瞧,我们给借口让我们能与你们处在一起。我们说我们会给出一个科学通灵,和一个神秘学通灵,只是为了让我们能与你们坐在一起,知道吗?只是为了让我们能与你们坐在一起。
You want to be here because you’re interested. But we want to be here because we love you. I want to give you the invitation to recreate this moment every day of your life. You might say, "Well, that’s kind of hard. We don’t have all these people around us. We don’t have those special people on stage. And we don’t have the music. And, and, and... " Oh yes, you do! We just gave you two days of it; it has gone inside your consciousness and you can pull it anytime you want to, right back to where it is right now. Get into the quantum state. Because every time you do, we’ll be there. That’s the invitation. Become slightly quantum. Get out of 3D, just a little! And then smile when you feel it.
你们想要处在这里是因为你们对这些信息感兴趣。但我们想要处在这里是因为我们爱你。我想邀请你在每天的生活里重现这一刻。你也许会说,“嗯,这有点难。我们周围没有这些人。我们没有那些在台上的特别人物。我们也没有那些音乐 [指通灵时的现场伴奏]。而且,而且,而且......” 哦有的,你们有!我们刚刚给了你们两天的经历,它已经进入了你的意识,你可以随时将它抽出来,直接回到当下这一刻。进入那量子状态。因为每一次当你进入量子状态时,我们都在那里。那就是我们的邀请。变得量子一点。走出三维,就那么一点点!然后当你感觉到时就微笑吧。
There are those in this room who know what I’m speaking of, who know when they go to that spot you call meditation and all of this energy that is here in these two days comes flying back. It’s within you and always will be. You can get up and leave the room. The event will be over. And there’ll be those who say, "Well, that was just really, really good. It’s too bad it’s over." It’s not over! It’s not over.
这里有些人知道我在讲的是什么,他们知道当他们进入那个境界,进入那所谓的冥想时,这两天在这里的这股能量会全部飞回来。它就在你心中,永远都会是。你可以站起来离开这里。今天的会议即将结束。而那里有些人会说,“嗯,刚才的感觉真的,真的很好。会议结束真的太可惜了。” 它并没有结束!它并没有结束。
There are those who have received messages in these times in these two days. The messages often were this. Honor yourself. Go slow. There’s a purpose for your life, and let the cosmic intelligence flow in and out of you. Be peaceful. Stop worrying. Increase your life-force and your health. There is a system of connections between every Human Being in this room, even those reading, just like the galaxies of the Universe. Call upon it. And let it work for you, dear Lightworker. You’re not alone.
You’re not alone.
You’re not alone.
The message of Kryon will never change. When my partner takes his last breath, it will be about the love of God for you and what the family is like and how much we miss you when you’re here. It’s a time of great joy, reflection and discovery, and you let us share it with all of you. This entity is in love with humanity. Brother and sister, until we see you again in whatever form, let the Lemurians play. Let them sing their songs. These are the times you waited for, my brothers and my sisters, flow into this room and let these Lightworkers know you’re here.
And so it is.
最麻烦的地点:索马里。索马里自 1991 年进入无政府状态,由于内战连连,教育、社会体系已崩溃多年,当地人民自 20 世纪以来即以海盗为业;每年勒索各国商船,金额难以估计。1993 年联合国短暂干预索马里局势后,即因美国士兵被打死、当街示众亵渎被电视播出一事而退出。
最严重疾病的地点:乌干达。乌干达是非洲爱滋病泛滥最严重的国家之一,也是全世界国家中位数年龄最低的国家,2010 年只有 15.1 岁。此外,乌干达政府也被透明国际评为世界上最腐败的政府之一。
最惨烈的战争:刚果民主共和国。刚果(金) 从 1998 年开始第二次刚果战争,也被称为 “非洲的世界大战”,因为涉及了 9 个非洲国家和大约 20 个武装势力。尽管在 2003 年签署了和平协定,战斗仍在该国东部地区继续。此次战争是自第二次世界大战以来全世界最激烈的,1998 年以来 540 万人死亡。绝大多数死于疟疾、腹泻、肺炎和营养不良。
最恐怖的种族屠杀:卢旺达 (在乌干达正下方,南纬 1~3 度)。在 1959 年由多数族群胡图族推翻了执政的图西族国王,1962 年宣布独立。独立后,卢旺达充斥着胡图族和图西族的冲突。在 1990 年,当时的军政府声称图西族企图再次奴役胡图族人,采取了对图西族种族灭绝的政策,战争持续了两年。在 1994 年,总统座机失事,机上人员包括总统和邻国布隆迪的总统在内全部遇难。接下来的两个月内,军队和各军事组织在种族屠杀中杀害了近 80 万的图西族和胡图族平民。事件结束后,因害怕图西人报复,200 万胡图族人,逃到邻国刚果、坦桑尼亚等。
Every galaxy has a push/pull system at its center. This is a twin energy system, but you only are aware of one. You’re convinced it’s invisible, and it’s a black hole. No light escapes, but you think it’s singular - one thing. How 3D of you! [Laughter] It is not one thing. Instead, it’s a beautiful, double eye of a needle. Now listen. When you start mapping the Universe and you see how the galaxies are really laid out, you already know they’re not random. Isn’t that interesting? Wasn’t what you called The Big Bang supposed to be something that randomly distributed everything from almost nothing? So why is there a pattern? This is the beautiful part, dear Human Being. There is a pattern in the seeming chaos of the interdimensional event that the Big Bang was. As we have told you before, your Big Bang was really a big, interdimensional collision with another interdimensional force. Interdimensionality seems to be chaos with a hidden pattern.
每个星系的中央都有一个推/拉系统。这是成双的能量系统,但你们只意识到一个。你们相信它是看不见的,因为它是个黑洞。没有光线能逃离它,但你们认为它是单一的——是一个东西。你们是多么三维呀![笑声] 它不是一个东西。相反的,它是美丽的,一支针的一双针眼。现在听着。当你们开始绘制宇宙地图时,你们看见那些星系其实是如何展开的,那时你们已经知道它们不是随机的。这不是很有趣吗?你们所谓的大爆炸 [描述宇宙诞生及其后续演化的宇宙学模型],不是说宇宙从无到有,随机分布的吗?那它怎么还会有图案呢?这就是美丽的部分,亲爱的人类。在大爆炸这个跨维度事件的表面混乱里,存在着一种图案。就如我们之前所说的,你们的大爆炸,其实是与另一个跨维度作用力之间的一场巨大的跨维度碰撞事件。跨维度的特性是,在表面的混乱底下隐藏着一种图案。
[注:当前被广泛接受的宇宙学 “标准模型” ΛCDM(Lambda Cold Dark Matter, 宇宙学常数 + 暗物质)模型认为在宇宙早期,暗物质在空中弥散,形成立体的 “鱼网” 结构。每一根 “网线” 对应暗物质密集的地方。这些 “网线” 同时也成为引力中心促使普通物质聚集,从而形成恒星、星系和星系团。
上世纪 80 年代,宇宙在大尺度上的这种 “鱼网” 结构已经部分的被观测到。当时人们通过观测来自普通物质的电磁辐射,发现一些普通物质确实呈 “网线” 状分布,从而证实了宇宙大尺度上 “鱼网” 结构的存在。]
Picture with me for a moment a giant needle and thread, two of them. One goes into the black hole and one comes out of it. These threads are interdimensional strings of force that connect themselves to the other galaxies, weaving in and out of their centers, which are all double-eyed black holes. A push and a pull - an interdimensional force of which you are not aware of yet, threading the galaxies one to another and to another. Now, picture in your mind that quilt work having a symmetry and a purpose. If you could look down the middle of it, into the middle of the Universe from a certain angle, you would even have the symmetry of a mandala. The galaxies are shaped beautifully together in an elegant dance. The symmetry makes sense, and it’s base-12. We challenge you to find this. And those seeming threads that go in and out of those galaxies’ centers with this new force I have just described are a lattice. It’s a lattice with symmetry and purpose... the cosmic lattice [as originally defined by Kryon many years ago]. It has beauty. And it’s the missing energy of the Universe, as seen by those who are looking for it. The dark matter that everyone looks for is not in the empty spaces between things. It’s in the strings of the interdimensional force between galaxies, purposely put there. Oh, it’s a wonderful system. You want the dark matter to make 3D sense, but it can’t. It deals with the two interdimensional forces of the Universe that are quantum, and therefore out of time and out of the preview of your 3D formulas.
跟我一起想像一支巨型的针和线,这两样东西。一个穿进黑洞里,另一个从黑洞里穿出来。这些针线是跨维度作用力的丝线,它们连接黑洞和其他星系,在它们的中央穿进穿出,那些中央全都是双针眼的黑洞。一个推一个拉——是一股你们还未认识的跨维度作用力,在把星系串起来,一个串一个。现在,在你们的脑海里想象一张百衲被,它的图案有其对称性和目的。如果你能从某个角度俯视宇宙的中央,你甚至能看见曼荼罗的对称性。各星系是在一支优雅的舞蹈中一起塑造成形。那些对称性是有意义的,它是 12 进制数学。我们挑战你们去找出它的证据。而那些看似在星系中央穿进穿出的,我刚刚形容的新宇宙作用力的丝线,是网格。它是有着对称性和目的的网格......宇宙网格 [就如克里昂在多年前所解释的那样]。它是美丽的。它正是那些一直被寻找的缺失的宇宙能量。每个人都在寻找的暗物质并不是在物质与物质之间的空隙。它是在星系与星系之间的跨维度作用力的丝线里,是蓄意被安置在那里的。哦,这是个美妙的系统。你们要让暗物质在三维里显得有意义,但它不能。它涉及宇宙那两股跨维度作用力,它是量子的,因此它超越时间,并超越你们的三维公式的预演。
曼荼罗为藏传佛教术语,是僧人和藏民日常修习密法时的 “心中宇宙图”,一般是以圆形或正方形为主,相当对称,有中心点。 |
The next big discovery... quantum sight
OK, there is one more. I want to give you this hint. Again, this information is in the ethers. That is to say that it is available for discovery and imminent. Humans must discover these things on their own, but we give hints. When the discoveries happen, you’ll know you heard it here first. [Kryon smile]
This is technical. Don’t worry, my partner. I’ll give you the picture. For years, astronomers have been putting special lenses on telescopes in order to give them different kinds of views of the Universe beyond normal light. The collection of ordinary light is passé for real astronomy. They now wish to collect radiation. They wish to have the spectrometry so that they can have an analysis of what things are made of. They like to measure the coming and the going of the speed of objects so they will have red shift or blue shift to know if objects are advancing or retreating from the observer. For years, they have been putting special lenses on their telescopes so they can analyze what common light cannot show them. Most of you are not even aware that many of the telescopes of the planet don’t even let you look through them anymore! It’s all about computer-controlled collection of what is hidden in the light, or what is available through other measuring methods. They know how hot things are, what they are made of, where they are going and their trajectory anomalies.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if someone on Earth came up with an interdimensional astronomical lens? And if they did, what would they see? They would see exactly what I’ve described. First, they would be able to see the twin black holes that appear to be one. An interdimensional lens is looking at gravity and time, and the warping of them into patterns.
If you were looking at the Universe with this lens, you’d see how the twins relate to each other, the pulse of them, and you’d see the strands connecting the galaxies very clearly. Wouldn’t that be wonderful? It would explain the missing energy, wouldn’t it? It would give the scientists the reason to increase the four forces to six! And... it’s doable.
Now I’m going to tell you what it looks like... almost. (Kryon smile) Number one hint: You cannot put it on the lens. It must go as close as it can to the receiving device. In the case of an optical telescope, that is the mirror. In the case of a digital telescope, that is its digital eyeball. That is to say that this lens cannot go anywhere but the focal plane. That will be meaningful to those who build telescopes. It must go there where the focus is collected. Hint two: This lens is not physical. This lens is plasma. The plasma is held together by incredibly strong magnetics. Oh, and it’s very cold. And those are the hints.
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(左图)光学望远镜 (右图)数码望远镜 |
And when you develop it and when you turn it on and work out the adjustments to the magnetics that allow the plasma coherence, you will have the next step in astronomy - a revolution and a revelation. Physics will change; your reality will change; and I will tell you why. This is the last point I make in science before I close. I’ll tell you why. When you look at interdimensional things, one of the unexpected things you’re going to see is life! Life sticks out, because of life-force. You can look into a galaxy and the stars that glow [using the filter] will have life around them! How about that one? And everybody can get scared. [Laughter] It’s inevitable, you know? That is our science channel.
当你们制造出这个镜片,当你们开启它,并调整好磁场强度,让镜片产生等离子相干性,这时你们就会进入天文学发展的下一阶段——重大的变革和真相的揭露。物理学将会改变;你们的实相将会改变;而我会告诉你原因。这是我在结束前给出的关于科学的最后一点提示。我会告诉你原因。当你们观察跨维度事物时,其中一件意想不到的事情是,你们会看见生命!生命会突显出来,因为宇宙有生命力。你能 [使用那片滤镜] 看进一个星系,而那些发光的星体周围会有生命!太棒了不是?而每个人都会吓死了 [笑声]。这是难免的,知道吗?那就是我们关于科学的通灵信息。
In a moment, you’re going to leave. You’re going to get up out of the chair and you’re going to go away. And some of you will be sorrowful, and you’ll say, "You know, if there were only a way we could just hold this energy... I really like this," I want to tell you, dear ones, that we have that in common. We really like this, too. It begs the question, who came to see whom? You see, we give excuses so we can spend the time with you. We say we’re going to give a science channel, an esoteric channel, just so we can sit with you, you know? Just so we can sit with you.
再过一阵子,你们就会离开。你们会从椅子上站起来,你们会离开。你们有些人会伤感地说,“你知道吗,要是有一种办法能保留这股能量就好了......我真的很喜欢,” 我会告诉你们,亲爱的,我们也有同感。我们也很喜欢,真的。这让人不禁要问:到底是谁来见谁呢?你瞧,我们给借口让我们能与你们处在一起。我们说我们会给出一个科学通灵,和一个神秘学通灵,只是为了让我们能与你们坐在一起,知道吗?只是为了让我们能与你们坐在一起。
You want to be here because you’re interested. But we want to be here because we love you. I want to give you the invitation to recreate this moment every day of your life. You might say, "Well, that’s kind of hard. We don’t have all these people around us. We don’t have those special people on stage. And we don’t have the music. And, and, and... " Oh yes, you do! We just gave you two days of it; it has gone inside your consciousness and you can pull it anytime you want to, right back to where it is right now. Get into the quantum state. Because every time you do, we’ll be there. That’s the invitation. Become slightly quantum. Get out of 3D, just a little! And then smile when you feel it.
你们想要处在这里是因为你们对这些信息感兴趣。但我们想要处在这里是因为我们爱你。我想邀请你在每天的生活里重现这一刻。你也许会说,“嗯,这有点难。我们周围没有这些人。我们没有那些在台上的特别人物。我们也没有那些音乐 [指通灵时的现场伴奏]。而且,而且,而且......” 哦有的,你们有!我们刚刚给了你们两天的经历,它已经进入了你的意识,你可以随时将它抽出来,直接回到当下这一刻。进入那量子状态。因为每一次当你进入量子状态时,我们都在那里。那就是我们的邀请。变得量子一点。走出三维,就那么一点点!然后当你感觉到时就微笑吧。
There are those in this room who know what I’m speaking of, who know when they go to that spot you call meditation and all of this energy that is here in these two days comes flying back. It’s within you and always will be. You can get up and leave the room. The event will be over. And there’ll be those who say, "Well, that was just really, really good. It’s too bad it’s over." It’s not over! It’s not over.
这里有些人知道我在讲的是什么,他们知道当他们进入那个境界,进入那所谓的冥想时,这两天在这里的这股能量会全部飞回来。它就在你心中,永远都会是。你可以站起来离开这里。今天的会议即将结束。而那里有些人会说,“嗯,刚才的感觉真的,真的很好。会议结束真的太可惜了。” 它并没有结束!它并没有结束。
There are those who have received messages in these times in these two days. The messages often were this. Honor yourself. Go slow. There’s a purpose for your life, and let the cosmic intelligence flow in and out of you. Be peaceful. Stop worrying. Increase your life-force and your health. There is a system of connections between every Human Being in this room, even those reading, just like the galaxies of the Universe. Call upon it. And let it work for you, dear Lightworker. You’re not alone.
You’re not alone.
You’re not alone.
The message of Kryon will never change. When my partner takes his last breath, it will be about the love of God for you and what the family is like and how much we miss you when you’re here. It’s a time of great joy, reflection and discovery, and you let us share it with all of you. This entity is in love with humanity. Brother and sister, until we see you again in whatever form, let the Lemurians play. Let them sing their songs. These are the times you waited for, my brothers and my sisters, flow into this room and let these Lightworkers know you’re here.
And so it is.
最麻烦的地点:索马里。索马里自 1991 年进入无政府状态,由于内战连连,教育、社会体系已崩溃多年,当地人民自 20 世纪以来即以海盗为业;每年勒索各国商船,金额难以估计。1993 年联合国短暂干预索马里局势后,即因美国士兵被打死、当街示众亵渎被电视播出一事而退出。
最严重疾病的地点:乌干达。乌干达是非洲爱滋病泛滥最严重的国家之一,也是全世界国家中位数年龄最低的国家,2010 年只有 15.1 岁。此外,乌干达政府也被透明国际评为世界上最腐败的政府之一。
最惨烈的战争:刚果民主共和国。刚果(金) 从 1998 年开始第二次刚果战争,也被称为 “非洲的世界大战”,因为涉及了 9 个非洲国家和大约 20 个武装势力。尽管在 2003 年签署了和平协定,战斗仍在该国东部地区继续。此次战争是自第二次世界大战以来全世界最激烈的,1998 年以来 540 万人死亡。绝大多数死于疟疾、腹泻、肺炎和营养不良。
最恐怖的种族屠杀:卢旺达 (在乌干达正下方,南纬 1~3 度)。在 1959 年由多数族群胡图族推翻了执政的图西族国王,1962 年宣布独立。独立后,卢旺达充斥着胡图族和图西族的冲突。在 1990 年,当时的军政府声称图西族企图再次奴役胡图族人,采取了对图西族种族灭绝的政策,战争持续了两年。在 1994 年,总统座机失事,机上人员包括总统和邻国布隆迪的总统在内全部遇难。接下来的两个月内,军队和各军事组织在种族屠杀中杀害了近 80 万的图西族和胡图族平民。事件结束后,因害怕图西人报复,200 万胡图族人,逃到邻国刚果、坦桑尼亚等。