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Lighthouse Filters |
Kryon:Human Lighthouse Filters ......What are you going to do with your filters?
光之工作者的隐喻是指那些送出光的人。这个恒常的隐喻也扩展到三维形象,指海滩上的实体灯塔。它宣称灯塔永远不会建造在安全的地方。它们送光给需要看见的灵魂,帮助引导船只驶向安全的港湾。就隐喻而言,你们的挑战是送光。那就是你们存在的原因,那就是方案,如何连地球上最温顺的人也能在未来发生的事情上拥有深刻的能量戳印。但那必须是纯净的光,不能有任何东西 “在它之上”。因此,任何由你加诸于这道光之上的不纯净、不神圣、人造的东西,隐喻而言,就是一片滤镜,你把它放在你的光前面。
呐,灯塔没有理由会这样做。人类也没有理由会乐意这样做,但从奥秘层面而言,它每天都在发生。想像一下,一整箱的滤镜就存放在你的光周围。在此刻,你们甚至会否认它们的存在,并说,“我的光就如我放光的意图一样纯净。” 确实,你是一座宏伟的灯塔! 但仔细看看那箱滤镜,因为上面有你的名字。这不是软性的信息,亲爱的,因为我正在对你们给出如何改变地球的深刻的 “下一步”。
首先让我们来了解一下,你们面临的是什么情形。此刻你在担心的是什么?我知道谁在这里。我知道谁正在阅读。我知道你在担心的是什么。所以我知道你们有很多人都在担心!你们知道那看起来是怎样的吗?啊,它是一片巨大深色的滤镜挡在你的光前面。你知道那是把一片 “忧虑的滤镜” 直接放在你那神圣的光前面吗?
至于挫折感呢?你们有许多人对这个或那个感到挫折,你说,“我应该做些什么?我应该去哪里?接着会发生什么事?为什么那种事会发生在我身上?我几时才会得到这个或那个?” 你们感到很挫折!你们知道挫折感也是一片滤镜吗?
当你坐下来冥想,当你要送光到地球其他角落时,你就像是一座灯塔。你的光不停在传送,它播送的是忧虑、忧虑、忧虑、挫折感、挫折感、挫折感。我现在就可以看见。[眺望远处] 一位天使在地球的另一端正在说,“看,那里有一道光。它是从千里之外传来的。现在那里有一位人类光之工作者。 真是无比光荣,他正在传送地球急需的神圣的光。哎呀,我看见它充满了忧虑和挫折感。我们会尽量使用那道光,但不是那么容易,因为在它之上有很多滤镜。”
你们明白我在说什么吗?无论你的人生中有些什么,它都 “紧贴在你的光之上”。在此之前,也许你认为你只需走到一个角落,然后送光、冥想、享受美好时光,然后所有这些事情就会在你进入 “灵性状态” 时被悬挂在一边?不。你所是的一切会被印在你所形成的光之上。
也许在你坐下来冥想之前,你想先清除掉内心所有的忧虑?那会是非常宝贵的。“克里昂,我无法就那样把忧虑赶走。那些三维事物总会让人类感到忧虑。你不能就那样把它 ‘想’ 走。我们担心是因为那里有需要担心的理由。我很难相信圣灵会就那样叫我们停止忧虑。”
当你看着地球上那些大师们时,你有从他们的眼神中看见挫折感吗?没有!你看见喜悦!你看见平静。你看见清澈与平衡。而你可能(在挫折感中)再次说道,“哎,那些人是大师。不然你期望什么?” 如果你是那样说的话,你肯定已经很久没有收听克里昂信息了。我期望什么?我期望你能启动那同样的过程,因为这股能量是永恒的、内置的、可获得的,而使用的时机也成熟了。
你认为你体内有的是什么呢,萨满?是大师能量。你打算成为史上首位感到挫折的大师吗?你说,“哎,克里昂,我感到挫折,而我有理由感到挫折。我是人类,那里有让我感到挫折的事情。” 在这些时刻,圣灵的声音再次响起:你想如何拿掉那片滤镜呢?你想如何成为一个人类,在面对同样的情况时,却不会感到挫折?有没有这种可能呢?如果有,而你也能允许的话,请打开你的心扉、打开那第三只眼片刻。其中一件会发生的事情是,所有这些让你感到挫折的事情都会从你身上掉落,你的光会变得很纯净。
至于偏见呢——人类偏见? “克里昂,我没有偏见,” 你会说。在所有事情当中,你们许多人尤其声称自己是没有偏见的。你说你在这方面一直都很小心。好吧,我会挑战你们。马上进入冥想,不含偏见地送光到你们的政府所在地。哎呀!我想我刚刚触到了痛处。记住,送光不等同于送出你想对你们的国家领导人说的话。那不是你应该做的事。你能送出不含人类政治干预的光给领导人吗?反而,你能让“宇宙智能”接管这件事,并送光到领导层需要的地区吗?
让我举例说明那些大师是如何送光给他的领导人。他坐着并视领导人为一位身在暗处的天使同伴,需要越多光越好。大师没有随光送出他所属的政党,没有送出他本身的期望,没有送出任何东西。相反的,那道光成为神的引擎,送出智慧、平静与清澈到领导人办公室,让领导人自行选择是否愿意看见并加以使用。那些领导人身上的 DNA 与你们的一样深刻地准备好了,他们被期待履行一份神性契约,在地球接下来的转变当中扮演重要的角色。再说一次,这是伙伴关系。
送出纯净、明亮的光,没有挫折感、愤怒、恐惧、与偏见,是你应该去做的部分!外面有多少个 “伙伴” 在等着你这样做呢?他们之中有多少人是对停止战争、缔造和平、或治愈疾病具有影响力的呢?你们有想过吗?那是一种宇宙伙伴关系。
This live channelling was Given in Newport Beach, California
现场通灵于 新港滩,加利福尼亚
December 3, 2006
This is a long channeling, describing what happens to the light we send to others from our Human "filters." If you ever thought about it, it's quite sobering. Every time we meditate and send light to anyone or any group, we broadcast everything that's "us."
这是一篇较长的通灵信息,形容我们通过我们的人类 “滤镜” 对其他人所送出的光会是怎样的。如果你有思考过的话,它是非常严肃的课题。每一次当我们冥想及送光给任何人或任何群体时,我们都播送了属于 “我们的” 东西。
To help the reader, this channelling has been rechannelled [by Lee and Kryon] and added onto to provide even clearer understanding. Often what happens live, has implied energy within it, which carries a kind of communication that the printed page does not. So enjoy this enhanced message given in Newport Beach, California - December 3, 2006.
为了帮助读者,这篇信息经过[李及克里昂]的重新传导及增强,以让人们有更清晰的理解。因为在现场给出的信息,含有一种能量沟通模式,是印刷页面所无法传达的。那么请享有这篇增强版的信息吧,这是在 2003 年 12 月 3 日在新港滩,加利福尼亚传导的。
Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service.
There are those who've said, "Well, what does that greeting mean exactly?" And now after all of these years, perhaps some of you know who I am really? Although the magnetic changes of the planet have been accomplished for your shift, my service is still to humanity – still within the magnetics of your DNA. I will always remain "The Magnetic Master."
有些人说:“嗯,那句问候语到底是什么意思?” 经过了这么多年之后,也许你们有些人真的知道我是谁了?虽然地球的磁力转变已经完成了,我的服务对象依然是人类——依然在你们 DNA 的磁场中。我永远都会是 “磁力大师。”
Let this room be gradually filled to a degree where you can feel it heat up. The legion of entities who we call the entourage are different every time. They are filled with beings who know you, filled with guides, filled with what you would call angelic entities standing around you.
让这个房间逐渐被填满吧,你们会感觉到它开始变热。我们称为 “随行团” 的那批实体,每一次都不同。他们当中有许多认识你的存有,有许多指导灵,有许多天使站在你周围。
The most esoteric thing we do besides the channelling itself is to suggest that this meeting is a reunion – a meeting that is going to be beyond your belief. And each one of these who reunite with you can touch you personally. It's possible because you allow that with your spiritual heart. Now, in 3D I ask you Human, do you want to stay in this time we have together, only a few minutes we have together? How 3D do you want to be? It's a safe place here, you know? It's safe to allow things to take place here. It's safe for you to think things that perhaps you didn't allow yourself to think before... even things out of 3D.
我们所做的最奥秘的事情,除了通灵之外,就是显示这个会议是一场团聚—— 一个超乎你们想像的会议。每一个与你们团聚的实体,都能碰触你们每一个人。那是能做到的,因为你是以你的灵性内心来允许这件事。现在,在三维中我问你,人类,你想逗留在我们相聚的这段时间里吗,在我们相聚的这短短几分钟里?你要让自己 “三维” 到何种程度呢?这里是安全的,知道吗?它能安全地让事情在这里发生。它能安全地让你去想一些你从来不敢让自己去想的东西......甚至是超越三维的东西。
How many Human Beings will actually sit and ask themselves, "Is there a reason I'm here?" Oh, not because you're in trouble, not because there might be difficulty or challenge. Instead, it's a blessed question. It's honored that the Human Being enjoy a full celebration of life, yet say, "Is there a reason why I'm here, and in this place?"
有多少人会真正坐下来问自己:“是不是有某些原因让我来到这里?” 哦,不是因为你有烦恼,不是因为你遇到困难或挑战。相反的,它是一个受祝福的问题。 它是一种荣幸,当一个人享有圆满的人生,还是会说,“是不是有某些原因让我来到这里,来到这个地方?”
That's why Kryon is here. Did you yet realize this? That's why this channelling is taking place. That is why I came to give you these words, one at a time in linear fashion, and the channellings... one at a time, continuing for the life of my partner. There are divine tools in your DNA and there is profound divinity there, too. There's a purpose and a plan, and you are sitting in a place where you can do something about the earth around you, even though you might not know it. But you feel it, don't you? Don't you feel that you are here for a reason?
那就是克里昂来到这里的原因。你们还没意识到这一点吗?那就是这场通灵会发生的原因。那就是我到来对你们给出这些话语的原因,以线性的方式,一字一句地;还有那些通灵信息......一次一个信息,在我的伙伴的有生之年里一直持续下去。在你们的 DNA 里有神圣的工具,还有深奥的神性。那里有着目标和计划,而你们就坐在一个地方,在这里你能对周围的地球做一些事情,即使你也许并不知道。但你们能感觉得到,对吗?你是否感觉到你是为了某些原因才来到这里?
The entourage is almost settled here. Some of you will feel them during this time of instruction; you'll feel them press upon you. Some of you, who are seers, will see the light that is here on the stage and will know that there's something going on besides the obvious 3D. They may see my partner morph, for he always does for those who choose to see it.
The seers in the group will be able to verify and see the morphing and the colors that are always here, dear ones, because it reflects on the interdimensional side of those who are gifted in that way. It's time to again speak of the divinity of Human Being, but in a new way.
The Human Filters
Today's teaching is a grand message, but it's also a profound one – one that will be transcribed, and we're going to call it "What are you going to do with your filters?" Did you know that as a transmitter of energy, divinity, light and thought, you are filtering all of it as it goes out from you?
今天的教导是个重大的信息,但也是深刻的——它会被转录,我们会称为 “你打算如何处理你的滤镜?” 你们是否知道,作为能量、神性、光和思想的播送者,在送出它们之际,你把它们全都过滤了一番?
The premise that we have given all of these years is this: the metaphor of a Lightworker is one who sends light. This constant metaphor expands also to the 3D image of the physical lighthouse on the beach. It proclaims that lighthouses are never built in safe places. They send light to souls who need to see it, and help to guide ships into the harbors of safety. Few are needed to affect many, and they are rock solid. Therefore many of you are, indeed, spiritual lighthouses for the planet in these difficult and shifting times.
You walk among society all over the earth. You have brother and sister Lightworkers in lands you will never visit, where the languages and customs would be foreign to you. Yet your light is the same as theirs – a divine and clear presence that affects the darkness around humanity, giving choices in all cultures.
There are three groups of you right now and I see you all. There's a readership, a "now" listenership [the attendees] and a future listenership [those listening to recordings]. So let me address the readers. This is a precious, precious time. You either truly get this message or you don't, but please give it a read and feel the energy that is here. For the future listenership, I will say to you, this is a direct message for you to hear. It puts you in a time frame with those who are listening live in your 3D "now." I know who you are, listener. You don't think I do because I'm talking out of time here. To you, this is a recording. But to me, I'm on your lap, right now – just like I am with those here.
此刻你们有三群人,而我看见你们全部。一群是读者,一群是在 “当下” 的听众[出席者], 还有一群是未来的听众[那些收听录音的人]。 那么让我先对读者们打招呼。这是非常、非常珍贵的时刻。你要么完全理解这个信息,要么不,但请你读下去,并感受这里的能量。至于未来的听众,我会对你说,这是直接讲给你听的信息。它让你在你的三维 “当下” 与现场听众一起处在同一个时间框架里。我知道你是谁,聆听者。你不认为如此,因为我是在说一些脱离时间的事情。对你而言,这是录音。但对我而言,我就坐在你的腿上,此刻——就如我在这里坐在那些人的腿上一样。
Something's in the air and those here feel the thickness of it as it closes in upon them. Perhaps even the third language is upon their lips? [a spiritual interdimensional language that is not linear and that broaches all time and space] They celebrate divinity in the room. They're home! It's a thick energy, isn't it, and some of you know it and can feel it changing. Oh, some of you are even asking, "Could this really be? Could it be real? A voice from the other side of the veil speaking with us?" I tell you, look at the stage sometime during this, and you'll see it is real. Some of you may even see the beings that always accompany my partner during channel. They come and they stand next to him. They're big. He knows it and he can feel them. They snuggle into him. And that's when the teaching begins and it's always that way. He seldom speaks of it for it's an anointment that has come with years of practice.
空气中有一些东西,当它逼近这里的人时,他们能感觉到它很浓厚。也许他们挂在嘴边的甚至是第三种语言?[一种灵性跨维度语言,它不是线性的,它穿越所有时空]。他们歌颂房间里的神性。他们回到家里了!这是浓厚的能量,不是吗,你们有些人知道它,你们能感觉到它的转变。啊,你们有些人甚至在问,“这有可能是真的吗?它是真的吗?” 一把来自帷幕另一边的声音正在对我们说话?” 我告诉你,在通灵期间留意看一看台上,你就会知道它是真的了。你们有些人甚至能看见,当我的伙伴在通灵时,身边始终环绕着一些存有。他们到来并站在他旁边。他们很巨大。他知道这一点,他能感觉到他们。他们紧靠着他。那就是教学开始的时候,通灵总是如此。他很少谈到这件事,因为那是随着多年实践而来的膏立 [译注:身份的认定]。
And so the metaphor goes, you are challenged to send light. It's why you exist, and it's the protocol of how even the most meek of the planet will have a profound stamp upon what happens next. But it must be pure light and it cannot have anything "on it." Therefore, anything you put upon this light that is not pure and divine is created by the Human Being, and it's a filter that you metaphorically place in front of it. It would be just like a real lighthouse might place a filter over its light, changing the character and color of what is sent out. Now, there's no reason why a lighthouse would ever do such a thing. And there's also no reason why a Human would willingly do it either, but esoterically it's done every day, and that is the subject of this teaching.
那么就隐喻而言,你们的挑战是送光。那就是你们存在的原因,那就是方案,如何连地球上最温顺的人也能在未来发生的事情上拥有深刻的能量戳印。但那必须是纯净的光,不能有任何东西 “在它之上”。因此,任何由你加诸于这道光之上的不纯净、不神圣、人造的东西,隐喻而言,就是一片滤镜,你把它放在你的光前面。这种情形就如真正的灯塔放一片滤镜在它的光前面,改变它所送出的光的品质及颜色一样。呐,灯塔没有理由会这样做。人类也没有理由会乐意这样做,但从奥秘层面而言,它每天都在发生,那就是这次教学的主题。
Imagine for a moment a whole box of filters stored around your light. I'm going to identify what they are. At this point you might even deny they exist, saying, "My light is as pure as my intent to make it that way." Indeed, you are a grand lighthouse! Your pure, intent light is as bright and as white as anything you have ever imagined in your life, yet (gasp) here come the filters! Look carefully at the box of filters, for it's got your name on it. This is not just a fluffy channelling, dear ones, for now I'm giving you the profound "next step" in defining how to change the earth.
想像一下,一整箱的滤镜就存放在你的光周围。我会指出它们是什么。在此刻,你们甚至会否认它们的存在,并说,“我的光就如我放光的意图一样纯净。” 确实,你是一座宏伟的灯塔! 你那纯净、专注的光,就如你在人生中曾经想象过的任何东西一样明亮与洁白,但 (倒抽气) 那些滤镜来了! 仔细看看那箱滤镜,因为上面有你的名字。这不是软性的信息,亲爱的,因为我正在对你们给出如何改变地球的深刻的 “下一步”。
The Human Being shows up at the top of the lighthouse and begins to do his work. He meditates, creates a sacred space, and begins his transmission. Perhaps you haven't thought about these things before. Perhaps you think you can separate the sending of the light from your personal life, but you can't. You can't. When masters walk the earth and heal those around them, they must be masters first and healers second. Mastery demands a scenario of purity that is very attainable, for it's built into your DNA and ready to be activated. But it's time to understand what it is you are up against.
人类去到灯塔顶端并开始进行工作。他开始冥想、营造出神圣的空间、及送光。也许你们没有想过这些事情。也许你认为你能把送光的工作与你的个人生活隔开,但你不能。你不能。当大师行走于地球上并治疗身边的人时,他们必须先成为大师,然后才是治疗者。大师工作需要纯净的能量作为基础,那完全是能够获得的,因为它就装置在你们的 DNA 里,等着被激活。但现在是时候来了解一下,你们面临的是什么情形。
What are you worried about right now? I know who's here. I know who's reading. I know what you're worried about. So I know that many of you are worried! Do you know what that looks like? Oh, it's a great dark filter over your light. Did you know that this puts the "worry filter" right in front of your sacred light? So when you sit down and meditate and you want to send light to the rest of this planet, it's like a lighthouse. It goes around and around, and it transmits worry, worry, worry, worry. [Lee makes the motions that Kryon gives him, of a light going around and around.] Did you know that? It's a filter! It goes right on that interdimensional communication line that is so precious to the Lightworker, and to the planet.
此刻你在担心的是什么?我知道谁在这里。我知道谁正在阅读。我知道你在担心的是什么。所以我知道你们有很多人都在担心!你们知道那看起来是怎样的吗?啊,它是一片巨大深色的滤镜挡在你的光前面。你知道那是把一片 “忧虑的滤镜” 直接放在你那神圣的光前面吗?当你坐下来冥想,当你要送光到地球其他角落时,你就像是一座灯塔。你的光不停在传送,它播送的是忧虑、忧虑、忧虑、忧虑。[李做出克里昂告诉他的动作,即一道光不停地在传送。] 你们知道吗?那是一片滤镜!它直接挡在那跨维度的沟通线路上,那是非常珍贵的沟通线路,对光之工作者、对地球而言都是。
Perhaps before you sit down and you meditate you might like to clean yourself of all worry? That would be valuable. But you say, "I don't know how to do that. I mean, I would have to go to another space completely, one that wouldn't be me. Because I worry!" Well, I've got a solution. Why don't you go into that ascension status that we have talked about so many times, and pull upon the energy of that hidden DNA, which is yours, and eliminate the worry? Eliminate that filter. There's no reason for it to be on that light anymore.
也许在你坐下来冥想之前,你想先清除掉内心所有的忧虑?那会是非常宝贵的。但是你说:“我不知道该怎么做。我的意思是,这样我就必须去到一个完全不同的空间,成为另一个人。因为我会忧虑!” 好吧,我有一个办法。你为何不进入我们讲了很多次的那个扬升状态,汲取那隐藏 DNA 的能量,即是你的能量,用它来清除忧虑呢?拿掉那片滤镜。再也没有理由让它挡住你的光了。
"Kryon, I can't just make worry go away. There are 3D things that produce it, and make the Human create it. You can't just ‘think' it away. We worry because there are reasons to worry. I can't believe that Spirit would simply tell us to stop. It's like asking us not to be hungry or not to feel pain."
“克里昂,我无法单凭那样就把忧虑赶走。那些三维事物总会让人类感到忧虑。你不能就那样把它 ‘想’ 走。我们担心是因为那里有需要担心的理由。我很难相信圣灵会就那样叫我们停止忧虑。那简直就像叫我们不要感到饥饿或不要感到疼痛。”
This, my dear Human friend, is where the teaching gets difficult. If you are to be a Lighthouse for this planet, doing what you came to do, you have to get out of the 3D box you were born in and readjust the perception of what you can and cannot do as a Human Being. Many of the masters who walked this earth were constantly under attack. Study their lives. Were they filled with worry and hopelessness? No. They were filled with love, tenderness, empathy and celebration. How did they do that? They claimed a power inside that gave them something you don't even believe can happen! How can you approach this task of being the Lighthouse, when you don't even believe in the light?
It's time to understand the premise that there are things outside your Human perception that are yours for the asking, and yours for the duration of your life. When you see these listed in the rest of this channelling, think, "I can" rather than "how can I?" For these things are what we have taught now for 18 years. And, by the way, masters can stop hunger and pain, too. Study their lives and you will see this over and over. There is mastery in you! Adjust your perception.
是时候明白这个前提了:有些东西在你的人类认知以外,你能要求得到它,你也能一辈子拥有它。当你看见下面的信息中列举出来的这些事情时,要想 “我能” 而不是 “我怎么能?” 因为这些是我们至今已经教导了 18 年的东西。还有,顺便一提,大师们也有能力终止饥饿和疼痛的感觉。研究一下他们的人生,你会重复又重复看见这些事迹。你体内确实有大师能量!调整你的观念吧。
What about frustration? There are so many of you who are frustrated over this and that, saying, "What am I going to do? Where am I going to go? What's happening next? Why did that happen to me? And WHEN am I going to get this and that?" You are frustrated! Do you know that frustration is also a filter? We ask again, when you looked into the eyes of the masters of the planet, whether they were called Christ or Buddha or Paramahansa Yogananda or Sai Baba, did you see frustration? No! You saw joy! You saw peace. You saw clarity and balance. And again you might say (in your frustration), "Well, those Humans were masters. What do you expect?" And if you said that, you haven't been listening to Kryon very long, have you? What do I expect? I expect the same divine energy that made those Humans masters to well up inside you and start the same process, for it's internal, installed, available and ripe with manifestation.
至于挫折感呢?你们有许多人对这个或那个感到挫折,你说,“我应该做些什么?我应该去哪里?接着会发生什么事?为什么那种事会发生在我身上?我几时才会得到这个或那个?” 你们感到很挫折!你们知道挫折感也是一片滤镜吗?我们再问一次,当你看着地球上那些大师们时,无论他们是基督、佛陀、帕拉宏撒.尤迦南达[瑜伽大师]、或赛巴巴,你有从他们的眼神中看见挫折感吗?没有!你看见喜悦!你看见平静。你看见清澈与平衡。而你可能(在挫折感中)再次说道,“哎,那些人是大师。不然你期望什么?” 如果你是那样说的话,你肯定已经很久没有收听克里昂信息了,对吗?我期望什么?我期望你能熟悉那同样的造就那些人类大师的神圣能量,并启动那同样的过程,因为这股能量是永恒的、内置的、可获得的,而使用的时机也成熟了。
What do you think is inside you, shaman? It's called mastery. Are you're going to be history's first frustrated master? You say, "Well, Kryon, I'm frustrated, and I have reason to be frustrated. I'm a Human Being and there are things that frustrate me." Again, along comes the voice of Spirit in these times that says, how would you like to drop that? How would you like to be a Human Being and have the same situations before you, but they don't frustrate you? Is that a possibility? If it is, and you can allow for that, open your heart, open that third eye for a moment. Welcome to mastery! Welcome to ascension. Are you getting this? Try pushing on that door of "what's next," the one you are curiously afraid of. One of the things that happens is all these frustrating things drop from you and your light becomes pure. Otherwise, you're going to send frustration, frustration, frustration. [Again, Lee makes the motion of a light going around.]
你认为你体内有的是什么呢,萨满?是大师能量。你打算成为史上首位感到挫折的大师吗?你说,“哎,克里昂,我感到挫折,而我有理由感到挫折。我是人类,那里有让我感到挫折的事情。” 在这些时刻,圣灵的声音再次响起:你想如何拿掉那片滤镜呢?你想如何成为一个人类,在面对同样的情况时,却不会感到挫折?有没有这种可能呢?如果有,而你也能允许它的话,请打开你的心扉、打开那第三只眼片刻。欢迎成为大师!欢迎进入扬升状态。 你明白了吗?试试推开那“接着是什么”的大门,那让你感到既好奇又害怕的大门。其中一件会发生的事情是,所有这些让你感到挫折的事情都会从你身上掉落,你的光会变得很纯净。不然,你就会送出挫折感、挫折感、挫折感。[再一次,李做出那个动作,即一道光不停地在传送。]
I can just see it now. [looking off in the distance] An angel on the other side of the earth is saying, "Look, there's a Human Lightworker now. Glory be, he's sending much needed divine light. Oh no, it's the light of frustration." [Laughter]
我现在就可以看见。[眺望远处] 一位天使在地球的另一端正在说,“看,现在那里有一位人类光之工作者。 真是无比光荣,他正在传送地球急需的神圣的光。哦不,那是挫折感的光。” [笑声]
Human Bias
What about bias – Human bias? "Kryon, I'm not biased," you might say. Of all things you could be, many of you claim to be unbiased. You say you have been careful about this. All right, I will challenge you. Gear up to meditate right now and send light to your government seat without any bias. Oops! I think I just hit a nerve. Remember, sending light is not the same thing as what you want to say to your American president. That's not what the angels want to hear. That's not what he wants to hear. That's not what you're supposed to be doing. What's the bias that you've got going in this? Can you get above it? Can you send light to the president without Human political interference? Can you instead let the idea of the cosmic intelligence take over and shine a light into an area that the U.S. leadership needs? Can you do that? I'll tell you – most of you can't!
至于偏见呢——人类偏见? “克里昂,我没有偏见,” 你会说。在所有事情当中,你们许多人尤其声称自己是没有偏见的。你说你在这方面一直都很小心。好吧,我会挑战你们。马上进入冥想,不含偏见地送光到你们的政府所在地。哎呀!我想我刚刚触到了痛处。记住,送光不等同于送出你想对你们的美国总统说的话。那不是天使们想要听到的话。那不是他想要听到的话。那不是你应该做的事。你在这当中的偏见是什么?你能超越它吗?你能送出不含人类政治干预的光给总统吗?反而,你能让 “宇宙智能” 接管这件事,并送光到美国领导层需要的地区吗?你能做到吗?我告诉你——你们多数人做不到!
Let me give you the example of the master who sends light to his leadership. He sits and sees the president as a fellow angel in a dark place who needs as much light as possible. There is no assignment of party affiliation, no assignment of what the master wishes would happen, no assignment of any kind. Instead, the light becomes the engine of God, sending wisdom, peace and clarity to the Oval Office for the president to see and use when he has the free choice to do it. One angel to another. One equal to another. A divine contract that, at some level, is expected from those in leadership who have portions of their DNA as profoundly ready as yours, to play important parts in the upcoming shift of your planet. Again, it's a partnership.
让我举例说明那些大师是如何送光给他的领导人。他坐着并视总统为一位身在暗处的天使同伴,需要越多光越好。大师没有随光送出他所属的政党,没有送出他本身的期望,没有送出任何东西。相反的,那道光成为神的引擎,送出智慧、平静与清澈到椭圆形办公室,让总统自行选择是否愿意看见并加以使用。[译注:椭圆形办公室是美国总统的正式办公室]。天使对天使。平等的身份。在某种程度上,那些领导人身上的 DNA 与你们的一样深刻地准备好了,他们被期待履行一份神性契约,在地球接下来的转变当中扮演重要的角色。再说一次,这是伙伴关系。
You have Human bias, and it's a filter. You slap it on the front of that light and out it goes. "Well, how can we keep from doing that? It's part of being a Human Being, Kryon. How can we tear that filter up? The one of bias just seems to come with the territory. We're built like we're built." Oh no, you're not. That's the old paradigm perception. Oh, you come in that way, and you go through life that way, until along comes a message that tweaks your mind. Do you remember my message of 1989? My partner released that message in 1993 for you. It said, and I paraphrase it, "you can change your stripes!" That was the message. Remember? "How would you like to change your karmic attributes?" I said to you. "There's a new energy," I said to you. "Magnetics are being changed so that your DNA will be changed," I said to you. "How would you like to not even be affected by your astrological sign anymore? How would you like to do things in a retrograde nobody would ever do?" I said that. Go back and look.
你们有人类偏见,而那是一片滤镜。你 ‘啪’ 一声把它贴在那道光前面,它就被送出去了。“嗯,我们要如何避免那样做呢?那是作为人类的一部分呀,克里昂。我们该如何撕毁那片滤镜呢?人有偏见是难免的。我们就是那样被塑造的。” 哦不,你们不是的。那是旧模式的观念。哦,你们是以那种方式到来,你们也以那种方式过活,直到来了一个扭转你们想法的信息。你们还记得我在 1989 年的信息吗?我的伙伴在 1993 年为你们而发表了那个信息。它说,我把它的大意说出来:“你能改变你的条纹!” 那就是我们的信息。还记得吗?“你想如何改变你的业力特质?” 我说。“现在有新的能量,” 我说。“磁力开始被改变,好让你们的 DNA 也能随着改变,” 我说。“你想如何再也不受你的星座影响?你想如何,空前地,让事物逆行运作?” 我那样说。回去找出来看。
And what do you call a person who could do such things? A master! Mastery is at hand, dear ones, and it doesn't mean that you stand there taller and everybody worships you. It doesn't mean that you have to make some kind of light shine upon you so all see you. It means that in the darkness, even in your own closet, your light is so pure that it changes things on the planet even if you are the only one who knows about it. You don't have to shout it from the hilltop either, and nobody's going to come running to your door and say, "Wow, you've got a bright light." You'll know it because you're going to feel peace from it; you're not going to have fear; you're not going to worry; you're not going to have frustration. Instead, you're going to have the love of God in you. As for the others, they won't see an odd New Age light, but they will see balance, and it will make them wish to be with you. Oh, what a concept this is for a Human! Mastery is yours.
而你们怎么称呼那些能做到这种事的人呢?是大师!大师能量就在手边,亲爱的,但那不意味着你高人一等,每个人都崇拜你。那不意味着你要让灯光照在你头上,使全部人都看到你。它意味着,在黑暗中,甚至是在你自己的密室里,你的光还是如此纯净,纯净得足以改变地球上的事物,即使只有你一人知道这件事。你无需站在山顶上大喊,也没有人会跑到你的门前说,“哇,你的光真是明亮极了。” 你会知道,因为你会从中感到平静;你不会感到恐惧;你不会感到忧虑;你不会感到挫折。相反的,你会在心中感觉到神的爱。至于其他人呢,他们不会看到古怪的新时代的光,但他们会看到平衡,那会让他们希望和你在一起。啊,这对人类而言是多美好的概念!大师能量属于你。
Here's a filter that you haven't even thought of: What about things that have happened in your lifetime that have given you trouble? What about the Human you can't forgive? Don't you think I know who's here? Don't you think I know who's reading? Oh, you've tried to forgive, but betrayal is a tough one, isn't it? Yes. It's almost like when they betrayed you, they betrayed the whole contract and spoiled an entire life experience. They put you through it, didn't they? Maybe it was a mom or a dad. That even makes it worse, doesn't it? And I know who's here! Maybe it's a daughter or a son you just can't forgive for what they did, you know? Maybe there was abuse. Maybe it continues to happen and you are just tolerating it. Oh, I'm talking to you now. That's why you came and sat in the chair, dear one. If you don't feel touched now, you're not going to feel touched at all because I'm talking to you, listener. I just touched more than one of you. What do you do with that? You can't forgive them.
It's a filter, you know? I could just see that same angel on the hill now. [Lee makes a motion as though he is looking far away.] "Oh, there's a light. It's coming from thousands of miles away. Oh, it's a beautiful light. Oops, I see that it's filled with unforgiveness! We'll use as much of the light as we can, but it's going to be tough with that filter on it." Do you see what I'm saying? Whatever you've got going on in your life just "sticks to the light." Up to this point, perhaps you thought you could just go in a corner and send that light, meditate, have a great time, and somehow all these things might be suspended while you got "spiritual"? No. Who you are is imprinted onto the light you generate.
那是一片滤镜,知道吗?此刻我能看见刚才那位天使站在山上。[李做出眺望远处的动作]。“啊,那里有一道光。它是从千里之外传来的。啊,真是漂亮的光。哎呀,我看见它充满了不宽恕!我们会尽量使用那道光,但不是那么容易,因为在它之上有一片滤镜。” 你们明白我在说什么吗?无论你的人生中有些什么,它都 “紧贴在你的光之上”。在此之前,也许你认为你只需走到一个角落,然后送光、冥想、享受美好时光,然后所有这些事情就会在你进入 “灵性状态” 时被悬挂在一边?不。你所是的一切会被印在你所形成的光之上。
"All right, Kryon, you tell me how I'm going to forgive this person. You put it out on the table, so you tell me. I can't do it. I could never do it. I'm having trouble now. How does one do this?" Have you ever asked for help? Or do you sit there and think, "I can't do it, I can't do it, I can't do it." What about creating a life change so grand and so great that those feelings just fall on the floor and you sweep them away with time? How about that one? How about you never thinking about it again, instead of every moment of every day. How about that?
“好吧,克里昂,你告诉我,我要如何原谅这个人。是你把事情摊开来讲的,那你告诉我吧。我做不到。我永远无法做到。我现在就遇到困难了。叫我如何原谅?” 你有寻求过援助吗?还是干坐在那里想:“我做不到、我做不到、我做不到。” 如果说,你在人生中创造出一个非常重大的改变,重大得让这些感受直接掉在地上,然后随着时间的流逝,你会把它们扫出门呢,如何?这个办法好吗?如果说,你永远不会再去想它,而不是[像以前那样]每时每刻都想着它呢,如何?这个办法好吗?
I'll tell you, Lightworker, that forgiveness is one of the staples of mastery. No matter what the situation, your perception changes. Do you remember the child who may have said something to you in school in the third grade? Probably not. It's because your life experience is so far above that now that it's not important. It passed from a place when you were not mature yet, so it doesn't affect you anymore. You grew up! Think of this same thing with mastery, because then you will start to see the scheme of the way things work; you become wiser and far more interdimensional in your perception. Things that haunt you now no longer have energy, and they are a waste of time. You go beyond it. Are you ready for such a thing? Daughter, are you ready? Can you forgive? Can you even love them? I challenge you, dear one. Clean up the light. Make that happen today.
I've just given you about four filters common to man, common to all in various degrees. Have you ever thought about how that affects your ability to send out this purity that you want to send out? Isn't it beautiful that they give a white light that is so bright that it illuminates the corners of darkness worldwide? Do you know what lies on the floor that nobody can see, even amongst those who are so dense? They will never come to a meeting like this, never read the words that some of you are reading now, or hear this message that some of you are listening to. That is the one who is going to be affected by you, because this light of yours shines in their corner and suddenly they see things they never saw before. Now, of course, they'll think it's their idea when they discover it. In many ways, it is, since it was their free choice to see it after your light shined upon it. It's a partnership then, is it not? What does that tell you? The sending of pure, bright light, without frustration, anger, fear, bias is what you are supposed to be part of! How many "partners" out there are waiting for you to do this? How many of them may be influential to stop wars, make peace, or find cures for disease? Did you think of that? It's a cosmic partnership that will totally escape 3D logic or time.
我刚刚给出了四种常见的滤镜,对每个人都很常见,只是程度不同。你有没有想过那会如何影响你送出纯净的光的能力?如果它们是一道洁白明亮的光,照亮全世界各个黑暗的角落,那是多美好呀?你知道是什么无形的东西铺在地面上,甚至是在那些非常迟钝的人之中?他们永远不会出席这种会议,永远不会阅读这些你们有些人正在阅读的文字,或收听这些你们有些人正在收听的信息。他们就是会受你影响的人,因为你的光照在他们的角落里,突然间他们会看见之前从来没有看见的事情。呐,当然,他们会认为那是他们自己的灵机一动。在许多方面来说,是如此,因为那是在你的光照亮之后他们自己选择要去看到的。那么它就是伙伴关系了,不是吗?它告诉你什么呢?送出纯净、明亮的光,没有挫折感、愤怒、恐惧、与偏见,是你应该去做的部分!外面有多少个 “伙伴” 在等着你这样做呢?他们之中有多少人是对停止战争、缔造和平、或治愈疾病具有影响力的呢?你们有想过吗?那是一种宇宙伙伴关系,完全脱离三维逻辑或三维时间。
The Akashic Filters
If you thought it was difficult to clear out all those filters, wait until you hear the next section. There's another box of filters over here in this corner – an esoteric box. It's got your name right on it, too! If the other ones weren't bad enough, wait until you see the esoteric ones. And they're labeled Akash.
如果你认为要清走所有那些滤镜很困难,等你听到下一段再说吧。还有另一箱滤镜在这个角落里—— 一个奥秘的箱子。上面也有你的名字!如果之前那箱滤镜不算糟糕,等你看到这箱奥秘的滤镜再说吧。而它们的标签是 “阿卡什”。
Let me tell you something. You are a product of all the yous that have ever been on Earth. Think of that for a moment, Lemurian. Who have you been, what have you done? What's been done to you, victim? It's right there in the Akash of your own interdimensional DNA, and you know it. How many times have you been victimized, shaman? Let's talk about the last time you were burned at the stake. You're here, too, reader. What does the Akashic record of who you were do to you now? Does it make you a little hesitant to come to channelling meetings? It should.
让我告诉你一些事情。你是那些曾经生活在地球上的 “全部的你” 的产物。想想看,利穆里亚人。你曾经是谁,你曾经做了什么?人们曾经对你做了什么,受害者?它就在那里,就在你本身的跨维度 DNA 的阿卡什里面,而你也知道这一点。你曾经被迫害了多少次,萨满?让我们谈一谈上次你被绑在火刑柱上处以火刑的事。你也是,读者。关于你曾经是谁的阿卡什纪录是如何影响着目前的你?它有没有让你在出席通灵会议时感到有点迟疑?应该会有。
In an interdimensional perspective, there is no such thing as a past life. We've said that before. Therefore, they're all present lives, are they not? Well, then let's start looking at them. What do you have that irritates you? Perhaps there are things that you have and you don't know where they came from? What are you trying to get over? I'll tell you, it's all in the Akash. It comes from past incarnations when you used to be someone else. It's called a residual imprint, if you want a name for it, but here is an irony – it seems unfair, does it not, that as you begin this journey, which is a spiritual path, that as you become interdimensional, the very things that you hoped you'd get rid of show up! Your journey into the interdimensional actually opens the door to make these things come alive to you, like victimization.
从跨维度的观点而言,没有过去生这回事。我们以前就说过了。因此,它们全都是今生,不是吗?好,既然如此,让我们开始检视它们吧。你有些什么东西是会激怒你的呢?也许你有着一些特质是你不知道源自哪里的呢?什么是你想要克服的呢?我告诉你,它全都在阿卡什里面。它来自过去生,当你还是别人时。如果你想给它取名的话,它叫做 “残留的印记”,但讽刺的是——这似乎很不公平,不是吗,当你开始这个旅程,这条灵性道路,当你变得跨维度时,你最想摆脱的事情偏偏会浮现!你进入跨维度的旅程实际上打开门让这些事情在你的人生中苏醒过来,例如被迫害。
What about self-esteem? You ever feel like you don't have much? I'm going to give you a fact I've never stated before and I'll just tell you the way it is. Lightworkers in general feel beat up. As a group, they don't have a lot of self-esteem and there's a reason – a good reason. When you start this journey, and become even slightly interdimensional, all of those lifetimes come forward and surface and you get to see who you are, what you've done, and where you've been. Suddenly, you don't feel worthy anymore.
至于自尊心呢?你是否总觉得自己没有多少自尊心?我会给出一个我从来没有讲过的真相,我会直接告诉你那是怎么回事。光之工作者普遍上感到被击败。作为一个群体,他们没有太多自尊心,那是有原因的—— 一个很好的原因。当你开始这个旅程,变得即使只有那么一点点跨维度时,你经历过的人生全都涌上前来、浮出表面,使你得以知道自己是谁、曾经做了什么、曾经去过哪里。突然间,你再也感觉不到自己的价值了。
Some of you just want to crawl in a corner and weep. This is because that's what the enormity of the Akashic record does to you. It shows all the struggles of you becoming the being you are today. You get to feel many of them and it hurts. What you don't take into account is the fact that all those different consciousnesses through the ages that you participated in were stair steps to your enlightened being in this present life. They don't represent who you are now, but the feelings are there and they surface.
What about the vows you took? What do you think those do to you? Think how many vows you took – nun, priest, shaman, medicine man. You sit in these chairs and pretend to be ordinary folks, yet you're sitting there with all of those sacred colors. I see them; I know who's here. I know what you've done and where you've been. I know what you've gone through. Yet you came back, didn't you, to sit in these chairs in the 11:11 energy? In numerological terms, the 11:11 means enlightenment and illumination. You came for the final struggle, and the one which represents a generation before 2012.
那么你曾经立下的誓言呢?你认为它们会给你带来什么作用?想想看你立下了多少誓言——修女、神父、萨满、巫医。[译注:那些誓言通常包括为了服侍神而永远保持独身与清贫]。 你们坐在这里假装是普通人,但你们是带着所有那些神圣色彩坐在这里。我看见了;我知道是谁在这里。我知道你曾经做了什么、曾经去过哪里。我知道你经历了什么。但你还是到回来了,不是吗,在 11:11 的能量中坐在这些椅子上?在数字命理学的术语中,11:11 意味着开悟和启迪。你到来作出最后的努力,及成为在 2012 年之前诞生的世代。
This generation, the next generation and one more after that, will be the ones that turn the earth around. You are the forerunners. You are setting the stage, and the ones who decided to have Indigo children. You have them as children and your grandchildren, to teach them what a light without a filter looks like. You're the ones. You're the generation to do it. You're the ones who came in and turned it around in 1987. Your spiritual energy on Earth decided there wouldn't be any Armageddon! That's who you are. But suddenly, as you discover your power, you've got those vows and you've got victimhood, don't you? We've said this before: Do you want to know how to get rid of that, all of it right now? Why don't we all just do it together? Listener, why don't you do it with me? You don't have to say anything out loud, just say it within yourself:
这个世代、下一代、及再下一代,将会是翻转地球的人。你们这一代是先驱。你们是来打下基础的,你们也是那些决定生下靛蓝儿童的人。你们生下靛蓝子孙,教导他们,没有滤镜的光看起来是怎样的。就是你们。你们是这样做的世代。你们是到来并在 1987 年扭转局面的人。你们在地球上的灵性能量决定了世界末日不会到来!那就是你。但突然间,在你发现你的力量之际,你也得到了那些誓言,你也得到了受迫害情结,不是吗?我们之前说过:你想知道如何摆脱它吗,马上摆脱那一切?要不我们全部人一起来做,好吗?聆听者,你也与我一起做,好吗?你无需大声说出来,只需在自己心中说:
"Dear Spirit. I am alive in the years that will save the earth, and I am here to make a change on the planet. I hereby drop all the vows that would get in the way of that, for they belong to another consciousness and another energy. Instead, I renew my vows with the same Akashic energy that took them originally. All of the lifetimes that are now under me are my support. And like a rod of energy that I will put down this line through my own history, I take control of them all now. I will need the help of all the consciousness of these many souls who I was, from the time I first came to this planet. Together we will create a white light like the planet has never seen. The light of the many mes, focused through the current me. That's why I came this time, and that's why I have existed through the ages – to be here now."
How about that? You are in charge of you, divine one. You don't have to worry about these things. You don't have to say, "How do I do this? What is the procedure? Where do I start?" Instead, why don't you just do it? Watch what takes place when the boss speaks – the divine one who is alive in 3D right now on this planet. You are speaking to your own Akashic record, and it will respond and light up, you know? Watch what takes place. Watch what takes place with your phobias. You've all got them to some degree. We addressed that issue once in a book called The Journey Home with Michael Thomas. [Kryon Book Five] Michael Thomas was the man learning about ascension, and what it meant in 3D. In the story, he had claustrophobia, and part of his training had to do with phobias. He was actually nailed into a box like a coffin. And what was Michael Thomas' reaction to that? He sang a song! There was no fear, no panic. The only emotion he had was, "I'm free of fear and I'm going to sing about it until they open the box." It was well with his soul, and he celebrated instead of the old paradigm of having a panic attack.
这样如何?是你在掌控你自己,神圣的人。你不用担心这些事情。你不用说,“我该怎么做?有哪些步骤?我该从哪里开始?”相反的,为何不直接去做呢?注意看情况会怎样,当老大说话时——此刻在地球上生活在三维里的神。你是在对你自己的阿卡什纪录说话,它会回应并且发光,知道吗?注意看会发生什么事情。注意看你的恐惧症会有什么变化。你们每个人都有某种程度的恐惧症。我们曾经在书中谈论过这个课题,那本书叫做《与麦克.托马斯一起回家的旅程》[克里昂书五]。麦克.托马斯正在学习什么是扬升,及扬升在三维里意味着什么。在故事中,他有幽闭恐惧症,而他的一部分训练是关于如何克服恐惧症。他被钉在一个类似棺木的箱子里。而麦克.托马斯的反应是什么呢?他唱歌!这样就不会感到恐惧、恐慌了。他唯一的情绪是,“我摆脱了恐惧,我会一直唱,直到他们打开箱子为止。” 他的心灵很安宁,他庆贺,而不是在旧模式中恐慌发作。
You can drop so many of these esoteric things because so much of it is residual from past expressions on the planet. You have total control over the Akashic energy within your DNA. It works like that. The current living resident has control over all that has happened, and the energy of what has happened. But if you don't take that control, it becomes a filter.
你可以丢弃许多这些奥秘事物,因为它们多数是你过去生留在地球上的残留物。你能全权掌控你的 DNA 里面的阿卡什能量。它就是如此运作。目前活着的这个人掌控过去所发生的事情,及过去所发生的事情的能量。但如果你不去掌控的话,它会变成你的滤镜。
Can you imagine sending a bright light to the Middle East – with victimization all over it? With vows that you took? With biases that you have? Can you imagine that? That's that box of filters to my right, here. [Lee gestures.]
What about expectation? That's a filter, too. "Well, Kryon, there is nothing wrong with positive thinking. I'm sending the light and I expect that there will be good energy due to it, and a positive outcome. I expect that this is going to be a peaceful light." Well, Human, this is very supportive of the light, but you just biased it. How can cosmic intelligence be placed upon a pure light when you've already decided what it's for and what it's going to do? You see? Part of the issue, is it not, is the ability for you to send a light that is pure and generic and free and clear of you. Only the divine part is what we're asking for, and only the divine part will then allow cosmic intelligence to go to the right place and create the correct energy for the time. That's why you're here.
至于期望呢?它也是滤镜。“嗯,克里昂,正面想法没有什么不对。我送出我的光,我期望它会带来良好的能量,及正面的结果。我期望它会是和平的光。” 嗯,人类,这对光是很有帮助的,但你刚刚使它有了偏见。当你已经决定了你的光是带着什么目的、是要做些什么,那宇宙智能又如何能加在一道纯净的光之上呢?你瞧?难道不是吗,问题的一部分是,你是否有能力送出一道纯净、通用、自由、没有你的标签的光。我们要求的只是你的神性部分,只有那神性部分会允许宇宙智能去到正确的地方,并创造出在当时是正确的能量。那就是你在这里的原因。
This process of cosmic intelligence is well known. In the quantum hologram, it is well known. Cosmic intelligence is the definition of that energy that knows where it's going, what it's going to do, and who it's going to affect. It does not put itself upon any Human Being, other than a light for them to see clearer. Thereby, it allows free choice of the person it's shined upon. And this has to do with healing, too. That's why you can't heal anybody, dear ones. Oh, you can balance them. You could tell them what's wrong. You can give them things that will help them, but they have to take it themselves, see it themselves, and work with it themselves to be healed. Sometimes that takes about three seconds, and sometimes a lifetime.
What about expectations? As simple as this. "We're getting together and we're praying for peace on Earth." Really? Is that what you're going to do? "Well, that's what you told us to do." Oh, no. I told you that Human Beings, especially those who are listening, hearing and in the room, could create peace on Earth. That's what I said. I didn't tell you to send light with peace on Earth on it, did I? No, angel. Here is your task: Get together and send a light that is so powerful, you don't have to touch it. In fact, to touch it and think about it might be even something that would be filtering it. Give it intent to create the highest good for all, through a divine intelligence that you have, but may not understand. Generate the light and let the cosmic intelligence take it wherever it's going to go. You are the engine, for it's the Human who must generate it. But then God is the facilitator of what happens after it leaves you.
期望是怎样的呢?就是这样简单:“我们会聚集在一起,我们会为地球和平祈祷。” 真的吗?那是你们打算去做的事情吗?“嗯,那是你告诉我们去做的事情。” 哦,不。我是说人类,尤其是正在收听和正在现场聆听的人,有能力创造地球和平。那才是我说的话。我没有叫你们去送出含有 “地球和平” 的光,我有吗?不,天使。这是你的任务:聚集在一起,送出一道强有力的光,你不需要碰触它。事实上,去碰触或者去想象它,甚至有可能会成为它的滤镜。通过你所拥有、但未必会明白的神性智能,给它意图去创造出对整体最有益的事情。发光,然后让宇宙智能带它去到它会去的任何地方。你是发光的引擎,因为光必须是由人类发出来。但在它离开你之后,神就是接下来的事情的协调者。
That's what a physical lighthouse does. Think about an earthly lighthouse. What does it do? Do you think it sends a message on the light for ships at sea? It does not. It just says, "Look around you. I'm a light in the darkness. I'm here for a reason, so look for the reason and find safety." Then it's the master of the ship who actually turns the rudder, is it not? It illuminates the dark and creates choice. And that's what you're supposed to do. Some of you who are listening and reading do this so well! And you've learned all of these things; yet I know who else is in this very big room where time is not important, and many are reading and listening over years of what you call the fabric of time.
那就是实体灯塔所做的事。想想看地球上的灯塔。它的工作是什么?你认为它是在光中传送信息给海上的船只吗?它没有。它只是说,“看看你周围。我是在黑暗中的光。我在这里是有原因的,所以去找出那个原因并找到安全吧。” 然后实际动手去转舵的人是船长,不是吗?它照亮了黑暗并创造出选择的机会。那就是你们应该做的事。你们有些正在收听与阅读的人把这一点做得很好!你们已经学会了这一切;但我知道这个大房间里还有谁,在这里时间并不重要,有很多人是在不同的年份、在那所谓的时间结构中阅读与收听。
The last one is unbelief! This seems like an oxymoron, does it not? "Kryon, how can you be a Lighthouse and not believe?" There are actually a lot of you on the edge of belief, trying to be a Lighthouse, going through the steps. But really, when you get out of the room, you begin to question certain things. "Is this really true? Is it right? Was that man on the stage really channelling? Was there an angel really coming through? Are these words from Spirit or are they from a man?" Oh, you want the answer to that? On the stage there are two figures right now. They're part of the entourage that comes in with my partner every time he does this. I don't expect you to see them, although some can and some do, and they often report it. This is real, and the message should resound in your heart and in your mind that I'm real. This entity of mine doesn't ask you to do anything you wouldn't want to do, does it? It doesn't call for a conclusion, and it doesn't give you a doctrine, does it? Instead, it just praises you and tells you how beautiful you are. It describes what's inside you and what can be done. Isn't that what it is? Doesn't it give you free choice? That's the love of God at work, dear one. That's who's here.
最后一片滤镜是怀疑!这似乎很矛盾,不是吗?“克里昂,怎么会有人在作为灯塔的同时却又在怀疑呢?” 事实上你们有很多人是在半信半疑之间徘徊,试着成为灯塔,去经历那些步骤。但确实,当你们离开这个房间,你就开始产生一些疑问。“这是真的吗?这是对的吗?台上那个人真的是在通灵吗?真的有天使到来吗?这些话语是出自圣灵或是出自人类口中?” 哦,你想知道答案吗?此刻台上有两个人影。他们是我的伙伴的其中一些随行人员,每当他通灵时他们都会进来。我不期望你们会看见,虽然有些人有能力并且真的看见了,他们也经常说出这件事。这是真的,这些信息会在你的心灵及你的脑海中回响,让你们知道我是真的。我不会要求你们去做任何你不想做的事,对吗?我也没有命令你们下结论,也没有塞给你们任何教条,对吗?相反的,我只是赞美你们,告知你们是有多么美丽。我说出你们体内有的是什么、你们能做些什么。不就是这样吗?这不就是自由选择吗?这就是神的爱在运作,亲爱的。神就在这里。
I'm your partner, Kryon, and some of you are beginning to recognize who I am, and what I'm here for. If you'll get rid of the disbelief, all of it, your light will become so much brighter. It's up to you. The duality builds into you unbelief. It's an appropriate tool that makes it so you must search to find divinity. Although it's intuitive to search for your divine roots, it's not intuitive that you actually have it. Blessed are those who search, for they will find what they search for – God inside.
What is your path today? Where does it take you, and what does it do for the planet? "Kryon, I want to know how to proceed to get rid of my filters." I've told you how. So many of you want to compartmentalize it, as though it were in 3D. "Kryon, I wish you'd give us 12 steps. I wish you'd give us something that we can handle that's more Human-like." And I say to you, why do you want to make it so complex, Human Being? Making it Human-like gives it complexity and structure. But it's much more simple – between you and Spirit. Why don't you just get to it? Faith is not structured.
今天你的道路是什么?它会把你引向何处,它能为地球做些什么?“克里昂,我想知道接下来该如何拿掉我的滤镜。” 我已经告诉你了。你们有那么多人想要分隔它,好像它是三维的一样。“克里昂,我希望你能给我们十二个步骤。我希望你能给我们一些我们能够处理的、更近似人类的方式。” 而我对你们说,为什么你们想让它变得如此复杂呢,人类?让它变得更近似人类的方式,只会给它带来复杂性和结构。但它是非常简单的——只在于你和圣灵之间。为何你不直接去做呢?信任是没有结构的。
There's no manual for this. It's not in 3D. You sit and you push on that door of your own spiritual awakening with pure intent, saying, "God, tell me what it is I need to know." Do you feel the entourage right now, asking you, "Are you ready to do that?" It's not accomplished all at once, you know? You do it in various and many steps, but they are your steps, and unique to you, not something you will find in a manual. Even those of you who have gone into what you would call ascension status are still ready to go to the next level and do it again. You watch what happens, then advance again. Watch what happens, then move forward again. This is because the energy is shifting and it's changing every single month on your planet. Nothing is static, and for some of you, this is your frustration! [Kryon smile] Don't let it be, for it is you and those around you who are changing it. You are driving this train called Earth, so that means you are not a victim of where it takes you. It is you who are laying the track.
这是没有操作手册的。它不是三维的。你坐下来,带著纯粹的意图去推开你本身的那扇灵性觉醒的大门,说:“神啊,告诉我,有什么是我需要知道的。” 这时你有没有感觉到你的随行团,正在问你:“你准备好了吗?” 它不是一蹴而就的,知道吗?你会以很多不同的步骤来进行,但那些都是你的步骤,是你独有的,不是你能在手册中找到的方法。即使你们那些已经进入扬升状态的人,依然在准备进入下一个阶段,并重复这个步骤。你注意看情况如何,然后再继续前进。注意看情况如何,然后再继续前进。这是因为能量正在转变中,你们地球上的能量每个月都在转变。没有任何事情是静态的,而对你们某些人来说,这正是你的挫折感所在![克里昂微笑]。别由着它,因为是你及你周围的人们在负责改变它。你们正在驾驶这列名为 “地球” 的火车,那意味着你不是在它的带领之下的受害者。是你们在铺设它的轨道。
There are new tools opening your DNA energy and this entire message is about that, for it's time to start this mastery teaching. We hinted at it long ago when we told you not to "think like a Human." Now it's time to tell you that in order to go forward with this shift, you must be able to be part Human and part master – the very thing you came for – but it requires the change of perception, and walking between two realities, one which you have little experience with.
现在有新的工具来打开你的 DNA 能量,这整篇信息就是关于这一点,因为现在是时候开始教导大师课程了。我们在很久以前就暗示过了,我们说不要以 “人类的方式思考” [译注:克里昂书二]。现在是时候告诉你们,为了能在这个转变中前进,你必须能够成为半人类半大师——正是你到来的目的——但它需要你改变观念,及游走于两个不同的实相当中,这是你们没有经历过的事。
Envision with me, will you? See this wonderful, beautiful lighthouse made of concrete, if you wish, because it's not going to move. It's not vacillating in the wind. It's sure of itself, because it's in belief. It knows who it is. And the keeper of the lighthouse is you. It's your home, your body. It is you who climbs to the top of the stairway inside, and it is you who makes certain that the light has no filters at all. Envision with me, this light is so bright and so white. You are the keeper of this light and you send it on its way. You bless it and you celebrate it, yet you don't know where it's going. Oh, you might give it direction with intent and, say, "Today I would like to send light to the Sudanese." You know, there's so much sorrow and death there, can you even imagine? It's a good direction to send it, but at the same time you give permission for God to send it wherever it's supposed to go at that moment. Sometimes things are known only unto God, and the partnership you have will be one where the light will go to places you can't even imagine, helping those in dark places who you may never meet on Earth.
跟我一起想像,好吗?如果你愿意的话,看看这美妙、美丽的实体灯塔,因为它不会移动。它不会在风中摇摆。它有自信,因为它有信仰。它知道自己是谁。而灯塔管理员就是你。那是你的家,你的身体。是你沿着灯塔里的梯级爬上顶端,是你确定它的光完全没有滤镜。跟我一起想象,这道光是多么明亮,多么洁白。你是这道光的管理员,你把它送出去。你祝福它、歌颂它,但你不知道它会去哪里。哦,你也许会通过意图给它一个方向,并说,“今天我想送光给苏丹人。” 你也知道,那里弥漫着悲痛和死亡,你能想象得到吗?那是送光的好方向,但同时你也允许神把它送去当时它应该去的任何地方。有时候,事情只有神才知道,而你与神的伙伴关系,会让那道光去到一些你甚至无法想象的地方,帮助地球上那些你也许永远不会遇到、处在黑暗中的人们。
Do you know how powerful this is when you do it in a group? I'll say it again. Less than one half of one percent of humanity has to wake up and do this for it to make a difference – where you'll see it on the news, where the earth starts to change and shift, and wisdom starts to be the norm. You'll see things happen you've never seen happen before and you wonder, how did something so unusual take place? And I'll tell you: it's because this interdimensional light is what causes civilizations to shift, and for inappropriate energies and governments to fall. Dear ones, know that you are doing the work of the planet. It's the reason you came. And that's the truth.
你知道当你们集体这样做时的力量有多强大吗?我会再说一次。少于一巴仙的一半[少于 3 千 500 万]人类必须觉醒过来并这样做,才能带来转变——这样你们才会在新闻中看到转变,看到地球开始转变,智慧开始变得寻常。你们会看见一些从未发生过的事情,你会想知道,怎么如此不寻常的事情会发生了呢?而我告诉你:因为这道跨维度的光是造成文明转变,造成不恰当的能量与政府倒下的原因。亲爱的,请知道你是在为地球工作。那就是你到来的原因。那就是真相。
[地球人口 70 亿 x 1% x 0.5 = 3 千 500 万人]
This has been the Kryon message for these 18 years. Eighteen is a nine in numerology. So it's a completed message. The message is not going to get any better than this, but there is still much to teach. Some of you feel that it's a tough thing to accomplish and it is. But I know who's here and I know what you can do. And that's why they call it a test, dear ones. That's why they call you Lightworkers.
这一直是克里昂在这 18 年来的信息。十八在数字命理学里是九。所以这是完整的信息。我们的信息没有比这个更好的了,但还有很多事情需要教导。你们有些人觉得它很难达成,它是的。但我知道谁在这里,我知道你的能力。那就是它被称为测试的原因,亲爱的。那就是你们被称为光之工作者的原因。
It would be a good day to be healed, would it not? How about a group effort in this room? Now we're talking to those in this room. You see, there are three here who have things in their blood that they don't want. I know who's here. How would you like to help clean that up... actually reverse the Akash? If they give permission, this can happen. The three of you know who you are, and perhaps right now, you would give permission for the rest of these angels to send you light? Will you? The ones in the room don't have to know who you are. This is how cosmic intelligence works.
Listen to me right now, all of you. For this time is ripe with healing, life-changing energy. Will you visualize the light for them? Let the cosmic intelligence do its job. Just visualize the light for the three of them, so that when they walk out of here, they're going to be different. With their permission, their blood will be different. It will return to a place before it was tainted. Do you understand what I say here? Healing often is the miracle of time reversal... taking the individual to a place in the Akashic energy before the disease happened to them. That, dear one, explains why healings are forever. The disease never comes back, since it never was there!
I know who's here. It would be a good time to be healed. Will the three of you give permission for that? Because the rest of us are on your side, you know? It's a good time for family to help family.
Don't forget this moment. Because one of you has already been shifted and changed; it's underway. How about the other two? Oh, it's coming. It will. Blessed is the Human Being who crosses the bridge of unbelief and finds the love that's there. The unsolvable is solvable. There's light where you thought there was darkness and you can have the miracle you asked for.
And so it is.