Crystal Lake, Illinois |
Kryon : Who You Really Are
亲爱的,你们有多少人意识到,当你在读着克里昂的信息时,你是在与你的 “高我” 一起朗读?每个人的高我都知道我所知道的事。当你在读着克里昂的文字时,你是在读着真相,由一个与你有关系的圣灵所传导的真相,今晚我会讲到这一段关系。我会把它称为 “隐藏的关系”。我和你们的关系非常深厚,你们的高我甚至能与我一起通灵,因为他知道我要讲的是什么。当你在阅读时,你是与你的高我一起阅读。那就是你正在听到的声音。那是神的声音,它是优美的,而且,是你的。
那么,现场的听众,你们听到的这把人类声音代表着来自大中央太阳的磁力大师。“克里昂,到底什么是大中央太阳?” 嗯,我会告诉你。答案是 “是的。” 那就是我能告诉你的了。大中央太阳根本就不是一个地方。它是一个隐喻,也是我们唯一可以用来形容 “神的爱的中央核心” 的隐喻。你很熟悉它。它不是发源地,而是一种状态。更进一步地说,它形容了我们之间的关系。啊,当你在地球上时,真的有太多事情瞒着你的直接意识了!
我今天要告诉你们的事,并没有记录在你们的阿卡什纪录里。它不在地球里,所以连盖娅也没有这些资料。它也不在你的 DNA 里。你的 DNA 和地球上的阿卡什纪录,最远只能回溯到你最早在盖娅上所发生过的事情。仅此而已。
但其实你是谁呢?是古人吗?你们有些人是地球上的古人。你们有些人已经在这里 5 万年了。5 万年前,你们有些是利穆里亚人,有些是苏美尔人,有些过后成了埃及人。要我证明吗?我做不到,但你可以,证明给你自己的意识看。如果你觉得自己是与地球有连结的那些人,是真正回应这片土地和这里的动物的那些人,那么,我挑战你去博物馆看一看你亲手做的陶器!你会有心灵回响。那就是你的身份,老灵魂。你们回到帷幕的另一边,再返回地球,如此多次往返。
你知道为什么你会一直回到地球上吗?因为你爱上了盖娅!让我问你:盖娅有给你一种很奇妙的,像 “回到家” 的感觉吗?这是应当的。你们有多少人意识到你有着非人类的过去世呢?啊,很可怕。你敢不敢去想呢?非人类的一生——怎么可能? 如果是在盖娅里的一生呢?如果是成为地球的一部分,然后再到回来呢?如果是成为岩石、植物、或树木呢?如果是成为大气中的生命呢——大气中的跨维度生灵?为什么盖娅的能量会有意识呢?答案是:因为盖娅是你的一部分!你曾经作为能量留在地球里!但你的非人类生世并没有记录在你的人类阿卡什里。
“咦,克里昂,有点不对劲。你说我们来了又走,走了又来,但是地球的人口越来越多,比我出生时要多两倍。如果来来去去的都是同样的个体,这是不可能的。肯定有新灵魂一直在到来。” 真有洞察力。那么,你想知道你是来自哪里?
你们的目标是改变,通过自由选择,来改变地球的振动,让它振动得越高越好。因为,在测试的终点 [无论你们什么时候选择让它结束],地球的能量会被测量和应用到宇宙的其他事情上,然后,宇宙会根据你们所创造的能量读数而进行转变。
现在我想带你回到你此生进入地球的经历当中。当时我就在那里,知道吗?当时我对你说,“你想清楚了吗?为什么还要去呢?为什么要现在去呢?你会处于地球大麻烦的核心。你会处于地球更新能量的时刻,此时的考验越来越艰难。” 我是知道答案的,但我想要听见你再对我说一次。然后你对我说,你们每一个都对我说:“我知道自己在做什么。我已经花了很长时间帮助地球走到这一步,现在我要回去并带来改变。” 所以现在,你就坐在这里,因为你完成了你想要做的事。
你们出生时的地球预言跟今天的完全不同。所有提出世界末日的具体时间的预言都失效了。相反的,你们所遇到的事、你们将会遇到的事,是一些将会改变世界历史的事,是在过去最灵验的灵媒的 “雷达屏幕” 上看不到的事。我不知道这对你而言意味着什么,我不知道这对你而言有没有意义。无论如何,我会告诉你,这对我而言是什么:巨大的意义。你改变了宇宙!而你却对此一无所知。
This live channelling was Given in Crystal Lake, Illinois
现场通灵于 水晶湖, 伊利诺伊
August, 2005
As channelled by Lee Carroll for Kryon
Here is yet another channeling about who the Human really is. This one goes into some interesting subjects, however. Who were you before you came? Will you always come back? Kryon begins to describe the "real" you.
这是另一篇关于人类的真实身份的信息。但这篇会深入地谈到一些有趣的主题。在你到来之前,你是谁?你总是会到回来吗?克里昂开始描述 “真实” 的你。
To help the reader, this channelling has been rechannelled [by Lee and Kryon] and added onto to provide even clearer understanding. Often what happens live, has implied energy within it, which carries a kind of communication that the printed page does not. So enjoy this enhanced message given in Crystal Lake, Illinois... not too far from the windy city of Chicago.
为了帮助读者,这篇信息被(李及克里昂)重新传导及增强,以让人们有更清晰的理解。因为在现场给出的信息,含有一种能量沟通模式,是印刷页面所无法传达的。那么请享有这增强版的信息吧,这是在 水晶湖, 伊利诺伊 所传导的…..离 “风城” 芝加哥不远之处。
Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of magnetic service. Some of you expected another voice, didn’t you? The one on the page perhaps, which, of course, is yours! How many of you understand and realize that as you read the messages of Kryon, you are reading aloud with your Higher-Selves for emphasis? The Higher-Self of every single Human Being knows what I know. It is your Higher-Selves that we’ve asked you to collect together and channel with me tonight.
你们好,亲爱的,我是磁力服务的克里昂。你们有些人期待另一把声音,是吧? 对于读者而言,那把声音,当然,是你的!你们有多少人明白,有多少人意识到,当你在阅读克里昂的信息时,你是在与你的 “高我” 一起朗读?每个人的高我都知道我所知道的事。我们要你们召集的正是你们的高我,在今晚与我一起通灵。
When you read the words of Kryon, you don’t read anything new. Nothing is new, and yet everything is discoverable to those without full knowledge. When you read the words of Kryon, you read the truth as given by someone who has a relationship with you that I’m going to talk about tonight. I’ll call it the Hidden Relationship. It's a relationship that is so strong that your Higher-Self can actually channel along with me since it knows what I’m going to say. When you read the books, you read along with your Higher-Self. That is the voice you hear. It’s a divine voice; it’s beautiful, and it's yours.
当你在阅读克里昂的文字时,你不是在读着新鲜东西。没有新鲜东西,然而对于那些没有完整知识的人来说,一切都是新奇的。当你在读着克里昂的文字时,你是在读着真相,由一个与你有关系的圣灵所传导的真相,今晚我会讲到这一段关系。我会把它称为 “隐藏的关系”。我和你们的关系非常深厚,你们的高我甚至能与我一起通灵,因为他知道我要讲的是什么。当你在阅读时,你是与你的高我一起阅读。那就是你正在听到的声音。那是神的声音,它是优美的,而且,是你的。
So, for those of you in the room, you can get used to this voice for a little while...... the Human voice representing the Magnetic Master from the Great Central Sun. "Kryon, what exactly is the great central sun?" Well, I'll tell you. The answer is "yes." That’s all I can tell you. The Great Central Sun is not a place at all. It is a metaphor, and it is the only thing that we can describe which would be the center core of the love of God. You know it very well. It's not a place of origin, but rather a condition. More than that, it describes the relationship between us. Oh, there is so much that is hidden from your immediate consciousness while you’re here! Even hidden to those who would open the door and reveal the Akash of Earth, and who would then be able to look into your DNA and see all of your past lifetimes. Even a person like that wouldn’t know what I’m going to tell you today. For what I’m going to tell you is not recorded in your Akashic Record. It’s not in the earth, and Gaia doesn’t have it either. It’s not even in your DNA.
那么,现场的听众,你们可以试着适应这把声音……这把人类声音代表着来自大中央太阳的磁力大师。“克里昂,到底什么是大中央太阳?” 嗯,我会告诉你。答案是 “是的。” 那就是我能告诉你的了。大中央太阳根本就不是一个地方。它是一个隐喻,也是我们唯一可以用来形容 “神的爱的中央核心” 的隐喻。你很熟悉它。它不是发源地,而是一种状态。更进一步地说,它形容了我们之间的关系。啊,当你在地球上时,真的有太多事情瞒着你的直接意识了!就连那些灵媒,那些有能力打开那扇门并揭开地球的阿卡什纪录、然后看进你的 DNA 并看见你的所有过去世的人,也同样被隐瞒了。就连他们也无法得知,我今天将要告诉你们的事。因为我要说的事,并没有记录在你们的阿卡什纪录里。它不在地球里,所以连盖娅也没有这些资料。它也不在你的 DNA 里。
Your DNA and the Akash of the planet, that energy which lets you literally move into ascension status, only goes back as far as the earliest thing that happened for you on Gaia. Now, that's a lot! But that’s where it stops. Your DNA and the Akashic Record can only give you information about past angelic-Human expressions. We’ve told you so many times who you are, and we’re going to tell you again this night, but in a different way...... an enhanced way. You see, there's a whole lot more than you think.
你的 DNA 和地球上的阿卡什纪录,那股让你进入扬升状态的能量,最远只能回溯到你最早在盖娅上所发生过的事情。呐,那是大量的资料!但也仅此而已。你的 DNA 和阿卡什纪录,最多只能让你知道,你过去作为 “天使般的人类” 时的资料。我们已经多次揭露你的身份,今晚我们将会再说一遍,不过是以另一种方式…… 一种增强的方式。你瞧,那里有的比你们所想的还要多。
The entourage who is arriving in this place will surprise you. It’s not who you think it is. You fail to see this. It’s the obvious entourage of Kryon, whatever that means to you. It is those who come to wash your feet. But there are many more. Some of you will relate to this and some of you will not. Dear Human Being, all of those who you have loved and lost on this planet, in this lifetime, are now in the room. There are children in the room and you know who I’m talking about, don’t you? Brothers and sisters and moms and dads; cousins and uncles and aunts. The room is filled with Human Family that some of you have put into the ground and said good-bye to. They are here.
Some might say, "Well, why would that be? Why would they show up just for today?" And I will tell you. They don’t just "show up" today. Dear Human Being, so many have been with you all along, but you don’t want to see them. They’re vertical and you see horizontal [a reference to the study in perception given earlier in the day]. They are not in your perception. Your belief system doesn’t support the information that these departed loved ones are still with you and part of your guide structure, and will be with you all of your life. Did you know that? It’s part of the system...... a well-hidden one.
有些人会说,“啊,怎么会这样?为什么他们只会在今天出现?” 而我会告诉你。他们不只是在今天才 “出现”。亲爱的人类,有许多人一直都与你在一起,只是你不想见到他们。他们是直竖的,而你只看见打横的 [引用当天较早时关于‘认知’的讨论]。他们不在你的认知里。你们的信仰体系并不支持这种信息——这些离世的亲友们仍然与你在一起,他们是你的指导灵结构的一部分,将会陪你度过一辈子。你们知道这件事吗?这是系统的一部分……被好好隐藏起来了。
Did you know there’s an agreement between what you would call souls? Oh, you’re so linear and so singular! You look in the mirror and there’s one Human Being. There’s one Higher-Self. There’s one soul and that’s what you seem to carry around. What a concept! Well, it’s wrong. There is much more here to see. You are in many places at the same time. If I even begin to broach the subject, you won't understand. It's at this point that the Human intellect is insulted and shouts, "Tell us anyway. We are intelligent enough to understand anything." It's not about intelligence, dear ones, but rather about your trained perception in a dimension that is limited. Even the most intelligent Human can't comment on something he doesn't see or perceive.
你们知道灵魂与灵魂之间是有协定的吗?啊,你们是多么线性,多么单一呀!你们在照镜子时只看见一个人类。一个高我,一个灵魂,就是你的所有。多么单一的概念啊!嗯,那是错的。其实还有更多。你同时处在很多地方。即使我开始谈论这个主题,你们还是无法了解。就在此刻,人类的智力感到受辱并大喊着,“快讲吧。我们有足够的智慧来理解任何事。” 这与智力无关啊,亲爱的,而是与你们在一个受限的维度里所培养出来的认知能力有关。就连智力最高的人类,也无法谈论一些他看不见或意识不到的事情。
Did you know there are multiples of you on the other side of the veil? Multiples of you! They are energetic ones...... but multiples never-the-less. Did you think you took all of your power, angel, when you came down here? No. It wouldn’t fit in your body. So, what did you leave behind? How do you think co-creation is done? Let me ask you that again. If you co-create something for yourself, and you’re in a society with other Human Beings, what about the other Humans? Did you just blast your way through the puzzle with your own intent, right into their lives? If so, did you have permission? If not, where is the integrity of co-creation? Did you ever think of that? When you asked to be removed from a situation or to be placed into a new occupation, what about those who were affected by this event of yours? Did you just steamroll over them? I have some news. Every time you co-create, you’re fulfilling somebody else’s co-creation. Every time you successfully co-create, there is immense, complex planning going on. Did you know that? It’s a system, you know?
The Higher-Self - a part of you on the other side of the veil - is doing work you can't conceive of. Call it a great planning session that is going on all the time as you pray, as you move, as you send light. But the session involves many others too. It involves the Higher-Selves of the ones you are interfacing with, and they’re working together to create what you’re trying to do on the planet, since it also enhances them. It’s very complicated. When and if your intention, your creation, finally manifests, it’s a win-win solution for all of you, accomplished with permission and appropriateness. How do you think this works? Unexplainable and hard to conceive of, isn't it?
高我——你的一部分,在帷幕另一边的你——正在进行着一些你无法想象的工作。那是个重大的策划,当你在祈祷时,当你在走动时,当你在送光时,它都一直在进行着。但这个策划也涉及许多人。它涉及你所接触到的人们的高我,他们全都在一起,共同创造出你在地球上尝试去做的事情,而这些事也会对他们有所助益。这是很复杂的。当/如果你的意图,你的创造,终于显现时,它就是你们所有人的 “多赢” 方案,是经过大家的许可、通过恰当性而完成的。你认为这是怎么做到的呢?难以解释,也难以想象,对吗?
I just told you that your loved one who passed on is a guide, one of many. What about you? Could it be, as my partner says, that you are somebody else’s guide right now? When you passed over in a past lifetime, could it be that part of you stayed here to be with others? The answer is "yes." Perhaps they are still here and alive? How about that puzzle! Think of it. You reincarnated and here you are, but you might also still be with another Human as their guide. How's that for being multiple? That means you are in two places at once. How does that feel? It’s true, you know, and when you ponder it, it explains much.
我刚才告诉你,你那去世的亲人是你的指导灵,是你的许多位指导灵之一。那么你自己呢?有没有可能,如我的伙伴所说,在此刻,你正是某个人的指导灵?当你从前世离开时,有没有可能,你的一部分留下来陪伴其他人呢?答案是 “没错”。也许他们还活着呢?真不可思议!想一想。你转世了,你就在这里,但你可能还跟其他人在一起,在担任他们的指导灵。成为多重人类的感觉如何?这意味着你同时处在两个地方。感觉如何?这是真的,知道吗,而当你循着这个方向深入思考时,你会明白许多事。
Ever wonder why, when you come into the planet, that you have psychological attributes that cannot be explained? Fears, remembrances, things you will or will not do, places that you want to go, all present themselves as though you had lived before. There is a connection to Gaia and other Humans. There's an actual relationship within all of it that is hiding. You’re here on the planet as somebody else’s guide! Not all of you, since this information is very specific. It depends on how old you are. The younger you are, the more it might be, for obvious reasons. It is complicated, but there is more going on than you know, and an even bigger item, a relationship, you don't know about that I'll reveal in a moment.
First, however, I want to do one of my favorite things. I would like to take you back to the wind of birth and I would ask you, for the first time, to visualize this with me in a 4D way. I want to give you a description of this so you’ll know what I’m talking about, and so you can envision it with me, because I was there with you. I still am! I’m going to tell you something about Kryon that you didn’t know. Who do you think I really am? Angel? Yes. So are you. Purveyor of Magnetics of the planet? Yes. So are you. You know how big the entourage was that helped me set the grids on this planet? There was over a trillion of you. Every single person who walks this planet and will be born in all the future of Earth helped to set the grids of the planet. You were there and helped to initiate it. Part of the relationship is that you took on the energy of the planet. Then most of you went someplace else, and I’m going to talk about that too, in a moment.
The wind of birth is the description of the time and place in 4D that you arrive into on this planet from a previous life, whether on Earth or not. First-timers are coming in and old souls are coming in. Picture, if you would, something the size of a stadium. Now, I’m just giving you this metaphor because this is partially in 4D and partially in multiple-D. You can’t hear the light like I can, but you can see portions of it. Think of this stadium-sized object as a giant abyss. You’re in another dimension and you’re about ready to come into 4D [the Earth Plane's dimensional attribute], and you seemingly fall into that abyss. But there is this wind that is streaming out of that abyss like a cyclone. It's a silent one, blowing in an upward direction. It’s multi-colored and beautiful; it sparkles; it has lights that go everywhere, but it’s pouring from below to above. If you could lean into that wind, it would sustain and support your energetic weight until you literally remove yourself from the edge. Then, at the appropriate time, you would drop into what we call the canal of birth. The next thing you would know would be the doctor’s hand, and you would hear your voice for the first time in the new life called Earth.
诞生之风是描述当你从上一世来到地球时的四维时间和地点,无论你之前是生活在地球上或不是。初来者正在进来,老灵魂也正在进来。试想象一个像体育馆般大小的东西。呐,我给你们这个隐喻,因为诞生之风是局部四维和局部多重维度的东西。你无法如我一样听见它,但是你可以看见它的一部分。把这个像体育馆般大小的东西想象成是一个巨大的无底洞。你是在其他维度里,即将进入四维 [地球的维度属性],你看似掉进那无底洞里。但在此时诞生之风却如龙卷风般不停地从洞里涌出。它是寂静的旋风,在往上吹着。它拥有多种色彩,它是美丽的;它闪闪发光;它的光流向各处,但它是从下往上流出。如果你靠向那阵旋风,它会支撑着你的能量体,直到你离开那风口边缘为止。然后,在恰当的时候,你会掉进那所谓的产道。接下来你所知道的就是医生的手,你会第一次听见自己的声音,在你名为 “地球” 的新生里。
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想象图:诞生之风 |
Don't ponder this too much, for the inevitable linear question will occur asking, "whose soul was in the fetus while it was growing? If I come in at Human birth, where does Human life really begin?" I have told you before - a subject for later, perhaps - that Human life actually begins with permission to create it, by both the parents and the child. It's a spiritual event, and not a physical one. It is only manifested by the biology of the two genders. The time spent in the womb by a soul is not as important as you have made it, for the actual angelic journey of a Human Being begins at actual birth. The "life process," however, is seen by God as precious from beginning to end...... from spiritual permission to the deathbed. Humanity wants to compartmentalize it and assign spiritual aspects to the individual parts, instead of the whole spiritual process.
别想太多,因为这势必引发一个线性的问题,“在胎儿生长时,是谁的灵魂处在子宫里?如果我在人类出生的那一刻才进来,那么人类的生命到底是从何时开始?” 我以前说过——也许是下一次的主题——人类的生命实际上是在父母及孩子都同意创造它的那一刻开始。它是灵性事件,不是肉体事件。它只是经由两性的身体来显现而已。灵魂处在子宫里的时刻,并不是如你们所声称的那么重要,因为人类真正的天使之旅是在诞生那一刻才开始。尽管如此,“生命的过程”,从头到尾……从在灵性上同意诞生,直到躺在临终的卧床上,神都视为珍贵的。人类喜欢分隔,然后给生命各阶段指派不同的灵性面向,而不是珍视整个灵性过程。
It’s the wind of birth that I wish to examine for a moment. It's a portal and I’m always there. I’m there now. I'm with thousands every day that are making up their minds, and beginning the process to return to this Earth. Pieces of God, they are, examining what they’re doing, coordinating with all of the workers, those multiple parts of themselves, (hard to describe) before they separate the biggest piece of themselves and come into the Earth. I was there when you came in. I’ll talk about that in a minute. I’m there right now. I’m talking to every single one of them even as I do this communication. "Kryon, how can you do that? You’re here channeling." Oh, if you think that's odd, I’ll give you something else to think about. I’m also in the Hall of Honor! I’m greeting all of those I said goodbye to, in the wind of birth! To me, in the blink of an eye, they’re back! And we celebrate every single thing that took place. Hard to believe, isn't it? It’s a system, you know? It’s bigger than you think. Wait until you find out who you are. The reason you are having a hard time with my entity being in many places at the same time is because of your clock. It only allows for one thing at a time. I have no clock, and neither do you when you are here.
我想要探讨的就是这阵诞生之风。它是个门户,我一直都在那里。我现在就是在那里。我每天都跟好几千个灵魂在一起,他们已经做好决定,即将开始回归地球的那个过程。他们是神的片段,在离开最大片的自己并进入地球之前,他们正在检视他们所做的事,正在与所有工作者协调着他们本身的多个部分 (难以形容)。当你进入地球时,我在。等下我会讲到这件事。我现在就是在那里。当我在通灵之际我也在对着他们每一个灵魂说话。“克里昂,你是怎么做到的?你正在这里通灵啊。” 噢,如果你觉得那很奇怪,我会让你想想其他事。我同时也在荣誉殿堂里!我正在迎接那些,我刚在诞生之风跟他们说再见的灵魂!对我来说,在一眨眼间,他们就回来了!然后我们欢庆每一件发生过的事。难以置信吧?它是个系统,明白吗?它比你们所想的还要大。等到你们知悉自己的真实身份那一刻吧。你们对于我同时处在多个地方感到难以理解,因为你们受到线性时间的限制。它只容许一个时间发生一件事。我没有时间限制,当你们在这里时也一样。
Who Are You?
So here you are on this planet. Biological beings haven’t completely and total forgotten the angelic part of whom they were before they came. Some of you are tuned-in enough to actually read parts of the Akash. And this record will tell you about who you’ve been and some of the past lives that you’ve experienced. This record will give you an indication of some of the reasons why you feel the way you do this time around. It explains a lot about your current life when you know who you used to be. But who are you really? I’ll tell you. I’ve told you some of these things before, but I’m going to tell you again.
The first thing is, you’re a part of God and that means that you always were and you always will be - yesterday, today and forever. When you get out of 4D and time disappears, that’s very understandable to you and it’s a normal state of being. There is no beginning and no end. It’s in a circle. Let me give you an example of the way I see things. What are you going to do tomorrow? You don’t know that, since it’s your future. Anything can happen since it’s in the future. You can't know since it hasn't happened. When tomorrow arrives, it's the present and you will manifest it. In a way, you just manifested the future (as you saw it the day before). After tomorrow goes by, then it’s the past. All it took was one day for the future to be unknown, known, and past. One thing becomes another. At what point does it transfer from the unknown future to the known past? The answer is "when you live it." Well, in my perception, you’ve already lived it! I see them all as one. To you, I say, "Live it daily." Therefore, you are always creating the future.
首先,你是神的一份子。这意味着你昔在、今在、以后永在——昨天、今天、永远。当你离开四维时,时间消失了,那对你而言是很容易理解的,它是正常的状态。那里没有开始也没有结束。它是在一个圆圈里。让我给出一个例子,说明我是如何看待时间的。你明天会做什么?你不知道,因为它是在未来。任何事都有可能发生,因为它是在未来。你不知道会是什么,因为它还没有发生。当明天来到时,它就成了现在,这时你会让未来显现。在某种程度上,你刚刚显现了未来(在昨天它是你的未来)。当明天流逝,它就成了过去。要让未来从未知变成已知,从已知变成过去,只需一天的时间。从一个变成另一个。到底在哪一个时间点,那未知的未来,会变成已知的过去呢?答案是 “在你经历它时”。啊,在我的认知中,你已经经历过它了!我把一切看成是一。对你,我说,“逐日过活”。因此,你永远都在制造时间上的 “未来”。
"Wait a minute Kryon. How can you say that? You told us that you don’t know what’s going to happen either, since we have free choice." Correct. I don’t know what you’re going to do, but I know all of the potentials that are possible of what you might do, and they lay out in front of me like a map. Every potential thing that you could possibly do is there. Which track you’re going to take is unknown and will manifest itself with your free choice, but I see all of the potentials. Therefore, I already know one of the things you’re going to do. This is the "now" and it's very difficult to explain when you exist on a linear time line.
“等一下,克里昂。你怎么可以这样说呢?你曾经说过,你也不知道将来会发生什么,因为我们有自由选择。” 正确。我不知道你们将会做什么,但是我知道所有你们可能会做的事情的潜在性,它们就像一张地图那样在我面前摊开。每一件你们可能会做的事都摆在我面前。你会走哪一条路,我不知道,它将随着你的自由选择而显现,但我看见所有的潜在性。因此,我已经知道了你会去做的其中一件事。这是 “当下” 的概念,当你存在于线性时间里,我很难解释。
"It doesn’t make sense to me," you might say. It does when you’re not here, dear ones. We see the potentials of the planet, and always have. Why do you think there’s so much excitement from our standpoint? It's because we see the potential of Earth - all of the potentials together - and we see where you’re taking it. And you’re taking it right into the middle of The New Jerusalem! You’re entering the cave that is so dark, and a great shift is before you, yet you enter with such courage! And you wonder why we love you the way we do?
“这是没有道理的,” 你可能会说。当你不在这里时,它就有道理了,亲爱的。我们看见地球的潜力,我们一直都看见。你认为我们为何会如此兴奋与激动呢?因为我们看见地球的潜力——所有潜力在一起——我们看见人类即将把地球带往哪里。人类即将把地球带往新的耶路撒冷![隐喻地球和平]。你即将进入那极为黑暗的洞穴 [进入地球时的那个无底洞],前方有个大转变在等着你,但你还是很勇敢地进去了!你想知道为何我们是如此深爱着你吗?
When you were poised at the wind of birth, we asked you if you really wanted to do this again and you said "yes," and then you did! Who are you really? Ancient? All of you are beyond ancient. All of you have no beginning, but some of you are ancient on this planet. You’ve been here 50,000 years, some of you. To you, that’s a long time. It isn’t really. Thinking of what time it was when you set the grids with me, 50,000 years is just a fraction of a second on the world clock. 50,000 years ago, some of you were Lemurian, some Sumerian, some later become Egyptian. You choose some of the highest-tech societies that have ever been known on this earth, not defined by machines but by consciousness. You see, that’s your perception. It's actually a cultural crutch! You think, "the higher tech it is, the better the machines must be." That’s so funny!
当你准备进入诞生之风时,我们问你是否真的要再来一次,你说 “是”,然后你就来了!到底你是谁呢?是古人吗?你们全都比古人更为古老。你们全都没有初始,但你们有些人是地球上的古人。你们有些人已经在这里 5 万年了。对你而言,那是很长的时间。其实不是。当你回溯到我们一起设定磁栅那时,5 万年不过是时钟上的一毫秒。5 万年前,你们有些是利穆里亚人,有些是苏美尔人,有些过后成了埃及人。你们选择了地球上有史以来最高科技的社会——不是以机器,而是以意识来界定。你瞧,你们的想法就是这样的。机器其实是文化的拐杖!你们认为,“越高科技的社会,它的机器一定越精密。” 这种想法真可笑!
High Tech: Let me describe what high tech really means. High tech is top science known intuitively by the Human Being and practiced every day because he has mastery over dimensional perception. It doesn’t get any better than that. He doesn't need any computers. How was it that both the Lemurians and the Sumerians knew all about the Solar System? How can you do astrology without knowing about the planets, and yet it’s the oldest science on the earth! Without telescopes, how could you know about astronomy? How could you know about the movements of the planets, yet this knowledge was well known long before telescopes. Give that a thought. There's more here than meets the eye [Kryon humor].
高科技:让我来解释高科技到底意味着什么。高科技是人类凭直觉得知的顶尖科学,它被实践在日常生活中,因为人类掌握了维度空间的概念。除此之外没有其他。不需要用电脑。那么利穆里亚人和苏美尔人又是怎么了解太阳系的呢?如果你不了解行星运动,你怎么能进行占星呢,但占星术却是地球上最古老的科学!没有望远镜的话,你怎么能研究天文学呢? 你怎么能得知行星运动?但这些知识全都在人类发明望远镜之前就已经广为流传了。想一想吧。事情比你所看到的还要多 [克里昂式幽默]。
That’s who you are. You are ancient. Some of you are indigenous to this area. Now, here’s what I mean. You were the first to set foot on the dirt of the Earth right here. Want me to prove that? I can't, but you can, to your own consciousness. If you think you’re one of those allied to the earth, one who really resounds to the land and the animals who are here, I challenge you go to the museum and check out the pottery that you made! You’ll resound to it. I’ve said that before. That’s who you are, old soul.
New Souls Coming to Earth
"Well, Kryon, something doesn’t make sense. You say we come around and we go around, but the Earth has more Humans on it today, twice as many than when I was born. It doesn’t make sense that the same entities are coming and going all the time. There have to be new ones coming in all the time." How perceptive. So, you want to know where you’re coming from? Some of you aren’t going to like this answer, but I’ll tell you. Please be patient with my long answer. When you’re on the other side of the veil, Human Being...... how do I say this? There is so much excitement, if I can use the word; there is so much energy, if I can use the word; there’s so much enthusiasm, if I can use that word, around who you really are.
“咦,克里昂,有点不对劲。你说我们来了又走,走了又来,但是地球的人口越来越多,比我出生时要多两倍。如果来来去去的都是同样的个体,这是不可能的。肯定有新灵魂一直在到来。” 真有洞察力。那么,你想知道你来自哪里?你们有些人会不喜欢这个答案,但我会告诉你。请对我的冗长答复保持耐心。当你处在帷幕的另一边时,人类……怎么说呢?当你处在帷幕的另一边时,你是很兴奋很激动的,如果这些词足以形容;你是充满能量的,如果这些词足以形容;你是充满热情的,如果这些词足以形容,真实的你。
Lightworker, if I ask you, "Who are you?" you would say, "I’m tired." That’s the answer we get all the time. It doesn't answer the question at all, but it's what is on your mind the most. And how are you today, we often ask? "I’m tired" is the reply. You’re tired when you wake up and you’re tired when you go to sleep, and that’s because so many of you are doing the heavy work. So tired are you that you feel you are spiritually wrung out.
光之工作者,如果我问你,“你是谁?” 你会说,“我很累。” 那就是我们一直以来所得到的答案。这根本就答非所问,但这就是最常出现在你们心中的想法。通常我们问,你今天好吗? “我很累” 就是答案。你起床也累,睡觉也累,因为你们很多人是在干粗活。累得你感觉自己在灵性上已经被榨干了。
How many of you are convinced that it’s your last time here? [Many hands are raised] Well, guess what? You’re wrong! "Kryon, I don’t want to hear that. I’ve done my part and here I am. This is a very tiring thing...... coming and working on Gaia. I don’t want to do this again. I've earned some rest." But when I see you in the Hall of Honor, you can hardly wait to get back to the wind of birth! That’s what you said the last time, during the last incarnation too! That’s what the Human Being in biology experiences, dear one. You are so tired because you’re putting out spiritual energy that is actually changing the planet. You get on the other side of the veil, to Earth, and it doesn’t even occur to you about your real relationship and I’ll tell you why, because you are specialists in this.
你们有多少人确信这是你的最后一生?[很多人举手]。嗯,你猜呢?你是错的!“克里昂,我不要听。我已经完成了任务,但我还在这里。这是很疲累的……来到盖娅这里做事。我不要再做了。我已经挣得了休息的权利。” 但是当我在荣誉殿堂见到你时,你迫不及待想要回到诞生之风呢!上一次转世时你也是这样讲的!这就是处在肉体中的人类,亲爱的。你感到疲累,因为你是在散发出灵性能量,它能够真正改变地球。你们去到帷幕的另一边,再返回地球,如此多次往返,却从来没想起你那一段真实的关系,而我会告诉你原因——因为你们是这方面的专家。
Haven’t answered the question, have I? Where are you coming from? New souls are coming in all the time. Where are they coming from? This is the part that some of you are not going to like. You’re coming from this same kind of a test in another dimensions, from other places and situations not called Earth, but very much like it. This test is always going on, and that's not what you wanted to hear. It’s going on within multi-dimensional universes, and there’s more than one of these tests at a time. There may be only one in this Universe but there are others happening in alternate universes and this is what you do...... come and go from these tests as specialists.
There is a name for your specialty that I cannot give you because it is one that is only perceivable on my side of the veil. It’s a name that you know so well, and it’s pasted upon you because it’s what you do. So, you have come from another testing place whether the test there was complete or not. When you arrive, you choose to come into this Earth test as a newbie. It’s hardly the first time around for you. You’ve been doing it in some way since before there was a beginning! Now, that might tell you something if you haven’t thought about it. There’s a bigger picture going on. There’s a system. Think of this: If there is a system which includes multiples of tests, and you have done this forever, that must mean that there’s an engine of creation going on because of your very existence on this planet. Did you ever wonder about actual creation? Could you be a part of something far larger? And if you think that, the answer is "yes," There is a much bigger picture that you know about when you’re not here.
你的专业是有名称的,但我无法告诉你,因为它是在我这边的帷幕才能理解的名称。它是你很熟悉的名字,它贴在你身上,因为它就是你的工作。所以,你是从另一个测试地点来到地球上的,不管那个测试已经完成了没有。当你到来时,你选择以新手的身份进入地球这项测试。但你其实不是第一次这么做。远在还没有初始之前,你已经以某种方式在做着这件事了!呐,如果你从来没有想过的话,这或许会让你知道一件事。那里有一个更宏大的画面在进行着。那里有一个系统。想想看:如果那里有一个同时进行着多项测试的系统,而你永远在测试之间往返,这肯定说明了:有一个创造引擎在发动着,因为你 [创造专家] 存在于地球之上。你有没有想过,真正的创造是怎样的呢?有没有可能,你是某些更宏大的事情的一部分呢?当你这么想时,答案是 “没错”,当你不在这里时,你知道一个更宏大的画面。
I know all of you very well...... all of you. There’s not one entity here that doesn’t recognize the name of your specialty. "Well, Kryon, this information makes me tired thinking about it." And that’s the Human reaction we would expect, dear one. I’ll tell you what our reaction is when we think about it. It’s glorious; it’s spectacular. Your specialty is known by all the angels. You carry the colors and the badges of where you’ve been and what you’ve done everywhere you go. This changes with every single lifetime. Speaking of lifetimes, they’re quick, you know? You come and go very fast...... very fast. That’s who you are - specialists in universal creation.
我非常熟悉你们每一个……你们每一个。这里没有任何实体不知道你的专业职称。“哎呀,克里昂,这些信息很复杂,我想到就很累了。” 这就是我们预料之中的人类反应,亲爱的。我会告诉你,当我们想到这件事时的反应是什么:这是光荣的任务;这是宏伟的任务。你们的专业为一切天使所知。不管去到哪里,你们身上都戴着各种色彩和勋章,说明你曾经到过哪里、完成了什么事。这些色彩和勋章每一生都在改变。说到一生,它是很迅速的,知道吗?你非常迅速地来了又去……非常迅速地。那就是你——创造宇宙的专家。
Types of Comings and Goings
It's interesting the way this works for you. Many of you have seen these things, but don't know it. The first-timer. A first-timer is one who comes to the earth for the first time in his cycle. He comes from other biologies, other universes, other earths, (if you wish to say that) but not exactly. This test you call Earth is not a duplicate of something that’s happened before or is currently happening. It's not about alternate selves. No. This test is unique, and all the testing places are unique. They’re all about free choice, and what it specifically creates within the confines of a single universe. We know your potentials, but truly, what you actually may do is accomplished by free choice.
The first-timer: You can spot them - innocent they are - complete innocence and yet devastated by humanity in general. The first-timer is the one who will immediately go into nature because they can’t stand Humans. "This doesn’t work for me," they say. In normal conversation, they speak "A" and they get back "B." In their perception, conversation is very difficult. They often don't look you in the eye or respond the way you expect. They don’t understand why Humans spin drama, either. "Why would Humans do that?" they say. "I don’t like this place," they say. "I’ll talk to the animals." That’s a first-timer - very confused about the actual relationship between Human and Human. They must learn about this, and they always do.
初来者:你可以认出他们——他们很单纯——彻底单纯,但是他们通常被人类搞得身心交瘁。初来者是那些会径直投入大自然的人,因为他们受不了人类。“这不适合我,” 他们说。在正常的交谈中,他们说 “A” 然后被回应 “B”。他们觉得交谈是很困难的。他们通常不与你对望,也不以你所期待的方式来回应你。而且,他们不明白人类为何要编造人生戏剧。“为什么人类会这样做?” 他们说。“我不喜欢这里,” 他们说。“我去跟动物交谈。” 那就是初来者——对人与人之间的真正关系感到混淆。他们必须学习理解人性,而他们总是在学习。
A first-timer is one that’s just a little out of sync. Some say they’re a little bizarre, and that’s just because they’re so bewildered with the Earth and humanity. You’ve seen them. You know who they are, and they are gentle and precious............ precious souls. But they seem so out of place with society, so honest, learning how it all works.
Then there’s the opposite - the old souls. Some of you are 50,000 years old and nothing surprises you. You’ve "been there and you’ve done that." You’ve played all the roles within both genders many times and you’re just doing another one...... and you’re tired. You’re so tired! But to the ones who are convinced that this is the last time around, and you are not coming back, I have news: Yes, you are! Oh, yes, you are. [Kryon smile]
然后有相反的——老灵魂。你们有些人已经 5 万岁了,没有任何事能让你感到意外。你 们 “曾经在那里、曾经做过那件事。” 你们多次扮演过两种性别中的所有角色,你目前正在扮演另一个角色……而你感到累了。你真的很疲累!但对于那些确信这是你的最后一生的人,那些确信你不会再到回来的人,我有消息:你会到回来!啊,你会到回来。[克里昂在微笑]
Then there’s the pretender. The pretender, well, he's really a newbie. But he gets the spirituality bug quickly and easily. After all, isn't that the core of all of you? The pretender goes to what you all have in common, which is something he understands, and hides within it, pretending to be an old soul. You wouldn’t know it, either, except that one thing gives him away. Have you ever heard the expression, "too spiritual to be any earthly good?" If so, he or she probably is a pretender. They’re floaters - reality floaters. They don't want anything to do with the real world. These are the ones who you’ll find in the communes. "There has to be a better way," they say. So they surround themselves with spirituality and try to mold their own reality. They also wish to ascend and "get out of here." They would love to be like the prophet Elijah...... get spiritual enough, and simply disappear! That’s their goal. They want out so they won't have to deal with Humans any more, or at least the ones who don't think as they do. They are as precious as the newbie, but in a different way, for they actually can see that divinity is real. They endeavor to crawl back up the wind of birth to find it. But they never see the humanity, or the test before you, as being sacred.
然后就是冒牌者。冒牌者,嗯,他其实是个新手。但他很快也很容易就迷上了灵性事物。毕竟,这就是你们所有老灵魂的核心,不是吗?冒牌者投入灵性事物——他能够理解这些事,然后躲在里面,假装是个老灵魂。连老灵魂也无法看穿他,但有件事会让他露出马脚。你们有没有听过他们表达,“太崇尚精神以至对世俗事物一无所知”?如果有的话,那他或她很可能就是个冒牌者。他们是游民——实相游民。他们不想与真实世界有任何关系。他们是你在社区遇到的那些人。“一定有更好的办法,” 他们说。所以他们埋首在灵性事物当中,试图塑造出他们自己的实相。他们也希望扬升然后 “离开这里”。他们很希望能够像先知以利亚……有很高的灵性,然后直接消失![译注:以利亚升天] 那就是他们的目标。他们想要离开,那么他们就不用再与人类纠缠了,至少可以甩掉那些与他们有思想分歧的人。他们和初来者一样珍贵,但方式不同,那就是:他们确实知道神性是真实的。他们奋力想爬回去诞生之风,以便寻找神性。但他们从不认为人类,或人类所面对的测试,是神圣的。
"Well, Kryon, if this is so, what is the goal of Humanity in general? I understand we are helping creation, but when are we finished?" Indeed! I though you'd never ask! [Kryon smile] The goal? I’m not sure if you’re going to like this explanation either. The goal is to "do it until you’re done." Right now you are really tired. But dear one, ask the soldier who does battle every day, "Are you tired?" You already know the answer. Oh, but it’s so grand, what you are doing at this moment! If you could only see the system. If you could only see the relationship! You might be doing this forever. Tired yet?
“嗯,克里昂,如果有这么多种灵魂的话,那总体而言,人类的目标是什么?我知道我们是在协助创造,但我们几时才会完成呢?” 果然!我还以为你不会问呢![克里昂笑了] 目标?我想你们也不喜欢听到这个解释。目标就是 “做到你做完为止。” 现在你已经很累了。但是亲爱的,问问那些每天都在打仗的士兵吧,“你累吗?” 答案不言而喻。啊,但你们此刻正在做的事,是多么伟大呀!要是你能看见那个系统就好了。要是你能看见那段关系就好了!你很可能会永远都这样做。还未累吗?
Past Non-Human expressions on the Earth
Oh, there is so much love here! The system provides for it. Do you know why you do this? Because you’re in love with the system. The system is you and it's also God (in your view), and it's also nature (in your view). You’re in love with Gaia! What a beautiful energy. How many of you were aware that you have had past lifetimes without being a Human? Ahh. Now we’re getting spooky. Do you dare think of it? A lifetime without being Human - how could that be? How about a lifetime within Gaia? How about being an actual part of the earth for a hundred years or so, then coming back? How about being part of the rocks, the plants or the trees? How about being part of the life in the air - interdimensional life in air? Did you know that this is the way of it? If you understand this, we'll tell you something else. Your non-human lifetimes are not recorded in the Human Akashic record. There are those spiritual readers would might say, "I read your Akashic record and it appears as though you disappeared for several hundred years, doing something else, then came back. I can't tell where you were, or what you did." I’ll tell you where you were - you were in the earth in an energetic form! Your "readers" can only read what is within the scope of your humanness, for that is all there is to see for them.
啊,这里充满爱!系统释出了爱。你知道为什么你会一直回到地球上吗?因为你爱上了系统。系统就是你,也是神 [在你的观点],也是大自然 [在你的观点]。你跟盖娅相爱!多美丽的能量啊。你们有多少人意识到你有着非人类的过去世呢?啊,很可怕。你敢不敢去想呢?非人类的一生——怎么可能? 如果是在盖娅里的一生呢?如果是在百多年间成为地球的一部分,然后再到回来呢?如果是成为岩石、植物、或树木呢?如果是成为大气中的生命呢——大气中的跨维度生灵?你知道这就是事情的方式吗?如果你知道的话,那么我们会告诉你其他事。你的非人类生世并没有记录在你的人类阿卡什里。有些灵媒会说,“我读取了你的阿卡什纪录,看来你消失了好几百年,在做着其他事,然后再到回来。我无法得知你去了哪里或做了什么事。” 让我来告诉你吧——你作为能量留在地球里!你的 “读灵者” 只能取得你身为人类时的资料,因为阿卡什纪录里只有这些信息。
When you don't have an energy imprint to read within your interdimensional DNA, no reader or seer can see "where" you are, or "where you were." Therefore, the assumption is linear: If you didn't come back to Earth as a Human, then you surely are resting somewhere on the other side of the veil, getting ready for the next incarnation. Then some of you envision your soul-selves in angelic rocking chairs somewhere, eating angelic food [probably chocolate] on an extended universal vacation - rolling around Heaven all day! [Kryon smile] Oh dear one, listen: It’s a far larger system than you know. Your linearity gives you such neat and simple answers to such complex goings-on.
当你的跨维度 DNA 里没有能量印记可供读取时,没有灵媒能够看见你是在 “哪里”。因此,他们的假设是线性的:如果你没有返回地球成为人类,那么你就是在帷幕另一边的某处休息,在为下一次转世而准备。然后你们就想象自己的灵魂是在某处,坐在天使摇椅上,吃着天使的食物 [说不定是巧克力],在度过一段延长的宇宙假期——整天在天堂里晃来晃去![克里昂在微笑] 啊亲爱的,听好:这个系统比你所知的更为宏大。你的线性给这么复杂的事情提供了这么简单的答案。
How could such a thing be, some ask. To give you an idea, let me ask you: Why does the energy of Gaia have consciousness? The answer is because it’s part of who you are! Does it feel oddly like "home" to you? It should. It’s a divine energy and now we’re really getting out there to some of you, I suppose. [Kryon knows who is in the audience and there are some who are not of a spiritual mind, but attending never-the-less.] Your goal is to change, through free choice, the vibration of this planet and make it as high as you can. Because, at the end of the test (whenever you choose it to be over), the energy will be measured and applied to something else within the universe you don't understand now. Then, the universe shifts accordingly, actually using the measurement you created.
怎么会有这种事呢,有些人问。为了给你一个概念,让我问你:为什么盖娅的能量会有意识呢?答案是:因为盖娅是你的一部分!盖娅有给你一种很奇妙的,像 “回到家” 的感觉吗?这是应当的。这是一股神性能量,我想,对某些人而言,我们扯得太远了。[克里昂知道谁在听众席中,有些人不关心灵性事物,但还是来了]。你们的目标是改变,通过自由选择,来改变地球的振动,让它振动得越高越好。因为,在测试的终点 [无论你们什么时候选择让它结束],地球的能量会被测量和应用到宇宙的其他事情上,这是你们目前无法理解的。然后,宇宙会根据你们所创造的能量读数而进行转变。
It’s the engine of creation itself. It’s what makes things work. It's as important to the rest of us as food is to you here on this planet. What you are participating in interdimensionally and universally is profound, it is important and you don’t know anything about it while you’re here. You can't, for where would the test of energy be? But there is purpose for all of it...... and you wonder why we love you the way we do?
I’m almost finished. Now I want to take you back to the wind of birth. I want to take you to your own earth-entering experience this time around. I was just there, you know? So were you, too. Time is such a deceiver. Only in old age do you begin to realize the joke of linear time, when you can look back on all of it in a split second, and you begin to realize that you lived it in only a moment. Time is a construct that allows the system to be laid out in simplicity, while being accomplished with complexity.
My partner asked you this question earlier on: "Did you think about why you would ever have decided to be here now? You are at the crux of the big problem on Earth. You are here during the renewal of the energy of the planet, where the test gets hard." Now I'll tell you something startling: One of the easiest things you could have done is to have gone through the Armageddon. There's nothing to it; you simply die. You’ve done that before, many times. Almost everyone here has been burned alive. How about that one? It’s almost a prerequisite for awakening spiritually, as presented by your religious history. Did you know that? It would have been easy for you to do that. You have experience doing that, and it's over in a moment...... just a shift of energy. But you didn’t.
我的伙伴之前问你们:“有没有想过,为何你会决定在此时来到地球?你正处于地球大麻烦的核心。你正处于地球更新能量的时刻,此时的考验越来越艰难。” 现在,有个惊人的消息:人类原本有可能做的一件最容易的事就是经历世界末日。这没什么,就是死去而已呀。你们经历过的,很多次了。几乎这里每个人都曾经被活活烧死 [译注:被陨石撞击地球所燃起的滔天烈火瞬间烧死]。那样不好吗?末日的到来几乎是灵性觉醒的先决条件,就如你们的宗教历史所呈现的那样。你们知道吗?在末日中死去反而轻松。你们有经验啊,而且在瞬间就过去了……只是能量的转换。但你们没有这样做。
Instead, you said, "Let’s go and solve the big issue. Let's go and do something we have trained and trained for. Let's be the meek that inherit the earth. Let's change the actual vibration of the Earth. Let's have the battle of all battles, to be fought in the trenches of our own cultural exchanges, day by day. Let's go and start the hard work."
At the wind of birth I held your angelic hand and looked at you with my energetic sight - you were half angel, and half Human. You had one foot in 4D and the other in what we would call multiple-D. It’s so different than you would imagine. I reminded you that this is a step like no other you’ve ever taken. I reminded you that you were about to go back to the planet of free choice without any knowledge of your grandness or your purpose or of the relationship. Every single one of you in the room, and reading this, was born in a time when Earth prophecy was different than it is today. And I said to you, "Do you mean it? Why go again? Why now?" I knew the answer, but I just wanted to hear the warriors of light that you are, claim it once again. Can angels smile at each other? Oh yes! They do it with light-energy to one another, intermingled in a beautiful way with gorgeous colors. And you said to me, every single one of you: "I know what I’m doing. I have spent a long time helping the Earth to get to this place, and now I’m going to go again and make a difference." And now, here you sit because you did what you intended.
在诞生之风,我握着你的天使手,以我那充满能量的眼神看着你——当时你是半天使、半人类。你一只脚踏在四维里,另一只脚踏在我们所谓的多重维度里。这和你想象的非常不同。当时我提醒你,这是你从未走过的一步。当时我提醒你,你即将回到那自由选择的地球,你会忘记自己的宏伟性、忘记你的目的、忘记那一段关系。每一位现场听众,和每一位读者,你们出生时的地球预言跟今天的完全不同。当时我对你说,“你想清楚了吗?为什么还要去呢?为什么要现在去呢?” 我是知道答案的,但我想要听见光之勇士,即是你,再对我说一次。天使们可以互相给对方一个微笑吗?当然可以!他们以光之能量互相微笑,并优雅地在鲜艳的色彩中融合在一起。然后你对我说,你们每一个都对我说:“我知道自己在做什么。我已经花了很长时间帮助地球走到这一步,现在我要回去并带来改变。” 所以现在,你就坐在这里,因为你完成了你想要做的事。
I don’t know what that means to you as you get up and leave and walk to your vehicles tonight, or put down your book and prepare a meal. I don’t know if that means anything to you. I’ll tell you, however, what it means to me, grand one. You changed the universe! That's what has happened on Earth...... and you don’t even know it. Even some sitting here don’t even believe it. Impatient they are, as we close this communication. They are hungry and wish I would stop. So I say to them, isn't it interesting that none of the very time specific prophecies of the Armageddon took place? Isn't it interesting that you can't find anything that's going on today within the writings of the 400 year-old priest? [Nostradamus] Isn't it interesting that you have instead, and will have, events that will change world history, but which didn't seem to be on the "radar screen" of the best spiritual readers of the past? These are events that were never predicted, and now, even the "players" of the old prophecies are gone from your reality. Might that imply to you that there is something else happening instead? I'll tell you, doubter, what the biggest issue is: It's that when I saw you last, you were one of those who told me that you would go to Earth to change the energy...... and today you are with others who believe they have. What a coincidence! [Kryon smile] I'll tell you something else, doubter: You are as loved by God as any Human on this planet, and will not be judged by your unbelief. You are actually holding a place for those you sit beside, allowing them to send light where it is needed. Therefore, perhaps...... just perhaps, you are doing the very work you came to do, but you are now discounting it all as silliness. Such is the way things often work. You are as precious to me as any.
我不知道这对你而言意味着什么,当你站起来离开并走去车子时,或当你放下书本去做饭时。我不知道这对你而言有没有意义。无论如何,我会告诉你,这对我而言是什么:巨大的意义。你改变了宇宙!那就是发生在地球上的事……而你却对此一无所知。就算一些坐在这里的听众也不相信。在我们快结束通灵的这一刻,他们坐不住了。他们饿了,希望我能快点讲完。那么我对他们说,所有提出世界末日的具体时间的预言都失效了,你不觉得这很有趣吗?如今发生的所有事都无法在那位 400 岁的神父 [诺查丹玛斯] 的著作中找到,你不觉得这很有趣吗?相反的,你们所遇到的事、你们将会遇到的事,是一些将会改变世界历史的事,是在过去最灵验的灵媒的 “雷达屏幕” 上看不到的事,你不觉得这很有趣吗?这些是没有被预言过的事件,而现在,即便是旧预言中的 “主角们” 也远远地从你们的实相中离开了。[译注:指苏联解体及以苏联为首的华约组织解散,从而解除了因冷战而导致核子战争的潜在性]。 那会不会暗示着其他事情正在进行中呢?让我告诉你,怀疑者,最重大的事情是什么:上一次我见到你时,你是其中一个这样跟我说的人,你说你要去地球改变它的能量……而今天你就与其他确信自己已经改变了地球能量的人坐在一起。真巧![克里昂在微笑] 让我告诉你另一件事,怀疑者:你就如地球上的每个人一样为神所深爱着,神不会因为你不相信而对你作出评断。其实,你是为那些坐在你身边的人保留一个位置,让他们能够放光到有需要的地方。因此,也许……只是也许,你是在做着你为之而来的工作,但现在你轻视这一切为愚蠢的。事情总是如此。你在我眼中就如每个人一样珍贵。
[译注:关于旧预言中的 “主角们” 如何远远地离开了地球实相,详细请看:《和谐汇聚——灵性的投票及预言的失效》]
The "Relationship"
那段 “关系”
Finally, I’m telling you that this relationship that you don’t know about is a profound one. When you leave this place and I see you in the Hall of Honor, magic occurs. An interdimensional shift happens and the entire energy of your being returns to who you are, and joins me. Listen and read the words...... "Joins me." Because I’m a part of you! I don’t know if you wanted to hear that or not. There’s a relationship between the two of us, which goes way beyond brother and sister, or angelic partners, for these are linear and simple Earth terms. No. Instead, it’s a piece of God that you become. Have you ever felt this...... our relationship?
We’ve told you about the soup analogy before. It’s the best metaphor we have for something outside of your full understanding. You look at a bowl of soup and you see soup. You don’t see the molecules in it. You don’t see the flavoroids in it; you don’t see the salt and pepper or the ingredients. When you talk about God, you just imagine God...... a singular energy that represents love to you, or perhaps authority? There is no insult in what I say next, just reality. Your perception of what God really is has a comparison to what your pet must think about you! Your pet seems shallow and doesn't see "the big picture." It can't, because it has a limited intellect. Your limitation is the same kind of thing. You wish to think you have great intellect. But your intellect is truly limited by your dimensional perception. It's designed that way.
我们以前讲过 “一锅汤” 的比喻。那是我们对于一些人类无法完全理解的事情,所给出的最好的比喻。当你看着一锅汤时,你看见的就是汤。你看不见汤的分子。看不见调味料,看不见盐和胡椒,也看不见其他配料。当你谈到神时,你只是在想像着神…… 一股单一的能量,对你而言代表着爱,也许,是代表着权威?下面一段话不是要冒犯你,我只是讲出真相。你们对于神的理解,就如你们的宠物对你的理解!你的宠物是肤浅的,它无法看见 “宏观画面”。动物无法看见,因为它的智力有限。你们的限制也是如此。人类希望认为自己有很高的智力。但人类的智力其实是非常有限的,由你们的维度认知所限制。它是被设计成这样的。
The truth is that if you could examine God, and were able to "think beyond the box" you are in, you would find your name there! And I’m there with you...... and so are the masters who walked the Earth, your friends, and all the ancients. The relationship is that I am you, and you are I when you’re not here. We are one soup, and combine in a way not explainable to any of you. That’s why, when you read these words on the page, you might feel something, because it is part of "you" who is actually giving the message. Some of the parts of you, who are not "with you" now, are giving this message! Because they are still part of me. How do you feel about that?
真相是,如果你能够检视神,如果你能够 “跳脱框框思考”,你会发现,你的名字就在那里![在那锅汤里] 而我就在那里与你在一起……那些曾经行走于地球之上的大师、你的朋友、所有的古人,也同样在那里与你在一起。那一段关系就是,当你不在这里时,我就是你,你就是我。我们是一锅汤,以一种无法对你们任何人解释的方式结合在一起。这就是为何,当你在读着页面上的文字时,你会有某种感觉,因为,其实是你的一部分在给出这些信息。你的一部分,那些现在没有跟你 “在一起” 的部份,正在给出这些信息!因为他们还在我这里。对这件事你有什么感觉?
There is more to it than you think about being the piece of divinity that you are. God bless all of you for your work! Oh, the unbeliever is still here. I know you. There’s nothing that says that by attending this meeting, you will become strange. Please don't fear the love of God. Maybe you think you’re going to sit this lifetime out and just have a disconnected existence from all of this spiritual talk? Okay, then what brought you here? Think about it. It's really kind of humorous.
And that’s why we wash your feet, Human Being...... every foot that's here. Somehow you are in the dark, but with an enormous spotlight waiting to develop when you wish it to. And that’s who you are. It would be a good time for a healing, you know? Ah, anyone come for that?
Now would be a good time. Reader, are you "listening?" [Kryon smile] Now would be a good time. Claim that connection in your own way. Open the door when you’re alone. With pure intent say, "Dear Spirit, Dear Source of Love, Dear God...... tell me what it is I need to know." Do you want to go to the next step or not? Some do and some do not. There is no judgment at all...... only honor for the trip.
现在将会是好时机。读者,你有 “听见” 吗?[克里昂在微笑] 现在将会是[疗愈的]好时机。以你自己的方式来连结。当你独处时把那扇门打开。以纯粹的意图说,“亲爱的圣灵,亲爱的爱之源头,亲爱的神……告诉我,有什么是我需要知道的。” 你想要迈出下一步吗?有些人要,有些人不要。神对此完全没有评断……只有对你们的旅程的尊重。
Part of the family, you are. Part of God, you are. Leave differently than you came. Some of you are not going to have the sleep tonight that you’d like. Seeds have been planted of knowledge and purpose, allowing you to ponder the unponderable. Perhaps you’ve made a decision? Perhaps it’s about your biology, or about your self worth? Time for the shift, isn’t it? That’s why you’re here. I promise you that if you will make that shift, I’ll be there to hold your hand and help you through it. Not as an angel, but as a part of your own divinity. I challenge you: Stand in front of the mirror and open your eyes and look at yourself, and say, "I am that I am," which means I am God. Then go from there. And that’s the truth. We would not bring you these things if they were not so. Grander than you think, the plan here, is. More beautiful than you can imagine, workers of the light, all of you. All of you.
And so it is.