Mount Chocorua, New Hampshire |
Kryon: The Cosmic Lattice Part II
宇宙网格遍及全宇宙,它无处不在。我们想要揭露它的形状:它的真实形状像细胞,这些细胞每个都是 12 边形。围绕着你们的每个宇宙网格能量细胞都是看不见的,但你们总有一天会测量到它的能量。宇宙网格是个结构,它的各部分不会互相碰触。
我们之前说过,宇宙网格的零点能量被平衡到 “零值”。我们说,每一个细胞拥有巨大的能量,但它被伴随在旁的另一股能量抵消掉了,因为它有相反的极性。这 “隐蔽了” 那明显的潜力,使你们看不见。因此,这股能量,看似零值。
两股极化的能量,形成零点的对立性质。它们就如各自的镜子影像,一起形成了静止、零值的零点能量。这是宇宙平衡的一部分,是无处不在的现象。虽然如此,“镜子影像” 并不是完全地平衡,它显得稍弱。正是这种轻微不平衡状态,形成了我们刚才所说的孔洞。那对孔洞是必要的,它们使平衡得以维持。不然的话,那主要的 “零点” 姿态将无法持久,宇宙网格也将永远不平衡。因此,那对孔洞 “排掉” 宇宙的轻微不平衡状态。
就如许多物理过程一样,它会消耗巨大的能量,只为了使一个细胞的零点特性变得不平衡。所以,在看到结果之前,你们需要把巨大的能量注入实验中。一旦你们知道如何 “刺穿” 那个零点让它变得不平衡,你们的酬报就是稳定的能量流,远远超过你们所注入的能量。这是因为,你们刺出了自己的小 “孔洞”。一个不平衡的细胞会创造出一种情境,让周围的细胞不断地向它 “补给” 能量。这会形成一个活栓,它会无限期地汲取宇宙网格的能量。我知道这听起来很科幻,但最终它会成为地球上唯一被使用的能源。
New Hampshire
November 1998
As channeled by Lee Carroll for Kryon
New Hampshire, November 97 was the first installment of the explanation of cosmic energy called "The Cosmic Lattice." Now a year latter in the same venue, Kryon expands on the science of the energy of the Universe. This information goes far beyond the last, and introduces some concepts for the first time. We also have an explanation on how it actually relates to our own biology. If you like physics, you will like this. If you like astronomy, you will like this. If you like how the love of God plays into it will like this!
新罕布什尔,97 年 11 月,是讲述宇宙能量,所谓的 “宇宙网格” 的第一部分。一年后的现在,在同样地点,克里昂进一步讲述宇宙能量的科学。这次所给出的信息远远超过上一次,并首次介绍了一些概念。我们也将了解它是如何与我们的身体息息相关。如果你喜欢物理学,你就会喜欢这篇信息。如果你喜欢天文学,你也会喜欢这篇信息。如果你喜欢知道神的爱是如何在当中起作用……你会喜欢这篇信息!
Greetings, dear ones, I AM Kryon of magnetic service!
There is a potent energy here, which comes from family, which will flow through the crack in the veil to this very area. And as it does, it will fill this room with remembrance-a remembrance of love, and how things are when you are not here.
Indeed there is a sweet presence here and it matters not how large or small is the assemblage of the Human hearts that have gathered to feel it. We speak to you, one at a time. Some of you have heard this before, but we say this again: Those who flow in here now-this entourage, and this love essence of family-knows you. They know what you've been doing this year, last year, last lifetime, and the one before that. They know of the struggles of your life, and of the celebrations. They know of the joy, and of the sadness. Dear ones, you are dealing with family of the first order-a family that has more profound lineage with you even than the biological ones you share with the others on the planet. In many cases this spiritual family has also been your biological family over and over. There are Humans in this room, and reading this page that have enjoyed lifetimes with the family that greets you here. For that matter, there are also Humans in this room who have done the same and yet you look at them in the eye as you pass, going from here to there, and you don't even recognize them! Such is the duality. You incarnate into the same areas over and over again so that you can have a relationship with one another-so that the challenges can be built and designed so you can solve them. Now, here we are together again.
Feel the love that goes into this!
My partner has explained to you the best he could, why we sit at your feet and celebrate and honor this event [earlier in the seminar]. Year after year we have come before assemblages of Humans and have said, "Angels, each one," it is time to wash your feet. We say that because that is what family does with family. My partner and his partner, they sit upon an elevated platform so you can see them, and that is the only reason [speaking of Jan and Lee]. For like you, they are family. Like me, they are family. We are all the same. This planet is filled only with those authorized with permission to be here. You are family. As my partner has told you, your free spiritual choice is unique to this speck of this universe that you call Earth. Absolutely unique is your ability to chose your own spiritual level. No other planet has this attribute.
我的伙伴已经尽最大的努力来解释,为什么我们会坐在你脚边,并且庆祝及荣耀这次聚会 [指之前在研讨会中的事]。年复一年,我们来到聚集的人类面前并说 “天使, 你们每一位,” 是时候为你们洗脚了。我们这样说,因为那是家人与家人之间会做的事。我的伙伴及他的伴侣,他们坐在升高的台上,好让你们能够看见,那就是唯一的原因 [指珍和李]。就像你们一样,他们是家人。就像我一样,他们是家人。我们都是家人。地球上只住着经过特别许可来到这里的人。你是家人。就如我的伙伴所说,人类在灵性上的自由选择,唯独在宇宙中的这一小点,在地球上才有。唯独人类能够选择自己的灵性层次。任何行星都没有这种特性。
The potential for the planet is awesome beyond belief. It goes far beyond what you designed. It goes into an area where potentially you may discover closely who you are. The potential for that very spiritual evolution may present itself literally within three generations. It may create a Human Being that bears no spiritual resemblance to who you are now, and you are the front-runners - the first of the three generations. You are the old souls who stood in line to be here.
We say again to you, everyone who has even been alive on the planet is here again right now, plus the new ones, the "first timers." There are no first-timers in this room. Even the ones dragged here by friends, the ones rolling their eyes right now, are very old family. This is a sweet experience, dear ones. This is a reunion.
我们再说一次,每一个曾经活在地球上的人,此刻都已经到回来了,加上新来的,那些 “初来者”。这间房里没有初来者。就连那些被朋友拖来听讲的人,那些正在转动眼珠子的人,都是很古老的家人。这是甜美的经验,亲爱的。这是团聚。
You think you picked up this book, or came to this room to hear the voice of the great Magnetic Master? No, you came to hear your sister, or your brother. That's the energy here, as you sit and listen, or read this. That energy says, "we know who you are, and within that knowledge is also the emotion of missing you! You've been here a long time." Ah, we get to see you when you come and go, you know. Those times have very brief. All of you turned right around and again you're here-fast. You didn't want to miss it. This time frame was the target, and it's what you planned for. This is the final measurement and you're going to be alive to see it - so the Spirit of Family comes in to sit next to you, and hug you and to talk physics [Kryon Humor].
你认为你拿起这本书,或来到这里,是为了聆听伟大的磁性大师的声音吗?不,你是来这里聆听你的姊妹,或你的兄弟讲话。这就是这里的能量,在你们坐着聆听,或阅读之际。这股能量说 “我们认识你,不止认识,我们还很想念你!你已经在这里很久了。” 啊,在你到来和离去时,我们都会看望你,知道吗。那些时刻非常短暂。你们所有人都马上转过身,然后你又来到这里了——非常快。你们不想错过它。这个时间框架就是目标,它是你们计划好的。这是最后的[地球能量的]测量,你们会活着见证它——所以灵性家人来到这里好坐在你身边,拥抱你并谈论物理学 [克里昂式幽默]。
Last year we presented at this time, energy information that was new. We're going to do it again. For the next few moments we will be talking about physics, energy, shapes, time, and mechanics. Within this process, don't be surprised when the information wraps itself back around, right to your biology and your Human heart. There is only one reason why we want to give you this. Spirit doesn't care about physics. Spirit cares that you understand how to stay here for as long as you can-in those bodies that sit in front of us-that are reading this-the ones you carry as angels pretending to be Humans. That's why, through the explanation and the transcriptions of this information, there will be knowledge developed, and it will dovetail with other knowledge that did not come from this stage, and it will verify itself.
This information will eventually find its way into areas that potentially are going to keep you alive. For it's the only way your bodies, which are perfect in their potential, are going to find perfection in your reality. The day is gone for fast turnovers and quick life times. There is no reason for you to continue that cycle. Are you paying attention? There is no reason. You have reached the end of the time-line. Now, here you sit-no accident that brings you to the chair to hear or read this, you know. It's almost like an appointment. Perhaps you only found out about this meeting yesterday? Really? You say you're here because somebody else brought you. Really? Welcome to the family, dear ones. Welcome to synchronicity! From this point forward, you can do anything you wish with this energy and this information. But even if you are in disbelief now, it doesn't matter to us. The welcome is still valid because we know who you are, and the love for you is as great as it is for the one next to you.
这个信息最终会提到让你保持长寿活跃这件事。那是让你们的身体——它们拥有成为完美的潜在性——在你们的实相中找到完美状态的唯一方式。快速的世代交替与短暂的生命已经成为过去。你们没有理由再继续那种循环。你们有在留意听吗? 没有理由。你们已经抵达那条时间线的终点。现在,你们坐在这里——你坐在椅子上聆听或阅读不是偶然的,你知道吗。它好像是一场预约。也许你在昨天才知道有这场会议?真的吗?你说你来到这里是因为其他人带你过来的。真的吗?欢迎来到大家庭,亲爱的。 欢迎来到同步性!从此刻起,你可以随意处置这股能量与这个信息。即使你现在不相信,我们也不介意。我们依然欢迎你,因为我们知道你是谁,我们对你的爱就像对你身边的出席者的爱一样深。
You're going to have to understand more about energy in order to facilitate life on the planet. You're going to have to understand more about energy to facilitate the biology on the planet. So in the next few moments we're going to deliver a treatise which we will call, "The Cosmic Lattice, Part II." It's no accident that the first Cosmic Lattice information was given in this energy as well (New Hampshire, November 1997). Precious, it is-an energy postured for this information, it is. That is why it is given now.
你们需要了解更多关于能量的事,以便有助于地球上的生活。你们需要了解更多关于能量的事,以便有助于地球上的生物体。所以在接下来的时刻,我们会发表一篇专文,叫做 “宇宙网格,第二部分”。第一篇宇宙网格信息也是在这股能量中给出(新罕布什尔,1997 年 11 月),其实并非偶然。它是珍贵的——为了这篇信息而摆好姿态的能量。那就是它会在此刻被给出的原因。
This is the channeling designated to be transcribed, so therefore I am talking right now to those reading this. I can say to you reading it, "We are in the NOW. You are not reading something that happened awhile ago. You are reading about an energy that can pour into your life right now, as sure as it also can for those hearing it with their ears. Although we do not see the future; we measure the potentials of your time line; we know who has picked up this book. We know who is looking at it right now' as certain as we know who is hearing this message."
这场通灵是指定要被抄录的,所以我正在对读者们讲话。我可以对你说,“我们是在当下。你不是在阅读关于某些发生在不久前的事。你是在阅读关于一股能量,它可以即刻注入你的生命,就像它也可以注入那些亲耳聆听的人那么肯定。” 虽然我们看不见未来;但我们能度量你们的时间进程的潜在性;我们知道谁拿起了这本书。我们知道谁正在看着它,就像我们知道谁正在聆听那么肯定。
We told you much about the Cosmic Lattice the last time we were together. We told you that the lattice is an energy that pervades the universe and is consistent. We told you that it passes through all matter, and that it is available all the time. We told you that it is a physics staple of the way things work throughout all the universe that is visible. We told you that light is slow, compared to the communication of the Lattice, and that even though there is a mechanical attribute of the lattice (which we are going to discuss), communication is almost instantaneous all through it. The speed of energy from one end of the universe to the other is almost instant. (Actually there are no ends)
The cosmic energy event you see taking place 12 billion light years away did not happen 12 billion years ago. There is a communication attribute that indicates that it is happening now, to correspond with your millennium shift. It is not something that took place 12 billion light years ago. (See "The Meaning of Life," as channelled in Kryon Book Seven)
你们所看见的发生在 120 亿光年以外的宇宙能量事件,并不是发生在 120 亿年前。有一种通讯特性说明它是发生在当下,以配合你们的千禧年转变。它不是发生在 120 亿光年以前。(请看克里昂书七 “生命的意义” 里的信息)
We gave you elementary information of the shape of the Lattice. Now we're going to fill in the cracks in the information we gave you last time. We're going to tell you what the real shape of the lattice is. We're going to tell you the construction of it, the best we can in terms that are non-scientific, which my partner can deliver. We're also going to give you several attributes of the lattice, and we're going to tell you how to use it. Then we're going to tell you the real miracle, but the physics has to be shared first.
我们给出了宇宙网格的形状的初步信息。 现在我们要填补上次那个信息的裂缝。我们要透露宇宙网格的真正形状。 我们要透露它的结构,我们尽量以浅白、不是科学术语的字词来讲解,好让我的伙伴能够传达。 我们也会给出宇宙网格的几种特性,我们会告诉你如何运用它。然后我们会与你分享真正的奇迹,但我们得先讲出它的物理特性。
This information will tie together the science of the facilitators in this room, who have processes that would seem to be dichotomous (speaking of the physics of Dr. Todd Ovokaitys, and the energy work of Peggy Dubro of the EMF Balancing Technique, both in attendance). Finally you may understand how the Cosmic Lattice is indeed the very essence of the energy of healing.
这个信息会将在座两位能量工作者的科学联系在一起,虽然他们的方法似乎是截然不同的两条路线 (指托德.欧沃楷提斯博士的物理学, 与佩吉.杜布若的人体电磁场平衡技术,他们两人都在现场)。最终你会了解,宇宙网格的确是治疗能量的基本要素。
Again it may not surprise you that we go to the biggest of the big, before we get to the smallest of the small, in order to talk about Humans. And so before the teaching we say, "let the foot washing begin!" In these moments that we speak about physics, we also are speaking of love. Some of you are going to feel the pressure of love during this time, and though you may not understand any of the science, you may feel the pressure, physically, and the washing-the pressing of the hugging, some on the head, and some on the shoulders. Some of you will feel the temperature shift, and you will feel the energy in this room as this new information is delivered in love. This time of discovery is given because you desire it, and because you've earned it. That's why you sit in the chairs.
再一次,一如以往,我们会先讨论大中之最大,然后再讨论小中之最小,以此方式来讨论与人类有关的事情。所以在开始教导之前,我们说,“来开始洗脚吧!” 当我们在谈论物理学的同时,我们也在谈论爱。这时你们有些人会感受到爱的挤压,即使你完全听不懂这些科学,但在身体上,你也可以感受到那股挤压的力量,还有那洗濯——拥抱的挤压力量,有些是在头部,有些是在肩膀。有些人会感受到气温的变化,你们会感觉到这间房里的能量,因为这个新信息是在爱中传递的。我们安排了这段发现的时间,因为你们渴望知道这些信息,因为这是你们应得的。那就是你们会坐在椅子上的原因。
The Cosmic Lattice is not a net. It is not singular. It is not one dimension. If it pervades the universe, as we have said, then it has to be everywhere, and indeed the lattice is everywhere. We wish to reveal the shape: The actual shape is of cells are closed compartments. That should not shock or surprise you. It mimics your body. For now, we will call the cells, "energy cells." They are in a honeycomb shape, and these shapes (the cells) each have twelve sides. Each energy cell of the cosmic lattice all around you remains unseen, but you will be able to eventually measure its energy. This lattice is a structure, whose parts do not touch. Each one of these twelve-sided honeycombed energy-cells, which are everywhere, do not touch one another. Yet they exist side by side, as though they do touch. They even look like they do, but they do not, for there is something that holds them apart.
宇宙网格不是一张网。它不是单数的。它不是单一维度。如果它遍及全宇宙,就像我们之前所说的,那么它肯定无处不在,而确实,宇宙网格无处不在。我们想要揭露它的形状:它的真实形状像细胞,像紧闭的格子。这应该不会让你们感到震惊或讶异。它酷似你们的身体。从现在起,我们会称这些细胞为 “能量细胞”。它们的形状像蜂巢,这些形状(这些细胞)每个都是 12 边形。围绕着你们的每个宇宙网格能量细胞都是看不见的,但你们总有一天会测量到它的能量。宇宙网格是个结构,它的各部分不会互相碰触。每一个 12 边形蜂巢状的能量细胞,虽然无处不在,但不会互相碰触。然而它们并排在一起,仿佛互相碰触。它们甚至看起来是如此,但实际上不是,因为有某种力量使它们分开。
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拥有不均等极性(+)的原子核结构凝聚在一起 |
There is a mechanical physics attribute that is going on within the nucleus of the atom. This very same mechanical "law" which holds the lattice cells apart, is the same attribute that is responsible for unequally polarized pieces of atomic nuclear structure being held together. It's important that you understand that these lattice cells never touch one another, and there is a reason why they do not. It is all part of the communication within the lattice. Energy transfer within the lattice also mimics physics at the smallest levels - also being atomic structures that do not touch. It also mimics the most elegant part of your body-the part that is responsible for your thinking-for your memory-for your remembrance, and for your reactions-the Human brain. The synapse parts (the wiring) within that organ do not touch either. These are the ways of the physics attributes that transmit (or relay) energy. It is not new. Look for it, for it's everywhere. It is also the common structure of the lattice.
原子核内部拥有物理力学的特性。这种力学 “定律”,会使宇宙网格细胞分开,也会使拥有不均等极性的原子核结构凝聚在一起。重要的是,你必须明白,这些宇宙网格细胞从来不会互相碰触,这是有原因的。它是宇宙网格内部负责通讯的部分。宇宙网格内部的能量传播,也酷似那最小层面的物理学——也是不会互相碰触的原子结构。它也酷似你们体内最优美的部分——负责让你们思考、记忆、回忆、作出反应的部分——人类大脑。人类大脑的神经元突触,也是不会互相碰触。这就是物质传播(或转播)能量的方式。这不是新的消息。留意它,因为它无处不在。它也是宇宙网格的共同结构。
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(左)原子结构凝聚在一起,但不会互相碰触 (右)人类大脑细胞不会互相碰触
人类大脑的神经元突触,不会互相碰触 |
Now we're going to give you some attributes of these cells, and we're going to ask you to follow along. Some of you, especially those who are science minded, will be entertained. The rest of you who are not interested in science may just sit, for we're just going to wash your feet.
现在我们要给出这些细胞的一些特性,我们要你们留意听。你们其中一些人,尤其是热爱科学的人,会感到很有兴趣。其他对科学不感兴趣的人,大可坐着休息, 我们正好可以帮你们洗脚。
The Cosmic Lattice is balanced, but it is not quiet. The lattice has astounding power. It has a flow of energy that I cannot explain to you, for there is no paradigm model for it yet in your thinking. Therefore, you would not easily understand. The lattice has vents that we can best describe as necessary for the flow of energy. It balances the slight inequity of the polarity. The vents also have to do with time, which we will tell you more about in a moment. You will always find two vents together. One will be prominent, the other will be secondary. You might graphically and clearly see one, but you will have to look carefully to see its partner. There are always two. This is an axiom or physical rule of the lattice energy, and of the universe.
The vents are usually at the center of the galaxies. The distance between the vents determines the spin direction of a galaxy, and speed of matter around its center. It is a classic push and pull scenario, and matter responds to it. Now, here is something you will not understand at all: The vents are very necessary for the balance of your universal energy. The vents are also energy portals, (drains, to you), and are where the front of the lattice touches the back. The back of the lattice holds a universe whose vents are opposite. Note: This IS NOT an alternate universe. It's also yours. Although this may bring you a paradox at the moment, those in your future, especially reading this transcription who have good scientific intuition, will discover the physics that will validate the meaning of this information.
这对孔洞通常处于星系中心。孔洞之间的距离决定了星系的旋转方向,也决定了围绕着星系中心的物质的旋转速度。它是典型的推拉现象,物质会对它作出回应。呐,这里有一些你们完全无法理解的事:这对孔洞在宇宙能量保持平衡方面是非常必要的。这对孔洞也是(流向你们的)能量门户,也是宇宙网格的前面与背面互相碰触的位置。宇宙网格的背面支撑住一个宇宙,它的一对孔洞是相反的。注意: 这不是另一个宇宙。它依然是你们的宇宙。虽然这些叙述对你们而言是自相矛盾的,但是未来的那些人,尤其是阅读这篇抄录本的读者,他们拥有良好的科学直觉,他们会发现可以验证这个信息的含义的物理学。
Therefore, at the center of your own galaxy there is a pair of vents, one of which you can see if you chose. The other one is hiding. But the vents always appear in pairs. This is dramatic; it is powerful; it is the lattice balancing itself.
We're going to give you an attribute of the Cosmic Lattice and the energy within it, which is difficult to explain. We're going to discuss the mechanics of the speed of transmission of energy within the lattice, and we are going to show you how the speed of the Lattice is stellar compared to the slow transmission of light.
This discussion of speed has a metaphor, an analogy that exists on your own planet. Some of you are aware that if you were to take something physical and force it through the water in your ocean, it would be fairly slow going. The water is thick, and offers a medium that requires a great amount of energy to force something through it. Think of the fastest things in your oceans. They would be some of the fast fish, and even some of your mechanical devices [submarines]. But they and their speed, pale in comparison to the speed of giant ocean waves created by the energy of an earthquake.
Many of you are aware that the speed of quake-generated waves in your ocean approaches the speed of sound itself! That's how fast it goes. Consider how much energy it would take to propel something the size of a mountain at the speed of sound, through your ocean. Many would say it could not be done, yet waves seem to do it easily.
The reason is because a wave is not the transportation of MATTER from one place to another (like a fish or a submarine or the matter in a mountain). The wave is the transportation of ENERGY from one place to another. As you know, the molecules of water bump into one another. One bumps into another, and bumps into another, and the speed of the bumping transmission is very, very fast.
Although the metaphor has its limits as we compare the two, in essence that is exactly what takes place on the lattice on a far, far grander scale. Light is the transportation of matter-photons in space. It might have a wave-like appearance, but its speed is limited due to its mass, and the speed is relatively slow. Similar to a fish or a mechanical device in the water, light is the transportation of matter through a substance. It's when the lattice cells bump together that they create patterns (waves) due to their bumping, at a speed that is almost instant through billions and billions of light years. Not only is light slow, but it must also penetrate through other matter, not just the emptiness of space. There is dust, gas, and magnetics, all which block and bend it. The transmission of energy from the lattice is clean, fast, and almost instant throughout its vastness. That's because the energy medium is uniform, and transmits with a system that easily recognizes what is being passed within in (much like the wave does with water molecules). Now we have given you a mechanic attribute of how energy is transmitted in the real universe.
虽然这个隐喻有其限制性,[ 飞鱼与海啸 比喻 光速与网格速度 ], 但实际上,宇宙网格的传播确实如此,它是在一个更加、更加宏观的尺度上进行。光传输的是物质——太空中的光子。光也许看似波浪般,但它的速度相对缓慢。就像在水中的飞鱼或潜水艇,光也是通过一种介质来传输物质。而当宇宙网格细胞碰在一起时,碰撞形成了图案(波浪),它以近乎即时的速度,在数十亿、数十亿光年远的空间里传播。光不止缓慢,它还必须穿透其他物质,不只是空荡荡的太空。那里还有尘埃、气体、磁力,全都会阻挡与折弯光。宇宙网格的能量传播则是通畅、快速、近乎即时,在漫无边际的各处都一样。这是因为,宇宙网格的能量介质是统一的,它的系统能轻易辨认出内部所传播的事物(就像海啸与水分子之间的关系)。现在我们已经给出了能量在宇宙中是如何传播的力学特性。
There are three rules of physics for the universal Lattice, but none of them will respond to what you have called Newtonian physics or the relative physics of Einstein. For Newtonian and relative physics is mostly about the behavior of matter. The physics rules that I'm going to give you are about energy, and they are different-very, very different.
The speed of energy moving through the Lattice is always the same. It never varies. It is a constant law of energy physics. It is the speed at which the Lattice cells bump together, and this creates waves of energy whose speed is always the same. That is the first one.
Here is the second, and it's tricky.
It always takes the same amount of time for energy to transverse the internal distance of one lattice cell. (An absolute time period to go from one side to the other, inside of a lattice cell). This time segment is always the same, and never varies.
The third axiom is this: the cells have a varying size. That is to say, there are areas in the universe where the energy cells of the cosmic lattice are large, and other areas where they are small.
"Wait Kryon," you might say. "You just got through saying that it takes a known amount of time to transverse the distance of a cell. If some are large, and some are small, won't that make a difference in the time it takes? After all, you are changing the distance!"
“等一下, 克里昂,” 你会说。“你刚刚说能量会用同样多的时间来横越一个宇宙网格细胞。如果有些细胞大,有些细胞小,它所用的时间不是会不同吗?毕竟,它的距离不同了!”
No, the time is always the same.
"Then," you might also say, "something has to give. It doesn't make sense to take the exact same time to go a short distance or a long distance, if the speed has to be the same."
“那么,” 你会接着说,“必定有些东西需要改变。没理由横越短距离或长距离的时间会是完全相同的,如果速度不变的话。”
You're right. Here's where we challenge you to understand that the paradox of this is that the time elements, as measured, must change! Therefore, when you move into an area of space where the cells are smaller, you're going to receive a different measurement of time than when they're larger. This will explain to you what we have said in the past, why your astronomers see "impossible physics" through their telescopes-physics that cannot occur according to the assumed rules. They are looking at physics in a time frame that has smaller or larger cells than your own.
你说得对。这是我们挑战你来理解的事:这里的矛盾就是 “时间”,测量到的时间,必须改变!因此,当宇宙网格细胞的空间变小时,它所量得的时间会不同于当细胞空间变大时。这会解释我们过去所说的事,为何天文学家会在望远镜中看见 “不可能的物理现象” ——根据假定的定律,这些物理现象不可能发生。他们看见的是不同时间框架中的物理现象,它所在的宇宙网格细胞,比人类所在的更小或更大。
Therefore the third axiom is the only variable one, and it is time. The units of time, change in relationship to the size of the lattice cells.
Now let us discuss the use of the cosmic lattice, physics wise (not biologically). Dear ones, we previously told you the lattice null energy is balanced to zero. We told you that each cell has tremendous power, but it is balanced by another power along side it, which has opposite polarity. This "nulls" out the apparent potential, so that it all appears invisible to you. The energy, therefore, appears to be zero.
现在让我们来讨论宇宙网格的用途,在物理学上(不是生物学上)。亲爱的,我们之前说过,宇宙网格的零点能量被平衡到 “零值”。我们说,每一个细胞拥有巨大的能量,但它被伴随在旁的另一股能量抵消掉了,因为它有相反的极性。这 “隐蔽了” 那明显的潜力,使你们看不见。因此,这股能量,看似零值。
It's when the lattice is deliberately unbalanced that you really get to see the power. If you could only understand how to manipulate the null so you could unbalance it just slightly, the result would be tremendous free energy. Let us say again, that one of the reasons this would be safe for you to accomplish, is because none of the cells touch each other. You will not have a chain reaction, like you have in your nuclear matter science. So you can capture the energy of one, two, three, or as many cells as you wish, when you learn how to manipulate them.
Some have asked about the null - about the polarity. What kind of energies are there that would oppose each other so well? Let us give you an answer that might be difficult for you to understand at this time, but through discovery and with time, it will make sense. Opposite energy attributes that create the null are polarized energies. They are almost mirror images of one another that together create a quiet, zero null. This is part of the balance of the universe, and is everywhere. It is also this way in light and matter. It is the also true, however, that the "mirror-image" of energy, light and matter is not perfectly balanced. Due to the bias of your "kind" of universe (call it the "positive" one if you like), the "anti-energy," or mirror image of the positive, is only slightly less powerful. It is this slight unbalance that creates the vents that we spoke of before. The vents are necessary to allow for the balance to be maintained. Otherwise, the major "null" posturing would not last long, and the lattice would be constantly unbalanced. The vents, therefore "drain" off the slight unbalance of the bias.
有些人提问关于零点能量——关于极性。到底是怎么样的能量会如此完美地互相抵消呢?让我们给出答案,它在此刻对你们而言是难以理解的,但是,经由科学发现,及随着时间的推移,它会显示出明确的意义。两股极化的能量,形成零点的对立性质。它们就如各自的镜子影像,一起形成了静止、零值的零点能量。这是宇宙平衡的一部分,是无处不在的现象。在光和物质里也一样。虽然如此,能量、光和物质的 “镜子影像”,并不是完全地平衡。出于你们 “这种” 宇宙的倾向性(你们喜欢的话可以称之为 “正性” 的宇宙),那股 “对立能量”,或正性能量的镜子影像,只是力量稍弱。正是这种轻微不平衡状态,形成了我们刚才所说的孔洞。那对孔洞是必要的,它们使平衡得以维持。不然的话,那主要的 “零点” 姿态将无法持久,宇宙网格也将永远不平衡。因此,那对孔洞 “排掉” 宇宙倾向性的轻微不平衡状态。
The last physics attribute is one that we will only hint at. The Lattice is indeed the cosmic constant that has been looked for in science forever. There are those who have asked, "what is the actual mechanical connection between the Cosmic Lattice and matter?" Let's just say that it is the characteristic of this constant that "tunes the strings" of the music of matter. It sets the frequencies for the smallest parts, and those frequencies vary depending on where they are in the cosmos.
对于最后一项物理学性质,我们只会给出暗示。宇宙网格正是科学家永远都在寻找的 “宇宙学常数”。有些人问,“宇宙网格及物质之间的真正力学关联是什么?” 让我们打个比喻,这个宇宙学常数,负责为物质之歌 “调整琴弦”。它负责设定那最小部分的频率,而这些频率随着它们在宇宙中的位置而改变。
[宇宙学常数由爱因斯坦首先提出,常标为希腊文 “Λ”,添加在爱因斯坦方程式中,使方程式能有静态宇宙的解。若不加上此项,则广义相对论所得原版本的爱因斯坦方程式会得到动态宇宙的结果。
这是出于爱因斯坦对静态宇宙的哲学信念。在哈伯提出膨胀宇宙的天文观测结果哈伯红移后,爱因斯坦放弃宇宙学常数,认为是他 “一生中最大的错误”。
但是 1998 年天文物理与宇宙学对宇宙加速膨胀的研究则让宇宙学常数死而复生,认为虽然其值很小,但可能不为零。宇宙常数项的贡献被认为与暗能量有关。]
We would like you to eventually understand how to manipulate the Lattice, so that you may pull on its energy. Understand that this can be done anywhere at any time on Earth, or in space. It is done completely and totally with magnetics-active magnetics. It is accomplished with the creation of carefully placed patterns of large magnetic fields, which must be active (created with energy, not naturally existing). When you discover how this works, you will also find that this particular process on the planet is not new, and that your experimenters have actually done it before.
During the times it was done before, no one understood what was happening. The process was far beyond your ability to control, and you didn't even know the principles...yet you tried it anyway. Now you have the ability to control the experiment and therefore create disciplined and sustained energy, seemingly out of nothing (the null). Like so many other physics processes, however, it is going to take a tremendous amount of energy in order to unbalance even one cell's null attribute. So you're going to have a vast amount of energy pumped into the experiment before you can see the results. Once you understand how to "prod" the null to unbalance itself, you will be rewarded with a steady flow of energy, far beyond what you put into it. This is accomplished, since you create you own tiny "vent." An unbalanced cell creates a situation where the other cells around it will try to "feed" energy to the one that is unbalanced. This creates a tap that will pull upon the Lattice indefinitely, as long as your work matches the properties the lattice expects to see. I know this sounds like science fiction, but eventually it can be THE energy source for your planet.
在那时,没有人知道发生了什么事。这个过程远远超过了人类的控制能力,你们甚至连它的原理都还没搞清楚……但你们还是尝试了。现在你们有能力控制这项实验,并因此产生有条理和持续的能量,从看似什么都没有(零点)之中。然而,就如许多物理过程一样,它会消耗巨大的能量,只为了使一个细胞的零点特性变得不平衡。所以,在看到结果之前,你们需要把巨大的能量注入实验中。一旦你们知道如何 “刺穿” 那个零点让它变得不平衡,你们的酬报就是稳定的能量流,远远超过你们所注入的能量。这是因为,你们刺出了自己的小 “孔洞”。一个不平衡的细胞会创造出一种情境,让周围的细胞不断地向它 “补给” 能量。这会形成一个活栓,它会无限期地汲取宇宙网格的能量,只要你们的实验符合宇宙网格所需求的特性。我知道这听起来很科幻,但最终它会成为地球上唯一被使用的能源。
Here's how it works. Two magnetic fields together, postured in the correct way-a way that is very three-dimensional in your thinking process-will create a "designed magnetic field" that is very specific. It's one you have never seen, and does not exist naturally. Start with trying many magnetics fields, postured against one another-of unequal force and pattern, and at right angles. Don't make any assumptions. Think freely. Done in the right fashion, these two fields will create a third pattern, which is unique and is the product of the original two. This third custom created pattern is the one you want to deal with, and is the one that has the potential of manipulating the lattice. Once you have created it, you will know of its special qualities by how dramatically it changes the physics around it. It won't be subtle in its exposition - believe me. You will know when you have it.
这是它的运作方式。两个磁场在一起,以正确的姿态布置好——在你们的思考过程中,这是属于非常三维的姿态——它会形成一种非常特别的 “设计好的磁场”。它是你们没有见过,在大自然中也并不存在的磁场。从各种不同的磁场开始尝试,一个对着一个——各种不均等的磁力和图案,以直角布置好。别做任何假设。自由地思考。只要你们的做法正确,这两个磁场就会形成第三种图案,它是独特的,是原本那两个磁场的产物。这第三个特制的图案,就是你们要处理的,就是有潜力操纵宇宙网格的能量。一旦你们创造了它,你们就会知道它的独特之处,知道它如何对周围的物理造成剧变。它不会只展现出细微的能量——相信我。当你们拥有它时,你们会知道。
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Two magnetic fields at right angles |
Here is a caution. Keep this experiment away from your body! Keep the experiment in check with your scientific methods. Go slowly. Understand what you're seeing before you go to the next step. Do not expose yourself to any magnetic fields. Remotely conduct all energy experiments. Remember that magnetics also plays an important part within your body.
Here is another. Understand that if you unbalance the lattice too grandly and too greatly, you will have a time displacement, for the process also involves the property of TIME. We don't mean that you have to wait for it. We mean that one of the actual physical players in the creative process of unbalancing the Lattice is the manipulation of the time-frame of matter (a little known attribute of every particle of matter in the universe). This is not time travel, but time displacement. It is where you are actually addressing tiny parts of matter, and changing the time-frame they are in. When the inequity of time-frames meet one another (matter mixed up with differing time attributes), the result is a displacement of distance. Although there is no horrendous danger for the earth within this time displacement, it can and will affect the local situation within the experiment. In other words, it can create a matter-distorting effect, completely stopping the experiment, and actually dislocating the parts. We're not going to say any more about this at the moment, but the more astute scientific minds reading this will go to the next obvious step, and the answer is "yes," the lattice is also the key to quick travel of large physical objects - even of very short distances.
还有另一件事。要知道,如果你们使宇宙网格变得极为不平衡的话,你们会遭遇时间位移,因为这个过程也涉及时间。我们不是说你们必须等候。我们的意思是,要创造宇宙网格不平衡,其中一个物理过程会涉及操纵物质的时间框架(时间是宇宙中每一个物质粒子的特性,却罕为人知)。这不是时间旅行,而是时间位移。在这种情况下,你们实际上是在与微小的物质打交道,并改变它们所在的时间框架。当不均等的时间框架碰头时(拥有不同时间特性的物质混合在一起),结果就是距离的位移。虽然时间位移不会对地球造成骇人的危险性,但它能、它也会影响实验的环境。换句话说,它会使物质变形,完全让实验停止,并且让实验机件脱位。目前我们不会透露更多,但那些拥有更敏锐科学头脑的读者会接着提出下一个明显的问题,而答案是 “对”,宇宙网格也是让大型物体快速旅行的关键——纵然是非常短的距离。
Now it is time to talk about the miracle-to reveal why we're here. Some of you have gone through this science discussion while we washed your feet, only to wonder how it relates to your personal lives. Physics? Science? So where does the regular light worker fit into this?
This is the part where those in this room working with the Lattice energy will more fully understand how the Human body responds to what they are doing, for the Lattice is truly available now for each person here. My partner has to be careful in this next statement, for it has to be very accurate.
The Cosmic Lattice communicates with Human biology through a series of magnetic resonant frequencies, which land upon a twelve-segmented crystalline structure. We have not said the words "crystalline structure" for transcription before. We have not exposed this information before, and we do it now because the knowledge is critical, and the energy here will now allow for us to tell you about it.
宇宙网格透过一系列磁力共振频率与人体通讯,它会落到 12 段水晶结构之上。我们之前没有提过 “水晶结构” 这个词。我们没有揭露过这个信息,我们现在这么做,因为这是很关键的知识,而这里的能量现在会允许我们给出这个信息。
We're going to finally reveal the crystalline structure, which is around the coded structure that you call DNA. Remember that we define DNA differently than you do. Your word DNA actually got its name from the two strands, which are chemical, and which you can physically see. Our definition refers to the 12-stranded coding for the Human body, only two strands of which are chemical. The DNA-all the strands of it- are an encoding tool. The strands are instruction sets, and we have previously told you that some of them are magnetic. Some of them are also what you would call "spiritual." (But to us, they also have a physical property.) These strands contain all of the coding for your whole life, even those carried over from the life before this one. But there's more. The memory part of your life's system is separate from the encoding. It is the "stem," and is the crystalline structure. Many of you might say, "why would it be called crystalline? Will we find something that is crystal in there?"
终于,我们即将揭露水晶结构,它围绕着那含有密码的 DNA 结构。还记得吗,我们对 DNA 的定义是不同的。人类所定义的 DNA,是源于那两条结构,它们是化学性的,是你们可以具体看见的。我们的定义是指人体的 12 条密码,其中只有两条是化学性的。DNA——每一条——都是编码工具。这些条子都是指令集,而我们之前说过,有些是磁性的。有些是你们称为 “灵性” 的。(但对我们而言,它们也有物理特性。)这些条子含有你一辈子的全部密码,甚至包含过去生所带下来的密码。但还有更多。你的生命系统的记忆部分与编码部分是分开的。记忆部分是 “茎干”,它就是水晶结构。你们许多人会说,“为什么它会称为水晶呢?我们会在那里找到水晶成分吗?”
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想象图: (左) 负责人体指令的 DNA 编码结构, (右) 包覆着 DNA 的负责生命记忆的水晶结构 |
The naming is metaphoric, yet there is real physics involved that is crystalline-like. In your crystal work, even at the basic level, you have realized that crystals do something special. Do you remember what that is? They hold energy. Therefore they retain energy-pattern memory. Now you're beginning to see how the computer of the Human body works. For the crystalline structure, which we would call the sheath around the encoding DNA, is the memory of your life force. It's the memory of every past life you've ever had. It's the Akashic record for you. It is the record of past and present contracts. It represents all of the things you have been through. That crystalline structure, therefore, is also spiritual. It is all that you are, memory-wise. There isn't one instruction-set there, however. The instructions are within the 12 DNA strands, and the crystalline information is "wrapped" around the DNA package as the memory core-the stem-ready to pass needed information to the instruction sets. The crystalline structure also contains the perfect blueprint of a Human Being...also in memory.
这个名字是隐喻性的,但它的确涉及真实物理,它表现得像水晶。在你们与水晶打交道的过程中,纵然是在最基础的层面,你们也知道水晶拥有特别的功能。你们记得那是什么吗?水晶持有能量。因此它们保留能量模式的记忆。现在你们开始看见人体的 “电脑” 是怎么做事的吧。水晶结构,我们会称之为包覆着编码 DNA 的护层,是你的生命力记忆。它是你过去每一生曾经拥有的记忆。它是你的阿卡什纪录。它是过去的纪录,也是现在的契约。它代表你所经历过的一切。因此,水晶结构,也是灵性的结构。在记忆方面,它是你所是的一切。无论如何,那里没有任何指令集。指令集是在 12 条 DNA 里,而水晶信息包覆着一整套 DNA,作为记忆核心——茎干——随时准备把需要的信息传达给指令集。水晶结构也含有人类的完美蓝图……也是在记忆中。
Now, as you might be realizing, there is constant communication between the 12 DNA strands and the 12 segmented crystalline memory. Right now that communication isn't very good. On this earth-on this planet-the communication between these vital parts in your body is less than 15 percent efficient. The biology therefore, is not very "smart" in this area. There are wonderful healing and life extending attributes within your cellular structure that will never show themselves without the efficient "remembering" from the crystalline sheath. The communication between the polarity of the encoding mechanism and the crystalline remembering-core is poor. This, dear ones, is a carefully constructed restriction that tempers your duality. It has been this way since the beginning, and is mainly responsible for the fact that you remember almost nothing about: (1) Who you were; (2) Why you are here; (3) The fact that you are eternal; (4) The spiritual test that you sit in, and (5) Who your real family is. That's not all. In addition to all these spiritual items, there is the unfacilitated biology! This poor communication, which was carefully postured for you (by you), also: (1) Doesn't remember how to regenerate efficiently; (2) Is wide open to attack from common earthly disease because part of it does not remember how to totally work; (3) Lives a short life because parts of it that are actually there, stop working during life, or are thwarted chemically.
现在,你们也许会意识到,12 条 DNA 与 12 段水晶记忆之间一直都有通讯。目前这种通讯不是很有效。在这个地球上——在这个星球上——你们体内这些重要部分的通讯效率低于 15% 。因此,身体在这方面不是很 “精明”。你们细胞结构内的神奇疗愈和延长寿命的能力,在没有得到水晶护层的高效能“记忆”的情况下,是无法发挥出来的。编码结构的极性与水晶记忆核心之间的通讯是很差劲的。这,亲爱的,就是被精心构造的限制,来调节你们的二元性。从一开始它就是如此,它主要是为了让你们完全忘记:(1)你是谁;(2)为什么你会在这里;(3)你是永恒的这项事实;(4)你所面对的灵性测试,还有(5)你真正的家人是谁。不止如此。除了这些灵性事项,还有得不到促进的身体!这种为了你们而(由你们自己)精心布置的差劲的通讯,它也:(1)不记得如何有效地再生;(2)对普遍的地球疾病大开门户,因为它的部分不记得要如何完整运作;(3)寿命很短,因为它的各个存在部分,在生命中停止运作,或在进行化学作用时受挫。
What do you suppose "talks" to the crystalline memory? What do you think helps posture that balance of duality that keeps things inefficient? The magnetic grid system of the Earth!
你们认为,是什么东西与水晶记忆 “交谈” 呢?你们认为,是什么东西协助布置二元性的平衡姿态,让事情变得没有效率呢?是地球的磁栅系统!
We wouldn't be here to move the magnetic grid unless you had asked for it-unless the 1987 measurement had shown the potential of great change, dear ones. Family, I'm talking to you! It is the communication between those two elements in the body that is the core of how close you can get to your Higher Self! Full remembrance at 100% from the encoding of your biology, would create an instant ascension status. You would walk around carrying your full potential...and that is an awesome thought.
我们不会在这里移动磁栅,除非这是你们的要求——除非 1987 年的测量显示出巨大的转变潜力,亲爱的。家人,我在对你们说话!你们体内那两种元素之间的通讯,就是关键,它决定你们能多接近你们的高我!你们身体的编码结构能 100% 完全忆起,就能即时创造出扬升状态。你们会携带着完整的潜能到处行走……想到都觉得了不起。
There are those on this planet who are here in almost their full potential. Did you know that? They have to be here for the spiritual balance of the planet (as we have mentioned to you before). Some of them you know of, and we speak of the Avatar energy that is represented by a few very special Humans living right now. Full communication of the principles we have been discussing allows for miracles! The creation of matter out of nothing-knowing how physics works-knowing how love works. It's a powerful combination, you know. Put them together and you can manifest anything: full power over the physical-full power over your life span-full power over your own biology! Take a good look at what the Avatars are able to do - that's who you all are!
Every single Human Being in the room and reading this, has the potential for all knowledge. It resides in the crystalline-a twelve-segmented crystalline structure that wraps itself around the encoding (DNA), and the encoding is just waiting for a better communication.
现场每一个人,还有读者,都有达致全知的潜能。它驻留于水晶——包覆着编码结构(DNA)的 12 段水晶结构之中,而编码结构正在等待更有效的通讯。
We told you many times during the "family" series of channellings that you were created equal, and perfect, and eternal. The only thing that keeps you from these things is the duality, and the poor efficiency of your current biology. All of it can be changed with better communication between the crystalline structure, and the DNA. As the memory transmission is increased to the instruction sets, the body reacts, and by "the body," we mean the whole Human.
在 “家人” 系列通灵中,我们说过很多次,你们是生来平等、完美、永生的。唯一阻止你们得到这些的是二元性,还有目前你们身体的低效率。这一切能因水晶结构与 DNA 之间更有效的通讯而改变。当传送给指令集的记忆越来越多,身体会有所反应,而我们所说的 “身体” 是指全体人类。
We want to tell you where that better communication is coming from. It's from the new position of the grid system of Earth. That is why we've moved it, and that is why our group came in 1989. Now you understand. Remember when we told you that no Human Being can exist outside of the magnetic grid of this Earth? The magnetic grid of this Earth is what makes the communication possible that postures your duality, and your very enlightenment. Without the magnetic grid there is no communication. Some day, your experiments in space will show this. The Human must have a magnetic complement to live in. Without it, over a period of months and years, the Human Being will die.
我们想告诉你,更有效的通讯是从哪里来的。它是从地球磁栅系统的新位置而来的。那就是我们会移动它的原因,那就是我们磁栅团队在 1989 年来到的原因。现在你们明白了吧。还记得我们说过,没有人能在地球磁栅之外生存吗?地球磁栅使通讯成为可能,它布置好你们的二元性,还有你们的觉性。没有磁栅就没有通讯。总有一天,你们的太空实验会显示这件事。人类必须生活在有磁力的环境中。没有磁力的话,经过数月或数年,人类就会死亡。
Elements on Earth come together for life, you know. Just look at your planet. Do you think you can just walk on it, live on it, and hope it behaves itself while you're here? It knows who you are, just as I do-Just as the grid does. There is intelligence there. Therefore the Earth is in cooperation with your very enlightenment. Just ask the indigenous people who came before you. At the core level of their spiritual beliefs lays the honor of the "dirt of the Earth." They knew.
地球上的元素都是为了生命而聚集在一起的,你们知道吗。只需看看你们的地球。你认为你只是走进来,活在地球上,并希望它在你的有生之年规规矩矩,是这样吗?地球认识你,就如我认识你——就如磁栅认识你。那里是有智能的。因此地球是与你的觉性合作。只需问问你们所遇到的土著。在他们的灵性信仰的核心层面,保留着对 “地球尘土” 的尊重。他们知道。
There is more about the communication of the grids, and it involves still another crystalline structure. This will be given at a later communication.
Your DNA (the twelve strands) contains instruction sets for a nine hundred and fift-year life span of your body. Currently, much of this encoding isn't working. The encoding isn't working since it has no information from the memory core (crystalline structure). Within the core memory, is information that will help the DNA chemistry "remember" how everything works.
你们的 DNA( 12 条)含有让你们的身体活到 950 岁的指令集。目前,这些编码结构多数都无法运作。编码结构无法运作,因为它得不到记忆核心(水晶结构)的信息。在核心记忆当中的信息,能协助 DNA 的化学物质 “记起” 一切该如何运作。
Right now, your science is finally beginning to poke and prod your biology and to stimulate artificially, the DNA. They are doing it with magnetics! This approach to health is a very real return to the mechanical processes within the "Temple of Rejuvenation," which we told you about some years ago. Magnetics, and the energy of the Cosmic Lattice, helps to posture your duality and your enlightenment. It also helps keep the balance of your crystalline memory which is currently in an inefficient mode, just as you designed it for your test on the planet.
现在,你们的科学家终于开始去戳、去刺你们的身体,以人工的方式去刺激你们的 DNA。他们是用磁力来进行的!这种促进健康的方法,完全是恢复 “回春之殿” 里面的力学过程,如我们在几年前所说的。磁力,还有宇宙网格的能量,协助布置你们的二元性和你们的觉性。它也协助保持水晶记忆的平衡,水晶记忆目前处于低效率模式,就如你们为了地球上的测试而设计的那样。
Now things are changing.
There are those in this room (speaking of both Todd Ovokaitys and Peggy Dubro), who are slowly discovering the Lattice "tie in" to cellular biology. One is discovering it through physics, and one is discovering it through the power of knowledge and intent. Both are working with magnetics at some level!
那些在现场的人(指 托德.欧沃楷提斯 和 佩吉.杜布若 两人),渐渐开始发现宇宙网格及细胞生物体之间是 “有关联” 的。一个通过物理学发现这件事,另一个通过知识的力量和意图来发现这件事。两人都在某种程度上与磁力打交道!
In both cases, what is changing is that the DNA is starting to remember! The efficiency of the communications is being enhanced and here-to-for hidden parts and pieces of the biological and spiritual DNA are awakening. Remember what awakening is? It means that the knowledge is there - just asleep. The mechanics are there - just waiting for more efficient instructions.
在两种情况中,正在改变的是,DNA 开始记起来了!通讯的效率开始增强——关于这个,是因为生物性和灵性 DNA 的隐藏部分和片段正在觉醒。记得觉醒是什么意思吗?它的意思是,那些知识本来就在那里——只是沉睡了。那些力学就在那里——在等待更有效的指示。
Let me give you an example: Every cell of your body is designed for self-diagnostics. Every cell is designed to know whether it is correct or incorrectly in balance with the whole. Every cell is supposed to know that, but much of this information is hidden from it. The disease you call cancer easily fools this poorly functioning part of your cellular structure. If this part was working properly, cancer would not exist.
Part of the reawakening is the marriage, through magnetics, of the core memory and the encoding. When the rest of the instructions are known, which will allow for the cell's full intelligent knowledge using self diagnostics, it will "recognize" itself to be out of balance and not reproduce. Only the healthy ones around it will be allowed to. In addition, it may actually commit "cell suicide" by itself! That's the full design. Look for it, for this is a well known biological trait. Now it's time to enhance it. Think of it as a tremendous enhancement of your immune systems and that's just one attribute of the "whole Human" imprint.
重新觉醒的其中一部分是,通过磁力来促成核心记忆与编码结构的结合。当其余的指令被得知时,它就会允许细胞拥有完整的智能知识,通过自我诊断,细胞会 “意识到” 自己的不平衡,因此不会进行细胞复制。只有健康的细胞被允许复制。除此之外,它还会自己进行 “细胞自杀” !那就是完整的设计。留意它,因为它是众所周知的生物特性。现在是时候增强这种特性了。请把它想成是对人类免疫系统的极大增强,而那只是 “全体人类” 印记的特性之一。
Some of you reading and hearing this think we are only talking about science. NO! We are actually discussing self-healing...long life, and a whole new actively changing Human biological paradigm! For whether it is through intent of the Human consciousness, or whether it's physical facilitation through chemistry or physics, your DNA now has permission to change and dear ones, that's what the 11:11 was about! That's when you said, "yes" to the very item we are discussing now.
有些读者和听众认为我们只是在谈论科学。不!我们其实是在谈论自我疗愈……长寿,还有全新的积极改变的人类身体模式!因为,无论是通过人类意识的意图,或是通过化学或物理方法对身体的促进,现在你们的 DNA 已经被允许改变,而亲爱的,11:11 事件 [和谐汇聚] 就是这么回事!那就是你们对我们正在谈论的事情说 “好” 的时候。
Celebrate! Listen: when the communication between the crystalline structure and the DNA structure becomes closer together, you can form bones where there were none before-there is creation of matter-you can have disease leave the body! The cells become more intelligent. You enhance the biology and the miracle comes from within!
庆祝吧!听着:当水晶结构与 DNA 结构变得更接近时,你们可以在没有骨头的地方长出骨头——创造物质——你们可以让疾病离开身体!细胞变得更有智能。你们增强了身体,而奇迹从体内发生!
Healers, are you listening? Everything you are doing in your work ends up helping to bring these two biological attributes together within the cellular structure of the one that sits in front of you asking to be healed. Why do some get healed, and some do not?
The answer is complex, but one of the main catalysts for miraculous healing is pure intent. The next time you're working with someone, make sure that the intent is there-make certain that they really understand what they are doing. When true permission is given, and the intent is there, healing will occur. Some of the most magnificent healing you have on your planet right now is Human with Human, with no one touching anyone at all. It's profound. It has the properties of being miraculous and it is the connection with the Lattice. This, therefore is the explanation of where that energy comes from, because the Lattice is what is actually supplying all the magnetics. When you finally understand where magnetic fields come from, you will know of what I speak. They are an attribute of matter and the Lattice.
答案是很复杂的,但奇迹治愈的其中一个主要的催化剂是纯粹意图。下次当你对某人进行治疗时,确定他们有被治愈的意图——确定他们真正理解自己正在做的事。当真正的许可被给出时,意图就存在了,治愈就会发生。目前地球上一些最伟大的治愈是 “人与人”,过程中完全没有任何碰触。它是深奥的过程。它具有奇迹的特性,它是与宇宙网格的连接。因此,这就解释了能量是从哪里来的,因为宇宙网格就是提供所有磁力的来源。当你们终于理解磁场是从哪里来的时候,你们就会知道我所说的是什么。磁力是物质及宇宙网格的特性。
Some of you remember the story of Michael Thomas, and the channelling of the story, The Journey Home (Kryon Book Five). You might remember that Michael was told that he would meet the finest and grandest angel of them all, in the final house of his journey - and he did. In that Seventh House the grand angel was revealed to him, and it was gold, and it had his face! As Michael Thomas sat with that angel, he could barely breathe because of the divinity that was around him. Realizing that the biology and divinity don't mix, he was having a hard time on his knees. Michael was granted, at that time, a physical dispensation around him so that he could exist while he looked at the grand one that was his Higher Self.
你们有些人还记得 麦克.托马斯 的故事,还有给出这个故事的通灵,《回家的旅程》(克里昂书五)。你们也许记得,麦克被告知他会遇见最优秀最伟大的天使,在他旅程中的最后一间屋子里——他果然遇见了。在第七间屋子里,最伟大的天使出现在他面前,祂全身金色,而且拥有麦克的脸孔!当 麦克.托马斯 与那位天使坐在一起时,他感到难以呼吸,因为周围的神圣气氛让他感到战战兢兢。察觉到生物与神的区别,他经历了一段跪在地上的艰难时光。当时,麦克得到允许,让他免除肉体,这样他在看着伟大的高我时还能继续存在。
When the great golden one was finished giving Michael Thomas information, he told Michael that there was to be no more teaching. They both had reached a time similar to what we have reached together right now. There's no more teaching in this message. Instead, all there is right now is love.
In The Journey Home story, the great gold angel asked Michael Thomas to turn around and sit upon the staircase, which the angel had just descended. Michael Thomas did so, and the angel said, "Michael Thomas, this has nothing to do with teaching. The learning is over. What I'm about to do is just to love you." As you might recall, the great grand one-the sacred family member-the higher self of the Human, took Michael Thomas' feet one at a time, and washed them. Michael wept.
在《回家的旅程》的故事中,伟大的金色天使叫麦克转过身,坐在天使刚刚走下来的梯级上。麦克.托马斯 照做了,然后天使说,“麦克.托马斯,这与教学无关。教学结束了。我即将做的事,只是为了爱你。” 你们也许会记得,那伟大壮丽的天使——神圣的家庭成员——人类的高我,拿起麦克.托马斯的脚,一次一只,来帮他洗脚。麦克哭了。
You see, this is the partnership between a Human Being and his sacred family. This is the partnership between Spirit and Human Being. This is the message of Kryon. All the physics that was discussed today can be given to science. The love is the real teaching! The family is here-a family who knows you. Messages are given to enhance your life. Processes and procedures are given all over the planet for you, because you're going to have to live a lot longer to accomplish your work. And what is your work, you might ask? It is to hold your light!
Want to know the difference between you right now, as we wash your feet, and the Indigo children we've spoken about? That crystalline structure we have discussed today is just a little closer to their encoding than yours is. Those children come in from the other side knowing that they are royalty. Those children come in with a spiritual evolution that you did not have, and that is why they seem to be such misfits in your society. They know things that you didn't know, and they feel it at the cellular level. Some of them are actually creating their own culture because you are not listening to them. You are not giving them credit for being evolved. You are not giving them honor. Oddly enough, you are treating them like children!
Right now it's a time of foot washing, is it not? Most of you know that these are the closing moments of the channelling, yet we continue to wash your feet. We've poured energy into this room and also to those of you reading this. It's sacred family energy from the entourage that has come from beyond the veil. It has been delivered from those who love you-who pass between these aisles and these chairs and who give you hugs-those at your feet right now.
As we arise and take those bowls of our tears of joy, we withdraw from this place. If we could say that such an emotion exists on this side of the veil, we would say there's sadness in our retreat. For we are family, who wish to stay here! If you allowed it, we would be here in this room, or where you sit, for days. That's how family feels about family!
Let this time of preciousness go on record as being a time a great reunion-a time when Humans and angels got together and recognized themselves as family, and loved one another for it. There will be a time when I see you again in the Hall of Honor.
When that time comes, I will refer to this day, and I will say, "remember that time in the place you called New Hampshire? It was precious ... precious."
And so it is.