
Oberndorf bei Salzburg

Oberndorf bei Salzburg is located in Austria
Oberndorf bei Salzburg

Oberndorf in Tirol

Oberndorf in Tirol is located in Austria
Oberndorf in Tirol

Salzburg, Austria, UNESCO World Heritage Site

Oberndorf in Tirol, Austria

Kryon : The Perception of God 

你们每一个人,无论你是为何而来到这里,让我问你: 你能往里面看一下吗? 当你面临死亡时,一切就完了,这有可能是真的吗? 你真的相信那就是一切了吗? 难道你不会有一点点直觉的火花在说道 “不,它根本还没结束。”

地球的大部份地区都着某种相信死后生命的信仰。 几乎地球上的每一个宗教,甚至神话,都宣称你死后会到某处去。 你瞧,它是直觉的,不是吗? 人类的生命,并不是如你们所想的那样。 如果你同意的话,你一定会问, “嗯,我(死后)是去哪里呢?” 回家,当我们遇见你时,我们会在光中唱出你的名字。 这个答案如何?此刻你不是在家。 你是在地球这里。 你们有多少人能真正相信这件事呢?

啊,帷幕很厚,二元性在发挥它的力量,因此,你不能确定,对不? 但你能感觉得到吗? 那里是否有更多东西? 那就是帷幕。 它让你无法相信故事的其余部分。 但你们全都在直觉层面知道什么是真相。

这些年来我们所教导的前提是:每一个人类都是神,你体内有一个神性系统。 与你们许多人的感觉相反,你,确实,是神。 这不是一开始就会有的直觉。 换句话说,这是很难相信的。 而那就是今天的主题。 你要如何去相信这件事呢?

前提进一步告诉你:你能控制你的细胞结构。 无论是疗愈、恐惧、忧虑、或挫折感,全都能被控制——完全控制。 但那不是直觉的,对不? 不能置信,对不?

你照镜子时只看见一个人类,对不? 每次你照镜子时,你的脸看起来就老了一些,难道那不是一种侮辱吗? 岁月就是如此无情,你认为。 你想怎么改变它呢? 如果有一个系统,让你在照镜子时说,“嗯,你知道吗,我看起来一点也没有变老。 ” 这个概念如何? “克里昂 ,我们能做到吗? ” 能,你们一直都有能力这样做。 古时的瑜伽修行者已经示范了给你们看。 你是怎么看待这件事,难道他们是从外星来的吗? 或许他们太特别了,你不敢想象自己也有可能做得到?他们是否与你有很大的距离,使你认为那不是你能去做的事? 到底是什么使你不相信你能做到呢? 我会告诉你: 因为它不是直觉的,而你的假定实相已经教导你说,那是不可能的。

你会问,“克里昂 ,我怎么做,才能增强信心呢?告诉我,怎么才能抓紧这种信念 [你是神,你能控制你的细胞结构],我就是无法产生真正的信心。 它听起来真的很好,我很想得到它!但我就是很难相信。” 二元性以某种方式覆盖在你身上,当你要寻找真相时,你就必须拿掉那个错误的罩子。


你甚至不知道你是在这样做,但你所在的那个框框,是受限于四维的。即使你不认为你是受限的,但你确实是处在一个框框里, 你只是在框框的范围内思考。 你不能超越它的天花板,你能吗? 当你思考时,你碰到了天花板,你甚至不知道这一点。它阻止你看见你的真实身份,也阻止你提出一些你应该提出的问题。它阻止你相信,而它是恰当的。它叫做 “二元性”。

我会讲一件就在你们眼前的事实。 你们环顾地球和看见所有奇妙的动物。 你们有注意到动物的多样性吗? 甚至是在那些类人动物之中,如猩猩和猴子? 你们有没有试过去动物园看看那里有多少种猴子?你们有没有看见地球的自然选择和进化的运作方式?有那么多种猴子——有尾巴的,没尾巴的,有各种发色的,各种大小的。 那就是自然的运作方式。 它创造了各种多样性。

现在看一看人类。 只有一种人类! 你们有想过吗? 哦,是有不同的肤色。 但只有一种人类。 这跟你们所看到的一切相反,这是违反直觉的。呐,你们有多少人聚集在一大群人里并要求科学家解释这件事呢? “不可能的! 不可能只有一种人类,那是违反概率的。” 或许这是一个信号,它能让你看见某些更重大的事物呢? 它意味着什么? 但没有,根本没有人问,有吗? 将近七十亿、强大的、在进化阶梯顶端的、最先进的、能够思考自己的存在的——人类,却无法看见自己的独特性,也无法看见自己是神的一份子。没错,亲爱的,你们的思考过程有一个顶限,叫做 “帷幕”。

帷幕厚重地覆盖住你们所有人。 你们从未提问过那些你们应该提问的事。瞧,原有的灵性系统也是把你们局限在这个框框里。而那,亲爱的人类,就是这股新能量中正在转变的事。地球上的这股新能量已经开始催促你们去提问,而克里昂就是来这里帮忙回答的。 最大的答案是,你有一个内置在 DNA 里的帮手,如果你选择启动它的话。

“克里昂,你说二元性是内置在我体内,以阻止我相信,那我要怎么超越它呢?” 我会很简单地告诉你。你想更了解自己吗?你想要相信吗?你要做的就是,以纯粹的意图,推开那扇门。说出来:“亲爱的神,有没有可能,那里有一些比我更大,我应该知道的事?我愿意推开这扇信仰之大门。”

任何带着纯粹意图的人都可以推开这扇门。当你这样做时,你就启动了你体内的某些神性。这就是让你超越帷幕的按钮。这就是与二元性互相抵制的系统。带着纯粹的意图,你以提问作为开始,接着每一件事情都开始转变。“亲爱的神,请显示给我看,有什么是我需要知道的,让我能超越自己和超越自己的不相信。” 然后一切都开始启动,亲爱的。让我告诉你会发生什么:你的 DNA 会开始改变!

第十层 DNA 负责帮助你们相信。它是与神性 “挂钩” 的,当你用对神的热情推开那扇门时,身体开始作出反应。渐渐地,你开始理解宇宙智能。情况就像你跟神的 “伙伴关系电脑” 连上线一样。你无需做任何事来产生信心!因为地球上的这股新能量发展出了一些全新、优美的系统来帮助你们这样做。

This live channelling was Given in Oberndorf, Austria 

现场通灵于 奥本多夫,奥地利

October 14, 2006

As channelled by Lee Carroll for Kryon




This channelling is given in Europe in October 2006. Some know this channelling as "Just Happy to be Here." Some might take issue with what Kryon is saying... that you can't really understand what is beyond the point of Human understanding. Intellectuals take note, and you may not agree, but Kryon wishes to push on your perception and yet again challenge you to try and see beyond what you THINK is before you.

这个信息是在 2006 年 10 月在欧洲给出的。有些人知道这个信息为 “只是快乐地在这里”。有些人会反对克里昂所说的事......即你们无法真正理解一些超越人类理解角度的事情。知识分子请注意,你也许会不同意,但克里昂希望能推进你的观念,同时也再次挑战你去尝试看见那些你认为是在你眼前的事。

To help the reader, this channelling has been rechannelled [by Lee and Kryon] and added onto to provide even clearer understanding. Often what happens live, has implied energy within it, which carries a kind of communication that the printed page does not. Channelling given in Austria feature a "back and forth" translation process from English to German. This kind of translation creates many short sentences in English, and to facilitate better reading, these have been put together and made to flow easier.So enjoy this enhanced message given in Oberndorf, Austria, October 14, 2006.

为了帮助读者,这篇信息经过 [李及克里昂] 的重新通灵及增强信息,以提供更清晰的理解。因为在现场给出的信息,含有一种能量沟通模式,是印刷页面所无法传达的。在奥地利所给出的通灵涉及从英语翻译成德语的 “一来一往” 的翻译过程。这种现场翻译会形成的许多英语短句,而为了方便阅读,这些句子已经被连在一起以便读起来更加流畅。那么请享有这篇增强版的信息吧,这是在 2006 年 10 月 14 日在 奥本多夫,奥地利 传导的。

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service.


So many years, we have been coming to you. From the beginning of the new energy on the planet, to what you have called the 11:11 energy, we have been coming to give you messages. These are messages you've heard before on the planet. It's about joy and self-empowerment. For some of you, this energy is not new at all. It's what some of you have expected since you were born!

多年以来,我们一直走向人类。 从地球新能量的开端,到你们称为 11:11 的能量 [和谐汇聚],我们一直都在给你们带来信息。 这些是你们在地球上曾经听过的信息。 它是关于喜悦和自我赋能。对你们一些人而言,这股能量完全不是新能量。它是你们一些人自出生以来一直都在期待的!

I sit before a collection of Human Beings whose names I know. The names I "see" are in light in the Akashic Record. Beautiful, interdimensional names that we sing in light when we see you. How many of you really can believe that? Each one of you, no matter what you came for, let me ask you: Can you look inside for a moment? Could it be true that when your death is at hand, it's all over? Do you honestly believe that that's all there is ? Do you not have the small spark of intuition that says, "No, it's not over at all." Well, the veil is thick and the duality plays its part, so you're not certain, are you? But can you feel it? Is there something more? That's called the veil. It keeps you from believing the rest of the story, it does. But you all know truth at a very intuitive level.

我坐在一群我知道他们名字的人类面前。 我 “看见” 的名字正在阿卡什纪录中闪闪发光。 美丽的,跨维度的名字, 当我们见到你时,在光中唱出的名字。 你们有多少人能真正相信这件事? 你们每一个人,无论你是为何而来到这里,让我问你: 你能往里面看一下吗? 当你面临死亡时,一切就完了,这有可能是真的吗? 你真的相信那就是一切了吗? 难道你不会有一点点直觉的火花在说道 “不,它根本还没结束。” 啊,帷幕很厚,二元性在发挥它的力量,因此,你不能确定,对不? 但你能感觉得到吗? 那里是否有更多东西? 那就是帷幕。 它让你无法相信故事的其余部分,真的。 但你们全都在直觉层面知道什么是真相。

Most of the earth professes some kind of religion that believes in the afterlife. Almost every religion on the planet, even the mythology, claims that you go somewhere after you die. You see, it's intuitive, is it not? What you call Human life , it's not what you think. And if you would agree with that, then you must ask, "Well, where am I going?" How about home? This earth is not where you actually belong. I'm Kryon. I sit in the seat that sees you. I'm giving my partner pictures he's never seen before. I sit in a seat where I can see your magnificence and your grandness. You're not home right now. You're here on Earth. But you always come back, you know? If I could sing your name right now, the cells in your body would vibrate with remembrance. But the veil is thick. 

地球的大部份地区都着某种相信死后生命的信仰。 几乎地球上的每一个宗教,甚至神话,都宣称你死后会到某处去。 你瞧,它是直觉的,不是吗? 人类的生命,并不是如你们所想的那样。 如果你同意的话,你一定会问, “嗯,我(死后)是去哪里呢?” 回家,这个答案如何? 这地球不是你们真正的归宿。 我是克里昂。 我坐在看得见你的位置。 我正在对我的伙伴给出一些他从未见过的景象。 我坐在一个看得见你的壮丽与宏伟性的位置。此刻你不是在家。 你是在地球这里。 但你总是不断到回来,知道吗? 如果我现在可以唱出你的名字,你身体的细胞将会因记忆而振动。 但帷幕就是很厚。

We have taught for all of these years a premise that each Human is divine, that inside you is a system of divinity. Contrary to what most of you feel, you are, indeed, divine. This is not intuitive to begin with. In other words, it's difficult to believe. And that's the subject of this message. What are you going to do to believe this?

这些年来我们所教导的前提是:每一个人类都是神,你体内有一个神性系统。 与你们许多人的感觉相反,你,确实,是神。 这不是一开始就会有的直觉。 换句话说,这是很难相信的。 而那就是今天的主题。 你要如何去相信这件事呢?

The premise continues and tells you that you have control over your actual cellular structure. Healing, fear and worry and frustration can be controlled – total control. But that's not intuitive, is it? Not believable, is it? Many of you here feel you 're pushed around by these very energies that I just mentioned. I know who's here! I know what you're going through. In a group this size, there is so much! Some of you are actually in sorrow as you sit there in your seats.

前提进一步告诉你:你能控制你的细胞结构。 无论是疗愈、恐惧、忧虑、或挫折感,全都能被控制——完全控制。 但那不是直觉的,对不? 不能置信,对不? 你们现场很多人都觉得自己被我刚才所提到的那些能量所摆布。 我知道谁在这里! 我知道你正在经历什么。 在一个人数如此多的群体中,是有很多(负面能量)的! 当你们坐在那里时,你们有些人实际上是笼罩在悲伤中。

Oh, this is a beautiful time. You say, "I've come for a vacation of my life. I can sit here and I can relax for a little while. I can get my feet washed by Spirit and I can feel the energy and relax for a little while. But then when it's over, I have to walk out the door and the heaviness will return. I have to go back to the same situation that I fight every day." I'll tell you, dear ones , this meeting should not be the escape. This meeting should be the solution. You should be here to celebrate! Celebrate your divinity and celebrate that you have power over the very things you think are imprisoning you right now.

啊,这是个美好的时刻。 你说,“我是来这里度假的。我能坐在这里和能稍作放松。我能得到圣灵为我洗脚,我能感受到这里的能量和稍作放松。 但是当它结束时,我就必须走出大门,而沉重感又将回到我身上。 我必须回到每天奋战的相同情况中。” 让我告诉你,亲爱的,这一次聚会不应该是一种逃避。 这一次聚会应该是一种解决方案。 你应该是来这里庆祝的! 庆祝你的神性,庆祝你有能力超越那你认为正在禁锢你的事。

Some of you are going to leave differently than you came. I know this. But it's a tough premise to teach. You look in the mirror and you just see a Human Being, don't you? It seems insulting, doesn't it , that every time you look in the mirror, your face has gotten just a little older. That is the way of it, you think. How would you like to change that? What about a system where you look in the mirror and say, "Well, you know, it doesn't seem like I've gotten older." What about that? "Kryon, can we do that?" Yes, you've always had the power to do that. The Yogis of old showed you how it was done. What did you think, that they were from another planet? Or were they just too special for you to think that you might do it? Were they so far removed from who you are that you think it's not for you to do? What is it that keeps you from understanding that it's possible? I'll tell you: Because it isn't intuitive and your assumed reality has taught you that you can't.

你们有些人将不同于到来时地离开。 我知道这一点。但这是很难教导的前提。 你照镜子时只看见一个人类,对不? 每次你照镜子时,你的脸看起来就老了一些,难道那不是一种侮辱吗? 岁月就是如此无情,你认为。 你想怎么改变它呢? 如果有一个系统,让你在照镜子时说,“嗯,你知道吗,我看起来一点也没有变老。 ” 这个概念如何? “克里昂 ,我们能做到吗? ” 能,你们一直都有能力这样做。 古时的瑜伽修行者已经示范了给你们看。 你是怎么看待这件事,难道他们是从外星来的吗? 或许他们太特别了,你不敢想象自己也有可能做得到?他们是否与你有很大的距离,使你认为那不是你能去做的事? 到底是什么使你不相信你能做到呢? 我会告诉你: 因为它不是直觉的,而你的假定实相已经教导你说,那是不可能的。

How Can I Believe?


The duality lays upon you in such a way that you're going to have to try to remove that false truth cover in order to find what is truly there. That is the premise. It's hard to believe, isn't it? "Kryon , what can I do," you might ask, "to increase my belief? Show me how I can grab onto this, and I'm having trouble actually believing. It sounds so good, I want it! I can't believe it ." So, for those saying that, I give you the answer in this hour.

二元性以某种方式覆盖在你身上,当你要寻找真相时,你就必须拿掉那个错误的罩子。 那就是前提。 很难相信,对不? “克里昂 ,我怎么做, ” 你会问,“才能增强信心呢? 告诉我,怎么才能抓紧这种信念 [你是神,你能控制你的细胞结构],我就是无法产生真正的信心。 它听起来真的很好,我很想得到它! 但我就是很难相信。” 那么,为了那些这样说的人,我会在这个小时里给出答案。

The first part of this answer is that you must get out of the box that wants to compartmentalize God. You don't even know you're doing it, but the box you're in is limited, as my partner said, to four dimensions. Most of you even think it's three dimensions! And although you don't see it in a limiting way, there's a box you are in that is, indeed, limiting. Oh, the intellectuals among you don't agree with this. They don't agree with Kryon. They say, "We are an intelligent race. We Human Beings on the planet are the only ones who can contemplate our own existence. We can control our procreation. We can ponder our reality." It's true that you can do all those things, but only within the 3D box you have placed yourself into. You only ponder the box. You can't get past the ceiling, can you? You think the box is wide open and you're free to think anything. But not really. When pondering, you hit a reality ceiling that you don't even recognize. It keeps you from seeing who you are and asking the questions you should ask. It keeps you from belief and it's appropriate. It's called duality.

答案的第一部份是:你一定要走出那个意图分隔神的框框。 你甚至不知道你是在这样做,但你所在的那个框框,如我的伙伴所说,是受限于四维的 [长、宽、高、时间]。 你们大部份人甚至认为你是在三维里呢! 即使你不认为你是受限的,但你确实是处在一个框框里,而那,确实,是受限的。 哦,你们之中的知识份子并不同意这种说法。 他们不同意克里昂的说法 。 他们说,“我们是聪明的族类。 我们人类在地球上是唯一能够思考我们的存在的生物。 我们能控制生育。我们能思考我们的实相。” 确实你们能做所有这些事,但只是在那三维框框里,那个你们自己走进去的框框。 你只是在框框的范围内思考。 你不能超越它的天花板,你能吗? 你认为那个框框是打开的,你可以自由地去想任何事。 但不见得。 当你思考时,你碰到了天花板,你甚至不知道这一点。它阻止你看见你的真实身份,也阻止你提出一些你应该提出的问题。它阻止你相信,而它是恰当的。 它叫做 “二元性”。

Just Happy to be Here…


Now, I'm going to give you some examples that might be humorous to you. For some it might be insulting, especially those intellectuals who will doubt what I'm saying. But I'd like to talk about your dog.

现在,我要给出一些你们会觉得很好笑的例子。对某些人来说,它可能是一种侮辱,尤其是那些怀疑我的说法的知识份子。 但我想谈谈你们的宠物狗。

Not all of you have a dog, but you can pretend. If you have one, you truly own the dog. You are the master of him. To the dog, you are really God, aren't you? Did you ever think about this? How does the dog imagine you? When you have a winter and the dog knows it's cold outside, and you bring him inside and it's nice and warm, what do you suppose the dog thinks of that? The dog knows it's really cold outside , and somehow you have made it warm. Is the dog curious about that? Does his brain say, "Well, how did my master do that? It's really uncomfortable outside yet it's really cozy in here. How did he do that?" The dog doesn't think about that, does it? You see, the dog is just happy to be here.

不是你们每个人都有养狗,但你能假装。 如果你有养狗的话,你就真正拥有那只狗。 你是它的主人。 对狗来说,你真的是神,不是吗? 你有想过这一点吗? 狗是如何想像你的? 在冬天的时候,狗知道外面很冷,而当你带它进去时,里面又舒适又温暖,你认为狗会怎么想呢? 狗知道外面真的很冷,而不知何故你让它变暖了。 狗会对此感到好奇吗? 它的脑会说,“啊,我的主人是怎么做到的?外面多么不舒服,而里面这里是多么温暖舒适。他是怎么做到的?” 狗不会去想这些,它会吗? 你瞧,狗只是快乐地在这里。

Whatever you do, the dog is just happy to be here. You could put the dog in your auto and drive many kilometers. The dog will get out in a whole other place than it got in. And you'd think for a smart creature , it might wonder, "How did they do that? How can I get in this thing that moves, and then get out and I'm so far away from where I got in?" The dog never does that. The dog's just happy to be here. Every day you bring food from a mysterious place in the house and you put it in front of the dog. A constant abundance of wonderful food is always available. Sometimes he gets treats and deserts – all his life, forever! Wouldn 't you expect the animal might some day look up at you and ask with its eyes, "How did you do that?" But he never does, you know? You see, it's out of his capacity. He's just happy to be here .

无论你做的是什么,狗只是快乐地在这里。 你可以把狗放进车里载到远处。 狗下车时将会处于与之前完全不同的地方。而你会认为,对于一种聪明的生物来说,它可能会问,“到底他们是怎么做到的? 我是怎么进入这个会动的东西,然后出来时会离我进来时的地方如此之远呢?” 狗永远不会问。 狗只是快乐地在这里。 每天,你从屋里某个神秘的地方拿出食物并放到狗的面前。 持续丰盛的美好食物总是可得的。 有时它还会吃到大餐与甜品——终其一生,永远! 你会不会期望,某天它会抬起头望着你并以它的眼神来问, “你是怎么做到的? ” 但它从来没有,你明白吗? 你瞧,这超出了它的能力范围。 它只是快乐地在这里。

Now, you're going to say, "Well, Kryon, that's a dog, that's not a Human Being. Don't you dare compare the two." Sorry! I would like to tell you something. You're just like the dog! So many of you are just happy to be here! Amazing things are in front of you and you never even question them. God is at work in profound ways and you never even question it. There is an actual lid on your perception of all things, but you don't even think there is.

现在,你会说,“哇,克里昂,那是狗,不是人。你怎么可以拿两者来比较。” 不好意思!我想告诉你一件事。 你就像那只狗! 你们许多人就只是快乐地在这里! 许多不可思议的事情就发生在你们眼前,而你们却从来都不问。 神正在以深奥的方式做事,而你们却从来都不问。你们对所有事情的认知都是被一个盖子覆盖住的,而你们却从不认为是如此。

Angelic energy: Miracle or a different kind of "normal'?

天使能量: 奇迹或是另一种 “常态”? 

You know, there are angels – real angels. You've read about them in scripture. They are spoken about many times. Think for a moment. An angel will sometimes appear in front of a Human Being or a group of Human Beings. It is an interdimensional energy, and so it often will come through a wall or floor – a huge iridescent interdimensional ball that is eight meters wide. Exactly eight meters. In it will seemingly float, since gravity is 3D.

如你所知,那里有很多天使——真正的天使。 你从圣经中读到他们的故事。 他们经常被提及。 想想看。 有时天使会出现在一个人或一群人面前。 祂是跨维度的能量,所以祂经常是穿墙遁地而来——巨大的色彩变幻的跨维度光球,有八公尺那么宽。 整整八公尺。 祂看来是在飘浮的,因为重力是三维的东西。

Yet this experience is so powerful that whoever is in the room who is a Human Being has trouble breathing. It lays the Human Being on their knees and on their noses. It's a piece of God that comes into the room as an angel. When it happens, humans cry out in fear! It's totally and completely out of the purview of normal reality and so Humans immediately fear it. And, according to scripture, the angels always give the message, "Fear not. Fear not." Then the angel delivers a message and goes away.

然而这种事情是如此充满威力,使得房里每个人都感到窒息。 人们不由自主地跪倒在地上,鼻子着地。这是神的片段作为天使来到房里。 当这种事情发生时,人们吓得大喊大叫! 它完全超乎现实,因此人们立即感到害怕。 然而,根据圣经,天使总是说,“别怕。 别怕。” 然后天使传达了信息之后就离开。

Then what do the Humans do? Do they get up off the ground, scratch their heads, and say, "How did he do that?" No. I'll tell you why. Because you see God as another kind of entity – untouchable , able to do anything. Your mythology teaches you all about God, doesn't it? It's very separate from you – something to be worshipped, isn't it? In some parts of the earth, it's a controlling God, one that will punish you if you're not good. That's the mythology that Humankind has accepted.

然后人类会做些什么? 他们有没有爬起来,搔着头,并说,“祂是怎么做到的?” 没有。我会告诉你原因。 因为你们将神视为另一种存有——遥不可及,无所不能。 你们的神话教导你们关于神的一切,不是吗? 祂跟你们是完全分开的——是要让你们敬拜的,不是吗? 在地球的某些地区(在他们的神话里),祂是一位控制人的神,是你如果行为不端就会惩罚你的神。 那就是人类已经接受的神话。

Kryon is an angel. My energy appears through many Human Beings, but not in the way I just spoke. Instead, it's with a message directly for you in these new times. You can tell if it's really me, since the messages will have the same core of love. This new energy on Earth almost demands that you start asking the questions, "How did they do that?" And Kryon is here to help answer. The biggest answer is that you have a built-in DNA helper, if you chose to activate it.

克里昂是天使。 我的能量透过许多人类而展现,但不是以刚才提到的那种形式。相反的,在这个新时代里,它是融合在直接给你们的信息里。你能分辨出那是不是我,因为我的信息中将会有同样的爱的核心。 地球上的这股新能量已经开始催促你去提问, “他们是怎么做到的?” 而克里昂就是来这里帮忙回答的。 最大的答案是,你有一个内置在 DNA 里的帮手,如果你选择启动它的话。

I'll tell you something that is interesting. Has anybody noticed that the Universe has a system of creation about it? Scientists are even calling it "intelligent design." Scientists, not spiritualists, are saying these words: "Creation, as we see it, couldn't happen by accident. Everywhere we look in space, there's an intelligent plan. It flies in the face of being an accident." Then you simply go about your lives as if nothing happened. Did you hear them? Why is there no uprising that looks to the skies and demands of all, "Oh, how did they do that?" No. You're just happy to be here. [Kryon smile]

我跟你们讲一件有趣的事。 有没有人注意到宇宙中有一个创造系统呢? 科学家甚至称它为 “智能设计”。 科学家,而不是灵修者,正在说: “创造,就我们看来,不可能是偶然发生的。太空中我们看到的任何地方,都有着智能计划。 它绝对不是偶然。” 然后你们若无其事地继续过活。 你们有听到他们的话吗? 为什么没有人抗议并看着天大声问道,“啊,他们是怎么做到的?” 没有。你们只是快乐地在这里。 [克里昂微笑]

You say it has nothing to do with you? It has everything to do with you! Look at the stars tonight when you go outside and watch them wink at you. They all know who you are. The system is for you. The system IS you. Here we have such a profound, reliably observable aspect of how the Universe was created and even your scientists are looking at it and proclaiming intelligent design. You don't claim any part of it, do you? It must be God, you say… must be God.

你说这一切与你无关? 这一切与你大为有关! 当你今晚走到外面时,望一望天上的星星,看着它们对你眨眼睛。 他们都知道你是谁。 这个系统为你而存在。 这个系统你。这里我们有一个对于宇宙是如何被创造出来的一个如此深奥,可靠可观察的系统,连你们的科学家也在看着它并宣告它是智能设计。 你却说那与你没有任何关系,对不? 那肯定是神,你说…肯定是神。

I'll give you another one that's right in front of you. We've told you this before, but it's worth another look: You look around the earth and you see all the marvelous animals. You see the mammals that are much like you and you observe the results of their development over the years. Did you ever notice the variety? Even in the ones that seem humanoid, like the apes and the monkeys? Did you ever go to the zoo and see how many monkeys there were? Did you ever see the natural selection of the planet and how it works? There are dozens and dozens of kinds of monkeys – the ones with tails, without tails, the ones with the different kinds and colors of hair, the sizes. They are classified as to new and old world, and from different places on Earth. That's the way nature works. It creates dozens of varieties.

我会讲另一件就在你们眼前的事实。 我们曾经讲过,但它值得再看一次: 你们环顾地球和看见所有奇妙的动物。 你们看见跟你们很像的哺乳动物,多年来你们持续观察它们进化发展的结果。 你们有注意到它们的多样性吗? 甚至是在那些类人动物之中,如猩猩和猴子? 你们有没有试过去动物园看看那里有多少种猴子?你们有没有看见地球的自然选择和进化的运作方式?有一整打一整打那么多种类的猴子——有尾巴的,没尾巴的,有各种毛发的,各种发色的,各种大小的。 有来自新世界的,有来自旧世界的,有来自地球各处的。那就是自然的运作方式。 它创造了各种多样性。

Now look at humanity. There's only one kind! Now, how many of you got together in a huge group and demanded of science to tell you what's going on? "That's not right! Against all odds there's only one kind of Human." Maybe this is a sign of something greater for you to look at? What does it mean? But no, there is no inquiry, is there? Instead, you're just happy to be here.

现在看一看人类。 只有一种人类! 呐,你们有多少人聚集在一大群人里并要求科学家解释这件事呢? “不可能的! 不可能只有一种人类,那是违反概率的。” 或许这是一个信号,它能让你看见某些更重大的事物呢? 它意味着什么? 但没有,根本没有人问,有吗? 相反的,你们只是快乐地在这里。

One kind of Human. Did you ever think of this? Oh, there are different colors. But there's only one kind of Human. The facts are counterintuitive to everything else you see around you. Almost seven billion strong, at the top of the evolutionary ladder, most progressive, able to contemplate its own existence, yet unable to see itself as unique and part of God. Yes, dear ones, there is a ceiling on your thought processes called "the veil."

只有一种人类。 你们有想过吗? 哦,是有不同的肤色。 但只有一种人类。 这跟你们所看到的一切相反,这是违反直觉的。 将近七十亿、强大的、在进化阶梯顶端的、最先进的、能够思考自己的存在的——人类,却无法看见自己的独特性,也无法看见自己是神的一份子。没错,亲爱的,你们的思考过程有一个顶限,叫做 “帷幕”。 

The veil lies heavily upon all of you. And you don't ever ask the questions you should ask. Mr. Intellectual, you think you have an expanded consciousness, do you? Did you ever think about those things? What about the others around you? It's not intuitive, you know? See, there's also a known spiritual system keeping you in this box. And that, dear Human Beings, is what is changing in this energy. You're very resistant to change, you know? You are even resistant to scientific change with proof! You are often just happy to let it alone.

帷幕厚重地覆盖住你们所有人。 你们从未提问过那些你们应该提问的事。知识份子先生,你认为你有膨胀的意识,对不? 你有想过那些事情吗? 那你身边的人呢?它不是直觉的,知道吗? 瞧,原有的灵性系统也是把你局限在这个框框里。而那,亲爱的人类,就是这股新能量中正在转变的事。你们很抗拒改变,知道吗? 你们甚至对有证据的科学改变感到抗拒!你们往往只是开心地让事情保持不变。

Let me give you a parable to show you just how resistant the Human Being can be to things different, scary, and fearful. Let me take you back to the Aegean Sea. A sailor named Wo is there. Now Wo is the Kryon parable example – a Wo-man, not a man or a woman. We always use him/her for the example. This time Wo is a male sailor, and he's been a sailor all his life. He's very familiar with the ocean, but now up comes an ocean storm, a squall. The fog closes in and Wo does not know where he is. It's a night he can't navigate since the stars are out of sight. Wo worries for his life, but he has done this many times . It's in the 1500s and there's no modern inventions – just courage.

让我告诉你们一个寓言故事,让你们知道人类对于不同的、可怕的事物是多么地抗拒。 让我带你们回到爱琴海。 有一个名叫 “沃” 的水手。 呐,沃是克里昂的寓言例子—— 一个名叫沃的人,不是男人或女人。 我们总是以他 / 她为例子。 这次沃是个男水手,而且终身都是个水手。 他非常熟悉大海,但是现在有一场海洋风暴,一场狂风暴雨。 浓雾逼近而沃不知道自己身在何处。今晚他无法航行,因为他看不见星星。 沃担心有生命危险,但他经历过这个很多次了。 这是西元 1500 年,没有任何现代发明——靠的只是勇气。

Suddenly, a figure appears on his ship and speaks. 


"Wo, we're here to help." 

“沃 ,我们是来帮忙的。”

Wo doesn't understand. Who could this be? It was someone who was not there a moment ago, so it had to be un-Human. Immediately, Wo has to weigh whether this is a good thing or a bad thing. Did you know you do that, too? In this year, 2006. If an apparition were to come into this room right now, just like the days of old, you'd fear it first and wonder about it second. Did you know that? If a piece of God in all its glory would come in here, the first thing you would do is fear it. That is not even fair, you might say, but that's what the duality does to you.

沃不明白。 这会是谁呢? 刚才这里都没有人,所以,他一定不是人。很快地,沃必须衡量这是好事还是坏事。 你知道你也会做同样的事吗? 即使是在今年,在 2006 年。如果现在有幽灵进入房间,就像过去一样,你第一件事就是感到害怕,第二件事才是开始发问。你知道这一点吗? 如果神的片段在其夺目的光彩中来到这里,你第一件事就是害怕。 你也许会说,那不公平,但那就是二元性对你的影响。

So in all appropriate duality, Wo decides this must not be a good thing. It could be the devil, you know?

因此在二元性的所有恰当性之中, 沃断定这绝对不是好事。 它有可能是魔鬼,知道吗?

"Don't come any closer. What do you want?" Wo says.

“别再走过来。 你要什么?” 沃说道。

"Wo, we have seen you here and you're in trouble, we have some gifts for you. Here is a device from the future. It's called radar. You can use it. Here, look at this screen and see where the land is. You can steer in that direction," the apparition replied.

“沃,我们看见你在这里而你有麻烦,所以我们有礼物要送给你。 这是一个来自未来的装置。 它叫做雷达。 你可以使用它。 来,看看这屏幕,看看陆地是在哪里。 你能往那个方向驶去,” 幽灵答道。

Wo took a look at it and said, "This is a tool of the devil. Nothing like this can exist. It will never exist and this is only your evil magic. What do you really want?"

沃看了一眼然后说,“这是魔鬼的工具。 没有这种东西。 它不可能存在,这只是你的邪术。 你到底要什么?”

And the man said, "I'm here to help you, Wo! Here's something else. It's called GPS. You'll know exactly where you are in the ocean, right now. Look at this screen. It provides information that will guide you to safety."

那人说,“我是来帮你的,沃! 这里还有其他东西。 它叫做全球卫星定位系统。你能立刻确知你在大海中位置。 看看这屏幕。 它能提供资料,引领你到安全的地方。”

Wo is afraid and orders the man off his ship. He decides to go it alone. "I'll take my chances with what I know and what I'm used to," Wo says. And he does.

沃很怕并命令那个人离开他的船。 他决定独自行动。 “我将依照我的知识和我的习惯放手一搏,” 沃说。他也真的这样做了。

I've just given you a snapshot of who you are, modern Human. It's also an example of duality at its most efficient level. Those things offered Wo weren't even gifts from God. They were just the common technology of your age, yet Wo was frightened of it. How many times have you walked the path and cried out to God that you need help? Then when answers come in odd packages, you fear first. You say, "No, I can't do that. I'm afraid of that." You all do it, and my partner has done it within the last two days, and he's the channel! The Human's first reaction is fear. You can't see the gifts if you don't feel you can "figure it out" in 3D. And you don't recognize the divinity at all.

我刚刚让你看了你是谁的画面,现代人。那也是二元性运作得最有效的例子。那些提供给沃的东西还不是神的礼物呢。它们只是你们这个时代的普通科技,但沃却很害怕。你曾经有多少次走在路上呼喊着要神帮助你呢?然而当答案以奇怪的包裹送来时,你第一件事就是害怕。你说,“不,我不敢。我很怕。” 你们全都是这样,而我的伙伴在前两天还在怕,他还是灵媒呢!人类的第一个反应就是害怕。如果你无法在三维中 “理解它” 的话,你就不认为那是什么礼物。你根本就认不出当中的神性。

It's time for you to understand that you are partnering with God. I've got some good news and I'll give it to you in a moment. Many say,"Kryon, how can I believe? How can I have a better belief of these things? You say the duality is built into me to keep me from believing , so how do I get beyond that?" The Human wants to figure it out before they believe in it. That's what your churches are for – a 3D bridge of belief. They write all the rules for you so you understand it and feel good about it. They serve their purpose, but it only opens the door for you to feel comfortable about it all.

是时候了解,你们是与神携手合作的了。我有一些好消息,等下就告诉你们。很多人说,“克里昂,我怎么才能相信呢?我怎么才能有更强的信心呢?你说二元性是内置在我体内,以阻止我相信,那我要怎么超越它呢?” 人类要搞清楚了才肯相信。这就是你们的教堂会存在的原因——作为信仰的三维桥梁。他们写下所有的规则,让你们搞清楚关于神的一切并感到满意。他们达到了存在的目的,但那只是让你感觉良好而已。

I want to ask you a question. When you leave the room, many of you are going to get into an automobile and drive somewhere. How many of you will get out the manual for the transmission and read it fully before you get into the car ? What about that complex engine? You're not going to get in that thing without understanding how it works are you? And the answer is, yes, you are! You do it all the time. You see, it's because it's common, and you trust it. You want to believe? It's time that you trust something we're going to identify for you called Cosmic Intelligence. That's the manual for your belief. Do you want this, dear one? Cosmic Intelligence.

我要问你们一件事。当你们离开时,很多人都会坐进车子驾到其他地方去。你们有多少人会拿出汽车的变速器手册,读完后才上车呢?至于那复杂的引擎呢?在你还未搞清楚之前你是不会上车的,不是吗?答案是,会呀,你会上车呀!你一直都是这样做。你瞧,因为汽车是很普遍的,而你信任它。你想要相信吗?是时候信任我们所说的 “宇宙智能” 了。那就是你的信任手册。你想要得到这个吗,亲爱的?宇宙智能。

I'm going to give it to you in a very basic way. You want to know more about yourself? Do you want to believe? All you have to do is, with pure intent, push on that door… the big issue door. Verbalize: "Dear God, is it possible that there are things that are bigger than I am that I should know? Dear God, I don't want to figure it out; I just want to know is it possible. I wish to open this door of belief."


Here is the promise today: Any of you with pure intent may begin to open that door. And when you do, you activate something divine within yourself. This is the button that gets pushed that allows you to go beyond the veil. With pure intent you begin by asking the question, and then everything begins to shift. Don't ask a curious question. It has to be a passionate question from the heart: "Dear God, show me what it is I need to know to go beyond myself and my unbelief." And then the light goes on, dear one. I'll tell you what happens: Your DNA starts to change! This is not a fairy tale. This is not fiction. This is the system that counteracts duality, but it is one that is activated with free choice and pure intent by each Human one at a time.

这是今天的承诺:任何带着纯粹意图的人都可以推开那扇门。当你这样做时,你就启动了你体内的某些神性。这就是让你超越帷幕的按钮。带着纯粹的意图,你以提问作为开始,接着每一件事情都开始转变。别好奇贪玩地提问。它必须是发自内心的热切的提问:“亲爱的神,请显示给我看,有什么是我需要知道的,让我能超越自己和超越自己的不相信。” 然后一切都开始启动,亲爱的。让我告诉你会发生什么:你的 DNA 会开始改变!这不是童话。也不是小说。这是与二元性互相抵制的系统,但每个人都必须以各自的自由选择和纯粹意图来启动它。

The good news? We have described it before. Layer 10 of DNA is responsible for helping you believe. Think of it – an entire portion of your own body is asleep all your life, but ready for you to do something. It is "hooked to" the divine, and when you start to push on the door with the passion of God, the body begins to react. Things start happening around you, and the belief is starting to be centered and activated. Slowly, you start to understand about cosmic intelligence. It's like you plugged into the partnership computer with God. You don't have to do anything to earn this! You don't have to do anything but ask, and then the energy begins to flow in both ways, slowly. You start to send light to the earth. You don't have to know where it's going, how it goes there, or even who receives it. You open the door to cosmic intelligence, and let it go!

而好消息是?我们之前说过。第十层 DNA 负责帮助你们相信。想想看——你的整个身体在你一生中都在沉睡,但现在它准备好,让你能做某些事情。它是与神性 “挂钩” 的,当你用对神的热情推开那扇门时,身体开始作出反应。事情开始在你周围发生,信心开始集中和激活。渐渐地,你开始理解宇宙智能。情况就像你跟神的 “伙伴关系电脑” 连上线一样。你无需做任何事来产生信心!你无需做任何事,只需要发问,然后能量开始在两个方向流动,渐渐地。你开始送光给地球。你不需要知道它会去哪里,怎么去,或谁会收到。你只是打开宇宙智能的大门,然后放手由它去!

Some of you have said, "Well, how do we pray? We've got to have a list. We have to know the names. What is the process of prayer, Kryon? And when we pray, should we have the lights on or off? What kind of music? Day or night? Candles or crystals?"


I'll give you a way that will shock you: How about you get in the closet, turn off the lights and pray? No candles, no music, no crystals. Because there's an angel in that closet who's hooked to the source, and no enhancements are needed for an angel. You'll feel the love of God in the dark and you won't be afraid. Stop writing the manuals and just send the light. Indeed there are new, elegant systems developed in this new energy to help you do this. You're not supposed to throw the systems away since some of them actually help you to push upon the door. It's interesting when you look at these new systems, for you will find that many have only been available for the last 15 years. Carefully stewarded, they are. Given to very high energy teachers, they are. Look for them. They're here for you, and they feature this very thing within their teaching: cosmic intelligence.

我会告知一个让你吃惊的方法:为何你不走进祈祷室里,关上灯并开始祈祷呢?没有蜡烛,没有音乐,没有水晶。因为在祈祷室里有一个跟源头连结的天使,而天使不需要这些东西来帮助增强能量。你会在黑暗中感受到神的爱,而不会害怕。别再写手册了,直接送光吧。这股新能量确实发展出了一些全新、优美的系统来帮助你们这样做。你们不应该抛弃系统,因为它们有一些真的能帮助你推开那扇门。当你看着这些新系统时,是很有趣的,因为它们有很多是在过去 15 年来才开始出现的。它们被好好地管理着。它们是对那些拥有很高能量的导师们而给出的。去找他们。他们就在这里,他们的教学的最大特点是:宇宙智能。

Helping you to find the divinity inside – that's our message. Awakening the true essence of your soul and helping you to see that you are eternal – that's our message. How many of you are going to leave this place just happy to be here? Or how many of you are going to say, "I'd like to change some things in my life. I'm tired of worrying about everything." See? I know who's here. Do you know how many people are in this group who need healing? In a group of almost 500, how many are really in search of healing? Don't do anything, dear one. Don't raise your hand, because I already know. There are almost 100 of you.

帮助你找到体内的神性——那就是我们的信息。 唤醒你灵魂的真正本质,帮助你看见自己是永恒的——那就是我们的信息。 你们有多少人会在离开时,只是觉得很高兴来到这里?或者,你们有多少人会说,“我要改变人生中的一些事情。我不想再挂虑任何事。” 瞧?我知道谁在这里。你知道这里有多少人需要得到治愈吗?在一个将近 500 人的群体里,有多少人实际上是在寻求治愈?什么也别做,亲爱的。别举手,因为我已经知道。大概有 100 人。

There are some that are unbalanced. Maybe that's why you came here? Well, don't look at the stage for balance, because nothing's going to happen up here. Instead, there are angels sitting where you are, and you are one of them . Perhaps it's time to push on the door and plug into that power? Feel the cosmic intelligence push through you right now. How do you know it's there? I'll tell you how you'll know: You'll feel peace when you shouldn't have a reason to be peaceful. You'll walk out of here peaceful. Your problems won't have changed, but suddenly, you're not just happy to be here, instead you're starting to ask, "How did he do that?" And the answer is flowing into your side of the veil – into you. You'll feel peace about your life. You'll feel assurances about the future, even though you can't know or see it. Things will begin to change. Are you ready for that?

有些人感到不平衡。或许那就是你来这里的原因?唔,别看着台上希望能找到平衡,因为上面这里不会发生任何事。相反的,在你坐着的地方有很多天使,而你是他们的一份子。或许是时候推开那扇门并连结上那股能量?感受宇宙智能在推进你、穿过你。你怎么知道它真的存在呢?我会告诉你:你会感到宁静祥和,在你没有任何原因感到宁静祥和的时刻。你会平静地走出这里。你的烦恼并没有改变,但突然间,你不只是快乐地在这里,而是开始发问,“他是怎么做到的?” 然后答案会流入你这边的帷幕——流入你体内。你会对自己的人生感到平静。你会对未来感到有把握,即使你不知道或看不见它。事情开始改变。你对这一切准备好了吗?

All of these years that I've been here to see you, do you realize I have never changed? I have never, ever changed what I tell you. That's how the duality works. Some hear it, and some don't. Some hear it only when they are in fear, and others are beginning to realize that this information is available to study and act on within normal life. Blessed is the Human who considers this "normal"!

在我到来与你们见面的所有这些年来,你们知道我从未改变过吗?我从未改变过对你们给出的信息。那就是二元性的运作方式。有些人听见了,有些人没有。有些人只有在恐惧时才会听见,其他人开始意识到这些信息可以学习并应用到日常生活中。有福的是那些认为这是 “常态” 的人。

The entourage that is in here is going to remain. When you come back tomorrow morning, the first thing you're going to feel is that the room is ready for you. We will be ready to again hold your hand when you walk in, and wash your feet while you're here. We love to give you these moments of bliss and joy – not so you can escape, but so you will know what it's like to sit within your mastery. That's the way you're going to feel every day of your life until the day you die. Then you come home. That's the system. It's beautiful, you know? Did you come for a healing? Oh, now would be a good time!




And there are those in here who will send light to you and pray for you. Angels, every one of you. 


And so it is.






关于人类从至少 25 个品种,最后演化成只剩下一种 “智人”,证据请看译者从维基百科整理出来的
