
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Kryon:The Seven Great Human Illusions of God



有一件让你们很难理解,让我们很伤心的事情是,你们说到处都有黑与白。都有善与恶。你们的神话说邪恶不是你们本有的,你们之所以会有邪恶的一面全都因为 “天堂出了问题”。看来,有一位天使总是行为不端,因此失去了天恩,堕落魔道。他的名字是路西法 [恶魔],而当然,他就是那个想要勾走你的灵魂,让你为他干坏事的人。

“克里昂,你是说在帷幕的另一边没有善与恶吗?” 听着:善与恶。这是人类的概念,因为它完全是你们本身的二元性与存在之测试的一部分。二元性代表的是自由选择。那是人类在地球上的二元性设置,它与神没有任何关系。我们重复又重复告诉你们,最顶级的黑暗力量就是人类,他们认定了黑暗就是他们想要创造的东西。我们曾经说过,在能量方面,你们是大师,你们可以倾向光明或倾向黑暗,并使那任何一面变得充满力量。

你们创造了一个名为路西法 [恶魔] 的从天堂堕落的天使,来辩解你们自己的行为不端。它其实是隐喻一个人通过自由选择从他们自己的大师身份堕落。你们的许多神话都是关于你们本身!但你们却说它是关于神。不是的。

接着是赏与罚。“天堂里一定有赏与罚,” 人们说。你们把赏罚制度放诸于神之上,不是吗?如果你行为良好,你就上天堂。如果你行为恶劣,你就下地狱。一个让你在天堂里度过永恒的岁月,与天父在一起——多美好的景象!另一个让你在地狱里永远受酷刑,与那堕落天使路西法在一起——多恐怖的画面!当然,真相不是这样的。首先,在一个跨维度无时间性的地方里,“在天堂的岁月” 将会是怎样的呢?你们是否看见这种描述有多么符合人类的赏罚制度呢?在地狱里的永恒岁月对我来说也许只有三分钟!

我们已经重复又重复告诉你们,这完全不是神的方式。但还是有一些知识分子会说,“嗯,肯定会有某种类似的制度。不然你们怎么管理一切事物?” 而我们对你说,那是你们的制度。那是你们的二元性,去管理它吧。但那不是神的制度。我们在帷幕这一边无需管理任何天使或人类。“你是在说,克里昂,一个人能进入这个地球并成为有史以来最邪恶的人类,在大屠杀里屠杀了数百万人民,然后当他回到帷幕另一边时,却完全不会受到惩罚?” 而我会再说一次。正是如此。因为你们不了解这项测试。当你在二元性这里时,你有自由去做任何你选择去做的事。但是,别假定这个系统会延伸到帷幕的另一边。它只为你们而设,在这里。


然后是时限观念。你们把人类的三维时限观念应用到神的时限观念之上。“亲爱的神,” 你说,“我必须在三天内交出房租,但我没钱。你能帮助我吗,求求你?” 人类大脑说,“三天内不会发生什么事。时间太短了。” 但后来不是这样!再一次,你慌得手忙脚乱,不是吗?


你瞧,你的解决方案没有发生,至少不是以你所预想的方式。你祈求你能有钱付租金,但圣灵准备让你的余生都过得丰足!当你在祈求有钱付租金时,你要的并不是字面上所说的事。我会告知你的灵魂其实是在祈求什么——他是在说,“亲爱的圣灵,我不想再为钱烦恼了。” 那才是你真正在祈求的事,而我们知道这一点。“亲爱的圣灵,我要得到丰足,使我不必每个月都为此而烦恼。” 那正是丰足的定义,不是吗?丰足的定义不是指银行里的存款。而是指你的需要能够日复一日地得到满足。


This live channelling was Given in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

现场通灵于 埃蒙顿,阿伯塔,加拿大

July 8, 2006

As channelled by Lee Carroll for Kryon




There is absolutely something in here to offend everyone! Kryon gives us a reminder about what God is like, and it isn't about being like a Human. Yet almost everything we have been taught has been that God is "like us." There are some funny comparisons here, and some profound ones. Sit back and be ready to say, "but I was told...." It might surprise you the way it really is.

这个信息绝对足以触怒每一个人!克里昂再次提醒我们关于神是怎样的,而神不是像人的样子。但几乎我们被教导的每一件事都是关于神如何 “像我们”。信息里有一些有趣的比较,和一些深刻的比喻。坐着并准备说出这种话吧:“但我被告知......” 真相会让你大为惊讶。

To help the reader, this channelling has been rechannelled [by Lee and Kryon] and added onto to provide even clearer understanding. Often what happens live, has implied energy within it, which carries a kind of communication that the printed page does not. So enjoy this enhanced message given in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on July 8, 2006.

为了帮助读者,这篇信息经过 [李及克里昂] 的重新传导及增强,以提供更清晰的理解。因为在现场所给出的信息,含有一种能量沟通模式,是印刷页面所无法传达的。那么请享有这篇增强版的信息吧,这是在 2006 年 7 月 8 日在 埃蒙顿,阿伯塔,加拿大 所传导的。

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service.


It's a precious time here, tonight. I want my partner settled down, because the emotion of this moment might be too much for him, for there will be a message. But beyond that, there's something waiting to happen that may seem miraculous to some of you. There are those here who will leave differently than they came and all of the preparation of the day is centered on this moment.


So the message is secondary to the healing that is going to occur tonight. Perhaps you're the one. But more than one has the potential. Reader, it's no accident you also walked into our room, for everything we are saying in the "now" refers to you, also. There are those hearing and reading who need a healing of the heart, and I don't mean physically. I know who's here in this room or listeners and readers. I know who you are. You know me and the duality separates us so completely in your life that you cannot see your sister as she sits here. Partners, we are, in this test called Earth. I see you coming and I see you leaving. And I see the duality that separates us... especially those who say, "This cannot be happening." The energy is impacting into this place and your allowance of it is strong and the entourage feels it as they pour in here and stand among you.

所以在今晚,信息是次要于即将发生的疗愈。也许你就是那个会得到治愈的人。但不止一人有这种潜能。读者,你也进来我们的空间了,这不是偶然的,因为我们在 “当下” 所说的每一句话也包括你在内。有些正在聆听与阅读的人需要得到心灵治愈,而我不是指肉体上的治愈。我知道谁在这间房里,谁是听众与读者。我认识你。你也认识我,但是二元性将我们完全从你的人生中隔开了,以致你无法看见你的姐姐 [指克里昂本身],即使她就坐在这里。我们是伙伴,在这称为地球的测试中。我看着你到来,我也看着你离去。我看见那将我们隔开的二元性......尤其是在那些这样说的人身上:“这是不可能发生的。” 疗愈的能量正在冲击这里,你们对它的许可是如此之强,连我们的随行团在倾流进来并站到你们中间时也能感觉到它。

There are those here who need, and will receive, a complete healing of heart. That's why you came and you don't have to tell us the circumstances around anything in your life, because we've walked it with you, every day of it. We've been there for every single step of the way. We know where it hurts. We know why it hurts, and you're going to stand from this place and feel the peace of Spirit and recognize the mastery in your veins. I'll say it again. You'll walk out of this space with a different perspective. Strong. Peaceful. Wise. Understanding. Then you may see certain individuals differently than you ever saw them before. I guarantee it. You'll see them as enablers, enabling you to move from where you are... and you know who I'm talking to, don't you?


Then there's the one who actually came for the physical healing. Oh, dear one, do you think that's really impossible? You don't have to wait until the end, you know, you can have it right now. What is your reality and your truth about these things? Let me tell you about DNA. There are those who'd say, "Well, we ought to be able to see evolution in DNA." You're right. If you could really see DNA, you could! But you only see one-twelfth of it. You don't even see that much, because even in the one layer you study, you don't know what's going on. There has been a profound change in Human DNA over the years, even in the last 10, but not in the 3D chemistry. Instead it's in the seemingly random characters of the pointers to the non-protein encoded parts. What changes, therefore, is the relationship of the 3D layer to the other 11 layers that I have given you. Interactive, they are, and as you make decisions, they change and they shift.

还有一些人是为了肉体上的治愈而来的。啊,亲爱的,你认为那是不可能的吗?你无需等到会议结束时,你现在就能得到治愈。人类的治疗实相与真相是什么?让我透露关于 DNA 的事。有些人说,“嗯,我们应该能看到 DNA 的演变。” 你说得对。如果你们能看见 DNA,你们就能看见它的演变!但你们只看见它的十二分之一。你们甚至不能看见这么多,因为就连你们研究的那一层,你们也不知道它是怎么回事。多年来,甚至是在过去那 10 年里,人类 DNA 已经发生了深刻的转变,但不是在三维的化学成分里。相反的,转变是发生在那看似随机的特质里,说明那是发生在非蛋白质编码的部分。因此,转变的,是 DNA 的三维层与我所告知的其他 11 层之间的关系。它们是有互动的,当你决定得到治愈时,它们会开始转变。

What do you think happens to the ascension layer and the communication layer when you open that door of pure intent? [Speaking of the DNA interdimensional layers] I'll tell you – they change colors. That's what some of you are going to do tonight... change colors for good. And then, indeed, there will be what we call the seeds planted that can be used any time you want to, for illumination and information. There is energy here in this place that will help those in just a few weeks. There are entities here... all invisible. Some of them are going to make themselves known to certain individuals who are in the room. Some of you will smell them. Don't be surprised if their fragrance smells like the roses or the violets, the land, the flowers. Sometimes some of you will be aware of an aroma you didn't expect, that of those you loved and lost and you'll know they're here. And they are! You see, that's what happens when you give permission to do this [place yourself into meditation in front of Kryon]. You put yourself in a quantum state for just a little while, when we can talk about these things of the planet, and share the love of God for a few moments.

当你以纯粹的意图打开那扇门 [指通往神的大门],你认为扬升层与交流层会怎样呢?[指 DNA 的跨维度层] 我会告诉你——它们会转变颜色。那就是你们今晚会做的事......永远转变颜色。然后,没错,你就能随时取用以前播下的那些种子,用来获得启迪和信息。这里有一股能量,它会在数周内发挥作用,帮助那些需要得到治愈的人。这里有一些实体......全都是隐形的。他们有一些会对现场的特定人士表明身份。你们有些人会闻到他们。如果你发现他们的芳香有如玫瑰或紫罗兰,如草地,如鲜花,请别惊讶。有时候你们会无意中闻到一股芳香,那就是你们曾经深爱并失去的亲人,你会知道他们来了。而他们真的来了!你瞧,当你允许自己这样做时 [在克里昂面前进入冥想],那就是会发生的事。你让自己进入量子状态片刻,我们就能谈论关于地球的事,并分享神的爱。

I'm going to give you some no-nonsense information today. It's always loving, but some see it as criticism. Instead, it's truth and exposé. I'll give you information that to some may seem like it's a review. It isn't. It's the only time we've ever put these things together like this for you. You've got to hear it, for you'll need it soon. It's time you moved off of the mythology and into the reality of your mastery. The earth calls, and times are approaching in which you will need to know the difference between God and the Human stories of God.


This particular channelling is long overdue, but now you've reached a place where there can be even more plain talk. I'm going to give you seven attributes and we're going to identify them as "The Seven Great Human Illusions of God." It's hard to know where to start, so in honor of the interdimensional, I'll start with seven. [Laughter] The seventh one is the sacred one, you know? After it, then I'll back up and start with number one... just to make you feel linear. [More laughter] This seventh, which would normally be the end, is instead the beginning and will represent the overall view of God... the greatest Human illusion of all.

这篇通灵信息其实早就应该给出了,但现在你们已经来到了一个能接受更多实话的时间点。我会给出七个特质,我们会标题为 “人类对神的七大错觉。” 我们很难决定应该从何说起,所以为了向 ‘跨维度’ 致敬,我会从第七个说起 [笑声]。 第七个是神圣的,知道吗?过后,我会倒退回第一个......只为了让你们感到线性 [更多笑声]。这第七个,通常是最后一个,现在反过来成了开头,它是对神的总述......人类最大的错觉就是关于神。



Humans only have one model of consciousness to compare anything to. One model – themselves. So Humans considering God naturally feel that God must have Human attributes. Many of you don't even know what I'm talking about. You see, when you are at the top of the evolved ladder of consciousness and creation, there is only you to evaluate anything to. Your knowledge has always limited your imagination, for everything you think about references the great Human "self." In addition, scripture seems to indicate that you were "made in His image," so now you also have what you feel is credibility that, indeed, God has Human form, and that since there is nothing higher that you can see, it must be the highest in the Universe.

人类只有一种意识范例可以用来对比一切。一种范例——他们本身。所以人类在思考神的时候自然会觉得神必定有人类的特质。你们许多人甚至不清楚我是在说什么。你瞧,当你们在进化阶梯处在意识及万物的顶端时,对任何事物的评价只能以你们为标准。你们的知识总是局限着你们的想象力,因为你所想的每一件事都是参照那伟大的人类 “自我”。此外,圣经似乎也在暗示,你们是 “以祂的形象而造”,所以现在你们也有可靠的依据说明,确实,神有人类的形象,而除了人类以外,没有任何更高级生物能让你们看见,因此你们认为人类必定是宇宙中最高级的生物。

I'm going to give you a cute little metaphor to ponder. Imagine for a moment that Earth was made up of all dogs. No humans, just dogs. And imagine that dogs had your intelligence. Evolution had somehow gone differently, and intelligent dogs now ran the world, just like you do now. They also have their problems, just like you do now. And dogs, just like you, have their own spiritual thoughts on what God must be like, and naturally they have religion. They pray and ponder, and have intellectual ideas, just like you.


Now, if I could take you to this metaphoric place where all of these intelligent dogs lived in their civilization, let me tell you what their religion would look like. First of all, God would be a dog! [Laughter] And each breed of dog would have a photo of God represented as their own breed, of course. All of the angels would be dogs with wings, and one of the things they would do would be to constantly smell each other! [Laughter] How far do you want me to go with this? You know what's coming next, don't you? Society's proof that God is a dog is that the very name of their kind, spelled backwards, is God! Shall I continue? And you know, even though it's funny, that I'm right.

呐,如果我能带你们去到这隐喻中的地方,去到所有这些高智能狗狗生活的文明当中,让我告知它们的宗教是怎样的。首先,神会是一只狗![笑声] 而每一个品种的狗狗都会有自己的一张神的照片,来代表它们各自的品种,这是肯定的。所有天使将会是长着翅膀的狗,而天使们会做的其中一件事情是,它们会不断嗅闻对方![笑声] 你们还希望我描述得多详细呢?你们知道我接下来会讲的是什么,不是吗?社会上对于神是一只狗的证明是,狗 (dog) 的名字反过来拼音就是神 (God)!我还要继续讲吗?虽然这很好笑,但你们知道,我比喻得很恰当。

Do you understand? It's the only consciousness they have. It's the only thing they know. The way they are is what God becomes in their mind. They cannot think past the highest consciousness they understand, which is themselves. Humans do that, and they place upon God all of the attributes of humanity. Some of the basic things that you think are intuitive in the Universe are not! It's just you thinking that everything is like you. Human attributes only belong where you exist. Oh, you might say they belong also to the dimension you're in, including some of the planets that are in your dimension, and you'd be right. But they don't apply to God. The very word Universe to you means what you can see with your telescopes. And again, we say, that's very 3D of you! The word Universe to us means God! There is so much more than Humans in the real Universe.

你们明白吗?那就是它们唯一拥有的意识。那就是它们唯一知道的事情。它们的信仰方式是根据它们脑海中的神而进行的。它们的思维无法超越它们所懂得的最高意识——它们本身。人类就是如此做法,把所有人类特质都放诸于神之上。某些你们认为是直觉的宇宙基本事物其实并不是!那只不过是你们以为的每一种事物都像你。人类特质只存在于你们所处的地方。哦,你也许会说,这些特质也存在于你们所处的维度空间里,包括你们维度空间里的一些行星,而你说得没错。但它们无法应用于神。对你们而言,“宇宙” 这个字眼意味着你们的天文望远镜所看得见的地方。而再一次,我们说,你们真是非常三维呀!“宇宙” 这个字眼对我们而言意味着神!在真正的宇宙里存在着非常多的事物,不只是有人类。

What about "made in his image," you might ask. "Doesn't this indicate that we must look like God?" Step out of your own enclosure for a moment and think about it. If you had the power to bestow your "image" on a group of ants in a far away place, would you suddenly look like an ant? No. Instead, you bestow upon them the light you carry and your spiritual intellect. Your interdimensional divine "image" is not what you see in the mirror, but far beyond that. It's an interdimensional image that can easily fit into an ant, if you understand about such things. Now come back and realize that everything we have been teaching all day long [during the lecture series] shouts that God is in you. It doesn't mean that God looks like a Human. The image of God is within the mastery that is in the Human DNA.

那么 “以祂的形象而造” 这句话又该如何解释呢,你会问。“这是否在暗示我们看起来像神?” 跨出你们本身的围篱片刻,想一想吧。如果你有能力把你的 “形象” 赐予远处的一群蚂蚁,你会突然看起来像一只蚂蚁吗?不会。相反的,你赐予它们你的光和你的灵性智力。你的跨维度神性 “形象” 并不是你在镜子中看到的那个样子,而是远远不止于此。那是一个能够轻易纳入一只蚂蚁体内的跨维度形象,如果你懂得怎么做的话。现在回来这里并了解到,我们一整天[在讲课时段]所教授的课程都在呼喊道:神在你体内。那并不意味着神看起来像人类。神的形象是在于人类 DNA 里的大师能量。

So, attribute number seven, therefore, is the propensity for Human Beings to see God in Human form, but it goes way beyond that... way beyond that. You see God as doing what Humans do, enjoying what Humans enjoy, fearing like Humans, going through drama like Humans, and also having all the Human evolutionary residuals. Did you ever realize that? Read on.




Number One. You want to assign war to God. Did you know that? All your mythology has it. These particular gods went to war with these other gods, etc. Many have said, "There must have been wars in Heaven, in order to have only one God... the one who won over the others! After all, just look at humanity: To have one peace, we have to regularly slaughter each other. Since we are like God, and in his image, this must be universal." Now, of course, in your modern religion, you say that you have no mythology. That's not so. What you think is sacred and true is very much mythology, but you don't think of it that way. Your story of Heaven and Hell is something that came right from duality and the Human mind. Can you imagine a battlefield with a bunch of dead angels? We can't! And where do angels go when they die? [Laughter] Many will say, "Scripture says that there was war between the angels." And we say, "Scripture says?" Did God write that or did a Human? Humans put upon God all their own traits to make things make sense to them.

第一。你们想把战争分派给神。你们知道吗?你们的每一个神话里都有谈到神的战争。这几位神对另外几位神开战,诸如此类。许多人说,“天堂里一定有过战争,才会有那唯一的神......战胜其他所有人!毕竟,只需看看人类:为了拥有一次和平,我们必须不断地互相残杀。既然我们像神,而且是以祂的形象而造,那么战争肯定是普遍存在的。” 呐,当然,在你们的现代宗教里,你们会说你们没有神话。但并非如此。你们所认为的神圣与真实的事情其实就是神话,只不过你们不是这么想。你们的 “天堂与地狱” 的故事正是出自二元性和人类思维。你能想象一个遍布天使尸体的战场吗?我们不能!而天使死后会去哪里呢?[笑声] 许多人会说,“圣经说天使之间曾经有过战争。” 而我们说,“圣经说?” 圣经是神写的还是人写的?人类把他们本身的特质全都放诸于神之上,以便让许多事情变得合理。

The first myth is that there was a giant struggle on our side of the veil, which created war. That's a description of duality, dear Human, not God. You are looking in the mirror and placing your own limits on an energy that encompasses the all of everything, and the creation of everything. But you have inserted it in your religion anyway, so you would feel somehow close to the way everything works and relate to it better.


There was no such thing as a war between angels and there never will be. You see, that story reeks with Human struggle. Intuitive and at the cellular level, it is, and so you build it into every expression of being, even placing it on the highest of the high. There are stories in your mythology of how God got to be God, as though we had to climb some mountain of victory and war in order to become what we are. That would be like all the dogs deciding that God must have dug under many fences and warded off legions of fleas to become God.


No, dear Human Beings, there were no wars – no wars between angels, or even near angels. The love of God is stable and it is pure. It always was and it always will be and you know that inside. It's who you are when you're not here and the system that is here on this side of the veil had no war. There would be those who will argue with this immediately, "Well, that's not what I was told." And I will say to you in all love, "Told by whom... God? Or a Human?" Use your divine intuition. Does it really make sense, or does it simply appeal to that Human part who loves a good story? Even the greatest spiritual men used the metaphor of only what they understood to interpret the grandest of the creation stories that you needed to hear. Not everything is what you think it means. That was number one.

不,亲爱的人类,那里不曾有过战争——在天使之间没有战争,甚至在天使附近也没有。神的爱是稳定和纯正的。神昔在、今在、以后永在,而你们打从心底知道这件事。它是当你们不在这里时的身份,而帷幕这一边的系统并没有战争。有些人会马上反驳道,“唔,那不是我被告知的事。” 而我会反过来在满满的爱中对你说,“是由谁告知的呢......是神?还是人?” 运用你的神性直觉。它是否真的有道理,或只是吸引住人类那喜欢听精彩故事的部分?即使那些最优秀的宗教领袖也只是以他们所懂得的隐喻来解释那最伟大的创世神话。不是每一件事都如你们所想的那样。那是第一。



The one that is so difficult for you to understand and is so sad for us is where you say there has to be black and white everywhere. There's got to be good and evil. "Kryon, you mean there isn't good and evil on the other side of the veil?" And I will tell you, just like there was no duality or war, there is no struggle on our side of the veil.

有一件让你们很难理解,让我们很伤心的事情是,你们说到处都有黑与白。都有善与恶。“克里昂,你是说在帷幕的另一边没有善与恶吗?” 而我会告诉你,就像没有二元性或战争一样,我们在帷幕这一边也没有善恶之争。

Listen: Your mythology says that evil is not your own, and that you have it because there was "trouble in heaven." One of the angels, it seems, just couldn't get it right and fell from grace. His name was Lucifer and he, of course, is responsible for trying to get your soul and making you do bad things. It is the devil that creates the difficulties on Earth, the mythology goes, and it is the test of Earth to defeat this bad angel. And dear ones, I just gave you your most modern religious doctrine, not the ones practiced hundreds of years ago. As odd as it sounds, this mythology continues and continues.

听着:你们的神话说邪恶不是你们本有的,你们之所以会有邪恶的一面全都因为 “天堂出了问题”。看来,有一位天使总是行为不端,因此失去了天恩,堕落魔道。他的名字是路西法[恶魔],而当然,他就是那个想要勾走你的灵魂,让你为他干坏事的人。神话说,是恶魔制造了地球上的各种难题,而地球的测试就是要去击败这个坏天使。而亲爱的,我刚刚给出了你们宗教里最近代的教义,不是数百年前所实践的那些。听起来也许很奇怪,但这个神话就是不断地流传下去。

Good and evil. This concept belongs to Human Beings because it is so much a part of the test of your own duality and existence. Oh, it belongs to others in the Universe, too, but not God. "Wait a minute, Kryon, do you mean there's no light and dark on the other side of the veil?" That's exactly what I'm telling you, at least not the way you see it. There is no light and dark on our side of the veil that creates struggle and imbalance. The light and dark on our side of the veil is simply energy that moves around. Some need to argue and say, "Well, there has to be! It's part of everything." It isn't. It's only part of your everything. And I will tell you it is just as absurd as the angels smelling each other. That's not God.

善与恶。这是人类的概念,因为它完全是你们本身的二元性与存在之测试的一部分。啊,善恶也是宇宙其他生物的概念,但不是神。“等一下,克里昂,你是说,帷幕的另一边没有光明与黑暗?” 那正是我的意思,至少它不是如你们所认为的那样。我们在帷幕这一边没有那引发斗争与不平衡的光明与黑暗。我们在帷幕这一边的光明与黑暗只是一些不停在转动的能量。有些人认为有必要提出反对并说,“唔,肯定有的!那是一切事物的组成部分。” 不是。那只是人类的一切事物的组成部分。而我会告诉你,那就像天使们会互相嗅闻彼此一样荒谬。那不是神。

The duality represents free choice. That's the duality set-up of Humanism within planet Earth, and has nothing whatsoever to do with what you call God. There is no evil angel who wants your soul. We told you over and over that the darkest of the dark is the power of the Human Being, who's decided that the dark is what they wish to create. We have said it before, that you are masters at energy and you can go to the light or go to the dark and make either of them powerful. The ones who chose light have an edge, however, because they are then using the "image of God" in their lives. They can create the lightest of the light, the ascension status, and represent the one who has chosen the pathway of sacredness and unity.

二元性代表的是自由选择。那是人类在地球上的二元性设置,它与神没有任何关系。没有任何邪恶天使想要勾走你的灵魂。我们重复又重复告诉你们,最顶级的黑暗力量就是人类,他们认定了黑暗就是他们想要创造的东西。我们曾经说过,在能量方面,你们是大师,你们可以倾向光明或倾向黑暗,并使那任何一面变得充满力量。但那些选择光明的人会略占优势,因为如此一来他们就是在自己的人生中运用那 “神的形象”。他们能创造出最光明的一面、创造出扬升状态,并且能代表那些选择了神圣与合一这条道路的人们。

Many Humans laugh at this and say, "Well, Kryon, or whoever you are, I don't agree with you, for you have not seen what I and others have seen. We've seen demon possession." No, you haven't. You've seen the energy of Human dark possession, posing as the darkest and most fearful thing you can imagine, which is demons. Fear will do that to you, and many will see the same thing and report many truths instead of seeing the real energy. In the case of the occult, it is the Human who is fully in control of all the darkness, conjuring up the worst of the worst for you to wallow in and believe in. That's all about the Human. How does it feel to be so deceived? And when you are, you say, "It was the devil." No. It's the Human who has taken power to a very deep and low level. Look at your history, or what's going on in some dark places on the planet. You won't find the devil there. Instead, you will find evil within the free choice of Humans who are making it work for them. This is what the duality test is all about right now on Earth.

有许多人会对此嘲笑并说,“唔,克里昂,或不管你是谁,我不同意你的说法,因为你不曾见识过我和其他人所见识过的事。我们见过魔鬼附身。” 不,你们没有。你们看见的附身其实是人类黑暗面的能量,伪装成你们能想象得到的最黑暗与最可怕的东西,即是魔鬼。恐惧会影响你们,然后许多人会看见同样的事,却流传出各种版本的真相,而不是认出那股真正的能量。至于巫术,那是一些完全掌控住所有黑暗面的人类,在用魔法召唤那最邪恶的能量,让你们沉溺其中并深信巫术。那些全都是人类的作为。被蒙骗了这么久的感觉如何?而当你被蒙骗时,你说,“那是魔鬼做的。” 不。 是那些把自己的力量带到非常深层与低级水平的人类所做的。看看你们的历史,或地球某些黑暗地区所发生的事。你不会在那里找到魔鬼。相反的,你会在人类的自由选择里找到邪恶的力量,他们利用黑暗面为自己办事。目前发生在地球上的二元性测试就是这么一回事。

And so, dear Human Beings, I am telling you yet again that free choice is the key. I'll also say to you that my very existence in this room is because there is more light than dark on this planet, believe it or not. It is the reason you are here at all. It is the reason you did not have your Armageddon, and won't. It is the reason for the 11:11 energy [the Harmonic Convergence]. Celebrate the fact that this planet is beginning to illuminate. There are more of those holding the light than not. There are thousands who want to hold the light, they just don't know how, yet they are awakening inside. This awakening is not yet representative of the leaders of the planet or of your governments. I'm talking about the people of Earth, not what you see on the news, which is all about a whole different generation.

于是,亲爱的人类,我再一次告诉你,自由选择就是关键。我也对你们说,我之所以能来到这里是因为现在地球上的光比黑暗还要多,不管你信或不信。它完全是你们会来到这里的原因。它是你们没有,而且不会经历世界末日的原因。它是 11:11 这股能量 [和谐汇聚] 的原因。庆祝地球开始照亮的这个事实吧。现在持有光的人比黑暗的人还要多。现在有无数人想要持有光,他们只是不知道该如何做,但他们的内心已经觉醒过来。这种觉醒还未体现在地球上的或你们政府里的领袖身上。我所说的是指地球上的人民,不是指你们在媒体中看到的事情,这两者所代表的是完全不同的两个世代。

There is an awakening going on. Indeed, leadership will change and show that awakening. It's about illumination. We'll say it again. Light is active and dark is passive. If you have a dark room and light appears it in, it illuminates the whole room, does it not? Darkness goes away and can't continue in the light. If, instead, you have a light room and darkness walks in, nothing happens at all. What does that tell you about your light and abilities? Do not be afraid of those who are dark. You carry an energy that is very strong, yet you don't even have to think about it... ever!


There are so many who fear those who are dark, who fear the dark energy they carry, and they say, "Well, I have to protect myself." No, you don't! You are your own protection. Just shine your light with the love of God. That's your protection. They can't touch you. They can't touch you! This battle I told you about 18 years ago is here and you're fighting it. And it is, indeed, a battle between a dark and a light energy on Earth and it's called civilization. Duality is the reason there is a battle at all, and you're in the heart of it and many of you know it. It doesn't feel very comfortable to you either.

有许多人非常害怕那些黑暗的人,害怕他们身上的黑暗能量,他们说,“嗯,我必须保护自己。” 不,你不用。你就是你自己的保护。只需带着神的爱并亮起你的光。那就是你的保护。他们无法碰你。他们无法碰你!我在 18 年前告诉你们的这场战斗已经来到了,你们正在奋战中。而地球上确实有一场光明与黑暗的能量之战,称为文化战争。二元性是战斗的根本原因,而你们就处在战斗的核心,你们自己也清楚这一点。这对你们来说也并不好受。

[注:地球上的这场文化战争,尤其是发生在加拿大与美国的,是围绕着新老移民、种族歧视、同性恋、堕胎和社会福利等问题的不同看法而发生的激烈争论。这场 “文化战争” 的实质,是一个国家的主流文化和多元文化之争。]


I tell you that there are angels in this room. All of you, when you're not here, are angelic beings. We have said that over and over. We've heard the arguments from the intellectuals in your midst who would say, "Aha, how can a Humanized angel ever become so dark that they seem like the devil?" And we remind you yet again that this is what you made up to explain for yourselves when you had an angel fall from grace named Lucifer. It is the metaphor of a Human Being who falls from their mastery with choice. So much of your mythology is about you! Yet you say it's about God. It is not. That was number two.

我告诉你们,这间房里有天使在。你们每一个人,当你们不在这里时,都是天使性存有。我们已经重复又重复这样说。我们听过你们当中的一些知识分子争论道,“哼,一个投生为人的天使怎么能变得如此黑暗以致他们看起来就像是魔鬼?” 而我们再一次提醒你,这正是你们自己创造出来的故事,你们创造了一个名为路西法 [恶魔] 的从天堂堕落的天使,来辩解你们自己的行为不端。它其实是隐喻一个人通过自由选择从他们自己的大师身份堕落。你们的许多神话都是关于你们本身!但你们却说它是关于神。不是的。那是第二。



Number three. Timing. You apply Human 3D timing to the timing of God. "Dear God," you say, "I've got to pay the rent in three days and I don't have the money. Would you help me with this, please?" The Human brain says, "Nothing will happen in three days. That's way too short of a time." And then it doesn't! Yet again, you scramble, don't you? Blessed is the Human Being who understands that if they've already made up their minds what can and cannot be done, then they have sealed it, have they not? Your mastery in your own veins is the catalyst for the miracles you're asking for, and if you don't believe them, they won't happen. Blessed is the Human who understands that God's timing is where forever equals a minute.

第三。时限观念。你们把人类的三维时限观念应用到神的时限观念之上。“亲爱的神,” 你说,“我必须在三天内交出房租,但我没钱。你能帮助我吗,求求你?” 人类大脑说,“三天内不会发生什么事。时间太短了。” 但后来不是这样!再一次,你慌得手忙脚乱,不是吗?有福的是那些理解的人,他们知道如果他们已经在心中认定什么是做得到,什么是做不到的,那么他们就已经把它变成了定局,不是吗?那流淌在你们血脉里的大师能量正是一种催化剂,它能帮助你创造出你想要的奇迹,而如果你不相信的话,奇迹就不会发生。有福的是那些理解的人,他们知道在神的时间观念里,一分钟等于永恒。

It's almost like God can stop everything and have universal committee meetings about your rent for 100 years. Your three days is our forever. That's how we see it. This is how it works. This is how synchronicity works, and the complexity would astonish you. When you seem to meet those you're supposed to meet in places you didn't expect to meet anybody, you can't then think you were there by accident. Did that happen today to anyone here? [Kryon smile, since it did] You put Human timing on God, and you make up your mind what cannot be accomplished because there is simply no time to do it. Now, maybe it's time to revise that? The next time you ask for impossible timing, I want you to understand some other things about timing. You may go past the point at which you say your prayer needed to be answered. In other words, you gave up and disengaged the prayer.

它几乎就像神能够停止一切长达 100 年之久,并召开一场宇宙委员大会来商讨如何解决你的房租一样。你们的三天是我们的永恒。那就是我们的看法。那就是事情的运作方式。那就是同步性的运作方式,它的复杂性足以吓倒你们。当你在一些你没想过会遇到任何人的场合遇到了某些你应该遇到的人,你不能认为你是偶然去到那里的。今天这里是否有人遇到了这种事?[克里昂微笑,因为确实有]。你们把人类的时限观念应用到神之上,然后你认定那是无法达成的,因为根本不够时间去做。现在,也许是时候修改这种观念了?下次当你们祈求在某些不可能的时限内达成某些事情时,我要你们明白一些关于时限的道理。你也许会超过你所说的那个祈求必须得到应允的时间点。换句话说,你会放弃并解除那个祷告。

You see, the solution didn't happen, and the prayer didn't get answered, at least not the way you envisioned. You were asking for your rent to be paid, but Spirit was in the process of giving you abundance for the rest of your life! But you just disengaged the whole idea. What you're asking for when you are asking for the rent to be paid is not what the words mean. I will tell you what your soul is asking for – it's saying, "Dear Spirit, I don't want to worry about this anymore." That's what you're asking for and we know it and the angels around you know it. "Dear Spirit, I want sustenance so I don't have to worry about this every month." That's the definition of abundance, isn't it? The definition of abundance is not money in the bank. But it is so that your needs are met day by day. The abundance of Spirit will always be there. It may come at what you think is the last minute from the storehouse of God, or it may come in the abundance of peace around how you feel, even if you didn't make it! Ever think of that? That's abundance. I know who's here. I know what your fears are – so many of them are based on these assumptions and illusions of humanity and God. Throw away that clock when it comes to God and expect the miracles that are there for you! That was number three.

你瞧,你的解决方案没有发生,你的祷告没有得到应允,至少不是以你所预想的方式。你祈求你能有钱付租金,但圣灵准备让你的余生都过得丰足!你只是把你的祈求从你的整体意图中拆开来。当你在祈求有钱付租金时,你要的并不是字面上所说的事。我会告知你的灵魂其实是在祈求什么——他是在说,“亲爱的圣灵,我不想再为钱烦恼了。” 那才是你真正在祈求的事,而我们知道这一点,你身边的天使们也知道这一点。“亲爱的圣灵,我要得到丰足,使我不必每个月都为此而烦恼。” 那正是丰足的定义,不是吗?丰足的定义不是指银行里的存款。而是指你的需要能够日复一日地得到满足。圣灵的丰足一直都存在。它也许在最后一分钟才从神的仓库里送过来,它也许是让你对周遭事物感到充满平静,即使你没有在创造这种感觉!你有想过这一点吗?那就是丰足。我知道谁在这里。我知道你的恐惧是什么——很多都是建立于人类对神的这些假设与错觉之上。当事情涉及神时,丢掉你的时钟,并期待那些为你而准备好的奇迹吧!那是第三。



Number four is reward and punishment. We have said it before, and we'll talk about it again. "There has to be reward and punishment in Heaven," they say. "After all, it's fair and it's correct... just like God. If you're good, you get a reward. If you're bad, you get punished." Well, it's not that way on my side of the veil, dear ones. You won't find that in Heaven. You won't find that in any angelic realm, either. There is no reward and punishment. It's an entire different culture. It's divine culture and it doesn't work in duality like yours. Yet you put reward and punishment right on God, don't you? If you're good, you go to Heaven. If you're bad, you don't. One has you spending time in eternity with the Heavenly Father – what an image! The other has you spending time with the fallen angel, Lucifer. What a vision! It's not like that, of course. First of all, in an interdimensional place that has no time, what would "time in Heaven" be like? Do you see how this fits so nicely with your version of punishment and reward? An eternity in Hell might be three minutes to me!

第四是赏与罚。我们之前讲解过,而我们会再次讲解它。“天堂里一定有赏与罚,” 他们说。“毕竟,有赏有罚才是公平与正确的......就像神一样。如果你行为良好,你就会得到奖赏。如果你行为恶劣,你就会受到惩罚。” 唔,在我这一边的帷幕不是这样,亲爱的。你不会在天堂里找到赏罚制度。你也不会在任何天使界里找到赏罚制度。没有赏与罚。那里的文化完全不同。那里有的是神的文化,而它不是像你们的文化那样在二元性里运作。但你们恰恰就把赏罚制度放诸于神之上,不是吗?如果你行为良好,你就上天堂。如果你行为恶劣,你就下地狱。一个让你在天堂里度过永恒的岁月,与天父在一起——多美好的景象!另一个让你在地狱里永远受酷刑,与那堕落天使路西法在一起——多恐怖的画面!当然,真相不是这样的。首先,在一个跨维度无时间性的地方里,“在天堂的岁月” 将会是怎样的呢?你们是否看见这种描述有多么符合人类的赏罚制度呢?在地狱里的永恒岁月对我来说也许只有三分钟!

We've told you again and again that this is simply not the way it works with God. Yet there are those intellectuals who would say, "Well, there has to be a system like that. How would you control anything?" And we say to you, that's your system. That's your duality, so control it. That's not what God's system is, however. We don't need to control angels or Humans on this side of the veil. "You mean to tell me, Kryon, that a Human can come into this planet and become the most evil Human that ever exists and kill millions of people in genocide and then when he gets to the other side of the veil, there's no punishment?" And I'll say it again. That's exactly right. Because you don't understand the test. You are free to do whatever you choose while you're here in duality. Don't assume, however, that on the other side of the veil that system is extended. It's only for you, here.

我们已经重复又重复告诉你们,这完全不是神的方式。但还是有一些知识分子会说,“嗯,肯定会有某种类似的制度。不然你们怎么管理一切事物?” 而我们对你说,那是你们的制度。那是你们的二元性,去管理它吧。但那不是神的制度。我们在帷幕这一边无需管理任何天使或人类。“你是在说,克里昂,一个人能进入这个地球并成为有史以来最邪恶的人类,在大屠杀里屠杀了数百万人民,然后当他回到帷幕另一边时,却完全不会受到惩罚?” 而我会再说一次。正是如此。因为你们不了解这项测试。当你在二元性这里时,你有自由去做任何你选择去做的事。但是,别假定这个系统会延伸到帷幕的另一边。它只为你们而设,在这里。

Again, we say that this was clearly given to you even in the scriptures you have in the parable of the Prodigal Son. That parable represented the father, who is God, sending two sons into the world, which is sending two angels to be Humans on Earth. One does everything right, one does everything wrong; one does everything good, one does everything bad - very black and white for you. Yet your scriptures tell you that when they come back across the veil, they get the same party! What does that tell you? Let me review it. It means that the test of Earth is not carried back to where you came from. You don't carry the test back here either.

再一次,我们说,圣经里已经清楚地把这个道理告诉你们,在那 “悔改的败家子” 的寓言里。它描述一个父亲,即是隐喻神,把他的两个儿子送入世界,即是把两位天使送入地球投生为人。一个儿子一生只做正确的事、只做好事;另一个儿子一生只做错误的事、只做坏事——对你们而言是绝对的黑与白。但你们的圣经说,当他们穿越帷幕回到父亲身边时,他们都同样获得父亲设宴迎接!那说明了什么?让我重复一次。那意味着地球的测试并没有被带回你们的发源地。你们也没有把那里的测试带到地球上。

It's about the test of the planet and it's about Human duality. It's why you're here and what you do with the planet while you're here. It doesn't mean it's what's on the other side of the veil. Oh, if I could disengage this in your mind. The perceptions of humanity are that you must somehow please God with your goodness. I want to tell you, angels, you've already pleased God because you're here! It's the reason there's going to be healings here today because you're sitting here - because you are waking up to who you are and you are finding the divinity inside. You've already pleased God! You don't have to think about being fearful or worry about what you might do to displease God because of some kind of a super reward and punishment system on the other side of the veil. There isn't one. It's hard enough while you're here, isn't it? If you ever knew how much you were loved, you would never think for a moment there'd be punishment on the other side of the veil, even for the darkest among you. Yet your major religions are all based around this feature. A billion of you feel that you arrived "dirty," already broken and carrying the burden of humanity's darkest deeds. Then, if you join and perform certain rituals and beliefs, you can overcome this horrible fate. In the process, those who never find out about how it works go to Hell! Therefore, God loves you so much that the majority of you will burn in Hell. Does this make any spiritual sense to you? It's time to understand how Human this concept is.

一切都是关于地球上的测试,关于人类的二元性。那是你们会在这里的原因,也是你们在这里时对地球所进行的工作。但那不意味着它是帷幕另一边的情况。啊,要是我能解除你们的这种观念就好了。人类的观念是,你必须设法以善行来让神高兴。我要告诉你,天使们,你已经让神高兴了,因为你来到了这里!那就是今天这里会发生疗愈的原因,因为你就坐在这里——因为你开始意识到自己的身份,开始寻找体内的神。你已经让神高兴了!你不用因为帷幕的另一边有一套严格的赏罚制度而挂虑自己是否应该感到害怕或担心自己也许做了什么让神不高兴的事。那里没有什么制度。你们在地球上已经活得够苦了,不是吗?要是你们知道自己是多么受到深爱,你绝不会有片刻时间认为,在帷幕的另一边会有任何惩罚,即使是对你们当中最黑暗的人。但你们的主要宗教的教义全都是以赏罚制度为依据的。你们无数人认为自己是 “带着污秽” 来到地球,天生有所欠缺,身上担负着人类最黑暗恶行的原罪。然后,如果你加入并履行某种仪式及信仰,你就能克服这种可怕的宿命。在那过程中,那些从来没有找到正确信仰的人会下地狱!因此,神深爱着你们以致你们多数人会下地狱被烧死。这对你而言是否有任何灵性道理呢?赏罚概念完全是人为的,是时候明白这一点了。

If you are going to accomplish something and please anyone, then please the divinity that you came with. Seek peace on Earth and see yourself as an instrument of the divine intelligence that created you. Claim the angel inside; stand up and claim that you are ready to be the Lighthouse you came to be in a trying and difficult time. It's time to drop all the energy of divine punishment and reward, for it harbors feelings of defeat, depression, an unfulfilled life, openness to control by others, and a fearful countenance... some religion, huh? You need a religion? Then seek one that amplifies the power of the Human spirit and teaches that you are a divine piece of the God Universe. Blessed are those who gather together and celebrate the power of the love of God within the Human Being, and all that can be accomplished for the planet.




We have yet another story of Wo for you. Now Wo is not a male or a female, as we have said before. Wo is a wo-man. So Wo can be either gender in your mind, but we'll call him a "he" because my partner is a he. You realize that in your languages everything is gendered, don't you? English, the language that my partner speaks, is the least-gendered language on the planet. Almost all of the other languages spoken on Earth must have every object be masculine or feminine. You're consumed with it. It's not that way on the other side of the veil, dear Human Beings. There's no gender on my side of the veil. Get used to it!

我们又有另一个关于 “沃” 的故事。呐,沃不是男人或女人,就如我们之前所说的那样。沃是个沃-人。所以在你们的脑海中,沃可以是任何性别的,但我们会称呼为 “他”,因为我的伙伴是个男人。你们意识到,在人类的语言里,什么都是性别化的,不是吗?英语,我的伙伴的母语,是地球上性别化程度最轻的语言。几乎地球上的其他每一种语言,它们的语法中都有男性化或女性化的宾语。你们深受性别观念的影响。在帷幕的另一边不是这样的,亲爱的人类。在我这一边的帷幕没有性别之分。要习惯这一点!

This is number five and it's about Wo, who asked for ascension status. He sat before Spirit and indicated that he wanted ascension status. "I have pure intent," he said. "May I begin the process?" And God saw the purity and said, "YES!" The angels were excited.

这是第五而它是关于沃的故事,他祈求能进入扬升状态。他坐在圣灵面前并表明他想要进入扬升状态。“我有纯粹的意图,” 他说。“我能开始这个过程吗?” 神看到了他的纯粹意图并说,“可以!” 天使们感到非常兴奋。

Then Wo, on his own, examined what to do next. He stood from that meeting and said, "I've got it! Now, what I will do is work hard in order to climb this ascension mountain, because I know that an ascension energy is the goal and I'm going to climb this mountain to get there. I know what to do. I've got these steps over here, and I'm going to do this and this, for it is the way of it. I'm on my way to ascension."


So Wo started climbing the mountain, and climb he did, for three years. He went here and he went there; he attended classes; he read books; he fasted; he prayed; he meditated; and he followed the many steps that he felt were leading him to the top. Oh, he slipped a few times, bruised his elbow, hurt his toe. [Kryon smile] But he got right up and started again. "I can do this," Wo would mutter to himself. "I know I can get to the top since Spirit said I could have ascension. I'll get to the top!" And he did.

于是沃开始爬上那座扬升的高山,他一爬就爬了三年。他去这个和那个灵修场所;他上课;他阅读;他斋戒;他祈祷;他冥想;他循着许多步骤去做,他认为那些步骤将引领他爬上顶峰。哦,他滑到了几次,擦伤了手肘,扭伤了脚趾。[克里昂微笑] 但他马上站起来并重头开始。“我做得到,” 沃自言自语地说。“我知道我能爬上顶峰,因为圣灵说我能扬升。我会去到顶峰!” 而他确实做到了。

There he stood, at the top of the mountain, and claimed his ascension status and it was beautiful. "Oh, I feel peaceful. I know this is the beginning of a better life," he said, "and I know I have a lot to learn, but this is the first step and I've worked hard to get to it and it took years!"

他就站在那里,在扬升高山的顶峰,宣示他的扬升状态,那里的景色很美丽。“啊,我感到很祥和。我知道这是更美好人生的开始,” 他说,“我也知道我有很多事情要学,但这是第一步,我已经苦干了这么久才能获得它,这需要多年的时间!”

Wo was congratulating himself when he happened to look over on the back side of the mountain and he gasped in horror! There was a ski lift! A real ski lift! And there were people like him on that ski lift. They were all coming up the mountain one at a time. The total time from the top of the mountain to the bottom of the mountain was three minutes! They were experiencing ascension status!


Wo cried, "It's not fair. It's not fair."


He went into meditation and said, "Dear Spirit, it's not fair. Why is it this way? I've spent all that time and all that hard work getting up the mountain. Why didn't you tell me about the ski lift?"


And Spirit says, "Wo, you never asked, did you? You took a Human assumption to the maximum and never once examined anything else. You felt you had figured it out, had to work for it, and so you did. It was your choice to make the climb difficult.”


Human Being, let me tell you where the ski lift is. Each one of you carries in your DNA the profundity of lifetimes of sacred experience. Shamans, you know who you are in the room. Have you ever wondered, regarding your past lives, who you've been and what you've done? I'll tell you: Those who spend time in a room like this have been there and done that [massive experience with hard work on Earth] and carry with them in their Akashic Record all of the mastery and the Shamanship and experience they'll ever need to go into this ascension status.

人类,让我告诉你,滑雪缆车在哪里。你们每个人的 DNA 里都有着深刻的多生多世的神圣经历。房间里的萨满们,你清楚我是在对你说话。你有没有试过想要得知你的过去世,你曾经是谁,你曾经做了什么?我会告诉你:那些会把时间花在像这样的房间里的人,曾经去过那里、做过那件事 [大量在地球上苦干的经历] 并在他们的阿卡什纪录里保留着所有的大师身份、萨满身份、和他们需要的有助于进入扬升状态的各种灵修经历。

Do you understand? The "work" is cumulative, and you've already done most of it by the time you ever have the conscious thought to ask to work on yourself spiritually. You don't have to work and you don't have to climb that mountain and it won't take years. Just go to the Akash and open that jar that carries the sacredness in it of your experiences on this planet, and put it upon yourself and walk out as a Shaman. You can do it now if you wish! So for Wo, we say that if he had only looked at the divine instead of the Human way of doing things, he would not have spent three years climbing a mountain that he didn't have to climb.

你明白吗?那些 “工夫” 是累积的,当你有意识地要求自己致力于灵修时,你已经完成了大部分。你无需苦干,无需费劲爬上高山,无需用去多年的时间。你只需去到你的阿卡什,打开那个装满你在地球上的神圣经历的罐子,把那些经历戴在身上,然后以萨满的身份走出来。你要的话可以马上就这样做!至于沃,我们说,要是他有看一看体内的神性,而不是只照人类的方式来做事,他就不至于用了三年的时间去爬一座他原本无需去爬的山。

How many of you feel that you've got to work for it? "Kryon, I'm not sure I like your message,” you say. “We don't have to work for some of these things?" No, that's not what I said. I'm telling you that you already did! You want to do it again? You want to go through it again? Why use Human logic with a spiritual attribute? Reach in and take your divinity and pull it out of your own experience...one that surpasses almost anything you could dream of. That is, unless you buy into the Human idea that in order to progress spiritually, you have to suffer a bit? Does that sound like God's logic or the idea of men? Some of you will feel wiser tomorrow because you have given intent for your mastery.

你们有多少人认为你必须为此而苦干呢?“克里昂,我不喜欢你这个信息,” 你说。“我们无需下工夫去做这些事吗?” 不,那不是我的意思。我是说你已经完成了!你还想再做一次吗?你还想再经历一次吗?为何用人类的逻辑来看待灵性事物呢?进去[阿卡什里面]取得你的神性,把它从你本身的经历当中拉出来......它超越你能想到的一切。那是说,除非你认同人类的观念,即是为了达到灵性成长,你就必须吃一点苦头?那听起来像是神的逻辑或人类的观念?你们有些人在明天会觉得自己更聪明了,因为你已经给出意图去取得你的大师能量。

"Kryon, what is mastery?" I'll tell you what it is, Human Being. It's when you walk around and you're not afraid of life. It's when you're peaceful when others are not. The situations that would cause drama in others do not in you. It's when the world around you is in chaos and you walk into it and you don't feel chaos. Instead, at some level you feel the wisdom of the ages. You absolutely know it doesn't have to affect you, and it doesn't have to touch you. It's when somebody yells at you and calls you a name and your first reaction is to wonder if they're right! That's mastery. A Human's first reaction is to fight back. A master's first reaction is to check themselves for integrity. Blessed is the Human Being who's asked for that this night for you're going to start to see a change in your life, and the earth will be a better place because of what you've done.

“克里昂,什么是大师能量?” 我会告诉你,人类。那是当你到处走动,不再以害怕的态度面对人生。那是当你能够保持平和,即使周围的人不是。那些能在其他人身上造成戏剧性的情况,却不会影响到你。那是当你周围的世界在纷纷扰扰,而你进入其中却不会觉得烦乱。相反的,在某种程度上,你能察觉到那久远以来的智慧。你完全知道那些纷扰没必要影响到你,没必要碰到你。那是当某个人对你大吼并喊着你的名字,而你的第一个反应是想搞清楚他们是否正确!那就是大师能量。人类的第一个反应就是作出反击。大师的第一个反应就是审视自己是否有任何过失。有福的是那些在今晚祈求得到大师能量的人,因为你即将开始在你的人生中看见转变,而地球会因你所做的事而成为一个更美好的地方。

ski lift


The last one is number six, since we already covered seven. Remember? I love doing things in circles, since you think in a straight line and it makes you have to adjust. It's good practice.


You think you know about love, don't you? There are many kinds of love. There is Human to Human - the beauty of a simple partnership between humans. There's nothing like it. It's designed perfectly so that you would enjoy it in its most intimate sacredness. Yet it is painted by some religions as evil, carnal, even though it is one of the most sacred things you do to create precious life between two Human Beings who are in love.


We told you that before. That's just one kind of love. Oh, there's the love of the mother for her children. That's profound, is it not? For the mothers are all ready to give their lives for their children in a heartbeat. Sacrificial, it is; beautiful, it is; but that's not the love of God. I cannot tell you what the love of God is like. I could press it upon you and I could give it to you and I can fill you with it. You would feel the compassion of the ages and would weep... but not because it's heavy. It's a release.


Did you know you're eternal? Do you know that there are answers to every issue you have? Did you know you could leave this room differently than you came? That's the love of God talking to you. Every cell of your body cries for this because when you're not here, you are a piece of this process... a piece of God, you are. That's why every DNA strand has the name of God in Hebrew stamped upon it. Do you think that was an error? [The work of Gregg Braden and "The God Code”]

你知道你是永恒的吗?你知道你遇到的每一个难题都有解答的吗?你知道你能不同于到来时地离开这里吗?那就是神的爱在对你说话。你的每一个细胞都在呼喊着神的爱,因为当你不在这里时,你是这个过程的一个片段......你是神的一个片段。那就是为何每一缕 DNA 都有神的名字以希伯来语印在它之上。你们认为那是一项错误吗?[指的是格列.布莱登的研究和他的著作《神之密码》]

[Gregg Braden has discovered a relationship between the ancient Hebrew alphabet and the structure of DNA. This astonishing discovery has led to the concept of the God Code, nothing less than the encoding of the name of God in every cell of every living organism in the world.

格列.布莱登发现,古希伯来语的字体和 DNA 的结构有关。这项惊人发现带来了 “神之密码” 的概念,那就是,神的名字是以密码的形式存在于世上每一个生物的每一个细胞里。]


The love of God is beyond your comprehension. It's what brought you to this room. It's part of the synchronicity that is here, and it's that love of God that your DNA layer nine will respond to and layer six wants to be part of. [speaking of the new DNA identification that Kryon is teaching] It's beyond anything you can even reach for, since your Human mind cannot grasp it. It is interdimensional and beyond comprehension, and has to simply be trusted. Can you do that? Faith is trusting in the unseen, and it's needed to even begin to imagine the concept of love from the Universal core... an energy that is home to you.

神的爱超越你们所能理解。你们就是受它吸引而来到这里。它是这里的同步性的一部分,神的这份爱就是你们的 DNA 第九层与第六层要参与的部分 [指的是克里昂正在教导的新的 DNA 标识法]。它超越你们能触及的任何事物,因为你们人类的思维无法理解它。神的爱是跨维度的,超越理解力的,你只能相信它。你们能做到吗?信仰就是相信那无形的事物,你必须先相信才能开始想象那从宇宙核心发出的爱......一股你很熟悉的能量。

Dear Lightworkers, we are together tonight to help create peace on Earth. We will start the seeds of light that will, indeed, spread from this place and make a difference within the planet. There are so many who feel this is foolish - that visualization and conceptualization can never stop the fighting. They are stuck in 3D and will be the ones to hide when the storm comes. You are in training to instead hold your light tall. We have the young and we have the seniors here. Yet you all have one thing in common on the other side of the veil – there is no age. All of you are ancient and eternal. And I sing your name in light and I will continue to, over and over. Each of you has arrived on purpose to this planet, where you can make the biggest difference you have ever been able to make in all your earthly expressions. If you'll vibrate higher, you're going to have a light that will shine brighter, and that is what will change Human minds and the very dirt of the earth.


The entourage stirs here. It's about time I leave. I'm about ready to say the words, but the entourage is telling me something else. The ones who wanted the healing of the heart have it. They feel it. They know it. And the ones who came for the physical healing – there isn't one, but three. That's what happened here in this room tonight. Perhaps they'll share it with you when it's time and you can leave this place and know it's real.


Blessed are you who leave differently than you came. And that is why you come to a place like this - to sit in the energy of home. The entourage pulls away, back through the crack in the veil that they came through. This experience is called channelling. We don't call it that. We don't call it that at all. When it's time to do this, we gather our forces and we ring the bell. And we say, "They're letting us in again! It's time for the reunion." Then we come to see you, and love you yet again with a compassion that goes way beyond anything you've ever experienced. And so it is you've come.

有福的是你们这些会带着不同的能量离开的人。而那就是你们会来到一个像这样的地方的原因——以便坐在 “家” 的能量当中。随行团开始离开,通过他们进来时的那道裂缝退回帷幕后面。这种经历叫做通灵。我们并不是这样称呼它。我们完全不是这样称呼它。当我们是时候进来时,我们的能量聚集在一起并开始鸣钟报喜。我们会说,“他们又让我们进去了!是时候团聚了。” 于是我们再次进来看你们,并带着一种人类从未体验过的慈爱能量来爱你们。于是你们就来到了这里。

And so it is that when you leave this room, you take a piece of me with you. You didn't expect that, did you? But then, that's always the way it has been. Until I see you again.


And so it is.


