Nashua, New Hampshire |
Kryon: The Challenge of Linearity
现在,有些人会说,“我并没有按照时间过活呀,克里昂。我是自由的灵魂,我为此感到骄傲。” 是吗?在你这么说之前,先想一想吧。你的生活是按照规律而过的。你们地球的时间框架说好太阳在特定的时间升起和落下,你在特定的时间休息。你是周期性的……一餐接一餐。这就是我们所说的时间。作为女性,你可以控制你的生理期吗?你的生理活动依照一种线性的存在模式而运转,你的沟通模式也一样。 当你们交谈时,你一字一句地把话讲出来,当你阅读这些文字时,它们是一字字一行行一直排列下去的,这是典型的线性方式。你们有没有注意到,所有事都必须是在直线之上的呢?
现在,你也许充满挫败感地说,“不然呢,还能有什么方法吗?事情就是这样的呀。” 而我们说,“问得好!” 你们有没有想过呢?如果说沟通是可以超越线性方式的呢?如果说,在那线性的限制之外,还有一套沟通系统是可以让你即时就接收到所有信息的呢?任何你需要知道的事都会一次过呈现给你,而你会以某种方式 “就是知道了”。它是一种超越线性的沟通模式。
许多读到这里的人会说,“嗯,那不是我们作为人类所能做到的事。这是不可能的。” 现在你知道我为什么会在这里了吧。我在这里是为了告诉你,它不仅有可能,而且还是事情的运作方式!
这种非线性的沟通模式不只是圣灵的声音,同时也是人类的大师身份的声音。这是在细胞层面的沟通,它是神性的。试试把你的人类能量看作是天使广播电台,永远在对宇宙的所有生灵实时广播你的生活。因此,你的 “灵性广播电台” 在任何时刻都与帷幕的另一边有联系。你所将去到的地方,你的任何事,都将为神所知!如果你可以想象这种沟通管道的话,现在把它视为非线性的。每一次当你需要知道一些事时,你自然就会知道它。对你而言,它好像是强大的直觉,其实这是圣灵真正的沟通模式,这是非线性沟通所带来的感觉。
让我们来谈一谈奇迹。你认为历史上那些人长途跋涉只为了能够触摸大师衣裳边的繸子并马上被治愈,是怎么回事呢?或者在另一种情况中,人类踏上朝圣之旅,一心想着只要他们能踏上某座教堂门外的台阶就会被治愈,又是怎么回事呢?到底事情是怎样的呢?许多次他们来到后就丢掉他们的拐杖,当他们走出来时已经即时被治愈了。这些事已经一次又一次地被记录在你们神圣的历史当中。你们甚至可以去看看那些被丢掉拐杖,它们仍然被保存在那些教堂里。[译注 :比如加拿大蒙特娄的圣约瑟大教堂和魁北克的圣安妮教堂]。那么你有没有想过这些奇迹当中所真正发生的其实是什么事呢?
现在你们的科学家研究 “安慰剂效应”。一个人是怎么在相信糖衣药丸是特效药的情况下服用了它,并达到相同于服用真正药物的疗效呢?科学一直都在见证这种事……人类治愈了自己,因为他们相信自己得到了外力的协助,而其实根本就没有!
线性思维对你所做的其中一件事就是蒙蔽你,让你看不见更大的画面。你总是在运转中,你的许多能量只是消耗在 “为你的存在火车加煤” 这件事之上,以让它继续在轨道上行走。你真的很少看看周围,也许你是能同时在好几条轨道之上行走的呢!
让我给你们一个大的挑战——这是我们在过去曾经提过,但是现在需要再检视一次的主题:我挑战统计学家们去统计一下我即将提出的现象当中的 “P 值” [实验结果在统计学上的准确性的指标]。地球上的所有物种都以某种特定的形式而演化。那些在灵长目哺乳动物中直接排在人类之后的 [猴子,猿,猩猩,等], 它们全部,即使没有数百种,也有数十种,不同的变异……巨大的差异。一些有尾巴,一些没有。一些长得很像,一些不像。很多都长得与其他的全然不同。一些是巨大的,许多是幼小的。你们知道这个概念了吗。当你们注视大自然时,你们会发现它就是这样的。进化创造出看似无限的物种变异。猴子和猩猩也不例外。
但那里有一个巨大的例外:是人类!你们有没有意识到这一点呢?只有一种人类。而这种现象的统计概率是多少呢?人类学家会告诉你,人类学证据显示那里曾经有 14 或 15 种人类,全部都按照人类进化的路线而演化,直到十万年前。然后突然间各种人类都消失了,只留下一种人类继续展开演化……只有一种。这不是违背进化常理吗?更甚的是……它还违背整个大自然的常理!但你们却从来没有听过科学家站在科学讲台上说,“哇!看看这个,这真是与众不同。” 相反的,他们只是轻描谈写地报告,“嗯,情形就如它所是的那样。”
是时候你们要明白,周围的许多迹象都在暗示,你们人类是与周围的所有其他生命全然不同的,就连与其他的灵长目哺乳动物也有许多不同。一种动物在进化的轨道上停止所有变异,只发展其中的一个种类,而其他各种动物却尽情地发展它们的多样性……这种现象的统计数字和概率是多少呢?喔,人类是有不同的肤色和体形,但是从生物学上而言,却只有一个种类。而这个种类的 DNA 里所含有的是澎湃的跨星系能量。你们的 DNA 是各种各样的跨星系与跨维度化学物质的集合体。
所以我们对你说,亲爱的人类,如果你会真正知道人类在宇宙中的地位,如果你会知道你的跨维度和跨星系的 DNA,那么你就会意识到过去发生了什么事。大师力量的种子被植于你的 DNA 之中,等着你来收获。这跟触摸大师衣裳边的繸子、在大师的面前行走于水面上、或走过那座奇迹治愈教堂门外的台阶,是一样的。你瞧,创造奇迹的过程是在每个人的心中。奇迹可以发生在你所坐的位子上!
跨出线性思维——这是一辈子的挑战。大师力量是没有清单的。它必须由个人来发现和实践。许多觉得自己是被某些宗教奇迹所治愈的人们做到了,但其实那不是奇迹。他们发挥了本身的大师力量,却不知道是如此。现在是时候让你了解它的过程,然后为你自己而启动它。亲爱的现场听众和读者们:保持寂静,知道你是神。当你这么做时,所有事情都会为你而揭露,而你可以开始那创造奇迹的过程。A-B-C:Accept 接受你自己。Believe 相信它是做得到的。Contract 更换契约以允许奇迹发生。
This live channelling was Given in Nashua, New Hampshire
现场通灵于 纳舒厄,新罕布什尔
September, 2004
As channelled by Lee Carroll for Kryon
[This channelling has been added-to and enhanced by Kryon, through Lee Carroll in a rechannelling process over the actual transcribed channelling. This has been done in order to make it more valuable for the written word and to bring clarity to concepts that were given energetically within the live channellings.]
Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. Oh, it's a sweet place!
There are always those who would say that this truly cannot be happening. They will say that it's just the verbalization of a Human Being... no more than that, and that it must be a fraud.
I told my partner years ago to just "let the energy out, and let those around you on Earth see the reality of what you're doing. Sit before those spiritually acute who can tell the difference." And so he has. For 15 years he's gone around your globe and asked the highest of the high to discern and "feel" the connection. This is the only way any Human can "prove" that channelling is accurate - to sit before other spiritually minded Humans and ask for their discernment and wisdom. And so we say to the reader that there are some who will see the light around them and some who will not. This is all appropriate and is never in judgment. But the invitation is always open to feel the words hit your heart in a way that would say to your angelic discernment: "This is a sister speaking to you... a brother from beyond the reality that you pretend to understand. It's a reunion, and there's nothing here but honor and love."
多年前我告诉我的伙伴,尽管 “释放你的能量,让地球上的人看见你所做的事。坐在那些对灵性事物有敏锐感觉的人面前,他们能够感受到你的不同。” 所以他就这么做了。15 年来他周游列国,要求高手中之高手来分辨这是不是通灵,并“感受”那股连结。这是人类唯一能够 “证明” 通灵的真实性的方法——坐在其他关注灵性的人类面前,要求他们运用本身的分辨能力及智慧。 所以我们对读者说,有些人会看见他们周围的光明,有些人则不会。这些全都是恰当的,对此从来都不会有任何评断。但是我们永远都邀请你去感受我们的话语,感受它直接击中你的心坎,对你那天使性的分辨能力说道:“这是一位姐姐在对你说话……是一位兄长,他来自超现实世界,你假装了解的那个世界。这是团聚,这里除了敬意和爱意,就没有其他的了。”
And indeed there are those of you in the live audience who can discern tonight. So we say to you, "See the colors - they're here. Those of you who see the angelic properties and the structures that are here to observe, see them in their glory, for they're here, too." For this is what takes place when a group of angels begin to remember that they're angels [speaking of the energy created when Humans begin to remember who they are].
而确实在现场听众当中有人能够在今晚辨别出来。所以我们对你说,“看看那些色彩吧——祂们就在这里。你们那些看得见天使和这里的能量的人们,看看祂们的辉煌面目吧,因为祂们也在这里。” 这就是当一群天使开始记起他们本身就是天使时所发生的事 [说的是当人类开始记起自己是谁时所产生的能量]。
You may not see yourselves as angelic properties, but we do. Oh, true, there's the cycle of your lives on the planet, and eventually you ask yourself, "Who am I this time?" But we see the core. We see the real you. We see the entity in all its grandness of peace, of splendor, called God.
也许你不把自己视为天使,但我们是。啊,是的,你在地球上的生命是有循环的,最终你会问你自己,“这次我是谁呢?” 但我们所看见的是核心。我们看见真正的你。我们在宏伟、平静、与壮观中,看见那个存有,他称为神。
The irony is that you only give credibility to God if it's an energy always above you, always doing something for you, like a father or a parent. You never bring it to yourself. You never consider it to be a group, and you never consider that you might be a part in it all... and that, my dear Human Being, is what's going to change.
Right now, listener and reader, I'm with the family of God. There's nothing like this. It's precious and sweet. The masters and the planet's gurus all experienced this connection, and now it's for all.
What we have to say today may border on the unbelievable. We'll give you some things to consider about what has happened on this planet. We're going to give you some puzzles to think about. But we can't do it before we congratulate those who are participating in this message. We've said it before, that this energy is being actualized by many in real time and also those in another real time... the future, to you who are listening. So we greet those whose eyes are on the page, and we say to you, "How does it feel to be in the future?" [Smile] Listener, you don't seem them here, do you... the readers? Or do you? Let's test your linearity. For the title of this particular message is "The Challenge of Linearity."
我们今天所要说的事也许会是难以置信的。我们会让你思考一些发生在地球上的事。我们会让你思考一些谜题。但是首先我们必须恭喜那些参与这次通灵信息的人们。我们之前讲过,这股能量是被许多人在实时化为真实的,包括那些在不同的实时当中的人……在未来的人,就现场听众而言。那么让我们问候那些看着页面的朋友,我们对你说,“处在未来的感觉如何?” [微笑] 听众,你在这里是看不见他们的,对吗……读者?你也看不见听众吧?让我们来考一考你的线性思维。因为这个信息的标题是 《线性思维的挑战》。
We've said it before. How many of you sitting here in what you call your reality of the present have the ability to visit the reader? You see, the reader is in your future. And which set of Humans will you "see"? This is what I mean: Picture this - right now you might be the reader, but there will be tens of thousands of eyes who will eventually be touched by these words in many languages in the next years, so they are in your future, right? If you're beginning to get this picture, then you'll realize the limitation of your linearity. Can you greet them? What if you could do more than greet them? What if you might be able to bless these words to the degree where they feel your energy?
我们之前讲过。你们有多少人坐在你所谓的 “现在” 的实相当中就能够去拜访读者的呢?你瞧,读者是在你的未来。而你会“看见”哪一批读者呢?我的意思是:想象一下——现在你也许是读者,但在接下来的几年里,最终将会有数以万计的双眼会通过各种语文而看见这些文字,所以他们是在你的未来,对吗?如果你开始看见这个画面,那么你就会意识到线性思维的限制。你会问候他们吗?如果说你可以做的不只是问候他们而已呢?如果说你可以祝福这些文字,让他们也感受到你的能量呢?
Let's test it: Reader in 2006, can you feel the energy of the listeners now, plus the readers of 2004 and 2005? What about 2007? Is this too much for you to consider? Do you see how you might be restricted to your own time frame? It's hard, isn't it? What is your reality, dear Human Being? Are you a train on a track, only considering the track you're actually on, or are you an observer removed from your train, in the middle of a circle that the track is making around you? See the difference? One only rides the train. The other sees the entire track that has been traveled, plus the potential track. One is linear and one is not. The trick is to ride the train, and also see it from a distance.
让我们试一下:2006年 的读者,你能感受到现场听众的能量吗?还有 2004年 和 2005年 的读者,你能感受到吗?2007年 的读者呢?这对你而言是不是太难想象了呢?你看见你是怎么受到你们的时间框架所限制了吗?很难想象,对吗?什么是你的实相呢,亲爱的人类?你是不是在轨道上的火车,只关心你所在的那条轨道,或者你是一个离开火车的观察者,站在轨道围绕着你而画出的圆圈中央呢?看见它的分别了吗?一个是只坐在火车中。另一个是看见整条走过的轨道,加上潜在性的路线。一个是线性的,另一个不是。它的巧妙之处在于:坐在火车上,同时也从远处观察它。
The Limitations of Linearity
We've visited this linearity puzzle in other ways, but here it is yet again: Linearity as defined, is time, and time is part of the construct of your reality. It's the way you think. It's the way you posture your lives. You live by the clock. You may say you don't, but you do... nature's clock, which includes your biology.
Now, there will be those who say, "I don't live by any clock, Kryon. I'm a free spirit and proud of it." Really? Let's consider some things before you say that. You posture your life around routine. The time frame of your planet says that the sun comes and goes at a certain time and you rest at a certain time. You're cyclical... one meal to the next. That's the clock we speak of. As a woman, can you control your menses? Your biology is geared around a linear existence, and so is your communication.
现在,有些人会说,“我并没有按照时间过活呀,克里昂。我是自由的灵魂,我为此感到骄傲。” 是吗?在你这么说之前,先想一想吧。你的生活是按照规律而过的。你们地球的时间框架说好太阳在特定的时间升起和落下,你在特定的时间休息。你是周期性的……一餐接一餐。这就是我们所说的时间。作为女性,你可以控制你的生理期吗?你的生理活动依照一种线性的存在模式而运转,你的沟通模式也一样。
When you speak to one another, you put one word next to the last one... just like the train on the track can only go where the track is. Have you ever thought about that? As you read these words, they're arranged one after the other in rows of consistency that are very linear. And now you might say in frustration, "Well, what else is there? That's the way it works." And we say, "Now you're asking the right question!" Have you ever thought about this? What if communication could be out of linearity? Right now you listen to the words as they're spun into the syntax of linear words - your eyes see them and your brain understands the lines of type before you... one letter after the other. That little brain train is quite linear that reads this page, and seemingly very limited. Have you noticed that everything has to be in a straight line?
当你们交谈时,你一字一句地把话讲出来……就如轨道上的火车只能去轨道所去到的地方一样。你们有没有想过这些呢?当你阅读这些文字时,它们是一字字一行行一直排列下去的,这是典型的线性方式。现在,你也许充满挫败感地说,“不然呢,还能有什么方法吗?事情就是这样的呀。” 而我们说,“问得好!” 你们有没有想过呢?如果说沟通是可以超越线性方式的呢?你当下正在聆听的话语是以线性的句法说出来的——你的眼睛看见了这种直线排列,你的大脑理解它……一个字接着另一个字。正在阅读的那列大脑火车是很线性的,而且还是很受限的。你们有没有注意到,所有事都必须是在直线之上的呢?
What if, instead of that limitation of linearity, there was a system of communication where you were able to receive everything at once in an instant? Anything you needed to know would be presented to you all at once, and somehow you would "just know it." It would be a communication outside of linearity. Many reading this might say, "Well, that's not what we do as Humans. It's impossible." Now you know why I'm here. I'm here to tell you that not only is it possible, it is the way of things!
如果说,在那线性的限制之外,还有一套沟通系统是可以让你即时就接收到所有信息的呢?任何你需要知道的事都会一次过呈现给你,而你会以某种方式 “就是知道了”。它是一种超越线性的沟通模式。许多读到这里的人会说,“嗯,那不是我们作为人类所能做到的事。这是不可能的。” 现在你知道我为什么会在这里了吧。我在这里是为了告诉你,它不仅有可能,而且还是事情的运作方式!
This nonlinear communication is not only the voice of Spirit, but is also the voice of your own mastery. It is communication at the cellular level and is divine. Human Beings often line up, so to speak, in front of what they consider to be God, and feature repetition. They reason, "Well, maybe if we ask for it over and over, it will eventually be heard by God, and we'll get some results. So we'll just keep asking and reading the same phrases over and over. Perhaps if God sees us suffering in our attempt, it will also help." They don't understand who God is, or what the communication method is.
这种非线性的沟通模式不只是圣灵的声音,同时也是人类的大师力量的声音。这是在细胞层面的沟通,它是神性的。人类可以说经常在他们认为是神的形象前面排队,然后开始叨念。他们认为,“嗯,也许只要我们一再重复又重复地许愿,最终神就会听见我们,那么我们就会得到一些结果。所以我们会一直许愿,一再重复又重复地念出我们想要的事。也许当神看见我们祈求得很苦时,祂会不忍心,然后帮助我们。” 这些人不理解神是谁,也不理解与神沟通的模式是怎样的。
What if I told you that around you right now is an entourage that has your name on it? What this means is difficult to explain. See your energy as a Human Being like an angelic radio station, always broadcasting your life in real time to all the entities of the universe. Therefore, your "spiritual radio station" would be in touch with the other side of the veil all the time. Everywhere you would walk, everything about you, would be known by God! Now, instead of a radio station, consider the radio waves to be an angelic entourage that was assigned to you, and others around you, for only one purpose... to be there if you ever discovered the seeds of mastery... a communication conduit that's an appropriate angelic property for you and the planet. If you can imagine this conduit, now see it as nonlinear. Every time you needed to know something, you would simply know it. To you, it would seem like massive intuition, and this is the real communication of Spirit and how it feels.
如果我说现在你周围有一个贴上你的名字的随行团呢?它的意思是很难解释的。试试把你的人类能量看作是天使广播电台,永远在对宇宙的所有生灵实时广播你的生活。因此,你的 “灵性广播电台” 在任何时刻都与帷幕的另一边有联系。你所将去到的地方,你的任何事,都将为神所知!现在,把电台的无线电波视为指派给你和你周围的人的天使随行团,只为了一个目的……在你发现大师力量的种子时在你身边候命……作为一种沟通管道,作为人类和地球的恰当的天使性财产。如果你可以想象这种沟通管道的话,现在把它视为非线性的。每一次当你需要知道一些事时,你自然就会知道它。对你而言,它好像是强大的直觉,其实这是圣灵真正的沟通模式,这是非线性沟通所带来的感觉。
I'll challenge you on this one: The next time you sit down for meditation or prayer, no matter what the challenge is before you, say nothing! Be still and know that you are God. Know that as soon as you get into that posturing, The Third Language takes over, and all is known instantly. The answers will come to you not in a linear fashion, but they will be known from a cellular standpoint all at once in an instant. Then spend the rest of what you call the meditation "time" celebrating solutions, or the beginning of solutions that have been delivered in an instant and seem to you like some kind of wonderful intuitive process.
我挑战你这件事:下一次当你坐下来冥想或祈祷时,不管你眼前有多大的困难,你都不用说!保持寂静并知道你就是神。你只要知道,当你摆好这种姿态时,第三种语言 [沟通管道] 就会接管一切,然后所有事都会即时为你所知。然后用剩下的你所谓的冥想 “时间” 来欢庆那个解决方案,或者解决方案的开始吧,这些都是在瞬间传递给你的信息,在你看来它像是某种神奇的直觉过程。
Human Attributes That May Startle You
Oh, there's more - much more. There are some startling anomalies of linearity - of your very lives and of your very Human existence, that you never think about. Let's talk about miracles. We're going to ask you some questions, and then we'll revisit the answers.
What do you think happened in history when Humans would walk miles and miles so they could touch the hem of the garment of a master in order to be instantly healed? Or another situation where they'd make a sacred journey to a place where they knew that if they could only step in the door of a certain church, they'd be healed? What about that? How did that work? Many times they'd arrive and throw away their crutches and walk out instantly healed! It's recorded over and over in your sacred history. You can even go see the crutches in those buildings today, as they're still there. So did you ever wonder what was really happening within seemingly miraculous situations?
你认为历史上那些人长途跋涉只为了能够触摸大师衣裳边的繸子并马上被治愈,是怎么回事呢?或者在另一种情况中,人类踏上朝圣之旅,一心想着只要他们能踏上某座教堂门外的台阶就会被治愈,又是怎么回事呢?到底事情是怎样的呢?许多次他们来到后就丢掉他们的拐杖,当他们走出来时已经即时被治愈了。这些事已经一次又一次地被记录在你们神圣的历史当中。你们甚至可以去看看那些被丢掉拐杖,它们仍然被保存在那些教堂里。[译注 :比如加拿大蒙特娄的圣约瑟大教堂和魁北克的圣安妮教堂]。那么你有没有想过这些奇迹当中所真正发生的其实是什么事呢?
Let's review the first one: When the one who was crippled touched the hem of the master's garment and walked away healed... what about that? The common answer goes this way: "That is truly God in action. You see, God is magnificent and Humans are not. So if a person can simply get close to the master, it's like touching God. If they can just touch the master, they'll be healed." That's what you'd hear from many sacred leaders about miracles.
让我们来看看第一种情况:当某个不良于行的人触摸到大师衣裳边的繸子然后当他离开时就已经被治愈……你怎么看?一般的答案是:“那真的是神迹。你瞧,神是伟大的,而人类不是。所以一个人如果能够接近大师,那简直就像触摸到神一样。如果他们能够触摸大师,那么他们就会马上被治愈。” 这就是你从许多宗教领袖那里所听来的关于奇迹的解释。
But truly, is that the real process? What's really going on with the miracles that you've read about or heard about... perhaps even some you've seen or experienced? Is it about groveling before God, or is it about something far grander? Listen, Human Being, we're going to talk to you in a practical way. We're going to give you information we've not really shared before in this fashion, so be ready to hear it. My partner, stand by for the letters [critical and angry correspondence], because you're going to get them... especially after what we have to say.
但是,它的过程真的就是这样吗?你们所读过或听过的那些奇迹,甚至是你所看过或经历过的,到底是怎么回事呢?它是对神的卑躬屈膝,还是一些更宏大的事情呢?听着,人类,我们即将以一种实际的语气来对你讲话。我们即将给出一些之前从未试过以这种方式给出的信息,所以准备听好。我的伙伴,准备收信吧 [批判和愤怒的投诉信],因为你很快就会收到了……尤其是在我们说了我们要说的话之后。
All of what we tell you is accurate and true. You may see this information as unprovable, esoteric information, but it's only because of your linear teachings that have set you up with previous information that, for linear reasons, you cling to. Everywhere you look around you, there are interesting anomalies of your reality that confirm what I'm going to tell you, yet your linear thinking keeps you from seeing it as unusual.
You know one of the things linearity does to you? Your train is always in motion. It's always got a place to go, doesn't it? One heartbeat after the next - it follows a clock, right? It has to, since it's the setup for your reality. Yet your angel consciousness and your mastery don't have that clock. I'd like to give you some information all about you. It has to do with anthropology and evolution. It has to do with your seed biology, and the beginning of things.
Human Being, as you sit here listening and reading, the blood that you call "the life" of your biology, your very DNA, isn't from here. It isn't from here [meaning the earth]. No. It has been imported! More than that, it's been glorified. More than that, you've had help from others in the process. Biological seeds have been planted at separate times from various places in the universe, a long, long time ago. And there's actually evidentiary proof of this, yet there's no scientist standing on a soapbox asking you to take a look. Part of what being linear does to you is to keep you from looking at a larger picture. You're always in motion, so much of your energy is spent simply "stoking the engine of your being" so it can stay on the track. You really seldom look around to see if you might actually have multiple tracks!
人类,当你坐在这里聆听和阅读时,你的血统,你的物种的 “生命”,你的 DNA,并不是来自于此处的。它不是来自于此处 [指地球]。不。它是进口的!而且,它还是被赞颂的。而且,在进口的过程中你们还得到其他人的协助。在很久远、很久远以前,生物种子在不同的时候从宇宙各处移植过来。而其实这是有证据的,但是从来没有科学家强调过此事,也没有提出来让人们留意此事。线性思维对你所做的其中一件事就是蒙蔽你,让你看不见更大的画面。你总是在运转中,你的许多能量只是消耗在 “为你的存在火车加煤” 这件事之上,以让它继续在轨道上行走。你真的很少看看周围,也许你是能同时在好几条轨道之上行走的呢!
I'll tell you what happened to your biology: All that is before you biologically is a setup so that you can work the challenge of Earth within the puzzle you created. You're not here to suffer or "work through" some kind of punishment. None of you are lab rats for God! All of you are workers and are seen as part of God. You work a puzzle that's meaningful, but which requires that you be in a place that's limited in consciousness. The test is more than meaningful - it's a test that's fair and requires angels left alone on a planet, not knowing who they are, let the energy fall where it naturally will. Where will the energy of Earth go? How will it settle itself on this even playing field of energy? Where will the energy go when all is over and it's settled? The answer? Whatever it is, the outcome energy from the "test of Earth" will be applied to new universes, affecting trillions of life-forms to come... many who will look just like you.
我会告诉你,人类的物种到底发生了什么事:你在生物上所看到的一切现象都是一种设定,这是为了让你能够解决你本身所创造的谜题,让你能够处理地球上的挑战。你不是来这里受苦或是来这里“穿越”某种惩罚的。你们没有人是神的实验老鼠!你们所有人都是解题者,你们被视为神的一部分。你们是来解开一个有意义的谜题,但它的要求是你必须处在一个意识受限的地方。这项测试不只是有意义——它还是一项公平的测试,它要求天使们被独自留在一个星球之上,却不知道自己是谁,让他们的能量自然流露。地球的能量将流向何方呢?在这个公平的能量游戏场之上,它将如何安置自己呢?当一切都已经结束,当地球已经安置好自己时,这股能量又会往哪里去呢?答案是?不管是什么,这项 “地球能量测试” 的结果将被应用到新的宇宙当中,影响着未来无数的生命形态……许多看起来将会很像你们的样子。
Here you are working the grand puzzle, and not only are you working it, but you've done something remarkable in the last 15 years - you've created a shift on the planet that some have called the Great Shift, and the planet is cooperating. And all you have to do is look out the window to see proof of that. Lighthouses, you are, each one, but I'm telling you that your biology isn't from here! You couldn't be, and make this test work. The evolutionary process of the planet would never have given you the limitations or the grandness you need to work the puzzle. In addition, it had to look "reasonable" to you [and Earth science] so that it didn't give itself away as strange.
你们就在此尝试解开那道大谜题,不只如此,你们还在过去 15 年做了一件了不起的事——你们在地球上创造了一项转变,有人称之为 “大蜕变”,整个地球都在配合。你所需要做的就是望向窗外并看见它的证据。你们是灯塔,每一位都是,但我要告诉你,人类的生物源头并不是来自于地球!人类无法来自于地球,而同时又能成功地进行这项测试。地球上的进化过程无法提供你们所需的限制性和宏伟性来解开这道谜题。此外,它必须在你们 [和在地球的科学上] 看来是 “合理的”,这样它才不会因为显得太奇怪而露出马脚。
Your DNA represents an eclectic collection of intergalactic interdimensional chemistry. Not only that, but I'm going to tell you something we've never said before. When it was time to plant these seeds, we did it to all mammals on the planet. Why? Because it would have been too obvious if it wasn't done this way. Let me ask you this: Have you ever looked into the eyes of an animal you love and seen any karmic attributes [that is, known who they were]? Now we're getting esoteric. Did you ever face off with an animal and see that its consciousness was more than just biology? Did you ever lose an animal and then have it reincarnate again? And the answer is yes! Many of you have.
你们的 DNA 是各种各样的跨星系与跨维度化学物质的集合体。不只如此,我还要告诉你一些我们从来没有讲过的信息。在进行生物种子移植的时候,我们是对地球上的所有哺乳动物进行移植的。为什么?就是为了不要让事情显得太刻意。让我问你:你有没有试过看进你心爱的动物的双眼,并看见任何业力特质呢 [那就是,知道它们是谁]?现在我们越讲越深奥了。你有没有试过面对面地看见一只动物的灵性呢?你有没有试过失去一只动物然后让它再转世一次呢?答案是有!你们许多人都试过。
The non-Human mammals of the planet come and go with you for different reasons than why you're here, but they all have altered DNA along with yours! I told you this would be odd for you to grasp. Although your Human purpose on the planet is very different from theirs, they're a support group for you. These animal-support groups come and go with you all over the planet. Some of you know it, and you've seen it in their eyes. They're a part of this whole scenario as helpers in a way that's far more significant than non-mammals. Their DNA was altered, too. Just think... some of you have interdimensional galactic pets. [Kryon smile]
地球上的非人类哺乳动物出于各种与你们不同的原因而跟着你一起到来和离去,但它们全都与你一样有着更改的 DNA!我说过这会是难以理解的。虽然你身为人类在地球上有着与它们完全不同的目的,但它们是你的支持群体。这些动物支持群体跟着你一起在地球上来来去去。你们有些人是知道的,你已经从动物眼中看出这一点。它们作为助手而成为这整个测试的一份子,它们对人类作出非常显著的贡献,比非哺乳类动物所提供的协助要来得多。它们的 DNA也是经过更改的。想想看……你们有些人拥有跨维度的星系宠物。[克里昂微笑]
"Kryon, can you prove any of this?" I'll give you some things to think about, and it's going to challenge the very essence of statistical probability... yet no one's shouting from the scientific lectern, "Look at this, look at this." Evolution is real. And those Earth biology entities who have evolved from the very beginning of the planet's history carry with them nature's way... the evolvement of a species based on efficient survival. You're a product (in part) of this evolutionary process of the planet, but with an alteration that we've told you was given to you over a hundred thousand years ago.
“克里昂,你可以证明吗?” 我会让你思考一些东西,它会挑战统计概率的法则……但却没有人从科学讲台上喊道,“看看这个,看看这个。” 进化是真实的。而那些从地球久远历史就一直演化到现在的生物本身就已经展现出自然法则……物种是朝着提高生存效率的方向而演化的。人类是 (部分是) 地球的这个进化过程的产物,但是在大约十万年前被赋予了一次基因更改。
When it took place, the time was ripe for it, and as we've previously told you, you carry with you pieces and parts of Pleiadian biology. However, that's just one group of many. This isn't spooky or fearful information. It's beautiful! It's also complex. It's grand, if you think about it. But there are some Human and mammal anomalies that you should look at that show it clearly.
Natural selection and Earth evolution do certain kinds of predictable things. First, the process is very efficient... very efficient. Let me give you some things to think about that perhaps you haven't considered before. The way evolutionary principles work is that they create an efficient, biological being over thousands of years. They create one that can survive when it needs to, change when it needs to, and never use energy it doesn't need to. That's why it only takes a few thousand years (or less) to create eyeless creatures who only live in the dark, or drop limbs off those who now only swim. You understand? Survival is the issue, and energy efficiency is the key. It's everywhere for you to see in plants, animals, and insects on your planet.
自然选择和地球进化有几种可被预测的法则。第一,它的过程是非常有效率的……非常有效率。我要让你们思考一些你们也许从来没有思考过的事。进化法则所做的就是,它会在数千年中创造出一个有效率的物种。进化法则会创造出,当它需要时就能活下去,当它需要时就能作出改变,而且从不虚耗能量的物种。那就是为什么地球只用了数千年 (甚至更短) 的时间就已经创造出那些只生活在黑暗中的盲眼的生物,或是让那些只在水中游动的生物脱落四肢的原因。你明白吗?生存就是重点,能量效率就是关键。这些放眼皆是的现象,在地球上的动植物和昆虫中都有。
So, here you and other mammals are, at the top of the evolutionary ladder. Feels good, doesn't it? But let me ask you this: Why is it that when the spinal cord is severed on any mammal on the planet, chemistry races to the site to keep the nerves from growing together again? Does this make sense to you? Is this efficient? Does it help survival? No! Yet you have this limitation. Your history will show that it was in 1999 that your science identified the chemistry that's responsible for this in all mammals, and even named this chemistry... the no-go! You all have it in common.
那么,你们和其他哺乳动物就处在进化阶梯的顶端。感觉很好,对吗?但是让我问你:为什么当地球上的任何哺乳动物的脊髓神经被截断时,就会有化学物质迅速聚集在被截断的地方,使它无法重新生长呢?你觉得这合理吗?这样是有效率吗?这样有助于生存吗?不!但你就是有这种生理限制。你们的历史会显示,在 1999 年,你们的科学家确认了一种负责在所有哺乳动物体内阻止神经重新生长的化学物质,甚至把它命名为……“勿动”!你们身上都拥有它。
[译注:Neurite Outgrowth Inhibitor, NOGO, 神经轴突生长抑制因子,简称 “勿动蛋白”。]
When there's an accident involving the spinal cord, your body actively keeps the nerves from growing back together! How does that sound when comparing it to the evolutionary processes? Your scientists identified this no-go, and in experiments, removed this chemistry from certain mammals in the laboratory. Then they cut their spinal cords. Much to their shock, the nerves all grew back together perfectly! Are mammals flawed in some way? The answer is no. This was given by design, dear Human Being... your design. It's a divine design. It means that when certain things happen to you, you may be in the chair for the rest of your life. Now, you didn't want to hear that, did you? But it's a plan that you put in place, yet it doesn't make any evolutionary sense, does it? Could it be that your DNA isn't a result of Earth evolution? Other mammals have this, too, so that it won't seem to be that unusual. But it is!
当脊髓损伤时,你的身体积极阻止神经重新黏合!这种情况跟我们刚才所说的进化过程有什么不同呢?你们的科学家已经确认了这种勿动蛋白,在实验室中他们从特定的哺乳动物身上移除了这种化学物质。然后他们截除了这些动物的脊髓神经。让他们吃惊的是,这些动物的神经全都完美地重新黏合!难道哺乳动物在某些方面是有缺陷的吗?答案是 “不”。这是设计出来的,亲爱的人类……是你的设计。它是巧妙的设计。它意味着,如果你发生了什么事,你的下半辈子就得在轮椅中度过了。呐,你们不想听见这个,对吗?它是你们所实施的计划,但却不符合进化法则,对吗?有没有可能,你的 DNA 不是地球进化的产物呢?其他哺乳动物身上也有这种设计,所以它不会显得太奇特。但它是的!
There are many other species on Earth (other than mammalian) that don't have this limitation - especially the creatures in the ocean. The starfish can grow back an arm, but you can't. How does that feel to be at the top of the evolutionary ladder, Human Being? You can't do it, yet you were supposed to have evolved from them! What's wrong with you? What happened? Was a mistake made in evolution? The answer is no.
地球上有许多物种 (哺乳动物以外) 是没有这种限制的——尤其是海洋生物。海星能重新长回一条腕,但你不能。这让处于进化阶梯顶端的你有什么感想呢,人类?你们无法这么做,但你们应该是从它们那里演化而来的呀!人类到底怎么了呢?发生了什么事呢?进化过程中是不是出了什么差错呢?答案是 “不”。
Let me give you another one that you haven't thought about. Scientists will tell you that you only use 10 to 15 percent of your brain. Does that even make evolutional sense... that evolution gave you 80 percent junk in your brain? No. Evolution doesn't work that way. So let me give you something else to think about. Here's the truth: One hundred percent of your brain is working all the time, and about 80 percent of it is dealing with something you don't even believe in... interdimensional instructions to your 12-layered DNA. It's talking to 11 more layers that you don't even know you have. Everything works perfectly. The brain is the perfect size, and all of it is active.
让我讲讲另一件你们没有想过的事。科学家会告诉你们,人类只使用大脑的 10 到 15 巴仙 而已。这符合进化法则吗……进化的结果就是让人类大脑中有 80巴仙 的垃圾?不。进化不是这样的。所以我要让你们想想其他东西。真相是:人类大脑的 100巴仙 是任何时刻都在运转的,大约 80巴仙 是负责处理一些你们感到难以置信的事……对你的 12 层 DNA 发出跨维度指令。它是在跟另外 11 层的 DNA 沟通,而你根本不知道你有这些 DNA 层。所有事情都在完美中运作。大脑的尺寸是完美的,而它的所有部分都是活跃的。
Here's another one: Those who have mapped the Human genome have said, "Well, we can see the ‘stop-and-start code indicators' within the genome, but there's also a bunch of ‘DNA junk' that has no seeming purpose. We can't see any repeating patterns, and there's absolutely no normal chemical code here. It's just junk!" Human Being, it's so interesting about your science: Quite often, when you can't figure out something, then it's junk!
还有另一件事:那些绘制人类基因组图谱的科学家说,“嗯,我们可以在基因组之中看见那个 ‘停和走的密码指标’,但那里还有一簇看似没有任何存在目的的 ‘垃圾 DNA’。我们无法看见任何重复的图案,那里绝对没有正常的化学密码。它只是垃圾!” 人类啊,你们的科学家真的很好笑:往往,当你们无法搞清楚一些事情时,它就是垃圾!
Well, it isn't junk! It's part of interdimensional DNA, and you can't "see" the other parts of it that make sense to those who would try to decode it. You see, the first layer of DNA that you can see under the microscope is also interdimensional in its scope, even though it exists in 4D. It has a coding scheme that talks to the other layers that are out of linearity and out of 4D. That's the activation process! It's ready to go. It's even seeable in the Human genome, but you called it "junk" simply because it's out of linearity!
嗯,它不是垃圾!它是跨维度 DNA 的一部分,那些尝试解密 DNA 的人只是无法 “看见” 它的其他部分的存在之合理性。你瞧,那些能够在显微镜下观察的第一层的 DNA 本身也是跨维度的, 即使它是出现在四维当中。它有一个与其他 DNA 层沟通的密码结构,这个结构是超越线性和超越四维的。这种沟通就是 DNA 的激活过程!它已经准备就绪了。在人类基因组中也可以看见它,但你们却因为它是超越线性的而把它称为 “垃圾”!
Let me give you the big one - one we mentioned years ago but is now needed to examine again within this context: I challenge the statisticians to look at what you would call in mathematics the "P factor" [mathematical statistical coincidence of something being accurate within an experiment] of what I'm about to tell you. All the species on Earth evolved in a certain way. The mammals directly under you [monkeys, apes, gorillas, etc.] all have dozens, if not hundreds, of variations... spectacular differences. Some have tails; some don't. Some look alike; some don't. Many are shaped dramatically different from others. Some are huge and many are small. You get the idea. When you take a look at nature, it's that way. Evolution creates variations that seem unlimited. Monkeys and gorillas are no exception.
让我给你们一个大的挑战——这是我们在过去曾经提过,但是现在需要再检视一次的主题:我挑战统计学家们去统计一下我即将提出的现象当中的 “P 值” [实验结果在统计学上的准确性的指标]。地球上的所有物种都以某种特定的形式而演化。那些在灵长目哺乳动物中直接排在人类之后的 [猴子,猿,猩猩,等], 它们全部,即使没有数百种,也有数十种,不同的变异……巨大的差异。一些有尾巴,一些没有。一些长得很像,一些不像。很多都长得与其他的全然不同。一些是巨大的,许多是幼小的。你们知道这个概念了吗。当你们注视大自然时,你们会发现它就是这样的。进化创造出看似无限的物种变异。猴子和猩猩也不例外。
[译者补充:P 值 是统计学上对数据差异性的评价。当 P 值 显示数据之间具有了显著性差异,就说明参与比对的数据不是来自于同一总体(Population),而是来自于具有差异的两个不同总体,也可能来自于实验处理对实验对象造成了根本性状改变,因而前测后测的数据会有显著性差异。]
Yet there is one large exception: the Human Being! Did you realize that? There's only one kind of Human Being. And what are the statistical chances of that? Anthropologists will tell you that anthropologic evidence shows that there were 14 or 15 kinds of Humans, all evolving along the Human evolutionary line, up to a hundred thousand years ago. Then suddenly all but one disappeared, and it's the one that developed.... only one kind. Isn't that counter-intuitive to the evolutionary process? More than that... it's counter-intuitive to all of nature! Yet you don't hear scientists on the soapbox saying, "Wow! Look at this, it's really different." Instead they simply report it and say, "Well, it just is what it is."
但那里有一个巨大的例外:是人类!你们有没有意识到这一点呢?只有一种人类。而这种现象的统计概率是多少呢?人类学家会告诉你,人类学证据显示那里曾经有 14 或 15 种人类,全部都按照人类进化的路线而演化,直到十万年前。然后突然间各种人类都消失了,只留下一种人类继续展开演化……只有一种。这不是违背进化常理吗?更甚的是……它还违背整个大自然的常理!但你们却从来没有听过科学家站在科学讲台上说,“哇!看看这个,这真是与众不同。” 相反的,他们只是轻描谈写地报告,“嗯,情形就如它所是的那样。”
[译注:关于人类从 15 个品种,最后演化成只剩下一种 “智人”,证据请看译者从维基百科整理出来的
It's time you all understood how many hints there are around you that you Humans are very different from all other life forms around you, even your own mammalian species in many ways. What are the statistics and probabilities of one animal stopping the evolutionary process in its tracks and only emerging with one kind when all the others have generous diversity? Oh, there are different colors and shapes of Humans, but biologically speaking, there's only one kind. And that kind has intergalactic DNA energy surging through it. It has to, because of what's going on with respect to the planet right now.
是时候你们要明白,周围的许多迹象都在暗示,你们人类是与周围的所有其他生命全然不同的,就连与其他的灵长目哺乳动物也有许多不同。一种动物在进化的轨道上停止所有变异,只发展其中的一个种类,而其他各种动物却尽情地发展它们的多样性……这种现象的统计数字和概率是多少呢?喔,人类是有不同的肤色和体形,但是从生物学上而言,却只有一个种类。而这个种类的 DNA 里所含有的是澎湃的跨星系能量。这是必须的,由于目前地球上所发生的事而必须如此。
Now let's revisit the miracles. Human Beings want linear answers regarding activating their DNA. I've sat here in the past and said: "The masters of the earth have activated DNA." By the way, you always think I'm speaking of the past, but there are still three of those masters today who walk the planet with full DNA activation - total and complete control over nature, over physics, and over their own bodies. Three of them. They're not all known, either. It's part of the balance of what has to exist on the planet.
现在让我们再看回那些奇迹。人类要知道关于怎么激活 DNA 的线性答案。过去我曾经坐在这里说:“地球上的大师有激活的 DNA。” 顺便说一下,你们总以为我说的是过去的大师,但是如今仍然有三位大师是以完全激活的 DNA 而行走于地球之上的——完全掌控着大自然、物理、和他们的身体。共有三位。他们全都默默无闻。他们是地球上必须存在的平衡能量的一部分。
Some of the past masters became famous, were worshiped, and some even started great religions all over the planet. The history of what they did and what they said was given to you through time. However, what if I told you that those exact master attributes exist in each of you? Would you believe me? Even those who would believe it might get excited and say, "Kryon, if so, please give us the information on how to activate this. What do we do first? What do we do second?" And that, dear Human Being, is the problem. There's no first and there's no second.
过去的一些大师闻名了,被众人追随,甚至创始了在全球都有人信仰的伟大宗教。他们所做过的事和所说过的话也渐渐为人所知。但是,如果我说其实你们每个人体内都拥有这些大师特质呢?你们会相信我吗?即使是那些愿意相信的人,也难免兴奋地说,“克里昂,如果是这样的话,请告诉我们要怎么激活它。第一步要做什么?第二步要做什么?” 而那,亲爱的人类,就是问题之所在。没有所谓的第一和第二。
Again, I'll give you an example I've given before of Peter, who walked on the water. Let me just revisit this wonderful story one more time. You see, Peter was told by a master that he could walk on the water. He had a purpose, since he really wanted to cross the water to get to the master. There he was, facing a master... a Human Being whom he'd seen quell storms and talk to nature itself. And the master said, "Peter, you as a Human Being have the ability to walk on the water. Do it." And Peter did! It's not a fairy tale, you see? It's in the pages of history.
再一次,我给出之前我所给过的例子:行走于水面上的彼得。让我们再次重温这个美好的故事。你瞧,彼得被大师告知,他是可以行走于水面上的。他有一个目标,因为他真的想要涉水去到大师那一边。那么他就在那里,对着大师……他所见过的那个能够镇压暴风雨和与大自然沟通的人类。大师说。“彼得,你作为人类拥有行走于水面上的能力。走过来吧。” 而彼得真的做到了!这不是神话故事,你明白吗?它被记载于历史之中。
Now let me ask you this. Where was Peter's training? Where was Peter's list? What do you think went through Peter's mind at that moment when he was told he could walk on water? Perhaps he thought, Well, master, what's first? What's second? How many years should I study this process or that process? What should I know about physics? Where are the ‘walk on water' books? Where's the procedure? And the answers are that there were no books or training manuals or processes to study. It was as simple as A-B-C: acceptance of who you are, belief in the fact that you can do it, and contract adjustment. A-B-C. We'll talk about the last one in a moment as we close.
现在让我问你。彼得是在哪里训练的呢?彼得的清单在哪里呢?当大师说他可以行走于水面上时,你认为彼得心里是怎么想的呢?也许他在想,嗯,大师,第一步要做什么?第二步呢?这个或那个过程我应该学习多少年呢?我应该知道关于物理学的什么呢? ‘行走于水面上’ 的指导书要去哪里找呢?它的程序表呢?而答案是,那里没有任何指导书或训练手册或学习过程。它就如 A-B-C 一样容易:Accept 接受你自己,Believe 相信你是能做到的,和Contract 重写契约。A-B-C。在结束之前我们会提到重写契约。
Those who touched the hem of the master's garment had complete and total assurance and belief that at upon being touched, they would be healed. Actually, they healed themselves through their own process of belief. Those who walked the steps in a crippled fashion and entered the doorway where they became miraculously healed and hung their crutches up and walked away, knew that a miracle would happen. If only they could cross the threshold of that certain church, they'd be healed. They believed there was something magical, and they'd seen it before with others. They believed in it so strongly that it was a certainty.
Right now in your sciences you study the "placebo effect." How is it that a Human Being can take a sugar-coated pill, believing it's a strong drug, yet get the same benefits of the drug? Science sees it all the time... Humans healing themselves because they thought they were being given outside help, when actually there was none at all!
现在你们的科学家研究 “安慰剂效应”。一个人是怎么在相信糖衣药丸是特效药的情况下服用了它,并达到相同于服用真正药物的疗效呢?科学一直都在见证这种事……人类治愈了自己,因为他们相信自己得到了外力的协助,而其实根本就没有!
So we say to you, dear Human Being, that if you will truly understand your place in the universe, and you will know of your interdimensional, intergalactic DNA, you'll realize what has happened. Seeds of mastery have been planted within your DNA for you to harvest. It's no different from touching the hem of the master's garment, walking on the water with the master present, or walking through the doorway of a healing church. You see, the process of creating miracles is within each Human. Miracles can happen in the chair where you sit right now!
所以我们对你说,亲爱的人类,如果你会真正知道人类在宇宙中的地位,如果你会知道你的跨维度和跨星系的 DNA,那么你就会意识到过去发生了什么事。大师力量的种子被植于你的 DNA 之中,等着你来收获。这跟触摸大师衣裳边的繸子、在大师的面前行走于水面上、或走过那座奇迹治愈教堂门外的台阶,是一样的。你瞧,创造奇迹的过程是在每个人的心中。奇迹可以发生在你所坐的位子上!
Here's a challenge, and I give it right now to some very specific female Humans who are hearing and reading... and you'll know who you are as I proceed. Some in this assemblage are afraid of their lineage. They say, "My sister died early of a disease that runs in my family. Mom did, too, and her mom, too. I'm afraid of this genetic flaw that's obviously surging through my veins - through my DNA right now. You see, now I know I've got it, too, and the clock is running out on my life. It's going to hit me like it hit them, and we're all going to die early... all the women of my family. I'm also afraid for my children."
这里有一个挑战,我现在就对正在聆听和阅读的某位具体的女性发出这个挑战……当我讲下去时,你就会知道你是谁。这群人当中有些人害怕她们本身的血统。她们说,“我的姐妹因为一种家族遗传病而早逝。我的母亲也是,我的外婆也是。我害怕这个在我的血液里翻腾的基因缺陷——它正流过我的 DNA。你瞧,我知道我身上也带有这种疾病,而我就快时日无多了。它将会侵袭我,就像它在过去侵袭她们一样,我们全部人都将早逝……我家族中的所有女性。我也为我的孩子而感到担心。”
Let me tell you, dear Human Being, you've got a choice. It's called contract adjustment, and we'll talk about that in just a moment. But let's speak of the actual choice and what happens. The junk DNA and that large part of your brain that science feels isn't being used is about to be activated! My dear female Human Being, change the chemistry in your DNA! Watch the genes rearrange themselves. Activate the pieces and parts so that this disease will not happen to you or your future children or your children's children! You can stop this "disease train" right now!
让我告诉你,亲爱的人类,你有一个选择。它被称为 “重写契约”,我们等下会谈到这个。但是先让我们谈谈那个真正的选择和真正将发生的事。那些科学家认为没有用的 “垃圾” DNA 和你大脑的一大部分即将被激活!我亲爱的女性人类,快改变你 DNA 里的化学物质吧!看见那些基因重新编排它们自己吧。激活那些片段和部分,那么这种疾病就不会发生在你身上,或你孩子身上,或你孙子身上了!你现在就可以停止这列 “疾病火车” !
Listen: The spiritual contract you believe you have is much different than you think. You're so stuck in linearity! You say, "I've got a contract with the universe that concerns my life on Earth. I'm supposed to fulfill this contract on a spiritual level where I come and I go from Earth, do certain things, face certain challenges, perhaps die early or even suffer a bit for God." Human, you don't understand. When you step out of linearity, the contract is renewed and signed every day. Every day! That's divine choice, but it's out of singularity and linearity for you.
听着:你的灵性契约不是你所想的那么一回事。你实在太过线性了!你说,“我跟宇宙之间有一份契约,这是关于我在地球上的生活。我应该在灵性层面上履行这份契约:我来到地球,我离开地球,我应该做的一些事,我应该面对的一些挑战,也许应该早逝,或是为了神而受一些苦。” 人类,你不知道。当你跨出线性时,这份契约是每天都更新和重签的。每一天!那是神性的选择,它超越人类的单一和线性的实相。
What do you want to be today? How about mastery? There's no contract that's going to put you in a box for life where you just have to plow through it and "go with it." It's just the opposite! Spiritual contracts are signed every single day by individual Humans. They might go like this: "Dear Spirit, I write a new contract; I feel the mastery of my own biology; I know that I have help and know there's more than I can see. I claim the pieces and parts of my DNA that are begging to be activated, and I rearrange my genes. I rearrange the time clock and hereby slow it down. I'm going to last a lot longer than my beginning contract said I was when I was born because I'm rewriting it, you see. And I'm going to sign it today. Then tomorrow if I see increased wisdom to improve it, I'm going to sign a better one then."
你今天想要成为怎样的人呢?成为大师,如何?没有任何契约会把你放进盒子里,让你一辈子在盒子中奋力前进并 “将就过活”。完全相反!每个人每一天都会签一份全新的灵性契约。他们会这么说:“亲爱的圣灵,我写一份全新的契约;我感受到对身体的掌控;我知道我有援助,知道那里有着比我所看到的更多。我掌控着我身上的那些祈求被激活的 DNA 片段和部分,并重新编排我的基因。我重新编排时间,让它慢下来。我将会活得比我出生时的那份最初的契约所决定的寿命更长久,因为我在重写那份契约,你是看见的。今天我就会签这份新的契约。然后在明天如果我的智慧增长了,想要进一步改善我的人生,我就会再签一份更好的。”
Some of you are stuck in linearity, a condition that says that your spiritual contract is singular for life, and you're on a clock when you get here, and what you came here for is set in stone and will never change. Step back a moment. Do you think this system is sacred and the best thing God has to offer as a plan for your existence? Begin to understand that the challenge of coming to Earth is basically a setup to see if you can discover you can change anything through free spiritual choice!
Here's another linearity metaphor. You think that you're born to live on the ground floor of a building, since that's the only floor you can "see." What if, by your own discovery, you find that there is really a second floor, but that it's interdimensional. Unbelievable, you say? If you think that, then you deny your best physics, which says that you can only "see" less than half of the reality of the universe! When you begin to climb the steps to the second floor, everything that was the first floor goes away and somehow comes with you to the second. The difference? It's a new floor with a new view and new opportunities. The nice thing about this metaphor is that you create it. God doesn't hand it to you. It's within your scope of reality all the time. Look! Could it be that there's a third floor, and a fourth, too? I think you understand.
这里有另一个关于线性的隐喻。你认为你生来是为了活在建筑物的一楼,因为它是你唯一 “看得见” 的一层。如果突然有一天,你发现,那里其实是有二楼的,但它是跨维度的。真令人难以置信,对吗?如果你有这种感觉,那么你就是在否定你们最佳的物理理论,因为它说你们只可以 “看见” 少于一半的宇宙实相!当你开始爬上二楼的楼梯时,所有在一楼的事物都消失了,但却以某种方式跟随你来到二楼了。差别在哪里呢?这是新的一层,有新的景观和新的机遇。这个隐喻的美好之处在于,你创造了它。神并没有把它交给你。它一直都在你的实相当中。看!那里会不会还有三楼、还有四楼呢?我想你们能够明白。
Step out of linearity - it's the challenge of a lifetime. There are no lists for mastery. It has to be discovered and implemented individually. Peter did it. So have so many who felt that they were part of some divine miracle, but actually were not. They claimed mastery themselves and never knew it. Now it's time for you to understand the process and begin it for yourself. Dear humanity in this room and reading this: Be still and know that you are God. When you do, all will be revealed and you can begin the process. A-B-C: Accept who you are. Believe that it can be done. Change the contract to allow it.
跨出线性思维——这是一辈子的挑战。大师力量是没有清单的。它必须由个人来发现和实践。彼得做到了。许多觉得自己是被某些宗教奇迹所治愈的人们做到了,但其实那不是奇迹。他们发挥了本身的大师力量,却不知道是如此。现在是时候让你了解它的过程,然后为你自己而启动它。亲爱的现场听众和读者们:保持寂静,知道你是神。当你这么做时,所有事情都会为你而揭露,而你可以开始那创造奇迹的过程。A-B-C:Accept 接受你自己。Believe 相信它是做得到的。Contract 更换契约以允许奇迹发生。
And that's the message. Could it be more clear? And why do we give you this information at this point in time? Because you're the ones who have come to literally shine your light in a dark place in time. You're scraping the foundation clean, and a new temple is about to be rebuilt. Understand your purpose. It's to hold this light and continue through this current storm. You've come this far, Lighthouses, so keep the light strong. The storm isn't over. We've said it over and over, but you need to hear it again: Lighthouses will never be found in safe places. Think about this before you wring your hands and ask, "Why me?" You're the Lighthouse, built right where you need to be in the center of where storms are expected.
那就是我们的信息。它再也清楚不过了吧?为什么我们会在此刻给出这个信息呢?因为你们就是那些来到地球上以在黑暗中照明的人。你们正在刮除地基,新的圣殿即将被建造起来。明白你到来的目的。那就是保持这道光,在目前这场暴风雨当中持续发光。你已经走了这么远,灯塔,所以持续保持着那道明亮的光吧。暴风雨还未过去。我们重复又重复地说,但你还需要再次听见:灯塔永远不会出现在安全的地方。在你绞紧双手问道,“为什么是我?” 之前,请想想这个。你是灯塔,你就被建在那预测会有暴风雨的地点中央,你必须处在那里。
"Dear Kryon, I'm just an average person; I don't have a lot of energy," you say. "What can I do for the planet?" I'll tell you: Sit and know that you are God! You activate Gaia through your knowledge of your mastery. Remember that where the masters walked on this planet, where their feet touched the ground, nature itself knew who it was. I'm telling you that as you leave this place, the very walls, the very floor, the very air you breathe... celebrates who you are. Gaia knows what you've done and why you're here.
“亲爱的克里昂,我只是一个普通人;我没有太多能量,” 你说。“我能为地球做什么吗?” 我会告诉你:坐着并知道你是神!你通过了解本身的大师力量而激活盖娅。记住,当大师行走于地球之上,当他们的双脚碰到大地,这时大自然就知道它本身是谁。我在说的是,当你离开这里时,你所经过的那面墙、那块地面,你所呼吸的空气……它们都欢庆你的存在。盖娅知道你所做过的事、知道你在这里的原因。
For those who walk from this place saying, "Now, wasn't that interesting?" and do nothing, are just as loved as the ones who will go out and cure themselves of the incurable. This is the setup and the free choice of humanity. Lighthouse, peace on Earth is the goal. It's going to take a lot of masters living a long time in health to create it. They must shine their light to places like Africa, the Sudan, Iraq, Palestine, Israel, Argentina, Portugal, Russia, and to the many brothers and sisters in humanity who need the light.
对于那些从这里走出去并说,“哇,这真的很有趣,” 然后什么也没有做的人,他们就如其他会走出去并治愈自己的不治之症的人一样被深爱着。这是人类的设定和自由选择。灯塔,地球和平就是我们的目标。地球将需要许多大师长久健康地活着以创造和平。他们必须把自身的光送往 非洲、苏丹、伊拉克、巴勒斯坦、以色列、阿根廷、葡萄牙、俄罗斯 这些地方,还有许多需要光的人类兄弟姐妹。
And so it is that we've given you the truth this night. So it is that many have received it. If we had anything at all that we could leave in parting, we would say this: There will come a day when I'll meet you face-to-face. We'll talk about this time when we met. We'll laugh together and we'll weep together. And when I see you again in your angelic form, what will you be doing? I'll tell you: Regardless of what you think, warriors of the light, you'll be getting ready to turn right around and go back to Earth! I know this because you did it last time, and the time before. You see, you're in love with Gaia and the mammals around you and the whole purpose of the planet. It's what you do in the universe. And that, dear Human, is why you're so dearly loved.
And so it is.
圣约瑟大教堂,加拿大蒙特娄 |
圣约瑟大教堂的拐杖墙 |
朝圣者跪着爬上圣约瑟大教堂的台阶, 告示牌上写着:“保留给跪着爬上台阶的朝圣者”。 |
纽约华人资讯网:《圣约瑟大教堂 St.Joseph Oratory》
圣安妮大教堂,加拿大魁北克 |
圣安妮大教堂的拐杖墙 |
犬类基因图谱绘出 狗与人近 96% 基因相同
美国科学家于 2005年12月8日 在《自然》杂志上正式宣布,研究人员已完成 “狗基因组计划”,成功破解狗的全部基因密码。这项由政府资助、美国国家人类基因组研究所领导的 “狗基因组计划” 是于 2003年6月 正式启动的。研究小组用了一年左右时间,在 2004年7月 完成了狗基因的DNA 测序工作,并在 2005年12月8日 正式公布了最终绘制完成的基因组图谱。
研究发现人类拥有约 30亿对 DNA碱基对,仅比狗多 6亿对,其中约有 6.5亿个碱基对 与狗部分相同。在1.93万个狗基因中,至少有18473个与已识别的人类基因相同,这说明人和狗不仅曾拥有共同祖先,而且两者的亲缘关系还比较近。
研究人员还发现,狗和人类一样,只有 5% 的DNA 携带基因消息,而其它 DNA 没有基因 (或称为垃圾 DNA)。
研究人员称从进化角度看,人、鼠和狗曾拥有共同祖先,但狗大约在 9500万年 以前分离成一个独立物种。人类和老鼠同时在大约 8700万年 前各自独立出来,因此老鼠就进化关系而言与人类更近。但图谱对比分析表明,人类和狗基因组之间的相似性比鼠和人类、鼠和狗基因组之间的相似性都要大。
新浪网:《犬类基因图谱绘出 狗与人近96% 基因相同》2005年12月19日 北京科技报
新浪网:《科学家公布犬类基因图谱 狗与人类大致相同》2005年12月09日 南方都市报
人和老鼠共享 99% 的类似基因
英美科学家 2002年4日 在著名的《自然》杂志上撰文宣布,研究发现, 人和老鼠的基因图谱竟然 “基本相同”。主持本次研究的沃特森博士指出,人类和老鼠都有大约 30000 条基因,其中约有80% 的基因是 “完全一样的”。他强调说,人和老鼠大约共享有 99% 的类似基因。
科学家们指出,正是由于在人基因和老鼠基因之间存在的细小差别 (仅仅 300 条特色基因),才导致了两个完全不同的哺乳动物的产生。此外,老鼠具有 20对染色体,而人类则有 23对。因此,老鼠将成为研究人类疾病的最有效载体。人们可以通过老鼠来了解各种人体疾病的 “致病” 基因,并探索根治手段。
生物通:《人和老鼠共享99% 的类似基因》2002年12月06日
3。昴宿 (mǎo xiù) 星团
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昴宿星团 |
昴宿星团的星图 |
昴宿星团在北半球的冬季和南半球的夏季是很突出的天体,从上古时代的所有古文明国就开始提到,包括澳洲的土著、毛利人、中国和马雅人(称之为Tzab-ek)、阿兹台克人、北美洲的苏族。在儒学谶纬 (论语比考谶) 中提到来自昴宿的五位老者,曾给圣人孔子传达过天启。一些古希腊的天文学家认为它是个明确的星座,并且在赫西俄德、荷马的伊利亚特和奥德赛(冒险之旅)之中被提到;在圣经中也曾被提及三次(约伯记 9:9, 38:31; 阿摩司书 5:8)。在印度神话中,昴宿星团(Krittika)是战神室建陀的六个母亲,他有六种不同的相貌,可以逐一的显现出来;有些回教的学者认为昴宿星团(At-thuraiya)是古兰经中的Najm。
《Yale Researchers Identify Gene And Protein That Stops Spinal Cord And Brain Regrowth After Nervous System Injury》 ——ScienceDaily (Jan. 27, 2000)
Brain and spinal cord axons can grow after injury if provided with an adequate environment, but the natural adult brain environment contains substances which inhibit axon regeneration. One of these inhibitors is the Nogo protein.
After many adult nervous system injuries, the nerve cells survive but their connecting axons are severed and function is lost. Outside the brain and spinal cord, these connections usually grow back and recovery is excellent.
Inside the brain and spinal cord, very little axon regrowth occurs after injury and the clinical prognosis for recovery of function is poor. A clear example of this is human spinal cord injury.
"We have identified the gene and protein responsible for this Nogo activity," said Stephen M. Strittmatter, M.D., associate professor of neurology and of neurobiology at Yale School of Medicine. "Our work suggests that the Nogo protein is an important and selective blocker of axon regeneration in the brain after central nervous system injury."
“我们已经鉴别出负责指挥勿动蛋白的基因和蛋白质,” 史提芬.斯特里特马特医学教授,耶鲁大学医学院的神经病学与神经生物学副教授说道。“我们的研究显示,在中央神经系统损伤过后,勿动蛋白是选择性地抑制大脑神经轴突再生的重要因子。”
"If those inhibitors based on Nogo can be developed, the failure of axon regeneration and functional recovery after many brain and spinal injuries might be reversed," said Strittmatter.
“如果这些以勿动蛋白为蓝本的抑制因子能够被培植研究的话,大脑和脊髓损伤过后的神经轴突无法再生和功能无法恢复的许多情况将能够被逆转,” 斯特里特马特说道。
摘自:《Science Daily》 :
6。大脑使用率 10% 的谬误
许多年来,人们一直认为大脑只开发了10% 左右,这种谬论统治了人类将近 100年,最近的核磁共振显示,人类大脑的每个地方都是高效利用的,大脑开发率高达 100%,并不存在所谓的沉睡,闲置细胞。
“10%” 这一说法的起源未曾厘清。早在 1800年,人们就开始辩论,一部分人认为大脑功能是局部的在特定区域间行使的,另一部分人认为大脑是作为一个整体运作的。也可能是卡尔·斯奔策·拉什雷在 1920~1930年 之间开始了 “10%” 这种说法。
“10%” 的荒诞说法不可信有多个理由
首先是大脑成像探索技术,如 X光扫描、核磁共振等等,都已清楚地显示,大脑的大部分区域不是处于潜伏状态的。虽然一些比较简单的活动可能一次只需要使用大脑极小部分,但是那些非常复杂的活动或思考模式却需要使用大脑的很大一部分。就像人们运动时不会一次性使用所有的肌肉组织一样,大脑也不会一次性调用大脑的所有部分。一些运动,如:吃东西,看电视或者读书,你只需要使用大脑一些特殊的功能就可以完成。然而,大脑的所有部分在一整天不同的活动中可能都会被用到。
用发育的观点来看,10% 的大脑利用率也是站不住脚的。诺贝尔奖得主 戴维H·哈勃 和 托斯顿N·维塞尔 证实:如果在早期发育阶段没有视觉信息刺激眼睛 (和大脑),那么视力将全部丧失。那么,我们可以这样推论:假如 90% 的大脑没有被利用的话,那么,很多神经旁路就会退化。
7。人类基因组计划 (Human Genome Project , HGP )
DNA 测序图谱 |
人类基因组计划是一项规模宏大,跨国跨学科的科学探索工程。其宗旨在于测定组成人类染色体中所包含的 30亿个碱基对 组成的 核苷酸序列,从而绘制人类基因组图谱,并且辨识其载有的基因及其序列,达到破译人类遗传信息的最终目的。基因组计划是人类为了探索自身的奥秘所迈出的重要一步,是人类科学史上的一个伟大工程。
在1920 年代,美国遗传学家 托马斯·亨特·摩尔根 发现了染色体的遗传机制,提出基因位于染色体上,并由此建立了基因学说。1944年,奥斯瓦尔德·埃弗里、科林·麦克劳德和麦克林·麦卡蒂发现 DNA 是携带遗传信息的分子,从而使人们认识到基因是由 DNA 上的碱基序列所编码的。
国际人类基因组计划的启动的重要原因是美国能源部的推动。首次对于人类基因组测序的可行性进行认真的探讨是在 1986年 由罗伯特·辛西默(Robert Sinsheimer)主持的一个会议上。与会者的发言非常地大胆:“这一启动计划(人类基因组启动计划)的最终目标是了解人类基因组”,“就像了解人类身体构造对于目前医学发展的贡献,对人类基因组的了解将对医学和其他健康科学研究提供必不可少的支持”。随后,美国能源部健康与环境研究项目主任查尔斯·德利西(Charles DeLisi)决定对人类基因组启动计划进行资助,资助金额为五百三十万美元,用于发展关键性技术与资源。
1990年,投资三十亿美元的人类基因组计划由美国能源部和国家卫生研究院正式启动,预期在15年内完成。随后,该计划扩展为国际合作的人类基因组计划,英国、日本、法国、德国、中国和印度先后加入,形成了国际基因组测序联盟。为了协调各国人类基因组研究,1988年在维克多·马克库斯克(Victor McKusick)等科学家的倡导下,国际人类基因组组织(HUGO)宣告成立。
截至 2005年,人类基因组计划的测序工作已经基本完成(92%)。
8。非编码 DNA
通俗地讲,基因就是编码某种蛋白质的一段 DNA。它们就像散落于天幕的星星一样,分散在人类的基因组中。而在这些基因间存在的大片大片的 DNA 片段是不能编码蛋白质的,即 “非编码序列”。由于功能不清,加州理工学院的 大野·乾 于 1972年 提出用 “垃圾基因” 的概念来形容它们。
百度百科:《非编码 DNA》
通俗地讲,基因就是编码某种蛋白质的一段 DNA。它们就像散落于天幕的星星一样,分散在人类的基因组中。而在这些基因间存在的大片大片的 DNA 片段是不能编码蛋白质的,即 “非编码序列”。由于功能不清,加州理工学院的 大野·乾 于 1972年 提出用 “垃圾基因” 的概念来形容它们。
百度百科:《非编码 DNA》
9。统计学上的 “P 值”
P值 是统计学上对数据差异性的评价。当 P值 显示数据之间具有了显著性差异,就说明参与比对的数据不是来自于同一总体(Population),而是来自于具有差异的两个不同总体,也可能来自于实验处理对实验对象造成了根本性状改变,因而前测后测的数据会有显著性差异。
有一个女人,患了十二年的血漏,在好些医生手里受了许多的苦,又花尽了她的所有,却一点也不见好,病势反而更重了。她听见耶稣的事,就从后头来,杂在众人中间,摸耶稣的衣裳,意思说:“我只要摸祂的衣裳,就必定痊愈。” 于是她血漏的源头立刻干了,她便觉得身上的灾病好了。耶稣顿时觉得有能量从自己身上流了出去,就在众人中间转过来,说:“谁摸我的衣裳?” 门徒对祂说:“耶稣,说笑吗?看看,身边这么多人,要知道谁摸吗?” 祂说:“是的,有人凭信心摸了我。凭信心触摸我的人 ,会得著医治。” 耶稣周围观看,要见做这件事的人。那个女人知道在自己身上所成的事,就恐惧战兢,来俯伏在耶稣跟前,将实情全告诉祂。耶稣对她说:“女儿,你的信救了你,平平安安地回去吧!你的灾病痊愈了。”
有一个女人,患了十二年的血漏,在好些医生手里受了许多的苦,又花尽了她的所有,却一点也不见好,病势反而更重了。她听见耶稣的事,就从后头来,杂在众人中间,摸耶稣的衣裳,意思说:“我只要摸祂的衣裳,就必定痊愈。” 于是她血漏的源头立刻干了,她便觉得身上的灾病好了。耶稣顿时觉得有能量从自己身上流了出去,就在众人中间转过来,说:“谁摸我的衣裳?” 门徒对祂说:“耶稣,说笑吗?看看,身边这么多人,要知道谁摸吗?” 祂说:“是的,有人凭信心摸了我。凭信心触摸我的人 ,会得著医治。” 耶稣周围观看,要见做这件事的人。那个女人知道在自己身上所成的事,就恐惧战兢,来俯伏在耶稣跟前,将实情全告诉祂。耶稣对她说:“女儿,你的信救了你,平平安安地回去吧!你的灾病痊愈了。”
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Lake Tiberias, a.k.a. Sea of Galilee |
彼得一听到是耶稣的声音,就迫不及待地要跨越自己与耶稣之间的空间距离,希望即刻就与耶稣同在。然而他对那在水面上行走的人到底是不是耶稣仍有一些疑虑。于是他就对耶稣说:“主,如果是你,请叫我从水面上走到你那里去”。耶稣说:“你来吧!” 靠着勇气,彼得毫无畏惧地把脚踏在汹涌澎湃的水面,在这样风高浪大、黑暗恐怖、险象环生的四更天里走下被风浪摇撼的小船并向耶稣走去。
只可惜,他没能坚持到底,只走了个起头,当彼得看到风甚大就感到害怕,眼看将要沉下去了,此时他胆怯且丧失了信心,只好向耶稣求助,便喊着说:“主阿,救我!” 耶稣赶紧伸手拉住他,说:“你这小信的人哪!为什么疑惑呢?”
基督徒百科网:《马太福音(和)14 》