
Cape Cod, Massachusetts

Kryon: "Where is Aunt Martha?"

今晚的信息主题也许会让一些人感觉很沉重,所以我们会转个弯,给它一个可爱及有趣的标题,给它带来一点幽默的意味。标题会是,“玛莎阿姨在哪里?” 我们会谈论人类的死亡,但我们的谈论方式会让你明白,它不是终结,而是过渡。我们想谈论死亡所涉及的元素及它的过程,那么下一次当你谈起死亡时,你会感觉更自在,下一次当你身边的人去世时,你会更明白它是怎么一回事。

从我们的观点,“死亡” 是当你不在地球上时所做的事。我知道这听起来很古怪,它就像是说,“玛莎阿姨在哪里?” 我们说,“她在另一间房里。” 你说,“她死了。” 我们的观点是全然不同的。对你而言,她是以某种形式永远地离开了。对我而言,她只不过是 “在另一间房里,在换衣服。”



当过渡发生时是怎样的呢?让我告诉你。首先,你不是马上就离开。死亡时所发生的第一件事就是意识离开肉体,然后以某种方式,你站在三维身体的旁边,看着它。此时你开始有一种理解。你的一部分会说,“我记得这件事。” 你的另一部分会感到很欣慰,因为你知道并没有真正意义上的死亡,你的恐惧感顿时消失了,由好奇和困惑所取代。当你离开身体之后,就不会有疼痛的感觉。而死亡其实是指 DNA 的死亡。

我们已经说过,你的 DNA 是神圣的,它有跨维度的片段和部分。我们说过有些部分是神圣的部分。有些部分里到处都有着你的名字,当它们在生理上还没有死去之前,你是不能离开的。


对于时日的流逝,她泰然处之。她就在那里。她的灵魂本质留守在身体旁边,直到 DNA 衰竭,不再有生命了为止。因此,DNA 在等待着,等待营养素停止输送,等待代谢物开始累积,直到致死细胞为止。那只是生理过程,当它完成时,玛莎阿姨就可以离开了。

好,玛莎阿姨即将准备过渡了。而且,她的灵魂感觉良好。她有足够的经验来记起她所身处的地方。现在,有一些神奇的事情将要发生了,人类,听好:能量不是油漆!灵性能量不是三维的。你不能 “把灵性能量涂在某种情境中或在某个人身上”。相反的,能量处在量子状态中,尤其是灵魂能量。因此,它会留下本身的印记,记在地球上,记在宇宙中,以一种超越时间的方式,没有任何具体的地点,不是如你所想的那样。



玛莎阿姨在哪里?嗯,她即将来到团聚的时刻。我们称之为 “人类的跨越”。她即将跨越了,当她完成跨越时,她就会来到团聚的时刻,与玛莎阿姨的其余部分团聚。你听懂了吗?我无法形容。它是一种仪式,超越三维时间,超越空间。这是一次无比深刻的能量之团聚,所以这场团聚在宇宙的能量当中留下了一个印记。

我们之前把这场团聚形容为 “荣誉殿堂”。但是,在此之前,玛莎阿姨必须先去一个地方,去地球上的“灵魂核算部门”。那就是创造之穴——把地球上所有活跃灵魂的印记收录进水晶中的一个地方。她得卸下她的能量,让这些能量渗入那块拥有她的名字的水晶当中。这些是自动进行的,她只需站在一旁观看。她无需知道怎么做,但这好比是她的第二天性了,因为玛莎阿姨已经来过很多次。那么,在荣誉殿堂里又是怎样的呢?这是一种团聚仪式,玛莎阿姨的所有部分终于团聚在一起,还有一些你们在直觉上期待它会发生的事……与你们在地球上所失去的亲友们团聚,即使他们也许已经回到了地球,已经以另一个人类的表现形式而存在。

现在,顺便讲一下,你即将永远失去玛莎阿姨了。让我告诉你它的原因和进行方式:一旦那些曾经是玛莎阿姨的神性元素合一了,她就不再以三维的形式而存在了,她成了她一贯所是的那一位天使。记住,“玛莎” 只是她此次诞生于地球时的人类名字。对于她的离去,你最后的感觉会是,玛莎阿姨的人类灵肉组合,是再也不可能被重复的了。她现在变得更大了。记住:前度玛莎阿姨,之前的那位在地球上的人类,所唯一留下的,就是她的 “印记”。记住这个,接下来的信息就是讲到这个。

现在,让我带你回到玛莎阿姨所留下的这个印记。过渡印记驱动着许多你所看见的事物,但你却不知道它是怎么回事。“有没有可能,克里昂,灵媒的能量能够联系玛莎阿姨呢?” 当然。这是每天都在发生的,但是当他们这么做时,他们只不过是与逝者的印记能量在对话。无论你多么渴望真正地与身在帷幕另一边的玛莎阿姨交谈,你都不能,因为那里根本没有玛莎阿姨。但在地球这里还有一个……过渡的能量,深植在盖娅之中。

“克里昂,那些灵媒能不能让逝者讲出她的藏宝地点呢?” 能!你瞧,玛莎阿姨的印记是永恒的,承载着她曾经所是的那个人的意识,她的灵魂印记仍然保存着所有的信息。全都在那里。她仍然保存着她在地球上作为玛莎阿姨所做的一切事的意识,如果她守着藏宝地点的秘密,那么灵媒就有可能会问得出来。但你必须知道你只是联系上玛莎阿姨的过渡印记。我只能说,玛莎阿姨的地球部分留下来了。那就是与灵媒交谈的部分。

虽然这股印记就如 “录影带”,只有在被接触时才会播放出来,但事情完全不是这样的。它其实是玛莎阿姨,悬浮在无时间状态,悬浮在跨维度状态,并把自己留在地球的水晶记忆里。这个系统是美好的,是深刻的。就如你能够接受神是同时处在许多地方的一样,你也可以调整你的想法,来接受玛莎阿姨是与神相同的一股能量……永远是地球的一部分。

这些全都与 “理解跨维度的自己” 有关。你们所有人在地球上也有自己的印记。虽然看似困难,但你们也可以接触这些印记,甚至可以从它们那里获得你曾经拥有的那些智慧与天赋,把它运用到你目前的生活当中。我会称之为 “掏出你的阿卡什”。这会让你以不同的观点来看待死亡,更重要的是,它会让你以不同的观点来看待生命。它是提高人类生活品质的系统。它是为你带来平静而不是哀伤的系统。


This live channelling was Given in Cape Cod, Massachusetts 

现场通灵于 鳕鱼角,麻萨诸塞

April 22, 2006

As channelled by Lee Carroll for Kryon




This is an especially fact-packed channel, with full exposure of death, what happens, and how we look at it. It also includes instructions on comatose individuals, heart transplants, ghosts, and even exorcism and "talking to the dead." Get ready... you might not agree with some of it since it's out of 3-D.

这篇通灵信息尤其充满特别多的事实,完整地揭露了死亡的过程,会发生什么事,及圣灵是怎么看待它。内容还包括对昏迷人士的说明,心脏移植,鬼魂,甚至是驱魔,及 “对死者说话”。做好心理准备......你未必会同意其中的一些说法,因为这些是超越三维的事情。

To help the reader, this channelling has been rechannelled [by Lee and Kryon] and added onto to provide even clearer understanding. Often what happens live, has implied energy within it, which carries a kind of communication that the printed page does not. So enjoy this enhanced message given in Cape Cod, Massachusetts on April 22, 2006.

为了帮助读者,此信息经过 [李及克里昂] 的重新通灵及附加信息,以让人们有更清晰的理解。通常在现场的通灵,带有一种能量沟通模式,是文字所无法传达的。那么请享有这篇增强版的信息吧,这是在2006年4月22日于 鳕鱼角,麻萨诸塞 所传导的。

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. Oh, there are those here who are so precious, and who I know so well, but who are not believing that this is really taking place. You need some flashing lights, do you? You need some other ways of knowing that an interdimensional force is actually presenting itself within this place? Well, the lights are here and the invitation is open to see them.

你们好,亲爱的,我是磁力服务的克里昂。啊,这里有一些珍爱的人,一些我很了解的人,但他们就是不相信我们是在通灵。你需要看到闪烁的光芒才肯相信,对吗?你需要看到一些不同的现象,才知道跨维度能量真的来到这里了?嗯, 那些光芒就在这里,每个人都受邀来看它。

A precious place, this is. There is a field of energy that is going to permeate all of you, should you allow it. Some of it is the energy of the Kryon entourage, at least that is what you call it. Actually, that is a misnomer. It is YOUR entourage and it's different every single time we sit in front of humanity. It's often a love fest!

这是一个珍贵的地方。这里的能量场强大得足以穿透你们所有人,如果你们允许的话。当中有一些是克里昂随行团的能量,至少你是这么认为的。其实,那是个误称。它其实是 “你的” 随行团,而每一次当我们坐在人类面前时,这个随行团都是不同的。它通常是一场爱的盛宴!

The information that we present this evening may seem morbid to some of you, yet it is refreshing to the others who know the difference of what is really being said. We're going to talk to you about what's going on right now. Get used to this energy as we proceed. It is more than the sound of a voice in a 3D area, in this room. Instead, we suspend some of the rules of what you would call 3D and we allow some of you to see the colors and the lights. Let this be a time, a powerful time, of revelation for you. But let it be a time of powerful healing.


Do you know why I'm really here? Everything I'm going to tell you tonight, you already know! You know why I'm really here, too. I speak esoterically about what is already in your DNA. My real purpose tonight is to create an energy of home so strong that while you're distracted with the information I give, you might get healed! Distracted with 3D information... distracted from a strong bias that you carry called duality, which keeps you from your own mastery. In this distraction comes the core of your power, which is mastery.

你们知道到底为什么我会在这里吗?今晚我将会告诉你的事,其实你们早已经知道了!你们也知道我在这里到底是为了什么。我看似深奥地在解说一些你们早已经铭记在 DNA 里的东西。今晚我真正的目的是要创造一股强大的家的能量,那么当你被我所给出的信息分散了注意力的当时,你将会得到疗愈!被三维的信息分散了注意力……被你身上所携带的强大的二元性偏见分散了注意力,让你无法发挥本身的大师力量。在这分散了的注意力当中所隐含的是你的力量核心,你的大师身份。

Some have asked why it is that my partner presents such a humorous face in light of the seriousness of what is before all of you. His answer will be my answer: that it is hard to be somber when you are at peace with the Universe. It's hard to be down faced when you are filled with the love of God. There were so many shamans of the past who were always serious, filled with spiritual growth but not much fun. Well, it's time to change that. We bring you the balanced shamanic energy! Laugh and dance with God! We are telling you that a new energy Lightworker is a sacred individual who sees life, all of life, as precious, joyful, appropriate, fun, and reasonable in the scheme of why you're here.


There seems to be so much sorrow on the planet. Can you work within the framework of the test before you? Can you put on your armor and shields of sacredness and walk through the sorrow, fear and disappointment of what other Humans have done, without judgment of them or without being discouraged? The more light you carry, the more you will see that which is sorrowful on Earth. Only the masters can "see" these things as reasonable within the scheme of why you're here. It is important that the Lighthouses are not distracted by the storms as they shine their lights. Otherwise, they become useless.

地球上似乎充满了哀伤。你可以把这些视为 “测试” 吗?你可以穿上你那神圣的盔甲,拿起你那神圣的盾牌,穿越那些哀伤,恐惧,及失落的情绪,不受其他人的作为而影响,对他们没有评断,也不会因为他们而感到泄气,你可以这样做吗?你身上所携带的光越明亮,你就会看见越多地球上让人感到哀伤的事情。只有大师们能“看见”这些事情在系统当中的合理性,那个你为之而来的系统。灯塔在照明的同时也不会因为暴风雨而动摇,这是很重要的。不然,灯塔就失去了作用。

We would like to talk about so many things, but I don't want to begin yet because there is something happening here in the room. Reader, this involves you also, for we see you very clearly as you read these words. Don't think you are reading about something that only happened in a far away place. It's happening where you sit.


Why are you here? Do you think I don't know you? I'm asking you what they call a rhetorical question. I don't expect an answer. I know what the answer is. I know why each of you are here, listening and reading. I know your names. I was there when you arrived and when you left... every single time. Check your Akashic Record and you'll see my energy every time you come and you go. That's who I am. Some have even said I'm the Gatekeeper, but I'm not. That's another designation for a whole other energy. No. Instead, I'm your best friend, and I stand back and watch when you come and when you go. As part of the cycle of life on the planet, I am the angel that you have called Kryon.

为什么你会在这里呢?你认为我不认识你吗?我所提出的是一个反问。我并不期待有人回答。我知道它的答案。我知道你们每个人为什么会在这里,在聆听着及阅读着。我知道你的名字。当你到来时,当你离开时,我就在那……每一次都是。去检查你的阿卡什纪录,你会看见我的能量在你每一次到来及离开时都会出现。那就是我。有些人说我是掌管生死大门的 “掌门人”,但我不是。那是在另一个完全不同的能量当中的职称。不。我是你最好的朋友,当你到来时,当你离开时,我都会往后边站着,看着你。作为地球上的生命循环的一份子,我就是你们称为克里昂的那一位天使。



Somebody wants to let go. Somebody wants out of the sorry and the patheticness of their life, and wishes to step into a peaceful continence called ascension energy. I'm about to move out of this space here for a moment. This is a precious, safe time. And if you want to make the commitment now, you can. There's never been a better time, for the entourage is here and God is listening. Reader, God is listening. There's never a better time than this one. So why don't you let it go and when you do, we will all celebrate! One in this room is doing that and you know who I'm talking to, don't you? Maybe that's why you came, dear Human Being. I know who you are. There's a lot more going on here than you think.


Profound it is, the cycle of life. Profound it is, the cycle of death. So yet again, we will give this message, but this time I have deemed that it be recorded and transcribed. [A similar message was given one time before, but now it's ready for transcription]


Human Death


The message for tonight is a subject which some feel is morbid, so we're going to spin it in a way where it is not. We're going to give it a title which is cute and funny, to give it a humorous touch. The title will be, "Where is Aunt Martha?" We're going to talk about Human death, but we're going to talk about this death in such a way so you'll understand that it isn't termination, but rather it's transition. We wish to talk about the elements of it and how it works, so that you will be more comfortable with it the next time you do it, and so that you will even understand it better when it's around you with others involved.

今晚的信息主题也许会让一些人感觉很沉重,所以我们会转个弯,给它一个可爱及有趣的标题,给它带来一点幽默的意味。标题会是,“玛莎阿姨在哪里?” 我们会谈论人类的死亡,但我们的谈论方式会让你明白,它不是终结,而是过渡。我们想谈论死亡所涉及的元素及它的过程,那么下一次当你谈起死亡时,你会感觉更自在,下一次当你身边的人去世时,你会更明白它是怎么一回事。

From our standpoint, "death" is what you do when you're not on Earth. I know that sounds odd, but it's like saying, "Where is Aunt Martha?" We say, "She's in the other room." You say, "She's dead." Our perspectives are vastly different. To you, she's somehow gone forever. To me, she is simply "in the other room, changing."

从我们的观点,“死亡” 是当你不在地球上时所做的事。我知道这听起来很古怪,它就像是说,“玛莎阿姨在哪里?” 我们说,“她在另一间房里。” 你说,“她死了。” 我们的观点是全然不同的。对你而言,她是以某种形式永远地离开了。对我而言,她只不过是 “在另一间房里,在换衣服。”

There is a lot of energy that goes into the coming and going of humanity. Take this room, for instance. I'll make a statement here: I know who's here. Two of you are newcomers to the planet and all the rest of you are old souls. Some of you go back as far as Lemuria. More of you than not are ancients on this planet and have been here many, many times. The two who are brand new that have come in as first-timers have attributes that the rest of you don't. I'll call it spiritual innocence. You see, the rest of you have an Akashic Record built into you. [DNA] You've got obstacles to go through and reasons why you cannot do things without dealing with energy within your Akash. [This is Kryon's way of saying that when you have a record of lifetimes on Earth, they affect everything you do and everything you are, this time around. You don't arrive with a "clean slate."]

人类的到来及离去当中含有巨大的能量。举例说,这间房里的人们。我声明:我知道谁在这里。你们当中有两个人是地球上的初来者,其余的都是老灵魂。你们有些人可以被追溯到利穆里亚时代 [译注:5万年前]。大部分人即使不是那个时代,也是地球上的古人,已经来过这里很多很多次了。那两个初来者身上有着一些你们所没有的特质。我会称之为灵性单纯。你瞧,你们身上带有植入的阿卡什纪录 [DNA]。你们有需要被跨越的障碍,如果你没有处理好你的阿卡什纪录当中的能量的话,你无法做好任何事。[克里昂是说,当你在地球上有过去每一生的纪录时,在这一生中,它们会影响你所做的事,及你身上的特质。你并不是以 “清白的档案” 来到地球上的。]

The newcomers? Well, they have clean slates. Don't be surprised when it's the newcomer who races right to the front and is the one who accomplishes the fast miracles. They don't know any better! They pay for it, too, since they are often the misfits of society, just finding out how it all works. But it is the old soul who has the wisdom and the temperance to go slowly and get much accomplished.


You come and you go. It is a cycle of life. It is the way things work, but you often see it as darkness. The Human Being is built to respect and honor life and the Human Being is built to love those around them. It is part of a system of survival that works very well. We wouldn't change a thing. It is correct, it is appropriate, and, indeed, you miss those you lost very much. We're not going to take you into the depths of compassion for those who you have lost, because we want you to understand that the transition is simply that. It's an energy shift from one attribute to another, and a dimensional one at that. Yet, when they're gone, they're gone. It's the finality of it, is it not? There will never be another one exactly like them.


The emptiness of this for those of you who have lost a partner know what I'm talking about. I know who's here, remember? I know who's reading, too. For the life is gone and suddenly an empty hole exists where they were before, and nothing will fill it again. That's the perception. The truth is this that the empty hole is within the person's mind who remains, and begs to be filled – not by the living, breathing Human Being – but by the precious entities who are left behind and who are willing to come in and fill it and live with you the rest of your life. Did you know that? All sorrow and emptiness has a built-in solution after a space of time... the compassion of God is complete, and you can enhance your life experience by taking advantage of what is around you if you give permission. But many never do... they wallow in the sorrow until they themselves make their own transition.


So the process of transiting, which you call death, is what we're going to discuss, but in a way we never have before in order to give you some enlightened ideas. So where is Aunt Martha exactly? Aunt Martha died. She's gone... or is she? Let us take you through her transition, so that you will have some understandings of the way it works, and so that you will not be frightened. Let us also discuss "where" she is, even after her death.


This is good information and almost all of you have been there and done it, but don't remember it, of course. Death is, indeed, what you would call the paper tiger. You've done it so often, you have, and everyone will do it again... no exceptions. Yet, when it approaches, you can't remember really what happens and so you fear it. This is the duality working at its best, and it will continue that way. To the very end, your duality will keep telling you that death is the end of everything.


From our standpoint, it's simply the end of this earth's expression, and we see it completely differently than you do. You leave either because your body is finished biologically, or you're in a dead-end spiritually. Wouldn't it be more productive if, indeed, you would reincarnate and start again and have the young body? It's about the best use of your light. It's about the fact that youth, indeed, has energy. Many times death is the result of an agreement, even if it's suicide, or the death of an infant... all seen as appropriate within the scheme of why you are really here. But each one carries profound energy for the Humans who remain. Did you ever consider that? It's not about your death, but rather about those who remain after you leave.


But what happens when the transit occurs? Let me tell you. First of all, you don't leave right away. Now, you actually know this. If I could open the magic curtain and reveal to you what has happened to you so many times, it would violate all of the rules that I have before me. For the fear of death keeps you from walking into it. If you knew about it, you wouldn't fear it. However, even if you don't fear it, the responsibility you have to the Humans around you keeps it in check.


The first thing that takes place in death is that the consciousness is removed from the physical, and in a certain way, you stand next to the 3D body and you look at it. Some kind of understanding actually is there at that moment. Sometimes, there is a bit of confusion, depending upon the kind of death we're talking about. But there you stand, looking at yourself. Part of yourself says, "I remember this." The other part is so grateful that there is no actual death that immediately the fear goes away and curiosity and puzzlement replaces it. There's no pain after you are removed from the physical. Your spirit is removed from the body, which now must die. And dying is really about DNA.

死亡时所发生的第一件事就是意识离开肉体,然后以某种方式,你站在三维身体的旁边,看着它。此时你开始有一种理解。有时候你会感到有点混淆,这得视死亡的方式而定。那么你就站在这里,看着你自己。你的一部分会说,“我记得这件事。” 你的另一部分会感到很欣慰,因为你知道并没有真正意义上的死亡,你的恐惧感顿时消失了,由好奇和困惑所取代。当你离开身体之后,就不会有疼痛的感觉。你的灵性离开那副必须死去的身体。而死亡其实是指 DNA 的死亡。

We have told you that your DNA is divine, and that there are interdimensional pieces and parts of it. We've told you that some parts are divine parts. Some of them have your name all over them, and you can't leave until they're biologically dead. Now, in average death, the physical body dies slower than the consciousness. That thing you call the soul is only a piece and a part of you. We have told you this even in the last channelling that was transcribed, called "The many you's."

我们已经说过,你的 DNA 是神圣的,它有跨维度的片段和部分。我们说过有些部分是神圣的部分。有些部分里到处都有着你的名字,当它们在生理上还没有死去之前,你是不能离开的。呐,在多数的死亡方式里,物理身体是比意识更慢死去的。灵魂只是你的一些片段和部分。我们在上一次通灵中讲过了,它的标题是《许多的你》。

There are many interdimensional parts of you. There is the one here on the planet and there is the Higher-Self. Then there are the pieces that never come to the planet. There are pieces and parts of you in what you call a quantum state that are all over the Universe and that are actually involved in higher things all the time you're here. So within the body that you walk around in, only a portion of your completeness is there. I tell you this because part of death, therefore, is a reunion! It's one of those few times when the whole self is there. So much of your death experience is the joy of the reunion. You with you. It's a very difficult concept, but one we like to present. It also explains why there is a ceremony.


But there is a transition period where all manner of things take place and there are attributes around them that affect the question, "Where is Aunt Martha?" At the moment, Aunt Martha is standing next to her body. So let's say Aunt Martha has died peacefully in the hospital. There she is, watching her body, and she has to remain there until the whole body dies. This may take hours, depending upon the temperature in the room, or it could take days. But, you see, Aunt Martha's soul doesn't care, because it is suddenly in an interdimensional state where time is not relevant. Neither is distance. She is suspended, you might say, in a place where she's very patient, and in transition.


Days to you might be the "bat of an eyelash" in time to her. And there she is. So her essence remains until the DNA expires and has no more life. And the DNA is waiting, therefore, for the nourishment to stop and also for the waste to build up and kill the cells. That's just biology, and when that is complete, she can move on. But so many questions arise over this, don't they?


Comatose States


There are so many who wish to trick Spirit. It's almost like they think that Spirit has a number of rules that we cannot get out from under, and that we will be confused and tricked by questions around these rules. I'll give you two: One woman says, "Well, what about a coma state, where the Human Being is alive and yet the brain is dead? Where is the consciousness?" And I will tell you: the consciousness is standing beside the body. And it will be there as long as the Human body is. Even if you say it's "brain dead," DNA is very spiritual, very active and very much alive. So, even if Human consciousness is not there, the soul consciousness remains and is not impatient... it doesn't care. It's fulfilling an obligation to remain with the DNA as long as it's alive and it's comfortable with it. The Higher-Self is still active and doing many things. Do not confuse this with Human awareness. The Human is gone, but the soul is active.

有很多人喜欢抓弄圣灵。他们以为圣灵会受困于一些无法摆脱的规则,以为我们会感到混淆,会掉入这些规则的陷阱当中。让我讲出两个这样想的人:一位女士在说,“嗯,那昏迷状态又怎样呢?人是活的,但脑部已经死了,意识又在哪里呢?” 我会告诉你:意识就站在身体旁边。只要身体是活的,它就会一直站在那里。就算你说他是“脑死”了,但 DNA 却是属于灵性的,仍然是活跃的,仍然是活生生的。所以,即使人类意识已经不在,但灵魂意识还是会留下来,耐心地等待……它不在乎时间。它正在履行义务,只要DNA是活的,它就会留下来,它对此感到泰然自若。此时高我仍然活跃,在做着许多事。别把这些跟人类意识混淆了。人已经死了,但灵魂还是活跃的。

Don't mourn for the soul! It's not stuck, and it's not in pain. It's in an interdimensional form, and like the angels who walk with you your whole life who are never addressed, it's simply part of the process and does not create distress. They're patient, because they know who you are and they are in love with the countenance of those whom they're attached. It's also part of "the system of life."

别为灵魂而哀痛!它不是卡住了,也不是陷入痛苦中。它是在跨维度状态中,就如那些在你一生中都与你并肩同行却从来没人置理的天使一样 [译注:指导灵],这只是过程的一部分,这不会制造苦恼。它们很有耐心,因为它们知道你是谁,它们深爱着它们所附属的那张脸。它们也是 “生命系统” 的一份子。

So where is Aunt Martha now? Well, she's still standing beside her body, waiting for it to expire... partly within your time and partly angelic time. And this is a magic time for her, for Aunt Martha is half here and half somewhere else. And here is where you need to really listen. There's an energy around transition that is awesome, because that energy imprints itself onto the quantum area around it. The transition is a unique "energy stamp" that is profound upon Gaia. More on this in a moment.

那么玛莎阿姨现在是在哪里?嗯,她仍然站在她的身体旁边,等着它衰竭……部分是在你的时间中,部分是在天使的时间中。这对她而言是神奇的时刻,因为玛莎阿姨的一半在这里,一半在其他地方。现在是你洗耳恭听的时候了。过渡状态含有一股惊人的能量,因为这股能量会在它的量子范围内留下一个印记。过渡状态是一种独特的 “能量印章”,会对盖娅留下深刻的影响。等下还有更多。



Here's another question. "Well, Kryon, what about the heart transplant? If you've got the heart of one individual beating within another, and one is dead and the other is not, and you just got through saying that one has to wait around until everything dies, does that mean that those individuals meld in some way and that they get a double soul?" These kinds of questions are very funny to Spirit. They come from the intellectual Human mind that compartmentalizes itself into an oblivion of scenarios of possibilities, most of which ignore intelligent design. So I reply: Do you think God is in the dark, unaware of any of this? You think that somehow that heart wakes up and goes, "Oh, my goodness, I'm in another Human body! I better tell God immediately!" No. Here is a beautiful example of a plan of synchronicity, of co-creation. This was planned. You think it was an accident that one heart wound up in another Human Being? It was no accident. Therefore, within the attributes of the plan are the "rules" of what would happen to create such a thing.

这里有另一个问题。“嗯,克里昂,那么心脏移植又怎样呢?捐献者的心脏在受赠者的身体中跳动,捐献者死了,受赠者还活着;那么根据你刚才所说的,捐献者必须等到一切都衰竭了才能离去,这是不是意味着他们两个人以某种形式融合在一起了,受赠者身上有两个灵魂?”这种问题在圣灵眼中是很好笑的。高智力的人类以各种情境来分隔自己的思维,忘却了本身的智慧,也忽视了智能设计这回事。所以我的回答是:你认为神是处在黑暗当中,看不见这一切的吗?你认为那颗心脏会在醒过来时突然发现,“哦,我的天,我在另一个人体内!我要赶快禀告神!”不。这就是关于同步性计划、关于共同创造的一个好例子。这是计划好的。你认为一个人的心脏最后会落到另一个人身上,这种事会是偶然的吗?它不是偶然的。因此,计划的特点是,有一套 “规则” 决定什么事情将会发生,以便创造一起器官移植事件。

Synchronicity is often where one's life is used to help another. It's beautiful, joyful and known by God. The transition can be complete, even with one heart in the other's body. The new heart's owner does not have to "go along" and remain. It's because these things are "known by God" and part of the plan. They're seen as appropriate.

同步性总是关于如何利用一个人的生命来帮助其他人。器官移植是美好的,喜悦的,也是为神所知的。即使捐献者的心脏是在其他人体内,他仍然能够完成过渡状态。捐献者不需要 “随着” 留下。因为这件事已经 “为神所知”,也是计划的一部分。它被视为是恰当的。

But let me tell you something that no one has thought of. Let me tell you something that we have not channelled before. There is something you call tissue rejection, and you think it's chemical, don't you? The one heart can't get used to the other one's body. The donor heart is now in the recipient's chest. The recipient must sustain themselves by taking certain chemistry for life, which deals with the rejection. Rejection. That's the word you use for it, and it's a good word, too, for rejection is about a DNA mismatch in the interdimensional layers. You've got the DNA of one Akashic Record and the spirituality of one, implanted in another! And they don't match. Therefore, the tissues know it and the tissues understand that they don't belong together.

但是让我告诉你一件没有人想过的事。让我告诉你一些我们从来没有给过的信息。有一种情形叫做“组织排斥”,你们认为它是化学反应,对吗?心脏无法适应新的身体。捐献者的心脏就在受赠者的胸腔。为了确保移植过后能存活,受赠者必须服用抗排斥药物。排斥。你们所使用的词,这个词也算用得好,因为排斥是指 DNA 在跨维度层面上错配了。捐献者 DNA 中的阿卡什纪录,和他的灵性,被移植到了另一个人身上!而他们不相容。因此,那些移植组织知道这件事,知道它们不属于彼此。

Therefore, despite a universal spiritual plan, this biology has to be numbed and tricked with chemicals in order to survive. There is a solution for this, and I wish to let you know about it. The Lemurians knew about it; they knew about reprogramming DNA through magnetics. The one heart is all ready and primed through sacred choice. It lands in another Human Being – no accident that it is the one chosen to save that Human Being's life in a heart transplant and there within a sacred scenario. Now, complete the sacredness. It's time you learned how to reprogram the DNA in that heart, so that it will now accept the other. This is the same process that was done in the Temples of Rejuvenation in Lemurian time, where you actually deal with the DNA's magnetic patterns.

因此,尽管这是个宇宙的灵性计划,这些生物组织也必须被麻醉和被施予药物才能存活。这其实是有解决方法的,我想让你们知道。利穆里亚人知道这件事;他们懂得如何通过磁力来改编DNA 的程序。通过神圣的选择,捐献者的心脏已经准备起动了。它降临另一个身体——这不是偶然的,捐献者选择要在心脏移植当中拯救受赠者的性命,这是个神圣的情境。现在,让那神圣的情境达致圆满吧。该是时候学习如何改编捐赠心脏的 DNA 了,让它接受新的主人。这就是利穆里亚人在回春之殿所进行的事:改变 DNA 的磁力图案。

Reprogramming can take place with many different attributes – some of them require only energy work and some of them with machines. There are many different ways to do this and now we will encourage all of those who are listening, or those who are reading, to experiment with magnetics in the field of medical tissue rejection. It is a method that simply has not been thought of, and no real experiments have yet been done. When you begin this, you will see what we mean.

DNA 程序的改编能够以各种方法来进行——有些只需要通过能量就能改变,有些需要使用机器。有许多不同的方法,现在我们鼓励所有的听众和读者,在组织排斥的医药领域上,以磁力来做实验。这是个完全没有人想过的方法,至今从没有人在这方面进行过任何实验研究。当你们开始去研究时,你们就会看见我们所说的事。

Back to Aunt Martha


Well, Aunt Martha is almost ready to transit. Her soul is feeling pretty good, too. She's had enough experience to remember where she is. Now, here is some magic that is going to occur and it's very, very difficult to explain. We spoke of it a moment ago. Human Being, listen: Energy is not paint! Spiritual energy is not in 3D. You don't "paint spiritual energy on a situation or a Human." Instead, energy is in a quantum state, especially soul energy. Therefore, it imprints itself onto Earth, onto the Universe, you might say, in a timeless fashion, and not in any actual location, as you think of it.

好,玛莎阿姨即将准备过渡了。而且,她的灵魂感觉良好。她有足够的经验来记起她所身处的地方。现在,有一些神奇的事情将要发生了,这是非常、非常难以解释的。我们刚才讲过这件事。人类,听好:能量不是油漆!灵性能量不是三维的。你不能 “把灵性能量涂在某种情境中或在某个人身上”。相反的,能量处在量子状态中,尤其是灵魂能量。因此,它会留下本身的印记,记在地球上,记在宇宙中,以一种超越时间的方式,没有任何具体的地点,不是如你所想的那样。

Martha's transitioning moments are, therefore, imprinted into the ethers of the very air you breathe. And they're not localized, since they are not like paint, when you apply them to something or somewhere. It's not imprinted where she died. It's everywhere. And so what we're telling you is this: Every single Human Being's transition on this planet has a remarkable attribute called the transition imprint. At the actual transition moment, waiting for the body to expire, there is generated an interdimensional crystalline marker by the planet. Quick or slow death... mild or violent, this timeless energy is imprinted right into the energy of the planet! It's imprinted there because it is a precious moment of profundity.

因此,玛莎阿姨的过渡时刻,就被记在你所呼吸的空气中,在大气中。这些印记没有具体的位置,因为它们不像油漆,不是你把它涂在哪里,它就留在哪里的。它不是被记在玛莎阿姨去世的地方。它到处都是。 所以我们在说的是:每个人在地球上的过渡都有一个了不起的特性,称为“过渡的印记”。在过渡的那一刻,在等着身体衰竭时,地球上产生了一种跨维度的水晶印记。无论死亡过程是迅速的或是缓慢的……是温和的或是激烈的,这股超越时间的能量都被直接记在地球的能量当中!它被记下,因为它是深奥性的展现,是珍贵的一刻。

Where is Aunt Martha? Well, she's about to have a reunion. We'll call it the Human pass over. She's about to pass over and when she does, there's going to be a reunion of sorts, with the rest of Aunt Martha. Are you following all this? I cannot describe this. It is ceremonial, out of 3D time, out of space. It is a coming together of energies so profound that the reunion makes a mark on the energy of the Universe.

玛莎阿姨在哪里?嗯,她即将来到团聚的时刻。我们称之为 “人类的跨越”。她即将跨越了,当她完成跨越时,她就会来到那可说是团聚的时刻,与玛莎阿姨的其余部分团聚。你听懂了吗?我无法形容。它是一种仪式,超越三维时间,超越空间。这是一次无比深刻的能量之团聚,所以这场团聚在宇宙的能量当中留下了一个印记。

We've described it to you before as the Hall of Honor. But before she can go there, she has got to go to one other place, the "soul accounting place" of the planet. It's the Cave of Creation – a place that has the imprints in crystalline form of all of the active souls that are on planet Earth. She's got to dismiss the energy of her one crystal with her name on it. That's done for her as she watches. She doesn't have to know what to do, but it's second nature, because Aunt Martha has done it many times. And what's in the Hall of Honor? It's the reunion ceremony of all the parts of Aunt Martha, plus something you all expect intuitively... a reunion of those who you lost while on Earth, even though they may have returned to the earth and are currently living another Human expression. Confused yet?


Now, you're about ready to lose Aunt Martha for good, by the way. And I'll tell you why and how, because once the elements of divinity come together that used to be Aunt Martha, she ceases to exist in 3D form and becomes the angel she really was all along. Remember, the name Martha was her Human birth name for only her current visit. Part of the finality that you feel with her loss is that the Human combination of biology and spirit will never be repeated. She now becomes bigger – much bigger – and that is when all manner of other things take place. Remember this: The only thing left of the former Aunt Martha, Human on the earth, is the imprint she left behind. Remember this for what is coming next.

现在,顺便讲一下,你即将永远失去玛莎阿姨了。让我告诉你它的原因和进行方式:一旦那些曾经是玛莎阿姨的神性元素合一了,她就不再以三维的形式而存在了,她成了她一贯所是的那一位天使。记住,“玛莎” 只是她此次诞生于地球时的人类名字。对于她的离去,你最后的感觉会是,玛莎阿姨的人类灵肉组合,是再也不可能被重复的了。她现在变得更大了——大得多——这就是其他各种事情在进行的时候。记住:前度玛莎阿姨,之前的那位在地球上的人类,所唯一留下的,就是她的 “印记”。记住这个,接下来的信息就是讲到这个。

This former Martha, now the angel Martha, for simplicity's sake, immediately begins the planning sessions for coming back. "Well, wait a minute," you might say. "Aunt Martha told us she's not coming back." Oh, yes she is! And I'll say it again. Humans don't have the whole picture, and in their constant fatigue of life they often get together and self congratulate themselves for a job well done and feel they have graduated into a soul form that can now somehow retire because they have earned it. Now, that's very funny to us! For your whole universal purpose is to keep coming back!

这位前度玛莎,为了让大家容易明白,现在称为天使玛莎,马上开始策划回归地球的旅程。“嗯,等一下,” 你会说。“玛莎阿姨说过,她不会再到回来了。” 啊,她还会到回来!我会再说一次。人类无法看见整个画面,当他们持续对生命感到疲劳时,他们经常会聚在一起,互相恭贺自己已经圆满完成了任务,认为他们是已经毕业的灵魂,现在可以退休了,因为他们已经挣得了退休的权利。呐,这在我们看来是很好笑的!因为你们的整个宇宙目的就是不停地到回来!

When you get to the other side, and the majesty and the splendor and the remembrance of who you are and why you came is again known, and what the earth scenario is really about (which none of you really knows), you queue up (metaphorically) to come back! And that's when the new parents are selected, and when the karmic group is revealed yet again. The chances are very, very high that you will be reborn into a family of somebody you knew on Earth, if not a relative that's close. That's the way it works. Karmic groups are kept together so that they interact with the karmic attributes that they're supposed to revisit, if it's appropriate. These are not lessons, but rather they're enhancements. That is to say, when you have karma with another person, it might be the karma of love or partnership. It's not about who did what to whom so that you can get even, as some would tell you a karmic attribute is about. It is not. Karma is a dance of energy and a puzzle that enhances your life, not something that makes it difficult.


Now, let me take you back to this imprint that Martha left behind. This drives so much of what you see today, yet you don't even know what it is. "Is it possible, Kryon, that psychic energy could get in touch with Aunt Martha?" Absolutely. It's done every day, but here is where it gets complicated. Get ready for a mind puzzle. First of all, as soon as Aunt Martha transcended, even while she was waiting for her biology to die, she became interdimensional. And when she became interdimensional, Aunt Martha was living all of what you would call past lives all at once. The moment she stepped across the veil, she was "all of them." As Aunt Martha was standing there, she began to understand that she was also 30 or 40 more Humans...all having previously lived on the earth with her core "soul" as the consciousness.

现在,让我带你回到玛莎阿姨所留下的这个印记。过渡印记驱动着许多你所看见的事物,但你却不知道它是怎么回事。“有没有可能,克里昂,灵媒的能量能够联系玛莎阿姨呢?” 当然。这是每天都在发生的,但这也是事情开始变得复杂的时候。准备好面对一个思想谜题吧。首先,玛莎阿姨一离开时,就算她在等着身体的衰竭,她就已经进入了跨维度的状态。当她一进入跨维度状态时,玛莎阿姨就会同时经历她的所有过去生。在她跨越帷幕的那一刻,她就是那“所有”。当玛莎阿姨站在那里等待时,她就开始理解自己是另外的 30 或 40 个人类……全都曾经生活在地球之上,以她的核心 “灵魂” 作为他们的意识。

When you get out of linear time, all of the layers of what you consider past lives become activated and real. Therefore, the big issue is not, "Where is Aunt Martha?" but now it's, "WHO is Aunt Martha?" You're faced with a big puzzle: If you're a psychic and you're going to get in touch with her, you've got to isolate who she is from all the others who shared her soul, and who might currently be back on Earth sharing it again right now as the reincarnate Aunt Martha. Are you beginning to see the complexity of this?

当你离开线性时间,所有你认为是过去生的层面都开始被激活并成为真实的经历。因此,那个大疑问不是 “玛莎阿姨在哪里?” 而是,现在成了 “是玛莎阿姨?” 你面对的是一个大谜题:如果你是灵媒,你将要联系她,你得在那些共同拥有她的灵魂的人群当中分辨出哪一个才是她,而且此时玛莎阿姨很可能已经再次转世,那群共同拥有她的灵魂的人现在又增加了一个。你开始看见事情的复杂性了吗?

There you stand with the psychic, wishing to get in touch with Aunt Martha on the other side of the veil, as though somehow she maintained everything that was Human, and is now in a rocking chair in heaven enjoying a cool drink and will stay that way forever. That's where the transition imprint we told you about comes in. Every one of her transitioned lives left an imprint. So those psychics with the ability to contact the dead have to sort through Aunt Martha's soul expressions. Then they need to speak specifically to the Aunt Martha expression (one of many). And when they do, they're only talking to the imprinted energy of the transitional death. As much as you wish to actually speak to Aunt Martha on the other side of the veil, you can't, since there isn't one there. But there is still one on Earth... the energy of the transition, imbedded into Gaia.

那么你就站在那里,在灵媒身边,希望能联系身在帷幕另一边的玛莎阿姨,好像她仍然维持着人类的一切,正坐在天堂的摇椅上享受着一杯冷饮一样,而且认为她永远都将如此。此时正是我们所提到的印记发挥作用的时候。她每一生的过渡都会留下一个印记。所以那些有能力跟逝者联系的灵媒必须从玛莎阿姨的灵魂的各个表现形式当中去寻找。然后他们必须明确地与我们要找的那个玛莎阿姨 (许多表现形式当中的一个) 交谈。当他们这么做时,他们只不过是与逝者的印记能量在对话。无论你多么渴望真正地与身在帷幕另一边的玛莎阿姨交谈,你都不能,因为那里根本没有玛莎阿姨。但在地球这里还有一个……过渡的能量,深植在盖娅之中。

"Kryon, could one who talks to the dead discover where the treasure is buried?" Yes! You see, Aunt Martha's imprint is eternal, holding the consciousness of who she was, and still has all that information as her soul imprint. It's all there. She's still got the consciousness of everything she did on the earth as Aunt Martha and if she's got secrets where the treasure is, the psychic may be able to obtain it.

“克里昂,那些灵媒能不能让逝者讲出她的藏宝地点呢?” 能!你瞧,玛莎阿姨的印记是永恒的,承载着她曾经所是的那个人的意识,她的灵魂印记仍然保存着所有的信息。全都在那里。她仍然保存着她在地球上作为玛莎阿姨所做的一切事的意识,如果她守着藏宝地点的秘密,那么灵媒就有可能会问得出来。

That imprint is forever. You can talk to that imprint any time you want to, depending upon the talent and how interdimensional the psychic is. But it's important to realize that you are only communicating with the imprint of Martha's transition. The next time you see this happen – what is called talking to the dead – observe the answers the psychic receives, for they're all similar.


"Aunt Martha, how are you doing?"


"I'm joyful," Aunt Martha says.

“我很快乐,” 玛莎阿姨说。

"How is it on the other side, Aunt Martha?"


"I'm learning things," she says.

“我在学习中,” 她说。

"Describe your surroundings."


"It's dark, but I'm not fearful."


"Aunt Martha, can you tell us where the treasure is?"


"Of course. It's buried in the backyard under the elm tree."


She's got all the earth information she should, but if you want to know how she is, she may say, "I love you" for this is still on her mind in her transitional state... something imprinted on this planet that is forever. She can't tell you where she is, either, because it isn't in any reality that makes sense to you or her. Many who have heard this immediately apply 3D perception to it, and say, "Aunt Martha is stuck! Let's get together a prayer group and unstick her!" Again, if you apply the paint of 3D on this, then you will come away with a limited understanding.

她知道一切她在地球上所应该知道的事,但如果你要知道她过得怎样,她就会说 “我爱你”,因为当她处在过渡状态时,这一句话仍然保留在她脑海中……然后永远被印记在地球上。她也无法说出她所在的地点,因为她不是处在任何具体的实相当中。许多人一听到这里就会立刻对这种情况套上他们的三维认知,并说,“玛莎阿姨卡住了!赶快组成一个祈祷团来解救她!” 再说一次,如果你对这件事涂上三维的油漆,那么你今晚只能带着有限的理解而离开。

Also know that whatever layer of her transition imprint is accessed by the psychic may create a different answer than the last communication. It's not paint, where it is applied and dries, and is viewed. Instead, it's an energy that is dynamic, feels like it's in real time (it isn't), and has many layers of reality. I will tell you only that her earthly part remains. And that's the part that the psychic talks to. To the psychic, all communication seems like it's now. But the imprint will always feel like now to you. It is in a timeless, interdimensional state.


Let me tell you something about the imprint that you should also know. If anyone in the family was sorrowful enough to let that imprintation enter their consciousness and their heart, they're going to carry around that incredible sorrow of her death for a very long time. And the imprint will stay with them as long as they feed it. Part of that imprint can be picked up and taken as fear, sorrow, disappointment and anger in any individual who wants to absorb it as such. Or, it can be taken as love, release, peace and solution. The transition imprint is flexible, because it's in a quantum state. Do you know what I'm telling you here? How many of you carry around the residue of someone's transitional imprint in the form of perpetual sorrow? It seems to stay and stay and the person just can't get over the death. That's how powerful the transiting experience is, since it can influence your life for a very long time, almost like an energy with a "life of its own."

让我再说一些关于印记的你们应该知道的事。如果家庭成员中有人实在太哀伤了,哀伤得让玛莎阿姨的过渡印记进入了他们的意识和内心,那么他们身上就会长时间背负着这个强大的哀伤印记。只要他们一直以哀伤的情绪来喂养它,那么这个印记就会一直跟着他们。印记的其中一部分是恐惧,哀伤,失落,和愤怒,它会与身上带着这种负面情绪的人们产生共鸣,进而被这些人所吸收。或者,它也能作为爱,解脱,安详,和解决而被吸收。过渡印记是能灵活变化的,因为它处在量子状态中。你明白我想告诉你的是什么吗?你们有多少人是以永久哀伤的形式而把某人残存的过渡印记背负在身上呢?这个印记似乎一直逗留又逗留,而那个人总是久久无法走出死亡的阴影。这就是过渡经历的强大之处,它可以长期影响你的人生,好像它本身就是一股拥有 “自己的生命” 的能量一样。

Let me tell you something else that may explain some very ghastly and fearful things to many of you: It is the energy of what you call ghosts. Ghosts are very often the result of this death transition. But remember... it's not like paint. So it isn't necessarily local. Your mind wants to think it's 3D, so a "ghost energy" stays in certain places, but it doesn't. It's everywhere and anywhere on Earth you wish to access it. A family may move into a house, and they feel this horrific imprint of a death, and they're very afraid. So they move to another house. Oddly, the ghost (imprint) seems to go with them! This is because they actively participated with it and generated fear around it. They fed it.


Fear is a very powerful energy that attracts all kinds of things, and in this case, it was so powerful it allowed the imprint to become part of the family's lives. It will be with them anywhere they go until they break the fear bond with it... because they've accepted it into their countenance. Exorcists don't deal with evil entities (although they may think they do). They deal with Earth imprint energies that manifest into whatever the exorcist wishes to "see and believe." A real exorcist is one who specializes in the elimination of fear.

恐惧是一股非常强大的能量,能够吸引各种事物,而在这个例子中,恐惧的能量强大得让那个印记入侵了他们的家庭生活。他们去到哪里,鬼魂印记就跟到哪里,直到他们切断了那恐惧的纽带……因为他们已经接受了这个印记,对它的存在感到泰然自若。驱魔师所处理的不是邪灵(虽然他们本身是这么认为的)。他们处理的是地球的印记能量,它会为驱魔师显现出任何他愿意 “看见和相信” 的形象。真正的驱魔师是解除人们的恐惧心理的专家。

These imprints are not like paint. They doesn't rub off on you, either. It's energy that simply remains, but it's interdimensional, so it behaves oddly to you, and looks like the occult to those who wish it to. The transitional imprint is a powerful and beautiful part of the planet, for it's like a remembrance of every Human who ever walked with you, and it is needed for the vibration of the planet. Fear or joy is in the eye of the creator (you), and like so many interdimensional things, it can be loved (angels) or feared (ghosts), but the actual energy is very similar between the two.


I wouldn't tell you these things unless they were so. This information is given to you so you will understand the beauty of the system. Feel joyful that part of all life remains and can be talked to. Although the imprint would seem to be a "tape" that is played only when accessed, it isn't that way at all. It's actually Aunt Martha, suspended in time, in an interdimensional state, imprinted onto the crystalline memory of the planet. She's not "stuck" either, as some would have you believe. This system is beautiful, profound and a puzzle to your linear, 3D perception. But much like you accept that God can be in many places at the same time, adjust your thinking to Aunt Martha being of the same energy... forever part of Earth.


Can a psychic access a murdered Human and ask what happened? Yes. It is the same, but they are only accessing the Human in transition, and will only get what that Human knew at that point.


This all comes together under the category of understanding the interdimensional self. For all of you have your own imprints on Earth also. Difficult as it might seem, you can access them, too, and even take from them some of the wisdom and talents you used to have, applying them to you in your current life. I will call this "dipping into the Akash." It may allow you to think differently about death, but especially it makes you think differently about life. It's part of the system that enhances Human life. It's part of the system that is built to give you peace and not sorrow. It's part of the system that's built to honor your divinity and create something that you didn't know was there.

这些全都与 “理解跨维度的自己” 有关。你们所有人在地球上也有自己的印记。虽然看似困难,但你们也可以接触这些印记,甚至可以从它们那里获得你曾经拥有的那些智慧与天赋,把它运用到你目前的生活当中。我会称之为 “掏出你的阿卡什”。这会让你以不同的观点来看待死亡,更重要的是,它会让你以不同的观点来看待生命。它是提高人类生活品质的系统。它是为你带来平静而不是哀伤的系统。它是对你的神性致敬的系统,它创造了一些你不知道它的存在的事物。

So where is Aunt Martha? As much as she can be, she's right here, part of Earth forever, and available. It's this way with all your lives, too, for the Human vibration is what drives all things on this planet, and is responsible for what is happening right now... the actual possibility of creating peace on Earth and moving into the 2012 renaissance with Lightworkers who are knowledgeable, unafraid and wise in the things of Earth, both 3D and interdimensional.

那么玛莎阿姨在哪里呢?就如她所能是的那样,她就在那里,永远成为地球的一部分,永远能够被接触得到。你的所有生命也是这样,因为人类的振动就是推动地球上所有事物的能量,就是目前所发生的事情的原因……它带来一种真实的可能性,能够创造地球和平,能够在 2012年通过一群光之工作者的努力而进入人类意识的复兴时期,他们知识渊博,勇敢无惧,并精通地球上无论是三维或是跨维度的事物。

It's a sacred space here, you know. We don't always say that. A sacred space. And I don't want to go. But I'll see you in a moment. I always do.


And so it is.


