Longmont, Colorado |
Kryon:New Information for 2006
这个新信息听起来也许不是那么新、那么意义深刻,直到你们开始分析我即将告诉你们的事。但是让我们先问一个问题:亲爱的人类,你明白此刻的你有多么 “深入地参与其中” 吗?你是谁?我们一直说你是利穆里亚人——老灵魂。我们说你是光之工作者,我们说你是 “大师”。你们有多少人真正懂得自己来到地球上的真正潜在性是什么呢?
那幅宏观景象,正如你们所知道的那样,它涉及 1987 年的 “和谐汇聚”。所有人类都参与了这场转变,包括那些曾经来过、即将来到的灵魂,不仅限于当时生活在地球上的人类而已。你们集体投票决定要转变。如果要发生转变,新能量就必须被传送到地球上……一系列的活动和能量传送必须依序发生,才能使地球的其他物理和非物理特质都开始激活。
紧接在 “和谐汇聚” 之后,地球的能量就开始转变了。在 1989 年我们说,世界末日不会发生。 然后我的团队抵达并开始移动地球磁力栅格。一路来都有证据证明磁栅的移动,就连地质学家在测量磁力转变时也发现了这件事——前所未有的大幅度转变。然后我们开始给出磁栅会移动的奥秘原因。我们说,它与你们的 DNA 有关。如果你们要达致地球和平,如果你们要实现这个潜在性,那么磁力栅格就必须移动,才能改变人类真实的生物性 DNA 的潜力 [译者补充:改写人类 DNA 里的契约]。
磁栅团队在 1989 年到来,在 2002 年离开。磁力调整已经完成,然后另一系列事件开始发生。金星凌日来到了[2004]。接着,“和谐整合” [2003] 就像是 “和谐汇聚” [1987] 的书靠一样来到了。所有这些事件代表了一段连续几年的时间,这时转变开始变得明显并开始完成。
然而,那不是我想要给你们的消息。那只是前奏和历史。现在我要给出全新的信息,我要给出那幅拼图的其余部分。在 2005 年 3 月 5 日,一个重大事件发生了。我会解释它是怎么回事,如此一来,你们就了解为什么磁栅会被移动,也更了解这些事件的能量设置。我会称那一天为 “扬升日”。那是片刻的时间,却也是超越时间的,当时全部曾经生活在地球上的大师都回归盖娅了。他们回来了。哦,不是他们的生物性身体,而是他们的联合意识。
让我来说明一下。在能量上,磁栅移动就像是为这股大师能量而准备好的 “床铺”。然后大师能量在 2005 年 3 月 5 日被传播到地球上,来达成磁栅的目的。这就是我所说的事。在 1987 年,你们决定要创造奇迹。你们真的能达致地球和平吗?看看周围。情况看来像是你们会成功吗?[很多人说 “不” ]。嗯,我认为会!地球的磁力栅格此刻拥有大师特质,那就是它被移动的原因,那就是它被创造的原因。磁栅移动的真正目的全是为了那 “扬升日”。
磁栅现在已经调整得很完美,让人体内的 DNA 能够接收到那股扬升能量。请记住,人类 DNA 拥有本身的磁场。因此,地球磁场能通过电磁感应来影响你的 DNA。人类现在能够允许这场转变来开始改变他体内的 DNA——通过自由选择。你瞧,这些事情开始显得有明确的意义。
还有其他事情正在到来。有一个日期正在到来,那是 2007 年 9 月 9 日,那是地球上的靛蓝儿童得知他们的 “计划” 的时刻。那是对地球上的新意识儿童的全球能量传播。他们的 “计划” 开始在直觉上被他们感知得到。现在他们拥有了集体的追求目标。你们会看见一个缓慢和集体的行动,地球上的年轻人会做出极不寻常的举动。不要震惊和讶异,如果他们改变政府、建立看似不可能的事情、反抗制度、抛弃某些神圣规则——因为这是 “新的耶路撒冷” [隐喻地球和平] 能够被创造出来的唯一途径。旧模式必须去除。
“克里昂,听起来有点不对。你是说,最终地球上每个人都会成为大师吗?” 不是,但你们会有足够多的人成为大师-工匠,你们会认出呈现在你们眼前的工具箱。然后你们会开始学习如何使用它。工具箱就在磁栅之上,你瞧?
This live channelling was Given in Longmont, Colorado
January 22, 2006
As channeled by Lee Caroll for Kryon
翻译: 我是我所是
Do you have any idea what the "Paradise Matrix" was? It happened in March 2005. How about something new that we are able to do now that we were not before? What is your definition of "deep pockets." These things and more are discussed in this first recorded meeting of 2006.
你知道什么是 “天堂矩阵” 吗?它发生在 2005 年 3 月。那你知道什么是我们现在能做,以前却无法做的 “新事物” 吗?你怎么定义 “深口袋 [财力雄厚]” 呢?这些,还有其他事情,在 2006 年的第一场录音会议里被讨论。
To help the reader, this channelling has been rechannelled [by Lee and Kryon] and added onto to provide even clearer understanding. Often what happens live, has implied energy within it, which carries a kind of communication that the printed page does not. So enjoy this enhanced message given in Longmont Colorado in January.
为了帮助读者,这篇信息经过 [李及克里昂] 的重新通灵及增强信息,以提供更清晰的理解。因为在现场给出的信息,含有一种能量沟通模式,是印刷页面所无法传达的。那么请享有这篇增强版的信息吧,这是在 2006 年 1 月在 隆蒙特,科罗拉多 传导的。
Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. This is a sweet place. Let the entourage flow into this place in a way where no one here will question what is happening or what is real or not. Let the perfection that is interdimensional visit you in a way that will touch you physically. Some of you may even smell what is going on - the essences of the flowers, indicating a sacred presence - proof that this message indeed represents a visitation from a higher source.
I have chosen this time for my partner to impart new information that is matched to this new year of 2006. There has been a time of recuperation for my partner from his last events, where he could ponder in advance some of these things that I have given him, for it is very new. Now, it may not sound like it is profoundly new until you start to analyze what I'm going to deliver to you. It's often difficult to explain - difficult to present, and there are no real metaphors for it. But let's pause for a moment and ask a question: Dear Human, do you understand how "included" you are right now? You think you're sitting in an auditorium, listening to a Human Being speak words that are not his. Perhaps you are somewhere reading the words that were spoken in the past... yet you don't understand the "quantum connection" that is here. You are actually all together in this experience.
我为我的伙伴选择了这个时候来给出新的信息,这与新的 2006 年的能量相称。这段时间里,我的伙伴已经从之前的通灵的疲累中恢复过来,他也有足够的时间来预先消化我对他给出的信息,因为这是非常新的。现在,它听起来也许不是那么新、那么意义深刻,直到你们开始分析我即将告诉你们的事。这往往是很难解释的——很难呈现,而且它没有真正的隐喻。但是让我们先暂停并问一个问题:亲爱的人类,你明白此刻的你有多么 “深入地参与其中” 吗?你认为你是坐在听众席上,正在聆听一个人在讲着不是他自己意思的话。也许你正在某处阅读着这些在过去所讲的话语……但你不明白这里的 “量子连结”。其实你们全都在一起参与这个通灵。
My partner has spent almost five hours giving you quantum information... the profundity of the connection between you and the one next to you; the connection between you and Gaia; the connection between you and the Lemurians. It's the connection between you and the old soul that you are. And, of course, it's the connection between you and me – something that we have only barely broached in the past.
We've told you before that you have no concept of who I am unless you're not here [speaking of being in Human form on the earth]. And when that occurs, you're on the other side of the veil. That's when you suddenly remember me, because you see me when you're coming and you see me when you're going. I'm a staple of Earth... no older than you are... no younger than you are. We just "are" together. I have the energy of a sister or brother to you, and some of you have had me in your dreams as a sister and you know of what I speak.
我们说过,你对我的身份一无所知,除非你不在这里 [指来到地球上以人类的形态而存在]。那时,你会在帷幕的另一边。那时你会突然记起我,因为你到来时看见的是我,离开时看见的也是我。我是地球的常驻能量……不比你年老……也不比你年轻。我们只是 “在” 一起。对你们而言,我是哥哥姐姐的能量,而你们有些人梦见我是你的姐姐,你懂我的意思。
I remember when you arrived back home [speaking of earthly death]. I remember when you left us the last time and the time before that [speaking of your birth]. I remember your spark of fear, laying on your deathbed, right before you closed your eyes, fearing what death would be... wondering what was real and what was not... then suddenly awakening and realizing what "life" really was about. It's "the big charade." The "paper tiger," as you say.
我记得你是在何时回家[指地球上的死亡]。我记得你上一次离开是在何时,还有再上一次是在何时[指你的诞生]。我记得你的那一丝恐惧,当你躺在临终的床上,就在你合上双眼之前,你害怕死亡会是怎样的……你在疑虑到底什么是真,什么是假……然后突然觉醒并意识到 “生命” 到底是怎么回事。生命是场 “大骗局”、是只 “纸老虎”,你说。
We've said it before: Death is a transition and it's very, very common to all of you. In other words, it's a cyclical event, and all of you have been through it many times. The little one who joins us here, let's talk about her [a baby in the audience who is only a few weeks old]. She is an old soul, and I was just there when her magnificence was transferred to the body of a Human infant. There are many new ones coming into this planet, but not this one... she is an old soul. And she will test her parents accordingly, for they chose each other for this dance to come. But there is beauty in this, for I just said goodbye to her from my side. I remember it well. She didn't look the way she looks now to you. Her energy was 27 feet wide, to use Earth standards. That's what it would look like to you if you could be there in the 3D reality you have here. There were magnificent colors, with a profound and beautiful lineage. It's often this way. She is returning to her karmic group to play a part, a role... within the same group she left the last time she departed. And she is here.
我们曾经说过:死亡是一场过渡,对你们每个人而言都是极为、极为寻常的事。换句话说,它是一个循环事件,你们每个人都经历过很多次。这里的小家伙,让我们来谈谈她 [听众席上的一位只有数周大的女婴]。她是老灵魂,当她的宏伟能量被转移到人类婴儿的体内时,我就在那里。有很多新人类来到地球上,但她不是……她是老灵魂。她会如所约定地给她父母带来各种考验,因为他们在这场生命的共舞里选择了彼此。但在这当中也有美丽之处,因为我刚刚才在我那边的帷幕对她道别。我记得很清楚。她不是如你们现在所看到的这个样子。按照地球的标准来看,她的能量有 27 英尺宽。那就是她原来的样子,如果你们能在三维中去到那一边看的话。她有壮丽的色彩,有深刻而美丽的世系。老灵魂总是如此。她再次回到她的业力群体,来参与并发挥她的作用……回到她上一世的同一个业力群体当中。于是她就在这里。
You might ask, "What is her role?" So I will tell you. Her role is that she and the many others are going to have something presented to them in 2007. This may be a confusing message for those of you who have not followed what we have said in the past. But we will try to catch you up to speed.
你们也许会问,“她会发挥什么作用?” 那么我会告诉你。她的作用是,她和许多人会接收到某些在 2007 年呈现给他们的能量。对于你们一些没有接触过我们的信息的人来说,这个答案是很混淆的。但我们会帮助你了解这一切。
Who are you? We've called you Lemurians – old souls. We've described you as a Lightworker, and we've called you a "master." How many of you are really seeing the truths of the potential of why you came? So many say, "I'm so ordinary, I'm so normal, I'm too old – I've got too much to do. I'm busy."
你是谁?我们一直说你是利穆里亚人——老灵魂。我们说你是光之工作者,我们说你是 “大师”。你们有多少人真正懂得自己来到地球上的真正潜在性是什么呢?有那么多人说,“我很平凡,我很普通,我太老了——我有太多事情要做。我很忙。”
You see, you're in a land of plenty... a place called Colorado. It's beautiful and serene. It's a great place to live. I'll tell you something. You're in the one-half percent of the planet who doesn't have to go home hungry! Do you remember this daily? You have a vehicle to get into when you leave, and you won't freeze when you leave here. You'll go home to a bed with the warmth of family and friends. You think that's an accident? At the same time, you're living in an attribute of magnetics that supports enlightenment. You're not on the equator and you're not at the poles. You're in-between... in a balanced area. Do you think that's an accident? I'm telling you that there is something upon you - a mantle of purpose - an energy of responsibility - that cries out for you to take a little time every day and use the divinity you carry! Use it to exploit the quantumness of your relationship to the rest of the Human family. Do it just in your spare time and it will change the earth.
你瞧,你们是在丰裕的土地上……在科罗拉多这里。这片土地即美丽又宁静。它是个适合居住的好地方。我告诉你。你们是地球上 0.5 % 回到家无需挨饿的人!你们有每天这样提醒自己吗?你们有车子可以坐,所以离开时不会冻僵。你们回到家有温暖的床铺,有家人和朋友的关心。你认为这是偶然的吗?同时,你们生活在有利于觉悟的磁力地区。你们不是在赤道,也不是在两极。你们就在中间……在平衡的地区。你认为这是偶然的吗?我告诉你,在你们身上有一些特别的东西——追求理想的衣钵——履行责任的能量——在恳求你每天花一点时间来使用你身上的神性!使用它来开发你与其他人类家人之间的量子联系。你只需在闲暇时间这样做,它就会改变地球。
Some of you say you don't have any time. You have plenty of time! You know who doesn't have any spare time? It's the rest of humanity... the ones in survival mode, who are always hungry, and never have real time for themselves. That's the one that has no time, and that's most of the earth! They are busy trying to find food and shelter and warmth. But you have it... and that's no accident either. It's not an accident that you would sit here for a message like this.
Now, readership, if you have just picked up this book, that's not an accident either. Your two eyes on the page were expected, you know? I know who you are, and we are all here together... listener and reader. Yet for those in this place, they might say, "How could this be, Kryon? You are describing an event in the future as though it's happening now." Indeed! Because it's all tied into one quantum energy that is all wrapped up in one bundle. I know who's reading and I know who's listening. And you're not in survival mode either, reader. You could take a moment, couldn't you, maybe to send a light to those places that are the darkest on the planet? Perhaps this is why you are actually here on Earth? Now I'll tell you why that is especially profound right now.
呐,读者,如果你刚刚拿起这本书,这也不是偶然的。你的双眼在看着这一页是预料之中的,知道吗?我知道你是谁,我们全都在一起……聆听者和读者。但是对现场的人来说,他们会问,“这怎么可能呢,克里昂?你把未来事件说成好像正在发生一样。” 正是!因为所有事物都系在一起,成为一股量子能量,意思是全部捆成一束。我知道谁正在阅读,我也知道谁正在聆听。你也同样不是处在求生模式中,读者。你可以抽出一点时间,对吗,也许用来送光给地球上最黑暗的地区?也许这就是你会处在地球上的原因?现在我告诉你,为何那在此刻会显得尤其意义深远。
Before I start this teaching, I'm going to give this to you in somewhat backwards linearity. I'm going to give you the story that I would normally give you at the end of the message, but I'm giving it at the beginning. It will help to set up what I have to say. And if my partner will go slow and ponder these things clearly, it will be presented even better. [an admonishment to Lee to slow down his delivery]
The two travelers
Here is an old and set perception that you may apply to a person who goes on a journey. This traveler, this Human Being, this voyager, might depart his home with an idea of where he is going. So his actual reality, the way things work for him, is that he would have to be careful how far he went, because of the resources that he would obviously need to keep him alive. This is how you all travel. He would not stray too far away from where he knew there was food. If he was prone to health issues, he would not stray too far away from where he knew there was medical help. If he was a Lightworker, he would not stray too far away from other Lightworkers, for this is his support group for him when he needs it. So his journey might be tempered, guided, even directed, by where the resources are.
Now this description is very 3D, is it not? For you, you go where the planning takes you. You have to stop for food, and if there's no food, then you will have to go find it. If you have a health issue, you're going to have to go where there is either a facilitator or a hospital perhaps... someone who can help. You support one another and you lean on one another. This is all appropriate, but your path is often tempered and guided by where the resources are... even where those are who you might lean on. You don't even think about it. That's just the way of it. So you might say right now, "That's just normal life. What is the meaning of this example?" It's only meaningful when I give you another story to compare to it.
呐,这个描述是非常三维的,不是吗?对你们而言,你们会去那些规划中的地方。你们需要停下来进食,而如果那里没有食物,你就需要去寻找。如果你有健康问题,你就会去那些有医药便利或有医院的地方……总之是有人能提供协助的地方。你们互相支持也互相依赖。这一切都是恰当的,但你的旅途总是受到资源的所在地而牵引……甚至受到那些能够让你依靠的人的所在地而牵引。你连想都不用想。那只不过是事情的作法。所以现在你可能会说,“你说的只不过是平常生活。这个例子有什么意义?” 它只有在我讲出另一个故事来让你们比较时才会显得有意义。
I want to give you the situation of another voyager... the interdimensional traveler. He is a Human Being, just like you, except that he does not plan his journey based upon the resources around him. The reason is that he is aware that the resources are "in his pocket." Are you still with me? Counter-intuitively to the way things work for you, when he needs something, he stops, reaches into his pocket, and gets what he needs! The odd thing about this is that the moment before, there was nothing in his pocket!
我要告诉你们另一个旅行者的情况……跨维度旅行者。他是人类,就像你们,除了一点:他不会根据周围的资源来计划旅程。因为他知道资源 “就在他的口袋里”。你们还有在听吗?与你们的作法完全相反,当他需要某样东西时,他就停下,把手伸进口袋里,然后拿出那样东西!奇怪的是,在前一刻他的口袋还是空的!
Let me add to this quandary: Sometimes he needs things that are very big and yet his pockets are very small. After all, they're in his outfit...all he has with him. It doesn't seem to matter. Sometimes he extracts very large things from very small pockets! Doesn't make sense, does it? When circumstances beckon him in one direction or another, he simply goes in that direction. He doesn't stop to think about where the resources will be. He looks at the energy involved and the appropriateness of its being that way and he just goes. He's the interdimensional traveler, and some of you know him as a master.
Now, I'm going to stop there and begin the teaching. But I want you to remember these two kinds of stories... the two kinds of traveler, because it's going to represent an old and new kind of energy. But I want to give you information that I have never given before and I want to give you the rest of the puzzle.
Let the message begin
The big picture, as you have seen it and it has been described over these last years, involved the Harmonic Convergence in 1987. This has come to be known as the 11:11, a time of great shift and potential change. It was a time of agreement with other parts of yourselves on the other side of the veil - a planning session. All humanity that had been here and was going to come here was involved in this shift, not just those on the planet at the time. Therefore, it was a quantum decision and the pieces and parts of all of you, most of who were not actually on the planet, were polled. And this polled group decided to shift. And if that shifting process was going to work for you, new types of energy would have to be delivered to this planet... a lineage of activities and deliveries would have to occur in a certain order for other physical and non-physical attributes of Earth to be activated. It's these "other things" I wanted to tell you about. Every single thing I'm going to mention now I have mentioned in the past, but I have never put them together like this and it's time you heard it.
那幅宏观景象,正如你们所知道的那样,在过去这几年我们也曾经讲述过,它涉及 1987 年的 “和谐汇聚”。它在过后被称为 11:11 事件,是大蜕变和潜在性转变的时刻。那是你与你在帷幕另一边的其余部分达致协议的时刻——是一场规划会议。所有人类都参与了这场转变,包括那些曾经来过、即将来到的灵魂,不仅限于当时生活在地球上的人类而已。因此,它是一个量子决定,你们全部人的片段与部分,其中多数是不在地球上的能量,也投票了。这个群体投票决定要转变。如果要发生转变,新能量就必须被传送到地球上……一系列的活动和能量传送必须依序发生,才能使地球的其他物理和非物理特质都开始激活。这些 “其他事” 就是我想要讨论的内容。我现在所说的每一件事在过去都已经说过,但我从来没有把它们如此排列在一起来呈现,是时候让你们听到它了。
Immediately after the Harmonic Convergence, the energy began to shift and you got to see it. You got to see it on the politics of your Earth. We told you in 1989 that your Armageddon would not happen. For those who believed in prophesy, it should have been good news. But often, instead, it was confusing. Many didn't believe it. After all, it was prophesy and was "expected." But even after it did not happen, many were still confused and fearful. It's an odd thing about humanity. You would rather know about something bad coming up on your train track than to be told that the track had been taken away!
紧接在 “和谐汇聚” 之后,地球的能量就开始转变了,而你们也看到了。你们看到政治上的转变 [译注:指苏联解体]。在 1989 年我们说,世界末日不会发生。对于那些相信预言的人来说,这本应是个好消息。但往往,相反的,它却造成了困惑。很多人不相信。毕竟,这是预言,并且是在所有人 “预料之中” 的事。即使它最后没有发生,很多人依然感到困惑和恐惧。这是人性的奇怪之处。你情愿知道某件坏事正在你的火车轨道上迎向你,也不愿被告知火车轨道已经被移开了!
[ “和谐汇聚” 成功扭转地球命运,结果是苏联解体(避免了核战争)及世界末日预言落空,
Then my group arrived and gave you the information directly that the magnetic grid of the planet would shift greatly over 12 years, and it began to do so. Along the way, there was proof that it had, and even geologists knew it was so as they measured the magnetic shift – one that was greater than it had ever been. Then we started to give you the esoteric reasons as to why the grid was shifting, if you had paid attention. We told you it had to do with your DNA. If you were going to accomplish peace on Earth, if you were going to manifest the potential of what you felt was your purpose, this magnetic grid would have to shift, thus somehow changing the potential of your actual biological DNA. That's why the grid group came and did what it did.
然后我的团队抵达并直接给出地球磁力栅格会在 12 年间大幅度移动的信息,然后它就开始移动了。一路来都有证据证明磁栅的移动,就连地质学家在测量磁力转变时也发现了这件事——前所未有的大幅度转变。然后我们开始给出磁栅会移动的奥秘原因,如果你们有留意的话。我们说过,它与你们的 DNA 有关。如果你们要达致地球和平,如果你们要实现这个潜在性,你们认为这是你们的追求目标,那么磁力栅格就必须移动,才能改变人类真实的生物性 DNA 的潜力。那就是磁栅团队到来的原因,那就是它所做的事。
[磁栅移动改写人类 DNA 里的契约,详见:克里昂《磁栅与 DNA》]
Kryon did not arrive in 1989. I have always been here. The grid group arrived in 1989. They left in 2002. The magnetic adjustment was complete and then another lineage of happenings began to occur. These were things that some of you did not logically "line up" or think about. One of them, I believe most of humanity absolutely missed completely! [more in a moment] But they're all related. Every single one. Some of them contain the 11 energy... easy for you to see. The 11 energy is the energy of Kryon, which is also the energy of the shift. This is not new news. We gave it to you in 1989. It's also the energy of the grid group. It is also the energy of much of what has taken place on this planet up to now, and you can read that lineage of energy right in your current events. We also told you that the nine energy was its partner [Kryon Book One – 1989] and had the energy of "completion."
克里昂不是在 1989 年到来。我一直都在。磁栅团队在 1989 年到来,在 2002 年离开。磁力调整已经完成,然后另一系列事件开始发生。这些事件就是你们有些人无法在逻辑上 “连贯起来” 或是考虑得到的。其中有一件事,我相信绝大多数人完全忽略了它![等下还有更多]。但这些事件全都是有关联的。每一件事。有些事件含有 11 的能量……很容易看得出。11 的能量是克里昂的能量,也是转变的能量。这不是新的消息。我们在 1989 年就已经说过。它也是磁栅团队的能量。它也是至今大部分已经发生在地球上的事件的能量,你们可以在新闻事件发生之际就得知它的能量世系。我们也说过,9 的能量是它的同伴,并含有 “完成” 的能量 [克里昂书一(1989)]。
We have spoken of the Venus Transit. It represented a much-needed delivery to a very timeworn planet that really needed what it gave. It was organized and ordained. Some of you felt it was simply an astronomy event. Some of you felt it was an astrological event. Actually, it was an energy event! We told you what it was about when it was taking place. We said it would be an event to deliver feminine balance to the planet. It is one of the reasons why you're having so much political turmoil at the moment. The most macho of the leaders of the countries on this planet are the angriest at the moment. Did you notice? They're angry about a feminine balance that has occurred on this earth. It's intuitive anger – in the DNA – an anger about just being here and being uncomfortable. Watch for this. If they're going to throw missiles at one another, it's because it's a contest of masculinity, and they know they don't have much time before they lose control.
我们讲过 “金星凌日”。它代表一种紧急传递,对非常老朽的地球来说,它所传递的能量是地球迫切需要的。它是有组织和被任命的传递。你们有些人觉得它只不过是一场天文学事件。有些人觉得它是一场占星学事件。其实,它是能量事件!我们说过,它的发生是及时的。我们说,这个事件会把女性平衡能量传送到地球上。它就是你们此刻会遭遇如此多政治动荡的原因之一。地球上那些最有阳刚气概的国家的领袖,此刻感到最愤怒。你们有留意到吗?他们对地球上发生的女性平衡现象感到非常愤怒。那是潜意识里的愤怒——发自 DNA 里的怒火——愤怒身处在这个时代让他们感到非常拘束。留意这种现象。如果他们打算互相发射飞弹,那是因为他们要互相较劲阳刚气概,他们知道,在他们失去政权之前,他们能够互相较劲的时间所剩无几了。
[金星凌日传递 “爱与平衡” 的能量到地球上,详见:克里昂《金星凌日的赠礼》]
It all boils down to the masculine and the feminine balance. You may not equate the problems of the planet in that fashion, but that is the truth. The ones who will be the most affected by a feminine balance on this planet of male and female polarity are the ones who are out of balance. And if they're leading a country where it's supposed to be a male-dominated society, they're in trouble. And they are beginning to feel it. Look around. You'll see what I'm talking about. This masculine/feminine balance will be a key to a balanced Human Being. It's also the reason that the feminine energy will play such a major part of your upcoming election. Think that's an accident? It will be the first time in the history of your country. What a coincidence that it would happen just as the fires of masculine/feminine balance are applied!
That's not the news I wanted to give you, though. It's just the run-up and the history. There have been other things that have taken place in this lineage of happenings. The grid was complete. The Venus Transit came in. Next, the Harmonic Concordance was like a bookend to the Convergence. We've talked about that before. All of this represented a period of years where the shift was seen and began to be completed. To us, these things didn't necessarily happen in a linear order as they did for you, but in an order nevertheless... a kind of circle (in our thinking). And this circle of energy made way for something else.
然而,那不是我想要给你们的消息。那只是前奏和历史。在这一列事件当中有其他事情发生了。磁栅的移动完成了[2002]。金星凌日来到了[2004]。接着,“和谐整合” [2003] 就像是 “和谐汇聚” [1987] 的书靠一样来到了。我们之前说过。所有这些事件代表了一段连续几年的时间,这时转变开始变得明显并开始完成。对我们来说,这些事件未必需要在你们所看见的线性顺序中发生,但无论如何它们还是有顺序的……在某种圆圈中(在我们看来)。这个能量圆圈为其他事情创造了条件。
[ “和谐整合” 改写人类 DNA 的水晶记忆,详见:克里昂《和谐整合》]
One of the most profound energetic events that has ever happened on this planet took place recently, but most of you missed it. And I will tell you why. It's not because you were sleeping, or that perhaps you were not looking. But rather it's because, (1) you were not expecting it, and (2) if you had really seen it, you would not have believed it.
On March 5, 2005, a grand event occurred. Some saw it and named it. In Human language, I will give you the name. It was called the Paradise Matrix. I'll tell you what it was, and when I do, you'll know why the grid was shifted and more about the set up. The Paradise Matrix, on March 5, 2005, I will call "Ascension Day." It was a moment in time, yet out of time, when all of the masters who had ever lived on this planet came back to Gaia. They returned.
在 2005 年 3 月 5 日,一个重大事件发生了。有些人知道它,并给它取了名字。用人类的语言,我会给出那个名字。它叫做 “天堂矩阵”。我会解释它是怎么回事,如此一来,你们就了解为什么磁栅会被移动,也更了解这些事件的能量设置。“天堂矩阵”,发生在 2005 年 3 月 5 日,我会称那一天为 “扬升日”。那是片刻的时间,却也是超越时间的,当时全部曾经生活在地球上的大师都回归盖娅了。他们回来了。
If you recall, most of them had said they were coming back in some form or another, and their time of return would be when peace on Earth was imminent! This promise of return, for all of them, has now been fulfilled. They're here right now - oh, not their biological bodies, but their combined consciousness.
This combined ascension consciousness resides perfectly on a tuned magnetic grid, one that took 12 years to accomplish. And that perfectly tuned magnetic grid was created so that this master energy could reside upon it. As they reside upon it, the energy that it generates is then transferred to your DNA as a potential of manifestation.
这个联合的扬升意识完美地驻留于调整好的磁力栅格之上,就是那用了 12 年才完成的磁栅。而那完美调整的磁栅就是为了让大师能量驻留于它之上而造的。当大师们驻留于磁栅之上时,它所产生的能量接着会被转移到你们的 DNA 里,作为显现大师能量的潜力。
Let me define some of this. The grid's energetic shift was like a "bed" that was then prepared for this master energy. The master energy was then delivered on March 5, 2005, to complete the grid's purpose, 27 months after it was prepared. It has become a catalyst that allows the grid to work as a master transmitter to your DNA. This information that is transmitted, however, is only that... an interdimensional transmission. You are the receiver, and through free choice, you can now "tune in" or not to this beautiful, balanced energy. Can you see how it now "shakes hands" with the Venus Transit?
让我来说明一下。在能量上,磁栅移动就像是为这股大师能量而准备好的 “床铺”。然后大师能量在 2005 年 3 月 5 日被传播到地球上,来达成磁栅的目的,在移动完成的 27 个月之后。磁栅移动成了一种催化剂,它允许磁栅把大师能量传播到你们的 DNA。无论如何,这个被传播的信息,只是……一场跨维度的广播。你们就是接收器,通过自由选择,你们现在能 “收听” 到这股美丽、平衡的能量,或者不要。现在你能看见它是如何与金星凌日 “握手” 了吗?
Here's what I'm telling you. In 1987 (the 11:11), you made a decision to create the impossible. Can you really have peace on Earth? Look around you. Does it look like you're going to be successful? [many are saying "no."] Well, this entity thinks so! Because I see what's cooking "under the hood." The magnetic grid of this planet has the attributes right now of mastery, and that's why it was shifted and that's why it was created. This is news we never shared... the real purpose of the grid shift was all about Ascension Day. It's now perfectly tuned for DNA reception in the Human Being. Remember, Human DNA has its own magnetic field. The actual attributes of DNA are as a loop, and this loop creates a magnetic field. This field has been noticed recently within your own science [Dr. Vladimir Poponin], and even has been said to be a quantum field. Therefore, it's no longer an esoteric stretch of your imagination to see that your Earth's magnetic field can affect your DNA through electrical inductance... the name given when two magnetic fields interact with each other to create a shift in attributes.
这就是我所说的事。在 1987 年 [11:11 事件],你们决定要创造奇迹。你们真的能达致地球和平吗?看看周围。情况看来像是你们会成功吗?[很多人说 “不”]。嗯,我认为会!因为我看见 “在炉罩下” 烹煮的东西。地球的磁力栅格此刻拥有大师特质,那就是它被移动的原因,那就是它被创造的原因。这是我们没有讲过的消息……磁栅移动的真正目的全是为了那 “扬升日”。磁栅现在已经调整得很完美,让人体内的 DNA 能够接收到那股扬升能量。请记住,人类 DNA 拥有本身的磁场。DNA 的本质就像是一个线圈,这个线圈形成了一个磁场。最近这个磁场已经在你们的科学实验中被观察到 [弗拉迪米尔.琶普宁博士],它甚至被认为是一个量子场域。因此,地球磁场通过电磁感应来影响你的 DNA,这种说法,再也不是奥秘的想象;当两个磁场互相交会时所产生的质变,就是电磁感应。
The Human Being is now being given permission to allow this shift to begin changing the DNA in his body – through free choice. You see, not all of the things that are happening are invisible, and some might even start making some sense. The ironic thing here is that these changes were foretold within the calendars of your most ancient races!
人类现在能够允许这场转变来开始改变他体内的 DNA——通过自由选择。你瞧,那些正在发生的事情并不全都是无形的,有些甚至开始显得有明确的意义。讽刺的是,这些转变早就预示在那些最古老民族的历法中了!
There's something else coming. We don't talk about it much. It was mentioned in 1999, yet few speak of it. There is a date coming of September 9, 2007, that is a marker point. Dates given by Spirit indicate a center point of change. It's a shift potential and not a "happening" where you can get out your lawn chair and watch something [Kryon humor]. So these dates we give you are broad-spectrum energy shift markers, and not appointments to observe an event.
还有其他事情正在到来。我们很少讲到它。在 1999 年我们讲过一次,但是我们没有透露太多。有一个日期正在到来,那是 2007 年 9 月 9 日,它是一个标记点。圣灵所给出的日期标示着转变的中心点。它是转变的潜力,而不是一个 “事件” 能让你拉出你的草坪躺椅来看热闹[克里昂式幽默]。所以我们给出的这些日期就是广义的能量转变的标记点,而不是预约你们来观看某些事件。
September 9, 2007, is when the Indigo Children of this earth get their "plan." We had to wait until there were enough of them, and there are so many now... more Indigo than not. Some of them are now young adults. You'll find them in far away places, too. There's a whole group of them in Iran. Did you know that? You haven't heard from them yet, but you will. September 9, 2007, is when they all get their plan. This "plan" is a universal delivery of energy to the new consciousness of children on the planet. As my partner said, this is not a "flash bulb" experience. It won't happen all at once. It is something that will gradually occur and you will see a shift in attitude. Some of you won't like it, but you'll know they're somehow organized.
2007 年 9 月 9 日,就是地球上的靛蓝儿童得知他们的 “计划” 的时刻。我们必须等到他们有足够的人数,现在他们的人数已经够多了……靛蓝比其他人更多。他们有些人现在是年轻的成年人。你们也会在那些遥远的地方发现他们。他们有一整群人在伊朗。你们知道这一点吗?你们目前还没有听到他们的消息,但很快就会了。2007 年 9 月 9 日,就是他们全部人得知他们的计划的时刻。这个 “计划” 是对地球上的新意识儿童的全球能量传播。就如我的伙伴所说的,这不是 “闪光灯” 般的经历。它不会在同一时刻发生。它会逐步发生,你们会看见态度的转变。你们有些人会不喜欢这种现象,但你会知道,年轻人正在以某种方式组织起来。
Many will wonder what kind of energetic organization would cause such a thing and then you'll realize it is a consciousness shift and now they have their collective purpose. So the "organization" is that their "plan" is beginning to be intuitively felt by them. As in all these things, all of them have free choice and may do what they wish, but you will see a slow and collective movement of the young people of Earth to create some very unusual moves that will fly in the face of what you may feel is current wisdom or logic.
很多人会想要知道,是什么活跃的组织造成了这种转变,然后你们会知道它是意识的转变,现在他们拥有了集体的追求目标。所以那个 “组织” 是,他们的 “计划” 开始在直觉上被他们感知得到。在这一切事情当中,他们全部人都拥有自由选择去做他们想要做的事,但你们会看见一个缓慢和集体的行动,地球上的年轻人会做出极不寻常的举动,它会违反你们所认定的当前的智慧或逻辑。
Don't be shocked and surprised if they tweak governments, set up things that seemingly are impossible, buck the systems, and throw out some sacred rules – because this is the only way The New Jerusalem can be created. The old paradigm must go. You'll find them in Palestine, Israel and you'll find them in Jordan and Syria. You'll find them in the Emirates and in Kuwait, and you'll find them in Iraq and Iran. I mention all of these places because they are the places that this congregation may think they couldn't exist. These are the places where the Indigos are going to make the biggest difference. We give you the date as the beginning of their plan. It is not when they will make the affect. But watch, for there will be things to see. There always are.
不要震惊和讶异,如果他们改变政府、建立看似不可能的事情、反抗制度、抛弃某些神圣规则——因为这是 “新的耶路撒冷” [隐喻地球和平] 能够被创造出来的唯一途径。旧模式必须去除。你会发现他们在巴勒斯坦和以色列、在约旦和叙利亚。你会发现他们在阿拉伯酋长国和科威特、在伊拉克和伊朗。我提到所有这些地方,因为那是群众认为他们不可能存在的地方。这些地方就是靛蓝们会带来最大改变的地方。我们给出的是他们的计划开始的日期,不是他们带来改变的时刻。但要注意,那里会有事情发生。那里总是有事情在发生。
Now I want to return to my initial story about the journey.
Within the magnetic grid of this planet, at the moment, are all the returned ascended masters. They are all one energy and do not representing a segmented group of religious thought. They're all one energy without separation. Every single Human Being in this room and reading this has free choice to accept this or not to accept it, to go into certain ways and methods of their own processing or not. But the information is profound, and you may consider what it might mean to you as you analyze it.
When you read the stories of the masters who walked this planet, were you impressed? Let me tell you what it feels like, Human Being, to be a master. You're walking along a path and you say, "It's time for a resource" [like food] and you look down and it's in your pocket! Then you say, "I knew that. I expected that." Pretty soon, you expect what you need to be at your doorstep when you need it, then you realize you're creating it as you go. It's a process filled with mystery to many, but to others it's the way the Universe works.
当你阅读那些曾经行走于地球上的大师生平时,你会感到钦佩吗?让我告诉你,人类,身为大师是什么感觉的。你走在一条路上,你说,“是时候拥有一种资源了” [例如食物] 然后你往下看,它就在你的口袋里!然后你说,“我早就知道。在我预料之中。” 很快的,你会发现你所需要的东西会适时出现在你门外的台阶上,接着你知道你是一路都在创造着它。对许多人来说,这是充满大师色彩的过程,但对其他人来说,这是宇宙的运作方式。
Blessed is the Human Being who, when they find out they have a disease raging in their body, does not go into fear and panic, does not call all of their friends for help, but who instead, looks down and says, "I'm so glad that I've got my pocket. Because that's where the healing is... it's already with me." Masters are a bastion unto themselves, a complete system without outside assistance. But the true master understands that his resource is the collective energy of everything, and therefore is "known by God." He is then part of God, and therefore has the resources built in.
有福的是那些人类,当他们发现疾病在他们体内肆虐时,他们没有陷入恐惧和惊慌中,没有叫所有朋友来帮忙,反而往下看并说,“我很高兴我拥有我的口袋。因为疗愈就在这里……它已经和我在一起。” 大师是他们自己的堡垒,他们本身就是一个完整的系统,无需外部援助。但是真正的大师了解,他的资源是万物的集体能量,因此是 “为神所知” 的。他也是神的片段,因此他拥有内置的资源。
Blessed is the Human Being who wonders, "Shall I go here, or shall I go there," yet never ponders about the resources along the way. "Good thing I've got my pockets," he says, as he walks into the unknown. How many are here who will be responsible for that kind of energy?
有福的是那些人类,他们想知道,“我应该去这里,还是应该去那里,” 却从来没有考虑过路途上的资源。“好在我拥有我的口袋,” 在走入未知的旅途时,他这么说。这里有多少人会持有那种能量呢?
"Kryon, this doesn't sound right. Do you mean that eventually every Human on this planet is going to be a master?" No, but there will be enough of you master-craftsmen who will recognize the tool kit that's been presented before you. Then you will start learning how to use it. The tool kit is on the grid, you see? It's in place and ready. It's time for you to start the building process, and how many of you can do that? It is counter-intuitive to the way Human perception works, yet some of you are going to begin the process.
“克里昂,听起来有点不对。你是说,最终地球上每个人都会成为大师吗?” 不是,但你们会有足够多的人成为大师-工匠,你们会认出呈现在你们眼前的工具箱。然后你们会开始学习如何使用它。工具箱就在磁栅上,你瞧?它已经在适当的位置准备好。你们是时候开始那个建造过程了,你们有多少人能够这样做呢?它完全违反人类的思维模式,但你们有些人会开始这个过程。
You heard the stories, perhaps, in your own culture, of the loaves and the fishes? Could that have been real? Oh, yes. It was. And this kind of situation is duplicated every day in parts of India. Did you know that? It's a process of seemingly creating something out of nothing. That's what's in a master's pocket! Blessed is that Human whose journey from now on will not be based upon where the resources are, but instead upon the passion of where he wishes to go, no matter what. For the Universe follows him with the resources always ready.
在你们本身的文化中,也许,你们曾经听过 “五饼二鱼” 的故事?[耶稣以五饼二鱼喂饱超过五千人] 那有可能是真的吗?哦,是的。是真的。这种情形每天都在印度的一些地区重复上演。你们知道吗?它看似一个 “从什么都没有当中弄出点东西” 的过程。那就是大师口袋里的东西!有福的是那个人类,他的旅途从今以后不再受限于资源的所在地,相反的,那是基于他本身的热爱、他真正想要去的目的地,无需顾虑。因为宇宙会跟随他的脚步,资源永远会为他而准备妥当。
Do you find the story of the Israeli's in the desert a myth? They were fed every day – all the tribes – for 40 years. Where did the food come from? Could this have been real, or perhaps (you might say), it's a myth? The fact is that they followed a master, and his pockets were deep indeed with universal truth, appropriateness and wisdom. History actually shows you how this worked.
你们认为以色列人在荒漠中的故事是个神话吗?他们每天都被喂饱——所有部落——连续 40 年。食物是从哪里来的?[摩西带领以色列人出埃及脱离奴役,在西奈沙漠流浪了40 年,那里没有食物,耶和华每天降下‘吗哪’果子给他们吃]。这有可能是真的吗,或者(你们会说),那是个神话?事实就是,他们跟随了一位大师,而大师的口袋真的非常深,装满了宇宙真相、恰当性和智慧。历史其实已经显示给你们看这是怎么办到的。
There are those in this room who've experienced this. Some of them have experienced it in a mild fashion, and others have lived their lives by it. But for all of these, this new energy on the grid will be enhanced beyond what you think, even beyond what you've experienced so far. There are some in this room who have accomplished things that would have been thwarted if they had stopped to look for the resources before they began. The 3D perception of "where will the resources come from?" would have stopped them, but it didn't. It's because they looked down and said, "It's a good thing I've got this pocket here."
这里有些人经历过这种事。有些人以温和的方式经历它,其他人是靠这种方式过活。但是为了让这一切得以发生,磁栅上的这股新能量会被增强得超过你们的想象,甚至超过你们至今为止所经历过的任何东西。这间房里有些人完成了一些事情,如果当初他们在开始前停下来寻找资源的话,这些事情就会受到阻碍。“资源会从哪里来?” 的这种三维思想会阻挡他们前进,但这没有发生。因为他们往下看并说,“好在我有这个口袋在这里。”
Can we make it any clearer, masters? There are a few of you who are going to do this. However, the invitation is there for all of you to take whatever part of this that seems right. What was not ready before is now prepared. All this represents a new paradigm – a new shift. And the Indigos, well, some of them already know about it, intuitively. Some of them are already using this new paradigm... and this explains their frustration with you, who have to be so close to your resources. And that's the message, that this process of tuning the planet for your journey is continuing, and ever shifting, and yes... improving your chances for a peaceful Earth in the places that are in need the most.
It's a grand place, this earth. The play that unfolds is starting to get interesting. You're right on schedule and some of the biggest challenges of the planet are yet to come. And that's why you're here, Lighthouse. I'll say it again. Lighthouses are never built in safe areas, and that's why you're here. Strike the light! You're going to need it. But this is not bad news, anymore than news of a dark, cold night with high winds. It's part of what you do, you know? It's what you came here for. And it will pass soon. You are the ones who can make the difference right now, while the darkness rages.
There is a quantum connection between you and the Israelis, and you and the Palestinians. If you choose to understand and use this connection, you can send light to them so that, indeed, they will see their purpose on Earth and make the adjustments that are needed. We have foreseen things in the Middle East that will fly in the face of logic - even the logic of the protocol of their lineage. How will they accomplish this? Light from you! Can you do that? Send light there and watch the shifts occur. Pick up this tool kit and begin the personal shift right where you sit.
在你们和以色列人之间、在你们和巴勒斯坦人之间,存在着一种量子连结。如果你选择理解和使用这种连结,你就可以送光给他们,那么,真的,他们就会看见他们在地球上的目的,并作出需要的调整。我们已经预见中东会发生一些违反逻辑的事情 [译注:应该是指 2011 中东北非茉莉花革命]——甚至违反他们世袭协议的逻辑。他们会怎么完成这种事呢?就是以你们的光!你们能这样做吗?送光到那里去,并观看这场转变的发生。提起这个工具箱,直接在你坐着的地方开始进行个人转变。
Remember this day as a turning point, an epiphany of what you really came to do. And if you can do this, I'll be by your side celebrating, applauding, and washing your feet, because that's why I'm here. I am in love with humanity. And so it is.
记住今天是一个转捩点,它显现你们真正到来的目的。而如果你们能做得到 [达致地球和平],我会在你们身边庆贺、鼓掌、并为你们洗脚,因为那就是我会在这里的原因。我深爱着人类。那么就这样吧。
克里昂《2006 年的新信息》
克里昂《2008 年——新的能量》
克里昂 Recalibration 《重新校准》系列信息(2012)
克里昂 《宏观景象——你们并不孤立!》(2012)
Earth’s Inconstant Magnetic Field
Scientists have long known that the magnetic pole moves. James Ross located the pole for the first time in 1831 after an exhausting arctic journey during which his ship got stuck in the ice for four years. In 1904, Roald Amundsen found the pole again and discovered that it had moved--at least 50 km since the days of Ross.
科学家在很久以前就知道地球磁极在移动。在 1831 年,詹姆士.罗斯在一次筋疲力尽的北极探险中,首次找出磁北极的位置。当时他的探险船被困在冰海中四年。在 1904 年,罗尔德.亚猛森再次找到磁北极,并发现它已经移动了——比罗斯那时候至少移动了 50 公里。
The pole kept going during the 20th century, north at an average speed of 10 km per year, lately accelerating "to 40 km per year," says Newitt. At this rate it will exit North America and reach Siberia in a few decades.
磁北极在 20 世纪一直延续着它的移动,它平均以每年 10 公里的速度往北移,最近加速 “至每年 40 公里,” 纽伊特说。以这种速率磁北极会在接下来数十年间离开北美洲并抵达纬度更高的西伯利亚。
Keeping track of the north magnetic pole is Newitt's job. "We usually go out and check its location once every few years," he says. "We'll have to make more trips now that it is moving so quickly."
追踪磁北极的位置是纽伊特的工作。“我们通常每隔几年就会外出追踪它的位置,” 他说。“现在因为它以加快的速度移动,所以我们也必须多走几趟。”
NASA: 《Earth’s Inconstant Magnetic Field》 12.29.03
“五饼二鱼” 是圣经所记载耶稣在世时所行的一件神迹,发生于有一天约有五千男子(另有不知数量的妇女和孩子)在野地里聚集听耶稣讲道,耶稣也治好了当中的病人,到黄昏时,门徒恳请耶稣叫众人散开到村子里买他们自己的食物,但耶稣却叫门徒供应吃的给众人,这顿饭给门徒出了一道难题。因为人数既然这么多,门徒何来这么多的钱买食物供给众人呢?当时有一个孩童,带着五个大麦饼和两条鱼,他本来可以留给自己吃,或与自己的家人分吃,但他却把 “五饼二鱼” 贡献出来,交给耶稣。当时众门徒都认为 “五饼二鱼” 分给五千人,每人只有一小点,如何得饱呢?但耶稣却吩咐门徒去请众人一排一排的坐下,每排大约五十人。耶稣便拿起饼和鱼来望着天祝谢,擘开,递给门徒,再分给众人。奇妙地,众人都按着所需要的分吃,吃饱之后,耶稣吩咐门徒收集零碎的,免得有糟蹋时,竟装满了十二个篮子。这是一个重要的神迹,四卷福音书都分别把它记述下来(太14:13-21;可6:35-44;路9:10-17;约6:1-14)。
3)耶和华连续 40 年降下 ‘吗哪’ 喂饱以色列人
在经历了 430 年的奴隶生活后,在民族英雄摩西的率领下,宁死不屈的犹太人扶老携幼,赶着牛马破车,烟尘滚滚地向着东方的故乡迦南进发。这一走,就是整整 40 年!出埃及的第七个星期,以色列人进入了浩瀚的西奈沙漠,这里,没有水,没有食物,没有绿色,甚至没有路,头上是炎炎烈日,脚下是滚烫的沙砾,迎面而来的是狂飚般的沙暴,背后是亚马力人的骚扰攻击,这一切使刚从风景秀丽的尼罗河畔走来的以色列人感受到的只是恐惧,惶惶不可终日。他们不时停下沉重的脚步,仰问苍天:上帝啊,你许诺的圣地究竟在哪里?
耶和华于是应许摩西将要赐食物予以色列人。当天晚上,耶和华开始降吗哪给他们吃,从那一天开始,以色列民一连吃了 40 年,从不间断。通常会一连降六天,只是在安息日停降一日,让百姓遵守安息日,因此第六天所降的,会是双倍分量。头五天所降的,必须即日吃完,否则留到早上,便会生虫变臭;第六天所降的,则可留至第二天也不变坏。直到约书亚带领百姓过了约旦河,到达迦南地,并且吃了迦南地的出产之后,才停止降下。
4)DNA 的磁场
《The DNA PHANTOM EFFECT: Direct Measurement of A New Field in the Vacuum Substructure》
《DNA 幻场效应:在真空根基上直接测量一个新的场域》
Then my group arrived and gave you the information directly that the magnetic grid of the planet would shift greatly over 12 years, and it began to do so. Along the way, there was proof that it had, and even geologists knew it was so as they measured the magnetic shift – one that was greater than it had ever been. Then we started to give you the esoteric reasons as to why the grid was shifting, if you had paid attention. We told you it had to do with your DNA. If you were going to accomplish peace on Earth, if you were going to manifest the potential of what you felt was your purpose, this magnetic grid would have to shift, thus somehow changing the potential of your actual biological DNA. That's why the grid group came and did what it did.
然后我的团队抵达并直接给出地球磁力栅格会在 12 年间大幅度移动的信息,然后它就开始移动了。一路来都有证据证明磁栅的移动,就连地质学家在测量磁力转变时也发现了这件事——前所未有的大幅度转变。然后我们开始给出磁栅会移动的奥秘原因,如果你们有留意的话。我们说过,它与你们的 DNA 有关。如果你们要达致地球和平,如果你们要实现这个潜在性,你们认为这是你们的追求目标,那么磁力栅格就必须移动,才能改变人类真实的生物性 DNA 的潜力。那就是磁栅团队到来的原因,那就是它所做的事。
[磁栅移动改写人类 DNA 里的契约,详见:克里昂《磁栅与 DNA》]
Kryon did not arrive in 1989. I have always been here. The grid group arrived in 1989. They left in 2002. The magnetic adjustment was complete and then another lineage of happenings began to occur. These were things that some of you did not logically "line up" or think about. One of them, I believe most of humanity absolutely missed completely! [more in a moment] But they're all related. Every single one. Some of them contain the 11 energy... easy for you to see. The 11 energy is the energy of Kryon, which is also the energy of the shift. This is not new news. We gave it to you in 1989. It's also the energy of the grid group. It is also the energy of much of what has taken place on this planet up to now, and you can read that lineage of energy right in your current events. We also told you that the nine energy was its partner [Kryon Book One – 1989] and had the energy of "completion."
克里昂不是在 1989 年到来。我一直都在。磁栅团队在 1989 年到来,在 2002 年离开。磁力调整已经完成,然后另一系列事件开始发生。这些事件就是你们有些人无法在逻辑上 “连贯起来” 或是考虑得到的。其中有一件事,我相信绝大多数人完全忽略了它![等下还有更多]。但这些事件全都是有关联的。每一件事。有些事件含有 11 的能量……很容易看得出。11 的能量是克里昂的能量,也是转变的能量。这不是新的消息。我们在 1989 年就已经说过。它也是磁栅团队的能量。它也是至今大部分已经发生在地球上的事件的能量,你们可以在新闻事件发生之际就得知它的能量世系。我们也说过,9 的能量是它的同伴,并含有 “完成” 的能量 [克里昂书一(1989)]。
We have spoken of the Venus Transit. It represented a much-needed delivery to a very timeworn planet that really needed what it gave. It was organized and ordained. Some of you felt it was simply an astronomy event. Some of you felt it was an astrological event. Actually, it was an energy event! We told you what it was about when it was taking place. We said it would be an event to deliver feminine balance to the planet. It is one of the reasons why you're having so much political turmoil at the moment. The most macho of the leaders of the countries on this planet are the angriest at the moment. Did you notice? They're angry about a feminine balance that has occurred on this earth. It's intuitive anger – in the DNA – an anger about just being here and being uncomfortable. Watch for this. If they're going to throw missiles at one another, it's because it's a contest of masculinity, and they know they don't have much time before they lose control.
我们讲过 “金星凌日”。它代表一种紧急传递,对非常老朽的地球来说,它所传递的能量是地球迫切需要的。它是有组织和被任命的传递。你们有些人觉得它只不过是一场天文学事件。有些人觉得它是一场占星学事件。其实,它是能量事件!我们说过,它的发生是及时的。我们说,这个事件会把女性平衡能量传送到地球上。它就是你们此刻会遭遇如此多政治动荡的原因之一。地球上那些最有阳刚气概的国家的领袖,此刻感到最愤怒。你们有留意到吗?他们对地球上发生的女性平衡现象感到非常愤怒。那是潜意识里的愤怒——发自 DNA 里的怒火——愤怒身处在这个时代让他们感到非常拘束。留意这种现象。如果他们打算互相发射飞弹,那是因为他们要互相较劲阳刚气概,他们知道,在他们失去政权之前,他们能够互相较劲的时间所剩无几了。
[金星凌日传递 “爱与平衡” 的能量到地球上,详见:克里昂《金星凌日的赠礼》]
It all boils down to the masculine and the feminine balance. You may not equate the problems of the planet in that fashion, but that is the truth. The ones who will be the most affected by a feminine balance on this planet of male and female polarity are the ones who are out of balance. And if they're leading a country where it's supposed to be a male-dominated society, they're in trouble. And they are beginning to feel it. Look around. You'll see what I'm talking about. This masculine/feminine balance will be a key to a balanced Human Being. It's also the reason that the feminine energy will play such a major part of your upcoming election. Think that's an accident? It will be the first time in the history of your country. What a coincidence that it would happen just as the fires of masculine/feminine balance are applied!
That's not the news I wanted to give you, though. It's just the run-up and the history. There have been other things that have taken place in this lineage of happenings. The grid was complete. The Venus Transit came in. Next, the Harmonic Concordance was like a bookend to the Convergence. We've talked about that before. All of this represented a period of years where the shift was seen and began to be completed. To us, these things didn't necessarily happen in a linear order as they did for you, but in an order nevertheless... a kind of circle (in our thinking). And this circle of energy made way for something else.
然而,那不是我想要给你们的消息。那只是前奏和历史。在这一列事件当中有其他事情发生了。磁栅的移动完成了[2002]。金星凌日来到了[2004]。接着,“和谐整合” [2003] 就像是 “和谐汇聚” [1987] 的书靠一样来到了。我们之前说过。所有这些事件代表了一段连续几年的时间,这时转变开始变得明显并开始完成。对我们来说,这些事件未必需要在你们所看见的线性顺序中发生,但无论如何它们还是有顺序的……在某种圆圈中(在我们看来)。这个能量圆圈为其他事情创造了条件。
[ “和谐整合” 改写人类 DNA 的水晶记忆,详见:克里昂《和谐整合》]
One of the most profound energetic events that has ever happened on this planet took place recently, but most of you missed it. And I will tell you why. It's not because you were sleeping, or that perhaps you were not looking. But rather it's because, (1) you were not expecting it, and (2) if you had really seen it, you would not have believed it.
On March 5, 2005, a grand event occurred. Some saw it and named it. In Human language, I will give you the name. It was called the Paradise Matrix. I'll tell you what it was, and when I do, you'll know why the grid was shifted and more about the set up. The Paradise Matrix, on March 5, 2005, I will call "Ascension Day." It was a moment in time, yet out of time, when all of the masters who had ever lived on this planet came back to Gaia. They returned.
在 2005 年 3 月 5 日,一个重大事件发生了。有些人知道它,并给它取了名字。用人类的语言,我会给出那个名字。它叫做 “天堂矩阵”。我会解释它是怎么回事,如此一来,你们就了解为什么磁栅会被移动,也更了解这些事件的能量设置。“天堂矩阵”,发生在 2005 年 3 月 5 日,我会称那一天为 “扬升日”。那是片刻的时间,却也是超越时间的,当时全部曾经生活在地球上的大师都回归盖娅了。他们回来了。
If you recall, most of them had said they were coming back in some form or another, and their time of return would be when peace on Earth was imminent! This promise of return, for all of them, has now been fulfilled. They're here right now - oh, not their biological bodies, but their combined consciousness.
This combined ascension consciousness resides perfectly on a tuned magnetic grid, one that took 12 years to accomplish. And that perfectly tuned magnetic grid was created so that this master energy could reside upon it. As they reside upon it, the energy that it generates is then transferred to your DNA as a potential of manifestation.
这个联合的扬升意识完美地驻留于调整好的磁力栅格之上,就是那用了 12 年才完成的磁栅。而那完美调整的磁栅就是为了让大师能量驻留于它之上而造的。当大师们驻留于磁栅之上时,它所产生的能量接着会被转移到你们的 DNA 里,作为显现大师能量的潜力。
Let me define some of this. The grid's energetic shift was like a "bed" that was then prepared for this master energy. The master energy was then delivered on March 5, 2005, to complete the grid's purpose, 27 months after it was prepared. It has become a catalyst that allows the grid to work as a master transmitter to your DNA. This information that is transmitted, however, is only that... an interdimensional transmission. You are the receiver, and through free choice, you can now "tune in" or not to this beautiful, balanced energy. Can you see how it now "shakes hands" with the Venus Transit?
让我来说明一下。在能量上,磁栅移动就像是为这股大师能量而准备好的 “床铺”。然后大师能量在 2005 年 3 月 5 日被传播到地球上,来达成磁栅的目的,在移动完成的 27 个月之后。磁栅移动成了一种催化剂,它允许磁栅把大师能量传播到你们的 DNA。无论如何,这个被传播的信息,只是……一场跨维度的广播。你们就是接收器,通过自由选择,你们现在能 “收听” 到这股美丽、平衡的能量,或者不要。现在你能看见它是如何与金星凌日 “握手” 了吗?
Here's what I'm telling you. In 1987 (the 11:11), you made a decision to create the impossible. Can you really have peace on Earth? Look around you. Does it look like you're going to be successful? [many are saying "no."] Well, this entity thinks so! Because I see what's cooking "under the hood." The magnetic grid of this planet has the attributes right now of mastery, and that's why it was shifted and that's why it was created. This is news we never shared... the real purpose of the grid shift was all about Ascension Day. It's now perfectly tuned for DNA reception in the Human Being. Remember, Human DNA has its own magnetic field. The actual attributes of DNA are as a loop, and this loop creates a magnetic field. This field has been noticed recently within your own science [Dr. Vladimir Poponin], and even has been said to be a quantum field. Therefore, it's no longer an esoteric stretch of your imagination to see that your Earth's magnetic field can affect your DNA through electrical inductance... the name given when two magnetic fields interact with each other to create a shift in attributes.
这就是我所说的事。在 1987 年 [11:11 事件],你们决定要创造奇迹。你们真的能达致地球和平吗?看看周围。情况看来像是你们会成功吗?[很多人说 “不”]。嗯,我认为会!因为我看见 “在炉罩下” 烹煮的东西。地球的磁力栅格此刻拥有大师特质,那就是它被移动的原因,那就是它被创造的原因。这是我们没有讲过的消息……磁栅移动的真正目的全是为了那 “扬升日”。磁栅现在已经调整得很完美,让人体内的 DNA 能够接收到那股扬升能量。请记住,人类 DNA 拥有本身的磁场。DNA 的本质就像是一个线圈,这个线圈形成了一个磁场。最近这个磁场已经在你们的科学实验中被观察到 [弗拉迪米尔.琶普宁博士],它甚至被认为是一个量子场域。因此,地球磁场通过电磁感应来影响你的 DNA,这种说法,再也不是奥秘的想象;当两个磁场互相交会时所产生的质变,就是电磁感应。
The Human Being is now being given permission to allow this shift to begin changing the DNA in his body – through free choice. You see, not all of the things that are happening are invisible, and some might even start making some sense. The ironic thing here is that these changes were foretold within the calendars of your most ancient races!
人类现在能够允许这场转变来开始改变他体内的 DNA——通过自由选择。你瞧,那些正在发生的事情并不全都是无形的,有些甚至开始显得有明确的意义。讽刺的是,这些转变早就预示在那些最古老民族的历法中了!
There's something else coming. We don't talk about it much. It was mentioned in 1999, yet few speak of it. There is a date coming of September 9, 2007, that is a marker point. Dates given by Spirit indicate a center point of change. It's a shift potential and not a "happening" where you can get out your lawn chair and watch something [Kryon humor]. So these dates we give you are broad-spectrum energy shift markers, and not appointments to observe an event.
还有其他事情正在到来。我们很少讲到它。在 1999 年我们讲过一次,但是我们没有透露太多。有一个日期正在到来,那是 2007 年 9 月 9 日,它是一个标记点。圣灵所给出的日期标示着转变的中心点。它是转变的潜力,而不是一个 “事件” 能让你拉出你的草坪躺椅来看热闹[克里昂式幽默]。所以我们给出的这些日期就是广义的能量转变的标记点,而不是预约你们来观看某些事件。
September 9, 2007, is when the Indigo Children of this earth get their "plan." We had to wait until there were enough of them, and there are so many now... more Indigo than not. Some of them are now young adults. You'll find them in far away places, too. There's a whole group of them in Iran. Did you know that? You haven't heard from them yet, but you will. September 9, 2007, is when they all get their plan. This "plan" is a universal delivery of energy to the new consciousness of children on the planet. As my partner said, this is not a "flash bulb" experience. It won't happen all at once. It is something that will gradually occur and you will see a shift in attitude. Some of you won't like it, but you'll know they're somehow organized.
2007 年 9 月 9 日,就是地球上的靛蓝儿童得知他们的 “计划” 的时刻。我们必须等到他们有足够的人数,现在他们的人数已经够多了……靛蓝比其他人更多。他们有些人现在是年轻的成年人。你们也会在那些遥远的地方发现他们。他们有一整群人在伊朗。你们知道这一点吗?你们目前还没有听到他们的消息,但很快就会了。2007 年 9 月 9 日,就是他们全部人得知他们的计划的时刻。这个 “计划” 是对地球上的新意识儿童的全球能量传播。就如我的伙伴所说的,这不是 “闪光灯” 般的经历。它不会在同一时刻发生。它会逐步发生,你们会看见态度的转变。你们有些人会不喜欢这种现象,但你会知道,年轻人正在以某种方式组织起来。
Many will wonder what kind of energetic organization would cause such a thing and then you'll realize it is a consciousness shift and now they have their collective purpose. So the "organization" is that their "plan" is beginning to be intuitively felt by them. As in all these things, all of them have free choice and may do what they wish, but you will see a slow and collective movement of the young people of Earth to create some very unusual moves that will fly in the face of what you may feel is current wisdom or logic.
很多人会想要知道,是什么活跃的组织造成了这种转变,然后你们会知道它是意识的转变,现在他们拥有了集体的追求目标。所以那个 “组织” 是,他们的 “计划” 开始在直觉上被他们感知得到。在这一切事情当中,他们全部人都拥有自由选择去做他们想要做的事,但你们会看见一个缓慢和集体的行动,地球上的年轻人会做出极不寻常的举动,它会违反你们所认定的当前的智慧或逻辑。
Don't be shocked and surprised if they tweak governments, set up things that seemingly are impossible, buck the systems, and throw out some sacred rules – because this is the only way The New Jerusalem can be created. The old paradigm must go. You'll find them in Palestine, Israel and you'll find them in Jordan and Syria. You'll find them in the Emirates and in Kuwait, and you'll find them in Iraq and Iran. I mention all of these places because they are the places that this congregation may think they couldn't exist. These are the places where the Indigos are going to make the biggest difference. We give you the date as the beginning of their plan. It is not when they will make the affect. But watch, for there will be things to see. There always are.
不要震惊和讶异,如果他们改变政府、建立看似不可能的事情、反抗制度、抛弃某些神圣规则——因为这是 “新的耶路撒冷” [隐喻地球和平] 能够被创造出来的唯一途径。旧模式必须去除。你会发现他们在巴勒斯坦和以色列、在约旦和叙利亚。你会发现他们在阿拉伯酋长国和科威特、在伊拉克和伊朗。我提到所有这些地方,因为那是群众认为他们不可能存在的地方。这些地方就是靛蓝们会带来最大改变的地方。我们给出的是他们的计划开始的日期,不是他们带来改变的时刻。但要注意,那里会有事情发生。那里总是有事情在发生。
Now I want to return to my initial story about the journey.
Within the magnetic grid of this planet, at the moment, are all the returned ascended masters. They are all one energy and do not representing a segmented group of religious thought. They're all one energy without separation. Every single Human Being in this room and reading this has free choice to accept this or not to accept it, to go into certain ways and methods of their own processing or not. But the information is profound, and you may consider what it might mean to you as you analyze it.
When you read the stories of the masters who walked this planet, were you impressed? Let me tell you what it feels like, Human Being, to be a master. You're walking along a path and you say, "It's time for a resource" [like food] and you look down and it's in your pocket! Then you say, "I knew that. I expected that." Pretty soon, you expect what you need to be at your doorstep when you need it, then you realize you're creating it as you go. It's a process filled with mystery to many, but to others it's the way the Universe works.
当你阅读那些曾经行走于地球上的大师生平时,你会感到钦佩吗?让我告诉你,人类,身为大师是什么感觉的。你走在一条路上,你说,“是时候拥有一种资源了” [例如食物] 然后你往下看,它就在你的口袋里!然后你说,“我早就知道。在我预料之中。” 很快的,你会发现你所需要的东西会适时出现在你门外的台阶上,接着你知道你是一路都在创造着它。对许多人来说,这是充满大师色彩的过程,但对其他人来说,这是宇宙的运作方式。
Blessed is the Human Being who, when they find out they have a disease raging in their body, does not go into fear and panic, does not call all of their friends for help, but who instead, looks down and says, "I'm so glad that I've got my pocket. Because that's where the healing is... it's already with me." Masters are a bastion unto themselves, a complete system without outside assistance. But the true master understands that his resource is the collective energy of everything, and therefore is "known by God." He is then part of God, and therefore has the resources built in.
有福的是那些人类,当他们发现疾病在他们体内肆虐时,他们没有陷入恐惧和惊慌中,没有叫所有朋友来帮忙,反而往下看并说,“我很高兴我拥有我的口袋。因为疗愈就在这里……它已经和我在一起。” 大师是他们自己的堡垒,他们本身就是一个完整的系统,无需外部援助。但是真正的大师了解,他的资源是万物的集体能量,因此是 “为神所知” 的。他也是神的片段,因此他拥有内置的资源。
Blessed is the Human Being who wonders, "Shall I go here, or shall I go there," yet never ponders about the resources along the way. "Good thing I've got my pockets," he says, as he walks into the unknown. How many are here who will be responsible for that kind of energy?
有福的是那些人类,他们想知道,“我应该去这里,还是应该去那里,” 却从来没有考虑过路途上的资源。“好在我拥有我的口袋,” 在走入未知的旅途时,他这么说。这里有多少人会持有那种能量呢?
"Kryon, this doesn't sound right. Do you mean that eventually every Human on this planet is going to be a master?" No, but there will be enough of you master-craftsmen who will recognize the tool kit that's been presented before you. Then you will start learning how to use it. The tool kit is on the grid, you see? It's in place and ready. It's time for you to start the building process, and how many of you can do that? It is counter-intuitive to the way Human perception works, yet some of you are going to begin the process.
“克里昂,听起来有点不对。你是说,最终地球上每个人都会成为大师吗?” 不是,但你们会有足够多的人成为大师-工匠,你们会认出呈现在你们眼前的工具箱。然后你们会开始学习如何使用它。工具箱就在磁栅上,你瞧?它已经在适当的位置准备好。你们是时候开始那个建造过程了,你们有多少人能够这样做呢?它完全违反人类的思维模式,但你们有些人会开始这个过程。
You heard the stories, perhaps, in your own culture, of the loaves and the fishes? Could that have been real? Oh, yes. It was. And this kind of situation is duplicated every day in parts of India. Did you know that? It's a process of seemingly creating something out of nothing. That's what's in a master's pocket! Blessed is that Human whose journey from now on will not be based upon where the resources are, but instead upon the passion of where he wishes to go, no matter what. For the Universe follows him with the resources always ready.
在你们本身的文化中,也许,你们曾经听过 “五饼二鱼” 的故事?[耶稣以五饼二鱼喂饱超过五千人] 那有可能是真的吗?哦,是的。是真的。这种情形每天都在印度的一些地区重复上演。你们知道吗?它看似一个 “从什么都没有当中弄出点东西” 的过程。那就是大师口袋里的东西!有福的是那个人类,他的旅途从今以后不再受限于资源的所在地,相反的,那是基于他本身的热爱、他真正想要去的目的地,无需顾虑。因为宇宙会跟随他的脚步,资源永远会为他而准备妥当。
Do you find the story of the Israeli's in the desert a myth? They were fed every day – all the tribes – for 40 years. Where did the food come from? Could this have been real, or perhaps (you might say), it's a myth? The fact is that they followed a master, and his pockets were deep indeed with universal truth, appropriateness and wisdom. History actually shows you how this worked.
你们认为以色列人在荒漠中的故事是个神话吗?他们每天都被喂饱——所有部落——连续 40 年。食物是从哪里来的?[摩西带领以色列人出埃及脱离奴役,在西奈沙漠流浪了40 年,那里没有食物,耶和华每天降下‘吗哪’果子给他们吃]。这有可能是真的吗,或者(你们会说),那是个神话?事实就是,他们跟随了一位大师,而大师的口袋真的非常深,装满了宇宙真相、恰当性和智慧。历史其实已经显示给你们看这是怎么办到的。
There are those in this room who've experienced this. Some of them have experienced it in a mild fashion, and others have lived their lives by it. But for all of these, this new energy on the grid will be enhanced beyond what you think, even beyond what you've experienced so far. There are some in this room who have accomplished things that would have been thwarted if they had stopped to look for the resources before they began. The 3D perception of "where will the resources come from?" would have stopped them, but it didn't. It's because they looked down and said, "It's a good thing I've got this pocket here."
这里有些人经历过这种事。有些人以温和的方式经历它,其他人是靠这种方式过活。但是为了让这一切得以发生,磁栅上的这股新能量会被增强得超过你们的想象,甚至超过你们至今为止所经历过的任何东西。这间房里有些人完成了一些事情,如果当初他们在开始前停下来寻找资源的话,这些事情就会受到阻碍。“资源会从哪里来?” 的这种三维思想会阻挡他们前进,但这没有发生。因为他们往下看并说,“好在我有这个口袋在这里。”
Can we make it any clearer, masters? There are a few of you who are going to do this. However, the invitation is there for all of you to take whatever part of this that seems right. What was not ready before is now prepared. All this represents a new paradigm – a new shift. And the Indigos, well, some of them already know about it, intuitively. Some of them are already using this new paradigm... and this explains their frustration with you, who have to be so close to your resources. And that's the message, that this process of tuning the planet for your journey is continuing, and ever shifting, and yes... improving your chances for a peaceful Earth in the places that are in need the most.
It's a grand place, this earth. The play that unfolds is starting to get interesting. You're right on schedule and some of the biggest challenges of the planet are yet to come. And that's why you're here, Lighthouse. I'll say it again. Lighthouses are never built in safe areas, and that's why you're here. Strike the light! You're going to need it. But this is not bad news, anymore than news of a dark, cold night with high winds. It's part of what you do, you know? It's what you came here for. And it will pass soon. You are the ones who can make the difference right now, while the darkness rages.
There is a quantum connection between you and the Israelis, and you and the Palestinians. If you choose to understand and use this connection, you can send light to them so that, indeed, they will see their purpose on Earth and make the adjustments that are needed. We have foreseen things in the Middle East that will fly in the face of logic - even the logic of the protocol of their lineage. How will they accomplish this? Light from you! Can you do that? Send light there and watch the shifts occur. Pick up this tool kit and begin the personal shift right where you sit.
在你们和以色列人之间、在你们和巴勒斯坦人之间,存在着一种量子连结。如果你选择理解和使用这种连结,你就可以送光给他们,那么,真的,他们就会看见他们在地球上的目的,并作出需要的调整。我们已经预见中东会发生一些违反逻辑的事情 [译注:应该是指 2011 中东北非茉莉花革命]——甚至违反他们世袭协议的逻辑。他们会怎么完成这种事呢?就是以你们的光!你们能这样做吗?送光到那里去,并观看这场转变的发生。提起这个工具箱,直接在你坐着的地方开始进行个人转变。
Remember this day as a turning point, an epiphany of what you really came to do. And if you can do this, I'll be by your side celebrating, applauding, and washing your feet, because that's why I'm here. I am in love with humanity. And so it is.
记住今天是一个转捩点,它显现你们真正到来的目的。而如果你们能做得到 [达致地球和平],我会在你们身边庆贺、鼓掌、并为你们洗脚,因为那就是我会在这里的原因。我深爱着人类。那么就这样吧。
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2006 年的新信息:正如你们所知道的那样,在 1987 年,所有人类在量子层面进行了一次投票,决定要有改变。 如果要发生转变,新能量就必须被传送到地球上……一系列的活动和能量传送必须依序发生,才能使地球的其他物理和非物理特质开始激活。这些事就是我想要讨论的内容。 |
克里昂《2006 年的新信息》
克里昂《2008 年——新的能量》
克里昂 Recalibration 《重新校准》系列信息(2012)
克里昂 《宏观景象——你们并不孤立!》(2012)
Earth’s Inconstant Magnetic Field
Scientists have long known that the magnetic pole moves. James Ross located the pole for the first time in 1831 after an exhausting arctic journey during which his ship got stuck in the ice for four years. In 1904, Roald Amundsen found the pole again and discovered that it had moved--at least 50 km since the days of Ross.
科学家在很久以前就知道地球磁极在移动。在 1831 年,詹姆士.罗斯在一次筋疲力尽的北极探险中,首次找出磁北极的位置。当时他的探险船被困在冰海中四年。在 1904 年,罗尔德.亚猛森再次找到磁北极,并发现它已经移动了——比罗斯那时候至少移动了 50 公里。
The pole kept going during the 20th century, north at an average speed of 10 km per year, lately accelerating "to 40 km per year," says Newitt. At this rate it will exit North America and reach Siberia in a few decades.
磁北极在 20 世纪一直延续着它的移动,它平均以每年 10 公里的速度往北移,最近加速 “至每年 40 公里,” 纽伊特说。以这种速率磁北极会在接下来数十年间离开北美洲并抵达纬度更高的西伯利亚。
Keeping track of the north magnetic pole is Newitt's job. "We usually go out and check its location once every few years," he says. "We'll have to make more trips now that it is moving so quickly."
追踪磁北极的位置是纽伊特的工作。“我们通常每隔几年就会外出追踪它的位置,” 他说。“现在因为它以加快的速度移动,所以我们也必须多走几趟。”
NASA: 《Earth’s Inconstant Magnetic Field》 12.29.03
“五饼二鱼” 是圣经所记载耶稣在世时所行的一件神迹,发生于有一天约有五千男子(另有不知数量的妇女和孩子)在野地里聚集听耶稣讲道,耶稣也治好了当中的病人,到黄昏时,门徒恳请耶稣叫众人散开到村子里买他们自己的食物,但耶稣却叫门徒供应吃的给众人,这顿饭给门徒出了一道难题。因为人数既然这么多,门徒何来这么多的钱买食物供给众人呢?当时有一个孩童,带着五个大麦饼和两条鱼,他本来可以留给自己吃,或与自己的家人分吃,但他却把 “五饼二鱼” 贡献出来,交给耶稣。当时众门徒都认为 “五饼二鱼” 分给五千人,每人只有一小点,如何得饱呢?但耶稣却吩咐门徒去请众人一排一排的坐下,每排大约五十人。耶稣便拿起饼和鱼来望着天祝谢,擘开,递给门徒,再分给众人。奇妙地,众人都按着所需要的分吃,吃饱之后,耶稣吩咐门徒收集零碎的,免得有糟蹋时,竟装满了十二个篮子。这是一个重要的神迹,四卷福音书都分别把它记述下来(太14:13-21;可6:35-44;路9:10-17;约6:1-14)。
3)耶和华连续 40 年降下 ‘吗哪’ 喂饱以色列人
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西奈荒野 |
在经历了 430 年的奴隶生活后,在民族英雄摩西的率领下,宁死不屈的犹太人扶老携幼,赶着牛马破车,烟尘滚滚地向着东方的故乡迦南进发。这一走,就是整整 40 年!出埃及的第七个星期,以色列人进入了浩瀚的西奈沙漠,这里,没有水,没有食物,没有绿色,甚至没有路,头上是炎炎烈日,脚下是滚烫的沙砾,迎面而来的是狂飚般的沙暴,背后是亚马力人的骚扰攻击,这一切使刚从风景秀丽的尼罗河畔走来的以色列人感受到的只是恐惧,惶惶不可终日。他们不时停下沉重的脚步,仰问苍天:上帝啊,你许诺的圣地究竟在哪里?
耶和华于是应许摩西将要赐食物予以色列人。当天晚上,耶和华开始降吗哪给他们吃,从那一天开始,以色列民一连吃了 40 年,从不间断。通常会一连降六天,只是在安息日停降一日,让百姓遵守安息日,因此第六天所降的,会是双倍分量。头五天所降的,必须即日吃完,否则留到早上,便会生虫变臭;第六天所降的,则可留至第二天也不变坏。直到约书亚带领百姓过了约旦河,到达迦南地,并且吃了迦南地的出产之后,才停止降下。
吗哪是白色的,跟芫荽种子很相似 |
《The DNA PHANTOM EFFECT: Direct Measurement of A New Field in the Vacuum Substructure》
《DNA 幻场效应:在真空根基上直接测量一个新的场域》
Vladimir Poponin
In this contribution I am going to describe some observations and interpretations of a recently discovered anomalous phenomenon which we are calling the DNA Phantom Effect in Vitro or the DNA Phantom for short. We believe this discovery has tremendous significance for the explanation and deeper understandings of the mechanisms underlying subtle energy phenomena including many of the observed alternative healing phenomena. This data also supports the heart intelligence concept and model developed by Doc Lew Childre.
在这篇撰稿里我会描述最近发现的一种异常现象的一些观察结果和解读,这种现象我们称为 “试管中的 DNA 幻场效应” 或简称为 “DNA 幻场效应”。我们相信这项发现拥有极为重大的意义,它能解释和帮助人们更深入理解细微能量现象背后的机制,包括许多观察到的另类疗法现象。这项数据也支持了刘.秋德雷博士所发展的 “心脏智能” 概念与模型。
This new phenomenon -- the DNA phantom effect -- was first observed in Moscow at the Russian Academy of Sciences as a surprise effect during experiments measuring the vibrational modes of DNA in solution using a sophisticated and expensive "MALVERN" laser photon correlation spectrometer (LPCS) . These effects were analyzed and interpreted by Gariaev and Poponin.
这个新现象——DNA 幻场效应——是第一次在位于莫斯科的俄罗斯科学院里被观察到,它是出其不意的效应,当时的实验是要测量 DNA 溶液的振动模式,使用的是精密和昂贵的 “马尔文” 品牌的镭射光子相关光谱仪 [LPCS]。这些效应是由伽利耶夫和琶普宁来分析和解读。
The new feature that makes this discovery distinctly different from many other previously undertaken attempts to measure and identify subtle energy fields is that the field of the DNA phantom has the ability to be coupled to conventional electromagnetic fields of laser radiation and as a consequence, it can be reliably detected and positively identified using standard optical techniques.
这项发现完全不同于之前的许多测量和鉴定细微能量场的实验,因为 DNA 幻场能够与常规的镭射电磁场结合,所以,通过标准的光学技术,它能够可靠地被侦测、正面地被鉴定。
Furthermore, it seems very plausible that the DNA phantom effect is an example of subtle energy manifestation in which direct human influence is not involved. These experimental data provide us not only quantitative data concerning the coupling constant between the DNA phantom field and the electromagnetic field of the laser light but also provides qualitative and quantitative information about the nonlinear dynamics of the phantom DNA fields. Note that both types of data are crucial for the development of a new unified nonlinear quantum field theory which must include the physical theory of consciousness and should be based on a precise quantitative background.
而且,看来很有可能,DNA 幻场效应是细微能量的显现,不涉及人类的直接影响。这些实验数据所提供的不只是 DNA 幻场与镭射电磁场结合的定量数据,也提供了 DNA 幻场的非线性动态的定性与定量资料。须知道这两种数据对发展出全新统一的非线性量子场域理论是很关键的,这还必须包含意识的物理理论,及拥有精确的定量基础。
The background leading to the discovery of the DNA phantom and a description of the experimental set up and conditions will be helpful. A block diagram of the laser photon correlation spectrometer used in these experiments is presented in Figure 1.
对于实验背景、架设和条件的描述,会有助于理解 DNA 幻场。实验所使用的镭射光子相关光谱仪 [LPCS] 的结构图显示在图表 1.
In each set of experimental measurements with DNA samples, several double control measurements are performed. These measurements are performed prior to the DNA being placed in the scattering chamber. When the scattering chamber of the LPCS is void of physical DNA, and neither are there are any phantom DNA fields present, the autocorrelation function of scattered light looks like the one shown in Figure 2a.
在每一组 DNA 样本的实验测量中,好几组双重对照的测量会被进行。这些测量是在 DNA 被放进散射室[小黑盒]之前进行的。当 LPCS 散射室里没有实质的 DNA,也没有任何 DNA 幻场存在时,散射光的自相关函数会看似图表 2a 的画面。
This typical control plot represents only background random noise counts of the photomultiplier. Note that the intensity of the background noise counts is very small and the distribution of the number of counts per channel is close to random. Figure 2b demonstrates a typical time autocorrelation function when a physical DNA sample is placed in the scattering chamber, and typically has the shape of an oscillatory and slowly exponentially decaying function. When the DNA is removed from the scattering chamber, one anticipates that the autocorrelation function will be the same as before the DNA was placed in the scattering chamber. Surprisingly and counter-intuitively it turns out that the autocorrelation function measured just after the removal of the DNA from the scattering chamber looks distinctly different from the one obtained before the DNA was placed in the chamber.
这个典型的对照图显示的只是光电倍增管的背景随机噪声的计数。必须留意背景噪声的强度计数是非常少的,每一个信道的计数接近于随机分布。图表 2b 显示当 DNA 样本被放进散射室时所产生的典型的时间自相关函数,它拥有典型的来回摆动的形状,及逐渐成倍衰败的函数。当 DNA 被移走时,你预料自相关函数会与 DNA 被放进散射室之前相同。出其不意、违反直觉地,结果是,DNA 刚刚被移走后所测量到的自相关函数,与 DNA 被放进散射室之前所测量到的完全不同。
Two examples of the autocorrelation functions measured just after the removal of the physical DNA are shown in Figures 2c and d.
图表 2c 和 d 显示实质 DNA 刚刚被移走之后所测量到的自相关函数。
After duplicating this many times and checking the equipment in every conceivable way, we were forced to accept the working hypothesis that some new field structure is being excited from the physical vacuum. We termed this the DNA phantom in order to emphasize that its origin is related with the physical DNA. We have not yet observed this effect with other substances in the chamber. After the discovery of this effect we began a more rigorous and continuous study of this phenomena. We have found that, as long as the space in the scattering chamber is not disturbed, we are able to measure this effect for long periods of time. In several cases we have observed it for up to a month. It is important to emphasize that two conditions are necessary in order to observe the DNA phantoms. The first is the presence of the DNA molecule and the second is the exposure of the DNA to weak coherent laser radiation. This last condition has been shown to work with two different frequencies of laser radiation.
在重复了很多次实验、以各种想象得到的方式来检查了仪器之后,我们被迫接受这个作业假说,那就是,新的场域结构从实质真空里激发出来了。我们把它命名为 “DNA 幻场”,是为了强调它的起源与实质的 DNA 有关。我们还没有把其他物质放进散射室里以观察这种效应。在发现了这种效应之后,我们开始更缜密和持续地研究这种现象。我们发现,只要散射室里的空间没有被打扰,我们就能够长时间测量到这种效应。在几个实例中我们观察了长达一个月。必须强调的是,观察 DNA 幻场有两个必要条件。第一,DNA 分子的存在;第二,DNA 被曝光于微弱的相干镭射。最后的这个条件已经被证明能够以两种不同频率的镭射线来进行。
Perhaps the most important finding of these experiments is that they provide an opportunity to study the vacuum substructure on strictly scientific and quantitative grounds. This is possible due to the phantom field's intrinsic ability to couple with conventional electromagnetic fields.
也许这些实验最重要的发现是,它们提供了一个机会,在完全科学和定量的基础上来研究真空根基。DNA 幻场固有的与常规电磁场耦合的能力,让这项实验成为可能。
Dr. Poponin is a quantum physicist who is recognized worldwide as a leading expert in quantum biology, including the nonlinear dynamics of DNA and the interactions of weak electromagnetic fields with biological systems. He is the Senior Research Scientist at the Institute of Biochemical Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences and is currently working with the Institute of HeartMath in a collaborative research project between IHM and the RAS.
琶普宁博士是量子物理学家,他是全球公认的量子生物学领域的领先专家,这些领域包括 DNA 的非线性动态、微弱电磁场与生物系统之间的互动。他是俄罗斯科学研究院生化物理研究所的资深研究科学家,目前正在参与美国心脏数理研究所的合作研究计划。
Associação Médico-Espírita do Brasil
(Brazilian Medical-Spiritist Association, 巴西医疗通灵者协会)
In this contribution I am going to describe some observations and interpretations of a recently discovered anomalous phenomenon which we are calling the DNA Phantom Effect in Vitro or the DNA Phantom for short. We believe this discovery has tremendous significance for the explanation and deeper understandings of the mechanisms underlying subtle energy phenomena including many of the observed alternative healing phenomena. This data also supports the heart intelligence concept and model developed by Doc Lew Childre.
在这篇撰稿里我会描述最近发现的一种异常现象的一些观察结果和解读,这种现象我们称为 “试管中的 DNA 幻场效应” 或简称为 “DNA 幻场效应”。我们相信这项发现拥有极为重大的意义,它能解释和帮助人们更深入理解细微能量现象背后的机制,包括许多观察到的另类疗法现象。这项数据也支持了刘.秋德雷博士所发展的 “心脏智能” 概念与模型。
This new phenomenon -- the DNA phantom effect -- was first observed in Moscow at the Russian Academy of Sciences as a surprise effect during experiments measuring the vibrational modes of DNA in solution using a sophisticated and expensive "MALVERN" laser photon correlation spectrometer (LPCS) . These effects were analyzed and interpreted by Gariaev and Poponin.
这个新现象——DNA 幻场效应——是第一次在位于莫斯科的俄罗斯科学院里被观察到,它是出其不意的效应,当时的实验是要测量 DNA 溶液的振动模式,使用的是精密和昂贵的 “马尔文” 品牌的镭射光子相关光谱仪 [LPCS]。这些效应是由伽利耶夫和琶普宁来分析和解读。
The new feature that makes this discovery distinctly different from many other previously undertaken attempts to measure and identify subtle energy fields is that the field of the DNA phantom has the ability to be coupled to conventional electromagnetic fields of laser radiation and as a consequence, it can be reliably detected and positively identified using standard optical techniques.
这项发现完全不同于之前的许多测量和鉴定细微能量场的实验,因为 DNA 幻场能够与常规的镭射电磁场结合,所以,通过标准的光学技术,它能够可靠地被侦测、正面地被鉴定。
Furthermore, it seems very plausible that the DNA phantom effect is an example of subtle energy manifestation in which direct human influence is not involved. These experimental data provide us not only quantitative data concerning the coupling constant between the DNA phantom field and the electromagnetic field of the laser light but also provides qualitative and quantitative information about the nonlinear dynamics of the phantom DNA fields. Note that both types of data are crucial for the development of a new unified nonlinear quantum field theory which must include the physical theory of consciousness and should be based on a precise quantitative background.
而且,看来很有可能,DNA 幻场效应是细微能量的显现,不涉及人类的直接影响。这些实验数据所提供的不只是 DNA 幻场与镭射电磁场结合的定量数据,也提供了 DNA 幻场的非线性动态的定性与定量资料。须知道这两种数据对发展出全新统一的非线性量子场域理论是很关键的,这还必须包含意识的物理理论,及拥有精确的定量基础。
The background leading to the discovery of the DNA phantom and a description of the experimental set up and conditions will be helpful. A block diagram of the laser photon correlation spectrometer used in these experiments is presented in Figure 1.
对于实验背景、架设和条件的描述,会有助于理解 DNA 幻场。实验所使用的镭射光子相关光谱仪 [LPCS] 的结构图显示在图表 1.
DNA 放在白色圆盘下面的小黑盒里,在照片的左边三分之一处。有一条显眼的黑线指向那白色的圆盘。在图表里,那个小黑盒被标示为 ‘cuvette’。镭射很显然是在右边。 http://go.webassistant.com/wa/upload/users/u1001065/pages/0609-625363713E0Nz2fIEVdv/dna.html |
In each set of experimental measurements with DNA samples, several double control measurements are performed. These measurements are performed prior to the DNA being placed in the scattering chamber. When the scattering chamber of the LPCS is void of physical DNA, and neither are there are any phantom DNA fields present, the autocorrelation function of scattered light looks like the one shown in Figure 2a.
在每一组 DNA 样本的实验测量中,好几组双重对照的测量会被进行。这些测量是在 DNA 被放进散射室[小黑盒]之前进行的。当 LPCS 散射室里没有实质的 DNA,也没有任何 DNA 幻场存在时,散射光的自相关函数会看似图表 2a 的画面。
这个典型的对照图显示的只是光电倍增管的背景随机噪声的计数。必须留意背景噪声的强度计数是非常少的,每一个信道的计数接近于随机分布。图表 2b 显示当 DNA 样本被放进散射室时所产生的典型的时间自相关函数,它拥有典型的来回摆动的形状,及逐渐成倍衰败的函数。当 DNA 被移走时,你预料自相关函数会与 DNA 被放进散射室之前相同。出其不意、违反直觉地,结果是,DNA 刚刚被移走后所测量到的自相关函数,与 DNA 被放进散射室之前所测量到的完全不同。
图表 2b:因为 DNA 的存在而形成的 “典型波浪图案”。
图表 2c 和 d 显示实质 DNA 刚刚被移走之后所测量到的自相关函数。
图表 2c:当他们移走了 DNA 样本之后,那个波浪图案没有消失;它依然存在!
![]() |
图表 2d http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/ciencia/ciencia_genetica04.htm |
After duplicating this many times and checking the equipment in every conceivable way, we were forced to accept the working hypothesis that some new field structure is being excited from the physical vacuum. We termed this the DNA phantom in order to emphasize that its origin is related with the physical DNA. We have not yet observed this effect with other substances in the chamber. After the discovery of this effect we began a more rigorous and continuous study of this phenomena. We have found that, as long as the space in the scattering chamber is not disturbed, we are able to measure this effect for long periods of time. In several cases we have observed it for up to a month. It is important to emphasize that two conditions are necessary in order to observe the DNA phantoms. The first is the presence of the DNA molecule and the second is the exposure of the DNA to weak coherent laser radiation. This last condition has been shown to work with two different frequencies of laser radiation.
在重复了很多次实验、以各种想象得到的方式来检查了仪器之后,我们被迫接受这个作业假说,那就是,新的场域结构从实质真空里激发出来了。我们把它命名为 “DNA 幻场”,是为了强调它的起源与实质的 DNA 有关。我们还没有把其他物质放进散射室里以观察这种效应。在发现了这种效应之后,我们开始更缜密和持续地研究这种现象。我们发现,只要散射室里的空间没有被打扰,我们就能够长时间测量到这种效应。在几个实例中我们观察了长达一个月。必须强调的是,观察 DNA 幻场有两个必要条件。第一,DNA 分子的存在;第二,DNA 被曝光于微弱的相干镭射。最后的这个条件已经被证明能够以两种不同频率的镭射线来进行。
Perhaps the most important finding of these experiments is that they provide an opportunity to study the vacuum substructure on strictly scientific and quantitative grounds. This is possible due to the phantom field's intrinsic ability to couple with conventional electromagnetic fields.
也许这些实验最重要的发现是,它们提供了一个机会,在完全科学和定量的基础上来研究真空根基。DNA 幻场固有的与常规电磁场耦合的能力,让这项实验成为可能。
Dr. Poponin is a quantum physicist who is recognized worldwide as a leading expert in quantum biology, including the nonlinear dynamics of DNA and the interactions of weak electromagnetic fields with biological systems. He is the Senior Research Scientist at the Institute of Biochemical Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences and is currently working with the Institute of HeartMath in a collaborative research project between IHM and the RAS.
琶普宁博士是量子物理学家,他是全球公认的量子生物学领域的领先专家,这些领域包括 DNA 的非线性动态、微弱电磁场与生物系统之间的互动。他是俄罗斯科学研究院生化物理研究所的资深研究科学家,目前正在参与美国心脏数理研究所的合作研究计划。
Associação Médico-Espírita do Brasil
(Brazilian Medical-Spiritist Association, 巴西医疗通灵者协会)