aerial view of Fanning Atoll, Kiribati 芬宁环礁 |
Fanning Atoll enclosed lagoon and its beach in the foreground and Norwegian Star Cruise Ship in the background |
Kryon:Perceptions of Masterhood I
我们已经给出了一个又一个关于 “大师身份” 的通灵。大师通过他/她的 “扬升眼光” 是怎么看待事情的呢?这些大师不是你们曾经读过的那些古代的大师。不。相反的,这些大师是你们,是你们这个时代的人类,接受了大师身份,激活了 DNA 第三层,正在学习关于扬升的一切,同时还留在地球上。他们正在经历什么?通过他们的眼光,对于一些寻常和普通的课题,他们有怎样的见解?当这篇信息结束时,你就能看到旧能量思维与新能量思维的分别,人类的观念会有怎样的转变、目前正在发生什么。总共有七个主题。
通过扬升的眼光,当你提到 “神” 这个字,人类大师会有什么想法?人类大师懂得分辨旧观念与真相的能量。神不是隔离在人类所创造的信仰体系里。神不是隔绝在人类 “认为” 神所在的地方。当大师想到神时,大师就爱上全体人类。神是一切万有,大师在一切事物中看见神的印迹。这种观念让大师的内心感到平静,意识到神是什么、不是什么。当人类呼唤神时,他们是在呼唤每一个细胞里的神性。那里就是神之所在......即人类之所在,不是建筑物。大师开心地笑,知道神是在人类体内。这也意味着,没有任何人是孤独的。
当你提到 “邪恶” 这个字,大师会有什么看法?我会给出真相。你能想象得到的地球上最黑暗的事情——曾经发生过的、或正在发生的、或能够被人想象得到的——都是由人类共同创造与显现出来的。邪恶中之最邪恶,黑暗中之最黑暗,都不会比人类心灵的最黑暗处来得更黑暗。人类具有强大的力量。他们能够显现出黑暗及光明。
在人类全体之间有极为复杂的协定在进行着,这些是跨维度的协定,超越你们所认为的生死轮回当中所发生的事。它是一个系统,它是如此复杂、如此深刻,它会让你大为吃惊。原因是?因为它把你 “视” 为一个群体,不是线性的。你的生命是线性的,但系统的计划不是。它也牵涉到你身边其他人的生死,而且是在自由意志的力学范围内。
你有没有想过,也许那里并没有一个 “制定好的契约” 是只为你一人而设 ?它是一个多方契约!事实上,你必须问,“你是谁?” “你” 并不是全在这里!怎么会呢,如果你有高我的话?所以,这也打开了一扇理解的大门,让你意识到,也许你是一个灵性群体(超过两个),也许你真的同时处在许多地方!
无论你在地球上失去的是谁,无论你是否觉得它发生得太早 [因意外事故而离世] 或者你觉得它是恰当的 [因年老而离世],总之他们的一部分 [你还未理解的部分] 被转移到你身上了。因此,你向来认为是单一的灵魂,其实已经在你的家族里散开!
因此你的祖先此刻是与你在一起。他们在你的 DNA 的跨维度部分奔流。最亲近你的就是那些刚刚离世的先人。他们是你的一部分,他们留在你身边,直到你去世为止。听着......这是超越你的理解、超越你的时间框架。它不是线性的。当你去世时,你的一部分留在你的家人身边。即使你已经转世了,你的一部分还是与地球上某个活着的人在一起,直到他们去世为止。这也是业力群体这个系统的由来。
大师是如何看待其他人?你是如何看待其他人?二元性会让你把他们分隔在许多不同的框框里。觉悟的人、没觉悟的人、与你有相同文化的人、与你有不同文化的人、同性、异性。你会有许多框框来安置 “其他人”。在旧能量中,这些框框是一种保护系统。找那些说你的语言、或与你同族的人,他们会与你有共同点。所以你会去找他们来保卫你的文化。无论如何,现在的运作方式是,无需再这样做了。
给你一个挑战:我要你去找一个你最不可能会想要碰到的人。看看他们的脸孔、他们的文化、他们的种族,他们象征什么,你象征什么——而我要你去看着他们......并爱他们。你能收听一个广播节目,听一个人在滔滔不绝地谈论一种不同于你的信仰的教义,却还是深爱着他们吗?你能看见他们体内的神性吗?大师能。无论谁走近大师,大师所看见的第一件事就是他体内的神性。对大师而言,那里没有 “其他人”。全都是家人。
大师如何看待政治呢?“啊,” 你也许会说 “好了!克里昂即将告诉我们应该投选谁。” 不,他不会。大师明白政治是地球系统尝试带来改变的方式,是治理的方式。无论在你们本身的政治观点中,它是对或错,如果从概观来看,答案也许不同。大师看见与明白这一点。如果我必须给出任何建议的话,人类,对于你们应该追随哪一个政党,我会说,去追随正直的。终有一天,你们每个人都能够读取这些系统的能量。你们有些人将能够看见那些色彩。但在那之前,请追随正直的。
那些不恰当、不准确、或不真实的事情,将不会为新能量所支持。最终它们会倒下,跟其他垃圾一起被扫掉。虚假或不恰当的系统再也无需耗时百年才会被暴露出来。现在将会是少于十年......有时甚至更快。那些不正直的事情抵受不住新能量的光。不止这样,人们开始被赋予新的视野,甚至包括那些不认为自己是大师的人。他们将能够 “感觉到” 某件事情是否正确。
我要对你们给出这个消息,亲爱的人类,即你们人类航船的 “船长” 无时无刻不在改变航道。这个 “船长” 就是你们地球的集体意识。如今它不断地在改变。我希望这个信息会在你心中激起一些逻辑思考:从现在起你能创造些什么。你希望地球和平吗?你希望延长寿命吗,考虑到现在你拥有全新的惊人能力,能对你的细胞说话?你希望拥有绝妙的健康吗,不管你的年纪有多大?这一切都是可做到的。大师知道这一点。
Live Kryon Channelling - The Pacific Ocean
September 8, 2003
As channelled by Lee Carroll for Kryon
[This channelling has been added-to and enhanced by Kryon, through Lee Carroll in a rechannelling process over the actual transcribed channelling. This has been done in order to make it more valuable for the written word and to bring clarity to concepts that were given energetically within the live channellings.]
This live channelling was given on September 9, 2003, on the NCL Cruise Ship Norwegian Star on the fourth annual Kryon Cruise. The ship was under way at about 23 knots (a fairly brisk speed) on a trip from the Hawaiian islands, south to the equator to visit the Fanning islands, a small atoll group that's part of the Republic of Kiribati. The channelling took place in a meeting room on Deck 12, about eight stories above the water. The room featured floor-to-ceiling glass windows that looked out upon the moving ocean. There was no land in sight, just the magnificence of the great Pacific ocean as far as you could see. The day was crystal clear, and the calm ocean created a straight-line horizon that seemed to be surreal in its flatness. The ship plowed its way south, and the dolphins danced in front of the bow, "smiling," as though they knew what we were about to do.
这篇信息是在 2003 年 9 月 9 日,在 NCL 挪威之星号邮轮,在克里昂第四届年度巡航上给出的。当时邮轮是以大约 23 节的航速前行(挺快的),从夏威夷群岛南下赤道,去拜访芬宁群岛,即是属于基里巴地共和国的一个小环礁群。通灵是在甲板 12 的一间会议室里进行,大约离水面八层楼之高。会议室有巨大的落地玻璃窗,可以往外看见正在移动的大海。视线里看不到陆地,只有一望无际的浩瀚太平洋。那天天气晴朗,平静的海洋形成了一条笔直得超乎现实的地平线。邮轮破浪南下,而海豚就在船头处跃出海面,“微笑着”,似乎知道我们即将要做的是什么。
Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service.
The focus of this New Age is on the discovery of divinity inside the Human Being. That is the focus of our teaching as well. So in the chairs where you sit, the focus of this teacher who sits in front of you called Kryon is about you. So let the entities that I've brought with me, who have been here for days and who didn't have to board like you did, begin their work. Let them begin to show themselves in many ways, but ways in which you will feel or smell. Then, perhaps, you'll understand that this is indeed a time where the Human touches a piece and part of the other side of the interdimensional veil.
Although we are not Human, we are family, and very conscious of your humanity. We are so well aware of your biology, of what you're going through now, that we feel that we are "one" with you. And that is why the entourage comes in here, an energy specialized just for you, and one that sits next to you... reader and listener alike.
虽然我们不是人类,但我们是家人,而且非常清楚你们人类。我们非常清楚你的身体状况,你目前正在经历什么,以致我们觉得我们与你是 “一体” 的。那就是随行团会进来这里的原因,它是一股专属于你,及坐在你身边的能量......读者和聆听者都一样。
There's nothing unknown to us. Even the things around you that are brewing, which you have not yet seen, are known to us. Your potentials are a reality to us, but not yet to you. And that, dear Human Being, is what you call the changing interdimensional road map. It is one that you can alter at a moment's notice, making prophecy impossible and your life perspective so interesting at the moment.
Now the waves slip beneath us, do they not? Oh, if you had any concept of what took place on the land beneath them! You sit here on a very high perch looking at the water that covers the depths, yet there's so much underneath us now that involves you, setting the stage for a planet in another time.
The master Makua, whose lineage is grand, gave you information recently [speaking of the Hawaiian "grandfather" who had led the Kryon group on a sacred tour of the big island of Hawaii the day before]. His lineage is that of a spiritualist and historian. He knows the great secrets of his own people, and the magnificence of his ancestors. You might say, "Well, Makua's attitude must then be biased toward his own race, what they have said, and what they had done." Yet Makua has no bias. He understands the great truths of Earth. Those who are spiritually evolved in any race, called "the grandfathers," also know of it. When they get together, they realize that their truths are not just similar, they're almost identical.
马库瓦大师,在世系里分属祖辈,最近对你们给出了信息 [指夏威夷的 “祖父”,前一天他带领克里昂团体参观夏威夷大岛上的圣地]。他来自通灵术士和历史学家的世系。他知道他的族群的伟大秘密,也知道他的祖先的宏伟性。你也许会说,“嗯,马库瓦的态度肯定是偏向他自己的族群,他们所说过的话,他们所做过的事。” 但马库瓦并没有偏袒。他了解地球的伟大真相。任何族群里那些在灵性上已经进化的人,称为 “祖父” 的人,他们都知道这件事。当他们聚在一起时,他们意识到,他们的真相不止相似,而且相同。
And so it was that Makua, the Polynesian, the Hawaiian, mentioned Lemuria to you. And so it was that Makua also asked you the question: "Who are you?" That was the question, was it not, of all the spiritual teachings yesterday? Who are you? What the master Makua was asking you to do was to get above yourselves. Could it be that your spiritual lineage is just like his? Do you understand that his question is not just who are you, but who were you? Do you understand that the past is now the present?
那么马库瓦,这个波利尼西亚人,这个夏威夷人,就对你们提到了利穆里亚。那么马库瓦就问了你们那个问题:“你是谁?” 那正是昨天所有灵性教学的主题,不是吗?你是谁?马库瓦大师其实是要求你去超越你自己。有没有可能,你的灵性世系就像他的一样?你是否明白,他的问题不止是在问 “你是谁”,还包含了 “你曾经是谁” ?你是否明白,“过去” 如今成了 “现在”?
What did you feel when you set foot upon those islands that stick up out of the ocean [Hawaii], the parts that never were submerged like the rest of Lemuria? Did you feel the energy? When Makua introduced you to his ancestors at the rim of the volcano, did you feel the rush? Did you feel his love? Makua was giving you an invitation to understand that you actually might be part of his own ancestry! Did you get that? Can you fathom the depth of the information that you were actually walking on a part of Lemuria that still exists as it did as a mountaintop in past times?
The rim of Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii |
利穆里亚文明始于大约五万年前。利穆里亚人在夏威夷岛的底部生活。在当时,地球上三分之一的水是结成冰的 [冰河时期]。这种情况造就了与今天完全不同的海洋。当时地球是一个冷得多的星球。大气层的平均温度比现在低了8° —— 对气候的影响非常重大,对地球水量的影响非常重大。地球平均海平面比现在低了400 尺。你能想象,如果海平面比现在低了 400 尺的话,那么从空中俯视,地球各大陆会是怎样的吗?如今的海底山脉都会露出水面。
As a master, Makua sees it all in one perspective, as many masters do. He sees you as family and invites you to examine who you are, within this scope of history, even his own. He's actually asking you to remember Lemuria.
And so the stage is set, is it not, for the teaching of today. My partner has indicated to you that there's no grounding when it comes to traveling on the ocean. There's no connection to the earth as you move along the waves. However, just because you travel over the earth that you once danced upon doesn't mean that you can't relate to it. It's just that you're now floating above it.
Regarding the ground, let me tell you about something that's happening within it. You'll get information as this week goes forward [on the cruise] regarding the Crystalline Grid. That information is being specialized and left to my partner's partner to give to you [Jan Tober]. But based upon the things that we've told you that are already taking place on this planet, there are also some other things that must also happen.
谈及地面,让我告诉你们关于地里面所发生的事。在这个星期里,当时间向前推进 [在邮轮上] 你们会得到关于水晶栅格的信息。那个信息将会是专门论述,由我的伙伴的伴侣[珍.托柏]来给出。但根据我们之前所告知的那些已经发生在地球上的事,其他事情也必须随着一起发生。
We gave you information that the magnetic grid finished its adjustment at the end of 2002. We told you that the next grid to begin being adjusted is the grid of the earth, the dirt of the earth, the Crystalline. We gave you information about its creation, and even some of the names that it was known by, such as the Grid of Light—the second of three grids to change upon the planet. We told you that the third grid was that of Human consciousness, which is a force, and one that interfaces with the other two simultaneously as they all shift. The three of them make a pyramid of grids, if you want to look at a shape.
我们说磁力栅格已经在 2002 年底完成了移动。我们说下一个被改动的是地球的栅格,是地球的土地,即是水晶栅格。我们告知它的创造详情,甚至给出它的几个名字,如 “光明的栅格”——地球上的三个被调整的栅格中的第二个。我们说,第三个栅格是人类意识,即是一股力量,它与前两个栅格有交集,它们会同时进行转变。它们三个会形成一个 “栅格金字塔”,如果你想知道它的形状的话。
Then we gave you information about those who helped create the grid that is Crystalline. We gave you some words that you've never heard from Kryon before. We cautioned you not to take these words and create in them a vision of your mythology, but rather to take them at face value and for what they mean spiritually. We told you about the creators of the Crystalline Grid—of the dragon energy and nobility—not the mythological dragon in your history, the animal that destroys. No. It's the nobility and the magic of creation, the dragon energy. Then we told you that this dragon energy was reawakening. We also told you what was happening with the Crystalline Grid—that you were seeing the actual crystalline structure, both spiritually and physically, being rewritten on the planet. That's what we told you.
As a master, Makua sees it all in one perspective, as many masters do. He sees you as family and invites you to examine who you are, within this scope of history, even his own. He's actually asking you to remember Lemuria.
And so the stage is set, is it not, for the teaching of today. My partner has indicated to you that there's no grounding when it comes to traveling on the ocean. There's no connection to the earth as you move along the waves. However, just because you travel over the earth that you once danced upon doesn't mean that you can't relate to it. It's just that you're now floating above it.
Regarding the ground, let me tell you about something that's happening within it. You'll get information as this week goes forward [on the cruise] regarding the Crystalline Grid. That information is being specialized and left to my partner's partner to give to you [Jan Tober]. But based upon the things that we've told you that are already taking place on this planet, there are also some other things that must also happen.
谈及地面,让我告诉你们关于地里面所发生的事。在这个星期里,当时间向前推进 [在邮轮上] 你们会得到关于水晶栅格的信息。那个信息将会是专门论述,由我的伙伴的伴侣[珍.托柏]来给出。但根据我们之前所告知的那些已经发生在地球上的事,其他事情也必须随着一起发生。
We gave you information that the magnetic grid finished its adjustment at the end of 2002. We told you that the next grid to begin being adjusted is the grid of the earth, the dirt of the earth, the Crystalline. We gave you information about its creation, and even some of the names that it was known by, such as the Grid of Light—the second of three grids to change upon the planet. We told you that the third grid was that of Human consciousness, which is a force, and one that interfaces with the other two simultaneously as they all shift. The three of them make a pyramid of grids, if you want to look at a shape.
我们说磁力栅格已经在 2002 年底完成了移动。我们说下一个被改动的是地球的栅格,是地球的土地,即是水晶栅格。我们告知它的创造详情,甚至给出它的几个名字,如 “光明的栅格”——地球上的三个被调整的栅格中的第二个。我们说,第三个栅格是人类意识,即是一股力量,它与前两个栅格有交集,它们会同时进行转变。它们三个会形成一个 “栅格金字塔”,如果你想知道它的形状的话。
Then we gave you information about those who helped create the grid that is Crystalline. We gave you some words that you've never heard from Kryon before. We cautioned you not to take these words and create in them a vision of your mythology, but rather to take them at face value and for what they mean spiritually. We told you about the creators of the Crystalline Grid—of the dragon energy and nobility—not the mythological dragon in your history, the animal that destroys. No. It's the nobility and the magic of creation, the dragon energy. Then we told you that this dragon energy was reawakening. We also told you what was happening with the Crystalline Grid—that you were seeing the actual crystalline structure, both spiritually and physically, being rewritten on the planet. That's what we told you.
Even at the basic level, those of you who understand crystals will understand that there's a storage modality there. Crystals store frequencies, and frequencies are a language. Frequencies, arranged properly, are the language of Spirit—numbers and cycles. Even the Cosmic Lattice is made up entirely of frequencies. So follow this, because this is new information: The Dragon Energy awakens, and the creators of the Crystalline begin to alter it with the help of humanity. You're rewriting the information that's stored in the Crystalline structure of the planet. What are you rewriting? Instructions, perhaps, No. You're rewriting the history of the planet.
In a dimensionality that's not three or four or even five, there is no time, as you perceive it. You are creatures of interdimensionality, angels each one. Within the Crystalline, you begin a process that's difficult to explain to any of you, for it's outside of the purview of a structure of linear time. You're rewriting what happened on Earth. It's a new planet, in a new energy.
Some might say, "Well, Kryon, you've already lost me on this one. Because what has happened, has happened! The history of Earth is layered with wars, with conquerors, with civilizations. You can't change that. It's history! So no matter what you do with the Crystalline Grid, all of that history will remain. You can't change that." Correct. You cannot change the facts of what happened in the physical, but you can change all of the DNA history around the past that's "living" today. This DNA information will cease to react to those "history layers" the way they used to. You're rewriting the history of the living grid called Human consciousness, which, in reality, is your "living" past. In order to really get to the focus of this rewrite, you're going to have to visit a certain place that is sacred on the planet, one we told you about more than 13 years ago.
有些人会说,“嗯,克里昂,你这个消息让我感到很困惑。因为那些已经发生过的事,就是已经发生过了!地球的历史是多重的战争、许多征服者、与各种文明。你无法改变它。它是历史!所以不管你对水晶栅格做了什么,历史的一切都将保存下来。你无法改变它。” 对。你不能在物理层面改变那些曾经发生过的事实,但你能改变那些如今还 “活着” 的人们 DNA 里的历史。这些 DNA 信息将停止对那些 “历史层” 作出反应,不像以前那样。你们正在重写的历史是属于那个活的栅格,称为人类意识,即是,你们那 “活着” 的过去世。为了能真正专注于这次重写,你们必须造访地球上一个神圣的地方,一个我们在 13 年前告知你们的地方。
There's a cave, a real one, called the Cave of Creation. And in that cave, in four dimensions [your reality], you would find physical crystalline energy—many crystals. The cave will never be discovered, as we told you before. It is protected and shielded from detection. But if it were to be seen, those outside of spirituality would look at it and say, "Isn't this a grand cave? Isn't it unusual... with all these crystals?" That's all they would see. But it's a lot like this room, filled with entities that are interdimensional, which your old reality cannot see, but which you feel and sense. The Cave of Creation is like the Akashic Records of humanity on Earth. It's a complex system of the comings and goings of all the angels, called Human, from all the galaxies to this one, the only planet of free choice. Your planet is the fulcrum of the decision about the future of certain parts of the universe. That's what your world is all about.
那里有一个洞穴,它是真实的,叫做 “创造之穴”。而在创造之穴里,在四维里[你们的实相],你会看见水晶能量——许多水晶。创造之穴永远不会被发现,如我们之前所说的。它被保护与遮挡着,不会被探测得到。但如果它会被看见的话,那些在灵修领域以外的人士会看着它并说,“这不是一个巨洞吗?这不是很罕见吗......有着所有这些水晶?” 那就是他们会看到的事。但它就像这个房间一样,充满了跨维度的实体,是你们的旧实相无法看见的,但你们能感觉得到。创造之穴就像人类在地球上的阿卡什纪录。它是一个复杂的系统,记录着所有来来去去的天使,称为人类,从所有星系来到这里,这个唯一拥有自由选择的行星。你们的地球是支点,决定宇宙某些地区的未来。那就是你们的世界。
As you might imagine, this cave is an active place! It's where there's much coming and going. Oh, if you could see the records written into the crystals of the Indigo Children—and who they've been! Let me tell you something. There are very few first-timers in the Indigo experience. This is difficult for you to understand, especially if you know the dynamics of geometric numbers and the amount of Humans being born on the earth. But let me just say that most of the Indigos being born today have a history on the planet.
Now let me ask you a question: What do you think is happening within the Akashic Records in the dirt of the earth that would allow the Indigo experience to be written into the crystals? Ah, we're getting esoteric, are we not? What happens when you leave this planet and come back to a record that has a certain energy about it that lies in the Cave of Creation? Are you aware that your DNA attributes are imprinted upon them as you come and go? There's a profound relationship between the Akashic Records and your DNA. One is the master storage of everything, and one is the current storage of the active part.
现在让我问你们一个问题:你认为地球土地里的阿卡什纪录会发生什么,才能让靛蓝们的经历被写进他们的水晶里?啊,我们开始讲到神秘学的部分了,不是吗?当你离开这个地球然后到回来,并重新取得创造之穴里的一份拥有某种能量的纪录时,会发生什么事?你是否知道,当你到来与离开时,你的 DNA 特质被铭刻在阿卡什纪录之上?阿卡什纪录和你的 DNA 之间有着一种深刻的关系。一个是所有记忆的主纪录,一个是目前活跃的记忆的储存空间。
Let me tell you what's happening. The crystals of the Akashic Records are being charged with Dragon Energy. Within the rewrite of the Crystalline Grid comes the rewrite of the Akashic Records. That is the secret behind the rewrite of Human consciousness as it's being changed on the planet right now. You're being imbued with [dragon] nobility and a profound change in your relationship to history on the planet. The rewrite will actually change your views on what happened, not the actual history of what happened. Was it drama or lesson? Was it part of a plan or chaos? Does it create anger and hatred, or a model of what not to do? Does it call for action? If so, is the action revenge or solution? Do you understand what "rewrite" really means? It's happening now even within the sacred halls of this cave.
让我来告知那时会发生什么事。阿卡什纪录里的水晶会被注满龙的能量。水晶栅格的重写当中包括阿卡什纪录的重写。那就是重写人类意识的秘密,当人类意识开始在地球上转变之际。你们被灌满[龙的]高贵特质,在你与地球历史之间的关系会发生一种深刻的转变。这次重写实际上会改变你对曾经发生的事情的观点,而不是改变曾经发生的真正的历史事件。它是戏剧还是教训?它是计划的一部分还是混乱?它带来了愤怒与仇恨,还是一个模范,说明什么是不应该做的?它有没有号召你去行动?如果有的话,那个行动是报复还是解决?你是否明白 “重写” 的真正意思?此刻它正在发生,就在创造之穴的神圣大厅中。
Even at the basic level, those of you who understand crystals will understand that there's a storage modality there. Crystals store frequencies, and frequencies are a language. Frequencies, arranged properly, are the language of Spirit—numbers and cycles. Even the Cosmic Lattice is made up entirely of frequencies. So follow this, because this is new information: The Dragon Energy awakens, and the creators of the Crystalline begin to alter it with the help of humanity. You're rewriting the information that's stored in the Crystalline structure of the planet. What are you rewriting? Instructions, perhaps, No. You're rewriting the history of the planet.
In a dimensionality that's not three or four or even five, there is no time, as you perceive it. You are creatures of interdimensionality, angels each one. Within the Crystalline, you begin a process that's difficult to explain to any of you, for it's outside of the purview of a structure of linear time. You're rewriting what happened on Earth. It's a new planet, in a new energy.
Some might say, "Well, Kryon, you've already lost me on this one. Because what has happened, has happened! The history of Earth is layered with wars, with conquerors, with civilizations. You can't change that. It's history! So no matter what you do with the Crystalline Grid, all of that history will remain. You can't change that." Correct. You cannot change the facts of what happened in the physical, but you can change all of the DNA history around the past that's "living" today. This DNA information will cease to react to those "history layers" the way they used to. You're rewriting the history of the living grid called Human consciousness, which, in reality, is your "living" past. In order to really get to the focus of this rewrite, you're going to have to visit a certain place that is sacred on the planet, one we told you about more than 13 years ago.
有些人会说,“嗯,克里昂,你这个消息让我感到很困惑。因为那些已经发生过的事,就是已经发生过了!地球的历史是多重的战争、许多征服者、与各种文明。你无法改变它。它是历史!所以不管你对水晶栅格做了什么,历史的一切都将保存下来。你无法改变它。” 对。你不能在物理层面改变那些曾经发生过的事实,但你能改变那些如今还 “活着” 的人们 DNA 里的历史。这些 DNA 信息将停止对那些 “历史层” 作出反应,不像以前那样。你们正在重写的历史是属于那个活的栅格,称为人类意识,即是,你们那 “活着” 的过去世。为了能真正专注于这次重写,你们必须造访地球上一个神圣的地方,一个我们在 13 年前告知你们的地方。
There's a cave, a real one, called the Cave of Creation. And in that cave, in four dimensions [your reality], you would find physical crystalline energy—many crystals. The cave will never be discovered, as we told you before. It is protected and shielded from detection. But if it were to be seen, those outside of spirituality would look at it and say, "Isn't this a grand cave? Isn't it unusual... with all these crystals?" That's all they would see. But it's a lot like this room, filled with entities that are interdimensional, which your old reality cannot see, but which you feel and sense. The Cave of Creation is like the Akashic Records of humanity on Earth. It's a complex system of the comings and goings of all the angels, called Human, from all the galaxies to this one, the only planet of free choice. Your planet is the fulcrum of the decision about the future of certain parts of the universe. That's what your world is all about.
那里有一个洞穴,它是真实的,叫做 “创造之穴”。而在创造之穴里,在四维里[你们的实相],你会看见水晶能量——许多水晶。创造之穴永远不会被发现,如我们之前所说的。它被保护与遮挡着,不会被探测得到。但如果它会被看见的话,那些在灵修领域以外的人士会看着它并说,“这不是一个巨洞吗?这不是很罕见吗......有着所有这些水晶?” 那就是他们会看到的事。但它就像这个房间一样,充满了跨维度的实体,是你们的旧实相无法看见的,但你们能感觉得到。创造之穴就像人类在地球上的阿卡什纪录。它是一个复杂的系统,记录着所有来来去去的天使,称为人类,从所有星系来到这里,这个唯一拥有自由选择的行星。你们的地球是支点,决定宇宙某些地区的未来。那就是你们的世界。
As you might imagine, this cave is an active place! It's where there's much coming and going. Oh, if you could see the records written into the crystals of the Indigo Children—and who they've been! Let me tell you something. There are very few first-timers in the Indigo experience. This is difficult for you to understand, especially if you know the dynamics of geometric numbers and the amount of Humans being born on the earth. But let me just say that most of the Indigos being born today have a history on the planet.
Now let me ask you a question: What do you think is happening within the Akashic Records in the dirt of the earth that would allow the Indigo experience to be written into the crystals? Ah, we're getting esoteric, are we not? What happens when you leave this planet and come back to a record that has a certain energy about it that lies in the Cave of Creation? Are you aware that your DNA attributes are imprinted upon them as you come and go? There's a profound relationship between the Akashic Records and your DNA. One is the master storage of everything, and one is the current storage of the active part.
现在让我问你们一个问题:你认为地球土地里的阿卡什纪录会发生什么,才能让靛蓝们的经历被写进他们的水晶里?啊,我们开始讲到神秘学的部分了,不是吗?当你离开这个地球然后到回来,并重新取得创造之穴里的一份拥有某种能量的纪录时,会发生什么事?你是否知道,当你到来与离开时,你的 DNA 特质被铭刻在阿卡什纪录之上?阿卡什纪录和你的 DNA 之间有着一种深刻的关系。一个是所有记忆的主纪录,一个是目前活跃的记忆的储存空间。
Let me tell you what's happening. The crystals of the Akashic Records are being charged with Dragon Energy. Within the rewrite of the Crystalline Grid comes the rewrite of the Akashic Records. That is the secret behind the rewrite of Human consciousness as it's being changed on the planet right now. You're being imbued with [dragon] nobility and a profound change in your relationship to history on the planet. The rewrite will actually change your views on what happened, not the actual history of what happened. Was it drama or lesson? Was it part of a plan or chaos? Does it create anger and hatred, or a model of what not to do? Does it call for action? If so, is the action revenge or solution? Do you understand what "rewrite" really means? It's happening now even within the sacred halls of this cave.
让我来告知那时会发生什么事。阿卡什纪录里的水晶会被注满龙的能量。水晶栅格的重写当中包括阿卡什纪录的重写。那就是重写人类意识的秘密,当人类意识开始在地球上转变之际。你们被灌满[龙的]高贵特质,在你与地球历史之间的关系会发生一种深刻的转变。这次重写实际上会改变你对曾经发生的事情的观点,而不是改变曾经发生的真正的历史事件。它是戏剧还是教训?它是计划的一部分还是混乱?它带来了愤怒与仇恨,还是一个模范,说明什么是不应该做的?它有没有号召你去行动?如果有的话,那个行动是报复还是解决?你是否明白 “重写” 的真正意思?此刻它正在发生,就在创造之穴的神圣大厅中。
Now, let's get more practical. We've given you channeling after channeling about "masterhood." What does the master see through his/her "eyes of ascension"? Not what does Kryon see, or an angelic being, but what does the Human Being see and feel who has the energy of the ascended energy?
现在,让我们谈一点比较实际的东西。我们已经给出了一个又一个关于 “大师身份” 的通灵。大师通过他/她的 “扬升眼光” 是怎么看待事情的呢?不是克里昂的看法,也不是天使性存有,而是一个拥有扬升能量的人类,是怎么看待与感受事情的呢?
These masters are not the masters of old that you read about. No. Instead, these are you, the Human Beings of your time who have taken masterhood, the ones who have activated the third layer of DNA and are learning all about ascension while staying on the planet. What are they experiencing? Through their eyes, what are the perceptions on subjects that are ordinary and common to you? So let this be part one of a two-part teaching called "Through the Eyes of Ascension: Ordinary Thoughts." And when this is finished, you may see the difference between an old-energy thought and a new-energy thought, and where this is going and what is taking place. There are seven. Let's talk about number one.
这些大师不是你们曾经读过的那些古代的大师。不。相反的,这些大师是你们,是你们这个时代的人类,接受了大师身份,激活了 DNA 第三层,正在学习关于扬升的一切,同时还留在地球上。他们正在经历什么?通过他们的眼光,对于一些寻常和普通的课题,他们有怎样的见解?那么就让这个信息成为两篇教学的第一篇,标题是 “通过扬升的眼光看事情:对寻常课题的见解。” 当这篇信息结束时,你就能看到旧能量思维与新能量思维的分别,人类的观念会有怎样的转变、目前正在发生什么。总共有七个主题。让我们来讨论第一个。
1. God 神
Through the eyes of ascension, what does the Human master think when you say the word God? It might be different than you think. You see, the Human master understands the difference between the old Human perception and the energy of truth. God is not sequestered to a system made by Humans. You will find the essence of God in the center of every atom of every molecule in existence. You will find the love of God in every cell that is biological in the Human body. God is not sequestered in what Humans "think" God is. God is not definable. God cannot be placed into a set of rules. God cannot be placed into a sole lineage either. The focus of God is the Human Being. It is not history. It is not doctrine. It cannot be compartmentalized.
通过扬升的眼光,当你提到 “神” 这个字,人类大师会有什么想法?也许与你所想的不同。你瞧,人类大师懂得分辨旧观念与真相的能量。神不是隔离在人类所创造的信仰体系里。你会在每一个分子结构的原子中央找到神的本质。你会在人体的每一个生物性细胞里找到神的爱。神不是隔绝在人类 “认为” 神所在的地方。神是不能被界定的。神不能被放在一套规则里。神也不能被放在一个单独的世系里。神所关注的是人类。不是历史。不是教义。祂是不能被分隔的。
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So when the master thinks about God, the master is in love with all humanity. God is all that is, and is seen and felt and experienced equally without judgment. This differs greatly with what humans have tried forever to define God as. Humans have tried to explain it, compartmentalize it, systemize it, name it, organize it, and worship it. And none of those things have worked, have they? For each group claims they have the definition, and they say the others do not. Some even kill each other in the name of God.
The master sits quietly with a broad smile and sees God in all things. The very thought creates a peace of mind in the master, realizing what God is and what it is not. Human systems and doctrines fall flat in comparison to the magnificence of what the master sees. And there's a cosmic joke here: Religious leaders on the planet who would claim to have God, often do! For the healings occur, even in the compartmentalized boxes and the many doctrines and the many "faces" of religion. Indeed, the healings occur, and the love of God is there, even within the systems that are limited and opposed to each other. You see, since God is in everything, it matters not what the name is of the organization or the religion. When Humans call on God, they're calling on a divinity that is inside each and every cell. That's where God is... where the Humans are, not the buildings. The master laughs in joy in the knowledge that God is in the Human Being. It also means that no Human is ever alone.
大师静静地坐着,满脸微笑,在一切事物中看见神的印迹。这种观念让大师的内心感到平静,意识到神是什么、不是什么。与大师所看见的宏伟性相比,人类的信仰体系和教义显得毫无意义。而这里有一个宇宙笑话:地球上那些宣称自己拥有神的真理的宗教领袖,显然真的拥有!因为疗愈真的会发生,甚至是在那些被隔离的盒子里 [隐喻各个互不往来的宗教],在那些拥有不同的教义和不同的 “[神的]脸孔” 的地方。确实,疗愈发生了,神的爱有在,即便是在那些受限与互相对立的信仰体系当中。你瞧,由于神存在于万物之中,那个组织或那个宗教叫什么名字并没有关系。当人类呼唤神时,他们是在呼唤每一个细胞里的神性。那里就是神之所在......即人类之所在,不是建筑物。大师开心地笑,知道神是在人类体内。这也意味着,没有任何人是孤独的。
2. Evil 邪恶
What does the Master see when you say the word evil? Through the eyes of the ascended master, who sits and encompasses and thinks and meditates upon words and concepts, what does the master think about evil? This is information we gave you the last time we were with you, but we will give it to you again. You should hear it over and over.
当你提到 “邪恶” 这个字,大师会有什么看法?扬升大师,一个静坐、包含、思考、与冥想的人,超越言语和概念的人,通过大师的眼光,他对邪恶有什么看法?这是我们在上次通灵时所给出的信息,但我们会再次给出。你们应该重复又重复听到它。
Human Beings, you're indoctrinated with the idea that the entities around you are vying for your soul. They want your consciousness. You were brought up with information that said that there are evil entities and divine entities, and depending upon what you decided to do with your free choice, one side or the other wins. It's either the devils or the angels. There you are, riding a seesaw, being pulled between the two of them. Supposedly each has power, and you don't. So you better hook up to one of them so that you'll have some direction. Some have called this situation duality.
Dear ones, that is mythology! I'll give you the truth. The darkest thing you can imagine on this planet that has ever happened, or is happening, or that ever could ever be conceived, has been co-created and manifested by a Human. The evilest of the evil, the darkest of the dark, is no darker than the darkest place of the Human mind. Evil is what is created by a Human Being, not by another entity sent to Earth to capture you. Human Beings are powerful. They can manifest the dark as well as the light. It explains what you would call black magic. It is within the Human Beings, oddly enough, using the powers of their divinity [this means that the Universe responds no matter what] to create evil. It is the Human's free choice, and it always has been.
亲爱的,那只是神话!我会给出真相。你能想象得到的地球上最黑暗的事情——曾经发生过的、或正在发生的、或能够被人想象得到的——都是由人类共同创造与显现出来的。邪恶中之最邪恶,黑暗中之最黑暗,都不会比人类心灵的最黑暗处来得更黑暗。邪恶是人类所创造的东西,不是由那些被派到地球上来捉走你的那些灵体所创造。人类具有强大的力量。他们能够显现出黑暗及光明。这解释了黑魔法的由来。它是在人体内,说也奇怪,使用他们体内的神性力量,来创造出邪恶 [这意味着宇宙总会作出回应]。这是人类的自由选择,向来都是。
Now let me give you the other side of that. The most heavenly thing you can imagine on this planet, the brightest light, the greatest love ever in the history of humanity, resides in the Human Being. What we are telling you is that the dark and the light of it, angelic or evil, lies within the power structure and the grasp of every single Human Being on the planet. It is what we teach and what we have told you from the beginning. And the master knows this. The master is not afraid to stand in the pentagram of the most evil of ceremonies, for he knows that there's nothing more than the Human Being. There are no evil powers that can grasp him to take him anywhere. Only the dark side of the Human Being.
Pentagram 五角星在魔法中是一种特别的图形,用正的五角星作魔法阵是白魔法,用倒的五角星则是象征黑魔法。 |
Here's what else the master knows: The tide is turning. It sounds trite, does it not, to say that you're moving toward the light? What else can we tell you? It's a higher vibration now. And when you measure the resonant frequency between the dirt of the earth and the top of the ionosphere [Schuman Resonance], you'll get a geological measurement that has almost doubled in the last ten years. So what do you make of that? The earth is physically responding to a light force that's being created within the Human consciousness of the planet. The master knows that, so when he hears the word evil, he understands that it is what the Human creates. The master is not afraid, for the master also understands that the Human is therefore able to manage what he creates, and has masterhood over it.
大师还知道另一件事:形势开始转变。听起来很老套,不是吗,如果我们说人类正在转向光明?不然我们还能有什么东西告诉你?现在的振动提高了。当你测量地球土地与大气电离层顶部的共振频率时 [舒曼共振],你会得到一个地质测量读数,它在过去十年间几乎是翻了一倍。那你应该怎么解读它呢?在物理层面上,地球对人类意识所创造出来的光力作出反应。大师知道这一点,所以当他听到 “邪恶” 这个字,他知道这是人类所创造的东西。大师并不害怕,因为大师也知道,人类有能力去应付他所创造的东西,并掌控它。
Simple as it may sound, again we tell you that light is active, and dark is passive. When you stand in a dark room and turn on the light, the dark does not leak out and go somewhere else. Instead, it's transformed, and that's what has been happening on this planet. The balance between dark and light is a measurement of Human consciousness, not armies of demons and angels fighting one another, as you might have been told. This means that humanity has the power over all evil, as well as divinity. This is an empowering message. Don't be shocked if it meets with criticism.
Schumann Resonance
3. Death 死亡
Number three is a profound one that we will not dwell upon, for it has been told over and over. What is the master's perception, through the eyes of ascension, of Human death? We touched upon this in last month's work. We saw and described to you what the master does with the third layer, the ascension layer, regarding death.
第三是个深刻的主题,我们不会详述,因为它已经重复又重复地被告知。通过扬升的眼光,大师对人类的死亡有怎样的见解?我们在上个月的通灵中讲到这件事。我们描述了大师怎么应用 DNA 第三层,扬升层,来看待死亡。
Dear Human Beings, all of you are designed for peace on Earth. All of you are designed to find the spark of love in one another. Did you know that you have to actively decide to do otherwise? Death is appropriate within the balance of a grand system, and we don't have to tell you this. All death is appropriate, even the kinds that you think are not. Let me give you the bigger picture again, for the master has it.
There are extremely complex agreements going on between all of you that give potentials for a spiritual cycle on this earth called Human life. It is interdimensional and goes beyond anything you thought happened in a cycle of life, death, rebirth, and life again. It's a system so complex in its profundity that it would astonish you. The reason? Because it "sees" you as a group, and it's not linear. Your life is linear, but the planning isn't. It deals also with the life and death of others around you, and within the dynamics of free will. Did you ever consider that there may not be an "established contract" that was just for you? What if it's a multi-contract! In fact, you have to ask, "Who are you?"
在人类全体之间有极为复杂的协定在进行着,为地球上的灵性周期,称为人生,带来各种的潜在性。这些是跨维度的协定,超越你们所认为的生死轮回当中所发生的事。它是一个系统,它是如此复杂、如此深刻,它会让你大为吃惊。原因是?因为它把你 “视” 为一个群体,不是线性的。你的生命是线性的,但系统的计划不是。它也牵涉到你身边其他人的生死,而且是在自由意志的力学范围内。你有没有想过,也许那里并没有一个 “制定好的契约” 是只为你一人而设 ?它是一个多方契约!事实上,你必须问,“你是谁?”
"You" are not all here! How could you be, if you have a Higher-Self? Who is the Higher Self? Is it you, or not? Is it "self," or not? If it's an actual part of you, and it isn't here, then you're not complete, are you? It's on the other side of the veil. Did you think about that? So really, you're not all here. This opens a door of understanding for you to also realize that perhaps you're a spiritual group (more than two), who may actually be in many places!
“你” 并不是全在这里!怎么会呢,如果你有高我的话?谁是高我?他是你,或不是?他是 “我”,或不是?如果他是你的真实一部分,而他不是在这里,那么你就不是完整的,对否?他是在帷幕的另一边。你有这样想过吗?所以没错,你不是全在这里。这也打开了一扇理解的大门,让你意识到,也许你是一个灵性群体(超过两个),也许你真的同时处在许多地方!
The Higher-Self of each Human is involved with the other Higher-Selves of other Humans. How do you think co-creation could work otherwise? You don't co-create in a vacuum, you know. Each time you change your reality and create a situation, you're interfacing into someone else's reality. Each time you change your own situation, you affect those around you. So what kind of free will would humanity have if only a few could push around the energy for the many? A great deal is happening outside of what you would call your own awareness, and death—or the potential for death—is one of them.
No matter who it is you lose on this planet, whether you feel it's too soon [an accident, perhaps] or if you feel it's appropriate [old age], a piece and a part of them [that you don't understand about yet] is transferred to you. Therefore, what you have considered as a single soul is instead spread out within your family! "How can this be?" you say. "Isn't the Human soul one entity?" No, it isn't. If you're a piece of God, then you have the attributes of God. You don't have any problem with the idea that God can be everywhere, yet you balk at the very thought that you are the same. You think "you" are singular and God is huge. The truth? You have the attributes of divinity, and that's God.
无论你在地球上失去的是谁,无论你是否觉得它发生得太早 [因意外事故而离世] 或者你觉得它是恰当的 [因年老而离世],总之他们的一部分[你还未理解的部分] 被转移到你身上了。因此,你向来认为是单一的灵魂,其实已经在你的家族里散开!“怎么会这样?” 你说。“人类的灵魂不是只有一个灵体吗?” 不,不是。如果你是神的一个片段,那么你就会拥有神的特质。对于神无处不在的这种概念,你可以接受,但说到你也是如此,你就畏缩了。你认为 “你” 是单一的而神是巨大的。真相是?你有神的特质,即是神。
Your ancestors are therefore with you right now. They surge through the interdimensional parts of your DNA... some of the layers we will eventually describe to you. The ones who are the closest to you are the most recent. They're part of you and they stay with you until your death. They can talk to you and you can talk to them. This is how "talking to those on the other side of the veil" works. It's not some mystical, spooky experience—getting in touch with your departed grandmother in a seance or a talk-show. It's a trip into your own cellular structure! And you don't need a mystic to facilitate it either. You can do it daily and with joy...while you walk along in ordinary life.
因此你的祖先此刻是与你在一起。他们在你的 DNA 的跨维度部分奔流......其中一些 DNA 层是我们最终会对你们描述的。最亲近你的就是那些刚刚离世的先人。他们是你的一部分,他们留在你身边,直到你去世为止。他们能对你说话,你也能对他们说话。这就是 “对帷幕另一边的亲人说话” 的方式。它不是某些神秘、灵异的经验——在一场降神会或谈话会中与你离世的祖母接触。它是进入你本身的细胞结构!而你也可以在没有灵媒的帮助之下做到。你可以每天带着喜悦与他们接触......同时像平常一样过日子。
When you pass over, part of you remains with your family. Listen... this is out of your time-frame understanding. It's not linear. Even if you've reincarnated, there's a piece and a part of you that's still with a living person on the planet. You could reincarnate into a new expression and there would still be a piece and part of you who's with another Human Being until their passing. This is also what creates the system of karmic groups. How does it make you feel when Mom passes away or Dad passes away? Are they lost forever? Let me tell you something. Mom and Dad are here! They'll be with you until it's your time to leave, and when it's your time, you'll be with your children until it's their time, and they'll be with their children until it's their time. What a system! It's written in your DNA. You don't believe it, do you? It's just too complex. Perhaps it's just too grand? Perhaps it's just too wonderful?
当你去世时,你的一部分留在你的家人身边。听着......这是超越你的理解、超越你的时间框架。它不是线性的。即使你已经转世了,你的一部分还是与地球上某个活着的人在一起。你也许已经转世进入新的一生,但你的一部分还是会与另一个人在一起,直到他们去世为止。这也是业力群体这个系统的由来。当妈妈或爸爸去世时,你的感受是什么?他们是否永远消失了呢?让我告诉你一件事。妈妈和爸爸就在这里!他们会与你在一起,直到你离去的那一刻,而当你的时刻到来时,你会与你的孩子在一起,直到他们的时刻,而他们又会与他们的孩子在一起,直到他们的时刻。这是怎样的系统啊!它就写在你的 DNA 里。你不相信,对吗?它就是太复杂了。也许它就是太宏大了?也许它就是太美妙了?
What are you going to do with this information? Here's what we ask you to do. Why don't you take it in and believe it? Maybe for a moment, suspend your belief of the things you can't see, and call upon these we speak about and ask, "Are you here? Why don't you touch me so I can know you're here?" And then stand back and feel the touch of your departed parents or the one that you lost, perhaps "inappropriately"? They died too soon, you feel. Well, they're here, and it's all part of a system within the love of God, that you helped put together. And the master smiles and sees that. The master understands that death is a change of energy, not the end of anything.
知道了这个消息,你会怎么做?这是我们要求你去做的事:为何你不接受它并相信它呢?也许你能暂时放下你对那些无形事物的想法,并召唤我们所说的这些留在你身边的家人,然后问道,“你在这里吗?为何不摸摸我好让我知道你就在这里呢?” 然后退后站好并感觉你的离世父母或 “不恰当离世” 的亲人的触摸?他们太早离开了,你认为。嗯,他们在这里,是神的慈爱系统的一部分,这是你有份协助建立的系统。而大师微笑着看见这一点。大师知道,死亡是能量的转变,不是什么结束。
4. Others 其他人
How does the master see others? How do you see others? The duality would have you compartmentalize them into many boxes. The ones who are enlightened, the ones who are not, the ones who are of your culture, the ones who are not, the ones who speak your language, the ones who don't. The ones who were brought up differently, the ones who are your gender, the ones who are not. You have so many boxes in which to place "others," and Human Beings do that.
大师是如何看待其他人?你是如何看待其他人?二元性会让你把他们分隔在许多不同的框框里。觉悟的人、没觉悟的人、与你有相同文化的人、与你有不同文化的人、说你的语言的人、不说你的语言的人。出身不同的人、同性、异性。你会有许多框框来安置 “其他人”,而人类就是这种做法。
In a past energy, this was a protective system. It's understandable. Humans are more inclined to get along with those of like characteristics and experience, so that's what you seek out. Find the ones who speak your language, or who may be of your race, and they will have a commonality with you. So you would seek them out for protection of your culture. This is very tribal, is it not? However, the way things work now, this is no longer needed.
Look at anyone on this vessel [the ship has 3,000 people on it]... any one of them. Here's a challenge: I want you to find the most unlikely person that you'd ever want to meet. Look at the faces, the cultures and the races, what they stand for, what you stand for—and I want you to look at them... and love them. Can you stand back and be out of judgment of the "box" you might have put them in, and instead see the angel inside? Can you tune in to a broadcast program, hear someone who is spouting a doctrine that's not yours, yet love them dearly? Can you truly love someone who has a political affiliation contrary to yours? Can you see their divinity inside? The master does. No matter who approaches the master, the first thing the master sees is the divinity inside. To the master, there are no "others." All are family.
看看这艘邮轮上的任何人[船上有三千人]......任何一人。给你一个挑战:我要你去找一个你最不可能会想要碰到的人。看看他们的脸孔、他们的文化、他们的种族,他们象征什么,你象征什么——而我要你去看着他们......并爱他们。你能退后站着并放下你的那些评价,超越那个你也许已经把他们安置在内的框框,反过来看见他们体内的天使吗?你能收听一个广播节目,听一个人在滔滔不绝地谈论一种不同于你的信仰的教义,却还是深爱着他们吗?你能看见他们体内的神性吗?大师能。无论谁走近大师,大师所看见的第一件事就是他体内的神性。对大师而言,那里没有 “其他人”。全都是家人。
5. Politics 政治
Here's one of the most difficult of all: politics. How does the master see politics? "Oh," you might say, "here we go! Kryon's going to tell us who we should vote for. Isn't it grand that he's going to tell us that?" No, he's not. He's just going to muddy the waters of what you think you stand for.
这是最复杂的一个:政治。大师如何看待政治呢?“啊,” 你也许会说 “好了!克里昂即将告诉我们应该投选谁。这不是很好吗,他即将告诉我们这件事?” 不,他不会。他只是即将混淆视听,让你立场不定。
The master understands that politics is the way that Earth-based systems try to create change and sometimes govern. If I had to give you any advice, Human Being, as to what affiliation you would want to look at, I would say to follow the integrity. There will come a day when all of you can read the energy of these systems. Some of you will be able to see the colors. But until then, follow the integrity.
A bigger view: Get above it all for a moment. All of it. Pretend you're arriving on Earth for the first time and you're just looking around, without bias. Here's what you'd see: Planet Earth has changed its future in a "play" where angels come and go, acting in different faces and races. During the play, the angels acting the roles decided to change the future, to rewrite the ending of the play! In order to do that, there had to be significant and profound changes taking place within all things political on the planet. Situations that were setups to the end of the earth [Armageddon] had to be undone fairly quickly. What took thousands of years to create would have to be changed within a decade. You would find an earth going through upheavals of political shifts, some very unexpected.
一个概观:请暂时超越这一切。超越一切。假设你是第一次抵达地球,你只是到处看看,没有任何偏见。这是你会看见的事:地球已经在一出 “戏剧” 中改变了它的未来,天使在地球上来来去去,扮演不同的脸孔与种族。在戏里面,那些演出的天使们决定要改变未来,要改写结局!为了达到这个目标,地球上关于政治的一切都必须经过重大与深刻的转变。那些设置好的会引致地球终结[世界末日]的格局,必须尽快被取消。那些用了数千年时间来创造的局面,必须在十年内改变。你们会发现地球开始经历政权更替的动荡,有些是完全预料不到的。
I will tell you some things that you may not agree with or understand, but it's the truth. What's taking place in the Middle East at this moment, facilitated by a country called America, is what you asked to happen to provide a fast track to an eventual shift. It would seem that a giant stick has been placed into the soup called the Middle East, and it's stirring everything up. Why would this be something needed for shift? The old ways that provided the setup for Armageddon are so old that they would remain unchanged for decades and decades. Remember the issue about protectionism (above)? Without that big stick being inserted and moved around, nothing would ever change. So you all gave permission for something to facilitate it.
[译注:指伊拉克战争(2003 年 3 月 20 日-2011 年 12 月 18 日)]。
The "stick" that's working to stir thing up would never have been possible without the event that took place that you call 9-11. It was a precursor of allowance, another setup for change... another type of permission given by you. Historians will look back and say that this time was the beginning of the great shift in changing the polarization of the planet politically and culturally.
那支搅动格局的 “巨棒” 永远不会成为可能,如果没有发生 9-11 事件的话。它是许可的前奏,是带来改变的另一种设置......是你们所给出的另一种许可。历史学家会回顾并说,这个时代是大蜕变的开始,在政治上和文化上改变了地球的两极化。
Right or wrong, within your own political view, the bigger overview may be different. The master sees and understands this. So it's no accident that the country you call America is the only superpower of its time, and the only one who could accomplish certain kinds of things on the planet that will force change. In your political overview, that would provide a commotion that might not sit well with a humanitarian.
The "stick" will continue to be inserted and stirred, perhaps inappropriately in your view. It will inflame the beehive until the hive realizes it has choice. What will then take place will advance the history of the planet as the Crystalline Grid is being rewritten. It breaks the chain of hatred creating more hatred. It stops an old history that's stale and stuck within its ways of revenge and war.
那支 “巨棒” 会继续被插入与搅动,也许在你们的观点中,是不恰当的方式。它会激怒整个蜂群,直到蜂群意识到自己是有选择的。随后所发生的事,会将地球的历史推前一步,因为水晶栅格将被重写。它会打破仇恨制造更多仇恨的枷锁。它会终止一段古老的历史,既陈腐又停滞,卡在仇恨与战争之中。
That's what the master sees. He sees the overview above what you personally think about politics. It gives you something to think about, doesn't it? You're humanitarians, every single one. None of you want war, ever. You're humanitarians, every single one, and are filled with the love of Spirit. All you want to do is heal and help. You are the precursors of the peaceful ones on the planet who will make the decisions that will bring the countries together. We stood in a place in Tel Aviv not too long ago and said to Lightworkers there that the Temple will be rebuilt. It's a Temple without walls. But in order to rebuild the Temple, the old one has to be scraped clean, and the foundation has to be exposed with all of its dirt and ugliness. This is what you're now seeing on your news. This isn't an endorsement for any government or a criticism of it. It is simply a manifestation of something far larger... the beginning of massive change.
You can't have the old intermixed with the new. The house has to be completely rebuilt. Yes, that means that there's more trouble to come, if you want to look at it that way. So, Lightworker, don't fear what you create. Lightworker, listen: Do not fear the love of God. Ask to be in the right place at the right time—all of you. The master does. The master is unafraid, for the master celebrates the shift. He also sends light to those in power, daily, so that the time of the shift will be short.
6. Information 信息
Number six is information. It seems that there's so much new information! How does the master see the fact that there are so many people today bringing in new processes, new information, new healing, and new channellings? How can anyone tell if these are correct or not? What if they're just fads? Worse, what if they're marketing schemes, riding on the new fads? What if some are fraudulent? It all seems so confusing. The master stands back and he knows something. You see, the master knows about a postulate: Truth seeks its highest level.
There's something else going on on the planet. It's an energy of co-creation that provides an enhancement of the postulate. Things that aren't appropriate or accurate or true will not be supported by the new energy. Eventually they'll fall upon the floor along with all of the other trash and be swept away. Truth seeks its highest level, and this perception is becoming more prevalent. It won't take a hundred years anymore for a false or inappropriate system to be exposed. Now it will be less than ten years... sometimes even faster. Those things that lack integrity can't stand in the light of the new energy.
Not only that, but the master understands that new sight is being given, even for those who don't call themselves masters. They'll be able to "feel" whether something rings true or not. Beware of systems that require you to join and be and do. Instead, look for new ideas that have very little or no organization around them. These are the ones that will be of the new energy—that provide for individual growth within a non-system that somehow has all the attributes of an organization without walls or rules or membership.
不止这样,大师还明白,人们开始被赋予新的视野,甚至包括那些不认为自己是大师的人。他们将能够 “感觉到” 某件事情是否正确。小心那些要求你加入或成为或去做某些事情的信仰体系。相反的,去寻找那些新的、没有任何组织支撑的信念。这些信念正是属于新的能量——它能带来个人成长,在一个非系统中——它具有一个组织的所有特质,却没有任何隔阂或规则或会员制。
We told you sometime ago that there would come a time when the greatest religious leaders of your planet could no longer say one thing yet do another. Now you're seeing the pruning, are you not, of even some of the largest spiritual organizations on the planet? It's the same thing with new information. It will prune itself as you observe it.
Some of the fresh new information will be difficult to grasp, and it will need you to dedicate yourself to its understanding. But as you study it, it will feed you and ring true. You'll be in a steep learning curve of how the new energy works, and if you wish to become a master of it, there will be a time of adjustment. Look for new books and new physics. The shifting of dimensions will not always seem intuitive until you're able to grasp what's actually happening. These studies will bring results immediately to you.
7. The Human Being 人类
This is number seven. Oh, there are many more than these seven—seemingly common things to think about through the eyes of the ascension. But for now, this is the last one. What does the master think about the power within a Human Being?
Let's define power. In the language that this is being presented in [English], power does not mean force. Power, as we are saying it now, means enablement. Enablement means the ability to move beyond former restriction. That's powerful for a Human, especially when the restriction has been one of Human perception... what is real and what is not. So an empowered Human is one who's able to think past his own former reality, and perform tasks formerly thought impossible.
让我们来的定义 “力量”。在这个通灵被呈现的语言中 [英语],力量不意味着武力,我们此刻正在说的,是指赋能。赋能是指有能力超越过去的限制。这对人类而言是强大的力量,尤其是,当那些限制是人类向来坚守的观念......什么是真实的,什么不是。所以一个被赋能的人是一个有能力去超越自己的旧实相的人,并履行一些在过去被认为是不可能的任务。
Let's speak about the power, or enablement, of humanity. The master has a broad grin right now. There's nothing more profound on the planet than what's taking place within the enablement of humanity. Do you realize that part of the uncomfortable-ness that many of you feel is simply the fact that there's no future for you at the moment? When you arrived on this planet, dear Human Being, the prophecy was far different, wasn't it? But look what has taken place. You changed it, and metaphorically changed tracks of reality on your Humanity train. Therefore those old prophesies are gone [didn't happen], and there are no new ones yet.
The "stick" that's working to stir thing up would never have been possible without the event that took place that you call 9-11. It was a precursor of allowance, another setup for change... another type of permission given by you. Historians will look back and say that this time was the beginning of the great shift in changing the polarization of the planet politically and culturally.
那支搅动格局的 “巨棒” 永远不会成为可能,如果没有发生 9-11 事件的话。它是许可的前奏,是带来改变的另一种设置......是你们所给出的另一种许可。历史学家会回顾并说,这个时代是大蜕变的开始,在政治上和文化上改变了地球的两极化。
Right or wrong, within your own political view, the bigger overview may be different. The master sees and understands this. So it's no accident that the country you call America is the only superpower of its time, and the only one who could accomplish certain kinds of things on the planet that will force change. In your political overview, that would provide a commotion that might not sit well with a humanitarian.
The "stick" will continue to be inserted and stirred, perhaps inappropriately in your view. It will inflame the beehive until the hive realizes it has choice. What will then take place will advance the history of the planet as the Crystalline Grid is being rewritten. It breaks the chain of hatred creating more hatred. It stops an old history that's stale and stuck within its ways of revenge and war.
那支 “巨棒” 会继续被插入与搅动,也许在你们的观点中,是不恰当的方式。它会激怒整个蜂群,直到蜂群意识到自己是有选择的。随后所发生的事,会将地球的历史推前一步,因为水晶栅格将被重写。它会打破仇恨制造更多仇恨的枷锁。它会终止一段古老的历史,既陈腐又停滞,卡在仇恨与战争之中。
That's what the master sees. He sees the overview above what you personally think about politics. It gives you something to think about, doesn't it? You're humanitarians, every single one. None of you want war, ever. You're humanitarians, every single one, and are filled with the love of Spirit. All you want to do is heal and help. You are the precursors of the peaceful ones on the planet who will make the decisions that will bring the countries together. We stood in a place in Tel Aviv not too long ago and said to Lightworkers there that the Temple will be rebuilt. It's a Temple without walls. But in order to rebuild the Temple, the old one has to be scraped clean, and the foundation has to be exposed with all of its dirt and ugliness. This is what you're now seeing on your news. This isn't an endorsement for any government or a criticism of it. It is simply a manifestation of something far larger... the beginning of massive change.
You can't have the old intermixed with the new. The house has to be completely rebuilt. Yes, that means that there's more trouble to come, if you want to look at it that way. So, Lightworker, don't fear what you create. Lightworker, listen: Do not fear the love of God. Ask to be in the right place at the right time—all of you. The master does. The master is unafraid, for the master celebrates the shift. He also sends light to those in power, daily, so that the time of the shift will be short.
6. Information 信息
Number six is information. It seems that there's so much new information! How does the master see the fact that there are so many people today bringing in new processes, new information, new healing, and new channellings? How can anyone tell if these are correct or not? What if they're just fads? Worse, what if they're marketing schemes, riding on the new fads? What if some are fraudulent? It all seems so confusing. The master stands back and he knows something. You see, the master knows about a postulate: Truth seeks its highest level.
There's something else going on on the planet. It's an energy of co-creation that provides an enhancement of the postulate. Things that aren't appropriate or accurate or true will not be supported by the new energy. Eventually they'll fall upon the floor along with all of the other trash and be swept away. Truth seeks its highest level, and this perception is becoming more prevalent. It won't take a hundred years anymore for a false or inappropriate system to be exposed. Now it will be less than ten years... sometimes even faster. Those things that lack integrity can't stand in the light of the new energy.
Not only that, but the master understands that new sight is being given, even for those who don't call themselves masters. They'll be able to "feel" whether something rings true or not. Beware of systems that require you to join and be and do. Instead, look for new ideas that have very little or no organization around them. These are the ones that will be of the new energy—that provide for individual growth within a non-system that somehow has all the attributes of an organization without walls or rules or membership.
不止这样,大师还明白,人们开始被赋予新的视野,甚至包括那些不认为自己是大师的人。他们将能够 “感觉到” 某件事情是否正确。小心那些要求你加入或成为或去做某些事情的信仰体系。相反的,去寻找那些新的、没有任何组织支撑的信念。这些信念正是属于新的能量——它能带来个人成长,在一个非系统中——它具有一个组织的所有特质,却没有任何隔阂或规则或会员制。
We told you sometime ago that there would come a time when the greatest religious leaders of your planet could no longer say one thing yet do another. Now you're seeing the pruning, are you not, of even some of the largest spiritual organizations on the planet? It's the same thing with new information. It will prune itself as you observe it.
Some of the fresh new information will be difficult to grasp, and it will need you to dedicate yourself to its understanding. But as you study it, it will feed you and ring true. You'll be in a steep learning curve of how the new energy works, and if you wish to become a master of it, there will be a time of adjustment. Look for new books and new physics. The shifting of dimensions will not always seem intuitive until you're able to grasp what's actually happening. These studies will bring results immediately to you.
7. The Human Being 人类
This is number seven. Oh, there are many more than these seven—seemingly common things to think about through the eyes of the ascension. But for now, this is the last one. What does the master think about the power within a Human Being?
Let's define power. In the language that this is being presented in [English], power does not mean force. Power, as we are saying it now, means enablement. Enablement means the ability to move beyond former restriction. That's powerful for a Human, especially when the restriction has been one of Human perception... what is real and what is not. So an empowered Human is one who's able to think past his own former reality, and perform tasks formerly thought impossible.
让我们来的定义 “力量”。在这个通灵被呈现的语言中 [英语],力量不意味着武力,我们此刻正在说的,是指赋能。赋能是指有能力超越过去的限制。这对人类而言是强大的力量,尤其是,当那些限制是人类向来坚守的观念......什么是真实的,什么不是。所以一个被赋能的人是一个有能力去超越自己的旧实相的人,并履行一些在过去被认为是不可能的任务。
Let's speak about the power, or enablement, of humanity. The master has a broad grin right now. There's nothing more profound on the planet than what's taking place within the enablement of humanity. Do you realize that part of the uncomfortable-ness that many of you feel is simply the fact that there's no future for you at the moment? When you arrived on this planet, dear Human Being, the prophecy was far different, wasn't it? But look what has taken place. You changed it, and metaphorically changed tracks of reality on your Humanity train. Therefore those old prophesies are gone [didn't happen], and there are no new ones yet.
There is no prophet who can arrive at this moment and give you an absolute, empirical statement about what's going to take place a week from Thursday! The reason? There's no track in front of the train! You're creating your new planetary energy as you go forward, and laying the track every day.
Last month [August] on the "radar screen" of some of your new prophets, there was something that could be a challenge to the earth. There was something brewing that would have taken some of you away quickly, and it was "seen" as a strong potential, and reported. Was it real? As much as anything is. Was it really a prophecy? As much as anything can be today, yes. Today's prophecy is like this ship... unlike a train, there's now no track. The vessel can steer anywhere it wants to on the ocean, immediately. If you go and stand on the bow, you might see something coming up that's a challenge, but if the captain steers differently, the whole scenario is voided. When he turns the wheel even one degree, the entire prophecy is gone. It vanishes since you're on a new course. It's gone before you can even print the prophecy.
上个月[八月],在你们一些新预言家的 “雷达屏幕” 上,有些事情会给地球带来挑战。当时有些事情在酝酿中,它会迅速夺走你们一些人的生命,它被 “视” 为一个强烈的潜在性,而且被宣告了出来。它是真的吗?就像其他任何东西一样真。它真的是一个预言吗?就像其他任何可能发生在今天的事情一样,是真的。今天的预言就像这艘邮轮......不像火车,现在是没有轨道的。在大海上,这艘邮轮能驶到它想去的任何地方,即刻。如果你去站在船头,你可能会看见有些东西正在到来,它会是一个挑战,但如果船长转了方向,整个情境就被避免了。当他转动方向盘,即使只转一度,整个预言就已经无效。它消失了,因为你们已经走在新的航道上。它消失了,甚至在你们还未来得及把预言印刷出来之前。
What was a slim potential was thwarted completely and totally. I'd like to give you this information, dear Human Beings, that the "captain" of your ship of humanity changes course all the time. This "captain" is a collective consciousness of your earth. It happens constantly these days. I hope this information stirs within you some logical thought of what you're able to create from here on. How would you like to have a peaceful planet? How would you like to have an extended life span simply by the fact that you now have incredible new power to talk to your cells? How would you like to have wonderful health regardless of your age? All of that is doable. The master knows this.
一个微弱的潜在性就这样被完全否决了。我要对你们给出这个消息,亲爱的人类,即你们人类航船的 “船长” 无时无刻不在改变航道。这个 “船长” 就是你们地球的集体意识。如今它不断地在改变。我希望这个信息会在你心中激起一些逻辑思考:从现在起你能创造些什么。你希望地球和平吗?你希望延长寿命吗,考虑到现在你拥有全新的惊人能力,能对你的细胞说话?你希望拥有绝妙的健康吗,不管你的年纪有多大?这一切都是可做到的。大师知道这一点。
This is when the master has a tendency to giggle a lot. Masters are not sad Human Beings, for they see that the power of humanity has the potential for peace on Earth. Humanity has turned a corner, you know. And we've said it before: Now the work begins. So much is changing! Look carefully at alliances before you throw them away, for there will be a tendency for you to say, "Shift is upon me, and it's not upon them. Therefore, I will remove myself from them." We speak of the workplace and the home. There's time to let the things surface that will surface, and fall where they will fall. So give these things the time it takes. Perhaps this is a plea for patience, is it not? But you have much of that, don't you? [Smile]
这正是大师经常咯咯大笑的原因。大师不是忧郁的人类,因为他们看见人类的力量拥有缔造地球和平的潜在性。人类已经转危为安了,知道吗。而我们之前已经说过:现在工作开始了。有许多事情正在转变!仔细看看那些结盟,才决定是否要离弃他们,因为你将会倾向于说,“转变发生在我身上,而不是在他们身上。因此,我会脱离他们。” 我们说的是职场与家庭。应该浮现出来的事情终究会浮现出来,应该倒下的事情终究会倒下。所以给时间让这些事情发生吧。也许这是在恳求你要有耐心,不是吗?但耐心你们有很多,不是吗?[微笑]
Through the eyes of the ascended master, all of the lives he/she has ever lived are alive now. The culmination of all that you are is alive now. Once you wipe away the concept of the past, you have to embrace the fact that all the expressions [past lives] that you ever were are with you at the moment. So, who are you? That's who you are... all that you have ever been. Now that's a group!
通过扬升大师的眼光,他/她所经历的每一生在此刻都是活的。你所是的每一生在此刻都是活的。一旦你擦掉了 “过去” 这种概念,你就必须接受这个事实:你过去所是的每一个表现形式[过去世]在此刻都与你在一起。那么,你是谁呢?那就是你......你曾经所是的每一个人。呐,这是一个群体!
And so it is, dear Humans, that we knew of your coming. We knew who you were. We know who you are. It's not an accident that you find yourself here, hearing these words or reading these pages. We will continue this message: Through the Eyes of the Ascended, when we gather again.
And so it is.
There is no prophet who can arrive at this moment and give you an absolute, empirical statement about what's going to take place a week from Thursday! The reason? There's no track in front of the train! You're creating your new planetary energy as you go forward, and laying the track every day.
Last month [August] on the "radar screen" of some of your new prophets, there was something that could be a challenge to the earth. There was something brewing that would have taken some of you away quickly, and it was "seen" as a strong potential, and reported. Was it real? As much as anything is. Was it really a prophecy? As much as anything can be today, yes. Today's prophecy is like this ship... unlike a train, there's now no track. The vessel can steer anywhere it wants to on the ocean, immediately. If you go and stand on the bow, you might see something coming up that's a challenge, but if the captain steers differently, the whole scenario is voided. When he turns the wheel even one degree, the entire prophecy is gone. It vanishes since you're on a new course. It's gone before you can even print the prophecy.
上个月[八月],在你们一些新预言家的 “雷达屏幕” 上,有些事情会给地球带来挑战。当时有些事情在酝酿中,它会迅速夺走你们一些人的生命,它被 “视” 为一个强烈的潜在性,而且被宣告了出来。它是真的吗?就像其他任何东西一样真。它真的是一个预言吗?就像其他任何可能发生在今天的事情一样,是真的。今天的预言就像这艘邮轮......不像火车,现在是没有轨道的。在大海上,这艘邮轮能驶到它想去的任何地方,即刻。如果你去站在船头,你可能会看见有些东西正在到来,它会是一个挑战,但如果船长转了方向,整个情境就被避免了。当他转动方向盘,即使只转一度,整个预言就已经无效。它消失了,因为你们已经走在新的航道上。它消失了,甚至在你们还未来得及把预言印刷出来之前。
What was a slim potential was thwarted completely and totally. I'd like to give you this information, dear Human Beings, that the "captain" of your ship of humanity changes course all the time. This "captain" is a collective consciousness of your earth. It happens constantly these days. I hope this information stirs within you some logical thought of what you're able to create from here on. How would you like to have a peaceful planet? How would you like to have an extended life span simply by the fact that you now have incredible new power to talk to your cells? How would you like to have wonderful health regardless of your age? All of that is doable. The master knows this.
一个微弱的潜在性就这样被完全否决了。我要对你们给出这个消息,亲爱的人类,即你们人类航船的 “船长” 无时无刻不在改变航道。这个 “船长” 就是你们地球的集体意识。如今它不断地在改变。我希望这个信息会在你心中激起一些逻辑思考:从现在起你能创造些什么。你希望地球和平吗?你希望延长寿命吗,考虑到现在你拥有全新的惊人能力,能对你的细胞说话?你希望拥有绝妙的健康吗,不管你的年纪有多大?这一切都是可做到的。大师知道这一点。
This is when the master has a tendency to giggle a lot. Masters are not sad Human Beings, for they see that the power of humanity has the potential for peace on Earth. Humanity has turned a corner, you know. And we've said it before: Now the work begins. So much is changing! Look carefully at alliances before you throw them away, for there will be a tendency for you to say, "Shift is upon me, and it's not upon them. Therefore, I will remove myself from them." We speak of the workplace and the home. There's time to let the things surface that will surface, and fall where they will fall. So give these things the time it takes. Perhaps this is a plea for patience, is it not? But you have much of that, don't you? [Smile]
这正是大师经常咯咯大笑的原因。大师不是忧郁的人类,因为他们看见人类的力量拥有缔造地球和平的潜在性。人类已经转危为安了,知道吗。而我们之前已经说过:现在工作开始了。有许多事情正在转变!仔细看看那些结盟,才决定是否要离弃他们,因为你将会倾向于说,“转变发生在我身上,而不是在他们身上。因此,我会脱离他们。” 我们说的是职场与家庭。应该浮现出来的事情终究会浮现出来,应该倒下的事情终究会倒下。所以给时间让这些事情发生吧。也许这是在恳求你要有耐心,不是吗?但耐心你们有很多,不是吗?[微笑]
Through the eyes of the ascended master, all of the lives he/she has ever lived are alive now. The culmination of all that you are is alive now. Once you wipe away the concept of the past, you have to embrace the fact that all the expressions [past lives] that you ever were are with you at the moment. So, who are you? That's who you are... all that you have ever been. Now that's a group!
通过扬升大师的眼光,他/她所经历的每一生在此刻都是活的。你所是的每一生在此刻都是活的。一旦你擦掉了 “过去” 这种概念,你就必须接受这个事实:你过去所是的每一个表现形式[过去世]在此刻都与你在一起。那么,你是谁呢?那就是你......你曾经所是的每一个人。呐,这是一个群体!
And so it is, dear Humans, that we knew of your coming. We knew who you were. We know who you are. It's not an accident that you find yourself here, hearing these words or reading these pages. We will continue this message: Through the Eyes of the Ascended, when we gather again.
And so it is.