Astronomy 2012: Watch a Planet Transit With Your Own Eyes!
Kryon:The Venus Transit Gift
假设你的历法上的行星运动在五或六千年前就已经为人所知(确实如此)。如果是这样,那么,对于你们刚刚经历的金星凌日,人类应该已经知道关于它的一切。人类应该已经知道它的周期性和太阳系的运行方式,也知道这个横越在以前就曾经发生过,而且往后也还会再发生。但我们依然会告诉你,这次金星在地球和太阳之间移动的特别之处,它如何在 2004 年对地球造成深远的影响,它如何打开了另一扇时间窗户。所以,这不完全是关于金星凌日,而是关于一个 “准备好了的地球”。
宇宙以线性的方式为人类打开了一些行动的灵性窗户,它们全都与行星运动和能量有关。现在,另一个窗户随着金星凌日而打开。它是个较小的窗户,130 年才会遇上一次,是个八年窗户。因为在八年后,在 2012 年,你们将会有另一次金星凌日。
让我们回到金星,一个因为恋爱女神的能量而著名的地方。神话中的人物会有如此的名字并非偶然。在神话中,恋爱女神[维纳斯] 在越过地球和太阳时失踪了几天 [即是你们所说的逆行]。太阳是这种运行模式的核心能量,也是支点或平衡中心。
想象一下,如果你是太阳,你有这些行星孩子,每次它们运行时都围绕着你――每一刻――无论它们处在哪里,它们都在拉扯着你。这就是引力。你们的太阳有着一种特质,我称之为“引力和磁力绘图”。把它想象成是 “行星孩子” 拉扯着太阳家长的那股能量。当行星拉扯着这个支点时 [太阳],它会通过引力和磁力画下自己的跨维度图案。在它存在的每一刻,太阳都有不同的跨维度图案,取决于行星的引力强度。逆行代表引力缺席时的一种全然不同的图案。
引力 / 磁力图案会由太阳风传送出来,当太阳风抵达地球磁场,并通过电磁感应把能量传送给磁栅时,就形成你所见到的北极光。如果你喜欢的话,把它想成是一种广播。太阳的磁力和引力图案,是由太阳风广播给磁栅的 “信息”。然后磁栅 “看见” 它,并把它传给你的 DNA。
现在让我们回到金星,回到越过地球和太阳的恋爱女神,称为金星凌日。那个叫做爱神 “维纳斯” 的神话,不是偶然的。就如我们所说,它正在协助开发一股 “地球专属” 的能量。目前传送到地球上的能量,还有接下来的八年,都是慈爱的女性能量,是爱的平衡。你会看到平衡的现象,这与性别无关。每个人身上都有男性及女性能量。这是盖娅与人类的新平衡。
我会作出两个声明,两个都是 “难以置信” 的。(1)阳性太重的政府将无法生存于地球之上。(2)阳性太重的宗教将无法生存于地球之上。它们两者都不会为人类所支持,它们无法因应转变中的意识。它们将会在文明的灰烬中倒下。记住这个。
假设有一首歌正在帷幕的另一边被唱诵着。这是一首预定了要唱诵数千年之久的歌,所以演唱会开始了。我们就把它称为金星凌日之歌吧。这首歌是关于 “爱与平衡”。歌词里含有你的名字,同样的旋律,但每个人的歌词都不同。这些歌词帮助你保持平衡。
在这个隐喻中,要听到这首歌,你必须拥有接收器――有点像收音机的接收器。但是现在,不管是出于什么原因,请假设人类是没有收音机的。讲到这里,让我问你们:如果一首甜美、柔和、充满爱、神圣的歌曲正在空气中广播,但是人类没有收音机来收听,它会因此而停下吗?答案是 “不会”。至于金星凌日,如果人类没有 “收听” 能力的话,地球就不会接收到它的能量,因此也不会发生任何改变。在我们的隐喻里,人类意识就是它的接收器。
This live channelling was given on June 19, 2004 at the 7th Annual Kryon Summer Light Conference in Mount Shasta, California.
现场通灵于 2004 年 6 月 19 日,第七届克里昂夏日光之会议,于相思塔山,加利福尼亚
As channelled by Lee Carroll for Kryon
This channelling has been added-to and enhanced by Kryon, through Lee Carroll in a rechannelling process over the actual transcribed channelling. This has been done in order to make it more valuable for the written word and to bring clarity to concepts that were given energetically within the live channellings.
Greetings, dear ones. I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. Oh, there's been more than just magnetic service today. Do you have any idea how much you're loved by the planet? There are some of you here who are healers and have marvelous gifts - interdimensional ones that allow you to see colors. Some can see the shadows of the entities in other dimensions. Some of you cannot see the interdimensional colors, but you can feel them. And some of you have even had situations where the aroma of Spirit will visit you. You may wish to use these gifts in the next few minutes.
This is a sweet place today. It has been anointed since this morning as the sanctuary of knowledge - a place where you will allow yourself to be touched by God. Typically of these kinds of channellings, I say to you today that there will be teaching and "touching." And why not? That's what a brother or sister does! So be ready for it.
今天这里是个甜美的地方。从今早开始这里就被涂油膏立 [译注:犹太教仪式,被选定的意思] 为知识的圣殿―― 一个你会允许自己被神触摸的地方。今天我告诉你,在这种通灵中,通常我们会有教导和 “触摸”。为什么不呢?这是兄弟姐妹之间会做的事!要有心理准备哟。
Some have asked this question: "Dear Kryon, you say you meet us on an even playing field, yet sometimes you tell us that you actually come to see us! Can this really be so? What does a Human have to give to Spirit? It seems that Humans are the ones always asking the questions and being needy. What do we possibly have to offer God?"
有人问道:“亲爱的克里昂,你说你是在 “公平赛场” 上 [平等地] 与我们见面,有时你又说你是特地来见我们的!这是真的吗?人类有什么是可以给予圣灵的呢?人类似乎只是一直在发问和索求。我们有什么是可以给予神的吗?
Well, Human, first let us tell you that you're so linear! Why do you feel that these meetings are always "one way"? Don't you understand that when one touches another, both are affected? It's that way with Human to Human, so why not with the family of God? Do you not understand when minds connect from the other side of the veil, minds who have known each other forever, that there's a spark of understanding and love? Do you not understand that what you give us is joy? Indeed it is so that you are "in the veil" at the moment. Indeed it is so that we come to give you information and help. But that's secondary to the real purpose and the true reason we come and sit before you. For the true reason is the reunion we have together. When you travel long distances to see your family, do you sit and listen while they give you a lecture, then you stand without saying anything and leave? No! You both participate. It's the same with us.
嗯,人类,首先让我们告诉你,你真的很线性!为什么你总是觉得这些聚会是 “单向” 的呢?你不知道,当一个人触摸另一个人时,双方都会有感觉吗?人与人之间的接触是这样,人与神家人之间就不是这样了吗?你不知道,当帷幕两边的心连上时,一直都认识彼此的心,会擦出理解及爱的火花吗?你不知道,你给我们的是喜悦吗?你目前的确是被帷幕遮蔽了。我们的确是来给你信息及协助的。但那是次于我们来到这里坐在你面前的真正原因。真正的原因是我们可以团聚在一起。当你长途跋涉来见你的家人时,你会坐着听他们讲课,然后一句话也不说就起身离开了吗?不!你们双方都参与及互享。我们之间也一样。
In these beginning moments, we invite the entourage of Gaia, and also of Kryon. We invite all those right now who wish to come and visit, in all appropriateness, to this sweet place. Let this include the entourage of Adama, and the Lemurians who have been waiting for something special to happen on Earth... for this energy is upon you. Let this be a very large gathering!
在这开始的时刻,让我们先邀请盖娅的随行团,还有克里昂的随行团。我们邀请所有想来参访的人,在恰当性中,来到这个甜美的地方。这些人包括阿达玛 [利穆里亚大祭司] 的随行团,还有那些一直在等着某些特别事件会发生在地球上的利穆里亚人……因为这股能量就在你们身上。让这次成为一个大聚会!
Some of you sitting here may feel the presence of those you've loved and lost even very recently on this earth. Perhaps, just perhaps, this veil doesn't separate you from them at all! Did you ever ponder this? Did you know that a part of the "interdimensional system" is that in their passing they've come back to be part of the wholeness of the earth - to walk upon it in a way that helps and guides you? Maybe you carry them around with you in ways you cannot even fathom. You're so linear! You don't yet understand the circle of interdimensional life? When we say life, we don't mean Human life; we mean the essence of God that you call Spirit. It is indeed, love is it not? Love is the essence of the glue that bonds the dimensions together, and which allows for communication at the spiritual level.
有些坐在这里的人,能够感觉到你所深爱并失去的亲人的存在。也许,只是也许,这帷幕根本就没有分开你和他们!你有想过吗?你知道 “跨维度系统” 的一部分是,在他们离去的同时他们也回归为地球完整的一部分吗?――以协助及指导你的形式而行走于地球之上?也许你是以一种想象不到的方式把他们携带在身上呢。你真的很线性啊!你还不明白跨维度生命的循环吗?当我们谈到生命时,我们不是指人类的生命;我们是指神的本质,你们称为 “圣灵”。它是真实的爱,难道不是吗?爱是让各种维度粘合在一起的本质,是让灵性层次的沟通得以进行的本质。
And so here is the invitation, even before we start: Sit where you are, hearing and reading, and disengage from what you think is real. Do this so that you might give yourself an allowance of wisdom and understanding. Sit before Spirit as a brother and a sister with a knowledge that goes way beyond your reality and that transcends what you think you know.
The Transit of Venus - the Great Gift
金星凌日―― 一份大礼
There is a coming together of a final picture tonight. Those of you who've read the words and attended the meetings when past messages were given will know how the pieces of this puzzle finally fit.
Let me start very far away. Let's visit, just for a moment, a planetary Form - the Goddess of Love. Let's visit the mythology that created the meaning behind the Transit of Venus. Let's look for just a moment upon what that means within the energies that are created from this event. It's what we're going to speak of on this night. We're prepared to explain astrology within physics. We're also prepared to have large esoteric questions explained regarding this solar system event. So we begin.
Let's say that the planetary movements of your calendars were known 5- or 6,000 years ago (and they were). If this were so, then humanity would have known all about the Transit of Venus that's before you now. They would have known of the cyclical attributes and the way the solar system works, and also it would be known that this transit has occurred before, and will yet again. Yet we're going to tell you something very special about this movement of Venus between the earth and the sun and how it has affected the earth profoundly in 2004 and how it opens yet another time window. So, it isn't really about the Venus Transit, but about the scenario of a "ready Earth."
假设你的历法上的行星运动在 5 或 6 千年前就已经为人所知(确实如此)。如果是这样,那么,对于你们刚刚经历的金星凌日,人类应该已经知道关于它的一切。人类应该已经知道它的周期性和太阳系的运行方式,也知道这个横越在以前就曾经发生过,而且往后也还会再发生。但我们依然会告诉你,这次金星在地球和太阳之间的移动特别之处,它如何在 2004 年对地球造成深远的影响,它如何打开了另一扇时间窗户。所以,这不完全是关于金星凌日,而是关于一个 “准备好了的地球” 。
Spiritual windows of action are given to humanity by the Universe in linear ways (representing a period of consecutive years, often in multiples of 8). The profound window opened in 1987 with the energy of the Harmonic Convergence (celebrated later as the 11:11). It closed with the Harmonic Concordance of 2003. This window represented a number of years that were linearly presented, known to you, and even predicted. They all had to do with planetary motion and energy, and were explained by Kryon. Now here's another one with the Transit of Venus. This is a smaller window, something that doesn't happen any more often than every 130 years, and it's an 8-year window. For in eight years, in 2012, you'll have another Venus Transit.
宇宙以线性的方式为人类打开了一些行动的灵性窗户(是指一段相续的年份,通常是 8 的倍数)。意义深远的窗户在 1987 年随着 “和谐汇聚” 的能量而打开(过后被称为 11:11 事件)。然后随着 2003 年的 “和谐整合” 而关闭。 这个窗户代表连续几年的线性时间,为你所知,而且早就被预知。它们全都与行星运动和能量有关,克里昂也曾经解释过。现在,另一个窗户随着金星凌日而打开。它是个较小的窗户,130 年才会遇上一次,是个 8 年窗户。因为在八年后,在 2012 年,你们将会有另一次金星凌日。
Now we wish you to put together some of the things that Kryon has given you for the last decade, not just within the numerology, but also what we've told you were the possibilities of Earth. Listen: We told you of a changing consciousness of Earth, and we told you that astronomical attributes of your own solar system could create energy on the planet if it was ready. You're ready, and here it is! But logic might tell you that those astronomers of thousands of years ago would look at this same planetary motion and say, "What's the big deal? It would have happened anyway. So, Kryon, how can you give a large metaphysical attribute and assign special "new energy" to what we knew was going to happen thousands of years ago? Right now we know it's going to happen again. Does that mean that the planet is going to be changing yet again? Then what about the next time and the next? How can you make a big spiritual event out of ordinary planetary motion that's established and known?" This is the question we'll answer tonight.
现在我们希望你把过去十年来克里昂所教导的事情全都汇集在一起,不只是数字命理,还包括我们所说的关于地球的潜在性。听着:我们说过地球的意识转变,我们说过,当地球准备就绪时,太阳系的天文特质就会在地球上创造出能量。现在你们准备好了,它就发生了!但是逻辑会告诉你,几千年前的天文学家会看着同一个行星运动并说,“这有什么奇怪?它反正就是会发生。那么,克里昂,对于几千年前就已预知会发生的事件,你怎么能赋予它巨大的形而上特质和特别的 “新能量” 呢?此刻我们就知道它以后还会再发生。这是不是说,地球还会再次改变呢?那么下次和再下次呢?你怎么能把已确知的、寻常的行星运动,说成是一个巨大的灵性事件呢?” 这就是我们今晚会回答的问题。
Let's return to the transit window and information we've given you in the past. It's an eight-year window. We've given you a new publication (Kryon Book Ten - the 12th Kryon book), A New Dispensation. We gave you information about a new dispensation sometime ago, and we called it "The Dispensation of the Eight." We didn't tell you much about it. We wanted to wait until you had the whole book in your hand, and now you do. [This is speaking of the fact that this Kryon book was released the day of this channelling.]
让我们先回到横越的窗户,回到我们过去所给出的信息当中。这是个 8 年窗户。我们已经有了新的出版(克里昂书十―― 克里昂的第十二本书),《新的时代》。我们在不久前给出关于新时代的信息,我们称之为 “八的时代”。当时我们没有讲太多。我们要等到你有整本书在你手中时,而现在你有了。[在说这本书在通灵当天出版了]
Perhaps now you'll start to understand the eight even better. The eight means responsibility, and it begins with the Venus Transit. I know that what I'm about to say might sound overly grand, or even impossible. I know it might sound unbelievable. But I say to you, Lightworkers, stand by for peace on Earth! For this is the energy that you've developed... great change within difficult times. Let those who've entered this place from the interdimensional city in the mountain also hear these words, for that's why you've waited!
也许现在你会更加理解数字 “八” 了。“八” 代表责任,它随着金星凌日而开始。我知道我即将讲的事听起来会是过于伟大,甚至是不可能的。我知道它听起来是不可思议的。但是我对你说,光之工作者,准备好迎接地球和平!因为这就是你所发展的能量……在困难时刻的巨变。让那些从山上的跨维度城市[相思塔山桃乐市] 来到这里的人也听到这些话,因为这就是你们一直在等待的原因!
So let's begin, even before we get to the mechanics of it all, and address those who say, "Wait a minute, it would have happened anyway! Even if there was no 11:11, and humanity had gone through the Armageddon, this astronomical certainty called ‘Venus Transit' would have happened anyway. It would have happened even if humanity had been destroyed!" Not really. Already it has been explained by Gaia on this very day [speaking of the channelling of Pepper Lewis earlier in the conference]. Gaia has said to you, "It is the interdimensional perception of what you create that brings upon the energies that you wish." Let me go even further in the explanation so that you can understand it better. Let me first ask this: If an officially scheduled tennis game was created on a calendar for thousands of years in the future, does that mean that all the players would automatically attend? You can create this same question now on a piece of paper. Go ahead and make appointments for yourselves, and fill up your calendar for the next thousand years. Does that mean that you'll actually make those meetings? The answer is obvious. For the schedule is simply a pointer to what your potential is. It will sit there and still be a schedule even after your death. Perhaps the game, therefore, is more than the court and the preparation? Perhaps it takes you to show up to make it real?
让我们开始吧,虽然我们还没有提到它的运行过程,让我们先回答那些人,他们说,“等一下,它无论如何都会发生!即使没有了 11:11 事件,即使人类真的经历了世界末日,这个叫做 “金星凌日” 的天文定局,无论如何都会发生。即使人类灭绝了,它还是会发生!” 这可不一定。盖娅在今天就已经解释过了 [提及会议较早时由 佩珀.刘易斯 所传导的信息] 。盖娅对你们说,“你对于你所创造的事物的跨维度看法,会带来你想要的能量。” 让我进一步解释这个说法。首先,让我问你:如果一场正式安排好的网球赛,被定于历法中的未来几千年之后,是否意味着所有球员都会自动出席球赛呢?现在你可以把这问题写在一张纸上。去吧,去为你自己做预约,把你接下来几千年的日历都填满。这是否意味着你将会如期地出现呢?答案很明显。因为日程表只不过标示了你潜在会做的事情而已。它会一直在那里,就算你死了,它依然是个日程表。因此,也许球赛并不只限于赛场和准备功夫?也许它需要你的出现,才会真的成为一场球赛呢?
Let's return to Venus, who's known to have the energy of the Goddess of Love. It's not an accident that those in mythology named it this. In the mythology, the lover [Venus] disappears for a number of days [which you call the retrograde], while it transits between your planet Earth and the sun. The sun is the core energy of the patterning, and is the fulcrum or balance center, which I'll explain in a moment.
让我们回到金星,一个因为恋爱女神的能量而著名的地方。神话中的人物会有如此的名称并非偶然。在神话中,恋爱女神 [维纳斯] 在越过地球和太阳时失踪了几天 [即是你们所说的逆行]。太阳是这种运行模式的核心能量,也是支点或平衡中心,等下我会讲到这个。
The Venus Transit is like a pair of bookends. It represents a new energy window of eight years. There are many eights to be explained. We even told you about one you may not have recognized. Back in 2000 when we were in Israel, we told you that there was the potential that nothing significant would happen on this planet with respect to peace until the year 2008. Begin to put this together. Don't be surprised if the window of eight involves Jerusalem! Don't be surprised if this window of eight requires a new Jerusalem, for this is where we gave you the original message! How many of you in 2000 were thinking about a specific election in your country in 2008? How many of you put together the "Dispensation of Responsibility" with the eight-year Venus Transit that was scheduled to happen in 2004? The answer is that few did. Now it all starts to come together. You might also now see how these channellings work. For more than just a piece here and a piece there, the information of Kryon has always been meant as a larger puzzle that combines itself when you're ready to see and understand it. This is the beauty of discovery, is it not?
金星凌日就像是一对书靠。它代表了长达八年的新能量窗户。关于数字八,我们有很多话要说。我们甚至连一些你们还没觉察到的事都一并告诉你了。回到 2000 年当我们在以色列通灵时,我们说,潜在性是,地球上不会发生任何有助于和平的重大事件,直到 2008 年。请开始结合所有这些信息。如果你发现八的窗户涉及耶路撒冷,请别惊讶!如果这八的窗户需要一个新的耶路撒冷 [译注:和平之城],请别惊讶,因为它就是我们最初给出这个信息的地方!你们有多少人在 2000 年时是在想着你们国家在 2008 年的某一场选举呢?你们有多少人把 “责任的时代” 和定在 2004 年发生的八年金星凌日摆在一起看呢?答案是:没有人。现在它们全部开始聚拢到一起。现在你也开始看到这些通灵信息之间的关联。不只是这里一篇那里一篇的,克里昂的信息一直都是作为一幅更大的拼图,在你准备好看见和了解它时,它就会自己拼合起来。这就是发现的美妙,不是吗?
The Venus Transit is like a pair of bookends. It represents a new energy window of eight years. There are many eights to be explained. We even told you about one you may not have recognized. Back in 2000 when we were in Israel, we told you that there was the potential that nothing significant would happen on this planet with respect to peace until the year 2008. Begin to put this together. Don't be surprised if the window of eight involves Jerusalem! Don't be surprised if this window of eight requires a new Jerusalem, for this is where we gave you the original message! How many of you in 2000 were thinking about a specific election in your country in 2008? How many of you put together the "Dispensation of Responsibility" with the eight-year Venus Transit that was scheduled to happen in 2004? The answer is that few did. Now it all starts to come together. You might also now see how these channellings work. For more than just a piece here and a piece there, the information of Kryon has always been meant as a larger puzzle that combines itself when you're ready to see and understand it. This is the beauty of discovery, is it not?
金星凌日就像是一对书靠。它代表了长达八年的新能量窗户。关于数字八,我们有很多话要说。我们甚至连一些你们还没觉察到的事都一并告诉你了。回到 2000 年当我们在以色列通灵时,我们说,潜在性是,地球上不会发生任何有助于和平的重大事件,直到 2008 年。请开始结合所有这些信息。如果你发现八的窗户涉及耶路撒冷,请别惊讶!如果这八的窗户需要一个新的耶路撒冷 [译注:和平之城],请别惊讶,因为它就是我们最初给出这个信息的地方!你们有多少人在 2000 年时是在想着你们国家在 2008 年的某一场选举呢?你们有多少人把 “责任的时代” 和定在 2004 年发生的八年金星凌日摆在一起看呢?答案是:没有人。现在它们全部开始聚拢到一起。现在你也开始看到这些通灵信息之间的关联。不只是这里一篇那里一篇的,克里昂的信息一直都是作为一幅更大的拼图,在你准备好看见和了解它时,它就会自己拼合起来。这就是发现的美妙,不是吗?
Let me return to the planetary system for a moment and explain some things that I haven't explained before, with more clarity. There are those reading and hearing who might say,"Well, I believe in many things, even this channelling, but I have a hard time believing that planetary motion affects my life. It seems that everything spiritual is also invisible, and that doesn't make it very believable." Is it really invisible? I'll explain how it works, and I'll use physics. Then you can decide.
让我回到行星系统,更清晰地解释一下我之前没有解释到的事。有些读者和听众会说,“嗯,我相信很多事,包括这个通灵,但是我很难相信行星运动会影响我的生活。灵性上的东西似乎都是无形的,这让它不太可信。” 真是无形的吗?我会解释,我会以物理学来解释。然后你再来决定。
Let's start with magnetism and gravity. These are the two little-understood forces on the earth that are profoundly interdimensional. They're only understood by science within the context of what's observed and then built around the observations. Almost everything science does with magnetism and gravity is simply invention around a known force. A true understanding of them would allow the forces to be manipulated and controlled. Nothing like that has ever happened with either, and it won't until "mathematical interdimensional engines" are conceived and built.
我们从磁力和引力开始。这两种是地球上深奥且没人熟悉的跨维度能量。科学家只知道它们被观察到的一面,然后根据观察到的现象来建构理论。科学家只是围绕着所知的磁力和引力来发明东西。真正的理解会让我们得以操纵和控制它们。但这种事从来都不曾发生,而且它不会发生,直到 “跨维度数学机器” 被发明和制造出来为止。
Let me tell you something that I've never stated before. These two forces exist as partners; they must exist together and are a part of each other. No one has really defined gravity. It's very difficult because it's interdimensional. You would have to understand the time-scape [the time posturing that gravity depends on] to fully understand what gravity is. Gravity is the response to matter in a time frame. That's all it is. It has less to do with matter and more to do with time than you realize. Magnetism is its partner, and both are a part of the pieces of a larger picture that is interdimensional, but a staple of the Universe's existence.
让我告诉你一些我没有讲过的事。这两股能量是并行的;它们必定是一起出现的,而且是彼此的一部分。没有人真正对引力下过定义。很难对它下定义,因为它是跨维度的。 你必须了解时间景象* [重力所仰赖的时间姿态] 以真正了解引力。在时间框架中,引力是[天体]对物质的反应。这就是它的一切。你意想不到的是,它与物质没有太大关系,反而与时间的关系较大。磁力是它的同伴,两者都是一个更大的跨维度画面的一部分,是宇宙存在的必备条件。
Let's discuss astronomy and astrology just for a moment, for they have a physical effect upon your consciousness, and are not some mysterious mythological forces only understandable by certain individuals wearing crystals and using a lot of candles [Kryon humor]. The sun is the fulcrum of the solar system. Solar systems are the building blocks of galaxies. Galaxies are the building blocks of a Universe system. For earth, the solar system is the closest magnetic and gravitational force that affects it. For many years we've tried to explain how the magnetic grid of the planet "talks" to your DNA. Now even your science admits that Human cellular structure responds to magnetic messages. Why stop there? Let me tell you how astrology works, for it's the same principle.
让我们来探讨天文学和占星学,因为它们会对你的意识造成物理影响,它们不是神话中的神秘能量,只有那些穿戴水晶和点上很多蜡烛的人才搞得懂 [克里昂式幽默]。太阳是太阳系的支点。太阳系是星系的基础。星系是宇宙系的基础。对地球来说,太阳系是最靠近它的磁力和引力影响。 多年来我们一直都在讲解地球的磁栅是怎么跟你的 DNA “交谈” 的。为什么只停留在那里呢?让我来解释星象是怎么运行的,因为它的原理是一样的。
Astrology Explained
If you were the sun and you could pretend for a moment that you have these planetary children that go around you every single time they orbit - every moment of the day - every position they're in, they pull upon you. That's gravity. These children are demanding, and they affect you with their pulling. Like a real set of children, they may even affect your personality as they pull and pull and pull.
Now here's what we haven't discussed with anyone, for it's an interdimensional aspect that's difficult to describe: Your sun carries an attribute that I'll call gravitational and magnetic patterning. Think of it as the energy of the "planetary children" pulling on the parent sun. As the planets pull upon this fulcrum [the sun], it patterns itself interdimensionally through gravity and magnetism. Every moment of its existence, the sun has a different interdimensional patterning based upon what the planets present to it in the form of gravitational force. Retrogrades present an entire different pattern when they're not present. The sun even responds to those small objects that you don't even call planets, some of which you haven't even catalogued. It's very complex, but very real. It's physics, and there's no mythology around it or candles either [Kryon smile].
呐,以下是我们从来没有讲过的事,因为它是难以形容的跨维度特质:你们的太阳有着一种特质,我称之为 “引力和磁力绘图”。把它想象成是 “行星孩子” 拉扯着太阳家长的那股能量。当行星拉扯着这个支点时 [太阳],它会通过引力和磁力画下自己的跨维度图案。在它存在的每一刻,太阳都有不同的跨次元图案,取决于行星的引力强度。逆行代表引力缺席时的一种全然不同的图案。太阳也会受那些细小得称不上是行星的天体所影响,有些甚至是你们还没有辨认归类的。这种互动非常复杂,却也非常真实。这是物理,在它周围没有神话,也没有蜡烛 [克里昂微笑]。
太阳的引力/ 磁力图案
Right now, as is normal, the sun is being pushed and pulled upon by the bodies around it [planets], and is being patterned in a way that's interdimensional. It's a gravity/magnetic patterning. This pattern is then broadcast by what you know as the solar wind, an energy that's naturally blasted out from the sun to all of the planets and beyond. This solar wind is what you can see in the aurora borealis as it literally meets the magnetic field of the earth and delivers energy to this grid of the planet through a process called inductance. Not so invisible, you say? Go take a look. Think of it, if you wish, as a broadcast. The magnetic and gravitational patterning of the sun is a "message" that's broadcast by the solar wind to the magnetic grid. Where do you think this message goes?
此刻,一如往常,太阳正在被它周围的天体 [行星] 所推拉着,也正在以跨维度的方式在画着图案。这是引力/ 磁力的图案。接着这个图案会由太阳风传送出来,它是一股自然从太阳爆发出,并传送给所有行星及更远处的能量流。当太阳风抵达地球磁场,并通过电磁感应把能量传送给磁栅时,就形成你所见到的北极光。现在你说,这不是无形的吧?去看看。如果你喜欢的话,把它想成是一种广播。太阳的磁力和引力图案,是由太阳风广播给磁栅的 “信息”。你认为这个信息会流向何处呢?
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地球磁场会把太阳风导向地球两极,形成极光 |
It has been the Kryon teaching for over 15 years that the magnetics of this planet are interdimensional forces, and they affect Human DNA. This is the connection between the magnetic master and your reality. So get a picture of how all of this works: Your solar system moving around your sun creates a gravitational and magnetic pattern that is then broadcast to the earth. It's delivered and "seen" by your magnetic grid, and then right to your DNA. This is astrology. It's the oldest science on the planet, and it's based on high concepts that aren't even understood by modern science.
克里昂在超过 15 年来所教导的就是,地球的磁力是跨维度的能量,它会影响人类的 DNA。这就是磁性大师与人类实相之间的连结。所以来看一下这一切是怎么运作的:太阳系在太阳周围运行,创造了一个重力和磁力图案,接着它被广播到地球上。然后磁栅 “看见” 它,并把它传给你的 DNA。这就是占星学。它是地球上最古老的科学,它是以高级概念为基础,就连现代科学也搞不清楚这些概念。
There are still those who'd say, "Well, that's a nice explanation, Kryon, but you know, I don't believe it. It's still invisible. Planetary mechanics affecting Human consciousness is still a stretch of logic." All right, then let me give you something that's invisible, yet profoundly "seeable" in your reality. If you're one who doubts that such a thing could be, then let us talk about the gravity and the magnetism that is the closest to you that you call your moon. Let's put this in your reality for a moment, doubter. Don't look at a metaphysical magazine - don't go to a channelling. Instead, for positive proof of the effect of magnetism and gravity upon your own cellular structure and your consciousness, go to the emergency room of any hospital and ask them about the full moon. Go to your police stations and ask them about the full-moon effect on society. Neither of these institutions are biased in astrology, yet they'll tell you that they put extra staff on for a full moon! It doesn't make sense, does it? Go ahead and ask them: "You mean the effect of a planetary object around the earth creates a difference in Human behavior?" The answer is yes. They may not believe in astrology, but they'll hire extra help when the moon is full. How is this for proof that something is happening?!
还是有一些人会说,“嗯,这是很好的解释,克里昂,但是你知道吗,我不相信。它依然是无形的。行星力学会影响人类的意识,这依旧是逻辑推想。” 好吧,那么就让我告诉你一些无形的,却是你们的实相中重要且显而易 “见” 的事物吧。如果你是那些怀疑者,那么就让我们来谈谈最靠近你的引力和磁力吧,那就是你们的月亮。让我们回到你的现实世界,啊怀疑者。别看那些形而上的杂志――也别出席什么通灵会议。相反的,为了证明磁力和引力对你本身的细胞结构和意识的影响,请去任何一间医院的急诊室,问他们关于月圆之夜。请去警察局,问他们关于月圆效应。这些社会机构都不会偏袒占星学,但他们却会告诉你说,他们在月圆之夜会增派人手!这是不合理的,难道不是吗?进一步问他们:“你是说,地球周围的天体会对人类的行为造成影响?” 答案是 “是的”。他们或许并不相信占星学,但他们会在月圆之夜增加额外的帮手。这能不能够证明有些事正在发生呢?!
You see, it's very real! Gravity and magnetics, even from the moon around this planet, affects you. That's also why the moon must be taken into consideration in the whole astrological scheme. It's a direct player in changing the energy that's also given by the sun.
Astrology is not a life-controlling aspect. It's a posturing aspect. That's much different. When you sit on a couch, it postures your weight and then folds itself around you. When you sit on it, you might say that you and the couch are together in cooperation for those moments of sitting. By agreement, you trust the couch. By agreement, it supports your weight. That's posturing. It's not controlling, for you may leave the couch anytime you wish. You may also readjust your position or sit on another couch. Planetary alignments are the same. They aren't controlling, but personal energy posturing. Astrology is this way. It provides a beginning posturing to your life, and it creates different kinds of Human behavior. Why should that be? We've said this before: What kind of a test would it be if you were all alike? You're not, if you noticed. Fifteen years ago in a small white book, we also told you that you have the ability and the right to change how the planets affect you. Do you remember? Are you willing to start connecting these teachings and seeing the big picture?
Back to Venus
Now let's return to Venus, and so also to the Goddess of Love who's between the earth and the sun in what is called the transit. As we've explained, it's helping to develop an energy that's "earth specific," and which is sending a pattern to the sun, which is then broadcast to you through the grid.
现在让我们回到金星,回到越过地球和太阳的恋爱女神,称为金星凌日。就如我们所说的,它正在协助开发一股 “地球专属” 的能量,这股能量正在对太阳传送图案,然后再通过磁栅广播给你。
I will first tell you what this specific energy is, as delivered to this earth through the process I just gave you, and then I'll reveal some esoterics about why it should be. I do all of these things to clear the air so you'll understand the profundity of what's before you. It's not an accident, you know, that mythology named Venus for love. The energy being transmitted to this planet now, and for the next eight years, is a loving feminine balance of love. You're going to see a balance take place that you've never seen in your lifetime. It's a balance of both Gaia and the Human in a new way.
首先我会解释这股传送到地球的专属能量是什么,然后我会揭露它的奥秘之处。我这么做是为了拨开云雾,让你了解你们刚刚遇到的金星凌日是多么意味深长。那个叫做爱神 “维纳斯” 的神话,不是偶然的。目前传送到地球上的能量,还有接下来的八年,都是慈爱的女性能量,是爱的平衡。你会看到平衡,这是你一辈子都没有见过的现象。这是盖娅与人类的新平衡。
At the moment, your earth isn't balanced. It's masculine-heavy. This has nothing to do with your gender. There is masculine and feminine energy in every Human. No matter what your gender is, the most balanced man reading and hearing this is one who has the balance of the feminine and the masculine, equally. The most balanced woman listening and reading is the one who has the masculine and the feminine equally balanced in their lives.
You've grown up on a planet where the balance hasn't been equal, and where the masculine energy has far outweighed anything else. Now, due to your efforts, the consciousness changes on Earth. The beginning of this was the 11:11, then the 12:12, then the Concordance. Now the new window brings in the best yet! Because of the new path you took, it demanded the energy of the eight. The balance and the responsibility being delivered to this planet, therefore, is energy that will eventually balance this planet, masculine and feminine.
你们在一个还未达致平衡的星球上成长,男性能量超乎一切。现在,由于你们的努力,地球上的意识开始转变。它始于 11:11 事件,然后是 12:12 事件,然后是和谐整合。现在新的窗户更带来最强的能量!因为你们所选择的全新轨道,地球需要八的能量 [八代表责任];因此,新的窗户传送给地球的平衡与责任,就是最终会平衡地球的那股能量,男性与女性能量的平衡。
The Effect of the Venus Transit and Its Potential
What a change this has the potential to make! Let me tell you, there will be those who will go crazy with this new potential. It doesn't fit them and it doesn't fit what they consider to be their reality. I'll make two statements, and both of them will be of the kind called "unbelievable." (1) Masculine-heavy governments won't be able to exist on the planet. (2) No masculine-heavy religion will be able to exist on this planet. Neither one can be supported, and they won't make sense to a changing consciousness. They'll fall into the ashes of civilization. Remember that. I'll say it again before I'm done. This is the profound time we talked about that was coming. And this, by the way, is why the mountain behind you comes alive [Mt. Shasta]. You see, it's all related. I'll get to that. One cannot exist without the other; one has been waiting for the other.
这个潜力带来的改变可大了!让我告诉你,有些人会因为这个新潜力而疯掉。这不适合他们,也不符合他们心中所现象的世界。我会作出两个声明,两个都是 “难以置信” 的。(1)阳性太重的政府将无法生存于地球之上。(2)阳性太重的宗教将无法生存于地球之上。它们两者都不会为人类所支持,它们无法因应转变中的意识。它们将会在文明的灰烬中倒下。记住这个。我会一再提到它,直到我觉得够了为止。这个即将来到的新时代是意义重大的。还有,这就是为什么你背后的这座大山会醒过来 [相思塔山]。你瞧,这一切都是有关联的。等下我会讲到这个。(我们和利穆里亚)两者互相需要,互相等待。
Now let's get into the esoteric questions, and very interesting they are. If the Venus Transit was known for so long as an astronomical certainty, why is it affecting the earth in a way that would only work if humanity had voided the Armageddon and come forward to this date? The question, therefore, is: Wouldn't it have happened anyway? Let me try to answer in the best way I can.
There's a great physicist in his 90s who dared to broach the esoteric physics of this question. He asked this: "Would the universe exist if humanity wasn't looking?" And he was serious! Is there a connection between the reality of the Universe and Human consciousness? It's hard to answer for you, and remains so. But it was asked at the highest level in physics. There's another question that you've pondered, which is almost a joke. It has a solution, however, by defining the parts. If a tree falls in the woods and there's no one to hear it, does it make a sound? This is an easy question if you define the parts. Sound is defined as vibrations in the air. Hearing is defined as a consciousness that picks it up and interprets it. Now, remember these definitions, for they answer the esoteric question about the Venus Transit energy.
有一个伟大的物理学家在九十多岁时勇敢地提出了这个奥秘的物理学问题。他问道:“如果人类没有在注视的话,宇宙还会存在吗?” 他是认真的!宇宙的实相与人类的意识到底有没有关联呢?这是难以解答的,向来都是。但它是根据最高级的物理学而提出的问题。另外还有一个你们有想过的问题,它很好笑。无论如何,这个问题是有答案的,我们可以把问题分成几个部分,并根据各部分的定义来解释。“如果森林中有一棵树倒下了,附近没有人,所以也不会被听见,那么,它会不会发出声响呢?” 如果你把问题分成几个部分来定义的话,是很容易回答的。“声音” 被定义为空气中的振动。“听觉” 被定义为接收并理解它的意识。现在,记住这些定义,因为它们将解答关于金星凌日传送能量的奥秘问题。
The Metaphor of the Venus Transit Message
What if humanity was walking around normally, but on the other side of the veil there was a very, sweet, sweet message being created? In fact, let's make this message a song, since we're surrounded by music [speaking of the music of Robert Coxon that's being played live]. Let's say that there's a song being sung on the other side of the veil. It's a song that was scheduled to be sung for thousands of years, so the singing begins. Let's call it the song of Venus Transit. The song speaks of love and balance. Perhaps the lyrics of the song speak about coming closer to Spirit. Maybe they even speak about getting out of pain and suffering... maybe they do. Perhaps the song has lyrics that celebrate change and help with what to do next in your life. Maybe they make you comfortable with time-shifting. The lyrics have your name on them, and the song is the same, but the lyrics are different for every Human on the planet. The lyrics help you to balance. The lyrics are anointed and beautiful, but the song is a very quiet one.
如果说,当人类如常到处走动时,就会在帷幕的另一边写下非常、非常甜美的信息呢?事实上,让我们把这个信息当作是一首歌,尤其我们现在正被音乐所环绕 [提及 罗伯特.考克森 的现场音乐演奏]。假设有一首歌正在帷幕的另一边被唱诵着。这是一首预定了要唱诵数千年之久的歌,所以演唱会开始了。我们就把它称为金星凌日之歌吧。这首歌是关于 “爱与平衡”。歌词大概是在描述怎么亲近圣灵。也许还描述怎么解脱痛苦…..也许是这样。也许歌词是在褒扬转变和提示在接下来的日子里该怎么做。也许歌词是在帮助你轻松地面对时代的转变。歌词里含有你的名字,同样的旋律,但每个人的歌词都不同。这些歌词帮助你保持平衡。这些歌词已经被涂油膏立,而且是优美的,但它的旋律是很幽静的。
In this metaphor, in order to hear the song, you've got to have a receiver - almost like a radio receiver. But now let's say that humanity had no radios whatsoever. So with this established so far, let me ask you a question: If a sweet, soft, lovely, sacred song was being broadcast, but humanity had no radios to receive it, would it make a difference? (The question is kind of like the tree in the woods.) The answer is no. Now, think of this: The song would happen anyway, even without anybody to hear it. It would go forward on schedule as a solar-system certainty, but its beauty wouldn't be received. But if the earth was prepared to "hear," then the song would be discerned, interpreted, and would bring potential to the group doing the hearing.
在这个隐喻中,要听到这首歌,你必须拥有接收器――有点像收音机的接收器。但是现在,不管是出于什么原因,请假设人类是没有收音机的。讲到这里,让我问你们:如果一首甜美、柔和、充满爱、神圣的歌曲正在空气中广播,但是人类没有收音机来收听,它会因此而停下吗?(这个问题就如森林之倒树的那个问题)答案是 “不会”。现在,想想看:那首歌无论如何都会被播出,即使没有任何人在收听。它会作为太阳系定局而如期演唱,它虽然很动听但人类却无法听见。如果地球准备好 “收听” 的话,那么这首歌就会被听见、被理解,并为听众带来潜力。
In the case of the Venus Transit, nothing would have taken place on the planet if the Humans were not in a potential to "hear" it. In our metaphor, Human consciousness is the receiver. The 11:11, the 12:12, and all of the things around this that you studied in these years has culminated and come together... and given you the receiver. It's in your pocket. But now you've got another problem. You've got to find the station it's being broadcast on! This is where it gets good [Kryon smile]. Think of the overview: There's a beautiful song being sung. I wish I could give you the lyrics, but the tune is personal. I'll give you a hint, however, about the song: The lyrics are in the Lemurian language!
至于金星凌日,如果人类没有 “收听” 能力的话,地球就不会接收到它的能量,因此也不会发生任何改变。在我们的隐喻里,人类意识就是它的接收器。11:11 事件,12:12 事件,所有与这有关的事物,你们在这些年来所学到的一切,都聚拢到一起,达到巅峰……同时也把接收器交给了你。它就在你的口袋里。但现在你又有另一个问题。你还得找出它的广播频道!这就是情况开始好转的时刻 [克里昂微笑]。想一想这整件事:有一首优美的歌曲正被唱诵着。我希望可以把歌词告诉你,但每个人的歌词都不同。无论如何,关于那首歌,我会给你一些提示:它是以利穆里亚语来唱的歌!
There are many entities here right now who are Lemurian. They're interdimensional and have been waiting and waiting for this exact moment in time. They see you sitting and reading... listening. They've been waiting to literally walk among you and pass out the frequencies of the broadcast of the Venus Transit! Thousands of years they've waited. They are the key to the understanding of what you're hearing.
Mount Shasta |
You think this is fantasy, don't you? It's not. It's part of the plan. This is an interdimensional system, a complex one. It's not about a strange civilization under a mountain. It's about the love of family so strong that it's waited to support you. If you believe in angels and guides and interdimensional spiritual entities such as Kryon, then take a look at your Lemurian family, for they're here! Take a look at the joy that went into their quest. Take a look at the magnificence of the culminating timing of you reading this page! Then get ready for their assistance.
Adama, High Priest of Telos |
Yesterday, many in this room heard the Lemurian high priest speak. Do you remember what Adama said? [This was the channelling of Louise Jones, author of the Lemurian Telos books.] Is it possible that there could be a civilization, a city within and under the mountain? Yes. Interdimensionally, it's invisible, yet it's there. Why is it important now? When will they come out?
(1) Why? Because you asked for it, and because Venus is now broadcasting the very message that was scheduled through normal astronomy. The ones who are hearing and reading are part of this Lemurian family! Have you got that yet, after all these years of me calling you "Lemurian"? You think it's a giant coincidence that in 2004 we moved the central Kryon yearly meeting to Mt. Shasta, or that we proclaimed the new dispensation the energy of eight?
(1) 为什么?因为这是你的要求,因为金星正在广播那个信息,通过平常的天文事件。那些正在聆听和阅读的人正是这个利穆里亚家庭的一份子!多年来被我称呼为 “利穆里亚人”,你是否察觉到了呢?你认为在 2004 年我们把克里昂年度会议移到相思塔山来举办,完全是个大巧合吗?你认为我们把这个新时代称为 “八的能量",也是个巧合吗?
(2) When... is now. There's a sweet song being sung, and the interdimensional Lemurian family is slowly coming forth at a time that was predicted, and for the reasons that you've created. It isn't spooky or weird any more than the love of God is. It's a process of Lemurian with Lemurian. It's family with family. One is in 4D, and one is not.
(2) 几时?就是现在。有一首优美的歌曲正在被唱诵着,跨维度的利穆里亚家人如所预期地渐渐出现,为了你所创造的理由。这并不比神的爱来得更可怕或更怪诞。这是利穆里亚人与利穆里亚人之间的事。这是家人与家人之间的事。一个处在四维中,另一个不是。
How real is it? Human, I challenge you to make your way up the mountain in back of you some day [Mt. Shasta] and "present yourself" for a meeting with those who honor you. Don't be surprised if you get a 4D experience with many multiple-D family members.
这件事有多真实呢?人类,我挑战你找一天爬上你背后的这座大山 [相思塔山],然后 “出席” 那些敬爱你的人们的聚会。如果你在四维中遇见多重维度的家庭成员,请别惊讶。
The Song of Venus
Now, in this metaphor there's still another challenge. The sweetness of the song being sung to humanity is very quiet. And those Lemurians who walk among you and wish to help you to decipher it are very quiet. Yet Humans aren't quiet at all. They feature a lot of chatter. Human Being, when you sit before Spirit in meditation and prayer, why don't you stop the itemizations of all that's wrong in your lives? Why not be still instead, and listen for the answers instead of dictating the problems? Don't you think we know what you've been through? Do you think we have to be told? Listen to these words:
Be still and know that you are God.
For the Lemurians wish to sing to you. Each path is different here. Every single one of you has a different dimensional potential. There's a cellular structure in each of you that's struggling to move between the dimensions, so the song is different for each of you. But it's the Lemurians who want to pass on to you the secrets of how to listen, and if you're going to get this, then you're going to have to learn to be still.
It's a good time for it, this new quietness, and it's a good place for it as you sit and listen and read. If you find yourself out on the mountainside with the Gaia energy, you may very well hear the music! Nothing that you have in your life is unknown to Spirit. Now listen: You've got Human consciousness that has prepared itself for the Venus Transit; the metaphoric radios are there; many already have the frequencies set, and if you wish to compare metaphors, the song is being sung and the tree in the woods is making a sound as it falls... but there are many who can hear it now. That's why you're here... to do the heavy spiritual lifting on Earth.
Many cultures are represented in this room - many languages, and many lives. If you add the readership to this group at this moment, there are even more. But you all have something in common, even if you're hearing and reading at different times: Each of you at one time leaned into the wind of birth and knew what you were doing as you came to this planet. You saw potentials of what is happening on the planet right now, and they were known to you... and you developed them on schedule. And here you are. So think about it. It's not an accident that you're here listening and reading.
The Activation of Crystal Humanity
Even this day, Gaia mentioned the Crystalline Healing within the planet. What does that mean to you, and what has to be healed? Connect the dots, dear ones, for this is being given to you on many fronts from many channels, and from many consciousnesses: The Crystalline Energy is a metaphor for "that which has memory." In the crystals of this planet, there is memory, and it remembers Human history. And what part of history does it remember? The events? No. For the events are like the tree that falls in the woods and makes a sound that isn't heard or remembered. Instead, the Crystalline remembers the history of what really makes the sound: the emotions of the humanity reacting to the events. It remembers what it felt like and what it sounded like through Human ears as the tree fell [referring again to the metaphor earlier]. It remembers the sorrow of death and the joy of birth. It remembers the tragedy of war and how the land was wounded, too. It remembers the hatred that's still there, and the wounds of past lives that won't heal due to a masculine-heavy aspect.
今天,盖娅就提到了地球内的水晶疗愈。这对你而言意味着什么,到底是什么需要被治疗呢?把那些点点滴滴连接起来吧,亲爱的,因为这已经在很多方面,从许多灵媒、许多意识传达了给你:水晶能量比喻 “有记忆的事物”。地球的水晶中保留着记忆,它记住了人类的历史。那么它记住了历史的哪一面呢?是历史事件吗?不是。因为历史事件就像那棵倒在森林里的树木,发出没有人听见或记得的声响。相反的,水晶记得的是那些真正掷地有声的历史:人类对历史事件的情绪反应。它记住了树木倒下时人类的感受是什么、人类听见的是什么 [ 再次提及前面所讲的那个隐喻 ]。它记住了死亡的悲痛和诞生的喜悦。它也记住了战争悲剧和土地所受到的伤害。它记住了依旧存在的仇恨,还有因为阳性太重而无法痊愈的前世创伤。
In other words, the Crystalline memory is the consciousness of Earth - what it felt like to go through history. A rewrite of that is what's happening as the healing takes place in these next eight years. The Crystalline is being healed. It's being rewritten by humanity. How can you rewrite history? The part that's being rewritten isn't the history of the planet, but instead the reactions to the history of the planet. The healing is rewriting a consciousness where long ago one Human would pick up a stick at an angry time and harm another. It's a rewriting of the current hatred that's prevalent right now that fuels your current situation. This is part of a new grid group that is Crystalline [information we've given you before, when the Kryon magnetic group left at the end of 2002].
换句话说,水晶记忆就是地球的意识――走过历史有些什么感受。在接下来的八年里,当疗愈发生时,水晶记忆将会被重写。水晶会被疗愈。它会为人类所重写。你要怎么重写历史呢?被重写的部分,并不是地球的历史,而是人类对地球历史的反应。疗愈是意识的重写,很久以前的意识是,一个人在生气时会抓起棍子来追打另一个人。疗愈是重写目前所盛行的仇恨意识,这种意识在支配着目前的世界局面。这是新的水晶栅格团队的工作内容 [我们在克里昂磁力栅格团队于 2002 年底离开时所给出的消息 ]。
The new news is that you're rewriting the masculine/feminine balance of this planet with the help of a new energy being delivered through the Venus Transit and the opening of this eight-year window. It's time you understood - it's time you became quiet. Some have said, "Kryon, can we really get quiet when the news is the way it is? There's nothing but bad news! It's difficult to concentrate on the subtle things when there's such a racket." You're correct! So how about this: Turn off the news! Do you understand that all you're getting on your highly technical news is a small negative drama portion of what's happening on Earth? Do you understand that your entire earthly news communication system is a very unsophisticated journey into the mind-set of a Human who thinks like a child? It's dictating to you how you should feel about a small portion of the dramatic things that happen on the planet. It doesn't suit your intellect or your logic. It even uses music to go with its negative message to help shape your attitude!
换句话说,水晶记忆就是地球的意识――走过历史有些什么感受。在接下来的八年里,当疗愈发生时,水晶记忆将会被重写。水晶会被疗愈。它会为人类所重写。你要怎么重写历史呢?被重写的部分,并不是地球的历史,而是人类对地球历史的反应。疗愈是意识的重写,很久以前的意识是,一个人在生气时会抓起棍子来追打另一个人。疗愈是重写目前所盛行的仇恨意识,这种意识在支配着目前的世界局面。这是新的水晶栅格团队的工作内容 [我们在克里昂磁力栅格团队于 2002 年底离开时所给出的消息 ]。
The new news is that you're rewriting the masculine/feminine balance of this planet with the help of a new energy being delivered through the Venus Transit and the opening of this eight-year window. It's time you understood - it's time you became quiet. Some have said, "Kryon, can we really get quiet when the news is the way it is? There's nothing but bad news! It's difficult to concentrate on the subtle things when there's such a racket." You're correct! So how about this: Turn off the news! Do you understand that all you're getting on your highly technical news is a small negative drama portion of what's happening on Earth? Do you understand that your entire earthly news communication system is a very unsophisticated journey into the mind-set of a Human who thinks like a child? It's dictating to you how you should feel about a small portion of the dramatic things that happen on the planet. It doesn't suit your intellect or your logic. It even uses music to go with its negative message to help shape your attitude!
新的消息是,通过金星凌日和八年窗户的开启所传递的新能量,人类正在重写地球上的男性/ 女性能量的平衡。是时候明白――是时候保持安静了。有些人说,“克里昂,看着那些新闻,我们真的能保持安静吗?全都是坏消息!这些吵闹噪音让人很难集中精神于细微的事。” 你是对的!不如这样吧:关掉新闻!你知道吗,你从那些高科技新闻所接收到的,只是在地球上的一些负面小戏剧?你知道吗,你们整个地球的新闻通讯,是个非常粗糙的入侵人类思维的体系?它们支配那些如儿童般思考的人类。它指示你,对于地球上所发生的小戏剧应该有怎么样的感觉。它不符合人类的智力,也不符合人类的逻辑。它甚至还给负面信息加上配乐来协助塑造你的态度!
It has no reporting on the good news of Earth... the Indigo experience... the new energy at hand... the potentials of healing Earth itself! But it's part of your culture, and it's also Human nature for many to glue themselves to these sticky half-truths, then go to bed in fear. So, what to do? It's time to stop thinking like a Human and more like who you really are - a pure Lemurian who has interdimensional qualities. This is the one who can help to rewrite the Crystalline Grid of the planet. This is the wise one who knows that there's something good happening right now to all of you! This rewrite replaces hatred with balance and begins a process that will change your futures.
Don't you find it an interesting coincidence that many are calling certain of the new births, Crystal Children? What does this mean to you? Kryon never told you about the Crystal Children, yet here they are! The metaphor is that they're part of the rewrite of the Crystalline - of Gaia itself. They were mentioned even on this day. Who are they? They're specialists in balance.
We spoke many times of the Indigo Children. These are "new consciousness" children being born today, which include all the subgroups. They're the many names in addition to these, but all of them are to be considered "warriors of change." Look at these children as activists for peace, but with a consciousness you didn't expect. Don't expect them to carry signs and do rallies. Don't expect to tell them anything you want them to hear, or control them in any way. For they will not have any of the old consciousness. That is the difference, dear ones, between you and them. You see, they come in balanced, left and right, masculine/feminine. They're the ones who are being activated for the Venus Transit. In all humanity, these are the ones who will vibrate the earliest with the Venus Transit energy. These are the ones who are waiting to be the new leaders in this eight-year window. Even if they're too young (don't tell them that), they'll be at the right hand of those who will be guiding countries, corporations, and those in charge of the healing of continents. Watch their influence, and marvel. Then remember that you heard it here.
我们多次提起靛蓝儿童。他们是如今诞生的 “新意识” 儿童,涵括了所有组别。除此之外,他们还有许多称号,但他们全都被视为“转变之勇士”。请把这些儿童视为和平份子,但他们有着你预想不到的意识。别设想他们会举布条和搞集会。别想对他们说教,或以任何形式来管制他们。因为他们没有任何旧意识。这就是你和他们之间的区别,亲爱的。(译注:这是对现场与会者说的,请看看克里昂网站中的会议照片,看看那些与会者的年龄层。)你瞧,他们在平衡中到来,左右两边的平衡,两性能量的平衡。他们就是那些为了金星凌日而激活的人。在所有人类当中,他们是最先随着金星凌日的能量而振动的人。他们就是那些等着在这八年窗户中当上新领袖的人。即使他们太年轻了(别对他们这么说),他们也会是那些国家领导、企业领导、和那些负责治愈大陆的人的好帮手。注意他们的影响力,然后惊叹吧。然后记得你是在这里听到关于他们的事。
Your Part in All This...
All right, Lighthouse, what's going to happen next for you? There's a storm coming. Then again, that doesn't bother you, does it? Last time we were together we said these words: Lighthouses don't fear storms. They were built for them. Lighthouses stand when the clouds start to darken and say, "Well, it's about time! I thought it would never happen. The weather has just been too nice for too long. It's time to go to work. Strike the light and let's get to it!"
You're going to discover some more dark places on the planet. That's what happens when the light gets turned on. Things that have been in the dark forever can't tolerate much light. They scramble away trying to find other dark places to hide. But because of what's happening on this planet, there are fewer and fewer dark places. So when these energies are illuminated, they have to make a choice: stay or not, and in the process they'll fight to stay in the dark. That's what's happening on the planet.
The Goddess of Love moves between the earth and the sun. This gives the potential of changing the planet. Watch for these things. Watch for integrity to make a difference on this planet like it never has before. Watch for other balancing attributes to begin to raise their heads too. This always starts by causing trouble. But did you expect anything less? That's what happens when a chasm opens between the old and the new... as we've told you for over 15 years. Remember what we said? "This chasm will open grandly and greatly, and the polarization of the planet will occur, and people will have to decide to get off the fence or leave the earth." This battle has begun. It's a war between the old and the new - a major event on the planet... and you sit in the middle of it with the keys to the light.
恋爱女神越过地球和太阳。这带来了改变地球的潜力。留意这些事。留意正直性将会给地球带来前所未有的改变。留意其他平衡的特质也会开始抬头。这通常会在开始时造成一些麻烦。但难道这不是你所期待的吗?当新旧能量之间裂开一个缺口时,所发生的就是这些事……如我们在过去 15 年所告诉你的一样。还记得我们说过什么吗?“这个缺口会极为巨大地裂开,地球上会发生对立,人们必须决定到底要跳下篱笆(不再保持中立)或是离开地球。” 这场战斗已经开始。这是一场新旧能量之战――是地球的重大事件…….而你就坐在其中,拥有通往光明的钥匙。
We told you that some would leave quickly and come back as Indigos and Crystals, and they have. We told you that great men and women who seem to be poised and ready on this planet, doing wonderful work as Lightworkers, would leave... and they have. And you can look for them in a three-month return! Three months! This is the difference and the timing of what was, and what is. It's a spiritual profundity that should startle you based upon what you know and what you've been taught in the past about such things. Dear ones, that's what masters do! It should tell you a lot about the importance of what's happening here.
我们说过,有些人会迅速地离开,然后作为靛蓝及水晶再到回来,而他们确实如此。 我们说过,地球上那些已经准备就绪的男士和女士们,那些优秀的光之工作者们,会离开......而他们确实如此。然后你可以期待他们在三个月后就到回来!三个月!这就是过去和现在的差别。这就是灵性之深奥,它会让你大吃一惊,它完全推翻了你过去在这方面所知道和学到的事。亲爱的,这就是大师们所做的事!它足以说明,这里所发生的事是何其重要。
The lighthouse keeper runs up the stairs, lights the light, and yells at the waves: "Bring 'em on. You can't touch me, for that's what I was built for! I was here when the house was constructed, and I've improved it with age. Now it's strong and you can't break it. My light - you can't put it out. Nothing that happens will damage this sacred vessel." You see, the lighthouse keeper has something... knowledge and a wisdom that he's actually connected to the light. Oh... and something else. He seems to be very quiet lately, listening to a beautiful song.
灯塔管理员跑上阶梯,亮起灯,然后对着海浪大喊:“来吧。你碰不了我的,因为我就是为了风浪而建的!当灯塔建起时,我就在那里,而随着岁月的流逝,它也变得越来越强大。现在它已经很坚固,你无法摧毁它。我的灯光――你无法熄灭它。任何事都无法损坏这盏神圣的灯。” 你瞧,灯塔管理员确实有所不同…….他有着知识及智慧,知道他其实是与光有所连结的。哦…..还有其他。最近他变得很安静,在听着一首优美的歌。
And so, dear Human Being, we close with these thoughts. It's one thing to talk about the grandness of Venus and the planets and to talk about the history of Earth and why you may be here. That's one thing. But when you leave the room, we're still faced with putting each foot in front of the other. In another day, go down off this mountain in a changed way [speaking to the attendees]. Tune in to the song that's being sung, and start a very special activation.
那么,亲爱的人类,我们以这些想法来总结。说到金星与行星的伟大,说到地球的历史和人类在这里的原因,是一回事。但是当你离开这里时,我们还得一步一脚印地去实行。这又是另一回事。找一天,以转变的姿态下山吧 [对出席者说]。收听那首正在被唱诵的歌,然后开始一个非常特别的激活过程吧。
If you get nothing else this day, I want you to understand that you've collected yourselves in this place while hearing and reading, and you've interdimensionally opened yourselves to activation. The next time we meet [the next day's channelling], I'll even tell you the layer of DNA that you're feeling being activated; we'll give it a name and a number. Then the next time, we'll do it again, for there are really two layers being activated at this time. The reason you're now open for this is because with this activation, you'll indeed leave differently than how you came in.
如果今天你感觉没有什么收获,我要你知道,你们已经聚集在这里聆听和阅读,你们已经以跨维度的方式对激活保持开放。下一次我们见面时[隔天的通灵],我还会告诉你,你感到被激活的其实是第几层的 DNA;我们会给出它的名字和数字。然后再下一次,我们会重复这样做,因为这次其实有两层同时被激活了。你之所以会对此保持开放,是因为随着这次的激活,你确实会不同于到来时地离开。
This isn't a doctrine, and it's not a set of rules. It's not a big list for you to somehow perform in a challenging way. Interdimensionally, you're being given answers by listening to a beautiful personal song that's being sung very quietly by those you know and love, called the family of God. Because you're learning to be still and know of your sacredness, you're letting the answers flow into you so that they'll be intuitive. Relax. Stop pushing the reality that you think is in front of you, and instead let the family work for your benefit in a reality that isn't seen. The timing is perfect.
这不是教条,这不是一套规则。这不是让你难以执行的长清单。以跨维度的方式,你通过聆听一首优美的个人曲子而得到解答,这是由你认识及深爱的人,称为 “神的家人”,以非常沉静的方式来唱诵的歌。因为你正在学习保持寂静和了解你自己的神性,你会让答案自然地流进你体内,成为你的直觉。放松。别再抗拒你眼前的实相,相反的,让家人在一个看不见的实相中为你做事。时机刚刚好。
Do not despair over what you see on this planet! See it as a major adjustment. Do you wring your hands each winter and mourn the trees? Or do you have the wisdom to know about the seasons and the renewal they bring? Stand by for peace on Earth! Let the New Jerusalem unfold under your direction over these next four years and build a platform for 2008. Then hold your light high and endure the battle through 2012. Understand that out of the darkness always comes the light. Go through this battle with the light that you carry, but be quiet and listen to the song. It is sweet with power and direction.
别对你在地球上所看到的事而绝望!把它视为一个重大的调整。你会在每个冬天绞紧双手为那些树木哀悼吗?或者你有足够的智慧来了解四季和它们所带来的新气象?准备好迎接地球和平吧!在接下来的四年里,让新的耶路撒冷在你的指引下逐渐展开,并为 2008 年搭建好一座平台。然后把你的光高高举起,熬过这场战斗直到 2012 到来。要知道,黑暗过去了光明就会到来,永远都是这样。用你身上所携带的光来通过这场战斗,但是请保持安静和聆听那首歌。它很好听,旋律中充满能量和方向。
Listen to the new energy song of the goddess who is balancing, and your Lemurian family who's coming forth to fill in the lyrics of love. Then be still and know that YOU are God.
倾听平衡女神的新能量歌曲,倾听你的利穆里亚家人,他们前来把慈爱的歌词填上。然后保持寂静,知道 “你” 就是神。
And so it is.
3)Timescape 时间景象
Timescape 是个新创的词,因为1980年一本得奖的科幻小说以它为名,这个词就开始流传开来。在2008年,这本小说被译成中文,而Timescape 就被译成 “时间景象”。
Worlds Without End_Science Fiction and Fantasy Books :
Oxford Dictionary of Science Fiction:
(n.) Time conceived of, or perceived as, possessing multiple dimensions.
(名词) 时间 被设想为,或被认知为,拥有多重次元。
In 1824, Oersted discovered that current passing though a coil created a magnetic field capable of shifting a compass needle. Seven years later, Faraday and Henry discovered just the opposite. They noticed that a moving magnetic field would induce current in an electrical conductor.
The solar wind creates the heliosphere, a vast bubble in the interstellar medium that surrounds the Solar System. Other phenomena include geomagnetic storms that can knock out power grids on Earth, the aurorae (northern and southern lights), and the plasma tails of comets that always point away from the Sun.
Wikipedia:《Solar Wind》
极光是地球周围的一种大规模放电的过程。来自太阳的带电粒子到达地球附近,地球磁场迫使其中一部分沿着磁场线(Field line)集中到南北两极。当他们进入极地的高层大气时,与大气中的原子和分子碰撞并激发,产生光芒,形成极光。
Natural Radio recordist Steve McGreevy was in Canada last year for the Northern Lights: not to see them, but to hear them. You can do that, if you have the right equipment. And Steve's got a van full.
Lost & Found Sound: NPR 《Listening to the Northern Lights》
It has no reporting on the good news of Earth... the Indigo experience... the new energy at hand... the potentials of healing Earth itself! But it's part of your culture, and it's also Human nature for many to glue themselves to these sticky half-truths, then go to bed in fear. So, what to do? It's time to stop thinking like a Human and more like who you really are - a pure Lemurian who has interdimensional qualities. This is the one who can help to rewrite the Crystalline Grid of the planet. This is the wise one who knows that there's something good happening right now to all of you! This rewrite replaces hatred with balance and begins a process that will change your futures.
Don't you find it an interesting coincidence that many are calling certain of the new births, Crystal Children? What does this mean to you? Kryon never told you about the Crystal Children, yet here they are! The metaphor is that they're part of the rewrite of the Crystalline - of Gaia itself. They were mentioned even on this day. Who are they? They're specialists in balance.
We spoke many times of the Indigo Children. These are "new consciousness" children being born today, which include all the subgroups. They're the many names in addition to these, but all of them are to be considered "warriors of change." Look at these children as activists for peace, but with a consciousness you didn't expect. Don't expect them to carry signs and do rallies. Don't expect to tell them anything you want them to hear, or control them in any way. For they will not have any of the old consciousness. That is the difference, dear ones, between you and them. You see, they come in balanced, left and right, masculine/feminine. They're the ones who are being activated for the Venus Transit. In all humanity, these are the ones who will vibrate the earliest with the Venus Transit energy. These are the ones who are waiting to be the new leaders in this eight-year window. Even if they're too young (don't tell them that), they'll be at the right hand of those who will be guiding countries, corporations, and those in charge of the healing of continents. Watch their influence, and marvel. Then remember that you heard it here.
我们多次提起靛蓝儿童。他们是如今诞生的 “新意识” 儿童,涵括了所有组别。除此之外,他们还有许多称号,但他们全都被视为“转变之勇士”。请把这些儿童视为和平份子,但他们有着你预想不到的意识。别设想他们会举布条和搞集会。别想对他们说教,或以任何形式来管制他们。因为他们没有任何旧意识。这就是你和他们之间的区别,亲爱的。(译注:这是对现场与会者说的,请看看克里昂网站中的会议照片,看看那些与会者的年龄层。)你瞧,他们在平衡中到来,左右两边的平衡,两性能量的平衡。他们就是那些为了金星凌日而激活的人。在所有人类当中,他们是最先随着金星凌日的能量而振动的人。他们就是那些等着在这八年窗户中当上新领袖的人。即使他们太年轻了(别对他们这么说),他们也会是那些国家领导、企业领导、和那些负责治愈大陆的人的好帮手。注意他们的影响力,然后惊叹吧。然后记得你是在这里听到关于他们的事。
Your Part in All This...
All right, Lighthouse, what's going to happen next for you? There's a storm coming. Then again, that doesn't bother you, does it? Last time we were together we said these words: Lighthouses don't fear storms. They were built for them. Lighthouses stand when the clouds start to darken and say, "Well, it's about time! I thought it would never happen. The weather has just been too nice for too long. It's time to go to work. Strike the light and let's get to it!"
You're going to discover some more dark places on the planet. That's what happens when the light gets turned on. Things that have been in the dark forever can't tolerate much light. They scramble away trying to find other dark places to hide. But because of what's happening on this planet, there are fewer and fewer dark places. So when these energies are illuminated, they have to make a choice: stay or not, and in the process they'll fight to stay in the dark. That's what's happening on the planet.
The Goddess of Love moves between the earth and the sun. This gives the potential of changing the planet. Watch for these things. Watch for integrity to make a difference on this planet like it never has before. Watch for other balancing attributes to begin to raise their heads too. This always starts by causing trouble. But did you expect anything less? That's what happens when a chasm opens between the old and the new... as we've told you for over 15 years. Remember what we said? "This chasm will open grandly and greatly, and the polarization of the planet will occur, and people will have to decide to get off the fence or leave the earth." This battle has begun. It's a war between the old and the new - a major event on the planet... and you sit in the middle of it with the keys to the light.
恋爱女神越过地球和太阳。这带来了改变地球的潜力。留意这些事。留意正直性将会给地球带来前所未有的改变。留意其他平衡的特质也会开始抬头。这通常会在开始时造成一些麻烦。但难道这不是你所期待的吗?当新旧能量之间裂开一个缺口时,所发生的就是这些事……如我们在过去 15 年所告诉你的一样。还记得我们说过什么吗?“这个缺口会极为巨大地裂开,地球上会发生对立,人们必须决定到底要跳下篱笆(不再保持中立)或是离开地球。” 这场战斗已经开始。这是一场新旧能量之战――是地球的重大事件…….而你就坐在其中,拥有通往光明的钥匙。
We told you that some would leave quickly and come back as Indigos and Crystals, and they have. We told you that great men and women who seem to be poised and ready on this planet, doing wonderful work as Lightworkers, would leave... and they have. And you can look for them in a three-month return! Three months! This is the difference and the timing of what was, and what is. It's a spiritual profundity that should startle you based upon what you know and what you've been taught in the past about such things. Dear ones, that's what masters do! It should tell you a lot about the importance of what's happening here.
我们说过,有些人会迅速地离开,然后作为靛蓝及水晶再到回来,而他们确实如此。 我们说过,地球上那些已经准备就绪的男士和女士们,那些优秀的光之工作者们,会离开......而他们确实如此。然后你可以期待他们在三个月后就到回来!三个月!这就是过去和现在的差别。这就是灵性之深奥,它会让你大吃一惊,它完全推翻了你过去在这方面所知道和学到的事。亲爱的,这就是大师们所做的事!它足以说明,这里所发生的事是何其重要。
The lighthouse keeper runs up the stairs, lights the light, and yells at the waves: "Bring 'em on. You can't touch me, for that's what I was built for! I was here when the house was constructed, and I've improved it with age. Now it's strong and you can't break it. My light - you can't put it out. Nothing that happens will damage this sacred vessel." You see, the lighthouse keeper has something... knowledge and a wisdom that he's actually connected to the light. Oh... and something else. He seems to be very quiet lately, listening to a beautiful song.
灯塔管理员跑上阶梯,亮起灯,然后对着海浪大喊:“来吧。你碰不了我的,因为我就是为了风浪而建的!当灯塔建起时,我就在那里,而随着岁月的流逝,它也变得越来越强大。现在它已经很坚固,你无法摧毁它。我的灯光――你无法熄灭它。任何事都无法损坏这盏神圣的灯。” 你瞧,灯塔管理员确实有所不同…….他有着知识及智慧,知道他其实是与光有所连结的。哦…..还有其他。最近他变得很安静,在听着一首优美的歌。
And so, dear Human Being, we close with these thoughts. It's one thing to talk about the grandness of Venus and the planets and to talk about the history of Earth and why you may be here. That's one thing. But when you leave the room, we're still faced with putting each foot in front of the other. In another day, go down off this mountain in a changed way [speaking to the attendees]. Tune in to the song that's being sung, and start a very special activation.
那么,亲爱的人类,我们以这些想法来总结。说到金星与行星的伟大,说到地球的历史和人类在这里的原因,是一回事。但是当你离开这里时,我们还得一步一脚印地去实行。这又是另一回事。找一天,以转变的姿态下山吧 [对出席者说]。收听那首正在被唱诵的歌,然后开始一个非常特别的激活过程吧。
If you get nothing else this day, I want you to understand that you've collected yourselves in this place while hearing and reading, and you've interdimensionally opened yourselves to activation. The next time we meet [the next day's channelling], I'll even tell you the layer of DNA that you're feeling being activated; we'll give it a name and a number. Then the next time, we'll do it again, for there are really two layers being activated at this time. The reason you're now open for this is because with this activation, you'll indeed leave differently than how you came in.
如果今天你感觉没有什么收获,我要你知道,你们已经聚集在这里聆听和阅读,你们已经以跨维度的方式对激活保持开放。下一次我们见面时[隔天的通灵],我还会告诉你,你感到被激活的其实是第几层的 DNA;我们会给出它的名字和数字。然后再下一次,我们会重复这样做,因为这次其实有两层同时被激活了。你之所以会对此保持开放,是因为随着这次的激活,你确实会不同于到来时地离开。
This isn't a doctrine, and it's not a set of rules. It's not a big list for you to somehow perform in a challenging way. Interdimensionally, you're being given answers by listening to a beautiful personal song that's being sung very quietly by those you know and love, called the family of God. Because you're learning to be still and know of your sacredness, you're letting the answers flow into you so that they'll be intuitive. Relax. Stop pushing the reality that you think is in front of you, and instead let the family work for your benefit in a reality that isn't seen. The timing is perfect.
这不是教条,这不是一套规则。这不是让你难以执行的长清单。以跨维度的方式,你通过聆听一首优美的个人曲子而得到解答,这是由你认识及深爱的人,称为 “神的家人”,以非常沉静的方式来唱诵的歌。因为你正在学习保持寂静和了解你自己的神性,你会让答案自然地流进你体内,成为你的直觉。放松。别再抗拒你眼前的实相,相反的,让家人在一个看不见的实相中为你做事。时机刚刚好。
Do not despair over what you see on this planet! See it as a major adjustment. Do you wring your hands each winter and mourn the trees? Or do you have the wisdom to know about the seasons and the renewal they bring? Stand by for peace on Earth! Let the New Jerusalem unfold under your direction over these next four years and build a platform for 2008. Then hold your light high and endure the battle through 2012. Understand that out of the darkness always comes the light. Go through this battle with the light that you carry, but be quiet and listen to the song. It is sweet with power and direction.
别对你在地球上所看到的事而绝望!把它视为一个重大的调整。你会在每个冬天绞紧双手为那些树木哀悼吗?或者你有足够的智慧来了解四季和它们所带来的新气象?准备好迎接地球和平吧!在接下来的四年里,让新的耶路撒冷在你的指引下逐渐展开,并为 2008 年搭建好一座平台。然后把你的光高高举起,熬过这场战斗直到 2012 到来。要知道,黑暗过去了光明就会到来,永远都是这样。用你身上所携带的光来通过这场战斗,但是请保持安静和聆听那首歌。它很好听,旋律中充满能量和方向。
Listen to the new energy song of the goddess who is balancing, and your Lemurian family who's coming forth to fill in the lyrics of love. Then be still and know that YOU are God.
倾听平衡女神的新能量歌曲,倾听你的利穆里亚家人,他们前来把慈爱的歌词填上。然后保持寂静,知道 “你” 就是神。
And so it is.
Venus, Jupiter and the Moon: smiley face in the sky.
3)Timescape 时间景象
Timescape 是个新创的词,因为1980年一本得奖的科幻小说以它为名,这个词就开始流传开来。在2008年,这本小说被译成中文,而Timescape 就被译成 “时间景象”。
Worlds Without End_Science Fiction and Fantasy Books :
(名词) 时间 被设想为,或被认知为,拥有多重次元。
Read more:
逆行:卫星(红)绕着相反于行星(蓝 / 黑)自转方向的轨道而运行
火星在 2009-2010 年相对于巨蟹座的视运动路径
In 1824, Oersted discovered that current passing though a coil created a magnetic field capable of shifting a compass needle. Seven years later, Faraday and Henry discovered just the opposite. They noticed that a moving magnetic field would induce current in an electrical conductor.
NDT Resource Centre: 《Induction and Inductance》
NDT Resource Centre: 《Induction and Inductance》
运动的电产生磁,运动的磁产生电。 |
The solar wind creates the heliosphere, a vast bubble in the interstellar medium that surrounds the Solar System. Other phenomena include geomagnetic storms that can knock out power grids on Earth, the aurorae (northern and southern lights), and the plasma tails of comets that always point away from the Sun.
Wikipedia:《Solar Wind》
Natural Radio recordist Steve McGreevy was in Canada last year for the Northern Lights: not to see them, but to hear them. You can do that, if you have the right equipment. And Steve's got a van full.
Lost & Found Sound: NPR 《Listening to the Northern Lights》
2008 年,奥巴马当选第一位非裔美国总统,也是首位同时拥有黑(卢欧族)白(英德爱混血)血统,且童年在亚洲成长的美国总统。他在军事上主张从阿富汗和伊拉克撤军,并向伊斯兰世界表示友善而非以武力相伴,还和核武大国俄罗斯签署削减核武器的《布拉格条约》。2009 年获得诺贝尔委员会颁发的诺贝尔和平奖。
维基百科:《贝拉克 . 奥巴马》
“和谐汇聚” 是意义重大的事件,克里昂经常都会提到,所以我让它成为一篇独立的博文,