
Redding, California
with Sundial Bridge in the foreground

Kryon:Lightworker Responsibilities




“克里昂,我对自己的责任是什么?我能为自己做些什么?” 在物理层面上,你生活在这个地球上作为觉悟人类的责任是,尽量留在这里越久越好。而这样做的原因很明显——你爱不爱盖娅?看看地球发生了什么!你知不知道,当你从一个地方走到另一个地方时,地球晓得?它能感觉到你的脚步,知道一股天使力量正在它上面行走。你能以你的知识与智慧留在这里越久,灯塔,这个地球就会变得越好。

至于灵性上的责任呢?照顾好你自己!开始那内在的旅程。发掘那隐藏于你本身多重维度 DNA 里的神性。那隐藏于你,但你们每个人都有的浩瀚知识,将会在那最需要的时刻照亮你。当你以纯粹的意图坐着,去注视内在,去提高振动,去创造大师能量时,你会在直觉层面一点一滴地接收到这些信息。你会开始治愈你自己、对你的细胞说话、甚至改变你本身的寿命、改变你的[遗传]谱系。

“至于我的家人呢?亲爱的克里昂,身为觉悟过程中的一员,我对自己家人的责任是什么?有些家人我根本不喜欢他们!有些家人不喜欢我。我用了很长的时间来避开他们。我真正的责任是什么?” 在物理层面上,我会说:你的主要责任是去爱他们——不管怎样。无条件地爱他们。你从他们的性格与人生中看见什么优点?你能看见他们的神性吗?你是否曾经被他们其中一人虐打?也许你能看见这当中的神性计划?去爱他们!即使是从远处;即使是再也没有与他们说话,再也没有与他们见面。记住,你能从远处传送爱给他们,这份爱会是纯正和强大的。它是在量子状态里送出的能量,因为你们全都是神的一部分,每时每刻都连结在一起。


“克里昂,我对自己的伴侣有什么责任?” 对于你们那些有着重要另一半的人,我会告诉你。在物理层面上,你能给伴侣的最贵重的礼物是倾听。他们的人生是珍贵的,发生在他们生命中的事情未必完全让你感兴趣,但你们就是以这种方式连结在一起,如果你倾听他们说话,你们的结合将会更加紧密。

而在灵性上,照顾好你自己。真爱是当你在那个名为 “你” 的生命上画出一幅名作时产生的。这个生命是如此闪亮,如此美丽,使你的伴侣忍不住每天都要爱上你一次!这是能做到的。这是真相。

“克里昂,我已经试过了,但我的伴侣似乎一天比一天后退。” 这个世界其实是关于自由选择。那重要的另一半不一定会与你白头偕老。有没有可能,真爱只是短暂地存在?对,有时候就是这样。即便是真爱,在一段时间内,它的存在只是为了给你带来爱的礼物,然后就离开。无论如何,要理解这一点:在灵性上不对等结合的伴侣,如果能够互相尊重与倾听,还是可以一辈子活在真爱里。真爱是当你们在彼此身上看见神的爱,不是在于谁在灵性上觉醒了。因为神的爱可以在人人身上看见。让你本身的神性成为你最好的朋友。那么无论发生什么事情,你都不会觉得孤单。

“至于我身边的其他人呢?我的责任是什么?我每天去上班,对着那些我真的没有选择要与他们在一起的人,比对着我自己亲人的时间还要多。我待在一个我不想在的地方,做着一份我不喜欢的工作。” 而我的答案是:那么你认为这一切都是偶然的?或是认为自己是受到惩罚?那么你是没有真正理解一座标准灯塔的宏伟性。灯塔不是建在安全的地方。它们选择处在风暴当中!你不是被惩罚。你是被带到一个艰难的地方去发出你的光。

在物理层面上,你能爱他们吗?倾听他们!倾听他们人生中真正发生的事情。把每一天视为一个机会,能在黑暗的地方创造光明。注意他们的态度转变。你在他们眼中也许是 “怪人”,但他们知道你是代表正直性。


“克里昂,我对政府的责任是什么?” 我会告诉你:在物理层面上,去了解现状。别躲进密室里并期望事情会自然解决,因为它不会。这是关于选择!你的国家发展得多好取决于你对她的指引有多好,除非你参与那个设计来指引它的过程 [你的投票],不然你们也会得到那同一股能量,就像历史上那些国家一样,最后全都自我灭亡。


“克里昂,我对人类的责任是什么?” 让我来解释。你是为了体现关爱而设计的。然而,就如我们之前所说的,这个系统超越了你的理解,也比你所认为的来得更加复杂。我的伙伴在数周前问我关于最近的那场大海啸 [2004 年南亚大海啸]。他说,“何故要在同一天里夺走多达二十万人的生命?这会荣耀帷幕那一边的谁吗?这一切有什么目的?” 而我给出的答案无法使他满意。亲爱的读者,我想那个真正的答案亦无法使你满意。因为,只要你是作为人类行走于你们的实相里,你就是为了关爱生命而设计的。



“克里昂,我对地球的责任是什么?” 盖娅是美丽的女性能量,她认识你,也深爱着你。你的责任是?相信这件事!当你从这里走出去,你的双脚就会踏在土地上或草地上。盖娅知道你在哪里走动,也知道你是谁。她庆贺你的生命,是你人生的重要参与者。


最后,“克里昂,我对神的责任是什么?” 我们很高兴地报告,你正在履行这种责任!明白吗?只要你在这地球上,你就已经接受并履行这种责任。你正在展开一趟艰难的旅程,而你很勇敢。

This live channelling was Given in Redding, California

现场通灵于 雷丁,加利福尼亚

January 29, 2005

As channelled by Lee Carroll for Kryon




This is a message directed at just those who feel they are Lightworkers, or those who are enlightened. Kryon defines that, then goes on to give specific information and models on how to perceive your enlightened responsibilities to yourself, family, mates, workers, your government, and even to God.


This channelling has been added-to and enhanced by Kryon, through Lee Carroll in a rechannelling process over the actual transcribed channelling. This has been done in order to make it more valuable for the written word and to bring clarity to concepts that were given energetically within the live channellings.


Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of magnetic service. There's an excitement in this place that is visible to us. Those who have waited for you to sit in the chairs are the ones who honor you now. Beyond that, there's a cellular structure within each of you that longs to "listen to the boss." [This is Kryon's expression for your being in charge of your own body and all its functions.] Beyond that, there's something so grand you wouldn't even believe it: Every entity of the Universe who you consider beyond the veil is aware of this meeting! "Amazing," you might say. Could such a thing be, that these words are indeed interpretations from beyond the veil, where in your mind God exists? Could it be?

你们好,亲爱的,我是磁力服务的克里昂。这里有一种兴奋的情绪,我们能看得见。那些一直在等待你们坐在这些椅子上的人,就是那些在此刻对你致意的人。此外,感到兴奋的还包括你们每个人体内的细胞结构,它们渴望 “听命于老大”。[这是克里昂的说法,指你负责掌管你的身体和它的所有功能]。此外,还有一些非常宏伟及难以置信的事情:宇宙里的每一个实体,你们认为是在帷幕另一边的那些生灵,他们都知道这一场聚会!“太惊人了,” 你也许会说。有可能是这样吗,即这些话语确实是传译自帷幕的另一边,你想象中所谓的神存在的地方?有没有可能?

In these quiet moments, could it be that this room is filling with love of God? Could it be? Could it be that anyone here could be healed at this moment? Could that be, also? There is far more here than what it seems. And so we ask you, dear Human Being, to use your divine perception right now. It's like putting your finger in the air to see which way the spiritual wind is blowing. Is this real or not?


All the entities that flood in here wish to stand beside you, behind you, next to you, and in front of you. Many are the ones who have come to earth with you. There's an interdimensional group in a mountain not too far from here [Shasta] who also know of this meeting. They know of your lineage and they say, "There are Lemurians here, ones who continue to come here because they've been in love with the planet for eons." They speak of Humans who can't wait to come back, over and over, to a place where they make a difference for the Universe.

所有涌入这里的实体都想要站在你的身边、背后、旁边、前面。他们有很多是与你一起进入地球的。在离此不远处的一座山中 [相思塔山] 还有一个跨维度群体,他们也晓得这场聚会。他们知道你的世系,他们说,“这些是利穆里亚人,他们不断来到地球上,因为他们自久远以来一直都深爱着地球。” 他们指的是一些迫不及待想要到回来的人类,重复又重复地,回到一个地方,以便为宇宙带来改变。

Yet your perception is so different, O Human Being. You're so tired! Again we tell you that so many times in your quietest moments we've heard you say: "I'm so tired! Dear God, I've been through so much. Oh, when I get home, I won't come back again . If I have to go through this effort again, I'm never coming back!" We've heard that so many times, even from the grandest of you.

但你的看法是多么不同,哦人类。你是多么疲累!我们再告诉你一次,在你最平静的时刻,我们已经多次听到你说:“我感到很累!亲爱的神,我已经经历了这么多。啊,当我回到老家时,我就不会再来这里了。如果要我再经历一次这种吃力的事,我绝不回来!” 这种话我们已经听了很多次,甚至从你们那些最伟大的觉悟者口中说出。

Ah, but here's the reality: When I see you once more in that sweet place, when you pass the energy that you call death, you'll again have the mind of God. We call that transition something entirely different than death. We call it "the return." And when you're again fully awake and back on the "real" side of the veil, we'll look at each other and see the group energy in both of us. You have free choice to come and go, whenever you want. But on the Human side of the veil you don't know what happens "over there," do you? [That is, on the side of the veil you can't see.] Did you know that you're working all the time when you're on my side? Did you know there's grand purpose behind God? Angels are never quiet; they never have to sleep; there's always purpose. And your purpose is obvious to us all. You're in love with Gaia!

啊,但真相是这样的:当我再次在那甜美的地方遇见你时,当你越过了那股称为 ‘死亡’ 的能量时,你会再次拥有神的思维。我们对这场过渡有一种说法,与 ‘死亡’ 截然不同。我们会称之为 “回归”。当你再次完全觉醒并回到 “真正” 的帷幕那一边时,我们会互相注视并看见彼此的群体能量。你拥有自由选择,可以随时到来或离开。但在人类这一边的帷幕,你不知道 “那里” [即是,你看不见的那一边帷幕] 发生什么,对吗?你是否知道,当你在我的这一边,你是无时无刻都在工作?你是否知道,在神的背后有着伟大的目标?天使们永远不是安静的;他们永远无需睡眠;那里总是有着目标。而你的目标我们全体看得很清楚。你深爱着盖娅!

Imagine for a moment that you're the greatest painter who ever lived. That would be something, wouldn't it? Think of the great painters in history, and you're the best. And somehow in this pretend vision, you're reborn and upon a planet, much like this one [Earth] with Humans. You go through your birth, your upbringing, and your childhood, and you just can't wait to paint! "Oh," you say to yourself, "I can paint! When I'm old enough, just give me a brush; give me a canvas."

想象一下,你是有史以来最优秀的画家。那真的了不起,不是吗?想想历史上那些优秀画家,而你是最优秀的。在这个想象里,不知何故,你重新投生到一个住着人类的行星上,跟这一个[地球]很像。你经历了你的诞生、你的成长、你的童年,而你迫不及待想要执笔作画!“啊,” 你对自己说,“我可以作画!当我长大了,只管给我一支画笔;给我一块画布。”

Then, to your horror, as you learn the language and grow up, you realize there are no brushes - there is no canvas! These things don't exist on this planet you came to! What are you going to do? Then you have another horrific realization - nobody has hands, either, not even you! Who would have thought this? What are you going to do? There are no brushes since there are no hands; no canvas either, since painting is unheard of - except in miracles.

然后,让你感到恐惧的是,当你边长大边学习语言时,你意识到那里并没有画笔——也没有画布!这些东西并不存在于你到来的这个行星上!你会怎么做?你还意识到另一件恐怖的事情——全部人都没有手,你也没有!谁会想到这些?你会怎么做?因为没有手,所以没有画笔;因为从来没有人听过 ‘绘画’,所以也没有画布——除非发生了奇迹。

Welcome to earth, angel! For your divinity is much like this. Your grandness is upon you. You know how to heal yourself; you know of the principles of the healing of the planet and of others; you know how to create love where there is no love; and you can perceive solutions to challenges that others can't. Your divinity is buried in there someplace as you look at yourself. It's odd - you have the information, but you can't remember the school where you obtained it. But all the knowledge is there anyway.


You're a great artist, but in this new land none of the Humans even have hands! What are you going to do with this situation? And the answer that we have given is this: The hands that are missing are what we call mastery. As you begin to change your DNA through spiritual evolvement, these things begin to shift, and the hands that you long for will grow, metaphorically. And the paintings that you'll make with these new hands will be grand! And you will name them: "Peace Where There Is No Peace," "Solution Where There Is No Solution," "Love Where There Is No Love."

你是优秀的画家,但在这片新的陆地上,全部人甚至连手都没有!对于这种情况你会怎么做?我们所给出的答案是:缺失的那双手即是我们所说的大师能量。当你开始通过灵性进化来改变你的 DNA 时,这些情况也开始转变,你一直所渴求的那双手也会随之长出,隐喻而言。而你用这双新生的手所绘出的画作,将会是壮丽的!你会把它们命名为:“在没有和平的地方显现和平”,“在没有解决方案的地方显现解决方案”,“在没有爱的地方显现爱”。

Your "miracle" hands become the light of the Lighthouse that you've become. It shines so brightly that everyone around you can see your wonderful painting, and it's called you. It's gorgeous, and represents the consciousness of mastery on Earth. The colors are vivid, the art ever-changing, and the energy is that of God. You have the hands of the artist and you begin to paint a final picture with others called "The New Jerusalem."

你的 “奇迹” 双手成了你这个人类灯塔的光。它闪耀得多么明亮,使你周围的每个人都看到你的美妙画作,而这幅画的名字叫做 ‘你’。它很绚丽,代表着地球上的大师意识。那些色彩是鲜艳的,那幅绘画是千变万化的,那股能量是神的能量。你拥有画家的双手,你开始与其他人一起绘出最后一幅画,称为 “新的耶路撒冷”[隐喻,指地球和平]。



I want to talk about responsibility in ways that you've never heard me talk about before. My partner [Lee] has been told to record this message. To you in this room, the recording machine is on and is recording. To me, this message is already transcribed and printed! Right now it's being watched [read], two eyes at a time by readers all over the earth. This is how we see the now. The listener will think this is silly. The reader? Well you know better, don't you? You are the listener's future, and the listener, who thinks they are in the present, are actually in your past. So who is really correct?

我要谈论责任,以一种你们之前从未听我讲过的方式。我的伙伴[李]已经被告知要对这个信息进行录音。对你们在现场的人士而言,录音机是开着的,录音正在进行中。对我而言,这个信息已经被抄录及印刷出来!此刻它正在被观看[被阅读],全球各地的读者,一次一双眼睛 [指这篇信息是一次一个人地传开]。这就是我们对当下的看法。聆听者会认为这是愚蠢的。至于读者呢?你能理解,不是吗?你是聆听者的未来,而聆听者,那些认为自己是在 ‘现在’ 的人,其实是在你的过去。那么谁才是正确的呢?

Again we ‘ll state the obvious non-linearity to the linear Human mind: Reader, the one seated in front of me right now in what he calls his reality, can't "see" you like I can. In fact, here's the conundrum: Some of those who sit in front of me right now are also reading this right now! Two different times, two different places, but one now. So, reader, we greet you, even though those in this room don't know what I'm talking about. [Kryon smile.]

再一次,我们会对线性思维的人类说明那显而易见的非线性实相:读者,那个此刻坐在我面前的人,在他所谓的属于他的实相里,无法像我一样 “看见” 你的存在。事实上,这里有一个难解的谜题:此刻坐在我面前的人士,他们有的也在此刻阅读着这一篇信息!两个不同的时间,两个不同的地点,但在同一个当下。所以,读者,我们问候你,即使现场那些人不知道我在说什么。[克里昂微笑]。

I'd like to list some of the responsibilities for you of what we would call the enlightened Human Being. We will define enlightenment. Enlightenment is a process whereby a Human Being's divine request is granted, to look inside and find more than what they see in simple 4D. So it's about intent, is it not? You might say enlightenment is, therefore, intent to discover the unseen inside yourself. It's not a doctrine; it's not an absolute, and it can't be quantified. It's a process. One Human's enlightenment may not look enlightening to anyone around them, for what a Human finds inside is different for each individual. But it is a process, a search - is it not - for unseen things?


Ascension, as we've defined and described it before, is a Human Being stepping out of this lifetime and into another without dying. Isn't that revolutionary? When the Human does this, everything shifts; everything changes. So what are the responsibilities of the enlightened Human Being? What are the attributes of responsibility as a Human goes through this process, not matter where they are in what you call the linear time-line of this process? We'll give you these few aspects.


It's ancient teaching, you know? One we have given before. It's verbiage for you to hear over and over. Ah, but at the same time, something's happening in this room. [Pause ] Reader, I have something to tell you: We're pausing the teaching because there are two in this room who sit before me right now who have come for healing. Oh, they didn't know this would be a healing meeting, but it will be, and while I speak in these next few minutes about one subject, another one will be surging through their veins. This is the important energy at the moment to address. So, reader, here is a linearity challenge: I'm going to ask you to celebrate with me right now. I want you to celebrate and sing with me right now. Celebrate the healing of the two here who will walk out differently than they came, because they're feeling the truth of the divinity in what has been presented today, and are claiming the reality of what they can do with their bodies.

这是古老的教学,知道吗?是我们在之前给过的。你们重复又重复听到会觉得很啰嗦。啊,但与此同时,这间房里还发生了其他事。[暂停] 读者,我有件事要告诉你:我们暂停教学,因为此刻坐在我前面这里有两个人是为了得到治愈而来的。哦,他们事先不知道这会是一场治疗聚会,但它会是,而当我在接下来的几分钟里在谈论着一个课题时,另一个课题会在他们的血脉里奔腾。这是此刻需要被探讨的一股重要的能量。所以,读者,这里有一个线性挑战:我要求你在此刻与我一起庆贺。我要你在此刻与我一起庆贺并歌唱。庆贺这里那两人的治愈,他们将不同于到来时地离开,因为他们感觉到今天所呈现的信息里的神性真相,并宣示他们能够掌控自己身体的这个事实。

Remember this meeting, reader, for it was a good one. How can you give "instant" energy to a healing that has already happened? These are the questions that, when you're comfortable with the answers, make you understand that you have mastery in your consciousness. For all of you are connected at a non-linear instant level that doesn't make sense to you at a Human 4D level, but which many of you right now can feel. Did your heart sing with these in this meeting who were touched? If it did, the angel in you is stirring.

记住这次聚会,读者,因为这是很好的一次。你要怎么对已经发生的治疗给出 “即时” 能量呢?这些就是重要的问题,当你能对它的答案感到自在时,它让你了解到,你的意识里拥有大师能量。因为你们全都在一个非线性的即时层面上有所连结,在人类的四维层面而言,这是不可理喻的,但你们许多人在此刻能感觉到它。你的心有没有随着这些人在这场聚会里被碰触而一起歌唱呢?如果你有的话,是你体内的那位天使正在萌动。

Responsibility to Self


"Kryon, what's my responsibility to myself? What can I do for me?" In this list of responsibilities I'll give you a 4D answer and also one that's esoteric, or spiritual. I do this for you because you tend to separate these two attributes in your mind, just like you tend to separate your own existence and put it into boxes of understanding. You look at yourself in the mirror and you see one Human Being. Therefore, all your life, all these years, there's only one of you. This concept is simple, real truth to your Human mind, but it isn't accurate at all. As we have described before, you are a multiple energy, but only "see" the one that resides in 4D.

“克里昂,我对自己的责任是什么?我能为自己做些什么?” 在这个责任的清单里,我会给出一个四维答案和一个神秘学的、灵性的答案。我这样做是因为你们倾向于在脑海中分开这两种特质,就如你们倾向于分开你本身的存在并把它放进框框里去理解一样。你看着镜子中的自己,你只看见一个人类。因此,在你这一生中,这么多年以来,‘你’ 只有一个。这种概念对你的人类头脑而言是简单、真实的真相,但它完全不正确。就如我们之前所描述的,你是多重的能量,但只 “看见” 那存在于四维里的那一个。

How many of you believe that you have a Higher-Self? Most, I'd imagine. All right, that's two of you. So how many do you need for a group? [Laughter] There's a lot more than one of you, but that's what you linear mind wishes to realize. It suits your reality to be singular, does it not? What if I told you there was many of you? Did you know that part of you never left the other side of the veil? It had to stay there to help answer prayer! It's all part of the planning session that's such a mystery to you. Part of your own guide set is you! Did you know that? How can you be your own guide? Complex, isn't it?

你们有多少人相信,你拥有高我?多数人,我料想。好吧,那就是两个你。那么你需要多少个人来组成群体呢?[笑声] ‘你’ 远远不止于一个,但那是你的线性思维希望能实现的事。它符合你的单一实相,不是吗?如果我告诉你说,那里有很多个你呢?你是否知道,有一部分的你从来没有离开过帷幕的另一边?他必须留在那里协助答允你的祈求!他是那场规划会议的参与者,对你而言是那么神秘。你的指导灵团体,有一部分是你本身!你知道这一点吗?你怎么会是你本身的指导灵?很复杂,不是吗?

Physically, the responsibility you have on this planet as an enlightened Human Being is to stay here as long as you can. That shouldn't be a struggle. It's a singular 4D goal. And the reason is obvious - do you love Gaia or not? Do you understand why you came? It should be obvious why you came, based on what you've already done. Did you put it together yet that Earth is responding to your lives? Look at what's happening on this planet! Did you know that Earth knows when you walk from one place to another? It senses your footsteps and knows that an angelic force walks upon it.


The longer you can be here with your knowledge and your wisdom, Lighthouse, the better off this planet will be. Change your earthly habits if they're killing you! [Pause] And you know who I'm talking to, don't you? Did you ever connect the dots, as they say, to realize that your life is more important to Gaia than even to yourself? Stay here as long as you can. Study the health books if you need to. Use your own power to heal. Stay a long time, because you're needed here! Do you really wish to leave, come back, and waste the 20 years or so that are the most important in the history of the planet's spiritual development? Stay in joy! Stay out of sickness, out of struggle. That's the promise, if you choose it, if you want. That's the physical responsibility.

你能以你的知识与智慧留在这里越久,灯塔,这个地球就会变得越好。改掉你那些致命的凡俗嗜好![暂停] 而你知道我是在对谁说话,不是吗?你有没有试过把那些点连成线,如俗话说的,直到你知道自己的人生对盖娅更为重要,甚至超越对你自己?留在这里越久越好。阅读那些健康书籍,如果你需要的话。用你自己的力量去治愈。长久留在这里,因为这里需要你!你真的想要离开、返回、然后再浪费 20 余年的时间吗,在这地球历史上最重要的灵性发展时期?快乐地留在这里!远离疾病、远离逆境。那是我们的承诺,如果你选择这样做,如果你要这样做。那就是你在物理层面上对自己的责任。

Spiritually? We told you this 16 years ago. Take care of yourself! Start the journey within. Discover the divinity that's hiding in your own multidimensional DNA. You don't have to know how the engine works in the car in order to get in it and drive home. It just works, doesn't it? And when you start the journey inside, it's the same. The vast school of knowledge that hides from you, but that all of you have, will present itself when you need it the most.

至于灵性上的呢?我们在 16 年前说过。照顾好你自己!开始那内在的旅程。发掘那隐藏于你本身多重维度 DNA 里的神性。你不必弄懂汽车引擎的操作方式,才来开车回家。你直接去开车,不是吗?当你开始那内在旅程时,情况也一样。在你最需要的时刻,那隐藏于你,但你们每个人都有的浩瀚知识,将会自动出现。

This knowledge will shine upon you in that time of need when you say, "What's next? What do I do?" Feel the joy of this! There are no lists to begin. Just do it. Little by little you're given the information intuitively, as you sit down with pure intent to look inside, to vibrate higher, to create mastery. You begin to heal yourselves, to talk to your cells, to change even your own life span and even your genealogy.

这些知识会在那最需要的时刻照亮你,当你说 “接下来呢?我该怎么做?” 那时。感受它的喜悦!这没有起始的清单。只管去做。当你以纯粹的意图坐着,去注视内在,去提高振动,去创造大师能量时,你会在直觉层面一点一滴地接收到这些信息。你会开始治愈你自己、对你的细胞说话、甚至改变你本身的寿命、甚至改变你的[遗传]谱系。

Scientists have proven that you can change your own immune system just by thinking about it. They have no idea what else you can do. I'll broach this yet again: Women, what's in your cellular DNA structure that you're afraid of? Do you have a mother, a sister, or aunts who have passed over due to a disease that "runs in the family?" And there you sit aware that you're in that same family, and you're waiting to get this disease, too? You say, "I'm going to get it but I don't know when."

科学家已经证明,人类只需在脑中想着,就能改变本身的免疫系统。他们不知道人类其实还有其他能力。我会再次谈到这个课题:女士们,你的细胞 DNA 结构里有着什么让你害怕的东西?你是否有一个母亲、姐姐、或阿姨,因为一种 “家族遗传” 疾病而去世了?而你就坐在这里,意识到你是在那同一个家族里,你也在等着患上这种病?你说,“我会得到这种病,但我不知道会在几时。”

Let me tell you about your own power of looking inside. This is the second time I've broached this in channel, and I'll give this information yet again at another time. It's profound, yet not understandable. It's a conundrum - it's within a circle of time that isn't linear. I'll tell you this, women: What you do now in your life will void the disease propensity within your own genealogy. It'll change your lineage so profoundly that you'll never get that disease as long as you live. In addition, neither will your daughters... alive or not yet born! For what you do for yourself in this "now" will reflect on them instantly. It's not about healing, but rather it's about energy. It's about DNA group karma, and it responds to the mastery within you. It's about the miracle inside. That's the profundity of mastery! So we say again, take care of yourself spiritually and continue the process of enlightenment, of being the Lighthouse for Gaia. That's the responsibility you have to you.

让我告知关于你本身那注视内在的能力。这是我第二次在通灵中提到这件事,随后我会另外找个时间再给出这个消息。这是意义深远的,却也是难以理解的。它是一个谜题——它是在时间的圆圈中,不是线性的。我会告诉你,女士们:此刻你在人生中所做的事,将会在你本身的[遗传]谱系里取消那疾病的倾向性。这会深刻地改变你的血系,只要你活着,你就永远不会得到那种疾病。而且,你的女儿们也不会......无论是在世的还是未出世的!因为,你在这个 “当下” 里为自己所做的事,会立刻反映在她们身上。这不是关于治疗,而是关于能量。它是关于DNA 群体业力,它会对你体内的大师能量作出回应。它是关于体内的奇迹。那就是大师能量的深刻意义!所以我们再说一次,在灵性上照顾好你自己,继续那觉悟及成为 ‘盖娅的灯塔’ 的过程。那就是你对自己的责任。



"What about my family? Dear Kryon, as one in the enlightenment process, what's my responsibility to my family? Some of them I don't even like! Some of them don't like me. I've spent a lot of time getting away from them. What's my real responsibility? It feels odd to be so removed." Let me speak now of blood family - brothers, sisters, moms, dads. Physically, I'll say this: Your main responsibility is to love them - no matter what. Love them unconditionally. What can you see that's good in their personalities and lives? Can you see their divinity? I challenge you. Take what might be the "sand in your oyster" and look at it. Can you see that it has divine purpose? Have you been abused by one of them? Perhaps you can see the divine plan in this? Love them! Physically, no matter what. Even if it's from afar; even if it's without ever talking to them or seeing them again. Remember, you can send love at a distance and it'll be pure and powerful. It's energy sent within a quantum state, due to the fact that you're all one part of God and connected all the time.

“至于我的家人呢?亲爱的克里昂,身为觉悟过程中的一员,我对自己家人的责任是什么?有些家人我根本不喜欢他们!有些家人不喜欢我。我用了很长的时间来避开他们。我真正的责任是什么?这种疏离的感觉很奇怪。” 现在让我来谈论血亲家人——兄弟姐妹、父亲母亲。在物理层面上,我会说:你的主要责任是去爱他们——不管怎样。无条件地爱他们。你从他们的性格与人生中看见什么优点?你能看见他们的神性吗?我挑战你。拿起那刺痛你的 “蚌肉中的沙砾” 并注视着它。你能看见它其实有神性目的吗?你是否曾经被他们其中一人虐打?也许你能看见这当中的神性计划?去爱他们!在物理层面上,不管怎样。即使是从远处;即使是再也没有与他们说话,再也没有与他们见面。记住,你能从远处传送爱给他们,这份爱会是纯正和强大的。它是在量子状态里送出的能量,因为你们全都是神的一部分,每时每刻都连结在一起。

Spiritually, what is your responsibility to your family? I'll tell you what it isn't. It's not your responsibility to give them a Kryon book! Don't do it unless they actually ask. It's not your responsibility to convince them that any of the things that you might believe are accurate and true. It's not your responsibility to have discussions about these things in a heated way. It serves no purpose whatsoever, except to further push them away from you and anything you might wish for them.


You can't heal them, either. No Lightworker can heal another. No healer can heal another. All you can do is balance the energy around a Human Being and allow them to heal themselves. [This is why some heal and some don't, even with the same process applied.] So what can you do? I'll give you this information, old information, beautiful, sacred, simple: Take care of yourself. Let the invisible doctrine of what you believe be manifested in the way you live your life!


If you've read a Kryon book, and the love message has meant anything to you, and you've seen the principles of life we give, then apply them to your own cellular structure. Let your family see the light that comes from you, not a doctrine or a book. Paint the most beautiful picture on earth for them to see, and let it be you. Then get ready, for some of them will hate you for it because they're of an energy that doesn't want to see or accept the light you carry. And if that's the case, let it be, for that's free choice. You may disengage yourself from them and still love them at a distance and still be responsible. There's nothing that says that you must remain with them for life. These are rules placed upon you by men, and do not represent wisdom at all.


Then there are the ones who wouldn't ever come to a meeting like this, but they'll absolutely see your light and fall in love with it! And at some level they'll understand. Some of them, indeed, may make decisions based upon your light that they would never make before. How do you respond to family difficulties? Is it different than before? Are you stable? Are you calm? Do you see beauty in all things? Do you listen? Are you fair?


Here is the promise, dear ones: Your light will push away those who shouldn't be with you and attract the ones who wish to be. In the process you won't evangelize any Human Being, ever. You'll simply be an example of what the love of God can do in one life. Your children will notice. Your mate will notice. This is the same energy that was noticed and loved by Humanity around every master who ever walked the earth.


Responsibility to a Mate


"Kryon, what's my responsibility to my mate, my significant other, the one I'm with?" For those of you who are with a significant other, I'll tell you. Physically, the grandest gift you can give to a mate is to listen to them. Believe it or not, listening to them is one of the greatest gifts to them. Their life is precious and the things that take place in their life may not totally interest you, but you're connected in such a way that if you listen to them, it'll connect you even more. That's the physical.

“克里昂,我对自己的伴侣、我那重要的另一半、一起生活的那个人有什么责任?” 对于你们那些有着重要另一半的人,我会告诉你。在物理层面上,你能给伴侣的最贵重的礼物是倾听。不管你信或不信,倾听他们说话,是他们得到的最贵重的礼物之一。他们的人生是珍贵的,发生在他们生命中的事情未必完全让你感兴趣,但你们就是以这种方式连结在一起,如果你倾听他们说话,你们的结合将会更加紧密。那是物理层面上的责任。

And here is the spiritual, something you've heard before: Spiritually, take care of yourself. I'm going to give you the beginning of creating true love. True love is generated when you paint a masterpiece on a life called you. This life shines so brightly and it's so beautiful that the one with you can't help but fall in love with you every day! It's doable. It's the truth. Mastery does that. It doesn't shout "I'm better than you!" Instead it shouts, "I care about you!" It doesn't puff itself up and take a stand. It's soft and it begs divine company, like a comfortable chair that you just must sit in! It also doesn't require that each mate is in the process of enlightenment. It's about love, not doctrine.

而这是灵性上的,你们之前听过的:在灵性上,照顾好你自己。我会给出创造真爱的起始。真爱是当你在那个名为 “你” 的生命上画出一幅名作时产生的。这个生命是如此闪亮,如此美丽,使你的伴侣忍不住每天都要爱上你一次!这是能做到的。这是真相。大师就是这样做的。真爱不是在喊叫 “我比你好!” 相反的真爱是在高呼,“我关心你!” 真爱不会自我膨胀并坚守立场。它是柔软的,它恳求神性同伴,就像一张舒适的椅子,让你总是很想坐上去!它也不要求每个伴侣必须处在觉悟的过程中。它是关于爱,不是教义。

"Kryon, what do I do if this doesn't work? I've tried this, and I believe I'm within the process of creating light, yet my mate seems to retreat further each day." The world indeed is about free choice. That significant other, that mate, isn't necessarily always with you for life. In the scheme of things, which is grander than you think, sometimes Human individuals come and go within your life for lesson and enhancement for you both. Indeed, even with true love, for a time, it exists to give you gifts and then to move on. So what you should ask for is the wisdom and intuition to know which it is. Is it possible for true love to exist only for a while? Yes, sometimes this is the way of it. But in all cases, keep your light going.

“克里昂,如果这样做 [倾听与创造真爱] 没有用呢,我该怎么办?我已经试过了,我也相信自己是在创造光的过程中,但我的伴侣似乎一天比一天后退。” 这个世界其实是关于自由选择。那重要的另一半、那位伴侣,不一定会与你白头偕老。事情的计划比你所想象的更为宏大,有时候不同的人会在你的人生中来了又走,为了帮助你们双方的学习与提升。其实,即便是真爱,在一段时间内,它的存在只是为了给你带来爱的礼物,然后就离开。所以你应该要求的是智慧与直觉,去洞察它是哪一种情况。有没有可能,真爱只是短暂地存在?对,有时候就是这样。但无论是何种情况,请让你的光继续照亮。

Most of you are wise enough to realize how this works. To stay in a relationship that damages your self-worth every day is to eat of the poison of your own garden. You know when it's time to move on, don't you? Then do it. So many times Spirit uses these situations to allow growth one with another. Most often, when the lesson is learned, the graduate moves on. He doesn't subject himself to the same lesson every day, over and over. You'll enhance both Humans if you make a wise, difficult decision that's correct for yourself.


However, understand this: Spiritually unequally yoked mates can live together in true love all their lives if they respect and listen to each other. One may be in the enlightenment process, yet that may not be the process the other one personally wishes to be in. But the one who shines their light will understand this, and the one who has the light shined upon them will, too. True love is where you see the love of God in each other, not your individual paths. It's not about who is spiritually awake. For the love of God can be seen in all Humans if each allows for it. Let your own divinity become your best friend. Then no matter what happens, you'll never feel alone.


One of the most difficult arrangements that Humans are asked to participate in is one Human with another, living day by day and attempting to see the love of God within the other. That's a divine task, but one that can give great joy and daily support and peace when done with pure intent.


Those Around You Who Aren't Family


"What about those around me? What's my responsibility to those I have to be with? I go to work every day and spend more time with people I really didn't choose to be with than I do with my own loved ones." Let me speak again of workers and the workplace. We hear so often, "Dear God, I'm in a place I don't want to be in, working at a job I don't like. What should I think about this? Is it really enhancing my life?" The question I'll put to the person who asks this is, "Why? What happened that placed you there?" And the answer would be, "Well, a series of circumstances put me in this workplace. I don't know how it happened, really. I look back and I ask myself, ‘Why did I move here, what did I do to deserve this, why am I being punished every day by having to go work with these people that are so dark?' They think I'm crazy and don't honor me or my life. It's hard!"

“至于我身边的其他人呢?对于那些我必须跟他们在一起的人,我的责任是什么?我每天去上班,对着那些我真的没有选择要与他们在一起的人,比对着我自己亲人的时间还要多。” 让我再次谈论同事与职场这个课题。我们经常听到,“亲爱的神,我待在一个我不想在的地方,做着一份我不喜欢的工作。我应该怎么看待这件事?它真的会增进我的人生吗?” 对于那个提问者,我会反问他:“何故?发生何事让你去到那个岗位上?” 答案会是,“嗯,一系列的状况让我去到这个工作场所。我不知道它是怎么发生的,老实说。我回顾过去不停问自己:‘为何我会去了那里,到底我做了什么会得到这种报应,为什么我每天都受到惩罚,必须跟这班如此黑暗的人一起共事?’ 他们认为我是疯子,也不尊重我或我的人生。这很艰难!”

And my answer will again be this: So you think it's all about an accident? Or that you're being punished? Then you have missed the grandeur of a standard Lighthouse. Lighthouses aren't built in safe places. They choose to be where the storms are! You're not being punished. You're being taken to a difficult place to shine your light.


I'll say it again. Physically, what should you be doing? Can you love them? Don't give them a Kryon book. Listen to them! Listen to what's really happening in their lives. Consider every day one where you have an opportunity to create light in a dark place. Watch attitudes change. You may be "weird" to them, but they know you represent integrity.

我会再说一次。在物理层面上,你应该做的是什么?你能爱他们吗?别给他们一本克里昂书。倾听他们!倾听他们人生中真正发生的事情。把每一天视为一个机会,能在黑暗的地方创造光明。注意他们的态度转变。你在他们眼中也许是 “怪人”,但他们知道你是代表正直性。

Spiritually, again, you're a light in a dark place and you wonder why you're there? It isn't always about you. Think about them! You're not being punished, you're being given an opportunity. This is the work you came to do, and it's not forever. In a place you don't want to be, working with people you don't want to be with, is the work of a Lighthouse. What if you're the only light they ever see?


In retrospect someday, what if you went to work, tolerated it, and that was all there was? Are you okay with that? Will you be okay that you complained to God the whole time you were there? Can you visualize a real lighthouse on the rocks in the storm - no light, in the dark, shouting, "Get me out of here?" It's an absurd vision, is it not? There it is, built to help in times of darkness, but not even knowing why it's there - sitting in the dark complaining, while all along it's a bastion of strength, anchored on the rock, with fuel ready to light a light that it doesn't know it has. What a vision!

某天当你回顾这段经历时,想象一下,如果当初你能做到:去上班、忍受它、不抱怨,情况会是怎样?你能接受吗?你会接受自己在那里的所有时间都是在对神抱怨吗?你能想象一座真正的灯塔,站在岩石上,在狂风暴雨中——没有光,在黑暗中,大喊着,“带我离开这里” 吗?这是荒谬的景象,不是吗?它就在那里,为了在黑暗时刻帮助人们而造,但它竟然不知道自己在那里的原因——坐在黑暗中抱怨,虽然一直以来它都是象征力量的堡垒,固守在岩石上,有足够的燃料可以随时亮起光,却不知道自己有这种能力。真荒谬的景象!

So we say to you, spiritually wake up! Be patient and hold that magnificent light. Paint the picture of joy in a difficult place. They all know you don't want to be there, so let them see what your reaction is to difficulties in that job and your life. How do you handle some of the same problems they have? What do you do differently than they do? Take care of yourself and your own light. Make that light shine so brightly that someday some of them will actually come to you and say, "I don't know what you've got, but will you tell me about it?" And then you can give them a Kryon book. [Laughter]

所以我们对你说,在灵性上醒过来!要有耐心并举起那道壮丽的光。在艰难的地方绘出那幅喜悦的图画。他们都知道你不想待在那里,就让他们看看你在面对那份工作与人生煎熬时的反应是什么吧。你怎么处理那些他们也同样遇到的问题?你的做法与他们的有什么不同?照顾好你自己和你的光。让那道光变得如此闪亮,以致某天某人真的会来到你面前并说,“我不知道你有的是什么,但你能告诉我吗?” 那时你就可以给他们一本克里昂书了。[笑声]

Responsibility to Government


"Kryon, what is my responsibility to my government?" I speak now in America. I give this location information for the reader, who may not know where this teaching takes place. So I will tell Americans something that you should hear: Do you want to know why this country has persevered so long with a principle of free choice? I'll give you a hint. When you go to that place you call the District of Columbia, there are monuments built to honor those who went before. Take a look at the important and historic inscriptions. The words in your Declaration of Independence, some of which are etched into the walls to help you to remember your history, were divinely given. Those words were "channelled." They were remarkable for the time, created and edited by a consciousness that was a group.

“克里昂,我对政府的责任是什么?” 此刻我是在美国讲话。我是为了读者而给出这个地理位置,他们也许不知道这场教学是在哪里进行的。那么我会告诉美国人一些你们应该听到的事:你们想知道为何这个国家长久以来一直坚持捍卫一种自由选择的原则吗?我会给出提示。当你去到那个叫做 “哥伦比亚特区” 的地方,那里建造了纪念碑来向那些先贤们致意。看看它的重要性和那些历史碑文。你们的《独立宣言》里的文字,它们被刻在墙上以便帮助你们记住历史,它们是通过神圣方式给出的。这些文字是 “被通灵” 的。它们在那个时代是非同凡响的,代表着一种意识,由一群开国元勋负责起草与修订。

Thomas Jefferson Memorial, Washington D.C.




We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, that to secure these rights governments are instituted among men. We...solemnly publish and declare, that these colonies are and of right ought to be free and independent states...And for the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine providence, we mutually pledge our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honour.



No one had ever seen anything like these concepts put together the way they were, and they resulted in a country that emerged with grand free choice. Freedom of choice for the Human Being is the paramount issue of your land, and continues to be your doctrine. It's no accident that it came about in this way.


What's your responsibility to your government? I'll tell you: Physically, to know what's happening. Don't go into a closet and think that it's going to take care of itself, because it won't. It's about choice! It continues to need the guidance of the group consciousness that founded it, and that is in the citizens. Don't let the divine principles of free choice slip away. So it might sound like a political statement, but we'll say it anyway: Your country is only as good as your guidance of it, and unless you participate in the process set up to guide it [your vote], you'll receive the same energy as the other governments in history, which all self-destructed in time.

你对你们政府的责任是什么?我会告诉你:在物理层面上,去了解现状。别躲进密室里并期望事情会自然解决,因为它不会。这是关于选择!它持续需要得到建国群体意识的指引,而这种意识就在国民身上。别让那自由选择的神圣原则溜走了。虽然这听起来像是一项政治声明,但我们还是会说:你的国家发展得多好取决于你对她的指引有多好,除非你参与那个设计来指引它的过程 [你的投票],不然你们也会得到那同一股能量,就像历史上那些国家一样,最后全都自我灭亡。

Spiritually, I'll tell you this, Lighthouse: Strike that light and send it to the places of leadership. Do it daily. For where they walk, they make decisions for the earth, and thousands of lives hang in the balance. Shine a light so they can see things that they couldn't before, illuminating the room they're in. It'll give them free choice to choose the new things they see, due to a brighter area of choice. In order to do that successfully and make your light bright, take care of yourself. Alone in your room, with introspection about your divinity, create mastery that can be felt in the universe... and in the oval office. Don't send them your ideas. Just illuminate them with light, helping whoever is there to have better choices due to the Lighthouses that all are helping to guide these leaders into the safe harbor of wisdom and appropriateness.

在灵性上,我会告诉你,灯塔:擦亮你的光,把它送到领导层的办公室里。每天这样做。因为他们走过的地方,就是他们为地球做各种决定的地方,无数人的命运就在那里悬而未决。发出一道光,使他们得以看见一些他们之前无法看见的事物,照亮他们所在的空间。这会给他们带来自由选择,去选择他们所看见的那些新事物,因为他们有了更明亮的选择范围。为了成功做到这件事,为了使你的光更加明亮,照顾好你自己。在你自己的房间里,内省你的神性,创造出一股大师能量,让全宇宙都能感受得到......包括那椭圆形办公室 [美国总统的正式办公室]。别送出你的意见。只需以光来照亮他们,帮助那里的人因为灯塔的存在而拥有更好的选择;所有灯塔都在协助指引这些领袖驶进那安全、智慧、与恰当的港湾。

Responsibility to Humanity


"Kryon, what's my responsibility to humanity?" I've channelled this before and my partner doesn't like it. Let me explain. You're built to care. You're designed with a joy of life. You were designed to care. Yet this is a system that we've spoken of before that's beyond your perception and is far more complex than you think.

“克里昂,我对人类的责任是什么?” 我在之前曾经给出这个信息而我的伙伴不喜欢听。让我来解释。你是为了体现关爱而造。人类的设计充满了生命的喜悦。你是为了体现关爱而设计的。然而,就如我们之前所说的,这个系统超越了你的理解,也比你所认为的来得更加复杂。

My partner asked me some weeks ago about the recent tsunami. He said, "What's the purpose of up to 200,000 people dying in one day? What possible good could come out of an orphanage being destroyed where most of the children have to watch the others dead in the water for eight hours before they're rescued? And how does that glorify anyone on the other side? What's the purpose?" And my answer didn't please him then and it doesn't please him now. Dear one, reader, listener, I doubt that the real answer will please you, either. For as long as you're a Human Being walking in your reality, you're designed to care about life.

我的伙伴在数周前问我关于最近的那场大海啸 [2004 年南亚大海啸]。他说,“何故要在同一天里夺走多达二十万人的生命?一间孤儿院被冲毁,多数的幸存儿童必须眼睁睁看着其他死难者浸泡在水中,长达八小时后才获救,这会带来什么好处?这会荣耀帷幕那一边的谁吗?这一切有什么目的?” 而我给出的答案在当时无法使他满意,现在也一样。亲爱的,读者,聆听者,我想那个真正的答案亦无法使你满意。因为,只要你是作为人类行走于你们的实相里,你就是为了关爱生命而设计的。

There's a bigger picture here and we've told you about it many times. At some level all these precious souls knew they had signed up for this potential, this time around. What they did created a compassion that Gaia needed so badly at this moment in history. Their passing actually changed the fabric of the planet's energy. Was that worth it? Why not ask them? There are a lot of happy faces on the other side of the veil right now in a party you can't imagine - in a joy you can't imagine - getting ready to come back and continue what they started. With one voice they all look at you and say, "We did our part, now make it worth it. You do yours." Those left behind with the visions you mentioned will be changed for life, and not necessarily in negative ways, for they will seek out others to help, and many of them will become healers and councilors.

这里有一个更大的画面,而我们已经说过很多次。在某种程度上这些珍贵的灵魂知道他们已经报名参加了这个潜在性,在这一生中。他们所做的事会形成一股怜悯能量,这是盖娅在历史上的这一刻极为需要的能量。他们的离世确实改变了地球的能量结构。这样做是否值得?为何不去问他们?此刻在帷幕的另一边有很多快乐的笑脸,在一场你无法想象的宴会里——在一种你无法想象的喜悦里——准备返回地球并继续他们之前开创的局面。他们众口一词,全都看着你并说,“我们做好了本分,请让它变得值得。去做你的吧。” 你提到的那些目睹悲剧的生还者,他们的人生将从此改变,未必是负面的,因为他们会去寻找并帮助其他生还者,然后他们许多人将成为治疗师与辅导员*。

Indeed it was appropriate and it was designed as a potential that could be manifested, and it was. But it doesn't make you feel any better about it, now does it? So, Human, feel what you must feel. Go from this place without understanding. That's okay, for it's your core reaction. But appreciate that there's something higher at work in these things.


The angels called Humans present a play every night. It's a comedy, it's a tragedy. The audience reacts and they yell and they laugh and they cry. Then the curtain goes down and the one in the play who was stabbed by the other one gets up... because it was only a play. Then they have a party - a cast party - and they get together and say, "That was great! Let's do it again, but this time let me stab you, not you stab me. You do the death scene. I did it this time." Then the curtain goes up the next night and they play it again and they continue to change roles as the curtain goes up and down, up and down.

那些称为人类的天使每晚都会上演一出戏。它可以是喜剧,它也可以是悲剧。观众会作出反应,他们会呼喊、大笑、与哭泣。然后帘幕会落下,在戏里被捅的那个人会站起来......因为那只是一场戏。然后他们会举行庆功宴——全体演员的庆功宴——他们会聚在一起并说,“真是太棒了!让我们再演一次,但这次由我来捅你,而不是你捅我。你来演那场死亡戏。我演过了。” 然后在明晚帘幕会升上来,他们会再演一次,而每一次随着帘幕升起、落下;升起、落下;他们就会转换角色。

Lemurian, are you listening? Humans are in 3D. They think they are singular and that there's only one life, but they've been here and done this so many times! The curtain has gone up and down and up and down, and each time it goes down, there's so much sorrow and so much misunderstanding. Oh, the next time you go to a ceremony where you're honoring someone's life, why don't you have the courage to laugh? Why don't you pass their coffin and say, "Thank you! Good job! I'll see you in a little bit. Let's do it again." That's the truth of the way things are as we see them, and as you see them, too, when you're on our side of the veil.

利穆里亚人,你有听到吗?人类是在三维里。他们认为自己是单一的、人活着只有一辈子,但他们曾经经历过这种事很多次了!帘幕不断升起、落下;升起、落下;而每一次它落下时,那里都充满着悲伤与误解。哦,下次当你出席那场对某人的生命致敬的仪式时,何不提起勇气大笑呢?何不在走过他们的灵柩时说,“谢谢你!干得好!我迟点会见到你。让我们再来一次。” 那就是我们所看到的真相,也是你所看到的真相,当你处在我们这一边的帷幕时。

So your responsibility to Humanity is to walk through your life with wisdom and understanding. Cherish life and keep it precious. Cry when there's sorrow, but understand that there's more than it seems. Don't become angry at God for the process of love, for you have ordained it yourself and have agreed to participate in it all - into eternity.


Responsibility to the Earth


"Kryon, what's my responsibility to the earth?" I'll tell you this one. It's easy: Just acknowledge you actually have one! You see, most of humanity sees the earth as a piece of dirt. If they're lucky, they'll get diamonds and oil from it, and that's about it. They don't understand Gaia is alive. It's a group entity. It knows where you walk and knows who you are. It celebrates your life and helps posture the grids.

“克里昂,我对地球的责任是什么?” 我会告诉你。很简单:只需承认你其实拥有地球!你瞧,多数人类只是把地球视为一片土地。如果他们幸运的话,他们会从土里开采到钻石与石油,如此而已。他们不了解盖娅是活的。她是一个群体。她知道你在哪里走动,也知道你是谁。她庆贺你的生命,并协助铺设地球栅格。

Gaia is a beautiful, feminine energy who knows you and loves you. Your responsibility? Believe it! When you walk from here, even to the place where your vehicles are and you get to go outside, your feet may actually hit the dirt or the grass. Gaia knows you everywhere you go. It's a support group, you know? Like all of us on this other side of the veil. Gaia is angelic, beautiful, alive, and a player in your life.


You might even thank Gaia when you retire each night for an impossible thing: Against all odds, it supplies you with a system that keeps you alive and adjusts when you disturb it. It feeds you, gives you air to breath, and continues to work in the cycle of divinity with the solar system in ways you deny can even exist. It protects you from others you don't even know are there, and knows the name of each Human on the planet. It keeps the Akashic Record safe and pure, and has angelic quality about it. Your responsibility to Earth? To love it!


Responsibility to God


Finally, "Kryon, what's my responsibility to God?" We're happy to report that you're doing it! Do you understand? Just by being here on this planet, you're accepting and dealing with that responsibility. You're making a difficult journey and you're courageous.

最后,“克里昂,我对神的责任是什么?” 我们很高兴地报告,你正在履行这种责任!明白吗?只要你在这地球上,你就已经接受并履行这种责任。你正在展开一趟艰难的旅程,而你很勇敢。

What if somebody said to you right now, "Human Being, we're going to take away half of your brain. When we're finished, you won't know where you are or who you are. Then we're going to put you someplace that's totally, completely foreign to you, and we're going to cut off your hands and feet and you'll just have to do your best." You'd say, "Why would I ever allow such a thing?" It's very similar to the situation when you come to the planet, splendid one - glorious creature that you are. This is the situation you've created for yourself. You're an angelic creature who is part of God, and who comes to Earth hobbled and unaware - a purposeful journey for a reason that escapes you as you walk this planet questioning everything and trying to do your best to make it through. You didn't just allow it, you planned it.

如果有人在此刻对你说,“人类,我们会拿掉你的半边大脑。当我们完成后,你将不知道自己身在何处,也不知道自己是谁。然后我们会把你放到一个完全、完全陌生的地方,并且砍下你的手脚,然后你必须尽全力求生。” 你会说,“为何我会允许这种事情?” 这与你来到地球的情况非常相似,杰出者——你这辉煌的生物。这是你为自己创造的情况。你是天使般的生物、是神的一部分,在跛脚与一无所知的情况下来到地球——展开一趟有目标的旅程,其原因被你忘掉了,而你边走在地球上边怀疑一切,同时尽力通过各种挑战。你何止允许,你还负责计划。

As you leaned in the wind of birth so long ago, we asked you if you were ready to do it again. We were there. "Do you mean it?" we said. Then we reminded you: When you get to Earth, you'll have no idea who you are. You'll think one life is all there is, one time. You'll think you'll have no control over anything. Maybe you can discover everything good on your own, maybe not. That's the test. The powers you have as an angel will all be gone and yet you'll have the intuition of these things, and you'll be frustrated because of it.

很久以前当你靠向那诞生之风,我们问你是否准备好再来一次。当时我们在那里。“你当真要这样做?” 我们说。然后我们提醒你:当你去到地球时,你会忘掉自己是谁。你会以为人只有一生而已,就那么一次。你会以为你无法掌控任何事物。也许你能靠自己发现那美好的一切,也许不。这就是测试。你作为天使的力量将完全消失,但你会保留对这些事物的直觉,并因此而感到挫折。

We continued to remind you that in the first years of birth you would remember all of it, but you won't have any language yet, so you'll just blubber and babble and wave your arms, trying to tell your parents where you've been, who you are, and who they are. By the time you're about three, you'll have forgotten much of it - that is, of course, unless you're an Indigo. [Laughter] The Indigo remembers just enough to make an old energy system incompatible with his own life. [Kryon smile]

我们接着提醒你说,在诞生的头几年你会记得这一切,但你还不晓得语言,所以你只能叽里咕噜地哭喊着、挥动着手臂,想要告诉你的父母,你到过哪里、你是谁、他们是谁。到你将近三岁的时候,你差不多忘光了——确切地说,当然,除非你是靛蓝儿童。[笑声] 靛蓝儿童所保留的记忆刚好足以使那旧能量系统无法兼容于他的生命。[克里昂微笑]

And so your responsibilities are complete. You're in the right place at the right time, dear Human Being. Reader, listen to this: I know who you are as you read this page. There's no mystery here. There's no strangeness and there's no oddity. It's the love of God that visits you at this moment. It's the love of God that asks you, "Can you remember?"


Go away differently than you came. It's no accident that you arrived here tonight, no accident that you read these words. It's instead all part of what you planned when you said, "If it's appropriate, let me find the truth in my lifetime. Let me know more about the love of family and how I can create more of who I really am while I'm here." And you have.

不同于到来时地离开吧。你会在今晚来到这里并不是偶然的,你会阅读这些话语并不是偶然的。其实它是你的计划,当你说,“如果这是恰当的话,就让我找到人生的真相吧。让我知道更多关于家人的爱,及当我处在地球上时如何创造更多的天使能量。” 而你已经做到。

And so it is.





Those left behind with the visions you mentioned will be changed for life, and not necessarily in negative ways, for they will seek out others to help, and many of them will become healers and councilors.


[根据上下文,译者认为最贴近语境的应该是辅导员 counsellor,而不是 councilor 议员。怀疑李卡罗写了错别字]。