Mount Washington, New Hampshire |
Kryon:The Cosmic Lattice Part I
今晚我们要告诉你一种特别的能量。你们会认为它是物体,但它其实不是——它是一种现象。它是你们一直以来都在寻找的缺失的能量片段。它是爱的能量、圣灵的能量、宇宙的能量;今晚我们是在讲英语中称为 “The Cosmic Lattice” 的东西。
距离对宇宙网格不算什么,就如你的拇指和食指之间真的不算什么距离,宇宙网格最遥远的部分完全知道这间房里的这个部分所发生的事情。在你身体细胞里的部分,完全知道 110 亿光年以外所发生的事!
宇宙网格没有可看见的光。宇宙网格的能量处于一种 “零点平衡” 的状态中,我们正要讲解这种现象。零点能量拥有惊人的威力,但是在它平常的静止状态中,这种能量似乎被零点平衡抵消掉了。当极性处于不平衡状态时,它的能量才会释放出来。你们的天文学家一直都在观察宇宙,并以他们的方式来测量宇宙的能量。他们留意到一种让他们感到懊恼的现象:宇宙中的物质及光的总和远远少于他们所测量到的能量!亲爱的,他们看见的就是被抵消掉的能量。他们测量的就是宇宙网格。
宇宙网格的能量存在于所有地点和所有区域。我们说过它存在于原子的最小粒子中。 当我们谈到原子核与电子云之间的距离时,我们谈的是宇宙网格的原则。当我们给出电子云距离原子核有多远的运作方程式时,我们谈的是宇宙网格的能量之间的互动。当我们谈到 110 亿光年远的伽玛射线活动时,我们谈的是宇宙网格。从极大到极小,这股能量来源是浩瀚无际又静止不动的。只有当它被需要时,当人类以设计好的方式打破它的平衡时,它才会提供能量。当它的物理特性为人类所知时,所有机遇都将为你们而打开,不只是在通讯方面,而是无处不在、无限的能源——无限的能源!
让我告诉你,宇宙网格能回应人类的意识!再一次,我们说,从宇宙的另一边,宇宙网格就已经知道你的名字!仔细听着:你们许多人已经察觉到,人与人之间的沟通似乎超越了任何已知的速度。同卵双胞胎——双生火焰——灵魂伴侣,一个在地球这一边,另一个在地球那一边,往往能即时通讯。也许其中一人觉得焦虑,另一人马上就能感觉到!我来讲讲是什么东西让它得以发生: 是宇宙网格的力学。你们是即时互相连接的,你们是在运用宇宙网格。如果现在我们能把一个人神奇地送到宇宙的另一边——难以置信地遥远——无法想象的距离——我们说,宇宙网格还是会让我们与他达致即时通讯,就像平常一样……不管距离多远!
New Hampshire
November 97
As channeled by Lee Carroll for Kryon
This was the most profound information on energy that Kryon has ever presented. It is the beginning of a series with subjects such as this. Energy workers in the audience were taking notes furiously, and I have met with some recently to further discuss the implications of this new scientific information, but which impacts every new age worker today. Did you ever wonder what the mechanics of Reiki and other effective new age energy facilitation was? Where does the energy come from? How is it accessed? Kryon speaks of the source and attributes of basic cosmic energy. It is a total crossover of mainstream science and the New Age. It won't take long for this principle to be discovered by our scientists. They are very close to it now. When they do, you can remember that you read it first on this page.
这是克里昂所呈现过的最深刻的能量信息。它是一系列类似信息的起点。听众席上的能量工作者正在埋头做笔记,而我 [李卡罗] 最近与他们其中一些人见面并进一步讨论这项科学新信息的含意,它对每一位新时代工作者都造成了思想冲击。你们有没有想过 ‘灵气疗法’ 和其他有效的新时代能量促进法的力学原理是什么?能量是从哪里来的?它如何进入人体?克里昂讲述基本宇宙能量的来源及特性。这完全是主流科学及新时代的跨界研讨会。不用太久这个原理就会为科学家所发现。他们现在已经非常接近了。当他们做到时,你可以记得,你是最先在这个网页上读到这些信息。
Greetings, dear ones, I AM Kryon of magnetic service!
Oh, it is good to be back in this energy before you. This night is going to be different than the last, for in this place there are going to be changed hearts, with permission. Some of you will see for the first time what the love of God truly is, and how it "shakes hands" with the spiritual part within you that is a piece of the whole. Tonight there will be revealed some profound principles that you are ready for, and the assemblage of humans that is here is perfect to hear it.
啊,回到你们这里的这股能量中感觉真好。今晚的通灵将会与上一次的不同,因为这里会有改变的心灵,经过你们的许可。你们有些人会第一次真正感受到神的爱是怎么回事,它是怎么与你体内的灵性部分、与那整体的一个片段 “握手”。今晚一些深奥的原理将会被揭露,它是你们准备好接受的,而聚集在这里的人们是这些信息的最佳听众。
Oh family—oh dear ones—we gather this night together, just the few of us, to feel the love of HOME. And we say to you that some will have a difficult time for a few moments understanding that the voice you are hearing (and reading) is no longer the consciousness of my partner who has spoken to you for these many hours (during the seminar). Oh no. For now you are hearing the voice and the consciousness of the one who loves you dearly—that being of the God-essence itself—the one who knows all about your life—the one who loves you dearer than any in the Universe—the one who knows the innermost secrets—the one who has no judgment around you. Oh, listen to this: Blessed are the human beings that will sacrifice themselves as entities of the Universe and willingly come to this planet accepting the frailty of biology—hiding the magnificence of themselves and their Merkabahs, and their colors, in order to stand with other humans and try to remember who they really are. There is no greater love than this, that you would sacrifice yourselves to such a degree as to come here and make a change in the very fabric of the Universe! You heard it right. For what you do here on this planet in the journey itself will change the way things work in a place that you have no conception of.
We use this time (pause) to wash your feet. And it is the theme and the way of Kryon, that between the teaching is the loving. So again we speak of things many of you have heard before, that figuratively we are here this night to reacquaint this energy with yours and to reach out our hands and take each human foot one at a time, and wash it with our tears of joy. Walking the aisles of this assemblage right now are entities you know. Before this time of teaching is over, you will feel them as they encompass you, and put their arms around you, as they tell you they love you. The spiritual entourage here is many times the number of humans in this room, and as we continue this teaching session this night we are going to tell you that this group will become even closer to you. There will be those of you who give permission at this time to go forward in your lives with pure intent, and to understand what is being presented. Tonight’s message may seem at first to be impersonal, but as we proceed you will understand why it is being given at this time and what it means.
我们利用这个时候 (暂停) 来为你们洗脚,这是克里昂的主题与方式:在教学之际也传递爱。所以我们再说一次你们许多人已经听过的话,比喻而言,我们今晚来到这里与你们的能量重新认识,我们伸出手,一次拿起人类一只脚,以我们的喜悦泪水来为你们洗脚。此刻在走道上行走的是你们认识的存有。在教学结束之前,你会感觉到他们围绕着你,以双臂拥抱你,并说他们爱你。这里的灵性随行团的数目是在场人类的好几倍,当我们继续今晚的教学时,这个灵性随行团将会更加接近你们。此时,你们有些人将会以纯粹的意图允许自己的生命向前迈进,去了解今晚所呈现的信息。今晚的信息一开始会看似与个人无关,但是当我们讲下去时,你就会明白为何它是在此时给出、它意味着什么。
These are the precious times of Spirit... where you undertake the process that you call channeling. Whereas you may have come to hear the message, I am telling you that the entourage was waiting patiently in this room in the dark long before you got here—preparing the energy—excited about those human beings who would sit in these chairs—knowing your names, every single one of them. Names that you perhaps have never heard, but that belong to your energy. Friends that you’ve had on the other side—entities that have loved you all your lives—guides and friends of guides—masters each one—waiting for the anointed ones (humans) to come into the room. That’s our perception of a Kryon channel, you see. We have been here waiting for you. And as you sit in that chair I want you to understand that YOU are the exalted ones. And WE have come to see YOU!
这是圣灵的宝贵时刻……你们肯接受这个叫做 ‘通灵’ 的过程。尽管你们是来这里聆听信息,但我告诉你,早在你们还没到来之前,随行团就已经耐心地在这间房里,在黑暗中等候——准备好能量——对于会来到这里坐在椅子上的人类感到兴奋——知道你的名字,认识你们每一个人。也许你们没有听过他们的名字,但它属于你的能量。你在帷幕另一边的朋友——每一生都爱你的存有——指导灵与指导灵的朋友——每一位都是大师——等候着受膏者(人类)进入这里。[译注:受膏为天主教仪式,是选定的意思]。那就是我们眼中的克里昂通灵,你瞧。我们一直在等候着你们。当你坐在椅子上时,我要你知道,你是高贵的。我们特地来见你!
We’re going to tell you some things that have never been told before. We are going to broach a subject, my partner, which is partially scientific and then later personal. And because of what is to come, I want you, my partner, to be very careful as you translate this. Go as slow as you need to, for this information is new. The transcribing process will be complete and we can even see right now those reading this. It will be their "now," but it is in your future as you hear this. For this message will be profound in science, but like so many other science items we have brought to you, dear ones, whereas it may start off to seem universal, it becomes individual very soon... so stay with the message.
我们要给出一些从未给过的信息。我们要谈论一个议题,我的伙伴,它是一半与科学有关,接下来一半与个人有关。为此,我要你,我的伙伴,在转译时必须非常小心。尽可能地放慢语调,因为这个信息是全新的。抄写的过程会被完成,此刻我们甚至可以看见那些读者。那是他们的 “当下” ,但在你们聆听之际,它是你们的未来。这个信息在科学上是很深奥的,但就如许多我们曾经给过的科学信息一样,亲爱的,尽管起初它看似普遍性质的信息,但很快它就会成为个人信息……所以请耐心听下去。
We are here to reveal for the first time, some of the way things work that we have never told any group before. And it is indeed appropriate that it be revealed in this place, for the consciousness here is one of love—one of desire for knowledge—one that is serious. And I am speaking to lightworkers that are holding their light high! I am speaking to you, dear one [reading and hearing this]. I know your heart and the purity of it. I know why you’re here. This message is for you personally, as well as for the scientists—as well as for the metaphysicians all over the world. So it is that this message will go far. Let it begin.
我们将会首次揭露,一些事物的运作方式,这是我们从未跟任何群众提过的。而在这里揭露是很恰当的,因为这里有的是爱的意识——渴求知识的意识——认真的意识。而我正在对一群高举灵光的光之工作者讲话!我正在对你讲话,亲爱的 [读者和听众]。我知道你的内心,知道你心中的纯净。我知道为什么你会在这里。这个信息是给你个人的,也是给科学家——以及给全世界的形而上学者。这个信息的就是如此广大深远。让我们开始吧。
We wish to tell you this night of a specific kind of energy. We wish to tell you this night of what some of you will think of as an object, but it is not—it is a phenomenon. It is something so common that it is around all of you, yet so mysterious that few know of it. It is the missing piece of energy that you have been looking for so long. It is the energy of love. It is the energy of Spirit. It is the energy of the Universe and we are speaking this night of something in English that we will call "The Cosmic Lattice." I will dole out this information carefully and slowly to my partner so that you will understand what it is and how it works. And before this meeting is finished this night you will understand how it applies to you.
今晚我们要告诉你一种特别的能量。我们想要告诉你一种东西,你会认为它是物体,但它其实不是——它是一种现象。它很常见,就在你们周围,但它也非常神秘,以致于很少人知道关于它的事。它是你们一直以来都在寻找的缺失的能量片段。它是爱的能量、圣灵的能量、宇宙的能量;今晚我们是在讲英语中称为 “The Cosmic Lattice” 的东西。我会慢慢地、小心地、一点一滴地把这个信息传达给我的伙伴,好让你们知道它是什么、它是怎么运作的。在今晚的会议结束之前,你们会明白它是怎么应用到你们身上。
It is very common in the teaching of Kryon that we start with the big and go down to the small so that you will understand the overview and how it affects the human heart. The Cosmic Lattice, dear ones, is the common denominator of the unified energy source of the Universe. The common denominator—meaning that all things emanate from The Cosmic Lattice. It is difficult to define this all at once, so we will tell you its many attributes slowly this night. The Cosmic Lattice is everywhere. It is throughout the Universe. Everything that you can see and everything you cannot see contains the lattice. From the smallest particles of your physics, and from the electron haze forward, The Cosmic Lattice is present. Those of you in physics will begin to understand and recognize this principle, and it will start to make sense as to what this lattice actually is.
Let us first begin with its size. This is only appropriate, even before we define how it works and what it is. The Cosmic Lattice is the largest energy you have ever conceived of. It encompasses the entire Universe and more. It is present everywhere. There is no place that you can conceive of—no matter what the dimension—that is without the lattice. The Cosmic Lattice is perhaps what you could call the consciousness of God and yet it is physics and it is energy and it contains conscious love. Therefore, what we are telling you is that it is pervasive everywhere and encompasses the entire universe, including all dimensions. Can you conceive of something so large? As far as you can see in the skies—as far as any astronomer can gather light over ours on a photographic plate—The Cosmic Lattice is already there. And yet it has one single consciousness all at the same time—always at the same time. Distance is nothing to The Cosmic Lattice and this, my partner, is where things get difficult to explain.
Pretend for a moment that your hand was bigger than the universe itself, and as you outstretch your hand, all of the known matter that exists can fit within your palm in a small ball. You are therefore immense! You have the dimensions of God! Within that ball in your hand there are billions of stars, and within that ball there are distances which seem insurmountable and immense to those entities that live there. Within that ball, which is the Universe, it would seem to take forever to get from one end to the other to an entity traveling within it, yet that ball rests easily in your single hand! The Cosmic Lattice is like this, for there truly is no distance that is insurmountable between your thumb and a finger, and the consciousness of your hand is singular. The cellular structure is of one, interlaced with a consciousness which reacts as one. And although within that ball which could be called the Universe within your hand, there seems to be billions of light years of travel, and space and time to conquer, as you hold it in your hand, that is not so. Everything there—the billions of stars—is in your "now."
假设你的手比宇宙还要大,当你摊开手掌时,所有已知存在的物质都可容纳于你掌心的小球里。因此你是浩瀚无际的!你拥有神的所有维度!你掌心的小球包含了数十亿的星体,球里面的距离对居住其中的实体而言是难以克服的遥远。在球里面,即是在宇宙里,对游历其中的实体而言,要从这一端去到那一端,似乎永远都到不了,然而这粒小球却轻易就放在你手掌上! 宇宙网格就是这样,就如你的拇指和食指之间真的不算什么距离,而你的手掌的意识是单一的。细胞结构是一体,与一体的意识交织在一起。虽然在你掌心那粒叫做宇宙的小球里,看似有数十亿光年的距离和时空需要克服,但是当你把它放在手掌上时,情况就不是这样。宇宙中的所有事物——数十亿的星体——都在你的 “当下”。
So you get an idea of the size of this energy, but you also get an idea of the unification of The Cosmic Lattice. The most distant part of this lattice knows exactly what the part that is here in this room is doing. The part that is between the cells of your biology, which we have called love, knows what is happening 11 billion light years away! The Cosmic Lattice has no time, and we’ll talk about that in a moment.
所以你知道了这股能量的规模,你也知道了宇宙网格的统一性。宇宙网格最遥远的部分完全知道这间房里的这个部分所发生的事情。在你身体细胞里的部分,即是我们所说的爱,完全知道 110 亿光年以外所发生的事!宇宙网格没有时间限制,等下我们会讲到这个。
So the first attribute is the size, and the size is immense. It is the biggest energy known. It is the biggest energy that exists. Let us talk about its shape and this, my partner, is even more difficult. It is not a grid. The Cosmic Lattice has symmetry, however. But it is not a grid. If its shape could be revealed to you it would astound you, for it would give away something, and it would have to do with what you call human time. There’s evidence of The Cosmic Lattice already, and we’re going to tell you how to look for this evidence. Your astronomers look from your Earth in a way that is as though they had one eye closed. They have not really yet seen a stereoscopic view of what is around your planet that is clear. Instead they look from Earth in a monocular way, with no depth perception of what is surrounding you. Therefore, you have not been able to see the strings of darkness. This is one of the attributes of The Cosmic Lattice that is there for you to see any time you wish. The word "darkness" is interpreted here by my partner to mean "lack of light," as opposed to any spiritual meaning. It is as though you looked into the starry sky at night and saw that many of the star groupings had narrow "highways" of nothing between them... but a clear pattern.
那么我们第一个讨论的是它的规模,它的规模是浩瀚无际的。它是已知最宏大的能量。 它是现有最宏大的能量。现在让我们来讨论它的形状,而这,我的伙伴,又更加难以解释了。它不是栅格。无论如何,宇宙网格拥有对称性。但它不是栅格。如果它的形状能够向你们揭露,将会让你们大吃一惊,也将会泄露某些事情,它与人类的时间有关。宇宙网格的存在证据早就有了,我们会告诉你如何找出证据。你们的天文学家从地球看宇宙的方式犹如闭上了一只眼。他们没有真正以立体的视野来观看地球周围那些明显的事物。相反的,他们以单眼从地球观看,无法感知周围事物的深度。因此,你们看不见黑暗线。这是宇宙网格的特性,任何时候你们想看就能看见。“黑暗” 在这里的意思,我的伙伴的定义为 “缺乏光”,与其他灵性上的定义不同。就如你看着繁星点点的夜空,看见很多星团,在这些星团之间是什么都看不见的狭窄 “公路”……但呈现出一副清晰的图案。
Some years ago we told you that your big bang, wasn’t. We told you that it does not make sense to have a universe that explodes from one central creative point, not to be evenly dispersed. And we told you to look for the clumping effect as evidence that there was no original point of explosion. Now there’s more, and now we will tell you what that is. For there will come a time when you are able to put your "eyes" and your telescopes at very different and far away places. One may even be on another planet, and together as they look at the universe in a stereoscopic way, like your two eyes look out upon the world, they will finally see the three-dimensional image before them. And what they will see are the highways of seeming blackness between the clumps of star matter. Straight lines of darkness will be evident, giving the Universe direction—giving it symmetry—allowing for a mystery to develop of how such a thing could be—like seeming highways with apparent nothingness between the clumps. Look for it. It is going to happen.
数年前我们说,你们的 “大爆炸” 理论是不正确的。我们说,宇宙从一个中心创造点爆发出来,然后均匀地散开,这种说法,是不合理的。我们示意你们去看看那 “星团效应”,那就是没有原始爆炸点的证据。现在还有更多消息,现在我们会告诉你那是什么。终有一天,你们可以把 “眼睛” 与望远镜放置在非常不同、非常遥远的地方。它甚至可能放在另一个星球,与地球的望远镜一起以立体的视野来观看宇宙,就如你的两只眼睛看向外面的世界一样,它们终于能看见它们眼前的三维影像。它们将看见星团间有许多看似黑暗的 “公路”。笔直的黑暗线将变得明显,给宇宙指出方向——给宇宙带来对称性——让它的谜团得以解开——就如星团间看似空无一物的公路。留意这件事。它即将发生。
The Cosmic Lattice has no visible light, even though it is the essence of light. The lattice energy is in a NULL balance, and we are going to tell you about that right now. For the energy is in a balanced state called the null balance where the polarity of its most powerful attributes are balanced to zero. The null energy has fantastic power, but in its common resting state, it seems to be void due to the zero balance. It’s when you unbalance the polarity that the power is released, you see. Your astronomers have looked at the Universe and the cosmos, with their ways of measuring the energy there, and they look to the skies and they measure the whole energy. What they have noted with some frustration, is that there is far less matter and light than there is measured energy! This is a known situation with your scientists. Ask your scientists why this should be, and they will postulate all manner of things, including the existence of "dark matter." Dear ones, what they are seeing is void energy. It is The Cosmic Lattice that they are measuring. The Cosmic Lattice energy is everywhere, and when I am done with this message, you will know what triggers it, and you’ll know how it’s used. You’ll know how it reacts to other energy, and you’ll know why it exists.
宇宙网格没有可看见的光,虽然它的本质就是光。宇宙网格的能量处于一种 “零点平衡” 的状态中,我们正要讲解这种现象。它的能量处于一种平衡的状态中,称为零点平衡,它的极性,即是它最强大的特性,被平衡到 “零值”。零点能量拥有惊人的威力,但是在它平常的静止状态中,这种能量似乎被零点平衡抵消掉了。当极性处于不平衡状态时,它的能量才会释放出来,你瞧。你们的天文学家一直都在观察宇宙,并以他们的方式来测量宇宙的能量,他们看着天空并测量整体能量。他们留意到一种让他们感到懊恼的现象:宇宙中的物质及光的总和远远少于他们所测量到的能量!这是在科学界里众所周知的现象。问问你们的科学家为什么会这样,他们会作出各种假设,包括 “暗物质” 的存在。亲爱的,他们看见的就是被抵消掉的能量。他们测量的就是宇宙网格。宇宙网格的能量无处不在,当我讲完这个信息时,你们就会知道是什么东西激发了它,你们会知道它是如何被运用的。你们会知道它如何对其他能量作出反应,你们会知道它为何存在。
As channeled by Lee Carroll for Kryon
This was the most profound information on energy that Kryon has ever presented. It is the beginning of a series with subjects such as this. Energy workers in the audience were taking notes furiously, and I have met with some recently to further discuss the implications of this new scientific information, but which impacts every new age worker today. Did you ever wonder what the mechanics of Reiki and other effective new age energy facilitation was? Where does the energy come from? How is it accessed? Kryon speaks of the source and attributes of basic cosmic energy. It is a total crossover of mainstream science and the New Age. It won't take long for this principle to be discovered by our scientists. They are very close to it now. When they do, you can remember that you read it first on this page.
这是克里昂所呈现过的最深刻的能量信息。它是一系列类似信息的起点。听众席上的能量工作者正在埋头做笔记,而我 [李卡罗] 最近与他们其中一些人见面并进一步讨论这项科学新信息的含意,它对每一位新时代工作者都造成了思想冲击。你们有没有想过 ‘灵气疗法’ 和其他有效的新时代能量促进法的力学原理是什么?能量是从哪里来的?它如何进入人体?克里昂讲述基本宇宙能量的来源及特性。这完全是主流科学及新时代的跨界研讨会。不用太久这个原理就会为科学家所发现。他们现在已经非常接近了。当他们做到时,你可以记得,你是最先在这个网页上读到这些信息。
Greetings, dear ones, I AM Kryon of magnetic service!
Oh, it is good to be back in this energy before you. This night is going to be different than the last, for in this place there are going to be changed hearts, with permission. Some of you will see for the first time what the love of God truly is, and how it "shakes hands" with the spiritual part within you that is a piece of the whole. Tonight there will be revealed some profound principles that you are ready for, and the assemblage of humans that is here is perfect to hear it.
啊,回到你们这里的这股能量中感觉真好。今晚的通灵将会与上一次的不同,因为这里会有改变的心灵,经过你们的许可。你们有些人会第一次真正感受到神的爱是怎么回事,它是怎么与你体内的灵性部分、与那整体的一个片段 “握手”。今晚一些深奥的原理将会被揭露,它是你们准备好接受的,而聚集在这里的人们是这些信息的最佳听众。
Oh family—oh dear ones—we gather this night together, just the few of us, to feel the love of HOME. And we say to you that some will have a difficult time for a few moments understanding that the voice you are hearing (and reading) is no longer the consciousness of my partner who has spoken to you for these many hours (during the seminar). Oh no. For now you are hearing the voice and the consciousness of the one who loves you dearly—that being of the God-essence itself—the one who knows all about your life—the one who loves you dearer than any in the Universe—the one who knows the innermost secrets—the one who has no judgment around you. Oh, listen to this: Blessed are the human beings that will sacrifice themselves as entities of the Universe and willingly come to this planet accepting the frailty of biology—hiding the magnificence of themselves and their Merkabahs, and their colors, in order to stand with other humans and try to remember who they really are. There is no greater love than this, that you would sacrifice yourselves to such a degree as to come here and make a change in the very fabric of the Universe! You heard it right. For what you do here on this planet in the journey itself will change the way things work in a place that you have no conception of.
We use this time (pause) to wash your feet. And it is the theme and the way of Kryon, that between the teaching is the loving. So again we speak of things many of you have heard before, that figuratively we are here this night to reacquaint this energy with yours and to reach out our hands and take each human foot one at a time, and wash it with our tears of joy. Walking the aisles of this assemblage right now are entities you know. Before this time of teaching is over, you will feel them as they encompass you, and put their arms around you, as they tell you they love you. The spiritual entourage here is many times the number of humans in this room, and as we continue this teaching session this night we are going to tell you that this group will become even closer to you. There will be those of you who give permission at this time to go forward in your lives with pure intent, and to understand what is being presented. Tonight’s message may seem at first to be impersonal, but as we proceed you will understand why it is being given at this time and what it means.
我们利用这个时候 (暂停) 来为你们洗脚,这是克里昂的主题与方式:在教学之际也传递爱。所以我们再说一次你们许多人已经听过的话,比喻而言,我们今晚来到这里与你们的能量重新认识,我们伸出手,一次拿起人类一只脚,以我们的喜悦泪水来为你们洗脚。此刻在走道上行走的是你们认识的存有。在教学结束之前,你会感觉到他们围绕着你,以双臂拥抱你,并说他们爱你。这里的灵性随行团的数目是在场人类的好几倍,当我们继续今晚的教学时,这个灵性随行团将会更加接近你们。此时,你们有些人将会以纯粹的意图允许自己的生命向前迈进,去了解今晚所呈现的信息。今晚的信息一开始会看似与个人无关,但是当我们讲下去时,你就会明白为何它是在此时给出、它意味着什么。
These are the precious times of Spirit... where you undertake the process that you call channeling. Whereas you may have come to hear the message, I am telling you that the entourage was waiting patiently in this room in the dark long before you got here—preparing the energy—excited about those human beings who would sit in these chairs—knowing your names, every single one of them. Names that you perhaps have never heard, but that belong to your energy. Friends that you’ve had on the other side—entities that have loved you all your lives—guides and friends of guides—masters each one—waiting for the anointed ones (humans) to come into the room. That’s our perception of a Kryon channel, you see. We have been here waiting for you. And as you sit in that chair I want you to understand that YOU are the exalted ones. And WE have come to see YOU!
这是圣灵的宝贵时刻……你们肯接受这个叫做 ‘通灵’ 的过程。尽管你们是来这里聆听信息,但我告诉你,早在你们还没到来之前,随行团就已经耐心地在这间房里,在黑暗中等候——准备好能量——对于会来到这里坐在椅子上的人类感到兴奋——知道你的名字,认识你们每一个人。也许你们没有听过他们的名字,但它属于你的能量。你在帷幕另一边的朋友——每一生都爱你的存有——指导灵与指导灵的朋友——每一位都是大师——等候着受膏者(人类)进入这里。[译注:受膏为天主教仪式,是选定的意思]。那就是我们眼中的克里昂通灵,你瞧。我们一直在等候着你们。当你坐在椅子上时,我要你知道,你是高贵的。我们特地来见你!
We’re going to tell you some things that have never been told before. We are going to broach a subject, my partner, which is partially scientific and then later personal. And because of what is to come, I want you, my partner, to be very careful as you translate this. Go as slow as you need to, for this information is new. The transcribing process will be complete and we can even see right now those reading this. It will be their "now," but it is in your future as you hear this. For this message will be profound in science, but like so many other science items we have brought to you, dear ones, whereas it may start off to seem universal, it becomes individual very soon... so stay with the message.
我们要给出一些从未给过的信息。我们要谈论一个议题,我的伙伴,它是一半与科学有关,接下来一半与个人有关。为此,我要你,我的伙伴,在转译时必须非常小心。尽可能地放慢语调,因为这个信息是全新的。抄写的过程会被完成,此刻我们甚至可以看见那些读者。那是他们的 “当下” ,但在你们聆听之际,它是你们的未来。这个信息在科学上是很深奥的,但就如许多我们曾经给过的科学信息一样,亲爱的,尽管起初它看似普遍性质的信息,但很快它就会成为个人信息……所以请耐心听下去。
We are here to reveal for the first time, some of the way things work that we have never told any group before. And it is indeed appropriate that it be revealed in this place, for the consciousness here is one of love—one of desire for knowledge—one that is serious. And I am speaking to lightworkers that are holding their light high! I am speaking to you, dear one [reading and hearing this]. I know your heart and the purity of it. I know why you’re here. This message is for you personally, as well as for the scientists—as well as for the metaphysicians all over the world. So it is that this message will go far. Let it begin.
我们将会首次揭露,一些事物的运作方式,这是我们从未跟任何群众提过的。而在这里揭露是很恰当的,因为这里有的是爱的意识——渴求知识的意识——认真的意识。而我正在对一群高举灵光的光之工作者讲话!我正在对你讲话,亲爱的 [读者和听众]。我知道你的内心,知道你心中的纯净。我知道为什么你会在这里。这个信息是给你个人的,也是给科学家——以及给全世界的形而上学者。这个信息的就是如此广大深远。让我们开始吧。
We wish to tell you this night of a specific kind of energy. We wish to tell you this night of what some of you will think of as an object, but it is not—it is a phenomenon. It is something so common that it is around all of you, yet so mysterious that few know of it. It is the missing piece of energy that you have been looking for so long. It is the energy of love. It is the energy of Spirit. It is the energy of the Universe and we are speaking this night of something in English that we will call "The Cosmic Lattice." I will dole out this information carefully and slowly to my partner so that you will understand what it is and how it works. And before this meeting is finished this night you will understand how it applies to you.
今晚我们要告诉你一种特别的能量。我们想要告诉你一种东西,你会认为它是物体,但它其实不是——它是一种现象。它很常见,就在你们周围,但它也非常神秘,以致于很少人知道关于它的事。它是你们一直以来都在寻找的缺失的能量片段。它是爱的能量、圣灵的能量、宇宙的能量;今晚我们是在讲英语中称为 “The Cosmic Lattice” 的东西。我会慢慢地、小心地、一点一滴地把这个信息传达给我的伙伴,好让你们知道它是什么、它是怎么运作的。在今晚的会议结束之前,你们会明白它是怎么应用到你们身上。
It is very common in the teaching of Kryon that we start with the big and go down to the small so that you will understand the overview and how it affects the human heart. The Cosmic Lattice, dear ones, is the common denominator of the unified energy source of the Universe. The common denominator—meaning that all things emanate from The Cosmic Lattice. It is difficult to define this all at once, so we will tell you its many attributes slowly this night. The Cosmic Lattice is everywhere. It is throughout the Universe. Everything that you can see and everything you cannot see contains the lattice. From the smallest particles of your physics, and from the electron haze forward, The Cosmic Lattice is present. Those of you in physics will begin to understand and recognize this principle, and it will start to make sense as to what this lattice actually is.
Let us first begin with its size. This is only appropriate, even before we define how it works and what it is. The Cosmic Lattice is the largest energy you have ever conceived of. It encompasses the entire Universe and more. It is present everywhere. There is no place that you can conceive of—no matter what the dimension—that is without the lattice. The Cosmic Lattice is perhaps what you could call the consciousness of God and yet it is physics and it is energy and it contains conscious love. Therefore, what we are telling you is that it is pervasive everywhere and encompasses the entire universe, including all dimensions. Can you conceive of something so large? As far as you can see in the skies—as far as any astronomer can gather light over ours on a photographic plate—The Cosmic Lattice is already there. And yet it has one single consciousness all at the same time—always at the same time. Distance is nothing to The Cosmic Lattice and this, my partner, is where things get difficult to explain.
Pretend for a moment that your hand was bigger than the universe itself, and as you outstretch your hand, all of the known matter that exists can fit within your palm in a small ball. You are therefore immense! You have the dimensions of God! Within that ball in your hand there are billions of stars, and within that ball there are distances which seem insurmountable and immense to those entities that live there. Within that ball, which is the Universe, it would seem to take forever to get from one end to the other to an entity traveling within it, yet that ball rests easily in your single hand! The Cosmic Lattice is like this, for there truly is no distance that is insurmountable between your thumb and a finger, and the consciousness of your hand is singular. The cellular structure is of one, interlaced with a consciousness which reacts as one. And although within that ball which could be called the Universe within your hand, there seems to be billions of light years of travel, and space and time to conquer, as you hold it in your hand, that is not so. Everything there—the billions of stars—is in your "now."
假设你的手比宇宙还要大,当你摊开手掌时,所有已知存在的物质都可容纳于你掌心的小球里。因此你是浩瀚无际的!你拥有神的所有维度!你掌心的小球包含了数十亿的星体,球里面的距离对居住其中的实体而言是难以克服的遥远。在球里面,即是在宇宙里,对游历其中的实体而言,要从这一端去到那一端,似乎永远都到不了,然而这粒小球却轻易就放在你手掌上! 宇宙网格就是这样,就如你的拇指和食指之间真的不算什么距离,而你的手掌的意识是单一的。细胞结构是一体,与一体的意识交织在一起。虽然在你掌心那粒叫做宇宙的小球里,看似有数十亿光年的距离和时空需要克服,但是当你把它放在手掌上时,情况就不是这样。宇宙中的所有事物——数十亿的星体——都在你的 “当下”。
So you get an idea of the size of this energy, but you also get an idea of the unification of The Cosmic Lattice. The most distant part of this lattice knows exactly what the part that is here in this room is doing. The part that is between the cells of your biology, which we have called love, knows what is happening 11 billion light years away! The Cosmic Lattice has no time, and we’ll talk about that in a moment.
所以你知道了这股能量的规模,你也知道了宇宙网格的统一性。宇宙网格最遥远的部分完全知道这间房里的这个部分所发生的事情。在你身体细胞里的部分,即是我们所说的爱,完全知道 110 亿光年以外所发生的事!宇宙网格没有时间限制,等下我们会讲到这个。
So the first attribute is the size, and the size is immense. It is the biggest energy known. It is the biggest energy that exists. Let us talk about its shape and this, my partner, is even more difficult. It is not a grid. The Cosmic Lattice has symmetry, however. But it is not a grid. If its shape could be revealed to you it would astound you, for it would give away something, and it would have to do with what you call human time. There’s evidence of The Cosmic Lattice already, and we’re going to tell you how to look for this evidence. Your astronomers look from your Earth in a way that is as though they had one eye closed. They have not really yet seen a stereoscopic view of what is around your planet that is clear. Instead they look from Earth in a monocular way, with no depth perception of what is surrounding you. Therefore, you have not been able to see the strings of darkness. This is one of the attributes of The Cosmic Lattice that is there for you to see any time you wish. The word "darkness" is interpreted here by my partner to mean "lack of light," as opposed to any spiritual meaning. It is as though you looked into the starry sky at night and saw that many of the star groupings had narrow "highways" of nothing between them... but a clear pattern.
那么我们第一个讨论的是它的规模,它的规模是浩瀚无际的。它是已知最宏大的能量。 它是现有最宏大的能量。现在让我们来讨论它的形状,而这,我的伙伴,又更加难以解释了。它不是栅格。无论如何,宇宙网格拥有对称性。但它不是栅格。如果它的形状能够向你们揭露,将会让你们大吃一惊,也将会泄露某些事情,它与人类的时间有关。宇宙网格的存在证据早就有了,我们会告诉你如何找出证据。你们的天文学家从地球看宇宙的方式犹如闭上了一只眼。他们没有真正以立体的视野来观看地球周围那些明显的事物。相反的,他们以单眼从地球观看,无法感知周围事物的深度。因此,你们看不见黑暗线。这是宇宙网格的特性,任何时候你们想看就能看见。“黑暗” 在这里的意思,我的伙伴的定义为 “缺乏光”,与其他灵性上的定义不同。就如你看着繁星点点的夜空,看见很多星团,在这些星团之间是什么都看不见的狭窄 “公路”……但呈现出一副清晰的图案。
Some years ago we told you that your big bang, wasn’t. We told you that it does not make sense to have a universe that explodes from one central creative point, not to be evenly dispersed. And we told you to look for the clumping effect as evidence that there was no original point of explosion. Now there’s more, and now we will tell you what that is. For there will come a time when you are able to put your "eyes" and your telescopes at very different and far away places. One may even be on another planet, and together as they look at the universe in a stereoscopic way, like your two eyes look out upon the world, they will finally see the three-dimensional image before them. And what they will see are the highways of seeming blackness between the clumps of star matter. Straight lines of darkness will be evident, giving the Universe direction—giving it symmetry—allowing for a mystery to develop of how such a thing could be—like seeming highways with apparent nothingness between the clumps. Look for it. It is going to happen.
数年前我们说,你们的 “大爆炸” 理论是不正确的。我们说,宇宙从一个中心创造点爆发出来,然后均匀地散开,这种说法,是不合理的。我们示意你们去看看那 “星团效应”,那就是没有原始爆炸点的证据。现在还有更多消息,现在我们会告诉你那是什么。终有一天,你们可以把 “眼睛” 与望远镜放置在非常不同、非常遥远的地方。它甚至可能放在另一个星球,与地球的望远镜一起以立体的视野来观看宇宙,就如你的两只眼睛看向外面的世界一样,它们终于能看见它们眼前的三维影像。它们将看见星团间有许多看似黑暗的 “公路”。笔直的黑暗线将变得明显,给宇宙指出方向——给宇宙带来对称性——让它的谜团得以解开——就如星团间看似空无一物的公路。留意这件事。它即将发生。
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根据大爆炸理论,宇宙是由一个极紧密、极炽热的奇点膨胀到现在的状态。 |
The Cosmic Lattice has no visible light, even though it is the essence of light. The lattice energy is in a NULL balance, and we are going to tell you about that right now. For the energy is in a balanced state called the null balance where the polarity of its most powerful attributes are balanced to zero. The null energy has fantastic power, but in its common resting state, it seems to be void due to the zero balance. It’s when you unbalance the polarity that the power is released, you see. Your astronomers have looked at the Universe and the cosmos, with their ways of measuring the energy there, and they look to the skies and they measure the whole energy. What they have noted with some frustration, is that there is far less matter and light than there is measured energy! This is a known situation with your scientists. Ask your scientists why this should be, and they will postulate all manner of things, including the existence of "dark matter." Dear ones, what they are seeing is void energy. It is The Cosmic Lattice that they are measuring. The Cosmic Lattice energy is everywhere, and when I am done with this message, you will know what triggers it, and you’ll know how it’s used. You’ll know how it reacts to other energy, and you’ll know why it exists.
宇宙网格没有可看见的光,虽然它的本质就是光。宇宙网格的能量处于一种 “零点平衡” 的状态中,我们正要讲解这种现象。它的能量处于一种平衡的状态中,称为零点平衡,它的极性,即是它最强大的特性,被平衡到 “零值”。零点能量拥有惊人的威力,但是在它平常的静止状态中,这种能量似乎被零点平衡抵消掉了。当极性处于不平衡状态时,它的能量才会释放出来,你瞧。你们的天文学家一直都在观察宇宙,并以他们的方式来测量宇宙的能量,他们看着天空并测量整体能量。他们留意到一种让他们感到懊恼的现象:宇宙中的物质及光的总和远远少于他们所测量到的能量!这是在科学界里众所周知的现象。问问你们的科学家为什么会这样,他们会作出各种假设,包括 “暗物质” 的存在。亲爱的,他们看见的就是被抵消掉的能量。他们测量的就是宇宙网格。宇宙网格的能量无处不在,当我讲完这个信息时,你们就会知道是什么东西激发了它,你们会知道它是如何被运用的。你们会知道它如何对其他能量作出反应,你们会知道它为何存在。
以上是宇宙中不同能量密度组成比例的饼图,有 95% 的成分都是以暗物质和暗能量的形式存在。 |
如前所述,在零点状态中,这股惊人活跃的能量会显出零值的测量读数,然而宇宙网格的能量存在于所有地点和所有区域。我们说过它存在于原子的最小粒子中。 当我们谈到原子核与电子云之间的距离时,我们谈的是宇宙网格的原则。当我们给出电子云距离原子核有多远的运作方程式时,我们谈的是宇宙网格的能量之间的互动。当我们谈到 110 亿光年远的伽玛射线活动时,我们谈的是宇宙网格。从极大到极小,这股能量来源是浩瀚无际又静止不动的。只有当它被需要时,当人类以设计好的方式打破它的平衡时,它才会提供能量。它是所有能量及物质的共同特性及稳定器——宇宙网格。当它的物理特性为人类所知时,所有机遇都将为你们而打开,不只是在通讯方面,而是无处不在、无限的能源——无限的能源!
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当我们谈到原子核与电子云之间的距离时,我们谈的是宇宙网格。 |
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Gamma ray emits from a black hole 当我们谈到 110 亿光年远的伽玛射线活动时,我们谈的是宇宙网格。 |
Let me tell you about the lattice energy. It responds to TIME. Here is something else for your scientists to look at: When you find an event in the Universe that you know has time altering potential, observe how its physical displayed energy bends. Everything in the universe seems to spin, does it not? And according to the laws of physics, some particles spinning off should be at right angles to the spin. Some should be perpendicular to the spin. That’s normal physics. Watch, however, for the ones which are neither! For those are the ones that line up with the symmetry of The Cosmic Lattice. They’re the ones that "point" to the lattice patterned energy and we’re talking about events such as spewing black holes and other phenomena in the universe which seem to pour forth huge energy in a stream. Watch for those streams to point in a similar direction but not necessarily to physically align themselves to the spin of the object creating them (as you might expect). Your scientists will ask, "Why is such a thing existing"? They eventually must postulate that there is another force which aligns this "pointing," ... like a giant cosmic magnet. They are seeing the energy pointing and bending to the symmetry of The Cosmic Lattice.
让我来讲解宇宙网格的能量。它能回应时间。这里是科学家必须留意的其他特性:当你发现有潜力改变时间的宇宙事件时,请观察它的物质如何显示出能量弯曲的现象。宇宙中所有东西似乎都在旋转,对吗?根据物理定律,有些在快速旋转中飞脱的粒子应该是以直角的方向脱离,有些则应该以垂直的方向脱离。[译注:直角与垂直是同样的意思,即 90⁰ ]。那是平常的物理学。无论如何,留意那些两者都不是的飞脱粒子!那些就是与宇宙网格的对称性排成一行的飞脱粒子。那些粒子 “指向” 的正是宇宙网格的图案能量;我们所说的事件是指喷发中的黑洞,或宇宙中其他会倾泻出巨大能量流的现象。留意那些能量流会指向相同的方向,却不一定会在物理上与创造它们的旋转物体对齐(如你们所预期)。你们的科学家会问 “为什么会存在这种现象?” 他们最终必须假设有另一种力量导致这些 “指向” 排成一行……就如一块巨大的宇宙磁铁。他们看见那些能量流指向及弯向宇宙网格的对称性。
You already know that time is relative. Your scientists have told you so, and we tell you that this particular fact is going to play a large part in knowing about the attributes of The Cosmic Lattice. Dear ones, spiritual things on this planet are related to the lattice. The time frame that you are currently in is going to eventually change (as given in past channellings) but is related to The Cosmic Lattice. We have told you that the energy of this cosmic common denominator is related to time, and now we’re telling you that time is also changing for YOU. What do you think that means? Let me tell you. It means that The Cosmic Lattice responds to human consciousness! When my partner told you that consciousness changes physics [during the seminar prior to the channeling], that was an understatement. All things are possible with the intent of the humans on this planet right now. For you have literal control of the lattice which is universal. Again, we tell you that the lattice knows on the other side of the universe, your name! We have told you that your consciousness has uplifted this planet into a vibration which is new. This consciousness has actually "pulled" upon the lattice to enable the earth to begin a time shift... one that will be relative to you, but obvious to others (off planet). What this means is that you may see or feel nothing unusual, but eventually look to certain attributes of the cosmos to appear to slow down. This will indicate that you are moving (or vibrating) in a different time frame. We have also given you the physics for this in the past. Now we are giving you the actual mechanical reason behind it, in that The Cosmic Lattice is doing the work. Your consciousness, therefore, has changed the physics of your own reality.
你们已经知道时间是相对的,你们的科学家也是这么说,而我们告诉你,这项事实将会在了解宇宙网格的特性时起很大的作用。亲爱的,地球上的各种灵性事物都与宇宙网格有关。你们目前所在的时间框架即将永久改变 [如过去的通灵所说],这与宇宙网格有关。我们说过,宇宙网格共同特性的能量与时间有关,现在我们说,时间也在为你而改变。你认为这意味着什么呢?让我告诉你。这意味着,宇宙网格能回应人类的意识!当我的伙伴说意识能改变物理时[在通灵前的研讨会中],那其实是一项保守的陈述。目前,通过人类的意图,地球上所有事都变得有可能。因为你们确实控制住那无处不在的宇宙网格。再一次,我们说,从宇宙的另一边,宇宙网格就已经知道你的名字!我们说过,人类意识已经把地球的振动提高到新的频率。这种意识实际上在 “拉拔” 着宇宙网格,让地球开始进行时间转变……一种对人类而言是相对的,但对其他(地球以外)的生物而言却是明显的转变。这意味着,你们也许没有看见或感觉到什么异常,但最终当你们观察宇宙中的某些特性时,你会发现它慢了下来。这就表示你们是在不同的时间架构中移动(或振动)。在过去我们曾经给出相关的物理知识。现在我们给出它背后的力学原理:是宇宙网格在进行这一切。因此,你们的意识,已经改变了你们的实相当中的物理。
Oh, dear ones, listen to this carefully: You are already aware, many of you, of the communication between humans that seems to surpass any speed known to man. Identical twins—twin flames—soul mates, one on one side of the earth, the other on the other side, often have instant communications that has been reported and witnessed. Perhaps one twin is in an anxiety mode, and instantly the other one feels it! They might call each other and say, "What happened a moment or two ago?" And they both realize they felt the same thing at the same exact time. What does that do to your physical idea of TIME? What does that say about the power of human consciousness to transmute all distance and time? I’ll tell you what makes it happen: It’s the mechanics of The Cosmic Lattice. You are interconnected instantly, and are using the lattice. It is your Spiritual power source... and it’s also using physics.
啊,亲爱的,仔细听着:你们许多人已经察觉到,人与人之间的沟通似乎超越了任何已知的速度。同卵双胞胎——双生火焰——灵魂伴侣,一个在地球这一边,另一个在地球那一边,往往能即时通讯,这些是被报导和目击的实例。也许其中一人觉得焦虑,另一人马上就能感觉到!他们也许会互通电话询问,“刚刚发生什么事?” 两人都知道他们在同一时间感觉到同样的东西。这让你在物理观念上,对时间产生怎么样的印象?对于人类意识的力量,能转变所有距离与时间,这提供了怎么样的说明?我来讲讲是什么东西让它得以发生: 是宇宙网格的力学。你们是即时互相连接的,你们是在运用宇宙网格。它是你的灵性力量来源……而它也运用物理学。
If we were able to take a human right now and magically transport him to the other side of the known universe—incredibly far away—an unimaginable distance to you—we are here to say that the lattice would allow for a common communication that is instant with him... no matter the distance! Long after this channel is over, some of you are going to be putting together the pieces and the parts of this information, and you’re going to realize why some of the things are the way they are in physics. The common denominator of this lattice energy is without light only because it is in a NULL TIME—null energy and null time.
如果现在我们能把一个人神奇地送到宇宙的另一边——难以置信地遥远——无法想象的距离——我们说,宇宙网格还是会让我们与他达致即时通讯,就像平常一样……不管距离多远!在这次通灵结束很久以后,你们有些人会把这个信息的片段和部分组合起来,你们会意识到,为什么一些事物在物理上会有如此这般的表现。宇宙网格能量的共同特性是没有光,只不过因为它是处于 “零点时间” 中——零点能量与零点时间。
We have spoken of now time, an interdimensional spot where Spirit is, and where all the things in the past and the potentials of the future are in one place—that is now time. The Cosmic Lattice is NOT in now time, it is in null time. Null time, dear ones, is time which equals zero, whereas now time has motion in a circle. The Cosmic Lattice is in a constantly balanced state, and in that balanced energy, it is potentially ready to receive input for release of energy, and that input, dear ones, is available to the human consciousness. It "sees" all TIME as zero... never moving, even though many time frames exist within its energy. That is why, no matter what time frame is your reality, communication is instant between all entities that know of the lattice. This is a difficult concept for you to understand, since you don’t even yet believe that there are many time frames present as you look through your instruments at "impossible physics" being displayed in the cosmos (as stated before in previous channellings). Time is like the air you breath. You watch incredible storms, with wind blowing many directions at many speeds, yet you breath it gently and normally, even in the midst of a great storm. Therefore YOUR breathing air, in your lungs, is nominally at rest, even while the air around you is in turmoil. The Cosmic Lattice is like this.
我们说过 “当下时间”,圣灵所在的跨维度地点,在那里,所有过去的事情和未来的潜在性都在同一个地方——那就是当下时间。宇宙网格不是在 “当下时间”,它是在 “零点时间”。零点时间,亲爱的,是等于 “零值” 的时间,而当下时间是有活动的,在圆圈中活动。宇宙网格恒常处于平衡状态中,在那股平衡能量中,它潜在地准备好接收信息输入,以让它释放能量,而那信息输入,亲爱的,是人类意识可以办到的。它 “视” 所有时间为零值……永不移动,即使许多时间框架存在于它的能量中。那就是为何,不管你的实相是属于什么时间框架,所有熟知宇宙网格的实体都能即时互相通讯。这对你们而言是难以理解的概念,因为你们甚至还不相信那里有许多不同的时间框架存在,即使你们透过仪器看到 “不可能的物理” 出现在宇宙 (就如之前的通灵所说)。时间就如你所呼吸的空气。你看见空气变成惊人的风暴,旋风以各种速度席卷各个方向,但你依然温和及平常地呼吸空气,即使是在强风暴雨中。因此你的呼吸,在你肺部的空气,可说是静止的,即使周围的空气是一片混乱。宇宙网格就像这样。
The Cosmic Lattice, dear ones, is what allows the mechanics for co-creation, for synchronicity, for what we have called love. The Cosmic Lattice contains the mechanics which allow for miracles on the planet. It responds to physics—it responds to consciousness. And so we begin to see the meld between what has been placed in the Universe for you.
The Cosmic Lattice is not God! But, as we have said before, God (Spirit) uses naturally occurring physics for the mechanics of miracles. Some of you wish to separate physics from God . You say, "Don’t make science into God. Don’t take away the magic!" We say, "Your time is limited where you can think in this fashion. For when you eventually discover some of the physical mechanics of Spirit, it’s not going to diminish the magnificence of it at all, for we have told you for eight years now, that the elegance of God resides in the very cells of your body!" God absolutely uses the common physicalness of the energy around the cosmos for power... just like you are being invited to do. Understanding the physics of Spirit does not void out the LOVE! Instead, it gives a beautiful symmetry and logic to all things, and these things will become clearer to you as you move into the vibration where you can also use the energy of the lattice. The lattice, therefore, is not God. It is one of the most powerful TOOLS of Spirit that exists today, and contains much of what you have called unexplainable magic... the way of God. Does it shock you that Spirit uses the very physics it created to enable the way things work? Why create tools, and ignore them? No. This is a revelation to you of HOW Spirit works in the cosmos.
宇宙网格不是神! 但是,就如我们之前所说的,神(圣灵)运用自然发生的物理现象作为创造奇迹的力学。你们有些人想区隔物理与神,你们说,“别把科学变为神。别取走魔法!” 我们说,“你们能这样想的时间所剩无几了。因为当你们最终发现圣灵的物理力学时,它完全不会减损圣灵的威力,因为这八年来我们一直在说,高雅的圣灵驻留于你的身体细胞里!” 神当然会运用宇宙能量的普遍物理特性来得到力量……就像你们被邀请如此做一样。了解圣灵的物理并不会废除圣灵的爱!相反的,它赋予万物美丽的对称性与逻辑,当你们也达到可以运用宇宙网格能量的振动频率时,这些事情会显得更加清晰。因此,宇宙网格不是神。它是神所拥有的最具威力的工具之一,它包含许多你们所谓的无法解释的魔法……神的方式。圣灵运用祂所创造的物理来使事情发生,这让你感到很震惊吗?为何创造工具,却忽略不用呢?不。这项揭露让你知道圣灵在宇宙中是如何做事的。
So we are telling you how it works. But that’s not all, for The Cosmic Lattice is now responding to something it never did before on your planet. Energy is being created and time is being altered— all through human intent. There is no greater power in the Universe than HUMAN INTENT and LOVE, and we have told you this fact repeatedly since Kryon arrived. This is the night we finally have to correlate and equate it with the physics of love!
所以我们解释了它的运作方式。但那还不是全部,因为现在宇宙网格开始对地球上一些前所未有的事情作出回应。能量被创造出来,时间也被改变——全都透过人类的意图。宇宙中再也没有比人类意图与爱更强大的力量了,而自从克里昂到来之后,我们就不断重复告诉你这个事实。今晚我们终于能显示出它与 “爱的物理学” 之间的关联与对等性!
Oh, dear ones, now do you understand that when you give intent it is not some mysterious energy that seems to fly into the ethers and somehow manifest something you want or need? Now can you see that it has symmetry and size and purpose and consciousness, and that there is a mechanical attribute of physics and love around it called human intent? Now you begin to understand WHY New Age energy facilitators can do so much! They are "tapping in" to The Cosmic Lattice. There is no longer mystery regarding this, instead it will be someday be replaced with good solid science... God given, and Universal.
啊,亲爱的,现在你是否明白,当你给出意图时,它不是某种神秘的能量飞向虚空,然后神秘地显现出你想要或需要的事物?现在你是否看见,它拥有对称性、规模、目的、意识,还有物理及爱的力学——所谓的人类意识?现在你明白了吧,为何新时代能量工作者能做那么多事!他们从宇宙网格 “汲取” 能量。这再也不是什么神秘的事了,相反的,有一天它会由良好可靠的科学理论来取代……神授的,遍及宇宙的。
I will not be the only channel to bring forth this principle, and it will be known by many names, and will be the source of tremendous power—actual physical power—power that you can use for travel and energy... power that you can use for life sustenance. The resources of your planet that you have been using up to create power have a limit. There is no cleaner power anywhere than the lattice. This is physics, and it is known even by the enlightened that travel from here to there within the cosmos... in fact they often "ride" the lattice strings.
我不会是唯一给出这个原理的消息渠道,它会有很多不同的名称,它会是巨大的能量来源——真实的物理能量——你们可以用它在旅行及能源等用途……它是可以用来维持生命的能源。你们地球上用以产生能量的资源有它的极限,也快被你们消耗殆尽。再也没有比宇宙网格更干净的能源了。这是物理,就连那些在宇宙中四处游历的开悟生灵也知道它……事实上,他们经常 “骑” 在宇宙网线上出游。
Let me tell you about certain E.T.s and The Cosmic Lattice. There is a group that exists on this planet, near this planet, and around this planet that is extremely curious about YOU. They poke you and they prod you and they abduct you. And there is one all-encompassing reason for their curiosity—and maybe now you’ll understand more about it. YOU, dear ones, with the "piece of God" that sits in you (your duality) are able to communicate with The Cosmic Lattice, and these visitors see this fact clearly, for it is their power source! They want to know, "what kind of a creature is it that lives on this small planet, and only this planet, that has that kind of power! This will also explain, dear ones, why the E.T.s do not simply come and land here and show themselves, and ask you about this incredible human attribute. They recognize that you don’t understand what you have. Also, because you are so incredibly powerful through your intent, just a few of you could simply vaporize them (if you knew how). That is how powerful you are. And so they capture you in FEAR, one at a time, for they respect your power and they want it—and they’re curious beyond measure how you are able to connect to it. FEAR disconnects joy and creativity. Creativity and joy are related to INTENT, and their removal allows abduction. We have told you in the past that you never have to fear these creatures, for if they come to you, all you have to is look at them and say, "I do not give you permission to be here." And believe me, dear ones, they will beat a retreat, for you contain the power of INTENT which is connected to the Universal power source called The Cosmic Lattice—and they know it! ...And the joke is, that you don’t.
让我告诉你关于某些外星人及宇宙网格的事。有一群存在于地球上、靠近地球、围绕在地球周围的外星人,对你们感到极为好奇。他们戳妳、刺你、绑架你。他们的好奇心完全出于一个原因——也许现在你们会更加了解。 你们,亲爱的,你们体内(你们的二元性)的 “神的片段” 能与宇宙网格沟通,这些外星访客看得很清楚,因为那是他们的能量来源!他们想知道,“到底是怎么样的生物,住在这颗小星球上,而且只在这颗星球上,会拥有这种力量!” 这也解释了,亲爱的,为何外星人不干脆降陆地球,显露自己,当面询问你们关于这项神奇的人类特性。因为他们察觉到你们并不晓得自己所拥有的力量。而且,由于你们的意图拥有如此惊人的威力,只需几个人就足以把他们蒸发掉(如果你知道方法)。你们的力量就是如此强大。所以他们在你们感到恐惧时捉走你们,一次捉一个人,因为他们敬畏你们的力量,他们想要得到它——他们的好奇心超乎寻常,想知道你们是如何连接上这种能量。 恐惧让你们无法连接喜悦及创造力。创造力及喜悦与意图有关,去除了这些特性,绑架就得以发生。我们曾经说过,你们根本不用害怕这些生物,如果他们走近你,你只需看着他们并说 “我没有允许你来这里。” 相信我,亲爱的,他们就会落荒而逃,因为你们拥有意图的力量,它连接着宇宙能源,就是所谓的宇宙网格——他们知道这一点!……而有趣的是, 你们不知道。
We’re going to build a house, you and I, right now. We have talked about human power, and in past channels we have talked about human peace. We’ve talked about love and honor. So many things we have brought to you over this time. Our heart connection is so strong with you! We can talk of science, but we’ll always be brought back to the human HEART. The connection with The Cosmic Lattice, dear ones, is the joy connection. Did you know that? That’s what we’re going to talk about now. Although this may sound like unrelated information, it is actually the summary of The Cosmic Lattice revelation.
现在,你和我,我们要建造一间屋子。我们谈过人类的力量,在过去的通灵中,我们谈过人类和平。我们谈过爱与幽默。这次我们带来许多信息。我们与人类的心灵连结真的很强!我们可以谈科学,但最后我们总是回归人类心灵。亲爱的,与宇宙网格的连结,是一种喜乐的连结 。你们知道这一点吗?这就是我们现在要谈的主题。虽然听起来好像没有关联,但它其实是 “宇宙网格” 这项揭露的概要。
We’re going to start building this house of joy with a foundation. As is the way of all builders, a foundation must be created for this house of joy, and we’re going to tell you that the foundation for the house of joy is self-worth. And if you’ve never felt a bit of self-worth, now I am telling you something: This planet of free choice was designed and built with entities living on it that are pieces of God! It is the ONLY place in the Universe that is in "lesson" with CHOICE like this. Your test, therefore is a "remembrance" of who you really are. Oh, there are other planets which contain entities which are able to SPEAK to The Cosmic Lattice, but this Earth is special, for you are actually able to USE the lattice personally... and now you’re getting to know why. There is so much honor for you!
首先,我们要为喜乐之家打造一个地基。就如所有建筑师的做法,喜乐之家一定要打好地基,而我们要告诉你,喜乐之家的地基是自我价值。如果你从未感到有那么一点自我价值,那么我要告诉你一件事:这个拥有自由选择的星球,是由生活在它之上的实体所设计和建造的,这些实体都是神的片段!这是宇宙中唯一的星球,处在有选择权的 “课程” 中。因此,你们的测试,就是 “回忆” 起你们真正的身份。喔,其他星球上也住着能够与宇宙网格交谈的实体,但这个地球是特别的,因为你们凭个人的能力就可以运用宇宙网格……现在你们开始知道原因了吧。你们真的很让人尊敬!
This house of joy we’re going to build together has a foundation of self-worth, and we’re here to say that you cannot even begin to experience joy, until you understand your worthiness to be here. You deserve to be here! You are some of the only entities with a connection to this cosmic force, and we tell you that you are special. Now do you understand what the "love connection" means? No matter what the distance in the Universe, ALL who are connected to the lattice know who you are. They know that you are part of a grander plan, and every dot of light you see in the sky operates on the very power base that is available to you through self worth and human intent. Think of that the next time you’re able to look up and see them all. Many who are there know your name! There’s a consciousness that pervades it all that eventually you will know and recognize. That ought to give you some self-worth! The angel with your face that sits inside you belongs there. It is magnificent, and it has purpose—and at the cellular level you know why you are here. Stand tall and understand that the self-worth issue is the beginning of joy.
我们即将一起建造的喜乐之家拥有自我价值作为地基,而我们说,直到你们了解自己在这里的价值,在此之前你们甚至无法开始体验喜乐。你们值得活在这里!你们是能与这股宇宙能量产生连结的少数实体之一,所以我们说你们是特别的。现在你们是否理解 “爱的连结” 的含意?不管在宇宙中的距离有多远,所有与宇宙网格连结的实体都知道你是谁。他们知道你是宏大计划的一部份,天上的每一点星光,都是在宇宙网格的能量基础上运作,你们透过自我价值与人类意图,就可得到这股能量。下次当你抬头看星星时不妨想想这件事。许多在星星上的实体都知道你的名字!宇宙间弥漫着一股意识,最终你们也会知道与认得。那应该让你感到一些自我价值了吧!那位有着你的脸孔、驻于你体内的天使,祂属于那里。祂是宏伟的,祂有追求的目标——在细胞层面上,你知道你为何会在这里。挺起胸膛,知道自我价值是喜乐的开始。
Let us talk about the walls of this house of joy that we’re building. Metaphorically the walls are going to support everything else. They will support the roof, which gives you shelter. They’re eventually going to supply the protection from the elements—the walls of this house of joy. And dear ones, these walls are going to be built figuratively with your verbalization. You see, what you verbalize day to day is going to build the walls for your joy house. And again we tell you these things which we have told the other groups also: As you walk from one place to another, watch what are you verbalizing. Ask yourself, "Are the concepts you speak, perfect magnificent anointed words coming from a human being of pure intent?" If not, do you have a negative verbalization habit? Are you saying things like, "Oh, I knew that would happen!" In response to a challenge? Are the words you speak verbalizing things that are inappropriate about others? Is that the house you wish to build? Are your words verbalizing things which are uplifting? Are they verbalizing positive things that create power and healing? Or are they building nothing at all? These are the walls, and dear ones, without these walls being pure and carefully built, the house will never stand on its foundation. Practice verbalizing positive, uplifting truth. Create your walls with your voice. Make your verbalization your reality.
让我们来谈谈喜乐之家的墙壁。隐喻而言,这些墙壁会支撑着其他所有东西。它们会支撑着为你们遮风挡雨的屋顶。它们最终会保护你们不受外在元素的伤害——喜乐之家的墙壁。亲爱的,比愈而言,这些墙壁会以你的话语来建造。你瞧,你每天所讲的话会用来建造你的喜乐之家的墙壁。而我们会再一次告诉你们,一些我们也告诉了另一群听众的事:当你从一个地方走到另一个地方时,留意你所说的话。问你自己,“你所说的概念,是不是完美、高贵、受膏的话语,由纯粹意图的人类讲出?” 如果不是,那你有没有讲负面话语的习惯?你有没有说这样的话,“啊,我就知道它会发生!” 来回应挑战呢?你有没有说一些对其他人不恰当的话?这是你想要建造的屋子吗?你有没有说鼓励的话?你有没有说正面的、能创造出力量与疗愈的话?或是说一些没有建设性的话?这些话就是墙壁,而亲爱的,没有这些纯净、细心建造的墙壁,屋子永远无法矗立在地基上。练习讲正面的话语、鼓励性的真理。用你的声音来建造你的墙壁。让你的话语成为你的实相。
Let us talk next about the mortar. Figuratively, the mortar is a glue-like substance which hangs everything else together and makes it stick. You’ll find it everywhere in your house. It’s going to be stuck to the foundation and in the walls you verbalized. It’s going to be in the ceiling. It’s going to be in the windows and the door. Mortar is everywhere and you’ll never guess what attribute we’re going to assign to it. The mortar of the house of joy is laughter. It’s humor! Oh, there are so many religious people walking the planet who are afraid to smile. They say, "God is serious," and they say, "Spirit would not have us to laugh at such a sacred time." I’m telling you, dear ones, that the laughter that we hear from humans IS sacred and anointed. It is, as my partner has stated earlier [during the day seminar] "the only attribute that passes intact through the veil to humans from Spirit." Humor! Laughter! You know what you feel when you laugh? When you laugh in the love of Spirit, you experience JOY! There is no greater anointed feeling, and it should give you chills to know this. Start your next meditation by laughing in the realization that we all share this wonderful mortar... something that we join in with you. Try it sometime. Watch the energy around the humor. Uproarious laughter is a sacred thing. It is! That’s the mortar of the house of joy.
让我们接下来谈谈灰泥,比喻而言,灰泥是一种像胶水般的物质,将每件事物凝聚在一起。在你屋子里到处都可以发现它。它会粘着地基、粘着你以话语来建造的墙壁。它会粘着天花板。它会粘着窗户、粘着门。灰泥无处不在,而你绝对猜不到我们会让它代表什么特质。喜乐之家的灰泥是欢笑、是幽默!喔, 很多行走于地球之上的宗教人士害怕微笑。他们说,“神是严肃的,” 他们说,“圣灵不会允许我们在如此神圣的时刻欢笑。” 让我告诉你,亲爱的,人类的笑声在我们听来是神圣、受膏的 [译注:被认可的]。它是,就如我的伙伴在较早前所说的[在白天的研讨会] “圣灵唯一完整无缺地穿越帷幕并传达给人类的特质。” 幽默!欢笑!你知道当你欢笑时有什么感觉吗?当你在圣灵的爱中欢笑时,你体验到喜乐!再也没有比这更棒的受膏感觉了,知道这件事应该会让你颤抖。就让你的下一次冥想以欢笑开始吧,你已经知道我们全都分享这美妙的灰泥……我们有份参与其中的事。找一天试试看。留意幽默所带来的能量。喧闹的笑声是神圣的。它是的! 那就是喜乐之家的灰泥。
Let us talk now about the windows in this special house. Metaphorically, dear ones, windows are what you look OUT of, upon the world. They’re also the items used for those of the world to look IN upon you...and they are necessary. What is the attribute that would create the windows of the house of joy? Let me tell you. The attribute is the CONNECTION to The Cosmic Lattice which we have called the Mantle of God, or in your language, wisdom. Wisdom of Spirit is the connection to the lattice, for it involves LOVE. It is when you reach up and take the hand of God, and you "partner with God" in this new energy, that you receive the wisdom of the Mantle of Spirit. It allows you to look out upon the world in a wise fashion. It is this which allows you to be slow to react when accused, and which allows the patience and the peace of a human countenance which is gentle and quiet. This IS wisdom. It is the Mantle of Spirit and the connection with The Cosmic Lattice that keeps you in check when it would be easy to demean another, or to feel important because of it. When the world looks in your window, they will see the wisdom of God. Do you hear what I’m saying? Wisdom! And it is this wisdom that is available to each one here (and reading this) that creates the peace in a life that would not seem to be otherwise peaceful. Oh, that’s where the JOY is! That’s the miracle of the house you have built. You can take a deep breath right now and let the joy flow in. Know that you are an anointed piece of God in this anointed place, with infinite energy connected to The Cosmic Lattice.
让我们来谈谈这间特别的屋子的窗口。隐喻而言,亲爱的,你从窗口看出去,看外面的世界。窗口也让在外面世界的人看进来,看见你……它们是必须的。什么是建造喜乐之家的窗口的特质呢?让我告诉你。这种特质是与宇宙网格的连结,我们称为 “神的衣钵”,或用你们的话来说,智慧。圣灵的智慧就是与宇宙网格的连结,因为它涉及爱。当你往上伸并拉住神的手,当你在这股新能量中 “与神携手” 之际,就是你接收 “圣灵的衣钵” 的智慧之际。它让你以充满智慧的方式来看外面的世界。它让你在被指责时能慢慢作出反应,它让你有耐心、平和的气质,有温和、宁静的面容。这是智慧。正是圣灵的衣钵、与宇宙网格的连结,让你不会轻易贬低他人,或藉此抬高自己。当世界看进你的窗口时,他们会看见神的智慧。你们有没有听见我的话?智慧!这里每一个人都能拥有智慧(包括读者),正是这种智慧创造了平静,在原本不太可能平静的人生中。喔,那就是喜乐之所在!那就是你所建造的屋子所产生的奇迹。现在,你可以深呼吸,让喜悦流入。要知道,妳是受膏[被选定]的神的片段,在这受膏[被选定]的地方,处在与宇宙网格相连的无限能量之中。
Now we come to the last piece, the door. Metaphorically, how are you going to get into the house of joy, even after you’ve built it? Even with self-worth—even with humor—even with good verbalization and wisdom, you must ENTER INTO the house, now that it’s built, and experience what’s inside. The greatest power in the Universe and on this planet right now is human INTENT. It’s intent that will open the door to the house of joy. And what is it that you’re going to intend first that’s going to get you over the threshold that lets you stand in that place where you can laugh and have peace and be joyful with who you are? It is the intent to have LOVE enter your life. You’re inviting The Cosmic Lattice! You’re inviting the power that is beyond all power! It is profound!
现在我们来到最后的部分,大门。隐喻而言,你要如何进入喜乐之家,即使在你建造完成之后?即使有了自我价值、有了幽默、有了正面的话语和智慧,现在既然屋子已经建好了,你就必须进入屋子,去体验里面的环境。目前,宇宙中及地球上最强大的力量,就是人类意图。喜乐之家的大门就是由意图来打开。而什么东西是你必须先给出意图,它才会带你跨过门槛,站在这么一个地方,让你可以大笑、拥有平静的生活、对你自己感到喜悦?那个意图就是让爱进入你的生命。你正在邀请宇宙网格[进入你的生命]! 你正在邀请那超越一切的力量[进入你的生命]!这是意义深远的!
Your house is complete. "What?" You say. "No roof?" No. Joy is unlimited, and can never have a lid. The lack of a roof in the house of joy is the metaphor of the open connection to God... the overflow of the power of joy... such is the love of God.
你的屋子建好了。 “什么?” 你说。“没有屋顶?” 没有。喜乐是没有限制的,绝不能有个盖子。喜乐之家没有屋顶,隐喻与神的公开连结……隐喻满溢的喜乐能量……那就是神的爱。
Each one of you carries a light, dear ones, that is seen clearly by every entity in the universe. There are entities so far away that you cannot even conceive that they might know of your light. However, they know what is taking place here, and they are preparing for their changes because of what you are doing. They are sending you love which is instant for what you have done. Your task on this planet is universal and it has very little to do with earth, did you know that? For what happens here will affect all of us, even the Kryon.
Is it any wonder that we come and sit at your feet and love you so? Is it any wonder that we now marvel that the veil has lifted, and we can give you this information? And we tell you that the physicists already know of part of the lattice. The ones who are discovering that consciousness changes their experiments are the ones who know something’s up. It’s coming. Look for it. There is so much more we could say, but now we just want to sit at your feet and love you.
And so it is.