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Fanning Island, Kiribati |
Kryon:Perceptions of Masterhood II
你会回应说,“等一下,克里昂,我还没有决定!我还不确定要不要到回来。我们不应该本末倒置。” 是吗?你怎么知道?你怎么知道自己不是无时无刻都在进行着一场持续的规划会议?自由选择是最重要的,但你们实在太线性了,你们总认为神也是线性的,但事实上,你的神性部分是在 “当下时间” 里。所以,如果说这个自由选择的规划是 “每时每刻的自由选择” 而不是 “事先作出的自由选择” 呢?
你们又有谁会想到对已经发生的事情举行 “规划会议” ? 当我们说 “过去的潜在性” 时,那不是一个错误。因为,什么是过去,除了一个假象,让你知道目前你是在何处? 你会说,“克里昂,过去不是一个假象......它真的发生过!” 亲爱的人类,过去不是固定在一个地方。相反的,它是一个铺排,让你来到你目前的位置,而它依然是 “当下” 经历的一部分。当你改变你的 “当下”,你也改变了那个铺排......那个过去。
比如说,你刚刚在上面的文字里读到一些令人吃惊和不安的消息。它不能被抹掉。它发生了。你真的读到了那些文字。“读到那些文字” 这个动作是真正的线性过去。随后,在下一段文字里,有一个陈述解释了那个令人吃惊的消息到底是怎么回事。你松了一口气。 “哦......现在我明白了”,然后你笑了。它不再使你感到不安,所以......你刚刚改变了过去!你读到了那些文字,这个事实没有改变,但你在 “当下” 对它们的态度改变了。这是一个非常勉强的线性隐喻来解释一个跨维度的概念,但它是我们所能给出的最佳例子了,它帮助你们明白,只要你愿意,你的整个实相可以随时被改变。
我们会继续教导 “大师的见解”。人类扬升是这样的:它是一种人类特质,在宇宙中是独特的,只有在二元性里才能实现。只有人类能看着这些事情并把它说出来,不是圣灵。所以我们只会说出人类所说的话,和他们所做的事。这是对人类获得大师身份的过程表示敬意。于是,通过人类大师的眼光,我们会给出更多事情让你们去思考。原因是?它能帮助你 “预先看见”,帮助你更加了解地球上的大师是怎样的,并开始教导与显示给你看,你也有可能会是什么样子。
大师对 “自我” 持有什么态度?你一辈子听到的都是关于如何抑制自我来使你的灵性成长。那么 “自我” 是什么?什么是自我本位的行为,什么不是?让我们搞清楚一件事。自我与看管职责是完全不同的。自我是自负。看管职责是拥有灵性热情的能量。让我们给出一个例子:如果你拥有一个真相,是在恰当的情况下交给你的,是你认为神圣的,而有人践踏了它,或宣称他们的真相比你的真相更高级,你会作出反应。你周围的人会说,你 “因自负而动怒”。他们假定你的反应是出于自负。但大师不是如此。大师仔细地衡量每一件事,他们的反应不是出于自负,而是出于看管职责的威信。
大师身上确实没有残余的 “自负按钮” [能激起自负反应的事情]。很多时候恰当的反应就是 “什么也不做” 或有时候只是一个会心的微笑。“知道什么是必要的反应,什么不是”。你可以站在那里被人喝骂一整天,但那完全不会改变你的真相。因此,那是谁的问题?显而易见。那是喝骂者的问题,不是你的。他们才是动怒的人!在那种情况下,如果有必要说什么的话,大师会说,“很抱歉你今天感觉如此糟糕。我能为你做些什么吗?” 你们明白吗?你要用智慧来面对眼前的能量。
这是一种常见特质:竞争。你也许会认为,竞争是在西方世界的经济结构里才会有的东西。不是的。难道你们没有体能角逐?难道你们没有争取偏爱?难道你们没有争取资源?你想被人喜欢,不是吗?你想显得重要,不是在自我意义上,而是在 “地球意义” 上显得重要。你想成为天地万物中的一个重要部分,并做好你的本分。但往往你会有一种感觉,在你们的文化模式里,只有这么多的重要性可供分配!你们不可能每个人都是重要的。总有一些人是重要的,另一些人不是......一场比赛只有一个人获胜。只有这么多偏爱可供分配,不是每个人都能得到。
一个完美平衡的经济结构是人人全赢的。在这场 “竞赛” 里,每个人都能赢!那些付钱的人,得到与喜欢他们所购买的东西。那些提供商品或服务的人得到恰当的报酬,而他们喜欢他们所售卖的东西。你是否认为一场线性竞赛的赢家会自动让其他人成为输家?或者,如大师一样,你是否明白,那些参与竞赛的人全都是跨维度的赢家?这怎么可能?因为大师看见那个整体画面......下一场竞赛的赢家拥有什么潜在性,及那场竞赛本身拥有什么能量。
大师如何看待共同创造?我们会用一个隐喻来解释。在这艘大轮船上 [在邮轮的厨房里],有至少两个人,他们的工作是在冰块里找到魔术。也许你们已经看见他们的作品?它就在餐厅大堂里,这些是在餐厅里的冰雕。
有福的是那个人类,他把地球视为那个大冰块,里面含有一个美丽的雕塑,称为 “地球和平”。
Live Kryon Channelling - The Pacific Ocean
September 11, 2003
As channelled by Lee Carroll for Kryon
[This channelling has been added-to and enhanced by Kryon, through Lee Carroll in a rechannelling process over the actual transcribed channelling. This has been done in order to make it more valuable for the written word and to bring clarity to concepts that were given energetically within the live channellings.]
This live channelling was given on September 11, 2003, on the NCL Cruise Ship Norwegian Star on the fourth annual Kryon Cruise. It is the second part of a two-part message. The ship was again under way on a trip from the Fanning islands, a small atoll group that's part of the Republic of Kiribati, back to the Hawaiian islands..
这篇信息是在 2003 年 9 月 11 日,在 NCL 挪威之星号邮轮,在克里昂第四届年度巡航上给出的。这是两篇信息当中的第二篇。邮轮再一次从芬宁群岛,即是属于基里巴地共和国的一个小环礁群,出发返回夏威夷群岛。
Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. We would like to proclaim this a sanctuary. There is much activity around you on this experience you call "a cruise." Turn inward with us for a moment.
你们好,亲爱的,我是磁力服务的克里昂。我们想要宣布这是一个圣所。在这个你们称为 “巡航” 的经历中,有许多活动在你们周围进行着。请跟我们一起转向内心片刻。
Have you started to feel the family yet? Have you started to understand that those Humans who may sit next to you - no matter where they are from on this planet - have something in common with you?
A long time ago, all of those in this room got together in a form - in a way that you cannot even conceive - where time did not exist. It's interesting, isn't it, that you consider planning sessions to occur before you get here? That makes sense in linear time, doesn't it? But which of you would consider a "planning session" for what has already taken place? Does this make your brain crazy? I can understand why.
很久很久以前,这间房里的全部人以一种形式聚集在一起——是你们无法想象的形式——那里不存在时间。这很有趣,不是吗,当你们想到在抵达前曾经举行过规划会议?在线性时间里,那是可以理解的,不是吗?但你们有谁会想到对已经发生的事情举行 “规划会议” ?这会不会让你的大脑疯掉?我能明白。
So let's keep it simple. How many of you understand that there are planning sessions for your next incarnation under way, right now?
You might respond, "Wait a minute, Kryon, I haven't made that choice yet! I'm really not certain if I'm coming back. We shouldn't get the cart before the horse here."
Really? How do you know that? How do you know that you might not be in one continual planning session all the time? Free choice is the king here, but you are so linear that you always think that God is linear, also, but the fact is that the part of God that is you is in "now time." Perhaps you feel your work on Earth is done? That's assuming that you know what your work is! Feeling complete is much different from being tired, you know. Being tired is a very linear Human attribute! [Smile] Being finished on Earth is a very spiritual attribute. Most of you hearing and reading this will definitely be back! So what if this free choice planning was "free choice moment by moment" instead of "free choice in advance"? Are you confused yet?
是吗?你怎么知道?你怎么知道自己不是无时无刻都在进行着一场持续的规划会议?自由选择是最重要的,但你们实在太线性了,你们总认为神也是线性的,但事实上,你的神性部分是在 “当下时间” 里。也许你觉得你在地球上的工作已经完成了?那是在假设说你知道你的工作是什么!感到完成与感到疲累的区别很大,知道吗。感到疲累是非常线性的人类特质![微笑]。感到完成了地球上的工作是非常灵性的特质。你们多数正在聆听与阅读的人绝对会再到回来!所以,如果说这个自由选择的规划是 “每时每刻的自由选择” 而不是 “事先作出的自由选择” 呢?开始感到困惑了吗?
Confusing Interdimensionality
Let me give you this example: All things are known as potentials in the "now." However, the potentials are also seen as everything being manifest at the same time. This isn't something you can understand easily. Can you conceive a circle of influence, perhaps like the inside of a giant balloon, where you sit in the middle? Around you, you can see all of the potentials of all things that ever were, are, or could be, on the inside surface. Indeed, the potentials of the past are there as well, and when we say "potentials of the past," that's not a mistake. For what is the past but an illusion that gives you a perception of where you are in the present? In addition, the reason it's in a circle is that it all combines continuously at all points... never ending, and without any points of origin or termination.
让我给出这个例子:在 “当下”,每一件事情都被视为潜在性。无论如何,那些潜在性同时也被视为每一件已经显现的事情。你们没有那么容易了解这一点。你能想象一个影响圈,也许就像一个巨型气球的内部,而你就坐在中间吗?在你周围,你能看见每一件事情的每一个潜在性,无论是以前的、现在的、或未来的,全都在气球的内表面。确实,过去的潜在性也在里面,而当我们说 “过去的潜在性” 时,那不是一个错误。因为,什么是过去,除了一个假象,让你知道目前你是在何处?此外,它在一个圆圈里的原因是,每一个潜在性,每一个点都是连起来的......连续不断,没有任何起点或终点。
“Kryon, the past is not an illusion... it happened!" you might say. We say this: When the past "happened," where were you? The answer is that you were in the same place you are now. There is only one instant of true reality - the one that has your eyes moving between these words right now. To you, the words that you just read on the line above are not your reality. They are past. The words in the next paragraph are not either, since they are the future. But they both exist, don't they?
“克里昂,过去不是一个假象......它真的发生过!” 你会说。而我们说:当过去 “发生” 时,你在哪里?答案:你是在你目前所在的同一个地方。真正的实相只在一瞬间——就是当你的视线在这些文字之间移动的顷刻。对你来说,你刚刚读过的上一行文字不是你的实相。它们是过去。下一段文字也不是你的实相,因为它们是未来。但它们两者都存在,不是吗?
The truth is this: Your "actual" reality is all the words you just read, the ones you are reading now, and the ones coming up. If this is so, then they are all equal in your reading experience, but the ones a few sentences ago only helped set up the ones you are now reading and are about to read. It's a circle of logic, and one that's out of linear "time." So although something might have actually "happened" in your circle of reality, it's still "active" in your influence of control, how you feel about it, and what you do about it based on your feeling. It is all, therefore, part of your co-creation. The past isn't cemented in place. Instead, it's a setup that gets you to where you are, and it's still part of the "now" experience. When you change your "now," you change the setup, too... the past.
真相是:你的 “真正” 实相是你刚刚读过的所有文字、正在阅读的文字、和即将读到的文字。如果是这样的话,那么它们在你的阅读经历中是同等重要的,只是前几个句子帮忙铺垫好你此刻正在读着的句子和即将读到的句子。它是一个逻辑的圈子,它还在 “活跃” 地影响着你——你有什么感觉、基于你的感觉你会怎么做。因此,它是你的共同创造的一部分。过去不是固定在一个地方。相反的,它是一个铺排,让你来到你目前的位置,而它依然是 “当下” 经历的一部分。当你改变你的 “当下”,你也改变了那个铺排......那个过去。
For instance, let's say you just read something startling and upsetting in the words above you. It can't be undone. It happened. You actually read the words. The "reading of the words" is the actual linear past. Later, in upcoming paragraphs, there's a statement that tells you what really happened regarding the startling information. You relax. "Oh... now I understand," and you smile. It's no longer upsetting, so... you just changed the past! The fact that you read the words didn't change, but your "now" attitude about them did. This is a very poor linear metaphor for an interdimensional concept, but it's the best we can do to help you understand that your entire reality can be changed anytime you wish.
比如说,你刚刚在上面的文字里读到一些令人吃惊和不安的消息。它不能被抹掉。它发生了。你真的读到了那些文字。“读到那些文字” 这个动作是真正的线性过去。随后,在下一段文字里,有一个陈述解释了那个令人吃惊的消息到底是怎么回事。你松了一口气。“哦......现在我明白了”,然后你笑了。它不再使你感到不安,所以......你刚刚改变了过去!你读到了那些文字,这个事实没有改变,但你在 “当下” 对它们的态度改变了。这是一个非常勉强的线性隐喻来解释一个跨维度的概念,但它是我们所能给出的最佳例子了,它帮助你们明白,只要你愿意,你的整个实相可以随时被改变。
Dear family, we all continue to sit in this balloon, taking a look at potentials... all of us, including your support group. What you don't understand is that a portion of "you" is still there with us! We are closer than brothers and sisters. We are "in love" with each other, connected to each other in ways that only God can understand.
亲爱的家人,我们全体继续坐在这个气球里 [上面的隐喻],在看着里面的潜在性......我们全体,包括你的支援团体。你不明白的是,“你” 的一部分还与我们在一起!我们比兄弟姐妹还要亲近。我们互相 “深爱”,以一种只有神能够明白的方式互相连接。
Where are you, really? What part of masterhood are you receiving, dear Human Being? Do you understand that only a part of you is on the planet doing the work? The other parts are still in the bubble, with all the rest of you... co-creating, planning, and implementing the instructions of the energy of the boss - the part of you that walks the earth in duality.
The Polarity Split
Here is a postulate [a spiritual rule]: There is not another Human Being on the planet who can affect your truth or your spiritual path unless you let them.
这里有一个基本原理 [一个灵性规则]:地球上没有任何人能够影响你的真相或你的灵性道路,除非你允许他们这样做。
These are trying times for some. Years ago we said it is the beginning of a time when many will show their true selves to you. We told you that they would get off the fence, and they would no longer be able to hide what they really felt and thought. There would be new alliances coming together, and many would be broken apart. These would all be appropriate because the energy is dividing itself, and the polarity is beginning to show itself. We told you this would happen with business, politics, with governments, religions and personally. Much of this would be due to integrity, something that's beginning to show itself in a new Human consciousness equation of reality.
对某些人来说,这是艰难的时刻。多年前我们说,这是一个时代的开始,许多人会对你显示出他的真面目。我们说,他们将不再骑墙 [不再采取中立观望的态度],他们再也不能隐藏他们真正的感受和想法。新的结盟将会产生,许多结盟将会分裂。这会是恰当的,因为那股能量本身正在分裂,而两极性开始显现出来。我们说,这会发生在商界、政界、政府里、宗教界、与个人身上。这些分裂多数是由于正直性——在人类意识的实相等式里,正直性开始出现。
What we mean is that it will not be easy to be neutral anymore regarding the energy of your reality. The question is: What am I going to do with the angel inside me? I am sensing things that I never have before about what is truth and what is not. I'm beginning to see the insignificance in much of what I'm doing. I'm beginning to sense that integrity in all things is the most important attribute in life. I'm beginning to expect it in others! I must decide if this is a new reality for me, or not... and if it is, what do I do about it?
Those who deny this is happening will be kidding themselves. It will be obvious, as their lives react dramatically to this new energy on Earth. Those who always let their charisma get them by will suddenly lose friends. It's not going to work anymore. Those who were always "lucky" in life will also find reverses in the paradigm they expect. In both cases, they will have to examine who they are, to proceed.
那些否认这种转变的人只是在欺骗自己。明显的,他们的人生将会对地球上的这股新能量作出剧烈的反应。那些总是以个人魅力混过去的人,会突然间失去朋友。这招再也不能用了。那些在人生中总是 “幸运” 的人也会发现,他们所预期的实相出现了逆转。在这两个例子中,他们都必须检视自己的立场,才能继续前进。
Those who wish to wait in their choice, thinking, Is this real? will have a harder time making any kind of decision. Whereas we have told you that God works slowly and that you have plenty of time to do this and that, here is one subject that's now at hand, even in this room... even as you read. You're not alone in this. Have you noticed that governments are having to wrestle with the same thing? So are corporations. So is organized religion on Earth! It's all around you, and at some point you have to take notice, and "connect the dots," as a popular phrase in your culture indicates, as it describes a Human in recognition of a situation.
那些选择观望的人,那些正在想 “这是真的吗?” 的人,他们会难以作出任何决定。尽管我们曾经说过,神做事很缓慢,你们有许多时间来做这样或那样,但眼前有一个课题,甚至在这个房间里......甚至在你阅读之际。不止你们遇到这个问题。你们有没有注意到,政府也必须应付这件事?大企业也是。地球上那些有组织的宗教也是!它就发生在你们周围,在某些时刻你们就必须注意,并 “把一个个点连起来” [理解其中的关联],就如你们文化里的这句流行词语,它描述人类是如何解读一个情境。
Some are asking, "What am I going to do with this question?" If it's true that you're eternal and that you're only here for a short time, hiding in duality, then the real test is for you to find out if this is actually so! This is a good start. Unfortunately, there will be no empirical proof for you, as there is in 4D science with other questions of physics. Instead, there will be interdimensional proof... all around you. Will you let your cells talk to you about this? They know. Will you let your emotional-self marry the intellectual-self and give you an answer? It requires that you let go of old paradigms and ask God, "Please tell me what it is I should know." Then within free choice, it's up to you to decide if any of this is spiritual fact or not.
有些人问,“我要如何看待这个问题呢?” [上述的问题:我应该怎么看待我体内的天使?] 如果确实你是永恒的,你只是短暂处在地球上,躲在二元性里,那么你真正的测试就是去发现这件事是否属实!这是一个好的开始,但不幸的是,那里没有实质的证据,就如四维科学无法解答某些物理学疑问一样。反而,那里有的是跨维度证据......就在你周围。你会让你的细胞对你说话,并告诉你答案吗?它们知道。你会让你的 ‘情感自我’ 与 ‘智力自我’ 相结合,并告诉你答案吗?这需要你放下旧模式,然后去问神,“请告诉我,有什么是我应该知道的。” 然后在自由选择里,你来决定这些是灵性真相,或否。
“Perceptions of Masterhood II"
We will continue, then, with the teaching of the perceptions of masterhood. Two days ago, we gave you seven attributes and attitudes of those who are in masterhood [as published in Sedona Journal last month]. Only the Human Being can look at these things and report them, not Spirit. So we only report what the Humans are saying, and what they're doing. This is an honoring of the process of Human Masterhood.
那么,我们会继续教导 “大师的见解”。两天前,我们给出大师的七种特质与态度 [如发表在上个月《圣多娜期刊》里的一样]。只有人类能看着这些事情并把它说出来,不是圣灵。所以我们只会说出人类所说的话,和他们所做的事。这是对人类获得大师身份的过程表示敬意。
Human ascension is that way: It is a Human attribute, unique in the Universe, and one that can only be achieved in duality. You might say, "It's easy to be an angel; it's tough to be a Human Being." Yes, that's the way we see it, also, and that is why we wash your feet. There are some of you here that have entirely different lineages than others. Think of your country of origin; think of the countries that are represented in the room and the readership. Think of what your countries have been through in their history. Think of what brought you to where you are reading and listening, and what you're doing in life right now. Now, multiply the complexity in all that by ten-thousand fold. That's your spiritual lineage. Let me give you something really big to think about: Is it possible you have done this before on other "earths"? Is it possible that this is "one more time" in a four-billion-year project? The answer may shock you, angel.
人类扬升是这样的:它是一种人类特质,在宇宙中是独特的,只有在二元性里才能实现。你也许会说,“做天使很容易,做人很难。” 对,那就是我们的看法,而且,那就是我们会帮你洗脚的原因。你们这里有些人的世系与其他人的完全不同。想想你的出生国;想想现场出席者和读者的国家。想想你的国家曾经有过怎样的历史。想想是什么使你正在阅读和聆听这些话语,和你目前在人生中正在做的是什么。现在,把那些乘以一万倍。那就是你的灵性世系。让我给你思考一些非常重大的事情:有没有可能,你曾经在其他 “地球” 上做过这一切?有没有可能,这是 “再做一次”,在一个四十亿年的工程里?答案也许会让你大为震惊,天使。
Here are some more masterhood tributes, more esoteric ones, perhaps, but in some cases, more grounded ones. We ask the question, "What does the master think of these things? As the master Human Being in ascension status looks at these things, what does she say? What does he say and think?" And so, through the eyes of the Human master, we will give you more to ponder. The reason? It helps you "see ahead," and to understand more about what the masters of Earth are like, and what are beginning to be the teachings showing you what you also may become. Think about that for a moment... then celebrate the new energy around you.
以下是更多的大师特质,更神秘性的事,但在一些例子中,是更踏实的事。我们问这个问题:“大师对这些事情有什么看法?当处在扬升状态的大师人类看着这些事情时,她会怎么说?他会怎么说,怎么想?” 于是,通过人类大师的眼光,我们会给出更多事情让你们去思考。原因是?它能帮助你 “预先看见”,帮助你更加了解地球上的大师是怎样的,并开始教导与显示给你看,你也有可能会是什么样子。想一想这件事......然后庆贺你周围的新能量。
What is the master's attitude about ego? You've heard this all your life, about suppressing ego in order to let your spirituality grow. So what is ego? What is egotistical behavior, and what is not? What is appropriate, and what is not? There are many conflicting teachings here.
大师对 “自我” 持有什么态度?你一辈子听到的都是关于如何抑制自我来使你的灵性成长。那么 “自我” 是什么?什么是自我本位的行为,什么不是?这里有很多互相抵触的教导。
Perhaps you've felt some things in your life... reactions to challenges or life's situations, and you ask yourself, "Is this ego, or is it not? Is it appropriate, or is it not? Can a master have ego?" Let's be clear. There's a big difference between ego and stewardship. Ego is vanity. Stewardship is energy in spiritual passion. Let us give you an example: If you have a truth that has been given to you in all appropriateness, one you feel is divine, and someone tramples upon it, or would say that their truth is higher than your truth, you might react. Others around you may say that you're having "an ego flare-up." They assume that your reaction stems from vanity. But masters don't do that. They weigh everything appropriately and react not with ego but with the authority of stewardship. They know what is true for them. They also know that there's no other Human Being on Earth that can touch their truth.
也许你已经在人生中感觉到一些东西......对挑战或人生处境的反应,而你在问自己,“这是自我在作祟,或不是?这是恰当的,或不是?大师能有自我吗?” 让我们搞清楚一件事。自我与看管职责是完全不同的。自我是自负。看管职责是拥有灵性热情的能量。让我们给出一个例子:如果你拥有一个真相,是在恰当的情况下交给你的,是你认为神圣的,而有人践踏了它,或宣称他们的真相比你的真相更高级,你会作出反应。你周围的人会说,你 “因自负而动怒”。他们假定你的反应是出于自负。但大师不是如此。大师仔细地衡量每一件事,他们的反应不是出于自负,而是出于看管职责的威信。他们知道什么对他们来说是真实的。他们也知道地球上没有任何人能破坏他们的真相。
The master truly has no "ego buttons" left. Many times the appropriate action is "nothing at all," or sometimes just a knowing smile. This is what was known as "turning the other cheek." This phrase was never about a person allowing themselves to be beaten up repeatedly in the name of God, groveling on the ground in the dirt, and not standing up for truth. Instead, it meant "knowing what was important to react to, and what wasn't." You can stand there all day with humanity shouting at you, and it will never change your truth. Therefore, whose problem is it? That should be obvious. It's the shouters' problem, not yours. They're the ones who are upset! In that situation, if there's anything to say at all, the master might say, "I'm sorry that you're having such a bad day. What can I offer you?" Do you understand this? "Turning the other cheek" is a statement relating to having wisdom about the energy before you. It's not an invitation to endure abuse.
大师身上确实没有残余的 “自负按钮” [能激起自负反应的事情]。很多时候恰当的反应就是 “什么也不做” 或有时候只是一个会心的微笑。这就是所谓的 “把另一边脸也转过去”。这句话的意思从来不是关于一个人,以神的名义,允许自己不断被人殴打,趴在地上泥土中,而没有为真相站起来。相反的,它的意思是,“知道什么是必要的反应,什么不是”。你可以站在那里被人喝骂一整天,但那完全不会改变你的真相。因此,那是谁的问题?显而易见。那是喝骂者的问题,不是你的。他们才是动怒的人!在那种情况下,如果有必要说什么的话,大师会说,“很抱歉你今天感觉如此糟糕。我能为你做些什么吗?” 你们明白吗?“把另一边脸也转过去” 是一项声明,是叫你要用智慧来面对眼前的能量。不是叫你去忍受虐打。
Stewarding your truth is different. When a Human comes at you with a lower vibration and in some way violates what you believe, or violates your sanctity, you might take action. If you do, it is the action of the integrity of your stewardship. Instead of anger, there's disappointment. Instead of vanity, there's self-assurance. So when you see master Lightworkers being self-assured, don't confuse it with ego. Look at them and what they're doing. Lightworkers will not defend their positions. They don't have to. Lightworkers will let the energy go by, often turning the other cheek when they know that their truth stands tall by itself, and that nothing the other is saying can touch it.
Truth seeks its highest level. Some of these things are difficult to explain to you, but watch the master when she needs to assert the truth. Watch the love at work, even that which she has for the attacker. Can you do that? When there are those who betray you in ways that only you know about, what is your initial reaction? Will you steward your truth? If you're stewarding your truth, there is no ego. You will stand back and understand, and know that what would have wounded you in the past, simply bounces off with love. Can you love the betrayer? Yes, you can. It is a study, is it not, outside of the box of Human nature. And that, my dear Human Being, is what ascension is all about.
Before we leave this subject, I have to ask this: In the past, you might have reacted differently to challenge. Now, your reaction is much more balanced. So... did the past change? The present? What about the future? The answer: They all did.
Here is one that is common, and one we have discussed before: competition. You might think that competition is something that you would only have in a Western-world economic structure. It isn't. For do you not compete for energies? Do you not compete for favor? Do you not compete often for resources? Let us take one of the most important ones, competing for energy and favor, a common Human attribute.
You want to be liked, don't you? You want to be important, not in an ego sense, but important in an "Earth sense." You wish to be an important part of all that is, and do your part. But often there is this feeling that in the paradigm of your culture, there seems to be only so much importance to go around! It would be impossible for all of you to be important. In your reality, there must be the ones that are important, and the ones who are not... only one person wins a race. There's only so much favor to be dispensed, and not everyone gets it.
你想被人喜欢,不是吗?你想显得重要,不是在自我意义上,而是在 “地球意义” 上显得重要。你想成为天地万物中的一个重要部分,并做好你的本分。但往往你会有一种感觉,在你们的文化模式里,只有这么多的重要性可供分配!你们不可能每个人都是重要的。在你们的实相里,总有一些人是重要的,另一些人不是......一场比赛只有一个人获胜。只有这么多偏爱可供分配,不是每个人都能得到。
Now, look at the folly in this! Each of you is an eternal spiritual being... an old soul who has been in expression [incarnation] many times, and who is being asked to change the reality of Earth itself! You are all known to God, because you are God. Yet it is Human nature, is it not, to see your reality differently, and compete for things?
Let me tell you what the master does. Within a group of Human Beings standing around, with none of them knowing each other, and all of them trying to top the other with interesting and important conversation, the master will walk in and just listen. As he absorbs the stories of the others, sometimes he feels the joy in their celebrations and their humor. Sometimes he listens to the troubles of others and feels their frustrations. The master absorbs it all in a way that you have not known before. The energy of the moment does not "paste itself" upon his persona. Instead, it goes into a place where it is reflected. Some can see energy.
让我告知大师是怎么做的。一群人围着站在一起,互相不认识,每个人都想要以有趣和重要的话题盖过对方,大师会走进来,只是静静地听。当他吸收其他人的故事时,有时候他能感觉到他们的快乐和幽默。有时候他聆听其他人的烦恼并能感觉到他们的挫折。大师会吸收一切,以一种你们从不知道的方式。那一刻的能量并没有 “自动粘贴” 在他的人格之上。相反的,它进入了一个地方,在那里它会被反射。有些人能看到能量。
If you were one of these at this time, you could see that the energy of the master was one of the reflection of healing. My partner [Lee] is championing the information that Human consciousness changes energy and even matter. He constantly looks for your 4D science to back this up, and it's finally happening. So many of you might now understand better how the master focuses this reflection in a healing manner... one that becomes available to those in the room.
如果你是其中一个能看到能量的人,你会看见大师所反射的是治疗的能量。我的伙伴 [李] 拥护 “人类意识可以改变能量甚至是物质” 的这种信息。他持续注意你们的四维科学来支持这种论点,而终于它发生了。你们许多人现在开始明白,大师是如何专注于这种反射治疗法......一种现场人士可以开始获得的治疗法。
The very presence of the master tends to change the telling of the stories! You see, there's enough importance to go around. So I ask you: In this scenario, who is the important one? The one on the platform who has captured the attention of those around, or the one sitting in wisdom and reflecting the energy that can do the best to help those telling and hearing? The master understands this, and the invitation is for you, too. The master does not force energy on any Human. He just places it in the room for all to do with as they choose. Some will absorb it, and some will reject it. This is free choice. When you come into a room where there is water for you, some will partake and some will not. It's about your own thirst and the appropriateness of what you need. But the water does not become indignant that you didn't drink it, does it? It doesn't follow you home, demanding that you taste it. No. It just sits there as nourishment for those who wish it. This is the way of it, even when the water is the water of life.
So perhaps you would apply the word competition to your economic structure? I will tell you this: It's folly for you to think that you must glean a certain portion of a market share. There's enough to go around. You often don't even understand the principles of your own economics! You limit yourself. Whereas you focus on one thing and say, "I must have this happen or that happen" for your success, hiding around the corner is an entirely separate success structure that you haven't even considered.
所以,你会把 “竞争” 这个字眼应用在你们的经济结构里?我会告诉你:你认为你一定要收获特定的市场份额才行,这种想法其实很愚蠢。那里有足够的市场份额可供分配。你们甚至不明白你们本身的经济学原理!你在限制你自己。当你专注于一件事情并说,“我一定要让这个或那个发生” 才能成功时,躲在一旁角落里的是一种截然不同的成功结构,是你未曾想过的。
A perfectly balanced economic structure is one where everyone wins. In this "race," everyone can win! Those who have paid, receive and love what they've purchased. Those who have supplied the product or service have been compensated appropriately, and they love what they've sold. In between these scenarios there are those who struggle with the process, never understanding or knowing that there is even divinity in competition. So we say this to you: Competitors, can you bless the one who is competing with you? If you can, you have one of the attributes of the master. Can you relax and not worry, knowing that all things will come together, and truth will seek its highest level when you work in integrity? Do you feel that the one who won a linear race automatically makes all the rest losers? Or, like the master, do you understand that those who ran the race are all interdimensional winners? How can this be? Because the master sees the whole picture... the potentials of the winners of the next race, and the energies of the race itself. The master can go to a party and never say a word... never become "important," yet will come away blessed beyond belief!
一个完美平衡的经济结构是人人全赢的。在这场 “竞赛” 里,每个人都能赢!那些付钱的人,得到与喜欢他们所购买的东西。那些提供商品或服务的人得到恰当的报酬,而他们喜欢他们所售卖的东西。处在这两个情境中间的是那些在竞赛过程中挣扎的人,他们从不理解,也从不知道,就连竞争也是神圣的。所以我们对你说:竞争者,你能祝福你的对手吗?如果你能的话,你就拥有大师的其中一种特质。你能放松不担忧,并知道,当你正直做事,所有事情最终会聚拢到一起,而真相会追求它的最高水平吗?你是否认为一场线性竞赛的赢家会自动让其他人成为输家?或者,如大师一样,你是否明白,那些参与竞赛的人全都是跨维度的赢家?这怎么可能?因为大师看见那个整体画面......下一场竞赛的赢家拥有什么潜在性,及那场竞赛本身拥有什么能量。大师可以去到一场宴会,从头到尾没有说过一句话......从不显得 “重要”,但他会在离开时感到超乎想象的喜悦!
It's difficult for you to understand all this in a competitive world. The next time you walk into a group of people and you feel very small, perhaps you'll feel the urge to speak up and be important. Instead, stop for a moment. Understand that your very presence enhances them. Smile, feel your own divinity, and think, I will simply be quiet and listen. I'll absorb the joys of what they have to say. I'll be a better Human Being by hearing their experiences, even if I tell none of my own. The master knows about that. It's part of a new paradigm... quiet wisdom.
Last, the driver, or catalyst of this new competitive understanding, is about integrity. Are the words big business and integrity at odds in your mind? They used to be! Watch this change on Earth. There may come a day when profits are delegated to stockholders based on the integrity factor of a corporate structure. This is so new that most of you have no concept of such an arrangement. Believe me, it is in the potential structure in that bubble of the "now." You think that's amazing? Wait until you see what might happen in politics! Can you imagine a political situation where the integrity of what is done and not done within the election campaign actually might help elect the official? A pipe dream? Watch.
最后,这种新的竞争概念,其推动者,或催化剂,是正直性。大企业与正直性这两个词,在你印象中是否有冲突?它们曾经是!注意地球上的这种转变。终有一天,企业股东所分享的利润将会是基于企业结构的正直性因素而被派出。这是全新的概念,你们多数人完全不知道这是怎样的安排。相信我,这是在 “当下” 的潜在性结构里,在那个泡泡里。你认为这很让人惊叹?等你看到政治上所发生的转变再来说惊叹吧!你能想象一种政治情况吗,即竞选期间的诺言是否得到兑现,将决定一个候选人是否能够当选?白日梦?留意看吧。
The Earth
What does the master in this new energy think about the earth? Oh, there's much going on right now, and the master knows it. The master understands that the earth is coming alive. Interdimensionally, the earth is awakening. There has never been a better time in Human history to heal the earth than now. If you live in a land - in a country - that has had war after war after war, you live in a layered energy. It's wounded land. Yet even with everything you see around you that is challenging on Earth, there's never been a time like this when you could clear it.
The master knows this, but you do not. Listen: Everything you do for another Human Being clears the land under your feet. Seemingly unclearable woundings of the cauldron of Human experience - war after war, is now able to be cleared. It's part of why you're here to hear and read this. But you knew that, didn't you? It wasn't long ago where we sat with you and said that there will be those who will come out of the earth, interdimensionally. They will put the energy of themselves onto you, if you allow it. Call it a partnership of energy, perhaps. They've all been waiting until the dispensation of eight [speaking of the number eight being the energy of the new dispensation] when the crystalline energy will start to appear on the planet in a greater way.
大师知道这一点,但你不知道。听着:你为另一个人类所做的每一件事,都会清理你脚下的那片土地。人类历史锅炉里那些看似无法清理的创伤—— 一场又一场的战争,现在能够被清理。这就是你们会在这里聆听与阅读的原因之一。但你是知道的,不是吗?不久以前,我们与你们坐在一起并说,有些人 [利穆里亚人] 会从地球里走出来,以跨维度的方式。他们会把他们的能量灌注到你身上,如果你允许的话。也许你能称之为 “能量的伙伴关系”。他们全体一直都在等待,直到 “八的时代” 到来 [指数字八的能量代表新的时代(责任的时代)],当水晶能量开始以更强烈的方式出现在地球上。
It was only a few months ago that we told you that there would be those living around the place you call Mt. Shasta who are free to go. Many of them had held and anchored an energy even without knowing it, and had helped steward an area that would keep it spiritually pristine. In your own terms, this means kept and anchored a place against the development of major hotels. It's one of the few, you know. Take a look at the other portals and vortices on the planet known to have spiritual attributes, and you'll find hotels, golf courses, and tennis courts. Not in Mt. Shasta.
在几个月前,我们说,那些生活在相思塔山周围的人 [利穆里亚人] 开始出来活动。他们许多人不自觉地保持与固定着一股能量,并帮助看管一个地区,保持它的灵性纯洁。用你们的说法,那就是保持与固定一个地方不受大型旅馆的进驻。它是少数这样的地方之一,知道吗。看看地球上其他著名的灵性门户与涡流,你会发现旅馆、高尔夫球场、与网球场。在相思塔山没有。
This was not an accident, and we told you that these Humans were the stewards of the land. Now we'll give you more information about them - many of them hermits - many of them very difficult to get along with! You see, most of them are of the crystal life-force energy, and it only makes sense that they would be this way. [This information goes along with the study of colors and energies that were given in a lecture on the cruise, where this channelling is being given.] The master knows about the earth and the changes that are occurring. He also knows about the interdimensional cities of life-force that are being opened right now to spill out upon Human consciousness.
这不是偶然的,而我们说过,这些人是那片土地的看管者。现在我们给出更多关于他们的消息——他们多数是隐士——他们多数都是很难相处的!你瞧,他们多数都是属于水晶的生命力能量,而他们会这样是合理的。[这个消息是与色彩与能量的学习一起给出,那是在此次通灵巡航里的一个课程]。大师理解地球和正在发生的转变。他也理解此刻正在开放的跨维度生命力城市 [指相思塔山桃乐市],它会把跨维度能量灌注到人类意识之上。
Two days ago we mentioned the dragon energy. Think of this word as meaning regal energy. Think of the masters with the dragon energy as being those of spiritual Earth royalty. They are interdimensional - the kings and the queens who created the very dirt of the earth in a way that would be commensurate with humanity. You have them to thank, for when you moved into the dispensation of the eight, the earth was ready for you. But the grand information is that within the dirt of the earth, more queen-energy will be emerging to help with the balance of the planet. This is a crystalline function, and is part of the rewrite that we've been speaking of for almost a year. It's time to balance the feminine and masculine energies of the planet.
两天前我们提到 “龙的能量”。把这个词的意思视为帝王的能量。把那些龙能量大师,视为地球的灵性皇族。它们是跨维度的生灵——创造地球土地的国王与王后,它们的贡献与人类的相等。你们必须感激它们,因为当你们进到八的时代,地球已经为你们而准备好了。但那个重大消息是,在地球土地里,更多的王后能量会开始出现,以便协助地球达致平衡。这是水晶功能,是我们说了将近一年的 “重写” 的一部分。是时候平衡地球的女性与男性能量了。
Flow of Energy/Co-creation
Number four and five go together. It's difficult to describe this, since these are interactive. Number four is the flow of energy, and number five is co-creation. How does the master see these? Today, in a dispensation of the energy of eight, we will give you a short review and then another metaphor.
第四与第五是一起的。这很难解释,因为它们是互相作用的。第四是能量的流动,第五是共同创造。大师如何看待这些事情?如今,在这个 “八的能量” 的时代,我们会先做一个简短的回顾,然后给出另一个隐喻。
There was a time for many of the spiritually-minded, in an older energy, where co-creation was done as follows: You would meditate and ask God for answers. You would ask and ask. Then you might go places, certain portals (we call vortals now). And you would collect energy where you could. Once this was accomplished, you would receive energy and information, collect them until the right time, and then take action upon them. This created a situation where meditation was far different then than it is now, and where the actual flow of energy in the Human Being for co-creative purposes was far, far different. We call this the collection method. You did your best to collect the energy you needed for the task at hand.
曾经有一段时间,在旧能量里,许多有灵性思想的人,是这样进行共同创造的:你会冥想并祈求神明的解答。你会不停地问。然后你会去许多地方,去特定的门户(现在我们称为垂直门户)。然后你会尽可能地收集那里的能量。一旦你去到这些地方,你就会接收到能量和信息,你会收集它们直到适当的时候,然后以它们来采取行动。这会形成一种情况,当时的冥想方式与现在的远远不同,当时人类为了达到共同创造的目的,而形成的能量流动,是远远、远远不同的。我们称之为 “收集方式”。你尽可能地收集你所需要的能量,来处理手头上的任务。
In this older energy, the duality was so strong that you literally had to think of it as a storehouse. You had to go get it. Whether it was on the floor in the lotus position or whether it was someplace specific on the planet, you had to go and collect it. Not until you did these things did you feel fulfilled or feel that you had the answers. Dear Human Being, this is what many of you have done all your lives.
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Let me tell you what the master thinks, and we will use a metaphor. On this great vessel [in the kitchen on the cruise ship], there are at least two Human Beings whose job it is to find magic in a block of ice. Perhaps you have seen their handiwork? It's in the grand places of food consumption, a process Humans love to celebrate. These are the ice sculptures in the dining rooms.
让我告诉你们,大师是怎么想的,而我们会用一个隐喻来解释。在这艘大轮船上 [在邮轮的厨房里],有至少两个人,他们的工作是在冰块里找到魔术。也许你们已经看见他们的作品?它就在餐厅大堂里,而进餐是人类喜欢与赞颂的过程。这些是在餐厅里的冰雕。
Let me tell you what the sculptor sees. The block of ice weighs hundreds of pounds and is probably difficult to deliver and handle. That master of architecture, the sculptor, rather than seeing a task ahead that's unwieldy, sees the completed piece of art as already finished and hiding in the ice! It's delicate and beautiful. Now it's his job to chip away what doesn't belong. To you, this object would be a very heavy block of cold ice, probably something you would want to get out of your way before it melts all over your floor. To him, it's already a completed work of art. So he begins. He carefully chips away everything that isn't a sculpture. Notice that he's creating, using subtraction. This might seem counterintuitive to you. How can you manifest anything by taking something away?
The new energy is exactly that way. You walk around and think that things are ordinary. However, hiding in the ordinary are the miracles of co-creation. What you must learn to do is chip away the things that don't belong. And how do you do that? The answer is this: You tune in to the sculpture. You tune in to your co-creation. You see it and visualize it as already having been done. You see inappropriate energies like the ice parts that don't belong, and you cast them aside.
In your meditations, instead of asking for answers, ask for balance. That will let you see the inappropriate parts to chip away. Instead of asking God to be the sculptor of your reality, you are becoming the sculptor and are being trained as the artist. Are there difficulties in your life right now that you cannot understand? Ask for insight. You're being given the gift of seeing the inappropriate. To some, that means there are challenges there. What are you going to do with it? Many, instead of chipping it away, actually wallow in it! It's free choice, you know. Instead of seeing what's appropriate and what is not, the old-energy Human sees it all as something that must remain and be dealt with. Seemingly it's their own reality, and therefore it's there forever and not changeable.
The master sees life as perfect. He creates what he wants by constantly deciding what energy is to be removed. Sometimes it's with the mind. Sometimes it's with real action. The master does it with both. So the master walks in a perfect place, even with dying children around him, even with crime, even with those who are hurting. Another Human's suffering, anger, drama or even imbalance never changes the truth... the perfect sculpture within the master's reality.
The secret to your co-creation is tuning in to the choir. We've given you this metaphor before. The sculpture sings to you in that big block of ice called reality and says, "I'm here, come get me." The closer you get to it and the more you remove what is inappropriate in your lives, the clearer is the tune that you can hear, and the more perfect the sculpture. Then when you finally start singing the same tune that the perfection within the sculpture is singing, you get manifestation. The key is listening. You begin that process by claiming integrity.
共同创造的秘密在于收听那个合唱团。我们之前已经给出了这个隐喻 [共同创造:在合唱团中歌唱]。在那称为 “实相” 的大冰块里,那个雕塑品对你歌唱并说,“我就在这里,来找我吧。” 你越接近它,你把人生中的噪音移走得越多,你收听到的曲调越清楚,你的雕塑品就越完美。最后当你唱出的曲调与那雕塑品里的完美旋律相同,你就得到了显现。关键在于收听。你通过宣示正直性来开始那个过程。
Number six is life-force. We're going to give you information now that we haven't given in this fashion before. There's something new going on with your biology. The master sees a new life-force. There's much to tell you here. Are you having relationship problems? Perhaps it's brother with brother, sister with sister, husband and wife? Perhaps mother and father, mother and sister, friend with friend? How about your business?
Every time a divine Human Being, especially one who's vibrating at a higher level, makes a bond of love or partnership with another Human Being, a third energy is created that has the attributes of both. This third energy that is created can be called an entity, if you wish. You can even give it a name! It sits there waiting to be nourished. The entity has the attributes of a Human child. It should be handled gently and considered precious.
Listen: Husband and wife, handle it gently - it's precious! What are you going to say to the child? Are you going to nurture it, or are you going to ignore it? When you begin to work on that third energy that is the child, a new life-force flows between you like it never did before. It's a hidden attribute, yet you've always known about it. All partnerships will benefit from this new awareness.
There's more. Biologically there's a new kind of life-force available, especially to those who vibrate higher. It's time to awaken something that has been there all along - something you've been toying with for eons. We will call this awakening cellular intelligence. The cellular structure of the Human body is designed to connect itself to the life-force of Earth. Think of the times that you've used things like kinesiology [muscle testing]. Did you ever wonder how the Human body knows more than you do? Things you don't know, your cells know. Does this make sense to you? What if you could build a bridge between what the body knows and what your conscious mind knows?
还有更多。在生物学上有一股全新的生命力可供获得,尤其是那些振动频率更高的人。是时候察觉到某些一直存在的东西——某些你们长久以来都不曾认真看待的东西。我们会称之为 “觉醒的细胞智能”。人体的细胞结构被设计成能够与地球的生命力连线。想想曾经有一段时期,当你们使用运动机能学 [肌肉实验] 的时候。你们有没有想过,人体如何会知道得比你更清楚?你不知道的东西,你的细胞知道。你觉得这有道理吗?如果说你可以在身体的知晓能力与意识心的知晓能力之间建立起一座桥梁呢?
Did you ever wonder how homeopathy works? When a tincture with less than one part in one million of a substance is ingested into your body, how can your cells "see" it, when modern medical analytical machines can't even detect it? The truth? The Human body recognizes the intent of the substance! For more than 200 years, you've been working with this, yet it's still not understood. Healing occurs. Information is passed to the cellular structure of the intent of the maker of the cure. Wouldn't it be great to build a bridge from your conscious mind to the part of your cellular structure that is the master chemist?
你们有没有想过,顺势疗法是如何运作的?当一酊剂少于一百万分之一的物质被你的身体吸收,你的细胞如何能 “看见” 它,当最新的药物分析仪都无法侦测到它时?真相是?人体认得出那种物质的意图!200 多年来,你们一直在使用这种方法,但它依然不为人们所理解。治疗发生了。药物制造者的意图被传达到细胞结构里。如果说,你的意识心能建立起一座桥梁到你的细胞结构里,到细胞的药剂大师那部分,那不是很棒吗?
Did you ever use a pendulum? Did you ever wonder how the muscles in your hand responded out of your control to give a yes or no answer regarding your health or the energy around you? It's cellular intelligence, and it's time you started to meld with it. It's time for a marriage of the intellect, the intuition, and cellular intelligence.
The master knows what his elbow is doing. The master has a meeting of the cells every day. The master can tell you how his toe is feeling, spiritually. The body is one. The master does not live in his head. Instead, he lives as one unified entity, head to toe. He sees his body as one cell, with intelligence. The master knows what is good for him biologically and what isn't, even without muscle testing. The master has an alliance with the intelligence within - a DNA attribute that has always been there. Did you ever hear the phrase "awakening DNA"? That's partially what this is all about.
大师知道他的手肘正在做什么。大师每天都和细胞开一次会。大师可以告诉你,他的脚趾头目前有什么感觉,在灵性层面。整个身体是一。大师不是活在他的头脑里。相反的,他作为一个合一的实体而活着,从头到脚。他把整个身体视为一个细胞,充满了智能。即使没有进行肌肉实验,大师也知道,什么对他的身体是好的,什么不是。大师连结了他体内的智能—— 一种持续存在的 DNA 特质。你们有没有听过 “觉醒的 DNA” 这个词?那就是它的一部分。
There's even more: Apoptosis is a biological term used to describe a Human cellular system designed to diagnose inappropriateness in the body and self-destruct. Well, it doesn't work well, does it? Where is it with cancer? Where is it with AIDS? Where is it with tuberculosis? You could name the diseases for a very long time that "fool" this natural body process. It doesn't work very well, does it? There's a new life-force at hand that will change this, too - a force available to all of you where cellular structure is awakened and the intelligence will increase. Apoptosis will be allowed to work the way it was designed. The only disease within a master's body will be that which he allows to be attached if it's appropriate, through free choice. The new life-force on this planet will enhance your ability to control your own cellular structure. Haven't the gurus showed this to you over the years? Now it's your turn.
还有更多:“细胞凋亡” 是一个生物学名词,形容人类细胞结构是被设计成能够诊断体内的不恰当性,并自我毁灭。嗯,它并没有好好发挥功能,它有吗?在癌症里有吗?在爱滋病里有吗?在肺结核里有吗?你可以说出一长串,那些 “欺骗” 身体的这种自然过程的疾病。它并没有好好发挥功能,不是吗?目前有一股全新的生命力,同样的,它会改变这种情况——是一股每个人都可获得的能力,细胞结构开始觉醒,智能开始增长。细胞凋亡将被允许运作,如它原本的设计。大师体内唯一的疾病将会是他允许附在身上的,如果这是恰当的话,通过自由选择。地球上的这股新的生命力,将会增强你们的能力,来掌控你们本身的细胞结构。那些 [瑜伽]上师不是已经示范给你们看了吗?现在轮到你们自己去做了。
细胞凋亡,为一种细胞程序性死亡。相对于细胞坏死,细胞凋亡是细胞主动实施的。细胞凋亡一般由生理或病理性因素引起,而细胞坏死则主要为缺氧造成。相比起细胞坏死,细胞凋亡是更常见的细胞死亡形式。 http://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-sg/%E7%BB%86%E8%83%9E%E5%87%8B%E4%BA%A1 |
Focus at the Moment
We will finish with this one - number seven. Perhaps you would like to ask the master, "Dear master, what should be our focus as Human Beings on Earth at the moment? It seems there is so much strife! Where should we send our light, and what should we do? What is the key? Where's the focus?"
The dispensation of the eight is one of responsibility. Within the first two weeks in November 2003, you will get a chance, along with that great entourage which is what you call your higher selves, to make a decision about the most important things on Earth [Harmonic Concordance].
八的时代是责任的时代。在 2003 年 11 月的头两周,你们会有一次机会,与你们那庞大的随行团,即是你们的高我,一起对地球上最重要的事情作出一个决定 [和谐整合]。
A question will be asked much like it was on the 11:11 [Harmonic Convergence]. This question will be this: Are you ready to meld the spiritual and the biological so that life-force will be melded, so that ego will be what I described, so that co-creation will be what I described, so that you can enhance your DNA? Are you ready to let the masculine and feminine energy of Humanity finally be equal? It's an important time on the planet. Those reading this after this has occurred should know that it is no less profound simply because it was yesterday. The study of yesterday is the wisdom of tomorrow.
一个类似于 11:11 [和谐汇聚] 时的问题会被提出。这个问题将会是:你是否准备好去融合灵性与肉体,使生命力得以融合,使自我意识变得如我所述,使共同创造变得如我所述,使你可以增强你的 DNA ?你是否准备好,去使人类的男性与女性能量终于变得平等?这是地球上的重大时刻。那些在过后才读到这个信息的人应该会知道,它并不因为是昨日的信息而减少其深刻性。昨日习,明日智。
What is the focus? There has never been a time on Earth where your actions and thoughts are more profoundly measurable as energy. The focus is inward. The first parable ever given to you by this Kryon group over a decade ago was that of The Tar Pit. It spoke of a metaphor, a parable, where one Human Being discovered something that helped him. No one else was involved. He discovered something personal and implemented it. He applied it only to himself, and he didn't shout it from the rooftops. He went about his business without saying anything, enjoying his new personal discovery, yet everybody noticed what he had done? How? From what was happening around him.
焦点在哪里?地球上从未有过这样的时候,即你们的行动与想法,可以更深刻地作为能量被测量。焦点在于内心。克里昂团队在超过十年前对你们所给出的第一个寓言就是 “沥青坑的寓言”。它是讲一个隐喻,一个寓言,有个人发现了某种对他有帮助的东西。这件事没有涉及其他人。他亲自发现了某种东西,然后去执行它。他只是把它应用到自己身上,而没有在屋顶上大喊着把它说出来。他做自己的事,没有透露一句话,在享受着他个人的新发现,但每个人都会从他周边的转变注意到:他做了什么?他是怎么做?
This is what happens when you balance yourself. One Human Being who tunes in to the choir and finds the sculpture in the ice will affect all the ones around him. He gives them something to see. This allows more choice than the others around him would have had, otherwise. It actually turns on a light for others to see in a dim place.
Not all of those who see your progress will like it. Some of the others will look at you and run the other way. Some of them will look at you and hate you. Some of them will betray you. Dear Human Being, this is nothing new. The medicine man lived alone, even without a mate, on the edge of the village. Yet he was the healer for all of them when they got in trouble. Does that make any sense? Because he vibrated high and had unusual information, that seemed odd to them, and they only visited when they had to.
And so this transition of focusing on self will truly cut to the quick when it comes to energy decisions. There will be those around you who don't want what you have. They're not ready for what you have. Without saying a word and without being evangelical in what you've discovered, things will take care of themselves. The premise? Take care of yourself. What is the focus? It's on self. Not ego... but self-balance and finding the tune. Let others decide for themselves if they wish to share in the "new you" or not. That's their issue. Steward your truth, and never let another Human being force you from the love of God.
所以,当来到需要作出能量决定时,你的这种转变,即专注于自己的内心,确实会戳到某些人的痛处。你周边有些人并不想要你所拥有的东西。他们还未准备好去得到你所拥有的东西。对于你所发现的事,无需说一句话,无需表现得像传道者般热情,事情会自然发生。前提是?照顾好你自己。焦点在哪里?在自己。不是自我意识......而是自我平衡,及找到那个曲调。让其他人自行决定是否要分享那 “全新的你”。那是他们的事。看管好你的真相,绝不让别人强迫你远离神的爱。
As it is within, so it will eventually become without. Human consciousness is the third grid. Therefore, perhaps you will understand that the magnetic is healed, the crystalline is being worked on, and in the process the third grid, which is the top of the triangle of Human consciousness, turns inward. Put these together and you will see the potential of The New Jerusalem. As you are, so is Earth. As you take care of yourself, the earth responds.
既然它是存乎中,最终也会形于外。人类意识是第三个栅格。[磁力栅格、水晶栅格、人类意识]。因此,你们应该能明白,磁力被治好了,水晶正在处理中,而在那过程里,那第三个栅格,即是在三角形顶端的人类意识,开始转向内心。把这些信息加在一起,你就会看见 “新的耶路撒冷” [隐喻,指地球和平] 的潜在性。你做到时,地球也做得到。你照顾好你自己,地球就会有反应。
Dear Human Beings, historians will point to this time and say, "This is where it started. When humanity made decisions that it would create a planet that would pull itself out of the dark, they began to understand the process of peace, the wisdom of trade, and they were not fearful of different cultures. They understood that each one needs the other, and that somehow they were all connected." How do we know this? We are seeing it within the bubble of the balloon that contains everything in the now that ever happened or can happen. It is written in your potential! It is actually written in your DNA!
亲爱的人类,将来历史学家会指着这个时代并说,“事情就是从这里开始的。当人类决定要创造一个,把自己从黑暗中拉出来的地球,这时他们开始了解和平的过程、做生意的智慧,而且不怕异族文化。他们明白,每个人都互相需要,全部人都是以某种方式连结在一起。” 我们怎么知道?因为我们在那个气球泡泡里看见它,在当下里,它包含了一切曾经发生的、或有可能发生的潜在性。它就写在你的潜在性里!它其实就写在你的 DNA 里!
Blessed is the Human Being who sees the whole - the completeness of the planet in this way. Blessed is the Human who sees Earth as the block of ice that contains a beautiful sculpture called "Peace on Earth."
有福的是那个人类,他看见整体——看见地球的完整性。有福的是那个人类,他把地球视为那个大冰块,里面含有一个美丽的雕塑,称为 “地球和平”。
And so it is!